Graph rewriting




AADL:嵌入式实时系统体系结构设计与分析语言综述摘要:结构分析和设计语言(architecture analysis and design language)是嵌入式实时系统的一种体系结构描述语言标准,广泛应用于航空宇航工业中对安全关键应用系统模型的建模。



最后,探讨了AADL 模型转化为形式化模型,并用模型检测方法进行验证和分析的方法和可行性。

关键字嵌入式实时系统AADL 建模形式化方法模型验证1.引言嵌入式实时系统广泛应用于航空航天、汽车控制、机器人、等安全关键系统领域。


模型驱动开发方法(model driven develop- ment,简称MDD)能够在早期阶段对系统进行分析与验证,有助于保证系统的质量属性,并有效控制开发时间与成本。


因此,基于体系结构模型驱动(model-based architecture-driven)的设计与开发方法成为复杂嵌入式系统领域的重要研究内容。


常用的体系结构描述语言主要有UML(unifi-ed modeling language) 和ADL (architecture description language)。

UML侧重描述系统的软件体系结构,为了支持嵌入式实时系统的非功能属性分析,OMG(Object Management Group)先后定义了UML Profile for SPT(schedulability,perfor-mance,and time,简称SPT)[2],UML Profile for Qos/FT(quality of service and fault tolerance,简称Qos/FT)[3]以及UML Profile MARTE(modeling and analysis of real-time and embedded sys-tems)[4],它们继承了UML 的多模型多分析方法,因此模型之间可能存在不一致性;而C2,Darwin,Wright,Aesop,Unicon,Rapide 等ADL都是通用领域的软件体系结构描述语言,难以满足软硬件协同设计、实时响应、资源受限等特定需求;MetaH 是面向航空电子系统的ADL,可以用于嵌入式实时系统体系结构描述与分析,但MetaH 在支持运行时体系结构描述、可扩展、与其他ADL 兼容以及复杂系统设计等方面有所欠缺。



第39卷第1期2021年1月吉林大学学报(信息科学版)Journal of Jilin University(Information Science Edition)Vol.39No.1Jan.2021文章编号:1671-5896(2020)01-0087-07基于知识图谱的查询语句重写机制及方法刘思培I,蔡一凡2,曹玲玲-侯海婷-鲍家坤-袁鸯I(1.北方信息控制研究院集团有限公司总体部,南京211111;2.吉林大学软件学院,长春130012)摘要:随着语义Web技术和知识图谱的出现,目前查询模式大多要求查询结果与用户查询进行语义级匹配,简单的查询处理过程已经不能满足用户的査询需求。

为此,对知识图谱查询涉及的重写技术和实现方法进行了研究,在定义SPARQL(SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language)查询模式的重写规则集合基础上,利用Prolog逻辑程序对SPARQL查询语句进行了重写实现。

在分布式数据存储环境下,通过对LUBM(Lehigh University Benchmark)实验数据的测试分析证实,相比原查询语句,重写后的查询语句能挖掘出知识图谱中更多的语义信息。

关键词:知识图谱;本体;SPARQL查询语言;查询重写中图分类号:TP181;TG156文献标识码:AMechanism and Method of Query Rewriting for Knowledge GraphLIU Sipei1,CAI Yifan2,CAO Lingling1,HOU Haiting1,BAO Jiakun1,YUAN Yang1(1.Overall Department,North Information Control Research Acdemy Group Company Limited,Nanjing211111,China;2.College of Software,Jilin University,Changchun130012,China)Abstract:With the emergence of semantic web technologies and knowledge maps,most of the current query models require semantic matching between query results and user queries.The simple query process can not meet the user's query requirements.Therefore,the rewriting techniques and implementation methods involved in knowledge graph query are studied.On the basis of defining the rewrite rule set of SPARQL(SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language)query mode,the SPARQL is rewritten by Prolog.In the distributed data storage environment,through the test analysis of the experimental data of LUBM(Lehigh University Benchmark),it is found that the rewritten query can mine more semantic information in the knowledge map than the original query. Key words:knowledge graph;ontology;SPARQL protocol and RDF query language(SPARQL);query rewriting0引言知识图谱首先由Google提出,主要由模式层和数据层组成⑷。

Writing 2 如何写图表作文 graph writing

Writing 2 如何写图表作文 graph writing
Reporting Results
• 注意抓住图表个性( characteristic)。不同 类型的图表反映的信息重点不一样:柱状图的 描写重点在于比较和对比;曲线图重点在于描 述曲线的上升与下降趋势,并对明显的高峰和 低谷进行细节描写;饼状图应该依次描写,突 出重点,如果有几个饼图,还应作对应的比较; 表格信息相对而言不很直观,应在仔细阅读之 后发现其特点,找出突出鲜明的信息对比描写。
图表信息较多时,可以在描述数据变化和比较数据 时顺便将静态数据写出来,如: In managerial positions, there are more males than females ( 10% and 5% respectively).
第三部分:Conclusion 得出结论
• 不要写得太多,一两句话就可以了,重点 在第二部分。 • 基于图表分析原因或展望未来,不要加入 主观想象或评论。
to decline/an decline, to collapse/a collapse, to drop/a drop, to go down, to decrease/a decrease, to fall/a fall, to reduce/ a reduction, downward trend, move downwards, slump(暴跌).
Writing Practice
•Task: The chart below shows the number of men and women in further education in Britain in three periods and whether they were studying full time or part time.




