
















oracle apex开发实例

oracle apex开发实例

一、概述Oracle Application Express (APEX) 是一款基于Web的开发工具,可用于快速创建企业级的数据库驱动的应用程序。


二、概述在本文中,我们将探讨如何使用Oracle APEX开发一个简单的实例。


三、设置环境1. 确保已安装Oracle数据库并启用了Oracle APEX。

2. 使用浏览器打开Oracle APEX的管理界面,创建一个新的应用程序。

四、创建数据表1. 在Oracle APEX的管理界面中,打开SQL Workshop,创建一个新的数据表。

2. 设计员工信息的数据表结构,包括尊称、性莂、出诞辰期、部门等字段。

3. 保存数据表并添加一些示例数据。

五、创建页面1. 在应用程序界面中,选择创建新的页面。

2. 选择一个合适的模板,例如标准的表格模板。

3. 关联刚刚创建的数据表,并选择需要显示的字段。

4. 保存页面并发布应用程序。

六、添加交互功能1. 在页面设计的界面中,添加一个新的按钮或信息,用于添加新的员工信息。

2. 在页面属性中,添加一个新的按钮动作,并配置为弹出一个模态对话框。

3. 设计模态对话框的界面,包括尊称、性莂、出诞辰期等输入字段。

4. 保存并发布应用程序。

七、测试应用程序1. 使用浏览器打开发布的应用程序,测试员工信息管理界面的功能。

2. 尝试添加新的员工信息,并验证数据是否能够正确地保存和显示。

3. 测试各种交互功能,例如搜索、分页等。

八、部署应用程序1. 当应用程序功能全部测试通过后,可以将应用程序部署到生产环境。

2. 设置应用程序的权限和访问控制,确保只有授权的用户能够访问。

3. 监控应用程序的性能和稳定性,及时处理可能出现的问题。

九、总结在本实例中,我们演示了如何使用Oracle APEX快速地开发一个简单的员工信息管理应用程序。

oracle forms builder开发流程

oracle forms builder开发流程

oracle forms builder开发流程英文版Oracle Forms Builder Development ProcessOracle Forms Builder is a powerful tool that allows developers to create interactive, database-driven applications. It offers a visual interface for designing forms, reports, and other user interfaces that can seamlessly integrate with Oracle databases. Here's a brief overview of the Oracle Forms Builder development process:1. Requirement Analysis:Begin by understanding the requirements of the application. Identify the necessary data fields, relationships, and business logic. Determine the user interface elements required, such as buttons, text fields, combo boxes, etc.2. Environment Setup:Ensure that you have the necessary software and licenses installed, including Oracle Forms Builder and the associatedOracle database. Set up your development environment, including the required tools and libraries.3. Database Design:Design the database schema based on the requirements. Create tables, views, and stored procedures as needed. Define relationships and constraints to ensure data integrity.4. Form Design:Open Oracle Forms Builder and start designing the form. Use the visual design tools to add controls, such as text fields, buttons, combo boxes, and other interface elements. Arrange these controls layout to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface.5. Data Binding:Bind the form controls to the database fields. Define the necessary data sources and queries to populate the form with data from the database. Set up triggers and event handlers to handle user interactions, such as button clicks or data validation.6. Logic Implementation:Implement the business logic using PL/SQL or other programming languages supported by Oracle Forms Builder. This includes data validation, calculations, and other operations required to process form data.7. Testing:Thoroughly test the form to ensure it functions correctly. Test various scenarios, including edge cases and error conditions. Use debugging tools to identify and fix any issues.8. Deployment:Deploy the form to the production environment. This involves packaging the form and deploying it to the server where it will be accessed by users. Ensure that the necessary dependencies and configurations are in place.9. Maintenance and Enhancements:Regularly monitor and maintain the form to address any issues or bugs that arise. Continuously improve the form based on user feedback and business requirements.中文翻译Oracle Forms Builder开发流程Oracle Forms Builder是一个强大的工具,允许开发人员创建交互式、基于数据库的应用程序。



