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阿拉伯 爱好者 安理会 奥运会 芭蕾舞 八路军 百分点 办公室 保护人 被告人 本部门 必需品 辩护人 标准化 憋足劲 并没有 博览会 不能不 财产权 参加者 凑热闹 促进派 差不多 拆墙脚 颤巍巍 常见于 沉甸甸 成活率 吃不上 充其量 筹备会 出发点 传染病 创始人 纯利润 大规模 代用品 单方面 党中央 到时候 得罪人 等于零 第一次 电视机 东南亚 斗争性 独立性 短训班 对立面 多方面 发言人 反革命 房地产 废品率 分界线 丰产田 否决权 服务员 概念化 感觉到 港澳台 高强度 革命化 共产党 购买力 顾不上 冠军赛 光秃秃 规范化 国务院 哈尔滨 海南岛 含水量 好容易 核试验 黑龙江 很难看 轰炸机 候选人 划时代 坏分子 欢送会 会员国 婚姻法 火车站 积极性 加拿大 柬埔寨 讲排场 交易所 解放军 尽可能 经济学 就是说 具体化 绝对化 军事化 开发区 看样子 科学家 肯尼亚 空架子 扣帽子 哭鼻子 扩大化 拉关系 来得及 拦河坝 劳动力 乐天派 雷雨云 利润率 联合国 两手抓 了不起 列车员 临时工 领事馆 留学生 录象机 旅游业 乱糟糟 略高于 轮训班 逻辑性 马尼拉 卖力气 盲目性 毛织品 没什么 门市部 猛回头 免不了 民主党 明细账 莫斯科 穆斯林 耐寒性 男子汉 闹革命 内蒙古 能动性 尼泊尔 年产量 娘儿俩 凝聚力 农产品 奴隶制 女主人 暖洋洋 派出所 偶然性 派出所 判决书 旁观者 泡病号 陪审员 批评家 片面性 飘飘然 贫困户 平方米 破天荒 剖面图 普遍性 企业家 潜伏期 强有力 瞧不起 怯生生 侵略者 轻工业 球迷们 全国性 群众性 热心肠 人贩子 日用品 软弱性 思想家 送人情 诉讼法 酸牛奶 所有权 杀人犯 商标法 少先队 奢侈品 审判员 生产量 事实上 受不了 耍花招 双职工 水电站 说不上 太平洋 贪污犯 讨论会 特别是 体育场 天安门 统治者 投保人 土耳其 团体赛 推销员 吞吐量 托儿所 无线电 外交部 为什么 文学家 吸引力 下意识 现代化 相适应 消费者 新加坡 形式上 凶杀案 休假日 叙利亚 选举权 学术界 训练班 以色列 严重性 邀请赛 野战军 营业员 用不着 优越性 于是乎 原则性 运动员 怎么样 自动化 总产量 走后门 诈骗犯 债权人 战斗力 掌权者 招待所 哲学家 真实性 政治犯 指战员 重要性 周期性 主席团 专利权 装饰品 准确性 一系列 八路军 越来越



description := Start of winding Marking = Inductance code33% Umgebungstemperatur / temperature:+20°C100% SnSSt 06-01-10MST 04-10-11SST 04-07-28SST04-04-21SST 04-04-08NameDatum / datenot exceed 125°C under worst case operating conditions.Draht / wire:2SFBW; 155°POWER-CHOKE WE-PD.............................................Umgebungstemp. / ambient temperature: -40°C - + 85°C Basismaterial / base material: Endoberfläche / finishing electrode:D Prüfgeräte / test equipment :E Testbedingungen / test conditions :HP 4274 A für/for L und/and Q F Werkstoffe & Zulassungen / material & approvals :G Eigenschaften / general specifications :Ferrit/ferrite HP 34401 A für/for I DC und/and R DCLuftfeuchtigkeit / humidity:Freigabe erteilt / general release:Kunde / customerAnbindung an Elektrode / soldering wire to plating:Betriebstemp. / operating temperature: -40°C - + 125°C It is recommended that the temperature of the part does Sn/Ag/Cu - 96.5/3.0/0.5%Würth Elektronik................................................................................Datum / date................................................................................Unterschrift / signatureVersion 5Änderung / modificationVersion 1Version 2Version 3Version 4 http://www.we-online.deKontrolliert / approvedWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGD-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400Geprüft / checked ...................................................description :H Induktivitätskurve / Inductance curve :SSt 06-01-10MST 04-10-11SST 04-07-28SST04-04-21SST 04-04-08NameDatum / datePOWER-CHOKE WE-PDDATUM / DATE : 2006-01-10Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KGD-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400http://www.we-online.de................................................................................................Geprüft / checked Kontrolliert / approvedDatum / dateUnterschrift / signature Würth ElektronikFreigabe erteilt / general release:Kunde / customer................................................................................................................................................................Änderung / modificationVersion 1Version 2Version 3Version 4Version 5description :A 10,0± 0,1B 16,0± 0,2+ 0,1a 330,0± 2,0mm b 21,0± 0,8mm c 13,0± 0,5mm d 100,0± 1,0mm SSt 06-01-10MST 04-10-11SST 04-07-28SST04-04-21SST 04-04-08NameDatum / dateD-74638 Waldenburg · Max-Eyth-Strasse 1 - 3 · Germany · Telefon (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 0 · Telefax (+49) (0) 7942 - 945 - 400http://www.we-online.dePOWER-CHOKE WE-PDDATUM / DATE : 2006-01-10Würth ElektronikGeprüft / checked Kontrolliert / approvedWürth Elektronik eiSos GmbH & Co. KG................................................................................................Änderung / modificationVersion 1Version 2Freigabe erteilt / general release:Kunde / customerDatum / dateUnterschrift / signature ................................................................................................................................................................Rollenspezifikation / Reel specification:Version 3Version 4Version 51,50C Gurtspezifikation / Tape specification: The force for tearing off cover tape is 10 to 130 grams in arrow directionfeeding directionThis electronic component has been designed and developed for usage in general electronic equipment. Before incorporating this component into any equipment where higher safety and reliability is especially required or if there is the possibility of direct damage or injury to human body, for example in the range of aerospace, aviation, nuclear control, submarine, transportation, (automotive control, train control, ship control), transportation signal, disaster prevention, medical, public information network etc, Würth Elektronik eiSos GmbH must be informed before the design-in stage. In addition, sufficient reliability evaluation checks for safety must be performed on every electronic component which is used in electrical circuits that require high safety and reliability functions or performance.分销商库存信息: WURTH-ELECTRONICS 7447789215。



