A novel radial intensity based edge operator
排序英文缩写中文英文全称分类# #3B #3 (锅)炉#3 boiler 专设# #3T #3 (汽)机#3 turbine 专设S S_A A侧side A 位置L L_A A层Layer A 位置S SFT 安全SafetyP PB 按钮(键)push button 通设P PCT 百分比Percent 单位S SWAY 摆动swayS SFT 保安safety 电设备P PRCT 保护protection 功能A ALM 报警alarm 功能S STBY 备用standby 功能S STBY PW 备用电源standby power source 通设B BODY 本体body 通设P P 泵PUMP 通设S SCORE 比scoreC CL 闭式closed 功能C CL CIR WTR 闭式循环水closed circulating water 介质L LOCK 闭锁lock 状态L LOCK CL 闭锁关lock close 状态L LOCK OPN 闭锁开lock open 状态W WALL TEM 壁温wall temperature 单位X XFMR 变压器transformer 专设M MK UP WTR 补水make-up water 介质M MK UP OIL 补油make-up oil 介质N N_SYM 不对称non symmetry 功能R REF 参考referenceO OPR 操作operationS SLOT 槽slot 通设S SOUR 酸的sour 通设S SILO (煤、灰)筒仓silo 通设S SIDE 侧Side 位置S SIDE WALL 侧墙side wall 位置M MSMNT PNT 测点measurement point 位置L LAYER 层layer 位置D DIFF 差动differential 功能D DIF PRS 差压(压差)differential pressure 单位D DSL 柴油机diesel engine电设备P P_XFMR 厂变plant service transformer 电设备P P_L_XFMR 厂低变plant service lower电设备transformerW WORKSHOP 厂房Workshop 位置P P_L_XFMR 厂高变plant service higher 电设备transformerP PLNT INN 厂内plant inner 位置P PLNT 厂用Plant 功能P PLNT PW厂用电率Plant service power rate 单位RATEO OVER SPD 超速Over speed 状态O OVER TEM 超温over temperature 功能H WEGH 称weigher 功能P PRG 程控programmed control 功能G GEAR 齿轮Gear 通设FLUSH 冲洗flushC CHARGE 充电Charge 电设备E EXTR 抽汽extraction steam 介质T TAP 抽头tap 功能O OUTL 出口outlet 位置O OUTG WTR 出水Outgoing waterO OUTG WIRE 出线outgoing wire 位置S SLGRMV 出渣机,除渣slag remover 专设机P PREC 除尘器Precipitator 专设D DEMINE 除盐的Demineralized 功能D DEMINR 除盐装置Demineralized device 专设D DEA 除氧器Deaerator 专设PARAM 参数ParameterT TRMT 处理treatment 功能D DRUM 传动drum 功能S SURGE 喘震surge 功能S SBW 吹灰soot blow 功能S SBWR 吹灰器soot blower 专设P PURGE 吹扫purge 功能P PURITY 纯度purity 单位C CLFR 粗粉分离器classifier 专设O OPN DMD 打开命令open demand 命令B BIG PLTN 大屏( front ) big platen 专设D DMPR 挡板damper 通设C CONDT 导电度conductivity 单位S STMLP 导汽管steam lead pipe 专设P GUD 导向guide 功能P GUD BEAR 导向轴承guide bearing 通设G GDVN 导叶guide vane 通设L LOW 低Low 状态L LOW VOLT 低电压Low voltage 状态L LOW AUX 低辅low pressure auxiliary 专设L LPH 低加low pressure heater 专设L LOW FREQ 低频low frequencyL LOW SPD 低速low speed 状态L LOW TEM 低温low temperature 状态L LOW LMT 低限low limit 单位L LPC 低压缸low pressure cylinder 专设L LOW PRS 低压力low pressure 状态B BTM 底Bottom 位置S STG I 第一级Stage one 位置P PNT 点Point 位置I IGNT 点火Ignition 功能I IGNTR 点火器Ignitor 专设M MAG 电磁electric magnetic 介质M MAG V 电磁阀electric magnetic valve 通设M MO 电动motor operated 功能M MOV 电动调节门motor operated通设regulating valveM MDFP 电动给水泵motor drive feedwater专设pumpM MOV 电动门motor operated valve 通设K KWH 电度electrical work 单位M MTR 电机(电动机) electric motor 马达C CRRT 电流current 单位V VOLT 电压voltage 单位V VOLT LOOP 电压回路voltage loop 位置P PW 电源Power supply 通设R RGL STG 调节级regulating stage 专设R RGL V 调节门regulate valve 通设G GVN V 调速汽门governing valve 专设S SPD GVNR 调速器speed governor 专设P PH MDFR 调相机phase modifier, phasemodulator专设A ADJ 调整adjusting 功能B BFV 蝶阀butterfly valve 通设T TOP 顶top 位置C CLNG 顶棚ceiling 专设J JACK 顶轴jacking 功能I INTMT 定期(排污) intermittent 功能I INTMT BLDNFLTK 定期排污扩容器intermittent blow downflash tank专设S STAT 定子stator 电设备M MTV 动力motive power 功能M M_BLD 动叶片moving blade 专设A ACT 动作act 功能B BLOCK 堵塞blocking 功能E END FACE 端End face 位置# # 段Section 位置B BRKR 断路器breaker 通设W WTR CUT 断水cut off the water supply 功能D DISCON 断线disconnecting 状态S SYM 对称symmetry 功能A ATM REL对空排汽门atmospheric relief valve 专设VLVC COLLAR 轭部collar 位置S SA 二次风secondary air 介质S SAD 二次风挡板secondary air damper 专设G GXU 发变组generator transformer电设备unitG GEN 发电机generator 专设V V 阀门valve 通设valve position 单位P POS 阀位/ 位置反馈F FLAN 法兰flange 专设T TPLR 翻车机tippler 功能F FDBK 反馈feedback 功能R RVRS 反向reverse 状态R RRT 反转reversal rotation 功能M MODE 方式mode 功能D DISCH STM 放汽Discharge steam 功能D DISCH WTR 放水discharge water 功能D DISCH OIL 放油Discharge oil 功能N NON 非Non 状态N N_DRV_E 非驱动端non drive end 位置I ISLT PLTN 分隔屏isolating platen 专设S SEP 分离器Separator 专设A AREA 分区area 位置B BRCH 分支Branch 通设B BIN 粉仓bin, pulverized coal专设bunkerP PC LVL 粉位PC level 单位A AIR FLOW 风量Air flow 单位W WINDBOX 风箱Windbox 专设A AUX 辅助Auxiliary 功能L LOAD 负荷Load 单位P -P 负压negative pressure 单位T TVS 复速级two-velocity stage 专设R RSET 复位Reset 状态V VICE 副vice 功能H HIGH 高High 状态H HVSX 高备变high voltage standby电设备transformerH HIGH VOLT 高电压high voltage 状态H HIGH AUX 高辅high pressure auxiliary 专设H HPH 高加high pressure header 专设H HESI 高能点火器high energy spark ignitor 专设H HIGH SPD 高速high speed 状态H HLWB 高位水箱high level water box 专设H HIGH TEM 高温high temperature 状态H HIGH LMT 高限high limit 单位CYL 缸cylinderH HPC 高压缸high pressure cylinder 专设H HIGH PRS 高压力high pressure 状态H HIPC 高中压缸high intermediate专设pressure cylinderI ISLT 隔离isolate 功能I ISTN 隔热isulation 功能D DIAP 隔板HP diaphragm 专设P PVL FDR 给粉机pulverized coal feeder 马达C COAL FDR 给煤机(coal ) feeder 马达F FEED WTR 给水feedwater 功能I IND WTR 工业水industrial water 介质W WORK 工作working 功能O OX 工作变压器operating transformer 专设O O_PW 工作电源operating power 专设C COM 公用Common 功能C CX 公用变common transformer 专设P PW 功率Power 单位S STM SPL 供汽steam supply 介质H H2 SPL 供氢H2 supply 介质O OIL SPL 供油oil supply 介质F FAULT 故障Fault 状态C CL 关close 指令CYL 缸cylinderC CD 关命令close demand 命令C CP 关状态Closed position 状态P PIP 管, 管道Pipe 通设P PIP WALL 管壁Pipe wall 位置A ALM WIN 光字牌alarm window 专设C CAB 柜cabinet 通设B BLR 锅炉Boiler 专设B BLR HALL 锅炉房boiler hall 专设O OV LOAD 过负荷over load 状态O OV EXCTR 过励磁over excitator 状态O OV CRRT 过流over current 状态F FLTR 过滤器filter 通设S SHR 过热superheated 功能S SHTR 过热器superheater 专设S SHR STM 过热蒸汽superheated steam 介质O OV SPD 过速over speed 功能O OV VOLT 过压over voltage 功能F FUNNEL (过虑)漏斗filter funnel 功能O OV LOAD 过载overload 状态O O2 CT 含氧量oxygen content 单位N NO. 号(量词)Number 单位C CMPS 合成compose 功能C CL SWTH 合闸close switch 指令B BOX 盒box 通设B BA 后Back 位置R REAR PLTN 后屏rear platen 位置P PLT V 滑阀Pilot valve 通设A ASH HOP 灰斗ash hopper 专设R RTN (OIL,回(油,水) return (oil, water) 介质WTR)R RFF 回料风机return fuel fan 马达R RTN AIR 回送风return air 介质CIRC 回路circuitC CNVG 汇流convergeS SCNR 火检scanner 专设F FLM 火焰flame 介质F FLM INTS 火焰强度flame intensity 单位N NOZZLE 火嘴Nozzle 通设T TURB SIDE 机端turbine side 位置C CAB 机柜Cabinet 通设M MCHN 机械mechanical 功能U UNIT 机组unit 专设A ACTIVE 激励active 功能S STG 级Stage 单位S STM HDR 集汽联箱steam header 专设W WTR CLCT 集水箱water collector 专设H HDR 集箱header 通设C CAL 计算calculation 功能R RELAY 继电器relay 专设H HTR 加热器heater 专设H HEAT STM 加热蒸汽heat steam 介质S SPD UP 加速speed up 功能C CRVC 夹层crevice 专设C CRVC 间隙crevice 位置M MNTR 监视monitor 功能R REDR 减少Reduce 指令A ALKL 碱的alkali 专设S SLOW DN 减速slow down 指令D DSH 减温Desuperheat 功能P PRS/TEMREDR 减温减压器temperature and pressurereducer专设D DSHR 减温器Desuperheater 专设P PRS REDR V 减压阀pressure reducer valve 功能T TEST 检测test 功能M MAINTENACE 检修maintenance 功能E EXCHR 交换器exchanger 专设A AC 交流alternating current 单位R RBBR BALL 胶球rubber ball 通设C CRNR 角corner 位置G GND 接地ground 功能E END 结束end 状态T THTTL 截止throttle 功能O ONLY 仅Only 状态E EMG 紧急Emergency 状态E EMG RLV OILV 紧急放油阀emergency relieve oilvalve专设I ING 进Ingoing 功能I ING LINE 进线ingoing line 位置F FINE TRMT 精处理fine treatment 功能C CLEAN 净clean 状态R RAD / AXI 径向radial / axial 功能S S_BLD 静叶片stationary blade 专设L LCL 就地Local 状态I ISLT 绝缘Isolation 功能S SWTH 开关switch 通设S STR 开始start 状态O OPN 开式open 功能O OPN CIR 开式循环open circulating 功能O OPN CIR WTR 开式循环水open circulating water 介质O OP 开状态opened status 状态F FPO 抗燃油flame proof oil 介质S SHELL 壳体shell 通设G GVN 可调速的governing 功能A AIR_S 空侧air side 位置A AIR 空气Air 介质A APH 空预器air preheater 专设C CTL 控制Control 功能C CTL DMD 控制命令(对Control demand 命令调节阀)C CTL ROOM 控制室control room 专设C CTL BOX 控制箱control box 专设R RB 快速减负荷run back 功能F FLTK 扩容器flash tank 功能C COLD AIR 冷风cold air 介质C CLG 冷却cooling 功能C CLG AIR FAN 冷却风机cooling air (blower) fan 专设C CLR 冷却器cooler 专设O OIL CLR 冷油器oil cooler 专设C COOL RHT 冷再热cool reheat 状态I ION 离子ionV VERT 立式vertical type 状态E EXCT 励磁excitation 专设E EXCTR 励磁机excitator 专设E EXCTR SIDE 励端excitator side 位置C CTN BLDN 连排continue blowdown 专设C CTN BLDNFLTK 连排扩容器continue blowdownflashtank专设C CNTR 连通管connector 通设C CSV 联合汽门combined steam valve 专设I INTRCT 联络interconnection 功能I INTRLK 联锁interlock 功能H HDR 联箱header 通设0 0_SEQ 零序zero sequence 功能F FLW 流量flow 单位F FNC 炉膛furnace 专设F FLTR 滤网filter 通设O OIL FLTR 滤油器oil filter 专设R RATE 率rate 单位M MTR 马达motor 通设P PULSE 脉冲PulseM MATCH 满足match 功能P CP 煤粉coal powder 介质B BIN 仓bin 专设S SEAL 密封Sealing 功能S SEAL WTR 密封水seal water 功能S SEAL OIL 密封油seal oil 功能M MILL 磨煤机coal mill 马达W WNUT 磨损worn outB BOWL 磨碗bowl 专设VEIL (水)幕veilL L_STG 末级the last stage 位置H HDR 母管header 通设Na 钠sodiumB BUS 母线bus 通设inner 位置I INN 内, 内侧, 内部N NA 钠natriumI INVS 逆inverse 状态C CHK V 逆止门check valve, non-return通设valveM MESH 啮合mesh 状态C CND 凝结condensate 专设C CND WTR 凝结水condensated water 介质C CND P 凝结水泵condensate pump 专设C CNSR 凝汽器condenser 专设T TOROSC 扭振torsional oscillation 单位S SAH 暖风器steam air heater 专设C CPLR 耦合器coupler 专设R ROW 排(量词) row 单位P PCE 排粉机pulverized coal马达exhausterE EXH 排风Exhaust 功能E EXHR 排风机Exhauster 马达V VENT 排空Vent 功能E EXH STM 排汽Exhaust steam 功能E DISCH WTR 排水discharge water 功能B BLDN 排污Blowdown 功能F FLUE GAS 排烟flue gas 功能E EGF 排烟风机exhaust gas fan 马达E EXH OIL 排油Exhaust oil 功能T TURN 盘车turning gear 功能P PNFC 盘面panel face 通设B BYPS 旁路bypass 通设S SPRAY 喷水spray 功能E EXP 膨胀expansion 状态NZL 喷嘴nozzleB BELT 皮带belt 专设E ECNT 偏心度Eccentricity 功能F FREQ 频率Frequency 单位PLTN 屏platenP PLTN FAN 屏风机platen fan 马达P P_SHTR 屏式过热器platen superheat 专设S STR 启动start 命令S STRD 启动指令Start demand 命令P PNMTC 气动pneumatic 功能G GAS 气体gas 介质S STM 汽Steam 介质D DRUM 汽包Drum 专设T BFPT 汽动给水泵turbine-driven feedwater专设pumpS SDOP 汽动油泵steam-driven oil pump 专设G GLD 汽封steam sealing, steam seal功能glandC CYL 汽缸cylinder 专设T TURB 汽机turbine 专设S STM TEM 汽温steam temperature 单位F FR 前front 位置F F/B 前后front / back 位置B BP 前置泵booster pump 专设F FORCE 强制force 功能W WALL 墙Wall 通设H H2_S 氢侧H2 side 位置L LIGHT 轻light 状态W WASH 清洗wash 功能A AREA 区area 位置D DRV_E 驱动端drive end 位置W WHL PLNT 全厂whole plantW WHL DAY 全天whole day3 3 PH 全相all phases 功能P PH LOSE 缺相phase lose 状态A ACK 确认acknowledge 功能B BRNHT 燃尽burning exhaust 状态F FUEL 燃料Fuel 介质B BNR 燃烧器Burner 专设W WND 绕组winding 专设H HOT AIR 热风hot air 介质H HOT WELL 热井hot well 专设H HOT RHT 热再热hot reheat 状态H HYDL 液压hydraulic 介质D DSSLV 溶解dissolved 功能F FUSE 熔断fusible 状态F FUSE 熔断器fusible cutout 专设I INL 入口inlet 位置L LUB 润滑lube 功能L LUB OIL 润滑油lube oil 功能T TA 三次风tertiary air 介质T T V 三通阀T valve 通设U UP 上, 上部up 位置U UPP 上层upper 位置W WTR SPL 上水water-supply 功能S SET 设定Set 功能E EXTD 伸进Extend 功能S STEP UP 升压step up 功能E ECON 省煤器Economizer 专设F FAIL 失败failure 状态L LOSE SYN 失步lose synchronizer 功能L LOSE MAG 失磁lose magnet 状态N NODR 失灵be out of order 状态E EMG 事故Emergency 状态T TEST 试验testC CLCT 收集Collection 功能M MANL 手动Manual 状态D DRN 疏水drain water 功能D DRN V 疏水阀drain water 专设D DRN TK 疏水罐drain tank 专设D DRN FLTK 疏水扩容器drain water flashtank 功能P PUL CVR 输粉机pulverized coal conveyor 马达C COAL CVR 输煤机coal conveyer 功能X XPRT 输送transport 功能V VERT 竖直(方向)的vertical 状态ACID 酸acidW WTR 水water 介质W WTR P 水泵Water pump 通设W WTR TRMT 水处理water treatment 功能W WTR SEAL 水封Water seal 功能W WTR WALL 水冷壁water wall 专设W WTR水幕water curtain 专设CURTAINH HORZ 水平(方向)的horizontal 状态W WTR LVL 水位water level 单位W WTR BOX 水箱water box 通设F FD 送风forced draft air 介质F FDF 送风机forced draft fan 马达S SPD 速度Speed 单位F FAST CL 速断fast-closing 功能P PROBE 探针Probe 通设DETEC 探头detectorT TRIP 跳闸trip 状态C CORE 铁芯( iron ) core 电设备S SD 停止命令stop command 命令S SP 停止状态stop position 状态C CHANL 通道Channel 通设D DRAFT 通风Draft 功能S SCHN 同步器, 同操Synchronizer 专设器RGL 调节regulateS SYNCH 同期synchronousB BBIN 筒体bobbin 位置P PUTIN 投putting into 指令O OUTL SIDE 吐出端outlet side 位置T THST 推力thrust 功能T THST BEAR 推力轴承thrust bearing 专设R RETR 退回, 缩回retract 指令P PAD 瓦(轴承) pad 通设P PAD 瓦块pad 专设B BCHTZ 瓦斯buchholtz 介质O OUT 外部outer 位置N NET CTL网控楼network control room 功能ROOMD DISP 位移displace 状态P POS 位置position 位置T TEM 温度temperature 单位I INT VOLT 问询电压interrogation voltage 单位R R_PW 无功reactive power 单位A ATM 雾化atomizing 功能I INL SIDE 吸入端inlet side 位置S SYS 系统systemC CSEP 细粉分离器cyclone separator 专设D DN 下down 位置L LWR 下层, 低层lower 位置D DNCMR 下降管downcomer 专设C COIL 线圈coil 通设L LMT 限limitP PH 相phase 单位R RLTV EXP 相对膨胀relative expansion 单位P PH DIFF 相位差phase angle difference 单位D DEMAG 消磁装置demagnetizer 功能F FGHT 消防fire_fighting 功能R RBCH 消泡箱ridding bubble chamber 专设D DSPPR 消失disappear 状态B BFPT 小汽机boiler feeder water pump专设turbine< < 小于< 状态D DISCH 泄放Discharge 功能L LEAK 泄漏leak 功能S SGNL 信号signalWASH 