1 散点图和点线图的绘制:散点图指由X,Y坐标对联系的一组二维数据点,点的先后顺序不重要,但在X,Y坐标系中的散布情况可能反映了一定的内在规律。


由工具栏点线图图标或由Grapher→New Grapher→Line or Symbol,在Open Worksheet窗口选取已建立的数据文件后,出现Line or Symbol主窗口.主窗口由6页Tab组成,5.1.1 Lin Plot:Worksheet 显示所用数据文件的路径及。

X Axis/Y Axis X,Y坐标轴选择(特别当有多个X、Y轴时)。

Worksheet Columns 框确定电子表格数据列X、Y轴的对应关系,缺省为X→A列,Y→B列.Limit Curve to设定X,Y坐标轴范围。

Axis min和Axis max 用于输入数轴的最小和最大值。


Worksheet Rows 电子表格中原始数据范围.Symbol 点符号的选择。




点击X Axis/Y Axis或激活一个坐标轴后,打开坐标轴编辑对话框。


1. AxisScale 用于选择数轴的类型,可以是线性(Linear)、对数(Logarithmic)或概率(Probability)三种类型之一.Length 用于设定坐标轴的长度。

Position 用于设定被选择的坐标轴的长度和在打印纸上的位置(均为页面单位)。

Distributed Graphs and Graph Transformation

Distributed Graphs and Graph Transformation
Hale Waihona Puke 1. Introduction
Graphical representations are an obvious means to describe di erent aspects of systems. Modeling distributed and concurrent systems graphs are often used to describe the topological structure of the system. The graphical structure shows then which parts are involved and what are the ways of communication. Graph transformations can be used conveniently to model dynamic changes of the system structure. For example, the distribution of some local parts is rearranged or communication channels are created or deleted. Local states are typically coded in some speci cation or programming text or not considered. This idea is followed, for example, in (DM87), by -grammars in (KLG91), in (Sch92) and by actor graph grammars in (JR91; Kor94). Graphs can be used also to model complex object relations inside of local parts of a system as they arise, for example, in software process modeling (like project ow graphs in (KH95) or development graphs in (PW94)). Graph transformations are useful then on these lower levels to specify changes of object relations. Existing graph transformation models for distributed systems mostly concentrate on the topological aspects of a distributed system, e.g. (DM87; JR91; KLG91). In contrast, the algebraic approach to distributed graph transformation (EBHL88; EL93) describes mostly local actions by graph transformation related to others by interface graphs. The operations \split" and \join" switching between global and local states of a system are introduced to change network structures. The categorical approach (Sch93) uses graph transformation on the network level and the local level. Distributed graph transformation as presented in this article combines structured graph transformation on two levels introduced in the categorical approach with the synchronization possibilities via interface graphs of the algebraic approach. Modeling of distributed systems by distributed graph transformation supports a clear and elegant description of dynamic networks, local actions, network administration, communication and synchronization of system components. Sample applications of distributed graph transformation like a revision management for distributed software engineering and distributed database transaction modeling can be found in (Tae96) and (Koc97).


◎ 体系结构动态更新的执行
5.1 动态软件体系结构概述
目前支持动态体系结构机制的主要有 ArchStudio 工具 集 和 软 件 体 系 结 构 助 理 ( Software Architecture Assistant,SAA)。
• ArchStudio 工具集由加州大学Irwine 分校提出,支持交互 式图形化描述和C2风格描述的体系结构的动态修改。 • SAA 由伦敦皇家学院提出,也是一种交互式图形工具,可 以用来描述、分析和建立动态体系结构。
第5章 动态软件体系结构
5.3 动态体系结构的描述
◇ 动态软件体系结构的形式化描述
◎ 形式化描述主要包括
• 软件体系结构的描述 • 体系结构的重新配置 • 系统行为的描述
第5章 动态软件体系结构
5.3 动态体系结构的描述
◇ 动态软件体系结构的形式化描述
◎ 形式化描述的方法
• 图形化方法 • 进程代数方法 • 逻辑方法
5.2 软件体系结构动态模型
◇ 基于构件的动态系统结构模型
◎ 实例分析
Server构件 配置器 请求更新 提交更新请求 判 断 通知有更新请求 通知有更新请求 返回准备 就绪信息 返回准备 就绪信息 通知一切就绪 准备执行更新 通知更新执行完毕并返回结果 通知更新 结束 通知更新结束 返回相应信息 通知更新结束 通知更新结束 返回准备 就绪信息 执行 更新 体系结构 配置器 Client 配置器 连接件 Server构件 执行
5.1 动态软件体系结构概述
◎ 由于系统需求、技术、环境、分布等因素的变化而最终 导致软件体系结构的变动,称之为软件体系结构演化。
◎ 软件系统在运行时刻的体系结构变动称为体系结构的动 态性。 ◎ 体系结构的静态修改称为体系结构扩展。 ◎ 体系结构的扩展和动态性都是体系结构适应性和演化性 的研究范畴。


[1 ]
记载、 可保存、 可视的静态符号。 古往今来的音乐作品大都 以纸质乐谱的形式保留下来, 纸质乐谱至今仍是表达 、 发布 和传播音乐作品的主要形式 。 计算机音乐的产生给人类的 音乐活动带来了生产方式的变革 。 乐谱作为人类音乐活动 的基本需 求 品, 它在计算机音乐模式下被赋予了新的载 — —数字乐谱, 体— 也由此产生了将已有的纸质乐谱转换为数 字乐谱的迫切需求。 目前纸质乐谱的数字化仍依赖于人工
第 32 卷
第7 期


