【南通环球教育(原环球雅思)】雅思口语考官最爱和最恨的答案 钱玉婷
Something original is something perfec.先问一个常识性的问题:如果你是一位雅思口语考官,每次考试要接待30个考生,而每次问到food时,30个人都会异口同声地说delicious;每次问到What do you think of Shanghai?时,30个人的开场白都是Shanghai is a beautiful city。
这时你会有怎样的感受和心情?以这位考官的话来说,“You will be bored to death!”(你会厌烦到死!)直白地说,考官也是人,也有人的所有感情及情绪啊,每天都听到delicious, beautiful, important, international这些陈词滥调,自然会烦闷,对考生的口语成绩难免会有一些影响。
因此,强烈建议考生:You must say something original and don’t say “beautiful”all the time。
就刚才的food问题,我们完全可以说fantastic, incredible, marvelous 等表示赞赏的词,而谈到对Shanghai的看法,情愿用Shanghai is a great city 这种更简单的语言来避免机械化的套路。
2、讲了三种dust组成cloud ,一种是自己发光,这里介绍了两种类型;一种是反射其它光;一种不发光,这种可以直接用肉眼看到。
举例是海蝴蝶会被一种动物驮在背上,让学生说disadvantage ……最后说这种对两种共生动物都有害的关系很少见,加试是经典加试2014年4月27日托福考试独立作文:Do you agree or disagree: Your job has a greater effect on your overall happiness than your social activity.2014年4月27日托福考试阅读部分网友回忆汇总阅读1:19世纪美国城市美化活动阅读2:日本天气阅读3:十四世界欧洲机经衰退原因2014年4月27日托福口语真题回忆(网友版)task1:你最想学习的人,为什么?task2:是否应该在16岁前也接受教育task3:学校准备在宿舍大厅安装两台电脑,但是有十分钟时间限制,女生同意,省时间,限制时间很happy。
1.The light is dim there
2.Few people go there
The woman disagrees.
1.The light is brighter than before, as good as the library now.
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 1
南通托福培训-- 20140112托福机经
2014-1-12托福口语考试点评苏州环球雅思学校李辰真题回放:Task1: talk about a study habit you have that is different from others. Explain your answer in details.Tip: 大家想想这个题目是否跟过去考过的“ i prefer going to bed late and get up late”有十分紧密的联系呢。
The sample answer below is just for your ref.I like studying very late in the night for the following reasons: First, I can concentrate better when all the daily noise dies down in the house and the neighborhood. Its doesn’t matter whether I am at home or in my dorm. Particullarly after 11 when everybody has finished their errands and my parents will be reading or getting ready to sleep. Second, I have gotten used to sleeping in if I dont have any particular plans in the morning. So there is no reason to get up early. In addition, I dont have to worry about being bothered by text messages, calls and all. This way, I can be able to focus on my study without any distractions at all.T2 Some people prefer to shop in shopping malls, others like to shop in small stores. Which do you prefer.随便选都可以说的题目,而且大家都是有亲身经历的。
【南通环球教育(原环球雅思)】英语学习 高均
等到积累一段时间后其实发现新闻稿很多都是固定词汇的使用,比如there is no end in sight ….这种,都是比较官方的说法。
新托福口语考题回顾朗阁海外考试研究中心 沈丹萍考试日期: 2014.05.11 是否重复Q1=101121CNQ2&Q6=101212CN Q3&Q5=110611CN Q4=120217CN题号 内容Question 1Describe an activity you enjoyed most when you were a child. Explain why you enjoyed this activity most. Include reasons and examples to support your response.Question 2Some people prefer to travel to some new places that they have never been, while others prefer to travel to some places that they have been before. Which one do you prefer and why? Question 3Reading partListening part【学校通知】:School newspapers will add off-campus job opportunities.1. It helps students be more aware of job opportunities.2. Offer more jobs related to students’ future career.【学生态度】:The woman agrees with it.1. It helps students, especially freshmen, get more information. Shefailed to find a job because she was too late to compete and she didn’tknow where to find one. 2. It enables students to find a job which is helpful in the future. She has a friend who wants to be a lawyer but ends up working in a book store. Having these job ads, her friend can find a job in a law firm. Her resume may look better and it’s good for her career.Question: Briefly summarize the passage. Explain the woman’s opinion and why she holds that opinion. Question 4Reading partListening part【名词解释】:Consumer lock-in:It is a marketing strategy that the manufacturer makes accessories that can only pair with its own products.