1. ()是Oracle的定长数据类型。


B. Varchar2。



答案.D2. ()是DDL。





答案. A、D3. ()函数是按照某种分组方式计算出返回结果的排行,支持分组排名。





答案.A4. 假设需要更改Customer表中LogoutTime列的数据类型为DATE类型,可以使用如下()方式。



A. set savepoint。



orcale应用技巧大多数应用程序使用 OCI 的ODAC 标准方式来连接 Oracle 数据库服务器。

这是使用第三方开发语言设计 Oracle 应用程序最常用的方法。

所有的 OCI 接口都作为内部库来使用,使得编译生成的应用程序非常小。

但是,这需要在客户机上安装 Oracle 客户端软件,这使得安装和管理要花费额外的开销。

有时,安装 Oracle 客户端程序甚至是不可能的。


ODAC Net 允许你的应用程序直接通过 TCP/IP 协议来连接 Oracle,而不需要 Oracle 客户端软件。

运行使用 ODAC Net 的应用程序,仅需要有一个支持 TCP/IP 协议的操作系统。

使用 ODAC Net 连接 Oracle 服务器,你需要知道 Oracle 服务器的地址,监听端口号以及数据库实例名称。

在你的应用程序中使用 Net 选项前,你只需要设置 TOraSession 对象的选项 Net 为True 且指定它的Server 属性为指定的数据库。

如果使用 ODAC 的标准方式通过 OCI 来连接数据库,你必须设置 Server 属性为 TNS 别名,但现在使用 ODAC 的 Net 选项,你只需要指定数据库字符串,格式如下: Host:Port:SID.这里, Host 指服务器地址, Port 指服务器监听端口号, SID 指特定的系统实例名称。

这里有个例子示范不使用 OCI 而连接数据库:varSession: TOraSession;. . . := True;ername := 'Scott';Session.Password := 'tiger';Session.Server := '';Session.Connect;注意:这些是你的应用程序要支持 Net 选项时所必须的。


数 据 库技 术 已经 在 多 方 面得 到 了应 用 。作 为高 职 计 算 机 应 高 职 学 生不 同 于本 科 学 生 , 与本 科 学 生 比其 社 会 能 力 较 强 , 用专 业 的学 生 , 据 库 技 术 成 为必 须 掌 握 的一 门技 术 。 数 为顺 应 国 可 塑 性 强 , 于 动 手 , 逻 辑 思 维 能 力 较 弱 , 习 方 法 能 力 有 待 乐 但 学 家对 高 职 教 学 ” 企 合 作 、 学 结 合 ” 校 工 的要 求 . 院 和 A A 公 司 提 高 。 O al 据 库 应 用 开 发 这 门课 程 本 身 较 复 杂 . 习有 一 我 T 而 rc e数 学 合 作 成 立 了我 省 首 个 O al 订 单 班 。 O al 数 据库 应 用 开 发 》 定 难 度 。 此 我 们 紧 紧 围 绕 以 职业 能 力 培 养 为 核心 、 行业 企 业 r e c rce 因 以
21 0 0
3 l
基于 C E理念的( rc 数据库应用开发》 B Oal e 项 目教 学改革
彭 波
(浙 江商业职业技术 学院信 息技 术学院 浙江 杭 州 3 0 5 10 3) 【 要】 摘 :本文针对 高职传 统数据库教 学中重理 论轻 实践 , 实践教 学 中缺乏职 业能 力培养的状 况, 在对 C E理念进行 B 分析 吸 收 的基 础 上 对《 mce 据 库 应 用 开发 》 程 进 行 项 目教 学 改 革 。 结 合 高职 学 生 学 习特 点 , 于 C E 理 念 进 行 了课 程 0 l数 课 基 B 职 业 能 力 分析 、 学 内容 选 取 、 目设 计 和 学 习情 境 设 计 , 课 程 的 教 学 和 实践 中取 得 良好 效 果 。 教 项 在 【 关键词】 B 职业 能力分析 ; :C E; 任务驱动 ; 习情境 学



1.8 习题:(1)关系型数据库管理系统,简称RDBMS。












3.Oracle 10g提供了四个版本,分别是:Oracle 10g 标准版1、Oracle 10g 标准版、Oracle 10g 企业版、Oracle 10g 个人版。









