


Plug & Play Power next generation power source Lowest Profile (1U) Highest EfficiencyFEATURES•up to 1200W multi-output power in 1U (40mm)•1.5V to 58V standard output voltages•All outputs fully floating•Plug & Play power module architecture- allows fast custom configurations- facilitates rapid prototyping- simplifies logistics•Ultra-high efficiency up to 90%•Series / Parallel of multiple outputs•Visual LED indicatorsAPPLICATIONS INCLUDE•Industrial machines•Test and measurement•Automation equipment•Telecommunications•Medical equipment•Laboratory and Diagnostic equipment•Audio and broadcast•Linear and rotary motion•19" systemsExcelsys brings over 20 years experience of modular power supply development and applications together with the most modern product development and design techniques in the revolutionary Xgen series.The Xgen series brings OEM power supplies to a new paradigm, combining technical excellence with logistics simplicity to fully resolve all the concerns regularly expressed by users of multiple-output power supplies. Xgen continues the Excelsys tradition of providing an instant, no compromise power solution for any application where a unique set of voltage and current requirements is needed.Excelsys Development and Design MethodologyExcelsys has applied the most modern and rigorous processes and design techniques to development of the Xgen product range.Too much heat generated in your OEM equipment?Difficult to maintain your equipment at the right temperature?Xgen has industry-unrivalled efficiency, exceeding 90% !! This means that less than half of the amount of waste heat is created in comparison to conventional multiple output power sources with efficiencies of 80%and lower. It also guarantees increased reliability.Now, that’s a cool power supply!Not enough space available in your OEM equipment?Is space at a premium, making design and manufacture difficult and compromised?X gen has industry-unrivalled power density for a full functionality ac/dc power supply, at 15W/in 3. Check itout! You can get 1200W of multiple-output power source in 1U rack space - Xgen dimension: 40.4mm! It’s so compact, you’ll hardly notice it, once installed, and it leaves plenty more space for your other components and general accessibility.Now, that’s a discreet power supply!Need a custom power supply in a hurry?Xgen is a true Plug & Play multiple-output power supply. Any one of more than 30 million configurations can be assembled anywhere, in under 5 minutes, from standard, volume-produced modules. This is the new-paradigm: a custom power supply available in 5 minutes from standard parts.Now, that’s a new paradigm power supply!Worried about meeting all relevant standards - EMC, Safety, etc?Xgen series models are fully compliant with all relevant standards. X cite , X lite , X hite and X qite models meet the requirements of EN60950, UL60950, CSA22.2, EN61000-3-x and EN61000-4-x. Additionally X vite and X mite models meet the requirements of EN60601-1 and UL2601 for medical applications.Now, that’s a re-assuring power supply!Looking for a cost-effective long term solution for all your power supply requirements?Xgen is configured from standard component parts that are manufactured in volume in a world class manufacturing facility. This allows Excelsys to provide you with all the benefits of Xgen at a world class competitive price. Call Excelsys or one of our distributors and find out for yourself.Now, that’s an excellent value power supply!EFFICIENCYSPACE CUSTOM POWERSTANDARD APPROVALSCOST-EFFECTIVEA world-class Stage-Gate TM development process ensures that a holistic approach to development and design is guaranteed, with optimised outcomes built in from the start in respect of customer needs, manufacturing, support and logistics. The Stage-Gate TM process provides the framework for efficient and effective teamwork within Excelsys as well as between Excelsys and its design partners.The development-specific processes are supplemented by the company-wide processrequirements of ISO9001:2000, in particular in the ISO9001:2000 designated area of ‘Product Realisation’.Excelsys was an early adopter of and is fully approved to this latest, upgraded ISO9001:2000 standard.As well as design laboratory testing,Excelsys has applied exhaustive HALT testing and field prototype testing to development of Xgen. Highly Accelerated Life T esting ensures that design margins are more than sufficient to provide insensitivity to manufacturing variability and to maximise field reliability.AC FailOpen collector signal indicating that the input voltage has failed or is less than 80Vac. This signal changes state giving 5mS of warning before loss of output regulation. See Xgen series Designers’Manual for full specifications.Temperature Alarm (Option 01)Open collector signal indicating excessive powerPac temperatures due to fan failure or operation beyond ratings. This signal is activated at least 10ms prior to system shutdown.Fan Fail (Option 01)Open collector signal indicating that at least one of the system fans have failed. This does not cause system shutdown.Power GoodOpto-isolated output signal indicates that the powerMod is operating correctly and output voltage is within normal band.Indication LEDsEach powerMod has a visual indicator to identify that it is operating within normal ratings. Very useful for system diagnosis.Signal Connector PinoutPin J2 (powerPac )J3 (powerMod TYPE A)**J3 (powerMod Type B)**1common +sense +pg (V2)2+5V bias -sense -pg (V2)3V trim inhibit (V2)4ac fail I trimcommon (V2)5fan fail*+inhibit/enable +pg (V1)6global enable -inhibit/enable -pg (V1)7temp alarm*+power good inhibit (V1)8global inhibit-power goodcommon (V1)*Option 01 only**See individualpowerMod datasheetsVoltage Adjustment - LocalThe multi-turn potentiometer that adjusts each output within the specified range may be accessed via the output panel of the power supply. Clockwise rotation increases output voltage. Resolution is approximately 5% of nominal voltage (Vnom) per turn.Voltage Adjustment - Remote (resistive / electronic)The output voltage may be adjusted or trimmed by means of an externalresistor or potentiometer network connected to the Vtrim pin. Linear Electronic programming is also possible and may be implemented according to theformula Vout = K Vcontrol. See Xgen series Designers’Manual for full details.ParallelingT o achieve increased current capacity, simply parallel outputs using the standard parallel links. Excelsys ‘wireless’sharing ensures that current SeriesingT o achieve increased output voltages, simply series outputs using standard series links, paying attention to the requirements to maintain SELV levels if required in your system.Remote SensingWhen the load is remote from the power supply, the remote sense pinsmay be used to compensate for drops in the power leads. Where the power cabling contributes significant dynamic impedance, see Xgen series Designers’Manual.Bias VoltageA SELV isolated 5V (always on) bias voltage rated at 250mA is provided on J2 to facilitate miscellaneous control functions.Current Limit AdjustmentThe output current limit setting may be adjusted (downwards only) by means of an external resistor connection to the I trim pin.Inhibit/EnableInhibiting may be implemented either globally or on a per module basis (powerPac or powerMod inhibiting). Reverse logic (Enabling) may also be implemented, see Xgen series Designers’Manual.Model Slot A Slot B Slot C= standard; ‘P’= preset Use ‘0’for unused slots.Factory use only }Configured Units may be specified and ordered using the partnumbering system shown opposite. For example, part numberXVC123400-01 specifies the following 1000W medical power supply.• 2.5V @ 50A 5V @ 40A 12V @ 20A 24V @ 10A•Thermal signals suite fitted to powerPacAccessories may be ordered directly using the part numbers shown.PartPart No.Left Slot Cover XB1Note that unused slots Inner Slot Cover XB2should be fitted with Right Slot Cover XB3appropriate slot covers.Series LinkXS1Parallel LinkXP1powerPacs may be ordered directly using the model number shown in thetables followed by the appropriate option code suffix. E.g. XVB-01 is thepart number for 700W powerPac with medical approval and thermal signals. powerMods may be ordered directly using the model numbers shown inthe powerMod table. E.g. Xg2 is the part number for a 5V 40A module.powerKits consist of application specific powerPacs and a selection ofpowerMods packaged in a convenient carry case. Particularly useful forsytems designers. See powerKit datasheet.Xgen Option Codes01Thermal Signals02Reverse Fan (not available on 1200W models)Preset Units Units are shipped with nominal output voltages unless presetting is specified.Excelsys can preset units to your exact requirements, through use of appropriate parallel and series links and through voltage adjustment to specific preset levels. See for more details.On-line Configuration and OrderingNow build your Xgen product on-line using our configuration wizard. Simply enter your Volts and Amps requirements and the wizard will do the rest.Family MODEL WattsX citeXCA 400W XCB 700WXCC 1000W XCD1200WpowerPacs (6slot package, 127mm wide)Family MODEL Watts X liteXLA 200W XLB 400W XLC600WpowerPacs(4slot package, 89mm wide)The X hite family is designed specifically for extended temperature applications fully specified from -20o C to +70o C with no deratingThe X qite family is designed specifically for acoustic sensitive applications.Doc. 40031 rev. 01 04/05Europe/AsiaExcelsys Technologies Ltd t: +353 1 8900933Swords Business Park f: +353 1 8901358Swords, Co. Dublin e: sales@IRELANDNorth AmericaExcelsys Technologies t: (972) 771 4544519 Interstate 30, #309f: (972) 421 1805Rockwall, TX 75087e: salesusa@USAp o wer P a c p o w e r Mo d s。



日本牧野NC ELECTRICAL DISCHARGE MACHINE数控计算机火花机SIMPLE OPERATION MANUA L简明操作手册(M G H系统)牧野机床(中国)有限公司应用部编制二零零四年二月二日牧野(中国)火花机中文操作手冊1前言MAKINO放电加工机MGH新系统已在二零零二年七月份向世界推出,为了配合客户更好的使用该机型,我公司技术部专门编制了这本手册,希望对您的使用有所帮助.如果您在使用中有任何疑问,欢迎致电牧野(中国)公司本手册主要内容有﹕一、机床简介二、操作按钮键的使用三、加工前的准备事宜四、程序的编写五、如何激活加工六、机床各功能的使用七、MODEL PLAN(数据模型)八、摇动方式九、加工方式十、放电组合的选用十一、扩孔加工十二、精密加工定位技朮十三、拋光加工(面积小于30×30mm,非镜面加工机)十四、螺纹孔加工(I用G103扩镗,II用C轴头)十五、C轴头的使用十六、镜面机的加工(HQSF)十七、ATC的使用十八、连续加工的步骤十九、IES程序自成二十、G码和M码表二十一警报以及消除二十二日常保养二十三附表由于时间仓促,资料有限,错误在所难免,在内容和技朮上尚有不足、不当之处,恳请广大用户赐面给予斧正、以及提出宝贵意见,为以后的版本修订,提供更好的第一手的手册资料,精益求精,务求做到最好。

牧野机床(中国)有限公司应用部二○○四年二月二日牧野(中国)火花机中文操作手冊2一、机床简介2)机床性能指针最小步进单位:0.001mm(C 轴0.001度),最小驱动单位:0.0025mm(C 轴0.001度/0.0001turn), 工件坐标系:80个,程序内存量:470KB ,电池使用年限10年,三轴滑枕控制移动,行程限位保护 电极位置补偿32个,电极直径补偿99个,放电组合M100(其中10为用户自设),加工电压选择:8种,加工电流选择:90种,加工条件号码E2,000(其中1,000为用户自设)。


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HQ SeriesSPECIFICATIONS STANDARD*SPECIAL ELECTRICALCenter Frequency (Fc)100 to 1000 Mhz80 to 1400 MHz 3dB Relative Bandwidth (% of FC) 4 to 40 4 to 50 Number of Sections Available 3 to 8 2 to 10 Nominal Impedance50 Ohms50 to 75 Ohms Maximum Insertion Loss See Curve See Curve Maximum VSWR 1.5/1 1.3/1 Attenuation in the Stopband See Graph See GraphMaximum Input Power (Average)(Watts to10,000 ft.)500 x 3dB BW (MHz)(Loss Factor)(Fc MHz)See StandardMaximum Input Power (Peak)(Watts to10,000 ft.)300 x 3dB BW (MHz)Fc (MHz)2,000ENVIRONMENTALShock15 G's25 G's Vibration 5 G's10 G's Humidity90% relative100% relativeINSERTION LOSS:The Maximum Insertion Loss at center frequency is equal to :LF x (N + 0.5) / % 3 dB BW + 0.2 Where:LF= Loss Factor, N= Number of Sections% 3dB BW:3dB BW (MHz) x 100divided byCenter Frequency (MHz) Example:A 3 section HQ with a center frequency of 400 MHz and a 3dB BW of 40 MHz would have,1.5 x 3.5 / 10 = 5.25 / 10 = 0.525 0.525 + 0.2 = 0.8 dBConnectors Available on HQ Series:Lark Code Type C DIM.Inches & MMLarkCodeType C DIM.Inches & MMA SMA JACK.800 & 20.3G N JACK 1.625 & 41.3B SMA PLUG.855 & 22.5H N PLUG 1.585 & 40.3C TNC JACK 1.350 & 34.3L SOLDER MPINAXIAL.625 & 15.9D TNC PLUG 1.280 & 32.5*M SOLDER PINRADIAL.625 & 15.9E BNC JACK 1.350 & 34.3S SPECIALF BNC PLUG 1.280 & 32.5*Not recommended for use with this series.LENGTH:The approximate length of a Lark HQ series filter can be determined by the formula:( 0.5 N + 2 / %BW ) x LC = LWhere N is the number of sections used, % BW is:3dB BW (MHz) x 100divided byCENTER FREQUENCY (MHz)LC is the length constant at the specified center frequency, L is the dimension between theconnectors; C1 and C2 are the connector lengths as shown above. All of the length information given here is approximate. Exact length specifications must be quoted by the factory. If a special length is needed,please submit all of your requirements - both electrical and mechanical. This will enable Lark Engineering to quote the optimum design for your application.Example:A 3 section HQ with a center frequency of 400 MHz a 3dB BW of 40 MHz and SMA jack input and output connectors would be:(1.5 + 0.2) x 1.38 = 2.35 + C1 + C2In most cases, the L dimension is rounded to the nearest 1/4 inch which in this instance would be 2.25inches and the O.A.L. is:2.25 + .800 + .800 =3.85 inches.To convert inches to millimeters multiply x 25.40.Lark Engineering HQ SERIES元器件交易网STOPBAND ATTENUATIONThe graph on the following pages defines the normal specification limits on attenuation Lark bandpass filter series HP, HQ, SF, and SM. The minimum level of attenuation in dB is shown as a "number of 3dB bandwidths from center frequency".Since the frequency characteristics vary for differing bandwidths, it is necessary to establishspecifications for each bandwidth of filter. The different graphs represent various 3dB percentage bandwidths. Intermediate values should be interpolated. The 3dB percentage bandwidth is defined asfollows:STOPATT5.HTM元器件交易网As the 3dB bandwidth is exactly 10% of the center frequency, the answer can be read directly from the 10% graph. Using the 5 section curve at the point -1.5 (255 MHz) we find the minimum level of attenuation is 36dB. At +1.6 (348 MHz) the minimum level of attenuation is 48dB.For special requirements, please contact our Application Engineering Department.STOPBAND ATTENUATIONSTOPBAND ATTENUATIONSTOPATT5.HTM元器件交易网STOPBAND ATTENUATIONSTOPBAND ATTENUATIONSTOPBAND ATTENUATION。

