










《油藏物理基础》 洪世铎编 《油层物理》 罗蛰谭编 《油层物理》 何更生编 《油层物理》 张博全编 《石油流体性质》 威廉.麦凯恩编 《 Relative Permeability of Reservoir 》 霍 纳波编
PART Ⅰ.Properties of Formation Fluid
1. Gas Properties
[3] Sylvain J. Pirson “Oil Reservoir Engineering”, New York 1958
[4] E. B Coalson , “ Applied petrophysics in Exploration and Exploitation”,1987
Development and use of petrophysics
1949年美国人麦斯凯特著<采油物理原理> 1956年卡佳霍夫<油层物理基础>
上世纪50年代我国由苏联专家首次开设< 油层物理> 我国油层物理领域的杰出人物:罗蛰潭 洪 世铎 张博全 王允诚 沈平平 何更生 扬普 华 孙良田
Teaching plan
B Sedimentation method
PART Ⅳ. Experiment
10 class hours
[1] Thomas C.Frick,“ Petroleum Production Handbook”, New York,1962.
[2] Djebbar Tiab and Erle Donaldson“Petrophysics”, Houston,TX.1996
Procedures for the measurement of petrophysical properties are included as a necessary part of this course.



u饱和蒸汽压(vapor pressure)
p 蒸汽 在一个密闭抽空的容器里, 部分充有液体,容器温度 保持一定,处于气液相平 衡时气相所产生的压力称 为饱和蒸气压,体现为气 相分子对器壁的压力。
液 体
u泡点(bubble point)
开始从液相分离出第一个气泡的气液共存态 u泡点压力(bubble point pressure) 在温度一定的情况下,开始从液相中分离出第 一个气泡的压力。 u露点(dew point) 开始从气相中凝结出第一滴液滴的气液共存态
(1)物系状态与性质之间的关系 据热力学观点,物系的状态(state)是用物系所 有的性质properties(如组成、温度、压力等)进 行描述的。
物系状态确定→物系各性质有完全确定的值 →物系的性质又称为“状态函数”(state function)
(1)立体相图:三维空间中,描述p、V、T三个状 态变量与相态变化关系的图形。 在油气流体相态研究中,pV-T三维立体相图用于描述 油气藏平面区域上和纵向上 流体相态变化特征的分布规 律,很详尽地表示出各参数 间的变化关系。
(2)平面相图 在油气烃类流体相态研 究中,不同的平面相图用 于描述不同的相态参数和 相态特征。

H2 O
形成体系的各种物质称该体系的各组分,也即物系 中所有同类的分子。

用于工程计算的一种假想组分, 由物系中几种组分合并成。



•两 组 分 的 相 对 分子质量差别越 大,临界点的轨 迹线包围面积越 大。
3.3 多组分烃相图
Phase behavior of multi-component system
•为一开口的环形曲线; •C 点为临界点; •PC线-泡点线, 其左上方为液相区; •TC线-露点线, 其右下方为气相区; 环形区内为两相区;
Physical Properties of Petroleum Reservoir
第一章 油藏流体的物理性质 第一节 储层烃类的相态 第二节 油气系统的溶解与分离 第三节 天然气的高压物性 第四节 地层原油的高压物性 第二章 储层岩石的物理性质 第一节 砂岩的粒度组成及比面 第二节 储层岩石的孔隙性 第三节 油藏岩石的渗透率 第四节 储层流体饱和度 第五节 砂岩胶结物及胶结类型 第六节 毛管渗流模型及其应用
•Tc 轻烃<温度<Tc重烃; •P↑轻、重分子动量交换↑,重分 子获得能量蒸发至气相; •压力高时分子间的作用力为排斥 力,P↘,排斥力减小。 产生反常凝析的条件:合适的轻重烃比例,合适的P、T。
确定油气藏的类型,分析其 开发过程中相态的变化。
J点:未饱和油藏 (Undersaturated oil ); I点:饱和油藏,可能有气顶; F点:气藏; A点:凝析气藏。
Properties of Reservoir Rocks
Properties of Porous Medium Containing Multiple Fluids