【教授举例】:The professor goes on to demonstrate it using his camera as an example.He had a brand A camera with which he took lots of pictures and recorded lots of memorable moments. But he accidentally broke the zoom lens. One day he saw a brand B zoom lenswith reasonable price and superiorperformance. He was gonna buy itbut found out that it couldn’t fit hiscamera. Eventually, he had to buythe brand A lens which was muchexpensive.Question: Briefly summarize the passage. How does the example given bythe professor explain consumer lock-in?Question 5 【学生困难】:The man’s friend Brian is going to have a fancy wedding so that he has to wear a suit. He borrowed his brother’s suit, but it was tooshort for him.【解决方案】:1. His friend offers to tailor for him, but this friend is not professional, so it’stoo risky.2. Or he can buy a new one. It’s expensive, but he can still use it in otheroccasions. For example, he has a job interview next week, and he canwear the suit.Question 6 【讲课要点】:How do plants adapt to harsh environment?1. Resisting high velocity wind. There’s a kind of bush. It’s only a fewcentimeters’ tall, very low to ground, so it’s not likely to get blew off.2. Surviving water shortage. There’s a berry. The waxy skin of this berrymakes sure that it will not lose water into air so easily.。
【南通环球教育(原环球雅思)】雅思口语part3解析样例 周京
雅思口语part3解题样例南通环球雅思教学部周京Part 3 Company1. What factors can affect a company’s development?解题思路:这个问题可以分成外部原因和内部原因两部分进行解答,内部原因可以提及的有老板的素质,员工的能力和数量;而外部原因,可以考虑市场的需求以及政府政策每个原因后面都可以继续跟进讲具体的例子达到拓展答案和增加说服力的目的。
加分词汇:plenty of ...很多contribute to…有助于internal/external 内部的/外部的matter 动词起作用,有效果ample 充足的government regulations 政府职责support 支持范例:There are plenty of factors which contribute to the healthy development of a company. For internal factors, it really matters if the employers are making smart decisions and if there are ample people doing the job. In terms of external environment, I would say that the government regulations play a very important role. If the government supports the development of the industry, it would be much easier for the company to grow.2. Would you work for a small but successful company in the future?解题思路:这个问题可以就个人真实想法进行回答,在小公司工作的好处有人际关系简单,提升空间比较大,而在大公司工作的好处有可以接触到非常多经验丰富的同行和重要的客户,各方面的工作能力得到很好的锻炼加分句型:if I did…, I would…虚拟语气假如我…,我会…the reason is that …原因是范例:well, if I had a choice, I would probably choose to work in a big company after I just graduate from school. The reason is that working in a big company allows me to meet people who are very experienced in my field and big clients who I will never meet if I work in a small company.3. Is it hard to run a company in China?解题思路:大部分的同学在这里会选择肯定的答案,这是需要有足够的例子去证明个人的观点,例如讨论找到好员工的难处,产品更新换代迎合市场的需求以及承受压力的能力当然,我们也可以说经营公司并不难,这时候只需要找出轻松创业的人士做示范即可范例:well, I can only assume that running a company in China is a lot of work, I mean, a great entrepreneur needs to find the right people to work for him, and his team and him need to constantly improve their products so that they can meet the needs of the market, and he also needs to be able to handle great pressure.