英文物理资料 electrons


Electricity and Electrons

Electricity and Electrons

Electricity and ElectronsYou have a strong and wonderful helper. It is always ready to help you. It gives light to your room when you turn on a switch. It shows you TV pictures when you turn a knob. It carries your voice to others when you talk on the telephone. What is it? Yes, the name of this helper is electricity. We are so used to electric lights, radio, televisions, telephones and Internet that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them. In electricity’s absence, people grope about in flickering candlelight, cars hesitate in the streets because there are no traffic lightsto guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators, to talk over long distance we are left with smoke signals and postcards.我们有一个很好的帮手。




The Properties of Electrons and Photons

The Properties of Electrons and Photons

The Properties of Electrons andPhotons电子和光子的性质电子和光子是量子力学的重要组成部分。




电子的性质电子是真正意义上的基本粒子之一,它带有1个负电荷,其质量为9.10938356 × 10^-31 千克。


1. 自旋电子具有自旋,这是其最核心的性质之一。

自旋可视为一个电子围绕自己的轴线旋转的量子态,其可以取0.5 或 -0.5 两个值。



2. 波粒二象性电子既表现出波动性质也表现出粒子性质,这被称为波粒二象性。



3. 容易被激发电子具有非常好的光学和电学特性。





1. 粒子性质就像电子,光子也具有粒子性质,这意味着光子相互作用和传输的能够量子化。



2. 波动性质光子也具有波动性质,这意味着光子可以在空间中传播并形成驻波等现象。


3. 电磁性光子是电磁波的一种,因此,它们的运动是完全由电和磁场决定的。







一、物理学实验词汇1. Experiment(实验)- a scientific procedure undertaken to make a discovery, test a hypothesis, or demonstrate a known fact.2. Hypothesis(假说)- a proposed explanation for a phenomenon to be tested through experimentation.3. Variable(变量)- a factor that can change or affect the outcome of an experiment.4. Control group(对照组)- a group in an experiment that is used for comparison and does not receive the experimental treatment.5. Independent variable(自变量)- the variable that is purposely manipulated or changed by the researcher in an experiment.6. Dependent variable(因变量)- the variable that is measured or observed in an experiment and may change in response to the independent variable.7. Data(数据)- facts, figures, or information collected during an experiment.8. Analysis(分析)- the process of examining and interpreting data in order to draw conclusions.9. Conclusion(结论)- a statement based on evidence or reasoning that summarizes the results of an experiment.10. Error(误差)- the difference between the measured value and the true value in an experiment.二、物理学理论词汇1. Theory(理论)- a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world that is based on a body of evidence.2. Law(定律)- a descriptive statement or equation that reliably predicts events under certain conditions.3. Force(力)- a push or pull that can cause an object to accelerate, decelerate, or change direction.4. Energy(能量)- the capacity to do work or produce heat.5. Motion(运动)- a change in position of an object with respect to its surroundings.6. Gravity(重力)- the force of attraction between two objects with mass.7. Velocity(速度)- the rate at which an object changes its position ina specific direction.8. Acceleration(加速度)- the rate at which an object changes its velocity.9. Mass(质量)- a measure of the amount of matter in an object.10. Atom(原子)- the basic building block of matter, consisting of a nucleus (protons and neutrons) surrounded by electrons.总结:物理学实验和理论在英语课程中是重要的学习内容。



