Massage therapy attenuates inflammatory signaling after exercise-induced muscle damage
[收稿日期]㊀2020-11-12[修回日期]㊀2020-12-10[基金项目]㊀四川省医学科研课题计划(S18033)[作者简介]㊀吴世鹏,主治医师,研究方向为精神卫生疾病的诊断与治疗,E-mail 为gbmmk75@㊂DOI :10.15972/ki.43-1509/r.2021.02.020㊃临床医学㊃阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰治疗精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑的疗效及对血清因子的影响吴世鹏,周文芝,赵得晟,明青容(攀枝花市第三人民医院精神科,四川省攀枝花市617000)[关键词]㊀精神分裂症;㊀抑郁;㊀焦虑;㊀阿立哌唑;㊀草酸艾司西酞普兰[摘㊀要]㊀目的㊀分析阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰治疗精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效及对其血清因子的影响㊂方法㊀选取精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者114例,随机分为对照组及观察组㊂对照组口服草酸艾司西酞普兰㊁齐拉西酮胶囊,观察组在上述基础上加用阿立哌唑㊂观察两组患者临床疗效㊁抑郁焦虑症状㊁血清炎症因子与神经功能因子等改变情况㊂结果㊀治疗后观察组有效率为89.47%,高于对照组70.18%(P <0.05);治疗后1月和3月观察组汉密尔顿焦虑量表㊁汉密尔顿抑郁量表评分较治疗前和对照组降低(P <0.05);治疗后观察组血清肿瘤坏死因子-α㊁白细胞介素-2㊁白细胞介素-8㊁神经功能因子髓鞘碱性蛋白(MBP )及S100B 蛋白含量较治疗前和对照组降低(P <0.05);治疗后观察组血清皮质醇㊁同型半胱氨酸含量较治疗前和对照组降低,脑源性神经营养因子㊁5-羟色胺㊁多巴胺含量较治疗前和对照组升高(P <0.05)㊂结论㊀阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效,降低血清炎症因子含量,改善中枢神经递质分泌㊂[中图分类号]㊀R749.3[文献标识码]㊀AEffect of aripiprazole and escitalopram on schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety symptoms and influence of serum factorsWU Shipeng,ZHOU Wenzhi,ZHAO Desheng,MING Qingrong(Department of Psychiatry ,the Third People s Hospital of Panzhihua ,Panzhihua ,Sichuan 617000,China )[KEY WORDS ]㊀schizophrenia;㊀depression;㊀anxiety;㊀aripiprazole;㊀escitalopram oxalate[ABSTRACT ]㊀㊀Aim ㊀To analyze the effect of aripiprazole and escitalopram on schizophrenia combined depression and anxiety and influence of serum factors symptoms.㊀㊀Methods ㊀A total of 114patients with schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety symptoms who were treated were selected.㊀They were randomly divided into the control group by taking escitalopram oxalate and ziprasidone capsules.㊀Aripiprazole was added to the group on the above basis.㊀Ob-serve the patient s clinical efficacy,depression and anxiety symptoms,serum inflammatory factors and neurological function factors.㊀㊀Results ㊀The effective rate in the observation group after treatment was 89.47%,which was higher than70.18%in the control group (P <0.05);the hamilton anxiety scale and hamilton depression scale scores in the observation group in january and march after treatment was lower than before treatment and the control group (P <0.05);After treat-ment,serum tumor necrosis factor-α,interleukin-2,interleukin-8,nerve function factor myelin interstitial protein and S100B protein content of the observation group were lower than before treatment and the control group (P <0.05);After treatment,the serum cortisol and homocysteine levels in the observation group were lower than those before treatment and the control group,while the levels of BDNF,serotonin and dopamine were higher than those before treatment and the con-trol group (P <0.05).㊀㊀Conclusion ㊀Aripiprazole combined with escitalopram can effectively improve the curative effect of patients with schizophrenia combined with depression and anxiety,reduce the content of serum inflammatory fac-tors,and improve the secretion of central neurotransmitters.㊀㊀精神分裂症为临床常见的精神障碍,全球患病率约为1%,是危害人类健康的一大顽疾[1],患者起病缓慢,临床表现为行为㊁情感㊁思维等多方面障碍和神经活动不协调,给患者和家人日常生活与工作带来了严重影响㊂有研究报道,即便经过有效治疗使患者生存质量㊁认知功能与临床症状等显著改善,但多数患者对全面恢复社会功能与工作能力等依然困难,无法独立工作㊁生活,尤其是对患者心理健康有严重影响[2]㊂抑郁㊁焦虑为临床精神分裂症患者多见症状,可发生于精神分裂症任何时期,增大其自杀风险,使患者丧失社会功能[3]㊂因此,单一采用抗精神药物可能无法使此类患者焦虑㊁抑郁症状完全缓解,需联合用药才可促进其康复㊂阿立哌唑为新型非典型抗精神药物,不仅可缓解精神分裂症患者的临床症状,同时对5-羟色胺1A受体亲和力较高,还能够明显改善患者抑郁症状,能够作为抗抑郁药物的增效剂[4]㊂草酸艾司西酞普兰是对抑郁障碍治疗的常用药物之一,临床效果受到了广泛认可[5]㊂本研究分析阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰对精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效及对血清因子的影响,现报道如下㊂1㊀资料和方法1.1㊀病例资料选取2017年11月 2019年11月于本院治疗的精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者114例㊂随机数字表法分为对照组和观察组各57例,其中对照组男30例,女27例,年龄20~58岁,平均(33.19ʃ5.28)岁,精神病病程3周~62月,平均(8.41ʃ3.22)月㊂观察组男31例,女26例,年龄19~59岁,平均(32.85ʃ5.14)岁,精神病病程3周~64月,平均(8.69ʃ3.17)月,两组患者临床资料差异无显著性,具有可比性㊂纳入标准:①符合‘疾病和有关健康问题国际统计分类ICD-10“[6]内关于精神分裂症诊断标准,且阳性与阴性症状量表(positive and negative symptom scale,PANSS)ȡ60分;②汉密尔顿焦虑量表(Hamilton anxiety scale,HAMA)>14分,且汉密尔顿抑郁量表(Hamilton depression scale,HAMD)>24分;③年龄18~60岁;④近2周内未应用抗抑郁㊁抗焦虑药物,抗精神病药物服用剂量相对稳定3月;⑤患者或家属知情并签署同意书㊂排除标准:①既往有自杀史或自杀倾向者;②对本试验药物过敏或高敏体质者;③处于哺乳或妊娠期者;④合并心㊁肝㊁肾等主要器官障碍;⑤治疗依从性较差,无法配合研究者㊂1.2㊀研究方法对照组口服草酸艾司西酞普兰(四川科伦药业股份有限公司,规格100mg/片),起始剂量20mg/天,依据患者病情可增量至40mg/天,为确保患者最低有效剂量,在剂量调节前后对其服药反应密切观察,调节间隔ȡ2天㊂餐后口服齐拉西酮胶囊(江苏恩华药业股份有限公司,规格20mg/片),20mg/次, 2次/天,2周后依据患者病情可增大至60~80mg/次, 2次/天,对其服药反应密切观察㊂观察组在上述基础上采用阿立哌唑(浙江大冢制药有限公司,规格5mg/片),起始剂量为5mg/次, 1次/天,第2周可增大至10mg/次,2周后可依据患者病情增大至15mg/次,但服用总量应低于30 mg/次㊂两组患者均持续治疗3月㊂1.3㊀观察指标①疗效评估:依据患者PANSS评分的减分率拟定,减分率=(治疗前评分-治疗后评分)/(治疗前评分-30)ˑ100%㊂患者减分率ȡ75%为痊愈,50%~ 75%为显效,25%~50%为有效,<25%为无效㊂②治疗前㊁治疗后1月㊁治疗后3月采用HAMA㊁HAMD量表评估患者抑郁㊁焦虑症状变化情况㊂③血清因子指标:采集患者治疗前后空腹静脉血6mL,ELSIA法检测血清炎症因子[肿瘤坏死因子-α(tumor necrosis factor-α,TNF-α)㊁白细胞介素-2(interleukin-2,IL-2)㊁白细胞介素-8(IL-8)]㊁神经功能因子[髓鞘碱性蛋白(myelin interstitial protein,MBP)㊁S100B蛋白(S100B protein,S100B)]㊁多巴胺(dopamine,DA)㊁同型半胱氨酸(homocysteine,Hcy)㊁脑源性神经营养因子(neu-rotrophic factor,BDNF)含量,电化学发光法检测皮质醇㊁5-羟色胺(5-hydroxytryptamine,5-HT)含量㊂④记录患者不良反应情况,包含体质量增加㊁呕吐㊁嗜睡㊁便秘㊁内分泌改变㊁头晕及腹痛等㊂1.4㊀统计学分析采用SPSS21.0统计软件行数据分析,计量资料用xʃs表示,重复测量方差或两独立样本t检验,计数资料采用χ2检验,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义㊂2㊀结㊀果2.1㊀两组患者临床治疗效果比较治疗后观察组有效率为89.47%,高于对照组的70.18%(χ2=6.591,P<0.05;表1)㊂表1㊀两组患者临床治疗效果比较单位:例(%)分组n无效有效显效痊愈总有效对照组5717(29.82)21(36.84)14(24.56)5(8.78)40(70.18)观察组576(10.53)15(26.32)26(45.61)10(17.54)51(89.47)a ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与对照组比较㊂2.2㊀两组HAMA㊁HAMD评分的比较治疗后1月㊁3月观察组HAMA㊁HAMD评分较治疗前和对照组降低(P<0.05;表2)㊂2.3㊀两组血清炎症因子与神经功能因子含量的比较治疗后观察组血清TNF-α㊁IL-2㊁IL-8㊁MBP及S100B含量较治疗前㊁对照组降低(P<0.05;表3)㊂2.4㊀两组血清多巴胺㊁Hcy㊁BDNF㊁皮质醇及5-HT 含量的比较治疗后观察组血清皮质醇㊁Hcy含量较治疗前㊁对照组降低,BDNF㊁5-HT㊁多巴胺含量较治疗前㊁较对照组升高(P<0.05;表4)㊂表2㊀两组患者HAMA㊁HAMD评分比较单位:分分组nHAMA评分治疗前治疗后1月治疗后3月HAMD评分治疗前治疗后1月治疗后3月对照组5725.03ʃ3.0615.80ʃ2.35a9.83ʃ2.24a25.19ʃ4.3017.25ʃ3.86a11.95ʃ2.50a 观察组5725.29ʃ3.109.17ʃ2.61ab 5.11ʃ2.01ab24.78ʃ4.1610.92ʃ3.75ab 6.02ʃ2.31ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组同时间段比较㊂表3㊀两组患者治疗前后血清炎症因子与神经功能因子含量的比较分组n TNF-α/(ng/L)IL-2/(mg/L)IL-8/(ng/L)MBP/(μg/L)S100B/(μg/L)对照组治疗前5712.05ʃ3.147.35ʃ2.208.86ʃ2.138.10ʃ2.03 2.54ʃ0.65治疗后579.17ʃ2.30a 5.81ʃ1.63a 6.80ʃ1.17a 6.80ʃ1.77a 1.96ʃ0.50a 观察组治疗前5712.18ʃ3.077.41ʃ2.188.81ʃ2.058.15ʃ1.98 2.59ʃ0.63治疗后57 6.96ʃ2.15ab 4.62ʃ1.75ab 5.29ʃ1.04ab 5.38ʃ1.52ab 