To all our customersRegarding the change of names mentioned in the document, such as Hitachi Electric and Hitachi XX, to Renesas Technology Corp.The semiconductor operations of Mitsubishi Electric and Hitachi were transferred to Renesas Technology Corporation on April 1st 2003. These operations include microcomputer, logic, analog and discrete devices, and memory chips other than DRAMs (flash memory, SRAMs etc.) Accordingly, although Hitachi, Hitachi, Ltd., Hitachi Semiconductors, and other Hitachi brand names are mentioned in the document, these names have in fact all been changed to Renesas Technology Corp. Thank you for your understanding. Except for our corporate trademark, logo and corporate statement, no changes whatsoever have been made to the contents of the document, and these changes do not constitute any alteration to the contents of the document itself.Renesas Technology Home Page: Renesas Technology Corp.Customer Support Dept.April 1, 2003CautionsKeep safety first in your circuit designs!1. Renesas Technology Corporation puts the maximum effort into making semiconductor products betterand more reliable, but there is always the possibility that trouble may occur with them. Trouble with semiconductors may lead to personal injury, fire or property damage.Remember to give due consideration to safety when making your circuit designs, with appropriate measures such as (i) placement of substitutive, auxiliary circuits, (ii) use of nonflammable material or (iii) prevention against any malfunction or mishap.Notes regarding these materials1. These materials are intended as a reference to assist our customers in the selection of the RenesasTechnology Corporation product best suited to the customer's application; they do not convey any license under any intellectual property rights, or any other rights, belonging to Renesas Technology Corporation or a third party.2. Renesas Technology Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage, or infringement of anythird-party's rights, originating in the use of any product data, diagrams, charts, programs, algorithms, or circuit application examples contained in these materials.3. All information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams, charts, programs andalgorithms represents information on products at the time of publication of these materials, and are subject to change by Renesas Technology Corporation without notice due to product improvements or other reasons. It is therefore recommended that customers contact Renesas Technology Corporation or an authorized Renesas Technology Corporation product distributor for the latest product information before purchasing a product listed herein.The information described here may contain technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.Renesas Technology Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability, or other loss rising from these inaccuracies or errors.Please also pay attention to information published by Renesas Technology Corporation by various means, including the Renesas Technology Corporation Semiconductor home page().4. When using any or all of the information contained in these materials, including product data, diagrams,charts, programs, and algorithms, please be sure to evaluate all information as a total system before making a final decision on the applicability of the information and products. Renesas Technology Corporation assumes no responsibility for any damage, liability or other loss resulting from theinformation contained herein.5. Renesas Technology Corporation semiconductors are not designed or manufactured for use in a deviceor system that is used under circumstances in which human life is potentially at stake. Please contact Renesas Technology Corporation or an authorized Renesas Technology Corporation product distributor when considering the use of a product contained herein for any specific purposes, such as apparatus or systems for transportation, vehicular, medical, aerospace, nuclear, or undersea repeater use.6. The prior written approval of Renesas Technology Corporation is necessary to reprint or reproduce inwhole or in part these materials.7. If these products or technologies are subject to the Japanese export control restrictions, they must beexported under a license from the Japanese government and cannot be imported into a country other than the approved destination.Any diversion or reexport contrary to the export control laws and regulations of Japan and/or thecountry of destination is prohibited.8. Please contact Renesas Technology Corporation for further details on these materials or the productscontained therein.HA17431 SeriesShunt RegulatorADE-204-049A (Z)Rev.1Sep. 2002 DescriptionThe HA17431 series is temperature-compensated variable shunt regulators. The main application of these products is in voltage regulators that provide a variable output voltage. The on-chip high-precisionmax of 16 volts. reference voltage source can provide ±1% accuracy in the V versions, which have a VKAThe HA17431VLP, which is provided in the MPAK-5 package, is designed for use in switching mode power supplies. It provides a built-in photocoupler bypass resistor for the PS pin, and an error amplifier can be easily constructed on the supply side.Features•The V versions provide 2.500 V ±1% at Ta = 25°C•The HA17431VLP includes a photocoupler bypass resistor (2 kΩ)•The reference voltage has a low temperature coefficient•The MPAK-5(5-pin), MPAK(3-pin) and UPAK miniature packages are optimal for use on high mounting density circuit boards•Car use is providedBlock DiagramHA17431 SeriesRev.1, Sep. 2002, page 2 of 24Application Circuit ExampleOrdering InformationVersionItemV VersionA Version Normal VersionPackage Operating Temperature Range Accuracy ±1% ±2.2% ±4% Max 2.525 V 2.550 V 2.595 V Typ 2.500 V 2.495 V 2.495 V Reference voltage (at 25°C)Min2.475 V 2.440 V 2.395 V Cathode voltage 16 V max 40 V max 40 V max Cathode current 50 mA max150 mA max150 mA maxHA17431VPJHA17431PNAJTO-92HA17431PAJ HA17431PJ TO-92MOD HA17431FPAJ Car useHA17431FPJFP-8D –40 to +85°CHA17431 SeriesRev.1, Sep. 2002, page 3 of 24Ordering Information (cont.)VersionItemV VersionA VersionNormal VersionPackage Operating Temperature Range HA17431VLTP HA17432VLTP MPAKHA17431VLP MPAK-5 HA17431VP HA17431PNA TO-92 HA17431VUP HA17431UPA HA17432VUPHA17432UPAUPAK HA17431PA HA17431P TO-92MOD HA17431FPA Industrial useHA17431FPFP-8D HA17431UA Commercial use HA17432UAUPAK –20 to +85°CPin ArrangementHA17431 SeriesRev.1, Sep. 2002, page 4 of 24Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol HA17431VLP HA17431VP HA17431VPJ Unit Notes Cathode voltage V KA 16 16 16 V 1 PS term. voltage V PS V KA to 16 — — V 1,2,3Continuous cathode current I K –50 to +50 –50 to +50 –50 to +50 mA Reference input currentIref–0.05 to +10–0.05 to +10–0.05 to +10mAPower dissipation P T 150 *4 500 *5 500 *5 mW 4, 5 Operating temperature range Topr–20 to +85–20 to +85–40 to +85°CStorage temperatureTstg –55 to +150 –55 to +150 –55 to +150 °CItem Symbol HA17431VUP/HA17432VUP HA17431VLTP/HA17432VLTP Unit Notes Cathode voltage V KA 16 16V 1PS term. voltage V PS — — V 1,2,3 Continuouscathode current I K –50 to +50 –50 to +50 mA Reference input currentIref–0.05 to +10–0.05 to +10mAPower dissipation P T 800 *8 150 *4 mW 4, 8 Operating temperature range Topr–20 to +85–20 to +85°CStorage temperatureTstg –55 to +150 –55 to +150 °CItemSymbol HA17431PNA HA17431P/PAHA17431FP/FPA HA17431UA/UPA/ HA17432UA/UPAUnitNotes Cathode voltage V KA 4040 40 40 V 1Continuous cathode current I K –100 to +150 –100 to +150 –100 to +150 –100 to +150 mA Reference input currentIref–0.05 to +10–0.05 to +10–0.05 to +10–0.05 to +10mAPower dissipation P T 500 *5 800 *6 500 *7 800 *8 mW 5,6,7,8 Operating temperature range Topr–20 to +85–20 to +85–20 to +85–20 to +85°CStorage temperatureTstg –55 to +150 –55 to +150 –55 to +125 –55 to +150 °CHA17431 SeriesRev.1, Sep. 2002, page 5 of 24Absolute Maximum Ratings (cont.)(Ta = 25°C)Item Symbol HA17431PNAJ HA17431PJ/PAJ HA17431FPJ/FPAJ Unit Notes Cathode voltage V KA 40 40 40 V 1 Continuous cathode current I K –100 to +150 –100 to +150 –100 to +150 mA Reference input currentIref–0.05 to +10–0.05 to +10–0.05 to +10mAPower dissipation P T 500 *5 800 *6 500 *7 mW 5,6,7 Operating temperature range Topr–40 to +85–40 to +85–40 to +85°CStorage temperatureTstg –55 to +150 –55 to +150 –55 to +125 °CNotes: 1. Voltages are referenced to anode.2. The PS pin is only provided by the HA17431VLP.3. The PS pin voltage must not fall below the cathode voltage. If the PS pin is not used, the PS pinis recommended to be connected with the cathode.4. Ta ≤ 25°C. If Ta > 25°C, derate by 1.2 mW/°C.5. Ta ≤ 25°C. If Ta > 25°C, derate by 4.0 mW/°C.6. Ta ≤ 25°C. If Ta > 25°C, derate by 6.4 mW/°C.7. 50 mm × 50 mm × 1.5mmt glass epoxy board(5% wiring density), Ta ≤ 25°C. If Ta > 25°C,derate by 5 mW/°C.8. 15 mm × 25 mm × 0.7mmt alumina ceramic board,Ta ≤ 25°C. If Ta > 25°C, derate by 6.4mW/°C.HA17431 SeriesRev.1, Sep. 2002, page 6 of 24Electrical CharacteristicsHA17431VLP/VP/VPJ/VUP/VLTP, HA17432VUP/VLTP (Ta = 25°C, I K = 10 mA)Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions Notes Reference voltage Vref 2.475 2.500 2.525 VV KA = VrefReference voltage temperature deviationVref(dev)— 10 — mV V KA = Vref,Ta = –20°C to +85°C 1Reference voltage temperature coefficient ∆Vref/∆Ta— ±30 — ppm/°C V KA = Vref,0°C to 50°C gradientReference voltage regulation ∆Vref/∆V KA — 2.0 3.7 mV/V V KA = Vref to 16 V Reference input currentIref — 2 6 µA R 1 = 10 k Ω, R 2 = ∞ Reference current temperature deviation Iref(dev)— 0.5 —µA R 1 = 10 k Ω, R 2 = ∞,Ta = –20°C to +85°CMinimum cathode currentImin — 0.4 1.0 mA V KA = Vref2 Off state cathode current Ioff — 0.001 1.0 µA V KA = 16 V, Vref = 0 V Dynamic impedance Z KA — 0.2 0.5 Ω V KA = Vref,I K = 1 mA to 50 mA Bypass resistance R PS 1.6 2.0 2.4 k ΩI PS = 1 mA3 Bypass resistance temperature coefficient ∆R PS /∆Ta— +2000 — ppm/°C I PS = 1 mA,0°C to 50°C gradient3HA17431 SeriesRev.1, Sep. 2002, page 7 of 24Electrical Characteristics (cont.)HA17431PJ/PAJ/FPJ/FPAJ/P/PA/UA/UPA/FP/FPA/PNA/PNAJ, HA17432UA/UPA (Ta = 25°C, I K = 10 mA)Item Symbol Min Typ Max Unit Test Conditions Notes 2.440 2.495 2.550 A Reference voltage Vref 2.395 2.495 2.595 V V KA = Vref Normal —11(30)Ta =–20°C to +85°C 1, 4Reference voltage temperature deviationVref(dev)— 5 (17)mV V KA = VrefTa = 0°C to +70°C1, 4 — 1.4 3.7 V KA = Vref to 10 V Reference voltage regulation ∆Vref/∆V KA — 1 2.2mV/V V KA = 10 V to 40 VReference input currentIref — 3.8 6 µA R 1 = 10 k Ω, R 2 = ∞ Reference current temperature deviation Iref(dev)— 0.5 (2.5) µA R 1 = 10 k Ω, R 2 = ∞,Ta = 0°C to +70°C 4Minimum cathode currentImin — 0.4 1.0 mA V KA = Vref2 Off state cathode current Ioff — 0.001 1.0 µA V KA = 40 V, Vref = 0 V Dynamic impedanceZ KA— 0.2 0.5 ΩV KA = Vref,I K = 1 mA to 100 mANotes: 1. Vref(dev) = Vref(max) – Vref(min)2. Imin is given by the cathode current at Vref = Vref (IK=10mA) – 15 mV.3. R PS is only provided in HA17431VLP.4. The maximum value is a design value (not measured).HA17431 SeriesRev.1, Sep. 2002, page 8 of 24MPAK-5(5-pin), MPAK(3-pin) and UPAK Marking PatternsThe marking patterns shown below are used on MPAK-5, MPAK and UPAK products. Note that the product code and mark pattern are different. The pattern is laser-printed.Notes: 1. Boxes (1) to (5) in the figures show the position of the letters or numerals, and are not actuallymarked on the package.2. The letters (1) and (2) show the product specific mark pattern.Product (1)(2) HA17431VLP 4 P HA17431VUP 4 R HA17432VUP 4 S HA17431VLTP 3 A HA17432VLTP 3 B HA17431UA 4 A HA17431UPA 4 B HA17432UA 4 C HA17432UPA 4F3. The letter (3) shows the production year code (the last digit of the year) for UPAK products.4. The bars (a), (b) and (c) show a production year code for MPAK-5 and MPAK products as shownbelow. After 2010 the code is repeated every 8 years.Year 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 (a) None None None Bar Bar Bar Bar None (b) None Bar Bar None None Bar Bar None (c) Bar None Bar None Bar None Bar None5. The letter (4) shows the production month code (see table below).Production month Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May. Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec. Marked code A B C D E F G H J K L M6. The letter (5) shows manufacturing code. For UPAK products.Characteristics CurvesHA17431VLP/VP/VPJ/VUP/VLTP, HA17432VUP/VLTPHA17431PJ/PAJ/FPJ/FPAJ/P/PA/UA/UPA/FP/FPA/PNA/PNAJ, HA17432UA/UPAApplication ExamplesAs shown in the figure on the right, this IC operates as an inverting amplifier, with the REF pin as input pin. The open-loop voltage gain is given by the reciprocal of “reference voltage deviation by cathodevoltage change ” in the electrical specifications, and is approximately 50 to 60 dB. The REF pin has a high input impedance, with an input current Iref of 3.8 µA Typ (V version: Iref = 2 µA Typ). The outputimpedance of the output pin K (cathode) is defined as dynamic impedance Z KA , and Z KA is low (0.2 Ω) over a wide cathode current range. A (anode) is used at the minimum potential, such as ground.Figure 1 Operation DiagramApplication HintsNo. Application Example Description1Reference voltage generation circuitVoutGND VinGNDThis is the simplest reference voltage circuit. The valueof the resistance R is set so that cathode current I K ≥ 1 mA.Output is fixed at Vout ≅ 2.5 V.The external capacitor C L (C L ≥ 3.3 µF) is used to prevent oscillation in normal applications.2 Variable output shunt regulator circuitThis is circuit 1 above with variable output provided.Vout ≅ 2.5 V ×Here,(R 1 + R 2)R 2Since the reference input current Iref = 3.8 µA Typ (V version: Iref = 2 µA Typ) flows through R 1, resistance values are chosen to allow the resultant voltage drop to be ignored.3Single power supply invertingcomparator circuitThis is an inverting type comparator with an input threshold voltage of approximately 2.5 V. Rin is the REF pin protection resistance, with a value of several k Ω to several tens of k Ω.R L is the load resistance, selected so that the cathode current I K • 1 mA when Vout is low.Condition C1C2Vin Less then 2.5 V 2.5 V or moreVout V CC (V OH )Approx. 2 V (V OL )ICOFF ON4 AC amplifier circuitGain G =(DC gain)R 1R 2 // R 3Cutoff frequency fc =12π Cf (R 1 // R 2 // R 3)This is an AC amplifier with voltage gain G = –R 1 / (R 2//R 3). The input is cut by capacitance Cin, so that the REF pin is driven by the AC input signal, centered on 2.5 V DC .R 2 also functions as a resistance that determines the DC cathode potential when there is no input, but if the input level is low and there is no risk of Vout clipping to V CC , this can be omitted.To change the frequency characteristic, Cf should be connected as indicated by the dotted line.5Switching power supply erroramplification circuit12Note:LED R3R4: Light emitting diode in photocoupler : Bypass resistor to feed IK(>Imin) when LED current vanishes : LED protection resistanceThis circuit performs control on the secondary side of a transformer, and is often used with a switching power supply that employs a photocoupler for offlining.The output voltage (between V+ and V –) is given by the following formula:Vout ≅ 2.5 V ×(R 1 + R 2)R 2In this circuit, the gain with respect to the Vout error is as follows:G =×R 2(R 1 + R 2)HA17431 open loop gain ×photocoupler total gainAs stated earlier, the HA17431 open-loop gain is 50 to60 dB.6Constant voltage regulator circuitV CCVoutGNDGNDThis is a 3-pin regulator with a discrete configuration, inwhich the output voltageVout = 2.5 V ×(R 2 + R 3)R 3R 1 is a bias resistance for supplying the HA17431 cathode current and the output transistor Q base current.7Discharge type constant current circuitV SI LThis circuit supplies a constant current ofI L ≅[A] into the load. Caution is required2.5 V R Ssince the HA17431 cathode current is also superimposed on IL .The requirement in this circuit is that the cathode current must be greater than Imin = 1 mA. The I Lsetting therefore must be on the order of several mA or more.8Induction type constant current circuitV I L SIn this circuit, the load is connected on the collector side of transistor Q in circuit 7 above. In this case, the load floats from GND, but the HA17431 cathode current is not superimposed on I L , so that I L can be kept small (1 mA or less is possible). The constant current value is the same as for circuit 7 above:I L ≅[A]2.5 V R SDesign Guide for AC-DC SMPS (Switching Mode Power Supply)Use of Shunt Regulator in Transformer Secondary Side ControlThis example is applicable to both forward transformers and flyback transformers. A shunt regulator is used on the secondary side as an error amplifier, and feedback to the primary side is provided via a photocoupler.Figure 2 Typical Shunt Regulator/Error AmplifierDetermination of External Constants for the Shunt RegulatorDC characteristic determination: In figure 2, R1 and R2are protection resistor for the light emitting diodein the photocoupler, and R2 is a bypass resistor to feed IKminimum, and these are determined as shownbelow. The photocoupler specification should be obtained separately from the manufacturer. Using the parameters in figure 2, the following formulas are obtained:R1 =V0– V F– V KI F + I B, R2 =V FI BVKis the HA17431 operating voltage, and is set at around 3 V, taking into account a margin for fluctuation.R2 is the current shunt resistance for the light emitting diode, in which a bias current IBof around 1/5 IFflows.Next, the output voltage can be determined by R3 and R4, and the following formula is obtained:V0 =R3 + R4R4× Vref, Vref = 2.5 V TypThe absolute values of R3 and R4are determined by the HA17431 reference input current Iref and the ACcharacteristics described in the next section. The Iref value is around 3.8 µA Typ. (V version: 2 µA Typ)AC characteristic determination: This refers to the determination of the gain frequency characteristic of the shunt regulator as an error amplifier. Taking the configuration in figure 2, the error amplifier characteristic is as shown in figure 3.Figure 3 HA17431 Error Amplification CharacteristicIn Figure 3, the following formulas are obtained: GainG 1 = G 0 ≈ 50 dB to 60 dB (determined by shunt regulator)G 2 =R 5R 3Corner frequenciesf 1 = 1/(2π C 1 G 0 R 3) f 2 = 1/(2π C 1 R 5)G 0 is the shunt regulator open-loop gain; this is given by the reciprocal of the reference voltage fluctuation ∆Vref/∆V KA , and is approximately 50 dB.Practical ExampleConsider the example of a photocoupler, with an internal light emitting diode V F = 1.05 V and I F = 2.5 mA, power supply output voltage V 2 = 5 V, and bias resistance R 2 current of approximately 1/5 I F at 0.5 mA. If the shunt regulator V K = 3 V, the following values are found.R 1 =5V – 1.05V – 3V2.5mA + 0.5mA= 316(Ω) (330Ω from E24 series)R 2 =1.05V0.5mA= 2.1(k Ω) (2.2k Ω from E24 series)Next, assume that R 3 = R 4 = 10 k Ω. This gives a 5 V output. If R 5 = 3.3 k Ω and C 1 = 0.022 µF, the following values are found.G 2 = 3.3 k Ω / 10 k Ω = 0.33 times (–10 dB) f 1 = 1 / (2 × π × 0.022 µF × 316 × 10 k Ω) = 2.3 (Hz) f 2 = 1 / (2 × π × 0.022 µF × 3.3 k Ω) = 2.2 (kHz)Package DimensionsDisclaimer1. Hitachi neither warrants nor grants licenses of any rights of Hitachi’s or any third party’s patent,copyright, trademark, or other intellectual property rights for information contained in this document. Hitachi bears no responsibility for problems that may arise with third party’s rights, including intellectual property rights, in connection with use of the information contained in this document. 2.Products and product specifications may be subject to change without notice. Confirm that you have received the latest product standards or specifications before final design, purchase or use.3. Hitachi makes every attempt to ensure that its products are of high quality and reliability. However, contact Hitachi’s sales office before using the product in an application that demands especially high quality and reliability or where its failure or malfunction may directly threaten human life or cause risk of bodily injury, such as aerospace, aeronautics, nuclear power, combustion control, transportation, traffic, safety equipment or medical equipment for life support.4. Design your application so that the product is used within the ranges guaranteed by Hitachi particularly for maximum rating, operating supply voltage range, heat radiation characteristics, installationconditions and other characteristics. Hitachi bears no responsibility for failure or damage when used beyond the guaranteed ranges. Even within the guaranteed ranges, consider normally foreseeable failure rates or failure modes in semiconductor devices and employ systemic measures such as fail-safes, so that the equipment incorporating Hitachi product does not cause bodily injury, fire or other consequential damage due to operation of the Hitachi product. 5. This product is not designed to be radiation resistant.6. No one is permitted to reproduce or duplicate, in any form, the whole or part of this document without written approval from Hitachi.7. Contact Hitachi’s sales office for any questions regarding this document or Hitachi semiconductor products.Sales OfficesHitachi, Ltd.Semiconductor & Integrated CircuitsNippon Bldg., 2-6-2, Ohte-machi, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-0004, Japan Tel: (03) 3270-2111 Fax: (03) 3270-5109Copyright © Hitachi, Ltd., 2002. All rights reserved. Printed in Japan.Hitachi Asia Ltd. Hitachi Tower16 Collyer Quay #20-00 Singapore 049318Tel : <65>-6538-6533/6538-8577 Fax : <65>-6538-6933/6538-3877URL : .sg URL /Hitachi Asia Ltd.(Taipei Branch Office)4/F, No. 167, Tun Hwa North Road Hung-Kuo Building Taipei (105), Taiwan Tel : <886>-(2)-2718-3666 Fax : <886>-(2)-2718-8180 Telex : 23222 HAS-TPURL : Hitachi Asia (Hong Kong) Ltd.Group III (Electronic Components) 7/F., North TowerWorld Finance Centre,Harbour City, Canton RoadTsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Hong Kong Tel : <852>-2735-9218 Fax : <852>-2730-0281URL : Hitachi Europe GmbHElectronic Components Group Dornacher Straße 3D-85622 FeldkirchenPostfach 201, D-85619 Feldkirchen GermanyTel: <49> (89) 9 9180-0Fax: <49> (89) 9 29 30 00Hitachi Europe Ltd.Electronic Components Group Whitebrook ParkLower Cookham Road MaidenheadBerkshire SL6 8YA, United Kingdom Tel: <44> (1628) 585000Fax: <44> (1628) 585200Hitachi Semiconductor (America) Inc.179 East Tasman Drive San Jose,CA 95134 Tel: <1> (408) 433-1990Fax: <1>(408) 433-0223For further information write to:Colophon 6.0。



© Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC, 2011 August, 2011 − Rev. 51Publication Order Number:MMBFJ177LT1/DMMBFJ177LT1GJFET ChopperP−Channel − DepletionFeatures•These Devices are Pb−Free, Halogen Free/BFR Free and are RoHS CompliantMAXIMUM RATINGSRating Symbol Value Unit Drain−Gate Voltage V DG25Vdc Reverse Gate−Source Voltage V GS(r)−25Vdc Stresses exceeding Maximum Ratings may damage the device. Maximum Ratings are stress ratings only. Functional operation above the Recommended Operating Conditions is not implied. Extended exposure to stresses above the Recommended Operating Conditions may affect device reliability. THERMAL CHARACTERISTICSTotal Device Dissipation FR−5 Board(Note 1)T A = 25°CDerate above 25°C P D2251.8mWmW/°CThermal Resistance, Junction−to−AmbientR q JA556°C/W Junction and Storage Temperature T J, T stg−55 to +150°C 1.FR−5 = 1.0 0.75 0.062 in.MARKING DIAGRAMSOT−23 (TO−236AB)CASE 318−08STYLE 103GATE1 DRAINDevice Package Shipping†ORDERING INFORMATIONMMBFJ177LT1G SOT−23(Pb−Free)3000 Tape & Reel†For information on tape and reel specifications, including part orientation and tape sizes, please refer to our T ape and Reel Packaging Specifications Brochure, BRD8011/D.16Y M GG6Y= Specific Device CodeM= Date Code*G= Pb−Free Package*Date Code orientation and/or overbar mayvary depending upon manufacturing location.(Note: Microdot may be in either location)2ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (T A = 25°C unless otherwise noted)CharacteristicSymbolMinMaxUnitOFF CHARACTERISTICSGate −Source Breakdown Voltage (V DS = 0, I D = 1.0 m Adc)V (BR)GSS 30−Vdc Gate Reverse Current (V DS = 0 Vdc, V GS = 20 Vdc)I GSS − 1.0nAdc Gate Source Cutoff Voltage (V DS = 15 Vdc, I D = 10 nAdc)V GS(off)0.82.5VdcON CHARACTERISTICSZero −Gate −V oltage Drain Current (V GS = 0, V DS = 15 Vdc) (Note 2)I DSS 1.520mAdc Drain Cutoff Current (V DS = 15 Vdc, V GS = 10 Vdc)I D(off)− 1.0nAdc Drain Source On Resistance (I D = 500 m Adc)r DS(on)−300W Input CapacitanceV DS = 0, V GS = 10 Vdcf = 1.0 MHzC iss −11pFReverse Transfer CapacitanceC rss−5.52.Pulse Test: Pulse Width < 300 m s, Duty Cycle ≤ 2%.TYPICAL CHARACTERISTICSFigure 1. Drain Current vs. Drain −SourceVoltageFigure 2. Reverse Transfer CapacitanceV DS , DRAIN −SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)V DS , DRAIN −SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)Figure 3. Input CapacitanceV DS , DRAIN −SOURCE VOLTAGE (V)I D , D R A I N C U R R E N T (m A )C r s s , R E V E R S E T R A N S F E R C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )C i s s , I N P U T C A P A C I T A N C E (p F )PACKAGE DIMENSIONSNOTES:1.DIMENSIONING AND TOLERANCING PER ANSI Y14.5M, 1982.2.CONTROLLING DIMENSION: INCH.3.MAXIMUM LEAD THICKNESS INCLUDES LEAD FINISHTHICKNESS. MINIMUM LEAD THICKNESS IS THE MINIMUM THICKNESS OF BASE MATERIAL.4.DIMENSIONS D AND E DO NOT INCLUDE MOLD FLASH,PROTRUSIONS, OR GATE BURRS.VIEW CDIM A MIN NOM MAX MINMILLIMETERS0.89 1.00 1.110.035INCHES A10. 0.370.440.500.015c 2.80 2.90 3.040.110E 1.20 1.30 1.400.047e 1.78 1.90 2.040.070L MAX L1 2.10 2.40 2.640.0830.0940.104H E 0.350.540.690.0140.0210.0290−−−100−−−10q°°°°SOT −23 (TO −236AB)CASE 318−08ISSUE AP*For additional information on our Pb −Free strategy and solderingdetails, please download the ON Semiconductor Soldering and Mounting Techniques Reference Manual, SOLDERRM/D.SOLDERING FOOTPRINT*ǒmm inchesǓSCALE 10:1STYLE 10:PIN 1.DRAIN2.SOURCE3.GATEON Semiconductor and are registered trademarks of Semiconductor Components Industries, LLC (SCILLC). SCILLC reserves the right to make changes without further notice to any products herein. SCILLC makes no warranty, representation or guarantee regarding the suitability of its products for any particular purpose, nor does SCILLC assume any liability arising out of the application or use of any product or circuit, and specifically disclaims any and all liability, including without limitation special, consequential or incidental damages.“Typical” parameters which may be provided in SCILLC data sheets and/or specifications can and do vary in different applications and actual performance may vary over time. All operating parameters, including “Typicals” must be validated for each customer application by customer’s technical experts. SCILLC does not convey any license under its patent rights nor the rights of others. SCILLC products are not designed, intended, or authorized for use as components in systems intended for surgical implant into the body, or other applications intended to support or sustain life, or for any other application in which the failure of the SCILLC product could create a situation where personal injury or death may occur. Should Buyer purchase or use SCILLC products for any such unintended or unauthorized application, Buyer shall indemnify and hold SCILLC and its officers, employees, subsidiaries, affiliates,and distributors harmless against all claims, costs, damages, and expenses, and reasonable attorney fees arising out of, directly or indirectly, any claim of personal injury or death associated with such unintended or unauthorized use, even if such claim alleges that SCILLC was negligent regarding the design or manufacture of the part. SCILLC is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. This literature is subject to all applicable copyright laws and is not for resale in any manner.PUBLICATION ORDERING INFORMATION分销商库存信息:ONSEMIMMBFJ177LT1G MMBFJ177LT1。



Page 1 / 3 Mar 1, 2008
HC-HV 6-AMQ Order No.: 1773789
Length Housing type Locking type Degree of protection Ambient temperature (operation) Housing material Housing surface material Seal material Locking latch material Material grip body interlock Length of the assembly cutout Width of the assembly cutout Certificates / Approvals
Technical data General data Note Design Height Width For contact inserts HV-HV6 HV6 27 mm 43 mm
ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
114 mm Panel mounting base, straight With double locking latch IP65 -40 °C ... 125 °C Aluminum, die-cast Powder-coated, gray NBR High-grade steel PA-GF 86 mm 35 mm
HC-HV 6-AMQ Order No.: 1773789

MU6501L5- 6.5吋趴趴熊(黑粉金)0221

MU6501L5- 6.5吋趴趴熊(黑粉金)0221

46 S3F26-06SB 47 S3J20-04SB 48 S3P20-06SB 49 S3P26-04SB 50 S3P26-06SB
T2.6*6L皿頭(染黑) T2.0*4L平頭(染黑) T2.0*6L厚頭(染黑) T2.6*4L厚頭平尾(染黑) T2.6*6L厚頭(染黑) 扣環
5 6 2 4 6
ECN94005 ECN94005 ECN94005 ECN94005 ECN94005 ECN93108
ABS(TM15) 定位感應用(頂面需貼反射貼布) ABS(TM15) 黑粉金 ABS(TM15) 黑粉金(內部設計變更)
Vendor Pபைடு நூலகம்N
佑奇 佑奇 佑奇 佑奇 佑奇 佑奇 佑奇 ECN93113
53-1A112B-BG 螢幕背蓋 53-1A113 53-1A116-BK 53-1A117-BK 53-1A118-BK 53-6A003-BK IR遮罩 ABS左邊板 ABS右邊板 齒輪防塵蓋 GEAR PLATE Tape
烤漆黑 染黑 染黑 固定卡鉤彈簧
1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1
26*15.2*12.22 右1-20度
蝸桿 / 蝸桿內襯
日輝 榮塑 華淵 ECN94005
E-4 E-2 40-30齒 53-11齒 34齒 M2.0 M2.5

Bently Nevada 177232-01 Seismic Transmitter 产品数据手册

Bently Nevada 177232-01 Seismic Transmitter 产品数据手册

Part Number 177232-01Rev. MPage 1 of 7Seismic TransmitterProduct DatasheetBently Nevada* Asset Condition MonitoringDescriptionThe 177230 Seismic Transmitter combines a reliable basic protection solution with the support and service of GE products. The transducer is a simple, loop-powered device whose ease of installation and maintenance may reducetraining and service costs. When integrated into the PLC or controls system of an overall plant asset condition monitoring solution, the transducer will help you better manage downtime, optimize maintenance planning, and avoid unforeseen catastrophic failures of machinery assets. Features of the 177230 Seismic Transducer include:∙Ease of implementation and use- Interfaces with PLCs and control systems (like DCS andSCADA)- Provides a quick learning curve for operations andmaintenance –through a familiar interface similar to that for connecting other PLC or control system inputs - Requires no field configuration or adjustments - Needs few additional parts for a complete system - Includes technical support for customers on how tomonitor their equipment - Includes self-test- Incorporates protected interface - Supports a variety of interface cables∙Data Quality- Provides accurate and repeatable data - Uses simple data format- Provides raw vibration signal for verification and analysis∙EHS Compliant- Implements safe and ergonomic design - Supports access to hazardous areas∙ Incorporates robust CM design for reliability∙ Implements Industry standard 4 to 20mA loop-powered transmitterSpecificationsElectricalSensitivity – Mainloop (Signal One)0.0 to 12.7 mm/s (0 to 0.5 in/s)0.0 to 25.4 mm/s (0 to 1.0 in/s)0.0 to 50.8 mm/s (0 to 2.0 in/s)± 10% FS, broadband rms (rootmean square)[4 ± 0.3 mA equals 0.0 mm/s and20 ± 2 mA equals 25.4 mm/s]Output Format,Pin A Referencedto Pin B4 to 20 mA current loop VelocityvibrationExcitationVoltage12 to 30 Vdc (current limited to 40mA)Note: This product is for use with PLCs, DCSand SCADA systems that have internalpower supply that are typically currentlimited in the range of 30 mA to 35 mA. Settling TimeLess than 15 seconds within 2% offinal valueConnector WiringConventionPin A: 4-20 mA Positive LoopPin B: 4-20 mA Negative Loopand common for DynamicSignalPin C: Dynamic Signal in voltage,unbufferedFrequencyResponse10 Hz to 1 kHz (600 cpm to 60kcpm) ± 10% Sensitivity –Dynamic Signal(Signal Two)10.2 mV/m/s2 (100 mV/g) ± 20% Output Format,Pin CReferenced toPin BVoltage, Acceleration vibrationNote: The Dynamic Signal Negative (Pin B)requires isolation from any grounding. Ifthis terminal is grounded, the 4-20 mAloop will short, resulting in no output. FrequencyResponse1Hz to 10 kHz ( 60cpm to 600kcpm) ± 3 dBLinearity±1%Output BiasReferenced toPin B2.5 V ± 0.1 VFull Scale Range147 m/s2( 15 g’s) peakVelocity Range(see Option AAand BB)0 – 12.7 mm/s (0 – 0.5 in/s)0 – 25.4 mm/s (0 – 1.0 in/s)0 – 50.8 mm/s (0 – 2.0 in/s) MountedResonantFrequencyGreater than 12 kHz TransverseSensitivityLess than 5% of sensitivity SensingElement TypeCeramic / ShearEnvironmental LimitsOperatingTemperatureRange-40 ︒C to +85 ︒C(-40 ︒F to +185 ︒F)ElectricalIsolationGreater than 108 ohmsIsolationBreakdownVoltage600 Vrms with less than 1 mAleakage currentShockSurvivability9.810 m/s2 (1.000 g peak),maximum drop testNote: This part typically mounts directly tothe machine via a stud. Customers can usethis device with a magnetic base, but musttake care not to “snap” the unit onto themachine. This snapping action can create avery large spike signal that can damage theelectronics. Rolling the magnetic-base ontothe machine greatly reduces the spike signalso that the unit should not have any issues. Sensor SealHermetically sealedRelative Humidityof TransmitterTo 100% non-submerged Magnetic FieldSensitivityLess than 20 μm/s/gauss (790μin/s/gauss) peakLess than 14.7 mm/s2/gauss (150μg/gauss) peak[base on 50 gauss, 50 - 60 Hz]PhysicalWeight131 g (4.62 oz), typical Diameter25.4 mm (1.00 in)Height66.0 mm (2.60 in)Case Material316L stainless steelConnector3-pin MIL-C-5015, 316L stainlesssteelMounting Holein Body1/4-28 UNFMountingThreadsM6 X 1 SIM8 x 1.25 SI¼-28 UNFNote: The above stud adapters areprovided with each device. Otheradapters are available if needed. Pleasesee the Studs and Adapters section below,or contact the Custom Products Division. MountingTorque4 to 7 N-m (35.4 to 62.0 in-lbf) ConnectorWiringConventionPin A: 4-20 mA Loop Power(Positive with referenceto Pin B)Pin B: 4-20 mA Loop Return(Negative/ return forDynamic Signal)Pin C: Dynamic Signal(Unbuffered, referencedto Pin B)Compliance and Certifications Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC)European Community Directives:EMC Directive 2014/30/EUStandards:EN 61326-1Hazardous Area ApprovalsFor the detailed listing of country and product specific approvals, refer to the Approvals Quick Reference Guide, document 108M1756, at.CSA/NRTL/C (Agency Approval Option 05)Ex nL IIC T4:AEx nA IIC T4:Class I, Div 2, Groups A, B, C, D;Ex ia IIC T4:AEx ia IIC T4:Class I, Div 1, Groups A, B, C, D;Class II, Div 1, Groups E, F, G;Class III, Div 1Install per drawing 177234T4 @ Ta ≤ 80°CATEX/IECEx (Agency Approval Option 05)II 1 G Ex ia IIC T4 GaII 3 G Ex nA IIC T4 GcT4 @ -40 °C ≤ Ta ≤ +80 °C(-40 °F ≤ Ta ≤ +176 °F)Ordering InformationFor the detailed listing of country and product specific approvals, refer to the Approvals Quick Reference Guide, document 108M1756, at.Seismic Transmitter177230-AA-BB-CCOption DescriptionsAA:0 00 – 12.7 mm/s (0 – 0.5 in/s)0 10 – 25.4 mm/s (0 – 1.0 in/s)0 20 – 50.8 mm/s (0 – 2.0 in/s) BB:Frequency0 110 Hz to 1 kHz (600 to 60 kcps)rms0 2 3 Hz to 1 kHz (180 to 60 kcps) pk CC:Approvals0 5Multiple Approvals (CSA/NRTL/C,ATEX/IECEx)Interconnect Cable without Armor16925-AAOption A descriptionA:Length in feetOrder in increments of 1 foot (0.3 m)Minimum length: 3 feet (0.91 m)Maximum length: 99 feet (30.2m)Example: 2 5 = 25 feet Interconnect Cable with Armor16710-AAOption A descriptionA:Length in feetOrder in increments of 1 foot (0.3 m)Minimum length: 3 feet (0.91 m)Maximum length: 99 Feet (30.2m)Example: 2 5 = 25 feetAccessoriesThe parts listed below are possible vendor sources for the supporting hardware. You can use this information as a reference and select the vendor that you wish to use.3-Pin Connector (MIL-C-5015):BaseCannon (ITT industries):P/N: CA3106R-10SL-3S F97 orP/N: MS3106R-10SL-3SShellSunbank Co.Glenair, Inc.Contact a vendor with above partnumber and ask for their part thatfits your applicationWire (3-wire with shield)3-conductor 18 to 22 AWG cableswith a 0.01” minimum outerjacket and inner wire insulation,and 80% minimum coverageshield. Insulation rating should be600 V minimum.Mil-W-16878/4 (Type E):Sonic/Thermax18 AWG -P/N: 18-TE-1930 (3) SXE22 AWG -P/N: 22-TE-1934 (3) SXEStandard Wire and Cable Co.18 AWG -P/N: 1100-88T22 AWG -P/N: 1100-66TBelden18 AWG -P/N: 8333622 AWG -P/N: 83334Studs and Adapters:89139-01 M-M ¼-28 UNF to ⅜-24 UNFStandard Stud128038-01 M-M ¼-28 UNF to ⅜-24 HexPlate Stud (1-⅜” X 0.25”) 146396-01 F-M ¼-18 NPT to ¼-28 Adapter 146394-01 F-M ¼-28 UNF to ¼-18 NPTAdapter37439-01 F-M ¼-28 UNF to ¼-28 UNFMounting Base164373 M-M ¼-28 UNF to ¼-28 UNFStandard Stud with Brass Tip 135826-01 M-M ¼-28 UNF to M10 X 1.0Standard StudGraphs and FiguresNote: All dimensions shown are in millimetres (inches) except as noted.B.Negative loop (4-20 mA) and common for dynamic signalC.Dynamic signalD.3-pin MIL-C-5015, 5/8-24 UNEF-2AE.66.0 mm (2.60 in)F. 1.27 mm (0.050 in)G.25.4 mm (1.00 in)H.1/4-28 UNF-2B (English)I.25.1 mm (0.990 in)Figure 1: Transducer Mechanical Outline and DimensionsDimensions shown in mm (inches) except as noted© 2007–2017 Bently Nevada, Inc. All rights reserved.* Denotes a trademark of Bently Nevada, Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary of General Electric Company.The information contained in this document is subject to change without prior notice.Printed in USA. Uncontrolled when transmitted electronically.1631 Bently Parkway South, Minden, Nevada USA 89423Phone: 1-775.782.3611 Fax: 1-775.215.2873。


