07-08 Do These 5 Things To Attract Better Into Your Life - Tyrone Stokes(中英文)演讲稿
必修5 Unit 1JOHH SHOW DEFEATS “KING CHOLERA”John Snow was a famous doctor in London - so expert, indeed, that he attend ed Queen Victoria as her personal physician. But he became inspired when he tho ught about helping ordinary people exposed to cholera. This was the deadly diseas e of its day. Neither its cause nor its cure was understood. So many thousands of terrified people died every time there was an outbreak. John Snow wanted to face the challenge and solve this problem. He knew that cholera would never be contr olled until its cause was found.He became interested in two theories that possibly explained how cholera kille d people. The first suggested that cholera multiplied in the air. A cloud of dangero us gas floated around until it found its victims. The second suggested that people absorbed this disease into their bodies with their meals. From the stomach the dis ease quickly attacked the body and soon the affected person died.John Snow suspected that the second theory was correct but he needed evide nce. So when another outbreak hit London in 1854, he was ready to begin his en quiry. As the disease spread quickly through poor neighbourhoods, he began to gat her information. In two particular streets, the cholera outbreak was so severe that more than 500 people died in ten days. He was determined to find out why.First he marked on a map the exact places where all the dead people had liv ed. This gave him a valuable clue about the cause of the disease. Many of the de aths were near the water pump in Broad Street (especially numbers 16, 37, 38 an d 40). He also noticed that some houses (such as 20 and 21 Broad Street and 8and 9 Cambridge Street) had had no deaths. He had not foreseen this, so he mad e further investigations. He discovered that these people worked in the pub at 7 C ambridge Street. They had been given free beer and so had not drunk the water f rom the pump. It seemed that the water was to blame.Next, John Snow looked into the source of the water for these two streets. He found that it came from the river polluted by the dirty water from London. He imm ediately told the astonished people in Broad Street to remove the handle from the pump so that it could not be used. Soon afterwards the disease slowed down. He had shown that cholera was spread by germs and not in a cloud of gas.In another part of London, he found supporting evidence from two other deaths that were linked to the Broad Street outbreak. A woman, who had moved away fr om Broad Street, liked the water from the pump so much that she had it delivered to her house every day. Both she and her daughter died of cholera after drinking the water. With this extra evidence John Snow was able to announce with certaint y that polluted water carried the virus.To prevent this from happening again, John Snow suggested that the source o f all the water supplies be examined. The water companies were instructed not to expose people to polluted water any more. Finally "King Cholera" was defeated.COPERNICUS’ REVOL UTIONRRY THEORYNicolaus Copernicus was frightened and his mind was confused. Although he h ad tried to ignore them, all his mathematical calculations led to the same conclusio n: that the earth was not the centre of the solar system. Only if you put the sun t here did the movements of the other planets in the sky make sense. Yet he couldnot tell anyone about his theory as the powerful Christian Church would have pun ished him for even suggesting such an idea. They believed God had made the wo rld and for that reason the earth was special and must be the centre of the solar system.The problem arose because astronomers had noticed that some planets in the sky seemed to stop, move backward and then go forward in a loop. Others appe ared brighter at times and less bright at others. This was very strange if the earth was the centre of the solar system and all planets went round it.Copernicus had thought long and hard about these problems and tried to find an answer. He had collected observations of the stars and used all his mathematic al knowledge to explain them. But only his new theory could do that. So between 1510 and 1514 he worked on it, gradually improving his theory until he felt it was complete.In 1514 he showed it privately to his friends. The changes he made to the old theory were revolutionary. He placed a fixed sun at the centre of the solar system with the planets going round it and only the moon still going round the earth. He also suggested that the earth was spinning as it went round the sun and this expl ained changes in the movement of the planets and in the brightness of the stars. His friends were enthusiastic and encouraged him to publish his ideas, but Coperni cus was cautious. He did not want to be attacked by the Christian Church, so he only published it as he lay dying in 1543.Certainly he was right to be careful. The Christian Church rejected his theory, saying it was against God's idea and people who supported it would be attacked. Yet Copernicus' theory is now the basis on which all our ideas of the universe arebuilt. His theory replaced the Christian idea of gravity, which said things fell to ea rth because God created the earth as the centre of the universe. Copernicus show ed this was obviously wrong. Now people can see that there is a direct link betwe en his theory and the work of Isaac Newton, Albert Einstein and Stephen Hawking. 必修5 Unit 2PUZZLES IN GEOGRAPHYPeople may wonder why different words are used to describe these four countr ies: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. You can clarify this question if you study British history.First there was England. Wales was linked to it in the thirteenth century. Now when people refer to England you find Wales included as well. Next England and Wales were joined to Scotland in the seventeenth century and the name was chan ged to "Great Britain". Happily this was accomplished without conflict when King Ja mes of Scotland became King of England and Wales as well. Finally the English g overnment tried in the early twentieth century to form the United Kingdom by gettin g Ireland connected in the same peaceful way. However, the southern part of Irela nd was unwilling and broke away to form its own government. So only Northern Ir eland joined with England, Wales and Scotland to become the United Kingdom and this was shown to the world in a new flag called the Union Jack.To their credit the four countries do work together in some areas (eg, the curr ency and international relations), but they still have very different institutions. For e xample, Northern Ireland, England and Scotland have different educational and lega l systems as well as different football teams for competitions like the World Cup!England is the largest of the four countries, and for convenience it is divided r oughly into three zones. The zone nearest France is called the South of England, t he middle zone is called the Midlands and the one nearest to Scotland is known a s the North. You find most of the population settled in the south, but most of the i ndustrial cities in the Midlands and the North of England. Although, nationwide, the se cities are not as large as those in China, they have world-famous football team s and some of them even have two! It is a pity that the industrial cities built in th e nineteenth century do not attract visitors. For historical architecture you have to g o to older but smaller towns built by the Romans. There you will find out more ab out British history and culture.The greatest historical treasure of all is London with its museums, art collectio ns, theatres, parks and buildings. It is the centre of national government and its ad ministration. It has the oldest port built by the Romans in the first century AD, the oldest building begun by the Anglo-Saxons in the 1060s and the oldest castle cons tructed by later Norman rulers in 1066. There has been four sets of invaders of E ngland. The first invaders, the Romans, left their towns and roads. The second, the Anglo-Saxons, left their language and their government. The third, the Vikings, infl uenced the vocabulary and place-names of the North of England, and the fourth, t he Normans, left castles and introduced new words for food.If you look around the British countryside you will find evidence of all these in vaders. You must keep your eyes open if you are going to make your trip to the United Kingdom enjoyable and worthwhile.SIGHTSEEING IN LONDONWorried about the time available, Zhang Pingyu had made a list of the sites s he wanted to see in London. Her first delight was going to the Tower. It was built long ago by the Norman invaders of AD 1066. Fancy! This solid stone, square tow er had remained standing for one thousand years.Although the buildings had expan ded around it, it remained part of a royal palace and prison combined. To her gre at surprise, Zhang Pingyu found the Queen's jewels guarded by special royal soldie rs who, on special occasions, still wore the four-hundred-year-old uniform of the tim e of Queen Elizabeth I.There followed St Paul's Cathedral built after the terrible fire of London in 166 6. It looked splendid when first built! Westminster Abbey, too, was very interesting. It contained statues in memory of dead poets and writers, such as Shakespeare. Then just as she came out of the abbey, Pingyu heard the famous sound of the cl ock, Big Ben, ringing out the hour. She finished the day by looking at the outside of Buckingham Palace, the Queen's house in London. Oh, she had so much to tell her friends!The second day the girl visited Greenwich and saw its old ships and famous c lock that sets the world time. What interested her most was the longitude line. It is an imaginary line dividing the eastern and western halves of the world and is ver y useful for navigation. It passes through Greenwich, so Pingyu had a photo taken standing on either side of the line.The last day she visited Karl Marx's statue in Highgate Cemetery. It seemed st range that the man who had developed communism should have lived and died in London. Not only that, but he had worked in the famous reading room of the Libr ary of the British Museum. Sadly the library had moved from its original place into another building and the old reading room was gone. But she was thrilled by so many wonderful treasures from different cultures displayed in the museum. When she saw many visitors enjoying looking at the beautiful old Chinese pots and other obj ects on show, she felt very proud of her country.The next day Pingyu was leaving London for Windsor Castle. "Perhaps I will s ee the Queen?" she wondered as she fell asleep.必修5 Unit 3FIRST IMPRESSIONSSpacemall: liqiang299A@ 15/11/3008 (Earthtim e)Dear Mum and Dad, I still cannot believe that I am taking up this prize that I won last year. I have to remind myself constantly that I am really in AD 3008. Wo rried about the journey, I was unsettled for the first few days. As a result, I suffere d from “Time lag”. This is similar to the “jet lag” you get from flying, but it seems you keep getting flashbacks from your previous time period. So I was very nervous and uncertain at first. However, my friend and guide, Wang Ping, was very under standing and gave me some green tablets which helped a lot. Well-known for their expertise, his parents' company, called "Future Tours", transported me safely into t he future in a time capsule.I can still remember the moment when the space stewardess called us all to t he capsule and we climbed in through a small opening. The seats were comfortabl e and after a calming drink, we felt sleepy and closed our eyes. The capsule bega n swinging gently sideways as we lay relaxed and dreaming. A few minutes later, the journey was completed and we had arrived. I was still on the earth but one tho usand years in the future. What would I find?At first my new surroundings were difficult to tolerate. The air seemed thin, as though its combination of gases had little oxygen left. Hit by a lack of fresh air, my head ached. Just as I tried to make the necessary adjustment to this new situ ation, Wang Ping appeared. "Put on this mask," he advised. "It'll make you feel mu ch better." He handed it to me and immediately hurried me through to a small roo m nearby for a rest. I felt better in no time. Soon I was back on my feet again an d following him to collect a hovering carriage driven by computer. These carriages float above the ground and by bending or pressing down in your seat, you can mo ve swiftly. Wang Ping fastened my safety belt and showed me how to use it. Soon I could fly as fast as him. However, I lost sight of Wang Ping when we reached what looked like a large market because of too many carriages flying by in all dire ctions. He was swept up into the centre of them. Just at that moment I had a "tim e lag" flashback and saw the area again as it had been in the year AD 2008. I re alized that I had been transported into the future of what was still my hometown! Then I caught sight of Wang Ping again and flew after him.Arriving at a strange-looking house, he showed me into a large, bright clean ro om. It had a green wall, a brown floor and soft lighting. Suddenly the wall moved - it was made of trees! I found later that their leaves provided the room with much -needed oxygen. Then Wang Ping flashed a switch on a computer screen, and a t able and some chairs rose from under the floor as if by magic. "Why not sit down and eat a little?" he said. "You may find this difficult as it is your first time travel trip. Just relax, since there is nothing planned on the timetable today. Tomorrow yo u'll be ready for some visits." Having said this, he spread some food on the table,and produced a bed from the floor. After he left, I had a brief meal and a hot ba th. Exhausted, I slid into bed and fell fast asleep.More news later from your loving son,Li QiangI HAVE SEEN AMAZING THINGSMy first visit was to a space station considered the most modem in space. De scribed as an enormous round plate, it spins slowly in space to imitate the pull of the earth's gravity. Inside was an exhibition of the most up-to-date inventions of the 31 st century. A guide (G) showed us around along a moveable path.G: Good morning to all our visitors from 2008. First we're going to examine o ne of the latest forms of communication among our space citizens. No more typists working on a typewriter or computer! No more postage or postcodes! Messages c an now be sent using a "thoughtpad". You place the metal band over your head, c lear your mind, press the sending button, think your message and the next instant it's sent. It's stored on the "thoughtpad" of the receiver. It's quick, efficient and envi ronmentally friendly. The only limitation is if the user does not think his or her mes sage clearly, an unclear message may be sent. But we cannot blame the tools for the faults of the user, can we?During the explanation I looked at the pair of small objects called "thoughtpads " on a table. They just looked like metal ribbons. So ordinary but so powerful! Whil e I was observing them, the path moved us on.G: And now ladies and gentlemen, we are in the "environment area". People used to collect waste in dustbins. Then the rubbish was sent to be buried or burne d, am I fight? (We nodded.) Well, now there's a system where the waste is dispos ed of using the principles of ecology. A giant machine, always greedy for more, sw allows all the waste available. The rubbish is turned into several grades of useful material, such as "fertilizer" for the fields and "soil" for deserts. Nothing is wasted, and everything, even plastic bags, is recycled. A great idea, isn't' it?I stared at the moving model of the waste machine, absorbed by its efficiency. But again we moved on.G: Our third stop shows the changes that have happened to work practices. Manufacturing no longer takes place on the earth but on space stations like this o ne. A group of engineers programme robots to perform tasks in space. The robots produce goods such as drugs, clothes, furniture, hovering carriages, etc. There is no waste, no pollution and no environmental damage! However, the companies hav e to train their representatives to live and work in space settlements. They have to monitor the robots and the production. When the goods are ready they're transpor ted by industrial spaceship back to earth.My mind began to wander. What job would I do? My motivation increased as I thought of the wonderful world of the future.