1.49ʃ0.52ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组治疗后比较㊂表4㊀两组患者治疗前后血清多巴胺㊁Hcy㊁BDNF㊁皮质醇及5-HT含量的比较分组n皮质醇/(μg/L)Hcy/(μmol/L)BDNF/(μg/L)5-HT/(μg/L)多巴胺/(ng/L)对照组治疗前57263.19ʃ24.8618.49ʃ3.1220.14ʃ3.5219.98ʃ4.1246.19ʃ6.41治疗后57233.28ʃ19.07a14.89ʃ2.71a24.39ʃ3.66a32.67ʃ5.46a67.33ʃ7.56a 观察组治疗前57264.18ʃ25.7718.61ʃ3.0519.95ʃ3.7719.94ʃ4.8346.42ʃ6.30治疗后57217.52ʃ18.04ab11.98ʃ2.64ab28.27ʃ3.80ab40.01ʃ5.39ab76.73ʃ7.62ab ㊀㊀注:a为P<0.05,与本组治疗前比较;b为P<0.05,与对照组治疗后比较㊂2.5㊀患者不良反应情况治疗期间观察组出现腹痛2例㊁体质量增加1例㊁头晕2例㊁呕吐2例㊁内分泌改变1例㊁便秘2例㊁嗜睡2例,总发生率为21.05%(12/57)㊂对照组出现腹痛1例㊁头晕1例㊁呕吐3例㊁内分泌改变1例㊁便秘1例㊁嗜睡1例,总发生率为14.04%(8/57)㊂不良反应两组间比较差异无统计学意义(χ2= 0.970,P=0.325)㊂3㊀讨㊀论神经分裂症患者临床主要表现是行为㊁情感与思维的分裂及基本个性改变,其病程迁延,易反复发作,伴发抑郁焦虑为患者阴性症状或情感的表现形式,一般在阳性症状缓解后显现出来,临床发病率高[7]㊂草酸艾司西酞普兰为西酞普兰S-异构体代谢产物,有5-HT双重影响,可选择性结合突触前膜5-HT结合位点,还能够结合异构位点,加速释放5-HT并对5-HT再摄取抑制作用加强,同时对去甲肾上腺素影响小,患者无明显耐药性,对社交焦虑障碍㊁抑郁障碍等比较适宜[8-9]㊂阿立哌唑为喹啉铜类衍生物,不仅为5-HT2A拮抗剂,还是5-HT1A 与多巴胺D2部分激动剂,既能够使多巴胺功能亢进状态下调,也可使低兴奋多巴胺功能状态上调,起到改善精神分裂症阳性与阴性症状作用[10-11]㊂抗精神病类与抗抑郁药物对抑郁患者治疗有增效效果,药物的总剂量小,缓解临床症状,同时不良反应较轻[12]㊂本文研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症患者疗效,改善其抑郁焦虑症状㊂MBP为髓鞘浆膜面中枢神经系统的髓鞘蛋白质,可保持机体神经功能稳定,表达量越高则提示机体脑受损越严重㊂S100B广泛分布于神经胶质细胞,表达量和机体病情程度为正相关[13-14]㊂IL-2可对免疫系统内白细胞活性调控,IL-8能够加速释放炎症反应细胞内酶,参加病理进程各种反应㊂TNF-α能诱导并激活T㊁B细胞分化,加速形成IL-8,患者体内TNF-α㊁IL-2及IL-8处于高水平会对神经递质产生影响,造成神经分泌失衡,使患者病情加重[15-16]㊂本研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可抑制炎症因子表达,改善其神经功能㊂Hcy 为机体中枢神经系统受损的敏感标志物,和神经元兴奋联系紧密㊂皮质醇为肾上腺所分泌荷尔蒙,对于应付压力有重要作用㊂BDNF为脑内所合成的蛋白质,能够加速神经元的再生,并保持机体生理功能正常运转和神经元的生长发育㊂在抑郁焦虑症状的出现与发展中中枢神经递质为主要病理物质,多巴胺负责兴奋㊁高兴等信息传递,和抑郁的出现联系紧密,多巴胺含量上升能够使人情绪高涨,精力充沛,而多巴胺含量下降则造成机体丧失兴趣,情绪低落㊂5-HT多存在于神经突触与大脑皮层的抑制性神经递质,对精力㊁记忆和情绪等有调节影响,其含量降低会导致出现抑郁症状[17-19]㊂本文研究显示,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可使患者中枢神经递质分泌改善㊂同时,联合用药后患者不良反应未显著增大,说明该疗法安全性较高㊂综上所述,阿立派唑联合草酸艾司西酞普兰可有效提高精神分裂症合并抑郁焦虑症状患者疗效,降低血清炎症因子含量,改善中枢神经递质分泌㊂[参考文献][1]周素妙,吴逢春,丁文华,等.氧化应激参与精神分裂症认知功能障碍机制的研究进展[J].国际精神病学杂志,2019,46(3):388-391.[2]李四冬,戢汉斌,巫珺,等.棕榈酸帕利哌酮对精神分裂症患者社会功能㊁催乳素及体质量的影响[J].中国新药杂志, 2016,25(10):1145-1148.[3]张蓉,刘小梅,赖玉兰.综合干预对精神分裂症患者亲属抑郁与焦虑情绪的影响[J].临床精神医学杂志,2018,28(4):256-258. 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③ 通透性升高仅发生在直径100μm(20—60)的小
静脉、Cap,细小A不受影响。 ④ 内皮C之间形成 0.5-1.0的裂隙。
(2) 速发持续反应 (immedia-persistent response) ① 损伤后通透性立即升高,持续数h-数天 ② 内皮C受损伤因子直接作用 ③ 细A、Cap、细V均可受累
产物; (3)Ab和C有利于消灭病原微生物;
(4)渗出的纤维蛋白原交织成网,限制微生物扩散,促 进吞噬;
(5)病原体、毒素随淋巴液被带到LN,刺激机体产生 免疫反应。
但是 渗出过多→压迫邻近器官,器官功能↓ 不能吸收—→机化、粘连 喉头炎性水肿—→窒息
1、意义: 白细胞渗出是炎症反应最重要的特征。
1、细动脉短暂收缩: (1) 持续时间:
① 轻度损伤 3—5秒 ② 严重损伤 如:烧伤,持续数分钟 (2) 机制: ① 神经源性 ② 某些化学介质
(1) 表现:微A、微V扩张,微循环血管开放 →局部 血流量↑。
·药物与临床·糖尿病新世界 2023年9月DOI:10.16658/ki.1672-4062.2023.18.085达格列净联合二甲双胍治疗2型糖尿病的效果观察卢红艳1,21.广宁县人民医院呼吸科,广东肇庆526300;2.广宁县人民医院内分泌科,广东肇庆526300[摘要]目的探讨对2型糖尿病患者采用达格列净+二甲双胍药物完成治疗后获得临床效果。
结果研究组治疗总有效率(98.00%)高于常规组(84.00%),差异有统计学意义(χ2= 5.983,P<0.05)。
治疗后,研究组空腹血糖、糖化血红蛋白、餐后2 h血糖水平均低于常规组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
[关键词] 2型糖尿病;达格列净;二甲双胍缓释片;格列齐特缓释片;治疗总有效率;血脂指标;体质指数;血糖指标[中图分类号] R47 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1672-4062(2023)09(b)-0085-04Efficacy of Dapagliflozin Combined with Metformin in the Treatment of Type 2 Diabetes MellitusLU Hongyan1,21. Department of Respiratory, Guangning County People's Hospital, Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, 526300 China;2. Department of Endocrinology, Guangning County People's Hospital, Zhaoqing, Guangdong Province, 526300 China[Abstract] Objective To investigate the clinical effect of dapagliflozin plus metformin in patients with type 2 diabe‐tes. Methods 100 patients with type 2 diabetes in Guangning County People's Hospital from October 2020 to October 2021 were selected and divided into routine group and study group according to random number table, with 50 casesin each group. The routine group was treated with gliclazide sustained-release tablets and metformin sustained-release tablets, while the study group was treated with daggliflozin and metformin sustained-release tablets. Compared the treatment results of two groups of patients. Results The total effective rate of the study group (98.00%) was higher than that of the routine group (84.00%), the difference was statistically significant (χ2=5.983, P<0.05). After treat‐ment, the levels of triglycerides, low-density lipoprotein, total cholesterol, and body mass index in the study group were lower than those in the routine group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). After treatment, the fasting blood glucose, glycated hemoglobin, and 2-hour postprandial blood glucose levels in the study group were sig‐nificantly lower than those in the routine group, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion The combined application of dapagliflozin and metformin sustained-release tablets can significantly improve the therapeu‐tic effect of patients, significantly improve the level of blood lipid and body mass, effectively reduce the level of blood glucose, and promote the improvement of the overall prognosis of patients with type 2 diabetes.[Key words] Type 2 diabetes; Dapagliflozin; Metformin sustained-release tablets; Gliclazide sustained release tab‐lets; Total effective rate of treatment; Blood lipid index; Body mass index; Blood glucose index[作者简介]卢红艳(1982-),女,本科,副主任医师,研究方向为内分泌。
广东药科大学学报Journal of Guangdong Pharmaceutical University May,2023,39(3)膏摩疗法的膏药相关文献计量学分析钟伟兴,谌祖江,李义凯(南方医科大学中医药学院,广东广州510515)摘要:目的分析膏摩疗法的膏药研究现状,探讨膏药研究存在的问题。
关键词:文献计量学;膏摩疗法;膏药中图分类号:R286文献标识码:A文章编号:2096-3653(2023)03-0125-06DOI:10.16809/ki.2096-3653.20221113Bibliometric analysis of ointment-related literature on ointment rubbing therapyZHONG Weixing,CHEN Zujiang,LI Yikai*(School of TCM,Southern Medical University,Guangzhou510515,China)*Corresponding author Email:*************.cnAbstract:Objective To analyze the current research status of ointments for ointment rubbing therapy,and toexplore the problems in ointment research.Methods The relevant literatures on ointment rubbing therapypublished by CNKI,Wanfang database,Weipu database and Chinese biomedical literature database from theestablishment of the database to December1,2022were searched.The search terms were ointment rubbing,medicinal rubbing,ointment massage,external ointment therapy,medicinal massage,and traditional Chinesemedicine massage therapy.Bibliometric methods were used to analyze the name,the type,the composition,theointment matrix,the penetration enhancer and the preparation process of the ointment in the relevant literature.Results①In the initial inspection,1354articles were obtained,and finally226articles were obtained accordingto the inclusion and exclusion criteria.②Regarding the ointment type of the ointment therapy,self-made ointmentaccounted for57.5%;the commercial ointment accounted for16.8%;the classical prescription ointmentaccounted for17.3%;modified ointment accounted for8.5%,including12commercial ointments.There were21prescription sources of classical formula ointment and modified ointment,among which Dongqing ointment andChenyuan ointment were the most common.③The traditional Chinese medicine composition of ointment was收稿日期:2022-11-13基金项目:深圳市“医疗卫生三名工程”项目(SZZYSM202108013);国家中医药管理局中医药创新团队及人才支持计划项目(ZYYCXTD-C-202003);2021高水平-岐黄学者配套经费(G621299829)作者简介:钟伟兴(1997-),男,在读硕士,从事膏摩疗法的基础与临床研究,Email:************************通信作者:李义凯(1962-),男,教授,主任医师,博士生导师,主要从事软组织痛的基础与临床研究,Email:*************.cn。