Extract from the online catalog
HC-B 24-TFQ-76/M1PG29S
Order No.: 17ቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱ1778
Type of the screw connection Pg screw connection Wrench size, union nut Cable exit External cable diameter Degree of protection Ambient temperature (operation) Housing material Housing surface material Screw connection material Cable seal material Certificates / Approvals
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG http://www.phoenixcontact.de
Page 2 / 3 Feb 16, 2008
HC-B 24-TFQ-76/M1PG29S Order No.: 1771778
PHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KG Flachsmarktstr. 8 32825 Blomberg,Germany Phone +49 5235 3 00 Fax +49 5235 3 41200 http://www.phoenixcontact.de



Extract from the onlinecatalogFRONT-MSTB 2,5/15-ST-5,08Order No.: 1777413The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1777413Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 15, type of connection: Screw connectionhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 5.08 mmDimension a71.12 mmNumber of positions15Screw thread M 2,5Tightening torque, min0.5 NmTechnical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (III/2) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (II/2) 4 kV Rated voltage (III/2)320 V Rated voltage (II/2)630 V Connection in acc. with standard EN-VDE Nominal current I N12 A Nominal voltage U N250 V Nominal cross section 2.5 mm2 Maximum load current12 A Insulating material PA Inflammability class acc. to UL 94V0 Internal cylindrical gage A3 Stripping length10 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.34 mm2 Conductor cross section solid max. 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded max. 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2 without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2 with plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max122 conductors with same cross section, solid min.0.2 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, solid max. 1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded0.2 mm2 min.2 conductors with same cross section, strandedmax.1.5 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,ferrules without plastic sleeve, min.0.25 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,ferrules without plastic sleeve, max.1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.0.5 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.1.5 mm2 Certificates / ApprovalsApproval logoCSANominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil22-12CULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12ULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12Certification CB, CSA, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZIAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionAssembly1763058FRONT-MSTB-EW Removal aid, for FRONT-MSTB, facilitates extraction of severalplugs mounted behind each otherBridges2303145EBL 2- 5Insertion bridge, 2-pos., fully insulated2303158EBL 3- 5Insertion bridge, 3-pos., fully insulated2303132EBL 10- 5Insertion bridge, 10-pos., divisible, fully insulatedGeneral2303161EBL 4- 5Insertion bridge, 4-pos., fully insulated2303174EBL 5- 5Insertion bridge, 5-pos., fully insulatedMarking1051993B-STIFT Marker pen, for manual labeling of unprinted Zack strips, smear-proof and waterproof, line thickness 0.5 mm0805108SK 5,08/2,8:SO Marker card, special printing, self-adhesive, labeled acc. tocustomer requirements, 14 identical marker strips per card, max.25-position labeling per strip, color: White0804293SK 5,08/3,8:FORTL.ZAHLEN Marker card, printed horizontally, self-adhesive, 12 identicaldecades marked 1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 91-(99)100, sufficient for120 terminal blocks0803883SK U/2,8 WH:UNBEDRUCKT Unprinted marker cards, DIN A4 format, pitch as desired, self-adhesive, with 50 stamped marker strips, 185 mm strip length, canbe labeled with the CMS system or manually with the M-PENPlug/Adapter1734634CP-MSTB Coding profile, is inserted into the slot on the plug or invertedheader, red insulating materialTools1205053SZS 0,6X3,5Screwdriver, bladed, matches all screw terminal blocks up to 4.0mm² connection cross section, blade: 0.6 x 3.5 mm, without VDEapprovalAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral1823972ICC 2,5/15-STZ-5,08Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V,pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 15, type of connection: Crimpconnection1762499MDSTB 2,5/15-G1-5,08Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 15, mounting: Soldering1762635MDSTBV 2,5/15-G1-5,08Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 15, mounting: Soldering1770847MSTB 2,5/15-G-5,08-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 15, mounting: Soldering1788855MSTBVK 2,5/15-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 15, mounting: Mounting rail1788664MVSTBU 2,5/15-GB-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 15, mounting: Direct mounting1769599SMSTB 2,5/15-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 15, mounting: Soldering1767504SMSTBA 2,5/15-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 15, mounting: Soldering3002034UK 3-MSTB-5,08Modular terminal blocks with plug entry, cross section: 0.2 - 2.5mm², AWG: 30 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color: gray3002076UK 3-MVSTB-5,08Modular terminal blocks with plug entry, cross section: 0.2 - 2.5mm², AWG: 26 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color: gray3002102UK 3-MVSTB-5,08-LA 24RD Modular terminal block with plug entry, nominal current: 12 A,rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08 mm, no. of positions: 1, mounting:mounting rail, with red light indicator, voltage light indicator: 24 VAC/DC, current light indicator: 3.3 mA3002063UK 3-MVSTB-5,08/EK Modular terminal blocks with plug entry, cross section: 0.2-2.5mm², AWG: 26-12, width: 5.1 mm, color: blue3002131UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08Modular terminal blocks with vertical plug entry, cross section: 0.2- 2.5 mm, AWG: 30 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color: gray3002144UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08-LA 24RD Modular terminal block with vertical plug entry, color: Gray, withred light indicator, voltage light indicator: 24 V AC/DC, current lightindicator: 3.3 mA3002173UK 3D-MSTBV-5,08/EK Modular terminal blocks with plug entry, cross section: 0.2 - 2.5mm², AWG: 30 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color: blue2770888UKK 3-MSTB-5,08Modular terminal blocks with 2 horizontal plug entries, crosssection: 0.2 - 2.5 mm, AWG: 30 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color: gray 1876615UKK 3-MSTB-5,08-PE Ground terminal block, with 2 horizontal plug entries, nominalcurrent: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08 mm, no. ofpositions: 1, mounting: mounting rail.2770846UKK 3-MSTBVH-5,08Modular terminal blocks with vertical and horizontal plug entry,cross section: 0.2 - 2.5 mm, AWG: 30 - 12, width: 5.1 mm, color:gray1788240UMSTBVK 2,5/15-G-5,08Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.08mm, no. of positions: 15, mounting: Mounting rail1873016ZFKK 1,5-MSTBV-5,08Modular terminal blocks with plug entry, cross section: 0.2 - 1.5mm², width: 5.1 mm, color: grayDrawings Dimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。



Output Sink Current Iosink (mA)
HA17903, HA17393 Series
Output Sink Current vs. Ambient Temperature 20
VCC = 36 V
15 V
5V 10
Ambient Temperature Ta (°C)
HA17903 HA17903 HA17903 HA17903 HA17903 HA17393 HA17393
Symbol PS
Input offset current
Common mode input voltage*3

2.0 5.0 mV


3.5 —
250 nA

IIN (+) or IIN (–) | IIN (+) – IIN (–) |
Supply current
board. Derate by 7.14mW/°C above that temperature.
3. Short circuit between the output and VCC will be a cause to destory the circuit. The maximum output current is about 20mA for any supply voltage.



XD Z BZ XZ XBZ DZ BDZ XDZ G XBG XG GI XGI XI 乐趣 知道 持续 时间 日期 自然 刺激 思想 革命 可能 和平 基础 起来 吸收 乐观 只有 持久 时候 日本 自己 此外 饲料 各个 客观 合乎 技术 其他 希望
bin 宾客 宾馆 pan 攀登 判决 mian 面貌 面前 die bao 保证 包括 pin 品种 频率 man 漫谈 满足 dong 东西 动作 tong 同志 通过 nai 耐心 耐用 tou 投资 投入 nie ba 巴黎 爸爸 pao 抛弃 抛售 min 民族 民主 dou 都是 斗争 tui 推行 推动 nong 农民 农村 lai 来宾 来源 周期 周围 chui 垂直 吹捧 lie 劣迹 列车 zhui 追求 追究 chan 产品 产生 long 隆重 垄断 zhan 战争 战斗 chao 潮流 超过 bo 玻璃 剥削 pa 怕死 怕羞 mao 贸易 茂盛 dui 对象 对于 tian 天下 天津 nou beng 崩塌 崩溃 po 迫害 破坏 ma 马上 麻烦 dian 电脑 电话 tan 谈到 谈话 nian 年来 年代 lou 楼房 漏洞 zhao 照片 召开 cha 差别 差距 tao 逃犯 讨论 nan 难道 南方 lian 联系 连续 zha 诈骗 榨取 着手 着重 成为 程度 lia ben 本质 本身 peng 膨胀 朋友 mo 摩擦 磨损 dia meng 猛烈 猛攻 dan 但是 单位 ta 他们 她们 nin 妥协 nao 脑袋 恼怒 lan 篮球 蓝图 正确 政府 chen 沉淀 沉重 bei 北京 北方 pen bi 比较 必须 pei 配合 培养 men 闷热 门口 dao 到底 道路 tuo da 大家 达到 teng 腾空 疼痛 na 那么 那样 lin 临时 邻国 真正 镇压 che 彻底 车间 lao 劳改 劳动 zhe 折价 折算 chu 出来 出去 pi 批评 批判 me mei 每年 没有 duo 多少 多数 ti 提高 提出 nuo mi 密切 密谋 deng 等等 等于 tu 突然 土地 neng 能力 能够 la 拉扯 拉开 zhei 这些 这样 luo 落实 落后 zhu 主要 主席 nen nei 内勤 内容 leng 冷藏 冷却 nv 女士 女人 lei 类型 类似 ni 你们 拟稿 lv 履行 绿色 nu 努力 怒容 li 利用 例如 lu 路线 录用 dei di 地方 地区 du 独立 赌博 XBU fang 方面 方法 fou 否则 否认 fan 反应 反对 fa 发展 法国 fo 佛教 佛祖 feng 封建 丰富 fen 分析 分子 fei 飞机 非常



Product specification
J174; J175; J176; J177
Data sheet status
Objective specification Preliminary specification Product specification Short-form specification
RDS on max.
300 Ω
April 1995
Philips Semiconductors
P-channel silicon field-effect transistors
Product specification
J174; J175; J176; J177
April 1995
Philips Semiconductors
P-channel silicon field-effect transistors
PACKAGE OUTLINE Plastic single-ended leaded (through hole) package; 3 leads
Limiting values
Limiting values given are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating System (IEC 134). Stress above one or more of the limiting values may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and operation of the device at these or at any other conditions above those given in the Characteristics sections of the specification is not implied. Exposure to limiting values for extended periods may affect device reliability.



