三、5G系列40kW电机参数解析1. 电机型号:5G40kW2. 电机功率:40kW3. 电机转速:3000r/min4. 电机电压:380V/50Hz5. 电机频率:50Hz6. 电机效率:≥92%7. 电机绝缘等级:F级8. 电机防护等级:IP549. 电机冷却方式:IC41110. 电机重量:约45kg11. 电机外形尺寸:Φ280×410mm四、5G系列40kW电机优势分析1. 高效率:5G系列40kW电机采用高效能电机设计,其效率高达92%,能够有效降低能源消耗,降低用户运行成本。
2. 节能环保:电机采用节能材料,降低能耗,符合国家节能减排政策,具有良好的环保性能。
3. 高可靠性:电机采用优质材料,严格的生产工艺,确保电机在恶劣环境下仍能稳定运行。
4. 强大的启动性能:电机具有优良的启动性能,能够满足重载启动需求。
5. 适应性强:电机适用于各种工业领域,具有良好的适应性和通用性。
6. 噪音低:电机采用低噪音设计,降低噪音污染,提高工作环境舒适度。
五、5G系列40kW电机应用领域1. 机床:5G系列40kW电机广泛应用于各种机床,如数控机床、车床、磨床等。
2. 风机:电机可用于各种风机,如空调风机、通风风机、抽风机等。
3. 水泵:电机适用于各种水泵,如工业水泵、消防水泵、农业水泵等。
4. 印刷机械:电机可用于印刷机械,如印刷机、装订机、切纸机等。
AC 100-240V ~ 50/60HZ
K4A 用户手册
3 应用场景
如需同时控制多台 K4A,请按下图进行连接。
SIM 卡安装
步骤 1 轻按图中按钮,卡槽会自动弹出。
步骤 2 轻拉出卡槽。 步骤 3 将 SIM 卡按照卡槽放置好。 步骤 4 将卡槽轻轻推入。
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输入回路监控 传感器/导线断路和短路
回路保护 可组态
1 W5Re / W26Re 2 测量点高于 400
显示 或 F 线性化功能 温度线性化 输入电阻 = 1M 断路监控 传感器电流 = 1 A
断路保护 可组态 反极性监控 输入低于量程起点 30K 触发 冷端补偿 内部设置 传感器导线或补偿导线必须连接 到控制器端子 附加误差 = 0.5K / 10K 端子温度变化 外部 CJ 补偿选择 0~100 热电阻输入 Pt 100 热电阻符合 DIN IEC 751 温差输入 2 Pt 100
逻辑 0 = -3~5 V 逻辑 1 = 15~30 V 所需电流 约 5 mA 数字输入与其它输入/输出以及供电电源之 间采用电流隔离 4. 输入通道 INP3 INP4 可选 电流隔离差动放大器输入 可选功能 定标 开方 INP4 有 7 段线性 化功能 直流电流输入 技术参数同 INP1 5. 控制输入 DI8~DI12 可选 除了与 do5 和 do6 电流连接 其它参数同 di1 和 di2 6. 控制输入 DI3~DI7 除了与 do1~do4 电流连接 其它参数同 di1 和 di2 输入综合列表
环境条件 温度 运行温度 0~60
高精度控制 0~55 储存运输 -20~60 气候种类 KUF 符合 DIN 40 040 相对湿度 年平均 75% 不结露 撞击和震动 防震符合 Fc 测试 DIN68-2-6 防撞击符合 Ea 测试 DIN86-2-27 电磁兼容性 符合 EN 50 081-1 和 EN 50 082-2
SPECIFICATIONS13Models 7520DT, 7530DT, 7540DT, 7550DT and 7564SAFunctional SpecificationsINPUTVoltage 115/230 VAC 15, Single Phase, User selection Frequency 50/60 Hz 5Fuse6.3 Amp 250V Slo-Blo for 7550DT and 7564SA 5 Amp 250V Slo-Blo for 75/20/30/40DTDIELECTRIC WITHSTAND TEST MODEOutput Rating5 KV @ 40 mA for 7550DT and 7564SA, 5 KV @ 20mA for 75/20/30/40DT6 KV @ 10 mA DC for 75/30/40/50DT and 7564SAOutput AdjustmentRange:0 - 5 KV AC 0 - 6 KV DCResolution: 1 volt/step Accuracy:(2 of setting 5 volts) Ramp-HI 12mA peak maximum, ON/OFF selectableCharge-LORange:0.0 - 350.0A DC or Auto setHI-Limit AC Range:0.00 - 40.00 mA for 7550DT and 7564SA, 0.00 - 20.00 mA for 75/20/30/40DT Resolution: 0.01 mA/step Accuracy: (2 of setting 2 counts) DC Range:0 - 9999AResolution: 1A/stepAccuracy:(2 of setting 2 counts) LO-Limit AC Range:0.000 - 9.999 mA Resolution: 0.001 mA/stepAccuracy: (2 of setting 2 counts) DC Range:0.0 - 999.9 AResolution: 0.1A/stepAccuracy:(2 of setting 2 counts) Arc Detection Range:1 - 9Failure DetectorAudible and VisualRecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************1981SPECIFICATIONS14Voltage Display Range: 0.00 - 6.00 KV Full Scale0.00 - 5.00 KV Full Scale for 7520DT onlyResolution: 10 volt/stepAccuracy: (2 of reading 2 counts)Current Display Auto RangeAC Range 1: 0.000mA - 3.500mAResolution: 0.001mA/stepRange 2: 3.00 - 40.00 mA for 7550DT and 7564SA,3.00 - 20.00 mA for 75/20/30/40DTResolution: 0.01 mA/stepDC Range 1: 0.0 A - 350.0 AResolution: 0.1A/stepRange 2: 300 A - 3500 AResolution: 1A/stepRange 3: 3000 A - 9990 AResolution: 10A/stepAccuracy: All Ranges (2 of reading 2 counts)DC Output Ripple 4**********************,ResistiveLoad Discharge Time 200 msMaximum CapacitiveLoad DC Mode1uF < 1KV0.75uF < 2KV0.5uF < 3KV0.08uF < 4KV0.04uF < 5KV0.01uF < 6KVAC Output Wave Form Sine Wave, Crest Factor = 1.3 - 1.5Output Frequency Range: 60 or 50 Hz, User SelectionAccuracy: 1%Output Regulation (1 of setting 5 volts) from no load to full load Dwell Timer Range: 0, 0.3 - 999.9 sec (0 = Constant)Resolution: 0.1 sec incrementsAccuracy: (0.1% + 0.05 sec)Ramp Timer Range: AC 0.1 - 999.9 secDC 0.4 - 999.9 secResolution: 0.1 sec incrementsAccuracy: (0.1% + 0.05 sec)RecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************SPECIFICATIONS15Ground Continuity For 75/20/30/40/50DT Current : DC 0.1 A 0.01A, fixedMax. ground resistance : 1 0.1, fixed Ground Fault Interrupt GFI Trip Current: HV Shut Down Speed: 450 A max (AC or DC)< 1msINSULATION RESISTANCE TEST MODE Model 75/30/40/50DT, 7564SAOutput VoltageRange:100 - 1000 Volts DC Resolution: 1 volt/step Accuracy:(2 of reading 2 volts) Short Circuit Current Maximum: 12mA peak Voltage DisplayRange: 0 - 1000 VResolution: 1 volt/stepAccuracy:(2 of reading 2 counts) Resistance DisplayRange: 1 - 9999 M (4 Digit, Auto Ranging)Resolution:500VDC 1000VDC M M M 0.001 1.000 - 5.388 1.000 - 9.999 0.01 1.40 - 53.88 2.80 - 99.99 0.1 14.0 - 538.8 28.0 - 999.9 1104 - 9999280 - 9999Accuracy:(2 of reading 2 counts) at test voltage 500 - 1000V and 1 - 1000 M(8 of reading 2 counts) at test voltage 500 - 1000V and 1000 - 9999 M(8 of reading 2 counts) at test voltage 100 - 500V and 0 - 1000 MCharge-LO Range: 0.000 - 3.500A or Auto Set HI-Limit Range: 0 - 9999 M (0 = Off) LO-Limit Range: 1 - 9999 MDelay TimerRange: 0, 0.5 - 999.9 sec (0 = Constant) Resolution: 0.1 sec/stepAccuracy:(0.1% + 0.05 sec)Ground Fault InterruptGFI Trip Current:HV Shut Down Speed:450 A max (AC or DC) < 1msRecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************SPECIFICATIONS16GROUND BOND TEST MODE Model 7564SA onlyOutput Voltage Range: 3.00 - 8.00 Volts AC (Open Circuit Limit) Resolution: 0.01 volt/stepAccuracy: (2 % of Setting + 0.03V ) O.C. Condition Output Frequency Range: 60 or 50 Hz, User Selection Accuracy: 1%Output CurrentRange: 3.00 - 30.00 Amps AC Resolution: 0.01 Amp/stepAccuracy :(2 % of Setting + 0.02 A) Current DisplayRange: 0.00 - 30.00 Amps Resolution: 0.01 Amp/stepAccuracy:(3 % of Reading + 0.03 A) Resistance DisplayRange: 0 - 600 m Resolution: 1 m /stepAccuracy:(2 % of Reading + 2 m ) HI-LimitRange: 0 - 600 m for 3 - 10 A 0 - 150 m for 3 - 30 A Resolution: 1 m /stepAccuracy:(2 % of Setting + 2 m ) LO-LimitRange: 0 - 600 m for 3 - 10 A 0 - 150 m for 3 - 30 A Resolution: 1 m /stepAccuracy:(2 % of Setting + 2 m ) Dwell TimerRange: 0, 0.5 - 999.9 sec (0 = Constant) Resolution: 0.1 sec/step Accuracy:(0.1% + 0.05 sec)Milliohm OffsetMax. Offset Capability: 200 mResolution: 1 m / stepAccuracy:(2 % of Setting + 2 m )RecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************SPECIFICATIONS17GENERAL SPECIFICATIONSPLC Remote Control Input - Test, Reset, Recall memory 1, 2 and 3Output - Pass, Fail, Test-in-ProcessMemory Allows storage of up to 50 groups different test programsand 8 step/each memory. Step is not available on 7520DT SecurityProgrammable password lockout capability to avoid unauthorized access to test set-up program. LCD Contrast Setting 9 ranges set by the numeric keys on the front panel. Buzzer Volume Setting 10 ranges set by the numeric key on the front panel.Calibration Software and adjustments are made through front panel. Mechanical Bench or rack mount with tilt up front feet. Dimension7540DT, 7550DT and 7564SA:(W x H x D) 17 x 5.8 x 20.3 in. (432 x 147 x 515 mm) 7520DT and 7530DT:(W x H x D) 17 x 5.8 x 12 in. (432 x 147 x 305 mm)Weight7564SA without scanner 52.5 lbs (24 Kgs) 7564SA with built-in scanner 57.0 lbs (26 Kgs) 7550DT without scanner 50.5 lbs (23 Kgs) 7550DT with built-in scanner 55.0 lbs(25 Kgs) 7540DT with 4 port scanner 39.6 lbs (18 Kgs) 7540DT with 8 port scanner41.8 lbs(19 Kgs) 7530DT scanner not available 24.8 lbs (11.27 Kgs) 7520DT scanner not available 24.8 lbs(11.27 Kgs)Scanner Port Two Port Maximum including the built-in scanner. Not available on 7520DT, 7530DT and 7540DT.Scanner Built-in OptionHigh Voltage x 4 Ports (7540DT only)High Voltage x 8 Ports (75/40/50DT and 7564SA) Ground Bond x 8 Ports (7564SA only)RecycledEquipment(410)email:***************************。
AUREL RX 4MM3 PREN FAST 433.92 MHz ISM 数字数据超频接收器说明
User manualTechnical features can be change without forecast. AUREL S.p.A. doesn’t assume any responsibility of damages due to the improper device usage.RX 4MM3/PREN FAST is a digital data super het receiver, working at 433,92 MHz ISM band, a new version of RX 4MM3, it changes for pin 15. Pin15 is used to enable the receiver, allowing less than 2 uA of current supply in stand-by mode and very fast switching-on to the valid reception(less than 1msec). The other technical features are the same; 3V of power supply and OOK modulation. Main features are the very high sensitivity (-114 dbm) and the frequency image rejection obtained through a new circuital technique. An RSSI output allows a distance indication of the matched transmitter, providing a signal proportional to the power of RF input signal.PIN-OUTCONNECTIONSPin 1 +V 3V - 3,6V range for voltage supplyPin 2-7 Ground GNDPin 3 Antenna Antenna input, impedance 50 ohm.Pin 11AGC On-OffSwitching-on of the Automatic Gain Control.Low logic level: Automatic Gain Control is on (advised setting). High logic level: Automatic Gain Control is off. Max sensitivity. ( see “Pin 11 working” section).Pin 13 RSSI OUT – Test Point RSSI analogue output, proportional to the power of RF received signal (For details see page 4)Pin 14 Data output Data. Normally low with no RF signal is in input. Pin 15EnablePin enable:High logic level: RX is switch-on.Low logic level: RX is switch-off. (PWRDN mode)115User manualTechnical features can be change without forecast. AUREL S.p.A. doesn’t assume any responsibility of damages due to the improper device usage.Technical featuresMin Typical Max Unit Notes Reception frequency 433,9 433.92 433,94 MHz Vs voltage supply3 3,3 3,6 V Current supply RX = ON ENABLE (pin 15) = 1 5,87 mA Stand-by current supply ENABLE (pin 15) = 1 Vcc3 uARF sensitivity -110 -114 -115 dBm See note 1ModulationASK IF bandwidth @ –3dB280 KHz Interference rejection at ±10MHz 60 dB Output square wave2 3 KHzOutput low logic level (pin 14) gnd+0,4V See note 3 Output high logic level (pin 14) V s -0,4 V See note 3Input high logic level (pin 15) Vs-0,4V Input low logic level (pin 15)0,4 V Current consumption pin15 with High logic level10 uA Spurious RF emission in antenna -60 dBm Switch-on time Usage condition:(pin 1) Vcc e (pin 15) Enable = 0 10,4 sSee note 2Switch-on time PWRDN RX-ON Usage condition (pin 1) Vcc = 1(pin15) Enable = 0 1 1 10,5msWorking temperature -20+80 °CDimension38,9 x 17.51 x 5.2 mmNOTA 1: Sensitivity obtained through an RF generator with 100% modulation.NOTA 2: By switch on time is meant the time required by the receiver to assume the declared characteristics from the very momentthe power supply is applied.NOTA 3: Values obtained with 10KΩ maximum load applied.How it works:The RX 4MM3/FAST PREN receiver is able to work in two different ways:1. POWER-DOWN mode: By setting the PWRDN Pin 15 to low logical level, the receiver goes to stand-by modeand it does not receive with a maximum of 2uA current consumption.2. Reception mode: By setting the PWRDN Pin 15 from low logical level to high logic level, the receiver switcheson within 1 ms(typically 0,5 ms) and starts to receive depending on the features above. In the case of first power supply, the switching-on time is 400 ms by setting high Pin 1 and Pin 15.User manualTechnical features can be change without forecast. AUREL S.p.A. doesn’t assume any responsibility of damages due to the improper device usage.TIME CHART RX > ONTIME CHART PWRDN >RXUser manualPin 11 AGC On-OffThe RX 4MM3/FAST PREN receiver is endowed with a pin