酮替芬 (ketotifen)
阻断H1-R作用强,兼有稳 可致镇静、疲倦、 定肥大细胞膜作用,并可预 头痛、口干等。 防和逆转2受体的向下调节。 显效较快。
病理, 它能促发咳、痰、
为因果, 相互关联。治
疗时除对因治疗外, 应咳刺激感受器 促支气管痉挛
注重消炎, 并根据病人 的情况联合使用镇咳、
平喘药 支气管扩张药 抗炎平喘药 抗过敏平喘药
祛痰药 2
Ⅰ.恶心性(刺激性)祛痰药 【Basic effects and mechanism of action】
口服后刺激胃黏膜(引起恶心) →反射性兴 奋迷走神经→促进支气管腺体水分分泌→痰液 稀释
【Drugs used usually】 氯化铵(ammonium chloride) 愈创甘油醚(guaifenesin, 愈甘醚, 甘油愈创木酯)
均为选择性2受体激动药,口服有效,心血 管不良反应少,主要不良反应为引起肌颤。目 前最常用。
2.促内源性儿茶酚胺释放 激动2受体
肥大细胞释放组胺、白三烯 3.阻断腺苷受体 4.抑制胞外Ca2+内流和胞内Ca2+释放
医护英语知到章节测试答案智慧树2023年最新四川卫生康复职业学院第一章测试1.He was an ________ by profession.参考答案:electrician2.What is the slow injection of a substance into a vein(静脉) or tissue?参考答案:infusion3.______ is my favorite subject.参考答案:Biology4.After the accident I spent 6 months on _________.参考答案:crutches5.What is an instrument that doctor uses to listen to sb's heart and breathing?参考答案:stethoscope第二章测试1.As a little gir,Florence Nightingale believed that God had called upon her tohelp others. So when she grew up Nightingale must be interested in religion.参考答案:错2.Conditios at the Barrack hospital were fatal to the patients because of thelack of enough care.参考答案:对3.Before the end of the war, Florence returned to Britain参考答案:错4.During the Crimean Campaign, Florence Nightingale gained the nickname“The Great Lady”.参考答案:错5.The annual International Nurses Day is celebrated around the world onNightingale’s birthday参考答案:对第三章测试1. A hospital is an institution for health care.参考答案:对2.The three types of hospitals are general hospital, , and teaching hospital.参考答案:specialized hospital3.General hospitals can deal with immediate threats to health because theyuaually have an emergency department.参考答案:对4.The room-based system in a hospital can provide all patients with theirprivate rooms.参考答案:错5.What are the advantages of the modern hospital buildings?参考答案:null第四章测试1.Tuberculosis (TB) is a severe infection caused by ________ calledMycobacterium tuberculosis.参考答案:bacteria2.Anti-tuberculosis drugs have no side effects.参考答案:错3.Those people who have close contact with a newly diagnosed TB patient arelikely to be infected.参考答案:对4.Tuberculosis (TB) is only a chronic disease.参考答案:错5.Patients with infectious disease must _________ the others.参考答案:be separated from第五章测试1.It seems to us that you have _______ the chemotherapy.参考答案:responded well to2. A tumor biomarker test _________the tumor variables in your blood.参考答案:is used to test3.I am here to tell you an_______ news.参考答案:encouraging4.----I am here to tell you a good news.----What is it? I____ here about it.参考答案:null5.The toxicity test is to test whether the dosage should be _____.参考答案:adjusted1.An intensive care unit is an intensive therapy department.参考答案:对2.Cardiac monitors are used for facilitating breathing in cases of respiratoryfailure.参考答案:错3.Second-level ward round means census of the whole group of patients.参考答案:错4.If you want to move bowels, you can show me your index finger.参考答案:错5.Adjust ventilator parameters, generally adjust to more comfortableparameters.参考答案:对1.According to the surgical operation’s purposes,what categories the surgerycan be divided into?参考答案:palliative operation;diagnostic operation;radical operation2.According to the operation time limit, what categories the surgery can bedivided into ?参考答案:emergency surgery;elective surgery;confine surgery3.Which system status should be assessed before surgery?参考答案:respiratory system;urinary system;nervous system;cardiovascularsystem4.Which of the following preperations are included in preoperative routinenursing?参考答案:respiratory preparation;skin preparation;gastrointestinalpreparation;preoperative adaptability training5.In the nursing evaluation before surgery, the nurse should evaluate whetherthe patient's anxiety or fear is alleviated.参考答案:对第八章测试1.急救医疗服务体系是?参考答案:emergency medical service system2.EMSS include___?参考答案:intensive care unit;hospital emergency department medicalcare;prehospital emergency medical care3.The functions ofpre-hospital medical care are___?参考答案:To sustain the patients’ vital signs;To reduce the fatality rate anddisability rate;To lessen further injury;To alleviate pains4.If CPR & defibrillation are not applied within_____, the brain will dead.参考答案:4-6 min5.If you suspect that the victim has sustained spinal or neck injury, DO NOTmove or shake him.参考答案:对第九章测试1.Infant massage is to give the baby's _____________.参考答案:body massage2.The preparation to do the massage should include________.参考答案:environment;products;person;time3.When you do the infant massage on baby's hip, you should do circular touchon baby's hip.参考答案:对4.Artificial feeding means that the mother feed the baby with the methodof________________.参考答案:substitute milk5.The colostrum is rich in__________.参考答案:immunoglobulin A;vitamin A;taurine;mineral content第十章测试1.The adult human body has 206 bones.参考答案:对minuted fracture粉碎性骨折,指的是当骨头有两处以上的骨折或被压碎时。
变性。MRI检验显示受压节段脊髓有信号改变,脊髓受压呈波浪 样压迹。
Massage treatment 推拿治疗
Treatment:main purpose is to relieve spinal constriction
Category and treatment of Cervical
Spondylosis 颈椎病分型与治疗
Definition 颈椎病定义
Cervical spondylosis. It is due to cervical disc degeneration, neck injury or mechanics dysequilibrium caused by long-term muscular strain. It also because constrict or irritate cervical nerve root, spinal cord, vertebral artery or sympathetic nerve. These causes will lead neck, shoulder,back and arm pain and numbness, even lead paralysis and so: a series of clinical symptoms.