材料英语证书考试(PEC)-材料导论词汇AAbrasive.研磨剂。一种硬质、耐磨材料(一般为陶瓷),用于研磨、碾碎或切割其他材料。Absorption吸收。一种光学现象,指光的光子能量由于电子极化或电子激发被某一种物质吸收。Acceptor level.受主能级。对于半导体或绝缘体,处于禁带底部的能级有可能接受价带的电子并留下空穴。此类能级一般由杂质原子引入。Activatioin energy (Q).激活能。反应发生所需的能量,例如扩散激活能。Activation polarization.活化极化。一系列步骤中,进行最缓慢的步骤控制着电极反应速度的条件下造成的极化称为活化极化。Addition (or chain reaction) polymerization.加聚作用(链式反应聚合)。此过程中,两个具有不同功能的独立个体呈链状聚合在一起,形成线性聚合物大分子。Adhesive.胶粘剂。可以使两个物体(称为被粘物)的表面连接在一起的物质。Age hardening. See Precipitation时效强化,见沉淀强化。Allotropy.同素异形性。一种物质(一般为基本固体)可能存在两种或者更多的晶体结构的现象。Alloy.合金。两种或多种元素组成的金属。Alloy Steel.合金钢。含有适当浓度合金元素(除了C和残余的Mn,Si,S和P)的铁(或铁基)合金。这些合金元素的加入通常可以改善合金的力学性能和耐蚀性。Alternating copolymer.交替共聚物。两种不同单体沿分子链相间排列的共聚物。Amorphous.无定形的。(一种物质)具有非晶体结构。Anelastic deformation.滞弹性变形。具有时间依赖性的弹性(非永久性)变形。Anion.负离子,阴离子。负电量的,非金属离子。Anisotropic.各向异性。不同晶向上具有不同的性质。Annealing.退火。一类热处理术语,此类热处理可以改变材料组织和性能。“退火”通常指使经过冷加工的金属发生再结晶而软化的热处理。Annealing point (glass).退火温度(玻璃)。使玻璃中的残余应力在约15分钟内消除的温度;此温度对应的玻璃粘度约为1012Pa·s(1013P)。Anode.阳极。电化电池或电偶中的发生氧化或丢失电子的电极。Antiferromagnetism.反铁磁现象。一些材料(如MnO)中,由于邻近的原子或离子自旋反向平行排列,导致磁矩完全消失,此种现象称为反铁磁现象。宏观表现为固体没有净磁矩。Artificial aging.人工时效。为了进行析出强化,在室温以上进行的时效。Atactic.无规则(共聚物)。一种聚合物链结构,其侧基自由排列在链的一边或另一边。Athermal transformation.非热转变。一种非热激活,无扩散的反应,如马氏体转变。通常,此类转变发生速度快(即与时间无关),反应程度由温度决定。Atomic mass unit (amu).原子质量单位。一种原子质量的度量标准,是C12原子质量的1/12。Atomic number (Z).原子序数。对于一种化学元素,其原子序数等于原子核中质子的数目。Atomic packing factor (APF).原子填充因子。“硬球”原子或离子占据晶胞的体积分数。Atomic vibration.原子振动。原子关于其在物体中正常位置振动,称为原子振动。Atimic weight (A).原子量。根据元素在自然存在的各同位素原子质量计算的平均值。它可以表示为原子质量单位(以一个原子为基础)或者一摩尔原子的质量。Atom percent (at%).原子百分比。根据某一种元素的摩尔数(原子数)相对于合金中所有元素的摩尔数(原子数)计算得到的浓度比值。Austenite.奥氏体。具有面心立方晶体结构的铁或铁合金和合金钢。Austenitizing.奥氏体化。根据相图,在上临界温度以上,奥氏体温度区间内加热铁合金从而形成奥氏体的过程称为奥氏体化。BBainite.贝氏体。贝氏体是一些钢或铸铁中奥氏体化的产物,形成于珠光体和马氏体转变温度之间。它的组织由α-铁素体和弥散的渗碳体组成。Band gap energy(Eg).带隙能。带隙能指在半导体和绝缘体中,价带和导带之间的能量;对于本征材料,电子不具有带隙能范围内的能量。Bifunctional.双功能团。双功能团指单一分子物体具有两个活性结合位置。Block copolymer.块状共聚物。块状共聚物指分子链上同一摩尔单元聚集成块状的线性共聚物。Body-centered cubic (BCC).体心立方结构。体心立方结构是一些基本金属中常见的晶体结构,它是指原子位于立方晶胞的顶点和体心上。Bohr atomic model波尔原子模型。波尔原子模型是一种早期的原子模型,此模型中原子围绕着原子核按固定的轨道旋转。Bohr magneton (μB).波尔磁子。波尔磁子是最基本的磁矩单位,为9.27×10-24A·m2。Boltzmann’s constant (k).波尔兹曼常数。波尔兹曼常数是一个热力学能量常数,其值为 1.38×10-23J/atom·K (8.62×10-5eV/atom·K). 见气体常数。Bonding energy.结合能。结合能指分离由化合键结合的两个原子所需的能量。通常可以表示为每原子或每摩尔的结合能。Bragg’s law.布拉格定律。布拉格定律是指规定了一系列晶面发生衍射的条件的关系式(方程3.9)。Branched polymer.分支聚合物。分支聚合物指具有二次支链分子结构的聚合物,其二次支链是由一次主链扩展产生的。Brass.黄铜,一种富含铜的铜锌合金。Brazing.(硬)钎焊。钎焊是一种利用熔点高于450℃(800℉)的合金钎料连接金属的技术。Brittle fracture.脆性断裂。脆性断裂是指断裂时裂纹快速扩展,没有发生明显的宏观变形。Bronze.青铜。青铜是一种富铜的铜锡合金;也存在铝、硅、和镍青铜。Burgers vector (b).柏氏矢量。柏氏矢量指表示位错引起的晶格变形程度和方向的矢量。CCalcination.煅烧,焙烧,焙解。焙解是指一高温反应,反应中一种固体材料分解为一种气体和另一种固体。它是生产水泥的一个步骤。Capacitance (C).电容。电容是指电容器储存电量的能力,定义为两板上储存的电量与所加电压的比值。Carbon-carbon composite.碳-碳复合材料。碳-碳复合材料是一种由碳基体和嵌入其中的碳纤维组成的复合材料,其基体最初为聚合树枝,经过热解形成了碳。Carburizing.渗碳。渗碳是一种通过周围环境扩散导致铁合金表面碳浓度增加的工艺。Case hardening.表面硬化。表面硬化是指通过渗碳或渗碳对钢零件外表面进行硬化,通常用来改善零件的耐磨性和耐疲劳性。Cast iron.铸铁。通常,碳含量高于其在奥氏体中的最大固溶度(共晶温度时)的铁合金成为铸铁。大多数商业铸铁的碳含量为3.0%~4.5%,硅含量为1%~3%。Cathode.阴极。阴极是指电化电池或电偶中发生还原反应的电极,因而此电极从外部电路吸收电子。Cathodic protection.阴极保护。阴极保护是一种防腐方法,此方法利用外部电源,例如电负性更大的金属或直流电源,向被保护的结构物提供电子来对其进行保护。Cation.阳离子。阳离子指带正电的金属离子。Cement.水泥。水泥(一般为陶瓷)是一种通过化学反应将颗粒聚集物结合在一起的粘性物质。水硬性水泥和水在一起会发生水合反应。Cementite.渗碳体。Ceramic.陶瓷。陶瓷是一种由金属和非金属元素组成的化合物,其原子间的结合键主要是离子键。Ceramic-matrix composite (CMC).陶瓷基复合材料。陶瓷基复合材料是一种基体和弥散强化相均为陶瓷材料的复合材料。弥散相一般用来改善材料的断裂韧性。Cermet.金属陶瓷。金属陶瓷是一种陶瓷和金属结合的复合材料。最常见的金属陶瓷有烧结碳化物,它由及其坚硬的陶瓷(如,WC,TiC),和塑性良好的金属(Co或Ni)结合而成。Chain-folded model.链摺叠模型。链摺叠模型是一种研究结晶性聚合物的模型,它描述了片状微晶的组织结构。在微晶面上分子通过链摺叠方式进行排列。Charpy test.夏比试验(单梁冲击试验)。夏比试验是两种测量标准冲击试样的冲击能或冲击韧性的测试方法之一(另一个为埃左试验)。此试验通过受力的摆向标准试样施加冲击作用。Cis.顺式。顺式表示了聚合物的一类分子结构。对于一摩尔单元中不饱和的碳链原子,侧边原子或侧群可能位于链的一侧或直接位于旋转180º的反向位置。顺式结构中相同摩尔数的两个侧群位于同一侧(如顺式异戊二烯)。Coarse pearlite.粗晶粒珠光体。粗晶粒珠光体是指相互交替的铁素体和渗碳体层比较厚的珠光体。Coervivity (or coercive .eld, H c).矫顽力。矫顽力是指磁化的铁磁材料或铁氧磁材料的磁感应强度降至零所需的磁场强度。Cold working.冷加工。冷加工是指使金属在低于再结晶温度下发生塑性变形的工艺。Color.彩色。彩色是指由射入眼睛的光的各种波长刺激产生的视觉感。Colorant.着色剂。着色剂是一种使颜料附着在聚合物上的添加剂。Component.成分。成分是指合金的化学组分(元素或化合物),它通常说明了合金的元素组成。Composition (C i).成分。合金中特定元素或组元的相对含量,通常用重量百分比或原子百分比来表示。Concentration.浓度。同上。Concentration gradient (dC/dx).浓度梯度。浓度梯度是指具体位置上浓度分布的斜率。Concentration polarization.浓度极化。浓度极化是指电化学反应速率受到溶体中扩散速率限制的情况。Concentration proile.浓度分布曲线.。浓度分布曲线是指根据化学物的浓度对应其在材料中的位置描绘的曲线。Concrete.混凝土。混凝土是一种由聚集在一起的颗粒和水泥结合在一起的复合材料。Condensation (or step reaction) polymerization.缩聚合作用(逐步反应聚合作用)。缩聚合作用是指通过分子间反应形成聚合物分子,此反应中包含至少两类分子,通常生成小分子量的副产物,例如水。Conduction band.导带。对于绝缘体和半导体,最底部的电子能带在0K时没有电子。导电载流子是指那些导带中处于激发态的电子。Conductivity, electrical (ρ).导电系数。导电系数是指电流强度和所施加的电场之间的比例常数,也是一种导电材料导电能力的度量。Congruent transformation.等成分变化。等成分变化是指一相转变为成分相同的另一相。Continuous cooling transformation (CCT) diagram.连续冷却转变图。连续冷却转变图是指确定成分的钢合金的温度随时间的对数变化的图。此图通常用来说明初始为奥氏体化材料以一定的速率连续冷却过程中何时发生转变,此外,此图可用来预测最终的组织和力学性能。Coordination number.配位数。配位数是指原子(或离子)最近邻的原子(或离子)数。Copolymer.共聚物。共聚物是指含有两个或两个以上不同摩尔数的单体沿着分子链结合在一起的聚合物。Corrosion.腐蚀。腐蚀是指金属由于环境的溶解反应而变质。Corrosion fatigue.腐蚀疲劳。腐蚀疲劳是一种由于循环应力和化学侵蚀共同作用导致的疲劳。Corrosion penetration rate (CPR).腐蚀速率。腐蚀速率是指材料受腐蚀后,单位时间内厚度的损失,通常表示为“毫米/年”。Coulombic force.库仑力。库仑力指带电粒子(例如离子)之间的力,当粒子电性相反时相互吸引。Covalent bond.共价键。共价键是一种主要的原子间的结合键,它由于相邻原子间共用电子而产生。Creep.蠕变。蠕变是指应力下材料发生的依赖于时间的永久变形。对于大部分材料来说,蠕变指由在高温下才十分重要。Crevice corrosion.隙间腐蚀。隙间腐蚀是指发生在狭窄缝隙中和污垢或腐蚀产物(即溶体中局部贫氧的区域)沉积层下的一类腐蚀。Critical resolved shear stress (σcrss).临界分剪切应力。临界剪切应力是指剪切应力在滑移面和滑移方向上的分应力,用来使滑移开动。Crosslinked polymer.交联聚合物。交联聚合物是指相邻的线性分子链在各种位置通过共价键结合在一起的聚合物。Crystalline.晶态。晶态是指固体材料的原子,离子或分子作周期性重复三维排列的状态。Crystallinity.结晶度。结晶度是指对于聚合物通过分子链排列达到一个原子作周期性重复排列的状态。Crystallite.微晶。微晶是指结晶聚合物中分子链有序排列的区域。Crystal structure.晶体结构。晶体结构是指晶体材料中原子或离子空间排列的方式。它是根据单胞几何和单胞中原子所在位置来定义的。Crystal system.晶系。晶系是指晶体结构根据单胞几何进行的分类系统。单胞几何是根据棱长和轴间角度之间的关系确定的,共有7个晶系。Curie temperature (T c).居里温度。居里温度是指铁磁或铁氧次材料变为顺磁性的最低临界温度。DDefect structure.缺陷结构。缺陷结构是指陶瓷化合物中和空位及间隙原子的种类、浓度相关的组织。Degradation.退化。退化表示了高分子材料中发生的恶化过程。这些过程包括隆起、溶解和链裂变。Degree of polymerization.聚合度。聚合度是指每个聚合物分子中平均的单体摩尔数。Design stress (σd).设计应力。设计应力是指根据计算得到的应力水平(根据估计的最大载荷计算)和设计因子(其值大于1)得到的应力结果。通常用来防止发生意料之外的断裂。Devitrication.玻璃析晶。玻璃析晶是指玻璃(非晶或玻璃质固体)转变为晶体的过程。Diamagnetism.逆磁性。逆磁性是一种感应磁性或非永久磁性微弱的形式,此时磁化率为负值。Dielectric.电介质。电介质是一种电绝缘的材料。Dielectric constant (εr).介电常数。介电常数是指介质的电容率与真空度的比值,一般称为相对介电常数或相对电容率。Dielectric displacement (D).电位移。电位移是指电容板单位面积上的电量。Dielectric (breakdown)strength.介电(击穿)强度。介电强度是指大强度电流通过介电材料所需的电场强度。Diffraction (x-ray).(x射线)衍射。x射线衍射是指由于晶体中原子对x射线速的散射而发生的相长干涉。Diffusion.扩散。扩散是指原子迁移发生的质量传输。Diffusion coefficient (D).扩散系数。扩散系数是指菲克第一定律中扩散通量和浓度梯度之间的比例常数,其值表示了原子的扩散速率。Diffusion flux (J).扩散通量。扩散通量表示了单位时间扩散通过材料单位横截面积的物质的量。Diode.二极管。二极管是一种整流设备,即只允许电流沿一个方向运动。Dipole (electric).(电)偶极子。电偶极子是指分开一定距离的一对等量异号点电荷。Dislocation.位错。位错是一类晶体中的线缺陷,其周围的原子发生错排。塑性变形是由于在剪切应力下发生位错运动的结果。位错包括刃型位错、螺位错和混合位错。Dislocation density.位错密度。位错密度可以表示为材料中单位体积中总的位错长度,也可以是通过自由截面内单位面积的位错数。Dislocation line.位错线。刃型位错的位错线是指多余半原子面与未滑移区域相交的线,螺型位错的位错线是指螺旋的中心线。Dispersed phase.弥散相。弥散相是指复合材料或两相合金中被基体相包围的不连续相。Dispersion strengthening.弥散强化。弥散强化是一种材料的强化方法,它通过将十分细小(通常小于0.1µm)的硬质、惰性颗粒弥散分布在承受载荷的基体相中来进行材料强化。Domain.(磁)畴。磁畴是指铁磁或铁氧磁材料中所有原子或离子的磁矩沿一个方向排列的区域。Donor level.施主能级。施主能级是指半导体或绝缘体中位于禁带顶部的能级,此能级的电子可以被激发至导带,它一般会被引入杂质原子。Doping.掺杂。掺杂是指通过控制施主或受主杂质来对半导体材料进行有目的性的合金化。Drawing (metals).拉拔(金属)。拉拔是一种制备金属线材或管材的成形工艺。拉拔通过在出料一侧施加拉力将材料从模具中拉出而发生变形。Drawing (polymers).牵伸(聚合物)。牵伸是一种通过拉伸聚合物纤维来对其进行强化的工艺。Driving force.驱动力。驱动力是指反应(扩散、晶粒长大或相变)进行的推动力。这些反应通常伴随着某种能量(如自由能)的降低。Ductile fracture.韧性断裂。韧性断裂是一种伴随有大量塑性变形的断裂模式。Ductile iron.延性铁。延性铁是指通过硅和低浓度的锰或铈进行合金化的铸铁,其中自由石墨以粒状形式存在,故有时延性铁也被称为球墨铸铁。Ductile-to-brittle transition.延性-脆性转变。延性-脆性转变是指面心立方合金随着温度的降低由延性向脆性的转变。可通过夏比测试和埃左测试确定转变发生的温度范围。Ductility.延展性。延展性是材料在发生断裂之前承受塑性变形的能力的度量,可以通过拉伸测试获得的延伸率(%EL)或断面收缩率(%RA)来表示。EEdge dislocation.刃型位错。刃型位错是一种线性的晶体缺陷,同时在半原子面周围会产生晶格的畸变。柏氏矢量垂直于位错线。Elastic deformation.弹性变形。弹性变形是非永久性变形,即应力释放后会完全回复。Elastic recovery.弹性回复。弹性回复是指卸载后非永久性变形发生回复到未变形的状态。Elastomer.高弹性聚合物。高弹性聚合物是产生大且可逆的弹性变形的聚合物。Electrical conductivity.导电性。见Conductivity (electrical).Electric dipole.电偶极子。见Dipole (electric).Electric field (E).电场。电场指电压梯度。Electroluminescence.电致发光。电致发光是指向p-n施加正向偏压进而发出可见光的现象。Electrolyte.电解液。电解液是一种溶液,在这种溶液中离子的运动可以承载电流。Electromotive force (emf) series.电动势系。电动势系是一种根据金属元素的标准电动势进行的分类。Electron configuration.电子组态。电子组态是指一个原子,可能存在的电子排布方式。Electronegative.电负性。电负性是指一个原子接收价电子的能力,也可用于描述非金属元素。Electron energy band.电子能带。电子能带是指一系列电子能态,他们根据能量而紧密的分布。Electroneutrality.电中性。电中性表示了一种正电量与负电量(离子或电子)相同的状态。Electron state (level).电子态。电子态是指电子可以具有的不连续且量子化的能量,原子的每一个电子态都是由4个量子数确定。Electron volt (eV).电子伏特。电子伏特是一种方便表示原子和亚原子能量的单位。它相当于电子通过1伏特电势所需的能量。Electropositive.正电性。正电性是指一个原子失去电子的趋势,它可用来描述金属元素。Endurance limit.疲劳极限。见Fatigue limit.Energy band gap.禁带。见Band gap energy.Engineering strain.工程应变。见Strain (engineering).Engineering stress.工程应力。Stress (engineering).Equilibrium (phase).平衡(相)。平衡是指相的特征在一个不确定的时间内保持恒定的状态。平衡态时体系自由能最低。Erosion-corrosion.冲蚀腐蚀。冲蚀腐蚀是一种结合了化学侵蚀和机械磨损的腐蚀形式。Eutectic phase.共晶相。共晶相是指共晶组织中的一相。Eutectic reaction.共晶反应。共晶反应是一种冷却过程中,液相等温转变为两种紧密混合的固相的可逆反应。Eutectic structure.共晶组织。共晶组织是指共晶成分的液相凝固产生的两相组织,两个共晶相呈层片状交替存在。Eutectoid reaction.共析反应。共析反应是一种冷却过程中,一固相等温转变为两种紧密混合的新固相的可逆反应。Excited state.激发态。激发态是一种通常不被电子占据的电子能态,当电子吸收一些能量(例如热能、辐射能)后会(从低能态)跃迁到激发态。Extrinsic semiconductor.含杂质半导体。含杂质半导体是指由杂质确定电子性能的半导体材料。Extrusion.挤压。挤压是一种向坯料上施加压力使之通过模具内孔的成形方法。FFace-centered cubic (FCC).面心立方。面心立方是一种金属中常见的晶体结构,此类单胞内,原子位于各个顶点和各面的中心。Fatigue.疲劳。疲劳是指在较低的应力情况下,材料受到了波动的循环应力而断裂。Fatigue life (N f).疲劳寿命。疲劳寿命是指在某一特定的应力幅度下,导致材料断裂总的应力循环次数。Fatigue limit.疲劳极限。疲劳极限是指材料承受无数次应力循环而不发生疲劳的最大应力幅度。Fatigue strength.疲劳强度。疲劳强度是指应力循环次数确定的情况下,材料不发生断裂而能承受的最大应力。Fermi energy (E f).费米能。费米能是指一金属在0K时,最高填充的电子态所对应的能量。Ferrimagnetism.亚铁磁体。亚铁磁体是指一些陶瓷材料具有的永久的,很高的磁化强度。亚铁磁体是由于电子反自旋和磁矩的不完全抵消产生的。Ferrite (ceramic).铁素体(陶瓷)。铁素体(陶瓷)是陶瓷氧化物,它是由二价和三价的正离子(如Fe2+和Fe3+)组成的。有一些铁素体陶瓷史亚铁磁体。Ferrite (iron).铁素体(铸铁)。铁素体(铸铁)是体心立方结构的铸铁,同时也包括具有体心立方结构的铸铁合金和钢合金。Ferroelectric.铁电性。铁电性是指电介质材料在没有电场的情况下可能发生极化的性质。Ferromagnetism.铁磁性。铁磁性是指一些材料(如Fe, Ni和Co)由于相邻磁矩的平行排列而具有的永久的高磁性,Ferrous alloy.铁合金。铁合金是一种铁为主要元素的金属合金。Fiber.纤维。纤维是指任何被拉成细长丝状的聚合物、金属或陶瓷。Fiber-reinforced composite.纤维增强复合材料。纤维增强复合材料是指弥散强化相呈纤维状(即具有极大的长径比的丝状)的复合材料。Fiber reinforcement.纤维增强。纤维增强是指将强度较高的纤维相嵌入强度较低的基体相来进行强化。Fick’s first law.菲克第一定律。菲克第一定律是指扩散通量和浓度梯度成比例。此定律适用于稳态扩散。Fick’s second law.菲克第二定律。菲克第二定律是指浓度随时间的变化率和浓度的二阶导数成比例。此定律适用于非稳态扩散。Filler.填充物。填充物是一种惰性物质,以其为添加物可改善聚合物的性能。Fine pearlite.细片状珠光体。细片状珠光体是指交替存在的铁素体和渗碳体层片很细的珠光体。Firing.烧火。烧火是一种用来增加陶瓷片密度和强度的高温热处理工艺。Flame retardant.耐燃剂。耐燃剂是一种提高耐燃能力的高分子添加剂。Flexural strength (σfs).抗弯强度。抗弯强度是指弯曲试验中材料断裂时的应力。Fluorescence.荧光。荧光是指电子激发时时间不到1秒的发光。Foam.泡沫塑料。泡沫塑料是一种通过加入气泡制成的多孔(或海绵状)的聚合物, Forging.锻造。锻造是一种对金属进行加热和锤打的机械成形工艺。Forward bias.正向偏压。正向偏压是指向p-n整流器施加的偏压,使电子流向n端。Fracture mechanics.断裂力学。断裂力学是一种断裂分析方法,它可以用来确定已知尺寸的原有裂纹传播并导致断裂的应力水平。Fracture toughness (K c) .断裂韧性。断裂韧性是指裂纹扩展所需的临界应力强度因子。Free electron.自由电子。自由电子是指被激发跃迁到费米能以上(对于半导体和绝缘体是跃迁入导带)并可能参加导电过程的电子。Free energy.自由能。自由能是一个热力学参量,它是体系内能和熵(或自由度)的函数。平衡态时,自由能最低。Frenkel defect.弗兰克尔缺陷。弗兰克尔缺陷是指离子固体中的阳离子-空位对和阳离子-间隙原子对。Full annealing.完全退火。完全退火是指铁合金缓慢冷却至室温过程中的奥氏体化。GGalvanic corrosion.电化腐蚀。电化腐蚀是指两种形成电偶得金属接触到电解液,化学性质比较活泼的金属失去电子被氧化而引起的腐蚀。Galvanic series.电动势序。电动势序是关于金属和合金在海水中的电化学活性的排序。Gas constant (R).气体常数。气体常数是指每摩尔原子的玻尔兹曼常数。R=8.31J/(mol·k)(1.987cal/(mol·k))。Gibbs phase rule.吉布斯相律。吉布斯相律是一个方程,它在平衡体系中表示了相数和外界控制变量的关系。Glass-ceramic.玻璃陶瓷。玻璃陶瓷是一种细晶陶瓷,它通过首先形成玻璃,然后析晶(晶化)来形成。Glass transition temperature (T g).玻璃转变温度。玻璃转变温度是指在冷却过程中,非晶陶瓷或聚合物从过冷液体向刚性玻璃转变的临界温度。Graft copolymer.接枝共聚物。接枝共聚物是指一种基体类型的同聚物侧枝嫁接到另一种基体类新的同聚物主链上形成的共聚物。Grain.晶粒。晶粒是指多晶金属或陶瓷中的一个独立晶体。Grain boundary.晶界。晶界是指分离两个具有不同晶向取向的晶粒的界面。Grain growth.晶粒长大。晶粒长大是指多晶材料平均晶粒尺寸的增大。对于大多数材料晶粒长大需要高温热处理。Grain size.晶粒尺寸。晶粒尺寸是通过自由横截面法确定的平均晶粒直径。。



