S.D. Krashen





















英语教学法原著选读48:克拉申⼆语习得五假说之⼆——⾃然顺序假说(NaturalOrder)导读:本篇是⼆语习得泰⽃Stephen D. Krashen的著作《⼆语习得原则与实践(Principles andPractice of Second Language Acquisition)》第⼆章“第⼆语⾔习得理论”A节“有关第⼆语⾔习得的五个假说”中的第⼆个假说,探讨的是语⾔习得过程中各学习项⽬的⾃然顺序。




祝朋友们学习进步!------------------------原⽂One of the most exciting discoveries in language acquisition research in recent years has beenthe finding that the acquisition of grammatical structures proceeds in a predictable order.Acquirers of a given language tend to acquire certain grammatical structures early, and otherslater. The agreement among individual acquirers is not always 100%, but there are clear,statistically significant, similarities.English is perhaps the most studied language as far as the natural order hypothesis isconcerned, and of all structures of English, morphology is the most studied. Brown (1973)reported that children acquiring English as a first language tended to acquire certaingrammatical morphemes, or functions words, earlier than others. For example, the progressivemarker ing (as in "He is playing baseball".) and the plural marker /s/ ("two dogs") were amongthe first morphemes acquired, while the third person singular marker /s/ (as in "He lives in NewYork") and the possessive /s/ ("John's hat") were typically acquired much later, cominganywhere from six months to one year later. de Villiers and de Villiers (1973) confirmedBrown's longitudinal results cross-sectionally, showing that items that Brown found to beacquired earliest in time were also the ones that children tended to get right more often. In otherwords, for those morphemes studied, the difficulty order was similar to the acquisition order.Shortly after Brown's results were published, Dulay and Burt (1974, 1975) reported thatchildren acquiring English as a second language also show a "natural order" for grammaticalmorphemes, regardless of their first language. The child second language order of acquisitionwas different from the first language order, but different groups of second language acquirersshowed striking similarities. Dulay and Burt's results have been confirmed by a number ofinvestigators (Kessler and Idar, 1977; Fabris, 1978; Makino, 1980). Dulay and Burt used asubset of the 14 morphemes Brown originally investigated. Fathman (1975) confirmed thereality of the natural order in child second language acquisition with her test of oral production,the SLOPE test, which probed 20 different structures.Following Dulay and Burt's work, Bailey, Madden, and Krashen (1974) reported a natural orderfor adult subjects, an order quite similar to that seen in child second language acquisition. Aswe shall see later, this natural order appears only under certain conditions (or rather, itdisappears only under certain conditions!). Some of the studies confirming the natural order inadults for grammatical morphemes include Andersen (1976), who used composition, Krashen,Houck, Giunchi, Bode, Birnbaum, and Strei (1977), using free speech, and Christison (1979),also using free speech. Adult research using the SLOPE test also confirms the natural orderand widens the data base. Krashen, Sferlazza, Feldman, and Fathman (1976) found an ordersimilar to Fathman's (1975) child second language order, and Kayfetz-Fuller (1978) alsoreported a natural order using the SLOPE test.As noted above, the order of acquisition for second language is not the same as the order ofacquisition for first language, but there are some similarities. Table 2.1, from Krashen (1977),presents an average order for second language, and shows how the first language orderdiffers. This average order is the result of a comparison of many empirical studies ofgrammatical morpheme acquisition.TABLE 2.1. "Average" order of acquisition of grammatical morphemes for EnglishWhile English is the best studied language, it is not the only one studied. Research in order of acquisition for other language is beginning to emerge. As yet unpublished papers by Bruce (1979), dealing with Russian as a foreign language, and van Naerssen (1981), for Spanish as a foreign language, confirm the validity of the natural order hypothesis for other languages. We will deal with the pedagogical implications of the natural order hypothesis later, I should point out here, however, that the implication of the natural order hypothesis is not that our syllabi should be based on the order found in the studies discussed here, that is, I do not recommend teaching ing early and the third person singular /s/ late. We will, in fact, find reason to reject grammatical sequencing in all cases where our goal is language acquisition. We will deal with this later, however, after we have finished laying the theoretical groundwork.(a) Transitional formsStudies supporting the natural order hypothesis show only the order in which mature, or well-formed structures emerge. Other studies reveal the path acquirers take en route to mastery. (For a review, see Dulay, Burt, and Krashen, in press. Ravem, 1974; Milon, 1974; Gillis and Weber, 1976; Cancino, Rosansky, and Schumann, 1974; Wode, 1978 and Nelson, 1980 are some second language studies in this area.) There is surprising uniformity here as well--acquirers make very similar errors, termed developmental errors, while they are acquiring. For example, in acquiring English negation, many first and second language acquirers pass through a stage in which they place the negative marker outside the sentence, as in:No Mom sharpen it. (from Klima and Bellugi's (1966)study of child L1 acquisition)and Not like it now. (from Ravem's (1974) study of childL2 acquisition)A typical later stage is to place the negative marker between the subject and the verb, as in:I no like this one. (Cancino et al. (1975) study of childL2 acquisition)and This no have calendar. (from Schumann's (1978a) study of adult L2 acquisition)before reaching the correct form.Predictable stages in the acquisition of wh-questions in English include an early stage in which the wh-word appears before the rest of the sentence, which is otherwise left in its normal uninverted form, as in:How he can be a doctor? (Klima and Bellugi, 1966, child L1acquisition)and What she is doing? (Ravem, 1974, child L2 acquisition)Only later do acquirers begin to invert the subject and verb of the sentence. (A detailed review can be found in Dulay et al., in press.)Transitional forms have been described for other languages and for other structures. The stages for a given target language appear to be strikingly similar despite the first language of the acquirer (although particular first languages may influence the duration of certain stages; see Schumann, 1979). This uniformity is thought to reflect the operation of the natural language acquisition process that is part of all of us. (For a discussion of some of the current issues and controversies concerning the natural order hypothesis, see Krashen, 1981.)------------------------读后感教学者有⾃⼰的⽇程,学习者有⾃⼰的⾃然顺序,克拉申⼜说不⼀定要完全遵循这个⾃然顺序,问题来了:咱们到底该怎么办呢?这让我想起了《西⾏漫记》⾥埃德加·斯诺提到的⼀件趣事:红军招募新战⼠,⼊伍的往往都是中国西部、西北部农村⽬不识丁的青壮年乃⾄少年⼈。