油层物理英文课件:1.4 Properties of Crude Oils

油层物理英文课件:1.4 Properties of Crude Oils
Example: The OIIP of an oil reservoir is N(surface)m3,the initial gas-oil ratio is Rsi sm3/m3,calculate the dissolved gas initially in place?
(3) Bo reaches a maximum value at the bubble point pressure. Provincial Bilingual Teaching Demonstration Course
2.2 Shrinkage factor (收缩率)
the shrinkage in volume when unit volume of reservoir oil is degassed at surface, expressed in percentage.
Facts: the quantity of liquid that reaches the stock tank is less than the quantity of liquid entering the wellbore from the reservoir.
Provincial Bilingual Teaching Demonstration Course
Trend of the GOR curve:
Initial gas-oil ratio, Rsi (原始溶解气油比)
Provincial Bilingual Teaching Demonstration Course
1) The line is horizontal at pressures above the bubble-point pressure pb. Rs=Rsi

油层物理英文版教学设计 (2)

油层物理英文版教学设计 (2)

油层物理英文版教学设计IntroductionOil reservoirs are characterized by their complex physical and chemical properties, which make them challenging to study and develop. Therefore, it is essential for students studying petroleum engineering to understand the fundamental principles of oil reservoir physics. This course is designed to provide a comprehensive overview of oil reservoir physics, covering topics such as pore-scale physics, fluid-rock interaction, and reservoir simulation, among others.Course ObjectivesThe course ms to:1.Introduce students to the fundamental principles of oilreservoir physics.2.Develop students’ understanding of the properties andbehavior of fluids in porous media.3.Explore the physics behind fluid flow in reservoirs anddifferent mechanisms of hydrocarbon recovery.4.Provide students with the necessary skills and knowledge todesign and simulate reservoir models.5.Impart the importance of data analysis and interpretation inthe evaluation of oil reservoirs.Course OutlineWeek 1: Introduction to Oil Reservoir Physics•Overview of oil reservoir types and properties•Physical and chemical properties of crude oil•Introduction to rock-fluid interactions•Porosity and permeability of porous mediaWeek 2: Pore-scale Physics•Capillary pressure and saturation•Wettability of porous media•Relative permeability•Capillary pressure and relative permeability measurement techniquesWeek 3: Fluid Properties and Behavior in Porous Media•Phase behavior and properties of reservoir fluids•Fluid properties and behavior in reservoir modeling•Intermolecular forces and surface tension•Thermodynamic principles of fluid behavior in porous media Week 4: Fluid Flow in Reservoirs•Flow regimes and equations for fluid flow in porous media•Multiphase flow in porous media•Flow instability and hysteresis•Formation damage and skinWeek 5: Hydrocarbon Recovery Mechanisms•Drive mechanisms for hydrocarbon recovery•Gas injection methods for hydrocarbon recovery•Water flooding methods for hydrocarbon recovery•Enhanced oil recovery techniquesWeek 6: Reservoir Simulation•Introduction to reservoir simulation principles•Reservoir simulators and their applications•Development of reservoir models•Simulation results interpretationWeek 7: Data Analysis and Interpretation•Reservoir data analysis techniques•Interpretation of well logs and production data•History matching techniques•Sensitivity analysisTeaching MethodsThe course will be taught through a combination of lectures, group discussions, and practical assignments. Students will be expected to complete regular homework assignments, complete a midterm exam, and a final project.Assessment•Midterm Exam (30%)•Regular Homework Assignments (30%)•Final Project (40%)ConclusionThe comprehensive course outlined above ms to provide students with a thorough understanding of oil reservoir physics, and equip them with the necessary skills and knowledge to design and simulate reservoir models. Upon completion of this course, students will be well-versed in the fundamental principles of oil reservoir physics, and have an in-depth understanding of the properties and behaviors of fluids in porous media.。

油层物理英文版教学设计 (3)

油层物理英文版教学设计 (3)