2015 年 7 月
文章编号: 1006-9348 ( 2015 ) 07-0253-06
[9 ] [10 ] [6 ] [11 ] 、 游程分析法 、 行邻图法 、 骨架化法 等。 由于谱
线与图元发生相交、 粘连的情况错综复杂, 加之实际扫描图 像可能遇到的各种因素的干扰( 如倾斜变形、 弯曲变形、 断裂 等) , 要 保 证 谱 线 删 除 后 图 元 的 完 整 性 具 有 相 当 的 难 度。 Dalitz 对现有谱线删除方法做了全面详尽的性能评测与讨 论
[5 ] [6 ] 、 行邻图法 、 特征点
DP 匹配法[7] 和路径搜索法[8] 等。 两类方法各有优劣: 统计 变换方法抗噪声能力强, 但是当谱线出现变形、 不具有严格 的直线形态时容易失效; 结构搜索方法具有较强的抗变形能 力, 但是过于依赖谱线的局部细节, 容易受到噪声干扰的影 “局部信息搜集不够、 响, 当干扰超过一定程度时则会陷入 又 的两难境地。 无整体信息指引” 删除谱线的重点在于删除过程中不能破坏图元的完整 性, 研究人员为此提出了多种删除谱线的方法: 矢量线分析 法



Unit 5 Reporting ResultsObjectives:-Understand the function and the major elements of the results section; -Learn the major steps to deal with the results section; -Use the tips for describing graphic information; -Grasp the tips for making comparison and contrast;-Learn the skills for choosing appropriate graphs and making graphs.Contents:- Teacher ‟s introduction;- Reading and discussion: Types of Language for Thinking and Lexical Collocational Errors;- Language focus: graphic description; comparison and contrast;-Writing practice: using graphs and describing graphs (tables and charts);- Rewriting practice: grasping the major moves for outlining the results section; - Classroom extension: descriptions of data and graphs when reporting results.1. Reading Activity1.1 Pre-reading TaskDo you know how to report the results of your research? The standard approach to the results section of a research paper is to present the results with thestatisticaltechniques such as tables and charts. This does not mean that you do not need any text to describe data presented in graphs.Think about the following questions before reading the text and then have a discussion with your classmates.1. What is the function of the results section?2. What are the major elements included in the results section?3. What are the major steps for you to deal with the results section?4. How do you describe graphic information in the results section?5. How do you compare and contrast the data presented in graphs?The following is part of the results section of a research paper which investigated how EFL learners‟ type s of language for thinking influence their lexical collocational errors in speech.1.2 Reading PassageResultsTypes of Language for Thinking and Lexical Collocational Errors1One key issue in this study was whether a learner‟s type of language for thinking influences lexical collocational production. 2This issue was explored by examining one retrospective report on the qu estionnaire, ……When tape recording, what language did you mainly use for inner speech?‟‟ 3Based on their responses, the 42 participants were classified into four language groups: Chinese, English, Chinese mingled with English, and other languages. 4The par ticipants‟ inaccuracy rates were compared, which were obtained by dividing the number of errors by the overall number of lexical collocations they produced individually, among the language groups.The preliminary analysis discovered that the 42 participants produced a total of 2,491 lexical collocations, and each participant created approximately 29 lexical collocations per minute. Regarding learner errors, 263 incorrect collocations were found among the 2,491 lexical collocations, resulting in an inaccuracy rate of 10.56. To report the effect of language for thinking on the production of lexical collocations in speech, Table 1 records the fact that 5 students stated that their type of language for thinking was for the most part Chinese. As Table 1 shows, 17 mainly used English for thinking, 20 primarily thought in Chinese mingled with English, and none thought in other languages. The inaccuracy rate of oral lexical collocations in each language group was calculated by dividing the total number of lexical collocational errors by the total number of lexical collocations produced. Descriptive statistics demonstrated that those who mainly thought in their native language (Mandarin Chinese) produced the highest inaccuracy rate of lexical collocations (M=15.17), followed by those who primarily thought in English (M=12.40) and those using a combination (M=8.44).Results of a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) further displayed that the difference among these three groups reached a significant level, F(2,39)=4.07, p<.05. This result supports the notion that EFL learners‟ type of language for thinking appreciably influences their oral production of lexical collocations.To probe intergroup differences, the Fisher Least Significant Difference (LSD) posthoc test was adopted, which aims at discerning whether the comparison between groups reaches the significance level. The LSD test showed that the Chinese-mingled-with- English group had a markedly lower inaccuracy rate than the Chinese or English groups, while the difference between the Chinese and English groups was not significant. Thinking in both Chinese and English was more beneficial and effective to the EFL learners‟ oral production of lexical collocations.Table 1: Types of Language for Thinking and Inaccuracy Rates of Lexical CollocationsNote: Mean shows the average inaccuracy rate of collocati ons in each group.*P<.05(Hung-ChunWang & Su-Chin Shih, 2011) 1.3 Reading Comprehension1.3.1 Read the first paragraph and identify the information elements you find in each sentence of the text.1.3.2 Some verbs can be used to locate the results of the research, such as “show”and “indicate”. Read the second and third paragraphs carefully and think of the question: Which verbs did the authors use for locating the results?1.3.3 Read the second and third paragraphs carefully and think of the question: What is the function of the last sentence in the 2nd and 3rd paragraph s respectively?2Language Focus2.1 Graphic descriptionThe results section clearly presents the findings of your study. It is usually presented both in graph and text. First, prepare the graphs as soon as all the data are analyzed and arrange them in the sequence that best presents your results in a logical way. Then, as the results section is text-based section, the description of graphs is of great importance in paper writing. Good descriptions can help the readers understand your research better while using a single sentence pattern to describe the statistical and graphic information in a research paper will make your readers feel too bored and lose interest in reading on, so we need to pay more attention to the language use when describing the statistical and graphic information.Here we will introduce some useful words, phrases or sentence patterns which can be used in different situations of graphic description.If you need to highlight significant data in a table/chart, you may use some adjectives such as “apparent”, “clear”, “interesting”, “obvious”, “revealing”and “significant” to make your viewpoint known and meanwhile attract readers‟ attention.The following sentence patterns are useful for you when you report significant results or findings.1. It is apparent from Table 2 that...2. Table 5 is quite revealing in several ways.3. From Chart 5 we can see that Experiment 2 resulted in the lowest value of ...4. What is interesting in this data is that ...5. In Figure 10, there is a clear trend of decreasing ...6. As Table 2.1 shows, there was a great deal of difference between theexperimental group and the control group.7. As shown in Table 6.3, chunk frequency also has significant correlation withthe indices of oral proficiency.8. There was no obvious difference between Method 1 and Method The following table lists results of a questionnaire concerning students‟interestand performance in class.Question 1: Y ou are very interested in the English writing course.□Strongly agree □agree □I don‟t know □disagree □strongly disagr ee Question 2: Y ou are active in group discussion in the classroom.□Strongly agree □agree □I don‟t know □disagree □strongly disagr eeNote: N=number; P=percentageNow you are required to report results from the interview. The following sentence patterns may be used in your report.1. Of all the subjects, 70 completed and returned the questionnaire form.2. The majority of respondents felt that …3. Over a half of those surveyed indicated that …4. A small number of respondents …5. A minority of participants (%) indicated ...6. In response to Question 1, most of those surveyed indicated that ...7. The overall response to this question was very positive.8. It is apparent from the table above that...____________________________________________________________________ 2.1.2 The following line graph shows an upward trend in growth rate of Ford car production during the period from January to December 2011.Look at the line graph carefully first and then do the following exercises.A. Mark the following places in the graph.a) The bottom of the line;b) The peak of the line;c) The fluctuating part.B. Describe the growth rate of Ford car production in the following months respectively. Try to use the phrases or sentence patterns of graphic description you learned in this section.a) In January: _________________________________________________________.b) From March to April:_________________________________________________.c) From May to September:______________________________________________.d) From October to December:___________________________________________.C. What does the overall line graph reveal in the growth rate of Ford car production during the period from January to December 2011?