



ACCA TX(F6) FR(F7)通关经验分享ACCA考试成绩已经尘埃落定,网校ACCA学员纷纷传来了喜报,今天小编为大家分享两位优秀学员的F6&F7备考经验和考试心得,希望对接下来参加考试的同学有参考作用~01第一位为大家分享的是陈同学,9月份F6(UK)的通过成绩为75分,以下是他的备考心得:此次季考运气不错F6考到了75分,不才斗胆来分享一些个人经验,见笑了。






不过也怪自己没有事先把BPP的教材研究一番,其实网校课程的分节基本还是能在BPP教材的目录里找到对应内容的,然后教材里每小节正文内容末尾会有quick quiz,而且后面还有一些数量不多的对应练习题,是可以用来稍作练习的。





ACCA考试之F6税法预习本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处The UK tax system1. The overall function and purpose of taxation in a modern economy2. Different types of taxes3. Principal sources of revenue law and practice4. Tax avoidance and tax evasionIncome tax liabilities1. The scope of income tax2. Income from employment3. Income from self-employment4. Property and investment income5. The comprehensive computation of taxable income and income tax liability6. The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimizing income tax liabilitiesCorporation tax liabilities1. The scope of corporation tax2. Taxable total profits3. The comprehensive computation of corporation tax liability4. The effect of a group corporate structure for corporation tax purposes5. The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimizing corporation tax liabilitiesChargeable gains1. The scope of the taxation of capital gains2. The basic principles of computing gains and losses3. Gains and losses on the disposal of movable and immovable property4. Gains and losses on the disposal of shares and securities5. The computation of capital gains tax payable by individuals6. The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimizing tax liabilities arising on the disposal of capital assetsInheritance tax1. The scope of inheritance tax2. The basic principles of computing transfers of value3. The liabilities arising on chargeable lifetime transfers and on the death of an individual4. The use of exemptions in deferring and minimizing inheritance tax liabilities5. Payment of inheritance taxNational insurance contributions1. The scope of national insurance2. Class 1 and Class 1A contributions for employed persons3. Class 2 and Class 4 contributions for self-employed personsValued added tax1. The scope of value added tax (VAT)2. The VAT registration requirements3. The computation of VAT liabilities4. The effect of special schemesThe obligations of taxpayers and/or their agents1. The systems for self-assessment and the making of returns2. The time limits for the submission of information, claims and payment of tax, including payments on account3. The procedures relating to compliance checks, appeals and disputes4. Penalties for non-compliance最后,高顿网校预祝您顺利通过考试!更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。






ACCA F6考查内容:介绍税法科目的核心知识点和主要的税法计算部分。


ACCA F6考查形式:在规定的3个小时内完成五道计算为主的题目。















课税范围(scope of…)

Income arising in the UK Vs. worldwide income
tax year/ accounting period/ etc)

税目(classification of income)
其他要素: 税收优惠 (exemptions & reliefs)

To minimise tax liabilities
small profits rate, zero-rated supply, etc

To defer tax liabilities(延期纳税)
business reliefs
其他要素: 纳税期限/违章处理

申报期限 (due date for filing a tax return)
缴库期限 (due dates for payment of tax)

违章处理 (penalties for non-compliance)

Sources of revenue law
& case law Refer to textbook
3. Tax avoidance and tax evasion

Tax avoidance (legal)
legal method of reducing your tax burden *Anti avoidance measures

ACCA复习资料《F6 税务》专题介绍

ACCA复习资料《F6 税务》专题介绍

ACCA复习资料《F6 税务》专题介绍本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处税务是指和税收相关的事务。




1. 个人所得税(Income tax)个人所得税是调整政府与自然人之间在个人所得税的征纳与管理过程中所发生的社会关系的法律规范的总称。



但是,学员们需要注意的是,在F6中提到的纳税义务人,包括在个人所得税中的,不仅仅是个人,还包括个体户(Sole trader)和合伙企业(Partnership)这两项,会有些许的规定和中国税法不同。

