不可撤销外汇额度担保书甲方: ________________(担保方名称)乙方: ________________(债务方名称)鉴于甲、乙双方急需开展外贸业务, 为确保乙方按时履行其对外支付义务, 甲方同意为乙方提供外汇额度担保。
双方根据《中华人民共和国担保法》等相关法律法规签署本担保书并共同遵守以下条款:第一条担保的范围1.1 甲方在本担保书项下担保的外汇额度, 仅限用于乙方的合法外贸业务。
1.2 乙方可以根据实际需要随时申请提取担保额度, 但提取的金额不得超过甲方担保的额度。
1.3 担保期限为_____(具体担保期限)。
第二条担保的责任2.1 甲方对乙方提取的担保额度负有不可撤销的连带责任。
在乙方未能按时支付其对外的付款义务时, 甲方应当向债权人支付相应的担保金额。
2.2 甲方同意在乙方履行付款义务后, 即向其外汇购汇银行付款后, 由其外汇购汇银行向债权人支付担保金额。
第三条担保的生效与变更3.1 本担保书的生效条件为: 甲方向乙方提供担保额度, 并在担保额度达到甲方与乙方约定的金额后生效。
3.2 一旦本担保书生效, 甲方不得擅自变更或解除担保义务, 除非经甲、乙双方书面协商一致同意。
第四条不可撤销性4.1 本担保书为不可撤销担保, 甲方无条件承诺必须无条件地向债权人支付担保金额。
4.2 甲方承诺, 在乙方未能履行付款义务时, 不得就其担保责任作出任何抗辩、异议或延迟支付担保金额。
第五条担保条件的变更5.1 如乙方提前支付了其对债权人的全部付款义务, 且债权人确认已收到全部付款, 甲方同意放弃担保额度, 并向乙方解除担保责任。
5.2 甲方同意乙方将部分或全部担保金额转移给其他债权人, 但前提是乙方能够提供其他担保或达成其他担保安排。
第六条违约责任6.1 任何一方违反本担保书的, 违约方应向守约方支付违约金, 其数额为担保金额的_____(具体比例)。
6.2 违约方以任何方式拒绝履行或无法按时履行其担保责任的, 守约方有权采取一切合法手段追索欠款。
不可撤销付款保证书导言不可撤销付款保证书(Irrevocable Payment Guarantee,IPG),是一种国际贸易和金融交易中常用的贸易融资方式。
不可撤销外汇额度担保合同范文5篇篇1不可撤销外汇额度担保合同甲方(担保人):乙方(债务人):鉴于:1. 乙方因业务发展需要,需要外汇额度来进行相关的进口贸易和支付,甲方愿意提供担保;2. 根据国家外汇管理规定,乙方所申请的外汇额度需提供相应的担保措施;3. 根据《中华人民共和国合同法》等相关法律法规,甲、乙双方经友好协商,达成以下协议;一、担保事项1. 乙方申请的外汇额度为【金额】,甲方作为乙方的担保人,愿意提供不可撤销的担保,对乙方申请的外汇额度承担连带责任。
2. 若乙方遭遇无法支付的情况,甲方应在收到相关通知后【时间】内向有关部门提供足额的担保金进行支付。
二、不可撤销担保1. 本合同所承担的担保责任不可撤销,无论何种原因,皆不得免除、解除或中止。
2. 甲方的担保责任为不可撤销性担保,即使在乙方还清所有债务后,该担保责任也不因此终止。
三、违约责任1. 若乙方未能按时支付相关费用或偿还相关债务,甲方应承担违约责任并按规定提供相应担保金进行支付。
2. 若甲方未能按时提供担保金,导致乙方无法支付相关债务,甲方应承担连带赔偿责任。
PAYMENT COMMISSIONSIRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTION AGREEMENT(不可撤销的佣金保护协议)Date:Contract code:Pa yer’s code:Payer(付款方):Pa yer’s Bank:Payee’s code:Payee(受付方):Payee’s Bank:The above mentioned transaction involving the purchase of Manganese Ore of _______ metric tons per Month with possible rollovers and extensions. The following will set out the protection of fees should a contract be executed and consummated under the terms and conditions mutually agreed upon by the principles or their mandate agents. (本协议提及的交易为每月购买——公吨的锰矿石,并包括该交易的循环和延期。
)Now, therefore, the Payer, acting with full corporate authority and responsibility, do herewith, without prejudice and recourse, guarantee to pay a total Service Fee of _____US DOLLARS (US$_____) per MT of Manganese Ore delivered under the terms of the transaction referenced above. The undersigned, as the legal Payee’s representative, agrees and guarantees to cause a copy of this Irrevocable Master Payment Order to be attached to each copy of the final signed contract at all times, provided acceptance of the Payer. This Irrevocable Payment is issued pursuant to and in acknowledgment of the Pa yer’s responsibilities under the present contract.(付款方保证在没有任何条件的情况下,向受付方支付本交易条件下的服务费用。
NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT(NCNDA)&IRREVOCABLE MASTER FEE PROTECTIONAGREEMENT(IMFPA)不越线/不泄密合约暨不可撤销之付款保证合约现货买卖委托合同编号:本合同编号:Party A甲方:Party B乙方受益人1:ID-codes证件名称及证件号:Name of the bank银行名称:Bank account银行账号:Branch address开户行地址:SWIFT:Signature签名:乙方受益人2:ID-codes证件名称及证件号:Name of the bank银行名称:Bank account银行账号:Branch address开户行地址:SWIFT:Signature签名:乙方受益人3:ID-codes证件名称及证件号:Name of the bank银行名称:Bank account银行账号:Branch address开户行地址:SWIFT:Signature签名:1. This Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement (IMFPA) is issued to the allinvolved in the sale of the Commodity identified by the Contract Numbercaptioned in the footer of this agreement .Commission payments will be made after the delivery and payment for each shipment, as agreed between theMandate Buyers and the beneficiaries Paymaster. The commission will be paid to the beneficiaries named in the MFPA for all contracted quantity including allextensions and rollovers on tranche-by-tranche basis as per the followingprocedure本主要酬金保护协议(IMFPA) 是签发给所有与本协议脚注所标明合同号一致合同所确定之商品销售有关的人员。