Oracle课件 第1章

Oracle课件 第1章
指出实例中SGA可用的最大内存量。如果该参数未设置, 而memory_target或memory_max_target参数已设置,实 例将把sga_max_size设置为二者中值较大的一个
实例的后台进程共同实现对Oracle数据库的管理功能,每 个后台进程只完成一项单一的任务,主要后台进程包括: 数据库写入进程(DBWR):负责将SGA数据库缓冲区 缓存中的脏数据块写入数据文件。DBWR在下面条件下执 行写入操作:服务器进程找不到足够数量的可用干净缓冲 区,或者数据库系统执行检查点时。一个实例可启动的 DBWR数量由初始化参数DB_WRITER_PROCESSES指 定; 日志写入进程(LGWR):负责把日志缓冲区内的重做 日志写入联机重做日志文件; 归档进程(ARCH):发生日志文件切换时,如果数据 库运行在归档模式下,归档进程将把填写过的联机重做日 志文件复制到指定位置进行归档 ;
除以上三种Oracle数据库文件之外,Oracle数据库管理系 统在管理数据库时还使用其它一些辅助文件,其中包括 : 参数文件:记录Oracle数据库的初始化参数设置,如实 例使用的内存量、控制文件的数量及其存储路径等。它相 当于实例的属性文件,实例启动时首先打开并读取它; 口令文件:用于存储被授予SYSDBA、SYSOPER和 SYSASM权限的数据库用户及口令,以便在数据库还未打 开时用于验证具有这些特殊权限的数据库管理员的身份 ; 警告日志文件:这是一个文本文件,其名称是 alertdb_name.log(db_name是数据库名),它相当于一 个数据库的“编年体”日志,按照时间的先后顺序完整记 录从数据库创建开始,直到删除之前发生的重大事项,如 可能出现的内部错误或警告,数据库的启动与关闭操作, 表空间的创建、联机和脱机操作等信息;