Ordering Information
Pin Configuration ________________________Applications
TFT Active-Matrix LCD Displays Passive-Matrix LCD Displays PDAs Digital-Still Cameras Camcorders
PARAMETER Input Supply Range Input Undervoltage Threshold IN Quiescent Supply Current SUPP Quiescent Current SUPN Quiescent Current IN Shutdown Current SUPP Shutdown Current SUPN Shutdown Current MAIN BOOST CONVERTER Output Voltage Range FB Regulation Voltage FB Input Bias Current Operating Frequency Oscillator Maximum Duty Cycle Load Regulation Line Regulation Integrator Gm LX Switch On-Resistance LX Leakage Current LX Current Limit Maximum RMS LX Current FB Fault Trip Level POSITIVE CHARGE PUMP VSUPP Input Supply Range VSUPP Falling edge 1.07 2.7 RLX(ON) ILX ILIM ILX = 100mA VLX = +13V 350 IMAIN = 0 to 50mA, VMAIN = +5V VMAIN VFB IFB fOSC VFB = +1.25V, INTG = GND VIN 1.235 -50 212 79 250 85 0.1 0.1 320 1.0 0.01 450 250 1.1 1.14 13 2.0 20 650 1.248 13 1.261 50 288 92 V V nA kHz % % %/V µs Ω µA mA mA V V SYMBOL VIN VUVLO IIN ISUPP ISUPN VIN rising, 40mV hysteresis (typ) VFB = VFBP = +1.5V, VFBN = -0.2V VFBP = +1.5V VFBN = -0.1V V SHDN = 0, VIN = +5V V SHDN = 0, VSUPP = +13V V SHDN = 0, VSUPN = +13V CONDITIONS MIN 2.7 2.2 2.4 0.5 0.25 0.25 0.1 0.1 0.1 TYP MAX 5.5 2.6 1 0.55 0.55 10 10 10 UNITS V V mA mA mA µA µA µA