designed to enable the automatic gain control. Setting at a low level the AGC ON-OFF pin, the automatic gain control is on: now it is possible to correctly decode RF signals received with an RF power included in the range [-114dBm, 0dBm] that means that the RX 4MM3/PREN FAST accepts the largest dynamics of the received waveform (that is up to 0 dBm).If you put a logic high level on pin 11 the automatic gain control is disabled and the receiver works always with the maximum sensitivity. If the RF power is lower than a threshold the RX 4MM3/PREN FAST works with a linear behaviour while if the input power is higher than the same threshold the receiver works in the saturation zone. This behaviour can be exploited if you need the distance indication of the receiver from its correspondent transmitter. The following indications handle with the RSSI output with automatic gain control disabled.Pin 13 RSSI outputIn Fig. 1 it’s depicted the behaviour of the voltage at the RSSI output in function of the power of the input signal with the automatic gain control disabled (pin 11 at a logic high level). The diagram has been obtained applying at the antenna input (pin 3) the 99% AM modulated signal coming from an RF generator made up of a 1 KHz square waveform and putting a 10 µF capacitor between pin 13 and GND. The RSSI output has a linear behaviour in correspondence with an RF power up to –40 dBm ca., after which it assumes the saturation value of 2,2V. In the linear zone the RSSI output is directly proportional to the RF power: the voltage at pin 13 can be then used as a measure of the intensity of the received signal and to recover the distance from the transmitter. When the RSSI output assumes a constant value, the received signal is no more directly proportional and only a proximity information can be extracted. The maximum distance of the transmitter from its receiver can be calculated as the RF power at which the RSSI output changes its values up to the saturation voltage. The distance over which the receiver works in the saturation zone is in theory 4m ca. (transmitting and receiving antennas on line of sight and 0dBm transmitted power, typical RF power of the handheld transmitters) and depends on the presence of obstacles placed in the middle of the radio link that cause multipath and reflections. Therefore the RSSI represents a measure of distance until it has a linear behaviour and a proximity information when it assumes the saturation voltage (useful if you need to monitor accesses).Fig. 1 – The picture shows RSSI output, when AGC is switched-off, depending on the RF input signal.Technical features can be change without forecast. AUREL S.p.A. doesn’t assume any responsibility of damages due to the improper device usage.User manualTechnical features can be change without forecast. AUREL S.p.A. doesn’t assume any responsibility of damages due to the improper device usage.Device usageIn order to obtain all the technical features and to comply the European normative, the receiver has to be mounted, keeping in mind what follows:Power supply:1. The receiver must be supplied by very low voltage source, safety protected against short circuits. Maximum voltagevariations allowed: ± 0,5 V.2. De-coupling, next to the receiver, by means of a ceramic capacitor of minimum 100.000 pF value.Ground:It must surround at the best the welding area of the receiver. The circuit must be double layer, with throughout vias to the ground planes, approximately each 15 mm.It must be properly dimensioned, especially in the antenna connection area, in case a radiating whip antenna is fitted in it (an area of approximately 50 mm radius is suggested.)50 Ohm Line:1. It must be as shorter as possible.2. 1,8 mm wide for 1 mm thick FR4 printed circuits and 2,9 mm wide for 1,6 mm thick FR4 printed circuits. On thesame side it must be kept 2mm away from the ground. 3. On the opposite side a ground circuit area must be present.Antenna connection:It may be utilized as the direct connection point for the radiating whip antenna. It is deeply suggested to put a 100nH inductance from pin 3 to ground in order to protect the device from the electrostatic discharges.It can bear the connection of the central wire of a 50 Ω coaxial cable. Be sure that the braid is welded to the ground in a close point.Fig.2 Advised lay-out for a correct working of the device.User manualAntenna1. A whip antenna, 16.5mm long and approximately 1 mm dia, brass or copper wire made, must be connected to theRF input of the receiver.2.The antenna body must be kept straight as much as possible and must be free from other circuits or metal parts(5cm minimum suggested distance).3.It can be utilised both vertically or horizontally (the previous is highly suggested), providing that connection pointbetween antenna and receiver input is surrounded by a good ground plane.N.B:As an alternative to the above mentioned antenna it is possible to use the whip model manufactured by Aurel (see related Datasheet and Application Notes).By fitting whips too different from the described ones, the EEC Certification is not assured.Other components:1.Keep the receiver separate from all other components of the circuit (more than 5mm).2. Keep particularly far away and shielded all microprocessors and their clock circuits.3.Do not fit components around the 50 Ohm line. At least keep them at 5 mm distance.4. If the antenna connection is directly used for a radiating whip connection, keep at least a 5 cm radius free area. Incase of coaxial cable connection, 5 mm radius will suffice.Reference normativeThe RX 4MM5/F is approved by CE and in particular satisfies the European normatives EN 300 220-1 V2.3.1 in class 2, ed EN 301 489-1 V1.8.1 in class 2. The product was tested in according with EN 60950 normative and it’s usable fitted in an isolated housing to ensure the above normative. The receiver must be supplied by very low voltage security source against the short circuits. Usage of receiver module is foreseen fitted in the housing which ensure the agreement of EN 61000-4-2 normative not directly applicable to the module itself. In particular, it’s at the user’s care the isolating of the extern antenna connection and antenna too, in fact the RF output of the receiver is not able to directly bear electrostatic charges foreseen in the above normative.Technical features can be change without forecast. AUREL S.p.A. doesn’t assume any responsibility of damages due to the improper device usage.。
Keysight 34941A-34942A RF Multiplexer ModulesNotice: This document contains references to Agilent.Please note that Agilent’s Test and Measurement businesshas become Keysight Technologies. For more information,go to .User’s GuideNoticesCopyright Notice© Keysight Technologies 2008-2019 No part of this manual may be reproduced in any form or by any means (including electronic storage and retrieval or translation into a foreign language) without prior agreement and written consent from Keysight Technologies as governed by United States and international copyright laws.TrademarksMicrosoft® and Windows® are U.S. registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation.Manual Part Number34980-90041EditionEdition 3, July 2019Printed in:Printed in MalaysiaPublished by:Keysight TechnologiesBayan Lepas Free Industrial Zone, 11900 Penang, Malaysia Technology LicensesThe hardware and/or software described in this document are furnished under a license and may be used or copied only in accordance with the terms of such license. Declaration of Conformity Declarations of Conformity for this product and for other Keysight products may be downloaded from the Web. Go to / go/conformity. You can then search by product number to find the latest Declaration of Conformity.U.S. Government RightsThe Software is “commercial computersoftware,” as defined by FederalAcquisition Regulation (“FAR”) 2.101.Pursuant to FAR 12.212 and 27.405-3and Department of Defense FARSupplement (“DFARS”) 227.7202, theU.S. government acquires commercialcomputer software under the sameterms by which the software iscustomarily provided to the public.Accordingly, Keysight provides theSoftware to U.S. governmentcustomers under its standardcommercial license, which is embodiedin its End User License Agreement(EULA), a copy of which can be foundat /find/sweula. The license set forth in theEULA represents the exclusive authorityby which the U.S. government may use,modify, distribute, or disclose theSoftware. The EULA and the license setforth therein, does not require orpermit, among other things, thatKeysight: (1) Furnish technicalinformation related to commercialcomputer software or commercialcomputer software documentation thatis not customarily provided to thepublic; or (2) Relinquish to, orotherwise provide, the governmentrights in excess of these rightscustomarily provided to the public touse, modify, reproduce, release,perform, display, or disclosecommercial computer software orcommercial computer softwaredocumentation. No additionalgovernment requirements beyondthose set forth in the EULA shall apply,except to the extent that those terms,rights, or licenses are explicitly requiredfrom all providers of commercialcomputer software pursuant to the FARand the DFARS and are set forthspecifically in writing elsewhere in theEULA. Keysight shall be under noobligation to update, revise orotherwise modify the Software. Withrespect to any technical data asdefined by FAR 2.101, pursuant to FAR12.211 and 27.404.2 and DFARS227.7102, the U.S. governmentacquires no greater than Limited Rightsas defined in FAR 27.401 or DFAR227.7103-5 (c), as applicable in anytechnical data.WarrantyTHE MATERIAL CONTAINED IN THISDOCUMENT IS PROVIDED “AS IS,”AND IS SUBJECT TO BEINGCHANGED, WITHOUT NOTICE, INFUTURE EDITIONS. FURTHER, TO THEMAXIMUM EXTENT PERMITTED BYAPPLICABLE LAW, KEYSIGHTDISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES, EITHEREXPRESS OR IMPLIED, WITH REGARDTO THIS MANUAL AND ANYINFORMATION CONTAINED HEREIN,INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THEIMPLIED WARRANTIES OFMERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FORA PARTICULAR PURPOSE. KEYSIGHTSHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ERRORSOR FOR INCIDENTAL ORCONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES INCONNECTION WITH THEFURNISHING, USE, ORPERFORMANCE OF THIS DOCUMENTOR OF ANY INFORMATIONCONTAINED HEREIN. SHOULDKEYSIGHT AND THE USER HAVE ASEPARATE WRITTEN AGREEMENTWITH WARRANTY TERMS COVERINGTHE MATERIAL IN THIS DOCUMENTTHAT CONFLICT WITH THESE TERMS,THE WARRANTY TERMS IN THESEPARATE AGREEMENT SHALLCONTROL.Safety InformationA CAUTION notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in damage to the productor loss of important data. Do notproceed beyond a CAUTION noticeuntil the indicated conditions are fullyunderstood and met.A WARNING notice denotes a hazard. Itcalls attention to an operatingprocedure, practice, or the like that, ifnot correctly performed or adhered to,could result in personal injury or death.Do not proceed beyond a WARNINGnotice until the indicated conditions arefully understood