中国电力教育 月刊 2007.7
步学习打下良好的基础。 学生在语言学习中出现一些错误是在所难免的, 是自然的,是可以理解的。在练习新的语言现象的阶 段,要求学生进行准确的模仿。学生在这个阶段有可 能出错,教师要指出学生的错误所在,并纠正过来。 在学生进行具有一定的创造性的活动时,如两人对 话、小组讨论等,教师需要纠正学生的错误,但这种 改正必须是“温和的改正(gentle correction)”。教师不 必苛求学生,每错必纠,以免打断正在进行的语言活 动,挫伤学生的积极性。但这并不是说所有的错误都 可以放任不管,对于一些由于紧张、不熟练造成的语 误可以放过,但对于那些确实影响思想表达的错误,教 师可以及时指出,或在活动结束之后单独挑出来讲解。 对于一些普遍性或典型性的错误,教师也可引导学生一 起参与分析并纠正。尊重每一个学生,积极鼓励他们在 学习中尝试,保护学生的自尊心和自信心。自尊心和自 信心是外语学习中重要情感因素。在教学活动中,教师 首先要尊重和信任学生,在与学生的交流过程中不要轻 易刺伤学生的自尊心。一旦教师与学生建立起良好的情 感交流,便能积极引导学生充分发挥自己的学习潜能并 达到最佳学习状态。在外语学习中,信心主要体现在两 个方面:学生对教师的信心和学生的自信心。前者要求 教师知识丰富、友好、负责,后者则更为重要。正如 Krashen所说:“一般说来,自信心强的学生更能自如 地发挥自己的水平,更不易受约束,而且这种自信心的 力量使得他们的自信心更不易受到学习中出现的错误所 威胁。”所以教师应让学生自己有学好外语的自信心。
中国电力教育 月刊 2007.7
hina Electric Power Education
学生受内在动机支配,说服型和强迫型学生受外在动机 支配。态度对外语学习和影响主要体现在:⑴态度与外 语水平的关系:对外语学习抱积极态度的学习者更易于 学习外语,进步快;反之,消极学习者进步较慢。⑵态 度与课堂行为的关系:态度影响课堂活动的参与程度。 学生上课的表现与学习态度成正比。持积极学习态度的 学生在课堂上比较活跃,成绩也较出色。



二语习得综述Second Language AcquisitionWhat is SLA?Second Language Acquisition (SLA) refers both to the study of individuals and groups who are learning a language subsequent to learning their first one as young children, and to the process of learning that language. The additional language is called a second language (L2), even though it may actually be the third, fourth, or tenth to be acquired. It is also commonly called a target language (TL), which refers to any language that is the aim or goal of learning. The scope of SLA includes informal L2 learning that takes place in naturalistic contexts, formal L2 learning that takes place in classrooms, and L2 learning that involves a mixture of these settings and circumstances.*Language learners can study the language as a school subject, consciously learning and memorizing facts about the language. This results in conscious knowledge about the language that is referred to as declarative knowledge陈述性知识or explicit knowledge 隐性知识. Stephen Krashen calls this language learning.*Language learners can also gradually gain unconscious control overthe language by using it actively for functional and communicative purposes. This results in unconscious knowledge that is referred to as procedural knowledge过程性知识or implicit knowledge显性知识. Stephen Krashen calls this language acquisition.----二语习得内隐外显学习研究-问题与思考-戴炜栋语言的本质Nature of Language语言现象有生理及心理的基础,同时也是历史及文化的产物。

