Monolith 烧烤炉快速入门指南说明书
QUICK START GUIDE¡BIENVENIDOA LA FAMILIAMONOLITH!#monolithbbq© 2021 MONOLITH GRILL GMBHFRIDA-SCHRÖER-STRASSE 56 | D-49076 OSNABRÜCKLa totalidad del contenido, las fotos, los textos y los gráficos están protegidos por derechos de autor. Está prohibida la copia, alteración, duplicación o publicación, en parte o en su totalidad, de dichos elementos sin autorización previa por escrito. Sujeto a cambios.¡ATENCIÓN!En este manual podrá encontrar información importante sobre el montaje correcto y el funcionamiento seguro de la barbacoa. Es importante que lea y siga todas las instrucciones y la información de seguridad antes de montar y utilizar la barbacoa. Conserve este manual para poder consultarlo en el futuro si fuera necesario.Le felicitamos por la adquisición de su nueva de barbacoa cerámicaMonolith. En este manual del usuario hemos reunido la información más importante sobre su barbacoa. Le deseamos muchas horas de disfrute con su nueva cocina de exterior. Para más información, visite nuestra página web www.monolith-grill.euMONOLITH SIGNIFICA LIBERTADUna barbacoa de cerámica multifunción que te da libertad para cocinar a la parrilla y ahumar, para hacer barbacoas, para sellar y dorar, para utilizarla como un horno de leña, como asador y, por último, como una plancha o un fry-top. Un sistema ideal tanto para divertirse en casa como para los profesionales de la restauración.MONOLITH ES UN OBJETO DE DISEÑODecora y adorna cualquier ambiente: en la terraza, en el jardín y también como parte de una cocina exterior. Monolith es un objeto de diseño alemán que, como ya es tradición, no deja de ser práctico, funcional y eficiente.UNA TRADICIÓN QUE VIENE DE LEJOSLa barbacoa Kamado Monolith cuenta la historia de un sistema de cocina de cerámica refractaria usado por japoneses y chinos desde hace más de 3.000 años. En los últimos años la moderna parrilla de cerámica ha llamado la atención de los fans de la barbacoa y del grill, obteniendo un enorme éxito tanto en el ámbito doméstico como en el profesional.DESEMBALAJELa barbacoa Monolith se empaqueta cuidadosamente con el fin de asegurar que le llegue totalmente exenta de daños.1. E n primer lugar, corte las tiras de plástico y abra a continuación la tapa de cartón.2. S olo para los modelos con patas: Retire las patas que están sujetas mediante cartón junto a la unidad de cerámica y retire también el cartón de sujeción.3. R etire los paneles laterales de la caja de cartón.4. R etire las cajas de cartón, situadas junto a la unidad, que contienen los accesorios. Abra la barbacoa y saque todos los componentes y accesorios.5. S olo para los modelos con patas: Saque la barbacoa del soporte. Le recomendamos agarrar la barbacoa por los soportes para las mesas laterales.6. A segúrese de desechar los materiales de embalaje de manera que sean reciclados. Son materias primas valiosas.Atención: Utilice guantes al retirar los componentes con el fin de evitar lesiones personales. Tenga mucho cuidado al manipular los componentes debido al riesgo de rotura. Debido a su peso, recomendamos que la barbacoa sea transportada por dos personas.231. C OCCIÓN DIRECTAUtiliza Kamado Monolith como una típica parrilla italiana. Cocina directamente sobre las brasas utilizando las parrillas de acero inoxidable o las de fundición.3. HORNO PARA PAN Y PIZZACon la piedra refractaria opcional podrás evitar invertir en otro horno para pizza. Monolith puede cocinar auténticas pizzas con el mismo sabor que la cocción en un horno de leña. Con Monolith se alcanzan fácilmente temperaturas hasta 350 / 400 °C. De esta forma, puedes cocinar la pizza perfecta en un máximo de 3 minutos, o bajar la temperatura para hornear pan.2. C OCCIÓN INDIRECTAUtilizar Kamado Monolith para la cocción indirecta te hará entender inmediatamente la diferencia con cualquier otro instrumento de cocción. Al colocar la piedra del deflector sobre los carbones ardientes se apagan las llamas,consiguiendo que la comida se cocine solamente con el calor creando de esta manera un horno, pero alimentado con brasas. De esta forma se pueden obtener asados, estofados, verduras y cocciones lentas de pescado, utilizando también cacerolas para cocinar todo aquello que se quiera, con un solo sistema también para ahumar.1CONTENIDOTAPA DE VENTILACIÓN PARA LA REGULACIÓN DEL FLUJO DE AIREPALA PARA LA CENIZA BOLSADE ACCESORIOSJUNIOR ICONBASICLECHEF CLASSIC ARO DE FUEGOCARRIL YEMPUJADOR DEL AHUMADOR CARRIL YEMPUJADOR DEL AHUMADOR (JNR.)DEFLECTOR (EN FORMADE MEDIA LUNA)BRASERO DE LA SERIE PRODEFLECTOR CON ELEVADOR SISTEMA INTELIGENTE DE PARRILLASGANCHOPARA MANEJAR LAS PARRILLAS(solo los modelos con soporte)SOPORTE PARRILLA DE HIERRO FUNDIDO DOS MESAS LATERALES DE BAMBÚTERMÓMETROPARRILLA ADICIONAL CESTA DE CARBÓN CON DIVISORBRASEROSOPORTE DE ACERO INOXIDABLE (ICON)SOPORTE (JNR.)(solo en los modelos con soporte)¿MÁSACCESORIOS?Descubra la gama completa deaccesorios y las diferentes posibilidades de uso: visite nuestra página o nuestro canal de YouTube Monolith Grill:TAPA DE VENTILACIÓN PARA LA REGULACIÓN DEL FLUJO DE AIREASADE BAMBÚPIESDE CERÁMICA(solo en los modelos sin soporte)E CON SOPORTEA. Monte el soporte colocandola basedel soporte al revés, sin las patas, sobre una sábana o una alfombrilla. Coloque las tapas de acero inoxidable sobre las varillas roscadas. Empuje las patas a través del tubo de guía y atorníllelas en el extremo del soporte. Le recomendamos que coloque un trozo de papel entre el tubo de guía y las patas con el fin de evitar arañazos.Atención: Para facilitar el uso del mecanismo de bloqueo, las patas se deben fijar con las ruedas bloqueables una al lado de la otra en la parte delantera.B. Gire el soporte y bloquee las ruedas.Atención: Asegúrese de colocar la barbacoa sobre una superficie plana que sea capaz de soportar su gran peso. La barbacoa no se debe colocar nunca en las proximidades de materiales combustibles. La barbacoa no se debe utilizar en espacios cerrados.C. Baje la unidad para colocarla en el soporte, asegurándose de que el control del suministro de aire y la abertura para la retirada de la ceniza se encuentren en el centro de las patas con las ruedas.Atención: Debido a su peso, recomendamos la barbacoa seatransportada por dos personas. El uso de guantes ayudará a evitar posibles lesiones personales.D. Solo LeChef: Afloje las dos tuercas de sombrerete de la parte delantera del aro de bloqueo superior y fije el mango en el perno. Vuelva a enroscar las tuercas de sombrerete en los pernos y apriételas con una llave.E. Fije la tapa de ventilación en la tapa (fíjela de tal manera que la tapa no sobresalga sobre el termómetro, ya que en ese caso la válvula no se podría abrir cuando se abriese la tapa).F. Coloque el bastidor de metal del brasero en el interior de la barbacoa con la abertura del compartimento de la ceniza situada exactamente delante de la abertura para la retirada de la ceniza / control del flujo de aire. A continuación, vaya instalando de uno en uno los elementos cerámicos del brasero – 5 elementos cerámicos para las Monolith Classic y LeChef. Para la Monolith Junior, instale el brasero de una sola pieza.G. Coloque el aro de fuego en el brasero, asegurándose de que la abertura para la alimentación de virutas de madera quede situada exactamente delante de la abertura/válvula correspondiente de la unidad.H. Coloque la parrilla de hierro fundido en el interior del brasero y coloque a continuación la cesta de carbón en el interior del brasero, asegurándose de que la abertura de la cesta esté alineada con la abertura/válvula para la alimentación de virutas de madera.I. Coloque el bastidor de metal del sistema inteligente de parrillas encima del aro de fuego. Enganche el aro de soporte en los ojales correspondientes. Ahora se pueden i nsertar todos los elementos del sistema inteligente de parrillas. Deflector, bandeja recogegrasas y parrilla.K. Enganche las mesas laterales en los soportes correspondientes de la unidad. Si fuera necesario, ajuste las distancias entre los soportes de las mesas laterales doblándolos ligeramente.Atención: Antes y después del primer uso, compruebe que todos los tornillos estén bien fijados tanto en la unidad como el soporte. Los tornillos del aro de bloqueo de la unidad se deben apretar pe -riódicamente, ya que las juntas que hay debajo de ellos se pueden aflojar con el uso.Barbacoa, ahumador, horno, cocina, plancha. Gracias a sus múltiples configuraciones, su nueva barbacoa Monolith combina todas estas posibilidades de cocción en un solo aparato.ESCANÉEMEEn nuestro canal de YouTube podrá encontrar tutorialessobre las configuraciones de la barbacoa Monolith.Deflector (una pieza en forma de media luna) con elevador para la cocción con calor indirectoCesta de carbón con divisorPiedra para pizza o pan (accesorio opcional)Deflector (dos piezas en forma de media luna) para la cocción con calor indirectoDeflector (una pieza en forma de media luna), bandeja recogegrasas dividida, dos