E-Vision系列 WXGA 6000, WXGA 7000 XGA 6000, XGA 7000

E-Vision系列 WXGA 6000, WXGA 7000 XGA 6000, XGA 7000

E-Vision系列WXGA 6000, WXGA 7000 XGA 6000, XGA 7000高亮度数字投影机DP (Digital Projection)Digital Projection 公司总部,地址:Greenside Way, Middleton, Manchester M24 1XX, UK. 英国注册号:2207264电话:+44 (0) 161 947 3300传真:+44 (0) 161 684 7674电子邮箱:****************************.uk网址:Digital Projection中国办事处北京中国北京市朝阳区小营路19号财富嘉园C座1202室电话:(86*************传真:(86*************上海中国上海市中山西路1800号兆丰环球大厦4楼B座电话:(86*************传真:(86*************广州中国广州市河区体育西路101号维多利广场A座2105室电话:(86*************传真:(86*************电子邮箱:************************.cn网址:重要信息目录用户手册中指示标识 (3)合格声明 (4)电子和物理规格 (5)注意事项 (5)安装指示 (6)操作指示 (7)遵循国际标准 (7)RF interference (7)噪音 (7)欧洲废弃电气和电子设备(WEEE)指令 (7)用户手册包括投影机操作、连接、安装的完整信息,详细内容参看CD光盘。





合格声明认证指令2004/108EC电磁兼容性指令.2006/95/EC低压设备指令.认证产品大屏幕数字投影机此认证首次应用于:E-Vision WXGA 600 2011年12月E-Vision WXGA 7000 2011年12月E-Vision XGA 600 2011年12月E-Vision XGA 7000 2011年12月认证详情产品不仅符合以上EU指令,还符合以下标准:EN 55022: 2006+ A1:2007 -信息技术设备无线电干扰特性限值和测量方法;EN 55024: 1998+ A1:2001+ A2:2003 -信息技术设备抗干扰特性限值和测量方法;EN 60950-1: 2006/A11:2009 -包括电子商务设备在内的信息技术设备安全的详尽说明。