Freescale Semiconductor, Inc. reserves the right to change the detail specifications, as may be required, to permit improvements in the design of its products.Document Number: MC33977Rev. 2.0, 1/2007Freescale Semiconductor Technical Data© Freescale Semiconductor, Inc., 2007. All rights reserved.Single Gauge DriverThe 33977 is a Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) Controlled, stepper motor gauge driver Integrated Circuit (IC). This monolithic IC consists of a dual H-Bridge coil driver and its associated control logic. The H-Bridge drivers are used to automatically control the speed, direction, and magnitude of current through the coils of a two-phaseinstrumentation stepper motor, similar to an MMT-licensed AFIC 6405 of Switec MS-X156.xxx motor.The 33977 is ideal for use in instrumentation systems requiring distributed and flexible stepper motor gauge driving. The device also eases the transition to stepper motors from air core motors by emulating the damped air core pointer movement. Features •MMT-Licensed Two-Phase Stepper Motor Compatible •Switec MS-X15.xxx Stepper Motor Compatible •Minimal Processor Overhead Required•Fully Integrated Pointer Movement and Position State Machine with Air Core Movement Emulation•4096 Possible Steady State Pointer Positions •340° Maximum Pointer Sweep •Maximum Acceleration of 4500°/s 2•Maximum Pointer Velocity of 400°/s•Analog Microstepping (12 Steps/Degrees of Pointer Movement)•Pointer Calibration and Return to Zero (RTZ)•Controlled via 16-Bit SPI Messages •Internal Clock Capable of Calibration •Low Sleep Mode Current•Pb-Free Packaging Designated by suffix code EGFigure 1. 33977 Simplified Application DiagramORDERING INFORMATIONDevice Temperature Range (T A )PackageMC33977DW/R2- 40°C to 125°C24 SOICWMCZ33977EG/R233977SINGLE GAUGE DRIVERAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data33977INTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMINTERNAL BLOCK DIAGRAMFigure 2. 33977 Simplified Internal Block DiagramH-BRIDGE COS+INTERNAL VPWRVDDCOSCOS-REGULATORLOGICSPIILIMOVERTEMPERATUREAND CONTROLSINOSCILLATORDETECTUNDER -ANDOVERVOLTAGE DETECTCS SCLK SO SIRSTRTZSIN+SIN-GND (8)MULTIPLEXERSIGMA-DELTAADCAGNDSTATE MACHINEVDDAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33977PIN CONNECTIONSPIN CONNECTIONSFigure 3. 33977 Pin ConnectionsTable 1. 33977 Pin DefinitionsA functional description of each pin can be found in the Functional Pin Description section beginning onpage 10.PinPin Name Pin Function Formal Name Definition1234(MS Motor Pin #)COS+ (MS #4)COS- (MS #3)SIN+ (MS #1)SIN- (MS #2)OutputH-Bridge Outputs 0Each pin is the output of a half-bridge, designed to source or sink current.5 to 8, 17 to 20GND N/A Ground Ground pins9CS Input Chip Select This pin is connected to a chip select output of a Large Scale Integration (LSI) Master IC and controls which device is addressed.10SCLK Input Serial Clock This pin is connected to the SCLK pin of the master device and acts as a bit clock for the SPI port.11SOOutput Serial Output This pin is connected to the SPI Serial Data Input pin of the Master device or to the SI pin of the next device in a daisy chain.12SIInput Serial Input This pin is connected to the SPI Serial Data Output pin of the Master device from which it receives output command data.13RTZ Multiplexed Output Return to ZeroThis is a multiplexed output pin for the non-driven coil, during a Return to Zero (RTZ) event.14VDD Input Voltage This SPI and logic power supply input will work with 5.0 V supplies. 15RSTInputResetThis pin is connected to the Master and is used to reset the device, or place it into a sleep state by driving it to Logic [1]. When this pin is driven to Logic [0], all internal logic is forced to the default state. This input has an internal active pull-up. 16VPWRInput Battery Voltage Power supply21, 22, 23, 24NC–No ConnectThese pins are not connected to any internal circuitry, or any other pin, and may be connected to the board where convenient.NC NC NC NC GND GND GND GND VPWR RST VDD RTZCOS +COS -SIN+SIN-GND GND GND GND CS SCLK SO SIAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data33977ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS MAXIMUM RATINGSELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSMAXIMUM RATINGSTable 2. Maximum RatingsAll voltages are with respect to ground unless otherwise noted. Exceeding these ratings may cause a malfunction or permanent damage to the device.RatingsSymbolValueUnitELECTRICAL RATINGS Power Supply Voltage Steady-State V PWRSS-0.3 to 41VInput Pin Voltage (1)V IN -0.3 to 7.0V SIN± COSI± Continuous Current Per Output (2)I OUTMAX 40mA ESD Voltage (3)Human Body Model (HBM) Machine Model (MM)Charge Device Model (CDM)V ESD±2000 ±2000±200V THERMAL RATINGS Operating Temperature Ambient JunctionT A T J -40 to 125-40 to 150°CStorage Temperature T STG-55 to 150°C Thermal Resistance Junction-to-Ambient Junction-to-LeadR ΘJA R ΘJL 6020°C/W Peak Package Reflow Temperature During Reflow (4), (5)T PPRTNote 5°CNotes1.Exceeding voltage limits on Input pins may cause permanent damage to the device.2.Output continuous output rating so long as maximum junction temperature is not exceeded. Operation at 125°C ambient temperaturewill require maximum output current computation using package thermal resistances.3.ESD testing is performed in accordance with the Human Body Model (HBM) (C ZAP = 100 pF, R ZAP = 1500 Ω), the Machine Model (MM)(C ZAP = 200 pF, R ZAP = 0 Ω), and the Charge Device Model (CDM).4.Pin soldering temperature limit is for 10 seconds maximum duration. Not designed for immersion soldering. Exceeding these limits may cause malfunction or permanent damage to the device.5.Freescale’s Package Reflow capability meets Pb-free requirements for JEDEC standard J-STD-020C. For Peak Package Reflow Temperature and Moisture Sensitivity Levels (MSL),Go to , search by part number [e.g. remove prefixes/suffixes and enter the core ID to view all orderable parts. (i.e. MC33xxxD enter 33xxx), and review parametrics.Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33977ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTable 3. Static Electrical CharacteristicsCharacteristics noted under conditions 4.75 V < VDD < 5.25 V, and - 40°C < TA < 125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at T A = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted.CharacteristicSymbol Min Typ Max UnitPOWER INPUT (VDD)Battery Supply Voltage Range Fully Operational Limited Operation (6),(7)V PWR6.54.0–2626VV PWR Supply CurrentGauge Outputs ON, No Output Loads I PWR–4.06.0mAVPWR Supply Current (All Outputs Disabled)Reset = Logic [0], V DD = 5.0 V Reset = Logic [0], V DD = 0 V I PWRSLP1I PWRSLP2––42156025µAOvervoltage Detection Level (8)V PWROV 263238V Undervoltage Detection Level (9)V PWRUV 5.0 5.6 6.2V Logic Supply Voltage Range (5.0 V Nominal Supply)V DD 4.5 5.0 5.5V Under V DD Logic Reset V DDUV––4.5VVDD Supply Current Sleep: Reset Logic [0]Outputs EnabledI DDOFF I DDON––401.0651.8µV mAPOWER OUTPUT (SIN-, SIN+, COS-, COS+)Microstep Output (Measured Across Coil Outputs)SIN± (COS±) (Refer to Pin Definitions onpage 3)R OUT = 200 Ω, PE6 = 0VSteps Pin Definitions 6, 18, 0, 125, 7, 17, 19 1, 11, 13, 234, 8, 16, 20 2, 10, 14, 223, 9, 15, 21 3, 9, 15, 212, 10, 14, 22 5, 7, 17, 191, 11, 13, 23 5, 7, 17, 190, 126, 18V ST6V ST5V ST4V ST3V ST2V ST1V ST0 4.820.94 V ST60.84 V ST60.68 V ST60.47 V ST60.23 V ST60.15.30.97 V ST60.87 V ST60.71 V ST60.50 V ST60.26 V ST60.06.01.0 V ST60.96 V ST60.8 V ST60.57 V ST60.31 V ST60.1Full Step Active Output (Measured Across Coil Outputs) (10)SIN± (COS±), Steps 1,3 (Pin Definitions 0 and 2)V FS4.95.36.0V Notes6.Outputs and logic remain active; however, the larger coil voltage levels may be clipped. The reduction in drive voltage may result in aloss of position control.7.The logic will reset at some level below the specified Limited Operational minimum.8.Outputs will disable and must be re-enabled via the PECCR command.9.Outputs remain active; however, the reduction in drive voltage may result in a loss of position control.10.See Figure 7.Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data33977ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSTATIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSPOWER OUTPUT (SIN-, SIN+, COS-, COS+) (Continued)Microstep Full Step Output (Measured from Coil Low Side to Ground)SIN± (COS±) I OUT = 30 mA V LS0.00.10.3VOutput Flyback Clamp (11)V FB –V ST6 + 0.5V ST6 + 1.0V Output Current Limit (Output - V ST6)I LIM 40100170mA Overtemperature Shutdown (12) T SD 155–180°C Overtemperature Hysteresis (12)T HYST 8.0–16°C CONTROL I/O (SI, SCLK, CS, RST, SO)Input Logic High Voltage (12)V IH 2.0––V Input Logic Low Voltage (12)V IL ––0.8V Input Logic Voltage Hysteresis (12)V INHYST –100–mV Input Logic Pull-Down Current (SI, SCLK)I DWN 3.0–20µA Input Logic Pull-Up Current (CS, RST)I UP 5.0–20µA SO High State Output Voltage (I OH = 1.0 mA)V SOH 0.8 V DD––V SO Low State Output Voltage (I OL = 1.6 mA)V SOL –0.20.4V SO Tri-State Leakage Current (CS = 3.5 V)I SOLK -5.00.0 5.0µA Input Capacitance (13)C IN – 4.012pF SO Tri-State Capacitance (13)C SO––20pFANALOG TO DIGITAL CONVERTER (RTZ ACCUMULATOR COUNT)ADC Gain (12), (14)G ADC100188270Counts/V/msNotes 11.Outputs remain active; however, the reduction in drive voltage may result in a loss of position control.12.This parameter is guaranteed by design; however, it is not production tested.13.Capacitance not measured. This parameter is guaranteed by design; however, it is not production tested. 14.Reference RTZ Accumulator (Typical) on page 30Table 3. Static Electrical Characteristics (continued)Characteristics noted under conditions 4.75 V < VDD < 5.25 V, and - 40°C < TA < 125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at T A = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted.CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33977ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSDYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSDYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTable 4. Dynamic Electrical CharacteristicsCharacteristics noted under conditions 4.75 V < VDD < 5.25 V, and - 40°C < TA < 125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at T A = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted.CharacteristicSymbol Min Typ Max UnitPOWER OUTPUT AND CLOCK TIMINGS (SIN+, SIN-, COS+, COS-) CS SIN± (COS±) Output Turn ON Delay Time (Time from Rising CS Enabling Outputs to Steady State Coil Voltages and Currents)(15)t DLYON––1.0msSIN± (COS±) Output Turn OFF Delay Time (Time from Rising CS Disables Outputs to Steady State Coil Voltages and Currents) (15)t DLYOFF–– 1.0msUncalibrated Oscillator Cycle Time t CLU 0.651.01.7µs Calibrated Oscillator Cycle TimeCalibration Pulse = 8.0 µs, PECCR D4 = Logic [0]Calibration Pulse = 8.0 µs, PECCR D4 = Logic [1]t CLC1. 1.21.1µsMaximum Pointer Speed (16) V MAX ––400°/s Maximum Pointer Acceleration (16)A MAX––4500°/s 2SPI INTERFACE TIMING (CS, SCLK, SO, SI, RST) (17)Recommended Frequency of SPI Operationf SPI – 1.0 2.0MHz Falling Edge of CS to Rising Edge of SCLK (Required Setup Time) (18)t LEAD 167––ns Falling Edge of SCLK to Rising Edge of CS (Required Setup Time) (18)t LAG 167––ns SI to Falling Edge of SCLK (Required Setup Time) (18)t SISU –2583ns Falling Edge of SCLK to SI (Required Hold Time) (18)t SIHOLD –2583ns SO Rise Time C L = 200 pF t RSO–2550nsSO Fall Time C L = 200 pFt FSO–2550nsSI, CS, SCLK, Incoming Signal Rise Time (19)t RSI ––50ns SI, CS, SCLK, Incoming Signal Fall Time (19)t FIS ––50ns Falling Edge of RST to Rising Edge of RST (Required Setup Time) (18)t W RST –– 3.0µs Rising Edge of CS to Falling Edge of CS (Required Setup Time) (18), (20)t CS –– 5.0µs Falling Edge of RST to Rising Edge of CS (Required Setup Time) (18)t EN––5.0µsNotes15.Maximum specified time for the 33977 is the minimum guaranteed time needed from the microcontroller.16.The minimum and maximum value will vary proportionally to the internal clock tolerance. These numbers are based on an ideallycalibrated clock frequency of 1.0 MHz. These are not 100 percent tested.17.The 33977 shall meet all SPI interface timing requirements specified in the SPI Interface Timing section of this table, over the specifiedtemperature range. Digital interface timing is based on a symmetrical 50 percent duty cycle SCLK Clock Period of 33 ns. The device shall be fully functional for slower clock speeds. Reference Figure 4 and 5.18.The required setup times specified for the 33977 are the minimum time needed from the microcontroller to guarantee correct operation. 19.Rise and Fall time of incoming SI, CS, and SCLK signals suggested for design consideration to prevent the occurrence of double pulsing. 20.The value is for a 1.0 MHz calibrated internal clock. The value will change proportionally as the internal clock frequency changes.Analog Integrated Circuit Device Data33977ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSDYNAMIC ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSSPI INTERFACE TIMING (CS, SCLK, SO, SI, RST) ‘ (CONTINUED)Time from Falling Edge of CS to SO Low Impedance (22)t SOEN ––145ns Time from Falling Edge of CS to SO High Impedance (23)t SODIS –1.34.0µs Time from Rising Edge of SCLK to SO Data Valid (24)0.2 V DD = SO = 0.8 V DD , C L = 200 pFt VALID–90150nsNotes21.The 33977 shall meet all SPI interface timing requirements specified in the SPI Interface Timing section of this table, over the specifiedtemperature range. Digital interface timing is based on a symmetrical 50 percent duty cycle SCLK Clock Period of 33 ns. The device shall be fully functional for slower clock speeds.22.Time required for output status data to be terminated at SO 1.0 k Ω load on SO.23.Time required for output status data to be available for use at SO 1.0 k Ω load on SO.24.Time required to obtain valid data out from SO following the rise of SCLK.Table 4. Dynamic Electrical Characteristics (continued)Characteristics noted under conditions 4.75 V < VDD < 5.25 V, and - 40°C < TA < 125°C, unless otherwise noted. Typical values noted reflect the approximate parameter means at T A = 25°C under nominal conditions unless otherwise noted.CharacteristicSymbolMinTypMaxUnitAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data 33977ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICSTIMING DIAGRAMSTIMING DIAGRAMSFigure 4. Input Timing Switching CharacteristicsFigure 5. Valid Data Delay Time and Valid Time WaveformstWRSTRST0.2 V DDV INCSSCLKSI0.7 V DD0.7 V DDt LEAD t CSt LAG0.7 V DD 0.2 V DDt RSIV ILV IH V ILV IH t FISt SISUt SI(HOLD)0.7 V DD 0.2 V DDValidDon’t CareValidDon’t CareDon’t Caret RSIt FISSCLK50%1.0VV OLV OH3.5VV OLV OHV OLV OHt SO(DIS)0.2 V DDt RSOt RSO t VALIDt SO(EN)0.7 V DD0.2 V DD0.7 V DDLow-to-HighHigh-to-LowSOSOAnalog Integrated Circuit Device Data33977FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTIONFUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONINTRODUCTIONThis 33977 is a single-packaged, Serial PeripheralINterface (SPI) controlled, single stepper motor gauge driver integrated circuit (IC). This monolithic stepper IC consists of [deleted two per D. Mortensen] a dual output H-Bridge coil driver [deleted plural s for accurate tense] and theassociated control logic. The dual H-Bridge driver is used to automatically control the speed, direction, and magnitude of current through the coils of a two-phase instrumentation stepper motor, similar to an MMT-licensed AFIC 6405 of Switec MS-X 156.xxx motor.FUNCTIONAL PIN DESCRIPTIONCOSINE POSITIVE (COS0+)The H-Bridge pins linearly drive the sine and cosine coils of a stepper motor, providing four-quadrant operation.COSINE NEGATIVE (COS0-)The H-Bridge pins linearly drive the sine and cosine coils of a stepper motor, providing four-quadrant operation.SINE POSITIVE (SIN+)The H-Bridge pins linearly drive the sine and cosine coils of a stepper motor, providing four-quadrant operation.SINE NEGATIVE (SIN-)The H-Bridge pins linearly drive the sine and cosine coils of a stepper motor, providing four-quadrant operation.GROUND (GND)Ground pins.CHIP SELECT (CS)The pin enables communication with the master device. When this pin is in a logic [0] state, the 33977 is capable of transferring information to, and receiving information from, the master. The 33977 latches data in from the Input Shift registers to the addressed registers on the rising edge of CS.The output driver on the SO pin is enabled when CS is logic [0]. When CS is logic high, signals at the SCLK and SI pins are ignored and the SO pin is tri-stated (highimpedance). CS will only be transitioned from a logic [1] state to a logic [0] state when SCLK is logic [0]. CS has an internal pull-up (I UP ) connected to the pin, as specified in the section of the Static Electrical Characteristics Table.SERIAL CLOCK (SCLK)SCLK clocks the Internal Shift registers of the 33977device. The SI pin accepts data into the Input Shift register on the falling edge of the SCLK signal, while the Serial Output pin (SO) shifts data information out of the SO Line Driver on the rising edge of the SCLK signal. It is important that the SCLK pin be in a logic [0] state whenever the CS makes any transition.SCLK has an internal pull down (l DWN ), as specified in the section of the Static Electrical Characteristics Table. When CS is logic [1], signals at the SCLK and SI pins are ignored and SO is tri-stated (high impedance). Refer to the data transfer Timing Diagrams on page 9.SERIAL OUTPUT (SO)The SO data pin is a tri-stateable output from the Shift register. The Status register bits are the first 16 bits shifted out. Those bits are followed by the message bits clocked in FIFO, when the device is in a daisy chain connection or being sent words that are multiples of 16 bits. Data is shifted on the rising edge of the SCLK signal. The SO pin will remain in a high impedance state until the CS pin is put into a logic low state.SERIAL INPUT (SI)The SI pin is the input of the SPI. Serial input information is read on the falling edge of SCLK. A 16-bit stream of serial data is required on the SI pin, beginning with the mostsignificant bit (MSB). Messages that are not multiples of 16 bits (e.g., daisy chained device messages) are ignored. After transmitting a 16-bit word, the CS pin must be de-asserted (logic [1]) before transmitting a new word. SI information is ignored when CS is in a logic high state.RETURN TO ZERO (RTZ)This is a multiplexed output pin for the non-driven coil, during a Return to Zero (RTZ) event.VOLTAGE (VDD)The SPI and logic power supply input will work with 5.0 V supplies.RESET (RST)If the master decides to reset the device, or place it into a sleep state, the RST pin is driven to a Logic [0]. A Logic [0] on the RST pin forces all internal logic to the known default state. This input has an internal active pull-up.VOLTAGE POWER (VPWR)This is the power supply pin.FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTIONFUNCTIONAL INTERNAL BLOCK DESCRIPTION (OPTIONAL) FUNCTIONAL INTERNAL BLOCK DESCRIPTION (OPTIONAL)Figure 6. Functional Internal 33977 Block IllustrationSERIAL PERIPHERAL INTERFACE (SPI) This circuitry manages incoming messages and outgoing status data.LOGICThis design element includes internal logic including state machines and message decoding.INTERNAL REFERENCEThis design element is used for step value levels.UNDER AND OVERVOLTAGE DETECTION This design element detects when V PWR is out of the normal operating range.OSCILLATORThe internal oscillator generates the internal clock for all timing critical features.H-BRIDGE AND CONTROLThis circuitry contains the output coil drivers and the multiplexers necessary for four quadrant operation and RTZ sequencing. This circuitry is repeated for the Sine and Cosine coils.•Overtemperature — Each output includes an overtemperature sensing circuit•ILIM — Each output is current limitedRETURN TO ZERO (RTZ)This circuitry outputs the voltage present on the non-driven coil during RTZ operation.SPI LogicUnder andOscillator OvervoltageDetectH-Bridge and Control Internal ReferenceRTZFUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATIONOPERATIONAL MODESFUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATIONOPERATIONAL MODESSTATE MACHINE OPERATIONThe 33977 is ideal for use in instrumentation systemsrequiring distributed and flexible stepper motor gauge driving.The device also eases the transition to stepper motors fromair core motors by emulating the air core pointer movementwith little additional processor bandwidth utilization. The two-phase stepper motor has maximum allowable velocities andacceleration and deceleration. The purpose of the steppermotor state machine is to drive the motor with the maximumperformance while remaining within the motor’s voltage,velocity, and acceleration constraints.A requirement of the state machine is to ensure thedeceleration phase begins at the correct time and pointerposition. When commanded, the motor [will deleted PV]accelerates constantly to the maximum velocity, and then itmoves toward the commanded position at the maximumvelocity. Eventually, the pointer reaches the calculatedlocation where the movement has to decelerate, safelyslowing to a stop at the desired position. During thedeceleration phase, the motor does [will deleted PV] notexceed the maximum deceleration.During normal operation, both stepper motor rotors aremicrostepped at 24 steps per electrical revolution, illustratedin Figure 7. A complete electrical revolution results in twodegrees of pointer movement. There is a second smaller[parentheses removed-unnecessary] state machine in the ICcontrolling these microsteps. The smaller state machinereceives clockwise or counter-clockwise index commands attimed intervals, thereby stepping the motor in the appropriatedirection by adjusting the current in each coil. Normalizedvalues are provided in Table 5.Figure 7. Clockwise MicrostepsTable 5. Coil Step ValueStep Angle SINE(Angle)*COS (Angle -30)*PE6=0COS (Angle -30)*PE6=100.00.0 1.00.866 1150.2590.9650.966 2300.50.866 1.0 3450.7070.7070.966 4600.8660.50.866 5750.9660.2590.707 690 71050.966-0.2590.259 81200.866-0.50.0 91350.707-0.707-0.259 101500.5-0.866-0.500FUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATIONOPERATIONAL MODESThe motor is stepped by providing index commands at intervals. The time between steps defines the motor velocity and the changing time defines the motor acceleration.The state machine uses a table to define the allowed time and the maximum velocity. A useful side effect of the table is that it also allows the direct determination of the position at which the velocity should reduce to stop the motor at the desired position.Motor motion equations follow: [reworded for efficient use of space](The units of position are steps and velocity and acceleration are in steps/second and steps/second2.) From an initial position of 0 with an initial velocity (u), the motor position (s) at a time (t) is:For unit steps, the time between steps is:This defines the time increment between steps when the motor is initially traveling at a velocity u. In the ROM, this time is quantized to multiples of the system clock by rounding upwards, ensuring acceleration never exceeds the allowed value. The actual velocity and acceleration is calculated from the time step actually used. Using:andand solving for v in terms of u, s, and t gives:The correct value of t to use in the equation is thequantized value obtained above.From these equations, a set of recursive equations can be generated to give the allowed time step between motor indexes when the motor is accelerating from a stop to its maximum velocity.Starting from a position p of 0 and a velocity v of 0, these equations define the time interval between steps at each position. To drive the motor at maximum performance, index commands are given to the motor at these intervals. A table is generated giving the time step *t at an index position n. Note: [chgd for format consistency AND deleted that as PV] For p n = n, on the nth step, the motor [has deleted as PV] indexed by n positions and has been accelerating steadily at the maximum allowed rate. This is critical because it also indicates the minimum distance the motor must travel while decelerating to a stop. For example, the stopping distance isalso equal to the current value of n.The algorithm of pointer movement can be summarized in two steps:1.The pointer is at the previously commanded positionand is not moving.2. A command to move to a pointer position (other thanthe current position) has been received. Timed indexpulses are sent to the motor driver at an ever-increasing rate, according to the time steps in Table 6, until:aThe maximum velocity (default or selected) isreached after which the step time intervals will nolonger decrease.bThe distance in steps that remain to travel are less than the current step time index value. The motorthen decelerates by increasing the step timesaccording to Table 6 until the commandedposition is reached. The state machine controlsthe deceleration so that the pointer reaches thecommanded position efficiently.An example of the velocity table for a particular motor is provided in Table 6. This motor’s maximum speed is 4800111650.259-0.966-0.707 121800.0-1.0-0.866 13195-0.259-0.966-0.966 14210-0.5-0.867-1.0 15225-0.707-0.707-0.966 16240-0.866-0.5-0.866 17255-0.966-0.259-0.707 18270-1.00.0-0.500 19285-0.9660.259-0.259 20300-0.8660.50.0 21315-0.7070.7070.259 22330-0.50.8660.500 23345-0.2590.9660.707 * Denotes normalized valuesTable 5. Coil Step Values = ut + 1/2 at 2⇒t =- u + √u2 + 2aav2 = u2 + 2asv = u + atv = 2/t - up0 = 0v0 = 0∆t n =⎡-vn -1 + √v2n -1 + 2aa⎤where ⎡ ⎤ indicates rounding upv n = 2/∆tn - V n -1p n = nFUNCTIONAL DEVICE OPERATIONOPERATIONAL MODESmicrosteps/s (at 12 microsteps/degrees), and its maximum acceleration is 54000 microsteps/s2. The table is quantized to a 1.0 MHz clock.Table 6. Velocity TableVelocity Position Time BetweenSteps (µs)Velocity(µSteps/s)VelocityPositionTime BetweenSteps (µs)Velocity(µSteps/s)VelocityPositionTime BetweenSteps (µs)Velocity(µSteps/s)00.00.00763802631.61522573891.1 12721736.7773772652.51532563906.3 21360773.5783742673.81542553921.6 31127188.7793722688.21552543937.0 47970125.5803692710.01562543937.0 55858170.7813662732.21572533952.6 64564219.1823642747.31582523968.3 73720268.8833612770.11592513984.1 83132319.3843582793.31602504000.0 92701370.2853562809.01612494016.1 102373421.4863542824.91622484032.3 112115472.8873512849.01632484032.3 121908524.1883492865.31642474048.6 131737575.7893472881.81652464065.0 141594627.4903442907.01662454081.6 151473678.9913422924.01672444098.4 161369730.5923402941.21682444098.4 171278782.5933382958.61692434115.2 181199834.0943362976.21702424132.2 191129885.7953342994.01712414149.4 201066938.1963323012.01722414149.4 211010990.1973303030.31732404166.7 229601041.7983283048.81742394184.1 239161091.7993263067.51752384201.7 248771140.31003243086.41762384201.7 258421187.61013223105.61772374219.4 268121231.51023213115.31782364237.3 277841275.51033193134.81792654255.3 287601315.81043173154.61802354255.3 297371356.91053153174.61812344273.5 307161396.61063143184.71822334291.8 316971434.71073123205.11832334291.8 326801470.61083103225.81842324310.3 336631508.31093093236.21852314329.0 346481543.21103073257.31862314329.0 356341577.31113063268.01872304347.8。



