new 计划概述




学习计划英语版带翻译Learning a new language is an exciting and rewarding journey. It takes dedication, consistent practice, and the right study plan to achieve fluency. In this study plan, we will outline a structured approach to learning the English language, including a variety of resources and activities to help you improve your listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.Learning Objectives:The first step in creating a study plan is to establish clear learning objectives. These objectives will guide your study plan and help you to measure your progress. Here are some suggested learning objectives for learning English:- Improve speaking and listening skills to hold conversations in English.- Expand vocabulary to understand and use a wide range of words and phrases.- Develop reading comprehension skills to understand written English texts.- Enhance writing skills to effectively communicate in written English.- Understand and apply English grammar and syntax rules.Study Plan Outline:Now that we have established our learning objectives, let's outline a study plan that will help us achieve these objectives. The study plan will be divided into four main sections: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Each section will include specific activities and resources to help you improve in that particular area.Section 1: ListeningListening is an essential skill for learning a new language. Here are some activities and resources to help you improve your listening skills in English:1. Listen to English podcasts: There are many podcasts available for English language learners. Choose a podcast that interests you and listen to it regularly to improve your listening comprehension.2. Watch English movies and TV shows: Watching movies and TV shows in English is a fun and effective way to improve your listening skills. Try to watch with English subtitles to help understand the dialogue.3. Use language learning apps: There are several language learning apps that offer listening exercises and activities. Use these apps to practice listening to English conversations and audio clips.Section 2: SpeakingSpeaking is an important part of language learning, as it helps you practice pronunciation and develop fluency. Here are some activities and resources to help you improve your speaking skills in English:1. Practice speaking with native speakers: Finding a conversation partner or language exchange partner is a great way to practice speaking in English. Look for language exchange meetups or use language exchange websites to find a partner.2. Attend English conversation classes: Many language schools and community centers offer English conversation classes. Joining a conversation class will give you the opportunity to practice speaking with other learners and receive feedback from a teacher.3. Record yourself speaking: Record yourself speaking in English and listen to the recording. This will help you identify areas for improvement and track your progress over time. Section 3: ReadingReading is a valuable way to improve vocabulary, comprehension, and grammar skills. Here are some activities and resources to help you improve your reading skills in English:1. Read books and articles in English: Choose books and articles that interest you and read them regularly. Start with materials that are appropriate for your language level and gradually challenge yourself with more complex texts.2. Use reading comprehension exercises: Many language learning websites and apps offer reading comprehension exercises. Use these exercises to practice reading and answering questions about the text.3. Join a book club or reading group: Joining a book club or reading group will give you the opportunity to discuss books with other English language learners and practice your reading skills in a social setting.Section 4: WritingWriting is an important skill for effectively communicating in English. Here are some activities and resources to help you improve your writing skills in English:1. Write regularly: Set aside time each day to write in English. You can write in a journal, write emails to friends, or even start a blog in English. The key is to practice writing regularly to improve your skills.2. Use writing prompts: Use writing prompts to help inspire your writing. There are many websites and books that offer writing prompts for English language learners.3. Get feedback on your writing: Seek feedback from a teacher, tutor, or language exchange partner on your writing. Constructive feedback will help you identify areas for improvement and work towards writing more effectively.Study Schedule:Now that we have outlined activities and resources for each section of the study plan, let's create a weekly study schedule. It's important to set aside dedicated time for language learning each week to stay consistent and make progress. Here is an example of a weekly study schedule for learning English:Monday- 30 minutes: Listen to an English podcast- 30 minutes: Practice speaking with a language exchange partnerTuesday- 30 minutes: Watch an English movie or TV show with subtitles- 30 minutes: Read a book or article in EnglishWednesday- 30 minutes: Use a language learning app for listening exercises- 30 minutes: Attend an English conversation classThursday- 30 minutes: Record yourself speaking in English and listen to the recording- 30 minutes: Use reading comprehension exercises on a language learning website Friday- 30 minutes: Write in your English journal or practice writing prompts- 30 minutes: Get feedback on your writing from a teacher, tutor, or language exchange partnerSaturday- 1 hour: Review vocabulary and grammar- 1 hour: Practise listening, speaking, reading, and writing activitiesSunday- Rest and relax- Reflect on your progress and set goals for the upcoming weekFinal Thoughts:Learning a new language takes time and effort, but with a structured study plan and consistent practice, you can achieve fluency in English. Use this study plan as a guide, butfeel free to modify it based on your specific learning needs and goals. Remember to stay patient and persistent, and celebrate your progress along the way. Good luck on your language learning journey!学习计划学习一门新语言是一次令人兴奋和有益的旅程。