Medicalimageology test: X-ray shows: cervical vertebraes and uncovertebral jointhyperplasia, disc space narrow, reduce cervical lordosis, disappear, or anti-bow
西医精神科术语英文翻译以下是常见的西医精神科术语英文翻译:1. 焦虑症:Anxiety Disorders2. 抑郁症:Depression3. 精神分裂症:Schizophrenia4. 双相情感障碍:Bipolar Disorder5. 创伤后应激障碍:Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)6. 强迫症:Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)7. 失眠症:Insomnia8. 嗜睡症:Hypersomnia9. 睡眠障碍:Sleep Disorders10. 神经衰弱:Neurasthenia11. 精神发育迟滞:Mental Retardation12. 自闭症谱系障碍:Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)13. 注意缺陷多动障碍:Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)14. 抽动症:Tic Disorders15. 创伤性脑损伤:Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)16. 进食障碍:Eating Disorders17. 物质滥用:Substance Abuse18. 心理治疗:Psychotherapy19. 药物治疗:Pharmacotherapy20. 电休克疗法:Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)21. 支持性心理治疗:Supportive Psychotherapy22. 暴露疗法:Exposure Therapy23. 认知行为疗法:Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)24. 人际关系疗法:Interpersonal Therapy (IPT)25. 心理疏导:Psychological Counseling26. 精神科会诊:Psychiatric Consultation27. 心理评估:Psychological Evaluation28. 心理测验:Psychological Testing29. 精神卫生机构:Mental Health Facilities30. 心理健康促进活动:Mental Health Promotion Activities31. 精神疾病预防:Mental Illness Prevention32. 心理健康干预措施:Mental Health Intervention Measures33. 心理疏导热线:Psychological Counseling Hotline34. 心理健康服务:Mental Health Services35. 精神卫生保健工作者:Mental Health Care Workers36. 心理疾病患者支持团体:Support Groups for People with Mental Illnesses37. 精神卫生法:Mental Health Law38. 心理健康政策:Mental Health Policies39. 精神卫生运动:Mental Health Initiatives40. 心境障碍:Mood Disorders (MDs)。
Traditional Chinese Medicine 中医学, 2023, 12(10), 2852-2858Published Online October 2023 in Hans. https:///journal/tcmhttps:///10.12677/tcm.2023.1210428基于重吸收理论探讨推拿治疗腰椎间盘突出症的作用机制陈雄1,罗建2*1成都中医药大学针灸推拿学院,四川成都2成都中医药大学附属医院推拿科,四川成都收稿日期:2023年8月17日;录用日期:2023年9月28日;发布日期:2023年10月11日摘要推拿疗法属于我国传统医学中的瑰宝,并且在治疗腰椎间盘突出症中疗效明确。
关键词重吸收,腰椎间盘突出症,推拿,作用机制Exploring the Mechanism of Action ofMassage in the Treatment of HerniatedLumbar Disc Based on the Theory ofResorptionXiong Chen1, Jian Luo2*1College of Acupuncture and Tuina, Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu Sichuan2Department of Tuina, Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Chengdu SichuanReceived: Aug. 17th, 2023; accepted: Sep. 28th, 2023; published: Oct. 11th, 2023AbstractMassage therapy is a treasure of traditional medicine in China and has clear efficacy in the treat-*通讯作者。
•Inflammatory bowel disease(炎症性肠病):包括克罗恩氏病和溃疡性结肠炎,是慢性肠道炎症的一组疾病。
•Rheumatoid arthritis(类风湿性关节炎):一种慢性炎症性关节病,导致关节肿胀、疼痛和功能障碍。
•Inflammatory response(炎症反应):机体对于受到感染或损伤时的生理反应,包括免疫细胞的迁移、炎细胞的释放和代谢过程的改变。
•Inflammation markers(炎症标志物):包括C-反应蛋白、白细胞计数和血沉等用于评估炎症程度的指标。
加味五味消毒饮联合常规集束化治疗热毒壅滞型脓毒性心肌病的临床研究*赵丹① 赵永法① 万乐② 刘涛① 杨楠② 【摘要】 目的:探讨加味五味消毒饮联合常规集束化治疗对热毒壅滞型脓毒性心肌病患者的临床效果。
对照组采用临床常规集束化治疗,治疗组采用常规集束化治疗联合加味五味消毒饮,连续治疗7 d。
观察临床效果,比较两组治疗前后N端B型脑钠肽前体(NT-proBNP)、肌酸激酶同工酶MB(CK-MB)、心肌肌钙蛋白I(cTnI)水平、白细胞(WBC)、白细胞介素-6(IL-6)、降钙素原(PCT)水平;统计急性生理和慢性健康状况Ⅱ(APACHEⅡ)评分,对比重症监护室(ICU)住院时间及28 d病死率。
治疗后,两组APACHEⅡ、ICU住院时间、28 d病死率比较差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。
【关键词】 加味五味消毒饮 常规集束化治疗 热毒壅滞型 脓毒性心肌病 Clinical Study of Supplemented Wuwei Xiaodu Drink Combined with Conventional Bundle Therapyin the Treatment of Patients with Heat-toxin Congestion and Stagnation Type Septic Cardiomyopathy/ZHAO Dan, ZHAO Yongfa, WAN Le, LIU Tao, YANG Nan. //Medical Innovation of China, 2023, 20(36):097-101 [Abstract] Objective: To explore the clinical effects of Supplemented Wuwei Xiaodu Drink combined withconventional bundle therapy on patients with heat-toxin congestion and stagnation type septic cardiomyopathy.Method: A total of 90 patients with heat-toxin congestion and stagnation septic cardiomyopathy in the AffiliatedHospital of Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine from January 2021 to December 2022 were collected,randomly divided into 45 cases in the control group and 45 cases in the treatment group. The control group wastreated with clinical conventional bundle therapy, and the treatment group was treated with conventional bundletherapy combined with Supplemented Wuwei Xiaodu Drink, consecutively treated for 7 d. The clinical effect wasobserved, and the levels of N-terminal B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP), creatine kinase-MB (CK-MB),cardiac troponin I (cTnI), white blood cell (WBC), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and procalcitonin (PCT) before andafter treatment were compared between the two groups, the acute physiological and chronic health evaluationⅡ(APACHEⅡ) scores were evaluated, and the intensive care unit (ICU) admission time and 28 d mortality were compared.Result: After treatment, the levels of NT-proBNP, CK-MB and cTnI were decreased in both groups compared tothose before treatment (P<0.05), and those in the treatment group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05).After treatment, the levels of WBC, IL-6 and PCT were decreased in both groups compared to those before treatment(P<0.05), and those in the treatment group were lower than those in the control group (P<0.05). The differences in theAPACHEⅡ score, ICU admission time and 28 d mortality after treatment were statistically significant between thetwo groups (P<0.05). The total effective rate of treatment in the treatment group was higher than that in the control*基金项目:江西省中医药管理局科技计划项目(2021B022)①江西中医药大学附属医院 江西 南昌 330000②江西中医药大学通信作者:赵永法- 97 - 众所周知,感染可引起全身炎症反应综合征,演变为脓毒血症,可累及心、肺、肾等多个脏器,其中心肌损伤发生率可达40%~50%,进一步进展可出现脓毒性心肌病,病死率达70%~90%,所以是影响脓毒症转归的重要因素[1]。
大剂量激素冲击治疗重症多形红斑的护理干预探析重症多形红斑(Stevens-Johnson综合征&toxic epidermal necrolysis,SJS/TEN)是一种严重的药物过敏反应,其主要症状为皮肤和黏膜的严重坏死和剥离。
中医综合疗法对带状疱疹患者后遗神经痛、细胞因子水平的影响蒙坚【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】2016(22)24【摘要】Objective To explore the effect of Chinese medicine therapy on the cytokines,postherpetic neuralgia (PHN) of patients with herpes zoster.Methods Total of 116 cases with herpes zoster in the First Affiliated Hospital of Guilin Medical College from Jul .2014 to Feb.2015 were included in the study and di-vided into a western medicine group and a traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM) group according to the ran-dom number method,58 cases each.The western medicine group was treated with routine western medicine:three times daily oral administration of vitamin B 1 tablets(10 mg/time) and famciclovir (0.25 g/time) and mecobalamin tablets (0.5 mg/time) .The TCM group received comprehensive traditional Chinese medicine treatment:clove ointment for external application,3 times/day,self-made antitoxic eliminating pain prescrip-tion,once dose daily,acupuncture and moxibustion oncedaily.Both groups were continuously treated for 14 days.The time of herpes blister,scabby and decrustation and the incidence of PHN,lesion score changes,and cytokines tumor necrosis factor α(TNF-α),interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-10 level changes before and after treatment of the twogroups were compared.Results The blister ceasing,scabby and decrustation time in the TCM group were significantly lower than the western medicine group [(2.2 ±0.5) d vs (3.9 ±0.6) d, (8.0 ±1.8) d vs (10.3 ±2.1) d,(15 ±3) d vs (18 ±4) d,P <0.01].The incidence of PHN in the TCM group was significantly higher than that of the western medicine group[ 37.9%( 22/58 ) vs 60.3%(35/58),P<0.05].The VAS pain and skin lesions scores in the TCM group after treatment were signifi-cantly lower than before treatment and the western medicine group (P<0.05).The levels ofIL-6,IL-10 and TNF-αin the TCM groups were significantly lower than the western medicine group [(222.1 ±70.3) ng/L vs (275.3 ±68.6) ng/L,(461.2±26.5) ng/L vs (500.4 ±28.5) ng/L,(7.7 ±1.1) mg/L vs (8.4 ± 1.1) mg/L](P<0.01).Conclusion The Chinese medicine of acupuncture therapy plusoral herbal med-icine antitoxic anti-pain prescription,plus external application of clove extract have faster healing ,lighter pain and lower PHN for patients with herpes zoster compared with traditional western medicine ,and can be conclu-ded as with more significant comprehensive curative effect and is worthy of promotion in clinical .%目的:探讨中医综合疗法对带状疱疹患者后遗神经痛( PHN )、细胞因子水平的影响。
微波与加压肢体治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎段俊峰;陈丽贤;范秀华;王育庆【期刊名称】《中国组织工程研究》【年(卷),期】2004(008)021【摘要】AIM: To study the effects of treating diabetic neuritis by microwave and circulated compression to limbs.METHODS: The microwave and Bio-compression sequential circulator model 3004 were used, which is a complete system encompassing pneumatic pump and an arm or leg sleeve with permanently attached tubing. Each sleeve was divided into ten compartments that inflated in a directional manner moving fluid and increasing circulation. Pressure in each of the compartments could be individually adjusted to accommodate each patients' need(4 - 13.5 kPa once a day, for 30 minutes).RESULTS: After the therapy, of all the 63 cases, validity and total effectiveness of treating group were respectively 95% and 68% compared to 54%and 16% of control group. There was a significant difference between the two groups( t = 11.9 - 12.2, P < 0.01 ). Conductive speed of motor nerves was significantly increased after treatment( t = 0. 55 - 8.34, P < 0.01 ).CONCLUSION: Microwave and circulated compression to limbs combined with medicine to treat diabetic peripheral neuritis is proved to be a better way.%目的:观察微波与加压肢体综合治疗2型糖尿病所致的末梢神经炎的治疗效果.方法:采用微波微-温热量常规治疗肢体末端,3004型顺序循环治疗仪,该仪器具有4个相互重叠的、对肢体由远端向近端进行间断的、系列性挤压的气舱(压力4~13.5 kPa),治疗1次/d,30 min,连续30次为一疗程.结果:治疗组63例显效率及总有效率(68%,95%)优于对照组(16%,54%).治疗后神经传导速度明显改善(t=11.6-12.2,P<0.01);由于全身血液循环好转,促进了尿糖、血脂等代谢的改善(t=0.55-8.34,P<0.05).结论:应用微波和循环肢体加压综合治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎是一种较好的治疗方法,对末梢神经的恢复又有明显的促进作用.【总页数】2页(P4399-4400)【作者】段俊峰;陈丽贤;范秀华;王育庆【作者单位】解放军广州军区广州总医院康复医学科,广东省,广州市,510010;解放军广州军区广州总医院康复医学科,广东省,广州市,510010;解放军广州军区广州总医院康复医学科,广东省,广州市,510010;解放军广州军区广州总医院康复医学科,广东省,广州市,510010【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R587.1【相关文献】1.活血补肾汤治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎30例:附西药常规治疗28例对照 [J], 水瑞英;滕书文2.推拿并加压肢体治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎 [J], 李伟明;段俊峰3.循序加压肢体综合治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎疗效观察 [J], 段俊峰;孙青燕;范秀华4.微波并循序加压肢体治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎的临床研究 [J], 段俊峰;范秀华;孙青燕5.微波并循序加压肢体治疗糖尿病性末梢神经炎的临床研究 [J], 段俊峰;范秀华;孙青燕因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
