unit 2 key to exercises



Key to Exercises
Key to Exercises 001
I. 1. 毛利人,毛利人的 2. 库克海峡 3. 绿党 4. 《21 世纪议程》 5. 沉浸式强化学习(外语)
1. T
2. F
3. F
4. F
5. T
6. F
7. T
8. F
III. 1. Southwest Pacific; Australia 2. Байду номын сангаасothern; July 3. English, Maori 4. isolation 5. Waitangi Tribunal 6. East Polynesia 7. nuclear-free 8. South Pacific; European
I. 1. 中世纪 2. 清教徒 3. 五月花号 4. (白人)契约奴 5. 贵格会,教友派 6. 波士顿倾茶党
1. T
2. T
3. F
6. F
7. T
8. F
III. 1. Letters from An American Farmer 2. Asia, Europe, Africa 3. the Incas, the Mayas 4. 1492 5. John Cabot 6. Martin Luther, John Calvin 7. Virginia 8. tobacco 9. Maryland, Catholic 10. The American Revolution
2. T
3. F
4. F
5. F
6. T
7. F
8. F
III. 1. melting pot; salad bowl 2. New York; Wall 3. Mississippi; Missouri 4. antebellum; agricultural 5. breadbasket; salad bowl 6. colonists; Northern Europeans; Southern Europeans 7. Ireland; Potato Famine 8. literacy 9. Protestant; Catholic 10. John F. Kennedy