必修5 Unit 4 Making the news-ReadingMY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT"Unforgettable", says new journalistNever will Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. His discussion with his new boss, Hu Xin (HX), was to strongl y influence his life as a journalist.HX: Welcome. We're delighted you're coming to work with us. Your first job he re will be an assistant journalist. Do you have any questions?ZY: Can I go out on a story immediately?HX: (laughing) That' s admirable, but I' m afraid it would be unusual ! Wait till you' re more experienced. First we'll put you as an assistant to an experienced j ournalist. Later you can cover a story and submit the article yourself.ZY: Wonderful. What do I need to take with me? I already have a notebook and camera.HX: No need for a camera. You'll have a professional photographer with you t o take photographs. You'll find your colleagues very eager to assist you, so you m ay be able to concentrate on photography later if you' re interested.ZY: Thank you. Not only am I interested in photography, but I took an amate ur course at university to update my skills.HX: Good.ZY: What do I need to remember when I go out to cover a story?HX: You need to be curious. Only if you ask many different questions will you acquire all the information you need to know. We say a good journalist must hav e a good "nose" for a story. That means you must be able to assess when peopleare not telling the whole troth and then try to discover it. They must use research to inform themselves of the missing parts of the story.ZY: What should I keep in mind?HX: Here comes my list of dos and don'ts: don't miss your deadline, don't be rode, don't talk too much, but make sure you listen to the interviewee carefully.ZY: Why is listening so important?HX: Well, you have to listen for detailed facts. Meanwhile you have to prepare the next question depending on what the person says.ZY: But how can I listen carefully while taking notes?HX: This is a trick of the trade, If the interviewee agrees, you can use a reco rder to get the facts straight. It's also useful if a person wants to challenge you. Y ou have the evidence to support your story.ZY: I see! Have you ever had a case where someone accused your journalist s of getting the wrong end of the stick?HX: Yes, but it was a long time ago. This is how the story goes. A footballer was accused of taking money for deliberately not scoring goals so as to let the ot her team win. We went to interview him. He denied taking money but we were sc eptical. So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him. When we saw them together we guessed from the footballer's body language that he was not telling the truth. So we wrote an article suggesting he w as guilty. It was a dilemma because the footballer could have demanded damages if we were wrong. He tried to stop us publishing it but later we were proved right.ZY: Wow! That was a real "scoop". I'm looking forward to my first assignment now. Perhaps I'll get a scoop too!HX: Perhaps you will. You never know.GETTING THE "SCOOP""Quick," said the editor. "Get that story ready. We need it in this edition to be ahead of the other newspapers. This is a scoop." Zhou Yang had just come back into the office after an interview with a famous film star. "Did he really do that?" asked someone from the International News Department. "Yes, I' m afraid he did," Zhou Yang answered. He set to work.His first task was to write his story, but he had to do it carefully. Although he realized the man had been lying, Zhou Yang knew he must not accuse him directl y. He would have to be accurate. Concise too! He knew how to do that. Months o f training had taught him to write with no wasted words or phrases. He sat down at his computer and began to work.The first person who saw his article was a senior editor from his department. He checked the evidence, read the article and passed it on to the copy-editor. She began to edit the piece and design the main headline and smaller heading. “This will look very good on the page,” she said. "Wh ere is a good picture of this man?" Then as the article was going to be written in English Zhou Yang also took a co py to the native speaker employed by the newspaper to polish the style. She was also very happy with Zhou Yang's story. "You are really able to write a good front page article," she said. Zhou Yang smiled with happiness. Last of all, the chief ed itor read it and approved it. "Well done," he said to Zhou Yang. "But please showme your evidence so we're sure we've got our facts straight.” “I’ll b ring it to you i mmediately," said Zhou Yang excitedly.The news desk editor took the story and began to work on all the stories and photos until all the pages were set. All the information was then ready to be proc essed into film negatives. This was the first stage of the printing process. They ne eded four negatives, as several colours were going to be used on the story. Each of the main colours had one negative sheet and when they were combined they m ade a coloured page for the newspaper. After one last check the page was ready to be printed. Zhou Yang waited excitedly for the first copies to be ready. "Wait 61 1 tonight," his friend whispered. "I expect there will be something about this on the television news. A real scoop!"必修5 Unit 5 First aid-ReadingFIRST AID FOR BURNSThe skin is an essential part of your body and its largest organ. You have thr ee layers of skin which act as a barrier against disease, poisons and the sun's har mful rays. The functions of your skin are also very complex: it keeps you warm or cool; it prevents your body from losing too much water; it is where you feel cold, heat or pain and it gives you your sense of touch. So as you can imagine, if your skin gets burned it can be very serious. First aid is a very important first step in the treatment of bums.Causes of burnsYou can get burned by a variety of things: hot liquids, steam, fire, radiation (b y being close to high heat or fire, etc), the sun, electricity or chemicals.Types of burnsThere are three types of burns. Burns are called first, second or third degree burns, depending onwhich layers of the skin are burned.◎First degree burns These affect only the top layer of the skin. These burn s are not serious and should feel better within a day or two. Examples include mil d sunburn and burns caused by touching a hot pan, stove or iron for a mordent.◎Second degree burns These affect both the top and the second layer of th e skin. These bums are serious and take a few weeks to heal. Examples include severe sunburn and bums caused by hot liquids.◎Third degree burns These affect all three layers of the skin and any tissue and organs under the skin. Examples include burns caused by electric shocks, bu rning clothes, or severe petrol fires. These burns cause very severe injuries and th e victim must go to hospital at once.Characteristics of burnsFirst degree burns◎dry, red and mildly swollen◎mildly painful◎turn white when pressedSecond degree burns◎rough, red and swollen◎blisters◎watery surface◎extremely painfulThird degree burns◎black and white and charred◎swollen; often tissue under them can be seen◎little or no pain if nerves are damaged; may be pain around edge of injure d area.First aid treatment1 Remove clothing using scissors if necessary unless it is stuck to the burn. Take off other clothing and jewellery near the burn.2 Cool burns immediately with cool but not icy water. It is best to place burn s under gently running water for about 10 minutes. (The cool water stops the burni ng process, prevents the pain becoming unbearable and reduces swelling.) Do not put cold water on third degree burns.3 For first degree burns, place cool, clean, wet cloths on them until the pain is not so bad. For second degree burns, keep cloths cool by putting them back i n a basin of cold water, squeezing them out and placing them on the burned area over and over again for about an hour until the pain is not so bad.4 Dry the burned area gently. Do not rob, as this may break any blisters and the wound may get infected.5 Cover the burned area with a dry, clean bandage that will not stick to the skin. Hold the bandage in place with tape. Never put butter, oil or ointment on bu ms as they keep the heat in the wounds and may cause infection.6 If bums are on arms or legs, keep them higher than the heart, if possible. If bums are on the face, the victim should sit up.7 If the injuries are second or third degree bums, it is vital to get the victim t o the doctor or hospital at once.HEROIC TEENAGER RECEIVES AWARDSeventeen-year-old teenager, John Janson, was honoured at the Lifesaver Awa rds last night in Rivertown for giving lifesaving first aid on his neighbour after a sh ocking knife attack.John was presented with his award at a ceremony which recognized the brave ry of ten people who had saved the life of another.John was studying in his room when he heard screaming. When he and his fa ther rushed outside, a man ran from the scene. They discovered that Anne Slade, mother of three, had been stabbed repeatedly with a knife. She was lying in her fr ont garden bleeding very heavily. Her hands had almost been cut off.It was John's quick action and knowledge of first aid that saved Ms Slade's lif e. He immediately asked a number of nearby people for bandages, but when nobo dy could put their hands on any, his father got some tea towels and tape from their house. John used these to treat the most severe injuries to Ms Slade's hands. H e slowed the bleeding by applying pressure to the wounds until the police and am bulance arrived."I'm proud of what I did but I was just doing what I'd been taught," John said.John had taken part in the Young Lifesaver Scheme at his high school. When congratulating John, Mr Alan Southerton, Director of the Young Lifesaver Scheme said, "There is no doubt that John's quick thinking and the first aid skills he learne d at school saved Ms Slade's life. It shows that a knowledge of first aid can make a real difference."Before receiving their awards last night, John and the nine other Life Savers a ttended a special reception yesterday hosted by the Prime Minister.。
中考英语专题05 被动语态100题 【含答案解析】
备战2024中考英语单项选择百题分类训练(中考真题+名校最新模拟题)专题05 被动语态100题1.(2023·河北·统考中考真题)Breakfast ________ every day for people aged over 60 for free in this village. A.provides B.provided C.is provided D.was provided2.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考中考真题)The panda Ya Ya ________ back to China on April 27th, 2023.A.is brought B.was brought C.will be brought3.(2023·山东滨州·统考中考真题)—Can he get the first prize in the race?—He ________ so, but he has just hurt his leg. It’s impossible now.A.will expect to do B.is expected doingC.has expected doing D.was expected to do4.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)While everyone ________ the comics page, I picked up a copy to see what was so funny.A.is laughing at B.laughed at C.laughs at D.was laughing at5.(2023·江苏扬州·统考中考真题)Sand turns to glass when it ________ by lightning.A.hits B.is hit C.is hitting D.will be hit6.(2023·天津·统考中考真题)Some photos of the moon ________ in the Space Club next week.A.shows B.is showing C.were shown D.will be shown7.(2023·江西·统考中考真题)Hou Yi ________ magic medicine for shooting down the nine suns, then Pang Meng tried to steal it.A.gives B.has given C.gave D.was given8.(2023·安徽·统考中考真题)Computers have had a great influence on learning methods since they ________ into schools.A.introduce B.introduced C.are introduced D.were introduced9.(2023·湖南怀化·统考中考真题)The cake ______ by the hungry students quickly yesterday.A.eats B.is eaten C.was eaten10.(2023·江苏连云港·统考中考真题)To make the environment much better, more trees ________ next year. A.plant B.will plant C.are planted D.will be planted11.(2023·四川成都·统考中考真题)A great number of beautiful flowers ________ on the second ring road inChengdu these days.A.plant B.are planted C.are planting12.(2023·四川达州·统考中考真题)—Would you mind telling me if he ________ the meeting in two days?—He won’t, unless he ________.A.will attend, is invited B.attends, will be invited C.will attend, invites13.(2023·四川凉山·统考中考真题)—We’re so proud that China is getting stronger and stronger.—Yes. As you can see, Chinese ________ by more and more foreigners.A.learns B.is learned C.was learned14.(2022·内蒙古·中考真题)—What a mess! The sharing bikes ________ everywhere.—Let’s collect and put them in the right place so that they can be used conveniently.A.throw B.threw C.is thrown D.are thrown15.(2023·四川泸州·统考中考真题)The 18th China International Alcoholic Drinks Expo (CIADE) ________ in Luzhou from April 13th to April 16th, 2023.A.was held B.is held C.will be held D.has been held16.(2022·湖北黄石·统考中考真题)—Do you think junior high school students ________ to get their ears pierced?—No, I don’t think so. It is against the school rules.A.should allow B.allow C.have allowed D.should be allowed 17.(2022·吉林长春·统考中考真题)Li Yan ________ to the welcome party yesterday.A.invites B.is invited C.was invited D.will invite18.(2022·江苏盐城·统考中考真题)Spud Webb ________ at first because of his height, but he didn’t lose heart. A.refuses B.refused C.was refused D.will be refused19.(2022·内蒙古呼和浩特·中考真题)The second “Tiangong Lecture” kicked off! Bing Dwen Dwen ________ a teaching tool!A.is used for B.was used for C.is used as D.was used as20.(2022·青海·统考中考真题)Our school held the graduation ceremony last Friday. All the parents ________ to cheer us up.A.are invited B.were invited C.will be invited21.(2022·辽宁抚顺·统考中考真题)It’s said that the kite _______ in China over 2000 years ago.A.invents B.invented C.was invented D.is invented22.(2022·辽宁丹东·统考中考真题)—Do Chinese people like ping-pong a lot?—Yes. It _______ by people of all ages.A.plays B.is played C.played D.was played23.(2022·山东济南·统考中考真题)The story of Xiaohui is so touching that it will never ________ by us. A.is forgotten B.forget C.be forgotten D.forgot24.(2022·湖南益阳·统考中考真题)—Students in our school ________ to swim in the rivers or lakes alone.—Neither are we. After all, safety must come first.A.allow B.don’t allow C.aren’t allowed25.(2022·湖南株洲·统考中考真题)Three Chinese astronauts(宇航员)________ to China Space Station successfully on June 5, 2022.A.sent B.are sent C.were sent26.(2022·辽宁大连·统考中考真题)In the Wolong Panda Reserve, visitors ________ to get closer to pandas. A.allow B.allowed C.are allowing D.are allowed27.(2023·四川广元·统考一模)The tea in Wangcang is so famous that it ________ to places across the country every day.A.sends B.sent C.is sent D.will be sent28.(2023·四川成都·统考二模)A 170 million-year-old “flower” ________ in Northwest China recently by Chinese scientist.A.will be covered B.is invented C.was discovered29.(2023·四川广元·统考二模)He ________ to his friend’s birthday party last Sunday.A.invites B.invited C.is invited D.was invited30.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—What are you reading?—Harry Potter, a book which ________ by J.K. Rowling in 1997.A.written B.was written C.was writing D.has been written 31.(2023·安徽滁州·统考二模)—What do you think of the graduation ceremony(典礼)?— Oh, excellent, it’s worth ________ forever.A.to remember B.be remembered C.remembering D.remembered32.(2023·四川达州·统考一模)—I won’t come to the party unless Sue ___________, too.—You mean if Sue comes, you will come?A.will invite B.will be invited C.is invited33.(2023·天津滨海新·统考二模)Today, people around the world ________ still ________ by Confucius’s ideas. A.are; influencing B.were; influenced C.are; influenced D.will; be influenced 34.(2023·四川广元·校联考模拟预测)I won’t take part in Julie’s birthday party unless I ________?A.am invited B.am not invited C.will be invited D.was invited35.(2023·天津河西·统考二模)The room is a mess again, but it ________ only half an hour ago.A.cleans B.is cleaning C.is cleaned D.was cleaned36.(2023·四川·统考一模)—A massive magnitude 7.8 earthquake had rocked Turkey and northwestern Syria.—Yes. I’m sorry to hear that thousands of people ________ across these countries.A.killedB.were helpedC.were killed37.(2023·四川广元·统考二模)—Wang Tao, your bedroom is so clean!—Yes. It ________ every day.A.cleans B.is cleaned C.cleaned D.is cleaning38.(2023·天津东丽·统考二模)In my opinion, “Made in China”______ easily in the future.A.won’t replace B.isn’t replacedC.wasn’t replaced D.won’t be replaced39.(2023·天津南开·统考二模)During the interview, you ________ questions in English. You need to practice from now on.A.asks B.was asking C.were asked D.will be asked40.(2023·安徽滁州·统考一模)—FIFA World Cup ________ every four years.—Yes, do you know which learn won in 2022 Qatar FIFA World Cup?A.is held B.was held C.holds D.held41.(2023·北京房山·统考二模)To protect the environment, many trees ________ in China every year. A.plant B.planted C.are planted D.were planted42.(2023·湖北武汉·校考一模)It is said that more new universities _________ in Shenzhen in the future. A.will be built B.build C.will build D.is built43.(2023·北京石景山·统考二模)Keep on working! I believe you ________ to take part in the football match next term.A.have chosen B.chose C.were chosen D.will be chosen44.(2023·湖南邵阳·统考二模)—Our school sports meeting ________ next week. Which sport will you take part in?—The long jump and the high jump.A.will be held B.was held C.held45.(2023·福建漳州·统考二模)Now teenagers ________ to take part in more social activities.A.have encouraged B.are encouraging C.are encouraged46.(2023·北京东城·统考二模)Trees and flowers ________ on the hills every year.A.plant B.are planted C.planted D.were planted47.(2023·北京丰台·统考二模)—Daming, where are Betty and Tony?—They ________ to hang flags in the hall by the head teacher.A.asked B.were asked C.will ask D.will be asked48.(2023·北京大兴·统考二模)All the express mails ________ right away as soon as they arrive tomorrow. A.will deliver B.were delivered C.delivered D.will be delivered 49.(2023·北京平谷·统考二模)More natural parks ________ in my hometown next year.A.build B.will build C.was built D.will be built50.(2023·北京昌平·统考二模)A gym ________ in our school last year.A.build B.built C.is built D.was built51.(2023·北京房山·统考二模)The sports meeting ________ in our school last month. Our class won the first prize.A.hold B.held C.is held D.was held52.(2023·辽宁营口·统考一模)Mr. Green ________ to sing an English song at the party and he sang well. A.was invited B.invitedC.is invited D.invites53.(2023·湖北鄂州·统考二模)—Waiter, a glass of orange juice, please.—Sorry. Orange juice ________ only at breakfast.A.serves B.served C.is served D.was served54.(2023·湖南湘西·统考一模)Food __________ in a cool place in summer.A.must keep B.must be kept C.mustn’t keep55.(2023·湖南岳阳·统考二模)—Your hometown is famous for tea, right?—Yes. Now tea plants ________ on most mountains here.A.were planted B.are planted C.will be planted56.(2023·河北保定·统考二模)Uncle Sam plans to build a special house. It ________ out of old things.A.is built B.has built C.was built D.will be built57.(2023·山东菏泽·统考一模)Mary looked very nervous when she ________ to the famous scientist. A.introduced B.was introduced C.is introduced58.(2023·天津南开·统考一模)This project started five years ago and it ________ next year.A.was completed B.completed C.will complete D.will be completed 59.(2023·北京·一模)A new school ________ in Shunyi last year.A.builds B.built C.is built D.was built60.(2023·北京·一模)Luckily, Tom’s lost dog ________ on the street corner yesterday.A.find B.found C.is found D.was found61.(2023·湖北襄阳·统考一模)—I hear that the film Langya Shan Five Heroic Men (《狼牙山五壮士》) ________ next week.—Really? Let’s go and see together then.A.will show B.is shown C.will be shown D.showed62.(2023·湖南株洲·统考一模)The kite ________ in ancient China by Mozi.A.is invented B.was invented C.invented63.(2023·辽宁大连·统考一模)The school-leavers’ party ________ on the 30th of July. We are all invited. A.will be held B.held C.will hold D.was held64.(2023·湖南邵阳·统考一模)Shy students should ________ to be brave enough to speak in public.A.be encouraged B.are encouraged C.encouraged65.(2023·湖南郴州·统考二模)Chopsticks, an important part of Chinese culture, ________ over 3,000 years ago. A.were invented B.invented C.are invented66.(2023·福建·模拟预测)—Many roads ________ in Harbin now.—Yes, it’s becoming more and more beautiful.A.are building B.are build C.are built67.(2021·黑龙江双鸭山·统考一模)—Don’t you see the sign “No Parking!” on the right?—Sorry, I didn’t. But now I know parking ________ here.A.wasn’t allowed B.isn’t allowed C.won’t allow68.(2023·河北石家庄·统考二模)My child, when you ________ something difficult to do, keep on with it andfinish it.A.give B.gave C.am giving D.are given69.(2023·黑龙江哈尔滨·哈尔滨市第六十九中学校校考一模)As more and more people ________ to short videos, some musicians even change their styles to meet the public’s taste.A.attract B.are attracted C.are attracting70.(2022·广西梧州·统考一模)Today computers ________ in both cities and towns.A.were using B.were used C.are used D.are using71.(2023·云南·模拟预测)— Can you hand in your writing tomorrow?