采用磁共振成像评估硫唑嘌呤治疗多发性硬化症患者脑部新损伤的疗效Massacesi; L.; Parigi; A.; Barilaro; A.【期刊名称】《《世界核心医学期刊文摘:神经病学分册》》【年(卷),期】2006(2)6【摘要】Background: Azathioprine is an immunosuppressive agent that reduces relapse rates in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS), but its efficacy in suppressing new brain lesions has never been evaluated. Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of azathioprine therapy on new brain lesion suppression in MS. Design: Open-label treatment vs baseline study. Setting: Outpatient MS clinical center at a university hospital. Patients: Fourteen patients with relapsing-remitting MS of short duration and at least 3 gadolinium-enhancing(Gd+) brain lesions observed within 6 months before treatment. Intervention: Azathioprine, up to 3 mg/kg daily, individually adjusted according to blood lymphocyte number and the occurrence of adverse events. Main Outcome Measures: Brain Gd+lesions evaluated by monthly magnetic resonance imaging for 6 months before and 6 months during treatment and new T2 lesions evaluated during the same periods and after an additional 6 months. Results: The treatment reduced to 0 the median Gd+lesion number and volume per magnetic resonance image (P < .001 for both), resulting in a Gd+lesion number reduction of 50%or more in 12 of 14 patients (P < .01). An equivalentreduction in the new T2 lesion number was observed (P < .02); this activity also persisted during the additional treatment period evaluated using this outcome measure (P < .01). The median azathioprine dose administered (2.6-2.8 mg/kg daily) reduced the mean blood lymphocyte count to 57%of the baseline value. Adverse events were transient or reversible with dose adjustment. Conclusions: This study indicates for the first time that azathioprine, administered at lymphocyte-suppressing doses, is effective in reducing .MS new brain inflammatory lesions and is well tolerated.【总页数】2页(P6-7)【作者】Massacesi; L.; Parigi; A.; Barilaro; A.【作者单位】Department; of; Neurological; and; Psychfattic; Sciences; University; Florence; Viale; Morgagni; 85; 50134; Italy; 不详【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R744.51【相关文献】1.复发缓解型多发性硬化症患者急性期甲泼尼龙结合缓解期IFN_β治疗的疗效观察 [J], 毕振云;李宝栋;刘景峰;齐策2.视神经脊髓炎特异性自身抗体阳性的多发性硬化症患者临床表现和磁共振成像相关性研究 [J], 柏雪;胡风云3.干扰素β—1b对多发性硬化症患者疗效的磁共振成像分布 [J], Sormani; M.; P.; Bruzzi; P.; Beckmann; K.4.多发性硬化症患者生活质量问卷的跨文化适应性和有效性:一项在土耳其多发性硬化症样本中进行的研究 [J], Idiman; E.; Uzunel; F.; Ozakbas; S.5.多发性硬化症患者脑组织中的钠浓度:3T钠磁共振成像 [J], 谭志学(摘译)因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
按摩对痴呆患者激越行为效果的Meta分析金秋霞;陈梦婷;颛孙雯;玄令美;张立秀【摘要】目的系统评价按摩对痴呆患者激越行为影响.方法计算机检索PubMed、EMbase、Web of Science、Cochrane Library、JBI、知网(CNKI)、维普(VIP)、中国生物医学文献(CBM)、万方等数据库中关于按摩对痴呆患者激越行为的随机对照试验或准实验研究.由2名研究者独立筛选文献、提取资料与评价文献质量后,采用RevMan 5.3软件行Meta分析.结果最终纳入6项随机对照试验和1项准实验研究,总样本422例.经Meta分析,按摩可有效改善痴呆患者的激越行为[SMD=-1.04,95%CI(-1.79,-0.30),P=0.006].进一步亚组分析显示,按摩可以改善患者的躯体攻击行为、躯体非攻击行为、语言攻击行为及语言非攻击行为,且手部按摩、足部按摩、头面部按摩均对痴呆患者的激越行为有改善作用,但穴位按摩对痴呆患者激越行为的改善差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论按摩可有效改善痴呆患者的激越行为,但穴位按摩对痴呆患者激越行为的改善效果还有待进一步探索.【期刊名称】《护士进修杂志》【年(卷),期】2019(034)005【总页数】5页(P402-406)【关键词】按摩;痴呆;激越行为;系统评价;护理【作者】金秋霞;陈梦婷;颛孙雯;玄令美;张立秀【作者单位】湖州师范学院,浙江湖州313000;湖州师范学院,浙江湖州313000;湖州师范学院,浙江湖州313000;湖州师范学院,浙江湖州313000;湖州师范学院,浙江湖州313000【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R47-05痴呆是指因大脑功能障碍导致的记忆力衰退、情绪改变以及行为精神症状为特征的综合征[1]。
大鼠海马内微量注射强啡肽抗体对针刺治疗癫痫的影响高焕民;程介士【期刊名称】《医学综述》【年(卷),期】1998(4)5【摘要】针刺治疗癫痫在我国已有悠久的历史,其原理可能是激活了内源性的对癫痫起抑制作用递质系统,使兴奋性物质减少,抑制性物质增多.实验表明,癫痫发作时海马内强啡肽免疫活性物质含量明显下降,而发作过后其含量逐渐升高.因此,强啡肽系统与抑制发作有关.本文使用强啡肽抗体阻断强啡肽的作用后观察海马内强啡肽系统与癫痫发作以及针刺抑制癫痫的关系.1 材料与方法1.l 成年Wistar大鼠,体重280g~310g,雌雄不拘.先用乙醚麻醉,然后用戊巴比妥钠(浓度为400mg/100ml)按0.5ml/kg体重腹腔内注射.常规大鼠脑立体定向手术,分别将两根直径为4.5mm 的不锈钢外套管埋藏于双侧海马内,用502胶和牙托粉固定于颅骨表面.术后3天给予双耳电击(50HZ,60mA,0.4ms,间隔5min,连续3次),待发作稳定后通过微量注射管(套管外径4mm)先后分别注射抗强啡肽兔血清或免血清对照(1μl,8min内缓慢注射)。
【总页数】2页(P253-254)【作者】高焕民;程介士【作者单位】青岛市第二人民医院;青岛市第二人民医院【正文语种】中文【中图分类】R742.105【相关文献】1.大鼠海马内微量注射6-羟多巴胺对艾灸抗炎免疫作用的影响 [J], 唐照亮;宋小鸽;侯正明;陈全珠;章复清;袁静;陈向涛;许冠荪2.大鼠中脑导水管周围灰质内微量注射强啡肽抗体对不同频率... [J], 何承敏;韩济生3.颅痫宁对癫痫大鼠海马内 Glu及 GABA的影响 [J], 刘征;焦志勤;李艳凤;陈焕新;程为平;仝肖文;李求实;曲淑婕;朱英鹏4.蝎毒对癫痫大鼠海马内强啡肽原mRNA表达的影响 [J], 姜春玲5.白介素1β单克隆抗体对癫痫致大鼠海马组织炎症反应的影响 [J], 张海清;孔庆霞因版权原因,仅展示原文概要,查看原文内容请购买。
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DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.3002882, 119ra13 (2012);4 Sci Transl Med , et al.Justin D. Crane Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage Massage Therapy Attenuates Inflammatory Signaling AfterEditor's Summarymassage heals, perhaps we will soon get some idea of why it is so enjoyable.acid from tired muscles. And glycogen levels were also unchanged. Now that we know something about how But one oft-repeated idea turned out not to be true. As others have shown, massage did not help clear lactic were less active, a sign of less cellular stress and inflammation.α−necrosis factor B-regulated heat shock proteins and immune cytokines interleukin-6 and tumor κthe nucleus. Consequently, the NF B, causing less of this key inflammatory mediator to accumulate in κmuscle. Massage also altered the behavior of NF This set of responses indicated that additional mitochondria were forming, presumably accelerating healing of the , shifted into the nucleus, where it in turn activated transcription of its own targets COX7B and ND1.αpathway, PGC-1as revealed by their increased phosphorylation. Several hours after massage, another downstream target of this1 and its downstream effectors extracellular signaling kinases 1 and2 were activated,−sensors focal adhesion kinase Massage stretches and pulls muscles and, as one might expect, the authors found that mechanosensorypromoting faster recovery from exercise-induced muscle damage.−−able to make new mitochondria better mechanical stresses were activated. Massage reduced signs of inflammation, and massaged muscle cells were caused massive changes in gene expression, but after 10 min of massage, signaling pathways responsive tomuscles of 11 young men who had just pushed themselves to exhaustion with heavy exercise. The exercise itself biomedical terms, Crane and his colleagues have documented the biological changes that massage evokes in the leg among the usual tools of physicians. To validate its usefulness and understand how massage affects muscles inbut is not −−both for its putative healing properties and because it feels good −−Massage is a popular treatment The Mechanism of Massage/content/4/119/119ra13.full.html can be found at:and other services, including high-resolution figures,A complete electronic version of this article /content/suppl/2012/01/30/4.119.119ra13.DC1.htmlcan be found in the online version of this article at: Supplementary Material/about/permissions.dtl in whole or in part can be found at:article permission to reproduce this of this article or about obtaining reprints Information about obtaining last week in December, by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1200 New York Avenue (print ISSN 1946-6234; online ISSN 1946-6242) is published weekly, except the Science Translational Medicine o n F e b r u a r y 23, 2012s t m .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mM U S C L EMassage Therapy Attenuates Inflammatory Signaling After Exercise-Induced Muscle DamageJustin D.Crane,1Daniel I.Ogborn,2Colleen Cupido,1Simon Melov,3Alan Hubbard,4 Jacqueline M.Bourgeois,5Mark A.Tarnopolsky1,6*Massage therapy is commonly used during physical rehabilitation of skeletal muscle to ameliorate pain and promote recovery from injury.Although there is evidence that massage may relieve pain in injured muscle,how massage affects cellular function remains unknown.To assess the effects of massage,we administered either massage therapy or no treatment to separate quadriceps of11young male participants after exercise-induced muscle damage. Muscle biopsies were acquired from the quadriceps(vastus lateralis)at baseline,immediately after10min of massage treatment,and after a2.5-hour period of recovery.We found that massage activated the mechanotransduction signaling pathways focal adhesion kinase(FAK)and extracellular signal–regulated kinase1/2(ERK1/2),potentiated mitochondrial biogenesis signaling[nuclear peroxisome proliferator–activated receptor g coactivator1a(PGC-1a)], and mitigated the rise in nuclear factor k B(NF k B)(p65)nuclear accumulation caused by exercise-induced muscle trauma.Moreover,despite having no effect on muscle metabolites(glycogen,lactate),massage attenuated the pro-duction of the inflammatory cytokines tumor necrosis factor–a(TNF-a)and interleukin-6(IL-6)and reduced heat shock protein27(HSP27)phosphorylation,thereby mitigating cellular stress resulting from myofiber injury.In summary, when administered to skeletal muscle that has been acutely damaged through exercise,massage therapy appears to be clinically beneficial