Oracle数据库10g GIS应用开发:使用Oracle Spatial网络数据模型说明书

Oracle数据库10g GIS应用开发:使用Oracle Spatial网络数据模型说明书

Oracle Database 10g: Building GIS Applications Using the Oracle Spatial Network Data ModelAn Oracle Technical White PaperMay 2005Table of Contents Abstract (3)Introduction (3)Oracle Spatial Network Data Model (5)Network Data Model Schema (5)Network Metadata (6)Network Tables (6)Oracle Spatial Network Data Model APIs (6)Network Data Model Analysis Capabilities (7)Modeling Network Applications (8)Network Constraints (8)Java Representations of Network Elements (8)Software Requirements (9)Using the Network Data Model (9)1. Create a Network (9)2. Visualize or Edit the Network (9)3. Analyze the Network (9)Network Data Model Editor (9)GIS Applications using the Network Data Model (10)Network Tracing Applications (10)Network Routing Applications (10)Network Allocation Applications (11)Using Network Constraints in Analysis (11)New Features in the Oracle Spatial 10g Network Data Model (13)Network Modeling: Link Direction (13)Network Analysis: Maximum Flow Analysis (14)PL/SQL Wrapper Package (14)Conclusion (14)References (14)ABSTRACTNetwork modeling, management, and analysis are common tasks for Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Network analysis includes routing (path computation) in transportation networks, tracing (accessibility) in utility networks, and resource allocation in decision-making and customer relationship management (CRM) applications. In this paper we present the Oracle Spatial network data model, an Oracle Database release 10g feature that lets users model and analyze networks. This feature simplifies network modeling, analysis, and management so that users can focus on application logic. The network data model provides an open, generic data model with many common GIS analysis capabilities. In addition, it fully supports Oracle Spatial objects of type SDO_GEOMETRY. GIS applications based on the Oracle Spatial network data model are discussed in this paper. INTRODUCTIONThere are two common types of GIS applications: applications that deal with spatial proximity, and applications that deal with both spatial proximity and connectivity. For many applications queries on spatial proximity, which mainly consider metrics like Euclidean or geodetic distances, are sufficient. However, there are instances when connectivity needs to be taken into account, such as in finding the shortest distance between two locations in a road network. Many GIS applications are networks that require modeling and analysis on object relationships (connectivity). Figure 1 shows a road network of New York City.Figure 1. New York City Road Network (60384 nodes, 151962 links. Source: NavStreets from NavTech)Oracle Spatial has supported spatial objects since release 8.1.5. A complete set of indexes, operators, and functions is available for managing information based on spatial proximity. The network data model extends Oracle Spatial to deal with connectivity. Currently there are many GIS vendors offering network solutions; however, their solutions may have the following issues:• Their data model is stored in proprietary file formats, and cannot be integrated with their database.• The data model and analysis capabilities cannot be extended.• Application information cannot be separated from connectivity information.• Spatial information management and hierarchical relationships are not directly supported.To address these issues, Oracle Spatial network data model does the following: • Provides an open and persistent network data model.The network data model is stored as relational tables in the database and ismanaged through SQL.• Simplifies network data management and analysisPL/SQL and Java APIs are provided for network data management andanalysis.• Separates connectivity and application information in the data model Connectivity information can be separated from application information.Both application information and connectivity information are managed inthe database. However, only connectivity information is required fornetwork analysis.• Allows the extension of data model and analysis capabilitiesThe Java API provides representations of network elements as JavaInterfaces. Users can define their own network elements by extendingthese interfaces. As a result, users can implement their own user-definedrepresentations and analysis functions.• Integrates with Oracle Spatial technology for spatial information managementThe network data model supports all Oracle Spatial data types.This paper is organized as follows: it presents the network data model database schema, APIs and architecture; shows how to use the data model; presents several GIS network applications built on top of the data model; discusses how to use network constraints to enhance analysis capabilities; and discusses the network data model editor that is used to edit and visualize networks.ORACLE SPATIAL NETWORK DATA MODELThe network data model consists of two parts: a network schema and network APIs. The network schema is the persistent data storage used to store network information. The network APIs contain a PL/SQL package for data management in the database and a Java API for data management and analysis on the client-side (via Java JDBC drivers).Network Data Model SchemaA network contains network metadata, a node table, and a link table. In addition, path information (path table and path-link table) can be stored with the network if desired. Figure 2 shows a schematic view of a network in the database. Note that only connectivity information is stored. Additional application information can be stored in the network tables, or in other tables and referenced by foreign keys.Figure 2. Oracle Network Data Model (Schematic View)Network MetadataNetwork metadata provides general information about networks. It includes the following network details:• Directed or undirected• Logical or spatial• Hierarchical or flat• Information about nodes, links, and paths• Geometry information -- for spatial networksNetwork TablesAn Oracle network contains two tables: a node table and a link table. A path table can be added if needed. Figure 2 shows the schema for the network data model, which includes these tables. The schema represents the information necessary for network management and analysis. Application attributes can be added to these tables or referenced from other application tables (through foreign keys). Note that the network data model is also capable of handling geometry information. That is, the network data model can represent both logical and spatial network applications. Adding geometric data to a logical network will allow the logical network to be displayed.Oracle Spatial Network Data Model APIsThe network data model provides a PL/SQL API and a Java API for network management on the database and client sides. The Java API can also be used for network analysis. The three-tiered network data model application architecture is shown in Figure 3.Figure 3. Network Data Model ArchitectureNetwork Data Model Analysis CapabilitiesThe following analyses are supported in the network data model:• Shortest Path: The shortest path from node A to node B• Accessibility Analysis: Is node A accessible from node B?• Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree: What is the minimum-cost tree that connects all nodes?• Within Cost Analysis: What nodes are within a given cost from (to) a given node?• Nearest Neighbors: What are the N nearest neighbors of a given node?• K Shortest Paths: What are the K shortest paths from node A to node B?• Connected Components Analysis: Label connected components with IDs.• Graph Operations: Graph union, intersection, and difference.• Traveling Salesman Problem: What is the minimum-cost tour that visits a set of cities?• Single Source, Single Sink Maximum Flow Analysis: What is the maximum allowable flow that can flow from the source node to the sink node?(Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2)Modeling Network ApplicationsThe network data model takes a generic approach to solving network problems, by separating connectivity information from application-specific information. Figure 4 shows how a typical network application can be modeled and analyzed. First the network connectivity information (node connections and link cost) is extracted and separated from the application-specific information. Application-specific attributes are stored, if needed, with the connectivity information or separately. Once the connectivity information is extracted, network analysis is conducted on the generic model. Additional network constraints can also be considered. The final result is then mapped to application-related attributes, and displayed. This approach avoids customized network solutions and simplifies the data management of connectivity and application-specific information.Figure 4. Network Modeling and Analysis Using the Network Data ModelNetwork ConstraintsThe network data model introduces the concept of network constraints, which provides a mechanism to guide network analysis. For example, you may want to compute the shortest path that passes through network links of a specific type. With network constraints, applications can easily incorporate application-specific logic into the network data model analysis engine without knowing how the engine works. Other constraints, such as path depth, or cost, can also be included in analysis. The network constraint is a Java interface and must be implemented by the application.Java Representations of Network ElementsThe Java network representations (network, nodes, links, and paths) are defined as Java interfaces and can therefore be extended. These interfaces specify the necessary behaviors for the network and its elements. In addition to these interfaces, user-defined analysis functions can be used by applications, allowing the modeling and analysis capabilities of the network data model to be extended.Software RequirementsThe Spatial network data model is shipped with Oracle Database release 10g. The PL/SQL package is pre-loaded in the database and required Java .jar files are provided; the Java API supports JDK (or JRE) version 1.3 or later. The network editor is also included as a utility tool for the network data model. For more information, see the Oracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models manual. USING THE NETWORK DATA MODELThis section explains the usage of the network data model. There are three major steps.1. Create a Network1. Create and populate network tables and add metadata to the database.2. Create a Java network object using the Java API and save it to thedatabase.2. Visualize or Edit the Network1. Load a network from the database or an XML representation.2. Visualize or edit the Java network object using the network data modeleditor. Store the network in the database, if needed.3. Analyze the Network1. Load a network into a Java network object.2. Conduct network analysis. Save the path results, if needed.NETWORK DATA MODEL EDITORThe network data model editor is a standalone Java application that helps create, edit, and visualize networks. The editor supports viewing operations such as pan, zoom, and auto-fit. It also provides functions to navigate between network elements. All analysis functions are supported in the editor. With the editor, users can create a network from scratch in the client-side and save it to the database. The editor is configurable on element styles, colors, and sizes. Figure 5 shows the network data model editor.Figure 5. Network Data Model EditorGIS APPLICATIONS USING THE NETWORK DATA MODELGIS network analysis may include network tracing, network routing, and network allocation.Network Tracing ApplicationsTracing applications deal with queries like Is node A reachable from node B? or What are the nodes that are reachable or can be reached from a given node? Such queries are common in water or utility networks. Another type of tracing analysis is to find out how many connected components are in a network. Figure 6 shows some such queries.Figure 6. Reachable and Reaching AnalysisNetwork Routing ApplicationsRouting analysis or path computation, probably the most studied topic in network applications, is divided into the following categories:• Shortest Path or Fastest Path (transitive closure problem) (see Figure 7).• K Shortest Paths: Find k shortest paths from a start node to a destination node.• Traveling Salesman Problem (see Figure 7): Find a minimum-cost tour that passes a set of locations.Figure 7. Shortest Path and Traveling Salesman ProblemNetwork Allocation ApplicationsAllocation analysis deals with designating destination points within a network. It provides information on a service area or coverage for points of interest. The network data model supports the following allocation analyses (see Figure 8):• Within Cost: Find all points of interest within a certain distance from a designated location.