and met.Safety SymbolsThe following symbols on the instrument and in the documentation indicateprecautions which must be taken to maintain safe operation of the instrument.Alternating current (AC)Frame or chassis (ground) terminalStandby supply. Unit is not completelydisconnected from ac mains whenCaution, risk of electric shock switch is offCaution, risk of danger (refer to thismanual for specific Warning or Cautioninformation)Additional Safety NoticesThe following general safety precautions must be observed during all phases ofoperation of this instrument. Failure to comply with these precautions or withspecific warnings or instructions elsewhere in this manual violates safetystandards of design, manufacture, and intended use of the instrument. KeysightTechnologies assumes no liability of the customer’s failure to comply with therequirements.GeneralDo not use this products in any manner not specified by the manufacturer. Theprotective features of this product may be impaired if it is used in a manner notspecified in the operation instructions.Before Applying PowerVerify that all safety precautions are taken. Make all connections to the unit beforeapplying power.Ground the InstrumentThis product is provided with protective earth terminals. To minimize shockhazard, the instrument must be connected to the ac power mains through agrounded power cable, with the ground wire firmly connected to an electricalground (safety ground) at the power outlet. Any interruption of the protective(grounding) conductor or disconnection of the protective earth terminal will causea potential shock hazard that could result in personal injury.Do Not Operate in an Explosive AtmosphereDo not operate the instrument in the presence of flammable gases or fumes.Do Not Remove the Instrument CoverOnly qualified, service-trained personal who are aware of the hazards involvedshould remove instrument covers. Always disconnect the power cable and anyexternal circuits before removing the instrument cover.Do Not Modify the InstrumentDo not install substitute parts or perform any unauthorized modification to theproduct. Return the product to an Keysight Sales and Service Office for serviceand repair to ensure that safety features are maintained.In Case of DamageInstruments that appear damaged or defective should be made inoperative andsecured against unintended operation until they can be repaired by qualifiedservice personnel.Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive 2002/96/ECThis instrument complies with the WEEE Directive (2002/96/EC) markingrequirement. This affixed product label indicates that you must not discard thiselectrical or electronic product in domestic household waste.Product category:With reference to the equipment types in the WEEE directive Annex 1, thisinstrument is classified as a “Monitoring and Control Instrument” product.The affixed product label is as shown below.Do not dispose in domestic household waste.To return this unwanted instrument, contact your nearest Keysight Service Center,or visit /en/companyinfo/environment/takeback.shtmlfor more information.Sales and Technical SupportTo contact Keysight for sales and technical support, refer to the support links onthe following Keysight websites:–/find/xxxxx(product-specific information and support, software anddocumentation updates)–/find/assist(worldwide contact information for repair and service)Table of ContentsSafety Symbols. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3Additional Safety Notices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Before Applying Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Ground the Instrument . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Do Not Operate in an Explosive Atmosphere . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4Do Not Remove the Instrument Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5Do Not Modify the Instrument. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5In Case of Damage. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive2002/96/EC. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6Product category: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6 Sales and Technical Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6RF Multiplexer Switch Modules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9Operating Considerations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1034941A and 34942A SCPI Programming Examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1234941A and 34942A Simplified Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.RF Multiplexer Switch ModulesThis User’s Guide covers the following two plug-in modules for the Keysight 34980A Multifunction Switch/Measure Unit:These modules provide high density radio frequency (RF) signal switching, with four independent 1x4 multiplexer banks in each module.Both modules contain four banks of latching switches. Each bank consists of three Form C relays (see the simplified schematic on page 14). To create a larger switching configuration, you can connect the banks in this module and connect to banks in other RF MUX modules. For example, you can create up to 1x97 RF MUX in a single 34980A mainframe.The important differences between the two RF MUX modules lie in their characteristic impedance and their use of connectors (external cables are not provided with the module):–The 34941A — the 50-Ω version — uses SMA connectors.When installing SMA cables on the 34941A module, it is recommend that you tighten them to 0.8 - 1.1 Nm (7-10 in-lbs) of torque.–The 34942A — the 75-Ω variation — uses Mini SMB connectors.34941A Quad 1x4 50Ω 3GHz RF multiplexer 34942A Quad 1x4 75Ω 1.5GHz RF multiplexer SMA connectors are easily damaged, especially when tightening a neighboring connector with a wrench. To help prevent damage and contamination, do not remove a connector's protective cap until immediately prior to installing a cable on that connector.For the 34942A, it is recommended that you use gold-plated straight plug connectors (75Ω Miniature SMB). Because of the space constraints between connectors on this module, right-angle plugs and SMB adapters are not recommended.Operating ConsiderationsElectrical ConsiderationsSee the Introduction to the Plug In Modules chapter of the 34980A MainframeUser’s Guide for detailed environmental operating conditions for the 34980Amainframe and its installed modules. That guidance sets maximum per channelcurrent and power ratings at rated voltage for pollution degree 1 (dry) andpollution degree 2 (possible condensation) conditions, for each of the GPmodules.Signal ConnectionsThe RF MUX modules do not connect to the analog buses. Instead, all signalconnections are made through the visible connectors via external cables. Eachvisible connector on an RF MUX module is labeled with a number (11 through 44),that represents a channel you can close programmatically from the front panel orwith using the Web Browser Interface. When you close a channel on the RF MUXmodules you automatically close all relays that create a direct path to theCommon of a bank.Channel Relay OperationWith RF MUX switches, you cannot open switches programmatically. You can onlyclose a channel. When you close one channel, another channel automaticallyopens. Therefore, only one channel relay in each bank is closed at any time.Electrical IsolationYou can configure each bank on the RF MUX modules to be either isolated or chassis-grounded. The modules come with chassis-grounded metal shoulder washers installed on all connectors in each bank of relays. If you want to isolate a bank from the other banks and from chassis-ground, you must remove the five metal washers in that bank and replace them with the provided plastic shoulder washers.plastic34941A and 34942A SCPI Programming ExamplesThe programming examples below provide you with SCPI command examples touse for actions specific to the RF MUX switch modules.The slot and channel addressing scheme used in these examples follow the formsccc where s is the mainframe slot number (1 through 8) and ccc is the channelnumber. For information on specific configurations, refer to the simplifiedschematic on page14.For complete information on the SCPI commands used to program the 34980A,refer to the Keysight 34980A Programmer’s Reference which can be downloadedfrom /find/34980A.Example: Closing channels You can only close channels on the RF MUXmodules. When you close a channel, any already-closed channels openautomatically. The relays switch in sequence to avoid momentary connection ofthe wrong input to the multiplexer output. The following command closes channel03 on Bank 1 of an RF MUX module in slot 5.ROUTe:CLOSe (@5103)Example: Querying channels for open or close state The followingcommands returns the close or open state of channel 33 of a module in slot 5.ROUT:CLOSe? (@5033)ROUT:OPEN? (@5033)Example: Querying the system for module identify The following commandreturns the identify of the module installed in slot 7.SYSTem:CTYPe? 7Example: Reading the cycle count for a relay On these modules, each bankconsists of two leaf relays and one tree relay (see the simplified schematic onpage14). The module stores the cycle count for each of the three relays on all fourbanks. The cycle count is the greater of the three values on the specified bank(i.e., reflecting the cycle count for the entire bank). Therefore, the count forChannels 101, 102, 103, and 104 will always be equal. The following statementreads back the number of completed cycles for the channels 101 and 202 on amodule installed in slot 6.DIAGnostic:RELay:CYCLes? (@6101,6202)Example: Clearing the cycle count for a relay The following command resets the cycle count on the channels 103 and 201 for a module in slot 1.Note that clearing the cycle count on a specific channel will clear the count on all three relays in the corresponding bank.DIAGnostic:RELay:CYCLes:CLEar (@1103,1201)Example: Resetting module to power-on state The following command resets a module in slot 4 to its power-on state.SYSTem:CPON 434941A and 34942A Simplified SchematicBoth the 34941A and 34942A modules are configured alike. Each contains fourbanks of latching switches. Each bank consists of three Form C relays.The front panel of the two RF MUX modules are similar with channel labels in thesame positions, the unique product number on the left, and the productdescription on the right.Bank 1Bank 2Bank 3IndexCchannel relays,10 connectors,9Ddescription,9Eelectrical isolation,11Ggrounding,11Mmini SMB connectors,9 module descriptions,9 module impedance34941A,934942A,9Pprogramming examples,12 Rrelay operation,10Ssafety notices,4 simplified schematics,14 SMA connectors,9THIS PAGE HAS BEEN INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK.This information is subject to change without notice. Always refer to the Keysight website for the latest revision.© Keysight Technologies 2008-2019 Edition 3, July 2019Printed in Malaysia*34980-90041*。
Keysight E4356A 电话设备用电保证power supply数据表 02说明书