加分词汇:assume 猜想entrepreneur 创业者constantly 持续不断地handle 处理4. Do you think online shopping will replace shopping malls in reality?解题思路:可以考虑从正面答,随着科技的发展网上购物的体验越来越好,客服服务好,产品质量有保证,快递速度很快等等;也可以考虑讲在商场内购物独一无二的体验,例如说销售人员的服务等范例:In fact, I don’t think it would happen in a short time since despite the benefits of online shopping, there are a lot of things that are special about shopping in a mall. For example, if you go to a fancy clothes store, you probably will receive good service from the sales people, and you get to feel the material, try the clothes on in front of big mirrors, and those are the feelings you won’t get by waiting at home for your package.加分词汇fancy 昂贵的receive good service 得到好的服务feel the material 用手触摸和感觉衣服的质地package 包裹。
2014-4-16托福口语考试点评苏州环球雅思分校张娟花真题回放:Task 1 Talk about a friend that is special to you. Explain why this person is special to you.真题分析:Step 1:key words and Brain StormKey words: a friend, specialBrain storm:Why to be special?:1. A friend in need is a friend indeed.2.Special interestStep 2Speaking:When it comes to a special friend, I would like to talk about my closest friend in my high school. She is a lovely girl named Nancy. We just met on the first day when the opening ceremony was held. The biggest reason why I think she is special to me is that she always helps me out of troubles when necessary. Once I got upset since I got a lowest score, she came up to me and gave me great comfort. To my big surprise, that night, she exchanged her seat with my original deskmate and told me that she would study together with me and help to improve my English and math. With her help, one month later, I ranked Top 10. We celebrated together. I do believe that Nanny is my closest and best friends.Task 2: do you agree or disagree with the statement that people’s personality never changes.真题点评:本题为典型的观点分析题,考生一定要提出自己的看法,同时给出合理的理由同时举出一些实例来证明自己的看法。
2014年2月22日雅思口语真题考试回忆回忆1上财RM411,p2describe a photo of u 这里还正常P3问我photoshop之类的东西如何affect people's attitude to photograph当时我就只有这个表情了…还有写news的和photographer的区别…part3跪得残残的回忆2武汉ielts考试中心 rm1 白人考官 part1study还是work、your subjest、enjot sunshine一系列问题 part2 sports event 是什么谁比赛哪里举行的part3各种sports问题,sports好不好有什么作用等。
回忆3温州rm302.p1 家乡,家里不满意的地方,以后会住哪里,喜欢用电子辞典还是纸质的 p2忙碌的时间 p3有人生活一直一个样你觉得这好吗,为什么。
感觉是去年在福州碰到的那个考官老头,英音语速快听不懂虐飞攒人品回忆4海南大学rm406,爬1 subject ,学啥,喜欢么,dictionary ,多久用一次,如果有人给你字典做礼物你觉得怎么样?电子字典/纸质字典。
school,高中喜欢么?最喜欢的学科,最不喜欢的?爬2,家里留传的老物件爬3,你觉得什么东西缅怀去世的人,旧东西好处,博物馆类型…回忆5成都电子科大 RM3 中年人比较严肃语速较快。
p2 帮你学英语的。
p3 老年人和小孩谁学的快学外语有什么用你看电影用不用字幕学外语遇到的困难回忆6内蒙师大RM11 趴一考了walk 趴二语言学习趴三关于语言学习看法意义考官姜黄头发眼睛很好看 (由于没有准备到此话题光靠眼神和演技交流了) 人超级nice 还一直安慰我紧张的情绪.赶快上来赞个人品~求分数不要太差回忆7厦大R402帅哥白人小青年~人很好,求过!!!p1个人信息,学生还是工作,专业,p2忘记的一件事,p3好的memory重要吗,对哪些人很重要,怎么帮助记住重要的事,各种跟memory有关的问题。
2014年2月22日托福考试口语回顾及解析苏州环球雅思学校曹潇Task1 真题回放:Which transportation do you enjoy? Bicycle , automobile or train. 考题分析: task1 的喜好类题目是比较简单的,对于此类题目的解答重点在于解释原因。
Topic: bicycleSupporting : 1. A good way to exercise2. Cheap, save a lot of money3. Environmental friendlyConclusion: so that’s why ....Key:语言细化,用自己的细节特点来说明原因。
Personally speaking, I think the most enjoyable transportation is bicycle. There are several reasons. First, riding bicycle is a good way for me to exercise. My school is not far from my home, I almost ride there everyday. On the way to school, I can breath the fresh air and improve my health condition . Second, bicycle is really cheap in my country, so that I can save a lot of money to do other things to improve my living condition, like watching movies, listening concert... Last but not least, I think bicycle is environmental friendly. It will not cause any pollution.So that’s why I enjoy bicycle.Task2真题回放: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement that people will read less in the future. Give examples and details in your answer考题分析:本题是是非类题目中的未来类的题目。