中小学英语教师培训 教学课件【优质PPT】

中小学英语教师培训  教学课件【优质PPT】

❖ Revision
❖ Presentation
❖ Drill (Mechanical Practice)
❖ Practice (Meaningful Practice)
❖ Consolidation (Communicative Practice)
❖3. 渐进主义(Progressivism)
❖1. 行为主义心理学(Behavourism) ❖ “S-R” 理论 ❖ 三大著名实验: ❖ Thondike (桑代克) 饿猫取食 ❖ Skinner(斯金纳) 白鼠实验 ❖ Povolov(巴甫洛夫) 狗的实验—条件反射 ❖对语言学习的启示:(1) 反复模仿;(2)大胆尝
apply in your teaching? ❖ ….
一、教师基本技能 二、外语学习论 三、外语教学法简介 四、教学实践
❖专业知识和技能 ❖教育教学知识 ❖教师专业发展(反思型、科研能力)
❖ Teaching aids : a tape-recorder , cards .
❖ Teaching procedures :
❖What do you know about learning theories of foreign languages?
❖60年代:语言系统知识 ❖70年代:语言应用功能,交际功能 ❖80年代:如何教 如何学 ❖90 年代:综合技能



判断题1.Interlanguage is neither the native language nor the second language.(T)2.Krashen assumed that there were two independent means or routesof second language learning: acquisition and learning. (T)3.There are two interacting factors in determining language transfer insecond language learning. (F)4.Three important characteristics of interlanguage: systemacticity ,permeability and fossilization. (T)5.Intrinsic motivation:learners learn a second language for externalpurposes. (F)6.Neurolinguistics is the study of two related areas: language disordersand the relationship between the brain and language. (T)7.The brain is divided two sections: the higher section called the brainstem and the lower section called the cerebrum. (F)8.An interesting fact about these two hemispheres is that eachhemisphere controls the opposite half of the body in terms of muscle movement and sensation. (T)9.Most right-handed individuals are said to be right lateralized forlanguage. (F)10.C T scanning uses a narrow beam of X-ray to create brain images thattake the form of a series of brain slices. (T)11.1 Right hear advantage shows the right hemisphere is not superior forprocessing all sounds, but only for those that are linguistic in nature, thus providing evidence in support of view that the left side of the brain is specialized for language and that's where language centers reside. (f)12.2 Evidence in support of lateralization for language in left hemispherecomes from researches in Dichotic listening tasks(t)13.3interpersonal communications is the process of using languagewithin the individual to facilitate one’s own thought and aid the formulation and manipulation of concepts. (t)14.4 Linguistic lateralization is hemispheric specialization or dominancefor language. (t)15.5 Dichotic Listening is a research technique which has been used tostudy how the brain controls hearing and language, with which subjects wear earphones and simultaneously receive different sounds in the right or left ear, and are then asked to repeat what they hear.(f)16.6 Dichotic Listening is a research technique which has been used tostudy how the brain controls hearing and language, with which subjects wear earphones and simultaneously receive different soundsin the right and left ear, and are then asked to repeat what they hear.(t)17.7 Input refers to the language which a learner bears and receives andfrom which he or she can learn. (f)18.8 Fossilization ,a process that sometimes occurs in language learningin which incorrect linguistic features (such as the accent of a grammatical pattern) become a permanent part of the way a person speaks or writes in the target language.(f)19.9 The different languages have a similar level of complexity anddetail, and reflect general abstract properties of the common linguistic system is called Universal Grammar . (t)20.10 Acculturation a process of adapting to the culture and valuesystem of the second language community.(t)21.I n socialinguistic studies,speakers are not regarded as members ofsocial groups (F)22.n ew words maybe coined from already existing words by substractingan affix thought to be part of the old world (T)23.a ll languages make a distinction between the subject and directobject,which can be illustrated in word order (T)24.I t has been noticed that in many communities be language used bythe older generation differs from that used by the elder generation in certain ways (F)25.A pidgin is a special language variety that mixes or blends languagesand it isn’t used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading(F)26.I t is interesting to know that the language used by men and womenhave some special features of others (F)27.I t is an obvious facts that people who claim to be speakers of thesame language don’t speak the language in the different manner (T)28.A regional dialect is a linguistic variety used by people living (T)29.F usion refers to this type of grammatication in which words developinto affixes (T)30.H istorical linguistics,as a branch of linguistics is mainly coverned withboth the description and explanation of language changes that occurred over time (T)选择题Chapter 71.Which one is not right about Blenging?(b)A:disco-discotheque B:brunch-breakfast+luchC:B2B-Business-to-Business D:videophone-video+cellphone2.Semantic changes contains three processes ,which one is ture?(a)A:namely widening ,narrowing and shift in meaningB:semantic broadening ,narrowing and semantic dispearingC:semantic shift ,narrowing and semantic lossingD:namely widening ,narrowing and not shift in meaning3.Science and technology influence English language in these aspects(d) A:space travelB:compnter and internet languageC:ecdogyD:above of allnguage changes can be found at different linguistic levels,such as in the<D>A:phonology and morphologyB:syntax and lexiconC:semantic component of the grammarD:ABC5,Morphological and syntactic change contian<D>A:addition or loss of affixesB:change of word ordenC:change in regation ruleD:abrove of allChapter 81.Which is not Halliday's social variables that determine the register? (D) A:field of discourseB:tenor of discourseC:mode of discouseD:ethnic dialect2.Which is not dialectal varieties?(C)A:regional dialect and idiolectB:language and genderC:registerD:ethnic dialect3.To some extent,language especially the structure of its lexicon,refects___of a sociey.(C)A:physical B:social environmentC:both AandB D:social phenomenon4.____,refers to the linguistic variety characteristic of a particular social class.