Keysight E4356ATelecom dc Power SupplyData SheetClean Power for Telecommunications Equipment Testing The new Keysight Technologies, Inc. E4356A Telecom dc Power Supply provides en-gineers who build equipment for the telecommunications industry a clean, reliable power source to simplify their test needs at up to 80 Volts, up to 30 Amperes, and up to 2100 Watts.This power supply is ideal for manufacturing and R&D engineers who build equipment such as: switches, public and private telephone network equipment, PBX systems, and dc/dc converters that provide power to this equipment.Since noise elimination is critical for telecommunications applications, the E4356A offers low noise output so that the power supply noise does not interfere with the testing of the telecommunications device, thus simplifying test system design.Keysight E4356A Technical DataDual range output provides maximum powerTo maximize the available power from this 2100 W power supply, the output automati-cally switches between two ranges: 0 to 70 V at up to 30 A and 0 to 80 V at up to 26 A. In either range, when operating at high voltages, maximum output power is available. Low power supply output noiseThe E4356A generates less than 2 mV rms at 80 V output. This noise speciication is as much as ten times lower than typical ATE power supplies in the 2000 Watt power range. Flexible down-programming for faster system throughputThe E4356A can both source and sink current. When testing DUTs that have capaci-tance, the E4356A can quickly pull down the voltage on the charged capacitors because it can sink current back into the power supply. As a result, tests can execute faster because less time is spent waiting for voltages to change from high to low. This capabil-ity can be used repetitively with no limitation on how often down programming (current sinking) is utilized. Each and every time you need the power supply to down program its output from a high voltage to a lower voltage, the E4356A is ready to do the job.“One-Box” solutionThe E4356A lowers test system costs by reducing the number of boxes and rack space needed for the system. Previously, test solutions to make accurate power supply voltage and current measurements needed the use of an external voltmeter and current shunt. This additional equipment is no longer required because they are built into the power supply. Thus, less rack space is required, equipment costs are lowered, and systems can be designed and integrated in less time.By combining all the programming and measurement instrumentation into “One-Box,” you get predictable performance with all-inclusive speciications from the GPIB interface through to the output of the power supply. The performance is predictable because the E4356A is calibrated as a “system,” rather than as separate components or as a power supply with add-on programmer option. Calibration of the entire power supply “system” can be performed from the front panel or over GPIB.And More …Protection Features limit voltage (Overvoltage Protection-OVP) and current (Overcur-rent Protection-OCP) such that when limits are exceeded, the power supply is turned off to protect the DUT against excessive voltages or currents. Additionally, when OVP oc-curs, the downprogrammer is activated to draw down the excessive voltage and protect the DUT.Standard Programming Language reduces software development time and preserves software investment. Software development is kept to a minimum through the use of industry standard SCPI (Standard Command for Programmable Instruments) command set. VXI plug&play drivers are available, too.Remote Inhibit/Discrete Fault Indicator lines can be used to initiate an emergency shutdown of the power supply. Furthermore, this feature can be used to chain togeth-er other Keysight “One-Box” Solution power supplies to externally disable all of the “daisy-chained” power supplies independent of the GPIB. Emergency shutdown can oc-cur in response to an external signal or internal fault condition. Additionally, these lines can be used as a general purpose digital I/O port.Non-Volatile State Storage of up to 5 states can reduce manual setup time or pro-gramming overhead. These states, which include the settings for voltage, current, and protection features, can be stored for later recall during program execution.Serial Link saves GPIB addresses by connecting up to 16 power supplies on one primary GPIB address using low cost serial link cables.Product Reliability and Worldwide Support minimizes system downtime. Keysight Tech-nologies’ renowned reliability and product support provides you with higher productivity by ensuring your system is up and running when you need it.SpeciicationsSpeciications are warranted over a temperature range of 0–55° C with a resistive load and the power supply sensing at the rear termi-nals, except where indicated.Parameter ValueOutput ratings in two ranges (@ 0 to 45° C) High Range:Low Range:0–70 V, 0–30 A0–80 V, 0–26 AProgramming accuracy Voltage:Current: 0.04% + 80 mV 0.1 % + 25 mARipple and noise (from 20 Hz to 20 MHz with outputs ungrounded, or with either output terminal grounded) Constant Voltage rms:Constant Voltage p-p:Constant Current rms: (measured with 60 cm leads )2 mV16 mV25 mAReadback accuracy (from front panel or over GPIB with respect to actual output) Voltage:Current:0.05% + 120 mV0.1 % + 35 mALoad regulation (change in output voltage or current for any load change within ratings) Voltage:Current:0.002% + 3 mV0.005% + 2 mALine regulation (change in output voltage or current for any line change within ratings) Voltage:Current:0.002% + 3 mV0.005% + 2 mATransient response time (for the output voltage to recover to its previous level within 0.1% of the rated voltage or20 mV, whichever is greater, following any step change in load current up to 50% of the rated current)< 900 μsSupplemental characteristicsSupplemental characteristics are intended to provide information useful in applying the power supply by describing non-warranted performance that has been determined by design or type testing.Parameter ValueOutput programming Maximum voltage:Maximum current:Maximum overvoltage protection: 81.9 V 30.71 A 96 VTypical programming resolution Voltage:Current:Overvoltage protection: 20 mV 7.5 mA 150 mVOvervoltage programming accuracy 1.5 VMaximum input VA and power with full load:with no load: 3800 VA; 2600 W 100 WAC input ranges (selectable via internal switching) 200 Vac1 nominal:230 Vac nominal:Frequency: 174-220 Vac 191-250 Vac 47-63 HzOutput terminal isolation(maximum, from chassis ground)±240 VdcMaximum AC line current ratings200 Vac nominal:230 Vac nominal: 19 A rms (25 A fuse) 19 A rms (25 A fuse)Remote sensing capability Voltage drop per lead:Maximum available voltage at load:Up to 1/2 of rated output voltage. Subtract voltage drop in load leads from maximum output voltage rating.Command processing time (average time for output voltage to change after receipt of digital data when the unitis connected directly to the GPIB)20 msOutput voltage rise time/fall time (time for output to change from 90% to 10% or from 10% to 90% of its total excursion with full resistive load)100 ms/200 ms(excludes command processing time)1. Below 185 Vac, derate output voltage linearly to 56.5 VSupplemental characteristics (continued)Parameter ValueFull-load programming speed up time/down time(time for output to settle within 80 mV of the inal value with full resistive load) 200 ms/475 ms(excludes command processing time)No-load programming discharge time(time for output to fall to 0.5V when programmed from full voltage to zero volts) 650 ms(excludes command processing time)Monotonicity Output is monotonic over entire ratedvoltage, current, and temp. range Nonvolatile savable states Memory locations: 5 (0 through 4)GPIB interface capabilities Languages:Interface: SCPI (default); CompatibilityAH1, C0, DC1, DT1, E1, LE4, PP0, RL1, SH1, SR1, TE6Serial Link Capabilities(multiple units sharing one GPIB primary address)Maximum # of units:Maximum total cable length:1630 m (100 ft)Recommended calibration 1 year intervalSafety compliance Complies with:Designed to comply with: CSA 22.2 No.231, IEC 348 UL 1244RFI suppression Complies with: CISPR-ll, Group 1, Class BWeight Net:Shipping: 27.7 kg (61 lb) 31.4 kg (69 lb)myKeysight/find/mykeysightA personalized view into the information most relevant to you.AdvancedTCA® Extensions for Instrumentation and Test (AXIe) is anopen standard that extends the AdvancedTCA for general purpose and semiconductor test. Keysight is a founding member of the AXIe consortium. ATCA®, AdvancedTCA®, and the ATCA logo are registered US trademarks of the PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group.LAN eXtensions for Instruments puts the power of Ethernet and theWeb inside your test systems. Keysight is a founding member of the LXI consortium.PCI eXtensions for Instrumentation (PXI) modular instrumentation delivers arugged, PC-based high-performance measurement and automation system.Three-Year Warranty/find/ThreeYearWarrantyKeysight’s commitment to superior product quality and lower total costof ownership. The only test and measurement company with three-yearwarranty standard on all instruments, worldwide.Keysight Assurance Plans/find/AssurancePlansUp to five years of protection and no budgetary surprises to ensure yourinstruments are operating to specification so you can rely on accuratemeasurements./qualityKeysight Technologies, Inc.DEKRA Certified ISO 9001:2008Quality Management SystemKeysight Channel Partners/find/channelpartnersGet the best of both worlds: Keysight’s measurement expertise and productbreadth, combined with channel partner convenience.For more information on KeysightTechnologies’ products, applications orservices, please contact your local Keysightoffice. The complete list is available at:/find/contactusAmericasCanada(877) 894 4414Brazil55 11 3351 7010Mexico001 800 254 2440United States(800) 829 4444Asia PaciicAustralia 1 800 629 485China800 810 0189Hong Kong800 938 693India 1 800 112 929Japan0120 (421) 345Korea080 769 0800Malaysia 1 800 888 848Singapore180****8100Taiwan0800 047 866Other AP Countries(65) 6375 8100Europe & Middle EastAustria0800 001122Belgium0800 58580Finland0800 523252France0805 980333Germany***********Ireland1800 832700Israel 1 809 343051Italy800 599100Luxembourg+32 800 58580Netherlands0800 0233200Russia8800 5009286Spain0800 000154Sweden0200 882255Switzerland0800 805353Opt. 1 (DE)Opt. 2 (FR)Opt. 3 (IT)United Kingdom0800 0260637For other unlisted countries:/find/contactus(BP-07-01-14)This information is subject to change without notice.© Keysight Technologies, 1999, 2000, 2014Published in USA, July 31, 20145968-6603E。
Keysight ENA-L 射频网络分析仪配置指南说明书
是德科技ENA-L 射频网络分析仪E5061A 300 kHz 至1.5 GHzE5062A 300 kHz 至3 GHz配置指南引言本配置指南描述了ENA-L 射频网络分析仪的标准配置、选件、附件和外设。
如欲了解ENA-L 射频网络分析仪的完整描述和技术指标,请访问我们的网站以查看ENA-L 技术资料: /find/enaENA-L 订购指南本指南旨在帮助用户完成订购过程。