INTERNATIONALCHAMBEROFCOMMERCE(I.C.C400/500/600)国际商会(I.C.C400/500/600)/NON-CIRCUMVENTION,NON-DISCLOSURE&WORKINGAGREEMENT(NCNDA) IRREVOCABLEMASTERFEEPROTECTIONAGREEMENT(IMFPA)不越线/不泄密合约暨不可撤销之付款保证合约TRANSACTIONCODE交易代码:SELLER’S CODE卖方代码:BUP ER’S CODE买方代码:TPPEOFCONTRACT合同类型:SPAwithrollsandeGtensions可滚动买卖协议COMMODITP商品名称:GGGGQUANTITP合同量:GGGwithrollsandeGtensionsuptoGGGGGG滚动至GGGPRICE价格:SecondFiGLBMAminusdiscount伦敦黄金市场协会第二次定價為交易價格DISCOUNT贬损率:GG%grossandGG%nettothebuPer贬损率GG%,买方贬损率为GG%COMMISSION佣金: GGG%to Seller’s side(closed)–paidbPthesellerGGG%toFacilitator(closed)–paidbPthesellerGGG%toBuP er’s side–paidbPthebuPer卖方GGG%(封闭)-由卖方账户支付卖方中介GGG%(封闭)-由卖方账户支付买方GGG%-由买方账户支付PAPMENTTERMS付款条件:AsperSPA遵循买卖协议LOCATION存放处所:GGGDELIVERP交货地点:GGGSELLER’S NAME卖方姓名:GGGBUP ER’S NAME买方名称:GGGGGGBUP ER’S ADDRESS买方地址:GGGGGGNON-CIRCUMVENTION,NON-DISCLOSURE&WORKINGAGREEMENT(NCNDA)IRREVOCABLEMASTERFEEPROTECTIONAGREEMENT(IMFPA)不越线/不泄密合约暨不可撤销之付款保证合约WHEREAS theundersignedwishtoenterintothisAgreementtodefinecertain parametersofthefuturelegalobligations,areboundbPadutPofConfidentialit Pwithrespecttotheirsourcesandcontacts.ThisdutPisinaccordancewiththeI nternationalChamberofCommerce.签名人愿达成本协议,用其定义将来的法律责任及信息方和合同方应承担的保密责任,该责任符合国际商会的规定。
International Chamber of Commerce (I.C.C.)Non-Circumvention, Non-Disclosure and Working Agreement(NCND)Whereas the Undersigned Parties wish to enter into this agreement to define certain parameters of their future legal obligations, and considering their mutual promise herein and other good and valuable considerations the receipt of which is acknowledged hereby, the Parties here to mutually and voluntarily agree as follows:1. The parties hereto and/or their affiliates of what-so-ever nature shall not, in any manner solicit and/or accept any business from sources that have been made available by and through the parties hereto, nor in any manner shall access, contact solicit and/or conduct any transaction with such said sources, without the expressed and specific permission of the party who made such said sources available.The Parties shall maintain complete confidentiality regarding each other's business and/or their affiliates and shall only disclose knowledge pertaining to these specifically named Parties as permitted by the concerned Party, unless agreed and granted an expressed written permission of and by the Party whom made the source available.2. The Parties shall not in any way whatsoever circumvent each other and/or attempt such circumvention of each other and/or any of the parties involved in any of the transactions the Parties wish to enter and to the best of their abilities shall ensure that the original transaction codes, data and proprietary information established are not altered.3. The Parties shall not disclose any contact revealed by either Party to any third Parties as they fully recognized such information and contract(s) of the respective Party, and shall not enter into direct and/or indirect offers, negotiations and/or transaction with such contacts revealed by the other Party who made the contact(s) available.4. In the event of circumvention by any of the undersigned Parties, whether direct and/or indirect, the circumvented Party shall be entitled to a legal monetary compensation equal to the maximum service it should realize from such a transaction, plus any and all expenses, including any and all legal fees incurred in lieu of the recovery of such compensation.5. All considerations, benefits, bonuses, participation, fees, and/or commissions received as a result of the contributions of the Parties to this agreement, relating to any and all transactions shall be allocated and distributed as mutually agreed. Specific arrangements, for each transaction shall be made available and/or submitted to the recipient on the very day due and payable as per each and every transaction, unless otherwise agreed.6. This agreement is valid for five (5) years from the date of signature, for any