— I can make it if I ________ one more day.A.am given B.give C.will give D.will be given72.(2023·广东中山·中山一中校考一模)— What do you want to say about your driving test?— I think if I _________ another chance, I’ll certainly do it better.A.give B.am given C.will give D.have given73.(2023·河北石家庄·统考一模)Many high-tech gyms ________ in Qatar last year.A.were built B.will be built C.are building D.are built74.(2023·江苏淮安·统考一模)—Which team will enter the final of the basketball competition?—No one can know the result until it ________ tomorrow morning.A.will be announced B.will announceC.is announced D.announces75.(2023·江西上饶·校联考一模)—Did you take part in the clean-up activity, Jim?—Yes. It ________ by the city green club to protect the environment.A.organizes B.organized C.has organized D.was organized76.(2023·河北石家庄·统考一模)The students ________ to write a thank you letter next term.A.are taught B.will taught C.have taught D.will be taught77.(2022·广西梧州·统考一模)Now Chinese _______ by more and more foreign people.A.speak B.spoke C.was spoken D.is spoken78.(2023·甘肃白银·统考一模)—The result of the exam ________ to you by email. Didn’t you receive it?—Oh, sorry. I’ll check it right now.A.will send B.will be sent C.has sent D.has been sent79.(2023·四川成都·模拟预测)The 31st Summer Universiade (世界大学生运动会) ________ in Chengdu thisJuly.A.was held B.will be held C.will hold80.(2023·福建·一模)—Is it true that the 2024 Olympic Games ________ in Paris?—Yes. Let’s wish it a big success!A.is holding B.was held C.will be held81.(2023·辽宁抚顺·统考一模)Last week the old books ________ to raise money for Free the Children. A.sold B.are sold C.were sold D.sell82.(2023·广西柳州·统考一模)—Judy, are you going to Jane’s birthday party?—Unless I ________.A.will be invited B.am invited C.invite83.(2023·江苏·一模)—Mary, why are you in the classroom? All your classmates are on the bus.—I’m sorry, but I ________ what time to get on the bus.A.am told B.didn’t tell C.haven’t told D.wasn’t told84.(2023·湖南株洲·统考一模)The smart phone has influenced people’s life a lot since it ________. A.invented B.was invented C.is invented85.(2022·吉林长春·吉林省第二实验学校校考一模)I won’t go to Bill’s birthday party unless Tony ________. A.was invited B.invited C.is invited D.will be invited86.(2023·云南曲靖·统考一模)—I think teenagers should ________ cooking skills both at home and at school.—I totally agree. Labor education has a great influence on them.A.teach B.be teaching C.be taught D.have taught87.(2023·安徽合肥·校考一模)There will be fewer workers in factories because most work ________ by robots in the future.A.is done B.was done C.will be done D.has been done88.(2023·新疆乌鲁木齐·乌市八中校考一模)Paper ________ in China more than 2,000 years ago. A.invented B.was invented C.invent D.is invented89.(2023·河北·统考一模)Earth Day ________ on April 22nd every year. Many people all over the world try to do something green on this day.A.celebrates B.is celebrated C.will celebrate D.will be celebrated 90.(2023·福建·统考一模)—Schools must pay more attention to arts from now on!—Certainly. From 2022, the students ________ in areas like music and art.A.will test B.will be test C.will be tested91.(2023·山东·统考一模)—________ you ________ to Gina’s birthday party last week?—Yes, I was. But I was too busy to be there.A.Are; invited B.Were; invite C.Are; invite D.Were; invited92.(2023·江苏泰州·校考一模)—Is there anything we should pay special attention to during the coming final exam?—Of course. Students should remain in their seats until all the papers ________.A.are collected B.will be collectedC.collect D.will collect93.(2022·湖北黄冈·统考二模)—How should we deal with waste bottles?—Our teacher tells us they should be ________ good use.A.put B.put to C.to put D.puts94.(2022·湖北黄冈·统考二模)—Lots of food and water ________ to Ya’an, Sichuan Province immediately after the earthquake happened.—That shows the love of Chinese people.A.are sent B.were sent C.send D.sent95.(2023·河北衡水·统考一模)The wild horse ran so fast. At last it ________ by a brave man.A.controls B.is controlled C.controlled D.was controlled96.(2023·江苏常州·校考一模)Although a great deal of money ________ at the charity show last month, the cost of living in the poor area ________ quickly, so we still need to do much work to help the poor people.A.was raised; is rising B.was raised; were raised C.rose; were raised D.rose; has risen97.(2023·河北保定·统考一模)—Jenny, do you know when the play Teahouse ________?—In 1957, I think.A.wrote B.was written C.is written D.will write98.(2023·山东菏泽·统考一模)A high-speed railway ________ in Heze, which makes our travel more convenient. A.has built B.has been built C.built99.(2023·湖南株洲·统考一模)The 20th National Congress (代表大会) of the CPC ________ in Beijing on October 16, 2022.A.was held B.is held C.held100.(2023·湖南邵阳·统考一模)—The Chinese women’s football team won Asian Cup on February 6th, 2022. —How great they are! They ________ as “Steel Roses”.A.are praised B.have praised C.praise参考答案:1.C【详解】句意:这个村子每天为60岁以上的老人免费提供早餐。
热点话题2 兴趣爱好1.appeal to sb. 吸引某人2.be addicted to...迷上……3.be crazy about/be fascinated by... 对……着迷4.be fond of... 喜欢……5.be lost in 沉浸于,专心致志于6.be interested in... 对……感兴趣7.be keen on... 热衷于……8.beyond description无法形容9.ha v e/show/take interest in sth. 对某事物感兴趣/对某事物表现出兴趣10.ha v e a preference for... 偏爱……11.go skating去滑冰12.go tra v elling去旅行13.go to the mo v ies去看电影14.take pictures拍照15.play chess下国际象棋16.play sports做运动17.read classics阅读经典作品18.listen to classical music听古典音乐19.benefit a lot from...从……中获益良多20.benefit sb. a lot使某人受益良多21.broaden one’s horizons开阔某人的眼界22.enrich one’s life/knowledge丰富某人的生活/知识23.get relaxed放松24.get rid of stress摆脱压力25.an effecti v e way to relax一个放松的有效途径26.be a major source of pleasure是快乐的主要源泉27.become more confident and independent变得更自信、更独立28.make life more colorful and enjoyable使生活更丰富多彩、更令人愉快29.meet friends with a common interest结识兴趣相投的朋友30.pro v ide us with much pleasure给我们提供许多乐趣1.Hobbies play an important role in our daily li v es. Different people ha v e different hobbies. Reading/Swimming/Dancing is my hobby.业余爱好在我们的日常生活中扮演着重要的角色。
More Linking verbs
Enrich your life today,yesterday is ow is mystery
1.状态: be
+ adj. 2.感官: feel smell sound taste
3.变化: become get grow go turn keep
4.表象: seem look
This song sounds good (well ). The soup tastes bad (badly). She looks beautiful (beautifully). You should keep healthy (health).
Enrich your life today,yesterday is ow is mystery
Daniel found two passages about pets on the website. Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
black clever happy hungry special tired
I have a _b_l_a_ck_ cat. She likes to run after balls. When she gets _t_ir_e_d_, she sleeps anywhere. She miaows when she is _h_u_n_g_r_y_.
牛津译林版七年级英语下 册
Unit8 Pets Grammar
1. 掌握本节课的新单词和短语: anywhere, repeat, all the time, get tired
2. 能了解什么是形容词和形容 词的三个用法
新一代大学英语提高篇综合教程2U1Communication in the digital age3
STEP 4 Elaborate on the changes
Having described the changes, you may need to give specific and concrete evidence to further explain and support them. An example or your personal experience will do the job. What example can you find for each change? Or what experience is related to each change?
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 1
Presenting your ideas: STEP 7 Rehearse and give the speech
After your script is ready, you can start rehearsing it. When giving the speech, pay attention to your body language including the use of facial expressions, postures and gestures. You may use the following checklist to assess your performance.
新一代大学英语(提高篇) 综合教程 Unit 1
Organizing your ideas: STEP 3 Describe the changes
Having figured out the major changes, you now need to explain to your audience what they are. You can do this by describing the changes that you have experienced or observed. Describe each of the changes in one sentence. Change 1: _S_o_c_ia_l__m_e_d_i_a_m__a_k_e_s_c_o_m__m__u_n_ic_a_t_i_o_n_e_a_s_i_e_r _for
第一部分(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1.Under good treatment, many patients are beginning to ________ and will soon recover.A.turn up B.catch upC.pick up D.show up2.—You mean the position is still vacant?—Yes, but you must know our job is very demanding.—_______.A.With pleasure B.I don’t mind C.Don’t mention it D.That’s all right3.— Don't look down upon Bob. He has his own advantages.—Oh, yes others are weak, he is strong.A.Before B.WhenC.Where D.Though4.—How I wish I had worked harder when I was in that company.—If you had, you _________ a department manager now.A.are B.would beC.would have been D.were5.I am wondering how it ________ that you did so much work within such a short time.A.held up B.came aboutC.gave away D.called for6.Their youngest girl is at the stage ______ she can say a single word but not a full sentenceA.when B.whichC.that D.where7.Teaching as a career is to many people owing to the long holidays.A.popular B.familiarC.attractive D.fantastic8.Dream of the Red Chamber is believed to be semi-autobiographical, _______the fortunes of Cao’s own family. A.mirrored B.to mirrorC.mirroring D.mirror9.You can ask anyone for help. ________ here is willing to lend you a hand.A.Everyone B.No oneC.One D.Someone10.The college examination is ________________ easier this year than I have expected.A.fairly B.quiteC.rather D.very11.— Y ou should have helped your mom wash the dishes.—I meant .But she is always telling me to study.A.to do B.to C.doing so D.doing12.In spite of _________ has been said, quite a lot of people are still u ncertain about the state of the country’s economy. A.what B.whichC.that D.as13.The film Mei Lanfang, Li Ming plays the starring role,has again drawn the world’s attention to our traditional Chinese art.A.what B.that C.which D.where14.The boss_________the employees a rise in salary for ages, but nothing has occurred yet.A.promised B.had promised C.would promise D.promises15.Tom is the only one of the students who a scholarship since last year.A.has won B.have won C.is winning D.wins16.— How much do you charge for the iPhone?—Well,it cost me $ 400,but I’ll ________ 20% as it’s no longer new.A.reduce to B.decrease toC.knock off D.cut off17.—Going to watch the Women’s Volleyball Match on Wednesday?—________! Will you go with me?A.Y ou bet B.Y ou got meC.Y ou there D.Y ou know better18.If he ________ his teacher’s suggestion, he would have won the English Speech Contest.A.had followed B.should followC.was to follow D.followed19.The press should expand its influence in internationa l public opinion to make China’s voice better ______ in the world.A.hearing B.to be heardC.hear D.heard20.There was also a wallet sitting inside the car with a lot of money ______.A.reaching out B.sticking out C.picking out第二部分阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
信息型文本英语全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Title: Fun Facts About AnimalsHey guys! Do you love animals as much as I do? I bet you do! Animals are so cool and interesting. Today, I want to share some super fun facts about different animals with you. Are you ready? Let's go!1. Did you know that a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance? How cool is that? Imagine seeing a flamboyance of flamingos at the zoo. It would be so colorful and fun!2. Elephants are amazing animals. They are the largest land animals in the world, and did you know that they can even use their trunks to breathe underwater? How cool is that? I wish I had a trunk like an elephant!3. Have you ever heard of a tardigrade? They are tiny little creatures that are almost impossible to kill. They can survive in extreme conditions like boiling water and freezing temperatures. They are like super tough superheroes!4. Have you ever seen a peacock's beautiful feathers? They are so colorful and pretty. Did you know that a male peacock displays its feathers to attract a female peahen? It's like putting on a fancy outfit to impress someone!5. Sea otters are adorable creatures that hold hands while they sleep so they don't drift away from each other. How cute is that? It's like having a sleepover with your best friend every night!6. Giraffes have super long necks, right? But did you know that they only have seven vertebrae in their necks, just like humans? They are just stretched out really long. Imagine if we had long necks like giraffes!7. Koalas are so cute and cuddly, but did you know that they sleep for up to 22 hours a day? They must really love their naps. I wish I could sleep that much!8. Did you know that a group of crows is called a murder? It sounds a little scary, but crows are actually really smart birds. They can even use tools to get food. They're like little bird geniuses!I hope you guys enjoyed these fun facts about animals. Animals are so amazing and interesting, don't you think? Let'skeep learning more about them and appreciating the wonderful creatures that share our planet. See you next time! Bye-Bye!篇2Title: Fun Facts about AnimalsHey guys! Today, I want to share some cool and interesting facts about animals with you. Animals are amazing creatures that come in all shapes and sizes, and they have some really neat abilities. Let's dive in and learn more about them!1. Did you know that a group of flamingos is called a "flamboyance"? How cool is that! These beautiful pink birds definitely live up to their name.2. Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, but did you know they are also known for their incredible memory? They can remember places and other elephants for years!3. Cheetahs are the fastest land animals, reaching speeds of up to 70 miles per hour. That's faster than most cars on the highway!4. Octopuses are known for their intelligence and problem-solving abilities. They can even open jars to get to their food – pretty smart for an animal that lives underwater!5. Bees are essential for pollinating plants and flowers, but did you know that they communicate with each other through dances? It's like they have their own secret language!6. Dolphins are known for being playful and social animals. They even have their own unique whistles that they use to communicate with each other.7. Did you know that a group of owls is called a "parliament"? These wise birds definitely look like they're ready to have a serious discussion.I hope you enjoyed learning these fun facts about animals. Animals are truly amazing creatures, and there is so much more to discover about them. Keep exploring and learning, and you'll be amazed at all the fascinating things you can find out!篇3Hi guys, today I want to talk to you about information text! It's super important to be able to read and understand information texts, so I'm going to give you some tips to help you out.First off, when you're reading an information text, you want to look for the main idea. This is the most important point thetext is trying to make. Sometimes it's in the beginning, sometimes it's at the end, but it's always a key piece of information.Next, pay attention to any headings or subheadings. These can give you clues about what each section of the text is going to be about. They help you organize the information in your brain so you can understand it better.Another thing to watch out for is keywords. These are words that are repeated often throughout the text and usually signal an important concept. If you see a word popping up a lot, make sure you understand what it means.Finally, don't forget to ask questions as you're reading. If something doesn't make sense, don't be afraid to go back and reread or ask for help. Understanding information texts is all about being curious and engaged with the material.So there you have it, some quick tips for reading and understanding information texts. Keep practicing and you'll be a pro in no time!篇4Hello everyone, today I'm going to talk about an information text about dinosaurs. Do you guys know what dinosaurs are? Dinosaurs are these really cool and big animals that lived a long, long time ago. They were like giant lizards with really sharp teeth and claws.There are lots of different types of dinosaurs. Some dinosaurs were really big, like the T-Rex, and some were really small, like the Velociraptor. They all lived in different parts of the world and had different ways of hunting for food.Dinosaurs lived during a time called the Mesozoic Era, which was millions of years ago. They roamed the Earth for about 165 million years before they all went extinct. Scientists think that a huge asteroid hitting the Earth might have caused their extinction.We know a lot about dinosaurs because of the fossils that have been found. Fossils are like ancient bones and footprints that are preserved in rocks. By studying these fossils, scientists can learn all sorts of things about dinosaurs, like what they ate, how they moved, and even what they looked like.There are still so many things we don't know about dinosaurs, but scientists are always discovering new fossils and learning more about these amazing creatures. Who knows,maybe one day we will even be able to bring dinosaurs back to life! So, next time you see a dinosaur toy or movie, remember how cool these ancient creatures were. Dinosaurs rule!篇5Title: How to Take Care of a Pet DogHey everyone! Today I'm going to tell you all about how to take care of a pet dog. Dogs are awesome furry friends but they need a lot of love and care to be happy and healthy. Here are some tips on how to take care of your dog:1. Feeding: Make sure to feed your dog the right food at the right time. Dogs need a balanced diet with protein, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins, and minerals. Don't forget to give them fresh water every day.2. Exercise: Dogs need regular exercise to stay healthy and happy. Take them for walks, play fetch with them, or let them run around in the backyard. Just make sure they get their daily dose of exercise.3. Grooming: Brush your dog's fur regularly to keep it clean and free of tangles. Trim their nails when they get too long and give them a bath when they start to smell funky.4. Health care: Take your dog to the vet for regularcheck-ups and vaccinations. Make sure they are up to date on all their shots and treatments to prevent illnesses.5. Training: Teach your dog basic commands like sit, stay, and come. This will help them behave well and listen to you when needed.6. Love and attention: Dogs are social animals and they need lots of love and attention from their owners. Make sure to spend quality time with your dog, cuddle with them, and give them lots of belly rubs.Remember, having a pet dog is a big responsibility but it's also a lot of fun! If you take good care of your dog, they will be your best friend for life. Enjoy your time with your furry buddy and make lots of happy memories together!篇6Title: Fun Facts About AnimalsHey friends! Have you ever wondered about some cool and interesting facts about animals? Well, I've got you covered! Here are some fun facts that will blow your mind:1. Did you know that a group of flamingos is called a flamboyance? How cool is that name!2. Cows have best friends and they get stressed when they are separated from them. Friendship goals, right?3. A male seahorse is the one who carries and gives birth to the babies. Talk about dad duties!4. Elephants are one of the few animals that can recognize themselves in a mirror. They are so smart!5. The tongue of a blue whale can weigh as much as an elephant. That's one heavy tongue!6. A group of pugs is called a grumble. Imagine a grumble of cute little pugs running around!7. Squirrels plant thousands of trees each year by forgetting where they buried their acorns. Nature's little gardeners!8. Octopuses have three hearts and blue blood. They are truly fascinating creatures of the ocean.9. The fingerprints of a koala are so similar to humans that they can sometimes be mistaken at a crime scene. Detective koalas!10. Honey never spoils. Archaeologists have even found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3000 years old and still edible.Aren't animals just amazing? Remember to always respect and appreciate nature and the creatures that inhabit our planet. Keep exploring and learning new things every day!。