●必须且仅选择一项■选择任意组合在步骤2 到步骤9 中,要想订购E5062A 选件,需使用E5062A (例如E5062A-XXX) 替代E5061A第1 步: 选择频率范围●300 kHz 至1.5 GHz,选择E5061A●300 kHz 至3 GHz,选择E5062A第2步:选择测试仪配置●T/R 测试仪50 Ω,选择选件E5061A-150●T/R 测试仪 75 Ω,选择选件E5061A-175●S 参数测试仪 50 Ω,具有扩展的功率范围,选择选件E5061A-250●S 参数测试仪 75 Ω,具有扩展的功率范围,选择选件E5061A-275第3 步:如果您选择T/R 测试仪,您是否希望扩展功率范围(-45 dBm 至10 dBm) ?●是,选择选件E5061A-1E1●否第4步: 您是否希望添加故障定位和结构回波损耗分析?●是,选择选件E5061A-100●否,第5 步: 您喜欢使用触摸屏吗?●是,选择选件E5061A-016●否,选择选件E5061A-015第6 步:您是否需要机架安装附件?■仅机架安装套件,选择选件E5061A-1CM■仅前把手套件,选择选件E5061A-1CN■机架安装套件和前把手套件,选择选件E5061A-1CP第7 步: 您愿意添加附件吗?■添加键盘,选择选件E5061A-810■添加鼠标,选择选件E5061A-820第8 步:选择手册语言并指定数量■添加英文手册,选择选件E5061A-ABA 并指定数量■添加日语手册,选择选件E5061A-ABJ 并指定数量第9 步:您是否希望得到包含测试数据的商业校准证书(ISO17025 标准)?●是,选择选件E5061A-1A7●否ENA-L 是集成式射频网络分析仪,包括测试仪和合成射频源、10.4 英寸彩色LCD 以及软盘和硬盘驱动器。
MKE04P24M48SF0 KE04子系列数据手册支持以下产品:MKE04Z8VTG4(R)、MKE04Z8VWJ4(R)和MKE04Z8VFK4(R)主要功能•工作范围–电压范围:2.7至5.5 V–Flash编程电压范围:2.7至5.5 V–温度范围(环境):-40至105°C•性能–最高48 MHz的ARM® Cortex-M0+内核–单周期32位 x 32位乘法器–单周期I/O访问端口•存储器和存储器接口–最高8 KB的Flash–最高1 KB的RAM•时钟–振荡器(OSC) - 支持32.768 kHz晶振或4 MHz至24 MHz晶振或陶瓷谐振器;可选择低功耗或高增益振荡器–内部时钟源(ICS) - 内部FLL,集成内部或外部基准时钟源、37.5 kHz预校准内部基准时钟源,可用于48 MHz系统时钟–内部1 kHz低功耗振荡器(LPO)•系统外设–电源管理模块(PMC)有三个功率模式:运行、待机和停止–可复位、中断并带可选跳变点的低压检测(LVD)–带独立时钟源的看门狗(WDOG)–可配置循环冗余校验(CRC)模块–串行线调试(SWD)接口–SRAM位操作映射区域(BIT-BAND)–位处理引擎(BME)•安全性和完整性模块–每个芯片拥有80位唯一标识(ID)号•人机接口–最多22个通用输入/输出(GPIO)–两个8位键盘中断(KBI)模块–外部中断(IRQ)模块•模拟模块–一个12通道,12位SAR ADC,可工作在停止模式,可选硬件触发源(ADC)–两个包含6位DAC和可配置参考输入的模拟比较器(ACMP)•定时器–一个6通道FlexTimer/PWM (FTM)–一个2通道FlexTimer/PWM (FTM)–一个2通道周期性中断定时器(PIT)–一个脉宽计数器(PWT)–一个实时时钟(RTC)•通信接口–一个SPI模块(SPI)–一个UART模块(UART)–一个I2C模块(I2C)•封装选项–24引脚QFN–20引脚SOIC–16引脚TSSOPFreescale Semiconductor数据手册: 技术数据Rev 3, 3/2014 Freescale reserves the right to change the detail specifications as may berequired to permit improvements in the design of its products.© 2013 Freescale Semiconductor, Inc.目录1订购器件 (3)1.1确定有效的可订购器件 (3)2器件标识 (3)2.1说明 (3)2.2格式 (3)2.3字段 (3)2.4示例 (4)3参数分类 (4)4额定值 (4)4.1热学操作极限 (4)4.2湿度操作极限 (5)4.3ESD操作额定值 (5)4.4电压和电流操作额定值 (5)5通用 (6)5.1静态电气规格 (6)5.1.1DC特性 (6)5.1.2电源电流特性 (12)5.1.3EMC性能 (13)5.2动态规格 (14)5.2.1控制时序 (14)5.2.2FTM模块时序 (15)5.3热规格 (16)5.3.1热特性 (16)6模块工作要求和行为 (17)6.1内核模块 (17)6.1.1SWD电气规格 (17)6.2外部振荡器(OSC)和ICS特性 (18)6.3NVM规格 (20)6.4模拟 (21)6.4.1ADC特性 (21)6.4.2模拟比较器(ACMP)电气规格 (23)6.5通信接口 (24)6.5.1SPI开关规格 (24)7尺寸 (27)7.1获取封装尺寸 (27)8引脚分配 (27)8.1信号多路复用和引脚分配 (27)8.2器件引脚分配 (29)9修订历史 (30)订购器件1.1确定有效的可订购器件有效可订购器件编号已发布在网络上。
Navigate System 63 产品说明书
System InitializationIf for any reason, you lose power to the navigation system (like the battery was disconnected), the navigation system will require initialization. Once completed, your system will be ready to use.This initialization requires the following:•Entry of the 4-digit anti-theft security code to ‘‘unlock’’ the system.•GPS initialization (may not be needed depending of the length of time the system was without power).•Map matching to align the GPS coordinates to a place on the map.Entering the Security CodeIf the battery goes dead or isdisconnected for any reason, you willhave to enter a security code into boththe audio system and the navigationsystem before you can use it again.When you purchased the vehicle, youshould have received two cards thathave the audio and navigation system’ssecurity codes and serial numbers.Keep these cards in a safe place in caseyou need the codes. If you lose thecards, you must obtain the securitycodes from your dealer.After the battery is reconnected, andyou turn the ignition switch on, thesoftware of the navigation system isdownloaded from the disc.When downloading completes, you willsee:Enter the four-digit navigation systemsecurity code, then select Done. If youhave entered it correctly, the displaychanges to the Disclaimer screen. Youhave ten chances to enter the correctcode. If all ten are incorrect, turn theignition to OFF, then back to ON (II) tohave ten more chances to enter thecorrect code.Follow the instructions in the vehicleowner’s manual to enter the audio code.The navigation voice will not operate ifthe audio code is not entered.System InitializationGPS InitializationDepending on the length of time the battery was disconnected, your system may require GPS initialization. If itdoes, the following screen appears:If this procedure is not necessary the system proceeds directly to the Disclaimer screen (see page 15).During initialization, the systemsearches for all available GPS satellites,and obtains their orbital information.During this procedure the vehicle should be out in the open with a clear view of the sky.If the navigation system finds the satellites properly, this box clears, and changes to the Disclaimer screen. If within ten minutes the system fails to locate a sufficient number of satellites to locate your position, the following screen appears:Navigation system is unable to acquire a proper GPS signal.- Move vehicle to another location - Turn the ignition switch off - Disconnect the battery for 30minutes to clear the GPS receiverís memory- Reconnect the battery and follow the screen promptsAfter 30 minutes with this screen displayed, turn off the engine and restart the car. If you now see the Disclaimer screen, the GPS initialization is complete.NOTE:•The average acquiring time is less than 10 minutes, but it can take as long as 45 minutes.•If the system is still unable to acquire a signal, follow the instructions on the screen, or contact your localdealer for assistance.Map MatchingThis part of the initialization matches the GPS coordinates found above witha road on the map screen. To perform this part of the procedure, ensure that the navigation system is displaying a map, and drive the vehicle on a mapped road (a road shown on the map screen).Do not enter a destination at this time.When the name of the current road you are driving on appears at the bottom of the screen, the entire procedure is complete. Your system is now ready to use.System LimitationsAlthough your navigation system is one of the most highly sophisticated pieces of equipment you will find in a modern automobile, you may find during its use that it has certain limitations.The system uses signals from the Global Positioning System (GPS) to aid in determining its current location.The GPS is operated by the U.S. Department of Defense. For security reasons, there are certain inaccuracies built into the GPS that the navigation system must constantly compensate for. This can cause occasional positioning errors of up to several hundred feet.For example, in urban areas where streets are close together, this could cause the system to show that you are traveling on a street that parallels the street you are actually on.The system will, under most circumstances, correct itself while you drive.Also, depending on your current viewof the sky and the position of thesatellites, the elevation may be shownincorrectly.You may also notice somedelay of the vehicle position icon atintersections; this is normal.Although the system will direct you toyour desired destination, it may notalways generate what you consider tobe the most direct route.Try changingthe method of routing. See ChangeMethod on page 33.You may also haveUnverified Routing set to “OFF”. SeeUnverified Routing under SystemSet-up on page 61.Additionally, the mapping databasecontains verified and unverified maps.See Map Overview on page 4.Adisclaimer screen will warn you if yourroute includes unverified streets.Unverified streets may be missing fromthe map, in the wrong location, or havean incorrect name or address range.Exercise additional caution whendriving in these unverified areas.The destination icon shows theapproximate location of the destination.This happens because a city block canhave as many as 100 possible addresses(for example, the 1400 block isfollowed by the 1500 block.) Sincemost cities use only a portion of the100 possible addresses (for example, inthe 1400 block, the addresses may onlygo up to 1430 before the 1500 blockstarts), an address if 1425 will beshown a quarter of the way down theblock by the system instead of near theend of the block where the distinationactually is.You may find that the systemoccasionally “reboots.” This isindicated by the display returning to thelogo screen. A reboot can be caused bya number of things, such as extremetemperatures or shock from bumpyroads. It does not necessarily indicate aproblem that requires service. If thishappens frequently, please see yourdealer.Database LimitationsYou will find that some points of interest (POI) may be missing when you search the database. This can be caused if at the time the database was gathered, the name was misspelled, the place was improperly categorized, or the POI change is not yet in the database. This means you may not find places listed that you know exist. This is also true for police agencies and hospitals. In outlying areas, facilities listed may not be the closest. Always check with local information sources if you need law enforcement or hospital services.Every effort has been made to verify that the system’s database was accurate at the time it was created. However, businesses do fail or move to new locations, and new businesses start in the old locations. For this reason, you may occasionally find “inaccurate”information when you select and drive to a point of interest (for example, a restaurant is now a jewelry store). The number of these inaccuracies increases the longer you go without an update.The digitized map database reflectsconditions as they existed at variouspoints in time before production.Accordingly, your DVD may containinaccurate or incomplete data orinformation due to the passage of time,road construction, changing conditions,or other causes.In addition, this database does notinclude, analyze, process, consider, orreflect any of the following categoriesof information:•Neighborhood quality or safety•Population density•Availability or proximity of lawenforcement•Emergency, rescue, medical, or otherassistance•Construction work, zones, or hazards•Road and lane closures•Legal restrictions (such as vehiculartype, weight, load, height, and speedrestrictions)•Road slope or grade•Bridge height, width, weight, orother limits•Road, traffic or traffic facilitiessafety, or conditions•Weather conditions•Special events•Pavement characteristics orconditions•Traffic congestion•Travel timeWe assume no liability for any incidentthat may result from an error in theprogram, or from changed conditionsnot noted above.Customer AssistanceReporting Errors Occasionally, you may encounter database errors.•If the error pertains to freeways and main “verified” roads shown in black on the map, then report it either online at/, or to Acura Customer Services.•If the error involves a light brown “unverified” road, then do not report it.These areas have not been verified, and are provided for reference only. (See the Introduction on page 3.)•For errors in points of interest (POI), like a business that has changed their name, report them to Acura Customer Services. Keep in mind that depending on when the data was collected, and when your DVD was purchased, the database can be out of date. Updates are available for purchase, usually in the fall of each year.•If the error does not involve thedatabase, such as if the vehicleposition icon does not follow theroad, screen error messages, or otherGPS related errors, refer to theFrequently Asked Questions on page78,System Limitations on page 65,or Troubleshooting on page 81.Acura Automobile CustomerServiceTelephone: (800) 382-2238Fax: (310) 783-3535Mail:Acura NaviAmerica Honda Motor Co., Inc.Acura Customer ServiceMS 500-2N-7E1919 Torrance Blvd.Torrance, CA 90501-2746If you desire more detailed informationon detailed map coverage, contact anyAcura dealer. You may also contactAcura Customer Services. Mapcoverage information is also atObtaining a Navigation UpdateDVDAcura is continually expanding thescope of the navigation system.Upgraded software will be madeavailable to navigation system ownersperiodically, usually in the fall of eachyear.To purchase an updated DVD or areplacement DVD, call (888) 549-3798. You can also order on-line atCustomer AssistanceChanging the DVDNOTE:The system’s database is stored on a removable DVD. The system will not work without the DVD. Ensure the door remains closed at all times.1.Remove the DVD while the ignition switch is in the Accessory (I)position or in the ON (II) position.2.Locate the control unit. It is in the trunk.3.Push the door down.PC CardA PC card is not supplied. The PC card slot is for factory use only. Make surethe sliding door is closed at all times.NOTE: If you see the error message “PC card slot door is open...,” close the door.。