Microprocessor Reset ICFeaturesPrecision Monitoring of +3V, +3.3V, and +5V Power-Supply VoltagesFully Specified Over TemperatureAvailable in Three Output Configurations Push-Pull RESET Output (G670L)Push-Pull RESET Output (G670H)Open-Drain RESET Output (G671L)2ms max Power-On Reset Pulse Width14µA Supply CurrentGuaranteed Reset Valid to V CC = +1VPower Supply Transient ImmunityNo External Components3-Pin SOT-23,TO-92 and SOT-89 Packages 2% Threshold AccuracyApplicationsComputersControllersIntelligent InstrumentsCritical µP and µC Power MonitoringPortable / Battery-Powered EquipmentAutomotive General DescriptionThe G670/G671 are microprocessor (µP) supervisory circuits used to monitor the power supplies in µP and digital systems. They provide excellent circuit reliability and low cost by eliminating external components and adjustments when used with +5V, +3.3V, +3.0V- pow-ered circuits.These circuits perform a single function: they assert a reset signal whenever the V CC supply voltage declines below a preset threshold. Reset thresholds suitable for operation with a variety of supply voltages are avail-able.The G671L has an open-drain output stage, while the G670 have push-pull outputs. The G671L’s open-drain RESET output requires a pull-up resistor that can be connected to a voltage higher than V CC. The G670L have an active-low RESET output, while the G670H has an active-high RESET output. The reset com-parator is designed to ignore fast transients on V CC, and the outputs are guaranteed to be in the correct logic state for V CC down to 1V.Low supply current makes the G670/G671 ideal for use in portable equipment. The G670/G671 are avail-able in 3-pin SOT-23, TO-92 and SOT-89 packages.Pin Configuration Typical Application CircuitTopVCC*G671 only SOT-2312123SOT-89TO-92132ViewOrdering InformationORDER NUMBER ORDER NUMBER(Pb free)TEMP. RANGE OUTPUT TYPEG670LxxxTDxB G670LxxxTDxBf -40°C ~ +105°C Push-Pull Active LowG670HxxxTDxB G670HxxxTDxBf -40°C ~ +105°C Push-Pull Active HighG671LxxxTDxB G671LxxxTDxBf -40°C ~ +105°C Open-Drain G670LxxxT2xU G670LxxxT2xUf -40°C ~ +105°C Push-Pull Active LowG670HxxxT2xU G670HxxxT2xUf -40°C ~ +105°C Push-Pull Active HighG671LxxxT2xU G671LxxxT2xUf -40°C ~ +105°C Open-Drain G670LxxxT7xU G670LxxxT7xUf -40°C ~ +105°C Push-Pull Active LowG670HxxxT7xU G670HxxxT7xUf -40°C ~ +105°C Push-Pull Active HighG671LxxxT7xU G671LxxxT7xUf -40°C ~ +105°C Open-Drain Note: U : Tape & Reel B: BagOrder Number IdentificationPin OptionTypeThreshold Voltage OptionPart NumberPART NUMBER THRESHOLD VOLTAGE OPTIONG670L : Push-Pull Active Low Output * xxx specifies the threshold voltage.G670H : Push-Pull Active High Output e.g. 263 denotes the 2.64V threshold voltage.G671L : Open-Drain OutputPACKAGE TYPE PIN OPTIONTD : TO-92 1 2 3T2 : SOT-89 1 :RESET GND V CCT7 : SOT-23 2 :RESET V CC GND3 : GND RESET V CC4 : GND V CC RESET5 : V CC GND RESET6 : V CC RESET GND*RESET for G670HSelector GuideTOP MARK ORDER NUMBERORDER NUMBER(Pb free)RESETTHRESHOLD (V)OUTPUT TYPETO-92G671L463TD5B G671L463TD5Bf 4.60Open-Drain663G xx G671L438TD5B G671L438TD5Bf 4.32 Open-Drain663Fxx G671L400TD5B G671L400TD5Bf 3.96 Open-Drain663Exx G671L330TD5B G671L330TD5Bf 3.30 Open-Drain663Dxx G671L308TD5B G671L308TD5Bf 3.10 Open-Drain663Cxx G671L293TD5B G671L293TD5Bf 2.91 Open-Drain663Bxx G671L263TD5B G671L263TD5Bf 2.64 Open-Drain663Axx G670H463TD5B G670H463TD5Bf 4.60 Push-Pull RESET662Nxx G670H438TD5B G670H438TD5Bf 4.32 Push-Pull RESET662Mxx G670H400TD5B G670H400TD5Bf 3.96 Push-Pull RESET662Lxx G670H330TD5B G670H330TD5Bf 3.30 Push-Pull RESET662Kxx G670H308TD5B G670H308TD5Bf 3.10 Push-Pull RESET662Jxx G670H293TD5B G670H293TD5Bf 2.91 Push-Pull RESET662Ixx G670H263TD5B G670H263TD5Bf 2.64 Push-Pull RESET662Hxx G670L463TD5B G670L463TD5Bf 4.60 Push-Pull662Gxx G670L438TD5B G670L438TD5Bf 4.32 Push-Pull662Fxx G670L400TD5B G670L400TD5Bf 3.96 Push-Pull662Exx G670L330TD5B G670L330TD5Bf 3.30 Push-Pull662Dxx G670L308TD5B G670L308TD5Bf 3.10 Push-Pull662Cxx G670L293TD5B G670L293TD5Bf 2.91 Push-Pull662Bxx G670L263TD5B G670L263TD5Bf 2.64 Push-Pull662Axx Note: TD: TO-92Not all product options are ready for mass production, please contact factory for availability.Selector GuideTOP MARKORDER NUMBERORDER NUMBER(Pb free)RESETTHRESHOLD (V)OUTPUT TYPESOT-89G671L463T25U G671L463T25Uf 4.60 Open-Drain 663G xx G671L438T25U G671L438T25Uf 4.32 Open-Drain 663F xx G671L400T25U G671L400T25Uf 3.96 Open-Drain 663E xx G671L330T25U G671L330T25Uf 3.30 Open-Drain 663D xx G671L308T25U G671L308T25Uf 3.10 Open-Drain 663C xx G671L293T25U G671L293T25Uf 2.91 Open-Drain 663B xx G671L263T25U G671L263T25Uf 2.64 Open-Drain 663A xx G670H463T25U G670H463T25Uf 4.60 Push-Pull RESET 662N xx G670H438T25U G670H438T25Uf 4.32 Push-Pull RESET 662M xx G670H400T25U G670H400T25Uf 3.96 Push-Pull RESET 662L xx G670H330T25U G670H330T25Uf 3.30 Push-Pull RESET 662K xx G670H308T25U G670H308T25Uf 3.10 Push-Pull RESET 662J xx G670H293T25U G670H293T25Uf 2.91 Push-Pull RESET 662I xx G670H263T25U G670H263T25Uf 2.64 Push-Pull RESET662H xx G670L463T25U G670L463T25Uf 4.60 Push-Pull 662G xx G670L438T25U G670L438T25Uf 4.32 Push-Pull 662F xx G670L400T25U G670L400T25Uf 3.96 Push-Pull 662E xx G670L330T25U G670L330T25Uf 3.30 Push-Pull 662D xx G670L308T25U G670L308T25Uf 3.10 Push-Pull 662C xx G670L293T25U G670L293T25Uf 2.91 Push-Pull 662B xx G670L263T25U G670L263T25Uf2.64Push-Pull662A xxNote: T2: SOT-89Not all product options are ready for mass production, please contact factory for availability.Selector GuideTOP MARKORDER NUMBERORDER NUMBER(Pb free)RESETTHRESHOLD (V)OUTPUT TYPESOT-23G671L463T71U G671L463T71Uf 4.60 Open-Drain 669Gx G671L438T71U G671L438T71Uf 4.32 Open-Drain 669Fx G671L400T71U G671L400T71Uf 3.96 Open-Drain 669Ex G671L330T71U G671L330T71Uf 3.30 Open-Drain 669Dx G671L308T71U G671L308T71Uf 3.10 Open-Drain 669Cx G671L293T71U G671L293T71Uf 2.91 Open-Drain 669Bx G671L263T71U G671L263T71Uf 2.64 Open-Drain 669Ax G670H463T71U G670H463T71Uf 4.60 Push-Pull RESET 668Nx G670H438T71U G670H438T71Uf 4.32 Push-Pull RESET 668Mx G670H400T71U G670H400T71Uf 3.96 Push-Pull RESET 668Lx G670H330T71U G670H330T71Uf 3.30 Push-Pull RESET 668Kx G670H308T71U G670H308T71Uf 3.10 Push-Pull RESET 668Jx G670H293T71U G670H293T71Uf 2.91 Push-Pull RESET 668Ix G670H263T71U G670H263T71Uf 2.64 Push-Pull RESET668Hx G670L463T71U G670L463T71Uf 4.60 Push-Pull 668Gx G670L438T71U G670L438T71Uf 4.32 Push-Pull 668Fx G670L400T71U G670L400T71Uf 3.96 Push-Pull 668Ex G670L330T71U G670L330T71Uf 3.30 Push-Pull 668Dx G670L308T71U G670L308T71Uf 3.10 Push-Pull 668Cx G670L293T71U G670L293T71Uf 2.91 Push-Pull 668Bx G670L263T71U G670L263T71Uf2.64Push-Pull668AxNote: T7: SOT-23Not all product options are ready for mass production, please contact factory for availability.Selector GuideTOP MARKORDER NUMBERORDER NUMBER(Pb free)RESETTHRESHOLD (V)OUTPUT TYPESOT-23G671L463T72U G671L463T72Uf 4.60 Open-Drain 667Gx G671L438T72U G671L438T72Uf 4.32 Open-Drain 667Fx G671L400T72U G671L400T72Uf 3.96 Open-Drain 667Ex G671L330T72U G671L330T72Uf 3.30 Open-Drain 667Dx G671L308T72U G671L308T72Uf 3.10 Open-Drain 667Cx G671L293T72U G671L293T72Uf 2.91 Open-Drain 667Bx G671L263T72U G671L263T72Uf 2.64 Open-Drain 667Ax G670H463T72U G670H463T72Uf 4.60 Push-Pull RESET 666Nx G670H438T72U G670H438T72Uf 4.32 Push-Pull RESET 666Mx G670H400T72U G670H400T72Uf 3.96 Push-Pull RESET 666Lx G670H330T72U G670H330T72Uf 3.30 Push-Pull RESET 666Kx G670H308T72U G670H308T72Uf 3.10 Push-Pull RESET 666Jx G670H293T72U G670H293T72Uf 2.91 Push-Pull RESET 666Ix G670H263T72U G670H263T72Uf 2.64 Push-Pull RESET666Hx G670L463T72U G670L463T72Uf 4.60 Push-Pull 666Gx G670L438T72U G670L438T72Uf 4.32 Push-Pull 666Fx G670L400T72U G670L400T72Uf 3.96 Push-Pull 666Ex G670L330T72U G670L330T72Uf 3.30 Push-Pull 666Dx G670L308T72U G670L308T72Uf 3.10 Push-Pull 666Cx G670L293T72U G670L293T72Uf 2.91 Push-Pull 666Bx G670L263T72U G670L263T72Uf2.64Push-Pull666AxNote: T7: SOT-23Not all product options are ready for mass production, please contact factory for availability.Selector GuideTOP MARKORDER NUMBERORDER NUMBER(Pb free)RESETTHRESHOLD (V)OUTPUT TYPESOT-23G671L463T73U G671L463T73Uf 4.60 Open-Drain 671Gx G671L438T73U G671L438T73Uf 4.32 Open-Drain 671Fx G671L400T73U G671L400T73Uf 3.96 Open-Drain 671Ex G671L330T73U G671L330T73Uf 3.30 Open-Drain 671Dx G671L308T73U G671L308T73Uf 3.10 Open-Drain 671Cx G671L293T73U G671L293T73Uf 2.91 Open-Drain 671Bx G671L263T73U G671L263T73Uf 2.64 Open-Drain 671Ax G670H463T73U G670H463T73Uf 4.60 Push-Pull RESET 670Nx G670H438T73U G670H438T73Uf 4.32 Push-Pull RESET 670Mx G670H400T73U G670H400T73Uf 3.96 Push-Pull RESET 670Lx G670H330T73U G670H330T73Uf 3.30 Push-Pull RESET 670Kx G670H308T73U G670H308T73Uf 3.10 Push-Pull RESET 670Jx G670H293T73U G670H293T73Uf 2.91 Push-Pull RESET 670Ix G670H263T73U G670H263T73Uf 2.64 Push-Pull RESET670Hx G670L463T73U G670L463T73Uf 4.60 Push-Pull 670Gx G670L438T73U G670L438T73Uf 4.32 Push-Pull 670Fx G670L400T73U G670L400T73Uf 3.96 Push-Pull 670Ex G670L330T73U G670L330T73Uf 3.30 Push-Pull 670Dx G670L308T73U G670L308T73Uf 3.10 Push-Pull 670Cx G670L293T73U G670L293T73Uf 2.91 Push-Pull 670Bx G670L263T73U G670L263T73Uf2.64Push-Pull670AxNote: T7: SOT-23Not all product options are ready for mass production, please contact factory for availability.Selector GuideTOP MARKORDER NUMBERORDER NUMBER(Pb free)RESETTHRESHOLD (V)OUTPUT TYPESOT-23G671L463T76U G671L463T76Uf 4.60 Open-Drain 665Gx G671L438T76U G671L438T76Uf 4.32 Open-Drain 665Fx G671L400T76U G671L400T76Uf 3.96 Open-Drain 665Ex G671L330T76U G671L330T76Uf 3.30 Open-Drain 665Dx G671L308T76U G671L308T76Uf 3.10 Open-Drain 665Cx G671L293T76U G671L293T76Uf 2.91 Open-Drain 665Bx G671L263T76U G671L263T76Uf 2.64 Open-Drain 665Ax G670H463T76U G670H463T76Uf 4.60 Push-Pull RESET 664Nx G670H438T76U G670H438T76Uf 4.32 Push-Pull RESET 664Mx G670H400T76U G670H400T76Uf 3.96 Push-Pull RESET 664Lx G670H330T76U G670H330T76Uf 3.30 Push-Pull RESET 664Kx G670H308T76U G670H308T76Uf 3.10 Push-Pull RESET 664Jx G670H293T76U G670H293T76Uf 2.91 Push-Pull RESET 664Ix G670H263T76U G670H263T76Uf 2.64 Push-Pull RESET664Hx G670L463T76U G670L463T76Uf 4.60 Push-Pull 664Gx G670L438T76U G670L438T76Uf 4.32 Push-Pull 664Fx G670L400T76U G670L400T76Uf 3.96 Push-Pull 664Ex G670L330T76U G670L330T76Uf 3.30 Push-Pull 664Dx G670L308T76U G670L308T76Uf 3.10 Push-Pull 664Cx G670L293T76U G670L293T76Uf 2.91 Push-Pull 664Bx G670L263T76U G670L263T76Uf2.64Push-Pull664AxNote: T7: SOT-23Not all product options are ready for mass production, please contact factory for availability.Absolute Maximum RatingsTerminal Voltage (with respect to GND)V CC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-0.3V to +6.0V RESET,RESET(push-pull) . . . . . -0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V) RESET(open drain) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-0.3V to +6.0V Input Current, V CC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20mA Output Current, RESET, RESET. . . . . . . . . . . . .20mA Continuous Power Dissipation (T A = +70°C)SOT-23 (derate 4mW/°C above +70°C) . . . .. . 100mW SOT-89 (derate 4mW/°C above +70°C). . . .. . .100mW TO-92 (derate 4mW/°C above +70°C). . . .. . . . 100mW Operating Temperature Range. . . .. . .-40°C to +105°C Storage Temperature Range. . . .. . . ..-65°C to +150°C Reflow Temperature (soldering, 10sec) . . . .. . .+260°CStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Electrical Characteristics(V CC = full range, T A = -40°C to +105°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C, V CC = 5V for 463/438/400/330 versions, V CC= 3.3V for 308/293 versions, and V CC = 3V for 263 version.) (Note 1)ANote 2:RESET output is for G670L/G671L; While RESET output is for G670H.Typical Operating Characteristics(V CC = full range, T A = -40°C to +105°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C, V CC = 5V for 463/438/400 versions, V CC = 3.3V for 308/293 versions, and V CC = 3V for 263 version.)Recommended Minimum FootprintSOT-89SOT-23Detailed DescriptionA microprocessor’s (µP’s) reset input starts the µP in a known state. The G671L/G670L/G670H assert reset to prevent code-execution errors during power-up, power-down, or brownout conditions. They assert a reset signal whenever the V CC supply voltage declines below a preset threshold, keeping it asserted for at most 2ms after V CC has risen above the reset thresh-old. The G671L uses an open-drain output, and the G670L/G670H have a push-pull output stage. Connect a pull-up resistor on the G671L’s RESET output to any supply between 0 and 5.5V.Figure 1. Maximum Transient Duration Without Causing a Reset Pulse vs. Reset Com-parator OverdriveFigure 2. RESET Valid to V CC = Ground Circuit Applications InformationNegative-Going V CC TransientsIn addition to issuing a reset to the µP during power-up, power-down, and brownout conditions, the G671L/ G670H/G670L are relatively immune to short- duration negative-going V CC transients (glitches).Figure 1 shows typical transient duration vs. reset comparator overdrive, for which the G671L/G670H/ G670L do not generate a reset pulse. The graph was generated using a negative-going pulse applied to V CC, starting 0.5V above the actual reset threshold and ending below it by the magnitude indicated (reset comparator overdrive). The graph indicates the maxi-mum pulse width a negative-going V CC transient can have without causing a reset pulse. As the magnitude of the transient increases (goes farther below the reset threshold), the maximum allowable pulse width de-creases. Typically, for the G67_ _463 and G67_ _438, a V CC transient that goes 100mV below the reset threshold and lasts 7µs or less will not cause a reset pulse. A 0.1µF bypass capacitor mounted as close as possible to the V CC pin provides additional transient immunity.Ensuring a Valid Reset Output Down to V CC = 0 When V CC falls below 1V, the G670 RESET output no longer sinks current—it becomes an open circuit. Therefore, high-impedance CMOS logic inputs con-nected to RESET can drift to undetermined voltages. This presents no problem in most applications since most µP and other circuitry is inoperative with VCC below 1V. However, in applications where RESET must be valid down to 0V, adding a pull-down resistor to RESET causes any stray leakage currents to flow to ground, holding RESET low (Figure 2). R1’s value is not critical; 100kΩ is large enough not to load RESET and small enough to pull RESET to ground.A 100kΩ pull-up resistor to VCC is also recommended for the G671L if RESET is required to remain valid for V CC< 1V.Figure 3. Interfacing to µPs with Bidirectional Re-set I/OFigure 4. G671L Open-Drain RESET Output Allows Use with Multiple Supplies Interfacing to µPs with Bidirectional Reset Pins Since the RESET output on the G671L is open drain, this device interfaces easily with µPs that have bidirec-tional reset pins, such as the Motorola 68HC11. Con-necting the µP supervisor’s RESET output directly to the microcontroller’s (µC’s) RESET pin with a single pull-up resistor allows either device to assert reset (Figure 3).G671L Open-Drain RESET Output Allows Use with Multiple SuppliesGenerally, the pull-up connected to the G671L will connect to the supply voltage that is being monitored at the IC’s V CC pin. However, some systems may use the open-drain output to level-shift from the monitored supply to reset circuitry powered by some other supply (Figure 4). Note that as the G671L’s V CC decreases below 1V, so does the IC’s ability to sink current at RESET. Also, with any pull-up, RESET will be pulled high as VCC decays toward 0. The voltage where this occurs depends on the pull-up resistor value and the voltage to which it is connected.Benefits of Highly Accurate Reset ThresholdMost µP supervisor ICs have reset threshold voltages between 5% and 10% below the value of nominal supply voltages. This ensures a reset will not occur within 5% of the nominal supply, but will occur when the supply is 10% below nominal.When using ICs rated at only the nominal supply ±5%, this leaves a zone of uncertainty where the supply is between 5% and 10% low, and where the reset may or may not be asserted.The G67_ _463/G67_ _308 use highly accurate circuitry to ensure that reset is asserted close to the 5% limit, and long before the supply has declined to 10% below nominal.VPackage InformationTO-92 (TD) PackageMILLIMETER INCH SYMBOLMIN MAX MIN MAXA 3.35 3.86 0.132 0.152 A1 1.0414 1.55 0.041 0.061 b 0.254 0.508 0.010 0.020 E 4.34 4.85 0.1710.191 C 0.254 0.508 0.010 0.020 L 14.53 15.04 0.572 0.592 e 1.143 1.397 0.045 0.055 G 3.683 4.191 0.145 0.165 D 4.29 4.80 0.169 0.189 D1 4.34 4.85 0.171 0.191SOT-89 (T2) PackageDIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETER DIMENSIONS IN INCH SYMBOLMIN NOM MAX MIN NOM MAXA 1.40 1.50 1.60 0.055 0.059 0.063 A1 0.80 1.04 ----- 0.031 0.041 -----b 0.36 0.42 0.48 0.014 0.016 0.018 b1 0.41 0.47 0.53 0.016 0.0180.020 C 038 0.40 0.43 0.014 0.015 0.017 D 4.40 4.50 4.60 0.173 0.177 0.181 D1 1.40 1.60 1.75 0.055 0.062 0.069 HE ----- ----- 4.25 ----- ----- 0.167 E 2.40 2.50 2.60 0.094 0.098 0.102 e 2.90 3.00 3.10 0.114 0.118 0.122Package InformationSOT-23 (T7) PackageNote:1.Package body sizes exclude mold flash protrusions or gate burrs2.Tolerance ±0.1000 mm (4mil) unless otherwise specified3.Coplanarity: 0.1000mm4.Dimension L is measured in gage planeDIMENSIONS IN MILLIMETERSYMBOLMIN NOM MAXA 1.00 1.10 1.30A1 0.00 ----- 0.10A2 0.70 0.80 0.90 b 0.35 0.40 0.50C 0.10 0.15 0.25D 2.70 2.90 3.10E 1.40 1.60 1.80e ----- 1.90(TYP) ----- H 2.60 2.803.00L 0.37 ------ ----- θ1 1° 5° 9°Taping SpecificationPACKAGE Q ’TY/REEL Q ’TY/BY BAGTO-92 ----- 2,000 ea SOT-89 1,000 ea ----- SOT-23 3,000 ea -----GMT Inc. does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and GMT Inc. reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications.θ1A1SOT-89 Package OrientationSOT-23 Package Orientation。