__________________________.2.2 Comparison and contrastWhen you are writing the reports section, you need to do much more than just give data. What you should always try to do is to convey more information with the data. Comparing and contrasting is a common way to deal with the data. The purpose of comparison is to show similarities while contrast is used to show differences. Through comparison or contrast between two or more things, the reader can understand them better.Here are some key words commonly used to express comparison or contrast.Note: Comparison and contrast is often used in graph description. Here are some points for you to pay special attention to.1) Not all the information has to be compared or contrasted with each other. It is common to introduce the most significant or important information and compare or contrast it. If necessary, you must make some calculation before comparing or contrasting the data.2) When comparing or contrasting information in the graphs, it is not necessary to lay equal emphasis on every change. Just give stress to those dramatic changes or to those that are of special interest to you, or those that you want your readers to pay more attention to and ignore the less important parts.3) The comparison/contrast should be supported by concrete and relevant facts or data.2.2.1 The tables below are the results of a research which examines the average marks scored by boys and girls of different ages in several school subjects. Write a report for a university lecturer describing the information below.You should write a minimum of 150 words.Boys:Girls:3.Writing Practice3.1 Using graphsGraphs are commonly used in reporting the results of your research. A graph is a diagram, usually a line or a curve, which shows how two or more sets of numbers and measurements are related. Graphs usually include bar/column charts/graphs, pie charts, line graphs and tables.Generally speaking, bar charts are diagrams with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values that they represent. The bars can be plotted vertically or horizontally. However, they more clearly show the relationship of different parts of the sample to each other. They do not clearly show the parts in relation to the whole. The following bar chart shows the teachers with master‟s degree or above in Northwestern College according to gender.A pie chart is a circle divided into segments. Pie charts can be used to show the sizes of various parts of the results in relation to each other and in relation to the whole sample. They are usually used to show percentages. The following pie chart shows the percentage of living costs per month in a family.A line graph is a type of graph displaying information as a series of data points connected by continuous lines. It can show a pattern or trend which usually takes place over a period of time. The following line graphshows the change of annual income of an average family in a certain city in China. .A table is a set of facts and figures arranged in columns and rows. A table is a very useful way of organizing numerical information. Tables are efficient, enablingthe researcher to present a large amount of data in a small space. They can show exact numerical values and present quantitative data. They emphasize the discrete rather than the continuous. Here is a table which shows the percentage of the use of transportation vehicles in Northwestern College.Table Use of transportation vehicles in Northwestern CollegeTurn the table above into other graphs for your different research purposes.3.2 Describing a graphThe description of graphs is of great importance in paper writing because it can help the readers understand your research better. How do you describe a graph? Here are the major steps for you to follow:Step 1: Introduce the graphic information briefly and indicate the main trend.Normally it includes the place, time, content and purpose of the graph.Step 2: Describe the relevant and most important or significantdata and makesome comparison if necessary. Words and expressions for describing a curve or a trend are very useful in presenting graphic information.Step 3: Summarize the data/trends.3.2.1 The line graph below shows the sales amount of an online shop from Monday to Friday . Match the descriptive statements with the graph. Which are the correct statements describing the graph?A. The sales amount increased sharply from Monday to Tuesday .B. The sales amount reached a peak on Friday .C. There was a fluctuation in the sales amount.D. The sales amount dropped drastically from Wednesday to Thursday .3.2.2 Write a short passage describing the sales amount of an online shop from Monday to Friday with the information presented in the graph above.3.3 Describing a tableThe table below shows the results of the interviews on the teaching language(s) used by English teachers in class. Answer the following questions first and then according to the answers, describe the information in the table. Pay attention to the use of different sentence patterns when reporting the data.T able 1 T eaching l anguage(s) used by English teachers in classQuestions:1. What does the table show us?2. How many teaching languages are mentioned in the table?3. What language is used most frequently by English teachers in class?4. Do English teachers in class often use Chinese?5. In summary, what impression do you have on the teaching language(s) used by English teachers in class?3.4 Describing chartsThe following is a result from a market survey of personal computers. Report the result from a university student‟s perspective. First, describe the student‟s needs in personal computers. Then, compare and contrast the three types of personal computers in the items listed in the table below. Finally, conclude by stating which computer seems to be th e most suitable for the student‟s needs you have described.Table 2 A market survey of personal computers4. Writing project4.1 Get prepared for writing the results sectionBefore you write the Results Section of your research paper, you need to make everything ready for your writing. The following steps may be helpful for your preparation.1. Read the literature review section and the method section carefully and rethink about the research questions;2. Review you results and check whether they have answered all the research questions;3. Organize your results in a logical manner (For example, according to priority of the appearance of research questions);4. Prepare tables and/or other diagrams;5. Select appropriate language style and pay attention to the use of grammar;Work in groups and discuss what other preparations you can make for writing the results section of your research paper.4.2 Outlining the results sectionWhen outlining a results section, there are usually four major moves to follow.Move 1: Preparing informationThis move functions as a reminder and connector between the method section and the results section, as it provides relevant information for the presentation of results. It provides a review of issues mentioned in the method section, the location of tables or graphs where results are displayed and a general preview of the section. However, it is not obligatory because there are also results sections that do not have this move.Move 2: Reporting resultsMove 2 is the core element. It is the move in which the results of a study are presented, normally with relevant evidence such as statistics and examples. In this move, the authors need to locate where the results are and clearly describe the findings of the study both in diagrams and text.Move 3: Commenting on resultsThis move serves the purpose of establishing the meaning and significance of the research results in relation to the relevant field. It includes information and interpretations that go beyond the “objective” results. This can involve how the results can be interpreted in the context of the study, how the findings contribute to the field (often involving comparison with related literature), what underlying reasons may account for the results, or comments about the strength, limitations or generalizability of the results. As indicated by the frequency of moves and steps, this section is highly cyclical.Move 4: Summarizing resultsIn this move, the major results obtained are summarized in order to help readers understand the research better. This move is optional in a research paper due to the limited length while it is a must for a dissertation or thesis.Now, you are required to outline the results section of a research paper entitled Astudy of the effect of Chinese language on English writing with the moves given below.4.3 Drafting your results sectionBegin your writing now with the information you have just obtained from your survey.5. Final ChecklistHere are some useful questions to ask yourself about writing the results section of your paper:。