2023届辽宁省鞍山市普通高中高三第二次质量监测 英语答案
鞍山市普通高中2022-2023年度高三第二次质量监测英语参考答案第一部分:听力1—5BACCB6—10ABACC11—15ACBCB16—20ACABB第二部分:阅读理解第一节:21—25ADBDC26—30DBABC31—35CBCAD第二节:36—40CFGDA第三部分:语言知识运用第一节:完形填空41—45BCCDA46—50ADCAD51—55BDBAC第二节:语法填空d59.with60.the61.was used62.appearance63.shows64.to express65.ages第四部分:写作第一节:应用文写作possible versions:范文一Dear Steve,I'm happy to hear that you'll participate in the Chinese speech contest themed“Studying in China”.The following are my suggestions.As for the topic,I'd like to recommend Chinese traditional culture,as it introduces a real treasure of human history.Besides,having studied the courses systematically,you’re sure to have a deep understanding of Chinese traditional culture.To do it well,you’d better select impressive examples to attract the attention of the judges.Furthermore,practice your spoken Chinese in order to express yourself more clearly and fluently.I sincerely hope you'll find my suggestions useful.Yours,Li Hua第1页(共9页)范文二Dear Steve,I'm glad to hear that you'll participate in the speech contest“Studying in China”. Speaking of the topic,I think Chinese ancient wisdom is an ideal option.With a long history and profound cultural connotations,China plays an essential role in the history of mankind.From Confucius’principle of teaching to literature,and from the four great inventions to the Great Wall,it’s Chinese ancient wisdom that shines like a star throughout human civilization.This topic will surely attract the judges’attention.Besides, providing broad descriptions combined with details is the best way to go.I do hope your speech goes smoothly.Yours,Li Hua 范文三Dear Steve,Knowing that you'll participate in the“Studying in China”Speech Contest,I'm delighted to give you some suggestions.As far as I'm concerned,no topic is more suitable than“Learning Chinese Characters”. Chinese characters are of great significance to Chinese,since they serve as a carrier of China’s thousands of years of history and show the wisdom of ancient Chinese people. Moreover,Chinese characters are also a representation of the Chinese spirit.As for other tips, not only should you make your opening as impressive as possible,but also remember to make eye contact with your audience.Good luck!Yours,Li Hua 第二节:读后续写possible versions:范文一:I completely disagreed with Karina about cutting down trees.Since trees were home to hundreds of small animals,I couldn’t believe that Karina could be such a cruel person who wanted to replace the lively forest with a noisy shopping mall.Overwhelmed by anger and confusion,I shouted at Karina,“How dare you wish to destroy such a wonderful forest?”Shocked by my mean words,Karina stared at me in horror and failed to say a word.After a while,Karina broke the silence,telling me the story of her parents.Later,I suddenly realized Karina had her reasons for believing what she did.Her parents had suffered from unemployment for a long time and could hardly support the family,第2页(共9页)so she understood the importance of jobs deeply.“But I just want to save our wonderful land,”I explained in a low voice,feeling sorry and guilty.Gently patting me on the shoulder,Karina comforted me,“That's fine.”It suddenly dawned on me that a friend was not the same person as me,but a person who accepted me.I smiled at Karina,and invited her to hang out,after which our laughter soon lingered in the beautiful land again.范文二:I completely disagreed with Karina about cutting down trees.I said,“We have to stop that.Think of all the birds that would lose their homes!Can't we figure out how to make jobs without destroying nature?”Hearing what I said,Karina told me super seriously,“Maybe we’re not quite as alike as we thought.”I felt very upset.Maybe two people with opposite points of view just aren’t meant to be friends,I was thinking.Later,I suddenly realized Karina had her reasons for believing what she did.No matter what it was,the difference wasn’t worth losing a perfectly good friendship over.We ended up having lots more fun at karate camp.And even now,a couple of months later,we still send each other funny pictures of our cats or our baking creations.No two people are exactly alike,and even the best friends disagree sometimes.What's important is that you respect each other and focus on the good stuff.范文三:I completely disagreed with Karina about cutting down trees.I poured out my feelings on the trees being home to all the birds as well as being able to absorb carbon dioxide,with much anger overwhelming me as I almost lost my coolness.“Don’t you think people’s livelihood is more important than a patch of wood?”Karina asked me directly.“But not at the cost of cutting down trees!”I said firmly.The argument between us made me feel powerless and there seemed to be a barrier growing between us.Later,I suddenly realized Karina had her reasons for believing what she did.Karina took my hand sincerely and said,“I never want to quarrel with you again.Maybe we shouldn’t hold on our own views so seriously,and instead,learn to respect each other.”I threw myself into her arms.All my feelings of horror,anger,guilt and grief were suddenly gone due to this comforting hug.During the following days we immersed ourselves in the fun of karate.There seemed to be delight in every heart,laughter in every face,and cheer in every step.第3页(共9页)听力原文Text1W:Let’s sit outside in the garden.It’s such a beautiful day.M:It is nice right now,(1)but I heard it’s supposed to be really windy later on.Anyway,I’m on my way out.I need to buy a rain jacket before the sporting goods store closes.Text2M:Hello Carol,I can’t remember what Miss Lisa said the writing homework was.W:There is no homework.Instead,we need to bring and present a book we like.I’m buying mine at the store now.M:I’ll go to the library tomorrow morning.(2)Text3W:So when you were younger,were you as good at football as you are now?(3)M:I was good,but I actually preferred painting and cooking at the time.W:I’m sure that all of your fans listening to this show are glad that you focused your talents. Text4M:Did you hear that the department store is having a holiday sale?It’s on all of their kitchen products and furniture.W:We don’t need any more kitchen electronics,but I think we can finally buy a bigger screen to watch movies on.(4)Text5W:How did you find the inspiration for your teamwork speech?I felt like I was watchinga film when you gave it.M:First,I tried to listen to other speeches,but I got nothing from them.It wasn’t until I thought about my years at camp that I wrote it.(5)Text6W:I’ll just ask the question that everyone wants to know.How have you become so famous so quickly?Are you just that talented?(6)M:Well,people seem to really enjoy my songs,but I would never get anything done if I didn’t spend so many hours a day creating them.(6)W:After an interview on The Tonight Show you told everyone that you can always be found in the recording room in your own house.Do you prefer creating the songs to performing them?M:I enjoy both,but I actually prefer just playing for my wife and son at home.(7)Text7M:I was thinking of joining the exchange program this summer.There are five countries that第4页(共9页)we can go study in until October.I can’t decide which country I want to go to,though. W:Well,if you want to sign up you should decide now.I heard some of the countries are no longer and North America both have spaces left though.M:I was thinking of North America,but maybe I’ll go somewhere warmer,like New Zealand.(9)W:Just remember that our seasons are different.If you go to the south on the other side of the world their seasons are the opposite.Spring here,is autumn in New Zealand and winter there,is summer here.(9)M:You’re right,but I do love going to the beaches there.(9)Text8W:How was your trip to Canada?Did you go sightseeing everywhere you wanted to?M:I saw so much in the cities.I was amazed by the festivals I attended and the museums about the natives.However,I didn’t get to visit the mountains that I really wanted to see because it was just too cold.(10)W:That’s okay.It sounds like you had a good time.I bet you’ll be back there someday.What kind of food did you eat there?(11)M:I was so surprised at how many different cultures live in Canada.They have typical western food,like we do here,but they specialize in different things.There are far more French and Chinese restaurants.I mainly went to the European-style restaurants because my cousin,Gene,really likes them.(11)(12)W:I thought you went out there for a business trip with your manager,and to meet up with an old friend?M:Yes.That is why I went there,but not the only thing I did while there.Because I was moving around a lot,instead of paying for a hotel I stayed with Gene.(12)Text9W:You can’t just eat potato chips for a meal.It’s not enough.(13)M:Why not?I love the taste of them.Besides,I only eat one small bag for lunch.It’s quick and easy.W:Your body needs more than just artificial flavors and junk food.(13)M:I eat plenty of vegetables with my dinner.Besides,I have a big breakfast every morning.I’m not really hungry at noon.(14)I don’t have much time in between my university classes this year.It’s not like when I was growing up and you made me food to bring to school.(16)W:You’re not done growing yet,though.If you want to grow up to be big and strong you should think more about the food you eat.M:I understand what you’re saying,but I don’t think it will affect me that much.第5页(共9页)W:I just want you to live a long life.M:I know,but I just went to the doctor and she said I was very healthy.(15)I exercise three times a week for that purpose.When I am out of school and have more time and money,I can change my habits for something better.Text10And now for our daily election update.The presidential candidates will be debating in Denver this weekend,and it is going to be an exciting night.Both candidates from New York City will be arriving in Denver early tomorrow to begin preparing.They will meet with the two other candidates and their support teams a few days before the show.(17) Two of the popular talking points to expect are the price of taxes,bus and road repairs. Denver’s candidate is trying to focus hard on immigration and worldwide communications.(18)Though it will still be over a year until the American public will be allowed to vote,the candidates want to give as much for the nation to decide who they want to run it.The current president cannot run for office again,because it would go against the law.Many people thought he was going to retire before the last election,but he decided to finish what he started.(19)He wants to make sure the policies that he worked so hard on will be put into place.Many of our current president’s supporters are glad that he has stayed and will be very sad when he is no longer in office.第6页(共9页)请批卷教师一定先仔细研读评分标准,然后严格按照标准进行阅卷。
高考英语语法填空热点话题:专题08 中国5G网络技术科技进步20篇(探月+北斗+故宫+港珠澳大桥)
高考英语语法填空热点话题押题预测专题08中国5G网络技术科技进步20篇(原卷版)(5G助力嫦娥探月+华为绿色5G+港珠澳大桥5G服务+京张高铁5G技术+故宫5G 场景应用+5G助力北斗+上海火车站5G服务)养成良好的答题习惯,是决定高考英语成败的决定性因素之一。
(2023秋·全国·假期作业)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
both the speed at which mobile users download something to their devices and the latency (等待时间) they experience对高三学生而言,就是要通过训练转化为学生的答题能力。
第二十五中学高三十一月月考试卷英语试题第二部分阅读理解( 共两节,满分40 分)第一节(共15 小题;每小题2 分, 满分30 分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C 和D 四个选项中, 选出最佳选项。
You’re a creative person who ’s brilliant at making smart decisions and even better at communicatin them.You are passionate about software and not only like to learn about it at university,but you like to get involved in your own projects at home too.You eat code for breakfast,lunch and dinner,and youlooking to learn and improve.You love working with like-minded peers and aspire to work with the best software developers in the industry.You are a final-year/Honours/Master/PHD student or a recent graduate(past two years) with a Distinction/High Distinction in Computer Science,Computing or Software Engineering.You’ll develop reliable and highly flexible systems in the market.The kind of software that ensures webuy and sell faster and more efficiently than anyone else.You will have full responsibility for designing and improving our systems,both technically and functionally to improve our trading success.At Optive we haveno shortage of interesting and important work to do,sorest assured that youwill add real value to the business.You are an Australian or New Zealand citizen or permanent resident of Australia.$75,000 plus super plus performance driven profit share..You will be well-accepted if you are .A.creative and devoted to Software EngineeringB.loving working with people from different majors’l l be workingmunicative and passionate in your university lifeD.enjoying eating code instead of delicious family dinnerA.an Australian final-year Computing Engineering studentB.a master-degree graduate majoring in tradingC.a PHD student as a permanent resident in AustraliaD.a recent graduate with honours in Computer ScienceA.design Optive systemsB.ensure trade successC.work on something valuableD.develop the flexible market systemCultural trends are greatly influenced by celebrities.When Oprah goes on a 21-day vegan diet,it makes headlines.When Amal Clooney wears a Stella McCartney dress,sales go way up.However,one trend that seems harmless—b ut is actually damaging —i s the pressure on famous people to have their photos takenwith exotic( 奇异的) animals.Famous people asked to have photos taken with wild animals for a magazine spread have good intentions and even love animals.This makes them easy targets for the greedy amusement parks and fake animals centers.Kind people are naturally drawn to places that claim to offer exotic animals safety and areeager to hug baby bears or to swim with dolphins.However,exposeafter expose has shown that many ofthese businesspeople are breeders,dealers or exhibitors that are using Hollywood ’s good ends.At the recently closed Tiger Temple in Thailand,40 dead tiger cubs were found secretly killed to maketiger wine and other folk medicine.The number of tourist traps using words like increased greatly in recent years.Many businesspeople continually breed the animals,so they“rescue ”’l l have a constant supply of youto charge people money for photos.Of course,the babies are cute but they grow fast,and within a few weeks they are too big to handle.In some Asian countries,elephants are kept in camps.A few camps are working to help elephants in trouble,but the vast majority are not,and training methods are cruel.As soon as the cameras are gone after someone like Prince William takes a photo with an elephant,the chains go back on.Fans,tell the stars:Stay away from exotic animal photos,and the animals will be grateful.’th s e main purpose of this passage?A.To show how stars influence cultural trends.B.To introduce some fake animal centers.C.To persuade stars not to take photos with animals.D.To encourage people to breed more animals.A.attract visitorsB.make profitsC.rescue rare speciesD.maintain their population.A.continued to be breedersB.charged more for photographingC.turned to the local governmentD.brought in more baby animals’vb e en taken photos?A.They will be well fed.B.They might be helped out.C.They remain badly treated.D.They are to be handled properly.The capital,all states and counties would also hold ceremonies to worship Confucius.Excellentperforming teachers would be chosen from academies and learning institutions nationwide,reporting to theroyal court and given 500 liang(两) silver coins as awards.Until the Qing Dynasty,the ceremony,on August 27,was of a larger scale.The teachers s’alaries in schools and academies around the nation were raised,and well-performing teachers would be awardedofficial titles or promoted to higher positions.Normally,an ancient teacher ’s income included salary,accommodateios ivaanldgfifts.There was nofixed tuition fee.Generally the parents paid teachers according to their household income.Both money andbasic foodstuff could be paid in exchange for tuition.In private schools,teachers always received money or gifts from the host family at certain festivals or atthe beginning and end of each semester.The festivals in which teachers received gifts varied from region to region,while the most valued oneswere the Duanwu,Mid-Autumn and Chinese New Year festivals,as well as Confucius ’birthday and the private tutor ’s birthday.Among all the gift-giving festivals,the first meeting gift was a must.When students met their privatetutors for the first time,they had to kneel down to Confucius ’spirit tablet and then to their private tutors,before presenting a “gift ”.A.the teachers in ancient ChinaB.the Teachers D’ay in ancient ChinaC.the teachers h’igh positions in ancient ChinaD.the teachers s’alaries in ancient China’ay been in China?A.1,500-2,500 years.B.2,000-3,000 years.C.3,000-4,000 years.D.4,000-5,000 years..What is the special gift for the teachers on th eachers D’ay during the Han and Jin dynasties?A.a higher positionB.a day freeC.500 liang silver coinsD.days ’vacation.What ’th s e main idea of the last four paragraphs?A.Where teachers could get gifts in ancient China.B.Why teachers got gifts in ancient China.C.How teachers were presented with gifts in ancient China.D.When teachers received gifts in ancient China.When people argue about whether coffee is good for health,they ’r e usually thinking of the hcoffee drinker.Is it good for your heart?Does it increase blood pressure?Does it help you concentrate?However,coffee affects the health of the human population in other ways,too.Traditionally,coffee bushes are planted under the canopy(树荫) of taller trees.However,more and more farmers in Latin America are deforesting the land to grow full-sun coffee.At first,this increases production because more coffee bushes can be planted if there aren ’ny trees.With increased production come increased profits.Unfortunately,deforesting for coffee production immediately decreases the local wildlife habitat,because native birds nest and hide from predators捕(食者) on the tall trees and migrating birds rest there.Furthermore,in the long term,the full-sun method also damages the ecosystem because more chemical fertilizers and pesticides(杀虫剂) are needed to grow the coffee.The fertilizers and pesticides kill insects that eat coffee plants,and then the birds eat the poisoned insects and also die.The chemicals kill or sicken other animals as well,and can even enter the water that people will eventually drink.Fortunately,farmers in Central and South America are beginning to grow more coffee bushes in the shade.We can support these farmers by buying coffee with such labels as “sha rown ”a nd “bir-riendly ”.Sure,these varieties might cost a little more.But we g for the he’althreo einbirds,the land,ourselves,and the planet.I think it ’s worth it.A.People should buy full-sun coffee.B.Shade-grown coffee should be supported.C.Farmers should change the places to grow coffee.D.Pesticides should be forbidden in coffee planting.A.It can protect the ecosystem.B.It can promote people ’he s alth.C.It can provide more nests for birds.D.It can increase the production of coffee.B.They move to other countries.C.They turn grassland into farmland.D.They buy more land from other farmers.A.It is quite worthwhile to buy shade-grown coffee at any cost.B.Farmers all have realized the importance of protecting the environment now.C.South American farmers are taking action to plant coffee bushes in the traditional way.D.The full-sun method does good to the health of human beings in the long run.第二节(共5 小题;每小题2 分,满分10 分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。