Key toexercisesUnit1Preview1.Listentothe recording of the text and then fill in the blanks in the following sentences.1.. aim/purpose; training;practical/professional skills; technical training;universities2..graduateschool;Shakespeare’s p lays; be apharmacist3. makingaliving;keephimself;hisfamily;expose;ideas4.waking;average;aliving;allabout5. in dang er; m echanized savages; push-buttonNeanderthals6. have left us; peculiar accom plishments;species7.. center;storehouse8.. sarcastic;humorous2.R ead the text for better comprehension a nd a nswerthequestions,paying special a ttention to the par ts in boldtype.1)It m e a ns a nnoyi n g experiences, t ou g h pro blems or failures.2)The y must have finishe d their graduat e s t udie s w i th a n advanc e d d e gr e eli keaPhD.3)Itsimplymeans?one of thestudents?.Theword?body?here meansthewholegroupofstudents.Becausethestudentisthinandtall.Itismeanttobe humorous rather thaninsulting.4)He t ea ches Englishliterature.5)Byus i ngt helike t h e c our s word?s t u f f?,h eshowshisdislikefor t he c ou r se ve r y clea r ly.Hedoesn’tebe c ausehethinksitis us e l ess forhisplanned career.6)Wecanassumethathedoesnotthinkitnecessarytowastemoneyonthe books since heintends to drop thecourse.7)The latter. It is a humorous way of referring to a certain type of people.8)He is talking about the Pharmacy School. He is being sarcasticwhenhecallsit?a DrugstoreMechanicsSchool?Itmeans?技工?.9)He is talking about the diploma for university orcollegegraduates.He has in mind people like what the student wants tobe:pharmacists.10)Itmeans?havingbeenintroduced to theideasdevelopedorproduced throughouthistory.11)It refers to his effort to convince thestudent.12)?Hold?hereisanintransitiveverbmeaning?remaintrue?.Itisoftenuseda sase t phrase?hol dtrue?.13)Itmeans?thingsofthesamekind?.诸如此类14)We call it the fut ure c on tinuou s t e ns e. It i s used for ongoin g future ac t ions.15)He is saying here that you will make sure that the medicineyou make will not be mixed with poison if you are trained as a pharmacist;thatthehousesyoubuildwillsuccessfullykeepoutbullsifyourchosenjobise ngineering;and t h at yo ur client w i l l not be sentenc ed to d eat h b e cause you a re inc om petent if you want to b e al a wyer.16)T he s e are a ll us eful things to d o… a nd raises/bri n g s up your c hildren.17)InformalEnglish,?may?is usedtoexpress ahopeorwish.Moreexamples:Mayourcountrybeprosperousandourpeoplehappy.May peacefina l lypr e vail.Note: suf fi ce (be s uff i cient) It is formal for hu m orouseffect.18)民主的思想家. Will you be heading a family that is familiar withthegreatdemocratic ideas in past history?19)He meansthetallstudent.?Pest?is oftenused to refer to anannoying person especially achild.20)No. H e means that he i s a i ming to m ak e m oney. T hat i s hispurpos e forcoming toschool.21)…you’regoi n gto ha vetroublefi n dingsometh i ngt od owhen you arenot spending money.22)…thenyoushouldn’tgotocollege.Youhavenoreasontogotocollege.23)Heissayingherethatyoungpeoplemaybecomesavagesliketheancientpe opl ew ho lived 35,000 t o 130,000 yea rs a go although t h ey c annowpushbut t onsa ndu semachi n e s,hence, a ?n ew s p ec i es?.24)Ourcoll e g e sareboundtoprod uc eso m estude nt softhi s ki nd.H e i sver ysarcasticabout these people and thinks that they are not truly educatedandcivilizedastheyshouldbetoday.Thereforeheusestheexpression:?such li feforms?. Note alsothattheword?graduate?is usedas a transitiveverbhere.25)We are talking about how ideas or concepts are developedandhowimportant they are in the evolution of the human species. Animalsliveby instinct. Only human beings are able to formulate ideas such aslove,freedom,democracy,andequality.Theseideasmakeusdifferentfromotherani mals. And we get these ideas from people in the past. That is why readingissoimportant.Manyscholarsmaintainthatwithoutreadingwe do n’tknowhow tothink.Thereare,however,peoplewhoemphasizetheimportanceofdirect experienceSometimestheyevengoas far as to maintain .Theysaythat‘Doing isalsolearning’.that reading may prevent us from creativethinking.26)The fact that we have the faculty means that…Vocabulary1.D o t he f ollowing exercises on wor d f or mation rules.1)Thefollowingwordsareadjectivesendingwiththesuffixes?-ent?a nd?-a nt,?andtheircorrespondingnounsusuallyendingwith?-ence?a nd?-a nce.?Decide which of the following should be the for mer, and which the latter.1.di f fe r ent2.i nd ependent3.extrava g a n tpetent5.arrogant6.important7.c o nfi de nt8.fra g ra n t9.signifi c ant10.convenient 11.e vident12.i nt e ll i g ent13.re levant14.present15.urgent16.violent17.c ur re n t18.fr e qu en t19.di stantNote: The following words are nouns, not adjectives: accountant;assistant;defendant; dependant;attendant2)Guess the cor r esponding nouns of the following, paying special a ttention totheirpronuncia t ion.1.qua l ifi c ati o n c l arifi c at i onunification notificationclassification identificationintensification justificationsimplif i cation c ert ifi c at i onglori f ication speci fi cat i on2.m o derniz a ti onmechani z ationrealization civilizationglobalization specializationAmericanization industrializationurbanization idealizationcentralization marketizationnationalization privatization3.permission discussionadmission professioncommission confessionremission impressionemission oppressionsubmission compressiontransmission expressionom i s s i on depre s sion3)Giveder i vative s of th e f oll o wi n gwords.1.se ns e: sensitive; s en sible; s en se l ess; sens i bility; ove rs ensitive; ins e ns i tive2.technique: technical; technically;technician;3.special: specially; specialty;specialize4.intellect: intellectual; intelligent;intelligence5.civil: c i vi l ize; c i vi l ization; ci v i l ized;u nc iviliz e d4)T r ans l ate the following i nt o C hi n e s e.1.Many people agree that the increased enrollment is a bigaccomplishment.2.The lack of availability of certified accountants who can meetsuchhighqualifications is still a bigproblem.3.Early specialization is not wise. Students should have a wide exposure toworldculturebe f ore t h eyspeci a lize.4.Strong as we might be some day we must never become a r rogant. We shouldcontinuetopur sue the policy of peaceful co-existence amongnations.powerrestsessentiallywithitsadvanced civilization.5.Itis a penetr a tingthoughtthat a nation’s6.Ourmemoryofpastdisastrousexperiencesisanextremelyimportantspiritualresource.2.Tr anslate the following v er b+noun c oll oc at i ons intoEn g li s h.1)f oldone’sarms2)fold theletter3)acquireknowledge4)generateideas5)g en e ratejobs6)gen e r ate p ow er7)g en e r at e i nte r e s t8)employworkers9)use/employtime10)rear/raiseone’schildren11)rearsheep12)raiseone’sfamily13)raiseone’svoice14)raisetax15)raise thequestion16)maintaincontact17)maintain law andorder18)maintainpeace3.Give the synonyms and antonyms of thefollowing.Synonyms1.re a sona bl y/r athe r/quite2.c l earl y/evi d ently3.tokeep4.toraise5.togain/obtain6.t opr oduce7.t opr ove8.de pa rtment(univers i ty)9.humanity10.drugstore /chemist (英)11.type/example/model/case Antonyms1.una v aila bl e2.m ode s t ly3.general4.unqualified5.uncivilized/savage6.t ounfol d7.unemployed8.incompetence9.insensitive 12.t oent e r/join13.how eve r/but14.sharp/thoughtful15.thinker/intellectual16.toshake/tremble/shiver17.una voidably/ce rt ainly/18.t o s uppos e/presume/thi nk/guess19.t ohel p/ass i st20.strange/odd/unusual/queer21.achievement/success/victory22.specialskillplete the sentences with the expressions listedbelow.1)to see to it; exposedto2)out for; succeedin3)a v e ra gesout4)specializein5)stuckfor6)presideover7)stuck for; see to itthat8)t r ue of9)out to; see to itthat10)have nobusiness5.Fill in the blanks with the r ight wor d or expression in the bracket.1)in making; tofind2)see3)out; of; of;for4)to5)by;for6)Poor as he w a s;put7)for8)in9)believed in;forcing10)physicist;sensitive6.Tr anslate the following sentences intoEnglish.1)It is wrong to raise our children the way we grow flowers in the greenhouse.Wemust exposethemtoallsocialproblemsbecauseverysoontheywillbedealingwiththemasresponsible citizens.2)As time goes on we a re inevit a bly g oing t o get more a nd m o re invol v edininte rna ti on alaffairs. And conflicts are sure to occur because there always exist different viewsandinterests betweennations.3)We are proud of our accomplishments, and we have reason to be. But we mustneverbecomearrogant. Otherwise we will lose ourfriends.4)Information is now easily available. An average computer can store the informationofasmalllibrary5)Thatconstructioncompanyisnotqualifiedtohandletheproject. Theydonothaveany legal documentto certify that they have the necessary expertise. We must find acompany that specializes in buildingtheatres.6)These think tanks do not make decisions. They are out to generate new ideasandpenetratinganalyses that will be extremely useful for decisionmakers.7)The growthofGDPisnoteverything.Ourcountrycannotbesaidtohavebeen modernizedunlessthequalityofour people’slivesisreallyimprove d.8)Poor as we were in many ways at that time, we were still quite happy as children,fortherewas clean air, clean water, a lot of fish, crabs and eels in the rivers, lakes, andponds; and alot of flowers, trees and birds in thefields.9)Giveabsolutepowertosomeindividualoranyparticulargroupofpeople,andthatperson orgrouparesure to abusethatpowerbecause,justasLordActonsays,?P o w ercorrupts,and abs olute pow erc orr u pt s absol u tely.?10)Traditionallyinourcountryschooleducationwasalwayssaidtobemore importantand usefulcompared with all otherpursuits.Gr ammar1.. Point out how future time is expressed and what concept each futureexpression conveys.Itisfarmorecomplicatedtotalkaboutthefuturethantotalkaboutthepresentandpast.Generally,future time is expressed in these ways.Future a tPresenta)) ?will?asin3):usedtosaysomethingisexpectedtohappen?w illbe doing?as in4):usedtosaythatyouaresurethatsomethingwillhappen becausearrangements have been madeb)?begoingto?:used2),5)tosaythatsomethingwillhappenquitesoonortotalkaboutsb’sintentionsorwhattheyhavedecidedtodoc)?the present progressive?as in10):used to talkaboutsomethingthatwillhappen be c aus eyou have p lann e d or arra n g e ditd)?the s impl e present?asin9):us e d to saythat s om et hi ngwil l de f initely happ en ata particulartime, especially because it has been officiallyarrangedFuture in thePasta)) ?would?asin7):usedtosaywhatyouintendedtodoorexpectedtohappenb)?was/weregoingto?asin1):usedtosaythatsomethingwasexpectedtohappenc)?w a s/were t o do?a s i n6),8):used to t alk a bout so m ething t hat w ouldha ppe nbecause it hadbeen planned orarranged.2.. Learntouse emphasizingcoordinatingconjunctions.1.Point out the gr a mmatical for m each pair of theconjunctionsconnects.Emphasizing coordinating conjunctions connect parts of thesentence that have thesame grammatical form.1)twonouns2)twoadjectives3)two prepositionalphrases4)two infinitivephrases5)two nounphrases6)two nounphrases7)two prepositionalphrases8)two prepositionalphrasesbine each pair of the sentences using the r ight emphasizing coordinatingconjunctions.1)) Theprovinceisstrongbothinindustryandinagriculture./Theprovinceisnot only strong inindustry, but a lso inagriculture.2)) Relief agencies say the immediate problem is not a lack of food, but transportation.3)) Generally, after working for the company for five years, young employees eitherareprom ot ed orleav e.4)) TV programs for children should not only entertain but a lsoteach.5)) Obviously, these children are motivated not by a desire to achieve, but byfearoffailure6)) At present, it would be neither practical nor desirable toeliminateexaminations altogether.7))AsianAmericansareplayingamoreactiveroleinpoliticsthaneverbefore,bothat localandnationallevel.8)) Myunclebelievesthatinourtownsightseeingisbestdoneeitherbytourbusorby bicyc l e.9)) Wood floori ng not on l y cleans e as il y, but is environmental ly frie ndl y.10)) Until I read the article I knew neither where she was brought up nor (whereshewas)educated.11)) I find the new manager neither easy to get along with nor delightful to talk to.12)) Contrary to what people had expected, not only did he attend the meeting,buthe als os pokefort w e nt ymi nut es.3.. Fill in each blank with ONE suita ble word.(1)other (2)best (3)reason (4)mental (5)next(6)As (7)take (8)cool (9)thinking (10)rest4.. Tr anslate the following sentences intoEnglish.1)) The premier is leaving for New York for a UN conferencetomorrow.2)) He is to meet the heads of state of several countries during his stay in New York.3))What a re you going to do during the National Day holidays? Are yougoinghomeor staying oncampus?4)) —Whatdoyouthinkschoolwillbelikeintwentyyears’time?— I think children will probably lear n at home with a mechanicalteacher.5)) Thirty years ago, my grandparents never thought they would be able to moveintoa two-storey house with all the modern facilities.6)) What they lack is not money butexperience.7)) They have come to China not only to learn Chinese, but to learnaboutChinese culture as well.8)) What children want most from their parents are not material things butloveand attention.9)) You may either write your essay in your regular exercise book or do it onyourcomputer.showup.Eitherhewasnotinterested,orhesimply forgot10))I’m notquitesurewhyhedidn’taboutit.11)) A society should respect both its scientists and its garbagecollectors.12)) He i s m i s e r ly b ot h with hi s money an d wit h hi s time.5.. Identify and cor rect the mistakes. Note there is no mistake in two of thesentences.1)) I will phone you as soon as I ar r ive inBeijing.2)) We can har dly imagine what life will be like in 50years.3)) WhatarewegoingtodoifEdithwon’thelpus?(Nomistakeinthissentence.Here?if…will?ispossiblewhenwillexpresses?willingness?.)4)) Pleasebeseated,everyone.Theshowisa b outtobegin.(Use?beabouttodosth?tosaythatsomethingwillhappenalmostimmediately.?Will?isnotused.)Chinawillbeabletosendmantothe Moon.(?Tobea5))Itispredictedthatinaboutten years’time,bletodo sth?is usedtosayitispossibleforsomeoneor something to dosomething.)6)) Dropinwheneveryouplease.You’ll alwaysbewelcome.(Adverbsof frequency, such as always, usua lly, often, sometimes, etc, usually go immediately infront of the m a inve r b.)7)) Nei t herhispa re nts,norhisbrot he r was ablet oc ometohispe r form a nce.(Th em ai n verbagrees with the noun phrase introduced bynor.)8)) Both her friends and her English teacher believe she will win the talentcontest.9)) My father regards creativity both as a gift and as a skill. (Normally, the twoitems c onne cte d by emphas i z i ng coordina t ing conj unc t i ons s houl d be expr e s s e di n the same grammatical form, here, two prepositionalphrases.)10))Wecaneitherdoitnoworafterclass—uptoyou.(Nomistake.Thoughthetwo items?now?and?afterclass?aren’tit’sthesamegra mmaticalform,thisisacceptablebecausewecanregardthemascondensedfrom?W ecaneitherdoit nowordoit a f terclass.?T he r e fore,thet w oitemscanalso b e d i fferentgramma t ical fo rms serving the same grammatical function, here, bothadverbials.)Unit2Preview1.L isten to the r ecor ding of the text and fill in the blanks in the followingsentences.1)racialequality2)civil rights; lingeron3)husband; qui t e a g ood hu s band/very conside r ate; li beral; ra c ia l4)considered;unprepared5)give his wife; hadadmitted6)found out;pressing7)look; argued about such seriousmatters8)perfectly nor m al;to l erate9)are differentculturally10)culturally and socially; racialsegregation11)white; married; a perfectstranger2.R ead the text for better comprehension and answer thequestions.1)?pi tchin?me a ns?t o joi n w i thotherpeopleindoinga j ob?.Intheex pre ssion?topit c habaseball?,theword?pitch?means?tothrow?.?topitchatent?means?toputupatent 支帐篷.?pitchdark?means?asdarkaspitch?漆黑—pitchmeans沥青?housework?meansthe workyoudotokeepyourhousecleanandtidy;?homework?means the work a teacher gives to a student to do out of class.2)Af t er th i nki n g of a l l as p ects of t he mat t er c a r e ful l y.We can assume that he would have considered the difficulties and problems he believeditwould bring to his life if he married a blackwife.3)Heknewtherewouldbeanunpleasantquarrel,andthatitwaswiserforhimjusttokeephis mouth shut.This shows that they have had previous serious disagreements. Thiswas notthefi r st t ime.It shows that the man has seldom taken his wifeseriously.4)?youcomingalong…andimplying…?isthecomplexobjectof?need?.a racist,hewouldnotsayno,sincehiswifeisexactly the samepersonexceptfor her Ifheweren’tskincolor.5)No. It is clear that the wife is using an ironicaltone.No.Themanisusingacommonexcuseofwhiteracistswhotrytojustifytheirprejudice based on different skin color by using a seemingly more neutral and respectableterm?culturaldifferences?.6)To show that he found the situation veryannoying.Normallyitmeans?w hat I sayisabsolutely true?,butherehemeans?I t istruenotbecauseI am saying it.I have statistics to prove this.?7)She saiditcontemptuously.She wasgettingangry.8)Because his wife keeps mimicking him, showing that she thinks what he saidwasridiculous andhypocritical.。