(D)A:Social-class dialect B:sociolectC:A andB D:A or B5.Two languages are used side by side with each having a ____role to play;and language switching occurs when the situation ____.(A)A:different,changesB:similar,changesC:different,unchangingD:similar,unchangingChapter 91.which is not the component of culture ?<D>nguageB.ideasC.beliefD.soil2.in a word,language express<D>A.factsB.events which represent similar world knowledge by its peopleC.peoples' attitudes.beliefsD.cultural reality3.any linguistic sign may simultaneously have a <D>A.denotativeB.connotativeC.iconicD.denotative,connotative,or iconic kind of meanings4.what's the meaning of"a lucky dog"in english?<B>A.a clever boyB.a smart ladC.a lucky personD.a silent person5.traditionally,curture contact consists of three forms.which is wrong below<A>A.acquisitionB.acculturationC.assimilationD.amalgamation Chapter 101.The interavtionist view holds that language as a result of the complex interplay between the___A__of a child and the __A__in which he grows .A: human chracteristics environmentB: chracteristics environmentC: language acquisition placeD: gift place2.The atypical language development includes__A___A: hearing impairment mental retardationB: autism stutteringC: aphasia dyslexia dysgraphiaD: Both A ,B and C3.Children's language learning is not complete by the time when they enter school at the age of _C__A: 3 or 4 B: 4 or 5C: 5 or 6 D: 6or 7Chapter 111.A distinction was made between ( ) and ( ).The former would facilitate target language learning,the later would interfere. < A >A positive transfer negative transferB negative transfer positive transferC contrastive analysis error analysisD error analysis contrastive analysis2.( ) are learners' consious,goal-oriented and problem-solving based efforts to cahieve desierable learning efficiency. < A >A Learning strategiesB Cognitive strategiesC Metacognitive strategiesD Affect strategiesnguage acquisition device(LAD) came from( ). < D >A John B.WatsonB B.F. SkinnerC S.D. KrashenD ChomskyChapter 121.____is the study of two related areas:language disorders and the relationship between the brainand language.A.neurolinguisticsB.linguisticsC.neuronsD.modern linguistics2.Psycholingusitics is the study of _____and mental activity associated with the use of languageA.psychobiologyB.psychological statesC.physical statesD.biological states3._____uses a narrow beam of X-ray to create brain images that the form of a series of brainslices.A.PETB.MRIC.CT scanningD.fMRI4.The brain is divided into two sections:the lower section called the____and the higher sectioncalled____.A.brain stem,cerebrumB.brain stem,neuronsC.cerebrum,brain stemD.cerebrum,neurons5.Damage to parts of the left cortex behind the central sulcus results in a type of aphasia called_____.A.Wernicke's aphasiaB.Broca'saphasiaC.Acquires dyslexiaD.fluent aphasia填空题第七章1.In addition to the borrowed affixes,some lexical forms become grammaticalized over time,this process is called ______________2.Generally speaking,there are mainly two possible ways of lexical changes: ________and ________,which often reflects the introduction of new objects and notions in social practices.3.New words may be coined from already existing words by "subtracting"an affix thought t be part of the old word ,such words are thus called____________.4.Over the time many words remain in use,but their meanings have changed,three mainly processes of semantic change,___________,____________, ____________.5.While the "_________"and "__________ "do seem to account for some linguistic changes,it may not be explanatory enough to account for other changes.KEYS:1.grammaticalization2.the addition and loss of words3.back-formation4.widening, narrowing, shift5.theory of least effort, economy of memory第八章1·-------is the sub-field of linguistics that studies the relation between language and society,between the uses of language and the social structures in which the users of language live. 答案Sociolinguistics 2·The social group that is singled out for any special study is called th e ----------.答案speech community3A------------is a linguistic variety used by people living in the same geographical region.答案regional dialect4he Ttype of language which is selected as appropriate to the type of situation is a---------.答案register5A-------is a special language variety thatmixes or blends languages ang it is used by people who speak different languages for restricted purposes such as trading.答案pidgin第九章1. anguage and culture,intrinsically interdependent on each other,have_through history (evolved together)2. ulture reflects a total way of life of a people in a_(community)3.in a word,_expreses culture reality (language)4.culture differences are also evident in the way_ and compliments are expressed (gratitude)nguage as the_of culture is tightly intertwined with culture (keystone)第十章1 ( ) refers to a child’s acquisition of his mother tongue.2 Generally speaking, there are mainly three different theories concerning how language is learned,namely the behaviorist,the interactionist ,( ) views.3 All child language acquisition theories talk about the roles of twofactors to different degrees the age ang ( ).4 Lexical contrast and ( ) theories are also proposed to explain how children acquire their vocabulary or lexicon.5 The atypical language development includes hearing impairment,mental retardation, autism,stuttering,( ),dyslexia,dysgraphia.答案:nguage acquisition2.the innatist3.the linguistic environment4.prototype5.aphasia第十一章1.()refers to the systematic study of how one person acquiresa second language subsequent to his native language (NL or L1) .2.Contrastive analysis compares the ( ) cross these twolanguages to locate the mismatches or differences so that people can predict the possible learning difficulty learners may encounter .3.In addition, because of its association with an outdated modellanguage description (structuralism) and the increasingly discredited learning theory (behaviorism) , the once predominant contrastive analysis was gradually replaced by ( ).4.The interlingual errors mainly result from ()interferenceat different levels such as phonological , lexical , grammatical ordiscoursal , etc .5.Krashen assumed that there were two independent means or routesof second language learning : acquisition and ()。