A-bomb, atomic bomb 原子弹 absorption 吸收to accelerate 加速 accelerating chamber 加速室accelerator 加速器 synchrocyclotron同步回旋加速器synchrotron同步加速器 betatron 电子感应加速器bevatron 高能质子同步稳向加速器 cyclotron 回旋加速器counter计数器 alpha rays阿尔法射线 gamma rays伽马射线gram atom 克原子 ion 离子 cation 阳离子 anion 阴离子antiparticle 反离子antiproton 反质子meson 介子molecule分子atom原子atomic boiler 原子锅atomic number原子数atomic power原子能atomic weight原子量particle粒子photon 光子nucleon 核子proton 质子neutron 中子electron 电子free electron自由电子electron beam 电子束electron cloud 电子云electron gun电子枪electronic shell电子层electron volt电子伏特electrode电极attraction 引力element元素barium 钡berkelium 锫beryllium 铍cobalt钴uranium铀thorium 钍cadmium 镉caesium, cesium铯curium 锔radium 镭lithium 锂neptunium 镎strontium 锶boron硼xenon 氙deuterium氘krypton氪deuteron氘核helium氦radon 镭射气,氡graphite石墨heavy water重水binding energy结合能blast wave冲击波bombardment轰击breeder reactor增值反应堆bubble chamber 气泡室burst爆炸,爆发capture俘获chain reaction链式反应charge装燃料cladding覆层antimatter反物质clean bomb干净核弹to collide, collision碰撞contamination 沾染,污染coolant冷却剂cooling冷却cooling fluid冷却液cooling pond 凉水池core反应堆心,反应堆活性区cosmic rays宇宙线critical mass临界物质curie居里to decay衰减decontamination去污diffusion漫射disintegration衰变,蜕变dispersion弥散emission发射enriched uranium浓缩铀enrichment浓缩explosion爆炸,爆裂fertile element可转换元素fission裂变fissionable material裂变物质fusion聚变deflagration爆燃过程detecto探测器half-lif半衰期H-bomb, hydrogen bomb氢弹heat exchanger热交换器heterogeneous reactor非均匀反应堆homogeneous reactor均匀反应堆instability 不稳定性ionization 电离作用irradiation 照射,辐射isomer 同质异能素isotope 同位素kiloton 千吨当量labelled molecule, tagged molecule 标记分子leakage泄漏lifetime寿命mass 质量megaton百万吨级moderator减速剂mushroom cloud蘑菇云neutron flux 中子通量nucleus 核nuclear tests核实验nuclear physics 核物理nuclear power plant, nuclear power station核电站nuclear reactor 核反应堆orbital electron, planetary electron 轨道电子power reactor动力反应堆projectile抛射体quantum number量子数radiant energy辐射能radiation辐射radioactive cloud放射云radioactive elements放射性元素radioactive fallout放射性尘降物radioactivity放射性radioisotope放射性同位素radiology 放射学radiotherapy放射疗法rod棒roentgen伦琴scattering散射separation分离shield防护罩shock wave冲击波spectrometer分光计spin反旋to split分裂stability 稳定,对衰变的抗性thermal neutron热中子thermal reactor热反应堆thermionic热电子的thermonuclear热核的tracer element示踪原子trajectory 轨迹trinitrotoluene三硝基甲苯,黄色炸药underwater test水下试验warhead弹头heterogeneous reactor 非均匀反应堆homogeneous reactor 均匀反应堆instability 不稳定性ionization 电离作用irradiation 照射,辐射isomer 同质异能素isotope 同位素kiloton 千吨labelled molecule, tagged molecule 标记分子leakage 泄漏lifetime 寿命mass 质量megaton 百万吨级moderator 减速剂mushroom cloud 蘑菇云neutron flux 中子通量nucleus 核nuclear tests 核实验nuclear physics 核物理nuclear power plant, nuclear power station 核电站nuclear reactor 核反应堆orbital electron, planetary electron 轨道电子power reactor 动力反应堆projectile 抛射体quantum number 量子数radiant energy 辐射能radiation 辐射radioactive cloud 放射云radioactive elements 放射性元素radioactive fallout 放射性尘降物radioactivity 放射性radioisotope 放射性同位素radiology 放射学radiotherapy 放射疗法rod 棒roentgen 伦琴scattering 散射separation 分离shield 防护罩shock wave 冲击波spectrometer 分光计spin 反旋to split 分裂stability 稳定,对衰变的抗性thermal neutron 热中子thermal reactor 热反应堆thermionic 热电子的thermonuclear 热核的tracer element 示踪原子trajectory 轨迹trinitrotoluene 三硝基甲苯,黄色炸药underwater test 水下试验, warhead, 弹头d d reaction d d反应d d reactor d d反应器d t fuel cycle d t燃料循环d t reactor d t反应堆daily fuel consumption 燃料日消耗量dalitz pair 达立兹对damage 损伤damage criteria 危害判断准则damp 湿气damp proof 防潮的damped oscillations 阻尼震荡damped vibration 阻尼震荡damped wave 阻尼波damper 减震器damping 衰减的damping factor 衰减系数danger coefficient 危险系数danger dose 危险剂量danger range 危险距离danger signal 危险信号dark current 暗电流dark current pulse 暗电瘤冲data 数据data acquisition and processing system 数据获得和处理系统data base 数据库data communication 数据通信data processing 数据处理data reduction equipment 数据简化设备dating 测定年代daughter 蜕变产物daughter atom 子体原子daughter element 子体元素daughter nucleus 子体核daughter nuclide 子体核素davidite 铈铀钛铁矿dc 直流dc amplifier 直僚大器dc generator 直立电机dc motor 直羚动机dc voltage 直羚压de broglie equation 德布罗意方程de broglie frequency 德布罗意频率de broglie relation 德布罗意方程de broglie wave 德布罗意波de broglie wavelength 德布罗意波长de excitation 去激发de exemption 去免除deactivation 去活化dead ash 死灰尘dead band 不灵敏区dead space 死区dead time 失灵时间dead time correction 死时间校正deaerate 除气deaeration 除气deaerator 除气器空气分离器deaquation 脱水debris 碎片debris activity 碎片放射性debuncher 散束器debye radius 德拜半径debye scherrer method 德拜谢乐法debye temperature 德拜温度decade counter tube 十进计数管decade counting circuit 十进制计数电路decade counting tube 十进管decade scaler 十进位定标器decagram 十克decalescence 相变吸热decalescent point 金属突然吸热温度decan 去掉外壳decanning 去包壳decanning plant 去包壳装置decantation 倾析decanter 倾析器decanting vessel 倾析器decarburization 脱碳decascaler 十进制定标器decatron 十进计数管decay 衰减decay coefficient 衰变常数decay constant 衰变常数decay factor 衰变常数decay heat 衰变热decay heat removal system 衰变热去除系统decay kinematics 衰变运动学decay out 完全衰变decay period 冷却周期decay power 衰减功率decay rate 衰变速度decay series 放射系decay storage 衰变贮存decay table 衰变表decay time 衰变时间decelerate 减速deceleration 减速decigram 分克decimeter wave 分米波decladding 去包壳decladding plant 去包壳装置decommissioning 退役decompose 分解decomposition 化学分解decomposition temperature 分解温度decontaminability 可去污性decontamination 净化decontamination area 去污区decontamination factor 去污因子decontamination index 去污指数decontamination plant 去污装置decontamination reagent 去污试剂decontamination room 去污室decoupled band 分离带decoupling 去耦解开decrease 衰减decrement 减少率dee d形盒dee gap d形盒间空隙dee lines d形盒馈线deep dose equivalent index 深部剂量当量指标deep irradiation 深部辐照deep therapy 深部疗deep underwater nuclear counter 深水放射性计数器deep water isotopic current analyzer 深海水连位素分析器defecation 澄清defect 缺陷defect level 缺陷程度defective fuel canning 破损燃料封装defective fuel element 破损元件defectoscope 探伤仪defence 防护deficiency 不足define 定义definite 确定的definition 分辨deflagration 爆燃deflecting coil 偏转线圈deflecting electrode 偏转电极deflecting field 偏转场deflecting plate 偏转板deflecting system 偏转系统deflecting voltage 偏转电压deflection 负载弯曲deflection angle 偏转角deflection plate 偏转板deflection system 偏转系统deflector 偏转装置deflector coil 偏转线圈deflector field 致偏场deflector plate 偏转板deflocculation 解凝defoamer 去沫剂defoaming agent 去沫剂defocusing 散焦deform 变形deformation 变形deformation bands 变形带deformation energy 变形能deformation of irradiated graphite 辐照过石墨变形deformed nucleus 变形核deformed region 变形区域degas 除气degassing 脱气degeneracy 简并degenerate configuration 退化位形degenerate gas 简并气体degenerate level 简并能级degenerate state 简并态degeneration 简并degradation 软化degradation of energy 能量散逸degraded spectrum 软化谱degree of acidity 酸度degree of anisotropic reflectance 蛤异性反射率degree of burn up 燃耗度degree of cross linking 交联度degree of crystallinity 结晶度degree of degeneration 退化度degree of dispersion 分散度degree of dissociation 离解度degree of enrichment 浓缩度degree of freedom 自由度degree of hardness 硬度degree of ionization 电离度degree of moderation 慢化度degree of polymerization 聚合度degree of purity 纯度dehumidify 减湿dehydrating agent 脱水剂dehydration 脱水deionization 消电离deionization rate 消电离率deionization time 消电离时间dejacketing 去包壳delay 延迟delay circuit 延迟电路delay line 延迟线delay line storage 延迟线存储器delay system 延迟系统delay tank 滞留槽delay time 延迟时间delay unit 延迟单元delayed alpha particles 缓发粒子delayed automatic gain control 延迟自动增益控制delayed coincidence 延迟符合delayed coincidence circuit 延迟符合电路delayed coincidence counting 延迟符合计数delayed coincidence method 延迟符合法delayed coincidence unit 延迟符合单元delayed critical 缓发临界的delayed criticality 缓发临界delayed fallout 延迟沉降物delayed fission neutron 缓发中子delayed gamma 延迟性射线delayed neutron 缓发中子delayed neutron detector 缓发中子探测器delayed neutron emitter 缓发中子发射体delayed neutron failed element monitor 缓发中子破损燃料元件监测器delayed neutron fraction 缓发中子份额delayed neutron method 缓发中子法delayed neutron monitor 缓发中子监测器delayed neutron precursor 缓发中子发射体delayed reactivity 缓发反应性delayedneutron 缓发中子delineation of fall out contours 放射性沉降物轮廓图deliquescence 潮解deliquescent 潮解的delivery dosedose 引出端delta electron 电子delta metal 合金delta plutonium 钚delta ray 电子demagnetization 去磁demagnetize 去磁dematerialization 湮没demineralization 脱盐demineralization of water 水软化demonstration 示范demonstration reactor 示范反应堆dempster mass spectrograph 登普斯特质谱仪denaturalization 变性denaturant 变性剂denaturation 变性denaturation of nuclear fuel 核燃料变性denature 变性denaturize 变性denitration 脱硝dense 稠密的dense plasma focus 稠密等离子体聚焦densimeter 光密度计densimetry 密度测定densitometer 光密度计densitometry 密度计量学density analog method 密度模拟法density bottle 密度瓶density effect 密度效应density gradient instability 密度梯度不稳定性density of electrons 电子密度deoxidation 脱氧deoxidization 脱氧departure from nucleate boiling 偏离泡核沸腾departure from nucleate boiling ratio 偏离泡核沸腾比dependability 可靠性dependence 相依dependency 相依dephlegmation 分凝酌dephlegmator 分馏塔depilation 脱毛depilation dose 脱毛剂量deplete uranium tail storage 贫化铀尾料储存depleted fraction 贫化馏分depleted fuel 贫化燃料depleted material 贫化材料depleted uranium 贫化铀depleted uranium shielding 贫铀屏蔽depleted water 贫化水depleted zone 贫化区域depletion 贫化;消耗depletion layer 耗尽层depolarization 去极化depolymerization 解聚合deposit 沉淀deposit dose 地面沉降物剂量deposited activity 沉积的放射性deposition 沉积depression 减压depressurization accident 失压事故depressurizing system 降压系统depth dose 深部剂量depth gauge 测深计depth of focus 焦点深度depthometer 测深计derby 粗锭derivant 衍生物derivate 衍生物derivative 衍生物derived estimate 导出估价值derived unit 导出单位derived working limit 导出工撰限desalinization 脱盐desalting 脱盐descendant 后代desensitization 脱敏desensitizer 脱敏剂desiccation 干燥desiccator 干燥器防潮器design 设计design basis accident 设计依据事故design basis depressurization accident 设计依据卸压事故design basis earthquake 设计依据地震design dose rate 设计剂量率design of the safeguards approach 保障监督方法设计design power 设计功率design pressure 设计压力design safety limit 设计安全限design temperature rise 设计温度上升design transition temperature 设计转变温度desmotropism 稳变异构desmotropy 稳变异构desorption 解吸desquamation 脱皮destruction test 破坏性试验destructive distillation 干馏detailed decontamination 细部去污detect 探测;检波detectable 可检测的detectable activity 可探测的放射性detection 探测detection efficiency 探测效率detection limit 探测限detection of neutrons from spontaneous fission 自发裂变中子探测detection of radiation 辐射线的探测detection probability 探测概率detection time 探测时间detector 1/v 1/v探测器detector 探测器敏感元件detector efficiency 探测僻率detector foil 探测骗detector noise 探测齐声detector shield 探测屏蔽detector tube 检波管detector with internal gas source 内气源探测器detergent 洗涤剂determination 确定deterrence of diversion 转用制止detonating gas 爆鸣气detonation 爆炸detonation altitude 爆炸高度detonation point 爆炸点detonation yield 核爆炸威力detoxifying 净化detriment 损害detted line 点线deuteride 氘化物deuterium 重氢deuterium alpha reaction 氘反应deuterium critical assembly 重水临界装置deuterium leak detector 重水检漏器deuterium moderated pile low energy 低功率重水慢化反应堆deuterium oxide 重水deuterium oxide moderated reactor 重水慢化反应堆deuterium pile 重水反应堆deuterium sodium reactor 重水钠反应堆deuterium target 氘靶deuterium tritium fuel 氘氚燃料deuterium tritium reaction 氘氚反应deuteron alpha reaction 氘核反应deuteron binding energy 氘核结合能deuteron induced fission 氘核诱发裂变deuteron neutron reaction 氘核中子反应deuteron proton reaction 氘核质子反应deuteron stripping 氘核涎deuterum moderated pile 重水反应堆deuton 氘核development 发展development of uranium mine 铀矿开发deviation 偏差deviation from the desired value 期望值偏差deviation from the index value 给定值偏差dew point 露点dewatering 脱水dewindtite 水磷铅铀矿dextro rotatory 右旋的di neutron 双中子di proton 双质子diagnostic radiology 诊断放射学diagnostics 诊断diagram 线图dial 度盘dialkyl phosphoric acid process 磷酸二烷基酯萃取法dialysis 渗析diamagnet 抗磁体diamagnetic effect 抗磁效应diamagnetic loop 抗磁圈diamagnetic substance 抗磁体diamagnetic susceptibility 抗磁化率diamagnetism 反磁性diamagnetism of the plasma particles 等离子体粒子反磁性diameter 直径diamond 稳定区;金刚石diaphanous 透媚diaphragm 薄膜diaphragm gauge 膜式压力计diaphragm type pressure gauge 膜式压力计diapositive 透谬片diascope 投影放影器投影仪diathermance 透热性diathermancy 透热性diatomic gas 双原子气体diatomic molecule 二原子分子dibaryon 双重子diderichite 水菱铀矿dido 重水慢化反应堆dido type heavy water research reactor 迪多型重水研究用反应堆dielectric 电介质dielectric after effect 电介质后效dielectric breakdown 绝缘哗dielectric constant 介电常数dielectric hysteresis 电介质滞后dielectric polarization 电介质极化dielectric strain 电介质变形dielectric strength 绝缘强度diesel engine 柴油机diesel oil 柴油difference ionization chamber 差分电离室difference linear ratemeter 差分线性计数率计difference number 中子过剩difference of potential 电压difference scaler 差分定标器differential absorption coefficient 微分吸收系数differential absorption ratio 微分吸收系数differential albedo 微分反照率differential control rod worth 控制棒微分价值differential cross section 微分截面differential discriminator 单道脉冲幅度分析器differential dose albedo 微分剂量反照率differential energy flux density 微分能通量密度differential galvanometel 差绕电疗differential particle flux density 粒子微分通量密度differential pressure 压差differential range