by reducing inflammation and promoting mitochondrial biogenesis.INTRODUCTIONComplementary and alternative medicine(CAM)is increasingly used as a cost-effective adjunct to conventional medical care(1).Many CAM techniques,such as acupuncture,massage therapy,or chiropractic ma-nipulations,are aimed at managing pain,relieving stress,and preventing injury.However,to date,most of these treatments have been evaluated only subjectively,and few have garnered sufficient cellular or mechanistic evidence of efficacy that validates their continued use on human patients.Massage therapy is a well-known form of alternative medicine that consists of physical manipulation of muscle and connective tissue at a site of injury,inflexibility,or soreness to reduce pain and promote re-covery(1,2).Massage has been hypothesized to moderate inflamma-tion,improve blood flow,and reduce tissue stiffness,resulting in a diminished sensation of pain.The potential benefits of massage could be useful to a broad spectrum of individuals including the elderly, those suffering from musculoskeletal injuries,and patients with chronic inflammatory conditions.About18million individuals undergo mas-sage therapy annually in the United States,making it the fifth most widely used form of CAM(1).The functional benefits of massage re-main contentious in humans(2–4),and experiments using massage therapy in animals may not properly mimic the human responses, limiting their usefulness.Despite several reports that long-term massage therapy reduces chronic pain and improves range of motion in clinical trials(5–7),the biological effects of massage on skeletal muscle tissue remain unclear.Muscle inflammation and pain are typically present when damage to the myofibrillar structure has occurred.This trauma,induced by either contractions(exercise-induced)or contusion,initially results in an inflammatory phase characterized by immune cell activation and infiltration,as well as cytokine release from both muscle and ad-jacent immune cells(8).A number of regulatory proteins are critical mediators of this stage of inflammation and cell repair,including those in the immune-responsive nuclear factor k B(NF k B)family as well as the transcriptional coactivator peroxisome proliferator–activated re-ceptor g coactivator1a(PGC-1a),which is responsible for mitochon-drial biogenesis(9,10).Repression of NF k B activation improves tissue repair and reduces immune cell infiltration into muscle(9,11).Abla-tion of muscle PGC-1a expression results in greater cytokine produc-tion and a state of low-grade inflammation(10),whereas increased PGC-1a reduces inflammation and improves the contractile function of dystrophic muscle(12).Furthermore,direct injection of the cyto-kines interleukin-6(IL-6)and tumor necrosis factor–a(TNF-a)can induce pain and reduce muscle function,independent of any muscle damage(13,14).Therefore,moderating the activation of NF k B signaling,increasing the expression of PGC-1a,and attenuating cyto-kine release are all potential therapeutic approaches for treating in-flammatory conditions in skeletal muscle.In order for a mechanical stimulus such as stretch or strain to re-sult in cell signaling,physical alterations in the cell membrane and the extracellular matrix must be transmitted via intermediate activating proteins known as integrins(15).Integrins in turn activate several in-tracellular kinases that propagate mechanotransduction signals,such as focal adhesion kinase(FAK)and the mitogen-activated protein ki-nase(MAPK)family of proteins.Skeletal muscle is sensitive to several types of stretch(16,17),and upon stretch activation,these kinase cas-cades activate regulatory factors that modulate protein synthesis,glu-cose uptake,and immune cell recruitment(18–20).Any physiological benefits due to massage would likely be initiated through mechanical1Department of Kinesiology,McMaster University,Hamilton,Ontario L8S4L8,Canada. 2Department of Medical Science,McMaster University,Hamilton,Ontario L8S4L8, Canada.3The Buck Institute for Research on Aging,Novato,CA94945,USA.4University of California at Berkeley,Berkeley,CA94720,USA.5Department of Pathology,McMaster University,Hamilton,Ontario L8S4L8,Canada.6Department of Medicine,McMaster University,Hamilton,Ontario L8S4L8,Canada.*To whom correspondence should be o n F e b r u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 s t m . s c i e n c e m a g . o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o meffects on skeletal muscle followed by changes to intracellular regula-tory cascades.The objective of this study was to assess the influence of massage within muscle that had performed a bout of intense exercise to better understand whether massage is an appropriate therapy for tissue rehabilitation.We obtained muscle biopsies from11young male subjects at rest,immediately after administration of massage to a ran-domized,single leg and after a2.5-hour period of recovery(Fig.1),and used whole-genome microarrays to screen for expressed genes induced by massage.After identifying functional categories from the array,we performed targeted real-time reverse transcription–polymerase chain reaction(RT-PCR),protein signaling analysis,and metabolite quanti-fication to more completely characterize the processes within skeletal muscle that are influenced by massage.RESULTSWhole-genome expression profilingBecause of the paucity of studies that describe the cellular processes that are influenced by massage,our initial analysis used an untargeted gene profiling approach.We identified five genes that were differentiallyexpressed in the muscle immediately afterthe massage treatment(0hours)and fourgenes that were differentially expressed2.5hours after massage(Table1).Indepen-dent of the massage treatment,the con-trol leg muscle exhibited a change in943probes(representing592genes)at0hoursafter massage(30min after exercise)and2307probes(representing1309genes)at2.5hours after massage(3hours afterexercise),significant changes that were in-duced by exercise alone(tables S1and S2).A genome-wide analysis of the genes al-tered by exercise alone has been previous-ly published by our group(21).One of thefive genes whose expression was altered bymassage immediately after the treatmentwas functionally related to actin dynamics(filamin B,b)(Table1).One of the fourgenes induced by massage after recoveryfrom treatment(2.5hours)was related toNF k B nuclear trafficking(nucleoporin88)(Table1).Overall,this profile suggestedthat massage altered processes related tothe cytoskeleton and to inflammation,with Fig.1.Overview of the study trials and procedures.Table1.Genes with altered expression induced by massage therapy.Probes were significantly different(P<0.05)in the massaged leg versus control at each time point after global gene expression analysis.n=11per time point.Name Probe Gene Fold change(versus control)FunctionImmediately after massage(0hours)Filamin B,b(actin-bindingprotein278)CR749793P06586CR749793 1.03Joining actin filamentsNone XM_929196P00253XM_929196 1.68UnknownNone AK057762P01128AK0577620.84UnknownNone NM_014588P01652NM_014588 1.27UnknownNone AK097340P00851AK097340 1.25Unknown2.5hours after massageStearoyl–coenzyme Adesaturase5NM_001037582P01948NM_0010375820.73Fatty acid synthesisMisato homolog1(Drosophila)BC002535P01465BC0025350.75UnknownNucleoporin88kD NM_002532P01539NM_002532 1.48Nucleocytoplasmic transport of NF k B None XM_208563P00344XM_2085630.81Unknown o n F e b r u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 s t m . s c i e n c e m a g . o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mthe former process being activated early after massage and the latter induced later in recovery.Muscle damage and activation of mechanical signalingTo ensure that massage had been administered to muscle that was exposed to exercise-induced trauma,we confirmed that acute exercise had induced damage in skeletal muscle(number of disrupted fibers per square millimeter)compared to rest at both the0-and the2.5-hour time points(Fig.2A,P<0.05).Disrupted fibers identified by toluidine blue staining are indicative of z-disc streaming between ad-jacent myofilaments,revealing that tears to the muscle structure had occurred.Mechanotransduction occurs rapidly in muscle in response to sev-eral types of stretch.Therefore,we assessed FAK and several of the MAPK proteins because they are the predominant signaling proteins that mediate mechanotransduction in skeletal muscle.We found that muscle from the massaged leg had greater FAK and ERK1/2(extra-cellular signal–regulated kinase1/2)phosphorylation immediately af-ter treatment(Fig.2,B to D)(P<0.05).The immediate activation of these proteins suggested that they could play a role in transmitting the mechanical stimulus of massage therapy within skeletal muscle. Growth signaling and metabolite concentrations Mechanical manipulation of muscle can produce marked metabolic re-sponses.Isolated stretch of skeletal muscle activates the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase(PI3K)pathway(and the aforementioned MAPKs),induces growth,and enhances glucose uptake(19,22).However,Akt(Ser473), mammalian target of rapamycin(mTOR)(Ser2448),glycogen synthase kinase–3a(GSK-3a)(Ser21),and GSK-3b(Ser9),indicators of PI3K pathway activation,were unchanged by massage at either time point after treatment(Fig.3,A to D)(P>0.05).Moreover,there were no effects on muscle lactate levels(Fig.3E)(P>0.05),and proglycogen, macroglycogen,and total glycogen fractions were unaffected by mas-sage treatment(Fig.3,F to H)(P>0.05).Therefore,the effects of ex vivo or in vitro stretch on growth or metabolite