ENGLISH ON CAMPUS 2023年02期总第650期新高考背景下英语读后续写教学实践探究——以2021年6月浙江卷读后续写为例2015年,教育部考试中心制订的《普通高等学校招生全国统一考试英语科考试说明》(高考综合改革试验省份使用),首次提出读后续写和概要写作两种新题型,于2016年第一次出现在浙江省英语考试中,后逐渐推广到全国。










笔者对浙江省历年读后续写真题进行了研究,2016年10月新高考读后续写文本是关于Jane与丈夫Tom驱车去森林野营时发生争吵,赌气离开,后来迷路的故事;2017年6月新高考读后续写是关于Mac和几个朋友从家里出发骑行去阿拉斯加,途中遇险的故事;2017年11月新高考读后续写内容是通过对旅程中故事的描写刻画出妈妈的人物性格;2018年6月新高考读后续写内容是父亲为了让大家过一个不同以往的暑假,带一家人去了Uncle Paul的农场,在那里,“我”在父亲的陪伴下体验了骑马;2020年1月新高考读后续写内容是男孩离家上大学,在校门口与家人和宠物狗Poppy依依惜别的场景,体现了家人之间、人与动物之间浓浓的温情;2020年6月新高考读后续写内容为“我”和妻子埃莉怀揣着要给北极熊拍照的梦想去了被称为“世界北极熊之都”的加拿大曼尼托巴丘吉尔镇外的研究营,一头饥肠李 娜摘 要:读后续写作为高考综合改革后高考英语试卷写作题的第二节,主要考查学生的段落衔接能力、续写段落词汇运用的准确性、语法结构的丰富性以及全文的连贯性。



研究参考书目一览参考文献Carroll, S. 2007. Autonomous induction theory. In Vanpatten, B. & Williams, J. (Eds.), Theories in second language acquisition(pp.155-174). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Chomsky, N. (1986). Knowledge of language: its nature, origin and use. DeKeyser, R. (1998). Beyond focus on form: Cognitive perspectives on learning and practicing second language grammar. In C. Doughty & J. Williams (Eds.), Focus on form in classroom and second language acquisition (pp. 42-63). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Dekeyser, R. (2007). Skill acquisition theory. In Vanpatten, B. & Williams, J. (Eds.), Theories in Second Language Acquisition(pp.97-113). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Ellis, N.C. (2007). The associative-cognitive CREED. In Vanpatten, B. & Williams, J. (Eds.), Theories in second language acquisition(pp.77-95). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Gass, S.M., & Mackey, A. (2007). Input, interaction, and output in second language acquisition. In Vanpatten, B & Williams, J (Ed.), Theories in second language acquisition(pp. 175-199). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.Gass, S.M. (1988). Integrating research areas: a framework for second language studies. Applied Linguistics, 9 (2), 198-217.Gass, S.M. (1997). Input, interaction, and the second language learner.Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Krashen, S D. (1985). The input hypothesis: issues and implications. London: Longman.Krashen, S.D. (2003). Explorations in language acquisition and use.Oxford: Pergamon Press.Lantolf, J.P., & S.L. Thorne. (2006). Sociocultural theory and the genesis of second language development. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Lantolf, J.P., & Thorne, S.L. (2007). Sociocultural theory and second language learning. In Vanpatten, B. & Williams, J. (Eds.), Theories in second language acquisition(pp. 201-223). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum.Mackey, A. (2007). Interaction as practice. In Dekeyser, R.M. (Ed.), Practice in second language: perspective from applied linguistics and cognitive psychology(pp. 85-110). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.Vanpatten, B. (2007). From input to output. Cambridge University Press/世界图书出版公司.Wagner-Gough, J., & Hatch, E. (1975). The importance of input data in second language acquisition studies. Language Learning, 25 (2), 297-308.文秋芳. 2008. 输出驱动假设与英语专业技能课程改革. 外语界,(2):2-9.冯纪元. 黄娇. 2004. 语言输出活动对语言形式习得的影响. 现代外语,(2): 195-200.郭红, 戚德山. 2009. 输入与输出假说的实证性研究. 外语学刊,(1): 132-135.。