spectrum 射程微分谱differential reactivity 微分反应性differential recovery rate 微分恢复率differential scattering cross section 微分散射截面differentiator 微分器diffraction 衍射diffraction absorption 衍射吸收diffraction analysis 衍射分析diffraction angle 衍射角diffraction grating 衍射光栅diffraction instrument 衍射仪diffraction pattern 衍射图diffraction peak 衍射峰值diffraction scattering 衍射散射diffraction spectrometer 衍射谱仪diffraction spectrum 衍射光谱diffractometer 衍射仪diffusate 扩散物diffuse 扩散diffuse band 扩散带diffuse reflection 漫反射diffuse scattering 漫散射diffused 散射的diffused junction semiconductor detector 扩散结半导体探测器diffuseness parameter 扩散性参数diffuser 扩散器diffusion 扩散diffusion approximation 扩散近似diffusion area 扩散面积diffusion barrier 扩散膜diffusion cascade 扩散级联diffusion chamber 扩散云室diffusion coefficient 扩散系数diffusion coefficient for neutron flux density 中子通量密度扩散系数diffusion coefficient for neutron number density 中子数密度扩散系数diffusion column 扩散塔diffusion constant 扩散常数diffusion cooling 扩散冷却diffusion cooling effect 扩散冷却效应diffusion cross section 扩散截面diffusion current 扩散电流diffusion current density 扩散淋度diffusion energy 扩散能diffusion equation 扩散方程diffusion factory 扩散工厂diffusion kernel 扩散核diffusion layer 扩散层diffusion length 扩散长度diffusion mean free path 扩散平均自由程diffusion plant 扩散工厂diffusion pump 扩散泵diffusion rate 扩散速率diffusion stack 务马堆diffusion theory 扩散理论diffusion time 扩散时间diffusivity 扩散系数digital analog converter 数模转换器digital computer 数字计算机digital data acquisition and processing system 数字数据获取与处理系统digital data handling and display system 数字数据处理和显示系统digital recorder 数字记录器digital time converter 数字时间变换器dilation 扩胀dilatometer 膨胀计diluent 稀释剂dilute 冲淡dilute solution 稀溶液dilution 稀释dilution analysis 稀释分析dilution effect 稀释效应dilution method 稀释法dilution ratio 稀释比dimension 尺寸dimensional change 尺寸变化diminishing 衰减dimorphism 双晶现象dineutron 双中子dingot 直接铸锭dip counter tube 浸入式计数管dipelt 双重线dipole 偶极子dipole dipole interaction 偶极子与偶极子相互酌dipole layer 偶极子层dipole moment 偶极矩dipole momentum 偶极矩dipole radiation 偶极辐射dipole transition 偶极跃迁dirac electron 狄拉克电子dirac equation 狄拉克方程dirac quantization 狄拉克量子化dirac theory of electron 狄拉克电子论direct action of radiation 辐射直接酌direct and indirect energy conversion 直接和间接能量转换direct contact heat exchanger 直接接触式换热器direct conversion reactor 直接转换反应堆direct conversion reactor study 直接转换反应堆研究direct current 直流direct current amplifier 直僚大器direct current resistance 直羚阻direct cycle 直接循环direct cycle integral boiling reactor 直接循环一体化沸水堆direct cycle reactor 直接循环反应堆direct digital control 直接数字控制direct energy conversion 能量直接转换direct exchange interaction 直接交换相互酌direct exposure 直接辐照direct fission yield 原始裂变产额direct interaction 直接相互酌direct isotopic dilution analysis 直接同位素稀释分析direct measurement 直接测量direct radiant energy 直接辐射能direct radiation 直接辐射direct radiation proximity indicator 直接辐射接近指示器direct reaction 直接反应direct use material 直接利用物质direct voltage 直羚压direct x ray analysis 直接x射线分析direction 方向directional 定向的directional correlation of successive gamma rays 连续射线方向相关directional counter 定向计数器directional distribution 方向分布directional focusing 方向聚焦directly ionizing particles 直接电离粒子directly ionizing radiation 直接电离辐射dirft tube 飞行管道dirt column 尘土柱dirty bomb 脏炸弹disadvantage factor 不利因子disagreement 不一致disappearence 消失disc operating system 磁盘操椎统discharge 放电discharge chamber 放电室discharge current 放电电流discharge in vacuo 真空放电discharge potential 放电电压discharge tube 放电管discharge voltage 放电电压discomposition 原子位移discontinuity 非连续性discontinuous 不连续的discrepancy 差异discrete 离散的discrete energy level 不连续能级discrete spectrum 不连续光谱discrete state 不连续态discrimination coefficient 甄别系数discriminator 鉴别器disinfectant 杀菌剂disintegrate 蜕衰disintegration 蜕变disintegration chain 放射系disintegration constant 衰变常数disintegration curve 衰变曲线disintegration energy 衰变能disintegration heat 衰变热disintegration of elementary particles 基本粒子衰变disintegration particle 衰变粒子disintegration probability 衰变概率disintegration product 蜕变产物disintegration rate 衰变速度disintegration scheme 蜕变图disintegration series 蜕变系disintegrations per minute 衰变/分disintegrations per second 衰变/秒disk source 圆盘放射源dislocation 位错dislocation edge 位错边缘dislocation line 位错线dismantling 解体disorder 无序disorder scattering 无序散射dispersal 分散dispersal effect 分散效应disperser 分散剂dispersing agent 分散剂dispersion 分散dispersion fuel 弥散体燃料dispersion fuel element 弥散体燃料元件dispersive medium 色散媒质displace 位移;代替displacement 替换displacement current 位移电流displacement kernel 位移核displacement law 位移定律displacement law of radionuclide 放射性核素位移定律displacement spike 离位峰disposal of radioactive effluents 放射性瘤液处置disposition 配置disproportionation 不均disruption 破坏disruptive instability 破裂不稳定性disruptive voltage 哗电压dissipation 耗散dissipation of energy 能消散dissociation 离解dissociation constant 离解常数dissociation energy 离解能dissociation pressure 离解压dissociative ionization 离解电离dissolution 溶解dissolver 溶解器dissolver gas 溶解气体dissolver heel 溶解泣滓distance control 遥控distant collision 远距离碰撞distillate 蒸馏液distillation 蒸馏distillation column 蒸馏塔distillation method 蒸馏法distillation tower 蒸馏塔distilled water 蒸馏水distiller 蒸馏器distilling apparatus 蒸馏器distilling flask 蒸馏瓶distorted wave 畸变波distorted wave impulse approximation 畸变波冲动近似distorted wave theory 畸变波理论distortion 畸变distortionless 不失真的distributed ion pump 分布式离子泵distributed processing 分布式处理distributed source 分布源distribution 分布distribution coefficient 分配系数distribution factor 分布因子distribution function 分布函数distribution law 分配定律distribution of dose 剂量分布distribution of radionuclides 放射性核素分布distribution of residence time 停留时间分布distribution ratio 分配系数distrubited constant 分布常数disturbance 扰动disturbation 扰动diuranium pentoxide 五氧化二铀divergence 发散divergence of ion beam 离子束发散divergence problem 发散问题divergent lens 发射透镜divergent reaction 发散反应diversing lens 发射透镜diversion 转向diversion assumption 转用假定diversion box 转换箱diversion hypothesis 转用假设diversion path 转用路径diversion strategy 转用战略divertor 收集器divider 分配器division 刻度division of operating reactors 反应堆运行部djalmaite 钽钛铀矿document information system 文献情报体系doerner hoskins distribution law 德尔纳霍斯金斯分配定律dollar 元domain 磁畴dome 圆顶水柱domestic receipt 国内接收domestic shipment 国内装货dominant mutation 显性突变donator 施止┨鬻donor 施止┨鬻donut 环形室doping control of semiconductors 半导体掺杂物第doppler averaged cross section 多普勒平均截面doppler broadening 多普勒展宽doppler coefficient 多普勒系数doppler effect 多普勒效应doppler free laser spectroscopy 无多普勒激光光谱学doppler shift method 多普勒频移法doppler width 多普勒宽度dosage 剂量dosage measurement 剂量测定dosage meter 剂量计dose 剂量dose albedo 剂量反照率dose build up factor 剂量积累因子dose commitment 剂量负担dose effect curve 剂量效应曲线dose effect relationship 剂量效应关系dose equivalent 剂量当量dose equivalent commitment 剂量当量负担dose equivalent index 剂量当量指标dose equivalent limit 剂量当量极限dose equivalent rate 剂量当量率dose fractionation 剂量分割dose limit 剂量极限dose measurement 剂量测量dose meter 剂量计dose modifying factor 剂量改变系数dose of an isotope 同位素用量dose prediction technique 剂量预报技术dose protraction 剂量迁延dose rate 剂量率dose rate meter 剂量率测量计dose ratemeter 剂量率表dose reduction factor 剂量减低系数dose response correlation 剂量响应相关dose unit 剂量单位dosifilm 胶片剂量计dosimeter 剂量计dosimeter charger 剂量计充电器dosimetry 剂量测定法dosimetry applications research facility 剂量测定法应用研究设施dotted line 点线double 双double beam 双射束double beta decay 双衰变double bond 双键double charged 双电荷的double clad vessel 双层覆盖容器double compton scattering 双康普顿散射double container 双层容器double contingency principle 双偶然性原理double decomposition 复分解double differential cross section 二重微分截面double focusing 双聚焦double focusing mass spectrometer 双聚焦质谱仪double ionization chamber 双电离室double precision 双倍精度double probe 双探针double pulse 双脉冲double resonance 双共振double resonance spectroscopy 双共振光谱学double scattering method 双散射法double walled heat exchanger 双层壁换热器doublet 电子对doublet splitting 双重线分裂doubling dose 加倍剂量doubling time 燃料倍增时间doubling time meter 倍增时间测量计doubly charged 双电荷的doubly closed shell nuclei 双闭合壳层核doughnut 环形室down time 停机时间downcomer 下降管downwards coolant flow 下行冷却剂流downwind fall out 下风放射性沉降物draft 通风drain tank 排水槽draught 通风drell ratio 多列尔比dressing 选矿dressing of uranium ore 铀矿石选矿drier 干燥器drift instability 漂移不稳定性drift mobility 漂移率drift speed 漂移速度drift transistor 漂移晶体管drift velocity 漂移速度drive voltage 控制电压driven magnetic fusion reactor 从动磁核聚变反应堆driver fuel 驱动燃料drop 点滴drop reaction 点滴反应dry active waste 干放射性废物dry analysis 干法分析dry box 干箱dry criticality 干临界dry distillation 干馏dry friction 干摩擦dry ice 干冰dry out 烧干dry reprocessing 干法再处理dry way process 干法过程dry well 干井dryer 干燥器drying 干燥drying oil 干性油drying oven 烘干炉dual cycle boiling water reactor system 双循环沸水反应堆系统dual cycle reactor 双循环反应堆dual decay 双重放射性衰变dual energy use system 能量双重利用系统dual purpose nuclear power station 两用核电站dual purpose reactor 两用反应堆dual temperature exchange 双温度交换dual temperature exchange separation process 双温度交换分离法duality 二重性duant d形盒duct 管ductile brittle transition temperature 延性脆性转变温度ductility 延伸性dummy load 仿真负载dumontite 水磷铀铅矿dump 烧毁元件存放处dump condenser 事故凝汽器dump tank 接受槽dump valve 事故排放阀dunkometer 燃料元件包壳破损探测器duplet 电子对duration 持续时间duration of a scintillation 闪烁持续时间dust chamber 集尘室dust cloud 尘埃云dust collector 集尘器dust cooled reactor 粉尘冷却反应堆dust monitor 灰尘监测器dust sampler 灰尘取样器dust trap 集尘器dye laser 染料激光器dynamic behaviour 动态dynamic characteristic 动特性dynamic equilibrium 动态平衡dynamic equilibrium ratio 动态平衡比dynamic pressure 动压dynamic process inventory determination 动态过程投料量测定dynamic stabilization 动力稳定dynamic viscosity 动力粘滞系数dynamical friction 动摩擦dynamitron 地那米加速器并激式高频高压加速器dynamo 发电机dynamometer 测力计dyne 达因dynode 倍增电极dysprosium 镝dystectic mixture 高熔点混合物e layer e 层e. m. f 电动势early fallout 早期放射性落下灰earth 接地earth metals 土金属earthquake proof site 抗地震试验场ebulliometer 沸点计ebullition 沸腾ecdysis 脱皮ecology 生态学economizer 节约器ecosystem 生态系eddy 涡流eddy current 涡电流eddy diffusion 涡俩散edge break 边缘裂缝edge crack 边缘裂缝edge dislocation 刃型位错edwardsite 独居石efd 电铃动力学effective 有效的effective absorption coefficient 有效吸收系数effective atomic charge 有效原子电荷effective atomic number 有效原子序数effective bohr magneton 有效玻尔磁子effective cadmium cut off 有效镉截止值effective capture cross section 有效俘获截面effective charge 有效电荷effective collision cross section 有效碰撞截面effective cross section 有效截面effective cross section for resonance 有效共振截面effective decontamination factor 有效去污因子effective delayed neutron fraction 有效缓发中子份额effective dose 有效剂量effective energy 有效能量effective full power days 有效满功率天数effective full power hours 有效满功率小时数effective half life 有效半衰期effective interaction 有效互酌effective ionic charge 有效离子电荷effective kilogram 有效公斤effective life 有效寿命effective macroscopic cross section 有效宏观截面effective mass 有效质量effective mass absorption coefficient 有效质量吸收系数effective mean pressure 平均有效压力effective multiplication constant 有效增殖系数effective multiplication factor 有效倍增系数effective nuclear charge 有效核电荷effective particle velocity 有效粒子速度effective power 有效功率effective radiation power 有效辐射功率effective radium content 有效镭含量effective radius of a control rod 控制棒有效半径effective range 有效范围effective relaxation length 有效张弛长度effective removal cross section 有效移出截面effective resonance integral 有效共振积分effective simple process factor 单级过程有效系数effective source area 有效源面积effective stack height 有效烟囱高度effective standard deviation 有效标准偏差effective target area 有效靶面积effective thermal cross section 有效热中子截面effective value 有效值effective voltage 有效电压effective wavelength 有效波长effectiveness 有效efficiency 效率efficiency of counter 计数颇效率effluent 瘤液effluent activity meter 瘤液放射性测量计efflux 瘤液effusion 喷出ehrenfest's adiabatic law 厄任费斯脱绝热定律eigenvalue 固有值eight electron shell l 层einstein de broglie formula 爱因斯坦德布罗意公式einstein transition probability 爱因斯坦跃迁几率einstein's equation 爱因斯坦光电方程einstein's mass energy formula 爱因斯坦质能公式einsteinium 锿ejected beam 出射束ejection 喷射ejector 喷射器ejector vacuum pump 喷射真空泵eka actinium 类锕eka cesium 钫eka iodine 砹eka neodymium 钷eka polonium 类钋eka radium 类镭eka radon 类氡elastic 弹性的elastic after effect 弹性后效elastic coefficient 弹性模量elastic collision 弹性碰撞elastic fatigue 弹性疲劳elastic hysteresis 弹性后效elastic limit 弹性极限elastic modulus 弹性模量elastic range 弹性范围elastic recoil analysis 弹性反冲分析elastic scattering 弹性散射elastic scattering cross section 弹性散射截面elastic strain 弹性应变elastic thermal stress 弹性热应力elasticity 弹性elastomer 弹性体electric arc furnace 电弧炉electric charge 电荷electric circuit 电路electric conductance 电导率electric conductivity 电导率electric conductor 导电体electric current 电流electric dipole 电偶极子electric dipole moment 电偶极矩electric dipole radiation 电偶极辐射electric discharge 放电electric double layer 双电层electric field 电场electric field gradient 电场梯度electric field intensity 电场强度electric field strength 电场强度electric force 电力electric furnace 电炉electric heater 电热器。