Time Management
• As Part One is worth 10 points and Part Two is worth 20 points, it is sensible to allocate about 25 minutes for Part One and 45 minutes for Part Two. Candidates need to plan and write very quickly.
• 语法结构和词汇表达丰富多变(Wide range of structure and vocabulary);
• 文章结构完整连贯,层次清晰(Effectively organized, with appropriate use of cohesive devices);
• 语域与格式使用正确(Register and format consistently appropriate)。
• Part Two:Extended Writing Business Letter, Business Report, or Business Proposal (200 – 250 words), 20 points
2Scoring CriteraBand 5: 很好地完成试题规定的任务,对目标读者完全产 生了预期的效果,给读者的印象颇佳。
contrary, on the other hand, in contrast, despite, in spite of, even though, except (for), instead, of course, after all,
5.表示并列关系 • or, and, also, too, not only … but also, as

Natural Computing

Natural Computing

Membrane Computing
1. Introduction
Inspired by computational processes in living cells, Gheorghe Paun invented the Membrane System (or P System) model in 1998 [1]. Its features encompass spatial localization of objects inside a hierarchical membrane structure, rewriting rules on multisets of those objects, and a synchronous, nondeterministic and massively parallel execution of rule application. So far, many researchers have created variants of P Systems [3], and most research has been centered on the computational aspects of the model, especially as concerns their grammatical complexity (in the sense of Chomsky hierarchy [4]). Recently, some authors have become interested in modeling biological processes via (deterministic) P Systems and investigating their dynamical aspects [5,6]. This approach is limited in a number of ways. We are therefore interested in alternative methods to represent P Systems, which make them more accessible to the large body of traditional mathematical knowledge in Dynamical Systems theory, Probability theory and Geometry. This is the reason why we would like to think of this undertaking as trying to find new “views” on P Systems.

powerbuilder graph的用法

powerbuilder graph的用法

powerbuilder graph的用法PowerBuilder是一个流行的集成开发环境(IDE),经常用于创建Windows应用程序。


在本文中,我们将逐步解释PowerBuilder Graph的用法,以帮助读者更好地了解和使用这个强大的功能。

第一步:了解PowerBuilder Graph的基本概念和特点在开始使用PowerBuilder Graph之前,我们需要了解一些基本概念和特点。

PowerBuilder Graph允许我们创建和展示各种图形,其中包括数据集、数据窗口、数据字段等。


PowerBuilder Graph还具有许多强大的特点,如自定义图形样式、数据的排序和筛选、多级数据汇总、数据的导出等。









PowerBuilder Graph提供了多种类型的图形可供选择,如柱状图、折线图、饼图等。













图形方法的决策树图表5. 68是一个决策树,能帮助我们选择最有效的表示数据的图。


数据分为分类型( categorical data)和数值型(numerical data),而分类型数据又可分为有两种:一种是表示名字或种类标签的示值型数据(nominal claLa),另一种是有顺序的和数字的序数( ordinal data)。