medias rejillas de acero inoxidable, aro para el ajuste de la alturaINSTALACIÓN Y PRIMER USONo es necesario quemar inicialmente la barbacoa y se puede por lo tanto utilizar inmediatamente después de instalarla. La barbacoa no requiere ningún otro tratamiento, como por ejemplo la aplicación y combustión de aceite. La rejilla de carbón de hierro fundido sale de la fábrica con un revestimiento protector que la protege contra la corrosión durante el almacenamiento. Este revestimiento protector se quema durante el uso inicial. Espere hasta que el olor producido por la combustión del revestimiento protector desaparezca antes de colocar los alimentos en la barbacoa.LIMPIEZALimpie únicamente el exterior de la barbacoa, el soporte y las mesas laterales de bambú con agua y un limpiador suave.No utilice nunca agua u otros líquidos para limpiar el interior de la barbacoa. El interior de la barbacoa se puede limpiar utilizando temperaturas elevadas después de su uso. Para ello, abra por completo los respiradores.En primer lugar, asegúrese de que hayasuficiente carbón en la barbacoa (añada algode carbón si fuera necesario). Las temperaturaselevadas se alcanzan muy rápidamente y elcalor quemará los residuos orgánicos hastaconvertirlos en una ceniza fina (pirólisis).Recomendamos calentar la barbacoa hasta400 °C durante 10 minutos.Advertencia: No permita que la barbacoa secaliente a más de 400 °C, especialmente laMonolith Basic, ya que la junta situada entrela unidad y la tapa podría resultar dañada. Nodeje nunca la barbacoa desatendida durante lapirólisis.Retire siempre el sistema inteligente deparrillas de la Monolith antes de la pirólisis.Por último, cepille la parrilla con un cepillopara parrillas. Elimine los residuos quemadosde la tapa y los demás componentes internoscon un cepillo de mano o un cepillo decerdas. La rejilla de hierro fundido y la cestade carbón se pueden limpiar con un cepillo;recubra de vez en cuando la rejilla de hierrofundido con una fina capa de aceite paraprotegerla contra la oxidación.Atención: La cerámica clara del interior seoscurecerá gradualmente. Dicho oscurecimientono es un defecto, sino más bien un efecto de lacombustión, el humo y la grasa.LIMPIEZA DE LASPARRILLASLimpie las parrillas mientras aún estén calien-tes con un cepillo para parrillas para eliminarlos residuos de mayor tamaño. Las parrillasde la parrilla están hechas de acero inoxidabley son aptas para el lavavajillas. Utilice soloproductos de limpieza adecuados. Las rejillasse pueden decolorar (deslustrar) de manerapermanente debido a las altas temperaturasque pueden alcanzar.¡ATENCIÓN!Lea el manual de instrucciones atentamente y en su totalidad con el fin deevitar errores al utilizar la barbacoa y la consiguiente anulación de la garantía.LIMPIEZA DE LAPIEDRA PARA PIZZAY EL DEFLECTORPuesto que la piedra para pizza y el deflectorestán fabricados con cerámica de porosabiertos, los líquidos y las grasas puedenimpregnarse en el material o quemarse yfundirse con él, provocando la aparición demanchas negras permanentes en la superficie.Estas manchas son inofensivas y noconstituyen ningún defecto. Para eliminarlos residuos de mayor tamaño, simplementeráspelos con un cepillo para parrillas o unraspador/espátula. El deflector se puedeenvolver en papel de aluminio con el fin deprotegerlo contra el goteo de grasa.RETIRADA DE LA CENIZAUna vez que la parrilla se haya enfriado, laceniza suelta que haya en la cesta de carbón sepuede sacudir para que caiga a la cámara decenizas del brasero.Si fuera necesario, retire previamente la parrillade hierro fundido. Utilice la pala para retirar laceniza a través de la abertura. Sugerimos quede vez en cuando se retiren todos loscomponentes de la unidad y se limpie labarbacoa con un cepillo para eliminarcompletamente todas la ceniza.LIMPIEZA POR PIRÓLISISSi la barbacoa no se utiliza durante un períodode tiempo prolongado y se encuentra expuestaa un ambiente húmedo, la humedad ambientalse puede introducir en su interior y se puedeformar moho en los residuos orgánicos que nose hayan eliminado de la cerámica y las rejillas.Este moho es inofensivo. Se puede eliminarmanualmente con una espátula o un cepillo.Caliente la barbacoa para que la humedad sepueda evaporar de la cerámica. Incremente latemperatura lentamente y queme todos losresiduos. El calor destruirá todas las esporas dehongos que pudiera haber.Escanee el código para descargar lasinstrucciones completas.¡Le deseamos muchas horas de disfrute ydiversión con su !¿MÁSPREGUNTAS?#monolithbbqMONOLITH ESLIBERTADE S 2021。
terrain n.地形dirtdirt n.污垢,泥土sandsand n.沙子;沙滩,沙地grassgrass n.草;草地snowsnow n.雪swampswamp n.沼泽,湿地roughrough a.粗糙的;狂野粗暴的;n.崎岖的荒野subterraneansubterranean a.地下的;n.地下lavalava n.熔岩,火山岩volcano n.火山larva n.幼虫;复数形式为larvaelave v.洗浴,慢慢冲刷lavatory n.洗手间,厕所waterwater n.水;水体如海、湖、河或溪等大片的水rockriverclear rivericy rivermuddy rivermud n.泥,泥浆muddy a.泥泞的lava riverroaddirt roadgravel roadgravel n.砂砾,砾石cobblestone roadcobblestone n. 圆石,鹅卵石pebble n.卵石rubble n.碎石,瓦砾magic terriancursed groundmagic plainsplain n.平原,草原proficiency n.熟练,精通,熟练程度proficient a.熟练的,精通的clover fieldclover n.三叶草;苜蓿field n.原野,旷野neutral n.中立者,中立国;a.中立的,中立国的,中性的evil fogholy groundfiery fieldfiery a.火的,火焰的;炽热的;热烈的,暴躁的lucid poollucid a.明晰的magic cloudsrocklandsterrain objectsderelict shiprelict n.残余物;寡妇derelict a.遗弃的=abandoned;n.遗弃的东西flotsam n.漂浮的废料shipwreck survivorshipwreckkelpkelp n.海藻reefreef n.暗礁buoybuoy n.浮标,浮筒;救生圈boatocean bottlesea chestchest n.胸膛;箱,柜cartographercartograph n.地图shroud n.v.掩蔽,遮盖mermaidsmermaid n.美人鱼maid n.少女,女仆maiden n.少女,处女favorable windfavorable a.赞成的,有利的sirenssiren n.妖妇whirlpool n.漩涡,涡流;混乱,纷乱turbulence n.骚乱,动荡,(液体或气体的)紊乱shipyardshipyard n.造船厂oak treesoak trees 橡树lemon tree 柠檬树cratercrater n.火山口,弹坑loglog v.n.记录;n.圆木,航海日志flowersholelakemoundmound n.土墩upland n.丘陵地带mountainmountain n.山,山脉range n.山脉ridge n.山脊outcroppingoutcrop n.露出地面的岩层pine treespine n.松树v.消瘦,憔悴rockshrubshrub n.矮树,灌木stumpstump n.树桩,残余,烟头warrior's tombwarrior n.勇士;战士treeshillsriver deltadelta n.(河流的)三角洲abandonded minealchemist's labalchemist n.炼金术士crystal caverncavern n.洞穴,岩洞gem pondgold mineore pitore n.矿石,含有金属的岩石pit n.坑sawmillsawmill n.锯木厂,锯木机sulfur dunedune n.沙丘water wheelwater wheel 水车wheel n.车轮,轮子taverntavern n.酒馆,客栈recruit v.征募新兵rumor n.流言,传闻lake of the scarlet swanscarlet n.猩红色;a.猩红的,鲜红的,深红的swan n.天鹅fountain of fortunefountain n.泉水,喷泉,源泉faerie ringfaerie n.仙子,仙境;a.仙女的fairy n.仙女;a.仙女的ring n.环;铃声;打电话;拳击场,用绳子围起来的场地mystical gardenreplenish v.补充,再装满fountain of youthcryptcrypt n.土窖,地下室,地穴hill fortobeliskobelisk n.方尖石塔;问号trading postsignstablestable a.稳定的;n.马厩tree of knowledgemagic wellcactusseer's hutseer n.预言家,先知者hut n.小屋,棚屋skullskull n.头骨sand pitcampfirecampfire n.营火,篝火;营火会oasis n.(沙漠中)绿洲pyramidcorpsecorpse n.尸体dead vegetationvegetation n.植物,草木,植被vegetable n.蔬菜lean towindmillwindmill n.风车redwood observatoryredwood n.红杉observatory a.天文台,气象台tile n.瓦片,瓷砖mandrakemandrake n.曼德拉草moss n.苔,藓mossswamp foliagefoliage n.树叶,植物magic springwatering holemushroomsmushroom n.蘑菇fungus n.菌类,蘑菇复数形式fungi pillar of firepillar n.柱子,栋梁girder n.大梁(钢架结构的)beam n.木结构大梁volcanowar machine factoryrefugee camprefugee camp 难民营refugee n.难民,流亡者camp n.营地arenaarena n.竞技场star axisaxis n.轴garden of revelationrevelation n.显示,揭露;启示,揭示learning stoneidol of fortuneidol n.偶像,神像library of enlightenmentenlighten vt.启发,启蒙,教导marletto towermercenary campmercenary n.雇佣兵school of magicuniversitytempledragon utopiautopia n.乌托邦,完美理想utopian a.乌托邦式的,梦想的school of warwitch hutwitch n.巫婆,女巫,迷人的女子subterranean gatealtar of sacrificealtar n.祭坛,圣坛cyclops stockpilestockpile n&v.积蓄,库存dwarven treasurytreasury n.财政部,国库griffin conservatoryconservatory n.温室,音乐学校imp cachecache n.贮藏物medusa storesnega bankdragon fly hivehive n.蜂房cover of darknessden of thievesden n.兽穴,洞穴eye of the magihut of the magishrine of magic incantationshrine n.神殿incantation n.咒语shrine of magic gestureshrine of magic thoughtlighthouselighthouse n.灯塔black marketmonolith oneway entrancemonolith n.巨石,雕塑monolith oneway exitmonolith twowaygarrisongarrison n.驻军,要塞choke v.n.窒息,哽住,阻塞anti-magic garrisonborder guardborder gatefreelancer's guildfreelancer n.自由作家;自由记者guild n.行会,协会keymaster's tentprisonrally flagrally v.召集;恢复;n.拉力赛sanctuary n.圣堂,避难所,动物保护区treasurestreasure chestcrystalgemgoldmercuryoresulfurwoodartifactstreasure artifact, minor artifact, major artifact, relic artifactspell scrollscroll n.卷轴,名册centaur's axgreater gnoll's flailflail n.连枷ogre's club of havocclub n.俱乐部,夜总会;棍棒havoc n.v.大破坏sword of hellfirehellfire n.地狱之火,严酷的苦难shield of the dwarven lordsbuckler of the gnoll kingbuckler n.小圆盾;n.v.防卫targ of the rampaging orgerampage n.v.暴跳,狂暴shield of the damnedhelm of the alabaster unicornalabaster n.a.雪花石膏helm of chaoscrown of the supreme magi hellstorm helmetbreastplate of petrified woodbreastplate n.胸甲petrify v.石化,吓呆torso n.人体躯干scales of the greater basiliskscale n.鱼鳞tunic of the cyclops kingtunic n.束腰外衣breastplate of the brimstonebrimstone n.硫磺(石)Clover of FortuneCards of Prophecyprophecy n.