油层物理英文版教学设计IntroductionOil reservoirs are believed to contn significant amounts of hydrocarbon resources which requires the application of different methods to extract the crude oil. Reservoir engineers use various techniques to predict reservoir behavior throughout the production time. Oil reservoirs engineering is one of the most important courses in petroleum engineering programs. It teaches the applications of basic principles of mathematics, physics, and chemistry in analyzing and predicting reservoir performance. Reservoir simulation is a vital tool which is used to forecast oil production rates and optimize oil recovery.Course ObjectivesThis course ms at introducing the basic concepts and applications of oil reservoir physics both theoretically and practically. The course focuses on different tools for reservoir analysis and modeling. Upon completion of this course, the student shall be able to:•Understand basic reservoir engineering concepts•Apply the principles of fluid mechanics, thermodynamics and rock mechanics in analyzing and managing reservoirs.•Use various tools to predict reservoir behavior such as PVT analysis, well testing analysis, material balance and numericalreservoir simulation.•Be familiar with oil reservoir management, including enhanced oil recovery, drilling optimization, and reservoir monitoring.Course OutlineWeek 1-2: Reservoir Engineering Fundamentals•Basic concepts of reservoir engineering•Physical properties of reservoir rocks and fluids•Fluid flow in porous media•Material balance equationWeek 3-4: PVT Analysis•PVT data collection and correlations•Flash calculation and phase behavior•Compositional simulationWeek 5-6: Well Testing Analysis•Introduction to well testing•Analytical solutions for well testing•Numerical simulation of well testingWeek 7-8: Reservoir Modeling•Reservoir simulation techniques•Reservoir characterization•Introduction to different types of numerical simulators Week 9-10: Enhanced Oil Recovery•Secondary recovery methods•Tertiary recovery methods•Reservoir management techniquesTeaching Methodology•Lectures: Weekly classroom sessions in which students will be introduced to theoretical concepts of reservoir engineering.Lectures will be designed to provide a thorough understanding ofconcepts and theory.•Group discussions: Will be organized to discuss real-world case studies, where students will be expected to apply theirtheoretical knowledge and problem-solving skills.•Laboratory exercises: Students will be trned to use different reservoir analysis tools through lab exercises andcomputer simulations.Assessment Methods•Midterm Examination: The midterm exam shall be conducted in Week 5 of the course covering all the topics discussed in theprevious weeks.•Case studies and assignments: Students shall be assigned a few case studies and assignments to practice their problem-solving skills during the course.•Final Examination: The final exam will include all the topics covered in the course and shall be conducted during thelast week of the course.ConclusionThis course is designed to provide a basic understanding of Oil Reservoir Physics, modeling, and management. The course structure iswell organized, and the learning objectives are effectively presented. Through detled lectures, interactive discussions, and laboratory exercises, students will acquire a comprehensive understanding of key concepts and principles relevant to reservoir engineering.。

油层物理学:Section4 Properties of Natural Gas

油层物理学:Section4   Properties of Natural Gas

three form: Mole fraction, yi :
ni ni
At standard condition, the volume fraction is
Volume fraction,vi
Vi Vi
equivalent to mole fraction.
Weight fraction, wi
2.1 The Ideal Gas Behavior(理想气体状态方程):
PV nRT ideal
The volume of molecules and the force between it can be neglected(忽略)
V = the volume of n moles of gas at temperature T and pressure p. R = a constant and is called the universal gas constant. It is the same for all gas.
(2) z-factor of Natural gas:
The Law of Corresponding States :
All pure gases have the same z-factor at the same values of reduced pressure and reduced temperature.
ppc yiPci
Kay’s mixing rule
pseudoreduced temperature and pressure is(拟对比温度、压力):
Tpr T Tpc
p pc