• Nearest Neighbors: Find the N nearest restaurants to a designated location.• Minimum-Cost Spanning Tree: Find the cheapest way to connect all nodes.Figure 8. Nearest Neighbors, Within Cost, and Minimum Cost Spanning Tree AnalysisUsing Network Constraints in AnalysisConstraints are conditions to be satisfied during analysis. The network data model supports network constraints so that applications can impose application-specific conditions on the network during analysis. The Java interface NetworkConstraint canbe implemented by the user, and passed into any network data model analysis function. Figure 9 shows analysis information that is available for users to implement their network constraintsFigure 9. Analysis Information for Network ConstraintsThe following are some examples of network constraints:• Depth (number of links), cost, and MBR constraintsNetwork analysis can be limited based on the depth of the search path, thecost limit, or the area (minimum bounding rectangle) where the analysisoccurs. These constraints can be used to specify a preferred subset ofpossible solutions. The network data model provides a SystemConstraintclass (which implements the NetworkConstraint class) for these commonnetwork constraints. Users can create an instance of SystemConstraint anduse it in analysis.• Temporarily inactivated nodes or linksSometimes nodes or links must be temporarily turned off before analysisbegins, for example, road segments (links) under construction in a roadnetwork, or water valves (nodes) shut down for repair in a water network.You can make a node or link inactive by setting its state to false. Networkelements that are inactive will not be considered during analysis. Note thatchanging the state of nodes and links does not affect the persistent datamodel.• Routing with specific types of links and nodesSometimes network analysis must only be conducted through nodes andlinks of specific types or with specific requirements.• Turn restrictionsTurn restrictions are constraints involving two links. They are common inrouting for transportation networks. In the following example, aprohibited turn is represented by a start link and an end link (see Figure10). For intersections with turn restrictions, such as no “U” turn or no leftturn, if the search encounters the start link of a prohibited turn, the searchdoes not continue through the end link of that prohibited turn. This typeof restriction can be easily modeled using NetworkConstraint, sinceinformation on the current link and next link is made available to users.Figure 10. Turn Modeling for Road NetworksNEW FEATURES IN THE ORACLE SPATIAL 10G NETWORK DATA MODELWith Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2, the network data model provides the following features:Network Modeling: Link DirectionThe directionality of a link can be further specified at the link level. Unlike the network directionality that determines the directions of all links, a directed network can have links that are directed or bi-directed. A BIDIRECTED column can be added to the link table and used to indicate if a directed link is bi-directed. This modeling enhancement will reduce the storage requirement for directed networks with non-homogeneous link directions (unidirectional and bidirectional).Network Analysis: Maximum Flow AnalysisThe maximum flow analysis function is provided for a single source and single sink flow network. Each link in a flow network has a flow capacity associated with it. The goal of this function is to find the maximum allowable flow that can flow from the source node to the sink node. This type of analysis is commonly seen in communication or logistics network planning.PL/SQL Wrapper PackagePrior to Oracle Spatial 10g Release 2, only the network data model Java API could be used for network editing and analysis. Now, a PL/SQL wrapper package is also provided that helps users edit and analyze networks in PL/SQL. This wrapper package provides nearly equivalent functionality as the Java API. It is done through database Java stored procedures and Java virtual machine in Oracle. CONCLUSIONThe Oracle Spatial network data model, available with Oracle Spatial 10g, is a generic network (graph) modeling and analysis environment for network applications. GIS applications for routing, tracing, and allocation have been discussed. The network data model provides an open, easy-to-use, scalable, efficient, and manageable approach to developing GIS network applications. We are currently working with our customers and partners to extend the modeling and analysis capabilities of the network data model.REFERENCESOracle Spatial Topology and Network Data Models, Oracle Corporation.Oracle Spatial User’s Guide and Reference, Oracle Corporation.Oracle Linear Referencing System: A Technical White Paper, Oracle Corporation. Oracle Spatial Network Data Model: A Technical White Paper, Oracle Corporation.Building GIS Applications Using the Oracle Spatial Network Data Model: An Oracle Technical White Paper May 2005Author: Jack Chenghua WangContributors: Vishal Rao, Nicole AlexanderOracle CorporationWorld Headquarters500 Oracle ParkwayRedwood Shores, CA 94065U.S.A.Worldwide Inquiries:Phone: +1.650.506.7000Fax: +1.650.506.7200Copyright © 2005, Oracle. All rights reserved.This document is provided for information purposes only and thecontents hereof are subject to change without notice.This document is not warranted to be error-free, nor subject to anyother warranties or conditions, whether expressed orally or impliedin law, including implied warranties and conditions of merchantabilityor fitness for a particular purpose. We specifically disclaim anyliability with respect to this document and no contractual obligationsare formed either directly or indirectly by this document. This documentmay not be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, for any purpose, without our prior written permission.Oracle, JD Edwards, and PeopleSoft are registered trademarks ofOracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarksof their respective owners.。




























