Bohr Model
Summary: The quantum mechanical model is the most accurate representation of atomic structure and behavior It uses quantum theory to describe the behavior of electrons in atoms
Balmer series is a group of spectral lines observed in the spectrum of hydrogen atoms
It is named after the Swiss mathematical Jakob Balmer who discovered the series in 1885
The Palmer series insists of spectral lines excited by transitions between different energy levels of the hydrogen atom
The Balmer series is important in atomic physics as it provides a simple example of quantum mechanical transitions in atoms
Atomic Models
The Rutherford model, also known as the planetary model, accounts that the atom constitutions of a positively charged nucleus orbited by negatively charged electrons

英文物理资料 Electronic configuration

英文物理资料 Electronic configuration

10. The total number of electrons in the 4th energy level a. 36 b. 28 c. 32
Given the Element
Number of
Complete the missing data.
Location in the atom
number of electrons
Atomic mass Atomic electron proton number
Electrons are arranged in electron Energy Levels Shells around the the arrangement of the in theor atom. nucleus of an atom.
a. 2
b. 8
c. 6
8. The particles in an atomic nucleus are collectively known as _______
a. Nucleus
b. Nucleons
c. Nucleolus
9. There are __ orbitals in the 3rd energy level. a. 10 b. 16 c. 3
+ p
2) 3)
13 14
5) 6)
Inside the nucleus Electron cloud Inside the nucleus
e 0 n
Multiple choice 7. The maximum number of electrons that can be contained in an atomic orbital is



英语解释物理知识点总结Physics is a fundamental science that seeks to understand the behavior of the universe through the study of matter and energy. It encompasses a wide range of phenomena, from the smallest particles of matter to the largest structures in the cosmos. In this article, we will explore some key concepts in physics, including classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics.Classical MechanicsClassical mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the motion of objects and the forces that act upon them. It is based on Isaac Newton's laws of motion, which describe the relationship between an object's mass, its acceleration, and the forces acting upon it. These laws form the foundation of classical mechanics and are still used today to understand the motion of everyday objects.One of the key concepts in classical mechanics is the principle of conservation of energy. This principle states that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only converted from one form to another. This concept is central to the understanding of how objects move and interact with one another, and it has important implications for fields such as engineering and environmental science.Another important concept in classical mechanics is the study of circular motion and gravitational forces. Sir Isaac Newton developed the theory of gravity, which describes how all objects with mass are attracted to one another. This theory has been used to explain the motion of planets, stars, and other celestial bodies, and it has provided a foundation for our understanding of the universe.ElectromagnetismElectromagnetism is the branch of physics that deals with the interactions between electrically charged particles and magnetic fields. It is based on the work of James Clerk Maxwell, who developed a set of equations that describe how electric and magnetic fields are related and how they interact with matter.One of the key concepts in electromagnetism is the understanding of electric fields and electric potential. Electric fields are created by electric charges and exert forces on other charges within the field. Electric potential is a measure of the energy stored in an electric field, and it is used to describe the behavior of charged particles in different situations.Another important concept in electromagnetism is the study of magnetic fields and magnetic forces. Magnetic fields are created by moving electric charges, such as the movement of electrons in a wire. These fields exert forces on other charges and can be used to produce motion, as in the case of electric motors and generators.ThermodynamicsThermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the study of heat and its relationship to energy and work. It is based on the laws of thermodynamics, which describe how heat and energy are transferred between systems and how they can be used to perform work.One of the key concepts in thermodynamics is the understanding of heat and temperature. Heat is a form of energy that can be transferred from one object to another, and temperature is a measure of the average kinetic energy of the particles in a substance. These concepts are used to explain the behavior of gases, liquids, and solids, and they are important in fields such as engineering and chemistry.Another important concept in thermodynamics is the study of heat engines and the conversion of heat into work. This concept is central to the understanding of how engines and power plants operate, and it has important implications for the development of sustainable energy sources.Quantum MechanicsQuantum mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales. It is based on the work of scientists such as Max Planck and Albert Einstein, who developed the theory of quantum physics to explain the behavior of particles at the atomic and subatomic levels.One of the key concepts in quantum mechanics is the understanding of wave-particle duality. This concept describes how particles such as electrons and photons can behave as both particles and waves, depending on the situation. It has important implications for our understanding of the behavior of matter and energy at the smallest scales.Another important concept in quantum mechanics is the study of quantum states and their interactions. Quantum states are described by wave functions, which represent the probability of finding a particle in a particular location. These wave functions can be used to study the behavior of atoms, molecules, and other small particles, and they have important implications for fields such as chemistry and materials science.ConclusionPhysics is a rich and diverse field that encompasses a wide range of phenomena, from the smallest particles of matter to the largest structures in the universe. It is based on key concepts such as classical mechanics, electromagnetism, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics, which provide a foundation for our understanding of the behavior of the natural world.By studying these key concepts and the principles that underlie them, physicists have been able to develop a deep understanding of the universe and its behavior. This understanding has led to important technological advances and has helped to shape our understanding ofthe world around us. As our knowledge of physics continues to grow, we can expect to see even more exciting discoveries and innovations in the future.。