2. 企业所得税 (Corporation tax)企业所得税是对我国内资企业和经营单位的生产经营所得和其他所得征收的一种税。



3. 遗产税(Inheritance tax)遗产税是一个国家或地区对死者留下的遗产征税。




4. 增值税(Value added tax)增值税是对销售货物或者提供加工、修理修配劳务以及进口货物的单位和个人就其实现的增值额征收的一个税种。




Study Guide A THE PRC TAX SYSTEM 1.The overall function and purpose of taxation in a modern economy a)Describe the purpose(economic,social etc)of taxation in a modern economy. 2.Different types of taxes a) Identify the different types of taxes. b) Explain the difference between direct and indirect taxation. 3.The structure of the PRC tax system a) Describe the overall structure of the PRC national and local tax system. b) Describe the duties and powers of the different levels of tax bureau. c) State the different sources of tax law and regulation. d) Appreciate the interaction of the PRC tax system with that of other tax jurisdictions. Excluded topics ●The Offshore Oil Taxation Bureau ●Local variations in the enforcement of taxes in different parts of China ●Social security levies/contributions 4.Tax avoidance and tax evasion a) Explain the difference between tax avoidance and tax evasion. b) Explain the need for an ethical and professional approach. B INCOME TAX ON INDIVIDUALS 1.The scope of individual income tax(IIT) a)Describe the scope of individual income tax(IIT). b)Explain how the residence of an individual is determined. c)Understand the special provisions relating to expatriates and temporary residents. d)Explain the tax treatment of income from both China and overseas of tax residents. e)Explain the tax treatment of income from China for tax non-residents.Excluded topics ●Overseas(no-PRC source)income of tax non-residents. 2.Income from employment a)Recognise the income that falls within the category employment income. b)Distinguish between the activities that are treated as employment income and those that constitute individual service incom. c)Recognise the allowable deductions. d)Distinguish between the benefits in kind which are taxable and those that are non-taxable. e)Understand the treatment of annual bonuses and long service awards. f)Recognise when the time apportionment basis will apply in the case of expatriate senior executives. Excluded topics ●Foreign experts working for aid projects ●Share and share option incentive schemes for employees ●Payments on the termination of employment,and other lump sum compensation payments received by employees. 3.Income from privately-owned business operations a)Recognise the income that falls within the category derived from production and business operations by private-owned household enterprises. b)Recognise the costs and expenses that are and are not deductible under the actual basis of computation. c)Explain the treatment of losses. d)Explain the treatment of a partnership. e)Explain the circumstances in which the deemed taxable income method of computation will apply. Excluded topics ●Agricultural operations involving planting,breeding,husbandry and fishery. 4.Income from the provision of contracting and other services a)Recognise the income that falls within the category derived from contracting,sub-contracting,leasing or sub-leasing and apply the relevant deductions. b)Recognise the income that falls within the category derived from the provision of individual(personal)services and apply the relevant deductions. c)Recognise the income that falls within the category derived from the publishing or distribution ofworks(authorship,etc.)and apply the relevant deductions. 5.Property,investment and other sources of income a) Recognise the income that falls within the category of royalties and apply the relevant deductions. b) Recognise the income that falls within the category of interest,dividends and bonuses. c) Recognise the income that falls within the category of rental income derived from the leasing of moveable and immovable property and apply the relevant deductions. d) Recognise the income that falls within the category of income from the sale of moveable and immovable property and apply the relevant deductions. e) Recognise the income that falls within the category contingency(occasional)income. Excluded topics ●Exemptions specific to foreign individuals receiving dividend or bonus income. 6.The comprehensive computation of taxable income and tax liabilities a)Distinguish income taxed at progressive rates and income taxed at the prescribed fixed rate. b)Compute the monthly tax payable by employees,including in situations involving annual bonuses,dual employment,time apportionment and working periods of less than a month. c)Compute the annual tax payable by an individual business operator,including in situations where a fixed monthly'Salary' is paid. d)Compute the annual tax payable in respect of contracting and leasing income. e)Compute the fixed rate tax payable on receipts of other categories of income. f)Compute the tax credit available in respect of foreign tax paid on foreign income.Excluded topics ●Special reductions of tax allowed for taxpayers who are disabled,aged and unsupported etc. 7.The use of exemptions and reliefs in deferring and minimising tax liabilities a)Recognise the income that is exempt from individual income tax. b)Explain the exemption available on the sale of an individuals family residence. c)Explain and compute the deduction available for charitable donations made by individuals. d)Identify,compute and apply the right deduction/relief in given circumstances. C.INCOME TAX ON ENTERPRISES 1.The scope of enterprise income tax(EIT) a)Describe the scope of enterprise income tax(EIT)and the basis of assessment for a limited company or representative office. b)Define the terms 'place of registration' and 'place of management' Excluded topics ●Liquidation income 2.The profits chargeable to EIT a)Recognise gross income for the purposes of EIT,including the treatment of deemed sales. b)Recognise the costs and expenses that are deductible and non-deductible in computing taxable income. c)Understand how relief for pre-commencement expenses is given. d)Capital expenditure i)Distinguish between depreciable and non-depreciable tangible fixed assets. ii)Explain how the original value of tangible fixed assets is determined. iii)Compute depreciation allowances for tangible fixed assets using the straight line method. iv)Explain how the original value of intangible assets is determined. v)Compute amortisation allowances for intangible assets. e)Explain how relief for losses can be obtained in the current year and by carry forward. f)Transactions with associated parties: i)Explain the 'arms length' principle. ii)Recognise when a transfer pricing adjustment should apply in relation to the sale/purchase of goods and services and compute relevant amounts. iii)Recognise when a restrictions on loan interest payable should apply and compute relevant amounts. g)Explain the tax consequences of doing business in China through a representative office or branch. Excluded topics ●The treatment of value appreciation resulting from asset revaluations ●The carry forward of losses after the division or merger of an enterprise and on a change of shareholding ●The carry forward of losses when returns are filed on a consolidated basis. 3.The comprehensive computation of taxable income and tax liability a)Prepare a computation of taxable income from various sources and compute the tax payable. b)Explain and compute the deductions available for donations for public welfare or relief and for cultural purposes. c)Compute the tax credit available for foreign tax paid on foreign i n c o m e . b r b d s f i d = " 2 7 5 " > b r b d s f i d = " 2 76 " > 0 0 4 . T a x i n c e n t i v e s b r b d s f i d = " 27 7 " >。