预言,预言能力Ladybird of Luckladybird n.瓢虫Badge of Couragebadge n.徽章,像章;标志Crest of Valorcrest n.头盔;头盔上的装饰valor n.英勇,勇猛Glyph of Gallantryglyph n.浮雕gallantry n.勇敢speculum n.金属镜,反射镜spyglass n.小望远镜Garniture of Interferencegarniture n.装饰品interference n.冲突,干涉Surcoat of Counterpoisesurcoat n.外套,女用外衣counterpoise n.v.平均,平衡Boots of Polaritypolarity n.极性Bird of PerceptionStoic Watchmanstoic n.哲学;a.淡泊的Emblem of Cognizanceemblem n.象征, 徽章Statesman's Medalstatesman n.政治家Diplomat's RingAmbassador's Sashambassador n.大使sash n.肩带, 腰带Ring of the Wayfarerwayfarer n.旅客, 徒步旅行者Equestrian's Glovesequestrian n.骑士Angel WingsOrb of the Firmamentfirmament n.天空, 太空, 苍天Orb of Siltsilt n.淤泥, 残渣Orb of Tempestuous Firetempestuous a.暴乱的Orb of Driving Raindriving a.猛烈的、强烈的、有力的 a driving rain 大风雨Recanter's Cloakrecant v.放弃cloak n.斗蓬Spirit of Oppressionoppression n.压迫, 镇压, 压抑, 苦恼Hourglass of the Evil Hourhourglass n.沙漏Tome of Fire Magictome n.册, 卷, 本, 大本书Tome of Air MagicTome of water MagicTome of earth MagicBoots of Levitationlevitation n.轻轻浮起, 升在空中Golden BowSphere of PermanenceOrb of VulnerabilityNecklace of SwiftnessBoots of SpeedCape of VelocityPendant of Dispassiondispassion n.冷静, 公平pendant n.垂饰, 下垂物Pendant of Second Sightsecond sight n.超人的视力Pendant of HolinessPendant of LifePendant of DeathPendant of Free WillPendant of Agitationagitation n.激动, 兴奋, 煽动, 搅动Pendant of Total RecallPendant of CourageInexhaustible Cart of OreInexhaustible Cart of LumberEndless Sack of GoldEndless Bag of GoldEndless Purse of GoldSpellbinder's HatShackles of Warshackle n.手铐, 脚镣, 桎梏, 束缚物wield v.挥Orb of Inhibitioninhibition n.禁止, 阻止, 禁制, 压抑Vial of Dragon BloodArmageddon's BladeAngelic Alliancehelm of heavenly enlightenmentcelestial necklace of blisscelestial a.天上的bliss n.极大的幸福;极乐sword of judgmentjudgement = judgmentarmor of wondersandals of the saintsandal n.凉鞋,便鞋lion's shield of courageCloak of the Undead Kingamulet of the undertakeramulet n.护身符undertaker n.承办者,承担者Vampire's Cowlcowl n.蒙头斗篷dead man's bootsElixir of LifeRing of LifeVial of Lifebloodvial n.小瓶Ring of Vitalityvitality n.活力, 生命力, 生动性Armor of the Damnedskull helmethelmet n.头盔, 钢盔blackshard of the dead knightrib cagerib n.肋骨shield of the yawning deadStatue of LegionLegs of LegionLoins of Legionloin n.腰hips 臀部Torso of LegionArms of LegionHead of LegionPower of the Dragon FatherCrown of DragontoothNecklace of Dragonteethdragon wing tabardtabard n.粗大衣red dragon flame tongueflame n.热情dragon scale shieldquiet eye of the dragonStill Eye of the Dragondragon bone greavesgreaves n.残渣dragon scale armorTitan's Thunderthunder helmetthunder n.v.雷,打雷,雷鸣titan's gladiusgladius n.短剑titan's cuirasscuirass n.胸甲sentinel's shieldsentinel n.哨兵Admiral's Hatadmiral n.海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰Sea Captain's HatNecklace of Ocean Guidanceguidance n.指导, 领导Bow of the Sharpshootersharpshooter n.神枪手Bow of Elven Cherrywoodcherrywood n.樱桃木Bowstring of the Unicorn's Manebowstring n.弓弦mane n.鬃毛Angel Feather ArrowsWizard's WellMystic Orb of Manaorb n.球, 天体, 圆形物Talisman of Manatalisman n.护身符, 法宝Charm of Manacharm n.小饰品Ring of the MagiCollar of Conjuringcollar n.领口,项圈conjure v.变戏法, 施魔法Ring of ConjuringCape of ConjuringCornucopiacornucopia n.羊角Everflowing Cloak of CrystalEverpouring Vial of MercuryEversmoking Ring of SulfurRing of Infinite GemsPandora's BoxGrailGrail n.(传说中耶稣在最后的晚餐中用过的)圣杯,圣盘hero skillsattack skilldefense skillspell powerknowledgepathfindingpathfinding 拓荒,探险archeryarchery n.箭术logisticslogistics n.后勤学,后勤scoutingscout n.v.侦察, 搜索;n.侦察员, 侦察机diplomacynavigationleadershipleadership n.领导能力, 领导阶层wisdommysticismluckballisticsballistics n.弹道学, 发射学eagle eyenecromancynecromancy n.招魂术;巫术estatesestates n.状态;不动产, 财产fire magicair magicwater magicearth magicscholar n.学者tacticstactic/tactics n.策略, 战略artilleryartillery n.炮的总称, 炮兵的总称learningoffencearmorerintelligencesorcerysorcery n.巫术, 魔术sorcerer n.男巫士, 魔术师sorceress n.女魔法师,女巫resistanceresistance n.反抗, 抵抗, 抵抗力, 阻力, 电阻, 阻抗first aidfirst aid 急救spellsmagic arrowhasteview airdisguisedisguise v.假装, 伪装, 掩饰;n.伪装disrupting raydisrupt v.使中断, 使分裂, 使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏fortunelightning boltbolt n.螺钉, 闪电precisionair shielddestroy undeadprotection from airhypnotizehypnotize vt.施催眠术, 使着迷, 使恍惚chain lightningcounterstrikedimension doordimension n.尺寸, 尺度, 维(数), 度(数), 元flymagic mirrorsummon air elementalsummon v.召集, 召唤, 号召, 鼓起, 振作blesscuredispeldispel vt.驱散, 驱逐, 使消散protection from watersummon boatice boltremove obstacleobstacle n.障碍(物); 妨碍,阻碍,干扰scuttle boatscuttle v.凿孔沉(船);weaknessforgetfulnessfrost ringfrost n.霜, 霜冻, 严寒v.结霜mirthmirth n.欢笑, 高兴teleport vt.(心灵学用语)心灵运输(物体、人) cloneprayerprayer n.祈祷water walksummon water elementalshieldslowstoneskinview earthdeath rippleripple n.波纹;v.起波纹nipple n.乳头, 奶嘴protection from earthquicksandquicksand n.流沙animate deadanimate v.鼓舞;a.生气勃勃的anti magicearthquakeforce fieldmeteor showermeteor n.流星resurrectionresurrection n.复苏sorrowtown portalportal n.入口implosionimplosion n.内爆summon earth elementalprotection from firebloodlustbloodlust n.杀戮欲curseblindfire wallfire ballland minemisfortunemisfortune n.不幸, 灾祸armageddonarmageddon n.世界末日战场berserkberserk狂暴的(地), 疯的(地) fire shieldfrenzyfrenzy n.狂暴, 狂怒infernoinferno n.阴间, 地狱slayerslayer 杀人者, 凶手sacrificesacrifice n.v.牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉summon fire elementaltown buildings in commontown hallhall n.会堂, 礼堂, 大厅, 走廊, 门厅city hallcapitalfortcitadelcitadel n.根据地, 大本营castletavernblacksmithblacksmith n.锻工, 铁匠marketplaceresource silosilo n.筒仓, 地窖, [空]竖井, (导弹)发射井artifact merchantsmerchant n.商人 a.商业的, 商人的mage guildshipyardCastleKnightclericcleric n.牧师, 传教士brotherhood of the swordgriffin bastionbastion n.(可扩大射击范围的)棱堡, 堡垒, 阵地工事lighthousestablescolossuscolossus n.巨像, 巨人guardhouse, pikeman / halberdierpikeman n.长枪兵halberdier n.戟兵guardhouse n.警卫室, 卫兵室, 禁闭室archer's tower, archer / marksmanmarksman n.射手, 神射手griffin tower, griffin / royal griffingriffin n.[希神]狮身鹫首的怪兽barracks, swordsman/ crusaderbarracks n.兵营swordsman n.剑客crusader n.十字军战士monastery, monk / zealotmonastery n.修道院, 僧侣training ground, cavalier / championportal of glory, angel / archangelarch n.拱门, 弓形结构, 拱形;adj.主要archangel n.天使长, 大天使TowerAlchemistWizardlibrarylookout towersculptor's wingssculptor n.雕刻家wall of knowledgeskyshipworkshop, gremlin / master gremlingremlin n.小鬼parapet, stone gargoyle / obsidian gargoyleparapet n.栏杆obsidian n.[矿]黑曜石, 十胜石gargoyle n.奇形怪状的雕刻像golem factory, stone golem / iron golemgolem n.(16世纪希伯来传说中的)有生命的假人Hebrew n.希伯来人Hebraic a.希伯来人的mage tower, mage / arch magealtar of wishes, genie / master geniegenie n.妖怪, 鬼golden pavilion, naga / naga queenpavilion n.大帐蓬, 亭, 阁cloud temple, giant / titanrampart n.垒, 壁垒, 城墙rangerranger n.巡逻骑兵DruidDruid n.德鲁伊教徒(古代高卢人与不列颠人的一种宗教) mystic ponddendroid saplingsdendroid a.树木状的sapling n.树苗, 小树fountain of fortuneminer's guildminer n.矿工treasuryspirit guardianguardian n.护卫者, 保护人, 监护人 a.守护的centaur stable, centaur / centaur captaincentaur n.[希神]人首马身的怪物, 半人马座dwarf cottage, dwarf / battle dwarfcottage n.村舍, 小别墅homestead, wood elf / grand elfhomestead n.家园, 田产elf n. 小精灵,矮子,淘气鬼grand a.盛大的, 豪华的, 重大的, 主要的, 极重要的enchanted spring, pegasus / silver pegasusenchant vt.施魔法, 使迷惑enchanter n.巫士sprint v.疾跑冲刺Pegasus n.飞马dendroid arches, dendroid guard / dendroid soldierunicorn glade, unicorn / war unicornunicorn n.独角兽, 麒麟glade n.林间空地, 一片表面有草的沼泽低地dragon cliff, green dragon / gold dragondungeon n.地牢overlordoverlord n.最高统治主, 霸王warlockwarlock n.术士, 魔术师academy of battle scholarsmana vortexvortex n.旋涡, 旋风, 涡流, (动乱, 争论等的)中心portal of summoningmushroom ringsguardian of earthwarren, troglodyte / infernal troglodytewarren n.养兔场, 拥挤的地方infernal adj.阴间的, 恶魔的troglodyte n.穴居人harpy loft, harpy / harpy hagharpy n.人鸟怪loft n.阁楼hag n.女巫, 丑婆, 魔女pillar of eyes, beholder / evil eyebeholder n.目睹者, 旁观者chapel of stilled voice, medusa / medusa queenchapel n.小礼堂labyrinth, minotaur / minotaur kinglabyrinth n.迷宫Minotaur n.[希神]人身牛头怪物manticore lair, manticore / scorpicoremanticore n.人头狮身蝎尾怪兽lair n.窝scorpion n.蝎子dragon cave, red dragon / black dragon necropolis n.大墓地, 古代的埋葬地DeathKnightnecromancernecromancer n.巫师cover of darknessnecromancy amplifierskeleton transformerskeleton n.骨架, 骨骼, 基干, 纲要unearthed gravesunearth v.使出土, (从地中)发掘, 掘出soul prisoncursed temple, skeleton / skeleton warriorgraveyard, walking dead / zombiegraveyard n.墓地zombie n.行尸,僵尸tomb of souls, wight / wraithwight n.人,人类;妖怪wraith n.鬼魂estate, vampire / vampire lordmausoleum, lich / power lichmausoleum n.陵墓lich n.死尸,尸体hall of darkness, black knight / dread knightdread n.v.恐惧, 恐怖dragon vault, bone dragon / ghost dragonvault n.拱顶stronghold n.要塞, 据点BarbariansBattle Mageballista yardballista 投石机freelancer's guildescape tunneltunnel n.隧道, 地道hall valhallaValhalla n.英烈祠mess hallwarlord's monumentwarlord n.军阀, 军阀式首脑monument n.纪念碑goblin barracks, goblin / hobgoblingoblin n.顽皮的丑小鬼, 小妖精hobgoblin n.妖怪, 怪物wolf pen, wolf rider / wolf raiderpen n.钢笔, 围栏rider n.骑手raider n.袭击者orc tower, orc / orc chieftanorc n.魔鬼,兽人orge fort, ogre / ogre magecliff nest, roc / thunderbirdroc n.