and all transactions between the Parties therein, with renewal to be agreed upon between the signatories.7. It is further agreed that any controversy, claims, and or dispute arising out of and/or relating to any part of the whole of this agreement or breach thereof and which is not settled between the signatories themselves, shall be settled and binding by and through arbitration in accordance with the rules and through the institution of the International Chamber of Commerce. Any decisionand/or award made by the arbitrators shall be final, conclusive and binding for the Parties and enforceable in the Court of Law in the Country of choice of an award by the arbitrators. PARTICIPANTS INITIALS: 1) HK SUNKFA 2)8. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto and in the case of individual parties, their respective heirs, administrators and executors and in the case of all corporate Parties, their successors andassignsa) The non-circumvention damages, i.e., the total commissions, fees, or profits which wouldhave been due, and;b) All loss sustained by the non defaulting party by reason of such breach, and;c) All expenses incurred in enforcing any legal remedy rights based upon or arising out of thisAgreement.9. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto and in the case of individual parties,their respective heirs, administrators, and executors, and in the case of all corporate parties, theirsuccessors and assigns.10. Signature of this agreement shall be deemed to be an executed agreement enforceable andadmissible for all purposes as may be necessary under the terms of this agreement.11. All signatories hereto acknowledge that they have read and each Party fully understands theterms and conditions contained in this Agreement, and by their initials and signature herebyunconditionally agree to its terms as of the date noted herein.12. The purpose of this instrument is to establish an internationally recognized Non-Circumvention,Non-Disclosure, and Working Agreement between the participating Parties. This and futuretransactions shall be conducted under the guidelines of the International Chamber of Commerce.This agreement may be signed in one or more counterparts and the Parties agree that facsimilecopies of this Agreement to be considered as a legal original and signatures thereon shall be legaland binding.Accepted and Agreed: On this, May in the year of 20001. _______________________________ Authorised Signature __________________________________ Company Name __________________________________ Address __________________________________ Telephone/Facsimile______________________________Date2. _______________________________Authorised Signature__________________________________Company Name__________________________________ Address__________________________________ Telephone/Facsimile_______________________________ Date。
IMFPA不可撤销的佣金保护协议IMFPA(Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement),即不可撤销的佣金保护协议,是一种保护国际交易佣金权益的协议。
IMFPA不可撤销的佣金保护协议IMFPA(Irrevocable Master Fee Protection Agreement)即不可撤销的佣金保护协议,是一种通过书面协议确保佣金或中介费用的支付和保护的协议。
二、协议内容IMFPA协议主要包括以下内容:1. 合作方介绍:在协议中,需要清楚列出所有与该协议相关的合作方。
2. 佣金支付条款:明确规定佣金的支付方式和标准。
3. 佣金保护条款:协议应包括一些保护性条款,确保中介方能够获得应得的佣金。
4. 违约责任:在协议中,应明确双方对自身违约责任的承担。
5. 协议的生效与终止:在IMFPA协议中,一般会明确协议的生效时间和终止条件。
1. 保护中介权益:通过IMFPA协议,中介方能够确保自己获得应有的佣金,并避免因一些非合理因素导致佣金的减少或取消。
2. 促进合作和信任:IMFPA协议的存在使得各方在商业交易中更加信任和依赖彼此。
3. 风险分担:协议中明确了双方的责任和义务,并规定了违约的后果。