Do These 5 Things To Attract Better Into Your Life - Tyrone Stokes(中英文)
Do These 5 Things To Attract Better Into Your Life -Tyrone Stokes(中英文)Isn't it interesting how most people seem to live in a continuous circle of the same events . They continue to attract the same kind of people... the same kind of problems... the same kind of feelings... the same kind of emotions... Most often... they don't like any of these things.大多数人的生活似乎都在漫无止境的重复,他们吸引相同的人,相同的问题,相同的感情和情绪。
Some people though... seem to understand how to attract better. Better emotions... better people... better circumstances... If you want to attract better into your life, if you want to focus your intention... and getclearer on what you want... LIVE, FEEL and MASTER these 5 things and you soon might attract better in your life....另外一些人,似乎懂得怎么去吸引更好的东西,更好的情绪,更好的人,更好的环境。
Unit 1 词汇讲解默写学案 高中英语牛津译林版(2020)选择性必修第一册
选择性必修一Unit1 单词(一)记忆版词性转换1. combination n. 结合体,联合体;联合,混合→ combine vt. & vi.(使)组合,联合→combined adj. 结合的,合并的2. creamy adj. 含奶油的;像奶油的,光滑细腻的;淡黄色的→cream n. 奶油,乳脂;护肤霜3. greedily adv. 贪婪地,贪心地→ greed n. 贪婪,贪心→greedy adj. 贪婪的,贪心的4. gently adv. 轻柔地,温和地→ gentle adj. 温柔的,温和的5. association n. 联想,联系;协会,社团;联合→ associate vt. 联想,联系adj. 非正式的,副的→ associated adj. 有关的,相关的6. vary vi.(根据情况)变化,变更;相异,不同vt. 变更,改变→ various adj. 各种各样的;多姿多彩的→ variety n.(同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样→ varied adj.各式各样的;多变的;意见不一的7. emotion n. 情感,强烈的感情→ emotional adj. 情绪的;容易激动的;有感染力的→emotionally adv. 情绪上地,情感上地8. salty adj. 咸的,含盐的→ salt n. 盐vt. & vi.(给食物)加盐;用盐腌核心词汇搭配1. mood n. 情绪,心情常见搭配in a bad/good mood 心情很糟/好be (not) in the mood for (doing) sth./to do sth.(没)有做某事的心情2. combination n. 结合体,联合体;联合,混合常见搭配 a combination of A and B =a mix of … A与B的结合in combination (with ...) (与……)联合/混合combine A with/and B 使A与B结合/混合3. association n. 联想,联系;协会,社团;联合,交往常见搭配be in association with … 与……有关联;与……有来往be associated with … 与……有关联associate A with B 使A与B联系起来associate with sb. 与某人交往/混在一起=mix with sb4. vary vi.(根据情况)变化,变更(=range);相异,不同(=differ)vt. 变更,改变常见搭配vary with … 随……而变vary/differ in … 在……方面有差异vary from … to ... 在……之间变化,从……到……不等all kinds/sorts of ... =a variety of ... =varieties of ...=various ... 各种各样的……5. link vt. 联系,相关联;把……连接起来n. 联系,连接;关系,纽带;链接常见搭配link ... to/with ... 把……和……连接起来/联系起来→[被动] be linked with/to …a link between A and B A与B之间的联系选择性必修一Unit1 单词(一)默写版词汇(英译中)1.mood ______________2. combination________________3. do the trick______________4.. creamy________________5. flavour_________________6.greedily________________7. gently__________________ 8. dessert_________________9.association________________ 10..vary________________11.link________________ 12.emotion_________________13.saucer________________ 14.vinegar________________15.native__________________ 16.salty___________________词性转换1. combination n. 结合体,联合体;联合,混合→___________vt. & vi.(使)组合,联合→ ____________adj. 结合的,合并的2. creamy adj. 含奶油的;像奶油的,光滑细腻的;淡黄色的→___________ n. 奶油,乳脂;护肤霜3. greedily adv. 贪婪地,贪心地→ _________n. 贪婪,贪心→_______adj. 贪婪的,贪心的4. gently adv. 轻柔地,温和地→___________adj. 温柔的,温和的5. association n. 联想,联系;协会,社团;联合→ ___________vt. 联想,联系adj. 非正式的,副的→ ____________adj. 有关的,相关的6. vary vi.(根据情况)变化,变更;相异,不同vt. 变更,改变→ __________adj. 各种各样的;多姿多彩的→ __________ n.(同一事物的)不同种类,多种式样→ _________adj.各式各样的;多变的;意见不一的7. emotion n. 情感,强烈的感情→ _____________ adj. 情绪的;容易激动的;有感染力的→ ______________ adv. 情绪上地,情感上地8. salty adj. 咸的,含盐的→ _____________ n. 盐vt. & vi.(给食物)加盐;用盐腌核心词汇搭配1. _________________心情很糟/好______________________________ (没)有做某事的心情2. _________________________A与B的结合_________________________(与……)联合/混合_________________________ 使A与B结合/混合3. _________________________ 与……有关联;与……有来往_________________________ 与……有关联_________________________ 使A与B联系起来__________________________ 与某人交往/混在一起4. ____________________ 随……而变____________________ 在……方面有差异_____________________ 在……之间变化,从……到……不等_____________________ 各种各样的……5. ______________________把……和……连接起来/联系起来→[被动]___________________________________________________ A与B之间的联系选择性必修一Unit1 单词(二)记忆版词性转换1.relieve vt. 解除,减轻;缓和,缓解→ relief n. 救济;减轻,解除;安慰2.security n. 安全;保护措施;保安部门;担保,保证→ secure adj. 安全的;牢固的;有把握的;稳定的→ securely adv. 安全地;牢固地;安心地;有把握地3.generate vt. 产生,引起→ generation n. 一代,一辈;一代人;产生→ generator n. 发电机;发生器4.digest vt. & vi. 消化;领会,理解n. 摘要,文摘→ digestion n. 消化;消化能力→ digestiveadj. 消化的;和消化有关的5.cycle n. 循环;自行车,摩托车vi. 骑自行车→ cycling n. 骑自行车运动(或活动)→ cyclistn. 骑自行车者6.enhance vt. 提高,增强→ enhancement n. 提高7.impress vt. & vi. 使钦佩,给……留下深刻印象;使意识到→ impression n. 印象→impressive adj. 令人赞叹的;令人敬佩的;给人深刻印象的8. sour adj. 酸的,有酸味的;馊的v. (使)变坏;变味,酸腐→ sourly adv. 酸酸地;性情乖僻地;坏心眼地→ sourness n. 酸味核心词汇搭配relieve vt. 解除,减轻缓和,缓解常见搭配relieve sb. of sth. 帮助减轻(负担);开除/解除某人的职务to one’s relief 令某人安心的是in/with relief 如释重负;松了一口气get relief from … 从……得到缓解be relieved (to +see/find/know) +that从句看到/发现/知道……而感到欣慰重点短语1.do the trick 奏效,起作用,达到目的➢However, this sacrifice would fail to do the trick. 然而,这种牺牲将达不到目的。
哪些中国传统文化更吸引外国人英语作文全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Which Chinese Traditional Culture Attracts Foreigners More?China has a very long history, and it's fascinating to see how much of our traditional culture still exists today. It's like a treasure chest filled with amazing things that we can learn from and enjoy. But did you know that many people from other countries are also really interested in our culture? Let me tell you about some of the things that seem to attract foreigners the most!One of the most famous parts of Chinese culture is our food.I bet you can't resist the delicious smell of dumplings or the mouth-watering sight of a hot pot filled with all kinds of tasty ingredients. Foreigners love trying out different Chinese dishes, especially when they get to experience the whole process of making them. They find it really exciting to learn how to fold dumplings or use chopsticks to pick up slippery noodles.Another thing that fascinates people from other countries is our traditional festivals. Have you ever seen the colorful dragonand lion dances during Chinese New Year? They're so energetic and lively, and the costumes are just incredible. Foreigners are always amazed by the firecrackers and the vibrant decorations that fill the streets. And let's not forget about the tasty festival foods like tangyuan (sweet rice balls) and jiangnianggao (new year's cake)!But Chinese culture isn't just about food and festivals. Our ancient philosophy and literature also intrigue many foreigners. They find the teachings of Confucius and Lao Tzu really fascinating, and they love trying to understand the deep meanings behind classic works like the Analects and the Tao Te Ching. Some foreigners even learn to write beautiful Chinese calligraphy, which is a true art form.Speaking of art, Chinese traditional arts and crafts are another huge attraction for people from other countries. They're mesmerized by the intricate patterns and vibrant colors of silk embroidery, and they find the delicate process of making porcelain absolutely captivating. Some even try their hand at painting traditional Chinese landscapes or sculpting intricate figurines.But wait, there's more! Chinese martial arts, like kung fu, are also incredibly popular among foreigners. They're amazed by thegraceful movements and the discipline required to master these ancient fighting styles. Plus, who doesn't love watching action movies with amazing kung fu scenes?Now, let's talk about something really cool – Chinese architecture. Foreigners are in awe of the grandeur and beauty of ancient buildings like the Forbidden City and the Temple of Heaven. They marvel at the intricate designs and the skilled craftsmanship that went into constructing these architectural wonders.Last but not least, Chinese traditional clothing is another aspect that attracts a lot of attention from people around the world. They're fascinated by the vibrant colors and the intricate designs of garments like the qipao (cheongsam) and the hanfu (traditional Han clothing). Some even attend special events or photo shoots just to get a chance to wear these beautiful outfits.As you can see, there are so many incredible aspects of Chinese traditional culture that captivate people from other countries. From our delicious cuisine to our rich history and philosophy, from our stunning arts and crafts to our ancient practices and architecture, China has a truly unique and fascinating cultural heritage.So, the next time you get a chance, why not share some of these wonderful traditions with your friends from other countries? You never know, you might just inspire them to explore and appreciate Chinese culture even more!篇2Which Traditional Chinese Culture Attracts Foreigners the Most?Have you ever wondered what foreigners find most interesting about Chinese culture? As a curious kid, I asked my foreign friends about this, and their answers were really fascinating! Let me tell you what they shared.First up, my friend Emily from the United States said she's totally obsessed with Chinese martial arts like kung fu. She showed me some videos of people doing incredible kicks and flips, and even breaking wooden boards with their bare hands! Emily told me that kung fu movies are hugely popular in her country, and many Americans practice various martial arts styles that originated in China. Isn't that so cool?Next, I spoke to Pierre, who's from France. He got really excited when I asked him about Chinese culture, and he immediately started talking about Chinese cuisine! Pierre said heloves how diverse and flavorful Chinese food is, with so many different regional styles and dishes. He went on and on about things like Peking duck, xiaolongbao (those delicious soup dumplings), and hand-pulled noodles. I have to admit, just listening to him made me hungry!Then there's my friend Yuna from Japan. She's really into traditional Chinese medicine and herbs. Yuna told me that many Japanese people respect the ancient wisdom of Chinese healing practices, like acupuncture and herbal remedies. She even knows a few popular Chinese herbal teas and their supposed health benefits! I didn't understand all the details, but it sounded super interesting.My Canadian friend Michael had a different perspective. He's fascinated by Chinese philosophy and thinkers like Confucius and Lao Tzu. Michael tried explaining some of their key ideas to me, like the concept of yin and yang, and the importance of harmony and balance. It was a little tricky to wrap my head around at first, but Michael made it sound so profound and wise.Finally, I talked to Mariam from Egypt, who's captivated by Chinese calligraphy and brush painting. She showed me some beautiful examples of these art forms, with elegant strokes and symbolic meanings. Mariam said she finds the combination ofartistry and storytelling in Chinese calligraphy and paintings incredibly inspiring. She even owns a few scrolls herself!After talking to all my friends, I realized that traditional Chinese culture has so many incredible aspects that appeal to people from all over the world. From the thrilling action of kung fu, to the mouth-watering cuisine, to the ancient wisdom of medicine and philosophy, to the exquisite artistry of calligraphy and painting – there's something for everyone to appreciate and admire.Personally, I think I'm most interested in learning about Chinese martial arts and trying some kung fu moves myself (as long as I don't hurt myself, of course!). But I'm also really curious to explore other aspects of my cultural heritage, like the profound philosophies, intricate art forms, and rich culinary traditions.No matter which part of traditional Chinese culture speaks to you the most, one thing is clear: this ancient civilization has left an invaluable legacy that continues to captivate and inspire people across the globe. I feel so lucky to be able to learn about and experience these wonders firsthand!So, what do you think? Which aspect of traditional Chinese culture would you most want to explore? Let me know – I'malways eager to learn more and share my discoveries with others. After all, understanding and appreciating each other's cultures is a great way to bring the world closer together, don't you agree?篇3What Chinese Traditions Do Foreigners Love the Most?Hey there! Have you ever wondered what people from other countries find really cool about China? I mean, China is such an amazing place with a super long history and so many unique traditions. It's no surprise that foreigners are really interested in learning about our culture.One thing that always seems to fascinate people from abroad is Chinese festivals. We have so many of them, and they're all celebrated in such colorful and exciting ways! Take the Chinese New Year, for example. This is probably the most famous Chinese festival around the world. People love the bright red decorations, the firecrackers, and the iconic lion and dragon dances. It's like one big, vibrant party that lasts for days!Then there's the Mid-Autumn Festival, where we eat delicious mooncakes and carry around beautiful lanterns. The Lantern Festival is another popular one篇4What Do Foreigners Like About Chinese Culture?Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm in 5th grade. Today I want to tell you about the things in Chinese culture that people from other countries find really cool and interesting.I love learning about my culture's traditions and history. China has such a long and amazing story going back thousands of years. A lot of the stuff we've kept doing for centuries seems pretty normal to me, but my foreign friends are always super fascinated by it.One big part of our culture that wows people from overseas is the festivals we celebrate. Holidays like Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival are full of vibrant activities, yummy foods, colorful decorations, and special customs. It's become popular for foreigners to join in the festivities.During Chinese New Year, we have dragon and lion dances performed by folks doing awesome acrobatic moves in those huge costume heads and bodies. The dances are meant to bring good luck, and they look so energetic and joyful. My Canadian friend Jessica says watching a real Chinatown lion dance was one of the coolest things she's ever seen.Then there are the red envelopes with money that we give out during New Year's. Kids get them from their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles with lucky cash inside. My buddy Rajesh from India couldn't believe it at first but thought it was such a generous tradition.For the Mid-Autumn Festival, we buy those delicious mooncakes filled with sweet lotus seed paste or other tasty stuff inside. We eat them while admiring the bright full moon and spending quality time with our families. People from other countries go crazy over how good those dense, rich mooncakes taste.Another aspect of Chinese culture that fascinates outsiders is our ancient folk stories and legends. There are so many imaginative tales about mythical heroes, supernatural beings, talking animals and more that have been passed down over the ages.One of the most famous is the legend of the Monkey King. He's this massively powerful but mischievous monkey deity who causes all kinds of chaos across the heavens and earth. The crazy adventures he gets into while wielding his powerful staff are just wild. My friend Miguel's little brother is obsessed with the Monkey King cartoons and comics.Then there are the four classic folktales that every Chinese kid learns when they're little. They're fun stories with big morals and lessons worked into them about virtues like obedience, wisdom and kindness. Stories like the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl and the Snna Bambada Shoots always leave my pal Hayley from Australia asking a million questions about their meanings.Our unique writing system is another very distinct part of the culture that blows the minds of Westerners and others. Chinese characters look nothing like the letters used for English and most other languages around the world. To them, our elaborate logograms seem like crazy intricate little pictures and symbols.My buddy Nico from Italy cannot get over how a single character can represent an entire word or complex idea. He's amazed that I have to memorize thousands of them to be able to read and write Chinese properly. The beautiful calligraphy of some characters also stuns him.We also have some amazing traditional arts and crafts that foreigners love. Things like Chinese watercolor paintings, clay pottery, paper cutting, embroidery and jade carving. These elegantly capture scenes from history and nature using incredible skill and age-old techniques.My pen pal Emilia from Sweden sends me pictures of her mom's collection of those ceramic vases and plates painted with landscapes, animals and flower patterns. She thinks they're just breathtakingly gorgeous. A lot of overseas visitors make sure to buy some Chinese handicrafts to take home as special souvenirs.Those are some of the key parts of the culture that really wow people from other countries when they experience them. The vibrant festivals, imaginative folklore, intricate writing system, and delicate traditional arts and crafts. Samantha from Australia told me she was amazed by all of these things on her trip to China with her parents.I feel really lucky to have been born into such an amazing civilization with such a deep, rich heritage. It makes me proud to see people from all over developing a strong appreciation for my culture. I hope this essay helped explain why so many foreigners find Chinese traditions to be truly fascinating!