结合实际案例,让 学员更好地理解和 掌握课程内容
运用多媒体技术,如 视频、动画、虚拟现 实等,提高学员的学 习兴趣和效果
设计多样化的互动环 节,如小组讨论、角 色扮演、案例分析等 ,增强学员的参与感 和实践能力
案例一:设计一个关于“时间管理” 的培训课程,包括课程目标、课程 内容、教学方法等。
创新性:采用最新 的培训技术和方法, 提高培训效果
实用性:注重实际 应用,解决实际问 题
互动性:强调学员 与讲师之间的互动 ,提高学习效果
针对性:针对不同 学员的需求,提供 个性化的培训方案
企业培训:用于 企业内部培训, 提高员工技能和 素质
教育机构:用于 学校、培训机构 等,提高教学质 量和效果
互动式教学:通过提问、讨论、游戏等方式,提高学员的参与度和学习效果 案例教学:通过真实的案例,让学员更好地理解和掌握理论知识 情景模拟:通过模拟实际工作场景,让学员更好地掌握实际操作技能
采用最新的教学理 念和方法,如翻转 课堂、项目式学习 等
TTT培训师培训之课程设 计技术NEW
单击此处添加文本 TTT培训师培训课程设计技术NEW的概述 TTT培训师培训课程设计技术NEW的原理 TTT培训师培训课程设计技术NEW的方法 TTT培训师培训课程设计技术NEW的实践 TTT培训师培训课程设计技术NEW的总结与展望
TTT培训师培训课程设计技术NEW 是一种针对TTT培训师的培训方法, 旨在提高他们的课程设计能力。








三、项目目标1. 提高生产能力:新工厂将增加我们的总体生产能力,确保我们能够及时交付客户订单并满足市场需求。

2. 优化生产效率:新工厂将采用先进的生产设备和自动化技术,提高生产效率,降低生产成本。

3. 提升产品质量:新工厂将引入质量管理系统,并进行全面的质量控制,以确保产品质量的稳定性和提升。

四、项目计划1. 地点选择:通过市场调研和综合评估,我们选择了一个交通便利且符合我们需求的地点作为新工厂的建设地点。

2. 设计和建筑:我们将聘请一家专业的工程设计公司来进行新工厂的设计,并确保其符合相关的建筑规范和要求。

3. 采购设备:我们将根据生产需求,选购适当的生产设备和工艺装备,并确保其符合我们的技术要求。

4. 招聘与培训:新工厂的建设将会增加一定数量的员工需求,我们将进行招聘和培训,确保员工具备所需的技能和知识。

5. 生产试运行:在完成设备安装和员工培训后,我们将进行生产试运行,以确保各项系统正常运行并达到预期效果。

6. 全面投产:根据试运行的结果和反馈,在确认一切准备就绪后,我们将正式投入生产,满足市场需求。

五、预期效益1. 增加收入:新工厂的建设将使我们能够扩大市场份额,提高销售额,进而增加公司的收入。

2. 降低成本:新工厂将引入先进的生产设备和技术,提高生产效率,减少人力资源成本,降低制造成本。

3. 提高竞争力:新工厂将使我们能够更好地满足客户需求,提供更高质量的产品,从而提升我们在市场竞争中的地位。

4. 创造就业机会:新工厂的建设将提供更多的就业机会,带动就业增长,促进当地经济的发展。

第六章 计划

第六章 计划

第三节 计划的方法与技术
目标管理(MBO)是美国著名管理学家德鲁克的首创。 目标管理的理论基础是人本主义与效率主义二者的结合。 目标管理就是由组织的员工共同参与制定具体的、可行的 且能够客观衡量效果的目标,在工作中进行自我控制,努 力实现工作目标。
1、员工参与管理 2、以自我管理为中心 3、强调自我评价 4、重视成果
4.企业的基本战略类型包括 A.一体化战略 B.多元化战略 C.总成本领先战略 D.差别化战略 E.集中战略
5. 滚动计划法的特点有 A.分段编制 B.便于编制 C.近细远粗 D.静态编制 E.长、短期计划紧密结合
6. 甘特图的特点有 A. 简单 B醒目 C.便于编制 D.复杂 E.近细远粗
三、判断题 1. 战术计划是为组织设立总体的较为长期的目标。 2. 目标管理的基本精神是以自我管理为中心。 3. 管理者制定目标、员工执行目标就是目标管理。 4. 滚动计划法的特点是 “分段编制,近粗远细”。
如果您的内容确实非常重要又难以精简,也请使用分段处理,对内容进行简单的梳理和提炼,这 样会使逻辑框架相对清晰。为了能让您有更直观的字数感受,并进一步方便使用,我们设置了文 本的最大限度,当您输入的文字到这里时,已濒临页面容纳内容的上限,若还有更多内容,请酌 情缩小字号,但我们不建议您的文本字号小于14磅,请您务必注意。
宗旨:表明组织是干什么,应该干什么。它指明一定的组织机构 在 社会上应起的作用和所处的地位。例如:企业的宗旨是提供商品或 服务;法院的宗旨是解释和执行法律;大学的宗旨是培养高级人才
目标:一定时期的目标或各项具体目标是在宗旨指导下提出来的, 它具体规定了组织及各个部门在一定时期要达到的具体成果。
战略:是为实现组织的长远目标而采取的总计划,是组织选择发展 方向、确定行动方针,以及资源分配的纲领性文件。