• Origin;
Founder: Jean Hippolyte Michon, French Achievement: Based on lots of handwriting research collected by him, he found connection between handwriting and characteristic of writer Master Piece: Système de graphologie,1875 La méthode pratique de graphologie, 1878
Graphology – How you write shows what you are.
Employment profiling
A company takes a writing sample provided by an applicant, and proceeds to do a personality profile, matching the congruency of the applicant with the ideal psychological profile of employees in the position./ 80% of Germany company, 70% of French, Switzerland company and half of the Israel company will apply graphology in recruitment
Graphology – How you write shows what you are.
Imitation Period
Duration/时间段: Kinder Garden to graduation of primary school/幼儿园到小学毕业 Physical Development: Low concentration, Little(尚未形成一套科 学的观察方法),Underdeveloped muscle of hand手部小肌肉不发 达 Characteristic of Handwriting/书写特点: Wrong words, slow in handwriting, improper wording 错别字多,书写缓慢,会话中用词 不当

英语图表作文Graph Writing资料

英语图表作文Graph Writing资料
Graph Writing
The graph compares the rate of smoking in men and women in Someland between the years 1960 and 2000.
In 1960, 600 in every 1,000 men were smoking. This number decreased gradually to 500 by 1974 and continued to decrease but more steeply to 250 in 2000. In contrast, the rate of smoking in women in 1960 was very low at only 80 in every 1,000.
However, by 1968 this number increased to 170, and increased again but more steeply and peaked at 320 in 1977. The rate of female smokers then remained stable at 320 until 1984 at which point the figures began to decline and had dropped to 200 by 2000.
Arrange in a proper way your sequence of information, such as the order of importance or the order of the weight of statistics or the order along the horizontal axis in a line graph or a bar chart.

nebula graph insert语句

nebula graph insert语句

nebula graph insert语句摘要:一、Nebula Graph简介1.Nebula Graph的背景和特点2.Nebula Graph的应用场景二、Nebula Graph的Insert语句1.Insert语句的基本语法2.节点和边的插入操作3.插入操作的注意事项三、Nebula Graph的实战案例1.案例背景及需求2.使用Insert语句实现需求3.结果展示及分析正文:ebula Graph是一款开源的分布式图数据库,具有高性能、可扩展性强、易于使用等特点。


在Nebula Graph中,Insert语句用于向图中插入节点和边。

其基本语法如下:```INSERT VERTEX <vertex_name> [PROPAGATE_EDGES][FETCH_EDGES]INSERT EDGE <edge_name> <src_vertex_id> <dst_vertex_id> [PROPAGATE_VERTICES] [FETCH_VERTICES]```其中,`<vertex_name>`和`<edge_name>`分别为节点和边的名字,`<src_vertex_id>`和`<dst_vertex_id>`分别为边的源节点和目标节点的ID。





graph transformer 公式

graph transformer 公式

graph transformer是一种用于图像处理和计算机视觉任务的重要技术。


本文将从几个方面介绍graph transformer的公式及相关内容。

一、graph transformer的基本概念1.1 图像处理中的图结构在图像处理中,图结构是一种重要的数据结构。


1.2 graph transformer的定义graph transformer是一种基于图结构的图像处理技术。


1.3 graph transformer的应用graph transformer广泛应用于计算机视觉、图像分割、目标检测等领域。


二、graph transformer的公式及原理2.1 图像表示在graph transformer中,图像通常表示为一个图结构。


2.2 图神经网络graph transformer使用图神经网络对图像进行处理。


2.3 图注意力机制在graph transformer中,图神经网络通常使用图注意力机制对节点之间的关系进行建模,帮助网络更好地理解图像中的信息。

2.4 图卷积网络图卷积网络是graph transformer中常用的技术。


三、graph transformer的优势和挑战3.1 优势graph transformer能够有效处理图像中的关系信息,对图像进行全局信息传递和特征提取。



正交,故满足方程 dy x dx 2 y
这是一个变量可分离方程求解得 y C x 2的正交
x2 2y2 k2
应用二: 雨滴的下落
考虑雨滴在高空形成后下落的过程中速 度的变化
三种不同的假设 (1) 自由落体运动 (2) 小阻力的情况 (3) 大阻力的情况
Solution: exponential growth):
Model 3: Population dynamics Logistic Growth
• An exponential model y' = ry, with solution y = e^{rt}, predicts unlimited growth, with rate r > 0 independent of population.
Qualitative analysis of the logistic equation
• To better understand the nature of solutions to autonomous equations y’= f(y), we start by graphing f (y) vs. y. • In the case of logistic growth, that means graphing the following function and analyzing its graph using calculus.