LISTENING 1类型话题Conversation Project详细内容一个男生报名了暑期项目,老师说他之前在waiting list里面,但是现在可以转正了。
LISTENING 2类型话题Lecture Phytology详细内容本篇阐述的关于palynology传粉学。
主要讲的怎么用这个了解certain society。
花粉还能看beginning of agriculture,后面举了个例子。
有关植物学以及生物学范文,考生可参考TPO1-4 Marmots;TPO4-1 Displacement Activity;TPO6-2 Nightcap Oak;TPO7-2 Bats use of ultrasound;TPO8-1 Active Habitat Selection;TPO10-1 Whales;TPO11-1 Distraction Display;TPO12-1 Cell Division;TPO14-2 Microclimate;TPO15-4 Hydrothermal Vents;TPO16-3 Foraging Behavior among beavers;TPO17-4 Octopus;TPO18-4 North American Wood Frogs;TPO19-3 Salt Marshes;TPO20-4 Snowshoe Hare;TPO21-3 Evolution Theory;TPO23-3 Dolphins;TPO24-1 Crocodile V ocalization;TPO25-4 Play;TPO27-1 Coral Reefs;TPO27-3Sauropod;TPO28-2 Mirror Self Recognition。
托福听力考试解析环球雅思华南总校北美考试院夏楠楠杜泽帆整理点评2014年01月12日考试回忆考试科目难度加试综合点评托福听力较难经典2014首考未出现“一天两题”的情况LISTENING 1类型话题Conversation Office Hours详细内容1.女生去找天文学课的老师,老师说你正好来了,我跟你说说你的paper,老实说写得很好,想推荐女生去他朋友那里做研究;2.女生说好,说她今天来是要问昨天课上老师提到但没有讲的extra solar planet3.女生问有没有发现类似地球的?老师说有发现methane,女生问这就意味着有生命的存在?4.第一题主旨题:女生来找老师的原因(开头讲论文是假主旨)。
LISTENING 2类型话题Lecture Paleontology详细内容1.老师说因为恐龙太老了,所以我们不能用蛋白质复原法来研究它们,但是一个偶然的机会,让科学家发现可以这么做了;2.然后老师就用一个mass s....的仪器,说可以确定bones上的蛋白质,接着用这个仪器做了一个chicken和一种o... 的鸟的实验。
LISTENING 3类型话题Lecture Art History详细内容1.在以前,impressionist的画不流行,因为在早期法国,画的出版是由academy垄断的,他们不喜欢,所以没得出版;2.所以这些印象画派的人就自己聚到一起,有些其它画派因为被academy 拒绝,就也一起参加进去;后来有个人就自己举办了画展private exhibition3.再后来,好像是莫奈,也办了个人画展。
新浪微博 @ 南通环球雅思直营校 @南通环球雅思教研部Reading Passage 2Title:海洋里的食物结构Question types:文章内容回顾:主题:海洋生物食物链在海洋中,各种生物种群的食物关系,呈食物金字塔的形式。
【南通环球教育(原环球雅思)】口语趴2素材地点类 程姣
BhutanThe country I’d like to visit is nestled between India andChina---Bhutan. A tiny Himalayan Kingdom is little known by outsiders. The first time when I got to know this country was from a geographicsmile on local people’s face. And then, the further I read, the greater interest I gonna have about the country.As far as I know, Bhutan is one of countries which has no formal diplomatic relations with China as well as other big countries like Britain. And innovations in modern society like internet and television have only been allowed since 1999. But things are changing fast in recent years, in a few ways, Bhutan has been at the cutting edge of internationaltrends: plastic bags have been banned and tobacco isalmost wholly illegal.By law, 60% of the country must always be forested. However, despite its spectacular scenery and fascinating culture, it remainsrelatively untouched by mass tourism, and deliberately so.The government restricts numbers and charges visitors from outsideSouth Asia, making tourism "low impact" in environmental andcultural terms, and helps preserve the unique magic of theplace.Another fact I’d like to point out is Bhutan measures quality of life by Gross National Happiness (GNH)rather than Gross Domestic Product (GDP), striking a balance,between material and mental well being. Andaccording to the report, many Bhutanese are famously satisfied with theirlives.Well, I’m not sure what I’m gonna do there, maybe just walk around, breathe the unpolluted air, talk to local people, visit the temple or...plant a tree...yeah, since tree planting is popular in the country, where they are a symbol oflong life, beauty and compassion, just like the pure land that I’ve been quite taken with.。