巨鸟, 大鹏cyclops cave, cyclops / cyclops kingCyclops n.独眼巨人Behemoth Lair, behemoth / ancient behemothbehemoth n.巨兽, 庞然大物infernohereticheretic n.异教徒, 异端者demoniacdemoniac n.着魔的人,鬼上身的人birthing poolbrimstone stormcloudscagescastle gateorder of firedeity of firedeity n.神Imp Crucible, imp / familiarimp n.小鬼, 小淘气, 顽童crucible n.坩埚,熔炉;熔缸hall of sins, gog / magogkennels, hell hound / cerberuskennel n.狗窝, 狗屋, 阴沟hound n.猎犬Cerberus 冥府守门狗demon gate, demon/ horned demonhorn n.角horned a.有角的, 角状的hell hole, pit fiend / pit lordfiend n.魔鬼, 魔王, 撒旦, 邪神Satan n.撒旦, 魔鬼fire lake, efreet / efreet sultansultan n.苏丹forsaken palace, devil / arch devilforsaken a.被弃的, 孤独的, 被抛弃的FortressBeastmasterWitchblood obeliskcage of warlordscaptain's quartersglyphs of fearcarniverous plantcarnivora n.食肉类carnivorours a.食肉的gnoll hut, gnoll / gnoll maraudermarauder n.掠夺者lizard den, lizardman / lizard warriorlizard n.蜥蜴serpent fly hive, serpent fly / dragon flyserpent n.大毒蛇basilisk pit, basilisk / greater basiliskbasilisk n.(神话中的)蜥蜴状妖怪, 蛇怪gorgon lair, gorgon / mighty gorgonwyvern nest, wyvern / wyvern monarchwyvern n.双足飞龙monarch n.君主hydra pond, hydra / chaos hydrahydra n.九头怪蛇conflux n.(=confluence)汇合, 汇合点planeswalkerelementalistgarden of lifemagic universityaurora borealiasmagic lantern, pixie / spritelantern n.灯笼spritealtar of air, air element / storm elementaltar of warter, water element / ice elementaltar of fire, fire element / energy elementaltar of earth, earth element / magma elementmagma n.岩浆altar of thought, psychic element / magic elementpsychic a.精神的pyre, firebird / phoenixpyre n.火葬用的柴堆neutral creaturesgold golemdiamond golemFrozen Peaks, azure dragonazure n.天蓝色, 苍天, 碧空;a.蔚蓝的Crystal Cavern, crystal dragonLavender Lofts, faerie dragonlavender n.熏衣草Sulfurous Lair, rust dragonsulfurous a.硫磺的rust n.铁锈;vt.(使)生锈Enchanter's Hollow, enchanterhollow n.洞, 窟窿, 山谷Treetop Tower, sharpshooterThatched Hut, halflingthatch n.茅草屋顶halfling n.半成年人, 半便士的银币Hovel, peasanthovel n.简陋的小屋Boar Glen ,boarboar n.公猪, 野猪, 野猪肉glen n.峡谷, 幽谷Tomb of Curses, mummyNomad Tent, nomadnomad n.流浪者, 游牧民Hidden Cavern, roguerogue n.流氓, 无赖Troll Bridge, trolltroll v.n.旋转, 轮唱, 钓鱼troll n.居住在洞穴或山中的巨人number of creaturesfewseveralpackpack n.一群lotshordehorde n.游牧部落;一大群throngthrong v.群集;n.一大群,一堆,一窝swarmswarm n.蜂群, 一大群zoundslegionlegion n.古罗马军团(约有3000至6000步兵,辅以数百名骑兵), <书>众多, 大批legend n.传说。
adj. 圆柱形的;圆柱体的
105, turbulent flow []
[流] 湍流;[流] 紊流
106, fluorescence [flʊə'res(ə)ns; flɔː-]
n. 荧光;荧光性
107, capillary force []
23, extinction [ɪk'stɪŋ(k)ʃ(ə)n; ek-]
n. 灭绝;消失;消灭;废止
24, graphite ['græfaɪt]
n. 石墨;黑铅
n. 用石墨涂(或掺入等)
25, preferred orientation []
[电子] 择优取向
26, phosphorous ['fɒsf(ə)rəs]
5, monoclinic [mɒnə(ʊ)'klɪnɪk]
adj. [晶体] 单斜的;[晶体] 单斜晶体的
6, exothermic [,eksə(ʊ)'θɜːmɪk]
adj. 发热的;放出热量的;[热] 放热的
7, anion ['ænɪən]
n. 阴离子
8, diphenylamine [daɪ'fiːnaɪlə,miːn; -'fenɪl-]
101, MEMS []
abbr. 微电子机械系统(Micro-electromechanical Systems)
102, pharmacologist [,fa:mə'kɔlədʒist]
n. 药理学家
103, interferometer [,ɪntəfə'rɒmɪtə]
英语“-th”后缀在构词中的作用(三) 4.由动词变成的名词,表示“动作”或“该动作的对应物体”。
例如:(bathe-)bath 洗澡electrobath 电镀浴(die-)death 死亡megadeath 百万人口的死亡(sheathe-)sheath 覆盖,保护(breathe-)breath 呼吸(wreathe-)wreath 环绕,缠绕(clothe-)cloth 布,布料,编织物cerecloth 蜡布wrath 激怒,愤怒faith 信任,信念,宗教信仰(heal-)health 健康,兴旺(steal-)stealth 秘密行动,鬼祟(weal-)wealth 财富,财产,丰富(spill-)spilth溢出,溢出物,废物(till-)tilth 耕种,耕作,耕地(teethe-)tooth 牙齿(bear-)birth 分娩,出生,诞生rebirth 再生,新生,复兴misbirth 堕胎,流产5.由动词变成的形容词,表示其属性。
例如:(loathe-)loath 厌恶的,不愿的smooth 平坦的,光滑的,平静的,平稳的(soothe-)sooth 抚慰的,镇静的forsooth 真的,的确6.“-lith”结尾的名词与“石头、土、岩”等有关。
例如:megalith (作石碑的)巨石,大石块laccolith 岩盖eolith 始石器paleolith 旧石器neolith 新石器regolith 表土,浮土granolith 人造铺地石monolith 独石柱,独石碑urolith 尿石otolith 耳石,听石cystolith (植物的)钟乳体bathylith 岩基。
terrain n.地形dirtdirt n.污垢,泥土sandsand n.沙子;沙滩,沙地grassgrass n.草;草地snowsnow n.雪swampswamp n.沼泽,湿地roughrough a.粗糙的;狂野粗暴的;n.崎岖的荒野 subterraneansubterranean a.地下的;n.地下lavalava n.熔岩,火山岩volcano n.火山larva n.幼虫;复数形式为 larvaelave v.洗浴,慢慢冲刷lavatory n.洗手间,厕所waterwater n.水;水体如海、湖、河或溪等大片的水 rockriverclear rivericy rivermuddy rivermud n.泥,泥浆muddy a.泥泞的lava riverroaddirt roadgravel roadgravel n.砂砾,砾石cobblestone roadcobblestone n. 圆石,鹅卵石pebble n.卵石rubble n.碎石,瓦砾magic terriancursed groundmagic plainsplain n.平原,草原proficiency n.熟练,精通,熟练程度proficient a.熟练的,精通的clover fieldclover n.三叶草;苜蓿field n.原野,旷野neutral n.中立者,中立国;a.中立的,中立国的,中性的 evil fogholy groundfiery fieldfiery a.火的,火焰的;炽热的;热烈的,暴躁的 lucid poollucid a.明晰的magic cloudsrocklandsterrain objectsderelict shiprelict n.残余物;寡妇derelict a.遗弃的=abandoned;n.遗弃的东西flotsam n.漂浮的废料shipwreck survivorshipwreckkelpkelp n.海藻reefreef n.暗礁buoybuoy n.浮标,浮筒;救生圈boatocean bottlesea chestchest n.胸膛;箱,柜cartographercartograph n.地图shroud n.v.掩蔽,遮盖mermaidsmermaid n.美人鱼maid n.少女,女仆maiden n.少女,处女favorable windfavorable a.赞成的,有利的sirenssiren n.妖妇whirlpool n.漩涡,涡流;混乱,纷乱turbulence n.骚乱,动荡,(液体或气体的)紊乱 shipyardshipyard n.造船厂oak treesoak trees 橡树lemon tree 柠檬树cratercrater n.火山口,弹坑loglog v.n.记录;n.圆木,航海日志flowersholelakemoundmound n.土墩upland n.丘陵地带mountainmountain n.山,山脉range n.山脉ridge n.山脊outcroppingoutcrop n.露出地面的岩层pine treespine n.松树 v.消瘦,憔悴rockshrubshrub n.矮树,灌木stumpstump n.树桩,残余,烟头warrior's tombwarrior n.勇士;战士treeshillsriver deltadelta n.(河流的)三角洲abandonded minealchemist's labalchemist n.炼金术士crystal caverncavern n.洞穴,岩洞gem pondgold mineore n.矿石,含有金属的岩石pit n.坑sawmillsawmill n.锯木厂,锯木机sulfur dunedune n.沙丘water wheelwater wheel 水车wheel n.车轮,轮子taverntavern n.酒馆,客栈recruit v.征募新兵rumor n.流言,传闻lake of the scarlet swanscarlet n.猩红色;a.猩红的,鲜红的,深红的swan n.天鹅fountain of fortunefountain n.泉水,喷泉,源泉faerie ringfaerie n.仙子,仙境;a.仙女的fairy n.仙女;a.仙女的ring n.环;铃声;打电话;拳击场,用绳子围起来的场地 mystical gardenreplenish v.补充,再装满fountain of youthcryptcrypt n.土窖,地下室,地穴hill fortobeliskobelisk n.方尖石塔;问号trading postsignstablestable a.稳定的;n.马厩tree of knowledgemagic wellcactusseer's hutseer n.预言家,先知者hut n.小屋,棚屋skullskull n.头骨sand pitcampfire n.营火,篝火;营火会oasisoasis n.(沙漠中)绿洲pyramidcorpsecorpse n.尸体dead vegetationvegetation n.植物,草木,植被vegetable n.蔬菜lean towindmillwindmill n.风车redwood observatoryredwood n.红杉observatory a.天文台,气象台tile n.瓦片,瓷砖mandrakemandrake n.曼德拉草moss n.苔,藓mossswamp foliagefoliage n.树叶,植物magic springscholarwatering holemushroomsmushroom n.蘑菇fungus n.菌类,蘑菇复数形式 fungi pillar of firepillar n.柱子,栋梁girder n.大梁(钢架结构的)beam n.木结构大梁volcanowar machine factoryrefugee camprefugee camp 难民营refugee n.难民,流亡者camp n.营地arenaarena n.竞技场star axisaxis n.轴garden of revelationrevelation n.显示,揭露;启示,揭示 learning stoneidol of fortuneidol n.偶像,神像library of enlightenmentenlighten vt.启发,启蒙,教导marletto towermercenary campmercenary n.雇佣兵school of magicuniversitytempledragon utopiautopia n.乌托邦,完美理想utopian a.乌托邦式的,梦想的school of warwitch hutwitch n.巫婆,女巫,迷人的女子subterranean gatealtar of sacrificealtar n.祭坛,圣坛cyclops stockpilestockpile n&v.积蓄,库存dwarven treasurytreasury n.财政部,国库griffin conservatoryconservatory n.温室,音乐学校imp cachecache n.贮藏物medusa storesnega bankdragon fly hivehive n.蜂房cover of darknessden of thievesden n.兽穴,洞穴eye of the magihut of the magishrine of magic incantationshrine n.神殿incantation n.咒语shrine of magic gestureshrine of magic thoughtlighthouselighthouse n.灯塔black marketmonolith oneway entrancemonolith n.巨石,雕塑monolith oneway exitmonolith twowaygarrisongarrison n.驻军,要塞choke v.n.窒息,哽住,阻塞anti-magic garrisonborder guardborder gatefreelancer's guildfreelancer n.自由作家;自由记者guild n.行会,协会keymaster's tentprisonrally flagrally v.召集;恢复;n.拉力赛sanctuary n.圣堂,避难所,动物保护区treasurestreasure chestcrystalgemgoldmercuryoresulfurwoodartifactstreasure artifact, minor artifact, major artifact, relic artifact spell scrollscroll n.卷轴,名册centaur's axgreater gnoll's flailflail n.连枷ogre's club of havocclub n.俱乐部,夜总会;棍棒havoc n.v.大破坏sword of hellfirehellfire n.地狱之火,严酷的苦难 shield of the dwarven lordsbuckler of the gnoll kingbuckler n.小圆盾; n.v.防卫targ of the rampaging orgerampage n.v.暴跳,狂暴shield of the damnedhelm of the alabaster unicornalabaster n.a.雪花石膏helm of chaoscrown of the supreme magihellstorm helmetbreastplate of petrified woodbreastplate n.胸甲petrify v.石化,吓呆torso n.人体躯干scales of the greater basiliskscale n.鱼鳞tunic of the cyclops kingtunic n.束腰外衣breastplate of the brimstonebrimstone n.硫磺(石)Clover of FortuneCards of Prophecyprophecy n.预言,预言能力Ladybird of Luckladybird n.瓢虫Badge of Couragebadge n.徽章,像章;标志Crest of Valorcrest n.头盔;头盔上的装饰valor n.英勇,勇猛Glyph of Gallantryglyph n.浮雕gallantry n.勇敢speculum n.金属镜,反射镜spyglass n.小望远镜Garniture of Interferencegarniture n.装饰品interference n.冲突,干涉Surcoat of Counterpoisesurcoat n.外套,女用外衣counterpoise n.v.平均,平衡Boots of Polaritypolarity n.极性Bird of PerceptionStoic Watchmanstoic n.哲学;a.淡泊的Emblem of Cognizanceemblem n.象征, 徽章Statesman's Medalstatesman n.政治家Diplomat's RingAmbassador's Sashambassador n.大使sash n.肩带, 腰带Ring of the Wayfarerwayfarer n.旅客, 徒步旅行者Equestrian's Glovesequestrian n.骑士Angel WingsOrb of the Firmamentfirmament n.天空, 太空, 苍天Orb of Siltsilt n.淤泥, 残渣Orb of Tempestuous Firetempestuous a.暴乱的Orb of Driving Raindriving a.猛烈的、强烈的、有力的 a driving rain 大风雨Recanter's Cloakrecant v.放弃cloak n.斗蓬Spirit of Oppressionoppression n.压迫, 镇压, 压抑, 苦恼Hourglass of the Evil Hourhourglass n.沙漏Tome of Fire Magictome n.