第 10 页
子分公司 中钢工程(中国冶 金设备总公司) 中钢货运(中钢国 际货运公司) 中钢钢铁(钢加公 司 ) 系统名称 办公自动化系统(OA 系统) 用友U8管理软件 (8.21版) 自主开发财务系统 钢材营销管理信息系 统 用友财务系统 委投开发的ERP 鞍山热能院 用友财务系统 主要功能模块 内部办公自动化、合同管理、工资查询 总帐、UFO报表、应收应付、固定资产、工资管理、财务分析、资 金管理、成本管理、合并报表、行业报表、决策支持、Web财务 分公司财务数据上传 购进、资源、业务、财务、查询、报表、总部报表、客户关系管理 (CRM)、即时通讯(ICS)、数据控制、基础资料 总帐、工资、报表 进、销、存 总帐、报表、固定资产、应收应付、工资 2001年起使用 2004年1月起试用 2004.1.1启用 2004年8月启用 使用状况 已经过几次升级, 目前正在使用
第 9 页
系统名称 使用部门 操作系统与数据库 系统开发语言 启用时间 开发方式 状态
SQL Server Windows 2000
Java VB
2004/1 1995/1
外购 外购(用友)
财务系统(总帐、工资、资产、 资产财务部 报表) 考勤管理系统 在线管理信息平台 集团总部 经营发展部、集团高 层领导 信息管理部 信息管理部 焦碳业务部 经营发展部 资产财务部 经营发展部 经营发展部 总裁办公室 钢加公司 Lotus Notes / / SQL Server Windows 2000



新五年级学期目标与计划As a new fifth-grader, it's important to set clear goals and plans for the upcoming semester. This articlewill outline my English learning goals and plans for the new semester, focusing on improving my language skills, expanding my vocabulary, and enhancing my reading and writing abilities.**1. Improve English Language Skills**One of my main goals for the new semester is to improve my English language skills. I plan to achieve this by actively participating in class discussions and speaking English as much as possible. Additionally, I will seek opportunities to practice my speaking skills outside of class, such as joining an English speaking club or participating in conversation exchanges with native speakers.**2. Expand Vocabulary**A rich vocabulary is essential for effective communication in English. Therefore, my second goal is to expand my vocabulary by reading a wide range of books andarticles, paying attention to new words and phrases, and incorporating them into my daily conversations and writing.I will also use vocabulary-building apps and online resources to help me learn new words.**3. Enhance Reading and Writing Abilities**Reading and writing are integral parts of learning English, and I aim to improve my abilities in both areas. To enhance my reading skills, I plan to read a variety of books, including novels, short stories, newspapers, and magazines. This will help me improve my comprehension and understanding of different types of texts.To improve my writing skills, I will practice writing regularly, starting with simple compositions and gradually moving on to more complex pieces. I will also seek feedback from my teachers and peers to help me identify areas where I need to improve.**4. Develop a Positive Attitude**Lastly, I believe that having a positive attitude is crucial for achieving my English learning goals. I will approach each challenge with optimism and determination,and I will celebrate my successes along the way. I understand that learning a new language can be challenging, but I am committed to working hard and enjoying the process. In conclusion, my goals for the new fifth-grade semester are to improve my English language skills, expand my vocabulary, enhance my reading and writing abilities,and develop a positive attitude. I am excited about this opportunity to grow and learn, and I look forward to achieving these goals throughout the semester.**新学期新目标新计划**作为新五年级的学生,为即将到来的新学期设定明确的目标和计划至关重要。



newyearplan英语作文英文回答:New Year is a time when many people reflect on the past year and make plans for the upcoming year. It is a time of new beginnings and fresh starts. As for me, I have some exciting plans for the new year.First and foremost, I want to focus on my personal growth and development. This includes both my physical and mental well-being. I plan to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet to improve my overall health. Additionally, I want to read more books and learn new skills to expand my knowledge and broaden my horizons.In terms of my career, I have set some ambitious goals for myself. I want to take on new challenges and advance in my current position. I plan to attend professional development workshops and network with industry experts to enhance my skills and knowledge in my field. I also hope totake on leadership roles and contribute more to my organization.Furthermore, I want to strengthen my relationships with my family and friends. I plan to spend more quality time with them and create lasting memories. I will make aneffort to reach out to old friends and reconnect with them.I also want to be more present and attentive in my relationships, showing my loved ones how much they mean to me.In terms of travel, I have always had a passion for exploring new places and experiencing different cultures. In the new year, I hope to visit at least two new countries and immerse myself in their traditions and customs. Traveling not only allows me to relax and unwind, but it also broadens my perspective and teaches me valuable life lessons.Lastly, I want to give back to the community and make a positive impact. I plan to volunteer my time and skills to help those in need. Whether it's participating in charityevents or mentoring young individuals, I want to contribute to the betterment of society.中文回答:新年是许多人反思过去一年并为即将到来的一年制定计划的时候。



新的计划主要内容概括The new plan mainly focuses on improving efficiency and productivity within the company.新的计划主要集中在提高公司的效率和生产力。

