


4. The World’s Best Anatomical Charts. Anatomical Chart Company Skokie, IL. ISBN 0-9603730-5-5.
Acknowledgements: Thank NYU for providing the educational polygonal heart model, Helena Hanninen from
Finite Element Meshing for Cardiac Analysis
Yongjie (Jessica) Zhang*, Chandrajit L. Bajaj*, Thomas J. R. Hughes*, Wing Kam Liu†, Grace Chen†, Xiaodong Wang#, Marius Lysaker‡, Christian Tarrou‡
Fig. 3. Boundary Detection
aortic valve tricuspid valve pulmonary valve mitral valve
Fig. 4. Material Layer Detection
Original foramen ovale
Modified foramen ovale
Fig. 1. Heart Anatomy Model from [4]
1.2 Mesh Extraction We choose the extended Dual Contouring method to construct the tetrahedral heart model from volumetric gridded data [2][3] because it takes isosurfaces as boundaries and can generate adaptive and quality meshes for complicated structures.

学术海报模版ppt Poster

学术海报模版ppt Poster
paper size (46.8” high by 33.1” wide) but prints can
be scaled up or down in size to any dimension with
the same aspect ratio. For example, if you order an
Microsoft® design the software and we created all
of the original color themes, templates, and clip art
galleries. We know how to make your printed
poster look just like it does on screen. Other
and altered s. We know the secrets to avoid
those issues. So choose Genigraphics for the most
accurate reproduction available.
Figure 1. Label in 24pt Calibri.
Series 2
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border once to highlight the entire text box, then
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<your organization>


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4 Conclusion
Insert your conclusion here
1 Background
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3.Insert your text here. Change the font size to fit your text in the space.
4.Insert your text here. Change the font size to fit your text in the space.
Insert your methods here •One •Two •Three •Four