Unit-The Virtues of Growing Older答案综合教程二

Unit-The Virtues of Growing Older答案综合教程二

U N I T2T h e V i r t u e s o f G r o w i n g O l d e r Key to the ExercisesText ComprehensionI. Decide which of the following best states the author’s purpose of writing.CII. Judge, according to the text, whether the following statements are true or false.1-5 F F F T TIV. Explain in your own words the following sentences.1. I am embarrassed to admit that women are less capable than men of resisting the temptation of fashion.2. It means that you make friends with different people in order to find a new identity for yourself.Structural analysis of the textIII. 2.3: the last sentence; Paragraph 4: the second sentence; Paragraph 5: the first sentence.VocabularyI. Explain the underlined part in each sentence in your own words.1. be apt to: be likely to 易于……,有……的倾向2. fall apart: break up, disintegrate3. in general: as a whole 通常,大体上;总的来说,从总体上看4. at the mercy of: powerless against; completely controlled by 对……无能为力;任……处置,任由……摆布5. no wonder: not surprising / only too natural 不足为奇,并不奇怪II. Fill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. delay2. Feverishly3. faade4. confronted5. premise6. dreaded7. automatically8. awaitingIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. obsessive2. moodiness3. tolerable4. beneficial5. satisfying6. hidden7. preference8. criticismsIV. Choose the word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence.1-4 CDAA 5-8 BDCBV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: conceal, disguise2. Antonym: narrow3. Synonym: satisfaction, happiness, joy4. Synonym: merits, advantages5. Synonym: fat, plump6. Synonym: well-built7. Antonym: old-fashioned, outdated8. Synonym: clearly, evidentlyVI. Write in each space one word that has the same prefix as underlined in each given word.1. preface prepare 5. periphery perimeter2. prologue progress 6. dialogue diameter3. foresight foresee 7. semifinal semiconductor4. paralysis parallel 8. devaluate decelerateGrammarI. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the nouns given.1. agony2. agonies3. experience4. experiences5. youth6. a youth7. a great help8. a good knowledge9. a gray hair 10. workII. Complete the following sentences with quantifiers & determiners.1. A2. B3. D4. C5. A6. B7. B8. CIII. Complete the reading.a lot of, a little, some, a few, A, some, some, a lot of, x, many, x, a lot ofIV. Complete the following with every, each, everyone, every one, all.1. all, every one2. each3. every4. each5. everyone6. each7. everyone, everyone8. eachV. Correct errors in the following sentences.1. you must take care2. Though he received the document late at night; it3. When you fell4. When you read5. I became clear about what he meant6. We saw the first star shining in the sky7. who were eating8. he was cleaningTranslationI. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1.许多中年人去健身房锻炼,到街上跑步,为的是延缓衰老;2.青年人最不稳定的因素就是,他们对价值观、人生目标和梦想还犹豫不定;3.镇上开会我可以大胆发言,在商店里购物我也敢投诉,因为我不再害怕人们会笑我,也不再渴望人人都喜欢我;4.我不再因为自己个性方面的缺陷责怪父母,也不会对他们在养育我的过程中所犯的种种过失耿耿于怀;II. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words and phrases given in brackets.1. Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite the fact that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.2. Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman was found out by his wife.3. For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years, where he denied himself many comforts of life.4. I’m not sure if w e can have the excursion to Chongming Island tomorrow. It is at the mercy of the weather.5. When he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he returned to China he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.6. She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father, which is a disgrace to her parents.7. Since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapid development; in contrast that of some developed countries have declined.8. The earthquake isolated this city fro m other areas. I’m afraid their food supplies will not hold out through the winter.Exercises for integrated skillsI. DictationI think / that a successful old age is easiest for those / who have strongimpersonal interests / leading to suitable activities. / It is in these activities / that long experience is really fruitful, / and that the wisdom born of experience / can be used / without becoming a burden. / It is no use telling grown-up children / not to make mistakes, / both because they will not believe you, / and because mistakes are an essential part of education. / But if you are one of those / who are incapable of / impersonal interests, / you may find that / your life will be empty / unless you concern yourself / with your children and grandchildren. / In that case / you must realize / that while you can still help them / in material ways, / you must not expect / that they will enjoy your company.II. Cloze1 against2 for3 future4 done5 other6 of7 their8 likely9 if 10 themselvesWriting PracticeParagraph development — the topic sentence1. Write a topic sentence to sum up the following details.A. Topic sentence: Many American cities are named after important people who are or were locally or nationally famous.B. Topic sentence: Happiness means different things to different people.2. For each of the following two paragraphs, the topic sentence has been taken out. Read them carefully and work out for each paragraph a topic sentence that you think can hold all the following details together.A. Topic sentence: The problem isn’t that there’s no interest in teaching.B. Topic sentence: It means paying teachers what they’re worth.。