signaling within muscle were not mirrored by massage treatment.Mitochondrial biogenesisOur observation that MAPK-related signaling proteins were activated by massage then led us to consider downstream targets of this cascade. PGC-1a is an important mediator of tissue repair and metabolic con-trol,and its expression is increased by FAK and the MAPK p38(23,24). In accordance with our gene expression results,the nuclear abundance of PGC-1a was higher in the massaged leg2.5hours after treatment (Fig.4A,P<0.05)but not immediately after massage(P>0.05). The expression of COX7B and ND1mRNA,mitochondrial electron transport chain components encoded by nuclear and mitochondrial genes, respectively,was also assessed,because they are transcriptionally ac-tivated by PGC-1a.Similar to the results for nuclear PGC-1a protein, COX7B and ND1mRNA were increased at2.5hours in the massaged leg(P<0.05)but not immediately after massage was administered(0hours, P>0.05),confirming that mitochondrial biogenesis signaling was aug-mented by massage therapy(Fig.4,B and C).NF k B,cytokine,and heat shock protein signalingThe results of our genome profiling revealed massage-induced expression of a factor involved in NF k B transport into the nucleus(nucleoporin88). Given the critical role of NF k B in muscle inflammation,we sought to assess its activation(via nuclear accumulation)and any downstream effects on cytokine production.The nuclear abundance of NF k B was reduced in the treated leg immediately after massage(P<0.05)but not2.5hours later(P>0.05)(Fig.5A).Because the activation of heat shock proteins(HSPs)is indicative of cellular stress and these protein chaperones can be up-regulated by NF k B signaling,we also determined their response to massage.In agreement with our NF k B results,the phos-phorylation of HSP27(Ser82)was reduced in the massaged leg com-pared to the control at2.5hours(P<0.05)but not at0hours(P>0.05) (Fig.5B).IL-6protein content,a downstream response of NF k B acti-vation,was reduced in the massaged leg at2.5hours(P<0.05)but was not different from the control leg at0hours(P>0.05)(Fig.5C).In addition,the proportion of mature TNF-a to precursor TNF-a protein was lower at0hours with massage than with no treatment(P<0.05) but not at2.5hours(Fig.5D).TNF-a is only soluble and free from the cell membrane when it has been processed to its mature form(25).In contrast to the effects of massage on HSP27,no changes were in-duced in the abundance of the cytosolic chaperone HSP70,nor in the mitochondrial HSPs GRP75or HSP60,by massage(Fig.6,P>0.05).DISCUSSIONThe effectiveness and mechanistic underpinnings of movement or touch-based rehabilitation medicine(physiotherapy)and its relatedFig.2.Massage activates mech-anotransduction signaling imme-diately after administration indamaged skeletal muscle.(A)Totaldisrupted muscle fibers per squaremillimeter after intense exercise,asassessed with toluidine blue stain-ing.(B to D)Effectofmassage(MASS)on phosphorylation of(B)FAK(Tyr576/Tyr577),(C)p38(Thr180/Tyr182),and(D)ERK1/2MAPK(Thr202/Tyr204)0and2.5hours after exercise.AU,arbitrary units.Representative West-ern blots are shown.#P<0.05,significant difference from rest;*P<0.05,sig-nificant difference from control(CON).Data are expressed as means±SEM. n=8to11per time point.o n F e b r u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 s t m . s c i e n c e m a g . o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mtechniques are largely unsubstantiated.The increasing use of massage therapy as an adjunct to conventional care for musculoskeletal injury recovery(1)and the growing number of physician referrals for mas-sage(26)represent a shift toward non–drug-based therapies for per-sonal health.Given the spiraling cost of primary care and medications in the United States,it is likely that more patients will seek out this therapy as well as other nontraditional medical alternatives to com-plement more conventional approaches to their healthcare.In partic-ular,because musculoskeletal problems have a significant impact on daily function and quality of life,it is important to validate treatments that enhance recovery,moderate inflammation,and reduce pain in skeletal muscle.To begin this process,we have assessed the molecular influence of massage on human muscle cells and determined that muscle damaged by exercise is responsive to a10-min session of mas-sage.After activating cellular signaling pathways through mechano-transduction,massage attenuated the rise in several other signaling pathways indicative of muscle inflammation and cell stress regulated by NF k B and also augmented signaling through PGC-1a.Our results are likely at least partly due to mechanical stretch or strain during massage treatment that activated mechanotransduc-tion signaling via the FAK and ERK1/2signaling pathways.These proteins were phosphorylated immediately after massage treatment, and their activation preceded several signaling events that were acti-vated later.Isolated stretch increases muscle glucose uptake,proteinsynthesis,and,ultimately,muscle growththrough activation of the MAPK andPI3K cascades(19,22,27,28).In contrastto these results,we did not detect anyacute changes in Akt phosphorylation orits downstream targets mTOR,GSK-3a,or GSK-3b after massage.In addition,we did not observe any alterations inmuscle glycogen levels nor in muscle lac-tate,suggesting that the acute effects ofmassage occur independent of PI3K sig-naling,glucose uptake,or lactate clearance.Muscle responds to stretch differently de-pending on the loading axis(16,17),andprevious studies demonstrating PI3K ac-tivation have typically used only axialstretch(19,27),often at supraphysiologiclevels,which may produce different signalswithin the muscle than those resulting frommassage.Our results demonstrate thatmuscle remains mechanically sensitive to10min of massage therapy even after ex-haustive exercise,which likely potentiatescell signaling via PGC-1a and NF k B.PGC-1a governs a host of cellular func-tions,primarily those that enhance metab-olism and increase mitochondrial content,and is postulated to be an important,in-direct mediator of tissue inflammation inskeletal muscle(29).Metabolic fitness isintrinsically linked to cellular stress resist-ance,and,accordingly,low expression ofPGC-1a has been tied to greater inflam-matory cytokine expression(10,30).The regulation of inflammation is typically considered separate from mito-chondrial biogenesis;however,the transcription factor NF k B(p65) has been recently shown to bind directly to PGC-1a in cardiomyocytes (31),suggesting a mechanism by which these important pathways may interact.Our data agree with these findings,because the immediate reduction in nuclear NF k B(p65)that we observed in the massaged leg preceded the rise in nuclear PGC-1a at2.5hours,possibly through decreased direct binding of p65.Thus,massage may lower the amount of p65available to sequester PGC-1a in the nucleus under conditions of exercise-induced muscle damage,indirectly favoring metabolic recovery.Acute,contraction-induced damage to skeletal muscle is known to activate the inflammatory NF k B pathway,triggering the shuttling of the p65subunit into the nucleus,which increases prostaglandin syn-thesis,acute phase proteins,and inflammatory cytokine expression (32,33).In our study,the reduced nuclear abundance of the p65sub-unit of NF k B after massage correlated with a reduction in the ratio of mature to precursor TNF-a protein immediately after massage and a reduction in IL-62.5hours later,consistent with attenuated local pro-duction of cytokines.Inflammatory cytokines may impede muscle re-pair by increasing muscle protein breakdown(34–36)and suppressing myosin synthesis(37).Additionally,their local injection activates pe-ripheral nociceptors,causing increased sensitivity to pain(hyperalgesia) (13,14).Administration of cyclooxygenase inhibitors blunts most ofFig.3.Anabolic signaling and muscle metabolites are not influenced by massage therapy.(A to D)Effect of massage on the phospho-rylation of(A)Akt(Ser473),(B)mTOR(Ser2448),(C)GSK-3a(Ser21), and(D)GSK-3b(Ser9)at0and2.5hours after exercise.(E to H)Ef-fect of massage on muscle levels of(E)lactate,(F)macroglycogen, (G)proglycogen,and(H)total glycogen.No significant differences were observed.Data are expressed as means±SEM.n=8to11per time point.o n F e b r u a r y 2 3 , 2 0 1 2 s t m . s c i e n c e m a g . o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mthe hyperalgesia derived from local IL-6and TNF-a injection in rodent muscle,indicating that prostaglandins are largely responsible for the sensitization of muscle-associated nerves caused by inflammatory cyto-kines (38,39).Similarly,pain and inflammation in human patients are often treated with analgesic medications that block the local formation of prostaglandins (40),suggesting that massage may act in a similar fashion.One class of analgesics,nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs),are some of the most commonly consumed drugs in the world,but under certain situations,side effects,interactions with other medica-tions,or preexisting conditions may preclude their use.An alternative therapy such as massage may provide similar benefits.Moreover,massage may be useful in situations where areas of low blood flow (the muscle tendon interface)restrict the access of circulating analgesics to a site of in-flammation or in conjunction with other anti-inflammatory treatments.In summary,our findings suggest that the perceived positive effects of massage are a result of an attenuated production of inflammatory cytokines,which may reduce pain by the same mechanism as con-ventional anti-inflammatory drugs such as NSAIDs.These results elu-cidate the biological effects of massage in skeletal muscle and provide evidence that manipulative therapies may be justifiable in medical practice.Future studies should address additional posttranslational signaling pathways influenced by manual therapies (such as whole-proteome phosphorylation and acetylation),as well as the effect of chronic massage on skeletal muscle adaptations to exercise.MATERIALS AND METHODSStudy descriptionEleven healthy,recreationally active males volunteered to participate in this study.Subject characteristics are provided in table S3.Before subject recruitment,this study was approved by the McMaster Uni-versity Research Ethics Board.After an explanation of the study pro-cedures,all individuals gave their informed consent to participate in the investigation.Participants reported to the laboratory themorningrge mitochondrial and cytosolic HSPs do not change in response to massage.