原创国际学术会议海报(poster)模板(英文)原创国际学术会议海报(poster)模板(英文)Fiber optic characterization using a simulated Optical TimeDomain Reflectometer (OTDR)Robb P. MerrillDepartment of Electrical and Computer Engineering - University of Utah IntroductionOptical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) is a common technique for detecting damage in fiber optic cables. The process involves transmitting a pulse of light down the optical fiber, analyzing the amount of light reflected back to the source, and displaying the reflection patterns on the OTDR screen.During characterization of short fiber optic cables of approximately 1 meter, Fresnel reflections pose a serious challenge to accurate damage detection. The Fresnel tail obliterates any small reflections that are produced by damaged sections of cable, and the damage is overlooked.Simulation MethodThe Finite Difference Time Domain method [1] was implemented in MATLAB to simulate a pulse of light traveling through the patch and test fibers. The following parameters used in the simulation were obtained from an actual OTDR system: Index of refraction (n) of test fiber = 1.4525, Wavelength (λ) of light pulse = 850 nanometers [3] .Plotting the reflection response patterns from all four connection types shows that the Angled Physical Contact connector produced the lowest reflection (see Figure 6). Though much less expensive, Index Matching Fluid only has a lifetime of 2 years. Most optical fiber applications require 10 years life or more [3].Pulse DurationT o determine the effect of the light pulse duration on the saturation level of the OTDR unit, one period ofa raised cosine pulse was transmitted through the fiber at various frequencies. A pulse duration of 1 microsecond proved to be the most favorably responsive for the parameters of the simulation (see Figure 3). In realworld application, however, the duration must actually be smaller due to the relatively slow simulation speed vs. the physical speed of light.OTDR Saturation at Increased Pulse Durations 0.035 1 second 0.03 2 seconds 3 secondsAbnormalities in the fiber, such as bends, cracks, connectors, and other abrupt changes in the refractive index create reflection spikes called Fresnel ( Fre'-nel ) reflections [2]. After a spike is detected, a significant delay occurs when the reflectometer ‘settles down’ from its saturated state. This delay is called a Fresnel tail (Figure 1).Figure 1: OTDR screenshot showing reflection spike from cable connector, and resulting Fresnel tail (area marked by bracket)0.025Electric Field (V/m)0.020.01510.01Figure 5: Reflection patterns using various connectors (reduced Fresnel magnitudes inside yellow box)0.0050 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Travel Distance from Source (m) 4.5 5SummaryShort fiber optic cables present many challenges that must be overcome in order to accurately detect fiber damage using OTDR. Pulse durations shorter than 1 microsecond, and Angled Physical Contact (APC) fiber connectors are recommended to provide the greatestreduction in Fresnel reflection. By performing OTDRsimulations, an optical systems engineer could understand the behavior of a fiber network and detect potential problems before actual production.Figure 3: Simulated Fresnel Tail skews, then obliterates, the damage reflection at larger durationsConnector TypeThe index of refraction of the patch vs. the test fiber was allowed differ by up to 10%, which created a mismatch at the junction of the two fibers. Four types of connectors were simulated to determine which produced the lowest reflection magnitude.15x 10-3Ideal Reflection Characteristics (No OTDR Saturation)105Figure 2: Simulated ideal response showing fiber damage (small reflection bumps). Damage is visible because no Fres-nel tail is present.Electric Field (V/m)Figure 4: Common types of fiber optic connectors with relative reflection magnitudes shownReferences[1] Sadiku, N.O. Matthew. Numerical Techniques in Electromagnetics [2] Newton, Steven A. Novel Approaches to Optical Reflectometry [3] Knapp, John. Characterization of FiberOptic Cables Using an Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR)0 2 2.5 3 Travel Distance from Source (m) 3.5Fiber optic characterization using a simulated Optical TimeDomain Reflectometer (OTDR)Robb P. MerrillDepartment ofElectrical and Computer Engineering - University of UtahIntroductionOptical Time Domain Reflectometry (OTDR) is a common technique for detecting damage in fiber optic cables. The process involves transmitting a pulse of light down the optical fiber, analyzing the amount of light reflected back to the source, and displaying the reflection patterns on the OTDR screen.During characterization of short fiber optic cables of approximately 1 meter, Fresnel reflections pose a serious challenge to accurate damage detection. The Fresnel tail obliterates any small reflections that are produced by damaged sections of cable, and the damage is overlooked.Simulation MethodThe Finite Difference Time Domain method [1] was implemented in MATLAB to simulate a pulse of light traveling through the patch and test fibers. The following parameters used in the simulation were obtained from an actual OTDR system: Index of refraction (n) of test fiber = 1.4525, Wavelength (λ) of light pulse = 850 nanometers [3] .Plotting the reflection response patterns from all four connection types shows that the Angled Physical Contact connector produced the lowest reflection (see Figure 6). Though much less expensive, Index Matching Fluid only has a lifetime of 2 years. Most optical fiber applications require 10 years life or more [3].Pulse DurationTo determine the effect of the light pulse duration on the saturation level of the OTDR unit, one period of a raised cosine pulse was transmitted through the fiber at various frequencies. A pulse duration of 1 microsecond proved to be the most favorably responsive for the parameters of the simulation (see Figure 3). In realworld application, however, the duration must actually be smaller due to the relatively slow simulation speed vs. the physical speed of light.OTDR Saturation at Increased Pulse Durations 0.035 1 second 0.03 2 seconds 3secondsAbnormalities in the fiber, such as bends, cracks, connectors, and other abrupt changes in the refractive index create reflection spikes called Fresnel ( Fre'-nel ) reflections [2]. After a spike is detected, a significant delay occurs when the reflectometer ‘settles down’ from its saturated state. This delay is called a Fresnel tail (Figure 1).Figure 1: OTDR screenshot showing reflection spike from cable connector, and resulting Fresnel tail (area marked by bracket)0.025Electric Field (V/m)0.020.01510.01Figure 5: Reflection patterns using various connectors (reduced Fresnel magnitudes inside yellow box)0.0050 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 Travel Distance from Source (m) 4.5 5SummaryShort fiber optic cables present many challenges that must be overcome in order to accurately detect fiber damage using OTDR. Pulse durations shorter than 1 microsecond, and Angled Physical Contact (APC) fiber connectors are recommended to provide the greatest。