⼤学英语之基础英语综合教程第⼆册unit2KeytoExercises Unit 2The Virtues of Growing OlderKey to exercises:V ocabulary exercises:I. Explain the italicized part in each sentence in your own words.1. are likely to2. break up / disintegrate3. as a whole4. powerless against / completely controlled by5. not surprising / only too naturalII. F ill in the blank in each sentence with a word or phrase taken from the box in its appropriate form.1. delay2. Feverishly3. facade4. confronted5. premise6. dreaded7. automatically8. awaitingIII. Fill in the blanks with the appropriate forms of the given words.1. obsessive2. moodiness3. tolerable4. beneficial5. satisfying6. hidden7. preference8. criticismsIV. C hoose a word or phrase that can replace the underlined part in each sentence without changing its original meaning.1. C2. D3. A4. A5. B6. DV. Give a synonym or an antonym of the word underlined in each sentence in the sense it is used.1. Synonym: conceal, disguise2. Antonym: narrow3. Synonym: satisfaction, happiness, joy4. Synonym: merits, advantages5. Synonym: fat, plump6. Synonym: well-built7. Antonym: old-fashioned, outdated8. Synonym: clearly, evidentlyVI. Write in each space one word that has the same prefix as underlined in each given word.1. prepare2. progress3. foresee4. parallel5. perimeter 教师⽤书中下划为per前缀,应为peri前缀6. diameter7. semiconductor8. decelerateGrammar exercises:I. Complete the following sentences with the appropriate forms of the nouns given.1. agony2. agonies3. experience4. experiences5. youth6. a youth7. a great help8. a good knowledge9. a gray hair10.workII. Complete each sentence with the most appropriate of the four choices given.1. A2. B5. A6. B7. B8. CIII. Complete the reading. Choose the correct words in parentheses. Choose X if no word is needed.a lot of / a little / some / a few / A / some / some / a lot of / X / many / X / a lot ofIV. Complete the following with every, each, everyone, every one or all.1.all, Every one, Every2.each3.Every4.each5.Everyone6.Each7.everyone, everyone8.EachV. Correct the errors, where found, in the following sentences.1. When planting these flowers, care must be taken not to damage the roots.you must take care2. Though received late at night, he started to work on the document immediately.Though he received the document late at night it3. Falling from such a height, we thought he would never survive.When he fell4. Reading the letter a second time, the meaning becomes clearer.When you read5. Reading the instructions repeatedly, what he meant became clear to me.I became clear about what he meant6. Shining in the sky we saw the first star.We saw the first star shining in the sky.7. The teacher walked behind the kids eating their lunches.who were eating8. While cleaning his gun, it went off unexpectedly.he was cleaningV. Make sentences of your own after the sentence given below, keeping the parts in italics in your sentences.1. e.g. We don’t go out much —as long as we can go for a drink once a week,we’re satisfied.As long as you have your health and your sanity, money isn’t really important.2. e.g. Obviously, the discomfort of the job is not enough to prevent this young manfrom his goal —making money for his education.Obviously, if you want to lose weight very quickly, you should do two things at the same time: eat less and exercise more! 3. e.g. Food is a real need, but what about the sugarcoated breakfast food advertisedon television? It’s neither necessary nor nutritious.The customer neither needs nor plans to buy candies and chewing gums, which are attractively displayed.Translation exercises:I. Translate the following sentences into Chinese.1. 许多中年⼈去健⾝房锻炼,到街上跑步,为的是延缓衰⽼。



全新版⼤学进阶英语综合教程第⼆册答案U2KeytoExercisesUnit 2 Tales of True LoveKey to ExercisesOpenerSuggested answers for reference1. Qian Zhongshu was a Chinese literary scholar and writer, best known for his wit and great academic knowledge. One of his most famous novels is Fortress Besieged (《围城》). Yang Jiang was a Chinese playwright, author, and translator. Her memoir We Three(《我们仨》) recalls memories of her late husband, Qian Zhongshu, and her daughter, Qian Yuan, who died before her father.David Beckham is an English former professional footballer, and the first English player to win league titles in four countries: England, Spain, the United States and France. David is married to Victoria Beckham, an English businesswoman, fashion designer, model, and singer. They have four children.2. Q ian and Yang’s romance began when they met at Tsinghua University after Yang Jiang enrolled in the graduate school in 1932. They married in 1935.David started dating Victoria in 1997, after she attended a charity football match. The couple announced their engagement in 1998 and married in 1999.3. During the Cultural Revolution, like many other prominent intellectuals of the time, Qian Zhongshu and Yang Jiang were “sent down”, doing “reform through labor” in a “cadre school” in Henan from 1969 to 1972.The challenge David and Victoria have come across is media attention. They are both famous, so their relationship has attracted a great deal of media attention from its very beginning.Reading & InteractingI. Understanding the Text1. Text Organization2. Comprehension Check2.1 Focusing on the main ideasFrank joined the U.S. Army during World War II, and frequently exchanged letters with Polly, his wife. Frank, away in England, wrote about his longings for home and his feelings towards Polly and Dee, their toddler daughter, while Polly described in detail her life at home and expressed her concern over the war, as well as the loneliness she endured from the long separation. They wrote about their love for each other and comforted each other with the expectation for their reunion in the future. Tragically, however, Frank was killed in the Normandy landing operation on D-Day.2.2 Digging into detail1. He was very bitter that he was not going to be by her side while she grew up.2. He believed it was God’s will whether he would be one of the assault troopsand whether he would survive the fighting. What he would do was to trust God.3. They had not seen each other for 8 months.4. Polly would take her daughter Dee to see her first movie.5. Polly imagined she and Frank would listen to their favorite music together onSunday nights.6. She felt all the more sentimental but at the same time more confident in thefuture.2.3 Understanding difficult sentences1. B2. A3. B4. B5. BII. Focusing on Language in Context1. Key Words & Expressions1.11. While I was working in a fast-food restaurant, I constantly dreamt of being ableto own one someday.2. It was common for people to keep up correspondence with friends through letters before the age of the Internet.3. In modern Chinese society, women, to a large extent, are no longer dominated by men either in family life or in the workplace.4. There is now a growing realization of the importance of recycling among the residents in our neighborhood.5. The Japanese invasion during World War II met with fierce resistance from the Chinese people.6. It is wonderful to see flowers bloom in different colours after a long bleak winter.7. The elderly landlady couldn’t endure the behavior of the young man any more: he tossed trash all over the building.8. It is true that human beings have had war constantly throughout history; nevertheless human civilization has managed to survive.9. An increasingly large number of Chinese plan to spend their time travelling to different countries and seeing more of the world when they retire.10. Last week I submitted my first project proposal and I was very anxious to know how the department manager would react to it.11. We all sympathize with those who lost loved ones in the disaster.12. The general decided to launch an assault on the enemy at midnight.13. At that time, most stores in that region allowed shoppers to exchange goods and services at a mutually agreed price.14. The kids never received any professional training previously, but their performance was impressive.15. It’s amazing that the toddler can count up to one hundred and backward.1.21. postponed2. of late3. long for4. continually/doc/d6e194fe0a1c59eef8c75fbfc77da26924c5963b.html pensated for6. on land7. adored8. by the day1.31. The sole survivor of the crash declined to be interviewed saying he just couldnot bring himself to talk about the tragic accident at the moment.2. I thought the party I was invited to was a quiet and private one, but as it turnedout, I was overwhelmed by the crowds and noise.3. Like many of her generation, the lady suffered/underwent a lot of hardships throughout her life.4. The local government was forced /had to bow to public pressure and cancelledthe nuclear power program.5. Different teachers play different roles in the growth of a student.6. The team is carrying out research to find out the impact on children of longseparation from their parents.7. Mary immediately felt uneasy when she found her cousin John was gazing uponher.8. I can still recall how my heart was filled with joy and pride when I received thediploma from the principal.2. Usage1. We all pray for the return of peace and loved ones.2. The prime minister, when talking about the servicemen in battle, said, “Thosebrave young people are the ones who are undergoing all/all of the hardships.”3. All of them were overwhelmed by the glamour of the royal palace.4. The happiest are not those who own all/all of the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.5. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.3. Sentence Patterns1. Of course you all think big. But I’ll bet many of you have no idea what you arereally longing for.2. The school bus driver shouted, “Don’t get off until the bus stops!”3. I understand the importance of developing the habit of not putting off what youcan do today until tomorrow. But you know, it’s always easier said than done.4. You may say you enjoy being single, but I bet you will think differently whenyou finally fall in love.5. Not until I experienced terrible loneliness did I come to the realization thatsupport and sympathy from family were precious.4. Comprehensive Practice4.1 ClozeIn putting into words how much we adore someone, sometimes it is easier to do so in correspondence than face-to-face. One cannot help but sympathize with the lover who, gazing upon the object of his affection face-to-face, becomes overwhelmed and lost for words. Here distance may help. For separation not only makes the heart grow fonder, it also provides the perfect excuse for a(n) exchange of love letters in which the tongue-tied lover can give a more impressive display of his innermost thoughts. Unable to bring himself to speak freely about his feelings, with pen and paper on hand he may nonetheless easily fill pages withfine words. Watered by these, love will hopefully bloom.4.2 Translation1. George longs for a chance to meet her, but he can’t bring himself to tell herabout it.2. Many smart and capable people do not achieve a lot in their life because theyare afraid of the hardships they may have to endure.3. I remember that in my childhood I had great enjoyment in living in thecountryside where all the flowers were blooming in spring.4. The government is sure to react to the recent growth in violent crime.5. Quite a lot of people can undergo feelings of loss after they retire, and we mayhelp them with our care and concern.6. They would get together exchanging ideas and discussing the problems theywere confronted with when they stayed in Silicon Valley in the 90’s.7. Gazing upon the picture of her grandson who lost his life on D-Day, the elderlylady was filled with sorrow.8. Some people worry that robots may someday become the dominating force inthe world.Reading & ComprehendingReading 11. Comprehension Check for Reading 11. F2. F3. F4. T5. F6. T7. T8. F9. F 10. T2. Translation1. 每个事故本⾝都不怎么严重,但叠加起来似乎就触发了⼀个奇怪的结果。