By implementing new technologies and streamlined processes, it aims to streamline operations and reduce overall costs.通过实施新技术和简化流程,它旨在简化运营并降低总体成本。

This will ultimately lead to increased profitability and a more competitive edge in the market.这将最终带来增加的利润和在市场上更具竞争力。

Employees are also expected to benefit from the new plan, as it will provide opportunities for growth and development within the organization.员工们也有望受益于新计划,因为它将为他们提供在组织内成长和发展的机会。

Training and support will be provided to ensure that everyone is equipped with the necessary skills to succeed in their roles.培训和支持将被提供,以确保每个人都具备成功扮演自己角色所需的技能。

Overall, the new plan represents a positive step forward for the company and its employees.总的来说,这个新计划对公司及其员工来说是一个积极的进步。



餐饮带新人计划及方法In order to bring in new talent, it's important for the food and beverage industry to have a well-designed onboarding program and effective methods. 为了吸引新的人才,餐饮业需要一个设计良好的新人培训计划和有效的方法。

First and foremost, the onboarding program should provide a comprehensive overview of the company's culture, values, and expectations. 新人培训计划首先要提供公司文化、价值观和期望的全面概述。

This can include training on the company's mission, vision, and core values, as well as an introduction to the company's history and achievements. 这可以包括对公司使命、愿景和核心价值的培训,以及公司历史和成就的介绍。

By helping new employees understand the company's DNA from the outset, it can foster a sense of belonging and commitment. 通过帮助新员工从一开始就了解公司的基因,可以培养一种归属感和承诺感。

Furthermore, it's crucial for the onboarding program to provide clear guidance on the job responsibilities and expectations for new employees. 此外,培训计划还必须为新员工提供明确的工作职责和期望的指导。



关于新工作计划的英文作文Title: Crafting a New Work Plan。

As I embark on this new journey in my professional life, I find myself faced with the exciting task of devising a comprehensive work plan that aligns with my goals and objectives. This endeavor requires careful consideration, strategic thinking, and a commitment to excellence. In this essay, I will outline my approach to crafting a new work plan, detailing the steps I will take to ensure its effectiveness and success.First and foremost, I recognize the importance ofsetting clear and achievable goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). By defining clear objectives, I can create a roadmap that guides my efforts and keeps me focused on what matters most.Next, I will conduct a thorough assessment of mystrengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT analysis). This will provide valuable insights into my current position and help me identify areas for improvement and growth. By leveraging my strengths and addressing my weaknesses, I can position myself for success and maximize my potential.In addition to self-assessment, I will also seek feedback from colleagues, mentors, and other trusted advisors. Their perspectives and insights will offer valuable perspectives and help me gain a deeper understanding of my capabilities and areas for development. By soliciting feedback from others, I can identify blind spots and make informed decisions about how to bestallocate my time and resources.Once I have a clear understanding of my goals and capabilities, I will begin to outline specific strategies and tactics for achieving them. This may involve breaking down larger goals into smaller, more manageable tasks, establishing key milestones and deadlines, and identifying potential obstacles and challenges. By taking a systematicapproach to planning, I can ensure that I am prepared to overcome any hurdles that may arise along the way.Furthermore, I will prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency, using tools such as the Eisenhower Matrix to categorize tasks into four quadrants: urgent and important, important but not urgent, urgent but not important, and neither urgent nor important. This will help me focus my efforts on high-priority activities and avoid wasting time on tasks that are not aligned with my goals.In addition to prioritization, I will also establish clear systems and processes for managing my time and workload. This may involve creating daily, weekly, and monthly schedules, setting aside dedicated time for focused work and uninterrupted reflection, and implementing strategies for minimizing distractions and staying organized. By adopting effective time management techniques, I can increase my productivity and efficiency, allowing meto accomplish more in less time.Finally, I will regularly monitor and evaluate myprogress towards my goals, making adjustments as needed to stay on track and adapt to changing circumstances. This may involve reviewing my work plan on a regular basis, tracking key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure my success, and seeking feedback from stakeholders to ensure that I am meeting their expectations. By maintaining a proactive and flexible approach, I can course-correct as necessary and continue moving towards my goals with confidence and clarity.In conclusion, crafting a new work plan is a multifaceted process that requires careful planning, strategic thinking, and ongoing evaluation. By setting clear goals, conducting a thorough assessment of my strengths and weaknesses, soliciting feedback from others, prioritizing tasks, managing my time effectively, and monitoring my progress, I can create a roadmap for success that guides my efforts and helps me achieve my objectives. With dedication, perseverance, and a commitment to continuous improvement, I am confident that I can accomplish great things in my new role.。