Skyworks Si4831 35-B30 机械调谐无线电接收器数据手册说明书
SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4831/35-B30广播机械调谐AM/FM/SW 无线电接收器特性⏹ 支持全球FM 波段 (64–109MHz)⏹支持全球AM 波段 (504–1750kHz)⏹支持SW 波段 (Si4835 独有)(5.6–22MHz)⏹卓越的真实世界性能⏹依据EN55020标准⏹无需手动调整⏹灵活的波段选择⏹自动的频率控制(AFC)⏹集成LDO 稳压器r ⏹ 2.0-3.6V 电源电压⏹支持广泛的铁氧体环棒和空气环形天线⏹24引脚的SSOP ⏹外形封装⏹支持站和立体声和LED 指示灯⏹可直接实现音量控制l ⏹高低音控制S T S T V O Si4831/35-B30,其功能和/或架构涵盖于以下一个或多个专利,以及国人外正申请和已发布的其他专利中: 7,127,217;7,272,373; 7,272,375; 7,321,324;7,355,476; 7,426,376; 7,471,940;7,339,503; 7,339,504.订购信息:请参阅第 13 页。
Si4831/35-B302SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Si4831/35-B30SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 3T ABLE OF C ONTENTSSectionPage1. Electrical Specifications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42. Typical Application Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83. Bill of Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .94. Functional Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104.1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104.2. FM Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .104.3. AM Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114.4. SW Receiver . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114.5. Frequency Tuning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114.6. Band Select . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114.7. Bass and Treble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .114.8. Volume Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .115. Pin Descriptions: Si4831/35-B30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .126. Ordering Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .137. Package Markings (Top Marks) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147.1. Si4831/35-B30 Top Mark . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .147.2. Top Mark Explanation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .148. Package Outline: Si4831/35-B30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .159. PCB Land Pattern: Si4831/35-B30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1610. Additional Reference Resources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17Document Change List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18Si4831/35-B304SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•1. Electrical SpecificationsTable 1. Recommended Operating Conditions 1,2ParameterSymbol Test ConditionMin Typ Max Unit Supply Voltage 3V DD 2— 3.6V Power Supply Powerup Rise Time V DDRISE10——µs Ambient TemperatureT A–152585︒CNote:1. Typical values in the data sheet apply at V DD = 3.3V and 25°C unless otherwise stated.2. All minimum and maximum specifications in the data sheet apply across the recommended operating conditions forminimum V DD = 2.7V.3. Operation at minimum V DD is guaranteed by characterization when V DD voltage is ramped down to 2.0V. Partinitialization may become unresponsive below 2.3V.Table 2. Absolute Maximum Ratings 1,2ParameterSymbol Value Unit Supply Voltage V DD –0.5 to 5.8V Input Current 3I IN 10mA Operating Temperature T OP –40 to 95 ︒C Storage Temperature T STG–55 to 150︒C RF Input Level 40.4V PKNotes:1.Permanent device damage may occur if the above Absolute Maximum Ratings are exceeded. Functional operationshould be restricted to the conditions as specified in the operational sections of this data sheet. Exposure beyond recommended operating conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.2. The Si4831/35-B30 devices are high-performance RF integrated circuits with certain pins having an ESD rating of<2kV HBM. Handling and assembly of these devices should only be done at ESD-protected workstations.3. For input pins RST, VOL+/TREBLE, VOL–/BASS, XTALO, XTALI, BAND, TUNE2, TUNE1, STATION, and STEREO.4. At RF input pins, FMI and AMI.Si4831/35-B30SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 5Figure 1.Reset TimingTable 3. DC Characteristics(V DD =2.7 to 3.6V, T A =–15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbolTest ConditionMinTypMaxUnitFM Mode Supply Current 1I FM —21.0—mA Supply Current 2I FMLow SNR level—21.5—mAAM/SW Mode Supply Current 1I AM—17.0—mASupplies and Interface V DD Powerdown CurrentI DDPD—10—µANotes:1.Specifications are guaranteed by characterization.2. LNA is automatically switched to higher current mode for optimum sensitivity in weak signal conditions.Table 4. Reset Timing Characteristics(V DD = 2.7 to 3.6V, TA = –15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbol Min Typ Max Unit RST Pulse Width and TUNE1, TUNE2 Setup to RST t SRST 100——µs TUNE1, TUNE2 Hold from RSTt HRST30——nsTUNE1TUNE2RSTSi4831/35-B306SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•Table 5. FM Receiver Characteristics 1,2(V DD = 2.7 to 3.6V, TA = –15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbol Test Condition Min Typ Max UnitInput Frequencyf RF64—109MHz Sensitivity with Headphone Network 3(S+N)/N = 26 dB — 2.2—µV EMF LNA Input Resistance 4,5—4—k ΩLNA Input Capacitance 4,5—5—pF AM Suppression 4,5,6,7m = 0.3—50—dB Input IP34,8—105—dBµV EMFAdjacent Channel Selectivity 4±200 kHz —50—dB Alternate Channel Selectivity 4±400 kHz—65—dB Audio Output Voltage 5,6,7—80—mV RMS Audio Mono S/N 5,6,7,9,10—55—dB Audio Stereo S/N 3,4,5,7,9,10,—55—dB Audio Frequency Response Low –3dB ——30Hz Audio Frequency Response High –3dB15——kHz Audio Stereo Separation 5,11—42—dB Audio THD 6,5,11—0.10.5%Audio Output Load Resistance 4,10R L Single-ended 10——k ΩAudio Output Load Capacitance 4,10C LSingle-ended——50pF Powerup/Band Switch Time 4——110msNotes:1.Additional testing information is available in “AN569: Si4831/35-DEMO Board Test Procedure.” Volume =maximumfor all tests. Tested at RF =98.1MHz.2. To ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in “AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic,Layout, and Design Guidelines.” Skyworks will evaluate schematics and layouts for qualified customers.3. Frequency is 76~109MHz.4. Guaranteed by characterization.5. V EMF =1 mV.6. F MOD =1kHz, MONO, and L =R unless noted otherwise.7. ∆f =22.5kHz.8. |f 2 – f 1| > 2MHz, f 0=2x f 1 – f 2.9. B AF =300Hz to 15kHz, A-weighted.10. At L OUT and R OUT pins.11. ∆f =75 kHz.Si4831/35-B30SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 7Table 6. AM/SW Receiver Characteristics 1, 2(V DD = 2.7 to 3.6 V, TA = –15 to 85 °C)ParameterSymbol Test Condition Min Typ Max Unit Input Frequencyf RFMedium Wave (AM)504— 1750kHz Short Wave (SW)5.60—22.0MHz Sensitivity 3,4,5(S+N)/N = 26 dB — 30—µV EMF Large Signal Voltage Handling 5THD < 8%— 300— mV RMS Power Supply Rejection Ratio 5ΔV DD =100 mV RMS , 100 Hz— 40— dB Audio Output Voltage 3,6— 60— mV RMS Audio S/N 3,4,6— 55— dB Audio THD 3,6— 0.10.5%Antenna Inductance 5,7180—450µH Powerup/Band Switch Time 5From powerdown ——110msNotes:1.Additional testing information is available in “AN569: Si4831/35-DEMO Board Test Procedure.” Volume =maximumfor all tests. Tested at RF =520kHz.2. To ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in “AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic,Layout, and Design Guidelines.” Skyworks will evaluate schematics and layouts for qualified customers.3. FMOD =1kHz, 30% modulation, 2kHz channel filter.4. B AF =300Hz to 15kHz, A-weighted.5. Guaranteed by characterization.6. V IN =5mVrms.7. Stray capacitance on antenna and board must be < 10pF to achieve full tuning range at higher inductance levels.Table 7. Reference Clock and Crystal Characteristics(V DD = 2.7 to 3.6V, T A = –15 to 85°C)ParameterSymbolTest Condition MinTypMaxUnitReference ClockXTALI Supported Reference Clock Frequencies—32.768—kHz Reference Clock Frequency Tolerance for XTALI–100—100ppmCrystal OscillatorCrystal Oscillator Frequency —32.768—kHz Crystal Frequency Tolerance –100—100ppm Board Capacitance——3.5pFSi4831/35-B308SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•2. Typical Application SchematicNotes:1.Place C 4 close to V DD2 and DBYP pins.2. All grounds connect directly to GND plane on PCB.3. Pin 6 and 7 leave floating.4. To ensure proper operation and receiver performance, follow the guidelines in "AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic,Layout, and Design Guidelines." Skyworks will evaluate the schematics and layouts for qualified customers.5. Pin 8 connects to the FM antenna interface and pin 12 connects to the AM antenna interface.6. Place Si483x as close as possible to antenna jack and keep the FMI and AMI traces as short as possible.OptionalSi4831/35-B30SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 93. Bill of MaterialsTable 8. Si4831/35-B30 Bill of MaterialsComponent(s)Value/DescriptionSupplier C1Reset capacitor 0.1uF, ±20%, Z5U/X7RMurata C4Supply bypass capacitor, 0.1uF, ±20%, Z5U/X7R Murata C5Coupling capacitor, 0.47µF, ±20%, Z5U/X7R Murata B1Ferrite bead 2.5k/100MHzMurata VR1Variable resistor (POT), 100k, ±10%Kennon R1Reset timing resistor, 100k, ±5%Venkel R2Resistor, 10k, ±5%Venkel R3Resistor, 253k, ±1%Venkel R4Resistor, 180k, ±1%Venkel R5Resistor, 67k, ±1%Venkel U1Si4831/35-B30 Mechanical Tuning Radio Receiver Skyworks S2Band switchAny, depends oncustomerANT1Ferrite stick,180-450µHJiaxinOptional ComponentsC2, C3Crystal load capacitors, 22pF, ±5%, COG (Optional: for crystal oscillator option)Venkel Y132.768kHz crystal (Optional: for crystal oscillator option)Epson or equivalentANT2Air loop antenna, 10–20µHVariousSi4831/35-B3010SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•4. Functional DescriptionFigure 2.Si4831/35-B30 Functional Block Diagram4.1. OverviewThe Si4831/35-B30 is the industry's most advanced fully integrated, mechanical-tuned 100% CMOS AM/FM/SW radio receiver IC. Offering unmatched integration and PCB space savings, the Si4831/35-B30requires minimum external components and a small board area. The Si4831/35-B30 AM/FM/SW radio provides space savings and low power