Extract from the onlinecatalogFRONT-MSTB 2,5/10-STOrder No.: 1779495The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1779495Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0 mm, no. of positions: 10, type of connection: Screw connectionhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 5 mmDimension a45 mmNumber of positions10Screw thread M 2,5Tightening torque, min0.5 NmTechnical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (III/2) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (II/2) 4 kV Rated voltage (III/2)320 V Rated voltage (II/2)630 V Connection in acc. with standard EN-VDE Nominal current I N12 A Nominal voltage U N250 V Nominal cross section 2.5 mm2 Maximum load current12 A Insulating material PA Inflammability class acc. to UL 94V0 Internal cylindrical gage A3 Stripping length10 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.34 mm2 Conductor cross section solid max. 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded max. 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2 without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2 with plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max122 conductors with same cross section, solid min.0.2 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, solid max. 1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded0.2 mm2 min.2 conductors with same cross section, strandedmax.1.5 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,ferrules without plastic sleeve, min.0.25 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,ferrules without plastic sleeve, max.1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.0.5 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded,TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.1.5 mm2 Certificates / ApprovalsApproval logoCSANominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil22-12CULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12ULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12Certification CB, CSA, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZIAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionAssembly1763058FRONT-MSTB-EW Removal aid, for FRONT-MSTB, facilitates extraction of severalplugs mounted behind each otherBridges2303145EBL 2- 5Insertion bridge, 2-pos., fully insulated2303158EBL 3- 5Insertion bridge, 3-pos., fully insulated2303132EBL 10- 5Insertion bridge, 10-pos., divisible, fully insulatedGeneral2303161EBL 4- 5Insertion bridge, 4-pos., fully insulated2303174EBL 5- 5Insertion bridge, 5-pos., fully insulatedMarking1051993B-STIFT Marker pen, for manual labeling of unprinted Zack strips, smear-proof and waterproof, line thickness 0.5 mm0804183SK 5/3,8:FORTL.ZAHLEN Marker card, printed horizontally, self-adhesive, 12 identicaldecades marked 1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 91-(99)100, sufficient for120 terminal blocks0804183SK 5/3,8:FORTL.ZAHLEN Marker card, printed horizontally, self-adhesive, 12 identicaldecades marked 1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 91-(99)100, sufficient for120 terminal blocks0805072SK 5/3,8:SO Marker card, special printing, self-adhesive, labeled acc. tocustomer requirements, 12 identical marker strips per card, max.25-position labeling per strip, color: white0805409SK 5/3,8:UNBEDRUCKT Marker cards, unprinted, with pitch divisions, self-adhesive, 10-section marker strips, 12 strips per card, can be labeled with theM-PENPlug/Adapter1734634CP-MSTB Coding profile, is inserted into the slot on the plug or invertedheader, red insulating materialAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral1899922EMSTBA 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: press in1914933EMSTBVA 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 200 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: press in1762774MDSTB 2,5/10-G1Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1846593MDSTBA 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1762923MDSTBV 2,5/10-G1Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1845866MDSTBVA 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1754591MSTB 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1768260MSTB 2,5/10-G-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1757543MSTBA 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1770562MSTBA 2,5/10-G-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1765085MSTBHK 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Mounting rail1753592MSTBV 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1755503MSTBVA 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1769311SMSTB 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1769887SMSTBA 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Soldering1765768UMSTBHK 2,5/10-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 10, mounting: Mounting railDrawingsDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。

PL 177正常用途数据表说明书

PL 177正常用途数据表说明书

Technisches Datenblatt PL 177General-PurposePositive ResistGeneral InformationPL 177is a positive tone liquid resist for the application in various coating techniques. PL 177can be used in all those places, where layouts are directly to be copied onto and subsequently transferred into a substrate by etching, plating, sputtering and related processes. The essential features of PL 177 include:•high resolution potential•good drying behaviour•aqueous-alkaline processability•halogen free coating solvent•possibility of multiple exposure (selective plating process) light or bright day light should be avoided.•storability of coated substrates•blue coloured for easy inspectionPL 177can be applied by dip coating. By dilution with suitable solvents PL 177can be adjusted to also meet the viscosity and drying requirements of other coating techniques (spray coating, roller coating, spin coating). PL 177is resistant towards acidic and ammoniacal etchants as well as acidic and neutral plating baths. The final removal of the temporary resist layer, the stripping, is done with low concentrated bases. PL 177 is used in the manufacturing of printed circuit boards, multilayer inner flexible boards and in chemical milling.Physical propertiesSolid content 36 %Viscosity at 25°C l35 mm²/sAbsorptivity at 398 nm 0.92 l/g*cmWater content max. 0.5%Storage ConditionsLiquid Resist PL 177is to be stored in sealed original containers at temperatures below 25°C. The shelf life under these conditions is a minimum of 1 year from date of manufacturing. PL177 contains inflammable solvents. Respective safety measures are to beMerck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches Datenblatt regarded when handling PL177.Illumination of working areasBecause of its light sensitivity PL177 and PL 177 coated substrates should be handled under yellow safety lights. Direct exposure to sun light or bright day light should be avoided. For the illumination of working areas yellow fluorescent lamps are recommended, e.g. Philips 1.2 m TL-D 36 W-1 6, the emission of which does not affect dry film performance. Windows are to be coated by a non-bleachable yellow film which has to be in-transparent for light of wave length below 450 nm. Instead yellow plexi glass plates like Röhm's type Yellow 303 can be used.Clean Room FacilitiesIn general the application of resists of lower thickness results in a more pronounced influence of contaminating particles on the production yield as compared with standard 38 µm dry film resist technology. Especially critical with respect to particle or dust inclusion in the resist are the process steps of coating and drying. A reduction of particle concentration at reasonable cost can be achieved by application of clean room technology in an object scale, just limited to the respective equipment. Depending on technological requirements a clean room class 100 to 10.000 area is suggested.Pre-treatment of SurfacesTo assure optimum adhesion on metallic surfaces these have to be free of grease and oxides. This can be assured by mechanical or chemical means.CoatingFor typical applications PL 177 is applied in film thicknesses between 3 and 10 µm. For these thicknesses commercial equipment is available for the following coating technologies:•spray coating•dip coating•roller coating•spin coatingPL 177 can be adjusted in concentration and viscosity to meet the requirements of all of the above techniques.Merck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches Datenblatt General Remarks to Viscosity AdjustmentIt is advisable to dilute the liquid resists immediately before application. In the simple case this is done by vigorous shaking of resist concentrate and thinner in a closed bottle, which should not be filled by more than 75 % of its volume. In any case dilution must result in a homogenous solution. Air bubbles thus included in the liquid normally are easily removed and do not lead to any coating failure.The replenishing of diluted resist into the coating equipment must be done with a thoroughly homogenated material of well-adjusted viscosity. Dilution must not be done within the coating equipment (dipping vessel, spraying tank) but rather in a separate vessel. The degree of dilution and the choice of thinner depend on the coating technique and the desired resist thickness. Solvent losses due to evaporation are to be compensated with the thinner in use.When using higher boiling thinners the drying process has to be adjusted depending on the extent of dilution and the resist thickness. The parameters are to be checked by pre-tests for the respective case.Storage of coated substratesCoated substrates are to be stored in the dark and - especially for long term storage – at reduced temperature. Under these conditions storage over several weeks has proved to be uncritical with respect to resist performance.Viscosity Control, Filtration, Selection of Equipment and MaterialSince PL 177 contains low boiling solvents, it is recommended - especially for dip coating - to keep the coating vessels closed when not in use. A regular control of the viscosity of the resist is recommended. Characteristic data for the dilution of PL 177with AZ EBR Solvent and the respective viscosity values are given below.Viscosity reduction of PL 177 by dilution with AZ EBR SolventDilution by volume (resist : solvent) 1 : 0.0 1 : 0.1 1 : 0.2 1 : 0.3 1 : 0.4 1 : 0.5Viscosity [mm²/sec] 135 70 45 30 20 16 When controlling viscosity it has to be considered that it is strongly dependent with temperature. The table below gives the viscosity of undiluted PL 177 in the temperature range from 20 to 35°C.Merck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches DatenblattTemperature dependence of the viscosity of PL 177Temperature [°C] 20 22 25 27 30 33 35 Viscosity [mm²/sec] 177 155 135 118 100 84 75In practice viscosity control by measuring the drain time of standardised cups has proven useful. For the viscosity range of interest Zahn Cup 2 or Zahn Cup 4 is recommended. Especially in continuously working production facilities increasing contamination of the liquid resist mainly by particles from the substrate material is observed. It therefore is recommended to slowly pump the liquid resist through an appropriate filtration module. The filter size depends on the product specification, good results have been obtained using a 10 µm curled filter.All equipment and material used in production must withstand the used solvents. Appropriate materials include glass, stainless steel and polytetrafluoro ethylene. The coating rollers should not consist of Viton or EPDM rubber, while the use of butyl rubber offers advantages. In case of doubt the resistance of the material is to be checked in a pre test.Resist thickness [µm] 4 6 8 10Yield [m²/litre] 90 60 45 36These calculated values refer to coated area and are to be halved for double sided coating of the substrate.CoatingIn the following suggestions are given on how to dilute for the various coating techniques. Depending on the specific application the indicated parameters can differ reasonably from the given values. It is therefore recommended to countercheck the optimum dilution conditions prior to running the process.SprayingFor cylinder and flat panel coating a fast drying formulation has proved useful, which is obtained from1.0 volume part PL 1771.0 volume part Methylethylketone (MEK) and1.0 volume part AZ EBR SolventMerck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches Datenblatt Alternatively dilution with pure medium boiling solvent is possible, like:1.0 volume parts PL 1772.5 volume parts butyl acetate.The use of solvents with low MAK value (high toxicity) is to be avoided, especially considering dip coating. The spraying process (spray nozzle diameter, spraying air pressure and distance spraying head to substrate) is to be optimised for any specific situation.Dip CoatingCan be used for the coating of single or double sided copperclad material without metallized through holes. Good results are obtained with the following formulations:for higher lifting speeds (resist thickness 5.0 µm at 40 cm/min.):1.0 volume part PL 177 and 0.5 volume parts of Methylethylketone (MEK)for lower lifting speeds (resist thickness 3.0 µm at 20 cm/min):1.0volume part PL 177 and 0.7 volume parts of Methylethylketone (MEK)For printed circuit boards with through holes, dip coating is not suitable. To avoid any coating failure the dip coating equipment must be installed shock free. The lifting of the substrate should be performed pneumatically.Roller CoatingPL 177can be used on all commercial roller coaters with ungravured rollers, using the original concentration.Spin CoatingFor spin coating of PL 177on commercial spin coating equipment the following minimum dilution is suggested:1.0 volume parts PL 1770.5 volume parts AZ EBR SolventThe desired resist thickness is obtained by adjustment of the rotational speed. Spinning is to be continued until the resist is sufficiently dried to avoid drawing back of the resist to the centre of the substrate.Merck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches Datenblatt DryingThe coated substrates can be dried in IR-, hot air or combination ovens, both of stand-alone or conveyorised type. For resist thicknesses of 3 to 6 um, drying times of 10 to 20 min at 70 to 90°C are recommended. For other thicknesses and in dependence on the dilution by higher or lower boiling solvents other drying parameters have to be used, which are to be determined by test runs.Not sufficiently dried resist layers can result in sticking of the photo-tool in the subsequent exposure step or in bubble formation during the evacuation of the exposure frame. During development this can result in partial or overall loss of image. Over dried layers result in prolonged development times.ExposureBefore exposure the substrates have to cool down to room temperature. PL 177has a maximum photo sensitivity in the spectral range between 340 and 420 nm. Good exposure results are obtained with iron doped or undoped mercury lamps as installed in almost all commercial exposure equipment. The values given in the table below can be considered as a guide line for the exposure of PL 177 of thickness 7 µm with 5 kW lamps.Guidelines for exposure of PL 177Step Wedge BK01: Cu-free 1 - 2Stouffer (21 Step): Cu-free 2 – 3Exposure Energy (ORC-probe UV 350, through tool) Approx. 100 mJ/cm²Exposure time (iron doped, 5 kW, MO61 Sylvania) Approx. 10 sec.HI at 2.5 kW 8 sec.POK at 2 kW 20 sec.The sensitivity of PL 177 (for the given optimum step wedge reproduction) depends on resist thickness and drying. The exposure time is to be determined in test runs to include the specific parameters of resist thickness, phototool and exposure equipment. We recommend the use of step wedge BK01 for this purpose. To avoid deviations due to the UV transparency of the applied phototool this is to be placed above the step wedge during the test exposure. Too short exposure times result in resist residues after development, which in subsequent process steps (etching, plating) result in failure.DevelopmentMerck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches DatenblattExposed PL 177is developed with AZ 340 Developer, diluted 1:5 with water in an appropriate vessel (vertically or horizontally). The development time can be reduced by slightly wiping with a wad or a non-fraying cloth or by spraying with the developer solution. Any movement of the developer or the substrate will speed up the development. After development the image must be clean and free of resist residues, since otherwise subsequent etching or plating will result in failure.Instead of AZ 340 Developer (1:5), pure diluted sodium hydroxide solution of 1 wt.% can be used. In this case the optimisation of the parameters for drying, exposure and kind and duration of development have to be done more thoroughly. When using commercial conveyorized equipment the use of NaOH is recommended.The temperature of the developer should be between 20 and 25°C. Lower temperatures retard development, too high temperatures increase the loss of fine patterns. Underexposed layers result in slower development rate or even in residues which remain in the exposed areas.The development has to be followed by a thorough water rinse (temp. > 18°C, nozzle pressure 1.0 - 1.5 bar) and subsequent drying. The pH value of the rinsing water should not be below 6.8 to avoid redepositing of dissolved resist components. The calcium and magnesium content ('hardness') of the water should be in a medium range (5 to 10°dH). Good drying after the development offers advantages in subsequent process steps.It is of particular importance that no developer solution is allowed to dry on the substrate between development and rinsing. Testing for shadow free development can be carried out with sodium persulfate solution, with pre etch solution or with a chemically reductive tin bath.For correctly exposed resist of a thickness of 4 to 6 µm, the development time in unloaded developer is between 30 and 60 sec. Thinner layers develop at much faster rate, while thicker resist requires longer development.The aqueous alkaline developer is consumed by the up-take of carbon dioxide from the air. It is therefore recommended to close the development vessels after use or to place the developer in closed bottles.The table below gives recommendations for a typical development process for PL 177.Developer type and make-up (7 µm thick PL 177) 1.0% NaOH or alternativelyAZ 340 Developer 1:5 diluted with D.I. waterDeveloper temperature 20 – 25 °CNozzle pressure 1 – 2 bar Development time (1% NaOH, 25 °C) Approximately 60 sec.Merck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches Datenblatt Should foaming occur during development with sodium hydroxide, a suitable anti foam agent can be added at a ratio of 0.2 to 1.0 ml per litre. To assure even distribution of the anti-foam agent it should be added continuously to the tank by means of a feeding pump. Best results are obtained when the surface active agent is added to the backflow of the developer. Since the developer is free of organic solvents processors made of both stainless steel and plastic (PVC, PP) are suitable.Thermal CureFor the uncritical requirements of the resist in etching of easily etched materials in typical acidic or ammoniacal etchants no additional curing step is required. However, for etching of difficult to etch materials (like steel or steel alloys) requiring in general rather long etching times, an additional thermal cure of the resist is recommended. This also applies for subsequent plating processes in critical plating baths.For difficult to etch metals a thermal cure of 10 to 30 min. at 160 to 190° C is suggested. Fine tuning of both curing time and temperature mainly depends on the etchability and the thickness of the metal. For critical plating processes curing of 10 to 30 min. at 120°C normally is sufficient.RetouchAs the resist is non-soluble in pure aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons they can be retouched before etching, plating or sputtering. Retouch can be done with benzene based varnishes, like asphalt varnish. Deletions can be done with PL 177 resist.EtchingThe residual resist after development is resistant towards all common etchants, thus yielding well defined images, conductor patterns or milled parts. Sufficient resistance is also obtained for ammoniacal etchants as long as the residual resist is protected from light. Concentration and type of etchant are to be chosen as to assure minimum undercutting in the etching step, while keeping etch times as short as possible. Etching can be performed at increased temperatures. Towards weakly alkaline or buffered alkaline solutions up to pH 9, PL 177 shows limited or short-term resistance.PlatingMerck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches DatenblattThe residual resist after development is sufficiently resistant towards all common acidic and neutral plating baths as long as proper pre-treatment of the metal surface is assured. The recommendations of the bath supplier, especially in terms of current density, are to be followed. A further requirement for accurate plating is a uniform coating. Film thickness not below 8 µm are therefore suggested. For non-critical baths (like nickel sulfamate or brilliant tin) a thermal cure of the sufficiently thick resist layer is not necessary. Due to the variety of commercial plating baths general recommendations are difficult to be given. In case of doubt a test run is suggested.StrippingPositive liquid resists can be removed:•by flood exposure and subsequent development•by rinsing with polar solvents like acetone•by rinsing with 4 to 30 % sodium hydroxide or•potassium hydroxide at elevated temperature (ref.: 50°C)Resist, which has been cured at temperatures above 120°C is to be removed by 10 to 30% alkali at elevated temperature. An increase in stripping speed is obtained by mechanical aid of the stripping process by spraying or wiping or by addition of solvent. In case of doubt, especially with roughened surfaces, a test run is suggested.Waste Disposal and Environmental AspectsThe working up of resist loaded developer solutions and rinsing waters can be done in neutralisation equipment by addition of acid. The pH value of the used developer solution is about 13. By acidification to pH 3 most of the dissolved organic material is precipitated and can be removed by filtration. The waste water loading is thus reasonably reduced. Before draining the solution is to be adjusted to pH 6.5 to 9. The regulations of the local water authorities are to be observed.The pH value of loaded aqueous alkaline stripper solutions is about 13.5. Working up follows the process outlined above. The so obtained solid waste and solvent containing stripper solutions are to be deposited or alternatively incinerated in locally authorised sites.Safety informationsMerck Performance Materials GmbHTechnisches Datenblatt Skin contact with uncovered resist as well as with the processed developer is to be avoided to prevent allergic reactions particularly of people with sensitive skin. It is suggested to coat in a well-ventilated room. Preferably the coater should be installed under a hood. The exhaust air from the drying unit is to be removed in suitable form.All directions contained in our material safety data sheets must be adhered to.We advise our customers regarding technical applications to the best of our knowledge within the scope of the possibilities open to us, but without obligation. Current laws and regulations must be observed at all times. This also applies in respect of any protected rights of third parties. Our suggestions do not relieve our customers of the necessity to test our products, on their own responsibility, for suitability for the purpose envisaged. Quotations from our literature are only permitted with our written authority, and the source must be stated.Merck Performance Materials GmbH。