Figure 1: Your caption to go here
Figure 2: Your caption to go here
Aliquam nec lacus eget sapien venenatis semper. Donec placerat. Phasellus bibendum semper ligula. Duis vitae massa. Integer suscipit. Donec non elit vel nunc tincidunt iaculis. Nam in urna. Pellentesque eu enim. Nam pellentesque libero nec velit. Aliquam quis sem. Nulla vestibulum vehicula arcu. Vestibulum feugiat eleifend elit. Proin condimentum molestie urna. Etiam ut diam. Quisque viverra lectus ac lectus. Donec ultrices, nisi nec mollis ultricies, quam diam aliquam enim, eu vulputate sem eger pede. Suspendisse lectus. Quisque nibh. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec fringilla nunc quis quam. Curabitur quam. Suspendisse vitae libero venenatis mauris blandit volutpat. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos hymenaeos. Duis consequat. Nunc tempus nonummy nulla. Duis congue scelerisque metus. Morbi vitae metus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Sed mattis odio vitae mi. Integer lectus augue, pretium ac, iaculis et, lacinia vel, orci. Pellentesque tempor tristique velit. Nullam elit ligula, rutrum sodales, ornare ornare, tristique sit amet, purus. Sed rutrum massa sit amet lectus. Pellentesque dapibus sem in ante. Maecenas vitae quam nec leo luctus congue. In at risus ac purus ornare auctor. Fusce vitae neque. Curabitur condimentum nulla. Mauris euismod turpis. Phasellus id risus. Etiam nibh odio, dignissim ut, tincidunt ut, viverra at, nisl. Vestibulum luctus eleifend odio. Duis porta, arcu ac ornare interdum, sapien nibh ultricies dolor, in venenatis justo orci vel est. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Suspendisse sit amet turpis sed est dapibus porta. In augue. Nunc urna ligula, suscipit ac, varius at, rhoncus non, orci. Aenean ultricies, mauris ac rutrum viverra, nulla nisi luctus urna, mattis sagittis pede pede ut massa. Sed sapien dolor, fermentum eget, dignissim pulvinar, euismod eu, massa. Pellentesque luctus. Maecenas auctor tellus et nisl. Nulla sodales.



学术会议的交流主要有两种形式:oral 和poster,就是所谓的口头和张贴两种。








图一. poster 初稿从10点大约折腾到凌晨1点找素材,确定模板,然后睡觉去了。


我在晚上7点时候基本完成了这个poster,妹子给我挑了一些毛病,然后后面说“忽略那些小问题,我非常喜欢这个po ster哈!”(你丫敢不喜欢……)8点半左右基本定型了,明天早起再最后看一眼。



















Insert your text here. Remember to size your font to fit your information into the space. The larger your font, the easier it will be for others to read your poster.
in this area.
Insert your inIfnortmraotiodn huerce tion
Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster.
Delete me & place your
in this area.
Insert the Title of the Poster Here
Names of Researchers Name of Institution can be placed here
Delete me & place your
Objective one ▪Sub point
Objective two Objective three Objective four
Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster. Remember, you can change template colors to suit your own taste or institution colors. The graphic can be replaced with several smaller graphics. Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster. Remember, you can change template colors to suit your own taste or institution colors. The graphic can be replaced with several smaller graphics.

国际会议poster 模板

国际会议poster 模板

Author’s Name/s Goes Here, Author’s Name/s Goes Here, Author’s Name/s Goes Here
Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here, Address/es Goes Here
Printing and Laminating… Once you have completed your poster, bring it down to MIU for printing. We will produce a A3 size draft print for you to check and proof read. The final poster will then be printed and laminated. Note: Do not leave your poster until the last minute. Allow at least 5 working days before you need to use it. Simply highlight this text and replace.
Don’t overcrowd your poster. ▪ Try using photographs or coloured graphs. Avoid long numerical
tables. ▪ Spell check and get someone else to proof-read.
Importing / inserting files…
Images such as photographs, graphs, diagrams, logos, etc, can be added to the poster.