新视野英语教程(读写教程第二版)图书在淘宝网发售,欢迎购买.Unit 1 Key to ExercisesSection BReading out1. peace2. but3. Even so4. by5. taking6. inGetting the Message1. Downey, California; 19532. the building was damaged in an earthquake and the restaurant is losing money3. they have good memories of that old McDonald’s4. rewrite the history5. tell the story of the first McDonald’s and show different attitudes of different people towards the restaurantUsing the Right Word1. location b. denied 3. amount 4. damage 5. claim 6. actually 7. inspecting8. structuresWorking with Expressions1. in2. with3. of4. from5. down6. away7. with8. downFocusing on Sentences StructureA1. There is no room for four people on the back seat of the car.2. There is room for 50 people in this restaurant.3. This is an order: there is no room for argument.B1. He raised the radio close to his car. Even so, he could not hear anything at all.2. The team was defeated again yesterday. Even so, there is still hope to win in the final round.3. The man had not received any formal education, but even so, he became a famous writer.TranslatingA1. The house was on fire and the people inside were in danger of losing their lives.2. He cannot afford to buy such a fine house.3. Although this idea may sound strange, it does make sense.4. John seems (to be )a nice person. Even so, I don’t trust him.B1. 虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它还是成了一种文化象征.2. 这些人想到餐馆连同他们美好的回忆一起被摧毁,感到非常愤怒.3. 他们在利用那次地震作借口.4. 有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的真正原因与金钱无关.Basic Writing Skills1. are2. go3. is4. is5. needs6. was7. were8. areSection B1. B2. C3. C4. D5. BUsing the Right Word1. purchasing2. critical3. defeat4. opposed5. values6. provide7. treated8. uniformWorking with Expressions1. at2. out3. to4. out5. against6. on7. to8. inSection CA1). Mr. and Mrs. Zhang Hua’s 2). dinner 3). Friday 4). 18th5). January 6). 7:00 7). pm 8). Suite 402, No. 120 Jianguo Road (W)B1) We take pleasure in inviting you to2) from 12 to 15 October, 20053) newly designed samples4) will be on exhibition5) please inform us of your date of arrival1) the honor of your presence2) a reception in White Cloud guest House3) the 9th September, 2005,4) 7:00 to 8:00 pmUnit 2 Key to ExercisesSectionAReading out1. lasts2. important3. survives4. culture5. trend6. certainGetting the Message1. C2. C3. B4. A5. DUsing the Right Word1. furniture2. appear3. advertisement4. desire5. foolish6. creates7. economy8. additionalWorking with Expressions1. in2. to3. about4. towards5. at6. in7. for8. toFocusing on Sentence StructureA.1. Children like it because it is more than just a simple toy.2. More than just your life will be affected ; it is the whole group.3. She can more than just sing well; she is also a good dancer.B1. It appears that you’ll be the only boy at the party.2. He appears to be friendly, but you still have to be careful.3. She appeared quite excited to hear that John was coming soon.TranslatingA1. If he starts talking about the past, you’ll never get away from him.2. There is a tendency for job losses to rise in the winter.3. Because of my frequent demands, father finally agreed to go to Australia with me.4. He sold his shop and opened a new one to make more money.B1.迅速变化的不仅仅只是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式.2.比如,1981年,一位名不见经传的老夫人出现在一个电视广告中,她看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨说:“牛肉呢?”3.尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流为的是赚钱,但是这种赚钱的欲望并不能解释其他方面的时尚,例如语言。



21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课后练习答案 Text A,Unit221世纪高等院校教材作为国家教委组织攻关的项目,正在各高校、各学科中进行酝酿、计划、编写之中。


21世纪大学英语读写教程第二册课后练习答案 Text A, Unit 2 Key to Exercises, T ext A, Unit 2ComprehensionII.a. 1. F 2. T 3.F 4. F 5. T 6 F 7. Tb. 1.I 2. I 3. I 4. N 5.I 6.N 7. I 8. NVocabularyIII.bel2.converged3.sacrifices4.motivate5.transplanted6.horrified7.bond 8.constitute 9.surged 10.prejudice 11.resents 12. recommendationsIV. These are not the onlypossible synoms/definitions/translations.1. carried out; conducted, performed2. led to; resulted in, caused3. springs from; arises from, comes from4. get ahead; make progress in life, achieve more, etc.5. showed up; appeared, arrived6. make up; constitute, comprise7. owes it to; 归功于8. cope with; find a way of dealing with, manage9. divided the cake into; 把蛋糕分成……10. excluded from; 被剥夺了11. committed to; devoted to, dedicated to12. make it to; arrive at or on after much effortV.1. sense of guilt2. finally3. imbued herwith4.offspring5. horrified, motivated me6.recommendations, To start with7. naïve 8. bycontrastWord BuildingVI.1. misplaced2.mismatched3. misusing4. mislead5. misprinted6. misinformed7. misspelled8. misunderstoodStructureVII.7. after the earthquake the government spent millions of dollarsto help the victims rebuild their houses.8. will you reconsider your decision? No one wants you to leave.9. Some of Lu Xun’s writings were lost for decades, but they wererediscovered in the mid-80s.10. I see no need to restate the policy on late homework.11. The library’s been rearranged, and I can’t find any of the books Ineed.12. I hope this dictionary will be reprinted soon—I’d like to buyone.13. Stevie Wonder’s ear liest albums have been unavailable forseveral years, but they’re being re-released next month.14. I didn’t care much for the book the first time, but I enjoyedit when I reread it.15. John Harding is best known for reinterpreting Shakespeare’splays.16. You’ve misunderstood me—let me rephrase what I said.VIII.A. gardener calculator receiver container commander remainder hikeinspector steamer processor supervise builder contributorconsumer paint teenagerB.1.superviser 2. inspector 3. remainder 4. processor5.gardener6.calculator7. commander8. container9. hiking 10.teenagers。

综合英语练习答案 keys to exercises1-8

综合英语练习答案 keys to exercises1-8

Unit 1 Fairy TaleA Glimpse at Words and ExpressionsPlease read the following sentences. Pay attention to the underlined part in each sentence and see how these expressions are used in the context, and then write down its meaning in the blanks provided.1.They gave themselves ridiculous airs, and wouldnot keep company with any but persons of quality. (associate with; make friends with)2.This news had liked to have turned the heads ofthe two eldest daughters, who immediatelyflattered themselves with the hopes of returningto town.(make sb. conceited )a3.…they went to law with him about themerchandise. (went to legal preceedings against )4.If your daughter refuse to die in your stead, youwill return within three months. ( in stead of you; in yourplace )5.The beast responded, “You are very good, and Iam greatly obliged to you.”(am grateful to you)6.Will you give me leave to see you sup? (give me permission)7.…her newly found happiness and materialcomfort with the Beast(give comfort to)A Sip of Word FormationBuild Your VocabularyDecide which form of the negative prefix to use to make each word. Add the prefix and write the whole word.A Smart Word PlayerThe word in capitals at the end of each of the following sentences can be used to form a word that fits suitably in the blank space. Fill each blank this way.Example : He said “Good morning ” in a most friendly way. (FRIEND)1. There is no doubt that cannabis will remain an _illegal drug for the foreseeable future. (LEGAL)2. It was quite impossible for us to drive all the way from Paris to Madrid in one day.(POSSIBLE)3. He made a (n) unsuccessful attempt to climb the highest mountain in the range.(SUCCESSFUL)4. To take the boat out with four children under the age of ten and with no life jackets on board was quite irresponsible of him. (RESPONSIBLE)5. The dress she was wearing was quite ___________ for the occasion. (APPROPRIATE)6. It was very impolite of him to insult his mother in front of his aunt. (POLITE)7. They were a completely _________ family and I never thought that one day I would marry one of the daughters. (RELIGIOUS)8. As a politician he was dishonest and it was not long before nobody trusted him.(HONEST)9. The goods were imperfect and had to be returned to the store we bought them from.(PERFECT)10. She was ________ with her life and decided that things had to change. (CONTENTED)共有六个部分组成。

Unit 2 The fun they had(key to exercises)

Unit 2 The fun they had(key to exercises)

V 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
actual/genuine/true moving/mobile/restless/movable rough/coarse/uneven like/love/enjoy disdainful/contemptuous inferior/subordinate/secondary indifferently/coldly/coolly/casually irregular/uncertain/random
II 8. With his shirt tucked into the top of his trousers and a leather bag tucked under his arm, the boy looked just like a boss. 9. Although she is only eight years old, the little girl has already been very good at calculating fractions. No wonder her parents feel proud of her. 10. All the neighborhood have heard of the news, but you haven’t. Don’t you think it is strange?
III 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Light a noise very good weather bad luck president The vegetables war All the books coffee poetry