油层物理学:Section 4 Properties of Crude Oils

油层物理学:Section 4  Properties of Crude Oils
(原油的等温压缩系数) • Oil Viscosity (原油的粘度)
1. Solution gas-oil ratio Rs(溶解气油比)
Vg Vs
Rs= solution gas oil ratio, (standard)m3/m3;
Vg= the volume of gas separated from oil by flash
Rsi- initial gas-oil ratio.
Rp--producing gas-oil ratio, the ratio of accumulative gas production (at standard condition) to the accumulative oil production.
(m3) (Sm3)
2.3 Two phase formation volume factor(两相体积系数)Bt:
Bt is defined as the total volume
of the hydrocarbon system at the
prevailing pressure and
temperature per unit volume of
the stock-tank oil.
Bt Boi
Vfg Vf Vs
Rsi Rs
Bg BoVs =1m3
P≥Pb, Rsb-Rs=0, Bt=Bo.
If P=0.1MPa, Rs=0, Bg=1, Bo=1
3. The density and Specific Gravity of crude oil



二、 各种曲面附加压力 5、理想砂岩砂粒接触处流体环状分布的毛管力
图9—9为砂岩中两个等 直径砂粒,湿相流体在砂粒 点周围呈环状分布,非湿相 则位于孔道中心部分,两相 间有一弯曲界面。
Pc =
岩心的毛管力曲线 隔板的毛管力曲线
PT(隔板) PT(岩样)
Sw ,%
吸 入
驱 替
1 θ
由前面的讨论我们知道, 毛管压力与湿相流体饱和度 之间存在一定的函数关系。 但由于油藏岩石孔隙结构复 杂,直接推导数学模型有困 难,但可以用实验的方法测 量出不同湿相流体饱和度下 的毛管压力,这种毛管压力 与湿相(或非湿相)饱和度的 关系曲线称为毛管压力曲线, 如图9—18所示。