物理专业英语 论文 中英文

物理专业英语 论文 中英文

太阳能电池太阳电池的材料种类非常的多,可以有非晶硅、多晶硅、CdTe、CuIn x Ga(1-x)Se2等半导体的、或三五族、二六族的元素链结的材料,简单地说,凡光照后,而产(Silicon Based)、第二代为薄膜(Thin Film)、第三代新观念研发(New Concept)、第四代复合薄膜材料。


可分为,单晶硅(Monocrystalline Silicon)、多晶硅(Polycrystalline Silicon)、非晶硅(Amorphous Silicon)。



种类可分为碲化镉(Cadmium Telluride CdTe)、铜铟硒化物(Copper Indium Selenide CIS)、铜铟镓硒化物(Copper Indium Gallium Selenide CIGS)、砷化镓(Gallium arsenide GaAs) 第三代电池与前代电池最大的不同是制程中导入有机物和纳米科技。











electron词根词缀English answer:The word "electron" is derived from the Greek word "elektron", which means "amber". This name was given to the electron because it was first observed in the static electricity produced by rubbing amber. The word "elektron" is also the root of the words "electricity" and "electric".The word "electron" was first used in a scientific context by the English physicist William Gilbert in his book "De Magnete" (1600). Gilbert used the word to describe the tiny particles of matter that are responsible for the phenomenon of electricity.The electron was not fully understood until the early 20th century, when the physicist J.J. Thomson discovered that it was a subatomic particle with a negative charge. Thomson's discovery led to the development of the modern model of the atom, which includes a nucleus of protons andneutrons surrounded by a cloud of electrons.Electrons play a fundamental role in chemistry and electricity. They are responsible for the formation of chemical bonds between atoms, and they are also thecarriers of electrical current. Electrons are also used ina wide variety of electronic devices, such as computers, televisions, and cell phones.Chinese answer:“电子” 一词的词根和词缀。



电器电子英语词汇(E)e beam 电子束e beam pattern gereration 电子束成象e jfet 增强型结式场效应晶体管e mail 电子函政early warning radar 远程警戒雷达early warning station 远程警戒雷达earom 电改写只读存储器earphone 头带受话器耳机earpiece 受话坪盖earth atmosphere 地球大气层earth current 大地电流earth image 地球图象earth radiation 地球辐射earth satellite 人造地球卫星earth screen 接地屏蔽earth shadow 地球影earth station 地面无线站earth terminal 接地端子earth's surface 地球表面eb 电子束ebes 电子束曝光器ebl 电子束蚀刻eccles jordan circuit 厄克勒斯约但电路echo 回波echo attenuation 回声衰减echo box 回波谐振器echo equalizer 回声抑制器echo signal 回波信号echo sounding 回声探测echo suppressor 回波抑制器echo trap 回声抑制器ecl 射极耦合逻辑ecl slice 位片射极耦合逻辑微处理机edge acuity 图像边缘清晰度edge contact area 边缘接触面edge definition 图像边缘清晰度edge dislocation 边缘位错edge effect 边缘效应edge emission 边缘发射edge fuzziness 图形边缘模糊edge irregularity 边缘不规则性edge placement 边缘布置edge sharpness 图像边缘清晰度editelectron lens 电子透镜edmos 增强型耗尽型模式金属氧化物半导体eerom 电可擦只读存储器ef 射极跟随器effective area 有效面积effective call 有效呼叫effective cross section 有效截面effective cut off frequency 有效截止频率effective height 有效高度effective radiated power 有效发射功率effective target area 有效靶面积effective wavelength 有效波长efficiency 效率efl 射极跟随七辑einstein relation 爱因斯坦关系式ejected electron 放出电子ejection 抽出ejector 喷射泵ejector pump 喷射泵el 电子束蚀刻elastic collision 弹性碰撞elastic deformation 弹性变形elastic surface wave device 弹性表面波掐electret microphone 驻极体传声器electric arc 电弧electric conductivity 电导率electric dipole 电偶极子electric field gradient 电场梯度electric field strength 电场强度electric focusing 电聚焦electrical communication 电气通信electrical conduction 电导electrical inspection 电参数检查electrically alterable read only memory 电改写只读存储器electrically conductive adhesive 导电性胶粘剂electrically erasable read only memory 电可擦只读存储器electrically floating region 电浮区electrically programmable read only memory 电可编程序只读存储器electrino 电微子electro optic cell 电光元件electro optic device 电光元件electroacoustic transducer 电声换能器electrochemical deposition 电化学淀积electrochemical grinding 电化学研磨electrode 电极electrode geometry 电极几何形状electrode separation 电极间距electrode spacing 电极间距electrodeless discharge 无电极放电electrodeposition 电解沉积electroendosmosis 电渗electroerosion machining 电腐蚀加工electroetching 电蚀刻electroless deposition 化学淀积electroless plating 化学淀积electroless processing 化学淀积electroluminescence 电致发光electroluminescent display 场致发光显示器electroluminescent element 场致发光元件electroluminescent faceplate 电发光荧光屏electroluminescent screen 电发光荧光屏electrolysis 电解thermocouple pyrometer 热电偶高温计electrolyte semiconductor junction 电解质半导体结electrolytic anodization 电解阳极氧化electrolytic bath 电解槽electrolytic deposition 电解沉积electrolytic etching 电解腐蚀electrolytic grinding 电解磨削electrolytic ionization 电解电离electrolytic oxidation 电解氧化electrolytic polishing 电解抛光electromagnet 电磁铁electromagnetic lens 电磁透镜electromagnetic microphone 电磁微音器电磁传声器electromagnetic pickup 电磁拾音器electromagnetic receiver 电磁式受话器electromagnetic scrub 电磁清洗electromicrometer 电子测微计electromicrometry 电子测微法electromigration immunity 电迁移耐力electromigration resistance 电迁移耐力electron 电子electron accelerator 电子加速器electron affinity 电子亲和力electron beam 电子束electron beam aligner 电子束曝光器electron beam alignment 电子束对准electron beam annealer 电子束退火装置electron beam annealing 电子束退火electron beam bonding 电子束焊接electron beam deposition 电子束沉积electron beam device 电子束装置electron beam direct write on wafer system 薄片上电子束直接绘图系统electron beam evaporation 电子束蒸发electron beam evaporator 电子束蒸发器electron beam exposer 电子束曝光器electron beam exposure 电子束曝光electron beam exposure system 电子束曝光器electron beam generated mask 电子束技术制造的掩模electron beam heating 电子束加热electron beam image repeater 电子束步进重复照相机electron beam imaging 电子束成象electron beam lithography 电子束蚀刻electron beam mask 电子束掩膜electron beam mask generator 电子束掩模图象发生器electron beam mask system 电子束掩模制造系统electron beam metalization 电子束金属化electron beam pattern writer 电子束绘图机electron beam patterning 电子束成象electron beam printing 电子束蚀刻electron beam probe 电子束探针electron beam probing 电子束探测electron beam processing 电子束加工electron beam projection 电子束投影electron beam projector 电子枪electron beam pumped laser 电子束抽运激光器electron beam recording 电子束记录electron beam resist 电子束抗蚀剂electron beam reticle 电子束掩膜electron beam technology 电子束工艺electron beam tube 电子射线管electron beam welding 电子束焊接electron beam writing 电子束成象electron bombardment 电子轰击electron bunch 电子聚束electron chrome mask 电子束光刻用铬掩模electron collector 电子显微镜的集电极electron conduction 电子导电electron continuity equation 电子连续性方程electron cooling 电子冷却electron coupled oscillator 电子耦合振荡器electron coupling 电子耦合electron current 电子电流electron cyclotron 电子回旋加速器electron density 电子密度electron device 电子掐electron diffraction 电子衍射electron diffusion length 电子扩散长度electron discharge machining 电子放电加工electron display tube 电子显示管electron drift 电子漂移electron emission 电子发射electron emitter 电子发射体electron envelope 电子壳层electron gas 电子气electron gun 电子枪electron hole avalanche 电子空穴雪崩electron hole pair 电子空穴对electron hole pair generation 电子空穴对发生electron hole recombination 电子空穴复合electron hole scatter 电子空穴散射electron image projection 电子图象投影electron image projector 电子投影装置electron impact 电子轰击electron injection 电子注入electron injector 电子注射器electron ion recombination 电子离子复合electron irradiated silicon 电子束照射硅electron irradiation 电子辐照electron lens 电子透镜electron linear accelerator 电子直线加速器electron microprobe 电子探针electron microscope 电子显微镜electron multiplier 电子倍增器electron optical image converter 电子光学图象转换器electron optical system 电子光学系统electron optics 电子光学electron pair 电子偶electron physics 电子物理学electron polarization 电子极化electron population 电子布居electron ray indicator tube 电子射线指示管electron resist 电子束抗蚀剂electron scattering 电子散逸electron sensitive emulsion 电子灵敏乳胶electron sensitive resist 电子束抗蚀剂electron shell 电子壳层electron source 电子源electron spin 电子自旋electron spin resonance 电子自旋共振electron switch 电子开关electron synchrotron 电子同步加速器electron technology 电子技术electron theory 电子论electron trajectory 电子轨道electron transition 电子跃迁electron trap 电子陷阱electron tube 电子管electron tunneling 电子隧道效应electron vacancy 电子空位electron valve 电子管electron velocity 电子速度electronic 电子的electronic bionics 电子仿生学electronic component 电子线路元件electronic computer 电子计算机electronic conductivity 电子电导率electronic control 电子控制electronic counter 电子计数器electronic display 电子显示electronic efficiency 电子效率electronic engineering 电子工程学electronic grade chemical 电子工业纯度级化学试剂electronic grade gas 电子工业纯度级气体electronic grade solvent 电子工业纯度级溶剂electronic grade water 电子工业纯度级水electronic instrument 电子系仪表electronic mail 电子函政electronic microwave tube 微波电子管electronic organ 电子琴electronic rectifier 电子整流electronic scanning 电子扫描electronic semiconductor 电子半导体electronic shutter 电子快门electronic spectroscope 电子分光镜electronic switch 电子开关electronic switching 电子开关electronic tuning 电子党electronics 电子学electronimage 电子图象electronmirror 电子镜electrooptical deflector 电光偏转器electrooptical effect 电光效应electrooptical modulator 电光灯器electrooptical q switch 电光 q 开关electrooptical shutter 电光快门electrooptical technology 光电技术electrooptics 电光学electroosmosis 电渗electroplating 电解沉积electropolishing 电解抛光electrorheograph 电流electrostatic accelerater 静电加速器electrostatic charge 静电电荷electrostatic deflection 静电偏转electrostatic discharge 静电放电electrostatic elimination 静电消除electrostatic field 静电场electrostatic focusing 静电聚焦electrostatic lens 静电透镜electrostatic receiver 静电式受话器electrostatic wafer chuck 静电薄片夹头electrostatical loudspeaker 静电扬声器electrotinning 电镀锡element 元件element density 元件密度element redundancy 元件冗余elemental semiconductor 元素半导体elementary charge 基本电荷elementary mos device 分立金属氧化物半导体掐elevated duct 架空管道elevation accuracy 仰角精度ellipsometer 椭圆计elliptic polarization 椭圆偏振elliptical fiber 椭圆型纤维elliptical waveguide 椭圆波导elliptically polarized light 椭圆偏振光elliptically polarized wave 椭圆偏振波ellipticity 椭圆率elongation 延长elsi 特大规模集成emergency call 紧急呼叫emesfet 增强型肖特基势垒场效应晶体管emfet 增强型场效应晶体管emission 发射emission band 发射光谱带emission efficiency 发射效率;放射效率emission line 发射谱线emission linewidth 辐射谱线宽度emission transition 辐射跃迁emissive power 发射能力emissivity 发射能力emitted electron 放出电子emitted light 发射光emitter 发射极emitter base diode 发射极基极二极管emitter base junction 发射极基极结emitter bias 射极偏压emitter branch 发射极支路emitter coupled logic 射极耦合逻辑emitter coupled logic gate 射极耦合逻辑门emitter current 发射极电流emitter diffusion 发射极扩散emitter diffusion opening 发射极扩散窗emitter dip 发射极陷落emitter electrode 发射电极emitter follower 射极跟随器emitter follower input 输入射极跟随器emitter follower logic 射极跟随七辑emitter function logic 射极功能逻辑emitter impurity concentration 发射区杂质浓度emitter ion implantation 发射区离子注入emitter mask 发射极掩模emitter push 发射极陷落emitter region 发射极区emitter terminal 发射极端子emitting antenna 发射天线emitting diode 发光二极管emitting layer 放射层emitting surface 放射面emos 增强型金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管emosfet 增强型金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管emphasizer 加重器empty band 空带empty level 空能级emulsifier 乳化剂emulsion 感光乳胶emulsion build up 乳胶层加厚emulsion mask 乳胶光掩模emulsion mask pattern 乳胶掩模图形emulsion photomask 乳胶光掩模emulsion plate 乳胶光掩模enable 充讦操作enable pulse 启动脉冲enabling pulse 启动脉冲encapsulant 密封剂encapsulated component 封装元件encapsulated hybrid 封装混合电路encapsulated integrated circuit 封装集成电路encapsulation 密封encapsulation mold 封装用塑模enclosure 外壳encoder 编码器号码机encoder system 编码系统encoding 编码end capacitance 终局容量end effect 边缘效应end point 终点end point detection 终点检测endodyne 自差endotron 振荡管endurance 强度energy 能量energy absorption 能量吸收energy balance 能量平衡energy band 能带energy band structure 能带结构energy barrier 能量垒energy density 能量密度energy distribution 能量分布energy flow 能流energy gap 禁带宽度energy level 能级energy level diagram 能级图energy level difference 能级差energy loss 能量损耗energy of a quantum 量子能量energy of plasma 等离子体能量energy output 输出能量energy pulse bonding 脉冲焊energy resolution 能量分辨率energy spectrum 能谱energy state 能量状态energy supply 电源energy transfer 能量转移engaged 占线的engaged line 占线engaged signal 占线信号engaged test 占线测试engineering 工程engineering reliabilty 工程可靠性engraving 雕刻enhanced diffusion 增强扩散enhancement 增强enhancement channel 增强型沟道enhancement depletion mos 增强型耗尽型模式金属氧化物半导体enhancement mode 增强型enhancement mode fet 增强型场效应晶体管enhancement mode fet integrated circuit 增强型场效应晶体管集成电路enhancement mode junction fet 增强型结式场效应晶体管enhancement mode operation 增强型动作enhancement mos 增强型金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管enhancement type schottky barrier fet 增强型肖特基势垒场效应晶体管ensemble 组entropy 熵envelope 外壳envelope delay 群时延envelope detector 包络检波器environment 环境environment cabinet 人造环境室environment chamber 人造环境室environmental contamination 环境污染environmental handler 环境控制器environmental test 环境试验epi 外延层epi island 外延岛epic 外延钝化集成电路epic approach 外延钝化集成电路方法epifilm 外延膜epilayer 外延层epiplanar device 外延平面掐epiplanar technology 外延平面工艺epitaxial body 外延衬底epitaxial collector 外延集电极epitaxial cvd 外延化学汽相淀积epitaxial deposition 外延淀积epitaxial edge grown 外延层边缘生长epitaxial film 外延膜epitaxial furnace 外延生长炉epitaxial growth 外延生长epitaxial integrated circuit 外延集成电路epitaxial junction 外延结epitaxial layer 外延层epitaxial passivated integrated circuit 外延钝化集成电路epitaxial planar transistor 外延平面晶体管epitaxial pocket 外延阱区epitaxial reactor 外延生长炉epitaxial region 外延区epitaxial regrowth 外延层再生长epitaxial slice 外延生长薄片epitaxial solution 外延溶液epitaxial spike 外延层凸起部分epitaxial substrate film 外延衬底膜epitaxial transistor 外延型晶体管epitaxial wafer 外延生长薄片epitaxially grown film 外延膜epitaxially grown junction 外延结epitaxy 外延epoxy 环氧尸epoxy adhesive 环氧尸粘合剂epoxy coating 环氧尸涂层epoxy cure 环氧尸硬化epoxy die attachment 环氧尸芯片粘合epoxy die bonder 环氧矢芯片接合器epoxy dispenser 环氧尸配量器epoxy dispensing system 环氧尸配量器epoxy encapsulant 环氧尸密封剂epoxy encapsulation 环氧尸密封epoxy glass 环氧玻璃epoxy hardener 环氧尸硬化剂epoxy laminate 环氧迭层片epoxy molding 环氧尸模制epoxy package 环氧尸外壳epoxy potting 环氧尸密封epoxy sealing 环氧尸密封eprom 电可编程序只读存储器equalization 均衡equalizer 均衡器equalizing pulse 平衡脉冲equi energy spectrum 等能量谱equilibrium 平衡equilibrium carrier 平衡载劣equilibrium carrier density 平衡载劣密度equilibrium conditions 平衡条件equilibrium diagram 平衡状态图equilibrium energy 平衡能量equilibrium orbit 平衡轨道equilibrium phase 平衡相equilibrium state 平衡状态equilibrium value 平衡值equiphase zone 等相位区equisignal line 等信号线equisignal radio beacon 等信号无线电信标equisignal zone 等信号区equivalant resistance 等效电阻equivalent circuit 等效电路equivalent gate 等效门equivalent gate complexity 等效门复杂度erasable programmed read only memory 可擦可编程序只读存储器erasing 取消erasing head 消磁头erasing speed 擦去速度erlang 厄兰erlangmeter 厄兰计erratic doping 不规则掺杂error 误差error constant 系统错误error correcting 误差校正error correcting code 错误校正码error correction 误差校正error function diffusion 误差函数扩散error function distribution 误差函数分布error rate 故障率error signal 误差信号esaki effect 江崎效应esaki junction 江崎结esbt 增强型肖特基势垒场效应晶体管esd 静电放电etch 腐蚀etch bath 腐蚀槽etch depth 腐蚀深度etch end point 腐蚀终点etch factor 腐蚀系数etch figure 蚀刻图形etch moat 腐蚀槽etch out backfill isolation 腐蚀反填充隔离etch pit 腐蚀坑etch polishing 腐蚀抛光etch profile 腐蚀断面图etch rate 腐蚀速率etch ratio 腐蚀速度比etch removal 腐蚀除去etch resistant layer 抗腐蚀层etch response 腐蚀灵敏度etch rinse processor 薄片腐蚀冲洗装置etch stop layer 腐蚀停止层etch tank 腐蚀槽etch taper 腐蚀锥度etch trench 腐蚀槽etchant 蚀刻剂etchant gas 腐蚀气体etchant regeneration system 腐蚀剂再生装置etchant solution 腐蚀溶液etched mesa 腐蚀台面etched pattern 蚀刻图形etched printed circuit 浸蚀法印刷电路etched surface 腐蚀面etcher 腐蚀器etching 腐蚀etching agent 蚀刻剂etching anisotropy 腐蚀蛤异性etching bias 腐蚀锥度etching chemical 蚀刻剂etching gas mixture 腐蚀用气体混合物etching mask 腐蚀掩模etching reactor 腐蚀反应器etching test 蚀刻试验eureka 欧锐卡eutectic alloy 共晶合金eutectic brazing 共晶软钎焊eutectic coverage 共晶合金覆盖eutectic die attachment 共晶芯片连接eutectic die bonder 共晶芯片焊接装置eutectic preform 共晶合金盘料eutectic solder 易熔质焊料eutectic vibration brazing 共晶合金振动钎焊法evacuated chamber 真空室evacuated display tube 真空显示管evacuation 排气evacuation rate 抽气速度evaporant 蒸发剂evaporated bump 蒸发的隆起焊盘evaporation 蒸发evaporation chamber 蒸发室evaporation charge 蒸发装料evaporation coating 蒸发镀膜evaporation source 蒸发源evaporator 蒸发装置even harmonic 偶次谐波exact registration 精密对准exactitude 准俑exactness 准俑exception handling 异常处理excess carrier 过剩载劣excess density 过量密度excess holes 过剩空穴excessiveness 冗余exchange 交换exchange area 电话交换区exchange busy hour 电话局忙时exchange energy 交换能量excimer laser 准分子激光器excimer laser etching 准分子激光腐蚀excising 切割excising lead former 链式带芯片切割/引线成形机excitation 激励excitation anode 激励阳极excitation collision 激发碰撞excitation conditions 激发条件excitation cross section 激发截面excitation level 激发能级excitation luminescence 激励发光excitation probability 激发概率excitation radiation 激发辐射excitation threshold 激励阈值excitation time 激励时间excitation voltage 激励电压excited atom 受激原子excited level 受激能级excited molecule 受激分子excited state 激励状态excited state lifetime 激发状态寿命excited wave 受激波exciter 激励器exciting current 励磁电流激励电流exciting field 激励场exciting light 激发光exciton 激发子exhaustion 排气exhaustion rate 抽气速度expandable gate 可扩展门电路expander 扩展器膨胀器expansion 扩展expansion coefficient 膨胀系数expansion ratio 膨胀系数expected life 预估寿命expert system on a chip 专家系统芯片explosion 爆发exposed film 曝露的膜exposed region 曝露区exposed surface 曝露面exposer 曝光器exposing radiation 曝光辐射exposure 曝光exposure dose 照射剂量exposure field 辐照场exposure meter 曝光计exposure monitor 曝光计exposure source 曝光辐射源exposure wavelength 曝光辐射波长extension 扩展extension telephone 电话分机exterior antenna 室外天线external component 外元件external memory 外存储器external modulation 外部灯external photoelectric effect 外部光电效应extra high pressure discharge 超高压放电extra high vacuum 超高真空extra large scale integration 特大规模集成extranuclear electron 核外电子extraordinary beam 非常光线extraordinary ray 非常光线extraordinary wave 异常波extrinsic conduction 杂质导电extrinsic conductivity 非本甄导率extrinsic properties 非本赵质extrinsic semiconductor 含杂质半导体。