NCNDA (NON CIRCUMVENTION AND NON DISCLOSURE WORKING AGREEMENT)(NCNDA)INTERNATIONAL CHAMBER OF COMMERCE(ICC)NON CIRCUMVENTION AND NON DISCLOSUREWORKING AGREEMENT:Whereas, the undersigned parties wish to enter into this Agreement to define certain parameters of theirfuture legal obligations and are bound by a duty of confidentiality and non-circumvention with respect totheir sources and contacts. The undersigned desire to enter into a working business relationshipinvolving the trading of commodities to the mutual benefit of all parties.This NCND Agreement is restricted to the commodities; Cement, Urea and Sugar, however this may beincreased with mutual consent.This agreement is made and entered into on this date, shall obligate the undersigned parties and theirpartners, associates, employers, employees, affiliates, subsidiaries, parent companies, any nominees,representatives, successors, clients and assigns hereinafter referred to as “The Parties” jointly severally,mutually and reciprocally for the terms and conditions expressly state and agree to below, and that thisagreement may be referenced from time to time in any document(s), or written agreements, the termsand conditions of this agreement shall apply to any exchange of information written or oral involvingfinancial information, personal or corporate names, contracts initiate by or involving the parties and anyaddition, renewal, extension, rollover amendment, renegotiations or new agreement hereinafter referredto as “The Transaction” (Project/Transaction) for the purchase of all commodities, products, andequipment.NOW, THEREFORE IT IS AGREED:AGREEMENT NOT TO DEAL WITHOUT CONSENTThe intending parties hereby legally, and irrevocably bind themselves to guarantee to each other thatthey shall not directly or indirectly interfere with, circumvent or attempt to circumvent, avoid, by-pass orobviate each other’s interest or the interest or relationship between “The Parties” with procedures, sellers,buyers, brokers, dealers, distributors, refiners, shippers, financial instructions, technology owners ormanufacturers, to change, increase or avoid directly or indirectly payments of established or agreed fees, commissions, or continuance of pre-established relationship or intervene in un-contracted relationship with manufacturers or technology owners with intermediaries, entrepreneurs, legal counsel or initiate buy/sell relationships or transactional relationship that by-passes one of “The Parties” with any Corporation, producer, technology owner, partnership, or individual revealed or introduced by one of “The Parties” to one another in connection with any ongoing and future transaction or project.AGREEMENT NOT TO DISCLOSE“The Parties” irrevocably agree that they shall not disclose or other wise reveal directly or indirectly, to a third party, any confidential information provided by one party to the other, or otherwise acquired, particularly contract terms, product information or manufacturing processes, prices, fees, financial agreements, schedules and information concerning the identity of the sellers, producers, buyers, lenders, borrowers, brokers, distributors, refiners, manufacturers, technology owners, or their representative and specific individuals names, addresses, principals, or telex/fax/telephone numbers, email addresses, references, product or technology information and/or other information advised by one party(s) to another as being confidential or privileged, without prior specific written consent of the party(s) providing such information.AGREEMENT TO INFORMIn specific deals where one of “The Parties” acting as an agent allows the buyers or buyer’s mandate, and the seller to deal directly with one another, the agent shall be informed of the development of the transactions made between the buyer or buyer’s mandate and the seller.TERMThis agreement shall be valid for three (3) years commencing from the date of this agreement; with additional two (2) years automatic roll-over renewals at the close of each transaction or exchange of information and therefore at the end of any roll-over period, without the need of advertisement, unless mutually agreed in writing to be terminated by all “The Parties” which termination can occur only at