Power Double Lock (PDL) Connectors 产品介绍说明书

Power Double Lock (PDL) Connectors 产品介绍说明书

177906-1177909-1106527-2177919-1.177919-1 177915-2177918-1179464-1177907-1.177919-1Quick Reference GuidePower Double Lock (PDL) Connectors /powerconnectorsThe power double lock connectors are available in wire-to-wire, free-hanging, panel mount and wire-to-board confi gurations. This connector system consists of plug and cap housings for wire termination, optional double lock plates, crimp contacts and PC board pin headers, and is available in four contact centerline spacings: 3.96 mm, 6.5 mm, 7.92 mm and 13.00 mm. The power double lock connector system accepts 26-16 AWG wire with insulation diameters up to 3.1 mm and is rated up to 14 Amps per line.Features & Benefi ts• Discrete wire interconnect available in1-12 position wire-to-board and wire-to-wire• Audible click when contact is fully inserted into the housing• Polarizing ribs on plug housing allows for proper mating• Solder tail kink along with the polarization peg (boss) feature, secures the header on the board during the solder process• Board-mounted headers are compatible with resin or conformal coatings — No drain holes • Multiple colors available for ease of connector identifi cation during assembly and maintenance • UL, CSA and VDE approvedProduct Applications• Household appliances • Gaming • Vending• Garage door openers • Security systems • Industrial controls• HVAC system controls • Fan modules • Business equipmentPower Double Lock ConnectorsTE Connectivity See Application Speci fi cation 114-5175 & Instruction Sheet 411-5638* Part Number suf fix -2 represents high contact pressure typeTab ReceptacleThe PDL contacts are phosphorbronze with pre-tin plating anddesigned without lances to prevent entanglement of contacts with one another. The receptacle contact gets loaded into the plug housings and the tab contact gets loadedinto cap housings.The semi-inner locking system of the PDL design helpseliminate unmating by external force and the audible click helps indicate the connector system is fully latched. The smooth compact design preventssnagging when mated.Notes:1. Refer to No. of Rows to specify the number of double lock plates required.2. Available in Type II lock, see catalog 82181 for details.3. Available in Type B, see catalog 82181 for details.4. Color Key Code: -1 Natural, -2 Red, -4 Yellow, -6 Blue, -9 BlackPower Double Lock ConnectorsTE Connectivity A double lock plate isavailable for both plug and cap housings to ensure positive loading and to help preventcontact back-out.The PDL headers offer a kink in the solder tail along with the kink in the mounting boss which secures the header on the board fi rmly while soldering. Board-mounted headers are compatible with resin or conformal coatings(no drain holes).*Available without kink, see catalog # 82181 for details.Positive mounting achieved withDouble Lock mechanism.1) Contact is partially-mounted.2) Double Lock Plate is set.3) C ontact is fully pushed in asDouble Lock Plate is pressed.F OR MORE INFORMATION TE Technical Support Center USA: +1 (800) 522-6752Canada: +1 (905) 475-6222Mexico: +52 (0) 55-1106-0800Latin/S. America: +54 (0) 11-4733-2200 Germany: +49 (0) 6251-133-1999UK: +44 (0) 800-267666France: +33 (0) 1-3420-8686Netherlands: +31 (0) 73-6246-999China: +86 (0) 400-820-6015Part numbers in this brochure are RoHS Compliant*, unless marked otherwise.*as defi ned /leadfree© 2011 Tyco Electronics Corporation, a TE Connectivity Ltd. Company. All Rights Reserved.1773458-5 CIS LUG FP 1M 03/2011TE Connectivity, TE connectivity (logo) and TE (logo) are trademarks. Other logos, product and/or company names might be trademarks of their respective owners.While TE has made every reasonable effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this brochure, TE does not guarantee that it is error-free, nor does TE make any other representation, warranty or guarantee that the information is accurate, correct, reliable or current. TE reserves the right to make any adjustments to the information contained herein at any time without notice. TE expressly disclaims all implied warranties regarding the information contained herein, including, but not limited to, any implied warranties of merchantability or fi tness for a particular purpose. The dimensions in this catalog are for reference purposes only and are subject to change without notice. Speci fi cations are subject to change without notice. Consult TE for the latest dimensions and design speci fi cations.What are the current and voltage requirements for your application? The power double lock connector system has a maximum current rating of 14 Amps per line and is rated for 300 Volts AC/DC wire-to-wire and 50 Volts AC/DC wire-to-board.What are the wire type and size requirements?The power double lock connector system is approved for use with 26-16 AWG wire with an insulation range between 1.3 mm and 3.1 mm.What are the number of positions and available space?The power double lock connector system is available in select positions (1-12) on four contact centerline spacings; 3.9 mm, 6.5 mm, 7.92 mm and 13.0 mm. The overall mated length of the free-hanging system is 38.7 mmand the maximum height of the wire-to-board system is 25.5 mm.What are the operating temperature requirements?The power double lock connector system has a maximum operating temperature of 105°C. For more information regarding operating temperatures refer to Product Specifi cation 108-5410.Is contact back-out a concern? Do you need confi rmation that the contacts are seated?The power double lock connector system offers an optional double lockQuestions that will help you better select the product that you need:plate. The purpose of the double lock plate is two-fold: 1) allows contacts to be fully seated in the housing and 2) it helps prevent the possibility of contact disengagement when wires are exposed to external pressure.Do you need to differentiate this connector from other connectors in the application?The power double lock connector system offers multiple optionsof colored housings for ease of connector identifi cation during manufacturing and assembly.What is the benefi t of choosing a header with a polarization peg (boss)? The power double lock connector system offers headers with or without polarization pegs. The purpose of this feature is to polarize the headers to the PCB so the header can not be placed on the PCB in the wrongorientation. For more information regarding PCB layout please refer to the header product drawing.What is the benefi t of choosing a high force contact?The power double lock connector system offers high force contacts for use in applications where vibration is prominent. It is important to note that the high force contacts increase the amount of mating force. Refer to Product Specifi cation 108-5410 for more information.What is the benefi t of choosing Lock Type II or Lock Type B (non-standard) latch?• Lock Type II is offered on the 3.96 mm plugs allowing for easier unmating (more fi nger room to depress the latch).• Lock Type B is offered on the 6.5 mm plugs providing a slightly lower profi le and can be used when the application will not have to be unmated often.177909-1179466-1177906-1.177918-1177906-1177909-1106527-2177919-1.177919-1 177915-2177918-1179464-1177907-1.177919-1。

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Extract from the onlinecatalogFRONT-MSTB 2,5/ 4-STOrder No.: 1779437The figure shows a 10-position version of the producthttp://eshop.phoenixcontact.de/phoenix/treeViewClick.do?UID=1779437Plug component, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0 mm, no. of positions: 4, type of connection: Screw connectionhttp://Please note that the data givenhere has been taken from theonline catalog. For comprehensiveinformation and data, please referto the user documentation. TheGeneral Terms and Conditions ofUse apply to Internet downloads. Technical dataDimensions / positionsPitch 5 mmDimension a15 mmNumber of positions4Screw thread M 2,5Tightening torque, min0.5 NmTechnical dataInsulating material group IRated surge voltage (III/3) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (III/2) 4 kV Rated surge voltage (II/2) 4 kV Rated voltage (III/2)320 V Rated voltage (II/2)630 V Connection in acc. with standard EN-VDE Nominal current I N12 A Nominal voltage U N250 V Nominal cross section 2.5 mm2 Maximum load current12 A Insulating material PA Inflammability class acc. to UL 94V0 Internal cylindrical gage A3 Stripping length10 mmConnection dataConductor cross section solid min.0.34 mm2 Conductor cross section solid max. 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded min.0.2 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded max. 2.5 mm2 Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 without plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2 without plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule0.25 mm2 with plastic sleeve min.Conductor cross section stranded, with ferrule2.5 mm2 with plastic sleeve max.Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil min.24 Conductor cross section AWG/kcmil max122 conductors with same cross section, solid min.0.2 mm2 2 conductors with same cross section, solid max. 1 mm22 conductors with same cross section, stranded0.2 mm2 min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded1.5 mm2 max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.25 mm2 ferrules without plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1 mm2ferrules without plastic sleeve, max.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,0.5 mm2TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, min.2 conductors with same cross section, stranded,1.5 mm2TWIN ferrules with plastic sleeve, max.Certificates / ApprovalsApproval logoCSANominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil22-12CULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12ULNominal voltage U N300 VNominal current I N10 AAWG/kcmil30-12Certification CB, CSA, CUL, GOST, UL, VDE-PZIAccessoriesItem Designation DescriptionAssembly1763058FRONT-MSTB-EW Removal aid, for FRONT-MSTB, facilitates extraction of severalplugs mounted behind each otherBridges2303145EBL 2- 5Insertion bridge, 2-pos., fully insulated2303158EBL 3- 5Insertion bridge, 3-pos., fully insulatedGeneral2303161EBL 4- 5Insertion bridge, 4-pos., fully insulatedMarking1051993B-STIFT Marker pen, for manual labeling of unprinted Zack strips,smear-proof and waterproof, line thickness 0.5 mm0804183SK 5/3,8:FORTL.ZAHLEN Marker card, printed horizontally, self-adhesive, 12 identicaldecades marked 1-10, 11-20 etc. up to 91-(99)100, sufficient for120 terminal blocks0805072SK 5/3,8:SO Marker card, special printing, self-adhesive, labeled acc. tocustomer requirements, 12 identical marker strips per card, max.25-position labeling per strip, color: white0805409SK 5/3,8:UNBEDRUCKT Marker cards, unprinted, with pitch divisions, self-adhesive,10-section marker strips, 12 strips per card, can be labeled withthe M-PENPlug/Adapter1734634CP-MSTB Coding profile, is inserted into the slot on the plug or invertedheader, red insulating materialTools1205053SZS 0,6X3,5Screwdriver, bladed, matches all screw terminal blocks up to 4.0mm² connection cross section, blade: 0.6 x 3.5 mm, without VDEapprovalAdditional productsItem Designation DescriptionGeneral0707125DFK-MSTB 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 320 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Direct mounting1899867EMSTBA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Press in1914878EMSTBVA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 200 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: press in1736690MDSTB 2,5/ 4-G1Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1846535MDSTBA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1736739MDSTBV 2,5/ 4-G1Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1845808MDSTBVA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 10 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1754478MSTB 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1768202MSTB 2,5/ 4-G-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1757491MSTBA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1770504MSTBA 2,5/ 4-G-LA Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1753479MSTBV 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1755532MSTBVA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1736098MSTBW 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1769256SMSTB 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: Soldering1769829SMSTBA 2,5/ 4-G Header, nominal current: 12 A, rated voltage: 250 V, pitch: 5.0mm, no. of positions: 4, mounting: SolderingDrawingsDimensioned drawingAddressPHOENIX CONTACT GmbH & Co. KGFlachsmarktstr. 832825 Blomberg,GermanyPhone +49 5235 3 00Fax +49 5235 3 41200http://www.phoenixcontact.de© 2008 Phoenix ContactTechnical modifications reserved;。