Chapter 13 Electrons in AtomsChapter 13电子在原子

Chapter 13 Electrons in AtomsChapter 13电子在原子

Bohr’s planetary model
electron cannot exist between energy levels, just like you can’t stand between rungs on ladder
Quantum of energy required to move to the next highest level
4s 4p 4d 4f 3s 3p 3d 2s 2p 1s
• 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p6 4s2 3d10 4p6 5s2 4d10 5p6 6s2 4f14 5d10 6p6 7s2 5f14 6d10 7p6
• 108 electrons
Exceptional Electron Configurations
following the arrows
7s 7p 7d 7f 6s 6p 6d 6f 5s 5p 5d 5f
• 1s2 2s2
4s 4p 4d 4f 3s 3p 3d 2s 2p 1s
• 4 electrons
Fill from the bottom up
following the arrows
“Nuclear model”
Niels Bohr’s Model
Move like planets around the sun. In circular orbits at different levels. Amounts of energy separate one level from another. “Planetary model”
The Quantum Mechanical Model
The atom is found inside a blurry “electron cloud”

Chapter 13 Electrons in AtomsChapter 13电子在原子 共63页PPT资料

Chapter 13 Electrons in AtomsChapter 13电子在原子 共63页PPT资料

The Quantum Mechanical Model
Has energy levels for electrons.
Orbits are not circular.
It can only tell us the probability of finding an electron a certain distance from the nucleus.
into the 3s orbital
• only 3 more...
Increasing energy
3p • The last three electrons
go into the 3p orbitals.
2p • They each go into
Atomic Orbitals
Principal Quantum Number (n) = the energy level of the electron.
Within each energy level, the complex math of Schrodinger’s equation describes several shapes.
Bohr’s planetary model
electron cannot exist between energy levels, just like you can’t stand between rungs on ladder
Quantum of energy required to move to the next highest level