ACCA F6 (UK)税法通关经验分享

ACCA F6 (UK)税法通关经验分享

ACCA F6 (UK)税法通关经验分享首先介绍一下UK税法的特点,税法本身不难,难的是需要我们按照每个税的proforma去整理去总结,在大量的零碎知识点中串出一套完整的做题体系,如果能做到融环贯通,税法很简单就通过了而且高分并不难。









所以,proforma(考试需要写的算税框架)里首先应想到trading profit和employment income,其次就是租金收入property business income,最后是作为利息的Interest和分红savings.而proforma的重要性,相当于人的脊柱,只有脊柱是直的,其余的四肢才能得体的排列。

加总各项收入得到的是total income,这里注意的是因为各种收入的税基不同,所以利息收入单列,分红收入单列。

得到的total income需要抵扣以前年度的亏损和已经支付的利息,得到net income.然后出现一个大家刚开始学习比较陌生的词就是减免,personal allowance10600,得到的taxable income就是。

ACCA F6中期复习分享

ACCA F6中期复习分享

ACCA F6中期复习分享本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处未参加过F6考试的学员可以先参考一下历年真题,一共是5道大题,每道大题都是比较明显且独立的知识点,所以在学习和复习税法的过程中,学员们要注意知识点之间的联系和独立性。

F6的考试内容可以分为七大部分,分别是UK tax system, Income tax and national insurance contributions, Chargeable gains for individual, Tax administration for individuals, Inheritance tax, Corporation tax和Value added tax。

首先要了解的就是UK tax system。

在F6的考试中,不会牵扯到很多书写的内容,但是每次考试也会有10左右的分数是留给考生们陈述的,而且部分内容也会出自UK tax system,所以,学员们也不要对UK tax system的知识掉以轻心。

在UK tax system的内容中,一共包括了The overall function and purpose of taxation in a modern economy, Different types of taxes, Principal sources of revenue law and practice和Tax avoidance and tax evasion这4部分知识。

一. The overall function and purpose of taxation in a modern economy1. Economic factors2. Social factors3. Environmental factors二. Different types of taxes1. Taxes in the UK: Income tax/Corporation tax/Capital gain tax/Inheritance tax (IHT)/Value added tax2. Direct and indirect taxes三. Principal sources of revenue law and practice1. The overall structure of the UK tax system2. Different sources of revenue law: The sources of revenue law are Acts of Parliament, Statutory Instruments and case law3. The interaction of the UK tax system with that of other tax jurisdictions: The European Union and other countries.4. Double taxation agreements: Double taxation agreements are designed to protect against the risk of double taxation where the same income or gains are taxable in two countries.四. Tax avoidance and tax evasion1. Tax evasion2. Tax avoidance3. The distinction between avoidance and evasion4. General anti-abuse rule (GAAR): There is a general anti-abuse rule (GAAR) which enables HMRC to counteract tax advantages arising from abusive tax arrangement.更多ACCA资讯请关注高顿ACCA官网:。

acca f6知识点总结2023

acca f6知识点总结2023

ACCA F6知识点总结在2023年,ACCA F6考试将继续是很多学员的重要挑战。


为了帮助考生更好地备战这一考试,下面将对ACCA F6的主要知识点进行总结和归纳。

一、纳税义务和居民身份1. 税务居民定义- 居住在国内的个人- 在国内有固定居所- 个人在国内居住180天以上的- 个人国内居住时间在2年以上的2. 纳税义务- 个人所得税- 营业税- 企业所得税- 增值税- 关税- 土地税二、个人所得税1. 个人所得税的计算- 确定税务居民身份- 计算应纳税所得额- 根据所得额确定纳税比例- 计算纳税金额- 申报纳税2. 税务减免- 公益捐赠- 教育支出- 医疗支出- 住房利息贷款三、公司税1. 企业所得税- 确定纳税所得额- 计算应纳税额- 申报纳税- 公司税务优惠政策2. 增值税- 税率和税基- 纳税申报- 增值税发票四、税务规划1. 个税规划- 个人所得税避税策略- 投资收益规划- 资产转移规划2. 公司税务规划- 利润转移- 投资资产安排- 跨国税务规划通过对以上知识点的总结和梳理,考生可以更清晰地了解ACCA F6考试所涉及的范围和重点。


希望每一位考生都能够顺利通过ACCA F6考试,成为一名合格的财务税务专业人士。


二、个人所得税3. 所得类别个人所得税的所得类别包括以下几种:- 工资薪金所得- 经营所得- 劳务报酬所得- 特许权使用费所得- 财产转让所得- 利息、股息、红利所得- 稿酬所得- 物业租赁所得- 财产保险所得- 税前抠除的养老金和退休金等4. 税前抠除在计算个人所得税时,个人可以享受税前抠除,降低应纳税所得额。

税前抠除主要包括以下项目:- 基本生活费、专项附加抠除和专项抠除- 子女教育、大病医疗等专项附加抠除- 购物商业健康保险的支出- 公积金、商业健康保险等社会保险的缴纳额。

Taxation (税务)ACCA F6

Taxation (税务)ACCA F6

4.1 ACCA F6课程全球考试成绩优异
年级/通过率 %
一次通过率 %
2001 65.5
2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
79.71 88.3 86.5
90.9 92.6% 尚未考