The average order of acquisition of grammatical morphemes is summarized in Table 41 (Krashen 1982)
3. The Monitor Hypothesis
According to Krashen, the acquired system acts to initiate the second language learner’s utterance and is responsible for fluency and intuitive judgment about the correctness.
3. When communication is successful, when the input is understood and there is enough of it, i+1 will be provided automatically.
(Ellis 1999; Larsen-Freeman 2000)
过分强调了语言输入的作用,忽视了学习者本身才是学习 主题这一根本性因素。
Learning is a conscious process, which results in a separate system of simple grammar rules, or knowledge about the SL.
In Krashen’s opinion learning cannot turn into acquisition.
Krashen believes that learners need to receive comprehensible input for language acquisition, this is not sufficient. Learners also need to “let that input in”. This is so called affective filter.



在输入假说中,可理解的输 入对语言学习起着决定性作 用,是习得的充要条件。但 是有学者列举了语言学习取 得成功的74项条件,其中只 有第71项和“可理解的输入” 有关。这说明,可理解的输 入是习得的必要条件,但并 不是充分条件。
四、监控假说 (The Monitor Hypothesis)
在学生掌握该兼语句的意义的基础上,引导学生总结“使”字兼 语句的句型,最后使学生学会“使”字兼语句。
克拉申强调听力活动对语言习 得最为重要,语言习得是通过 听力理解来实现的,而不是通 过“说”获得的。口头表达是 语言习得的结果而不是它的成 因和动力,它是在学习者通过 可理解性输入提高语言能力之 后自然而然出现的结果。
一. 强调自己环境对语言习得的重要性。
二. 自然顺序假说可用来解释学生犯错现象:学 生之所以在已学过的某些语法结构上还会犯 错,是因为那些结构的习得过程尚未完成。
三. 自然顺序的研究成果可为二语教学的大纲编 排提供合理参考。
一. 自然顺序假说是建立在英语语素习得顺序研 究基础上的,而英语语素习得顺序研究本身 在理论假设、调查手段方面都还有待商榷。
这种说法在一定程度上抹杀了成人二语习得与儿 童母语习得之间的差别。事实上,母语习得和二 语习得在学习环境、学习方式、学习目的和学习 过程等方面存在着巨大差异。
(The Natural Order Hypothesis)
克拉申赞同科德的内在大纲假说,认为人们习得语言规律是有一定的 顺序的。克拉申还通过实验得出习得英语作为第二语言的英语语素是按照 一定的顺序的,这种顺序不受学习者母语和年龄的影响,称为自然顺序。



【Krashen的“五大假说”对外语教学的启示】克拉申五大假说摘要:Krashen 的二语习得理论―“五大假说”揭示了第二语言学习的机制。


Krashen 的二语习得理论对我国外语课堂教学有很多有益启示。

关键词:二语习得假说可理解输入外语教学S. D. Krashen于80 年代初期提出了著名的“五大假说”, 其中包括: (1) 习得―学得假说;(2) 情感过滤假说;(3)监控假说;(4)输入假说;(5)自然顺序假说。



一、Krashen的“五大假说”简介Krashen的二语习得理论主要由以下五个假说组成:1.习得―学得假说(The Acquisition-Learning Hypothesis)Krashen 认为, “习得”是潜意识过程, 是注意意义的自然交际的结果,儿童习得母语便是这样的过程;与之相对的是“学得”,这是个有意识的过程,即通过课堂教师讲授并辅之以有意识的练习、记忆等活动,达到对所学语言的了解和对其语法概念的“掌握”。


2.监控假说(The Monitor Hypothesis)语言习得与语言学习的作用各不相同。






English Made in Brazil.]
The Natural Order Hypothesis Definition:
Language is acquired in a particular order.This order does not change between learners, and is not affected by explicit instruction.
• • • •
• •
Five Hypotheses
1.The Acquisition-learning Hypothesis
2.The Natural Order Hypothesis
Five Hypotheses
3.The Monitor Hypothesis
4.Input Hypothesis
The Affective Filter
The affective filter is an impediment to learning or acquisition caused by negative emotional responses to one's environment.
Published works
• • • • Krashen, S.D. (1981). Second Language Acquisition and Second Language Learning. Oxford: Pergamon. Krashen, S.D. (1982). Principles and Practice in Second Language Acquisition. Oxford: Pergamon. Krashen, S.D. (1985), The Input Hypothesis: Issues and Implications, New York: Longman Krashen, S.D. (1989), "We Acquire Vocabulary and Spelling by Reading: Additional Evidence for the Input Hypothesis", The Modern Language Journal 73 (4), pp. 440–464 Krashen, S.D. (1994), "The Comprehension Hypothesis and its Rivals", p. 9 Krashen, S.D. (1996), The case for narrow listening 24 (1), System, pp. 97–100 Mason, B.; Krashen, S. (1997), "Extensive reading in English as a foreign language", System 25 (1), pp. 91–102 Krashen, S.D. (2003), Explorations in Language Acquisition and Use, Portsmouth: NH: Heinemann. Krashen, S.D; Terrell, T.D. (1983). The Natural Approach. New York: Pergamon. McQu"Commentary: Can free reading take you all the way? A response to Cobb (2007)", About Language Learning & Technology 6 (27), pp. 104–109