Illumina cBot自动克隆扩增系统说明书

Illumina cBot自动克隆扩增系统说明书

The Best Next-Gen Sequencing Workflow Just Got BettercBot is a revolutionary automated clonal amplification system at the core of the Illumina sequencing workflow (Figure 1, upper panel). cBot replaces a lab full of equipment with a single compact device, deliver-ing unsurpassed efficiency and ease of use for the highest quality sequencing results.With cBot, hands-on time is reduced to less than 10 minutes, com-pared to more than six hours of hands-on effort for emulsion PCR methods. The process of creating sequencing templates is complete in about four hours, compared to more than 24 hours for emulsion PCR-based protocols (Figure 1, lower panel).Breakthrough System for Cluster GenerationThe Illumina sequencing workflow is based on three simple steps: libraries are prepared from virtually any nucleic acid sample, amplified to produce clonal clusters, and sequenced using massively parallel synthesis. The cBot clonal amplification system has innovative features that eliminate user intervention, reduce potential failure points, and increase sequencing productivity.TruSeq Cluster Generation reagents are packaged in ready-to-use96-well plates, completely removing reagent preparation errors, potential sources of contamination, and decreasing storage require-ments. cBot features a single unique, plate-piercing manifold for intervention-free runs. Cluster generation occurs within the sealed, eight-channel Illumina flow cell, bypassing the frequent handling and contamination issues inherent to emulsion PCR-based protocols. cBot is capable of processing > 96 samples within a single flow cell, resulting in substantial cost savings without incremental effort and wasted reagents. Innovative instrument features ensure seamless operation for your sequencing workflow (Figure 2).Better Results with Less EffortcBot software enhancements and user interaction features ensure high productivity:• Integrated 8-inch touch screen provides simplified operation in a small, lab-friendly footprint• On-screen, step-by-step instructions with embedded multimedia help enable user operation with no prior training • Real-time progress indicators provide at-a-glance monitoring • Remote monitoring allows a single user to manage multiple systems from any web browser or phone• Status emails are sent when the run is complete or when intervention is requiredcBot Cluster Generation ProcessPrior to sequencing, single-molecule DNA templates are bridge amplified to form clonal clusters inside the flow cell. (Figure 3).cBotFully automated clonal cluster generation for Illumina sequencing.Illumina cBot Highlights• Fast, Efficient Workflow:Amplify > 96 samples in ~4–5 hours with < 10 minutes ofhands-on time• Easiest to Use:Pre-packaged 96-well TruSeq™ reagents, and simple touch screen interface simplifies operation• Innovative System Design:Real-time fluidic monitoring, integrated system sensors and remote monitoring ensure robust instrument operation• Highest Quality Results:Improved chemistry generates higher density clusters and sequencing accuracy LibraryPreparation SequencingCluster GenerationEight-channel flow cell reduces risk of contamination and eliminates the needfor extra equipment Manifold clamps for leak-free connections and superior thermal contactTouch screen monitor simplifies operation and provides real-timeImmobilization of Single-Molecule DNA TemplatesHundreds of millions of templates are hybridized to a lawn of oligo-nucleotides immobilized on the flow cell surface. The templates are copied from the hybridized primers by 3’ extension using a high-fidelity DNA polymerase to prevent misincorporation errors. The original templates are denatured, leaving the copies immobilized on the flow cell surface.Isothermal Bridge AmplificationImmobilized DNA template copies are amplified by isothermal bridge amplification. The templates loop over to hybridize to adjacent lawn oligonucleotides. DNA polymerase copies the templates from the hybridized oligonucleotides, forming dsDNA bridges, which are dena-tured to form two ssDNA strands. These two strands loop over and hybridize to adjacent oligonucleotides and are extended again to form two new dsDNA loops. The process is repeated on each template by cycles of isothermal denaturation and amplification to create millions of individual, dense clonal clusters containing ~2,000 molecules. Linearization, Blocking, and Primer HybridizationEach cluster of dsDNA bridges is denatured, and the reverse strand is removed by specific base cleavage, leaving the forward DNA strand. The 3’-ends of the DNA strands and flow cell-bound oligonucleotides are blocked to prevent interference with the sequencing reaction. The sequencing primer is hybridized to the complementary sequence on the Illumina adapter on unbound ends of the templates in the clusters. The flow cell now contains >200 million clusters with ~1,000 mol-ecules/cluster, and is ready for sequencing.SummaryIllumina sequencing with cBot automated cluster generation sets the new standard for simplified next- generation sequencing. Ready-to-use reagents, smart instrumentation improvements, and new cluster generation chemistry offers significant advantages over emulsion PCR-based workflows and promotes even higher data density and sequencing accuracy. By streamlining the critical clonal amplification step in the next-generation sequencing workflow, Illumina continues to accelerate your landmark discoveries and publications.Ordering InformationDescriptioncBotCatalog No.HiSeq System Genome AnalyzercBot Instrument Includes cBot, flow cell adapter plate,one year warranty, user manualSY-301-2002cBot Flow Cell Manifold (Optional)SY-301-2014TruSeq Single-Read Cluster Generation Kits include flow cell,reagent plate, manifold, user instructionsGD-401-3001GD-300-2001TruSeq Paired-End Cluster Generation Kits include flow cell,reagent plate, manifold, PE reagents, user instructionsPE-401-3001PE-300-2001Illumina, Inc. •9885TowneCentreDrive,SanDiego,CA92121USA•1.800.809.4566toll-free•1.858.202.4566tel•************************• For research use only© 2011 Illumina, Inc. All rights reserved.Illumina, illuminaDx, BeadArray, BeadXpress, cBot, CSPro, DASL, Eco, Genetic Energy, GAIIx, Genome Analyzer, GenomeStudio, GoldenGate, HiScan, HiSeq, Infinium, iSelect, MiSeq, Nextera, Sentrix, Solexa, TruSeq, VeraCode, the pumpkin orange color, and the Genetic Energy streaming bases design are trademarks or registered trademarks of Illumina, Inc. All other brands and names contained herein are the property of their respective owners. Pub. No. 770-2009-032 Current as of 27 April 2011at the address below.Laser radiationDo not stare into the visible-light beam of the barcode scanner. The barcode scanner is a Class 2 laser product.SY-301-2002Instrument ConfigurationCE Marked and ETL Listed instrument, Installation, setup, and accessoriesInstrument Control ComputerMini-ITX Board with Celeron M Processor 1 GB RAM, 80 GB Hard Drive Windows Embedded OSIntegrated 8” Touch Screen Monitor Operating Environment Temperature: 22°C ± 3°CHumidity: Non-Condensing 20%–80%Altitude: Less than 2,000 m (6,500 ft)Air Quality: Pollution Degree Rating of II For Indoor Use Only LaserClass 2 Laser: 630 –650 nm DimensionsW×D×H: 38 cm × 62 cm × 40 cm Weight: 34 kg Crated Weight: 36 kg Power Requirements100−240V AC 50/60 Hz, 4A, 400 Watts。

Lorex MPX HDSe

Lorex MPX HDSe
2. Se connecter avec le nom d’utilisateur du système (par défaut : admin) et le mot de passe (par défaut : 000000).
2. Clic Droit: • En mode visionnement en direct :
Contrôle des caméras PTZ (non incluses) Ajuste les réglages de la couleur et de l’image de la caméra Voir les informations du système Démarrer/arrêter le mode séquence Esactiver l’alarme sonore
Si le système émet un signal sonore au démarrage, le câble Ethernet n’est peut-être pas branché, ou le système n’est peut-être pas connecté à Internet. Pour arrêter le signal sonore : 1. Brancher un câble Ethernet du système au routeur et redémarrer le système. OU 2. Cliquer avec le bouton droit et cliquer sur Disable Beep.
Cliquer sur et sélectionner SETTING
4. Cliquer sur GENERAL et sélectionner l’onglet Date&Time.







二、技术参数1.电压:220V2.额定功率:800W3.充电时间:2小时4.电池容量:2000mAh5. 电机转速:0-1500rpm6.最大扭矩:80N·m7. 重量:1.5kg三、功能及使用方法1.电钻功能:杜克普697配备电钻头,可用于各种材料的钻孔。




















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法克 !我们数学老师总喜欢故作幽默的说些个没人笑的笑话,我们全班就商量恶搞他一把,等他上课说第一句话的时候,我们就全体齐声大笑。


法克 !高中的时候,对隔壁班一女生一见钟情,努力了半个学期终于搭上话跟她认识了,又鼓了新买了笔记本,回到家尝试无线接入,搜索了一下附近的无线网络。

搜索到邻居家的一个接入点叫"不是你的网连你阿" ……。

……法克 !昨天下午收到老公短信:我点过去接你。



法克 !单独带着岁大的女儿出去,在商场里她要尿尿,就带她一起进了男厕,刚让她尿完,一穿着制服的警察急吼吼地进来对着小便池就尿,女儿站在他的侧面,大声地说:哇,警察叔叔也要尿尿啊!还没来得及尴尬,拉起她的手就往外走,女儿又大声说:果然是警察叔叔厉害啊,尿得那么远!法克 !今天手机被一猥琐同学借去,然后那人给我通讯录里所有疑似女生名字的号码群发一条短信:其实,我喜欢你很久了。



到了饭店,发现订餐记录上写的是“范晕”,我急了,质问他们,服务员跟我说,您不是说晕菜的晕么?法克 !一次和老妈去西单买戒指,问店主是不是纯银的,店主说肯定是纯银的,我不信,于是回答:“你别骗我啊,我妈妈可是卖银的!”法克 !克 !动说:‘他儿子思想有问题。

法克 !我哥们要我公司的客服电话,给他了,结果被他投诉了。

法克 !现在点分,老子还在加班,晚饭要了两个汉堡还被一个不加班的吃了一个!法克 !经过细细的品味,我确定今天买的咖啡伴侣主要成份是洗衣粉。



7Series FPGAs Data Sheet: OverviewVirtex-7 FPGA Feature SummaryTable 8:Virtex-7 FPGA Feature SummaryDevice(1)LogicCellsConfigurable LogicBlocks (CLBs)DSPSlices(3)Block RAM Blocks(4)CMTs(5)PCIe(6)GTX GTH GTZXADCBlocksTotal I/OBanks(7)MaxUserI/O(8)SLRs(9) Slices(2)MaxDistributedRAM (Kb)18Kb36Kb Max(Kb)XC7V585T582,72091,0506,9381,260 1,590795 28,6201833600117850N/A XC7V2000T1,954,560305,40021,5502,160 2,5841,29246,51224436001241,2004XC7VX330T326,40051,0004,3881,1201,50075027,0001420280114700N/A XC7VX415T412,16064,4006,5252,1601,76088031,6801220480112600N/A XC7VX485T485,76075,9008,1752,8002,0601,03037,0801445600114700N/A XC7VX550T554,24086,6008,7252,8802,3601,18042,4802020800116600N/A XC7VX690T693,120108,30010,8883,6002,9401,47052,92020308001201,000N/A XC7VX980T979,200153,00013,8383,6003,0001,50054,0001830720118900N/A XC7VX1140T1,139,200178,00017,7003,3603,7601,88067,68024409601221,1004XC7VH580T580,48090,7008,8501,6801,88094033,84012204881126002XC7VH870T876,160136,90013,2752,5202,8201,41050,76018307216163003 Notes:1.EasyPath™-7 FPGAs are also available to provide a fast, simple, and risk-free solution for cost reducing Virtex-7 T and Virtex-7 XT FPGA designs2.Each 7series FPGA slice contains four LUTs and eight flip-flops; only some slices can use their LUTs as distributed RAM or SRLs.3.Each DSP slice contains a pre-adder, a 25x18 multiplier, an adder, and an accumulator.4.Block RAMs are fundamentally 36Kb in size; each block can also be used as two independent 18 Kb blocks.5.Each CMT contains one MMCM and one PLL.6.Virtex-7 T FPGA Interface Blocks for PCI Express support up to x8 Gen 2. Virtex-7 XT and Virtex-7 HT Interface Blocks for PCI Express support up to x8 Gen 3, with theexception of the XC7VX485T device, which supports x8 Gen 2.7.Does not include configuration Bank 0.8.This number does not include GTX, GTH, or GTZ transceivers.9.Super logic regions (SLRs) are the constituent parts of FPGAs that use SSI technology. Virtex-7 HT devices use SSI technology to connect SLRs with 28.05 Gb/stransceivers.赛灵思半导体(深圳)Table 9:Virtex-7 FPGA Device-Package Combinations and Maximum I/Os Package(1)FFG1157FFG1761(2)FHG1761(2)FLG1925 Size (mm)35 x 3542.5 x 42.545 x 4545 x 45 Ball Pitch 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0Device GTX GTHI/OGTX GTHI/OGTX GTHI/OGTXI/OHR(3)HP(4)HR(3)HP(4)HR(3)HP(4)HR(3) HP(4)XC7V585T2000600360100750XC7V2000T36008501601,200XC7VX330T020060002850650XC7VX415T0200600XC7VX485T20006002800700XC7VX550TXC7VX690T02006000360850XC7VX980TXC7VX1140TNotes:1.All packages listed are Pb-free (FFG, FHG, FLG with exemption 15). Some packages are available in Pb option.2.Devices in FFG1761 and FHG1761 are footprint compatible.3.HR = High-range I/O with support for I/O voltage from 1.2V to 3.3V.4.HP = High-performance I/O with support for I/O voltage from 1.2V to 1.8V.Table 10:Virtex-7 FPGA Device-Package Combinations and Maximum I/Os - ContinuedPackage(1)FFG1158FFG1926(2)FLG1926(2)FFG1927FFG1928(3)FLG1928(3)FFG1930(4)FLG1930(4) Size (mm)35 x 3545 x 4545 x 4545 x 4545 x 4545 x 4545 x 4545 x 45 Ball Pitch 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0Device GTX GTH I/OGTX GTHI/OGTX GTHI/OGTX GTHI/OGTX GTHI/OGTX GTHI/OGTX GTHI/OGTX GTHI/OHP(5)HP(5)HP(5)HP(5)HP(5)HP(5)HP(5)HP(5)XC7V585TXC7V2000TXC7VX330TXC7VX415T0483********XC7VX485T480350560600240700XC7VX550T0483********XC7VX690T0483500647200806000241,000XC7VX980T064720072480024900XC7VX1140T0647200964800241,100 Notes:1.All packages listed are Pb-free (FFG, FLG with exemption 15). Some packages are available in Pb option.2.Devices in FFG1926 and FLG1926 are footprint compatible.3.Devices in FFG1928 and FLG1928 are footprint compatible.4.Devices in FFG1930 and FLG1930 are footprint compatible.5.HP = High-performance I/O with support for I/O voltage from 1.2V to 1.8V.Revision HistoryThe following table shows the revision history for this document:Date Version Description of Revisions06/21/10 1.0Initial Xilinx release.07/30/10 1.1Added SHA-256 to authentication information. Updated Table5, Table7, Virtex-7 FPGA Device-Package Combinations and Maximum I/Os table (Virtex-7 T devices), and Table9 with ball pitchinformation and voltage bank information. Updated DSP and Logic Slice information in Table8.Updated Low-Power Gigabit Transceivers.09/24/10 1.2In General Description, updated 4.7TMACS DSP to 5.0TMACS DSP. In Table1, added Note 1;updated Peak DSP Performance for Kintex-7 and Virtex-7 families. In Table4, updated CMTinformation for XC7A175T and XC7A355T. In Table6, replaced XC7K120T with XC7K160T andreplaced XC7K230T with XC7K325T—and updated corresponding information. Also addedXC7K355T, XC7K420T, and XC7K480T. In Table7,replaced XC7K230T with XC7K325T. In Table8,updated XC7V450T Logic Cell, CLB, block RAM, and PCI information; updated XC7VX415T andXC7VX690T PCI information; updated XC7V1500T, and XC7V2000T block RAM information; andreplaced XC7VX605T with XC7VX575T, replaced XC7VX895T with XC7VX850T, and replacedXC7VX910T with XC7VX865T—and updated corresponding information. Updated Digital SignalProcessing — DSP Slice with operating speed of 640MHz.Removed specific transceiver type fromOut-of-Band Signaling. In Virtex-7 FPGA Device-Package Combinations and Maximum I/Os table(Virtex-7 T devices), replaced XC7VX605T with XC7VX575T and added table notes 2 and 3. InTable9, removed the FFG784 package for the XC7VX485T device; replaced XC7VX605T withXC7VX575T; replaced XC7VX895T with XC7VX850T; and replaced XC7VX910T with XC7VX865T.10/20/10 1.3In Table7, replaced XC7K120T with XC7K160T. Updated Digital Signal Processing — DSP Slice.11/17/10 1.4Updated maximum I/O bandwidth to 3.1 Tb/s in General Description. Updated Peak Transceiver Speedfor Virtex-7 FPGAs in Summary of 7Series FPGA Features and in Table1. Updated Peak DSPPerformance values in Table1 and Digital Signal Processing — DSP Slice. In Table7, updatedXC7K70T I/O information. In Table8, added XC7VH290T, XC7VH580T, and XC7VH870T devices andupdated total I/O banks information for the XC7V585T, XC7V855T, XC7V1500T, and XC7VX865Tdevices. In Table9, updated XC7VX415T, XC7VX485T, XC7VX690T, XC7VX850T, and XC7VX865Tdevice information. Added Table11. Updated Low-Power Gigabit Transceivers information, includingthe addition of the GTZ transceivers.02/22/11 1.5Updated Summary of 7Series FPGA Features and the Low-Power Gigabit Transceivers highlights andsection. In Table1, updated Kintex-7 FPGA, Artix-7 FPGA information. In Table4, updated XC7A175T.Also, updated XC7A355T.Added three Artix-7 FPGA packages to Table5: SBG325, SBG484, andFBG485, changed package from FGG784 to FBG784, and updated package information forXC7A175T and XC7A355T devices. In Table6, updated XC7K160T and added three devices:XC7K355T, XC7K420T, and XC7K480T. In Table7, updated XC7K70T package information and addedthree devices: XC7K355T, XC7K420T, and XC7K480T. In Table8, added note 1 (EasyPath FPGAs)and updated note 7 to include GTZ transceivers. In Virtex-7 FPGA Device-Package Combinations andMaximum I/Os table (Virtex-7 T devices), added two Virtex-7 FPGA packages: FHG1157 andFHG1761, and updated XC7V1500T (no FFG1157) and XC7V2000T (no FFG1761) packageinformation and removed the associated notes. Added CLBs, Slices, and LUTs. Updated Input/Output.Added EasyPath-7 FPGAs.03/28/11 1.6Updated G eneral Description, Summary of 7Series FPG A Features, Table1, Table4, Table5, Table6,Table7, Table8, Table9 (combined Virtex-7 T and XT devices in one table), and Table11. Updated theLow-Power Gigabit Transceivers highlights and section. Updated Block RAM, Integrated InterfaceBlocks for PCI Express Designs, Configuration, Encryption, Readback, and Partial Reconfiguration,XADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter), 7Series FPGA Ordering Information, and EasyPath-7 FPGAs.07/06/11 1.7Updated G eneral Description, Summary of 7Series FPG A Features, Table1, Table4, Table6, Table8,Table9 and Table11. Added Table10. Added Stacked Silicon Interconnect (SSI) Technology. UpdatedTransmitter, Configuration, and XADC (Analog-to-Digital Converter). Updated Figure1.09/13/11 1.8Updated General Description, Table1, Table4, Table5, Table8, CLBs, Slices, and LUTs,Configuration, and 7Series FPGA Ordering Information.01/15/12 1.9Updated General Description, Table1, Table4, Table5, Table6, Table7, Table8, Table10, Table11,Block RAM, Digital Signal Processing — DSP Slice, Low-Power Gigabit Transceivers, IntegratedInterface Blocks for PCI Express Designs, Configuration, EasyPath-7 FPGAs, and 7Series FPGAOrdering Information.赛灵思半导体(深圳)。