篇5What Chinese Traditional Things Do Foreigners Like Best?Hi friends! My name is Xiaoming and I'm 10 years old. I live in Beijing with my parents and little sister. Today I want to tellyou about some really cool parts of Chinese traditional culture that a lot of foreigners seem to find really interesting and fun!First up, I think martial arts like kung fu are super awesome and popular with people from other countries. Kung fu movies with all the kicking and punching action are famous all over the world. Just think of Bruce Lee - he's like a legend! A lot of foreign friends have told me they'd love to learn kung fu because it looks so cool.My uncle actually teaches kung fu at our local park on Sundays. I've seen people from America, Europe, Africa and more come to his class. They find the moves really hard at first but they keep trying and never give up. I think that's the spirit of kung fu - being persistent and disciplined. Uncle says that's an important part of Chinese culture too.Another thing that wows foreigners is traditional Chinese medicine and treatments like acupuncture, massages, and all the different herbal remedies. It's so different from Western medicine! My grandma swears by these remedies and she's hardly ever sick at her age. Whenever I have a cough or fever, she makes me drink this crazy herbal soup. I have to hold my nose but it does work!I had an American friend who twisted his ankle playing basketball. His mom took him for acupuncture treatment and he said it helped the pain and swelling go down really fast. He couldn't believe those tiny needles could do so much! A lot of his friends were impressed and wanted to try it too after that.Speaking of crazy things, let me tell you about Chinese calligraphy! Writing Chinese characters with a brush and inkstone is like an art. My teacher makes it look so easy, but whenever I try, I just end up with an inky mess. Calligraphy takes years and years of practice to master.But that's what makes it so fascinating for foreigners. My dad's British colleague got really into it a few years ago. He started taking weekly classes and would show off his works to us. He said the concentration and flow of energy while doing the strokes was amazing. It seems grueling to me, but he found it almost meditative!Other foreign friends have told me about their love for cultural stuff like Chinese jade artifacts, ceramics, silk embroidery and more. They're stunned by how intricate and impressive the workmanship is. I have to agree - some of the pieces in local museums and galleries are just breathtaking.My personal favorite though, has to be Chinese martial arts novels and stories! Stories about wandering warriors, ancient legends, heroes with superhero kung fu powers - what's not to love? I've read a bunch of these already even though they're pretty hard to follow with all the descriptive language.But a lot of foreigners I know are really into them too. They don't mind the complex tales and obscure references at all. In fact, I think that's part of the appeal - exploring a whole new world of mythology and ideas through these tales. My friend Michael from Canada started learning Chinese just so he could read the novels in the original! How cool is that?Oh, and I can't forget about the food! From dumplings to noodles, hotpot to Peking duck, Chinese cuisine is so diverse and delicious. I'm always surprised by how many foreign people have developed a taste for it. Even kids! There's a Chinese restaurant near my school that's always packed with families from all over the world.I remember talking to this Russian family one day and their little boy was devouring his plate of mapo tofu like there was no tomorrow! He said it was his absolute favorite. Who would have thought a kid would go so crazy for a dish with chilies andfermented bean paste? Just goes to show how great Chinese food is.There are so many other fascinating parts of Chinese traditional culture that people find cool - festivals, lanterns, kites, traditional clothes like theQipao...the list goes on. Wherever I go, I see foreigners getting excited about experiencing little pieces of my culture and heritage.I think it's because Chinese civilization is just so ancient and rich, you know? We have thousands of years of history, philosophies, arts and customs behind us. Things that seem normal to me are completely novel and exotic to others.And I get why it captures their imagination so much! Learning about other cultures is fun and opens your mind. Maybe that's why my foreign friends seem to love exploring Chinese traditions. For them, it's like diving into a whole other world.I'm just happy that they appreciate the awesome culture I was born into. Who knows, maybe I'll be a ambassador for Chinese culture one day and spread the love for it to even more people across the world! Wouldn't that be great? Well, I better stop rambling now. Let me know if you've experienced any fascinating Chinese traditions yourselves!篇6Which Chinese Traditional Cultures Are More Attractive to Foreigners?Hi everyone! My name is Lily and I'm 10 years old. Today I want to talk about which parts of Chinese culture foreigners find most interesting and appealing. As you probably know, China has a super long history going back thousands of years. During that time, we've developed lots of unique traditions and customs that you can't find anywhere else in the world.I think one of the things that really fascinates people from other countries is Chinese festivals and celebrations. Holidays like Chinese New Year and the Mid-Autumn Festival are full of vibrant colors, delicious foods, fireworks and more. Who doesn't love getting together with family, eating yummy snacks and watching an amazing fireworks show? The dragon and lion dances during Chinese New Year in particular seem to captivate visitors.Another aspect of traditional Chinese culture that intrigues foreigners is our beautiful ancient architecture. Grand palaces, ornate temples, and elegant gardens transport people back in time. It's like walking through history! The Forbidden City inBeijing is probably the most famous example, but there are breathtaking buildings all across China. With their curved roofs, bright reds and yellows, and intricate carvings, they're totally different from Western architecture. No wonder so many tourists flock to these heritage sites.Then there are Chinese traditional arts and crafts that leave many foreigners in awe. Things like calligraphy, painting, pottery, paper-cutting and embroidery require incredible skill and patience to master. I find it mesmerizing just watching a calligrapher's brush glide across the paper, creating beautiful characters. And the vibrant colors and intricate patterns in Chinese embroidery are mindblowing. You can see why people around the world appreciate the artistry behind these ancient art forms.Speaking of art, I can't forget about Chinese opera! With its unique singing styles, elaborate makeup and costumes, and stylized movements, it's like nothing else on earth. I have to admit, I don't fully understand it myself. But I can recognize the incredible talent and dedication required to become an opera performer. It makes sense that people are drawn to such a fascinating and distinctive performance tradition.Those are some of the biggest aspects of Chinese heritage that seem to captivate people internationally. But it's not just the festivals, architecture, arts and food themselves that intrigue. It's their deep historical roots, their representationof philosophies like Taoism and Confucianism, and the way they tie into enduring Chinese values like emphasis on family, education and harmony. These ancient traditions symbolize the profound history and rich culture of the Chinese people that still influences modern Chinese society.While aspects of that heritage and those values resonate globally, they also highlight fundamental differences between Chinese and Western civilizations. That contrast and insight into a vastly different worldview is likely part of what makes Chinese culture so fascinating to outsiders. As our world becomes increasingly interconnected, there's a growing curiosity and appreciation for diverse cultures. And with its 5,000+ years of storied history and unique traditions, China definitely delivers on that diversity!So while I may not grasp all the nuances of Chinese opera or the philosophies behind our ancient arts, I have a deep appreciation for my cultural legacy. And I'm glad people worldwide find it as amazing and captivating as I do. It makes mefeel proud to be part of such a vibrant, enduring heritage. I hope you've learned a bit about why our traditions resonate so powerfully across the globe!。
中考英语创新思维的激发与培养单选题40题1.There are many books on the shelf.Which one do you want to read?A.thisB.thatC.theseD.those答案:A。
this 指代较近的单数事物;that 指代较远的单数事物;these 指代较近的复数事物;those 指代较远的复数事物。
句中问的是书架上众多书中的一本,用this 指代较近的单数书。
2.The park is beautiful.We can see many flowers and trees there.A.lovelyB.uglyC.badD.terrible答案:A。
lovely 可爱的、美丽的;ugly 丑陋的;bad 坏的;terrible 糟糕的。
3.My mother bought some fruits yesterday.There are apples,oranges and bananas.A.vegetablesB.meatC.fruitsD.drinks答案:C。
vegetables 蔬菜;meat 肉;drinks 饮料。
4.The boy is very clever.He can answer all the questions.A.stupidB.cleverzyD.hard-working答案:B。
stupid 愚蠢的;clever 聪明的;lazy 懒惰的;hard-working 勤奋的。
5.The weather is fine today.We can go out and play.A.rainyB.snowyC.cloudyD.fine答案:D。
写一张关于海豹的英语作文五年级My Favorite Animal: The SealHi there! My name is Jamie and I'm going to tell you all about my favorite animal - the seal! Seals are such cool creatures that live half their lives in the water and half on land. I became really interested in seals after going to the aquarium last summer and watching them swim and play. They looked like such fun, gentle animals.Seals are marine mammals that live in oceans and some lakes around the world. There are over 30 different species of seals. The most common types are harbor seals, elephant seals, harp seals, gray seals, and Hawaiian monk seals. Some seals live near the North and South Poles in icy Arctic and Antarctic waters. Others prefer the warmer waters off the coasts of places like California, Australia, and South Africa.What exactly are seals? Well, they are fin-footed animals that are part of the "pinniped" family, along with sea lions and walruses. Pinnipeds means "fin-footed" or "feather-footed." Seals do have feet, but their front flippers look more like feet with claws, while their back flippers are shaped like fins to help them swim really fast through the water.Some cool seal features are their sleek bodies covered in fur to keep them warm, their big eyes to see underwater, and their whiskers that help them detect movements and find food. They also have an amazing ability to hold their breath for a very long time, up to two hours for some species! This lets them dive deep into the ocean to hunt for fish, squid, and other food. When seals come up for air, they expel nearly all the air from their lungs so they are less buoyant and can dive again quickly.The different species of seals range a lot in size. The smallest is the ringed seal, which weighs around 240 pounds. The huge elephant seal can weigh over 8,800 pounds - that's as much as a small truck! Male elephant seals have a long trunk-like nose that makes them look really funny. Another funny looking one is the hooded seal that has a big balloon-like sac of skin on its head that it can inflate. I bet that helps attract mates!Baby seals are called pups and are just about the cutest things ever! They stay with their mothers for several weeks to nurse and grow their fur and layer of blubber to keep them warm in the cold water. I've seen pictures of baby harp seals that are pure white and fluffy. They look like little clouds with black eyes and noses! The pups have to learn to swim and hunt on their own after their mothers leave.Seals can be found on both warm and cold beaches around the world. They love to lay out on the sand and warm up in the sun, a behavior called "hauling out." They also give birth to their pups on beaches. Some species gather in huge colonies called "rookeries" during breeding season. It would be an amazing sight to see thousands of seals crowded together on a beach!My favorite thing about seals is how playful and curious they seem. I've watched videos of them popping their heads up to seemingly watch people on boats. They will toss around objects they find and even make toys out of things by batting them around! Seals have even been known to get up close to swimmers and playfully nibble on their toes or fins. Though I definitely wouldn't try that - their powerful jaws could cause a serious bite if they mistake a hand for food!Unfortunately, some seal populations are threatened or endangered due to hunting, pollution, climate change, and other human impacts. Countries have put laws in place to try to protect seals, but some species like the Hawaiian monk seal remain very endangered with only about 1,400 individuals left. Other species like elephant seals have rebounded from low numbers after hunting was banned.I hope I've taught you some cool facts about these incredible marine animals! Seals are so fascinating to watch and learn about. Their playful yet hardy nature captures my imagination. If I could have one as a pet, I totally would - just maybe not in my bathtub!A big backyard pool would be much better for my seal buddy to swim around in. Seeing seals at the aquarium or zoo always makes me smile. I hope you enjoy watching these hilarious, adorable animals too!。
对态度决定一切的看法英语作文80词全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1You know, the other day my teacher Mrs. Smith told us something really interesting. She said that our attitude is super important and can make a huge difference in how things turn out for us. At first, I was like "huh? What does she mean?" But then she explained it in a way that made total sense!Basically, attitude is all about how you think and feel about things. If you have a positive attitude, you see the bright side and believe that you can do well. But if you have a negative attitude, you'll just focus on the bad stuff and convince yourself that you'll fail before you even try. It's like a self-fulfilling prophecy kind of thing.Mrs. Smith gave us some examples to really drill this idea into our little kid brains. She said imagine two students taking the same math test. Student A has a positive attitude - they studied hard, they feel confident in their skills, and they go into the test thinking "I got this!" Even if they get stuck on a fewproblems, their positive mindset helps them stay calm and figure it out.But Student B has a negative attitude. They're all stressed out before the test even starts. They're telling themselves "Math is so hard, I'm never going to get these problems right." So when they get stuck, instead of trying to work through it, they just shut down and give up. They let their negative attitude become a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure.Crazy, right? Just by adjusting their attitude, those two students could have completely different outcomes on the exact same test! The positive kid will probably do way better just because they believed in themselves.Mrs. Smith says attitude affects way more than just test scores too. It can impact your friendships, your ability to learn new skills, how you handle tough situations - basically your whole life! People with positive attitudes just seem to attract more positivity and success their way.I never really thought about it like that before, but it makes so much sense. Like, my friend Jack is a total Negative Nancy. He's always complaining about how bored he is, how he can't do this or that, how everything is so hard and unfair. And you know what? He does struggle A LOT, even with simple stuff other kidsdon't have an issue with. But now I can see it's because he has such a crummy attitude weighing him down!On the other hand, my pal Jasmine always seems to look on the bright side of things. If she messes up on an assignment, she doesn't get discouraged. She just thinks about how she can improve next time. If things get hard, she doesn't whine and quit. She knuckles down and keeps pushing through. And you know what? She's one of the top students in our class! I bet her positive attitude has a ton to do with her success.So yeah, after that whole lesson, I'm a total believer now. Attitude really does determine everything! It's actually kind of scary how much power our thoughts and feelings have over what happens in our lives. But it's also really cool because it means we have way more control than I ever realized. Just by choosing to look at things positively and believing in ourselves, we can totally change our outcomes for the better.That's why ever since Mrs. Smith's lesson, I've been trying my best to keep a positive mental attitude about everything - school, sports, you name it. If I ever catch myself slipping into negative self-talk, I stop and fix my perspective. It's not always easy, but I'm working on it because I know how important it is. Withpractice, hopefully I can master this whole positive attitude thing!I really want to keep doing well and achieving my goals, but more than that, I want to just be a happier person in general. Negativity seems like such a drag and like it would only make you miserable. Staying positive and looking on the bright side, on the other hand, helps you feel good about yourself and your life no matter what's going on. What's not to love about that?So next time you find yourself with a negative, defeatist attitude about something, shake it off! Don't let that mindset drag you down into a self-fulfilling prophecy of failure and unhappiness. Choose the positive view instead - believe that you can do it, look for the silver lining, and go from there. Your attitude determines everything, so make it a good one! With a positive mental attitude, you've got this!