册, 卷, 本, 大本书Tome of Air MagicTome of water MagicTome of earth MagicBoots of Levitationlevitation n.轻轻浮起, 升在空中Golden BowSphere of PermanenceOrb of VulnerabilityNecklace of SwiftnessBoots of SpeedCape of VelocityPendant of Dispassiondispassion n.冷静, 公平pendant n.垂饰, 下垂物Pendant of Second Sightsecond sight n.超人的视力Pendant of HolinessPendant of LifePendant of DeathPendant of Free WillPendant of Agitationagitation n.激动, 兴奋, 煽动, 搅动 Pendant of Total RecallPendant of CourageInexhaustible Cart of OreInexhaustible Cart of LumberEndless Sack of GoldEndless Bag of GoldEndless Purse of GoldSpellbinder's HatShackles of Warshackle n.手铐, 脚镣, 桎梏, 束缚物wield v.挥Orb of Inhibitioninhibition n.禁止, 阻止, 禁制, 压抑 Vial of Dragon BloodArmageddon's BladeAngelic Alliancehelm of heavenly enlightenmentcelestial necklace of blisscelestial a.天上的bliss n.极大的幸福;极乐sword of judgmentjudgement = judgmentarmor of wondersandals of the saintsandal n.凉鞋,便鞋lion's shield of courageCloak of the Undead Kingamulet of the undertakeramulet n.护身符undertaker n.承办者,承担者Vampire's Cowlcowl n.蒙头斗篷dead man's bootsElixir of LifeRing of LifeVial of Lifebloodvial n.小瓶Ring of Vitalityvitality n.活力, 生命力, 生动性 Armor of the Damnedskull helmethelmet n.头盔, 钢盔blackshard of the dead knightrib cagerib n.肋骨shield of the yawning deadStatue of LegionLegs of LegionLoins of Legionloin n.腰hips 臀部Torso of LegionArms of LegionHead of LegionPower of the Dragon FatherCrown of DragontoothNecklace of Dragonteethdragon wing tabardtabard n.粗大衣red dragon flame tongueflame n.热情dragon scale shieldquiet eye of the dragonStill Eye of the Dragondragon bone greavesgreaves n.残渣dragon scale armorTitan's Thunderthunder helmetthunder n.v.雷,打雷,雷鸣titan's gladiusgladius n.短剑titan's cuirasscuirass n.胸甲sentinel's shieldsentinel n.哨兵Admiral's Hatadmiral n.海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰Sea Captain's HatNecklace of Ocean Guidanceguidance n.指导, 领导Bow of the Sharpshootersharpshooter n.神枪手Bow of Elven Cherrywoodcherrywood n.樱桃木Bowstring of the Unicorn's Manebowstring n.弓弦mane n.鬃毛Angel Feather ArrowsWizard's WellMystic Orb of Manaorb n.球, 天体, 圆形物Talisman of Manatalisman n.护身符, 法宝Charm of Manacharm n.小饰品Ring of the MagiCollar of Conjuringcollar n.领口,项圈conjure v.变戏法, 施魔法Ring of ConjuringCape of ConjuringCornucopiacornucopia n.羊角Everflowing Cloak of CrystalEverpouring Vial of MercuryEversmoking Ring of SulfurRing of Infinite GemsPandora's BoxGrailGrail n.(传说中耶稣在最后的晚餐中用过的)圣杯,圣盘hero skillsattack skilldefense skillspell powerknowledgepathfindingpathfinding 拓荒,探险archeryarchery n.箭术logisticslogistics n.后勤学,后勤scoutingscout n.v.侦察, 搜索;n.侦察员, 侦察机 diplomacynavigationleadershipleadership n.领导能力, 领导阶层wisdommysticismluckballisticsballistics n.弹道学, 发射学eagle eyenecromancynecromancy n.招魂术;巫术estatesestates n.状态;不动产, 财产fire magicair magicwater magicearth magicscholarscholar n.学者tacticstactic/tactics n.策略, 战略artilleryartillery n.炮的总称, 炮兵的总称learningoffencearmorerintelligencesorcerysorcery n.巫术, 魔术sorcerer n.男巫士, 魔术师sorceress n.女魔法师,女巫resistanceresistance n.反抗, 抵抗, 抵抗力, 阻力, 电阻, 阻抗 first aidfirst aid 急救spellsmagic arrowvisionshasteview airdisguisedisguise v.假装, 伪装, 掩饰;n.伪装disrupting raydisrupt v.使中断, 使分裂, 使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏 fortunelightning boltbolt n.螺钉, 闪电precisionair shielddestroy undeadprotection from airhypnotizehypnotize vt.施催眠术, 使着迷, 使恍惚chain lightningcounterstrikedimension doordimension n.尺寸, 尺度, 维(数), 度(数), 元 flymagic mirrorsummon air elementalsummon v.召集, 召唤, 号召, 鼓起, 振作blesscuredispeldispel vt.驱散, 驱逐, 使消散protection from watersummon boatice boltremove obstacleobstacle n.障碍(物); 妨碍,阻碍,干扰scuttle boatscuttle v.凿孔沉(船);forgetfulnessfrost ringfrost n.霜, 霜冻, 严寒 v.结霜mirthmirth n.欢笑, 高兴teleport vt.(心灵学用语)心灵运输(物体、人) cloneprayerprayer n.祈祷water walksummon water elementalshieldslowstoneskinview earthdeath rippleripple n.波纹;v.起波纹nipple n.乳头, 奶嘴protection from earthquicksandquicksand n.流沙animate deadanimate v.鼓舞;a.生气勃勃的anti magicearthquakeforce fieldmeteor showermeteor n.流星resurrectionresurrection n.复苏sorrowtown portalportal n.入口implosionimplosion n.内爆summon earth elementalprotection from firebloodlustbloodlust n.杀戮欲curseblindfire wallfire ballmisfortunemisfortune n.不幸, 灾祸armageddonarmageddon n.世界末日战场berserkberserk狂暴的(地), 疯的(地) fire shieldfrenzyfrenzy n.狂暴, 狂怒infernoinferno n.阴间, 地狱slayerslayer 杀人者, 凶手sacrificesacrifice n.v.牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉 summon fire elementaltown buildings in commontown hallhall n.会堂, 礼堂, 大厅, 走廊, 门厅 city hallcapitalfortcitadelcitadel n.根据地, 大本营castletavernblacksmithblacksmith n.锻工, 铁匠marketplaceresource silosilo n.筒仓, 地窖, [空]竖井, (导弹)发射井 artifact merchantsmerchant n.商人 a.商业的, 商人的mage guildshipyardCastleKnightclericcleric n.牧师, 传教士brotherhood of the swordgriffin bastionbastion n.(可扩大射击范围的)棱堡, 堡垒, 阵地工事 lighthousestablescolossuscolossus n.巨像, 巨人guardhouse, pikeman / halberdierpikeman n.长枪兵halberdier n.戟兵guardhouse n.警卫室, 卫兵室, 禁闭室archer's tower, archer / marksmanmarksman n.射手, 神射手griffin tower, griffin / royal griffingriffin n.[希神]狮身鹫首的怪兽barracks, swordsman / crusaderbarracks n.兵营swordsman n.剑客crusader n.十字军战士monastery, monk / zealotmonastery n.修道院, 僧侣training ground, cavalier / championportal of glory, angel / archangelarch n.拱门, 弓形结构, 拱形;adj.主要archangel n.天使长, 大天使TowerAlchemistWizardlibrarylookout towersculptor's wingssculptor n.雕刻家wall of knowledgeskyshipworkshop, gremlin / master gremlingremlin n.小鬼parapet, stone gargoyle / obsidian gargoyleparapet n.栏杆obsidian n.[矿]黑曜石, 十胜石gargoyle n.奇形怪状的雕刻像golem factory, stone golem / iron golemgolem n.(16世纪希伯来传说中的)有生命的假人Hebrew n.希伯来人Hebraic a.希伯来人的mage tower, mage / arch magealtar of wishes, genie / master geniegenie n.妖怪, 鬼golden pavilion, naga / naga queenpavilion n.大帐蓬, 亭, 阁cloud temple, giant / titanrampart n.垒, 壁垒, 城墙rangerranger n.巡逻骑兵DruidDruid n.德鲁伊教徒(古代高卢人与不列颠人的一种宗教) mystic ponddendroid saplingsdendroid a.树木状的sapling n.树苗, 小树fountain of fortuneminer's guildminer n.矿工treasuryspirit guardianguardian n.护卫者, 保护人, 监护人 a.守护的 centaur stable, centaur / centaur captaincentaur n.[希神]人首马身的怪物, 半人马座dwarf cottage, dwarf / battle dwarfcottage n.村舍, 小别墅homestead, wood elf / grand elfhomestead n.家园, 田产elf n. 小精灵,矮子,淘气鬼grand a.盛大的, 豪华的, 重大的, 主要的, 极重要的 enchanted spring, pegasus / silver pegasusenchant vt.施魔法, 使迷惑enchanter n.巫士sprint v.疾跑冲刺Pegasus n.飞马dendroid arches, dendroid guard / dendroid soldierunicorn glade, unicorn / war unicornunicorn n.独角兽, 麒麟glade n.林间空地, 一片表面有草的沼泽低地dragon cliff, green dragon / gold dragondungeon n.地牢overlordoverlord n.最高统治主, 霸王warlockwarlock n.术士, 魔术师academy of battle scholarsmana vortexvortex n.旋涡, 旋风, 涡流, (动乱, 争论等的)中心 portal of summoningmushroom ringsguardian of earthwarren, troglodyte / infernal troglodytewarren n.养兔场, 拥挤的地方infernal adj.阴间的, 恶魔的troglodyte n.穴居人harpy loft, harpy / harpy hagharpy n.人鸟怪loft n.阁楼hag n.女巫, 丑婆, 魔女pillar of eyes, beholder / evil eyebeholder n.目睹者, 旁观者chapel of stilled voice, medusa / medusa queenchapel n.小礼堂labyrinth, minotaur / minotaur kinglabyrinth n.迷宫Minotaur n.[希神]人身牛头怪物manticore lair, manticore / scorpicoremanticore n.人头狮身蝎尾怪兽lair n.窝scorpion n.蝎子dragon cave, red dragon / black dragonnecropolis n.大墓地, 古代的埋葬地DeathKnightnecromancernecromancer n.巫师cover of darknessnecromancy amplifierskeleton transformerskeleton n.骨架, 骨骼, 基干, 纲要unearthed gravesunearth v.使出土, (从地中)发掘, 掘出soul prisoncursed temple, skeleton / skeleton warriorgraveyard, walking dead / zombiegraveyard n.墓地zombie n.行尸,僵尸tomb of souls, wight / wraithwight n.人,人类;妖怪wraith n.鬼魂estate, vampire / vampire lordmausoleum, lich / power lichmausoleum n.陵墓lich n.死尸,尸体hall of darkness, black knight / dread knightdread n.v.恐惧, 恐怖dragon vault, bone dragon / ghost dragonvault n.拱顶stronghold n.要塞, 据点BarbariansBattle Mageballista yardballista 投石机freelancer's guildescape tunneltunnel n.隧道, 地道hall valhallaValhalla n.英烈祠mess hallwarlord's monumentwarlord n.军阀, 军阀式首脑monument n.纪念碑goblin barracks, goblin / hobgoblingoblin n.顽皮的丑小鬼, 小妖精hobgoblin n.妖怪, 怪物wolf pen, wolf rider / wolf raiderpen n.钢笔, 围栏rider n.骑手raider n.袭击者orc tower, orc / orc chieftanorc n.魔鬼,兽人orge fort, ogre / ogre magecliff nest, roc / thunderbirdroc n.巨鸟, 大鹏cyclops cave, cyclops / cyclops kingCyclops n.独眼巨人Behemoth Lair, behemoth / ancient behemothbehemoth n.巨兽, 庞然大物infernohereticheretic n.异教徒, 异端者demoniacdemoniac n.着魔的人,鬼上身的人 birthing poolbrimstone stormcloudscagescastle gateorder of firedeity of firedeity n.神Imp Crucible, imp / familiarimp n.小鬼, 小淘气, 顽童crucible n.坩埚,熔炉;熔缸hall of sins, gog / magogkennels, hell hound / cerberuskennel n.狗窝, 狗屋, 阴沟hound n.猎犬Cerberus 冥府守门狗demon gate, demon / horned demonhorn n.角horned a.有角的, 角状的hell hole, pit fiend / pit lordfiend n.魔鬼, 魔王, 撒旦, 邪神Satan n.撒旦, 魔鬼fire lake, efreet / efreet sultansultan n.苏丹forsaken palace, devil / arch devilforsaken a.被弃的, 孤独的, 被抛弃的FortressBeastmasterWitchblood obeliskcage of warlordscaptain's quartersglyphs of fearcarniverous plantcarnivora n.食肉类carnivorours a.食肉的gnoll hut, gnoll / gnoll maraudermarauder n.掠夺者lizard den, lizardman / lizard warriorlizard n.