Unit 2 The Struggle to Be an All

Unit 2 The Struggle to Be an All

Unit 2 The Struggle to Be an All-American GirlKey to exercisesText comprehensionI CII. T, F, T, T, F, TIII. (omit)IV.1.My brother and I were unable to walk out quietly and secretly, like other children, to the openfield to play kid’s games, for we were forced to go to Chinese school.2.Our kicking, screaming and pleading could not in the least make our mother change her mindabout sending us to Chinese school.3.She dragged us by force all the way from our home to school, a long hilly distance of sevenblocks, finally leaving us, hostile and tearful, in front of the severe headmaster.4.In Chinatown, large crowds of Chinese were coming and going with their routineresponsibilities in a disorderly, overexcited way.5.He was fastidiously particular about my mother’s English.6.Ultimately I was permitted to stop learning Chinese culture.7.Finally I assumed that I was one of the Americans and that I was not one of the Chinese.Unfortunately, I am, as a matter of fact, still Chinese.Language WorkI.1. escorted on foot; leaving the two of us, hostile and tearful2. unfamiliar exotic stale damp smell3. would rather learn other things than4. Fairly frequently5. dull and, what’s more, lacking individualities6. eventually became the unintendedII.Scent & smell1.smell2. smell3. scent4. scentchant & sing1.chanted2. singing3. chanting4. singingpermit & allow1.allowed; permitted2. allowed; permitted3. permitted4. permittedinfuriate & anger1.angered2. infuriating3. infuriated4. angeredIII.1.grant2.painstaking3.refined4.fragile5.stoical6.pleaded7.nagging8.heritageTranslationI1.Nowadays, some parents are hard on their sons and daughters, asking them to learn English,to learn to play the piano, and to learn many things.2.He is determined to give up gambling, so when he sees his former gambling friends, he ismore than eager to disassociate himself from their company.3.The reporters received s stern warning not to go to the earthquake-stricken area withoutofficial permission.4.Life is tough for parents whose kids fail to keep up in school.5.The suspect considered sneaking away, but his family managed to dissuade him.6.The cables are all bright yellow to prevent pedestrian from tripping over them.7.Infuriated by the decision, he threw up his arms in exasperation.8.The paint on the door of this old house has been blotched and striped by years of weathering.IIWhile absorbing the essence of a foreign culture, we should not be content with imitation without creation. An obsession with simple imitation will sterilize creation, and as such it will be impossible for us to scale new heights in art and impossible to present to novelty and originality. On the contrary, novelty and originality result from the combination of modern and traditional styles, the combination of the distinctive features of foreign countries with those of our own nation, and the combination of artistry and education.。



Unit TwoLearning a LanguageEnhance Your Language AwarenessWords in Action▆ Working with Words and Expressions1.Listed in the boxes below are some of the words that you need to be very familiarwith. Now work in pairs and make sentences with each of them to see if you have really mastered their usages. You are encouraged to consult a dictionary if you are still not quite sure about their meanings and usages.▆ Sample sentences for reference:1) If Jane is not here in 10 minutes, we’ll assume that she is n’t coming and we won’t wait for her any longer.2) The case was fully argued before an agreement was reached.3) They claim that they have discovered a cure for the disease, but this has not yet been proved.4) Some Chinese words have no equivalents in English.5) The rights of the individual are perhaps the most important rights in society.6) If you want my personal opinion, I don’t think you should go there.7) The train leaves at about half past eight — 8:32, to be precise.8) After years of hard work, she became qualified as a doctor last year.9) Her new novel is based on her adventures in Africa.10) The house is too small for a family of five; furthermore, it is in a bad condition.11) Human beings are much more intelligent than animals.12) She promised solemnly that she would not say a word about it to anyone.2.In the box below are some of the words you have learned in this unit. Complete thefollowing sentences with them. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)obtain2)confident3)communicate4)advantage5)relevant6)helpful7)extreme8)enjoyable9)means10)process11)particularly12)characters13)astonished14)apparently3.In the box below are some of the expressions you have learned in this unit. Do youunderstand their meanings? Do you know how to use them in the proper context? Now check for yourself by doing the blank-filling exercise. Change the form where necessary.▆ Answers:1)fond of2)is … related to3)find out4)To a certain extent5)vice versa6)no doubt7)rid … of8)cleared up9)or else10)at all costs11) sure enough12)let alone13) In his hurry14)It’s no use15) in my view16) was worth▆Increasing Your Word Powerplete the multiple choice exercise by choosing the right answer.▆ Answers:1) C2) D3) B4) B5) B6) D2.Adverbs are used to modify adjectives. What adverbs listed in the box below can beused to modify the adjectives in the sentences? Put as many adverbs as you think suitable before each of the adjectives.1)highly / very2)quite / very3)quite / very / increasingly4)quite / simply / very3.Did you notice the suffix -er in words such as teacher, grader in this unit? Thesuffix -er can be put at the end of verbs or nouns to denote people who perform the action expressed by the stem word. In addition to -er, the suffixes -or, -ist, -ian also fall into this category. Now form nouns by adding -er/-or/-ist/-ian to the words given:Answers for reference:1) logician2) magician3) mathematician4) journalist5) industrialist6) environmentalist7) laborer8) murderer9) conqueror10) survivorGRAMMAR IN CONTEXTStudy the following sentences from both Text A and Text B, paying special attention to th e modal auxiliaries would, must, might, can’t, should.Task 1: Fill in the following blanks with appropriate modal auxiliaries.▆ Answers for reference:1) would/should2) should/would3) might4) would5) must6) can’t7) should, would8) mustTask 2: Translate the following sentences into English, using the modal auxiliariesgiven in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1) The expedition might have reached the top of the mountain by now.2) If there should be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time.Or: Should there be any change in the schedule, please let me know in time.3) Passengers must check in (no later than) 45 minutes prior to flight departure.4) Hurry up! It would be a pity to miss the concert.5) The man standing in the distanc e can’t be Mr. Li, for he left for New York yesterdayafternoon.Cloze▇Complete the following passage with words chosen from this unit. The initial letterof each is given.▆ Answers:1)doubt2)efficient3)where4)advantage5)afford6)claim7)fluently8)qualified9)extent10)ridiculous11)perfect12)as13)because14)individualTranslation1. Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in brackets.▆ Answers for reference:1)The baby can’t even crawl yet, let alone walk.2)Will claimed he was dining with a group of friends at the time of the murder, butin my opinion he told a lie.3)To a certain extent the speed of reading is closely related to reading skills; andwith reading skills you can cope with outside class reading better.4)Can you take a look at the engine to see what’s wrong?5)Some people assume that there is a Chinese equivalent for every Japanese word.6)We have passed all relevant information on to the police.7)There is no use asking me any more questions about that matter because I won’tanswer.8)It was a mistake on Jim’s part to sign the contract without reading it care fully.9)They refused to provide us with all the information we need.10)This accident is very similar to the one that happened three years ago.11)The film is based on a play by Shakespeare.12)If you have a good command of English and computer skills, you will surely have anadvantage over others in finding a job.Theme-Related Writing▆Write a passage in about 100-120 words, taking either of the following titles:1) Why I like to learn English2) Why I hate to learn English▆ Sample essay for Task 1:Why I like to learn EnglishI have learned English for about seven years. I should say that I am highly motivated to master English. First of all, learning English is useful, as it is becoming a world language and people from different countries often communicate with one another in English. If I am good at English, it will be much easier for me to communicate with them. Secondly, I like traveling a lot. A good mastery of English will make things much easier for me when traveling around the world. Finally, I like literature a lot. If I am very good at English, I can read great works by Shakespeare and Dickens and many other English writers instead of reading the translated versions.▆ Sample essay for Task 2:Why I hate to learn EnglishI have learned English for about seven years. I should say the more I learn English, the more I hate it. First of all, learning English is boring. I have to memorize many new words or rely on a dictionary to frequently check unknown words. Doing so wastes a lot of my precious time. Secondly, I don’t understand why we have to learn a foreign language. I don’t want to go abroad and I can always find a job that doesn’t need English in China. Finally, I can always read translated versions of the books I want to read. So, if Idon’t have to learn English, I would rather use the time I spend on English。


项名为“希望的马拉松”的计划鼓舞了加拿大人民。 1980年4月12日,福克斯带着一只小喇叭,拖着假肢,从纽芬兰省的圣约 翰斯出发,开始了他的长途马拉松,去实现他跨越加拿大、为癌症研究募 捐的梦想,去实现他“使别人活得更好”的愿望。他在魁北克省和安大略 省每天行程43公里。开始时他的行动并未引起人们的注意,但他很快就把 人们的目光和热情吸引过来。筹款的数额也与日俱增。[2]
Detailed Study of the Text
1 before long, it spread to my other leg.
before long: soon 不久之后,在短时间内 我希望不久之后再次见到你。 I hope to see you again before long.
long before: 很久以前
1958年,福克斯出生在马尼托巴省的温尼佩格的普通家庭。他是马 拉松运动的爱好者和积极参加者。不幸的是,他18岁时被确诊患了 骨癌,并于1977年右腿截肢。手术前夜,福克斯读了一篇关于一位 截肢者参加纽约马拉松赛的报道,了解到癌症病人的痛苦状况,使 这个年轻的生命做出了最重要的选择。
Background Study of the Text
6 I learned that cancer doesn't have to stop you from doing what you love, and it surely doesn't have to kill you.
stop/ keep / prevent sb from doing sth 阻止某人做某事 我必须阻止这些孩子们在课堂玩耍。 I have to stop these kids from playing in class. 我们必须阻止他们知道我们的计划。 We must keep them from getting to know our plan. 这场雨阻止了我们玩。 The rain prevented us from playing.