oracle apex 开发实例

oracle apex 开发实例

一、简介Oracle APEX是一套基于Oracle数据库的应用开发工具,它允许开发人员通过Web界面快速开发和部署应用程序。

Oracle APEX支持广泛的应用场景,包括企业管理、数据分析、上线报表等。

二、环境搭建1. 安装Oracle数据库:首先需要安装Oracle数据库,确保数据库服务正常运行。

2. 安装Oracle APEX:安装好数据库后,可以通过冠方全球信息站下载并安装Oracle APEX。

三、应用开发1. 创建应用:登入Oracle APEX后,在开发界面中选择“创建应用”,填写应用名称、描述等基本信息。

2. 数据建模:在应用中创建表、视图等数据模型,定义字段、数据类型、约束等。

3. 页面设计:设计应用的页面,包括表单页面、报表页面、交互页面等,通过拖拽和配置实现页面的布局和功能。

4. 编写逻辑:使用SQL和PL/SQL编写应用的业务逻辑,包括数据操作、业务规则等。

5. 样式美化:对应用页面进行样式设计,包括颜色、字体、布局等。

6. 安全设置:设置应用的权限控制、用户认证、数据安全等。

四、页面开发1. 表单页面:创建表单页面用于数据的录入和修改,可以配置字段的显示、隐藏、必填等属性。

2. 报表页面:创建报表页面用于数据的查询和展示,支持各种图表、统计等功能。

3. 交互页面:创建交互式页面用于复杂的数据交互操作,支持多种交互控件和动态交互效果。

五、数据操作1. 数据查询:使用SQL语句实现数据的查询和筛选,支持复杂的联合查询、子查询等。

2. 数据更新:使用SQL语句实现数据的增删改操作,包括插入数据、更新数据、删除数据等。

3. 事务控制:使用PL/SQL编写事务控制逻辑,确保数据操作的原子性和一致性。

六、安全管理1. 用户权限:配置用户的访问权限和功能权限,确保用户只能访问其有权限的数据和功能。

2. 数据安全:配置数据的访问权限和数据的加密保护,确保数据的机密性和完整性。

3. 审计跟踪:记录用户的操作记录和系统的运行日志,便于故障排查和安全审计。

oracle 数据库设计及开发规范

oracle 数据库设计及开发规范

数据库设计/开发规范作者:创建日期: 2011-5-26最近更新: 2011-5-26控制编号:版本: 1.0审批:拷贝号_____文档控制变更记录审阅分发概述为了强化软件开发标准/规范执行力, 提高软件产品的一次性通过率,特对现有的开发规范进行了重新输理,本文仅包括数据库层设计及开发规范。




程数据库对象开发规范—命名规范命名规范:1.1 对象命名汇总表1.2 对象命名约定:1.2.1 据库对象如TABLE、VIEW、SEQUENCE、TRIGER、PROCEDURE、FUNCTION、PACKAGE、COLUMN等的命名约定;1.2.2 命名全部以CUX开头.1.2.3命名尽量采用富有意义的英文词汇,不准采用汉语拼音;1.2.4 对象名称长度为1-30个字符,Database link名称也不要超过30个字符;1.2.5 命名只能使用英文字母,数字和下划线(分隔的有意义);1.2.6 避免使用Oracle的保留字如name,id,level,remark,description等关键字;1.2.7 数据表、视图名。


1.3 变量命名约定:所有用户定义的存储过程或函数中使用的变量、常量、异常等统一采用v_+混合拼写(如v_count)的格式,其中小写首字母代表变量的类型,命名尽量采用富有意议的英文词汇,如果要缩写尽量采用约定俗成的缩写或去元音缩写,如info(信息)和ctrl(控制)等。

1.3.1 所有名称采用英文单数名词或动词,避免出现复数。

1.3.2 字符串类型采用varchar2,部分情况可用char.1.3.3 如无特殊需求,避免使用大字段(blob, clob, long, text, image 等)。


行 应 用 开 发 有 些 学 生 还 参 与 到 一 些 基 于 J a v a E E和 O r a c l e 数 据 库 的 实 际 开 发 项 目中 .并 取 得 了 一 定 的 成

4 考核 办 法
对 于一 门面向实 际应用 的专业技 能课程 来说 . 传
统 的笔试 不能科学地考查学生对课 程理论知识 的掌握 程度和实践能力 。 因此 . 课程考核 用小组 综合项 目的形 式取代 了传统的笔试 . 具体 的考 核办法是 : 最终成 绩包 括 平时 成绩 和期 末 成绩 两部 分 .分 别 占最 终成 绩 的
节 比较注重项 目驱动和合作学习 的结合
以一 个 完 整 的 项 目实 例 “ 人事 管理系统 ” 贯 穿 所 有
到确认后 . 随即展 开工作 由于平 时实验都 是由一个完
整项 目分 解 而成 .因 此 由 3人 小 组 来 合 作 完 成 一 个 小
的八个 实验 : O r a c l e数据库安装 和配置 , 常用工具 的使 用. 数据库及模 式对象 的建立与管 理 . S Q L命 令和 S Q L 函数 。 P L / S Q L编 程 。数据库安 全权 限管理 ,备 份与恢
4 0 %和 6 0 %。
参 考 文 献
[ 1 】 孙风栋. O r a c l e 1 0 g数 据 库 基 础 教 程 [ M】 . 北京 : 电子工业 出
版社 . 2 0 0 9
平时成绩包括平时作业 和实 验成绩两部分 ,各 占
平时成绩 的 5 0 % 平 时 作 业 主要 考 查 学 生 对 理 论 知识
[ 2 】 张秋红, 王秋 芬 . 大型数据库 教学方法探 讨[ J ] . 电 脑 知 识 与 技术 , 2 0 1 0 ( 2 7 ) : 7 6 3 4 — 7 6 3 6 【 3 】 员亚利, 高春玲, 陈红梅. 计算机 专业《 大 型数据库 》 课 程 教

oracle api、接口开发实例

oracle api、接口开发实例

主题:Oracle API接口开发实例实践一、背景介绍在企业信息化系统中,API接口是非常重要的一部分。


本文将通过实际案例,介绍Oracle API接口开发的实践经验和技巧。

二、Oracle API接口开发概述1. 什么是Oracle API接口?Oracle API接口是通过调用Oracle数据库中的程序单元来实现数据交换和业务逻辑处理的一种技术。