GRAPHER软件的使用GRAPHER 软件的使用一、建立数据文件在Grapher 启动后,选择"File"菜单的"New",然后选择"Worksheet"即可得到一个与Excel 非常相似的数据窗口(如下图)。

一般情况下A 列代表x 轴,B 列代表y 轴,用键盘在对应的位置上输入实验数据或者从其它文件导入数据,Grapher 既可以导入普通的文本文件( .DAT,.TXT ),又可以导入Lotus的.WKx,.WRx 以及Excel 各个版本的.XLS(包括Excel97)等多种格式的数据文件。


线号点号磁场值温度日期0001 0001 0 17.1 04-06 09:420001 0002 5137 17.2 04-06 09:420001 0003 9715 17.3 04-06 09:43在此数据文件中,点号为二列,数据值为三列。

如有n 条测线,则需建立n 个数据文件,在保存数据文件时可用文件名予以区分。

当然Grapher2 最强大的功能是它的绘图功能,从"File"菜单中选"New",选择"Plot"将建立一个空白的绘图窗口(Plot)。

二、绘制剖面图(一)执行grafwin4.exe(二)在“File”中单击“Preferences”出现Preferences 的对话框,在“Page Units”中,选中“Centimeters”(厘米)(三)在“Graph”中单击“line or symbol”出现Open date 的对话框,从中选择要绘图的剖面数据(如819new.dat)。