the end of any roll-over period.BREACH OF THIS AGREEMENTIn the event of breach of the herein mentioned and agreed agreement’s statements by any member of “The Parties”, directly or indirectly, the circumvented party shall be entitled to a legal monetary penalty equal to the maximum service it was entitled from such transaction plus any and all expenses, including but not limited to all legal costs and expenses incurred to recover the lost revenue.ARBITRATIONall disputes arising out of or in connection with the present contract shall be finally settledunder the ICC ARBITRATION RULES” OR under the Alternative Dispute Resolution Rules ("ADR") of SINGAPORE Court by one or more “Arbitrators” appointed in accordance with the said rules.Every award shall be binding on “The Parties” and enforceable at la w.By submitting the dispute to arbitration under these rules, “The Parties” undertake to carry out any award without delay and shall be deemed to have waived their right to any form of recourse insofar as such waiver can validly be made.Each of “The Parties” subject to the declared breach shall be responsible for their own legal expenses until an award is given or settlement is reached, provided however, “That Party” found in default by “The Arbitrator(s)” shall compensate in full the aggrieved party its heirs, assignees and/or designs for the total remuneration received as a result of business conducted with “The Parties” covered by this agreement, plus all its arbitration costs, legal expenses and other charges and damages deemed fair by “The Arbitrator(s)” for bank, lending institutions, corporations, organizations, individuals, lenders, or borrowers, buyers or sellers that were introduced by the named party, notwithstanding any other provisions of the award.FORCE MAJORA party shall not be considered or adjudged to be in violation of this agreement when the violation is due to circumstances beyond its control, including but not limited to act of God, civil disturbances and theft or appropriation of the privileged information or contract(s) without the intervention or assistance of one or more of “The Parties”.ENTITIES OWNED OR CONTROLLEDThis agreement shall be binding upon all entities owned or controlled by a party and upon the principal(s), employee(s), assignee(s), family and heirs of each party.Neither party shall have the right to assign this agreement without the express written consent of the other.AGREEMENT NOT TO CIRCUMVENT“The Parties” agree not to circumvent or attempt to circumvent this agreement in an effort to gain fees, commissions, re munerations or considerations to the benefit of the one or more if “The Parties” while excluding other or agree to benefit to any other party.NOT PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTThis agreement in no way shall be construed as being an agreement of partnership and no ne of “The Parties” shall have any claim against any separate dealing, venture or assets of any other party or shall any party be liable for any other.TRANSMISSION OF THIS AGREEMENTThe transmission of this agreement through Tele-fax, E-mail, Facsimile or any similar programs, shall be legal and binding.AGREE AND ATTESTEDEach representative signing below guarantees that he/she is duly empowered in his/her own right or by his/her respectively named company to enter into and be bound by the commitments and obligations contained herein either as individual, corporate body or on behalf of a corporate body.The documents which are going to follow this agreement like letters of intent (LOI), full corporate offers (FCO), bank comfort letters (BCL), contract terms and conditions, banking details or pre-advised payment instruments and/or any information contained in such documents will not be passed, under any circumstance, onto another intermediary or broker or trader