(A to C )Influence of massage on the abundance of (A)HSP70,(B)GRP75,and (C)HSP60as determined by Western blotting in whole skel-etal muscle.No significant differences were observed.Data are expressed as means ±SEM.n =8to 11per time point.Fig.5.NuclearNF k B (p65)ac-cumulation,HSP27phospho-rylation,and muscle cytokine production are attenuated after massage therapy.(A to D )Effect of massage on exercise-induced changes in (A)the abundance of nuclear NF k B (p65),(B)HSP27phosphoryl-ation (Ser 182),(C)IL-6,and (D)the ratio of mature TNF-a to precursor TNF-a as measured by Western blotting in whole skeletal muscle.*P <0.05,sig-nificant difference from con-trol;†P =0.055,significantdifference from control.Data are expressed as means ±SEM.n =5to 8for nuclear proteins and n =7to 11for whole muscleproteins.Fig.4.Nuclear PGC-1a and levels of mitochondrial mRNA are increased 2.5hours after massage therapy.(A )Effect of massage on nuclear PGC-1a protein abundance as determined by Western blotting.(B and C )Effect of massage on mRNA levels of nuclear-encoded COX7B (B)and mRNA levels of mitochondria-encoded ND1(C),as measured by RT-PCR.*P <0.05,signif-icant difference from control.Data are expressed as means ±SEM.n =5to 8for nuclear proteins and n =10to 11for mRNA expression.o n F e b r u a r y 23, 2012s t m .s c i e n c e m a g .o r g D o w n l o a d e d f r o mafter an overnight fast on two separate occasions,separated by a 2-week period(see Fig.1for a schematic of the study procedures). They were requested to adhere to the following requests before each visit:abstain from moderate to intense physical exertion for72hours, refrain from alcohol consumption for48hours,eat their habitual diet for48hours,and abstain from caffeine for12hours.Participants were given a355-kcal defined formula diet(Ensure,Ross Laboratories), which was consumed2hours before each study trial.At the beginning of the first visit,a baseline muscle biopsy was acquired from the vastus lateralis of a randomly assigned leg to serve as the resting control sam-ple(Rest).After the biopsy,each subject underwent testing for peak aerobic capacity(VO2peak)on an upright cycle ergometer as described (21).At the second visit,all subjects returned to the laboratory and performed a bout of exhaustive aerobic exercise,as described(21), before receiving randomized massage treatment.The exercise bout consisted of upright cycling exercise on an electrically braked cycle ergometer(Lode Excalibur,Lode)pedaling at a workload calculated to elicit60%of their predetermined VO2peak for30min at a cycling cadence between70and90rpm.After30min,the intensity was in-creased to a workload equivalent to65%VO2peak for5min,then dropped back to60%for5min,increased to70%VO2peak for5min,dropped to60%for5min,etc.,to a maximum of85%VO2peak.If85%VO2peak was attained,then subjects continued with intervals of85%VO2peak for2min followed by60%VO2peak for2min,etc.,until subject ex-haustion.Test completion was ascertained when subjects were unable to maintain a cycling cadence above70rpm.We used acute aerobic exercise in unconditioned individuals to cause contraction-induced mus-cle damage to mimic a common scenario where massage therapy is used in human subjects.Immediately after exercise,subjects were al-lowed to recover for10min while massage oil was lightly applied to both quadriceps.Thereafter,a single leg was randomized to receive massage treatment for10min from a registered massage therapist.The massage treatment was composed of three types of soft tissue manipulations while the subject remained in the supine position.Treat-ment was focused on the knee extensor muscles,encompassing a range of pressures and movement patterns typically provided during a ther-apy session.The treatment consisted of(i)2min of effleurage,a light stroking technique delivered with a moderate pressure;(ii)3min of petrissage,a firm motion involving compression and subsequent pres-sure release from the muscle;(iii)3min of slow muscle stripping,con-sisting of repeated longitudinal strokes of~40s;and(iv)an additional 2min of effleurage.All members of the study team were blinded as to which leg was massaged,with the exception of the massage therapist. After massage,the subjects rested for10min and a muscle biopsy was obtained from the vastus lateralis of each leg(0hours).Two and a half hours later(3hours after the cessation of the exercise bout),a biopsy was again obtained from each leg(2.5hours).All biopsies were ac-quired from separate incisions,about2to3cm apart.A small portion of muscle from each biopsy was fixed in chilled(4°C)2%glutar-aldehyde supplemented with0.1%sodium cacodylate for subsequent histology.The remaining muscle samples were quickly portioned, flash-frozen in liquid nitrogen,and then stored at−86°C until further analysis.Muscle metabolitesAbout20mg of muscle tissue was freeze-dried to remove all cellular water content,and metabolites were extracted serially with perchloric acid(PCA)and hydrochloric acid(HCl)as described(41).Using this extraction procedure,we quantitated weak acid–soluble(macroglycogen) and weak acid–insoluble(proglycogen)fractions,as well as total gly-cogen values,by comparing samples to a glucose standard curve(5to 600m M).Glycogen values were determined by monitoring the NADPH [reduced form of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide(NAD+)phos-phate]formed from free glucose by hexokinase and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase with appropriate substrates in a1-ml cuvette as described (42).Lactate was analyzed in a96-well plate using10m l of the PCA fraction by generating NADH(reduced form of NAD+)from endog-enous lactate in185m l of buffer containing100mM hydrazine,100mM glycine,and0.5mM NAD+.Lactate dehydrogenase was then added ata concentration of8U/ml,followed by a2-hour incubation,and samples were compared to a lactate standard curve(5to100m M).This protocolis fundamentally as described(42).Both NADPH and NADH were monitored at an excitation of340nm and emission of460nm witha fluorometer(cuvette:Perkin-Elmer,plate reader:Tecan).All enzymes were acquired from Roche,and all chemicals were from Sigma-Aldrich. RNA extraction,microarray analysis,and RT-PCRRNA was extracted from whole muscle with an automated homoge-nization and extraction apparatus(QiaCube,Qiagen)according to the manufacturers’protocols for the RNeasy mini kit.RNA yield and in-tegrity was then evaluated via Bioanalyzer(Agilent),and samples that passed QC and integrity checks were then reverse-transcribed and am-plified with one round of whole-transcriptome amplification via the WTA2Complete Whole Transcriptome kit from Sigma.After ampli-fication,the resulting omniplex complementary DNA(cDNA)library was further purified with a Qiagen PCR purification chip and further evaluated for integrity and yield via Bioanalyzer(Agilent).cDNA li-braries were then labeled,hybridized,and washed onto12-plex135K (HG18)NimbleGen oligonucleotide whole-genome microarrays(Roche NimbleGen),via the one-color NimbleGen labeling kit as per the manufacturer’s instructions.The resulting hybridized chips were then scanned and quantitated via a GenePix4200Scanner(Molecular Devices),and the quantitated images were used to evaluate relative gene expression between samples.After global genome profiling analysis,reverse transcription was performed on200ng of total RNA produced above with a High-Capacity Reverse Transcription kit(Applied Biosystems)on a gradient thermo-cycler(MyCycler,Bio-Rad).Real-time PCR was performed in duplicate with the7300Real-Time PCR system(Applied Biosystems)using SYBR Green chemistry(PerfeC T a SYBR Green Supermix with ROX, Quanta Biosciences)under standard thermocycling conditions.Genesof interest were normalized to the housekeeping gene b2-microglobulin, which was not influenced by massage treatment.Primer sequences used in the study are as follows:ND1,aagtcaccctagccatcattctac(for-ward)and gcaggagtaatcagaggtgttctt(reverse);COX7B,ctagcttcaccttcac-gatgtt(forward)and gctctgccttgccattgt(reverse);b2-microglobulin, acttgtctttcagcaaggactg(forward)and ttcacacggcaggcatact(reverse).All primers were found to have>90%efficiencies by a standardized serial dilution curve,and a melt-curve analysis was performed to verify that a single transcript was produced.Western blottingWhole muscle was prepared for Western blotting as follows:A portionof muscle was homogenized on ice with a glass-on-glass homogenizer (Wheaton)in25times volume per weight(25m l per1mg of tissue)of potassium phosphate buffer(50mM K2HPO4/KH2PO4,1mM EDTA,onFebruary23,212stm.sciencemag.orgDownloadedfrom。