洗washS STROKE 行程stroke 单位B BATTERY 蓄电池storage battery 电设备E ENST 蓄能器energy storage 专设S SEL 选择select, selectionC CIR 循环circulating 功能C CIR WTR 循环水circulating water 介质D DIFF PRS 压差(差压)differential pressure 单位P PRS 压力pressure 单位C CPRESS AIR 压缩空气compressed air 介质G GAS PASS 烟道gas pass 专设G GAS 烟气gas 介质G GAS TEM 烟温gas temp 单位C CATION 阳离子cation因数coefficientO O2 氧O2 介质O O2 CT 氧量oxygen content 单位R REMO 遥控Remote 状态D DMD 要求Demand 指令H HD_CPLR 液力耦合器hydraulic coupler 专设L LVL 液位level 单位H HYDL OIL 液压油hydraulic oil 介质P PA 一次风primary air 介质P PAF 一次风机primary air fan 马达P PAO 一次油primary oil 介质1 1ST EXTR 一段抽汽1st extraction 介质S STG I 一级Stage one 位置T INSTM 仪(器)用instrument 功能C CD 已关, 关状态Closed 状态A ABNM 异常abnormal 状态O OVFL 溢overflowO OVFL STN 溢流站overflow station 专设I IDA 引风induced draft air 介质I IDF 引风机induced draft fan 马达M MGNT 永励机magneto generator 马达C CV 用户阀customer valve 专设O OIL 油oil 介质O OIL P 油泵oil pump 通设H HD_MTR 油动机hydraulic servomotor 马达O OIL VLU 油量Oil value 单位O OIL PIPE 油路oil pipeO OIL TEM 油温oil temperature 单位O OIL BOX 油箱Oil box 通设O OIL PRS 油压oil pressure 单位O OIL STN 油站oil station 专设P PW ON 有电power on 单位A ATOMIZER 油雾化器oil atomizer 专设A A_PW 有功功率active power 单位R RI 右right 位置P PRHT 预热preheat 功能P PRHT PIP 预热管道preheat pipe 专设S SRC 源sourceR RMT 远方remote 位置P PMT 允许permit 指令R RUN 运行Run 状态R RUNP 运行状态Running position 状态T TURN 匝间turn 位置R RHT 再热Reheat 介质R RHTR 再热器reheater 专设R RHT STM 再热蒸汽reheated steam 介质R RGEN 再生regeneration 功能R RECIR 再循环recirculate 功能R RECIR V 再循环阀recirculating valve 专设B BH 在…的后面behind 位置I INC 增加increate 命令S STN 站Station 通设E EXP DIFF 胀差expansion difference 单位V VACM 真空Vacuum 单位V VACM P 真空泵vacuum pump 专设V VACM BRK V 真空破坏阀vacuum break valve 单位V VBRT 振动vibration 功能S STM ROOM 蒸汽室steam chamber 专设R RCTF 整流的rectifying 功能R RCTFR 整流器rectifier 专设N NORM 正常normal 状态+ + 正的positive 状态R RT 正转rotation 功能L LIFT 支撑lift 功能L LIFT BEAR 支撑轴承lift bearing 专设B BRCH 支路branchD DC 直流direct current 单位D DMD 指令, 命令Demand 指令T TO 至toM MID 中间, 中部Middle 位置N NTRL PNT 中性点Neutral point 位置I INTR PRS 中压intermediate pressure 状态I IPC 中压缸intermediate pressure专设cylinderH HEAVY 重heavy 状态R RENEW 重新renewB BEAR 轴承bearing 通设G GLD 轴封Gland 专设B BUSH 轴瓦Bush 专设A AXI DISP 轴向位移axial displacement 功能M MAIN 主main 功能M MAIN XFMR 主变main transformer 电设备M MAIN TURB 主机main turbine 功能M MAIN STM V 主汽门main steam stop valve 专设M MFT 主燃料跳闸master fuel trip 状态M MAIN STM 主蒸汽main steam 功能O OIL TK 贮油箱oil tank 专设R ROT SPD 转速rotating speed 单位T TURN ROOM 转向室turning room 专设R RTR 转子rotor 电设备E EQPMT 装置equipment 通设S ST 状态status, state 状态A AUTO 自动automatic 状态L LBTY SIDE 自由端liberty side 位置CONSUM 自用consumMIXED 杂用mixedI IMPDC 阻抗impedance 单位C COMBNR 组件Combiner 通设M MAX 最大Maximum 状态M MCR 最大持续功率maximum continuous revolution单位M MIN 最小Minimum 状态L LE 左Left 位置。
• 至于饱和非线性为什么更有利于形成稳定的空间光孤子, 可以从空间光孤子形成的本质上去理解。空间光孤子的本 质既是光束的自会聚效果和衍射效果相互抵消的平衡态。 通常情况下,光束的衍射效应与光束尺寸有关。而自会聚 效应却与介质的非线性成正比,即光强越大,自会聚效应 越显著。这样,当光束基于非线性在介质内诱导出动态的 “透镜”结构时,光束通过“透镜”会聚产生出更大的光 强,更大的光强可以诱导出会聚效果更好的“透镜”结构。 如此往复,若介质的非线性一直不饱和,则光束就堕入会 聚的恶性循环,直至“崩坏”。若介质的非线性能够达到 饱和,则非线性增加到一定程度就不会再增加,从而可以 把光束稳定在一定的尺寸与相应的衍射效应达到平衡。
• 理论: 在量子力学框架下,描述微观粒子运动的 自由空间薛定谔方程的一维形式是
• • 其中m是粒子的质量,当初始条件输入艾里光波,
在演化过程中可以得到一个不扩展并且能够横向 自加速的波包解。这是1979年由Berry和Balazs首 次在理论上提出的,他们还解释了理论上得到的 弯曲轨迹实际上是初始时刻处于不同位置粒子做 直线运动得到的轨迹形成的包络,每一点的强度 是相应粒子波包在此位置的相干叠加。
• 而在光学的框架下,描述光场运动的麦克 斯韦方程在旁轴近似下是
• 其中,Ai为艾里函数, 为归一化的无量纲横向
地理专业词汇英语翻译Q-RQuackgrassmeadow 冰草草甸quadtree 象限四分树quadranglenet 四边形网quadran t象限quagmire 沼泽地qualitativeanalysisofelement 元素定性分析qualitativeanalysisoforganicfunctionalgroup 有机功能基定性分析qualitativeinterpretation 定性判读qualitativerepresentation 质量表示法quality 品质qualityclass 地位级qualitycontrol 品质管理qualitycontroloperation 品质管理操作qualitycontrolsystem 品质管理系统qualityengineering 品质工程qualityofgroundwater 地下水水质qualityofsoil 土壤地位级quantification 量化quantifiedsystemanalysis 定量系统分析quantitativeanalysis 定量分析quantitativeinterpretation 定量判读quantitativerepresentation 数量表示法quantitativespectralanalysis 定量光谱分析quantity 量quantityfactor 定量参数quantometer 光量计quarry 采石场quarrying 露天开采quartel 林班quarternary 第4纪quarternaryeustaticmovement 第四纪海面升降运动quarternaryexogeneticoredeposits 第四纪外生矿床quarternaryplacerdeposit 第四纪砂矿床quarternaryvolcanicoredeposit 第四纪火山矿床quarternaryweatheringoredeposit 第四纪风化矿床quartz 石英quartzandesite 英安岩quartzbasalt 石英玄武岩quartzdiorite 石英闪长岩quartzdolerite 石英粗玄岩quartzporphyry 石英斑岩quartzschist 石英片岩quartzspectrograph 石英摄谱仪quartztrachyte 疗岩quartzipsamment 石英砂新成土quartzite石英岩quartzysandstone 石英砂岩quasigeoid 似大地水准面quaternarygeochronology 第四纪地质年代学quaternarygeologicalmap第四纪地质图quaternarygeology 第四纪地质学quaternaryglacialperiod 第四纪冰期quaternaryilluviatedoredeposi 第四纪淋积矿床quaternarypaleogeography 第四纪古地理quaternaryperiod 第四纪quaternaryresearch 第四纪研究quaternarysedimentaryoredeposit 第四纪沉积矿床quicklime 生石灰quicksand 脸quiescence 休眠quisqueite 硫沥青quota 定额radar 雷达radaraltimeter 雷达测高计radarecho 雷达回波radarimage 雷达图像radarimagescale 雷达图像比例尺radarimagetexture 雷达图像纹理radarindicator 雷达显示器radarlevelling 雷达高程测量radarmap 雷达图radarmeteorology 雷达气象学radarnavigation 雷达导航radarphotogrammetry 雷达摄影测量radarreflectedimages 雷达反射图象radarreflectivity 雷达反射率radarreflectivityfactor 雷达反射率因子radarremotesensing 雷达遥感radarshadow 雷达阴影radarsignature 雷达标记radarsonde 雷达测风仪radarstereoviewing 雷达立体观测radarwavelength雷达波长radarweatherequation雷达气象方程radargrammetry雷达摄影测量radialdrainagepattern 放射状水系radialfracture 射状断裂radialrift放射断裂radialsymmetry 辐射对称radian 弧度radiantenergy 辐射能radiantexitance 辐射出射度radiantflux 辐射流radiantintensity 辐射强度radiation 辐射radiationbalance 辐射平衡radiationbalancemeter 辐射平衡表radiationbalanceofatmosphere 大气辐射平衡radiationbelts 辐射带radiationbiology 放射生物学radiationchemicalprocess 放射化学过程radiationchemicalreaction 放射化学反应radiationchemistry 放射化学radiationcoefficient 辐射系数radiationcounter 辐射计数管radiationdamage 放射线损伤radiationdetector 辐射探测器radiationdose 放射剂量radiationfog 辐射雾radiationfromseasurface 海面辐射radiationinjury 放辐射性伤害radiationinversion 辐射逆温radiationradiosonde 辐射探空仪radiationresolution 辐射分辨率radiationshielding 辐射防护radiativetransferequatio n辐射传递方程radical l基radicelle 小根radioaltimeter 无线电测高仪radioatmometer 辐射蒸发计radiobeacon 无线电信标radioobservation 无线电观测radioactivationanalysis 放射化分析radioactiveanomaly 放射性异常radioactivecontaminant 放射性污染物radioactivecontamination 放射性污染radioactivedecay 放射性衰变radioactivedecontamination 放射性去污radioactivedeposit 放射性沉淀物radioactivedisplacementlaw 放射性位移定律radioactiveelement 放射性元素radioactiveequilibrium 放射平衡radioactiveiron 放射性铁radioactiveisotope 放射性同位素radioactivelogging 放射性测井radioactivematerial 放射性物质radioactivemineral 放射矿物radioactivemineralspring 放射能矿泉radioactivepollution 放射性污染radioactiveprospecting 放射性勘探radioactiveradiation 放射性辐射radioactiveseries 放射系radioactivewastes 放射性废弃物radioactivewater 放射性水radioactivity 放射能radioactivitylog 放射性测井记录radiobiology 放射生物学radiocarbon 放射性碳radiocarbonage 放射性碳年龄radiocarbondating 放射性碳年代测定法radiochemicalanalysis 放射化学分析radiochemicalpurity 放射化学纯度radiochemistry 放射化学radiogenicheat 放射性热radiogeochemistry 放射地球化学radiogeodesy 无线电测地学radiographiccontrast 射线照像对照radiography 射线照相术radiohydrology 放射水文学radioisotope 放射性同位素radiolarian 放射虫radiolarianooze 放射虫软泥radiology 放射学radiometeorograph 无线电气象记录仪radiometeorography 无线电气象测量学radiometeorology 无线电气象学radiometer 辐射计radiometricage 绝对年龄radiometricanalysis 放射分析radiometricdating 放射性测定年代radionuclide 放射性核素radiosonde 无线电探空仪radiosondeobservation 无线电探空仪观测radiosoundingsystem 无线电高空测候技术radium 镭radiumage 镭龄radiumseries 镭系radiumspring 镭泉radius 半径radiusofaction 酌半径radiusofcurvature 曲率半径radiusofcurvatureoftheearth 地球曲率半径radiusofgyration 旋转半径radiusofinfluence影响半径radiusratio 半径比radon 氡radonsurvey 射气测量rafaelite 钒地沥青railway 铁道railwayaerosurveying 铁道航空勘测railwayjunction 铁路交叉点railwaymap 铁路路线图railwaytransport 铁路运输rainrainattenuatio n雨滴衰减raincapacity 降雨量rainchannel 水蚀沟raincloud 雨云rainday 雨日raindropimpression 雨痕rainfactor 降水因素rainfrequency 降水频率raingage 雨量器raingush 暴雨rainintensity 降雨强度rainrill 雨沟rainseason 雨季rainshadow 雨影rainwash 雨水冲刷rainbow 虹rainfallarea 降雨区rainfalldepth 雨量rainfalldistribution 雨量分布rainfallduration 降雨持续时间rainfallflood 降雨洪水rainfallintensity 降雨强度rainstorm 阵雨rainwater 雨水rainydays 降水日数rainygreenforest 雨绿林raisedbeach 滨岸淤积阶地raisedbog 高地沼泽ramification 分枝randomdistortion 随机畸变randomdistribution 随机分布randomerror 随机误差randomerrorofmeasurement 测量偶然误差randomevent 随机事件randommixedlayermineral 不规则混层矿物randomnoise 无秩序杂音randomnumber 随机数randomprocess 随机过程randomsampling 随机抽样randomvariable 随机变量randomvector 随机向量randomization 随机化range 区域rangeelevationindicator 距离仰角显示器rangefinder 测距仪rangeheightindicator 距离高度显示器rangenormalization 距离标准化rangeofvisibility 能见距离rangepole 视距尺rangeresolution 距离分辨率ranging 测距rangingpole 测杆rankers 薄层土rapakivi 奥环斑花岗岩rapid 急流急滩rapidflow 急流rareearthelements 稀土元素raregas 稀有气体raregaselements 惰性气体元素rarespecies 稀有种rarefaction 稀疏酌raspberrybrake 十丛林rateofstocking 载畜量ratingcurve 率定曲线ratiomethod 比值法ratioofionicradii 离子半径比ratiovegetationindex 比值植被指数rationalanalysis 示构分析ravine 沟壑rawhumus 粗腐殖质rawmaterial 原料rawore 未选的矿石raworganicsoil 粗有机质土壤rawsoil 生土rawwater 原水reach 河区reactioncurrent 逆流reactionforce 反酌力reactionisotherm 反应等温式reactionmechanism 反应机制reactionprinciple 反应原理reactionproduct 反应产物reactionrate 反应速度reactionrim 反应边缘reactionseries 反应系列reactionzone 反应区reactionalrim 反应边reactivity 反应性readilyavaiablefertilizer 速效肥料readingerror 读数误差readingonrod 标尺读数reafforestation 再造林realimage 实像realscale真比例尺realtimereconnaissance 实时侦察realgar 鸡冠石reallocationofland 土地规划receiver 接收机recentcrustalmevements 现代地壳运动recentsediments 新沉积物recentvegetation 现代植被reception 感受receptionbasin 集水盆recessioncurve 退水曲线recessionofglaciers 冰川减退酌recessionalmoraine 退缩碛rechargearea 补给区rechargewell 补水井reciprocallattice 倒易晶格reciprocalsightline 对向照准线reclaimedfensoi l耕种低位沼泽土壤reclamationofmarshland 沼泽开垦recognitionfeature 识别特征recombination 再化合recomputation 重新计算reconnaissance 踏勘reconnaissanceoffishshoal 鱼群侦察reconnaissancesoilmap 土壤概图reconnaissancesurvey 普查reconstruction 复原recorder 记录器recording 记录recordingdevice 记录装置recordinggauge 自记计recordingpen 记录笔recordingraingage 自记雨量计recovery再生recreation 休养recreationindustry 旅游产业recreationalgeography 旅游地理学recrystallization 重结晶酌rectangularcoordinate 直角坐标rectangularcoordinatesystem 直角坐标系rectangulardrainagepattern 矩状水系rectangularplanecoordinate 平面直角坐标rectangularweir 矩形堰rectifier 纠正仪rectilinearcoordinate 直角坐标recumbentanticcline 伏卧背斜recurrencehorizon 再现土层recurrentdeposition 叠次沉积redalgae 红藻redbrownmediterraneansoil 地中海赤褐色土redclay 红色粘土redfescuemeadow 羊茅甸地redhematite 红赤铁矿redmud 红泥redpodzolicsoil 灰化红壤redsnow 红雪redsoil 红壤redyellowpodzolicsoil 灰化红黄壤reddishbrownforestsoil 红棕色森林土reddishbrownlateritesoil 红棕色砖红壤性土reddishchestnutsoil 红栗钙土redeposition 再沉积redge 暗礁redoxequilibrium 氧化还原平衡redoxindicator 氧化还原指示剂redoxpotential 氧化还原电位redoxprocess 氧化还原过程redoxreaction 氧化还原反应redoxsystem 氧化还原系redoxtitration 氧化还原滴定reducedparameter 换算变量reducedzone 还原带reducers 还原剂reducibleness 可还原性reducingaction 还原酌reducingagent 还原剂reducingcalculus 归算reducingcapacity 还原能力reducingglass 缩小透镜reduction 还原reductioncoefficient 缩减系数reductionfactor 放大率reductiongeochemicalbarrier 还原地球化学障reductionofgravity 重力校正reductionpotential 还原电势reductionzone 还原区redactor 缩小仪redundancyofinformation 信息剩余度reduzate 还原产物reed 芦苇reedpeat 芦苇泥炭reedswamp 芦苇沼泽reedgrassmeadow 酚茅甸地reef 礁reefbuildingcorals 造礁珊瑚reefcap 礁帽reeflimestone 礁灰岩referencedata 参考数据referenceellipsoid 参考椭圆体referencelevel 高程基淮referencepoint 参考点referencesurface 参考面referencesystem 参考系refining 精制reflectancecoefficient 反射系数reflectancefactor 反射因子reflectancespectraofvegetation 植被反射波谱reflectedflux 反射流reflectedimage 反射影像reflectedlight 反射光reflectedray 反射线reflectedwave 反射波reflectingmicroscope 反射显微镜reflectingmirro r反光镜reflectingsurface 反射面reflectingtelescope 反射望远镜reflection 反射reflectioncoefficient 反射系数reflectionelectronmicroscope 反射电子显微镜reflectionmethod 反射法reflectionoflight 光反射reflectionpleochroism 反射多色性reflectiveopticalsystem 反射式光学系统reflectivepowe r反射功率reflectivity 反射能力reflectivityofseawater 海水反射率reflector 反射器reflex 反射reflexcenter 反射中枢reflexpaper 反光印象像纸reflexprinting 反光晒图reflux 逆流回流refoldedfold 复合褶皱reforestation 森林更新refraction 折射refractioncoefficient 折射系数refractionmethod 折射法refractionoflight 