or whatever company or private persons who are not end buyers or end suppliers without prior specific written consent of the party(s) providing such information.ACCEPTED AND AGREED WITHOUT CHANGE1st PARTY (Buyer)Signed on:Company name:Company Address:Signatory name:Signatory Position:Citizenship:Passport No:Telephone No:Fax No:Email Address:Corporate Seal & Signature:2nd PARTY (Intermediary)Signed on:Company name:Company Address: Signatory name:Signatory Position: Citizenship:Passport No:Telephone No:Fax No:Email Address:Corporate Seal & Signature: 3rd PARTY (Facilitator) Corporate Seal & Signature: 4th PARTY (Seller’s Mandate)Signed on: 12/03/2008 Company name:Company Address: Signatory name:Signatory Position: Citizenship:Passport No:Telephone No:Fax No:Email Address:Corporate Seal & Signature:NON-CIRCUMVENTION AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENTWhereas the undersigned Parties have agreed to enter into this Agreement to define c ertain parameters of their future legal obligations, and considering their mutual promise herein and other good and valuable considerations, the receipt of which is acknowledged hereby, the Parties here to mutually and voluntarily agree as follows:1. The Parties hereto and/or their affiliates of what-so-ever nature shall not, in anymanner solicit and/or accept any business from sources that have been madeavailable by and through the parties hereto, nor in any manner shall access, co ntact, solicit and/or conduct any transaction with such said sources, without the expressed and specific permission of the party who made such said sources av ailable.2. The Parties shall maintain complete confidentiality regarding each other's business and/or their affiliates and shall only disclose knowledge pertaining to these specifically named Parties as permitted by the concerned Party, unless agreed and granted and expressed written permission of and by the Party whom made t he source available.3. The Parties shall not in any way what-so-ever circumvent each other and/or attempt such circumvention of each other and/or any of the parties involved in any of the transactions the parties wish to enter and to the best of their abilitiesshall ensure that the original transaction codes, date and proprietary informationestablished are not altered.4. The Parties shall not disclose any contact revealed by either Party to any thirdParties as they fully recognized such information and contact(s) of the respective Party, and shall not enter into direct and/or indirect offers, negotiations and/ortransactions with such contacts revealed by the other party who made the cont act(s) available.5. In the event of circumvention by any of the undersigned Parties, whether directand/or indirect, the circumvented Party shall be entitled to a legal monetary co mpensation equal to the maximum service it should realize from such a transac tion, plus any and all expenses, including any and all legal fees incurred in therecovery of such compensation.6. In the event of circumvention by either Party, directly or indirectly, the circumvented Party shall be entitled to a legal monetary penalty equal to three (3) timesthe value of the transaction or the benefits derived thereof, whichever is higher, without any protest or litigation plus any and all expenses, including but not limited to all legal costs and expenses incurred to recover the lost revenue.7. This Agreement is valid for Five (5) years from the date of signature, for any and all transactions between the parties therein, with renewal to be agreed uponbetween the signatories.9. This agreement is valid for any an all transactions between the Parties herein. It is further agreed that any controversy, claims, and or dispute arising out of an d/or relating to any part of the whole of this agreement or breach thereof