克拉申理论主要由以下五个假说组成克拉申理论主要由以下五个假说组成:1 习得---学得区别假说(The Acquisition—Learning Hypothesis)克拉申理论的出发点和核心是他对“习得”和“学得”的区分,以及对它们各自在习得者第二语言能力形成过程中所起的作用的认识。

2 监控假说(The Monitor Hypothesis)监控假说与习得---学得区别假说密切相关,它体现了“语言习得”和“语言学习”的内在关系。









3 输入假说(The Input Hypothesis)输入假说也是克拉申语言习得理论的核心部分。


克拉申认为,只有当习得者接触到“可理解的语言输入”(comprehensive input ),即略高于他现有语言技能水平的第二语言输入,而他又能把注意力集中于对意义或对信息的理解而不是对形式的理解时,才能产生习得。

这就是他著名的i + 1 公式。

i 代表习得者现有的水平, 1 代表略高于习得者现有水平的语言材料。



监控假说 The Monitor Hypothesis
•监控假说与“习得/学得”区别假说(The Acquisition/Learning Hypothesis)密切相关,它 体现了“语言习得”和“语言学习”的内在关系。
识,是真正的语言能力。学生只有靠“习得”才能 培养起语感,才能流利、顺畅地运用目的语(the target language)进行交际。 •而语言学得系统,即有意识的语言知识,只有一种 功能,在第二语言运用时起监控(monitor)或编辑 作用,即用学会的语法规则监控语言的准确性。
The Input Hypothesis -- Language is best acquired from messages that are just slightly beyond a learner’s current competence. This is called comprehensible input. The Affective Filter Hypothesis -- Motivation, self-confidence, and anxiety all affect language acquisition by impeding or blocking input necessary for acquisition.
• 可见, 克拉申强调其理论建立于乔姆斯 基的语言习得机制和儿童母语习得的 普遍原则的基础之上, 认为学习者通过 接触外部足量的可理解性输入, 便可激 活LAD, 第二语言习得和母语习得是完 全等同的。下面从学习外语的主体角 度来讨论克拉申的习得—学得假说。

将“习得”和“学得”有机结合。我们不能 因为外语教学没有“习得”的自然环境而否定语言习得机制 的作用,也不能一味强调“习得”的作用而否定教学中“学 得”的意义。以记单词为例,好多同学都是看着单词表机械 地记忆,那么这样的“学得”效果多半不尽人意,并且耗时 耗神。如果在阅读理解中,在背诵短文时记忆单词,虽然是 无意识记忆,但因为有了自然的英语环境,在这样的“习得” 中,不仅单词记住了,单词的例句也记住了,并且加强了语 感。在教学过程中引进外教已成为绝大多数高校的共识,那 么如何充分利用外教?在课堂内,让学生大胆地和外教交流, 在“习得”中“学得”一定的词汇、语法、句型。在课堂外, 鼓励学生多和外教进行互动,比如邀请外教加入到学生的体 育运动中,加入到学生的英语沙龙、英语角,创设有利于学 生习得的环境,把“习得”和“学得”两者有机地结合起来, 学生便能在有意识的理智研究中,较为轻松地掌握英语。



克拉申理论主要由以下五个假说组成:1 习得---学得区别假说(The Acquisition—Learning Hypothesis)克拉申理论的出发点和核心是他对“习得”和“学得”的区分,以及对它们各自在习得者第二语言能力形成过程中所起的作用的认识。

2 监控假说(The Monitor Hypothesis)监控假说与习得---学得区别假说密切相关,它体现了“语言习得”和“语言学习”的内在关系。









3 输入假说(The Input Hypothesis)输入假说也是克拉申语言习得理论的核心部分。


克拉申认为,只有当习得者接触到“可理解的语言输入”(comprehensive input ),即略高于他现有语言技能水平的第二语言输入,而他又能把注意力集中于对意义或对信息的理解而不是对形式的理解时,才能产生习得。