光折射refractiveandreflectiveopticalsystem折反射式光学系统refractiveindex折射率refractiveopticalsystem折射式光学系统refractoryclay耐火粘土refractorymaterial耐火材料refractorysand耐火砂refugium残遗种保护区refuse废石regelation复冰regeneratedflow回流回归水流regeneratedglacier再生冰川regeneration再生regenerationcutting更新伐regenerationofcyclon气旋再生regenerationofnaturalresources自然资源更新regime状况regimeofriver河灵况region地方regionofalimentation营养面积regionofescape逃逸区regionoflittlerelief小地形区域regionofrunoff径柳regionalgeochemicalanomaly区域地球化学异常regionalgeochemicalbackground区域地球化学背景regionalgeochemicaldifferentiation 区域地球化学分异regionalgeochemicalprospecting区域地球化学勘探regionalgeochemistry区域地球化学regionalgeologicalmap区域地质图regionalgeology区域地质学regionalgeomorphology区域地貌学regionalinformationsystem区域信息系统regionalmetamorphism区域变质regionalplanning区域规划regionalpollution地区性污染regionalremotesensing区域遥感regionalstructure区域构造regionaltrafficsurveys区域运输量甸regionaluplift区域抬升regionalization区划register套合registerdifferences套合差registerholes套印孔registering记录registration对准registrationpaper记录纸regolith表土regosols粗骨土regression海退regressionanalysis回归分析regressioncoefficient回归系数regressionequation回归方程regressivebedding海退层理regressiveerosion向源冲刷regressiveevolution后退演化regrowth再生植被regularbandmodel规则带模式regularsystem等轴晶系regulatedflow第径流regulation蝶regulationofmountainsteams山洪节制regulator第器rejuvenatedriver回春河rejuvenation回春酌rejuvenationofrelief地形复活relationship亲缘关系relativeabsorptioncoefficient相对吸收系数relativeabundance元素丰度relativeairhumidity相对空气湿度relativealtitude相对高度relativeaperture相对孔径relativeatomicweight相对原子量relativecontent百分数含量relativedensity相对密度relativeerror相对误差relativeevaporation蒸发率relativefrequency相对频数relativegeochronology相对地质年代学relativegravity相对重力relativegrowth相对生长relativeheight相对高度relativehue相对色调对比色调relativehumidity相对湿度relativeisotopicabundance同位素相对分布量relativemeasurement比较测量relativemoisture相对湿度relativeorientation相对定向relativereliefmap地貌量测图relativerepresentation相对值表示法releaseofpollutants污染物释放reliability可靠性reliabilitydiagram编图资料示意图relic遗物relicarea残遗分布区relicsoil残余土relicsinpeatbed泥炭层遗迹relict遗物relictelementsoflandscape景观残留成分relictlake残湖relictlandforms残余地形relictspecies残遗种relief地形reliefglobe立体地球仪reliefimage浮雕图像reliefinversion地形倒置reliefmap地势图reliefmodel地形模型reliefofendmoraine终碛地形reliefplate地貌版reliefprinting凸版印刷remotecontrol遥控remoteguidance遥控制导remotehybrid远缘杂种remoteobservation遥感remotesensing遥感remotesensingapplication遥感应用remotesensingapplicationinagriculture农业遥感remotesensingcamera遥感相机remotesensingcartography遥感制图学remotesensingforatmosphericpollution大气污染遥感remotesensingforplantprotection 植保遥感remotesensingimage遥感影像remotesensinginformation遥感信息remotesensingobservations遥感观测remotesensingofatmosphere大气遥感remotesensingofoilpollution油污染遥感remotesensingofsightseeingresource风景资源遥感remotesensingofsoil土壤遥感remotesensingofvegetation植被遥感remotesensingsurvey遥感测量remotesensingsystem遥感系统remotesensingtechnology遥感技术remotesensingusedinforestry林业遥感remotesensor 遥感器removechromewithbacteria用细菌除铬rendoll黑色石灰土rendzina腐殖质碳酸盐土rendzinalikebrownsoil黑色石灰土状棕色土rendzinification黑色石灰土形成renewableresources可更新资源renewedfault复活断层repetitionmeasurement复测repetitionofbeds地层重复replaceability置换能力replacement交代酌replacingpower置换力replicamethod复制法replicatechnique复制法replication复制reprecipitation再沉淀representation表现representationofdispersedphenomena离散表示法representationofdynamicphenomena动态表示法representationoffeaturesinplane平面图表示法representationofground地形表示法representationsymbol象形符号representativefraction数字比例尺representativesample代表样本representativespecies 代表种reprint再版reproducibility再生性reproduction复制reproductioncamera复照仪reproductionphotography照相制版reproductiveshoot 生殖苗reptiles爬虫类resection后方交会resectioninspace空间后方交会resequentriver复向河reservationpark自然保护区reserve保留地reservoir水库reservoircapacity水库容量reservoirrock贮油岩reservoirstructure 蓄水构造residencetime停留时间residentbirds留鸟residentialquarter居住区residualaffinity残留亲和力residualclay残积粘土residualdeformation剩余变形residualdeposit残留矿床residualelectriccharge剩余电荷residualhalos残积晕residualhill残丘residualmagma残余岩浆residualmagnetism剩磁residualmountain残余山residualplain残余平原residualsediment残积矿床residualshrinkage剩余收缩residualsoil原积土壤residualvalence剩余价residuarywater废水residue余渣resilification复硅resinousluster尸光泽resistance抵抗resistancethermometer电阻温度计resistancetoweathering抗风化性resistate残留产物resistivity电阻率resolutionoflens镜头分辨率resolutionofrealaperture直实孔径分辨率resolvingtime分辨时间resonance共振resonator共振器resorption再吸收resource资源resourcesinformationsystem资源信息系统resourcesremotesensing 资源遥感respiration呼吸respiratoryenzymesystem呼吸酶系统respiratorymetabolism呼吸代谢respirometer呼吸测定计rest休眠restarea休息场所restenergy静止能restperiod休眠期restitutionpoint纠正点restoration复原restorationofnaturalresources自然资源的恢复restoredplantcover 复原植被restoredspecies复原种retainedwater阻滞水retardation延时retention保留retentionwater支持水reticulatedmottles网纹reticulatedvein网状脉reticulecrossofmoon测月十字丝retinite尸石retouching修版retouchingmedium修版液retreatofmonsoon季风后退retrieval检索retroaction反酌retrogradation海蚀变狭酌retrogressivemetamorphism退化变质酌retrogressivesuccession倒退演替retting浸渍returnflow逆流回流returnstroke逆行reverberation反射reversal倒转reversalfilm反转片reversemechanism反转装置reverseposition倒转层位reversevisualangle反观测角reversedfault逆冲断层reversedfold倒转褶皱reversiblechemicalreaction可逆化学反应reversiblecolloid 可逆胶体reversibleprocess可逆过程reversiblereaction可逆反应reversiblerod双面水准尺reversingcurrent往复流reversingthermometer颠倒温度计reversion返祖遗传revisededition修订版revisioncycle更新周期revisionnote修订说明revolution公转revolutioncounter旋转计数器revolutionindicator转数指示器revolutionoftheearth地球公转revolvercamera转筒式摄影机revolvingdiaphragm回转光阑rhenium铼rheniumosmiummethod铼锇法rheologicalprocesses龄过程rheologymodel龄模型rheophyte廉植物rheotaxis窃rheotropism向猎rheumaticheartdisease风湿性心脏病rhizome根茎rhizopodium根足rhizosphere根圈rhodicferralsols暗红色铁铝土rhodium铑rhodochrosite菱锰矿rhodonite蔷薇辉石rhodophyta红藻门rhodopsinpigment视紫红色素rhombicsystem斜方晶系rhombohedralsystem菱形晶系rhombohedron菱面体rhumbline等角航线rhyodacite疗英安岩rhyolite疗岩rhyoliticstructure疗构造riascoast里亚式海岸ricecropping水稻栽培ricegrowing种稻riceplantation稻栽培riceseedlingbed水稻秧田richsoil肥沃土壤richetite水板铅铀矿rickets佝偻病rickettsia立克次体属ride区划线ridge岭ridgeofhighpressure高压背ridging培土riebeckite钠闪石riftvalley断层谷rightascension赤经rightbank右岸rightlateralfault右行断层rigidity刚性rill小河rilldrainage细僚水rillerosion带状沟蚀rillmarks鳞rime雾淞ring环ringcleavagereaction环破裂反应ringcompound环状化合物ringfracture环状断裂ringstructure环状构造ringstructureinterpretationmap环状构造判读图ripcurrent 离岸急流激流riparianpollution沿岸污染ripening成熟ripeningperiod成熟期ripeningprocess成熟过程ripeningsoil成熟土壤ripeningstage成熟期ripple波纹起rippleclouds波状云ripplemarks波痕ripples涟漪rise隆起river河riverbank河岸riverbasin硫riverbed河床riverbottom河底rivercapture河廉夺rivercrossing渡河riverdeposit 河亮积riverdevelopment河联发riverdischarge河量riverdrift河道漂溜rivererosion河蚀rivergravel河砾rivermarshsoil河滨沼泽土rivermouth河口riverport河港riverprofile河凛剖面riversand河拎沙riverstage河廉位riversystem河系riverterrace河成阶地rivertransport河运riverwidth河幅riverside河边riversidesoil河滨土rivulet小河roadpen双曲线笔roadreconnaissance道路侦察rock岩石rockbasin岩盆rockbreaking岩石破碎rockburst岩石破裂rockcreep岩石蠕动rockdebris岩屑rockdesert石漠rockdrawing石山表示rockexposure岩石露头rockfacies岩相rockfall岩崩rockfields石海rockflour岩粉rockformingelement造岩元素rockfragment岩屑rockgas天然气rockglacier冰川石流rockland石质地rockmass岩体rockoutcropsoil岩石露头土rockpillars岩柱rocksalt石盐rockseries岩系rockslide岩石崩塌rockstream石流rockterrace岩石阶地rocktype岩石类型rockvegetation岩石植物群落rocketsounding火箭探空rocketsonde火箭探空仪rockycoast岩石海岸rockydesert岩质沙漠rockysoil石质土rod棒rollfilm胶卷rollingcountry丘陵地区romer坐标格网尺roof顶板roofrock顶板岩石roofingslate瓦用板岩root根rootborers根茎天牛rootcrops块根植物rootfibril须根roothair根毛rootleaf根出叶rootnodule根瘤rootnodulebacteria根瘤菌rootpressure根压rootsystem根系roottubercrops块根罪rooting发根rootstockgrass根茎禾本科植物ropylava波纹熔岩roscoelite钒云母rosebayshrublet杜鹃灌丛rosette莲座丛rotarytidalstream旋转潮流rotatingcrystalmethod旋转晶体法rotatingmirror旋转镜rotation旋转rotationanemometer旋转风速表rotationofcrops轮作rotationofpasture轮牧rotationoftheearth地球自转rotationspectrum转动光谱rotationalgrazing轮牧rotatoryfault旋转断层roughness糙率roughnesscoefficient粗糙系数roundness圆度roundstone风刻石route航线routechart航线图routemap路线图routesurvey路线测量routinelibrary程序库row列rubberestate橡胶园rubble毛石rubbleland砂石田rubblestone毛石rubblysoil砾质土rubefication红壤化rubellite红电气石rubidium铷rubidiumstrontiummethod铷锶法rubrozem腐殖质红色土ruby红宝石ruggedlimestonerockyland石灰岩犬牙交错状裸露地段rule定律rulingpen绘图钢笔runoff瘤runoffforecast runner 纤匐枝 runningsand 脸 runningwater 径沥报怜水怜水水位runningwaterlevel runoffcoefficient 径恋数 runoffprocess runoffregime rupture 断裂ruralenvironment 农村环境 ruralhygiene 农村卫生 ruralsettle ments 村庄径笼程径链况 rushmarsh 灯心草沼泽 russianforestspringencephalitis rustcoloredforestsoil 潜育灰化土 rustfungus ruthenium rutherfordine rutile 金红石锈菌钌纤碳铀矿春季森林脑炎。
2D序列参数Routine:Slice group:层组,常用于扫描多层多角度的序列。
Phase enc. Dir.:相位编码方向,其利用病人的坐标位置来表示的,所以在登记病人时必须把病人位置输入准确。
Phase oversampling:相位过采样,在FOV相位编码方向上对称地增加相位编码数,在相位编码方向以虚线表示,图像不显示。
FoV read:FoV读数,其显示的是FoV中频率编码方向(读出梯度)的大小。
FoV phase:FoV相位,其值是FoV read的一个百分比。
Slice thickness:层厚,决定在层面方向上的范围。
更改TE 值会对图像的权重及信噪比产生影响。
很好“电力专业词汇”专业常用英语电力系统power system发电机generator励磁excitation励磁器excitor电压voltage电流current升压变压器step-up transformer母线bus变压器transformer空载损耗:no-load loss铁损:iron loss铜损:copper loss空载电流:no-load current无功损耗:reactive loss有功损耗:active loss输电系统power transmission system高压侧high side输电线transmission line高压:high voltage低压:low voltage中压:middle voltage功角稳定angle stability稳定stability电压稳定voltage stability暂态稳定transient stability电厂power plant能量输送power transfer交流AC直流DC电网power system落点drop point开关站switch station调节regulation高抗high voltage shunt reactor并列的:apposable裕度margin故障fault三相故障three phase fault分接头:tap切机generator triping高顶值high limited value静态static(state)动态dynamic(state)机端电压控制AVR电抗reactance电阻resistance功角power angle有功(功率)active power电容器:Capacitor电抗器:Reactor断路器:Breaker电动机:motor功率因数:power-factor定子:stator阻抗电压:阻抗:impedance功角:power-angle电压等级:voltage grade有功负载:active load/PLoad无功负载:reactive load档位:tap position电阻:resistor电抗:reactance电导:conductance电纳:susceptance上限:upper limit下限:lower limit正序阻抗:positive sequence impedance负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance无功(功率)reactive power功率因数power factor无功电流reactive current斜率slope额定rating变比ratio参考值reference value电压互感器PT分接头tap仿真分析simulation analysis下降率droop rate传递函数transfer function框图block diagram受端receive-side同步synchronization保护断路器circuit breaker摇摆swing阻尼damping无刷直流电机:Brusless DC motor刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator机端generator terminal变电站transformer substation永磁同步电机:Permanent-magnet Synchronism Motor异步电机:Asynchronous Motor三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation双回同杆并架double-circuit lines on the same tower单机无穷大系统one machine-infinity bus system励磁电流:magnetizing current补偿度degree of compensationElectromagnetic fields电磁场失去同步loss of synchronization装机容量installed capacity无功补偿reactive power compensation故障切除时间fault clearing time极限切除时间critical clearing time强行励磁reinforced excitation并联电容器:shunt capacitor<下降特性droop characteristics线路补偿器LDC(line drop compensation)电机学Electrical Machinery自动控制理论Automatic Control Theory电磁场Electromagnetic Field微机原理Principle of Microcomputer电工学Electrotechnics Principle of circuits电路原理Electrical Machinery电机学。
A novel technique
the short version daily. For scale developrnem and item reduction factor analyses were performed. Psychometric analyses included internal consistency, test-retest reliability, and responsiveness (calculated by the method of Cohen J, 1998). Construct validity was evaluated by comparison with the Gastrointestinal Symptom Rating Scale (GSRS) and the Psychological General Well Being (PGWB) index scale (Pearson and Spearman correlation coefficients). Results: On the basis of factor analyses ReQuest (long) was reduced by 7 items leading to a 60 items scale. Validation of ReQuest indicated very, high internal consistency reliability (Cronbach's alpha: 0.903), and tesbretest reliabflity (intradass<orrelation-coefficient: 0.94 [longqongl and 0.86 [short-short]). Responsiveness was fimnd to be large with a responsiveness index > 0.8 (1653). Construct validity was good (GSRS: Pearson r = 0.48, Spearman r = 0.52, PGWB: Pearson r = 0.48, Spearman r = 0.49). Conclusions: The new dimensionorientated symptom scale ReQuest is highly reproducible, valid and responsive. It provides a new valuable and highly sensitive, self-administered tool for evaluating treatment response in patients with erosive GERD (Supported by ALTANA Pharma AG).