自2001年至今,我校F6的通过率始终保持在80%左右。F6 一共参加国际考试6次,其 中通过率四次在85%以上,马蕾同学以92的成绩分获得大陆第一。同时2006级的学生 的平均成绩67.77 分,2007级学生平均成绩70多分远远高于全球平均分。
Taxation (税务)
西安交通大学管理学院 张俊瑞、王静
一、ACCA F6的发展与知识模块 二、ACCA F6的特色 三、主讲教师的学缘结构与队伍建设 四、教学效果 五、网络建设
一、ACCA F6课程发展与知识模块
A本课程校内发展的主要历史沿革 B知识模块顺序及对应的学时 C课程的重点、难点及解决办法
c、实践教学活动的 设计思想与效果
实践教学活动设计的思想:以专业技能实践 为目标,设置与本科段专业学习相匹配的教 学实践课、模拟实践、社会实践三位一体的 教学实践模式。



解题思路考试不给,需要记忆难点+重点+考点Income TaxStep 1确定UK Resident非UK resident,只有UK收入纳税AP时间是4.6‐4.5Days in UK Previously resident Not previously resident< 16Automatically not resident Automatically not resident16 to 45 Resident if 4 UK ties(or more)Automatically not resident46 to 90Resident if 3 UK ties(or more)Resident if 3 UK ties(or more)91 to 120Resident if 2 UK ties(or more)Resident if 2 UK ties(or more)121 to 182Resident if 1 UK ties(or more)Resident if 1 UK ties(or more)183Automatically resident Automatically residentAutomatically not Full time oversea work & in UK < 90DAutomatically yes Only home in UK Or Full time work in UK5 UK ties:Close family 配偶或子女Substantive work in UKUK house in use>90D either two past tax years in UK > 183DStep 2Trading ProfitDetails 1先判断Basis Period Commencement rule: First 3 BP Cessation rule: Last BPCondition BP1 (start ‐ 4.5)BP2BP3 POA<12M, 2nd有AP BP1<12M, 且=overlap BP2=开业(start to trade)+12M BP3=12, =POA2,有overlapPOA≥12M, 2nd有AP BP1<12M, 且<overlap BP2=12,由POA1end倒推BP3=12, =POA2POA≥12M, 含2个4.5BP1<12M正常AP:4.6~4.5,有overlap BP3=12,由POA1end倒推最后一期有4.5BP last = POA last最后一期无4.5BP last = 最后2个POADetails 2分辨D & ND资本化费用都是ND员工费用都是D*以下公司/个人通用Description Details Deductable or Non‐deductable Condition Fine & penalty By Company / Employer X公司不守制度,也不能抵扣By Employee√Depreciation & Amortization XRepairs and Renewals Improvement & Extension升级X Capital expenditure ‐ 譬如建外墙,围栏(独立的)Repairs & decoration装修维修√Revenue expenditure ‐ 譬如内部装修,家具(装潢部分)Entertaining Employee √Customer or supplier XGift Employee√Customer√≤ £50 eachnot food, drink, tobacco,voucherCompany logoDonation√Trading purposeNational的延长税基,但ND Local not nationalNon‐politicalLegal fees Trade debts collection√Obtain loan finance for trading√贷款融资可以抵扣Registering patent / trade marks√Patent royalty paid√Accountancy & Audit fee√Renewal of short lease√续租可以抵扣Court action√Defense of internet domain name√ 作为原告为D Sue against customer/supplierX 作为被告未ND for not complying with legislationIssuing share capital X股票不可以抵扣Initial granting of short lease X第一次租房不扣抵扣Bad debt expense General & Specific provision√不同于VAT,无6个月overdued的时限要求Lease charges for cars CO2 ≤ 130g/km√CO2 > 130g/km15% NDPretrading expenditure Previous 7 years, deductible√前7年内费用可抵扣,超过不行Individual private use Owner’s salary XExcess salary to family member X同工同酬,超出部分不得抵扣Private motor, telephone expense X个人水电煤开销Goods of own use (+MV)X挪用公司资产,按MV加回来公车私用X老板个人使用不能扣除,只能扣公司使用部分,可用flat ra OPS职位养老金OPS√老板为员工缴纳部分NIC Class 1A, Class 1 secondary√老板为员工缴纳部分Loan interest Buy PPE for use in employment√合伙企业或雇佣Buy interest in employee control√员工控股公司Invest in partnership√合伙企业Invest in co‐operative√合作机构Cash basis for small business (new)Cash income ‐ Cash expense = Tax adjusted trading profit / (loss)Motor car expense: using the mileage allowanceDetails 3Trading loss抵扣NI会导致PA浪费一般来说,选择抵扣trade profit,收益更大第一种Loss relief against N.I抵扣Net income可以当年可以去年,抵扣封顶额=trade profit + 50000或25%(总收入‐PPS),取高值抵扣顺序:先NSI,再SI,然后DI第二种Losses relief against CG抵扣CGT可抵抵扣当年,也可以抵扣去年。






分类是指,F6是税法,里面涉及到好多种税,例如个人所得税、企业所得税、应税所得(chargeable gain)、遗产税等等,每种税都有不同的计算方法不同的条目,不能混淆;细是指考官考的知识点非常细,一个税种其中的一个小点都有可能考到;因为这门是税法,所以有许许多多的计算,许许多多的公式算法要去记,其实题做多了也就记住了。