接手新部门后工作计划-概述说明以及解释1.引言1.1 概述接手新部门后的工作计划是指在新环境下承担领导责任的过程。








1.2 文章结构本文主要分为引言、正文和结论三部分。





1.3 目的接手新部门后工作计划的主要目的是为了确保顺利地过渡,并成功地管理新部门的工作。




2.正文2.1 了解新部门情况在接手新部门之前,了解新部门情况是非常关键的一步。



工作计划英语作文100字英文回答:As the new academic year approaches, it is essential to establish a comprehensive work plan that outlines my goals and objectives for the upcoming months. This plan will serve as a roadmap, guiding my efforts and ensuring that I make the most of the opportunities presented during the semester.Through careful consideration, I have identified several key areas that I would like to focus on during this academic year:1. Academic Excellence: Maintaining a high level of academic performance remains my top priority. I intend to dedicate ample time to studying, completing assignments, and participating actively in class discussions. By immersing myself in the course material, I aim to deepen my understanding of the subject matter and develop criticalthinking skills.2. Research and Exploration: Beyond the classroom, I am eager to pursue research opportunities that align with my interests. I plan to connect with professors, attend seminars, and seek out independent research projects. This will allow me to delve deeper into specialized topics, develop my analytical abilities, and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.3. Professional Development: The university provides numerous opportunities for professional growth and development. I intend to participate in workshops, attend guest lectures, and engage in networking events. These experiences will enhance my skills, expand my professional network, and prepare me for a successful career in my chosen field.4. Community Involvement: As a member of the university community, I believe it is important to contribute to the well-being of my fellow students and the surrounding area.I plan to volunteer my time to local organizations,participate in campus initiatives, and support charitable causes. By engaging in community service, I hope to make a positive impact and develop a sense of purpose beyond the academic realm.5. Personal Growth: This academic year presents an opportunity for personal growth and self-reflection. I intend to prioritize my physical and mental health by engaging in regular exercise, maintaining a balanced diet, and seeking support when needed. I also plan to explore new hobbies, interests, and experiences that will broaden my perspectives and enhance my overall well-being.中文回答:随着新学年的临近,制定一个全面工作计划来概述我未来几个月的目标和目标至关重要。



用英语写一篇年度计划English Response:2023 Annual Plan.Q1 (Jan Mar)。

Business Objectives:Increase sales revenue by 10% YoY.Expand market reach into new territories.Enhance customer satisfaction through personalized experiences.Key Initiatives:Implement a CRM system to streamline customer interactions.Launch a new product line targeting underserved market segments.Optimize website for improved user experience and search engine visibility.KPIs:Revenue growth rate.Market penetration.Customer satisfaction index.Q2 (Apr Jun)。

Business Objectives:Improve operational efficiency by 15%.Reduce costs and overhead expenses.Foster a culture of innovation and continuous improvement.Key Initiatives:Automate business processes using cloud-based software.Implement lean management principles to identify and eliminate waste.Establish an innovation committee to encourage employee ideation and problem-solving.KPIs:Operational cost savings.Productivity gains.Innovation pipeline volume.Q3 (Jul Sep)。

my new term plan英语作文带翻译六年级

my new term plan英语作文带翻译六年级

my new term plan英语作文带翻译六年级My new term plan【1】Another new term comes again,so I should have a study plan to promote myself.新的一学期马上就要开始了,于是我给我自己做了一个新学期做一个学习计划,以此来激励(督促)我。

Firstly,I decide to finish my homework more carefully than before.And pay more attention to the knowledge which I didn't know it clearly. From .首先,我会比以前更为认真的去完成我的家庭作业。


Secondly,I will do a lot of read to widen the range of my knowledge.and try to combine theory to practice.其次,我将读大量的书,以便扩展我的知识面。


Finally,I will learn to adjust, to be more positive and more helpful.最后,我将调整好心态,让自己变得更自信更加乐于助人。

That's what I plan to do in a new term.这就是我新学期的计划及决心。

My new term plan【2】The new term is coming and I will be wiser and wiser, because i will learn more knowledge.I will do more meaningful things that i think.First,I will get back to my everyday activities, such as:Pingpong,football and basket ball.Sports are really interesting,aren't they?Second,i will read more books,just as the saying goes:the more ,the better.It's true that I will know more about the world and understand why people say that the world is very big.Third,i will study maths,physics and English better.I will solve more difficult maths problems and be interested in them.I will think about more physics problems.English is important and I will spend more time on it.I'm really looking forward to the coming future.I will get ready to face the future!新学期就要到了,我会变得更聪明,因为我会学到更多的知识。



新 gTLD 计划解释性备忘录有关新 gTLD 计划成本的考虑事项发表日期: 2008 年 10 月 24 日背景 — 新 gTLD计划ICANN 成立于十年前,是一个多利益主体的非营利组织,致力于协调互联网的寻址系统。


互联网的寻址系统目前仅限于 21 个通用顶级域名,系统扩展将为更多的创新、选择和改变创造条件。

世界上有 15 亿互联网用户,这一数字还在不断增长,多样化、选择和竞争是不断成功并形成全球网络的关键。

在作出启动新一轮 gTLD 申请的决定后,将进入一个由全球互联网社群各方人士参与的详细而又冗长的咨询过程。

来自各个利益主体 — 政府、个人、民间团体、企业和知识产权各方、技术社群—的代表将展开为期超过 18 个月的讨论。

2007 年 10 月,通用名称支持组织(GNSO ,ICANN 中负责对全球互联网政策进行协调的组织之一)完成了关于新 gTLD 的政策制定工作,并通过了一套建议方案。