Long-term in vivo biodistribution imaging and toxicity
Long-term in vivo biodistribution imaging and toxicity of polyacrylic acid-coated upconversion nanophosphorsLiqin Xiong a ,Tianshe Yang a ,Yang Yang a ,Congjian Xu b ,Fuyou Li a ,*a Department of Chemistry,Fudan University,220Handan Road,Shanghai 200433,PR ChinabThe Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital,Fudan University,19Fangxie Road,Shanghai 200011,PR Chinaa r t i c l e i n f oArticle history:Received 20March 2010Accepted 25May 2010Available online 17June 2010Keywords:Rare-earth nanophosphors Upconversion luminescence In vivo imaging Biodistribution Toxicitya b s t r a c tRare-earth upconversion nanophosphors (UCNPs)have become one of the most promising classes of luminescent materials for bioimaging.However,there remain numerous unresolved issues with respect to the understanding of how these nanophosphors interact with biological systems and the environment.Herein,we report polyacrylic acid (PAA)-coated near-infrared to near-infrared (NIR-to-NIR)upconversion nanophosphors NaYF 4:Yb,Tm (PAA-UCNPs)as luminescence probes for long-term in vivo distribution and toxicity studies.Biodistribution results determined that PAA-UCNPs uptake and retention took place primarily in the liver and the spleen and that most of the PAA-UCNPs were excreted from the body of mice in a very slow manner.Body weight data of the mice indicated that mice intravenously injected with 15mg/kg of PAA-UCNPs survived for 115days without any apparent adverse effects to their health.In addition,histological,hematological and biochemical analysis were used to further quantify the potential toxicity of PAA-UCNPs,and results indicated that there was no overt toxicity of PAA-UCNPs in mice at long exposure times (up to 115days).The study suggests that PAA-UNCPs can potentially be used for long-term targeted imaging and therapy studies in vivo .Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.1.IntroductionUpconversion luminescence (UCL)is a process in which low-energy light,usually near-infrared (NIR),is converted to higher-energy light (visible)through sequential absorption of multiple photons or energy transfers.By virtue of the f e f transition under continuous-wave (CW)excitation at 980nm,some rare-earth nanophosphors exhibit unique UCL properties (such as sharp emission lines,large anti-Stokes shift and high photostability)[1e 17].Compared with organic fluorophores and semiconductor quantum dots,rare-earth upconversion nanophosphors (UCNPs)possess two important features as luminescent probes in biological labeling and imaging technology:the remarkable light penetration depth and the absence of background fluorescence in biological samples under infrared excitation [18e 20].Recently,UCNPs have been proposed for use in many novel applications in bioimaging and medicine [20e 31].Zhang ’s group has developed biocompatible UCNPs as luminescent labels for in vitro imaging [21],and Prasad et al.have reported in vivo Maestro whole-body images of a Balb-c mouse injected with the UCNPs [22].We have demonstrateda high-contrast upconversion luminescence (UCL)imaging protocol for in vivo targeted imaging of tumors based on RGD/FA-labeled UCNPs [20,23].Also,we have reported dual-modality UCL imaging and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)in vivo using NaGdF 4:Yb/Tm/Er [24].However,there remain numerous unresolved issues with respect to the understanding of how these nanoparticles interact with biological systems and the environment.To date,there are only a few studies concerning the biodistribution of UCNPs by ICP-MS analysis of rare-earth ions in organs [20e 24].It is worth noting that these studies do not address the in vivo biodistribution imaging of UCNPs and do not examine the in vivo sequestration and excretion of UCNPs.In addition to nanoparticle biodistribution,scientists and clinicians have serious concerns about the utilization of nanopartilces for in vivo applications due to their potential toxicity.Reported in vitro cytotoxicity studies suggested that UCNPs have no or low toxicity when used within a certain range of concentration and within a limited time period of incubation [20e 28].Lim et al.reported the in vivo toxicity of UCNPs in the Caenorhabditis elegans nematode and results indicated that UCNPs are not signi ficantly toxic except at high concentrations of 10mg/mL or higher [29].To date,there are no long-term toxicological reports of UCNPs using animal models,the preferred system for toxicological evaluation of a novel agent,which should be used to*Corresponding author.Tel.:þ862155664185;fax:þ862155664621.E-mail address:fyli@ (F.Li).Contents lists available at ScienceDirectBiomaterialsjournal h omepage:/locate/biomaterials0142-9612/$e see front matter Ó2010Elsevier Ltd.All rights reserved.doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.05.065Biomaterials 31(2010)7078e 7085characterize the toxicity of UCNPs.Moreover,no histological or biochemical studies were conducted to evaluate the pathological damage of UCNPs to the major organs such as liver,spleen,heart, kidney and lung.In this present study,we report polyacrylic acid(PAA)-coated Yb,Er-codoped NaYF4nanocrystals with an average diameter of w11.5nm as NIR-to-NIR upconversion luminescence probes (denoted as PAA-UCNPs).The long-term in vivo biodistribution of these nanocrystals was performed to assess their uptake by the tissues and their clearance from the mice body.Moreover,to determine their potential in vivo toxicity,thefluctuation in body weight of mice,histological assessment,hematological and serum biochemistry assays were also conducted.2.Experimental section2.1.MaterialsAll of the chemicals used were of analytical grade and were used without further purification.Deionized water was used throughout.NH4F,sodium oleate,ethanol, methanol,chloroform,and toluene were purchased from Sinopharm Chemical Reagent Co.(China).Oleic acid(OA)was obtained from Alfa Aesar.Polyacrylic acid (PAA M wt1800),diethylene glycol(DEG),and octadecene(ODE)were all purchased from Sigma e Aldrich.Rare earth chlorides(LnCl3,Ln:Y,Yb,Er,Tm)were purchased from Beijing Lansu Co.China.2.2.Preparation of PAA-UCNPsSynthesis of OA-UCNPs.A typical procedure is as follows:to a100mL three-neckedflask of6mL oleic acid(OA)and15mL octadecene(ODE)at room temper-ature were added given amounts of YCl3(0.79mmol,154.3mg),YbCl3(0.20mmol,55.9mg)and TmCl3(0.01mmol,2.8mg).The mixture was heated to160 C to forma pellucid solution,and then cooled down to room temperature.0.74g sodium oleate was added and10mL of methanol solution containing NH4F(4mmol)was slowly added drop-wise into theflask and stirred for30min.Subsequently,the solution was heated to300 C and maintained for1h under an argon atmosphere. After the solution was left to cool naturally,an excessive amount of ethanol was poured into it,the resultant mixture was centrifugally separated,and the products were collected and washed with ethanol three times.Synthesis of PAA-UCNPs.To aflask containing30mL diethylene glycol(DEG) was added PAA-1800(300mg).The mixture was heated to110 C to form a clear solution.Toluene solution containing100mg OA-UCNPs nanocrystals treated with chloroform was added slowly and the temperature maintained for1h under argon protection.The solution was then heated to240 C for1.5h.The resultant solution was cooled down to room temperature and ethanol was added to yield a precipitate. The PAA-UCNPs were recovered via centrifugation and washed three times with ethanol/water(1:1v/v).2.3.CharacterizationSizes and morphologies of UCNPs were determined at200kV using a JEOL JEM-2010F high-resolution transmission electron microscope(HR-TEM).Samples of the as-prepared UCNPs were prepared by placing a drop of dilute aqueous dispersions on the surface of a copper grid.Energy-dispersive X-ray analysis(EDXA)of the samples was also performed during HR-TEM measurements.X-ray diffraction(XRD) measurements were carried out on a Bruker D4X-ray diffractometer using Cu K a radiation(l¼0.15418nm).The size distribution of UCNPs in aqueous solution was measured by dynamic light scattering(DLS)carried out on a Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90with a He e Ne laser(633nm)and90 collecting optics.UCNPs samples were prepared in aqueous solution at a concentration of0.2mg/mL andfiltered through a Millipore0.45m mfilter prior to measurements.All measurements were carried out at25 C,and data were analyzed by Malvern Dispersion Technology Software4.20. The zeta potential measurements were performed using a dip cell in automatic mode using Malvern Zetasizer Nano ZS90.UCL spectra were measured with an Edinburgh LFS-920fluorescence spectrometer by using an external0e800mW adjustable laser(980nm,Beijing Hi-Tech Optoelectronic Co.,China)as the excitation source.2.4.Cytotoxicity assayA human nasopharyngeal epidermal carcinoma cell line(KB cell)was provided by Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences(SIBS),Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS,China).The KB cells were cultured in RPMI1640(Roswell Park Memorial Institute’s Medium)supplemented with10%FBS(Fetal Bovine Serum)at37C and 5%CO2.The in vitro cytotoxicity was measured using3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide(MTT)assay.KB cells growing in log phase were seeded into a96-well cell-culture plate at5Â104/well and then incubated for24h at 37 C under5%CO2.RPMI1640solutions of UCNPs(100m L/well,containing1% HEPES)at concentrations of6,60,120,240,480m g/mL were added to the wells of the treatment group,and RPMI1640containing1%HEPES(100m L/well)to the negative control group,respectively.The cells were incubated for24h at37 C under5%CO2. Subsequently,10m L MTT(5mg/mL)was added to each well and incubated for an additional4h at37 C under5%CO2.After the addition of10%Sodium dodecyl sulfate(SDS,100m L/well),the assay plate was allowed to stand at room temperature for12h.A Tecan Infinite M200monochromator-based multi-function microplate reader was used to measure the OD570(A value)of each well with background subtraction at690nm.The following formula was used to calculate the viability of cell growth:cell viability(%)¼(mean of A value of treatment group/mean of A value of control)Â100.2.5.In vivo toxicity studiesFour-tofive-week-old Kunming mice were purchased from the Second Military Medical University(Shanghai,China).Animal procedures were in agreement with the guidelines of the Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee.PAA-UCNPs at a total dose of15mg/kg were injected into Kunming mice(n¼3)via the tail vein; this group of mice constituted the test group.Kunming mice(n¼3)with no injection of particles were selected as the control group.The body weight of the mice in both groups was recorded every other day for115days.Histology and Hematology Studies:blood samples and tissues were harvested from mice injected with PAA-UCNPs115days post-injection and from mice receiving no injection.Blood was collected from the orbital sinus by quickly removing the eyeball from the socket with a pair of tissue forceps.Three important hepatic indicators(alanine aminotransferase(ALT),aspartate aminotransferase (AST),total bilirubin)and two indicators for kidney functions(creatinine and urea) were measured.Blood smears were prepared by placing a drop of blood on one end of a slide,and using another slide to disperse the blood along the length of the slide. The slide was left to air dry,after which the blood was stained with hematoxylin and eosin.Upon completion of the blood collection,mice were sacrificed.The liver, spleen,heart,lung,and kidney were removed,andfixed in ethanol,embedded in paraffin,sectioned,and stained with hematoxylin and eosin.The histological sections were observed under an optical microscope.2.6.In vivo imaging studiesFour-tofive-week-old athymic nude mice were purchased from the Second Military Medical University(Shanghai,China)and were used in the biodistribution imaging studies.In vivo and ex vivo upconversion luminescence imaging was per-formed with a modified upconversion luminescence in vivo imaging system designed by our group[20].Fig.S1shows the diagram of this upconversion lumi-nescence in vivo imaging system.In this system,two external0e5W adjustable CW 980nm lasers(Shanghai Connet Fiber Optics Co.,China)were used as the excitation sources and an Andor DU897EMCCD as the signal collector.Images of luminescent signals were analyzed with Kodak Molecular Imaging Software.UCL signals were collected at800Æ12nm.3.Results and discussion3.1.Synthesis and characterization of UCNPsOleic acid(OA)-capped NaYF4:20%Yb and1%Tm(OA-UCNPs) was synthesized by a modified solvothermal route[21].Due to the presence of oleic acid on the surface of the UCNPs,the OA-UCNPs sample can only dispersed in nonpolar solvents such as cyclo-hexane,chloroform and dichloromethane.Therefore,surface functionalization with hydrophilic oleic acid ligand is required prior to the biological applications.Herein,using PAA coating methods by a modified ligand exchange procedure[12],hydrophobic OA-UCNPs was easily converted into hydrophilic ones.Following the exchange with oleic acid,the resultant PAA-coated UCNPs(PAA-UCNPs)possessed two properties:(I)good dispersibility in aqueous solutions,and(II)the presence of carboxyl functional groups on the surface to allow conjugation with biologically active molecules (such as antibodies,peptides,and proteins)for further targeted in vitro and in vivo delivery studies.More importantly,surface charge plays an important part in particles’interactions with charged phospholipid head groups or protein domains on cell surfaces.L.Xiong et al./Biomaterials31(2010)7078e70857079Cationic particles are more cytotoxic and more likely to induce haemolysis and platelet aggregation than neutral or anionic parti-cles[32].Therefore,the negative surface charges arisen from the carboxyl groups are preferable for in vivo imaging.As shown in Fig.1,the transmission electron microscopy(TEM) image shows that the PAA-UCNPs sample was dispersed with an average diameter of w11.5nm.HR-TEM analysis of a single PAA-UCNPs nanoparticle provides more detailed structural information (Fig.1).The lattice fringes are indicative of the high crystallinity of these particles,and the distance between lattice fringes was measured to be0.517nm,which corresponds to the d spacing for the(110)lattice planes in the hexagonal NaYF4structure.This image also reveals the single-crystal nature of the product. Furthermore,the energy-dispersive X-ray analysis(EDXA)patterns (Fig.S2)confirmed the presence of Na,Y,F,and Yb in the as-synthesized samples.A peak corresponding to the minor-doped Tm ion cannot usually be discerned due to its minute amount(only 1mol%Tm in the rare-earth elements).The powder X-ray diffrac-tion(XRD)patterns(Fig.1C)were in good agreement with the data for hexagonal NaYF4nanocrystals as reported in the JCPDS card(No. 16-0334).This indicates that high purity of the NaYF4nanocrystals with good crystallinity was obtained,which is very beneficial for obtaining bright luminescence.As shown in Fig.2,under excitation of CW laser at980nm,the UCL spectrum of the PAA-UCNPs sample exhibited three distinct Tm3þemission bands.The UCL bands at475,695and800nm originated from1G4/3H6,3F3/3H6and3H4/3H6transitions of Tm3þ,respectively.We further tested the UCL spectrum of the PAA-UCNPs in fetal bovine serum,no obvious difference was observed, showing that PAA-UCNPs were stable in serum(Fig.2).The dynamic light scattering(DLS)measurement showed that the effective hydrodynamic diameter of PAA-UCNPs was w21nm (Fig.S3).The increase in hydrodynamic diameter is attributed to the linkage of PAA polymer to the surface of UCNPs.The zeta potential of PAA-UCNPs in fetal bovine serum was aboutÀ10mV.3.2.Cytotoxicity of PAA-UCNPsThe human nasopharyngeal epidermal carcinoma cell line KB is one of the most common and representative human cancer cell lines.Therefore,an MTT assay with KB cells was used to investigate the cytotoxicity of PAA-UCNPs.No significant differences in the proliferation of the cells were observed in the absence or presence of6e480m g/mL PAA-UCNPs(Fig.3).After24h of incubation with PAA-UCNPs,the cellular viabilities were estimated to be greater than94%.Even after48h of incubation with PAA-UCNPs at a concentration as high as480m g/mL,KB cells maintained greater than80%cell viability.These results demonstrated that PAA-UCNPs prepared by the ligand exchange synthesis approach have good dispersibility,water solubility,serum solubility and low cytotox-icity,suggesting their potential for in vivoimaging.Fig.1.TEM images of NaYF4:Yb,Tm samples.A)OA-UCNPs,B)PAA-UCNPs.Inset:HR-TEM images of single PAA-UCNPs nanoparticle.C)XRD pattern of PAA-UCNPs samples and the standard pattern of hexagonal(JCPDS card16-0334)phase of NaYF4.L.Xiong et al./Biomaterials31(2010)7078e708570803.3.In vivo biodistribution imaging of PAA-UCNPsFor in vivo biodistribution imaging studies,athymic nude mice were injected with 15mg/kg of PAA-UCNPs through the tail vein.A concentration of 15mg/kg body weight was chosen for this study as this dose is high enough for the long-term imaging application.At different time points post-injection,mice were anesthetized,sacri ficed,and imaged using a modi fied upconversion lumines-cence in vivo imaging system designed by our group [20].The overlays of UCL images and bright field images of dissected mice con firmed that the signal originated predominantly from the liver and spleen (Fig.4).No signi ficant uptake was observed in other organs.Blood analysis at 0.5h detected no PAA-UCNPs,indicating their rapid clearance from the systemic circulation.Early accumu-lation by the liver and spleen is expected and is related to theclearance of nanoparticles from the blood by cells of the mono-nuclear phagocytic system.Within 24h,uptake by the spleen increased,while uptake by the liver decreased.At 24h,much larger uptake by the spleen versus the liver was observed,which is partially due to the spleen being the largest organ of the immune system.In particular,region of interest (ROI)analysis of the UCL signal reveals a high signal-to-noise ratio (>11)in the liver and the spleen over the background (Fig.S4).At 7days post-injection,the UCL signal was signi ficantly reduced in the liver and spleen.At 14days post-injection,almost no UCL signal was detected in the liver and spleen.However,the presence of UCL signals in the intestinal tract indicates a clearance of PAA-UCNPs via hepatobiliary trans-port.Similar clearance pathway has been reported in using lysine crosslinked mercaptoundecanoic acid CdSe 0.25Te 0.75/CdS QDs as optical probes for long-term in vivo imaging [33].At 21days post-injection,the UCL signal was only detected in the intestinal tract and remained unchanged up to 90days.At 115days post-injection,nearly no UCL signal was observed in the mice,showing that most of the PAA-UCNPs were excreted from the body of the mice.The results of the biodistribution studies were further con firmed by ex vivo UCL imaging of organs (Fig.5)and the measurement of the Y 3þconcentration in organs by inductively coupled plasma atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES)(Fig.6).Ex vivo UCL imaging and ICP analysis showed that PAA-UCNPs uptake and retention took place primarily in the liver and spleen,with little PAA-UCNPs accumulation in the heart,the kidney or the lung.These data were consistent with the in vivo biodistribution imaging results.Recently,Zhang ’s group reported that silica coated NaYF 4nanocrystals were mostly cleared from mice ’s body by day 7post-injection at a dose of 10mg/kg [21].Compared with these two results,the possible reasons for different retention time in the body of mice are likely caused by differences in sample preparation,dosage,size,aggregation,surface coating,and animal type.3.4.Body weight measurements of PAA-UCNPsThe fluctuation in body weight is a useful indicator for studying the toxicity effects of the PAA-UCNPs.In our study,15mg/kg PAA-UCNPs in phosphate buffered saline (PBS,pH 7.4)were administered to 3Kunming mice through tail vein injection.Another three Kunming mice with no injection of particles were selected as the control group.The body weight of the mice in the two groups was recorded every other day for 115days and the results are shown in Fig.7and Fig.S5.Over a period of 53days,the body weight of the mice injected with PAA-UCNPs increased quickly in a pattern similar to that of the control mice with no injection of PAA-UCNPs,suggesting that the mice continued to mature without any signi ficant toxic effects.During the period from day 55to day 93,small weight differences between the mice of the two groups was observed,indicating the low toxicity of PAA-UCNPs in mice.After 95days,body weight of the test group mice was again approximating to that of the control group mice,showing that most of the PAA-UCNPs had been excreted from the body of mice.Recently,Prasad et al.reported the toxicity of CdTe/ZnTe QDs [34].Based on this report,no incre-ment in body weight was observed in mice injected with 5mg/kg of CdTe/ZnTe QDs for 15days,indicating that PAA-UCNPs have lower toxicity than CdTe/ZnTe QDs.Furthermore,mice injected with the PAA-UCNPs and mice receiving no injection underwent observational evaluations for 115days.No changes in feed intake (3e 7g/day/mouse),drinking water consumption (4e 7mL/day/mouse),fur color,exploratory behavior,activity and neurological status were observed (Fig.S6).Fig.3.Cell viability values (%)estimated by MTT proliferation tests versus incubation concentrations of PAA-UCNPs.Cells were incubated with 0e 480m g/mL PAA-UCNPs at 37 C for 24h and 48h.Fig.2.Luminescence spectrum of PAA-UCNPs samples in H 2O and fetal bovine serum under 980nm NIR excitation.Inset:the visual photograph of PAA-NaYF 4shows a blue color.L.Xiong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)7078e 708570813.5.Histology and hematology results of PAA-UCNPsTo continue the investigation of toxicity,histological assessment of tissues was conducted to determine whether or not the PAA-UCNPs cause tissue damage,in flammation,or lesions from toxic exposure.Analysis was performed on the tissues obtained from the harvested organs (heart,lung,liver,spleen,and kidney)to assess signs of potential toxicity.As seen in Fig.8,the structures of organs from the exposed mice were normal,hardly different from those of the control group.Cardiac muscle tissue in the heart samples showed no hydropic degeneration.Hepatocytes in the liver samples appeared normal,and there were no in flammatory in filtrates.No pulmonary fibrosis was observed in the lung samples.The glomerulus structure could be distinguished easily in the kidney samples.No necrosis was found in any of the groups.However,the spleen was slightly affected by the injection of PAA-UCNPs,thereFig.4.Real-time in vivo upconversion luminescence (UCL)imaging of athymic nude mice with intravenous injection of PAA-UCNPs (15mg/kg)at different time points.Column 3:overlays of UCL and bright field images of mice.Column 6:overlays of UCL and bright field images of dissected mice.L.Xiong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)7078e 70857082was slight hyperplasia in the periarteriolar lymphoid sheath (PALS)of white pulp.This may be caused by the nanotoxicity of PAA-UCNPs and this phenomenon has previously been observed in other nanoparticles-treated spleen tissues [35,36].Nanoparticles are particulate materials within the size regime of viruses and large proteins,and consequently they may induce an in flammatory response and increase or decrease the activity of the immune system and alter related hematological factors such as white blood cell count [35,37].Therefore,an assessment of stan-dard hematological and biochemical markers was used to further quantify the potential toxicity of PAA-UCNPs.As shown in Fig.8K,blood smears indicated that the number and shape of red blood cells,platelet,and white blood cells was normal and did not indi-cate a trend associated with PAA-UCNPs treatment.Results did not indicate signi ficant toxicity in the test mice compared to control mice (Fig.8L).Established serum biochemistry assays were used to evaluate more quantitatively the in fluence of PAA-UCNPs on the exposed mice,especially those for potential hepatic injury and kidney functions.As shown in Fig.9,the three importanthepaticFig.5.Real-time ex vivo upconversion luminescence (UCL)imaging of athymic nude mice with intravenous injection of PAA-UCNPs (15mg/kg)at different time points.1:kidney;2:lung;3:heart;4:spleen;5:liver;6:stomach;7:intestines.Fig.6.Biodistribution of particles in organs of mice with intravenous injection of PAA-UCNPs (15mg/kg)at different time points.Error bars were based on tripletmeasurements.Fig.7.Change in body weight obtained from mice injected with PAA-UCNPs (n ¼3,dose ¼15mg/kg,Test)and without injection (n ¼3,Control).L.Xiong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)7078e 70857083indicators,alanine aminotransferase (ALT),Aspartate aminotrans-ferase (AST)and total bilirubin,were at similar levels for the mice exposed to PAA-UCNPs and for the control mice.The two indica-tors for kidney functions,creatinine and urea,were also similar for the two groups of mice (Fig.9).These results suggest no toxicity of PAA-UCNPs in mice at exposure levels beyond those commonly used in luminescence imaging in vivo and at long exposure times (up to 115days).4.ConclusionsIn summary,we demonstrate the long-term in vivo bio-distribution and toxicity studies using polyacrylic acid-coated NaYF 4upconversion nanophosphors (PAA-UCNPs)as near infrared (NIR)-to-near infrared (NIR)luminescence probes.The PAA-UCNPs prepared by the modi fied ligand exchange synthesis approach have a uniform shape and size distribution,water solubility and serum solubility.In vitro cytotoxicity results showed that PAA-UCNPs have no signi ficant effects on the proliferation of KB cells and the cellular viabilities were estimated to be greater than 80%after 48h incu-bation with PAA-UCNPs ( 480m g/mL).Furthermore,biodistribution results determined that most of the amount of PAA-UCNPs in the liver and spleen were cleared from the body of mice in a very slow manner.In vivo toxicity studies results indicated that mice intra-venously injected with 15mg/kg of PAA-UCNPs survived for 115days without any evident (observational,histological,hematological and biochemical)toxic effects.These studies provide preliminary vali-dation for the use of PAA-UCNPs for long-term in vivo imaging.Biodistribution and toxicity studies of UCNPs of different size and surface coating are currently underway in our lab.AcknowledgementsThe authors thank National Natural Science Funds for Distin-guished Young Scholars (20825101),and Shanghai m.(1052nm03400),NCET-06-0353,Shanghai Leading Academic Discipline Project (B108),and the CAS/SAFEA International Part-nership Program for Creative Research Teams for financial support.Appendix.Supplementary informationSupplementary information associated with this article can be found in the online version,at doi:10.1016/j.biomaterials.2010.05.065.Fig.8.H&E-stained tissue sections from mice injected with PAA-UCNPs 115days post-injection (A,C,E,G,I and K)and mice receiving no injection (B,D,F,H,J and L).Tissues were harvested from heart (A,B),spleen (C,D),liver (E,F),lung (G,H),kidney (I,J)and blood smear (K,L).Fig.9.Serum biochemistry results obtained from mice injected with PAA-UCNPs 115days post-injection (n ¼3,dose ¼15mg/kg,Test)and mice receiving no injection (n ¼3,Control).These findings did not indicate a trend of toxicity.L.Xiong et al./Biomaterials 31(2010)7078e 70857084。
水利专业名词(中英)A安全储备safety reserve安全系数safety factor安全性safety岸边溢洪道river-bank spillway岸边绕渗by-pass seepage around bank slope 岸墙abutment wall岸塔式进水口bank-tower intakeB坝的上游面坡度upstream slpoe of dam坝的下游面downstream face of dam坝顶dam crest坝顶长度crest length坝顶超高freeboard of dam crest坝高dam height坝顶高程crest elevation坝顶宽度crest width坝段monolith坝基处理foundation treatment坝基排水drain in dam foundation 坝基渗漏leakage of dam foundation 坝肩dam abutment坝壳dam shell坝坡dam slope坝坡排水drain on slope坝体混凝土分区grade zone of concrete in dam 坝体排水系统drainage system in dam坝型选择selection of dam type坝址选择selection of dam site坝趾dam toe坝踵dam heel坝轴线dam axis本构模型constitutive model鼻坎bucket比尺scale比降gradient闭门力closing force边墩side pier边界层boundary layer边墙side wall边缘应力boundary stress变形观测deformation observation变中心角变半径拱坝variable angle and radius arch dam 标准贯入试验击数number of standard penetration test 冰压力ice pressure薄壁堰sharp-crested weir薄拱坝thin-arch dam不均匀沉降裂缝differential settlement crack不平整度irregularityC材料力学法method of strength of materials材料性能分项系数partial factor for property of material 侧槽溢洪道side channel spillway侧轮side roller侧收缩系数coefficient of side contraction测缝计joint meter插入式连接insert type connection差动式鼻坎differential bucket掺气aeration掺气槽aeration slot掺气减蚀cavitation control by aeration厂房顶溢流spill over power house沉降settlement沉井基础sunk shaft foundation沉沙池sediment basin沉沙建筑物sedimentary structure沉沙条渠sedimentary channel沉陷缝settlement joint沉陷观测settlement observation衬砌的边值问题boundary value problem of lining 衬砌计算lining calculation衬砌自重dead-weight of lining承载能力bearing capacity承载能力极限状态limit state of bearing capacity持住力holding force齿墙cut-off wall冲击波shock wave冲沙闸flush sluice冲刷坑scour hole重现期return period抽排措施pump drainage measure抽水蓄能电站厂房pump-storage power house 出口段outlet section初步设计阶段preliminary design stage初参数解法preliminary parameter solution 初生空化数incipient cavitation number初应力法initial stress method船闸navigation lock垂直升船机vertical ship lift纯拱法independent arch method刺墙key-wall粗粒土coarse-grained soil错缝staggered jointD大坝安全评价assessment of dam safety 大坝安全监控monitor of dam safety大坝老化dam aging大头坝massive-head dam单层衬砌monolayer lining单级船闸lift lock单线船闸single line lock挡潮闸tide sluice导流洞diversion tunnel导墙guide wall倒虹吸管inverted siphon倒悬度overhang等半径拱坝constant radius arch dam等中心角变半径拱坝constant angle and variable radius arch dam 底流消能energy dissipation by hydraulic jump底缘bottom edge地基变形foundation deformation地基变形模量deformation modulus of foundation地基处理foundation treatment地下厂房underground power house地下厂房变压器洞transformer tunnel of underground power house 地下厂房出线洞bus-bar tunnel of underground power house地下厂房交通洞access tunnel of underground power house地下厂房通风洞ventilation tunnel of underground power house 地下厂房尾水洞tailwater tunnel of underground power house地下轮廓线under outline of structure地下水groundwater地形条件topographical condition地形图比例尺scale of topographical map地应力ground stress地震earthquake地震烈度earthquake intensity地质条件geological condition垫层cushion垫座plinth吊耳lift eye调度dispatch跌坎drop-step跌流消能drop energy dissipation跌水drop迭代法iteration method叠梁stoplog丁坝spur dike定向爆破堆石坝directed blasting rockfill dam 动强度dynamic strength动水压力hydrodynamic pressure洞内孔板消能energy dissipation by orifice plate in tunnel 洞内漩流消能energy dissipation with swirling flow in tunnel 洞身段tunnel body section洞室群cavern group洞轴线tunnel axis陡坡steep slope渡槽短管型进水口intake with pressure short pipe断层fault堆石坝rockfill dam对数螺旋线拱坝log spiral arch dam多级船闸multi-stage lock多线船闸multi-line lock多心圆拱坝multi-centered arch dam多用途隧洞multi-use tunnelE二道坝secondary damF发电洞power tunnel筏道logway反弧段bucket反滤层filter防冲槽erosion control trench防洪flood preventi,flood control防洪限制水位restricted stage for flood prevention 防浪墙parapet防渗墙anti-seepage wall防渗体anti-seepage body放空底孔unwatering bottom outlet非常溢洪道emergency spillway非线性有限元non-linear finite element method非溢流重力坝nonoverflow gravity dam分岔fork分洪闸flood diversion sluice分项系数partial factor分项系数极限状态设计法limit state design method of partial factor 封拱arch closure封拱温度closure temperature浮筒式升船机ship lift with floats浮箱闸门floating camel gate浮运水闸floating sluice辅助消能工appurtenant energy dissipationG刚体极限平衡法rigid limit equilibrium method刚性支护rigid support钢筋混凝土衬砌reinforced concrete lining钢筋计reinforcement meter钢闸门steel gate高边坡high side slope高流速泄水隧洞discharge tunnel with high velocity 工程管理project management工程规划project plan工程量quantity of work工程设计engineering design工程施工engineering construction工作桥service bridge工作闸门main gate拱坝坝肩岩体稳定stability of rock mass near abutment of arch dam 拱坝布置layout of arch dam拱坝上滑稳定分析up-sliding stability analysis of arch dam拱坝体形shape of arch dam拱端arch abutment拱冠arch crown拱冠梁法crown cantilever method拱冠梁剖面profile of crown cantilever拱内圈intrados拱外圈extrados固结consolidation固结灌浆consolidation grouting管涌piping灌溉irrigation规范code,specification过坝建筑物structures for passing dam 过滤层transition layer过渡区transition zone过木机log conveyer过木建筑物log pass structures过鱼建筑物fish-pass structuresH海漫flexible涵洞culvert河道冲刷river bed scour荷载load荷载组合load combination横缝transverse joint横拉闸门horizontal rolling /sliding gate 洪水标准flood standard虹吸溢洪道siphon spillway厚高比thickness to hight ratio弧形闸门radial gate护岸工程bank-protection works护坡slope protection护坦apron戽琉消能bucke-type energy dissipation 滑坡land slip滑楔法sliding wedge method滑雪道式溢洪道skijump spillway环境评价environment assessment换土垫层cushion of replaced soil回填灌浆backfill grouting混凝土concrete混凝土衬砌concrete lining混凝土防渗墙concrete cutoff wall混凝土面板concrete face slab混凝土面板堆石坝concrete-faced rockfill dam 混凝土重力坝concrete gravity damJ基本荷载组合basic load combination基本剖面basic profile基面排水base level drainage激光准直发method of laser alignment极限平衡法limit equilibrium method极限状态limit state坚固系数soundness coefficient剪切模量shear modulus剪切应力shear stress检查inspection检修闸门bulkhead简单条分法simple slices method建筑材料construction material简化毕肖普法simplified Bishop’s method渐变段transition键槽key/key-way浆砌石重力坝cement-stone masonry gravity dam 交叉建筑物crossing structure交通桥access bridge校核洪水位water level of check floo校核流量check flood discharge接触冲刷contact washing接触流土soil flow on contact surface节制闸controlling sluice结构可靠度reliability of structure结构力学法structural mechanics method 结构系数structural coefficient截流环cutoff collar截水槽cutoff trench进口段inlet进口曲线inlet curve进水喇叭口inlet bellmouth进水闸inlet sluice浸润面saturated area浸润线saturated line经济评价economic assessment井式溢洪道shaft spillway静水压力hydrostatic pressure均质土坝homogeneous earth damK开敞式溢洪道open channel spillway开裂机理crack mechanism勘测exploration survey坎上水深water depth on sill抗冲刷性scour resistance抗冻性frost resistance抗滑稳定安全系数safety coefficient of stability against sliding 抗剪断公式shear-break strength formula抗剪强度shear strength抗裂性crack resistance抗磨abrasion-resistance抗侵蚀性erosion-resistance抗震分析analysis of earthquake resistance颗粒级配曲线grain size distribution curve可靠度指标reliability index可行性研究设计阶段design stage of feasibility study 空腹重力坝hollow gravity dam空腹拱坝hollow arch dam空化cavitation空化数cavitation number空蚀cavitation damage空隙水压力pore water pressure控制堰control weir枯水期low water period库区reservoir area宽顶堰broad crested weir 宽缝重力坝slotted gravity dam 宽高比width to height ratio 扩散段expanding section 扩散角divergent angleL拦沙坎sediment control sill 拦污栅trash rack廊道gallery浪压力wave pressure棱体排水prism drainage理论分析theory analysis力法方程canonical equation of force method 连续式鼻坎plain bucket联合消能combined energy dissipation梁式渡槽beam-type flume量水建筑物water-measure structure裂缝crack临界水力坡降critical hydraulic gradient临时缝temporary joint临时性水工建筑物temporary hydraulic structure流量discharge流速flow velocity流态flow pattern流土soil flow流网flow net流向flow direction露顶式闸门emersed gateM马蹄形断面horseshoe section脉动压力fluctuating pressure锚杆支护anchor support门叶gate flap迷宫堰labyrinth weir面流消能energy dissipation of surface regime 模型试验model test摩擦公式friction factor formula摩擦系数coefficient of friction目标函数objective functionN内部应力internal stress内摩擦角internal friction angle内水压力internal water pressure挠度观测deflection observation泥沙压力silt pressure粘性土cohesive soil碾压混凝土重力坝roller compacted concrete gravity dam 凝聚力cohesion扭曲式鼻坎distorted type bucketP排沙底孔flush bottom outlet排沙漏斗flush funnel排沙隧洞flush tunnel排水drainage排水孔drain hole排水设施drainage facilities抛物线拱坝parabolic arch dam喷混凝土支护shotcrete support喷锚支护spray concrete and deadman strut漂木道log chute平板坝flat slab buttress dam平衡重式升船机vertical ship lift with counter weight平面闸门plain gate平压管equalizing pipe坡率slope ratio破碎带crush zone铺盖blanketQ启闭机hoist启门力lifting force砌石拱坝stone masonry arch dam 潜坝submerged dam潜孔式闸门submerged gate倾斜仪clinometer曲线形沉沙池curved sedimentary basin渠首canal head渠道canal渠系建筑物canal system structure取水建筑物water intake structureR人工材料心墙坝earth-rock dam with manufactured central core 人字闸门mitre gate任意料区miscellaneous aggregate zone溶洞solution cavern柔度系数flexibility coefficient褥垫式排水horizontal blanket drainage软弱夹层weak intercalationS三角网法triangulation method 三角形单元triangular element三心圆拱坝three center arch dam 三轴试验triaxial test扇形闸门sector