ACCA名师分享ACCA F6学习的方法

ACCA名师分享ACCA F6学习的方法

ACCA名师分享ACCA F6学习的方法浦江财经总结了在F6解题过程中考生的常犯错误。




那么我们应该在什么时候写“NOTE”呢?通常情况下在计算中遇到“exempt income”, “exempt benefit”以及capital gain计算的“exempt asset”的时候才需要写“NOTE”。

Exempt income并没有包含在income tax计算的主格式当中,但也是考试当中的考点,需要以“NOTE”的方式解释清楚,否则marker会默认考生不知道信息应该怎么处理,而丢到本应该到手的分数。

Exempt benefit 和exempt asset也存在同样的情况。

NOTE不需要写的长篇大论,通常推荐用一句话把事情表达清楚就可以了,毕竟通常这些条目只有half Mark。

PA/AEA don’t forget it 不知道大家有没有注意,虽然PA跟AEA都是计算当中非常简单的条目,但是ACCA考生在解题的过程当中还是经常会忘记这些数字是需要扣除的。


Adjustment of trading profit Trading profit 的调整是考试当中的重要考点,但是考生的得分率通常都不尽人意,为啥呢?格式不符合规范如下是trading profit 调整的固定提问方式:Wherea question requires the adjustment of profits, candidates will be told in therequirements what figure to start their computation with (normally the netprofit figure for an unincorporatedbusiness, or the profit before taxationfigure for a limited company). They will also be told that they should list all of the items referred to in the notes to the question, indicating by the use of zero (0) any items, which do not require adjustment. Please see theend of this article for different wording used in variant papers.考生会被要求从一个固定的数字开始调整。