托福写作考试解析南通环球雅思学校AK整理parents who have no opportunity to enter college. However,Internet helps young people to satisfy what they need in a large range and context,providing the overall introduces of a particular college: faculty, majors,facilities and real-time notices could be searched in the homepage; moreover,the college ranking and evaluation could assist in college comparison and choosing. With different aspects of information collected and analyzed, young people ought to make a better decision.On the other hand, young people today are educated and guided to be independent since childhood. They ought tobe given more trust and confidence in making better decisions by parents. Take marriage as an example, now the view of love is plumb different than ever. We abandon the feudal style of arranged marriage and pursue free and precious love.But parents still embrace the old concept of matched marriage. I have heard of some tragedy through family marriage and believe the love should be based on mutual appreciation (attraction), which has nothing fundamentally with money or estate. Today, most independent young people get married with the one they really love and enjoy a harmony and fortunate marriage. For parents, giving advice timely without excessive intervening and standing by the consequent decisions young people make is the most feasible and proper approach involved in young man’sdecision-making, otherwise, totally parent-oriented decision may lead to further complaints from young people when they encounter failure in the long run. Whereas, young people are more likely to stick to what they prefer scarcely with complaints and fear. That makes them strive for success.Above all, accompanying with a large amount of sources in network and independent education since children, I believe that young people are better able to make decisions by themselves.。
新浪微博 @ 南通环球雅思直营校 @南通环球雅思教研部Section 1: 生活场景:生日晚会预定(100520S1)One woman telephone for husband’s party.·1-10 填空题1. Work number: 55533 and 4897242. Date: 27th April3. Location: Museum Avenue4. Maximum 93 persons5. cold6. Main dish: chicken and fish7. No nuts8. cake9. paper10. flowers第一个单词就是机经重点词汇,机经在手考试不愁Section 2 旅游场景:discovery walking·11-14 选择题11. C12. B organize walking routinely13. C opposite direction14. 待定·15-20 配对题A organize the walkingB book the mealC prepare refreshmentsD weather forecastE check the number of the peopleSection 3 学术场景:男女选专业和学校(V66)·21-23 选择题21. Why did Lucy choose journalism? C22. How many students can find their jobs on completion of course? BA 66%B 88%C 98%23. Why did Lucy choose her university? CA the theoretical backgroundB TV facilitiesC work placement·24-30 填空题24-25 Why did Jack choose science24 easy to understand and it is 25 challenging26-27 the girl’s school: though it is not inside downtown, but social life is good: because 26 a cinema and 27 lots of clubs28 lots of activities29 1 year30 move to apartmentSection 4 学术讲座:vertical farmingVertical farming和traditional farming 对比·31-40 填空题irrigationoilfoodtemperaturehabitat losssoilpopulationfloodswindhumidity此次考试较难:habitat和humidity拼写容易出错。