gate上游upstream设计洪水位design flood level设计基准期design reference period 设计阶段design stage设计阶段划分dividing of design stage 设计流量design discharge设计状况系数design state coefficient 设计准则design criteria伸缩缝contraction joint渗流比降seepage gradient渗流变形seepage deformation渗流分析seepage analysis渗流量seepage discharge渗流体积力mass force of seepage渗流系数permeability coefficient 生态环境ecological environment 生态平衡ecological balance失效概率probability of failure施工导流construction diversion施工缝construction joint施工管理construction management施工条件construction condition施工图阶段construction drawing stage 施工进度construction progress实体重力坝solid gravity dam实用剖面practical profile实用堰practical weir事故闸门emergency gate视准线法collimation method收缩段constringent section枢纽布置layout of hydraulic complex 输水建筑物water conveyance structure 竖式排水vertical drainage数值分析numerical analysis双层衬砌double-layer lining双曲拱坝double curvature arch dam 水电站地下厂房underground power house水电站建筑物hydroelectric station structure 水垫塘cushion basin水工建筑物hydraulic structure水工隧洞hydraulic tunnel水环境water environment水库吹程fetch水库浸没reservoir submersion水库渗漏reservoir leakage水库坍岸reservoir bank caving水库淹没reservoir inundation水力资源water power resource水力劈裂hydraulic fracture水利工程hydraulic engineering,water project 水利工程设计design of hydroproject水利工程枢纽分等rank of hydraulic complex水利枢纽hydraulic complex水面线water level line水能hydraulic energy水平位移horizontal displacement水体污染water pollution水土流失water and soil loss水位急降instantaneous reservoir drawdown 水压力hydraulic pressu水闸sluice水质water quality水资源water resources顺坝longitudinal dike四边形单元quadrangular element塑性破坏failure by plastic flow塑性变形plastic deformation塑性区plastic range锁坝closure dike锁定器dog deviceTT型墩T-type pier塌落拱法roof collapse arch method塔式进水口tower intake台阶式溢流坝面step-type overflow face弹塑性理论elastoplastic theory弹性基础梁beam on elastic foundation 弹性抗力elastic resistance弹性中心elastic centre弹性理论theory of elasticity特殊荷载组合special load combination 体形优化设计shape optimizing design 挑距jet trajectory distance挑流消能ski-jump energy dissipation 挑射角exit angle of jet调压室surge tank贴坡排水surface drainage on dam slope通航建筑物navigation structure通气孔air hole土工复合材料geosynthetic土工膜geomembrane土工织物geotexile土石坝earth-rock dam土压力earth pressure土质材料斜墙坝earth-rock dam with inclined soil core 土质心墙坝earth-rock dam with central soil core 驼峰堰hump weir椭圆曲线elliptical curveWWES型剖面堰WES curve profile weir外水压力external water pressure弯矩平衡moment equilibrium围岩surrounding rock围岩强度strength of surrounding rock 围岩稳定分析围岩压力surrounding rock pressu帷幕灌浆curtain grouting维修maintenance尾水渠tailwater canal温度缝temperature joint温度计thermometer温度应变temperature strain温度应力temperature stress温降temperature drop温升temperature rise污水处理sewage treatment无坝取水undamed intake无粘性土cohesionless soil无压泄水孔free-flow outletX下游downstream现场检查field inspection橡胶坝rubber dam消力池stilling basin消能防冲设计design of energy dissipation and erosion control消能工energy dissipator校核洪水位water level of check flood 校核流量check flood discharge斜缝inclined joint斜墙inclined core泄洪洞flood discharge tunnel泄洪雾化flood discharge atomization 泄水重力坝overflow gravity dam胸墙breast wall悬臂梁cantiever beam汛期flood perioY压力计pressure meter压缩曲线compressive curve淹没系数coefficient of submergence 扬压力uplift养护cure液化liquifaction溢洪道spillway溢流面overflow face溢流前缘length of overflow crest溢流堰顶overflow crest溢流重力坝overflow gravity dam翼墙wing wall翼墙式连接wing wall type connection 引航道approach channel引水渠diversion canal引张线法tense wire method应力分析stress analysis应力集中stress concentration应力应变观测stress-strain observation应力重分布stress redistribution永久缝permanent joint优化设计optimizing design有坝取水barrage intake有效库容effective storage预压加固soil improvement by preloading 预应力衬砌prestressed lining原型prototype约束条件constraint condition允许水力坡降allowable hydraulic gradient Z增量法increment method闸底板floor of slui闸墩pier闸孔sluice opening闸孔跨距span of sluice opening闸门槽gate slot闸室chamber of sluice闸首lock head闸址sluice site正槽溢洪道chute spillw正常使用极限状态limit state of normal operation 正应力normal stress正常溢洪道main spillw支墩坝buttress dam止水watertight seal止水装置sealing device趾板toe slab趾墩toe pier滞回圈hysteresis loop主应力principal stress纵缝longitudinal joint阻尼比damped ratio作用action作用水头working pressure head最优含水率optimum moisture content。
Emotions classification 情感的分类
Emotions classification (roject reminderThis whole semester will be devoted to nosfeel, my major project so let's remind us of it with this Lift Pitch: "Experimental sonorous project about Nosfell, a French singer who invented his own language based on feelings: the Klokobetz. Used as a musical instrument, the keyboard sets off background sounds and klokobetz words. Each word represents a specific feeling so for each key pressed, a visual representation is launched simultaneously." To have a more precise idea of my project, you can read my Major Project Proposal.)As I said on week 03, representing a feeling visually is not so easy. I need to create a clear table with each emotion involved in my project (the ones launched by the user by pressing a key) and the properties associated. Thus, my first task is to find a list of feelings as complete as possible. The most relevant websites I found about this topic are:• ••Wikipedia with an interesting definition of Emotion with also its etymology, theoretical traditions, examples of classification and a big list of emotions. Worldwide Marriage Encounter, a website dealing with couple communication and especially about how to show feelings to the partner. We can find a list of feeling words sorted by themes (to help in writing love letters) and a table to describe feelings with some different categories. Center for Nonviolent Communication (CNCV) with an interesting feelings inventory divided in two main catagories, "feelings when your needs are satisfied" and "feelings when your needs are not satisfied".Here is the list I found on the CNCV website:FEELINGS WHEN NEEDS ARE SATISFIEDAFFECTIONATE compassionate friendly loving open hearted sympathetic tender EXCITED amazed animated ardent aroused astonished dazzled JOYFUL amused delighted glad happy jubilant pleasedwarm CONFIDENT empowered open proud safe secure ENGAGED absorbed alert curious engrossed enchanted entranced fascinated interested intrigued involved spellbound stimulated INSPIRED amazed awed wondereager energetic enthusiastic giddy invigorated lively passionate surprised vibrant EXHILARATED blissful ecstatic elated enthralled exuberant radiant rapturous thrilled GRATEFUL appreciative moved thankful touched HOPEFUL expectant encouraged optimistictickled PEACEFUL calm clear headed comfortable centered content equanimous fulfilled mellow quiet relaxed relieved satisfied serene still tranquil trusting REFRESHED enlivened rejuvenated renewed rested restored revivedFEELINGS WHEN NEEDS ARE NOT SATISFIEDAFRAID apprehensive dread foreboding frightened mistrustful panicked petrified scared suspicious terrified DISCONNECTED alienated aloof apathetic bored cold detached distant distracted indifferent numb PAIN agony anguished bereaved devastated grief heartbroken hurt lonely miserable regretfulwary worried ANNOYED aggravated dismayed disgruntled displeased exasperated frustrated impatient irritated irked ANGRY enraged furious incensed indignant irate livid outraged resentful AVERSION animosity appalled contempt disgusted dislike hate horrified hostile repulsed CONFUSED ambivalent baffled bewildered dazed hesitant lost mystified perplexedremoved uninterested withdrawn DISQUIET agitated alarmed discombobulated disconcerted disturbed perturbed rattled restless shocked startled surprised troubled turbulent turmoil uncomfortable uneasy unnerved unsettled upset EMBARRASSED ashamed chagrined flustered guilty mortified self-conscious FATIGUE beat burnt out depleted exhausted lethargic listless sleepy tired weary worn outremorseful SAD depressed dejected despair despondent disappointed discouraged disheartened forlorn gloomy heavy hearted hopeless melancholy unhappy wretched TENSE anxious cranky distressed distraught edgy fidgety frazzled irritable jittery nervous overwhelmed restless stressed out VULNERABLE fragile guarded helpless insecure leery reserved sensitive shaky YEARNINGpuzzled tornenvious jealous longing nostalgic pining wistfulNow the work I have to do is to choose the ones I need depending on the Klokobetz words corresponding (in my point of view) used in the song. Then I'll have to fill this other table with properties. I called it the Nosfeelings table:NOSFEELINGSFeeling in Klokobetz Feeling word in phonetic KlokobetzEnglish translation (according to me) English translation Category Size Shade Harshness Duration Affiliation category of this emotion Size of the corresponding rectangle (in percentage of scale) Shade of the rectangle in hexadecimal Harshness for the rounded corners of the rectangle (value from 0 to 50) Duration of the presence of the rectangle with a maximal opacity on the screen (even after the corresponding sound is finished) Print of the rectangle after it disappeared (in percentage of opacity) Timecode of the corresponding word in the song (in seconds)Print TimecodeThe luminance (intern light and glow) will be a random value, no need to include it in the table. Indeed, I believe the luminance of an emotion represents the expressivity, the exteriorization of someone, the physical way to express a feeling. And it's obvious it's different for each person, more or less visible. I think the random solution is the most relevant (of course, the intern light and the glow will be linked and shine with the same intensity). The strength of the emotion is characterized by the size of the rectangle as well as the colour (close from the main colour of the catagory it belongs to if it's a strong feeling). The duration corresponds to the persitence duration of a feeling, to the length we needto "digest" a feeling. The print symbolizes the tracks an emotion leaves after it disappears.It's not the same thing as the duration, for example a feeling can quickly disappear but leave a print forever, even if hidden deeply. All the rectangles will have an opacity of 70% to allow overlapping. The "big" feelings (sum of several "smaller" ones and appearing when several keys will be pressed at the same time) will be the sum of all the properties of the feelings it contains. I'll have to create another table with these "big" feelings and the related "small" ones. Its colour will be whether the average or the sum or a blink of the colours of the "small" feelings. I like the idea to think that all the keys pressed together (so all the feelings launched at the same time) would produce a white rectangle as big as the screen. All these data will then be put in XML files which will be kind of database. Here is an idea of what it could look like:--> topConceptual musical projectsI found an interesting musical project on Typorganism, a great experimental website. It's called Visual Composer and it's a virtual limited sequencer. To compose, the user has to select an instrument and start. He can compose a 12-second passage. As the playhead is looping through, he can add up notes. Whenever a note is played, a coloured shape is launched, zooming and fading as I wanted. It works quite well, good omen for me. Every column can have maximum 2 notes. We can add notes wether by using the keyboard ortoggle the small notes in score with mouse. We can delete a note with mouse as well. When finished, the user can submit and save his composition.--> topPlutchik's theory of basic emotionsAmazing! I just found an emotion theory developed by the psychologist Robert Plutchik during the 1960s to 80s totally related to my project! He assumes we have eight native basic emotions that developed evolutionary. All other emotions derive from these emotions. Plutchik described a radial diagram similar to a colour circle when structuring the basic emotions in his book "EMOTION - A Psychoevolutionary Synthesis". Author's three-dimensional "circumplex model" describes the relations among emotion concepts, which are analogous to the colors on a color wheel. The cone's vertical dimension represents intensity, and the circle represents degrees of similarity among the emotions. The eight sectors are designed to indicate that there are eight primary emotion dimensions defined by the theory arranged as four pairs of opposites. In the explodedmodel the emotions in the blank spaces are the primary dyads-emotions that are mixtures of two of the primary emotions.Coming from this diagram, Markus Drews, a German student in Master of Arts, Specialisation in Interface Design, had the idea to visualise more of Plutchik's theory by tranforming it from a text in his book to a comprehensive poster. It's very clear, complete, nice and just great for me!Plutchik describes his assumptions in ten postulates. These postulates also explain all diagrams on the poster. Not every postulate is suited for a visualisation and it's not useful to integrate all postulates in a single diagram. So the postulates are connected to four diagrams on the poster.Emotion neighbours, one to three steps away from each other on the circle, can becombined to new emotions when they are felt simultaneously. Plutchik calls them dyads. For example, joy and trust add up to love. Oppositeemotions result in a conflict that can lead to a constraint in acting. Basic emotions in the circle are more or less similar or opposing to each other. The colours of the Plutchik colour circle were only used in the words, not in the circle itself. These colours are then used throughout the whole poster.Intensities of different emotions, measured by Plutchik, are shown in a kind of "emotion cloud". This also clarifies that the word are just diffuse, fuzzy, culturally and subjectively used definitions, and that they are only valid in the English language.--> topNosfell + Plutchik = NosfeelPlutchik's theory adapts perfectly to my project. Without knowing it, my ideas were really close from him. He uses nearly all the properties I listed above in theNosfeelings table. I will definitely use it as a justification to my different visual choices. By finding it, I solved my main problems: the feelings categories to choose, the main colours to use, the feelings that can combine together. It's now time to fill the XML files with these data.Concept sectionBesides some explanations about where nosfeel comes from and what my goals were, I wanted to create in 3DS Max (with the help of the great Morgan Dean) an animated andinteractive 3D model representing the Plutchik "circumplex model" to make it more understandable.I also decided to include in the concept section a list of the differentrectangle properties used so that the user can figure out how it's affected, if it's a randomized or fixed value and what it means in terms of emotion in nosfeel.I also wanted to supply the xml file containing the emotions database from where all the shapes are dynamically generated included all the fixed properties.。
永恒的边缘 英语原著
永恒的边缘:探索未知领域的深度思考The Eternal Edge: Delving into the Depths of Unknown TerritoriesIn the realm of literature, few works have captured the essence of human exploration and the quest for knowledge quite like "The Eternal Edge". This profound novel, written by a master of the craft, takes us on a journey through the vast unknown, challenging our understanding of reality and pushing the boundaries of our imagination.The narrative unfolds in a world where the edge of knowledge is constantly shifting, and the line between what is known and unknown is blurred. The protagonist, a seeker of truth and understanding, embarks on a perilous journey to the fringes of existence, seeking answers to theultimate questions of life and the universe.As the story progresses, the reader is treated to arich tapestry of characters, each with their own unique perspectives and beliefs about the world. Theirinteractions and conflicts not only add depth to the plotbut also reflect the complexities of human thought and understanding.One of the most captivating aspects of "The Eternal Edge" is its exploration of the nature of knowledge itself. The novel questions whether knowledge is a finite resource that can be fully grasped or an infinite ocean that can never be fully explored. This philosophical inquiry challenges our assumptions about what it means to know something and how we can truly understand the world.Moreover, the novel delves into the psychology of exploration and the drive that propels individuals to pursue knowledge, even in the face of danger and uncertainty. The protagonist's journey is not just a physical one; it is also a deeply personal and emotional one that explores the costs and rewards of seeking truth. The writing style of "The Eternal Edge" is both elegant and powerful, conveying the depth and complexity of the narrative with clarity and precision. The author's use of language is masterful, creating a vivid and immersive world that draws the reader in and holds them captive.The themes and ideas explored in this novel are timely and relevant, resonating with the current zeitgeist of curiosity and exploration. As we navigate the complexitiesof the 21st century, "The Eternal Edge" offers valuable insights into the human drive to understand and make senseof the world.In conclusion, "The Eternal Edge" is a remarkableliterary achievement that challenges our understanding of knowledge and exploration. It is a must-read for anyone interested in delving into the depths of unknownterritories and seeking answers to life's ultimate questions.**永恒的边缘:探索未知领域的深度思考**在文学的世界里,很少有作品能像《永恒的边缘》这样,捕捉到人类探索和追求知识的精髓。
• 1958年:探险者一号、探险者三号和苏联的卫星三号等科学 卫星被发射后科学家出乎意料地发现了地球周围强烈的、 被地磁场束缚的范艾伦辐射带(内辐射带)。 • 这个辐射带由能量在10至100MeV的质子组成,这些质子是 由于宇宙线与地球大气上层撞击导致的中子衰变产生的, 其中心在赤道离地球中心约1.5地球半径。 • 后来人们发现在离地球中心2.5至8个地球半径的地方还有 一层被地磁场束缚的离子和电子。这些等离子中能量比较 高的(约1MeV)被称为外辐射带,而其主要组成部分则能 量比较低(在65keV左右),这些等离子组成环电流等离 子。
• 被束缚在磁场中的离子可以非常稳定,尤其内辐射带的离 子非常稳定,这里的粒子可以维持数年之久。比如1962年 7月美国在这个层里爆炸了一枚氢弹,其导致的人工的高 能电子带在四五年后依然存在。 • 外辐射带和环电流不稳定,原因是其粒子与地冕中的粒子 的碰撞使得它们不断丧失。这说明在这里有一个不断产生 新的等离子的机理。
James Van Allen
(September 7, 1914 – August 9, 2006) an American space scientist at the University of Iowa. The Van Allen radiation belts were named after him, following the 1958 satellite missions (Explorer 1 and Explorer 3) in which Van Allen had argued that a Geiger counter should be used to detect charged particles.