蜥蜴serpent fly hive, serpent fly / dragon flyserpent n.大毒蛇basilisk pit, basilisk / greater basiliskbasilisk n.(神话中的)蜥蜴状妖怪, 蛇怪 gorgon lair, gorgon / mighty gorgonwyvern nest, wyvern / wyvern monarchwyvern n.双足飞龙monarch n.君主hydra pond, hydra / chaos hydrahydra n.九头怪蛇conflux n.(=confluence)汇合, 汇合点planeswalkerelementalistgarden of lifemagic universityaurora borealiasmagic lantern, pixie / spritelantern n.灯笼spritealtar of air, air element / storm elementaltar of warter, water element / ice elementaltar of fire, fire element / energy elementaltar of earth, earth element / magma elementmagma n.岩浆altar of thought, psychic element / magic element psychic a.精神的pyre, firebird / phoenixpyre n.火葬用的柴堆neutral creaturesgold golemdiamond golemFrozen Peaks, azure dragonazure n.天蓝色, 苍天, 碧空;a.蔚蓝的 Crystal Cavern, crystal dragonLavender Lofts, faerie dragonlavender n.熏衣草Sulfurous Lair, rust dragonsulfurous a.硫磺的rust n.铁锈;vt.(使)生锈Enchanter's Hollow, enchanterhollow n.洞, 窟窿, 山谷Treetop Tower, sharpshooterThatched Hut, halflingthatch n.茅草屋顶halfling n.半成年人, 半便士的银币Hovel, peasanthovel n.简陋的小屋Boar Glen ,boarboar n.公猪, 野猪, 野猪肉glen n.峡谷, 幽谷Tomb of Curses, mummyNomad Tent, nomadnomad n.流浪者, 游牧民Hidden Cavern, roguerogue n.流氓, 无赖Troll Bridge, trolltroll v.n.旋转, 轮唱, 钓鱼troll n.居住在洞穴或山中的巨人number of creaturesfewseveralpackpack n.一群lotshordehorde n.游牧部落;一大群throngthrong v.群集;n.一大群,一堆,一窝swarmswarm n.蜂群, 一大群zoundslegionlegion n.古罗马军团(约有3000至6000步兵,辅以数百名骑兵), <书>众多, 大批legend n.传说.。
0325 园林设计师landscape architect,garden designer 2.0326 园址测量图garden site survey map2.0327 地形图topographic map, contour map2。
0328 种植设计planting design2.0329 地形改造设计topographical reform design2.0330 种植大样图detail planting design2.0331 造价分析cost analysis2。
0332 园林形式garden style2。
0333 规整式园林formal garden style2。
0334 非规整园林informal garden style2。
0335 几何式园林geometric garden style2.0336 自然式园林natural garden style2。
0337 混合式园林mixed garden style2.0338 近代巴洛克式园林modern Baroque style2。
0339 马克斯抽象园林R。
B. Marx abstract garden2。
0340 园林区划garden area division2。
0341 园林分区规划garden block planning2.0342 庭院花园courtyard garden2。
Micheal Tswett– 1903 第一个色谱柱
孔扩散 全通孔
贯流 贯流
色谱 - 碳酸钙
Frank Harold Spedding– 1930s
Arne Tiselius(Nobel) –1952 分配色谱 Peterson & Sobers 1956 纤维素离子交换 Porath & Flodin 1959 交联葡聚糖凝胶 Hjerten 1964 琼脂糖凝胶 Horvath 1966 反相色谱 Cuatrecasas et al 亲和层析 Helm etal & Kronvall etal Protein A 亲和层析
新一代生物分离技术,快速高效癿分析、纯化和生产蛋白质和 生物大分子 -如结合蛋白,抗体,病毒,类病毒颗粒和质粒 DNA 从研究实验室到生产规模
100kDa 10 nm
病毒 越来越多纯化和分析的挑战
生物大分子纯化的难点: •大粒径; •低扩散速率; •复杂的分子表面; •对剪切力敏感。
生物纳米颗粒 Bionanopar cles
Viruses, Viral Vectors & VLPs 病毒,病毒载体和VLPs
混凝土结构及砌体填充墙:fullwand现浇砼:monolithischer beton设计: f planung依据:Grundlage轻型井:Leichter brunnen砖:m Backtein避免:etw aufnehmen吸收:etw aufnehmen砂浆:m Moetel粘结力:f Adhaesion kraft水泥砂浆:Zementmoetel用光:etw aufbrauchen搅拌:etw anrueren养护:f wartung昼夜:tag und nacht拉应力:zugspannung拉力:zugkraft冷拔:kaltgezogen提高:etw erhoehen屈服强度:fliessfestigkeit冷拉:kaltzug水灰比:wasser-zement-verhaeltnis 受拉杆件:zugglied n受拉区域:zuggebiet抵消:etw ausgleichen预应力:vorspannung f压应力:druckspannung预压应力:vordruckspannung裂缝:f Fuge建筑学:f Architektur民用建筑:f Zivilbau农用建筑:f Landwirtschaftbau工业建筑:f Industrie Bau建筑材料:Baumaterial天然石材:natuerlich Stein石灰:m Kalk生石灰:ungeloeschter kalk熟石灰:geloeschter kalk石膏:m Stuck气硬:Luftgehaerteter水泥:Beton水灰比:Wasser Zement Verhaeltnis 砼:Beton砂浆:m Moertel钢材:Stahl水泥砂浆:Zementmoertel钢材:Stahl砖:Backstein砖墙:f Backstein Mauer砖缝:f Mauerfuge砖石结构:n Mauerwerk砖筑建筑:m BacksteinBau砼搅拌机:m Betonmischlader瓦:m Dachziegel陶瓷:f Keramik玻璃:n Glas木材:n Bauholz / Nutzholz沥青:n Bitumen建筑塑料:Bau Plastik塑性:Plastische塑性变形:plastische Deformation弹性:Elastizitaet弹性变形:Elastizitaet deformation 弹性极限:Elastizitaetsgrenze脆性:Bruchneigung强度:festigkeit抗拉强度:f Zugfestigkeit抗压强度:f Druckfestigkeit抗弯强度:Biegefestigkeit抗剪强度:Schubfestigkeit硬度:Haertegrad主要成分:m Hauptbestandteil砂土:m Sandboden砂:m Kies力学性能:f Mechanik Funktionen承载能力:Tragfaehigkeit/ f Belastbarkeit 砼结构:Beton struktur屈服强度:Fliessfestigkeit伸长率:f Dehnungsrate冷弯性能:Kaltbiegungsfunktion可变荷载:Verkehrslasten永久荷载:Eingengewicht偶然荷载:Nutzlast抗裂性能:Fugeswiederstand Funktion 高标号水泥:Hochgradig beton受力:Kraeftwerden轴心:f Achsmitte构件;m Bestandteil验算:f Kontrollrechnung/nachrechnen 预应力:f Vorspannung预应力砼:m Spannbeton预制:Vorgefertigt伸长率;Dehnungsrate冷压:kaltgepresst预制构件:vorgefertigtes Teil冷弯性能:Kaltbiegungsfunktion梁:m Balken板:n brett等级:f Klasse/m Grad/ f Srufe分类:f Klassifizierung吊车梁:Kranwagen Balken减小:schwindet合适:passend梁截面:f Balken Schnittflaeche外力:auessere kraft人为的:kuenstlich人为压力:von anderen geschaffene druck施加压力:Druck machen耐久:dauerhaft抗剪强度:Schubfestigkeit刚性:f Steife/ f Starrheit刚度:f Haerte变形:Verformung询问:erkundigen/ Erkundigung框架:Balkenwerk使用:Benutzung正截面:senkrechter schnitt斜截面:schief schnitt斜撑: f verstrebung装配式建筑:m fertigbau预制装配式房屋:fertighaus圈梁:ringbalken过梁:oberbalken基础梁:fundament balken加劲梁:versteifungsbalken垫层:munterbau流水作业:fiessfertigung网络计划:netz plan技术:technik工程:bauprojekt进度:m zeitplan表达:etw sagen工作日:arbeitstag工期:f bauzeit成本:selbstkosten钢筋砼基础:stahlbeton fundament 抗弯强度:Biegefestigkeit抗剪强度:Schubfestigkeit抗拉强度:Zugfestigkeit比例:Massstab比例尺:Kartenmassstab尽端:Endpunkt低:niefrig间距:m Abstand弱:schwach强大:stark现浇砼:monothischer Beton规则:verordnung均匀:gleichmaessig震级:Erdbebenkala震源:m Erdbebenherd震中:n Epizentrum震中距:f Epizentralentfernung毛石:Bergemassen/Bruchgestein 素砼:unbewehrter Beton客户:m kunde有时:manchmal地下:untergrund西门子:siemens冰冻线:m Frostlinie最高:am hoechsten最低:Mindest-防火墙:f Brandmauer。
month形声的单词以下是一些以"month"为形声的英文单词:1. Monastery (修道院) - The monks lived in the quiet monastery on the hill.2. Monotonous (单调的) - The professor's lectures were so monotonous that many students fell asleep.3. Monologue (独白) - The actor delivered a powerful monologue that left the audience in awe.4. Monarch (君主) - The king ruled as the absolute monarch of the kingdom.5. Monogram (字母组合) - The artist painted a beautiful monogram on the corner of the invitation.6. Monograph (专题论文) - The researcher published a monograph on the history of ancient civilizations.7. Monorail (单轨铁路) - The city implemented a new monorail system to alleviate traffic congestion.8. Monopoly (垄断) - The company held a monopoly in the telecommunications industry.9. Monochrome (单色) - The photograph was displayed in stunning monochrome shades of black and white.10. Monosyllabic (单音节的) - The young child's speech was mostly monosyllabic at this stage of language development.11. Monotype (单一类型) - The designer used a monotype font to createa clean and minimalist look for the brochure.12. Monogenesis (从一种起源) - The theory of monogenesis suggests that all human languages have a common ancestor.13. Monolith (巨石) - The ancient monolith stood tall and majestic in the center of the archaeological site.14. Monitory (警告的) - The manager gave a monitory speech about theconsequences of breaking company rules.15. Monophobia (恐惧症) - She suffered from monophobia, a fear of being alone.16. Monodrama (独角剧) - The actress performed a monodrama, captivating the audience with her solo performance.17. Monodic (单声部的) - The singer showcased her beautiful monodic voice in the acapella performance.18. Monoterpene (单萜) - The scientist discovered a new compound, a monoterpene, with potential medicinal properties.19. Monosemy (单义) - The word "book" has monosemy as it typically refers to a printed literary work.20. Monocular (单目的) - The hiker used a monocular telescope to geta closer look at the distant mountains.21. Monopoly (尼泊尔) - Monopoly is a popular board game that tests strategic thinking and negotiation skills.22. Monoplane (单翼飞机) - The pilot flew a sleek monoplane in the airshow, performing daring stunts.23. Monoculture (单一种植) - The farm relied heavily on monoculture, growing only one type of crop.24. Monohull (单体船) - The yacht had a classic monohull design, making it stable and efficient in the water.25. Monosodium (单钠) - Monosodium glutamate (MSG) is a food additive commonly used to enhance flavor.26. Monarchist (君主主义者) - The political party's platform advocated for a return to a monarchist system of government.27. Monasticism (修道院生活) - The monk devoted his life to the practice of monasticism, living in a monastery and following strict religious disciplines.28. Monomial (单项式) - In algebra, a monomial is an expression withonly one term.29. Monologue (独白) - The actor delivered a powerful monologue that left the audience in awe.30. Monoprint (独版印刷) - The artist experimented with monoprint techniques, creating unique and one-of-a-kind artworks.。
1.Mono 前缀的含义和来源
2.Mono 前缀在英语单词中的应用
3.Mono 前缀在词汇记忆中的作用
1.Mono 前缀的含义和来源
Mono 是一个希腊语前缀,其意为“单一的”或“独立的”。
在英语单词中,mono 前缀常常用来表示一个事物是单一的、独立的或者与单一性相关的。
2.Mono 前缀在英语单词中的应用
在英语中,有许多单词都包含了mono 前缀。
- Monoculture:单一种植
- Monologue:独白
- Monolith:单块巨石
- Monotype:单型
- Monopoly:垄断
这些单词中的mono 前缀都表示了某种程度的单一性或独立性。
通过理解mono 前缀的含义,我们可以更好地理解这些单词的意义。
3.Mono 前缀在词汇记忆中的作用
对于学习英语的人来说,理解mono 前缀的含义和用法可以帮助他们更
好地记忆和理解包含mono 前缀的单词。
例如,当学习monoculture 这个单词时,如果知道mono 前缀的含义,就可以推测出这个词的意思是“单一种植”。
1. 单体(Monolith):
2. 链节(Microservices):
3. 聚合度(Cohesion):
1.Mono 前缀的含义
2.Mono 前缀的词源
3.常见带有 Mono 前缀的单词及其含义
【Mono 前缀的含义】
Mono 是一个希腊语前缀,其含义是“单一的”或“独立的”。
在英语中,带有 mono 前缀的单词通常表示某种状态或特征是单一的或独立的。