这就是他著名的i + 1 公式。

i 代表习得者现有的水平, 1 代表略高于习得者现有水平的语言材料。

根据克拉申的观点,这种i + 1 的输入并不需要人们故意地去提供,只要习得者能理解输入,而他又有足够的量时,就自动地提供了这种输入。



高中英语说课稿范文Good afternoon, teachers, It’s my great pleasure to be here sharing my lesson with you.The content of my lesson is Senior English Boonit 1(A student of african wildlife/Why not carry on the good work)I’ll be ready to begin this lesson from five parts. Analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedure,and Blackboard design.First, let me talt the teaching material.Part 1 Teaching Material:This unit is about(Great women and their achievements , Important people,history and methods of agriculture, Different types of English humour ,Culture differences and intercuritural communicationDifferent types of theme park)By studying of this unit, we’ll enable the students to know some great women and their achievement and what makes the great women successfulThe knowledge of farming and DrYuan Longping’achivevmentAnd chemical farming and organic farming.Charlie Chaplin and his funny and encourageing humourPeople from different area have differert body language and use the right body language to showing our feelings.Theme park not only provid fun but also provid various knowledeg and exciting experience.this lesson not only teach the students to learn the related matreial about(1) the good character to be a successful person(2)Yuan longping’s scientific research spirit and attitudes toward lifeThe disadvantage of using chemical frtilizers and how to increase production in organic farming.(3)Charlie Chaplin and his humourEnglish jokes(4)Different body language and the similarutues in body language which make the others understand our feelings.(5)Theme parkbut also learning ability in English .A: If Ss can learn it well, it will be helpful to make the Ss learn the rest of this unit well.B: It provides all-around practice about listening, speaking, reading and writing revolve around the topic,it is the expansion of this unit and give Ss a space to use the languageSo it plays an important part in the English teaching in this unit.(As we know ,reading belongs to the input during the process of the language learning. The input has great effect on output , such as speaking and writing . )According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus (新课程标准和教学大纲), after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of children’s growing of mind,Ithink the teaching aims are the followings:1.Knowledge objects:(1)the sutdents can hear, read, and use the main sentence patterns.(2) the students can understand the content of the lesson:(3) the students can use the patterns to express their thoughesin proper situationand learn how to describe people with adjective.Ability objects:Ability objects of this section are(1)To develop the Ss’ abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing. Especially speaking and writing ability.(2) To train the Ss’ ability of working in pairs.(4) To improve the Ss’ reading abilities ,especially their skimming and scanning otion objects:By readingA Student of African wlidlife /why not carry on the good work, students can learn from(1)jane Goodall in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to study animal; the other is that it was her great personality-universal love and mercy that made her successful.Lin Qiaozhi in at least two aspects: one is what is the human way to help poor patients; the other is that it was her greatpersonality-universal love and mercy that made her successful.(2)Dr Yuan Longping his scientific research spirit and attitudes toward lifeThis passage what is chemical and organic farming and their advantage and disadvant age.高中英语说课稿模板篇三尊敬的各位评委,下午好!很高兴有机会向大家展示一下我对第三册第四模块Reading and Vocabulary部分的教学设计。



克拉申赞同科德的内在大纲假说,认为人们习得语言规律是有一定 的顺序的。克拉申还通过实验得出习得英语作为第二语言的英语语素是 按照一定的顺序的,这种顺序不受学习者母语和年龄的影响,称为自然 顺序。 科德1967年在其《学习者言语错误的重要意义》中提出的内在大纲 (builtin syllabus),并提出学习者的种种偏误正是这种内在大纲的反 映。科德还认为,当教师的教学安排与学生习得规律内在大纲不一致时 ,就会影响二语习得。
四、监控假说 (The Monitor Hypothesis)
2、监控:对输出的言语形式进行检查和控制。学习只对表达有作用, 对理解不起作用。换句话说:说话者的话语内容及流利程度由“习得”
许多学者认为,习得与学习这两个过程在实践中是难易区分的。事实上在习得发生 的目的语环境,也可以伴随着“学习”过程,在学习发生的环境也可以产生习得过程, 二者并不因环境不同而截然分开。有学者提出了有接口理论,认为学习的知识可以转化为 习得的知识。学习的知识经过反复操练会程序化、自动化,从而转化为内隐知识。 他们认为,二语学习者不仅在课堂中接受正规的学习,他们还经常有意识地进行课 外阅读、看电视、听广播等活动。正式的课堂教学与非正式的课外习得应该互相补充。 习得的知识也可渗透到学习的知识中。二语学习者在应用二语过程中,不断发现语言规 律,总结语言知识并创造性使用这些规律。这些都在一定程度上促进了有意识的学习。




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1532021年40期总第584期ENGLISH ON CAMPUS【摘要】利用思维导图来指导学生写作,有利于学生发散性思维的培养,有利于激发学生的写作兴趣,是促进学生写作能力提升的有效方法。









一、 用思维导图走进课文,理清脉络美国语言教育家克拉申,曾提出只有当习得者接触到“可理解的语言输入(comprehensive input)”,即略高于他现有语言技能水平的第二语言输入,他才能集中注意力于对信息的理解而不是对形式的理解。



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