TIME magቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱzine Man of the Year in 1960
forced concrete structure reinforced with anoverviewReinSince the reform and opening up, with the national economy's rapid and sustained development of a reinforced concrete structure built, reinforced with the development of technology has been great. Therefore, to promote the use of advanced technology reinforced connecting to improve project quality and speed up the pace of construction, improve labor productivity, reduce costs, and is of great significance.Reinforced steel bars connecting technologies can be divided into two broad categories linking welding machinery and steel. There are six types of welding steel welding methods, and some apply to the prefabricated plant, and some apply to the construction site, some of both apply. There are three types of machinery commonly used reinforcement linking method primarily applicable to the construction site. Ways has its own characteristics and different application, and in the continuous development and improvement. In actual production, should be based on specific conditions of work, working environment and technical requirements, the choice of suitable methods to achieve the best overall efficiency.1、steel mechanical link1.1 radial squeeze linkWill be a steel sleeve in two sets to the highly-reinforced Department with superhigh pressure hydraulic equipment (squeeze tongs) along steel sleeve radial squeeze steel casing, in squeezing out tongs squeeze pressure role of a steel sleeve plasticity deformation closely integrated with reinforced through reinforced steel sleeve and Wang Liang's Position will be two solid steel bars linkedCharacteristic: Connect intensity to be high, performance reliable, can bear high stress draw and pigeonhole the load and tired load repeatedly.Easy and simple to handle, construction fast, save energy and material, comprehensive economy profitable, this method has been already a large amount of application in the project.Applicable scope : Suitable for Ⅱ, Ⅲ, Ⅳgrade reinforcing bar (including welding bad reinfor cing bar ) with ribbing of Ф 18- 50mm, connection between the same diameter or different diameters reinforcing bar .1.2must squeeze linkExtruders used in the covers, reinforced axis along the cold metal sleeve squeeze dedicated to insert sleeve Lane two hot rolling steel drums into a highly integrated mechanical linking methods.Characteristic: Easy to operate and joining fast and not having flame homework , can construct for 24 hours , save a large number of reinforcing bars and energy. Applicable scope : Suitable for , set up according to first and second class antidetonation requirement -proof armored concrete structure ФⅡ, Ⅲgrade reinforcing bar with ribbing of hot rolling of 20- 32mm join and construct live.1.3 cone thread connectingUsing cone thread to bear pulled, pressed both effort and self-locking nature, undergo good principles will be reinforced by linking into cone-processing thread at the moment the value of integration into the joints connecting steel bars.Characteristic: Simple , all right preparatory cut of the craft , connecting fast, concentricity is good, have pattern person who restrain from advantage reinforcing bar carbon content.Applicable scope : Suitable for the concrete structure of the industry , civil buil ding and general structures, reinforcing bar diameter is for Фfor the the 16- 40mm one Ⅱ, Ⅲgrade verticality, it is the oblique to or reinforcing bars horizontal join construct live.conclusionsThese are now commonly used to connect steel synthesis methods, which links technology in the United States, Britain, Japan and other countries are widely used. There are different ways to connect their different characteristics and scope of the actual construction of production depending on the specific project choose a suitable method of connecting to achieve both energy conservation and saving time limit for a project ends.钢筋混凝土构造中钢筋连接综述改革开放以来,伴随国民经济旳迅速、持久发展,多种钢筋混凝土建筑构造大量建造,钢筋连接技术得到很大旳发展。
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Ignition Ignitor battery electric magnetic electric magnetic valve motor operated motor operated regulating Motor drivevaslpveeed governing motor driovielfpeuemdpwater pump motor operated valve electrical work electric motor current Circuit Electric voltage voltage loop Power supply regulating stage regulate valve governing valve speed governor Governing oil phase modifier, phase maoddjuulsattionrg butterfly valve
中国诺奖级别新科技—量子反常霍尔效应英语全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1The Magical World of Quantum PhysicsHave you ever heard of something called quantum physics? It's a fancy word that describes the weird and wonderful world of tiny, tiny particles called atoms and electrons. These particles are so small that they behave in ways that seem almost magical!One of the most important discoveries in quantum physics is something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect. It's a mouthful, I know, but let me try to explain it to you in a way that's easy to understand.Imagine a road, but instead of cars driving on it, you have electrons zipping along. Now, normally, these electrons would bump into each other and get all mixed up, just like cars in a traffic jam. But with the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, something special happens.Picture a big, strong police officer standing in the middle of the road. This police officer has a magical power – he can makeall the electrons go in the same direction, without any bumping or mixing up! It's like he's directing traffic, but for tiny particles instead of cars.Now, you might be wondering, "Why is this so important?" Well, let me tell you! Having all the electrons moving in the same direction without any resistance means that we can send information and electricity much more efficiently. It's like having a super-smooth highway for the electrons to travel on, without any potholes or roadblocks.This discovery was made by a team of brilliant Chinese scientists, and it's so important that they might even win a Nobel Prize for it! The Nobel Prize is like the Olympic gold medal of science – it's the highest honor a scientist can receive.But the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect isn't just about winning awards; it has the potential to change the world! With this technology, we could create faster and more powerful computers, better ways to store and transfer information, and even new types of energy篇2China's Super Cool New Science Discovery - The Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHey there, kids! Have you ever heard of something called the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect"? It's a really cool andmind-boggling scientific discovery that scientists in China have recently made. Get ready to have your mind blown!Imagine a world where electricity flows without any resistance, like a river without any rocks or obstacles in its way. That's basically what the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is all about! It's a phenomenon where electrons (the tiny particles that carry electricity) can flow through a material without any resistance or energy loss. Isn't that amazing?Now, you might be wondering, "Why is this such a big deal?" Well, let me tell you! In our regular everyday world, when electricity flows through materials like wires or circuits, there's always some resistance. This resistance causes energy to be lost as heat, which is why your phone or computer gets warm when you use them for a long time.But with the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electrons can flow without any resistance at all! It's like they're gliding effortlessly through the material, without any obstacles or bumps in their way. This means that we could potentially have electronic devices and circuits that don't generate any heat or waste any energy. How cool is that?The scientists in China who discovered this effect were studying a special kind of material called a "topological insulator." These materials are like a secret passageway for electrons, allowing them to flow along the surface without any resistance, while preventing them from passing through the inside.Imagine a river flowing on top of a giant sheet of ice. The water can flow freely on the surface, but it can't pass through the solid ice underneath. That's kind of how these topological insulators work, except with electrons instead of water.The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect happens when these topological insulators are exposed to a powerful magnetic field. This magnetic field creates a special condition where the electrons can flow along the surface without any resistance at all, even at room temperature!Now, you might be thinking, "That's all well and good, but what does this mean for me?" Well, this discovery could lead to some pretty amazing things! Imagine having computers and electronic devices that never overheat or waste energy. You could play video games or watch movies for hours and hours without your devices getting hot or draining their batteries.But that's not all! The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect could also lead to new and improved ways of generating, storing, and transmitting energy. We could have more efficient solar panels, better batteries, and even a way to transmit electricity over long distances without any energy loss.Scientists all around the world are really excited about this discovery because it opens up a whole new world of possibilities for technology and innovation. Who knows what kind of cool gadgets and devices we might see in the future thanks to the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect?So, there you have it, kids! The Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is a super cool and groundbreaking scientific discovery that could change the way we think about electronics, energy, and technology. It's like something straight out of a science fiction movie, but it's real and happening right here in China!Who knows, maybe one day you'll grow up to be a scientist and help us unlock even more amazing secrets of the quantum world. Until then, keep learning, keep exploring, and keep being curious about the incredible wonders of science!篇3The Wonderful World of Quantum Physics: A Journey into the Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHave you ever heard of something called quantum physics? It's a fascinating field that explores the strange and mysterious world of tiny particles called atoms and even smaller things called subatomic particles. Imagine a world where the rules we're used to in our everyday lives don't quite apply! That's the world of quantum physics, and it's full of mind-boggling discoveries and incredible phenomena.One of the most exciting and recent breakthroughs in quantum physics comes from a team of brilliant Chinese scientists. They've discovered something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, and it's like a magic trick that could change the way we think about technology!Let me start by telling you a bit about electricity. You know how when you turn on a light switch, the bulb lights up? That's because electricity is flowing through the wires and into the bulb. But did you know that electricity is actually made up of tiny particles called electrons? These electrons flow through materials like metals and give us the electricity we use every day.Now, imagine if we could control the flow of these electrons in a very precise way, like directing them to move in a specificdirection without any external forces like magnets or electric fields. That's exactly what the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect allows us to do!You see, in most materials, electrons can move in any direction, like a group of kids running around a playground. But in materials that exhibit the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electrons are forced to move in a specific direction, like a group of kids all running in a straight line without any adults telling them where to go!This might not seem like a big deal, but it's actually a huge deal in the world of quantum physics and technology. By controlling the flow of electrons so precisely, we can create incredibly efficient electronic devices and even build powerful quantum computers that can solve problems much faster than regular computers.The Chinese scientists who discovered the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect used a special material called a topological insulator. This material is like a magician's hat – it looks ordinary on the outside, but it has some really weird and wonderful properties on the inside.Inside a topological insulator, the electrons behave in a very strange way. They can move freely on the surface of the material, but they can't move through the inside. It's like having篇4The Coolest New Science from China: Quantum Anomalous Hall EffectHey kids! Have you ever heard of something called the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect? It's one of the most amazing new scientific discoveries to come out of China. And get this - some scientists think it could lead to a Nobel Prize! How cool is that?I know, I know, the name sounds kind of weird and complicated. But trust me, once you understand what it is, you'll think it's just as awesome as I do. It's all about controlling the movement of tiny, tiny particles called electrons using quantum physics and powerful magnetic fields.What's Quantum Physics?Before we dive into the Anomalous Hall Effect itself, we need to talk about quantum physics for a second. Quantum physics is sort of like the secret rules that govern how the smallest things inthe universe behave - things too tiny for us to even see with our eyes!You know how sometimes grown-ups say things like "You can't be in two places at once"? Well, in the quantum world, particles actually can be in multiple places at the same time! They behave in ways that just seem totally bizarre and counterintuitive to us. That's quantum physics for you.And get this - not only can quantum particles be in multiple places at once, but they also spin around like tops! Electrons, which are one type of quantum particle, have this crazy quantum spin that makes them act sort of like tiny magnets. Mind-blowing, right?The Weirder Than Weird Hall EffectOkay, so now that we've covered some quantum basics, we can talk about the Hall Effect. The regular old Hall Effect was discovered way back in 1879 by this dude named Edwin Hall (hence the name).Here's how it works: if you take a metal and apply a magnetic field to it while also running an electrical current through it, the magnetic field will actually deflect the flow of electrons in the metal to one side. Weird, huh?Scientists use the Hall Effect in all kinds of handy devices like sensors, computer chips, and even machines that can shoot out a deadly beam of radiation (just kidding on that last one...I think). But the regular Hall Effect has one big downside - it only works at incredibly cold temperatures near absolute zero. Not very practical!The Anomalous Hall EffectThis is where the new Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect discovered by scientists in China comes into play. They found a way to get the same cool electron-deflecting properties of the Hall Effect, but at much higher, more realistic temperatures. And they did it using some crazy quantum physics tricks.You see, the researchers used special materials called topological insulators that have insulating interiors but highly conductive surfaces. By sandwiching these topological insulators between two layers of magnets, they were able to produce a strange quantum phenomenon.Electrons on the surface of the materials started moving in one direction without any external energy needed to keep them going! It's like they created a perpetual motion machine for electrons on a quantum scale. The spinning quantum particlesget deflected by the magnetic layers and start flowing in weird looping patterns without any resistance.Why It's So AwesomeSo why is this Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect such a big deal? A few reasons:It could lead to way more efficient electronics that don't waste energy through heat and resistance like current devices do. Just imagine a computer chip that works with virtually no power at all!The effect allows for extremely precise control over the movement of electrons, which could unlock all kinds of crazy quantum computing applications we can barely even imagine yet.It gives scientists a totally new window into understanding the bizarre quantum realm and the funky behavior of particles at that scale.The materials used are relatively inexpensive and common compared to other cutting-edge quantum materials. So this isn't just a cool novelty - it could actually be commercialized one day.Some Science Celebrities Think It's Nobel-WorthyLots of big-shot scientists around the world are going gaga over this Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect discovered by the researchers in China. A few have even said they think it deserves a Nobel Prize!Now, as cool as that would be, we have to remember that not everyone agrees it's Nobel-level just yet. Science moves slow and there's always a ton of debate over what discoveries are truly groundbreaking enough to earn that high honor.But one thing's for sure - this effect is yet another example of how China is becoming a global powerhouse when it comes to cutting-edge physics and scientific research. Those Chinese scientists are really giving their counterparts in the US, Europe, and elsewhere a run for their money!The Future is QuantumWhether the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect leads to a Nobel or not, one thing is certain - we're entering an age where quantum physics is going to transform technology in ways we can barely fathom right now.From quantum computers that could solve problems millions of times faster than today's machines, to quantum sensors that could detect even the faintest subatomic particles,to quantum encryption that would make data unhackable, this strange realm of quantum physics is going to change everything.So pay attention, kids! Quantum physics may seem like some weird, headache-inducing mumbo-jumbo now. But understanding these bizarre quantum phenomena could be the key to unlocking all the super-cool technologies of the future. Who knows, maybe one of you reading this could even grow up to be a famous quantum physicist yourselves!Either way, keep your eyes peeled for more wild quantum discoveries emerging from China and other science hotspots around the globe. The quantum revolution is coming, and based on amazing feats like the Anomalous Hall Effect, it's going to be one heckuva ride!篇5Whoa, Dudes! You'll Never Believe the Insanely Cool Quantum Tech from China!Hey there, kids! Get ready to have your minds totally blown by the most awesome scientific discovery ever - the quantum anomalous Hall effect! I know, I know, it sounds like a bunch of big, boring words, but trust me, this stuff is straight-upmind-blowing.First things first, let's talk about what "quantum" means. You know how everything in the universe is made up of tiny, tiny particles, right? Well, quantum is all about studying those teeny-weeny particles and how they behave. It's like a whole secret world that's too small for us to see with our eyes, but scientists can still figure it out with their mega-smart brains and super-powerful microscopes.Now, let's move on to the "anomalous Hall effect" part. Imagine you're a little electron (that's one of those tiny particles I was telling you about) and you're trying to cross a busy street. But instead of just going straight across, you get pushed to the side by some invisible force. That's kind of what the Hall effect is all about - electrons getting pushed sideways instead of going straight.But here's where it gets really cool: the "anomalous" part means that these electrons are getting pushed sideways even when there's no magnetic field around! Normally, you'd need a powerful magnet to make electrons move like that, but with this new quantum technology, they're doing it all by themselves. It's like they've got their own secret superpowers or something!Now, you might be wondering, "Why should I care about some silly electrons moving around?" Well, let me tell you, thisdiscovery is a huge deal! You see, scientists have been trying to figure out how to control the flow of electrons for ages. It's kind of like trying to herd a bunch of rowdy puppies - those little guys just want to go wherever they want!But with this new quantum anomalous Hall effect, scientists in China have finally cracked the code. They've found a way to make electrons move in a specific direction without any external forces. That means they can control the flow of electricity like never before!Imagine having a computer that never overheats, or a smartphone that never runs out of battery. With this new technology, we could create super-efficient electronic devices that waste way less energy. It's like having a magical power switch that can turn on and off the flow of electrons with just a flick of a wrist!And that's not even the coolest part! You know how sometimes your electronics get all glitchy and stop working properly? Well, with this quantum tech, those problems could be a thing of the past. See, the anomalous Hall effect happens in special materials called "topological insulators," which are like super-highways for electrons. No matter how many twists andturns they take, those little guys can't get lost or stuck in traffic jams.It's like having a navigation system that's so good, you could close your eyes and still end up at the right destination every single time. Pretty neat, huh?But wait, there's more! Scientists are also exploring the possibility of using this new technology for quantum computing. Now, I know you're probably thinking, "What the heck is quantum computing?" Well, let me break it down for you.You know how regular computers use ones and zeros to process information, right? Well, quantum computers use something called "qubits," which can exist as both one and zero at the same time. It's like having a coin that's heads and tails at the same exact moment - totally mind-boggling, I know!With this quantum anomalous Hall effect, scientists might be able to create super-stable qubits that can perform insanely complex calculations in the blink of an eye. We're talking about solving problems that would take regular computers millions of years to figure out. Imagine being able to predict the weather with 100% accuracy, or finding the cure for every disease known to humankind!So, what do you say, kids? Are you as pumped about this as I am? I know it might seem like a lot of mumbo-jumbo right now, but trust me, this is the kind of stuff that's going to change the world as we know it. Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one working on the next big quantum breakthrough!In the meantime, keep your eyes peeled for more news about this amazing discovery from China. And remember, even though science can be super complicated sometimes, it's always worth paying attention to. After all, you never know when the next mind-blowing quantum secret might be revealed!篇6Title: A Magical Discovery in the World of Tiny Particles!Have you ever heard of something called the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect"? It might sound like a tongue twister, but it's actually a super cool new technology that was recently discovered by scientists in China!Imagine a world where everything is made up of tiny, tiny particles called atoms. These atoms are so small that you can't see them with your bare eyes, but they're the building blocks that make up everything around us – from the chair you're sitting on to the air you breathe.Now, these atoms can do some pretty amazing things when they're arranged in certain ways. Scientists have found that if they create special materials where the atoms are arranged just right, they can make something called an "electrical current" flow through the material without any resistance!You might be wondering, "What's so special about that?" Well, let me explain! Usually, when electricity flows through a material like a metal wire, it faces something called "resistance." This resistance makes it harder for the electricity to flow, kind of like trying to run through a thick forest – it's tough and you get slowed down.But with this new Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect, the electricity can flow through the special material without any resistance at all! It's like having a wide-open road with no obstacles, allowing the electricity to zoom through without any trouble.So, how does this magical effect work? It all comes down to the behavior of those tiny atoms and the way they interact with each other. You see, in these special materials, the atoms are arranged in a way that creates a kind of "force field" that protects the flow of electricity from any resistance.Imagine you're a tiny particle of electricity, and you're trying to move through this material. As you move, you encounter these force fields created by the atoms. Instead of slowing you down, these force fields actually guide you along a specific path, almost like having a team of tiny helpers clearing the way for you!This effect was discovered by a group of brilliant scientists in China, and it's considered a huge breakthrough in the field of quantum physics (the study of really, really small things). It could lead to all sorts of amazing technologies, like super-fast computers and more efficient ways to transmit electricity.But that's not all! This discovery is also important because it proves that China is at the forefront of cutting-edge scientific research. The scientists who made this discovery are being hailed as potential Nobel Prize winners, which is one of the highest honors a scientist can receive.Isn't it amazing how these tiny, invisible particles can do such incredible things? The world of science is full ofmind-blowing discoveries, and the Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect is just one example of the amazing things that can happen when brilliant minds come together to explore the mysteries of the universe.So, the next time you hear someone mention the "Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect," you can proudly say, "Oh, I know all about that! It's a magical discovery that allows electricity to flow without any resistance, and it was made by amazing Chinese scientists!" Who knows, maybe one day you'll be the one making groundbreaking discoveries like this!。