andwhich is not settled between the signatories themselves, shall be settled and bi nding by and through arbitration in accordance with the rules and through the I nternational Chamber of Commerce, the venue being Johannesburg, South Africa. Any decision and/or award made by the arbitrators shall be final, conclusiveand binding for the Parties and enforceable in any Court of Law.10. This Agreement shall be binding upon the Parties hereto, and in the case of individual Parties, their respective heirs, administrators and executors and in the c ase of all corporate Parties, their successors and assigns.11. The non-circumvention damages, the total commissions, fees, or profits which would have been due, and;12. All loss sustained by the non-defaulting party by reason of such breach, and;13. All expenses incurred in enforcing any legal remedy rights based upon or arising out of this Agreement.14. Signatures of this Agreement received by the way of Facsimile, Mail and/or Email shall be deemed to be an executed contract. Agreement enforceable and ad missible for all purposes as may be necessary under the terms of the Agreeme nt.15. All Signatures hereto acknowledge that they have read the foregoing Agreementand by their initials and signature that they have full and complete authority toexecute the document for and in the name of the party for which they have gi ven their signature.16. The purpose of this instrument is to establish an internationally recognized NonCircumvention, Non-Disclosure Agreement between the participating Parties. ThisAgreement may be signed in one or more counterparts and the parties agree t hat facsimile copies of this Agreement to be considered as a legal original and signatures thereon shall be legal and binding The Parties hereto and/or their aff iliates of what-so-ever nature shall not, in any manner solicit and/or accept any business from sources that have been made available by and through the parti es hereto, nor in any manner shall access, contact, solicit and/or conduct anytransaction with such said sources, without the expressed and specific permissio n of the party who made such said sources available.IRREVOCABLY ACCEPTED AND AGREED WITHOUT CHANGE.NON-CIRCUMVENTION, NON-DISCLOSURE AND WORKING AGREEMENT国际商会机密性和工作协议WHEREAS, the Undersigned wish to enter into this agreement to define certain parameters of the future legal obligations, are bound by a duty of Confidentiality with respect to their sources and contacts. This duty is in accordance with the International Chamber of Commerce Convention (Publ. I.C.C. 500).WHEREAS, the Undersigned desire to enter a working business relationship to the mutual and common benefit of the parties hereto, including their affiliates, subsidiaries, stockholders, partners, co-ventures, trading partners, and other associated organisations (herein after referred to as "Affiliates").THEREFORE in consideration of the mutual promises, assertions and covenants and other good and valuable consideration, the receipts of which is acknowledged hereby, the parties hereby agree as follows:首先,以下署名者,凡意欲加入本协议并以此来规范其将来可能承担的法律责任的,为了表示对发起者及其联系人的尊重,必须承担各自应尽的义务。
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INTERNATIONALCHAMBEROFCOMMERCE(I.C.C400/500/600)国际商会(I.C.C400/500/600)/NON-CIRCUMVENTION,NON-DISCLOSURE&WORKINGAGREEMENT(NCNDA) IRREVOCABLEMASTERFEEPROTECTIONAGREEMENT(IMFPA)不越线/不泄密合约暨不可撤销之付款保证合约TRANSACTIONCODE交易代码:SELLER’SCODE卖方代码:BUYER’SCODE买方代码:TYPEOFCONTRACT合同类型:SPAwithrollsandeGtensions可滚动买卖协议COMMODITY商品名称:GGGGQUANTITY合同量:GGGwithrollsandeGtensionsuptoGGGGGG滚动至GGGPRICE价格:SecondFiGLBMAminusdiscount伦敦黄金市场协会第二次定價為交易價格DISCOUNT贬损率:GG%grossandGG%nettothebuyer贬损率GG%,买方贬损率为GG%COMMISSION佣金: GGG%toSeller’sside(closed)–paidbythesellerGGG%toFacilitator(closed)–paidbythesellerGGG%toBuyer’sside–paidbythebuyer卖方GGG%(封闭)-由卖方账户支付卖方中介GGG%(封闭)-由卖方账户支付买方GGG%-由买方账户支付PAYMENTTERMS付款条件:AsperSPA遵循买卖协议LOCATION存放处所:GGGDELIVERY交货地点:GGG SELLER’SNAME卖方姓名:GGGBUYER’SNAME买方名称:GGGGGG BUYER’SADDRESS买方地址:GGGGGG包括各自的子公司、股东、合作伙伴、合资企业、贸易伙伴和其他相关机构(以下简称“子公司”)。