2017 年ACCA 考试F6 复习指南(附F6 公式总
大家都知道我们F6 这门课程主要分为5 大税种。

这5 大税种都是必考的,分值不同,按照个人-企业-资本利得-遗产-增值税的大致顺序,分值由高到低。

那么对于我们考生来说,最重要的便是要将这5 大税种全面掌握,这样才能保证考试通过,如果你只精通个税和企税,而对于其他的税种十分生疏,可以说通过的希望是很渺茫的。

下面是yjbys 小编为大家带来的2017 年ACCA 考试F6 复习指南,欢迎阅读。


无论你剩下的是5 天,还是4 天,3 天,我的建议都是要从思考自己的掌握程度开始着手复习。


那么这一阶段干什么呢? 很简单。

大家都知道我们F6 这门课程主要分为5 大税种。

这5 大税种都是必考的,分值不同,按照个人-企业-资本利得-遗产-增值税的大致顺序,分值由高到低。

那么对于我们考生来说,最重要的便是要将这5 大税种全面掌握,这样才能保证考试通过,如果你只精通个税和企税,而对于其他的税种十分生疏,可以说通过的希望是很渺茫的。


听上去好像很残酷,但操作起来很简单,我把它分为3 步:
1. 讲义。




1. Taxpayer.- 发音:[ˈtækspeɪə(r)]- 词性:名词。

- 释义:纳税人。

2. Income tax.- 发音:[ˈɪnkəm tæks]- 词性:名词短语。

- 释义:所得税。

3. Tax liability.- 发音:[tæks ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti]- 词性:名词短语。

- 释义:纳税义务。

4. Taxable income.- 发音:[ˈtæksəbl ˈɪnkəm]- 词性:名词短语。

- 释义:应税所得。

5. Allowance.- 发音:[əˈlaʊəns]- 词性:名词。

- 释义:免税额;津贴。

6. Deduction.- 发音:[dɪˈdʌkʃn]- 词性:名词。

- 释义:扣除;减除。

7. Tax rate.- 发音:[tæks reɪt]- 词性:名词短语。

- 释义:税率。

二、财务相关词汇(与F6中财务税务结合部分)1. Gross income.- 发音:[ɡrəʊs ˈɪnkəm]- 词性:名词短语。

- 释义:总收入。

2. Net income.- 发音:[net ˈɪnkəm]- 词性:名词短语。

- 释义:净收入。

3. Asset.- 发音:[ˈæset]- 词性:名词。

- 释义:资产。

4. Liability.- 发音:[ˌlaɪəˈbɪləti] - 词性:名词。

- 释义:负债。

ACCA《F6 税务》难点分析:准予扣除项目的分类

ACCA《F6 税务》难点分析:准予扣除项目的分类

ACCA《F6 税务》难点分析:准予扣除项目的分类一. 差旅费用其实,在雇佣收入中能够抵扣的项目少之又少,但是差旅费就是其中的一项。








二. 行车津贴当员工家是自己的车办理公事的时候,雇主会付给员工行车津贴,这个津贴是可以在雇佣收入中进行相应的减免的。




三. 在工资扣款方案中的慈善捐款这里提到的慈善捐款类似于之前提到的gift aid donation,但是在计算中却有很大的不同。



ACCA考试F7知识点辅导I. The accounting problemBefore IAS37 provisions were recognized on the basis of prudence,little guidance was given on when a provision should be recognized and how it should be measured. This gave rise to inconsistencies,and also allowed profits to be manipulated.Some problems are noted below:(a) Provisions could be recognized on the basis of management intentions,rather than on any obligation to be entity;(b) Several items could be combined into one large provision. There were known as ‘big bath’ provisions;(c) A provision could be created for one purpose and then used for another;(d) Poor disclosure made it difficult to assess the effect of provisions on reported profits. In particular,provisions could be created when profits were high and released when profits were low in order to smooth profits.(1) DefinitionsIAS 37 views a provision as a liability.A provision is a liability of uncertainty timing or amount;A liability is an obligation of an enterprise to transfer economic benefits as a result of past transactions or events.Provision must be based on obligations,not management intentions.(2) Under IAS37, a provision should be recognized:a. When an enterprise has a present obligation;b. It is probable that a transfer of economic benefits will be required to settle it;c. A reliable estimate can be made of its amount; if a reasonable estimate cannot be made,then the nature of the provision and the uncertainties relating to the amount and timing of the cash flows should be disclosed.A provision is made for something which will probably happen. It should be recognizedwhen it is probable that a transfer of economic events will take place and when its amount can be estimated reliably.(3) Contingent liabilitiesDefinitionThe Standard defines a contingent liability as:(a) A possible obligation that arises from past events and whose existence will be confirmed only by the occurrence or non-occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the control of the enterprise; or(b) A present obligation that arises from past events but is not recognized because:(i) It is not probable that an outflow of resources embodying economic benefits will be required to settle the obligation; or(ii) The amount of the obligation cannot be measured with sufficient reliability.As a rule of thumb,probable means more than 50% likely. If an obligation is probable,it is not a contingent liability – instead,a provision is needed.Treatment of contingent liabilitiesContingent liabilities should not be recognized in financial statements but they should be disclosed. The required disclosures are:(a) A brief description of the nature of the contingent liability;(b) An estimate of its financial effect;(c) An indication of the uncertainties that exist;(d) The possibility of any reimbursement;(4) Contingent assetsDefinitionA possible asset that arises from the past events whose existence will be confirmed by the occurrence of one or more uncertain future events not wholly within the enterprise’s control.A contingent asset must not be recognized. Only when the realization of the relatedeconomic benefits is virtually certain should recognition take place. At that point,the asset is no longer a contingent asset.Disclosure:contingent assetsContingent assets must only be disclosed in the notes if they are probable. In that case a brief description of the contingent asset should be provided along with an estimate of its likely financial effect.II. Specific application1. Future operating lossesIn the past,provisions were recognized for future operating losses on the grounds of prudence. However these should not be provided for the following reasons.