Key to Exercises (Unit 1 Finding Nemo)Part I Movie LanguageClass Lead-in1. Where are the two speakers?In the studio. (Pixar Animation Studios皮克萨动画电影公司)2. What do they do?They are Director (Andrew Stanton) & Co-director (Lee Unkrich).(The third person is John Lasseter,皮克萨公司执行副总裁executive Vice President、本片的原创者,出任影片的执行制片executive producer)3. What are they talking about?They are presenting and introducing to the audience the making of the two DVD discs of the film, Finding Nemo.Intensive Listening & ViewingTask two1. (1)B. (2)C.2.(1). What happens when Nemo seems to be about to swim into the open water? (注:此文字是在第一版本基础上修改后的,原版是:…is about to swim…)Nemo‟s father Marlin appears and he prevents Nemo from swimming out into the open water.(2). Why do Nemo and his father Marlin quarrel?Because Marlin thinks it is dangerous for Nemo to swim out for he is still incapable of swimming well as a kid, but Nemo believes he can swim well.(3). What are the three words Nemo said to his father after the quarrel?I hate you.4. What does Nemo do unexpectedly after the quarrel?Nemo acts on impulse and swims out unexpectedly into the open water to touch the boat to prove that he can swim well and can be independent.3.concern, lucky, parents, can‟t, interrupt, unsupervisedMovie Clip 2Task one1. What do the fish plan to do in this scene?They plan to escape.2. What does Nemo do in the plan as a pioneer?Nemo is expected to play an important role and act as a pioneer to take apebble inside the filter and jam the gears.Task two1.(1).T(2). F (They had ever escape plans but failed.)(3). F (Nemo is chosen as a pioneer because Nemo is a small fish and he is the only one who can get in and out of the filter in the fish tank.)2.The correct order:1. d__2. f__3. h__4. k _5. b__6. g__7. a __ 8. c__ 9. i __ 10. j_ 11. e __Movie Clip 3Task one1. Do the sea turtles think of Marlin as a coward? How do they treat him? No, they don‟t. Instead, they call Marlin Jellyman, a name showing their admiration and adoration. He was very popular with the sea turtles.2. What is the difference between Marlin and Crush‟s love towards the kids? Marlin‟s love for children is conservative; he always believes children are immature and dependent and it tends to be hard for them to cope with emergency, so they need to be supervised. While Crush is open-minded, and he thinks children are supposed to learn how to face and deal with, on their own, any challenge and emergency.Task two1.Question 1: Are you funny?Question 2: Where‟s your shell?Question 3: Are you running away?Question 4: Did you really cross the jellyfish forest?Question 5: Did they sting you?Question 6: Mr. Fish, did you die?Question 7: Where are you going?Question 7: What happened?2.1. F (Turtle father is very calm and he believes little turtle can manage it.)2. T3. F (Marlin thinks that he is so tough on his son Nemo that he is mad and swims out into the open water and is caught by the divers.)4. T5. F (Marlin dives thousands of feet straight down into the darkness of the ocean.)6. T7. F (The birds think Marlin is a dedicated/devoted father.)Extensive Listening & ViewingMovie Clip 41. Why does Marlin ask his son Nemo “Are you sure you want to go to school this year?”Marlin is still worried that it is too risky for little Nemo to go out and live by himself in the world outside.2. Do you still remember your first day of school? What did your parents do for you on that day? Are there any differences between Nemo‟s first day of school and yours?(Open. Answers may vary.)Movie Clip 51. Why do the fish feel nervous when they talk aboutDarla?Because Darla does not cherish fish‟s life for she would not st op shaking the bag until the fish dies; in their eyes, she is a fish killer.2. What does Gill tell Nemo to do when he is stuck in the tank?Gill asks Nemo to get out by himself. First he asks Nemo to calm down and then alternately wiggle his fins and tail until he gets out.Movie Clip 61. What does it imply when the fish (Peach) says, “He just grabbed the Reader's Digest! We have 4.2 minutes”.What the fish says implies that the dentist takes the magazine to the toilet and will stay there for 4.2 minutes and it is a good opportunity for them to carry out their escape plan.2. What does Nemo plan to do in this scene? Does he succeed?Nemo does preparations for escape by taking a pebble thrown inside the filter and wedging the pebble into the rotating fan in a small opening to stop it turning, but finally he fails for the pebble flips out of the fan because of the electric force. Then the fan starts working again, leaving Nemo in danger; later Nemo is saved desperately by the other fish with a big piece of water plant (kelp).Movie Clip 71. How does Nemo save the fish?He directs them to keep swimming down together to the bottom in the big net.2. What does Nemo say to his father when he comes around?Dad…I don‟t hate you.Part II Movie ExplorationReflection & DiscussionTask one Group workQuestions for your referenceAnswers may vary. Suggested answers to questions (1) & (4) are provided for reference only.(1). Why does Nemo say to his father Marlin “I hate you” at the beginning of the story, and why does Nemo say to Marlin “Dad…I don‟t hate you” at the end of the story?Nemo fails to understand Marlin‟s love for him and he thinks father‟s micromanagement and disbelief of his ability humiliate him at the beginning. After suffering so much in escaping, he becomes mature and genuinely understand although father‟s love is conservative, yet it is selfless.(4). What is the domestic education difference between Marlin and Crush (Turtle father)? Which one do you prefer? And why?Marlin is conservative and always believes children are immature and dependent and it tends to be hard for them to cope with emergency, so they need to be supervised. While Crush is open-minded, and he thinks children are supposed to learn how to face and deal with, on their own, any challenge and emergency.Supplement:What is the change in Marlin‟s domestic educational philosophy on his son Nemo? How does the change take place?At the beginning, Marlin keeps worried that kids are too young to be independent and they need to be supervised for safety; later from his and his son Nemo‟s experiences, he finds out that kids tend to grow up more quickly and healthily in the process of solo adventuring.Key to Exercises (Unit 2 Roman Holiday) Part I Movie LanguageClass Lead-in8:30 9:00 10:35 10:5511:45 13:00 15:05 16:10 16:45Intensive Listening & ViewingTask One(1) F (Joe sincerely asks Irving to stay several times and actually it is Joe who invites Irving according to Irving‟s first utterance “Why, did you forget your wallet?” while seeing Joe)(2) F (What Irving tries to do but is prevented by Joe is that he wants to tell Ann that she resembles the Princess who is presently visiting Rome as well as his job as a photographer)Task Two(1) Why does Joe kick Irving in the leg at the very beginning?Because Joe wants to prevent Irving from saying that Ann resembles the Princess for fear that it might cause uneasiness and discomfort for Ann.(2) Why does Joe spill his glass over Irving later?Because Joe wants to prevent Irving from telling Ann his job as a photographer.(3) Why does Joe kick over Irving‟s chair?Because Joe wants to prevent Irving from saying that Ann resemb les the Princess again.(4) Irving says he can take a hint, but is he really able to take a hint? How do you know?No, he isn‟t. In this scene, Joe gives several body languages and implications to Irving, reminding him of being careful, but Irving fails to get the implied meanings which makes him suffer a lot.(5) What does Joe mean when he says Irving has a bad sprain with the ear? What Joe wants to express is that there‟s something wrong with Irving‟s ears, which again implies something. His purpose is to drag Irving out of the place and explain something to him since Irving cannot take a hint.(1) c (2) b (3) aMovie Clip 2Task one(1) What are Joe and Irving secretly talking about?They are talking about a deal to be made.(2) What should Irving do to help and earn a fortune?Irving needs to take some photos in order to earn a fortune.Task twoJoe: Yeah. Now, she doesn't know who I am or what I do. Look, Irving, this is my story; I dug it up, I gotta protect it!Irving: She's really the…?Joe: Ssssh! Your tin types are gonna make this little epic twice as valuable. Irving: 'The Princess Goes Slumming'.Joe: You're in for twenty-five percent / 25% of the take.Irving: And it takes five 'g'?Joe: Minimum. Hennessey shook hands on it.(1) Why does Joe ask about Irving‟s lighter before he makes a deal with him? Because Joe wants Irving in to take photos for Ann. If Irving doesn‟t take with him the lighter which is a spy cam, then there is no basis to make a deal.. (2) How much is the deal worth?5,000 USD.(3) How much does Joe borrow from Irving?50 USD/ 30,000 Lira(4) Why does Joe need to borrow so much money? T o buy Ann some jewels? T o pay for Ann‟s champagne and to entertain her. No.(5) Which word makes Ann feel uneasy? Can you guess why?Schedule. As a princess, she always needs to preview schedules with the help of her assistant. Her schedule is usually very full which makes her feel sick. Movie Clip 3Task oneTime order: 4 2 5 6 3 1Task two1. e2. c3. a4. g5. b6. d7. f(1) How does Joe manage to get out of the police station without being punished?He shows his journalist staff card to the police and lies to the police that he and Ann is going to the church to get married.(2) What is the story “the Mouth of Truth” about?It says that if you lie, your hand will be bitten off when you put your hand in the Mouth of Truth.(3) What wish does Ann most probably make according to the context?Ann most probably wishes she was a common girl instead of a princess as she says “Anyway, the chances of it being granted are very slight” after making the wish.Extensive Listening & ViewingMovie Clip 4(1) What does Joe mean by saying …you should always wear my clothes‟ and later …looks like I‟ll have to move to a place with a kitchen‟?Joe indirectly asks Ann to stay with him.(2) What does Ann feel when she talks about she …learned to do all those things‟?She feels very proud of herself and it is a pity that she never has a cha nce to do all those things for anyone.Movie Clip 5(1) What does the Ambassador expect of Ann? And how does Ann react?T o say sorry and then to report to him what she has done in the past 24 hours. Ann reacts calmly and firmly by saying “I was indisposed. I am better. ”(2) Which word used by the ambassador humiliates Ann? What can you tell from her refutation?“Duty”. From her refutation, we can tell she becomes matured and grown up with her own ideas and judgments.Movie Clip 6(1) What can you infer from the conversation between Joe and Ann in this scene?Though they will depart with each other in distance, their heart will stick together and the love between them will never fade.Another possible answer: After Ann‟s one day trip with Joe and Irving, she is a bit worried that maybe Joe and Irving will spill things about her, but she chooses to trust them and their relationship. Joe‟s answer confirms that they will not spill anything and Joe indirectly asks Ann not to worry about it.(2) What is Ann‟s answer when she is asked which city she enjoyed most? Is her answer satisfying according to the convention? Why does she do so and what is beyond her words?She says she loves Rome most. No. According to the convention, she shouldn‟t show her preference to any city in public. She wants to show her loveto Joe and she implies that she will remember Joe and the 24 hour Roman holiday forever.Part II Movie ExplorationReflection & DiscussionTask one Group workQuestions for your referenceAnswers may vary. Suggested answer to question (2) is provided for reference.(2) What do you take into consideration while making choices? Always decide on “what you should” or “what you want”?While making choices, I will take into consideration my personal preferences, other people‟s expectations, rules of the community, the law and the universally acknowledged moral standards.Sometimes I will decide on “what I want” if it‟s in line with the rules, the law and moral standards and it‟s mainly concerned with options about me and my future.But if “what I want” is against the rules, the law and moral standards, I will decide on “what I should”.Choosing “what we should” doesn‟t mean we have to unwillingly sacrifice our benefits. On the contrary, it‟s the best for us. We pl ay different roles in the society and we should be responsible for the roles we are playing. If human beings have no rules, laws or moral standards, the society will turn into a battlefield, where people are doing whatever they like and fighting for whatever they want, like animals. Only with the existence of rules, laws and moral standards, can we have true freedom, happiness as well as a harmonious society.。