this is a poster教案设计

this is a poster教案设计

“This is a poster”教案设计一、Background information:Description of students: junior 2 (40 students)二、Teaching aims1.Students can describe her or his daily schedule.2.Students can talk with others about schedule.3.Students can make her or his suitable schedule.三、Language contents and skillsMain structure: ----When do you get up every day?----I get up at 7 O’clock.Main vocabulary: get up/ o’clock/ schedule四、Stages and proceduresWarm-up: present a schedule poster. Ask other students “when do you do something?” you can choose any other students in the class to ask him or her about their schedule.Presentation stage: learn new vocabulary and structurePractice stage:Listen to the tape without looking the text for the first time; try to obtain the main idea.Read the text alone. Listen for the second time, follow the tape andimitate the pronunciation.Listen for the third time and try to familiar with the text. Work in groups for three minutes, and discuss the difficult sentences together.Try to understand the whole passage.Read the text together (or read the sentences one by one), and track and correct the mistakes.Ask one student to retell the text.Production stage:Pair works. Practice the conversation “when do you do…” invite two or more groups to act their conversation out.五、Teaching aids:a schedule poster六、After lesson reflection:。

学术会议 学术交流poster模板

学术会议 学术交流poster模板
• Praesent nibh pede, eleifend ac, aliquam vitae, venenatis eu, risus. In sit amet diam. Integer suscipit interdum eros.
• In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nullam tellus.
Age (years)
60.9 + 9.2
17 (100)
Hormone therapy
9 (52.9)
Previous posterior repair
7 (41.2)
Defecatory symptoms
9 (52.9)
Bulge symptoms
15 (88.2)
20 O
O Factor
1 3* 5
24 6
24 6
*p < .05
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Nam in diam consectetuer odio blandit elementum. Morbi id ligula ac ligula adipiscing iaculis. Nulla risus lorem, molestie ac, scelerisque quis, gravida eleifend, wisi. Proin sapien ante, faucibus sit amet, mollis eu, molestie a, erat. Donec magna nibh, ultrices facilisis, dignissim at, mollis ut, diam. Nulla facilisi. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Morbi tristique erat at ligula. Curabitur in metus. Donec consequat. Quisque porta. Integer diam. Mauris pellentesque aliquet elit. Curabitur hendrerit metus quis augue. Mauris rhoncus, magna vitae laoreet imperdiet, ligula dolor hendrerit quam, sit amet mollis augue nibh et lorem.



























Objective one ▪Sub point
Objective two Objective three Objective four
Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster. Remember, you can change template colors to suit your own taste or institution colors. The graphic can be replaced with several smaller graphics. Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster. Remember, you can change template colors to suit your own taste or institution colors. The graphic can be replaced with several smaller graphics.
in this area.
Insert your inIfnortmraotiodn huerce tion
Insert your text here. You can place your organizations logos on either side of the title of the poster.

Poster— 架起课堂内外的桥梁

Poster— 架起课堂内外的桥梁

Poster---- 架起课堂内外的桥梁——谈对Main task部分写作的处理常熟市白茆中学查彩红内容摘要:本文通过笔者在教Main task时碰到的一个问题,讲述了用制作海报方式来处理这个问题的方法和优势。

关键词:海报写作合作一、问题提出在上牛津英语每个单元的Main task时,笔者碰到了一个让人很头疼的问题。

大家知道,Main task 是一个单元的重要组成部分,它通过一篇范文,告诉学生一些写作的技巧和方法,然后要求学生围绕本单元的主题,根据创设的情景写一篇文章。

每当我上完Main task,最后要求学生课后完成作文时,我从学生轻声的哀叹和无奈的表情中,读到了学生的痛苦和困惑。



我用让学生做poster的方法,把Main task部分的课堂教学延伸到了课外,让学生积极主动快乐的来完成task。






我让学生做poster 正好符合这样的教育思想、理念和要求,让学生在动脑、动口、动手的过程中学英语,用英语。






教学说课 教学总结 教学设计 学术报告 宣传策划 公开课演讲 教学模板PPT模板

教学说课 教学总结 教学设计 学术报告 宣传策划 公开课演讲 教学模板PPT模板

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