【Mono 前缀的词源】
Mono 前缀来自于古希腊语,其原词为“μνο”(mónos),意为“单一的”或“独立的”。
在英语中,mono 前缀的使用可以追溯到 16 世纪,最初主要出现在医学和科学领域,后来逐渐被广泛应用于其他领域。
【常见带有 Mono 前缀的单词及其含义】
综上所述,mono 前缀在英语中表示“单一的”或“独立的”,这一含
货摊,公用电话间,(=telephone-box) phone-booth
公用电话间,(英phone box)
真实,真实的,抚慰的,温柔的,甜蜜的forsooth确实(地),的确,真的tooth牙齿(pl. teeth) broth肉汤
hyacinth [植]风信子,洋水仙,水葫芦, [矿]红锆英石(红风信子石)
值prep.相当...价值Wadsworth沃兹华斯(人名) fourth第四个
sleuth足迹,警犬, (做)侦探, <美
口>(sleuthhound )
azimuth方位,方位角bismuth [化]铋
premature birth早产
GMI植入系统MONOLITH 2假体手术指南说明书
Prosthetic procedures guideGMI implant system MONOLITH2This prosthetic procedures guide or prosthetic manual for the GMI monolith implant system is designed solely to provideinstructions for using GMI monolith products, and is not inten-ded to describe diagnosis methods or procedures, treatmentplanning or the location of the implants, nor does it replaceclinical training or clinical judgement about the needs of eachpatient. GMI recommends appropriate and specific training asa prerequisite for the placement of implants and the associatedtreatment.The methods illustrated and described in this manual re-flect an ideal patient with the bone and soft tissue required forthe placement of an implant. We do not intent to cover the widerange of adverse conditions that may negatively affect the suc-cess of the surgery or rehabilitation. The experience and jud-gement of the clinician in relation to any particular case mustalways be above the recommendations made in this or anyother GMI manual.Rx only - Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts these devicesto sale by, or on the order, of a dentist or physician.ABOUT THISMANUALCLINIC SCREW ANGLED ABUTMENT ANGLED ABUTMENT4RETENTION CAPS BALL ABUTMENT CONTAINER CONTAINER6implant system is a self-blocking cone, to remove the components that are fixed using the clinic screw, a extractor system must be used. There are two systems: the parts with an auto-extractor system and the parts that require the use of an extraction tool.SELF-EXTRACTOR :This system is only incorporated in the ball abutments, Equator abutments and healing abutments and do not require the use of the extractor since the extraction system is incorporated in the screw. To separate the components the following steps must be performed:wrench must be used.IMPRESSIONCOPINGTECHNIQUES 8CT (Closed Tray) impression coping is used to make abutment-level impressions allowing to 1. Remove the healing abutment (optional)Manually remove the healing abutment from the implant using a HEX-1.20 mm wrench (Ref. KYL0F0128). Ensure that the implant connec-tion is free of any bone debris or soft tissue.Implant replica Clinician10CEMENTED RESTORATIONSCementable abutments are used to perform single and multiple cement-retained restorations.Manual wrenchHEX-1.20 PROCEDURE Laboratory wrench HEX-1.20Angled abutment Clinic screw Laboratory screw7. Divest and finish the copingDivest, fit, and finish the cast coping following conventional laboratory procedures in preparation for the porcelain application.OVERDENTURE RESTORATIONSEQUATOR abutments serve as retention elements to stabilize existing or newly manufactured whole or partial implant-supported overdentures.REQUIRED MATERIALManual wrenchHEX-1.20 1. Screw the abutments to the implants manually withthe EQUATOR abutment wrench (Ref. KYL0F0132)and finish tightening with the wrench attached tothe TI ratchet wrench using a torque of Take a radiograph along the axis of the implant toensure that the settlement is correct PROCEDUREEquator abutment TI ratchet wrenchEquator retentions Retention container Protection disk Equator abutmentwrench Insertion / removal tool for caps *Equator abutments are manufactured by RHEIN’83 s.r.l.7. Check retention and adjust Remove the laboratory retention and place theproper retention. Check denture retention on the abutments and adjust according to the needs. Use retention extractor (Ref. RH485IC) toremove the retentions and the insertion wrench (Ref. RH485IC) to place the new ones.Ball abutments serve as retention elements to stabilize existing or newly manufactured mandi-Manual wrenchHEX-1.20 1. Screw the ball abutmentsScrew the ball abutments with the HEX-1.20 mmwrench and finish tightening with the wrench atta-ched to the TI torque wrench using a torque of 30 N implant to ensure that the settlement is correct.PROCEDUREBall abutment Protection disk Insertion / removal tool for caps *Retentions for ball abutments are manufactured by RHEIN’83 s.r.l.228. Check retention and adjustCheck denture retention on the ball abutmentsand adjust according to the needs (yellow forextra-soft retention, pink for soft retention, trans-parent for standard retention and green for elasticretention). Use retention extractor (Ref. RH485IC)to remove the retentions and the insertion wrench(Ref. RH485IC) to place the new ones.9. Place the denture and finishPlace the denture in the patient’s mouth again. Modify the occlusion and the soft tissue side as necessary and polish again after making the modifications. Ensure that the patient is able to remove and install the overdenture properly.GMI Dental Implantology, S.L.“Pol. Ind. El Segre” C/ Enginyer Míes 705 B - 25191 Lleida (Spain)Tel:+********************************** 04/2021。
GMI monolith 手术流程指南说明书
Surgical procedures guideGMIimplant systemMONOLITHABOUT THIS MANUALThis surgical procedures guide or surgical manual for the GMI monolith implant system is designed solely to provide ins-tructions for using GMI monolith products, and is not intended to describe diagnosis methods or procedures, treatment plan-ning or the location of the implants, nor does it replace clini-cal training or clinical judgement about the needs of each pa-tient. GMI recommends appropriate and specific training as a prerequisite for the placement of implants and the associated treatment.The methods illustrated and described in this manual re-flect an ideal patient with the bone and soft tissue required for the placement of an implant. We do not intent to cover the wide range of adverse conditions that may negatively affect the suc-cess of the surgery or rehabilitation. The experience and jud-gement of the clinician in relation to any particular case must always be above the recommendations made in this or any other GMI manual.Rx only - Caution: Federal (USA) law restricts these devices to sale by, or on the order, of a dentist or physician.24GMI monolith dental implants system model is intended to be used through one-stage surgery in upper or lower jaw in cases of total or partial edentulism or in cases of loss of isolated teeth (single restoration).The implant system allows performing the following restorations:• Unitary cemented restorations of mandibullar or maxillar lateral incisive. For these cases, h=2 mm implant must be used.• Multiple cemented restorations of small bridges with splinted implants in incisive.For these cases, h=2 mm must be used.• Stabilization of implant-retained and tissue-supported overdentures. For these cases, h=2 mm and h=4 mm implants can be used.KEY FEATURESCRESTAL BONE PRESERVATIONThe treatment of the entire outer surface of the implant with its subcrestal placementand cortical micro-threading increases the surface of bone-implant contact, thusimproving load distribution and reducing crestal bone resorption.HIGH PRIMARY STABILITYThe thread of the implant body enables obtaining a good primary stability in all bonedensities.STABLE AND ACCURATE CONNECTIONDual conical connection: external and internal connection. The external cone allows tomake single or multiple cemented restorations. The internal cone allows the stabiliza-tion of implanto-retained overdentures.Self-locking cones that create a rigid connection and a stable biological seal.EXCELLENT BIOLOGICAL RESPONSEImplant made of pure grade IV titanium with an exclusive ADS surface treatment thatgenerates an excellent biological response promoting osseointegration of the implanteven in the most complicated cases.M AX I L L AR Y6In the chart are detailed all the symbols that appear on the implant system labelling and packa-ging and their corresponding description:11P . TRANSPORTADOR + TIMPLANT CARRIER ABUT. + S PILIER PORTE-IMPLANT + V IMPLANTATTRÄGER ABUT . + SKDB0F500108436562740924MONOLITH Ø3 L12 h2 mmGMI Dental Implantology, S.L.P . I. “El Segre” C/ Enginyer Míes, 705-B · 25191Lleida ( Spain )· I m p l a n t e d e n t a l / D e n t a l i m p l a n t I m p l a n t d e n t a i r e / Z a h n i m p l a n t a t· T r a n s p o r t a d o r / I m p l a n t c a r r i e r T r a n s f e r t f r a i s a b l e s / F r äs b a r e a b u t m e n t· T o r n i l l o c l ín i c a / C l i n i c s c r e w V i s d e c l i n i q u e / K l i n i k s c h r a u b eKDA0F5001DE210002052026-04-012797GTIN 08436562745134/IFU345Attachments labelImplant packaging10GMI MONOLITH SURGICAL KIT8all the necessary components for preparing the bone bed and placing the implant.