6) ... I entered one of the low-ceilinged rooms of the little floating house, treading cautiously on the soft tatami matting and experiencing a twinge of embarrassment at the prospect of meeting the mayor of Hiroshima in my socks.(Para.8 )
B.6 the end of the story
• 6. The end of the story is well written. It does not answer the question whether Hiroshima is the liveliest city in Japan, but after reading the feature story, everyone would be able to have an answer whether it is or not.
B.4 The Writer's major impression of the city
4. The writer's major impression of the city is that Hiroshima is a mixture of Japanese culture and Western culture.
3. ... I was again crushed by the thought that I now stood on the site of the first atomic bombardment... (L. 3 , Para. 9 )

大学英语课文答案 B1 Unit Two

大学英语课文答案 B1 Unit Two


3. 1) A couple of flights at Pudong Airport were postponed this morning because of the awful weather. It is estimated that over one thousand passengers were held up. 2) My professor assigned me some reference books on computers to read. Unfortunately they are not available in our school library. I am kind of worried about it. 3) Michael is not much of a teacher. He often skips from one subject to another so it is difficult for his students to follow him. Besides he just lets them go ahead with exercises without making sure they have understood what they are expected to do.

I. 1. 1) absolutely 2) available 3) every now and then 4) are urging/urged 5) destination 6) know ...by heart 7) mostly 8) hangs out 9) right away 10) reunion 11) or something 12) practically 13) went by 14) going ahead 15) keep in touch



Key to Exercises of Unit 1Reading 1III. Vocabulary & Structure1.rough 2) exceeding 3) stand out 4) Witnesses 5) rejected6) adopted 7) flowed in 8) emerged 9) To seek out 10) (should) resolve2.1) founded in the slums of Calcutta an order that grew into an international movement.2) was already resolved to become a nun.3) what she said was without doubt a call from God4) more strict than in other orders because, in Mother Teresa’s view, “to be able to love the poor and know the poor we must be poor ourselves.”5) a familiar figure at scenes of disaster.IV. Banked ClozeJ C F B O M G A N IV. Translation1.1) to reject a human soul in need2) the love and cheerfulness that permeated the wards3) forced her to announce her retirement4) giving cause for concern5) adopted the religious name2.1) 身着修女袍的她证明了“信仰诚,大山移”这一真理。

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Text comprehension
Ex. IV.
1.I am embarrassed to admit that women are less capable than men of
resisting the temptation of fashion.
2.It means that you make friends with different people in order to find a
new identity for yourself.
V ocabulary
1.are likely to
2.break up/disintegrate
3.as a whole
4.powerless against/ completely controlled by
5.not surprising/only too natural
1. conceal, disguise
2. narrow
3. satisfaction, happiness, joy
4. merits, advantages
5. fat, plump
6. well-built
7. old-fashioned, outdated
8. clearly, evidently
6.a youth
7.a great help
8.a good knowledge
9.a gray hair
10.w ork
Every one?
7.everyone, everyone
1. you must take care
2. Though he received the document late at night, it
3. When he fell
4. When you read
5. I became clear about what he meant
6. We saw the first star shining in the sky.
7. who were eating
8. he was cleaning
1. 许多中年人去健身房锻炼,到街上跑步,为的是延缓衰老。

2. 青年人最不稳定的因素就是,他们对价值观、人生目标和梦想还犹豫不决。

3. 镇上开会我可以大胆发言,在商店购物我也敢投诉,因为我不再害怕人们会笑我,也不再渴望人人都喜欢我。

4. 我不再因为自己个性方面的缺陷责怪父母,也不会对他们在养育我的过程中所犯的种种过失耿耿于怀。

1.Many vain young people are obsessed with fancy cars despite that fact
that they are not yet rich enough to afford them.
2.Their marriage finally fell apart when his affair with another woman
was found out by his wife.
3.For artistic inspiration, the artist lived in the country for three years,
where he denied himself many comforts of life.
4.I’m not sure if we can have the excursion to Chongming Island
tomorrow. It is at the mercy of the weather.
5.When he was young he went to Japan to learn medicine, but after he
returned to China he changed his mind and pursued a career as a writer all his life.
6.She’s taken up with a man old enough to be her father, which is a
disgrace to her parents.
7.Since 1978, our economy has witnessed a rapid development; in
contrast that of some developed country has declined.
8.The earthquake isolated this city from other areas. I’m afraid their
food supplies will not hold out through the winter.。