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1 周期速率 2 插入率 3 插入方向 4 元件跨距 5 基板尺寸 6 基板厚度 7 元件种类 8 跳线(JW) 9 元件引线剪脚长度 10 元件引线弯脚角度 11 机器尺寸(长*宽*高) 12 机器重量 13 使用电源 14 不间断电源(UPS)配置 15 使用功率 16 使用气压 17 用气量 18 使用环境温度 19 机器噪音 20 孔位校正方式 21 驱动系统 22 数据输入方式 23 控制系统 24 工作台运转方式 25 线路板输送方式
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3.1管头(X射线发生器)3.1.1 管头为组合式,X射线管、高压变压器(包括X射线管灯丝绕组)与绝缘气体一同封装在铝壳内。




3.1.2 管头主要包括下列部件:a.X射线管;b.高压变压器(包括灯丝绕组);c.温度继电器;d.气压表和连接电缆插座;e.报警灯;f.X射线管冷却风扇。

3.1.3 管头的两端环可使其立放或横卧,在搬运及高空作业时也可做抬攀用。

3.2 控制器3.2.1 控制器自动稳定X射线管电压和管电流。







3.2.2 面板包括:a “高压开”、“高压关”按钮;b X射线管电压选择电位器及旋钮;c 计时器拨码盘和数字显示窗;d “千伏”灯;e “毫安”灯;f 曝光曲线表。

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HSDPA WX-T92 手機 用戶手冊

簡介感謝您購買了新的HSDPA WX-T92手機。
















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SPEC19-08 10/15)Outlet: 1-1/4” tube outlet for 1-1/4” slip joint connectionACCESS PANELSHeavy-gauge steel with vandal-resistant screws. Provides access for easy hook-up of all plumbing connections. SUGGESTED SPECIFICATIONSUnit shall include powder-coated finish with vandal-resistant pushbutton actuation, vandal-resistant bubbler with integral hood guard, and contour-formed rounded basin to reduce splash and prevent standing water. Fountain shall comply with ANSI 117:1 and ADA for visual and motion disabilities. The manufacturer shall certify the unit to meet the requirements of NSF/ANSI 61, and the Safe Drinking Water Act.Outdoor TubularModel LK4410FRK is shown.2222 Camden Court Oak Brook, IL In keeping with our policy of continuing product improvement, Elkay reserves the right to change specification without notice. Please visit for the most current version.ModelColor OptionADA CompliantNSF/ANSI 61CertifiedLK4410FRK*(Refer to Finish Color Options)••* Select color option to complete model number. Example: LK4410FRK EVG Beige Black Blue Brown Evergreen GrayOrange Purple Terracotta Red White YellowN o w Av a i l a bl ei n12Co l o r s !Each 4410 FR consists of 2 cartons of the following:• Fountain• Single Freeze-Resistant Valve System - 97243CThis specification describes an Elkay product with design, quality and functional benefits to the user. When making a comparison of other producer’s offerings, be certain these features are not overlooked.FINISH COLOR OPTIONS – Choose color option to complete your model number, add as suffix example: LK4410FRK EVGMatte finish: Evergreen = EVG Gloss finish: Beige = BGE Gray = GRY Terracotta = TER Black = BLK Orange = ORN White = WHT Blue = BLU Purple = PUR Yellow = YLWBrown = BRN Red = REDOPTIONS• Hose Bib (Locking) - LK4471LHB * (Choose color option to complete your model number)• Hose Bib (Non-Locking) - LK4470NLHB* (Choose coloroption to complete your model number)• Direct Bury Kit - 97890CPrinted in the U.S.A.Page 2MODEL LK4410FRK Outdoor TubularFreeze-Resistant FountainOPERATING PRESSURES:Supply water 20 – 105 psi maximumMOUNTING INSTRUCTIONS and PLUMBING INSTRUCTIONSSite and drainage excavation is required for fountain installation. Refer to owner’s manual for site preparation details. Provide solid, well-drained surface to mount pedestal fountain (concrete pad recommended) with adequate support (300 lb. load minimum). (6) 3/8” minimum fasteners (not included) should be attached securely to mounting surface in order to secure fountain, (Refer to rough-in diagram), and be sure to allow an opening for the freeze-resistant valve in the ground as shown in the diagram below). Refer to local codes for any additional requirements.Locate and install plumbing through ground as required. Assemble fountain to prepared site and mounting pad.NOTE: Fountain is not furnished with service valve.Position pedestal over plumbing and secure base to fasteners. Remove access panels and connect supply and water lines. Turn on water supply and check for leaks. Refer to owner’s manual for detailed instructions.Reassemble access panels to pedestal. Trap and service stop not included.2222 Camden Court Oak Brook, IL 。