①They relate to future events;②There is no obligation to a third party. The loss-making business could be closed and the losses avoided.2. Onerous contractsAn onerous contract is a contract in which the unavoidable costs of meeting the contract exceed the economic benefits expected to be received under it.A common example of an onerous contract is a lease on a surplus factory. The leaseholder is legally obliged to carry on paying the rent on the factory,but they will not get any benefit from using the factory.The least net cost of an onerous contract should be recognized as a provision. The least net cost is the lower of the cost of fulfilling the contract or of terminating it and suffering any penalty payments.Some assets may have been bought specifically for the onerous contract. These should be reviewed for impairment before any separate provision is made for the contract itself.1DemoDroopers has recently bought all of the trade,assets and liabilities of Dolittle,an unincorporatd business. As part of the take-over all of the combined business’s activities have been relocated at Droopers main site. As a result Dolittle’s premises are now empty and surplus to requirements.However,just before the acquisition Dolittle had signed a three year lease for their premises at $6000 per calendar month. At 31 December 2003 this lease ad 32 months left to run and the landlord had refused to terminate the lease. A sub-tenant had taken over part of the premises for the rest of the lease at a rent of $2500 per calendar month.Required(a) Should Droopers recognized a provision for an onerous contract in respect of this lease?(b) Show how this information will be presented in the financial statements for 2003 and 2004. Ignore the time value of money.Solution:Droopers has a legal obligation to pay a further $192000 to the landlord,as a result of a lease signed before the year end. Therefore an onerous contract exists and must be provided for.There is also an amount recoverable form the sub-tenant of $80000(32×2500). This will be shown separately in the balance sheet as an asset.The $192000 payable and the $80000 recoverable can be netted off in the income statement.income statements20032004$$provision for onerous lease contract(net)112000 rental payable on lease (72-30)-42000 Drrelease of provision42000 Cr112000 Dr.balance sheetsreceivalbesamounts recoverable from sub-tenants80000 Dr.50000 Drliabilitiesamounts payable on onerous contracts192000 Cr120000 Cr3. RestructuringA restructuring is a programme that is planned and controlled by management and has a material effect on:①The scope of a business undertaken by the reporting entity in terms of the products or services it provides; or②The manner in which a business undertaken by the reporting entity is conducted;Restructuring includes terminating a line of business,closure of business locations,changes in management structure,and refocusing a business’s operations.Restructuring provisions have always been quite common,and have often been misused. IAS37 restricts the recognition of restructuring provisions to situations where an entity has a constructive obligation to restructure.A constructive obligation will only arise if:①There is a detailed formal plan for restructuring. This must identify the businesses,locations and employees affected; and②Those affected have a valid expectation that the restructuring will be carried out. This can be by starting to implement the plan or by announcing it to those affected.The constructive obligation must exist at the year-end.(Any obligation arising after the year end may require disclosure under IAS10)A board decision alone will not create a constructive obligation unless:①The plan is already being implemented. For example,assets are being sold,redundancy negotiations have begun; or②The plan has been announced to those affected by it. The plan must have a strict timeframe without unreasonable delays; or③The Board itself contains representatives of employees or other groups affected by the decision.(This is common in mainland Europe.)An announcement to sell an operation will not create a constructive obligation. An obligation will only arise when a purchaser is found and there is a binding sale agreement.A restructuring provision should only include the direct costs of restructuring. These must be both:(a) Necessarily entailed by the restructuring; and(b) Not associated with the ongoing activities of the entity;The following costs must not be provided for because they relate to future events:(a) Retaining or relocating staff;(b) Marketing;(c) Investment in new systems and distribution networks;(d) Future operating losses (unless arising from an onerous contract)(e) Profits on disposal of assets.cca f7真题对于acca f7的考试的重要性我相信各位acca考生都心知肚明了,首先我们先看一下acca f7科目的考试内容ACCA F7科目介绍:F7《财务报告》是F3《财务会计》的后续课程或说是升级课程。