(四)在选定某一剖面数据后,可弹出“line plot: lineplot 1”的对话框。

nebula graph 技术指标

nebula graph 技术指标

nebula graph 技术指标Nebula Graph 技术指标Nebula Graph 是一个开源的分布式图数据库,具有高性能、高可靠性和高扩展性的特点。


一、数据模型Nebula Graph 使用了属性图模型,图由顶点和边构成。



二、分布式架构Nebula Graph 的分布式架构使得它可以处理大规模的图数据。



三、查询语言Nebula Graph 支持自定义的查询语言,可以通过查询语言对图数据进行灵活的查询和分析。

查询语言类似于SQL,可以使用类似于SQL 的语法进行数据的增删改查操作。

同时,Nebula Graph 还支持图查询语言,可以对图数据进行图计算和图分析。

四、索引和查询优化Nebula Graph 支持对属性和标签创建索引,可以提高查询的效率。

在查询过程中,Nebula Graph 会自动选择最优的查询计划,以提高查询的性能。

同时,Nebula Graph 还支持并行查询和分布式查询,可以加快查询速度。

五、数据一致性和容错性Nebula Graph 采用了副本机制来保证数据的一致性和容错性。


六、数据导入和导出Nebula Graph 提供了丰富的数据导入和导出工具,可以从各种数据源导入数据到图数据库中,也可以将图数据库中的数据导出到其他数据源中。


七、生态系统Nebula Graph 拥有丰富的生态系统,可以与其他工具和框架进行集成。

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Graph rewritingGraph transformation,or graph rewriting,concerns the technique of creating a new graph out of an origi-nal graph algorithmically.It has numerous applications, ranging from software engineering(software construction and also software verification)to layout algorithms and picture generation.Graph transformations can be used as a computation ab-straction.The basic idea is that the state of a computa-tion can be represented as a graph,further steps in that computation can then be represented as transformation rules on that graph.Such rules consist of an original graph,which is to be matched to a subgraph in the com-plete state,and a replacing graph,which will replace the matched subgraph.Formally,a graph rewriting system usually consists of a set of graph rewrite rules of the form L→R,with L being called pattern graph(or left-hand side)and R be-ing called replacement graph(or right-hand side of the rule).A graph rewrite rule is applied to the host graph by searching for an occurrence of the pattern graph(pattern matching,thus solving the subgraph isomorphism prob-lem)and by replacing the found occurrence by an instance of the replacement graph.Rewrite rules can be further regulated in the case of labeled graphs,such as in string-regulated graph grammars.Sometimes graph grammar is used as a synonym for graph rewriting system,especially in the context of formal languages;the different wording is used to em-phasize the goal of constructions,like the enumeration of all graphs from some starting graph,i.e.the generation of a graph language–instead of simply transforming a given state(host graph)into a new state.1Graph rewriting approaches There are several approaches to graph rewriting.One of them is the algebraic approach,which is based upon category theory.The algebraic approach is divided into some sub approaches,the double-pushout(DPO)ap-proach and the single-pushout(SPO)approach being the most common ones;further on there are the sesqui-pushout and the pullback approach.From the perspective of the DPO approach a graph rewriting rule is a pair of morphisms in the category of graphs with total graph morphisms as arrows:r=(L←K→R)(or L⊇K⊆R)where K→L is injective. The graph K is called invariant or sometimes the gluinggraph.A rewriting step or application of a rule r to a host graph G is defined by two pushout diagrams both origi-nating in the same morphism k:K→G(this is where the name double-pushout comes from).Another graph morphism m:L→G models an occurrence of L in G and is called a match.Practical understanding of this is that L is a subgraph that is matched from G(see subgraph isomorphism problem),and after a match is found,L is replaced with R in host graph G where K serves as an interface,containing the nodes and edges which are pre-served when applying the rule.The graph K is needed to attach the pattern being matched to its context:if it is empty,the match can only designate a whole connected component of the graph G.In contrast a graph rewriting rule of the SPO approach is a single morphism in the category labeled multigraphs with partial graph morphisms as arrows:r:L→R. Thus a rewriting step is defined by a single pushout di-agram.Practical understanding of this is similar to the DPO approach.The difference is,that there is no inter-face between the host graph G and the graph G'being the result of the rewriting step.There is also another algebraic-like approach to graph rewriting,based mainly on Boolean algebra and an alge-bra of matrices,called matrix graph grammars.[1][2] Yet another approach to graph rewriting,known as deter-minate graph rewriting,came out of logic and database theory.In this approach,graphs are treated as database instances,and rewriting operations as a mechanism for defining queries and views;therefore,all rewriting is re-quired to yield unique results(up to isomorphism),and this is achieved by applying any rewriting rule concur-rently throughout the graph,wherever it applies,in such a way that the result is indeed uniquely defined.2Term graph rewritingAnother approach to graph rewriting is term graph rewrit-ing,which involves the processing or transformation of term graphs(also known as abstract semantic graphs)by a set of syntactic rewrite rules.Term graphs are a prominent topic in programming lan-guage research since term graph rewriting rules are ca-pable of formally expressing a compiler’s operational se-mantics.Term graphs are also used as abstract machines capable of modelling chemical and biological compu-tations as well as graphical calculi such as concurrency 123IMPLEMENTATIONS AND APPLICATIONSmodels.Term graphs can perform automated verifica-tion and logical programming since they are well-suited to representing quantified statements in first order logic.Symbolic programming software is another application for term graphs,which are capable of representing and performing computation with abstract algebraic struc-tures such as groups,fields and rings.The TERMGRAPH conference [3]focuses entirely on re-search into term graph rewriting and its applications.3Implementations and applica-tionsExample for graph rewrite rule (optimization from compiler con-struction:multiplication with 2replaced by addition)Graphs are an expressive,visual and mathematically pre-cise formalism for modelling of objects (entities)linked by relations;objects are represented by nodes and rela-tions between them by edges.Nodes and edges are com-monly typed and putations are described in this model by changes in the relations between the en-tities or by attribute changes of the graph elements.They are encoded in graph rewrite/graph transformation rules and executed by graph rewrite systems/graph transforma-tion tools.•Tools that are application domain neutral:• ,the graph rewrite generator,a graph transformation tool emitting C#-code or .NET-assemblies•AGG ,the attributed graph grammar system (Java )•GP (Graph Programs)is a programming lan-guage for computing on graphs by the directed application of graph transformation rules.•GMTE ,the Graph Matching and Transforma-tion Engine for graph matching and transfor-mation.It is an implementation of an exten-sion of Messmer’s algorithm using C++.•GROOVE ,a Java-based tool set for editing graphs and graph transformation rules,explor-ing the state spaces of graph grammars,and model checking those state spaces;can also be used as a graph transformation engine.•Tools that solve software engineering tasks (mainly MDA )with graph rewriting:•eMoflon ,an EMF-compliant model-transformation tool with support for Story-Driven Modeling and Triple Graph Grammars •GReAT •VIATRA•Graph databases often support dynamic rewriting of graphs•Gremlin ,a graph-based programming lan-guage (see Graph Rewriting )•PROGRES ,an integrated environment and very high level language for PROgrammed Graph REwriting Systems•Fujaba uses Story driven modelling,a graph rewrite language based on PROGRES •EMorF and Henshin ,graph rewriting systems based on EMF ,supporting in-place model transformation and model to model transfor-mation•Mechanical engineering tools•GraphSynth is an interpreter and UI environ-ment for creating unrestricted graph grammars as well as testing and searching the resultant language variant.It saves graphs and graph grammar rules as XML files and is written in C#.•Soley Studio ,is an integrated development en-vironment for graph transformation systems.It’s main application focus is data analytics in the field of engineering.•Biology applications•Functional-structural plant modeling with a graph grammar based language•Multicellular development modeling with string-regulated graph grammars•Artificial Intelligence/Natural Language Processing•OpenCog provides a basic pattern matcher (on hypergraphs )which is used to implement var-ious AI algorithms.3•RelEx is an English-language parser that em-ploys graph re-writing to convert a link parseinto a dependency parse.4See also•Category theory•Graph theory•Shape grammar•Term graph5Notes[1]Perez2009covers this approach in detail.[2]This topic is expanded at .[3]“TERMGRAPH”.6References•Rozenberg,Grzegorz(1997),Handbook of GraphGrammars and Computing by Graph Transforma-tions,World Scientific Publishing,volumes1–3,ISBN9810228848.•Perez,P.P.(2009),Matrix Graph Grammars:An Al-gebraic Approach to Graph Dynamics,VDM Verlag,ISBN978-3-639-21255-6.•Heckel,R.(2006).Graph transformation in a nut-shell.Electronic Notes in Theoretical ComputerScience148(1SPEC.ISS.),pp.187–198.•König,Barbara(2004).Analysis and Verifica-tion of Systems with Dynamically Evolving Structure.Habilitation thesis,Universität Stuttgart,pp.65–180.•Lobo, al.(2011).Graph grammars with string-regulated rewriting.Theoretical Computer Science,412(43),pp.6101-6111.47TEXT AND IMAGE SOURCES,CONTRIBUTORS,AND LICENSES 7Text and image sources,contributors,and licenses7.1Text•Graph rewriting Source:/wiki/Graph%20rewriting?oldid=651791188Contributors:Rp,Silverfish,MathMartin, Giftlite,Thv,Matt Crypto,Cmdrjameson,R.S.Shaw,Oleg Alexandrov,Linas,Rjwilmsi,Batztown,Michael Slone,Arthur Rubin,Rtc, Dougher,David Eppstein,Ppablo1812,Addbot,JakobVoss,4th-otaku,AnomieBOT,Gragragra,HanielBarbosa,TechBot,Mattica,2nd-jpeg,FrescoBot,Gwpl,Playmobilonhishorse,Waidanian,Ɯ,Ptrb,Helpful Pixie Bot,Bouassida,Eptified,Loelib,Mark viking,Dokkam, RolandKluge and Anonymous:377.2Images•File:GraphRewriteExample.PNG Source:/wikipedia/commons/4/44/GraphRewriteExample.PNG License: Public domain Contributors:Own work Original artist:Gragra7.3Content license•Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike3.0。