consumption while delivering the high performance and design simplicity desired for all AM/FM/SW solutions.Leveraging Skyworks' proven and patented digital low intermediate frequency (low-IF) receiver architecture,the Si4831/35-B30 delivers superior RF performance and interference rejection in AM, FM, and SW bands.The high integration and complete system production test simplifies design-in, increases system quality, and improves manufacturability.4.2. FM ReceiverThe Si4831/35-B30 integrates a low noise amplifier (LNA) supporting the worldwide FM broadcast band (64to 109MHz).Pre-emphasis and de-emphasis is a technique used by FM broadcasters to improve the signal-to-noise ratio of FM receivers by reducing the effects of high frequency interference and noise. When the FM signal is transmitted, a pre-emphasis filter is applied to accentuate the high audio frequencies. All FM receivers incorporate a de-emphasis filter which attenuates high frequencies to restore a flat frequency response. Two time constants are used in various regions. The de-emphasis time constant can be chosen to be 50 or 75µs. Refer to "AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic,Layout, and Design Guidelines."The Si4831/35-B30 also has advanced stereo blending that employs adaptive noise suppression. As a signal quality degrades, the Si4831/35-B30 gradually combines the stereo left and right audio channels to a mono audio signal to maintain optimum sound fidelity under varying reception conditions. The Si4831/35-B30can drive a stereo light with the stereo/mono information so that the user can easily discern the signal quality.S T S T V O L TUNE 1/2BANDSi4831/35-B30SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 11The stereo light up criteria is defined using both RSSI and the Left and Right separation levels as these two specifications are the primary factors for stereo listening. The criteria can be set between two conditions: the Left and Right channels are separated by more than 6dB with RSSI at >20dB or Left and Right channels are separated by more than 12dB with RSSI at >28dB. The selection can be set up using different values of the external resister. Refer to "AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines."4.3. AM ReceiverThe highly integrated Si4831/35-B30 supports worldwide AM band reception from 504 to 1750kHz with five sub-bands using a digital low-IF architecture with a minimum number of external components and no manual alignment required. This patented architecture allows for high-precision filtering, offering excellent selectivity and SNR with minimum variation across the AM band. Similar to the FM receiver, the Si4831/35-B30optimizes sensitivity and rejection of strong interferers,allowing better reception of weak stations.To offer maximum flexibility, the receiver supports a wide range of ferrite loop sticks from 180–450µH. An air loop antenna is supported by using a transformer to increase the effective inductance from the air ing a 1:5 turn ratio inductor, the inductance is increased by 25 times and easily supports all typical AM air loop antennas, which generally vary between 10 and 20µH.4.4. SW ReceiverThe Si4835 supports 16 short wave (SW) band receptions from 5.60 to 22.0MHz. Si4835 supports extensive short wave features such as minimal discrete components and no factory adjustments. The Si4835supports using the FM antenna to capture short wave signals.4.5. Frequency TuningA valid channel can be found by tuning the potentiometer that is connected to the TUNE1 and TUNE2 pin of the Si4831/35-B30 chip.To offer easy tuning, the Si4831/35-B30 also supports a station LED light. It will light up the LED if the RF signal quality passes the LED sensitivity threshold when tuned to a valid station.4.6. Band SelectThe Si4831/35-B30 supports worldwide AM band with five sub-bands, US/Europe/Japan/China FM band with five sub-bands, and SW band with 16 sub-bands. For details on band selection, refer to "AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines."4.7. Bass and TrebleThe Si4831/35-B30 further supports bass and treble tone control for superior sound quality. Pins 16 and 17can be configured for tone control, allowing customers to use either two buttons or one slide-switch to adjust the bass and treble. For further configuration details,refer to "AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic, Layout,and Design Guidelines."4.8. Volume ControlThe Si4831/35-B30 not only allows customers to use the traditional PVR wheel volume control through an external speaker amplifier, it also supports direct digital volume control through pins 16 and pin 17 by using volume up and down buttons. Refer to "AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines."Si4831/35-B3012SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•5. Pin Descriptions: Si4831/35-B30Pin Number(s)Name Description1STEREO Stereo indicator 2STATION Station indicator 3TUNE1Frequency tuning 4TUNE2Frequency tuning5BAND Band selection and De-emphasis/Stereo separation selection 6,7NC No connect. Leave floating.8FMI FM RF inputs. FMI should be connected to the antenna trace.9RFGND RF ground. Connect to ground plane on PCB.10,11NC Unused. Tie these pins to GND.12AMI AM RF input. AMI should be connected to the AM antenna.13,14GND Ground. Connect to ground plane on PCB.15RST Device reset (active low) input 16VOL+/TREBLE Volume button up/Treble 17VOL–/BASS Volume button down/Bass 18XTALO Crystal oscillator output 19XTALI Crystal oscillator input20VDD1Supply voltage. May be connected directly to battery.21VDD2Supply voltage. May be connected directly to battery.22DBYP Dedicated bypass for VDD23ROUT Right audio line output in analog output mode 24LOUTLeft audio line output in analog output modeNC FMI RFGNDAMIBAND TUNE2TUNE1STATION STEREO NC NC NC RST LOUT ROUT DBYP VDD2VOL+/TREBLE XTALO XTALI VDD1GNDGNDVOL-/BASSSi4831/35-B30SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 136. Ordering GuidePart Number*DescriptionPackage Type OperatingTemperature/VoltageSi4831-B30-GU AM/FM Broadcast Radio Receiver 24L SSOP Pb-free –15 to 85°C 2.0 to 3.6V Si4835-B30-GUAM/FM/SW Broadcast Radio Receiver24L SSOP Pb-free–15 to 85°C 2.0 to 3.6V*Note: Add an “(R)” at the end of the device part number to denote tape and reel option. The devices will typically operate at25°C with degraded specifications for V DD voltage ramped down to 2.0V.Si4831/35-B3014SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•7. Package Markings (Top Marks)7.1. Si4831/35-B30 Top Mark7.2. Top Mark ExplanationMark Method:YAG Laser Line 1 Marking:Device identifier4831B30GU =Si4831-B304835B30GU =Si4835-B30Line 2 Marking:YY =YearWW =Work weekTTTTTT =Manufacturing codeAssigned by the Assembly House.4831B30GU YYWWTTTTTT 4835B30GU YYWWTTTTTTSi4831/35-B30SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************• 158. Package Outline: Si4831/35-B30The 24-pin SSOP illustrates the package details for the Si4831/35-B30. Table 9 lists the values for the dimensions shown in the illustration.Figure 3.24-Pin SSOP Table 9. Package DimensionsDimension Min Nom MaxA —— 1.75A10.10—0.25b 0.20—0.30c 0.10—0.25D 8.65 BSC E 6.00 BSC E1 3.90 BSC e 0.635 BSC L 0.40— 1.27θ0°—8°aaa 0.20bbb 0.18ccc 0.10ddd 0.10Notes:1.All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted.2. Dimensioning and Tolerancing per ANSI Y14.5M-1994.3. This drawing conforms to the JEDEC Solid State Outline MO-137, Variation AE.4. Recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020 specificationfor Small Body Components.Si4831/35-B3016SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•9. PCB Land Pattern: Si4831/35-B30Figure 4, “PCB Land Pattern,” illustrates the PCB land pattern details for the Si4831/35-B30-GU SSOP . Table 10lists the values for the dimensions shown in the illustration.Figure 4.PCB Land Pattern Table 10. PCB Land Pattern DimensionsDimensionMin Max C 5.205.40E0.65 BSCX10.350.45Y11.55 1.75General:1.All dimensions shown are in millimeters (mm) unless otherwise noted.2. This land pattern design is based on the IPC-7351 guidelines.Solder Mask Design:3. All metal pads are to be non-solder mask defined (NSMD). Clearance between thesolder mask and the metal pad is to be 60µm minimum, all the way around the pad.Stencil Design:4. A stainless steel, laser-cut, and electro-polished stencil with trapezoidal wallsshould be used to assure good solder paste release.5. The stencil thickness should be 0.125mm (5 mils).6. The ratio of stencil aperture to land pad size should be 1:1 for all perimeter pads. Card Assembly:7. A No-Clean, Type-3 solder paste is recommended.8. The recommended card reflow profile is per the JEDEC/IPC J-STD-020specification for Small Body Components.Si4831/35-B30 10. Additional Reference ResourcesContact your local sales representatives for more information or to obtain copies of the following references:⏹EN55020 Compliance Test Certificate⏹AN555: Si483x-B Antenna, Schematic, Layout, and Design Guidelines⏹AN569: Si4831/35-DEMO Board Test Procedure⏹Si4831/35-DEMO Board User’s GuideSkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•17Si4831/35-B3018SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•D OCUMENT C HANGE L ISTRevision 0.1 to Revision 0.7⏹Updated block diagram.⏹Updated application schematic.⏹Updated bill of materials.⏹Updated Section “4.2. FM Receiver”.⏹Updated Section “4.3. AM Receiver”.⏹Updated Section “4.6. Band Select”.Revision 0.7 to Revision 1.0⏹Updated block diagram⏹Updated Table 2, “Absolute Maximum Ratings 1,2,” on page 4⏹Updated Table 5, “FM Receiver Characteristics 1,2,” on page 6⏹Updated Table 6, “AM/SW Receiver Characteristics 1, 2,” on page 7⏹Updated “4. Functional Description”⏹Updated “10. Additional Reference Resources”Si4831/35-B30 N OTES:SkyworksSolutions,Inc.