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ACCA考试复习回顾《税务F6》辅导7本文由高顿ACCA整理发布,转载请注明出处INHERITANCE TAX, PART 2RELATED LINKSThe second article in the series covers those aspects of inheritance tax that you will need to know, such as tax liability on lifetime transfers and death estates, and inheritance tax payments. Read part 1 hereThe Paper F6 (UK)syllabus requires a basic understanding of inheritance tax (IHT),and this two-part article covers those aspects that you need to know. It is relevant to those of you taking Paper F6 (UK)in either June or December 2013, and is based on tax legislation as it applies to the tax year 2012–13 (Finance Act 2012)。

There will always be a minimum of five marks (but no more than 15 marks)on IHT, with these marks being included in either Questions 3, 4 or 5. The first part of the article covered the scope of IHT, transfers of value, rates of tax and exemptions.Tax liability on lifetime transfers When calculating the tax liability on lifetime transfers there are three aspects that are a bit more difficult to understand, and can cause problems for students.CLT preceded by a PET that becomes chargeable The situation where a CLT is made before a PET is fairly straightforward, and has been covered in previous examples. However, where the sequence of gifts is reversed the IHT calculations are more complicated because the PET will use some or all of the nil rate band previously given to the CLT.Example 1 Ali died on 3 March 2013. He had made the following lifetime gifts:· 1 August 2010 – A gift of ?360,000 to his son· 21 November 2011 – A gift of ?240,000 to a trustThese figures are after deducting available exemptions.The nil rate band for the tax years 2010–11 and 2011–12 is ?325,000.IHT liabilities are as follows:Lifetime transfers 1 August 2010Potentially exempt transfer 360,000_______ 21 November 20111 August 2010Chargeable transfer240,000 _______? 1 August 2012Potentially exempt transfer360,000 _______21 November 2011Chargeable transfer 240,000_______· No lifetime IHT is payable as the CLT is less than the nil rate band for 2011–12. Additional liabilities arising on death1 August 2010? Potentially exempt transfer 360,000_______ IHT liability 325,000 at nil% 35,000 at 40% 14,000_______21 November 2011? Chargeable transfer 240,000?_______ IHT liability 240,000 at 40% 96,000IHT already paid(Nil)_______Additional liability96,000 ________· The nil rate band for 2012–13 of ?325,000 has been fully utilised by the PET made on 1 August 2010.Grossing up In all the examples so far concerning a CLT the trust (the donee)has paid any lifetime IHT that has arisen. The loss to the donor’s es tate is therefore just the amount of the gift. However, the donor is primarily responsible for any lifetime IHT that arises on a CLT. In this case the loss to the donor’s estate is both the amount of the gift and the related tax liability. To correctly calculate the amount of IHT payable it is therefore necessary to gross up the net gift.Any available annual exemptions are deducted prior to grossing up, and it is only necessary to gross up the amount in excess of the nil rate band.Example 2 On 17 June 2009 Annie made a gift of ?406,000 to a trust. She paid the IHT arising from the gift.Annie has not made any other gifts since 6 April 2008.The nil rate band for the tax year 2009–10 is ?325,000.The lifetime IHT liability is calculated as follows: ?? Value transferred 406,000Annual exemptions 2009–10 3,000?? 2008–09 3,000______(6,000)_______ Net chargeable transfer 400,000IHT liability 325,000 at nil% 75,000 x 20/8018,750 _______Gross chargeable transfer418,750 _______· The amount of lifetime IHT payable by Anne is ?18,750. This figure can be checked by calculating the IHT on the gross chargeable transfer of ?418,750:? IHT liability 325,000 at nil% 93,750 at 20% 18,750______Once the gross chargeable transfer has been calculated then this figure is used in all subsequent calculations. CLTs are never re-grossed up on death, even if the nil rate band is reallocated as a result of a PET becoming chargeable.Example 3 Continuing with Example 2, assuming that Annie died on 12 March 2013.Additional liability arising on death 17 June 2009?? Gross chargeable transfer 418,750______ IHT liability 325,000 at nil% 93,750 at 40% 37,500Taper relief – 20%(7,500)______IHT already paid30,000 (18,750)______ Additional liability 11,250______When an IHT question involves a CLT then make sure you know who is paying the IHT. Grossing up is not necessary if the trust (the donee)pays.Seven-year cumulation period As far as Paper F6 (UK)is concerned the most difficult aspect to grasp is the seven-year cumulation period.What the seven-year cumulation period means is that when calculating the IHT on a lifetime transfer (either a PET becoming chargeable or a CLT)it is necessary to take account of any CLT made within the previous seven years despite it being made more than seven years before the date of the donor’s death. Only CLTs have to be taken into account, as PETs made more than seven years before the date of death are completely exempt.Example 4 Ja died on 18 March 2013 leaving an estate valued at ?450,000. She had made the following lifetime gifts:· 1 August 2004 – A gift of ?200,000 to a trust· 1 November 2010 – A gift of ?280,000 to a trustThese figures are after deducting available exemptions. In each case the trust paid any IHT arising from the gift.The nil rate band for the tax year 2004–05 is ?263,000, and for the tax year 2010–11 it is ?325,000.IHT liabilities are as follows:Lifetime transfers 1 August 2004? Chargeable transfer 200,000_______· No lifetime IHT is payable as the CLT is less than the nil rate band for 2004–05.1 November 2010? Chargeable transfer 280,000_______ IHT liability 125,000 at nil% 155,000 at 20% 31,000_______· The CLT made on 1 August 2004 is within seven years of 1 November 2010, so it utilises ?200,000 of the nil rate band for 2010–11.Additional liabilities arising on death 1 August 2004? Chargeable transfer 200,000_______· There is no additional liability as this CLT was made more than seven years before the date of Ja’s death on 18 March 2013.1 November 2010? Chargeable transfer 280,000_______ IHT liability 125,000 at nil% 155,000 at 40% 62,000IHT already paid(31,000)_______Additional liability31,000 _______· The CLT made on 1 August 2004 utilises ?200,000 of the nil rate band for 2012–13 of ?325,000.Death estate? Chargeable estate 450,000_______ IHT liability 45,000 at nil% 405,000 at 40% 162,000_______· The CLT made on 1 August 2004 is not relevant when calculating the IHT on the death estate as it was made more than seven years befor e the date of Ja’s death on 18 March 2013.· Therefore only the CLT made on 1 November 2010 is taken into account, and this utilises ?280,000 of the nil rate band of ?325,000.Example 5 The same situation as in Example 4, except that on 1 November 2010 Ja made a gift of ?280,000 to her daughter rather than to a trust.IHT liabilities are as follows:Lifetime transfers? 1 August 2004Chargeable transfer200,000 _______1 November 2010Potentially exempt transfer 280,000_______Additional liabilities arising on death? 1 August 2004Chargeable transfer200,000 _______1 November 2010Potentially exempt transfer 280,000_______ IHT liability 125,000 at nil% 155,000 at 40% 62,000 _______ Death estate?Chargeable estate450,000 _______IHT liability 45,000 at nil% 405,000 at 40%162,000 _______Advantages of lifetime transfers Lifetime transfers are the easiest way for a person to reduce their potential IHT liability.· A PET is completely exempt after seven years.· A CLT will not incur any additional IHT liability after seven years.· Even if the donor does not survive for seven years, taper relief will reduce the amount of IHT payable after three years.· The value of PETs and CLTs is fixed at the time they are made, so it can be beneficial to make gifts of assets that are expected to increase in value such as property or shares.Tax liability on death estate Until now the examples have simply given a figure for the value of a person’s estate. However, it may be necessary to calculate it.A person’s estate includes the value of everything which they own at the date of death such as property, shares, motor vehicles, cash and other investments. A person’s estate also includes the proceeds from life assurance policies even though these proceeds will not be received until after the date of death. The actual market value of a life assurance policy at the date of death is irrelevant.The following deductions are permitted:· Funeral expenses· Debts due by the deceased provided they were incurred for valuable consideration. Therefore, gambling debts cannot be deducted.· Mortgages on property. This does not include endowment mortgages as these are repaid upon death by the life assurance element of the mortgage. Repayment mortgages and interest-only mortgages are deductible.Example 6 Andy died on 31 December 2012. At the date of his death he owned the following assets:· A main residence valued at ?425,000. This had an outstanding interest-only mortgage of ?180,000.· Motor cars valued at ?63,000.· Ordinary shares in Herbert plc valued at ?54,000.· Building society deposits of ?25,000.· Investments in individual savings accounts valued at ?22,000, savings certificates from the National Savings & Investments Bank valued at ?19,000, and government stocks (gilts)valued at ?34,000.· A life assurance policy on his own life. On 31 December 2012 the policy had an open market value of ?85,000, and proceeds of ?100,000 were received following Andy’s death.On 31 December 2012 Andy owed ?700 in respect of credit card debts, and he had also verbally promised to pay the ?800 legal fee of a friend. The cost of his funeral amounted to ?4,300. ?? Property 425,000Mortgage(180,000)_______245,000 Motor cars 63,000Ordinary shares in Herbert plc54,000 Building society deposits 25,000Other investments (22,000 + 190,000 + 34,000)75,000 Proceeds of life assurance policy 100,000_______562,000 Credit card debts 700??Funeral expenses4,300_____(5,000)______Chargeable estate557,000IHT liability 325,000 at nil% 232,000 at 40%92,800 ______· The promise to pay the friend’s legal fee is not deductible as it is purely gratuitous (not made for valuable consideration)。