2. Oracle API接口开发工具和技术Oracle提供了多种API接口开发工具和技术,如PL/SQL、Java API、RESTful API等。


三、实例介绍以一个简单的用户信息管理系统为例,介绍如何通过Oracle API接口实现用户信息的增删改查操作。

1. 用户信息管理系统的需求假设我们有一个用户信息管理系统,需要实现以下功能:- 查询用户信息- 新增用户信息- 修改用户信息- 删除用户信息2. 数据库设计我们需要在Oracle数据库中创建一个用户信息表,包括用户ID、用户名、性别、芳龄等字段。

3. API接口开发针对用户信息管理系统的需求,我们可以通过PL/SQL语言编写API 接口,实现相应的功能。

编写查询用户信息的API接口,可以使用如下PL/SQL语句:```sqlCREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE get_user_info (userId IN NUMBER, userInfo OUT SYS_REFCURSOR) ASBEGINOPEN userInfo FORSELECT * FROM user_info WHERE user_id = userId; END;```类似地,可以编写新增、修改、删除用户信息的API接口。



oracle数据库典型案例(最新版)目录1.Oracle 数据库概述2.Oracle 数据库的典型案例3.Oracle 数据库的优势和应用场景正文一、Oracle 数据库概述Oracle 数据库是一款由甲骨文公司开发的关系型数据库管理系统,其功能强大、稳定性高,广泛应用于各个行业。

Oracle 数据库能够提供数据安全、完整性、可靠性和可扩展性等多种特性,满足不同企业的需求。

二、Oracle 数据库的典型案例1.金融行业:Oracle 数据库在金融行业有着广泛的应用,如银行、证券、保险等领域。

其中,银行系统对数据的安全性和稳定性要求非常高,Oracle 数据库能够满足这些需求,成为金融行业的首选。

2.电信行业:Oracle 数据库在电信行业也有着广泛的应用,如电话簿管理、计费系统等。

电信行业数据量大、访问频繁,Oracle 数据库能够高效地处理这些数据,保证系统的稳定运行。

3.医疗行业:在医疗行业,Oracle 数据库可以用于病历管理、药品管理等系统。

这些系统对数据的安全性、完整性要求很高,Oracle 数据库能够满足这些要求,为医疗行业提供可靠的数据管理方案。

4.零售行业:在零售行业,Oracle 数据库可以用于商品管理、销售管理等系统。

零售行业数据量庞大,Oracle 数据库能够高效地处理这些数据,帮助企业提高运营效率。

三、Oracle 数据库的优势和应用场景1.数据安全:Oracle 数据库采用多级安全机制,可以确保数据的安全性。


2.数据完整性:Oracle 数据库能够确保数据的完整性,防止数据篡改、丢失等。


3.高性能:Oracle 数据库具有高性能,能够处理大量数据。


4.可扩展性:Oracle 数据库具有良好的可扩展性,能够随着业务发展进行扩展。

Oracle 10g 数据库管理应用与开发 课后习题答案(填空与选择题)

Oracle 10g 数据库管理应用与开发 课后习题答案(填空与选择题)

Oracle 10g 数据库管理应用与开发课后习题答案(填空与选择题)填空题第二章1.用户对数据库的操作如果产生日志信息、则该日志信息首先被存储在日志缓冲区中,随后由LGWR进程保存到日志文件。






第四章1.创建一个UPDATE语句来修改ARTISTS表中的数据,并且把每一行的T_ID值都改成15,应该使用的SQL语句是update artists set t_id=15;。



4.当设置了多个列的显示属性后,如果清除设置的显示属性,可以使用命令clear column,而当要清除某列具体的显示属性时,需要使用命令OFF/column 列名clear。

5.使用SA VE命令可以将缓冲区中的SQL命令保存到一个文件中,并且可以使用Start命令运行该文件。




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一、ORACLE中的SQL(Oracle SQL & PL/SQL)(55分)
·Like、In、Between…and…、Exists、Is Null
·Insert Into … Values…
·Update .. Set … Where…
·Delete From … Where …
·修改表:Alter (约束)
·删除表:Drop Truncate
(2)过程:Create 、Create Or Replace、Alter、Drop、
(3)函数:Create 、Create Or Replace、Alter、Drop、
(4)触发器:Create 、Create Or Replace、Alter、Drop、
·创建数据库访问对象:Statement PreparedStatement CallableStatement
·执行SQL语句:Execute ExecuteQuery
·关闭相关对象:rs.Close conn.Close