篇2Your Attitude Matters MostHave you ever noticed that some kids are happy all the time while others are grumpy? It's not because their lives are perfect, it's their attitude! Having a good attitude means looking on the bright side and not complaining. With a positive attitude, youcan make the best of any situation. But if you have a bad attitude, you'll just be miserable no matter what. Your attitude is one of the most important things in life because it determines how you see the world around you. Stay positive and good things will follow!篇3Your Attitude Shapes Your LifeDo you know your attitude impacts everything? A good attitude can make any situation better, while a bad one can ruin your day. If you approach things positively, you'll find solutions and have fun. But if you're negative, nothing will seem good enough. Your attitude determines how you see the world and what you get out of life. So smile, be optimistic, and watch how an awesome attitude attracts awesomeness into your life! Your outlook creates your outcomes.篇4Attitude is Everything!Hi friends! Have you ever heard the saying "attitude is everything"? It means that how you think and feel about things is super duper important. Like, way more important than you mightthink! Your attitude can make or break just about anything in life. It's kind of like the secret sauce that makes good things taste amazing.Let me give you some examples of what I mean. Like when you're playing a sport or a game, and you're losing, you could get mad and pout and say "This is dumb, I don't wanna play anymore!" Or you could have a good attitude, and keep trying your best and have fun even if you don't win. Having a good attitude means you'll enjoy yourself way more, and who knows, you might even turn it around and win next time!Or let's say you have a huge test coming up that you're kinda nervous about. You could stress out and get all worried and be like "I'm gonna fail, I'm no good at this subject!" Or you could have a positive attitude, study really hard, and tell yourself "I've got this! If I try my best, I'll do great." Kids with good attitudes almost always do better because they believe in themselves.Chores are another perfect example. We all hate doing chores, am I right? They're so boring! But if you whine and drag your feet, it's gonna take forever and be even more miserable. But if you put on some fun music and have an "I'm gonna knock these out as fast as I can" attitude, they'll be done in no time! And you'll feel so accomplished after.Basically, your attitude is kind of like a pair of glasses that you view the whole world through. If you have a grumpy, negative attitude, everything is gonna look gloomy and hard. But if you go through life with a smiley, positive attitude, everything will seem brighter and more fun! Good attitudes attract good things, while bad attitudes push them away.Having the right attitude takes practice though. Sometimes things happen that make it really hard to stay positive. But the more you work on it, the easier it gets. It's like a muscle you have to exercise. Pretty soon, looking on the bright side will be your default setting!So from now on, I want you to be aware of your attitude, and make an effort to keep it positive as much as possible. When you wake up in the morning, stick a smile on your face and say "This is gonna be an AWESOME day!" When something bad happens, don't get discouraged. Brush it off and look for the bright side as quickly as you can. Sooner or later, your good attitude will become a habit. And let me tell you, life is a million times better when you go through it with a positive, glass-half-full outlook!Just think how much more fun school, playing with friends, trying new things will be when you have a good attitude! No matter what life throws your way, if you keep that attitudeelevated and upbeat, you'll easily sail over any bumps in the road. Good attitudes attract good things like a magnet. They motivate you to work harder, make you more fun to be around, and honestly just make you happier overall.So keep that chin up, put a smile on that face, and attack every day like it's the best day ever! If you can make having an awesome attitude a habit, I'm telling you, it will make your life a million times better. Attitude really is everything if you ask me! Thanks for listening, my friends!篇5Your Attitude Decides It AllWhat's the most important thing in life? Being smart? Rich? Nope, it's your attitude! A good attitude makes everything better. If you think positive, you'll be happy. But if you're negative, nothing will seem good. With a bad attitude, you won't try your best and you'll give up easily. A good attitude keeps you going when things get tough. It helps you make friends and do well in school too! So remember, your attitude decides if you'll be a success or not. Think positive thoughts and you can do anything!篇6Your Attitude Determines Everything!Hi, my name is Jamie and I'm 10 years old. Today, I want to tell you all about how your attitude can make or break your whole life! It's one of the most important things I've learned so far.You might be thinking "But Jamie, I'm just a kid, how much does my attitude really matter?" Well, let me tell you – it matters A LOT! Your attitude affects how you see things, how you feel, and even what kind of person you become.Think about it this way – when you wake up in the morning, you can choose to be grumpy and miserable, or you can choose to be happy and excited for the day ahead. If you start off grumpy, you'll probably stay grumpy all day long. You'll see everything as a problem or annoyance. But if you wake up with a positive, upbeat attitude, you're much more likely to have a great day full of fun and good experiences.It's just like looking through two different kinds of glasses. The grumpy, negative attitude is like looking through a dirty, smudged pair of glasses that makes everything look yucky. But a positive, optimistic attitude is like having on a bright, shiny new pair that makes the whole world seem amazing! Which view would you rather have?I know it's not always easy to keep a good attitude, especially when hard or disappointing things happen. Like when you fail a test, get in an argument with a friend, or your parents make you do chores you don't want to do. In those moments, it can be really tempting to get mad, pout, and just feel sorry for yourself.But you know what? Giving in to that negative attitude won't actually make the situation any better. In fact, it will just make you more miserable! The kids who can bounce back quickly and keep an optimistic outlook are the ones who end up happiest in the long run.Let me give you an example from my own life. Last year, I really, really wanted to make the travel soccer team. I practiced like crazy, went to all the tryouts...and didn't make the cut. I was absolutely crushed and threw a huge tantrum when I found out. I cried, yelled that it was so unfair, and refused to practice soccer for weeks because I was in such a terrible mood about it.Well, you can probably guess how that bad attitude worked out for me - it just made me feel even worse instead of better! After sulking for a while, my dad finally sat me down and said "Jamie, feeling disappointed is okay. But if you stay stuck in thisnegative mindset, you'll never improve and make the team next year. Your attitude is the only thing holding you back now."That's when it finally clicked for me. I realized that by choosing to look at the situation positively instead of negatively, I could use it as motivation to work harder instead of just giving up. So I started practicing again with a fresh attitude, worked my butt off, and ended up making the team the next season! If I had just resigned myself to negativity, I never would have achieved my goal.From that experience, I learned how powerful our attitudes can be. When you approach things with a crummy outlook, you'll probably get crummy results. But if you can find a way to stay positive and optimistic, you're much more likely to feel happy and be successful.Does that mean forcing yourself to be fake-happy and pretending nothing is ever wrong? Of course not! We all have bad days, disappointments, or struggles sometimes. The key is how you choose to deal with those tough situations. You can wallow in negativity and self-pity, or you can pick yourself up, adjust your attitude, and focus on the positive.I'm not saying it's easy - in fact, it can be really hard! Battling your own negative thinking takes constant work. But from whatI've seen so far, having an upbeat, glass-half-full mindset is one of the biggest keys to a happy life. Your attitude affects every single part of your existence – your relationships, your confidence, your achievements, your whole outlook on the world.So whenever you're feeling down, frustrated, or ready to give up, remember that YOU get to choose your attitude. Don't let a bad mood drag you down! Find a way to flip the script, look on the bright side, and stay positive and optimistic. I really believe that approach can help overcome even the toughest challenges life throws your way.I know I'm still just a kid with a lot to learn. But I've already seen firsthand how impactful your attitude can be. If you can master that optimistic mindset, I truly believe it will determine pretty much everything when it comes to living a happy, successful life. What do you think – are you ready to start working on your attitude today?。
关于心灵美比外在美更重要的英语作文全文共10篇示例,供读者参考篇1Beauty is not just about how we look on the outside. It's also about how we feel on the inside. Some people may think that being beautiful means having perfect hair, clothes, and makeup. But I believe that true beauty comes from within.When we are kind, caring, and compassionate, it shows on the outside too. Our smile is brighter, our eyes sparkle, and our whole demeanor radiates positivity. People are drawn to us not because of how we look, but because of how we make them feel.Outer beauty may fade with time, but inner beauty lasts forever. When we are confident in who we are, when we show love and empathy towards others, we become more beautiful with each passing day. Our actions and words have the power to touch the hearts of those around us, and that is the true essence of beauty.Don't get me wrong, taking care of our appearance is important too. But it should not be the only focus. We should also take time to nurture our hearts and souls, to cultivatequalities like kindness, courage, and resilience. These are the things that make us truly beautiful, inside and out.So let's remember that beauty is not just skin deep. It comes from within, from the goodness and light that we carry in our hearts. Let's strive to be the kind of people who make the world a more beautiful place, one smile, one act of kindness at a time. That is the beauty that truly matters.篇2Title: The Importance of Inner BeautyHey guys, have you ever thought about what makes a person truly beautiful? Is it their appearance or their personality? Well, I believe that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. Let me tell you why.First of all, outer beauty fades away with time. You see, beauty is not forever. As we grow older, our looks change and we may not be as attractive as we once were. But our inner beauty, our kindness, our compassion, our generosity, those things never fade away. They are what truly make us beautiful on the inside.Secondly, inner beauty is what really matters in our relationships with others. Sure, it's nice to have a good-lookingfriend or partner, but what really makes them special is their character. If they are kind, caring, and supportive, that's what makes them truly beautiful. People are drawn to those who have a good heart, not just a pretty face.Lastly, inner beauty is what gives us strength and resilience. When we face challenges and obstacles in life, it's our inner beauty that helps us stay positive and keep moving forward. If we are kind and positive inside, we can overcome any difficulties that come our way.So, remember, it's great to take care of our appearance, but what really matters is the beauty that comes from within. Let's focus on being kind, compassionate, and positive, and that's what will truly make us beautiful inside and out.篇3Hey guys, do you know what’s more important than looking pretty on the outside? That’s right, having a beautiful soul on the inside! In today’s world, many people focus too much on how they look on the outside, but forget that it’s what’s on the inside that really counts.I think having a kind and caring heart is way more important than having perfect hair or clothes. When you have a beautifulsoul, you treat others with respect and kindness. You help your f riends when they’re feeling down, and you always have a smile on your face. That’s the real beauty that shines from within.You see, when you have a beautiful soul, people are drawn to you because of the positive energy you radiate. They want to be around you because they know you will make them feel good about themselves. And that’s way better than just looking good in a pretty dress or new shoes.So, let’s all remember that true beauty comes from the inside. Let’s be kind to others, show compassio n, and spread love wherever we go. That’s what makes us truly beautiful, don’t you think? Let’s show the world that it’s what’s inside that really matters.篇4Title: Inner Beauty is More Important Than Outer BeautyHey guys!Today we are going to talk about something really important - beauty. But not just any beauty, we are going to talk about inner beauty and why it's more important than outer beauty.You know, when we see someone who looks really pretty on the outside, with nice clothes and fancy hair, we might think they are really cool. But what about their heart? Are they kind, caring, and friendly? That's what inner beauty is all about.Inner beauty is like a superpower. It makes us feel good inside and helps us see the good in others too. When we are kind to others, we make the world a better place and spread happiness wherever we go. That's way cooler than just looking good on the outside, don't you think?Think about your friends and family. What makes them special to you? Is it because they look pretty or handsome, or is it because they are always there for you, making you laugh and feel happy? I bet it's because they have a beautiful heart.So let's remember to be kind, caring, and friendly to everyone we meet. Let's show the world our inner beauty and make it a more beautiful place to live in. Because in the end, it's what's inside that truly matters.Stay beautiful on the inside, guys! Bye!篇5In English, please!Oh! Hi there! I want to tell you about something super important - the beauty of our hearts! It's way more important than how we look on the outside. You see, when we have a beautiful heart, it means we are kind, caring, and loving towards others. And that's what really matters in life!Sure, looking pretty or handsome on the outside is nice and all, but that's just skin-deep. What truly makes someone special is what's inside their heart. When we have a beautiful heart, we are able to connect with others on a deeper level. We can make others feel loved and valued, and that's a superpower!When we focus on developing our inner beauty, it also helps us to become more confident and compassionate individuals. We learn to see the good in others and treat them with respect and kindness. And that's what makes the world a better place - when we all have beautiful hearts.So, let's remember that it's not about how we look on the outside, but how we treat others and how we make them feel. Let's work on growing our inner beauty and shining bright with love and kindness. Because that's what really matters in the end. Let's all be beautiful hearts! ❤️Okay, that's it for my little speech. Thanks for reading! See you next time! Bye!篇6Hey guys, today let's talk about why inner beauty is more important than outer beauty. Some people think that beauty is all about how you look on the outside, like having a pretty face or nice clothes. But actually, beauty comes from within.First of all, inner beauty is what makes you a good person. It's about being kind, caring, and having a good heart. When you treat others with love and respect, that's what really makes you beautiful. Outer beauty might fade away over time, but inner beauty will last forever.Secondly, when you have inner beauty, you shine from the inside out. People are drawn to those who have a positive attitude and a joyful spirit. Your inner beauty can light up a room and make everyone around you feel happy and inspired.Lastly, inner beauty is what truly defines who you are as a person. It's about your character, your values, and how you treat others. When you focus on developing your inner beauty, you become a better person and make the world a better place.So remember, it's not about how you look on the outside, but how you feel on the inside. Let your inner beauty shine brightand show the world the true beauty that lies within you. Thanks for listening, guys!篇7Title: Inner Beauty is More Important than Outer BeautyHey guys, have you ever thought about what really matters in life? Is it how we look on the outside or how we are on the inside? Well, I believe that inner beauty is way more important than outer beauty.First of all, inner beauty is all about kindness, love, and compassion. It’s about how we treat others and how we make them feel. It’s about being a good friend, a good listener, and a good person overall. Outer beauty, on the other hand, is just about how we look on the outside. It’s about our appe arance, our clothes, and our makeup. But let’s be honest, looks can fade, but a kind heart will always shine bright.Secondly, inner beauty is what truly makes us unique and special. It’s what sets us apart from everyone else. Think about it, anyone can have pretty hair or nice clothes, but not everyone can have a beautiful soul. When we focus on developing our inner beauty, we become more confident, more loving, and moreauthentic. Outer beauty might attract attention, but inner beauty will capture hearts.Finally, inner beauty is what truly lasts a lifetime. As we grow older, our looks will change, but our inner beauty will remain constant. It will keep us strong during tough times, and it will bring us joy during happy times. When we nurture our inner beauty, we create a lasting impact on the world around us.In conclusion, let’s remember that inner beauty is what truly matters in life. So let’s be kind, let’s be loving, and let’s embrace our inner beauty with pride. After all, true beauty comes from within. Let’s shine bright from the inside out!