•Phone[781]376-3000•Fax[781]376-3100•*********************•19Copyright © 2021 Skyworks Solutions, Inc. All Rights Reserved.Information in this document is provided in connection with Skyworks Solutions, Inc. (“Skyworks”) products or services. These materials, including the information contained herein, are provided by Skyworks as a service to its customers and may be used for informational purposes only by the customer. Skyworks assumes no responsibility for errors or omissions in these materials or the information contained herein. Skyworks may change its documentation, products, services, specifications or product descriptions at any time, without notice. Skyworks makes no commitment to update the materials or information and shall have no responsibility whatsoever for conflicts, incompatibilities, or other difficulties arising from any future changes.No license, whether express, implied, by estoppel or otherwise, is granted to any intellectual property rights by this document. Skyworks assumes no liability for any materials, products or information provided hereunder, including the sale, distribution, reproduction or use of Skyworks products, information or materials, except as may be provided in Skyworks’ Terms and Conditions of Sale.THE MATERIALS, PRODUCTS AND INFORMATION ARE PROVIDED “AS IS” WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, WHETHER EXPRESS, IMPLIED, STATUTORY, OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR USE, MERCHANTABILITY, PERFORMANCE, QUALITY OR NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT; ALL SUCH WARRANTIES ARE HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. SKYWORKS DOES NOT WARRANT THE ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THE INFORMATION, TEXT, GRAPHICS OR OTHER ITEMS CONTAINED WITHIN THESE MATERIALS. SKYWORKS SHALL NOT BE LIABLE FOR ANY DAMAGES, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, STATUTORY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION, LOST REVENUES OR LOST PROFITS THAT MAY RESULT FROM THE USE OF THE MATERIALS OR INFORMATION, WHETHER OR NOT THE RECIPIENT OF MATERIALS HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE.Skyworks products are not intended for use in medical, lifesaving or life-sustaining applications, or other equipment in which the failure of the Skyworks products could lead to personal injury, death, physical or environmental damage. Skyworks customers using or selling Skyworks products for use in such applications do so at their own risk and agree to fully indemnify Skyworks for any damages resulting from such improper use or sale.Customers are responsible for their products and applications using Skyworks products, which may deviate from published specifications as a result of design defects, errors, or operation of products outside of published parameters or design specifications. Customers should include design and operating safeguards to minimize these and other risks. Skyworks assumes no liability for applications assistance, customer product design, or damage to any equipment resulting from the use of Skyworks products outside of Skyworks’ published specifications or parameters.Skyworks, the Skyworks symbol, Sky5®, SkyOne ®, SkyBlue™, Skyworks Green™, Clockbuilder ®, DSPLL ®, ISOmodem ®, ProSLIC ®, and SiPHY ® are trademarks or registered trademarks of Skyworks Solutions, Inc. or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries. Third-party brands and names are for identification purposes only and are the property of their respective owners. Additional information, including relevant terms and conditions, posted at , are incorporated by reference.PortfolioQuality/qualitySupport & Resources/support。
HYDAC 4 2 4 3 方向阀门系列 4WER6 产品介绍说明书
DESCRIPTIONFEATURES∙Direct acting, solenoid-operated directional valve ∙Low hysteresis of switching points∙Coil rotatable by 360°, enables flexible installation ∙Interface according to ISO 4401-03∙With integrated sensor for switch position monitoringHYDAC 4/2 4/3 directional spool valves in the series 4WER 6are directional valves for oil-hydraulic systems which serve to open and close flow paths. The valve is actuated by an oil-immersedsolenoid. During this process, the solenoid pushes the valve‘s control spool into the respective position to obtain the desired flow path.Depending on the version, either the starting position 0, the position A or the position B can be detected. As the electric switching signal is already applied shortly before the end position is reached, the spool elements have an overlap range. This ensures that the possible flow in the switching points is minimal.4/2 and 4/3 directional spool valves with switch position monitoring solenoid-operated, direct-acting4WER 6Nominal size 6up to 80 l/min up to 350 barE N 1Features 1Model code2Spool types / Symbols 2Function 3Section view 3Technical data 4Performance5Switch position monitoring R05Switch position monitoring RA/ RB 5Switching logic 6Dimensions 7Accessories8MODEL CODE4WE RA 6D S01-24D G /VType4/2 or 4/3 directional valve, direct actingSwitch position monitoringR0= de-energised switch position monitoring with a sensorRA = energised switch position monitoring of coil A with a sensor RB = energised switch position monitoring of coil B with a sensor Nominal size 6Symbol see page 3SeriesS01 = specified by manufacturer Rated voltage of the solenoid coil 12= 12 V DC 24= 24 V DC 110= 110 V DC 220= 220 V DC Type of voltage D = DC voltageElectrical connection G = device connector, DIN EN 175301-803 A Sealing material N = NBR V = FKM2E N solenoid-operated directional spool valves of the type 4WER 6 are used to control nominal flow and are made up of one valve casing (1) and an associated valve spool (2). Depending on the type, the valve is equipped with two return springs and (3) one or two pole tubes (4) and solenoid coils (5) each.The valve is hydraulically controlled by operating the valve spool using solenoids.The energised solenoid uses the guide rod (6) to move the valve spool into the desired position. This causes thenominal flow directions between the respective ports to be released or closed. Leaving the initial position and reaching the end position is detected by a non-contact position sensor (7) with a change in the output signal. To obtain the valve’s optimum switching capacity, the pressure-tight chamber of the pole tube should always be filled with oil.The valve spool is pushed back into the starting position by the appropriate return spring after de-energisation of the solenoid.FUNCTION3SPOOL TYPES/ SYMBOLSType Basic symbolDD-OF EA EB GAY4/2 DIRECTIONAL SPOOL VALVES4/3 DIRECTIONAL SPOOL VALVESType BasicsymbolEGJLE N specificationsMTTF d150 -1200 years, according to DIN EN ISO 13849-1:2016; Table C.1, confirmation of ISO 13849-2:2013; Tables C.1 and C.2Ambient temperature [°C]-20 to +50Installation No orientation restrictions Weight [kg]1.8 with one solenoid;2.2 with two solenoidsMaterialValve casing: Cast iron Coil casing: SteelName plate: AluminiumSurface coatingValve casing: Phosphate plated Coil casing: Zn-coating Hydraulic specificationsOperating pressure[bar]Port P, A, B: 350Port T: 210Flow rate[l/min]max. 80Operating fluidHydraulic oil to DIN 51524 Part 1, 2 and 3Media operating temperature range [°C]-20 to +80Viscosity range[mm²/s]10 to 400Permitted contamination level of operating fluidClass 20/18/15 according to ISO 4406 or cleaner Max. switching frequency [1/h]15,000Sealing materialFKM,NBRElectrical specificationsSwitching time[ms]energized: approx. 25 -75de-energized: approx. 15 -25Type of voltage DC voltage Nominal voltage [V]1224Voltage tolerance [%]±10Nominal power [W]32,731Duty cycle[%]100Protection class according to DIN EN 60529with electrical connection “G”IP65 ²Sensor dataSupply voltage24 Volt: 20 to 32 VDC 12 Volt: 10.5 to 16 VDC Reverse polarity protection for supply YesOutputs 2 with change-over function PNP Output load≤400mAShort circuit protection Resistant to short circuitsConnectorRound connector M12x1 (4-pole)Protection class (for complete valve)IP65 according to DIN EN 60529 EC conformity / EMC2014/30/EU¹ See “Conditions and Instructions for Valves” in brochure 53.000² If installed correctlyTECHNICAL DATA ¹4E N at T oil = 50°C and 36 mm²/s Pressure lossPower limitsPERFORMANCEPerformance assignment to the associated spools:The specified power limits for directional valves areapplicable to use with two nominal flow directions. In the case of only one flow direction, the power limits may be lower.For operation with G96/G205 coils, the max. flow rate shown in the graph must be reduced by 10 %. The switching times are extended.SpoolsPressureloss Performancelimits P →A B →T P →B A →T P →TD, D-OF, Y 2222-1E, EA, EB 2323-1G,GA 555532J 3131-3Y2222-1SWITCH POSITION MONITORING R0 Pin Value Function 1+24 V supply 2NCnormally closed 30 V -4NOnormally openSWITCH POSITION MONITORING RA / RBPin Value Function1+24 V supply 2NCnormally closed 30 V -4NCnormally closed5E N LOGICNote: Check the compatibility of the symbol and sensor type.Sensor type SymbolE/ G/ J/ L EA/ GA/ D EB/ YD-OF R0x x xRA xx RBxx6Signal 1Signal 0Signal 1Signal 0Signal 1Signal 0Signal 1Signal 0-100 -50 0 50 100Stroke [%]100 50 0Stroke [%]Sensor type R0 (Symbols E, G, J and L)Sensor type R0 (Symbols EB and Y)Sensor type R0 (Symbols D, GA and EA)Sensor type RB (Symbols Y, EB and D-OF)Signal 1Signal 0Signal 1Signal 0Signal 1Signal 0Signal 1Signal 00 50 100Stroke [%]100 50 0Stroke [%]Sensor type RA (Symbols D, D-OF, GA and EA)Signal 1Signal 0Signal 1Signal 00 50 100Hub [%]E N according to ISO 4401-03-02-0-05Mounting screws:(not included in the scope of delivery)DIN EN ISO 4762 –M5x30 –10.9Torque: 5 NmWith two solenoidsWith one solenoidNote: In accordance with EN 693:2011, the valves have no manual override.7E N information in this brochure relates to the operating conditions and applications described.For applications or operating conditions not described, please contact the relevant technical department.Subject to technical modifications.HYDAC Fluidtechnik GmbH Justus-von-Liebig-Str.D-66280 Sulzbach/Saar Tel: 0 68 97 /509-01Fax: 0 68 97 /509-598E-Mail:****************DesignationPart no.Seal kits (4-piece set)9,25 x 1,78 80 Sh NBR 34924329,25 x 1,78 80 Sh FKM3120269Mounting screwsZyl-Shr.ISO4762-M 5x 30-10.9603227E N。
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Fig. 8 Typ. switching times vs. gate resistor RG
Fig. 10 CAL diode forward characteristic FWD and APD typical forward characteristic
12-04-2007 SCT
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2, $6 3 910 4
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12-04-2007 SCT
IGBT Module
SK45GB063 SK45GAL063 SK45GAR063 Preliminary Data
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12-04-2007 SCT
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Freewheeling Diode
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This is an electrostatic discharge sensitive device (ESDS), international standard IEC 60747-1, Chapter IX.
5'- 3 90 5
& 3 08 ;! 5'- 3 90 5
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Absolute Maximum Ratings Symbol Conditions IGBT
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5-" &
$6 3 10 4 $6 3 910 4
$ 3 10 4 $ 3 <8 4
! "
IGBT Module
SK45GB063 SK45GAL063 SK45GAR063 Preliminary Data
This technical information specifies semiconductor devices but promises no characteristics. No warranty or guarantee expressed or implied is made regarding delivery, performance or suitability.
%:8 ,,, F908
%:8 ,,, F910
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Characteristics Symbol Conditions IGBT
5'- &-"
5'- 3 5-! & 3 9 ; 5'- 3 8 5! 5- 3 5-"
5- 3 8 5! 5'- 3 /8 5
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Freewheeling Diode
5D 3 5-
&D 3 /8 ;@ 5'- 3 8 5
5D8 D &==> H - = 6%D
&D 3 /8 ; K 3 %088 ;KC 53/885
&=> 3 1 &
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Inverse Diode
$6 3 910 4
$6 3 908 4
$ 3 10 4 $ 3 <8 4
? 18
( )
+ ! , -./0/1 Typical Applications "
&2 "
12-04-2007 SCT
Fig. 1 Typ. output characteristic, inclusive RCC'+ EE'
Fig. 3 Typ. turn-on /-off energy = f (IC)
2, $6 3 9104
3 9 >+
5 3 /885 &3 /8; $6 3 910 4 5'- 3 ?905
8!90 ;
Байду номын сангаас
Fig. 4 Typ. turn-on /-off energy = f (RG)
Fig. 6 Typ. gate charge characteristic
12-04-2007 SCT
Fig. 7 Typ. switching times vs. IC
Symbol Conditions Inverse Diode
5D 3 5-
&D 3 /8 ;@ 5'- 3 8 5
D &==> H -
&D 3 /8 ; K 3 %088 ;KC
+ ! , -./0/1 Typical Applications "
&2 "