Composition (组成):It is a proportional constitute of components of a system. Phase state(相态):It is the state of phase equilibrium. Phase diagram(相图):It is the plot which is used for describing the relation between phase equilibrium state and the attributes of substance system. Single component system(单组份体系): there is only one component in a substance system. Bicomponent system(双组份系统): there are two components in the system. Bubble-point curve (泡点线) : the locus of the points of T and P at which the first bubble of gas formed in passing from the liquid to the two-phase region. Dew-point curve(露点线): the locus of te points of T and P at which the first droplet of liquid formed in passing from the vapor to the two-phase region. Retrograde condensation(反凝析): it means the condensate
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mathematical expression 5. 地层油粘度特点,T,P,Rs 的影响 characteristics of oil viscosity; the impact of pressure, temperature and solution gas-oil ratio on oil viscosity §5 地层水的高压物性 1. 地层水的矿化度的概念 definition of water salinity 2. 地层水的分类,给出图 1.5.1 知道怎么划分水弄,分几种水型 classification of formation water by Sulin 3. 天然气在水中的溶解度、Bw, Cw, μw 定义,其它一般了解 s solubility in formation water, definition of water formation volume factor, water compressibility and water viscosity
1)纵向非均质性(水平、径向流) average permeability for parallel layers during horizontal linear flow and horizontal radial flow 2)横向非均质性(水平、径向流)average permeability for serials of layers during horizontal linear flow and horizontal radial flow §4 储层流体饱和度 fluid saturation 1. 饱和度的定义,测定原理及方法 definition of fluid saturation and its determination §5 毛管渗流模型 capillary bundle model 1. 单根毛管流量公式 (泊稷叶定律) 2. 会推导 k~r, k~Φ,k~Sv 的关系 derivation of correlations between permeability, porosity, pore radius and specific surface area
第一章 储层流体的物理性质
§1 储层烃类系统的相态 1. 油藏流体的特点(characteristics of petroleum fluids;) 2. 单组分相图、两组分相图、多组分相图中的点、线、区、油藏分类、开发过程中相 态变化 phase diagrams for one-, two- and multi-component systems, the main points, curves and regions in the diagram; the classification of reservoir types; phase behavior during the development process of a petroleum reservoir 3. 典型油藏流体相图特点,开发过程中相态分析 (the phase diagrams for typical petroleum reservoirs, phase behavior analysis during the production process) §2 油气体系中的气-液分离与溶解 1. 溶解度及其影响因素 definition of gas solubility and its influencing factors 2. 相态方程的推导及应用 derivation and application of equilibrium equations, for example in estimating the bubble point pressure and dew point pressure. 3. 油气分离方式、特点,如何进行多级分离计算 the separation manners of gas from oil and their characteristics; procedures to calculate liquid and gas quantities in multi-stage separation. §3 天然气的高压物性 1. 天 然 气 组 成 表 示 方 法 , 天 然 气 的 视 相 对 分 子 质 量 及 相 对 密 度 的 定 义 及 计 算 presentation of gas composition, definition and calculation of apparent molecular weight and specific gravity of natural gas 2. 状态方程的表达式及应用 equation of state and their applications; z 的求法,意义, 含 N2 时 Z 的校正 physical meaning of compressibility factor and procedures to determine z factor 3. 等温压缩系数: 定义及公式 definition of gas compressibility and its mathematical expression 4. 体积系数:定义及计算 definition of gas formation volume factor and its mathematical expression 5. 气体粘度: 定义, 计算 (给定公式、 图版会用) , 高低压下天然气粘度的特点 definition of gas viscosity, characteristics of natural gas at high and low pressures and their calculations 6. 天然气物性参数的计算 calculation of gas properties §4 地层油的高压物性 1. 溶解气油比(Rs) 、平均生产气油比(Rp),溶解气油比随压力的变化关系及原因 definition of solution gas-oil ratio and producing gas-oil ratio; the variation of solution gas-oil ratio with pressure and explain the trend 2. 地层原油密度及相对密度的定义,原油密度随压力变化关系 definition of oil density and oil specific gravity; variation of oil density with pressure 3. 原 油 体 积 系 数 (Bo) 、 两 相 体 积 系 数 (Bt) 定 义 及 随 压 力 的 变 化 definition of oil formation volume factor and two-phase formation volume factor, their variations with pressure and explain the trend. 4. 原 油 等 温 压 缩 系 数 (Co) 定 义 及 表 达 式 definition of oil compressibility and its
第三章 饱和多相流体时岩石的渗流特征 properties of porous medium containing multiple fluids
§1 界面张力 interfacial tension 1. 界面能、界面张力定义及影响因素;影响油气界面张力的因素及原因 definition of interfacial energy, interfacial tension and their influencing factors; the factors affecting gas-oil interfacial tension and the way they affecting gas-oil interfacial tension 2. 吸附 definition of adsorption §2 润湿及油水分布 wettability and distribution of oil and water in reservoir pores 1. 润湿定义,润湿角规定及画法、润湿反转 definition of wettability; the contact angle; wettability reversal 2. 油藏岩石润湿性影响因素 factors affecting rock wettability 3. 润湿滞后定义及影响因素 wetting hysteresis and its influencing factors 4. 驱替过程、吸吮过程的定义 what are the drainage process and imbibition process §3 毛管力 capillary pressure 1. 毛管插入气液界面(油水界面)毛管力公式及与液柱高度的关系;capillary pressure equation for gas-liquid system and oil-water system 2. 如何用毛管力公式说明油气、油水过渡带 explain the existence of oil-gas or oil-water transition zone using capillary pressure equation 3. 贾敏效应概念及应用 Jamin effect 4. 毛管力曲线测定方法及原理 principle and methods to determine the capillary pressure curve 5. 毛 管 力 曲 线 特 征 及 特 征 参 数 characteristics of capillary pressure curve and the characteristic parameters on a capillary pressure curve 6. 毛管力曲线的应用 applications of capillary pressure curve §4 相对渗透率 relative permeability 1. 绝对渗透率、有效渗透率及相对渗透率的定义 definitions for absolute permeability, effective permeability and relative permeability 2. 油水两相相渗曲线特征及影响因素 features of oil-water relative permeability curve and its influencing factors 3. 相对渗透率曲线的测定方法 methods to determine the relative permeability curve 4. 相对渗透率曲线的应用: 求油水流量、 求含水率、 确定自由水面; applications of relative