物理专业英语词汇(N)n n junction n n型跃迁;n n 结n p n junction n p n 结n particle distribution function n 体分布函数n process n 过程n product 正规乘积n type semiconductor n型半导体;n 型半导体n value n 值nambu goldstone boson 南部戈德斯通玻色子nand circuit 与非电路nano 毫微nanoelectronics 纳电子学nanofarad 毫微法nanometer 毫微米nanometer material science 纳米材料科学nanoscale science and technology 纳米科学技术nanosecond 毫微秒nanotechnology 毫微技术natural background radioactivity 天然本底放射性natural breadth 自然宽度natural color 天然色natural convection 自然对流natural light 天然光natural mode 固有模式natural orbital 自然轨道natural oscillation 固有振荡natural radioactive element 天然放射性元素natural radioactivity 天然放射性natural radionuclide 天然放射性核素natural science 自然科学natural steam power plant 地热发电厂natural strain 自然应变natural unit system 自然单位制natural uranium 天然铀natural vibration 固有振荡natural wavelength 固有波长natural width 自然宽度nature 自然nautical astronomy 航海天文学nd glass laser 钕玻璃激光器near earth satellite 近地卫星near field pattern 近场图象near infrared spectrum 近红外光谱near point 近点near ultraviolet rays 近紫外线nebula 星云nebular cloud 宇宙云nebular hypothesis 星云说nebular line 星云线necessity 必然性needle galvanometer 动磁型电疗negative 底片negative characteristic 负特性negative charge 负电荷negative corona 负日冕negative crystal 负晶体negative electricity 负电negative electron 负电子negative energy wave 负能波negative entropy 负熵negative eyepiece 负目镜negative feedback 负反馈negative glow 阴极辉negative impedance 负阻抗negative ion 阴离子negative ion source 阴离子源negative lens 发散透镜negative meniscus 凸凹透镜negative number 负数negative parity 负宇称negative resistance 负电阻negative sign 负号negative temperature 负温度negative temperature distribution 负温度分布negative valence 负原子价negaton 负电子negatron 负电子negentropy 负熵nematic crystal 向列型晶体nematic phase 向列相neoclassical transport 新经典输运neodym glass laser 钕玻璃激光器neodymium 钕neon 氖neon sign 氖灯光信号neper 奈培nephelometry 混浊度测定法neptune 海王星neptunium 镎neptunium family 镎族neptunium series 镎族nernst ettingshausen effect 能斯特厄廷格好森效应nernst's law 热力学第三定律nernst's theorem 能斯特定理net plane 网平面network 网络network polymer 网状聚合物network structure 网状结构network theory 网络理论neutral 中性的neutral atom 中性原子neutral axis 中性轴neutral beam injection heating 中性粒子注入加热neutral current 中性流neutral equilibrium 中性平衡neutral filter 中性滤光片neutral layer 中性层neutral line 中性线neutral meson 中性介子neutral molecule 中性分子neutral surface 中性面neutralization 中和neutrino 中微子neutrino astronomy 中微子天文学neutrino beam 中微子束neutrino loss 中微子损耗neutrino oscillation 中微子振荡neutro optics 中子光学neutron 中子neutron age 中子年龄neutron beam 中子束neutron bomb 中子弹neutron capture 中子俘获neutron chopper 中子选择器neutron counter 中子计数器neutron cycle 中子循环neutron damage 中子损伤neutron detector 中子检测器neutron diffraction 中子衍射neutron diffraction photography 中子衍射照相术neutron diffractometer 中子衍射仪neutron dosimetry 中子剂量测定法neutron economy 中子经济neutron excess 中子过剩neutron filter 中子过滤器neutron flux 中子通量neutron guide tube 中子波导管neutron importance 中子价值neutron interference 中子干扰neutron irradiation 中子照射neutron mirror 中子镜neutron moderation 中子减速neutron monochromator 中子单色器neutron multiplication 中子倍增neutron optics 中子光学neutron period 中子通量周期neutron physics 中子物理学neutron pulse 中子脉冲neutron reflector 中子镜neutron resonance 中子共振neutron scattering 中子散射neutron source 中子源neutron spectrometer 中子频谱仪neutron spectroscopy 中子频谱学neutron spectrum 中子频谱neutron spin echo method 中子自旋回波法neutron star 中子星neutron temperature 中子温度neutron thermalization 中子热化neutron thermopile 中子热电池neutron time of flight analyzer 中子飞行时间分析器neutron transport theory 中子输运理论neutron velocity selector 中子速度选择器neutronics 中子学;中子物理学neutrotelescope 中子望远镜new candle 新烛new moon 新月newton 牛顿newton law of cooling 牛顿冷却定律newton law of resistance 牛顿阻力定律newton potential 牛顿势newton rings 牛顿圈newton type reflector 牛顿式反射镜newton universe 牛顿宇宙newtonian flow 牛顿怜newtonian fluid 牛顿铃newtonian focus 牛顿焦点newtonian liquid 牛顿铃newtonian mechanics 牛顿力学newtonian potential 牛顿势newtonian viscosity 牛顿粘滞性nichrome 镍铬合金nickel 镍nickel cadmium alcaline battery 镍镉碱性蓄电池nickel cadmium cell 镍镉碱性蓄电池nicol 尼科尔棱镜nicol's prism 尼科尔棱镜night blindness 夜盲night glasses 夜视镜night myopia 夜近视nit 尼特nitrogen cycle 氮循环nitrogen laser 氮激光器nmr imaging 核磁共振成象no load characteristic 无载特性曲线no load characteristic curve 无载特性曲线nobelium 锘noble gas 稀有气体noble metal 贵金属noctovision 暗视觉nocturnal radiation 夜间辐射nodal month 交点月node 节noether's theorem 内特尔定理noise 噪声noise background 噪声背景noise factor 噪声指数noise figure 噪声指数noise filter 噪声滤波器noise generator 噪声发生器noise level 噪声级noise meter 噪声计noise resistance 噪声电阻noise spectrum 噪声谱noise temperature 噪声温度noise thermometer 噪声温度计noise voltage 噪声电压noiseless 无噪声的non abelian gauge theory 非阿贝尔规范理论non abelian group 非阿贝尔群non adiabatic change 非绝热变化non adiabatic transition 非绝热转变non clastic collision 非弹性碰撞non coherent scattering 非相干散射non conductor 非导体non conservation of parity 宇称不守恒non corrosive 不腐蚀的non critical point 非奇点non crystalline 非晶的non crystalline solid 非晶固体non degenerate gas 非简并气体non destructive inspection 非破坏性检查non destructive testing 非破坏性检查non directional 不定向的non equilibrium molecular dynamics 非平衡分子动力学non equilibrium statistical mechanics 非平衡统计力学non equilibrium thermodynamics 非平衡热力学non euclidean geometry 非欧几里德几何学non harmonic oscillation 非谐和振荡non holonomic system 不完整系non ideal type superconductor 非理想第二类超导体non linear 非线性的non linear field theory 非线性场论non linear vibration 非线性振荡non linearity 非线性non local field theory 非定域场论non local potential 非定域势non localized fringes 非定域干涉条纹non luminous flame 无光焰non magnetic 非磁性的non metal 非金属non newtonian flow 非牛顿怜non newtonian fluid 非牛顿铃non periodic 非周期的non polar molecule 无极分子non polarized 非极化的non radiative quantum transition 无辐射量子跃迁non radiative transition 无辐射跃迁non rationalized system of units 非有理化单位制non reflecting film 无反射膜non relativistic approximation 非相对论性近似non relativistic particle 非相对论性粒子non self sustaining discharge 非自持放电non sinusoidal wave 非正弦波non stationary discharge 不稳定放电non stationary random process 非平稳随机过程non steady state 非稳定态non symmetric 非对称的non symmetry 非对称non thermal radiation 非热辐射non uniform 不均匀的nonconservation of baryon 重子不守恒nondispersive medium 非弥散介质nonequilibrium process 非平衡过程nonholonomic constraints 不完全约束nonleptonic decay 非轻子衰变nonleptonic interaction 非轻子相互酌nonlinear acoustics 非线性声学nonlinear dynamics 非线性力学nonlinear field theory 非线性场论nonlinear flexible spacecraft 非线性挠曲宇宙飞船nonlinear laser spectroscopy 非线性激光光谱学nonlinear light scattering 非线性光散射nonlinear optical element 非线性光学元件nonlinear optics 非线性光学nonlinear oscillation 非线性振荡nonlinear resonance 非线性共振nonlinear spectroscopy 非线性光谱学nonlinear susceptibility 非线性感受率nonlinear wave 非线性波动nonmagnetic 非磁性的nonstatic universe 非静止宇宙nonstationary universe 非稳定宇宙noon 午nor circuit 或非电路norm 模方norma 矩尺座normal acceleration 法向加速度normal conducting state 正常导电态normal conduction 普通传导normal coordinates 正规坐标normal curve 高斯曲线normal density 标准密度normal dispersion 正常色散normal distribution 正态分布normal fluid 普通铃normal fluid helium 普通铃氦normal fluidity 普通怜性normal force 法向力normal gage 标准真空计normal glow discharge 正常辉光放电normal gravity 正常重力normal hydrogen 正常氢normal liquid 正常液体normal mode 正规模normal phase 正常相normal process n 过程normal product 正规乘积normal solution 当量溶液normal spectrum 正常光谱normal state 标准状态normal stress 法应力normal vibration 正规振动normal zeeman effect 正常塞曼效应normalization 归一化normalized structure factor 归一化结构因子normalizing 正火normalizing factor 归一化因子north america nebula 北美星云north polar sequence 北极星序north pole 北极north south effect 南北效应north star 北极星not circuit not电路notch effect 切口效应notion 概念nova 新星nova like variable 类新星变星nozzle 喷嘴nuclear astrophysics 核天体物理学nuclear battery 原子电池nuclear binding energy 核结合能nuclear chain reaction 核链式反应nuclear charge 核电荷nuclear cosmochronology 核宇宙年代学nuclear deformation 核形变nuclear dipole moment 核偶极矩nuclear electric moment 核电矩nuclear emulsion 核乳胶nuclear energy 核能nuclear energy watch 核能手表nuclear explosion 核爆炸nuclear field theory 核场论nuclear fission 核裂变nuclear force 核力nuclear fuel 核燃料nuclear fusion 核聚变nuclear fusion blanket 热核反应堆再生区nuclear fusion device 核聚变装置nuclear intermediate resonance 核中间共振nuclear isobar 同质异位素nuclear isomer 同质异能素nuclear isomerism 核同质异能性nuclear magnetic induction 核磁感应nuclear magnetic moment 核磁矩nuclear magnetic relaxation 核磁弛豫nuclear magnetic resonance 核磁共振nuclear magnetism 核磁性nuclear magneton 核磁子nuclear mass 核质量nuclear matter 核物质nuclear model 核模型nuclear moment 核矩nuclear moment of inertia 核的惯性矩nuclear orientation 核取向nuclear particle 核粒子nuclear photoelectric effect 核光电效应nuclear physics 核物理学nuclear polarization 核极化nuclear potential 核势nuclear power generation 原子能发电nuclear power plant 核电站nuclear quadrupole moment 核四极矩nuclear quadrupole resonance 核四极共振nuclear radiation 核辐射nuclear radiation source 核辐射源nuclear reaction 核反应nuclear reaction yield 核反应产额nuclear reactor 反应堆nuclear reactor physics 反应堆物理学nuclear resonance 核共振nuclear resonance absorption 核共振吸收nuclear rotation 核转动nuclear shape 核形状nuclear spectroscopy 核谱学nuclear spectrum 核谱nuclear spin 核自旋nuclear statistics 核统计法nuclear stopping power 核的阻止本领nuclear structure 核结构nuclear synthesis 核合成nuclear theory 核理论nuclear vibration 核振动nucleate boiling 泡核沸腾nucleation 晶核形成nuclei in pancake shape 饼状核nucleon 核子nucleon cascade 核子级联nucleon charge 核子电荷nucleon moment 核子矩nucleon number 质量数nucleus 晶核nucleus of condensation 凝结中心nucleus of crystallization 结晶中心nucleus of galaxy 星系核nuclide 核素nuclides generated by cosmic ray irradiation 宇宙射线辐照生成的核素null gravitational state 零引力状态null method 零点法number 数number of degrees of freedom 自由度数number operator 粒子数算符numerator 分子numerical analysis 数值分析numerical aperture 数值孔径numerical solution 数值解numerically controlled optics 数值控制光学nusselt number 努赛尔数nusselt's number 努塞特数nutation 章动nyquist diagram 尼奎斯特图nyquist's theorem 尼奎斯特定理。

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Why do atoms combine?
Alkali Metals
Why do atoms combine?
Alkali Metals
• The alkali metals form compounds that are similar to each other. • Alkali metals each have one outer energy level electron. • It is this electron that is removed when alkali metals react. • The easier it is to remove an electron, the more reactive the atom is. • Unlike halogens, the reactivities of alkali metals increase down the group.
The groups, and electron dot diagrams
Why do atoms combine?
Element Families
• Elements can be divided into groups, or families. • Each column of the periodic table contains one element family. • Hydrogen is usually considered separately, so the first element family begins with lithium and sodium in the first column.
• The elements in Group 17 are called the halogens. • Fluorine is the most reactive of the halogens because its outer energy level is closest to the nucleus.
Section Check
The answer is B. The “cloud” includes all the regions where an electron might be found.
Section Check
Question 2
What information can you learn from this diagram?
How to Write Them
• The dots are written in pairs on four sides of the element symbol. • Start by writing one dot on the top of the element symbol, then work your way around adding dots to the right, bottom, and left.
• An electric dot diagram is the symbol for the element surrounded by as many dots as there are electrons in its outer energy level.
Why do atoms combine?
Why do atoms combine?
Element Families
• Just as human family members often have similar looks and traits, members of element families have similar chemical properties because they have the same number of electrons in their outer energy levels.
Section Check
Question 3
The _______ an energy level is from the nucleus, the _______ electrons it can hold.
A. closer, more B. closer, less C. farther, less D. farther, more
Why do atoms combine?
• The reactivity of the halogens decreases down the group as the outer energy levels of each element’s atoms get farther from the nucleus.
Why do atoms combine?
Electron Dot Diagrams
• If you want to see how atoms of one element will react, it is handy to have an easier way to represent the atoms and the electrons in their outer energy levels. • You can do this with electron dot diagrams.
Why do atoms combine?
How to Write Them
• Add a fifth dot to the top to make a pair. Continue in this manner until you reach eight dots to complete the level.
Section Check
The answer is D. The farthest shells contain the greatest number of electrons.
Section Check
Question 1
Electrons are now known to swarm around the nucleus of an atom in a configuration known as the _______. A. electron circle B. electron cloud C. electron configuration D. electron swarm
Why do atoms combine?
Noble Gases
• At one time these elements were thought to be completely unreactive, and therefore became known as the inert gases.
Section Check
This image is an example of an electron dot diagram. It tells you that nitrogen contains five electrons in its outer energy level.
• When chemists learned that some of these gases can react, their name was changed to noble gases. They are still the most stable element group.
Why do atoms combine?
Why do atoms combine?

Noble Gases
• Neon and the elements below it in Group 18 have eight electrons in their outer energy levels. • Their energy levels are stable, so they do not combine easily with other elements.
Why do atoms combine?
Using Dot Diagrams
• Now that you know how to write electron dot diagrams for elements, you can use them to show how atoms bond with each other. • A chemical bond is the force that holds two atoms together. • Atoms bond with other atoms in such a way that each atom becomes more stable. That is, their outer energy levels will resemble those of the noble gases.