059F4N9: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Croatia HR Graphite black v1 克罗地亚-石墨黑059D994: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Hongkong HK (Black v1) 香港-黑色059D996: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Hongkong HK (Lime Green v1)_COLOR 香港-浅绿色059F4Q9: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Taiwan TW Black_V1 台*湾-黑色059F4N4: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Taiwan TW Green_V1_COLOR 台*湾-绿色059F2G0: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant United Kingdom GB CU Grey_COLOR英国-灰色059F1X9: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant United Kingdom GB V1 Black 英国-黑色059F6P0: C5-03 RM-697 Orange AT AT Graphite Black V1 GV 奥地利-石墨黑059F6J9: C5-03 RM-697 Orange France FR Graphite Black V1 GV 法国-石墨黑059F6N9: C5-03 RM-697 Orange SK SK Black Graphite V1 GV 斯洛伐克-石墨黑059F6N5: C5-03 RM-697 Orange Spain ES Lime Green V1 GV 西班牙-浅绿色059F6Q0: C5-03 RM-697 Orange Switzerland CH Graphite Black V1 GV 瑞士-石墨黑059F8F7: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Austria AT Graphite Black V1 GV 奥地利-石墨黑059F887: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Germany DE Graphite Black - V1 GV 德国-石墨黑059C505: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile UK GB Graphite Black 英国-石墨黑059F898: C5-03 RM-697 Tele.Ring AT Graphite Black V1 奥地利-石墨黑059F5Z9: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone Ireland IE Black V1 爱尔兰-黑色9905006: C5-03 Vodafone POV 沃达丰059D0C5: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID ALUMINUM GREY 亚太1-印尼-灰铝色059C535: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太1-印尼-石墨黑059C5K3: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID LIME GREEN 亚太1-印尼-浅绿色059C970: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID PETROL BLUE 亚太1-印尼-汽油蓝色059D0C4: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH ALUMINUM GREY 亚太1-柬埔寨-灰铝色059C534: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太1-柬埔寨-石墨黑059C5K2: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH LIME GREEN 亚太1-柬埔寨-浅绿色059C969: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH PETROL BLUE 亚太1-柬埔寨-汽油蓝色059D0C3: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY ALUMINUM GREY 亚太1-马来西亚-灰铝色059C533: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太1-马来西亚-石墨黑059C5K1: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY LIME GREEN 亚太1-马来西亚-浅绿色059C968: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY PETROL BLUE 亚太1-马来西亚-汽油蓝色059D0C2: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG ALUMINUM GREY 亚太1-新加坡-灰铝色059C532: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太1-新加坡-石墨黑059C5K0: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG LIME GREEN 亚太1-新加坡-浅绿色059C967: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG PETROL BLUE 亚太1-新加坡-汽油蓝色059C548: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU 850 GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太2-澳大利亚-石墨黑059D0D0: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU ALUMINUM GREY 亚太2-澳大利亚-灰铝色059D0F8: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU ALUMINUM GREY 亚太2-澳大利亚-灰铝色059C539: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太2-澳大利亚-石墨黑059C5K7: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU LIME GREEN 亚太2-澳大利亚-浅绿色059C8Z8: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU LIME GREEN 亚太2-澳大利亚-浅绿色059C974: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU PETROL BLUE 亚太2-澳大利亚-汽油蓝色059C983: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU PETROL BLUE 亚太2-澳大利亚-汽油蓝色059D0C6: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD ALUMINUM GREY 亚太2-孟加拉国-灰铝色059C536: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太2-孟加拉国-石墨黑059C5K4: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD LIME GREEN 亚太2-孟加拉国-浅绿色059C971: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD PETROL BLUE 亚太2-孟加拉国-汽油蓝色059D0C7: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK ALUMINUM GREY 亚太2-斯里兰卡-灰铝色059C537: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太2-斯里兰卡-石墨黑059C5K5: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK LIME GREEN 亚太2-斯里兰卡-浅绿色059C972: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK PETROL BLUE 亚太2-斯里兰卡-汽油蓝色059D0C8: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP ALUMINUM GREY 亚太2-尼泊尔-灰铝色059C538: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太2-尼泊尔-石墨黑059C5K6: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP LIME GREEN 亚太2-尼泊尔-浅绿色059C973: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP PETROL BLUE 亚太2-尼泊尔-汽油蓝色059C549: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ 850 GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太2-新西兰-石墨黑059D0D1: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ ALUMINUM GREY 亚太2-新西兰-灰铝色059D0F9: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ ALUMINUM GREY 亚太2-新西兰-灰铝色059C540: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太2-新西兰-石墨黑059C5K8: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ LIME GREEN 亚太2-新西兰-浅绿色059C8Z9: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ LIME GREEN 亚太2-新西兰-浅绿色059C975: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ PETROL BLUE 亚太2-新西兰-汽油蓝色059C984: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ PETROL BLUE 亚太2-新西兰-汽油蓝色059D0D2: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH ALUMINUM GREY 亚太2-菲律宾-灰铝色059C541: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH GRAPHITE BLACK 亚太2-菲律宾-石墨黑059C5K9: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH LIME GREEN 亚太2-菲律宾-浅绿色059C976: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH PETROL BLUE 亚太2-菲律宾-汽油蓝色059D028: RM-697 CTR BALKANS ALUMINUM GREY 巴尔干地区-灰铝色059C516: RM-697 CTR BALKANS GRAPHITE BLACK 巴尔干地区-石墨黑059C5G9: RM-697 CTR BALKANS LIME GREEN 巴尔干地区-浅绿色059C940: RM-697 CTR BALKANS PETROL BLUE 巴尔干地区-汽油蓝色059D021: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN ALUMINUM GREY 波罗的海三国-灰铝色059C509: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN GRAPHITE BLACK 波罗的海三国-石墨黑059C5F9: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN LIME GREEN 波罗的海三国-浅绿色059C933: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN PETROL BLUE 波罗的海三国-汽油蓝色059D835: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC 4GB GRAPHITE BLACK 中国-4GB-石墨黑059D838: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC 4GB LIME GREEN 中国-4GB-浅绿色059D0F0: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC ALUMINUM GREY 中国-灰铝色059C547: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC GRAPHITE BLACK 中国-石墨黑059C5L5: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC LIME GREEN 中国-浅绿色059C982: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC PETROL BLUE 中国-汽油蓝色059D015: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲1-阿尔卑斯山地区-灰铝色059C503: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲1-阿尔卑斯山地区-石墨黑059C595: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS LIME GREEN 欧洲1-阿尔卑斯山地区-浅绿色059C920: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS PETROL BLUE 欧洲1-阿尔卑斯山地区-汽油蓝色059D014: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲1-法国-灰铝色059C502: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲1-法国-石墨黑059C594: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR LIME GREEN 欧洲1-法国-浅绿色059C917: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR PETROL BLUE 欧洲1-法国-汽油蓝色059B283: RM-697 CTR EURO1 GREY/GREY 欧洲1-灰色059D016: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲1-意大利-灰铝色059C504: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲1-意大利-石墨黑059C5F1: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT LIME GREEN 欧洲1-意大利-浅绿色059C921: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT PETROL BLUE 欧洲1-意大利-汽油蓝色059D3D2: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲1-葡萄牙-灰铝色059D3B8: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲1-葡萄牙-石墨黑059D3C6: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT LIME GREEN 欧洲1-葡萄牙-浅绿色059D3D0: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT PETROL BLUE 欧洲1-葡萄牙-汽油蓝色059D017: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲1-英国/爱尔兰-灰铝色059C505: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲1-英国/爱尔兰-石墨黑059C5F2: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE LIME GREEN 欧洲1-英国/爱尔兰-浅绿色059C922: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE PETROL BLUE 欧洲1-英国/爱尔兰-汽油蓝色059D3D3: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲2-比利时、荷兰、卢森堡三国-灰铝色059D3C2: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲2-比利时、荷兰、卢森堡三国-石墨黑059D3C8: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX LIME GREEN 欧洲2-比利时、荷兰、卢森堡三国-浅绿色059D3D1: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX PETROL BLUE 欧洲2-比利时、荷兰、卢森堡三国-汽油蓝色059D019: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲2-德国-灰铝色059C507: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲2-德国-石墨黑059C5F4: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE LIME GREEN 欧洲2-德国-浅绿色059C931: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE PETROL BLUE 欧洲2-德国-汽油蓝色059D018: RM-697 CTR EURO2 TR ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲2-土耳其-灰铝色059C506: RM-697 CTR EURO2 TR GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲2-土耳其-石墨黑059C5F3: RM-697 CTR EURO2 TR LIME GREEN 欧洲2-土耳其-浅绿色059C923: RM-697 CTR EURO2 TR PETROL BLUE 欧洲2-土耳其-汽油蓝色059D027: RM-697 CTR EURO3 ALUMINUM GREY 欧洲3-灰铝色059C515: RM-697 CTR EURO3 GRAPHITE BLACK 欧洲3-石墨黑059C5G7: RM-697 CTR EURO3 LIME GREEN 欧洲3-浅绿色059C939: RM-697 CTR EURO3 PETROL BLUE 欧洲3-汽油蓝色059D031: RM-697 CTR HEBREW 850 ALUMINUM GREY 希伯来语-灰铝色059C8X2: RM-697 CTR HEBREW 850 GRAPHITE BLACK 希伯来语-石墨黑059C8Z7: RM-697 CTR HEBREW 850 LIME GREEN 希伯来语-浅绿色059C950: RM-697 CTR HEBREW 850 PETROL BLUE 希伯来语-汽油蓝色059D029: RM-697 CTR HEBREW ALUMINUM GREY 希伯来语-灰铝色059C517: RM-697 CTR HEBREW GRAPHITE BLACK 希伯来语-石墨黑059C5H0: RM-697 CTR HEBREW LIME GREEN 希伯来语-浅绿色059C941: RM-697 CTR HEBREW PETROL BLUE 希伯来语-汽油蓝色059D030: RM-697 CTR HISPANIA ALUMINUM GREY 伊伯利亚半岛-灰铝色059C518: RM-697 CTR HISPANIA GRAPHITE BLACK 伊伯利亚半岛-石墨黑059C5H1: RM-697 CTR HISPANIA LIME GREEN 伊伯利亚半岛-浅绿色059C942: RM-697 CTR HISPANIA PETROL BLUE 伊伯利亚半岛-汽油蓝色059D0D7: RM-697 CTR HONG KONG ALUMINUM GREY 香港-灰铝色059C545: RM-697 CTR HONG KONG GRAPHITE BLACK 香港-石墨黑059C5L3: RM-697 CTR HONG KONG LIME GREEN 香港-浅绿色059C980: RM-697 CTR HONG KONG PETROL BLUE 香港-汽油蓝色059D0D6: RM-697 CTR INDIA ALUMINUM GREY 印度-灰铝色059C544: RM-697 CTR INDIA GRAPHITE BLACK 印度-石墨黑059C5L2: RM-697 CTR INDIA LIME GREEN 印度-浅绿色059C979: RM-697 CTR INDIA PETROL BLUE 印度-汽油蓝色059C5H8: RM-697 CTR ME6 LIME GREEN 浅绿色059D033: RM-697 CTR MEA1 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲1-灰铝色059C519: RM-697 CTR MEA1 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲1-石墨黑059C5H2: RM-697 CTR MEA1 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲1-浅绿色059C952: RM-697 CTR MEA1 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲1-汽油蓝色059D045: RM-697 CTR MEA10 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲10-灰铝色059C529: RM-697 CTR MEA10 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲10-石墨黑059C5J5: RM-697 CTR MEA10 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲10-浅绿色059C964: RM-697 CTR MEA10 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲10-汽油蓝色059D042: RM-697 CTR MEA11 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲11-灰铝色059C527: RM-697 CTR MEA11 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲11-石墨黑059C5J1: RM-697 CTR MEA11 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲11-浅绿色059C962: RM-697 CTR MEA11 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲11-汽油蓝色059D034: RM-697 CTR MEA2 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲2-灰铝色059C520: RM-697 CTR MEA2 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲2-石墨黑059C5H4: RM-697 CTR MEA2 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲2-浅绿色059C954: RM-697 CTR MEA2 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲2-汽油蓝色059D035: RM-697 CTR MEA3 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲3-灰铝色059C521: RM-697 CTR MEA3 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲3-石墨黑059C5H5: RM-697 CTR MEA3 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲3-浅绿色059C955: RM-697 CTR MEA3 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲3-汽油蓝色059D036: RM-697 CTR MEA4 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲4-灰铝色059C522: RM-697 CTR MEA4 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲4-石墨黑059C5H6: RM-697 CTR MEA4 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲4-浅绿色059C956: RM-697 CTR MEA4 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲4-汽油蓝色059D037: RM-697 CTR MEA5 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲5-灰铝色059C523: RM-697 CTR MEA5 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲5-石墨黑059C5H7: RM-697 CTR MEA5 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲5-浅绿色059C957: RM-697 CTR MEA5 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲5-汽油蓝色059D039: RM-697 CTR MEA6 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲6-灰铝色059C524: RM-697 CTR MEA6 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲6-石墨黑059C958: RM-697 CTR MEA6 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲6-汽油蓝色059D040: RM-697 CTR MEA7 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲7-灰铝色059C525: RM-697 CTR MEA7 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲7-石墨黑059C5H9: RM-697 CTR MEA7 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲7-浅绿色059C960: RM-697 CTR MEA7 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲7-汽油蓝色059D041: RM-697 CTR MEA8 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲8-灰铝色059C526: RM-697 CTR MEA8 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲8-石墨黑059C5J0: RM-697 CTR MEA8 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲8-浅绿色059C961: RM-697 CTR MEA8 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲8-汽油蓝色059D044: RM-697 CTR MEA9 ALUMINUM GREY 中东及非洲9-灰铝色059C528: RM-697 CTR MEA9 GRAPHITE BLACK 中东及非洲9-石墨黑059C5J4: RM-697 CTR MEA9 LIME GREEN 中东及非洲9-浅绿色059C963: RM-697 CTR MEA9 PETROL BLUE 中东及非洲9-汽油蓝色059D025: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN CIS ALUMINUM GREY 俄语-独联体-灰铝色059C513: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN CIS GRAPHITE BLACK 俄语-独联体-石墨黑059C5G5: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN CIS LIME GREEN 俄语-独联体-浅绿色059C937: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN CIS PETROL BLUE 俄语-独联体-汽油蓝色059D026: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN HU ALUMINUM GREY 俄语-匈牙利-灰铝色059C514: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN HU GRAPHITE BLACK 俄语-匈牙利-石墨黑059C5G6: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN HU LIME GREEN 俄语-匈牙利-浅绿色059C938: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN HU PETROL BLUE 俄语-匈牙利-汽油蓝色059D022: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN MD ALUMINUM GREY 俄语-摩尔多瓦-灰铝色059C510: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN MD GRAPHITE BLACK 俄语-摩尔多瓦-石墨黑059C5G2: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN MD LIME GREEN 俄语-摩尔多瓦-浅绿色059C934: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN MD PETROL BLUE 俄语-摩尔多瓦-汽油蓝色059D024: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN RU/BY ALUMINUM GREY 俄语-俄罗斯/白俄罗斯-灰铝色059C512: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN RU/BY GRAPHITE BLACK 俄语-俄罗斯/白俄罗斯-石墨黑059C5G4: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN RU/BY LIME GREEN 俄语-俄罗斯/白俄罗斯-浅绿色059C936: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN RU/BY PETROL BLUE 俄语-俄罗斯/白俄罗斯-汽油蓝色059D023: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN UA ALUMINUM GREY 俄语-乌克兰-灰铝色059C511: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN UA GRAPHITE BLACK 俄语-乌克兰-石墨黑059C5G3: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN UA LIME GREEN 俄语-乌克兰-浅绿色059C935: RM-697 CTR RUSSIAN UA PETROL BLUE 俄语-乌克兰-汽油蓝色059D020: RM-697 CTR SCANDINAVIA ALUMINUM GREY 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-灰铝色059C508: RM-697 CTR SCANDINAVIA GRAPHITE BLACK 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-石墨黑059C5F8: RM-697 CTR SCANDINAVIA LIME GREEN 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-浅绿色059C932: RM-697 CTR SCANDINAVIA PETROL BLUE 斯堪的纳维亚半岛-汽油蓝色059D0D8: RM-697 CTR TAIWAN ALUMINUM GREY 台*湾-灰铝色059C546: RM-697 CTR TAIWAN GRAPHITE BLACK 台*湾-石墨黑059C5L4: RM-697 CTR TAIWAN LIME GREEN 台*湾-浅绿色059C981: RM-697 CTR TAIWAN PETROL BLUE 台*湾-汽油蓝色059D0D5: RM-697 CTR THAI ALUMINUM GREY 泰国-灰铝色059C543: RM-697 CTR THAI GRAPHITE BLACK 泰国-石墨黑059C5L1: RM-697 CTR THAI LIME GREEN 泰国-浅绿色059C978: RM-697 CTR THAI PETROL BLUE 泰国-汽油蓝色059D0D3: RM-697 CTR VIETNAM ALUMINUM GREY 越南-灰铝色059C542: RM-697 CTR VIETNAM GRAPHITE BLACK 越南-石墨黑059C5L0: RM-697 CTR VIETNAM LIME GREEN 越南-浅绿色059C977: RM-697 CTR VIETNAM PETROL BLUE 越南-汽油蓝色059G3N9: C5-03 RM-697 3 UK GB v1 Black\Graphite059F8K8: C5-03 RM-697 Cosmote GR Graphite Black V1 - MR059F8K8: C5-03 RM-697 Cosmote GR Graphite Black V1 - MR059G9H6: C5-03 RM-697 Cosmote GR **** Aluminium V1_COLOR059F4N9: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Croatia HR Graphite black v1 - MR059F8T8: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Slovenia SI graphite black v1 - MR059F021: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Switzerland CH LIFETIME_MSG Graphite Black V1 - MR 059F029: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Switzerland CH LIFETIME_MSG Lime Green V1 - MR 059G4D7: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant Switzerland CH LIFETIME_MSG ****/Alu V1_COLOR 059G4L1: C5-03 RM-697 Country Variant United Kingdom GB CU ****/ALUM GREY_COLOR059G7N9: C5-03 RM-697 DNA Finland FI Sim-lukittu Grey Graph Black059G8B4: C5-03 RM-697 DNA Finland FI Sim-lukittu **** Alum Grey_COLOR059G5L2: C5-03 RM-697 E-Plus DE Graphite Black - V1059G413: C5-03 RM-697 GLOBUL (Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD) BG Lime Green V2_COLOR059G3J1: C5-03 RM-697 GLOBUL (Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD) BG Graphite Black V1 - MR059G3J1: C5-03 RM-697 GLOBUL (Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD) BG Graphite Black V2059G413: C5-03 RM-697 GLOBUL (Cosmo Bulgaria Mobile EAD) BG Lime Green V1 - MR059F3J4: C5-03 RM-697 Mobilkom Austria AT Graphite Black V1 - MR059F5C0: C5-03 RM-697 Movistar Spain ES Graphite Black V1059F5C0: C5-03 RM-697 Movistar Spain ES Graphite Black V1059G420: C5-03 RM-697 Movistar Spain ES Petrol Blue V1_COLOR059G128: C5-03 RM-697 MTEL (MobilTel EAD) BG GRAPHITE BLACK V1 - MR059F3Z3: C5-03 RM-697 MTN ZA Graphite Black V1059G5Z5: C5-03 RM-697 MTN ZA Lime Green V1_COLOR059G7Z8: C5-03 RM-697 MTS Russia RU ****-Silver059G1C3: C5-03 RM-697 o2 Germany DE GraphiteBlack_Postpaid_V1059G0T5: C5-03 RM-697 Optimus PT Graphite Black V2 GV059G6J0: C5-03 RM-697 Optus Australia AU Black V1_COLOR059F6P0: C5-03 RM-697 Orange AT AT Graphite Black V1 GV059F6J9: C5-03 RM-697 Orange France FR Graphite Black V1 GV059F6N9: C5-03 RM-697 Orange SK SK Black Graphite V1 GV059G717: C5-03 RM-697 Orange Spain ES Graphite Black V1 GV_COLOR059F6N5: C5-03 RM-697 