本项政策制定过程中的高潮是,ICANN 董事会在 2008 年 6 月于巴黎召开的 ICANN 会议上决定采用社群制定的政策。


本文件是一系列文件中的一部分,该系列文件由 ICANN 作为解释性备忘录发表,以协助互联网社群更好地理解《提案索取函》(RFP ,也称为《申请人指导手册》)。

在 RFP 的公众意见征询期内,互联网社群可对相应提案进行详细评审并发表意见。

在制定最终的 RFP 时将采用这些意见对文件进行修订。

ICANN 将于 2009 年上半年发布最终的 RFP 。

有关新 gTLD 计划的最新信息、时间表以及活动,请访问 /en/topics/new-gtld-program.htm 。




New Unit Exchange Program OverviewThe Transmission Unit Exchange Program was created to make ordering Reman, New, or New Unit Exchange units a simple process. Please carefully read the details of this program before continuing into the interchange section of this book.This book is organized in a way to help you order all the parts needed when ordering a Reman, New, or New Exchange Unit. This book is divided into 15 sections:1.Introduction and Explanation of Service UnitExchange Program.2.Unit identification – Locating Transmission Tag andIdentifying Model Designation.3.Unit identification – How to identify a unit when theidentification tag is missing.4.Options identification – How to identify variousoptions the transmission may currently have, andwhether or not a service unit for those options isavailable.5.Clutch Housing identification – How to determine thepart number of a clutch housing.6.Transmission Interchange – How to determine thepart number for Reman, New Unit, or New ExchangeUnit by model.7.Identification chart for RT-8609, RT-7608LL, RT/RTO-6610, or RT/RTO-6613 (Chart A) – To order the Reman version of these three models, identify theinput shaft and front bearing cover.8.Conversion Chart (Chart B) – When the currentmodel is replaced by a Reman, New, or New UnitExchange model that has a ratio or length change,refer to this section.9.Recommended Stocking Guide – Clutch housingsand/or shift bar housing assemblies.10.Quick Reference Guide – To identify the model or"TA" number.11.Accessories – To order various accessories for yourReman, New, or New Exchange Unit. This sectionlists part numbers for accessories by model.12.Output Yoke Chart (Chart C) – Describes how todetermine the yoke series, and part number.13.Speedometer Parts – To order new speedo parts foryour Reman, New, or New Exchange Unit. Thissection is divided into Mechanical and Magneticsections.14.Shipping weights.15.Transmission Oil Capacities.2Introduction and ExplanationThis book contains information needed to cross reference most Eaton Fuller transmission models produced between the years 1985 and 1998. With this book you will have the ability to order and/or stock a Reman, New, or New Exchange Unit to meet customer requirements. This book groups all units together, based on speed and model, and it references SERVICE UNIT part numbers to be used when ordering or stocking service units.In addition to offering a complete transmission interchange, this catalog contains information helpful in cases where it may be necessary to order other components when ordering a Reman, New, or New Exchange Unit. For example, in the Accessories Section you can look for a specific yoke application, push-in sensor rear bearing cover assembly, master valve with a generic medallion, generic medallion only, master valve with shift diagram medallion, shift diagram medallion only, or shift label only for ANY particular model. Other accessories covered are: service lever assemblies, Roadranger valve repair kits, and speedometer parts.As stated above, there are three types of replacement units – Reman, New, or New Exchange. All Reman and New Exchange units have a CORE CHARGE. Please see publication APSL-0419 for core and warranty details.These units are “All-Makes” in nature, meaning they are ALL built with a Service Shift Bar Housing (with provisions for neutral light switch, reverse light switch, and breather), and a Service Rear Bearing Cover (with provisions for BOTH mechanical and magnetic pickups). Most service units are built standard with a 2" pull-type input shaft.Most Service Units can be purchased with an integral oil pump option.Please note that New and New Exchange Units are shipped WITHOUT a Clutch Housing. Reman units will continue to be shipped WITH a SAE #1 Clutch Housing (or SAE #2 for 6600 model series).Information contained in this publication is also available on the Eaton web site: and on a CD-ROM called Specranger. Copies of Specranger can be obtained by contacting your local Eaton Roadranger Parts Marketing District Manager. For more information, call 1-800-826-HELP, (826-4357).34Unit Identification For Unit With Transmission TagThe first step in the process of ordering a service unit is determining the current model. There are two ways to do this. The first way is to locate the tag on the side of the transmission and identify its model designation. The second way is, if the unit does not have a tag follow the transmission identification chart in the next section to determine the model. When the current model is identified, proceed to Transmission Interchange Section.Locating Transmission Tag and Identifying Model DesignationTransmission model designation (i.e. RT-12609A), and other transmission identification information, are stamped on the trans-mission tag. To identify the transmission model designation (nomenclature), locate the tag on the transmission and then locate the model designation number as shown.Using Model Designation or NomenclatureThe model designation or nomenclature assigned to a transmission model provides information concerning transmission torque capacity, forward speeds, ratio set, shift bar housing and other provisions and options. Use the following guidelines to identify your transmission model designation.Heavy Duty Transmission - NomenclatureLocation of Transmission TagHeavy Duty ModelsR T O - 1 1 9 0 9 M L LEaton Fuller Model Designation Prefix See options below:Prefix DefinitionT Twin Countershaft TX w/OverdriveRT Roadranger Twin Countershaft RTF w/ Forward Shift Bar Housing RTO w/ Overdrive®®®。