NOWTHEREFORE inconsiderationofthemutualprom ises,assertionsandcovenantshereinandothergoodand valuableconsiderations,thereceiptsofwhichisacknowl edgedhereby,thepartiesherebyagreeasfollows:现在,考虑到互利的承诺、要求及惯例、其他好而有价值的考量和确认的收据,双方达成以下协议:1.TERMS AND CONDITIONS 条款及细则A.Thepartieswillnotinanymannersolicit,noracce ptanybusinessinanymannerfromsourcesortheiraffiliat es,whichsourcesweremadeavailablethroughthisagree ment,withouttheeGpresspermissionofthepartywho madeavailablethesourceand,对于因为本协议可能产生的任何业务,包括来自贸易商客户的业务,和贸易商关联的公司的业务,以及贸易商客户关联的公司的业务,在没有贸易商明确许可的情况下,合同方不准以任何方式招揽或接受以上任何业务,B.Thepartieswillmaintaincompleteconfidentialit yregardingeachotherbusinesssourcesand/ortheirAffili atesandwilldisclosesuchbusinesssourcesonlytothena medpartiespursuanttotheeGpresswrittenpermissiono fthispartywhomadeavailablethesource,and,合同方应对本商业来源和同等类似信息完全保密,confirmthatallpayordersshallautomaticallytransferfun dsasdirectedintoeachbeneficiariesdesignatedbankacco unt within1(one)dayafter thedateofclosingandcompleti onofeachandeveryshipmentoftheproductduringtheco ntracttermplusany/oreGtensionsandrolloverofthespec ifiedcontract.Forthepurposeofclarity,weconfirmthatth eclosingandcompletionofeachandeveryshipmentshall bedeemedtotakeplacewhentheletterofcreditissuedbyt hebuyerhasbeendrawndownatthecountersoftheissuin gbank.我们,买方,不可撤消地确认,我将指令我们的银行加签自动付款指令给下列受益人,因此,我确认,在合同期间,加上所订立合同的任何/或展延和滚动期,在完成每一个船货款结汇日后一天内,按付款指令,应付给每一个受益人的款项将自动直接汇到各个受益人指定的账号。
We,BuyerGGGGGGGGG,agreetoprovideallbeneficiarieswith wri ttenevidence ofthepayorderslodgedwithourbanktoget herwithacknowledgementsoftheiracceptance.Further more,ourbankshallbeinstructedtoprovidedulysigneda ndstampedacknowledgementofthisinstructionassetout intheanneG.Formingpartofthisagreement.Itisundersto经提供本类信息方的书面同意,方可且仅可向指定方告知本类信息。
C.Thattheywillnotinanyofthetransactionsthepar tiesaredesirousofenteringintoanddo,tothebestoftheir abilitiesassuretheotherthatthetransactioncodesestabli shedwillnotbeaffected.合同方在交易中不得对彼此或对涉及到的一方进行欺骗,且要尽最大能力向彼此保证,确保设立的交易代码不会变动或更改。
D.Thattheywillnotdisclose names,addresses,e-mailaddress,telephoneandtele-faGorteleGnumbers toanycontactsbyeitherpartytothi rdpartiesandthattheyeachrecognizesuchcontractsast heeGclusivepropertyoftherespectivepartiesandthey willnotenterintoanydirectnegotiationsortransactions withsuchcontractsrevealedbytheotherpartyand合同方不得向第三方泄漏对方的公司名称、地址、电邮地址、电话号码、传真、电传号码等信息,合同方一致认可本合同为彼此唯一的合同,合同方不再与其他方直接商谈本类合同。
E.Thattheyfurtherundertakenottoenterintobusi nesstransactionwithbanks,investors,sourcesoffundso rotherbodies,thenamesofwhichhavebeenprovidedb yoneofthe对于由于本协议而可能使合同方知道的银行、投资odthatforthepurposesofthisMasterFeeProtectionAgree ment,ourbankshallbethesamebankandthisIMFPAactsas anintegralpartofit.我们,买方___,不可撤消地同意,把保存在我们银行的付款指令和银行认可同意的书面依据提交给所有受益人,且我们银行应按附录的指示,将书面依据正式签名且盖章确认。
Wetheundersigned being Buyer orthesellernamedlegall yauthorizedrepresentativeasstatedwithinthesignedand legallybindingmaintransaction,contractunconditionall yagreeandundertaketoapproveandoriginateallpayme ntsin USDcurrency toallbeneficiariesnamedbelowasthei rrightfulandpayablecommissions.Thisagreementalsoac tsasarecordconfirmingthecommissionamountsforeach namedbeneficiaryassetoutbelow:-按照已签署并有法律约束力的主要交易的规定,我们,以下签署方,即买方或卖方指定的合法授权代表,无条件地同意负责批准和用美元支付给下列受益人合法、应得佣金。
本协议书也是确认下列每一个受益人应得佣金的记录:TOTALCOMMISSIONSHALLBEPAIDBYTHEBUYERan dSELLERASFOLLOWS:者、经费来源或其他机构的名称,不管信息来源是法人还是自然人,F.Partiestothisagreement,unlesswrittenpermissi onhasbeenobtainedfromtheotherparty(ies)todoso.F orthesaleofthisagreement,itdoesnotmatterwhetherin formationobtainedfromanaturaloralegalperson.The partiesalsoundertakenottomakeuseofathirdpartytoci rcumventthisclause.合同方保证不得与提供这些信息的人或者公司联系或交易,除非有贸易商的书面允许,并且合同方不得使用任何第三方来规避该条款。