Orange Spain ES Lime Green V1 GV059F6Q0: C5-03 RM-697 Orange Switzerland CH Graphite Black V1 GV059G1N5: C5-03 RM-697 Play Mobile PL graphite black V1 - MR059G415: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN ****/A.Grey music pack v1_COLOR 国行银白音乐版059G415: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN ****/A.Grey music pack v1_COLOR 国行银白音乐版059G4D1: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN ****/A.Greystd pack_v1 国行银白059G416: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN ****/L.Green music pack v1_COLOR 国行绿音乐版059G416: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN ****/L.Green music pack v1_COLOR 国行绿音乐版059G4C9: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN ****/L.Greenstd pack_v1 国行绿059G4C9: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN ****/L.Greenstd pack_v1 国行绿059F6Q1: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN Graphite black music pack v1_COLOR 国行黑色音乐版059F6Z7: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN Graphite black value pack v1_COLOR 国行黑色音乐版059F5F8: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN Lime green music pack v1 国行绿音乐版059F5N9: C5-03 RM-697 PRC Country Variant CN Lime green value pack v1 国行绿超值版059G3Q4: C5-03 RM-697 Proximus BE v1 Graphite black059G6H8: C5-03 RM-697 Proximus BE v1 Lime green_COLOR059F1V9: C5-03 RM-697 Si***l d.d. SI graphite black light v1 - MR059G2H2: C5-03 RM-697 Si***l d.d. SI lime green light v1 - MR059G6P4: C5-03 RM-697 SingTel Singapore SG Aluminum Grey V1_COLOR059G6Q1: C5-03 RM-697 SingTel Singapore SG **** / Lilac V1_COLOR059G6Q2: C5-03 RM-697 SingTel Singapore SG ****/Lime Green V1_COLOR059G3G3: C5-03 RM-697 Svyaznoy RU AlluminiumGrey_COLOR059G3G4: C5-03 RM-697 Svyaznoy RU BLACK059F8F7: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Austria AT Graphite Black V1 - MR059F8F7: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Austria AT Graphite Black V1 - MR059F8S4: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Croatia HR graphite black v1 - MR059F8S4: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Croatia HR graphite black v1 - MR059F887: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Germany DE Graphite Black - V1 - MR059F887: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Germany DE Graphite Black - V1 - MR059G8G1: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Germany DE Lime green - V1_COLOR GV059G6Z9: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Hungary HU GRAPHITE BLACK V1 GV059G414: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile Montenegro (Mobis) ME GRAPHITE BLACK V1059F8S3: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile NL NL v1 GV graphite black GV059F8S3: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile NL NL v1 GV graphite black GV059F8P6: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile SK SK Lime green V1 - MR059F8P6: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile SK SK Lime green V1 - MR059F910: C5-03 RM-697 T-Mobile UK GB Graphite Black v2059G6K4: C5-03 RM-697 Tele2 Croatia HR graphite black v1059G6P3: C5-03 RM-697 Tele2 Croatia HR lime green v1_COLOR059G7K8: C5-03 RM-697 Telefonica O2 CZ CZAluminium Grey V1059G7K7: C5-03 RM-697 Telefonica O2 CZ CZ Lime Green V1_COLOR059G891: C5-03 RM-697 Telenor Serbia RS GRAPHITE BLACK V1_COLOR059G3X1: C5-03 RM-697 Telenor Serbia RS **** ALUM V1059G4X0: C5-03 RM-697 Tesco Mobile Ireland (TMI) IE Graphite Black V1059G0T6: C5-03 RM-697 TIM IT IT graphite black059G7B7: C5-03 RM-697 TIM IT IT petrol blue_COLOR059G7B7: C5-03 RM-697 TIM IT IT petrol blue_COLOR059G6M9: C5-03 RM-697 TMN (TelecomunicacoesMoveisNacionais S.A.*) PT V1-Alum_Grey_COLO059G1C4: C5-03 RM-697 TMN (TelecomunicacoesMoveisNacionais S.A.*) PT V1 Graphite_Black 059H140: C5-03 RM-697 TMN (TelecomunicacoesMoveisNacionais S.A.*) PT V1 ****_Blue059F3R0: C5-03 RM-697 Vipnet HR graphite black v1059F886: C5-03 RM-697 Vodacom ZA Graphite Black V1059F8F4: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone CZ CZ Lime green V1 - MR059G2G9: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone CZ CZ **** Lilac V1 - MR059F8W6: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone D2 Germany DE graphite black V1 - MR059G3H5: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone Hungary HU Graphite Black V1 - MR059G421: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone Hungary HU Lime Green V1 - MR059F5Z9: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone Ireland IE Black V1059G410: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone IT IT Graphite Black V1059F7G6: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone Portugal PT V1 - Graphite Black059F860: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone Spain ES Graphite Black - MR059F703: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone UK GB Contract Graphite059G4F9: C5-03 RM-697 Vodafone UK GB Graphite Black PAYG059G1C8: C5-03 RM-697 Wind IT IT C5-03 Graphite Black059D0C5: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID ALUMINUM GREY059C535: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID GRAPHITE BLACK059F3L8: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID LILAC059C5K3: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID LIME GREEN059C970: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID PETROL BLUE059F1P5: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2Z2: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F146: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID **** LILAC059F365: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID **** LIME GREEN059F224: RM-697 CTR APAC1 ID **** PETROL BLUE059D0C4: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH ALUMINUM GREY059C534: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH GRAPHITE BLACK059F3L7: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH LILAC059C5K2: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH LIME GREEN059C969: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH PETROL BLUE059F1P4: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2Z1: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F145: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH **** LILAC059F364: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH **** LIME GREEN059F223: RM-697 CTR APAC1 KH **** PETROL BLUE059D0C3: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY ALUMINUM GREY059C533: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY GRAPHITE BLACK059F3L6: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY LILAC059C5K1: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY LIME GREEN059C968: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY PETROL BLUE059F1P3: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2Z0: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F144: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY **** LILAC059F363: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY **** LIME GREEN 059F221: RM-697 CTR APAC1 MY **** PETROL BLUE 059D0C2: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG ALUMINUM GREY 059C532: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG GRAPHITE BLACK059F3L5: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG LILAC059C5K0: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG LIME GREEN059C967: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG PETROL BLUE059F1P2: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2X9: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F143: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG **** LILAC059F362: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG **** LIME GREEN059F219: RM-697 CTR APAC1 SG **** PETROL BLUE 059D0D0: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU ALUMINUM GREY 059C539: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU GRAPHITE BLACK059F3M2: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU LILAC059C5K7: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU LIME GREEN059C974: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU PETROL BLUE059F1P9: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2Z6: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F150: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU **** LILAC059F370: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU **** LIME GREEN059F228: RM-697 CTR APAC2 AU **** PETROL BLUE 059D0C6: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD ALUMINUM GREY 059C536: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD GRAPHITE BLACK059F3L9: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD LILAC059C5K4: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD LIME GREEN059C971: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD PETROL BLUE059F1P6: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2Z3: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F147: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD **** LILAC059F366: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD **** LIME GREEN059F225: RM-697 CTR APAC2 BD **** PETROL BLUE 059D0C7: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK ALUMINUM GREY059C537: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK GRAPHITE BLACK059F3M0: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK LILAC059C5K5: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK LIME GREEN059C972: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK PETROL BLUE059F1P7: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2Z4: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F148: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK **** LILAC059F368: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK **** LIME GREEN059F226: RM-697 CTR APAC2 LK **** PETROL BLUE 059D0C8: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP ALUMINUM GREY 059C538: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP GRAPHITE BLACK059F3M1: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP LILAC059C5K6: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP LIME GREEN059C973: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP PETROL BLUE059F1P8: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2Z5: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F149: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP **** LILAC059F369: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP **** LIME GREEN059F227: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NP **** PETROL BLUE 059D0D1: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ ALUMINUM GREY 059C540: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ GRAPHITE BLACK059F3M3: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ LILAC059C5K8: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ LIME GREEN059C975: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ PETROL BLUE059F1Q0: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2Z7: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F151: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ **** LILAC059F371: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ **** LIME GREEN059F229: RM-697 CTR APAC2 NZ **** PETROL BLUE 059D0D2: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH ALUMINUM GREY 059C541: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH GRAPHITE BLACK059F3M4: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH LILAC059C5K9: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH LIME GREEN059C976: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH PETROL BLUE059F1Q1: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2Z8: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F152: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH **** LILAC059F372: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH **** LIME GREEN059F230: RM-697 CTR APAC2 PH **** PETROL BLUE 059D028: RM-697 CTR BALKANS ALUMINUM GREY059C516: RM-697 CTR BALKANS GRAPHITE BLACK059F3G0: RM-697 CTR BALKANS LILAC059C5G9: RM-697 CTR BALKANS LIME GREEN059C940: RM-697 CTR BALKANS PETROL BLUE059F1B8: RM-697 CTR BALKANS **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2W1: RM-697 CTR BALKANS **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F075: RM-697 CTR BALKANS **** LILAC059F342: RM-697 CTR BALKANS **** LIME GREEN059F1Z1: RM-697 CTR BALKANS **** PETROL BLUE059D021: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN ALUMINUM GREY059C509: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN GRAPHITE BLACK059F3F3: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN LILAC059C5F9: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN LIME GREEN059C933: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN PETROL BLUE059F1B1: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2V0: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F063: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN **** LILAC059F335: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN **** LIME GREEN059F1X2: RM-697 CTR BALTIAN **** PETROL BLUE059D835: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC 4GB GRAPHITE BLACK 中国石墨黑059D838: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC 4GB LIME GREEN 中国青绿059F894: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC 4GB **** ALUMINUM GREY 中国白银灰059F895: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC 4GB **** LIME GREEN 中国白青绿059D0F0: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC ALUMINUM GREY 中国银灰059C547: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC GRAPHITE BLACK 中国石墨黑059F3N0: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC LILAC 中国淡紫059C5L5: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC LIME GREEN 中国青绿059C982: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC PETROL BLUE 中国汽油蓝059F1Q7: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC **** ALUMINUM GREY 中国白银灰059F304: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC **** GRAPHITE BLACK 中国白石墨黑059F159: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC **** LILAC 中国白淡紫059F378: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC **** LIME GREEN 中国白青绿059F238: RM-697 CTR CHINA PRC **** PETROL BLUE 中国白汽油蓝059D015: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS ALUMINUM GREY059C503: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS GRAPHITE BLACK059F3D5: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS LILAC059C595: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS LIME GREEN059C920: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS PETROL BLUE059F193: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2T1: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F049: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS **** LILAC059F327: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS **** LIME GREEN059F1W3: RM-697 CTR EURO1 ALPS **** PETROL BLUE059D014: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR ALUMINUM GREY059C502: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR GRAPHITE BLACK059F3D4: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR LILAC059C594: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR LIME GREEN059C917: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR PETROL BLUE059F192: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2S9: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F048: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR **** LILAC059F325: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR **** LIME GREEN059F1W1: RM-697 CTR EURO1 FR **** PETROL BLUE059B283: RM-697 CTR EURO1 GREY/GREY059D016: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT ALUMINUM GREY059C504: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT GRAPHITE BLACK059F3D6: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT LILAC059C5F1: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT LIME GREEN059C921: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT PETROL BLUE059F194: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2T2: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F052: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT **** LILAC059F328: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT **** LIME GREEN059F1W5: RM-697 CTR EURO1 IT **** PETROL BLUE059D3D2: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT ALUMINUM GREY059D3B8: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT GRAPHITE BLACK059F3D8: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT LILAC059D3C6: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT LIME GREEN059D3D0: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT PETROL BLUE059F196: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2T4: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F055: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT **** LILAC059F330: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT **** LIME GREEN059F1W7: RM-697 CTR EURO1 PT **** PETROL BLUE059D017: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE ALUMINUM GREY059C505: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE GRAPHITE BLACK059F3D7: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE LILAC059C5F2: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE LIME GREEN059C922: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE PETROL BLUE059F195: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2T3: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F054: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE **** LILAC059F329: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE **** LIME GREEN059F1W6: RM-697 CTR EURO1 UK/IE **** PETROL BLUE059D3D3: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX ALUMINUM GREY 059D3C2: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX GRAPHITE BLACK059F3F1: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX LILAC059D3C8: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX LIME GREEN059D3D1: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX PETROL BLUE059F199: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX **** ALUMINUM GREY 059F2T8: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX **** GRAPHITE BLACK 059F059: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX **** LILAC059F333: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX **** LIME GREEN059F1X0: RM-697 CTR EURO2 BENELUX **** PETROL BLUE 059D019: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE ALUMINUM GREY059C507: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE GRAPHITE BLACK059F3F0: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE LILAC059C5F4: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE LIME GREEN059C931: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE PETROL BLUE059F198: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE **** ALUMINUM GREY059F2T7: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE **** GRAPHITE BLACK059F057: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE **** LILAC059F332: RM-697 CTR EURO2 DE **** LIME GREEN。