托福听力考试解析环球雅思华南总校北美考试院夏楠楠杜泽帆整理点评2014年3月22日考试回忆考试科目难度加试综合点评托福听力一般经典LISTENING 1类型话题Conversation Office hour详细内容(1)教授表扬女生关于经济模型的presentation做得好(2)然后告诉女生有项目去巴西、土耳其和欧洲国家,女生想去土耳其,因为她做的项目跟土耳其相关,但教授不支持,女生就又说了些理由,教授还是表示反对(3)教授说巴西也不错的,比如可以研究巴西咖啡对巴西经济的重要性,但女生说其它地方都去过了,还是最想去土耳其,最后教授松口了。
话题拓展LISTENING 2类型话题Lecture Art History详细内容(1)讲的是意大利文艺复兴时,一个画家的贡献(2)他用story或narrative 的角度来作画,一个特点是表现人物的character(3)然后说他narrative的方法很注重比例,花人体肌肉还有三视图的,好像跟三维/立体透视等技巧有关。
话题拓展LISTENING 3类型话题Lecture Biology详细内容(1)讲免疫细胞,它们很naive因为不能recognize入侵的病毒等等,讲到叫T cell的一个东西是从thymus来的(2)然后说这种T cell会影响人们的思维记忆,科学家做了实验发现T cell的数量跟实物摄入量有关:两组小白鼠,一组减少30%食物,一组正常进食,结果发现减少食物的那组小白鼠活得更久(3)然后教授又说科学家对猴子也做了类似实验,结果还是吃得少的猴子反而活得更久,结论就是食物多少会影响T cell多少,而T cell数量也会影响动物寿命长短,这对人类病理研究很有价值(4)学生说那我们少吃点就能活得长寿啦,教授说那让你们少吃30%的食物你们愿意吗?男生又问是否确定人类也是这样的情况,教授说还不确定。
话题拓展LISTENING 4类型话题Conversation Service Encounter详细内容(1)女生去帮室友拿package结果需要室友自己去拿,不能代领(2)然后学生转入另一个主题,询问说自己的校内mailbox不想要了,但管理员叫她不要注销,因为学校所有重要信息都是在上面发布的(3)女孩说还是想注销,因为教授都有她的personal email,所以注销没事的(4)管理员说那学校发布的信息她如何获知?女生说她可以看bulletin或在工作的地方看看news也行啊,最后管理员同意给她办理注销。
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Task 1
1. What quality do you think is the most important to be a university student?
Highly motivated, hard-working, or intelligent?
解题思路:解析:highly motivated
1. Solve problems efficiently
2. Face problems directly
参考答案It's so important to be motivated when you are learning something. If you're positive about the problem you encounter, and you'll probably be able to deal with it directly. Which is essential in the workplace after graduation. In addition, In university, you are supposed to be passionate with your major. Once you learn it, you are gonna improve your study efficiency.
Task 2
Title:Do you agree with the statement that Artists and Musicians are important to the society?
Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.
Artists Musicians
1. film, culture,
1. Release work and study stress
参考答案I agree with this statement. First, when we say society, it means the integration of many things, including immaterial things, like the culture, spirit, films, music, sport, and so on. If there are no artists and musicians, there will be no paintings, sculptures, or songs and music. Can you imagine a life without these? but for more. when you back from work, then sit down and listen to Bach's piano music. Or when you look at Mona Lisa, you will get charmed at her smile. So, I have to say, the world without artists and musicians will be boring. That's why I agree
with this statement.
Task 3
Reading Listening
A student’s letter about the
school cafeteria. Supposed to
be a perfect place to meet with
fiends and study. But always
empty and the lighting is poor .
女孩不同意,白天大家都有课cafeteria 空是应该的,晚上才gathering. 灯也修过了,跟图书馆一样亮,每张桌子都有灯。
Task 4
Reading Listening Psychology passage: Method of Loci. 利用image 记忆东西, can vividly recall.
如memorize the names of planets in solar
system, 想象从student dorm 去student
center ,先看到front door , then the tree in front of the dorm, the statue in front of the library, 最后是building. 对应Mercury is the nearest, and then Venus is the tree,
Mars is the statue.
Task 5
女孩心情不好,film project deadline快到了,last scene还没拍
解决措施:1) 修改结局,可以改成室内拍。
但好天气渲染气氛,supposed to be a happy ending.
2) 明天预报晴天,明天拍。
refine, polish, 不想草草了事
Task 6
Title Biology class鱼的特殊技能some fish can make electric current and they can benefit.
回答思路:1) For survival 如电鳗eel capture therapy
2) For sight in the dark如深海中knife fish释放电波避免撞到石头使自己受伤。