and granule exocytosis for a high throughput robust and sensitive detection. 申请人:CANVAX BIOTECH SL 地址:ES 国籍:ES 代理机构:Illescas, Manuel 更多信息请下载全文后查看
申请号:EP 1074 4 506.6 申请日:20100728 公开号:EP2598876B1 公开日:20160330
摘要:The present invention relates to a novel cell based sensor useful for drug discovery that comprises a cell line with professional regulated exocytosis of secretory granules transfected with a protease as a reporter polypeptide stored in the regulated secretory granules of the cell line with professional regulated exocytosis and having either an endogenous or a heterologous molecule as a modulator of regulated secretory granules exocytosis, such said granule stored protease reporter having at least: a high resistance to conditions already present inside the granules such as low pH and proteolysis by other proteases; enzymatic activity after exocytosis; a highly specific cleavage sequence; a very low level of secretion under unstimulated or basal conditions; and a high signal to background activity in a media compatible with cell culture viability
Journey to the West is a classic Chinese novel that has captured the imagination of readers for centuries.It is a tale of adventure,fantasy,and spiritual enlightenment that is deeply rooted in Chinese culture and folklore.Heres an introduction to the novel in English:1.Authorship and Historical Context:The novel is attributed to Wu Chengen,a Ming Dynasty writer,although the exact authorship is a subject of debate among scholars.It was written during the16th century,a time when China was experiencing a cultural and literary renaissance.The story is based on the reallife pilgrimage of the Buddhist monk Xuanzang,who traveled to India in the7th century to obtain sacred texts.2.Main Characters:Sun Wukong the Monkey King:He is the most famous character in the novel,known for his incredible strength,magical powers,and mischievous nature.Sun Wukong is a symbol of rebellion and freedom.Tang Sanzang Tripitaka:A Buddhist monk who is the protagonist of the story.He is on a quest to bring Buddhist scriptures back to China.Zhu Bajie Pigsy:A former celestial marshal who was banished to the mortal realm for his lustful behavior.He is depicted as gluttonous and lazy but also loyal and brave.Sha Wujing Sandy:A river ogre who was also banished from heaven.He is depicted asa more serious and disciplined character compared to his companions.3.Plot Overview:The story begins with the birth of Sun Wukong from a magical stone and his subsequent quest for immortality.He learns the art of immortality and acquires powerful weapons,including the Ruyi Jingu Bang a magical staff that can change size.Sun Wukongs rebellion against the celestial order leads to his imprisonment under a mountain by Buddha.He is later released to accompany Tang Sanzang on his journey to the West.Along the way,they encounter numerous demons and obstacles,each representing a test of their faith and resolve.The characters must overcome these challenges,often with the help of divine intervention.4.Themes and Symbolism:The novel is rich in symbolism and allegory.The journey to the West is a metaphor for the path to enlightenment and the process of overcoming personal demons and achieving spiritual growth.The characters embody various aspects of human nature,and their interactions provide insights into morality,ethics,and the nature of good and evil.5.Cultural Significance:Journey to the West is not just a novel but also a cultural phenomenon.It has been adapted into various forms of media,including operas,films,television series,and comics.The storys themes and characters have become deeply ingrained in Chinese culture, influencing art,philosophy,and even everyday language.6.Influence and Legacy:The novels influence extends beyond China,with translations and adaptations appearing in many countries around the world.It is considered one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.The storys enduring popularity is a testament to its universal appeal and the timeless nature of its themes.In conclusion,Journey to the West is a masterpiece of Chinese literature that continues to captivate readers with its blend of adventure,humor,and profound spiritual insights.It is a journey not just across a mythical landscape but also into the depths of the human soul.。
初中按照字母顺序编排的英语单词大全初中按照字母顺序编排的英语单词大全Aaccent 加重accurate 精确acquire 获得action 操作,运算adjust 调整ambient light 环境光angle 角度anti-aliased 平滑处理arbitrary 任意的arrange 排列arrow 箭头artistic 艺术的,美术的-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bbalance 平衡bar 条,栏base 基准batch 批量,成批bevel 使成斜角,斜切bilinear 双线性插值bitmap 位图,点阵图blend 混合,调和blur 模糊bold 加粗border 边界,边框brightness 亮度brush 画笔,笔形build 建造,创立burn 焦化,烧黑button 按钮--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ccache 快速存储器calculation 计算calibrate 校准,校验canvas 画布carve 镌刻cascade 层叠chalk 粉笔,作记号channel 通道,频道charcoal 炭笔画chrome 铬黄,铬合金classic 经典的click (单)击(鼠标)clipboard 剪贴版clone 复制cloud 云彩command 命令content 内容continue 连续的,持续的contour 轮廓线,周线contract 收缩,缩小contrast 反差,对比coordinate 协调,协作craquelue 裂纹crayon 蜡笔crop 剪裁crystallize 水晶curl 螺旋状物,卷曲的current 当前的cursor 光标,游标curve 曲线custom 自定义--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ddarken 较黑的,使变黑daubs 涂抹define 定义design 设计destination 目标,对象difference 区别,差异diffuse 散乱扩散displace 转移distort 扭曲document 文档,文件dodge 加亮drop shadow 投影duotone 双色调duplicate 复制dust 灰尘,尘土--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Eedge 边界effect 效果作用embed 嵌入emboss 浮雕enlarge 放大equalize 平均化expand 扩充,扩展export 输出extrude 突出eyedropper 吸管--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ffacet 刻面feather 晕开,羽化fill 填充flare 张开,闪耀flatten 变平flip 翻转fragment 碎片fresco 壁画--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ggamut 整个领域general 普通的glass 玻璃杯glow 发光gradient 渐变grain 纹理graphics 图形grayscale 灰阶,灰度图grid 坐标格子group 群,组grow 成长guide 参考,参考线--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hhalftone 半色调histogram 柱状图horizontal 水平hue 色相--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Iicon 图标image 图像import 输入index 索引Inner 内部的input 输入intensity 亮度inverse 相反invert 反转,反相--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kkeyboard 键盘kilometre 千米,公里--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Llens 凹凸透镜,焦距level 级别,色阶light 光线location 定位--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Mmagic 有魔法的magic wand 魔棒mask 遮罩,掩膜maximum 最大值memory 记忆,内存merge 合并,融合minimum 最小值mode 模式,方式modify 修改,改变monitor 显示器,监视器monochrome 单色的mosaic 马塞克motion 运动multichannel 多通道模式--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Nnegative 负片,负像noise 噪音,糙点numeric 数字化的;分数--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ooffset 位移,偏移option 选项ornament 装饰outline 轮廓,外形--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ppalette 调色板parameter 参数,参变量paste 粘贴pastel 彩色粉笔,蜡笔画patchwork 补教,式样path 路径pattern 图案perspective 透视pinch 极化,凹陷或突起plug-ins 插件(滤镜)pointillize 乱点描述polar coordinates 极坐标poster 招贴画posterize 色调分离preference 偏好设定preview 预览previous 前一个pseudo 假的purge 消除--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rradial 圆形range 范围,领域relief 救济,援救render 渲染,粉刷,上色reticulation 网状物revert 还原,复原ripple 涟漪,波纹rotate 旋转rough 粗略ruler 标尺--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ssaturation 色彩饱和度scale 缩放scratch 暂时,临时screen 屏幕seam 缝,接缝selection 选择,工作区selective 精心挑选的separation 分离,分开sharpen 锐化shear 扭曲变形similar 相似的sketch 草图,画稿skew 偏斜的smart 灵活的,精巧的smooth 平滑的smudge 玷污,污点snapshot 快照solarize 中途曝光spatter 溅,洒落sponge 海绵spray 喷,喷涂stain 着色,染色stamp 盖章,盖印status 状态,状况stereo 立体声stroke 笔划,打击swirl 漩涡,卷状物--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Ttexture 质地,纹理threshold 两阶调化tile 平铺,窗口并联trace 跟踪,镂边trail 痕迹,足迹transform 转变,变形transparency 透明度twirl 卷曲,快速旋转--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Uultimate 最终的uncommon 罕见,非凡的units 单位,单元--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Vvertex 顶点,最高点vertical 垂直的video 视频,电视view 视图,显示方式virus 病毒visible 可见的,明显的visual 视觉的vogue 流行,时尚volume (磁盘)容量vortex 漩涡--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Wwatercolor 水彩watermark 水印wave 波纹,波动welder 焊接workstation 工作站wrinkle 皱纹--------------------------------------------------------------------------------。
高三文学经典解读英语阅读理解30题1<背景文章>Hamlet is one of William Shakespeare's most famous tragedies. The play is set in Denmark and revolves around the young prince Hamlet. Hamlet is a complex character, torn between his desire for revenge and his own inner turmoil.The story begins with the news of the death of King Hamlet. His son, Prince Hamlet, is deeply saddened by his father's death. However, things take a turn when Hamlet discovers that his father was murdered by his uncle, Claudius, who has now ascended the throne and married Hamlet's mother, Queen Gertrude.Hamlet is consumed by grief and anger. He decides to feign madness in order to uncover the truth and avenge his father's death. Along the way, he encounters a number of other characters, including Ophelia, his love interest, and Horatio, his loyal friend.The play explores themes of revenge, madness, mortality, and the corrupting influence of power. It also raises questions about the nature of truth and the human condition.Hamlet is widely regarded as a masterpiece of literature due to its complex characters, rich language, and profound themes. It has beenstudied and performed for centuries, and continues to captivate audiences around the world.1. What is the main theme of Hamlet?A. Love and friendshipB. Revenge and madnessC. Hope and redemptionD. Courage and honor答案:B。
We have developed a novel, fiber-optic bio-sensor which uses whispering gallery modes (WGMs) in dielectric microspheres for bio-molecular detection. The WGMs are excited by evanescent coupling to an etch-eroded single mode optical fiber. WGM resonance positions are detected as Lorentzian dips in the intensity of the fiber-transmitted light. The polarization of molecules interacting with the evanescent field of the WGM on the microsphere surface leads to a red shift of a given WGM resonance wavelength. Chemi-cal modification of the sensor surface allows specific detection of proteins, DNA and (nano-)particles such as viruses and bacte-ria.Introduction. Dielectric microspheres are ideal optical cavities because of their ability to confine light in a small volume over a long time period (high-Q, up to ~109, Fig.1, Collot, 1993). For practical applications, the WGMs of microparticles are excited by evanescent cou-pling to a substrate such as eroded or tapered fibers, fiber half-couplers or prisms. Potential applications of such waveguide-sphere systems incluce low-threshold lasers, high-spectral purity filters for DWDM (dense wavelength division multiplexing), and integrated compo-nents for optical systems.WGMs are dependent on changes in refractive index, morphology and temperature and it has been suggested to use the evanescent field to probe the environment near the microsphere surface (Serpenguezel, 1995). Such fiber-optic microsphere sensors could be used in a variety of ways. Cavity ringdown measurements are applied in atmospheric sensing (Thompson, 2002), absorption by gases such as carbon dioxide and monoxide can be used in sensitve gas detectors (Rosenberger, 2001) and changes in the transmission characteristics of a micro-sphere-fiber system are predicted useful for biomolecular detection (Boyd, 2002).We are able to show that the perturbation of a WGM by polarizable molecules such as pro-teins and DNA leads to a sensitive increase of a given WGM resonance wavelength (V ollmer, 2002; V ollmer, 2003). A theory has been devel-oped which relates the red shift of the wave-length to the surface density and polarizability of microsphere-bound or adsorbed molecules (Arnold, 2003; Teraoka 2003).In our novel resonant device, the light revisits an analyte molecule many thousand times (high-Q) thus increasing the detection limit by orders of magnitude as compared existing sin-gle-pass sensors. Indeed, we are able to show a Fig.1Whispering Gallery Mode Biosensor Frank V ollmer*, Stephen Arnold#, Iwao Teraoka#, Albert Libchaber**RockefellerUniversity,1230YorkAveBox155,NewYork,NewYork10021,USA;*********************** #Polytechnic University, 6 Metrotech, Brooklyn, New York 11201, USA; www.poly/sensitivity greater as compared to most com-mercial available surface plasmon detectors. Experimental Setup.The WGMs of a micron-sized silica sphere are excited by evanescent coupling to an etch-eroded, single mode opti-cal fiber (Fig.2a). A smf-28 fiber is etched in 25% hydrofluoric acid to a final diameter of 4µm (fiber core diameter is 6.6 µm). Micro-spheres are fabricated by melting the tip of a piece of smf-28 fiber in a hot butane/nitrous oxide flame. Surface tension forms a spheroi-dal object. This sphere-on-a-stem is held in the sample cell which is mounted on a xyz stage and is moved towards the eroded part of the fiber. Coupling occurs upon mechanical con-tact (Fig.2b).The sample cell is built using two glass plates separated by two 4 mm rubber spacers on each end (Fig.2a). Experiments are done in solution: surface tension holds the liquid inbetween the glass plates. A tunable distributed feedback laser (~1340 nm wavelength) is coupled into one fiber end. The lasing wavelength is tuned by modulating the laser diode current with a sawtooth shaped function. The tuning coeffi-cient has been determined as 0.01 nm/mA. The intensity transmitted through the fiber sphere system is recorded at the far end of the fiber using an InGaAs photodetector (Fig.2c). WGMs are identified as Lorentzian-dips in the spectrum. Amplitudes are different since cou-pling may vary 30...70%. Q-factors are on the order of 2 x 106.Coupling of the spheroid to the fiber can lead to different resonant light orbits. The following fluorescent images (Fig.3) of orbits are taken using a 635 nm laser to excite WGMs of sphe-roids immersed in a fluorophore (Cy5) solu-tion:The usual position of coupling the spheroid to the fiber is depicted in the upper left image. In this case the WGM orbit resembles that inside a corresponding sphere.To demonstrate the effect of adsorption of a typical protein (bovine serum albumin, BSA) to the sphere, the surface was chemically mod-ified with an amino-silane agent. The so posi-tively charged aminoilanated surface of theFig.2Fig.3sphere readily adsorbes the negatively charged protein.A labview program tracks the position of a res-onant dip with a parabolic minimum fit. After injection of the protein BSA into the sample cell (filled with phosphate buffer), we observe an overall positive shift of the resonance posi-tion (Fig.4). This red shift of a given WGM resonance wavelength is entirely due to the adsorption of a monolayer of BSA protein.The initial negative wavelength shift is due to thermal contraction of the silica sphere as revealed by the temperature trace measured with a thermocouple proximal to the micro-sphere.A first order perturbation theory (Arnold,2003) predicts the fractional shift in wave-length ∆ω/ω as:with α... excess polarizability of BSA, σ...sur-face density of adsorbed BSA molecules,R...microsphere radius, ε...dielectric constant of the vacuum, the sphere and the buffer solu-tion, respectively. Using this theory we predict from our wavelength shift of +0.021 nm a sur-face density of 1.7 x 1012 adsorbed BSA mole-cules/cm 2.We were able to experimentally confirm the 1/R size dependence using spheres of different sizes for our adsorption measurements (Fig.5).From the slope of this plot we are able to pre-dict the smallest diameter of the BSA molecule as 3.6 nm, which compares well with crystallo-graphic data (Arnold, 2003).By coupling two microspheres (A and B,Fig.6a) to a common optical fiber we were able to show that each microsphere can be unambiguously identified by its own reso-nance wavelength (Fig.6b). To demonstrate a multiplexed measurement we modified each microsphere with its own DNA molecules.Sphere A was modified with a nucleic acid molecule (oligonucleotide) 11 bases in length.Sphere B was modified with an oligonucle-otide which differed in only one of the 11bases. Hybridization to the target oligonucle-otide which is complementary to the one immobilized on sphere A should result in a much larger wavelength shift than hybridiza-tion to the mismatched sequence on sphere B which we could confirm experimentally (Fig.6c). Using the difference signal A-B we are able to discriminate the single nucleotidemismatch with a signal-to-noise of 54 (Fig.6d).Fig.4References.Arnold S., Khoshsima, M., Teraoka, I., Holler, S., V ollmer, F. Shift of Whispering Gallery Modes in Microspheres by Protein Adsorption.28, 272-274 (2003).Applied Optics 40,5742-5746 (2002)Collot et.al. Very high Q whispering-gallerymode resonances observed on silica micro-spheres. Europhysics Letters23, 327-334(1993)Rosenberger, A.T., Rezac, J.P. Whispering-gal-lery-mode evanescent-wave microsensor fortrace-gas detection. Proc. SPIE4265, 102-112(2001).Serpengüzel, A., Arnold, S., Griffel, G.Enhanced Coupling to Microsphere Reso-nances with optical fibers, Opt. Lett.20, 654-656 (1995).Teraoka, I., Arnold, S., V ollmer, F. Perturba-tion Approach to Resonance Shift of Whisper-ing Gallery Modes in a Dielectric Microsphereas a Probe of a Surrounding Medium. in pressJournal of the Optical Society B (2003).Thompson, J.E., Smith, B.W., Winefordner,J.D. Monitoring atmpspheric particulate matterthrough cavity ringdown spectroscopy. Anal.Chem., 74, 1962-1967 (2002).V ollmer, F., Braun, D., Libchaber, A., Khosh-sima, M., Teraoka, I., Arnold, S. Protein detec-tion by optical shift of a resonant microcavity.Applied Physics Letters80, 4057-4059 (2002).V ollmer, F., Arnold, S., Braun, D., Teraoka, I.,Libchaber, A. Multiplexed DNA Quantifica-tion by Spectroscopic Shift of Two Micros-phree Cavities. Accepted Biophysical Journal(2003).Fig.6bFig.6cFig.6dArnold S., Khoshsima, M., Teraoka, I., Holler, S., V ollmer, F. Shift of Whispering Gallery Modes in Microspheres by Protein Adsorption. Optics Letters 28, 272-274 (2003).Boyd, R.W., Heebner, J.W. Sensitive disk reso nator photonic biosensor. Applied Optics 40, 5742-5746 (2002)Collot et.al. Very high Q whispering-gallery mode resonances observed on silica micro-spheres. Europhysics Letters23, 327-334 (1993)Rosenberger, A.T., Rezac, J.P. Whispering-gal lery-mode evanescent-wave microsensor for trace-gas detection. Proc. SPIE4265, 102-112 (2001).Serpengüzel, A., Arnold, S., Griffel, G. Enhanced Coupling to Microsphere Reso-nances with optical fibers, Opt. Lett.20, 654-656 (1995).Teraoka, I., Arnold, S., V ollmer, F. Perturbation Approach to Resonance Shift of Whispering Gallery Modes in a Dielectric Microsphere as a Probe of a Surrounding Medium. in press Jour nal of the Optical Society B (2003). Thompson, J.E., Smith, B.W., Winefordner, J.D. Monitoring atmpspheric particulate matter through cavity ringdown spectroscopy. Anal. Chem., 74, 1962-1967 (2002).V ollmer, F., Braun, D., Libchaber, A., Khosh-sima, M., Teraoka, I., Arnold, S. Protein detec-tion by optical shift of a resonant microcavity. Applied Physics Letters80, 4057-4059 (2002). V ollmer, F., Arnold, S., Braun, D., Teraoka, I., Libchaber, A. Multiplexed DNA Quantifica-tion by Spectroscopic Shift of Two Micros-phree Cavities. Accepted Biophysical Journal (2003).。
( ) ( ) I(r,z)=I0
4π2β2z λ
式中I0 是轴上入 射 光 强,λ 为 波 长,w0 为 激 光 高 斯
图1 (a)轴锥镜立体示意图;(b)轴锥镜衍射的理论分析
Fig.1 (a)3Dimage of axicon lens;(b)theoretic analysis of diffraction by the axicon lens
的。利用衍射光学角谱传播数值计算法可准确求解 轴锥镜的衍射光强分布。 2.2 轴 锥 镜 衍 射 的 角 谱 分 析 法
u(x,y;z)= F-1 [A0(kx,ky;0)H(kx,ky)],(4) 式中kx、kx 为x、y 方向的波数分量;A0(kx,ky;0)为 孔 径 平 面 上 的 入 射 光 波 角 谱 ,即u(x,y;0)的 傅 里 叶
收 稿 日 期 :2012-06-04;收 到 修 改 稿 日 期 :2012-07-04 基 金 项 目 :北 京 理 工 大 学 基 础 研 究 基 金 (3040012211105)资 助 课 题 。 作 者 简 介 :张 旭 升 (1978— ),男 ,博 士 ,讲 师 ,主 要 从 事 光 学 成 像 与 测 量 、偏 振 分 析 与 测 量 等 方 面 的 研 究 。
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A Novel Radial Intensity Based Edge Operator
Gregory Provan, Hany Farid, Eero Simoncelli (provan@central, farid@grip, eero@central) GRASP Laboratory University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, PA 19104-6228
2 Theory
The process of detecting edges in grey-scale images consists of identifying edges via intensity di erences in the image. Typically this involves (1) convolving the input image with lters, and then (2) applying a discriminant function to the convolved images in order to identify edges. The most common approach, the gradient-based approach, applies symmetric gaussian lters and then uses the magnitude of the intensity gradients as the discriminant for identifying edges. In this paper, an operator is described which applies asymmetric lters and then uses intensity di erences as the discriminant for identifying edges. This section rst presents the intuition behind this novel approach, and then outlines the mathematical basis of the operator.
A novel edge operator is introduced based on steerable asymmetric linear lters consisting of radial wedge segments. An intensity pro le is computed by averaging intensity values along a radial wedge segment as it \sweeps" about a small circular neighborhood. The \steerability" of the lters allows for interpolation of a continuous pro le function from n discretely sampled positions of the radial wedge segments. Edge strength is then calculated as a simple di erence of conditional means of the resulting intensity pro le. This paper introduces the basic paradigm of using asymmetric lters for low-level image processing tasks and shows how this approach is utilized to design a novel edge operator (the Radial InTensity Edge, or RITE, operator). Features of the RITE operator include: (1) a mathematically simple algorithm with comparable performance to the well-known gradient-based Deriche operator; (2) better performance at points where several edges intersect; (3) an average time complexity reduction by a factor of 1.7 to 2.1 over the Deriche operator.
2.1 Intuition
The intuition behind the use of asymmetric lters for feature extraction is relatively straightforward. Consider a circular window with radius r placed at a region on the image (Figure 1a). Possible intensity pro les computed by averaging along a radial wedge segment as the segment
Some operators have been extended with top-down information, such as Zucker 6].
A completely new approach to edge detection is introduced here which performs at least as well as other operators based purely on bottom-up, local information. 1 The edge operator introduced in this paper is unique in its use of steerable asymmetric linear lters consisting of weighted wedge segments. An intensity pro le is computed by averaging intensity values along the wedge as it \sweeps" around a small circular window. The \steerability" of the lters allows for interpolation of a continuous pro le function from n discretely sampled positions of the radial wedge segments. The edge strength is then calculated as a simple di erence of conditional means of the intensity pro le. This paper introduces the basic paradigm of using steerable asymmetric lters for low-level image processing tasks and shows how this approach is utilized to design a novel edge operator, which we refer to as the Radial InTensity Edge (RITE) operator. The RITE operator introduced here generates results comparable to the Deriche 3] operator, (which is based on the popular Canny operator 1]) and performs better in some circumstances. Speci cally, the RITE operator o ers: 1. a mathematically simple algorithm with comparable performance to other popular edge operators 2. better performance at points where several edges intersect 3. an average time complexity reduction by a factor of 1.7 to 2.1 over the Deriche operator This paper is organized as follows, Section 2 introduces the intuition and mathematical notation behind the RITE operator. Section 3 relates our operator to other popular edge detection methods. Section 4 presents the algorithm for the RITE operator, an empirical comparison to the Deriche operator on several real-world images, and an analysis of the time complexity of the RITE and Deriche operators.
A Novel Radial Intensity Based Edge Operator
Gregory Provan Hany Farid Eero Simoncelli
MS-CIS-94-07 GRASP LAB 369