实现计划英文作文"英文,"Planning is an essential part of my life. I believethat having a solid plan in place helps me stay organized and focused on my goals. Whether it's planning my daily schedule, a vacation, or a project at work, I always make sure to have a plan in place.For example, when I was planning my recent vacation to Japan, I created a detailed itinerary that included all the places I wanted to visit, the activities I wanted to do, and the restaurants I wanted to try. Having this plan in place allowed me to make the most of my time in Japan and ensured that I didn't miss out on anything I wanted to experience.In addition to planning my personal life, I also believe in the importance of planning in my professional life. When I am given a new project at work, I always takethe time to create a detailed plan outlining the steps I need to take to complete the project successfully. This not only helps me stay on track but also allows me toanticipate any potential challenges and come up with solutions in advance."中文,"计划对我来说是生活中不可或缺的一部分。

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战略计划: 勾勒出组织的主要目标以及实现这些目标

运营计划: 具体规定各个职能的目标,为实现这些目

战术计划: 管理者为了处理已经出现的某些机遇或威

单元计划: 职能内各个部门、工作小组、甚至个人所

正式计划的实施会把组织限定在某一具体的目标之中,而这个 目标是有时间性的。确定这些目标的时候,往往假设在目标实现这 一时段内的外部环境不变。一旦这一前提假设发生错误,那么执行 计划的管理者们就会遇到麻烦。管理者宁可继续为达到初始目标而 努力,也不愿意保持计划的灵活性,以至于取消原有的计划。事实 上,当环境变化时,强制性地去采取一系列行动才是应对困境的妙 方。当一家位于多伦多的名为摩尔公司内发生上述情况时,其结果 是每年收益劲减几百万美金。

的资产回报和其他实实在在的财务成果。 第二,计划过程的高品质和计划是否得到良好执行可能要比 计划工作本身带来的绩效高。 最后,在那些制定了正式计划而没有取得较高绩效的组织中, 外部环境也许是罪魁祸首。 例如,政府管制与相类似的环境限制了计划对组织绩效的影响。 为什么?因为管理者几乎没有太多的选择。例如,安然公司的高层 主管拟订了一项计划,认为在印度的达卡建一座发电厂是一项很好 的决策。但是,当印度发生了几起 “针对外国投资者的黑色袭击” 事件之后,印度政府突然削减了28亿美元的合同,安然公司的计划 价值一落千丈。所以,当不确定性很高时,说 “做计划的组织要比 不做计划的组织绩效更好” 是没有道理的。

从20世纪60年代开始,计划工作变得十分盛行。对大多数组织 来讲,今天依然如此。计划工作的意义在于提供指导。毕竟,正如 “窃嘻猫” 对爱丽丝说的那样:你应该走哪条路“取决于你所想 去的地方”。然而,对计划工作的基本假设也有许多批评。让我们 来看看针对正式计划主要有哪些争论。
迫使管理者认真思考做什么与怎么做 制定计划的目的在于预测变化并制定应变措施 使组织的活动具有连续性,它比存在于管理者头脑里的模 糊假设更容易修改,更富应变力。

计划赶不上变化 作计划浪费时间 不作计划也能完成任务 计划越多越好
战略(strategies):竞争、行动方针、资源配置 政策(policy):组织在决策时或处理问题时用来指导


政策规则 指导决策不是约束下级使之不敢擅自决策,在一定范围 内使得权力得以下放 政策必须允许对某些事情的酌情处理的自由 作为鼓励酌情处理和主动性的一种手段,其权限和范围应 受一定限制
������ ������ 发现问题 –设立标准以利于控制
正式计划通常与更高的利润及其它积极的财务成果相联系 高质量的计划过程和适当的实施过程比泛泛的计划更能赢 得高绩效 “计划赶不上变化”:正式计划不能赢得高绩效的主要原 因是环境的变化,尤其是环境的不确定性

成功的组织常常是一些人的愿景的结果,但这些愿景在演化过 程中往往会趋于正式化。正式计划遵循着一种方法论——彻底调查 研究组织的能力与机会,将愿景演绎为一种程式化的机械式分析。 这种方法会给组织带来困境。例如,苹果电脑于1970年代崛起,并 在八十年代迅速发展,这在某种程度上要归功于它的创始人之一— —斯蒂文· 乔布斯的创造力与反公司化态度。然而,当企业不断成 长时,乔布斯认为他们需要一个更加正式化的管理,而这是些令他 不舒服的运行方式。