篇8Emmm... Once upon a time, there were two girls named Lily and Lucy. Lily was very beautiful with long hair and shiny eyes, while Lucy was just an ordinary girl with a kind heart.One day, the school held a beauty contest, and both Lily and Lucy decided to join. Lily spent all her time doing makeup and choosing the perfect outfit, while Lucy spent her time helping others and spreading kindness.When the contest day arrived, Lily looked stunning on the stage, and everyone was amazed by her beauty. But when it was Lucy's turn to go on stage, she shared her story of helping others and spreading kindness. Everyone in the audience was touched by her words and her beautiful heart.In the end, Lucy won the contest not because of her outer beauty, but because of her inner beauty. From that day on, everyone realized that inner beauty is more important than outer beauty.So remember, my friends, it's not about how you look on the outside, but about how beautiful your heart is on the inside. Let's all spread kindness and love, and make this world a better place!The end. Thank you for listening!篇9In this essay, I want to talk about why having a beautiful heart is more important than having a beautiful appearance. I think it is super important to be nice and kind to others, because that's what truly matters.First of all, when you have a beautiful heart, you treat everyone with kindness and respect. You are friendly and helpfulto others, and you make people feel happy and loved. When you have a beautiful heart, people will want to be around you because you make them feel good about themselves.Secondly, having a beautiful heart means that you have empathy and compassion for others. You care about how others feel and you are willing to help them in any way you can. This is so important because it shows that you are a good person who values the well-being of others.Lastly, having a beautiful heart is what truly makes you beautiful on the inside. When you are kind, caring, and compassionate, you radiate positivity and warmth that others can see and feel. This inner beauty shines through and makes you truly special and unique.In conclusion, having a beautiful heart is more important than having a beautiful appearance because it is what truly defines who you are as a person. So let's all strive to be kind, caring, and compassionate, and let our inner beauty shine bright for all to see.篇10Hey guys,Today I want to talk about something really important - inner beauty vs. outer beauty.You know, a lot of people think that being pretty or handsome on the outside is the most important thing. But I believe that what's on the inside is what really counts.Sure, having nice hair or a cool outfit is nice, but it's not going to make you a good person. Being kind, caring, and honest - that's what makes someone truly beautiful.You see, outer beauty fades over time. But inner beauty lasts forever. People will remember you for how you treat others, not for how you look.So let's focus on being beautiful on the inside. Let's be kind to our friends, help others in need, and always be true to ourselves. That's what really matters in life.Remember, it's what's in your heart that truly makes you beautiful.Thanks for listening, guys.See you next time.。
四年级下册第二单元650字的满分英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Awesome Summer VacationSummer vacation is the best time of year for a kid! No school, no homework, just fun in the sun for two whole months. This summer was one of the most amazing ever. I had so many incredible adventures and made tons of wonderful memories. Let me tell you all about it!The summer kicked off with a bang when my cousins from California came to visit for two weeks. My cousin Jack is 10 and his little sister Emma is 7. We hadn't seen them in over a year, so we were super excited when they arrived. The first few days we just hung out at my house, playing video games, watching movies, and catching up. Then the real fun began!My parents decided to take us all to Splashtown Waterpark for a day. It's this huge waterpark with awesome waterslides, a lazy river, and a gigantic wave pool. We went on every single slide, even the really scary ones that looked like vertical roller coasters! The lines were pretty long but it was worth the wait. Myfavorite was the "Tornado Twist" where you spin around and around before shooting out into the pool at the end. We played goofy games in the wave pool too, trying to see who could bodysurf the biggest waves without falling over. Somehow, little Emma was the champion at that!After the waterpark, we went camping for three nights at Lake Somerville. My dad set up our big tent by the lake while my cousins and I explored the woods around our campsite, turning over rocks and logs to look for cool bugs and critters. At night, we roasted marshmallows and my uncle told us scary stories around the campfire that made me jump every time I heard a twig snap in the darkness! One morning, we rented a little motor boat and went fishing. Jack caught two bluegill sunfish but that's it. Still, we had a blast bobbing around on the water.When my cousins had to head back home, I was really sad. But my summer of fun had only just begun! A week later, my family went on a road trip to Colorado. We drove for what felt like forever, seeing flat fields of cows and windmills out the window for hours and hours. But when we finally arrived at Rocky Mountain National Park, it was so篇2My Favorite Sport - SoccerHey there! Today I want to tell you all about my favorite sport - soccer! I just love everything about this amazing game. From the bright green fields to the cool uniforms to the crazy celebrations when someone scores a goal, soccer is the best in my book.I started playing soccer when I was just 5 years old. My parents signed me up for a local recreational league and at first, I wasn't super into it. I was pretty clumsy back then and had a hard time kicking the ball very far. But my coaches were really nice and helped me get better little by little. Before long, I couldn't get enough of soccer!These days, I play on a competitive travel team. That means we have practices a few times a week and games almost every weekend against teams from all over. The practices can be tough - we do a lot of running drills and skill work. But it's so worth it when we get to take the field on game day. There's nothing quite like pulling on your jersey and cleats and heading out to battle against the opposing team.I play midfield, which means I get to be involved in pretty much every play, both on offense and defense. When we're on offense, I love passing the ball back and forth, working it up thefield towards the goal. Then, if I get a good look, taking a shot and trying to rifle it past the keeper into the back of the net. There are few feelings as satisfying as scoring a goal, let me tell you!Defense is really important too though. You've got to stay focused and mark your player, making sure they don't get any easy chances on our goal. It takes a lot of hustling up and down the field, but getting a great slide tackle in or blocking a shot feels almost as good as scoring sometimes.Of course, you can't have soccer without teammates. That's one of the best parts of the sport in my opinion - you win and lose as a team. You've got to communicate constantly, calling for the ball or letting your teammates know where you are on the field. And you have to trust that they'll make the smart play and be there to back you up.We've got a pretty great squad with lots of skilled players. There's Miguel, our lightning quick striker who can burn past any defender. Anna is an absolute brick wall in goal - good luck getting anything past her! Then there's Jake, who can send these crazy bending shots toward the net from just about anywhere on the field. I'm definitely lucky to play alongside them.I have to admit, the traveling can be tough sometimes.We've had games over an hour's drive away before, which means lots of time sitting on the bus or in the car. And some of the other teams we play can be pretty competitive - there's no shortage of trash talking, that's for sure! But it's all worth it for the chance to play this game I love so much.Win or lose though, after every game we all go out for pizza or ice cream together. We rehash the game's best plays, joke around, and just enjoy being teammates. Those bonding experiences with my soccer friends are another huge reason why I love this sport so much. They're like a second family to me at this point.When I'm not playing soccer myself, you can bet I'm watching it on TV. The World Cup is always absolutely massive in our house - we make sure to catch every single game, no matter how early in the morning or late at night it's on. Seeing the world's best players going at it on the biggest stage is just endlessly entertaining. Their skill level is out of this world! I spend hours afterwards attempting to copy the coolest moves and tricks.I could go on and on about soccer, but I suppose I should wrap this up at some point! Let me just say one last time - socceris simply the greatest game on Earth as far as I'm concerned. The athleticism, the tactics, the teamwork, the celebrations; it's got it all. The day I stop playing is the day I'll truly be sad. But for now, I'm just Going to keep on kicking that ball for as long as I possibly can. Maybe I'll even make it pro someday! A kid can dream, right? Okay, that's all from me...GOOOAAAALLLL!篇3My Favorite Unit in English ClassThis semester in English class, we have been learning a lot of really cool and interesting things! My favorite unit so far has definitely been Unit 2 in our textbooks. This unit was all about animals and nature, which are two of my favorite topics. I just love learning about the amazing creatures that live all around us.In this unit, we started by learning about different habitats where animals live, like forests, oceans, deserts, and more. I found it fascinating to learn about how animals have special features that help them survive in their particular environments. Like camels have big humps filled with fat that allow them to go a long time without eating or drinking when traveling across hot, dry deserts. How cool is that?We read a really neat story about a family of black bears who lived in the forest near a small town. The story described their daily activities like foraging for food, building their den to hibernate for the winter, and teaching their cubs all the important bear skills they needed to survive in the wild. My favorite part was when the mama bear had to scare away a hiker who got too close to her cubs. The hiker learned his lesson about keeping a safe distance from wild bears after that encounter!Our teacher also had us watch some video clips from nature documentaries about life in the oceans. I was completely amazed by all the bizarre looking sea creatures we saw, like the anglerfish with the glowing lure sticking out of its head to attract prey. My friend Jordan thought the goblin shark with its protruding jaws was the strangest looking one. We learned that nearly two-thirds of the ocean hasn't even been explored by humans yet, so who knows what other crazy sea monsters are lurking down there!For one of our assignments, we had to research an endangered animal species and create a poster about why it's important to protect that animal's habitat. I chose the green sea turtle because I went snorkeling in Hawaii once and got to swim alongside some in the beautiful blue Pacific Ocean. It was an incredible experience I'll never forget. On my poster, I explainedthat major threats to green sea turtles include hunting, getting caught in fishing nets, pollution, and the loss of their nesting beach habitats due to coastal development. I urged people to reduce plastic waste, respect wildlife refuges, and support conservation efforts. My poster looked really good and I got an A+ on the assignment!Towards the end of the unit, we talked about how climate change caused by human activities like burning fossil fuels is making temperatures rise across the planet. This rising heat is melting glaciers and polar ice caps, causing sea levels to increase and forcing some animal populations to migrate away from their traditional habitats to find suitable places to live and breed. Our teacher said that if climate change isn't slowed down, up to one million plant and animal species face the risk of going extinct in the coming decades due to the rapid destruction of their ecosystems. That's just terrible and it made me feel really worried for the future of life on Earth.Overall, I absolutely loved Unit 2 because it combined my favorite subjects of science and nature. I feel like I learned so much about the incredible diversity of life on our planet and how delicately balanced all the different habitats and ecosystems are. From this unit, I've gained a much deeper appreciation for allanimals, great and small, and I want to do whatever I can to help protect them and preserve their homes in the forests, oceans, deserts, and everywhere else they live. Who knows, maybe I'll even become an animal conservationist or ecologist when I grow up! For now though, I'm just really glad my teacher picked such a fun and educational topic for us to study this semester.。
期中复习(词组,句子,语法,作文归纳)Unit 1 Topic1 Our country has developed rapidly.一·词组。
1.place发生,进行2.① in touch with…跟…保持联系① in touch with…与…取得联系3.and openingup改革开放4.make 取得进展5.in doing sth.成功地做某事6.take 照相7.…from…向学习……8.on举办,上演,展出9.than超过,多于10.see sth. 亲眼目睹某物11.have the to do sth.有机会做某事12.far 遥远的13.a/an…part起……作用,有……影响14.in one's time在某人空闲时间15.be to do sth.高兴做某事16.have a good summer 过一个快乐的暑假17. a of old people一群老人18.be into sp.挤在一个地方19. a good education接受好的教育20.not … but 不仅…而且21.people's needs满足人们的需求22.enjoy good care享受好的医疗照顾23.① the past记住过去24.① in the present立足现在25.① about the future展望未来26. a tour abroad出国旅游27.to do sth.过去常做某事28.be/get to doing sth.习惯做某事29.have no to do sth.没有时间做某事30.in the 在二十世纪六十年代31.in a time在短时间内二.句子1.Where have you ? 你已经去过哪了?I have to Mount Huang my parents.我和我的父母去了黄山。
2.It’s a place. But there were many people that I could not find a good place to take photos.它是一个美丽的地方。
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Isn't it interesting how most people seem to live in a continuous circle of the same events . They continue to attract the same kind of people... the same kind of problems... the same kind of feelings... the same kind of emotions... Most often... they don't like any of these things.大多数人的生活似乎都在漫无止境的重复,他们吸引相同的人,相同的问题,相同的感情和情绪。
Some people though... seem to understand how to attract better. Better emotions... better people... better circumstances... If you want to attract better into your life, if you want to focus your intention... and get clearer on what you want... LIVE, FEEL and MASTER these 5 things and you soon might attract better in your life....另外一些人,似乎懂得怎么去吸引更好的东西,更好的情绪,更好的人,更好的环境。
Number 1. You Have To BelieveNumber 2. You Have To VisualizeNumber 3. You Have To Dream boardNumber 4. You Have To FOCUS on Feeling good and acting as if you already have it. Number 5. You have to do the work!1. 你要学会相信2. 你要去想象3. 你要有一块梦想板4. 你要专注于变快乐,并表现得像你已经很快乐一样5. 你要行动起来Let's dive in:让我们深入了解一下:Number 1. Believe.You have to BELIEVE it before you can SEE IT. It's not the other way around. Most people think that they will believe it WHEN they see it... but you have to believe what you want CAN be yours... otherwise it never will be. Your brain will protect you from having anything you don't believe you deserve... anything you don't believe is possible. You must develop the belief... the KNOWING that you deserve whatever you feel in your heart can be yours. You must believe you are capable. You must believe you are worthy... that you can learn how... that you can do it...1. 相信你要在你看见事物的存在之前就相信它的存在。
How do you develop that belief? DAILY WORK. Surrounding yourself with positive people... people with similar beliefs. Feeding your brain and soul with the right messages. If the right messages aren't coming from anyone close to you... find them in books... in audios and videos. Listen to those who LIVE what you want to LIVE and soon you will be.如何培养信任的能力?改变自己的日常。
Number 2. VisualizeYou must see it in your mind... before you can hold it in your hand... Spend a few minutes each day with your eyes closed... visualising and FEELING exactly what you want in your life. See it clearly. Everything you want. Picture yourself, as if from a birds-eye view... see how you will be feeling... the happiness... the ease... the peace and joy. See the friends... see your happy family. See the love... Visualize the things you want... visualise all those you can help through your abundant life. See it all... notice how good it feels - and know that it is on its way.2. 想象在你得到一件东西之前,你就必须在你脑海里想象它。
Number 3. DreamboardThis process is helpful for many people, and works in with your visualisation exercises. Print and cut out everything you MUST HAVE in your life and add it to your dream board... your DREAM LIFE that will be in existence soon. Write down the feelings you want to experience... images of the body you want... the house, car... the happiness... everything. Review it each day.3. 梦想板这个过程很有用,要和你的想象练习搭配起来。
Number 4. Feel good! Act as if you already have it.This is THE MOST IMPORTANT step of all. Know this very important fact: Everything you want in life, no matter what you say it is... you want it because you believe at some level you will FEEL BETTER in having it. So, really... THE MOST IMPORTANT thing you could ever do is get yourself in a state of feeling good. To learn how you can FEEL GOOD no matter what.4. 变得快乐,并表现得像你已经很快乐一样这是最重要的一步。
The second benefit of FEELING GOOD is this: When you FEEL BETTER, you attract BETTER. Do whatever you need to do to feel good, and make sure you START your day like that. Whatever it is for you: Gratitude... Meditation... something silly... learn what works for you... whatever gets you feeling amazing... feeling like this day ahead is going to be a miracle... Get in that powerful state... and watch the blessings that get drawn to you like a magnet.快乐的第二个好处是:你在快乐的时候,你会吸引更好的东西。