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Microprocessor Reset ICFeaturesPrecision Monitoring of +3V, +3.3V, and +5VPower-Supply VoltagesFully Specified Over Temperature Available in Three Output ConfigurationsPush-Pull RESET Output (G696L) Push-Pull RESET Output (G696H) Open-Drain RESET Output (G697L)Externally Programmable Time Delay Generator 14µA Supply CurrentGuaranteed Reset Valid to V CC = 0.8V Power Supply Transient Immunity5 pin SOT-23-5 or TSOT-23-5 Packages 2% Threshold AccuracyApplicationsComputers ControllersIntelligent InstrumentsCritical µP and µC Power Monitoring Portable / Battery-Powered Equipment AutomotiveGeneral DescriptionThe G696/G697 are microprocessor (µP) supervisory circuits used to monitor the power supplies in µP and digital systems. They provide excellent circuit reliability and low cost and adjustments when used with +5V, +3.3V, +3.0V- powered circuits.These circuits perform a single function: they assert a reset signal whenever the V CC supply voltage declines below a preset threshold, with hysteresis keeping it asserted for time delay determined by externally pro-grammable time delay generator after V CC has risen above the reset threshold. Reset thresholds suitable for operation with a variety of supply voltages are available.The G697L has an open-drain output stage, while the G696 have push-pull outputs. The G697L ’s open-drain RESET output requires a pull-up resistor that can be connected to a voltage higher than V CC . The G696L have an active-low RESET output, while the G696H has an active-high RESET output. The reset com-parator is designed to ignore fast transients on V CC , and the outputs are guaranteed to be in the correct logic state for V CC down to 0.8V.Low supply current makes the G696/G697 ideal for use in portable equipment. The G696/G697 are avail-able in 5-pin SOT23-5 or TSOT-23-5 packages.Pin Configuration Typical Application Circuit(RESET)RESET VCCSOT-23-5/TSOT-23-5NCGNDCD()is for G696H*G697 ONLYV COrdering InformationORDER NUMBER ORDER NUMBER(Pb free)TEMP. RANGE PACKAGEG696HxxxT1U G696HxxxT1Uf -40°C ~ +105°C SOT-23-5 G696LxxxT1U G696LxxxT1Uf -40°C ~ +105°C SOT-23-5 G697LxxxT1U G697LxxxT1Uf -40°C ~ +105°C SOT-23-5 G696HxxxTOU G696HxxxTOUf -40°C ~ +105°C TSOT-23-5 G696LxxxTOU G696LxxxTOUf -40°C ~ +105°C TSOT-23-5 G697LxxxTOU G697LxxxTOUf -40°C ~ +105°C TSOT-23-5 Note: T1: SOT-23-5 TO: TSOT-23-5U: Tape & Reel* xxx specifies the threshold voltage.e.g. 263 denotes the 2.64V threshold voltage.Selector GuideTO: TSOT-23-5Absolute Maximum RatingsTerminal Voltage (with respect to GND)V CC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3V to +6.0V Delay Capacitor Pin Voltage, V CD. . -0.3 to (V CC +0.3V) RESET,RESET(push-pull) . . . . .-0.3V to (V CC + 0.3V) RESET(open drain). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.3V to +6.0V Input Current, V CC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20mA Output Current, RESET, RESET. . . . . . . . . . . 20mA Operating Temperature Range. . . . . .-40°C to +105°C Storage Temperature Range . . . . . . .-65°C to +150°C Reflow Temperature (soldering, 10sec) . . . .. . . 260°CStresses beyond those listed under “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only, and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated in the operational sections of the specifications is not implied. Exposure to absolute maximum rating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.Electrical Characteristics(V CC = full range, T A = -40°C to +105°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C, V CC = 5V for 463/438/400/330 versions, V CC= 3.3V for 308/293 versions, and V CC = 3V for 263/250 version.) (Note 1)ATypical Operating Characteristics(V CC = full range, T A = -40°C to +105°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values are at T A = +25°C, V CC = 5V for 463/438/400/330 versions, V CC = 3.3V for 308/293 versions, and V CC = 3V for 263/250 version.)0.960.970.980.9911. A , Ambient Temperature (°C)N o r m a l i z e d O r m a l i z e d V T H + , V T H -(V )Supply Current vs. VCC1234567800.61 4.55 5.56V CC (V)S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )Normalized Reset Threshold vs. Temperature0.11101001000100000.00010.0010.010.11CD, Delay P in Capacitance (µF)O u t p u t T i m e D e l a y (µS )Output Time Delay vs. Capacitance(V CC<VTH to output change)0.11101001000100000.00010.0010.010.11CD, Delay P in Capacitance (µF)O u t p u t T i m e D e l a y (m S )01234567-40-20020406080Temperature (°C)S u p p l y C u r r e n t (µA )Supply Curremt vs. Temperature (No Load)Output Time Delay vs. Capacitance(VCC>VTH to output change)Typical Operating Characteristics (continued)Recommended Minimum Footprint 050100150200250300-40-30-20-100102030405060708090T A, Ambient Temperature (°C)O u t p u t T i m e D e l ay (m s )Reset Output Time Delay vs. Temperature SOT-23-5 / TSOT-23-5Timing DiagramFigure 1Functional DiagramFigure 2V C C V TH +V TH -V C CV C CV C CV TH -V TH -0V0Vt D 2V C C , P in 2C D , P in 50.675 V INR eset O utput (A ctive Low ), P in 1R eset O utput (A ctive H igh), P in 1() is for G696HPin DescriptionDetailed DescriptionA microprocessor ’s (µP ’s) reset input starts the µP in a known state. The G697L/G696L/G696H assert reset to prevent code-execution errors during power-up,power-down, or brownout conditions. They assert areset signal whenever the V CC supply voltage declinesbelow a preset threshold (V TH-), keeping it asserted fortime delay set by capacitor connected to C D pin, after V CC has risen above the high reset threshold V TH+(V TH-+V HYS ). The G697L uses an open-drain output,and the G696L/G696H have a push-pull output stage.Connect a pull-up resistor on the G697L ’s RESET out-put to any supply between 0 and 5.5V. The time delay is set by external capacitor C D , and internal pull up current I CD . When the voltage at C D pin exceeds the buffer threshold, typically 1.25V, the RESET output high (RESET output low). The volt-age detector and buffer have built-in hysterisis to prevent erratic reset operation. The formula of time delay is T (ms) ≅ 1685 C D (µF). Fig1 and Fig2 show a timing deagram and a Functional Block.Figure3. RESET Valid to V CC = Ground CircuitEnsuring a Valid Reset Output Down to VCC = 0When V CC falls below 0.8V, the G696 RESET output no longer sinks current-it becomes an open circuit. Therefore, high-impedance CMOS logic inputs con-nected to RESET can drift to undetermined voltages. This presents no problem in most applications since most µP and other circuitry is inoperative with VCC below 0.8V. However, in applications where RESETmust be valid down to 0V, adding a pull-down resistor to RESET causes any stray leakage currents to flow to ground, holding RESET low (Figure 4). R1’s valueis not critical ; 100k Ω is large enough not to loadRESET and small enough to pull RESET to ground. A 100k Ω pull-up resistor to V CC is also recommended for the G697L if RESET is required to remain validfor V CC < 0.8V.Figure 4. Interfacing to µPs with Bidirectional Re-set I/OFigure 5. G697L Open-Drain RESET Output AllowsUse with Multiple SuppliesVInterfacing to µPs with Bidirectional Reset Pins Since the RESET output on the G697L is open drain, this device interfaces easily with µPs that have bidirec-tional reset pins, such as the Motorola 68HC11. Con-necting the µP supervisor’s RESET output directly to the microcontroller’s (µC’s) RESET pin with a single pull-up resistor allows either device to assert reset (Figure 5).G697L Open-Drain RESET Output Allows Use with Multiple SuppliesGenerally, the pull-up connected to the G697L will connect to the supply voltage that is being monitored at the IC’s V CC pin. However, some systems may use the open-drain output to level-shift from the monitored supply to reset circuitry powered by some other supply (Figure 6). Note that as the G697L’s V CC decreases below 1V, so does the IC’s ability to sink current at RESET. Also, with any pull-up, RESET will be pulled high as VCC decays toward 0. The voltage where this occurs depends on the pull-up resistor value and the voltage to which it is connected.Benefits of Highly Accurate Reset ThresholdMost µP supervisor ICs have reset threshold voltages between 5% and 10% below the value of nominal supply voltages. This ensures a reset will not occur within 5% of the nominal supply, but will occur when the supply is 10% below nominal.When using ICs rated at only the nominal supply ±5%, this leaves a zone of uncertainty where the supply is between 5% and 10% low, and where the reset may or may not be asserted.The G69_ _463/G69_ _308 use highly accurate circuitry to ensure that reset is asserted close to the 5% limit, and long before the supply has declined to 10% below nominal.Package InformationSOT-23-5 (T1) PackageNote:1. Package body sizes exclude mold flash protrusions or gate burrs2. Tolerance ±0.1000 mm (4mil) unless otherwise specified3. Coplanarity: 0.1000mm4. Dimension L is measured in gage planeDIMENSION IN MM DIMENSION IN INCHSYMBOLMIN. NOM. MAX. MIN. NOM. MAX.A 1.00 1.10 1.30 0.039 0.043 0.051 A1 0.00 ----- 0.10 0.000 ----- 0.004A2 0.70 0.80 0.90 0.028 0.031 0.035 b 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.014 0.016 0.020 C 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.004 0.006 0.010 D 2.70 2.90 3.10 0.106 0.114 0.122 E 1.40 1.60 1.80 0.055 0.0630.071 e ----- 1.90(TYP) ----- ----- 0.075(TYP) ----- e1 ----- 0.95 ----- ----- 0.037 ----- H 2.60 2.80 3.00 0.102 0.110 0.118 L 0.37 ------ ----- 0.015 ----- ----- θ1 1° 5° 9° 1° 5° 9°5.Ver: 1.8May 10, 2006TEL: 886-3-578883311 G696/G697Global Mixed-mode Technology Inc.TSOT-23-5 (TO) PackageNote:6. Package body sizes exclude mold flash protrusions or gate burrs7. Tolerance ±0.1000 mm (4mil) unless otherwise specified8. Coplanarity: 0.1000mm9. Dimension L is measured in gage planeDIMENSION IN MM DIMENSION IN INCHSYMBOL MIN. NOM. MAX. MIN. NOM. MAX. A ----- ----- 1.00 ----- ----- 0.039 A1 0.00 ----- 0.10 0.000 ----- 0.004 A2 ----- ----- 0.90 ----- ----- 0.035 b 0.35 0.40 0.50 0.014 0.016 0.020C 0.10 0.15 0.25 0.004 0.006 0.010D 2.70 2.90 3.10 0.106 0.114 0.122E 1.40 1.60 1.80 0.055 0.0630.071 e ----- 1.90(TYP) ----- ----- 0.075(TYP) ----- e1 ----- 0.95 ----- ----- 0.037 ----- H 2.60 2.80 3.00 0.102 0.110 0.118 L 0.37 ------ ----- 0.015 ----- ----- θ1 1° 5° 9° 1° 5° 9°Taping SpecificationPACKAGE Q ’TY/REEL SOT-23-5 3,000 eaTSOT-23-5 3,000 eaGMT Inc. does not assume any responsibility for use of any circuitry described, no circuit patent licenses are implied and GMT Inc. reserves the right at any time without notice to change said circuitry and specifications. Feed Direction TSOT-23-5、SOT-23-5 Package Orientation元器件交易网。