IBM就是服务-IBM 无论一小步,还是一大步,总是带动世 界的脚步-IBM 我们出售的产品是进步-GE 塑造未来-CISCO 产业报国、光明正大、团结一致、奋斗向上、礼貌谦让 适应形势、感恩图报-松下 诚、和、开拓者精神-日立 通过化学为美好生活提供更美好的东西-杜邦 万能的服务-ATT 每个领导世界潮流的人都戴劳力士表-劳力士 让我们做的更好-菲力普 决不扼杀一个主意,只能加以开导-3M
于是,他聘请了一位CEO,这位CEO最终还撵走了乔布斯。随着乔布斯 的离职,组织的正式化程度不断提高,而这是以往乔布斯最瞧不起,也是 最有可能阻碍创造性的事情。 计划使管理者关注今天的竞争,而不是明天的存亡 正式计划注重如何最好地利用产业中的商业机会,而不是让管理者去 创造产业。这样,正式计划可能会导致某种代价巨大的失误,而当别人处 于产业领导优势地位时,组织则又会发生追赶成本。另一方面,一些企业 如英特尔和 ABB公司,发现他们的成功绝大部分应归因于探求未知领域和 对新的产业进行设计与开发。 正式计划促进了成功,但是否也会导致失败 我们常常受到这样的教导:成功是成功之母。这已成为美国人的传统 观念了。毕竟,当物品没有破损时是用不着修理的。然而现实总是这样的 吗?未必!事实上,在一个不确定的环境中,成功或许孕育的是失败.


企业目前是怎样组织? 希望成为怎样组织? 如何体现不同于其他组织的特征? 明确企业的未来发展方向和业务主题




Drucker 用户想买什么?认为什么有价值?希望得到什么? “ 人所欲,已所施:转变观念与态度

对某些例常性工作,凭经验的确可以完 成而不需要作计划。 对某些较为简单的工作,采用尝试错误 法可能比作计划的方法更有效。 对完成复杂的工作任务就一定需要作计 划。 管理不应该建立在经验的基础上,尝试 错误的代价也很高。

作计划是有成本的。 作计划的成本低于作计划带来的好处, 作计划才是经济的;作计划的成本高于 作计划带来的好处,作计划就不经济了。 事事计划,不如无计划。
第八讲 计划的制订
根据管理理论,没有良好的 计划和执行力,目标就难以 变成现实! 我也常常会有宏伟的 目标,但为什么总是 实现不了?

在一个组织中,计划工作是管理的首要 职能,其他工作都只有在确定了目标、 制订了计划以后才能开展,并围绕着计 划的变化而变化。 在管理实践中,计划工作如果不受重视, 致使各项工作缺乏明确的目标,短期行 为严重,结果不确定程度增大。

需要何种组织结构:组织 需要何种人员以及何时需要:人事 如何最有效率地领导大家:领导 通过提供控制标准来保证计划的实现:控制

计划工作(planning) (planning)

– 定义组织的目标定义组织的目标 – 制定全局战略以实现目标定全局战略以实现目标 开发一组广泛的相关计划以整合和协调组织的工作 开发一组广泛的相关计划以整合和协调组织的工作

一次性计划: 关注不会再次发生的事件的计划
常置计划: 被用来处理经常再次发生的事件的计划
应急计划: 用来处理有可能在未来发生的对组织有重大 影响的特定事件的计划
危机管理计划: 为处理未来有可能发生的危机而特意制 定的计划 情景规划: 基于对未来“如果……,该如何……” 情景制 定的计划

诚如前文所述,今天许多组织面对的环境都是动态的。如果其 假设前提“环境不变”是错误的,那么,怎么可能制定出计划呢? 我们已经指出,当今的经营环境纷繁复杂。由定义可知,这也意味 着随机性与不确定性。为了避免管理的混沌以及要把危机转变为机 会需要有灵活性,这也就意味着不要受制于正式计划。


实施前即可发现问题������ ������ 制定适当的对策



设立目标和标准以便控制 没有计划就没有控制没有������ 目标和标准以便控制

针对上级所交给的课题做计划——理 解方针,把握职责,培养提出计划的 习惯; 针对自己所发现的课题做计划; 针对开发自己能力的课题做计划; 针对自己的人生目标作计划。


明确路径 明确方法 明确责任 明确衡量方法
的工作,而去做那些结果未知而让人感到焦虑的工作。然而,成功的计 划往往会给人造成一种安全的错觉,使人们更加自信现在所做的事情而
们因环境的变化而不得不面对为止。然而,这时也许太晚了。 底线:计划是否改善了组织的绩效

计划既关系到结果(做什么),也关系到手段 (怎么做)手段(怎么做)

– 通过有限资源的有效配置,达成组织的目标。 正式计划与非正式计划;本课程指正式计划正式 计划” 始终围绕着有限资源的合理利用始终围绕着有限 资源的合理利用