•Lanced drill: Enables marking the beginning of the osteotomy and performing the initial dri-lling of the cortical plate. It has a incorporated stop at 5 mm depth.•Stepped drills: They enable milling the bone gradually minimizing the increase in temperature. Moreover they facilitate the centering of the milling procedure. They have a incorporated stop adjus-ted to the length of the implant.DENTAL DRILLSOnce the screw is removed, it enables unlocking the abutment of the implant easily.As an additional advantage it allows the abutment to be safely removed from patient’smouth.CARRIER WRENCHOnce inserted correctly in the carrier connection it enables removing the implant from the container, putting it into the mouth, starting the thread manually in the bone bed and carrying out the final insertion with the TI ratchet wrench. It is also availableOnce introduced in the hexagon socket part, it enables screwing and loosening the healing abutments, clinical screws and the ball abutments. It is designed both forOnce inserted into the bone bed, after using the lanced drill, they allow to check the parallelism between the preparation and the rest of the structures or adjacent im-plants, as well as to check the height of the gingival tissue. The marks are 2 mmEnables making Ø3.50 mm circular incisions directly into the soft tissue, avoiding having to do the flap technique to discover the implant bone bed.Ratchet wrench with torque indicator (TI) allows controlling the insertion torque whenscrewing the implant during the surgical procedure, and accurately applying torqueon the attachments of the prosthetic phase. See instructions for reference.This section describes the optional surgical instruments used only in specific cases and that are10SURGICALPROTOCOL11121 implant system drilling sequences and the recommended conditions for use • Lanced drill : 1,200-1,500 rpm.• Stepped drills :- Ø2.00 / Ø2.50 mm -----------> 900-1,200 rpm. - Ø2.50 / Ø2.80 mm -----------> 500-700 rpm.MONOLITH IMPLANT SEQUENCE Ø3.00 - L12 mmMONOLITH IMPLANT SEQUENCE Ø3.00 - L14 mm1- Lanced drill (KYF0C1301)2- Gingival height gauge (KYF0C0141)3- Stepped drill Ø2.00-2.50 (KYF0C5251)4- Stepped drill Ø2.50-Ø2.80 (KYF0C5281)1- Lanced drill (KYF0C1301)2- Gingival height gauge (KYF0C0141)3- Stepped drill Ø2.00-2.50 (KYF0C5252)4- Stepped drill Ø2.50-Ø2.80 (KYF0C5282)2341234Optional for bone type III and type IV.1234L12L= 12/14/16 mmL12L12Ø2.00Ø2.50L12Ø2.50Ø2.803. Mark osteotomy beginningSet the engine speed between 1,200-1,500 rpm, depending on bone density, anduse the lance-shaped drill with stop (Ref. KYF0C1301) to mark the bone and startthe osteotomy. Use plenty of external cooling with saline solution at a low tem-perature.6 mm4 mm2 mm5 mm14161. Selection of the implant and initial check Select the implant depending on the restoration type and the thickness of2. Open outer packageOpen the tab on the box and remove the secondary packaging and adhesi-ve labels identifying the product. Check the integrity of the secondary pac-kaging. If some type of product manipulation is noticed please discard it.3. Open the secondary container and remove theprimary containerCheck the security seal on the secondary contai-ner and discard the implant if there are signs ofit having been tampered. Turn the cap anti-cloc-kwise to break the seal. Remove the primary con-tainer and avoid hitting it against a hard surface.4. Open primary packaging capHold the primary container vertically with the cap upwards and open the cap with a lateral movement.1811. Disassemble carrier abutmentInsert the extractor wrench turning clockwise until implant carrier is di-sassembled from implant.Remove implant carrier.12. Check implant positionCheck the implant is in the correct position.Take a radiograph to verify the proper placement of the implant and attach it to the files.2 mmGMI Dental Implantology, S.L.“Pol. Ind. El Segre” C/ Enginyer Míes 705 B - 25191 Lleida (Spain)Tel:+********************************** 04/2022。
terrain n.地形dirtdirt n.污垢,泥土sandsand n.沙子;沙滩,沙地grassgrass n.草;草地snowsnow n.雪swampswamp n.沼泽,湿地roughrough a.粗糙的;狂野粗暴的;n.崎岖的荒野 subterraneansubterranean a.地下的;n.地下lavalava n.熔岩,火山岩volcano n.火山larva n.幼虫;复数形式为 larvaelave v.洗浴,慢慢冲刷lavatory n.洗手间,厕所waterwater n.水;水体如海、湖、河或溪等大片的水 rockriverclear rivericy rivermuddy rivermud n.泥,泥浆muddy a.泥泞的lava riverroaddirt roadgravel roadgravel n.砂砾,砾石cobblestone roadcobblestone n. 圆石,鹅卵石pebble n.卵石rubble n.碎石,瓦砾magic terriancursed groundmagic plainsplain n.平原,草原proficiency n.熟练,精通,熟练程度proficient a.熟练的,精通的clover fieldclover n.三叶草;苜蓿field n.原野,旷野neutral n.中立者,中立国;a.中立的,中立国的,中性的 evil fogholy groundfiery fieldfiery a.火的,火焰的;炽热的;热烈的,暴躁的 lucid poollucid a.明晰的magic cloudsrocklandsterrain objectsderelict shiprelict n.残余物;寡妇derelict a.遗弃的=abandoned;n.遗弃的东西flotsam n.漂浮的废料shipwreck survivorshipwreckkelpkelp n.海藻reefreef n.暗礁buoybuoy n.浮标,浮筒;救生圈boatocean bottlesea chestchest n.胸膛;箱,柜cartographercartograph n.地图shroud .掩蔽,遮盖mermaidsmermaid n.美人鱼maid n.少女,女仆maiden n.少女,处女favorable windfavorable a.赞成的,有利的sirenssiren n.妖妇whirlpool n.漩涡,涡流;混乱,纷乱turbulence n.骚乱,动荡,(液体或气体的)紊乱 shipyardshipyard n.造船厂oak treesoak trees 橡树lemon tree 柠檬树cratercrater n.火山口,弹坑loglog .记录;n.圆木,航海日志flowersholelakemoundmound n.土墩upland n.丘陵地带mountainmountain n.山,山脉range n.山脉ridge n.山脊outcroppingoutcrop n.露出地面的岩层pine treespine n.松树 v.消瘦,憔悴rockshrubshrub n.矮树,灌木stumpstump n.树桩,残余,烟头warrior's tombwarrior n.勇士;战士treeshillsriver deltadelta n.(河流的)三角洲abandonded minealchemist's labalchemist n.炼金术士crystal caverncavern n.洞穴,岩洞gem pondgold mineore n.矿石,含有金属的岩石pit n.坑sawmillsawmill n.锯木厂,锯木机sulfur dunedune n.沙丘water wheelwater wheel 水车wheel n.车轮,轮子taverntavern n.酒馆,客栈recruit v.征募新兵rumor n.流言,传闻lake of the scarlet swanscarlet n.猩红色;a.猩红的,鲜红的,深红的swan n.天鹅fountain of fortunefountain n.泉水,喷泉,源泉faerie ringfaerie n.仙子,仙境;a.仙女的fairy n.仙女;a.仙女的ring n.环;铃声;打电话;拳击场,用绳子围起来的场地 mystical gardenreplenish v.补充,再装满fountain of youthcryptcrypt n.土窖,地下室,地穴hill fortobeliskobelisk n.方尖石塔;问号trading postsignstablestable a.稳定的;n.马厩tree of knowledgemagic wellcactusseer's hutseer n.预言家,先知者hut n.小屋,棚屋skullskull n.头骨sand pitcampfire n.营火,篝火;营火会oasisoasis n.(沙漠中)绿洲pyramidcorpsecorpse n.尸体dead vegetationvegetation n.植物,草木,植被vegetable n.蔬菜lean towindmillwindmill n.风车redwood observatoryredwood n.红杉observatory a.天文台,气象台tile n.瓦片,瓷砖mandrakemandrake n.曼德拉草moss n.苔,藓mossswamp foliagefoliage n.树叶,植物magic springscholarwatering holemushroomsmushroom n.蘑菇fungus n.菌类,蘑菇复数形式 fungi pillar of firepillar n.柱子,栋梁girder n.大梁(钢架结构的)beam n.木结构大梁volcanowar machine factoryrefugee camprefugee camp 难民营refugee n.难民,流亡者camp n.营地arenaarena n.竞技场star axisaxis n.轴garden of revelationrevelation n.显示,揭露;启示,揭示 learning stoneidol of fortuneidol n.偶像,神像library of enlightenmentenlighten vt.启发,启蒙,教导marletto towermercenary campmercenary n.雇佣兵school of magicuniversitytempledragon utopiautopia n.乌托邦,完美理想utopian a.乌托邦式的,梦想的school of warwitch hutwitch n.巫婆,女巫,迷人的女子subterranean gatealtar of sacrificealtar n.祭坛,圣坛cyclops stockpilestockpile n&v.积蓄,库存dwarven treasurytreasury n.财政部,国库griffin conservatoryconservatory n.温室,音乐学校imp cachecache n.贮藏物medusa storesnega bankdragon fly hivehive n.蜂房cover of darknessden of thievesden n.兽穴,洞穴eye of the magihut of the magishrine of magic incantationshrine n.神殿incantation n.咒语shrine of magic gestureshrine of magic thoughtlighthouselighthouse n.灯塔black marketmonolith oneway entrancemonolith n.巨石,雕塑monolith oneway exitmonolith twowaygarrisongarrison n.驻军,要塞choke .窒息,哽住,阻塞anti-magic garrisonborder guardborder gatefreelancer's guildfreelancer n.自由作家;自由记者guild n.行会,协会keymaster's tentprisonrally flagrally v.召集;恢复;n.拉力赛sanctuary n.圣堂,避难所,动物保护区treasurestreasure chestcrystalgemgoldmercuryoresulfurwoodartifactstreasure artifact, minor artifact, major artifact, relic artifact spell scrollscroll n.卷轴,名册centaur's axgreater gnoll's flailflail n.连枷ogre's club of havocclub n.俱乐部,夜总会;棍棒havoc .大破坏sword of hellfirehellfire n.地狱之火,严酷的苦难 shield of the dwarven lordsbuckler of the gnoll kingbuckler n.小圆盾; .防卫targ of the rampaging orgerampage .暴跳,狂暴shield of the damnedhelm of the alabaster unicornalabaster .雪花石膏helm of chaoscrown of the supreme magihellstorm helmetbreastplate of petrified woodbreastplate n.胸甲petrify v.石化,吓呆torso n.人体躯干scales of the greater basiliskscale n.鱼鳞tunic of the cyclops kingtunic n.束腰外衣breastplate of the brimstonebrimstone n.硫磺(石)Clover of FortuneCards of Prophecyprophecy n.预言,预言能力Ladybird of Luckladybird n.瓢虫Badge of Couragebadge n.徽章,像章;标志Crest of Valorcrest n.头盔;头盔上的装饰valor n.英勇,勇猛Glyph of Gallantryglyph n.浮雕gallantry n.勇敢speculum n.金属镜,反射镜spyglass n.小望远镜Garniture of Interferencegarniture n.装饰品interference n.冲突,干涉Surcoat of Counterpoisesurcoat n.外套,女用外衣counterpoise .平均,平衡Boots of Polaritypolarity n.极性Bird of PerceptionStoic Watchmanstoic n.哲学;a.淡泊的Emblem of Cognizanceemblem n.象征, 徽章Statesman's Medalstatesman n.政治家Diplomat's RingAmbassador's Sashambassador n.大使sash n.肩带, 腰带Ring of the Wayfarerwayfarer n.旅客, 徒步旅行者Equestrian's Glovesequestrian n.骑士Angel WingsOrb of the Firmamentfirmament n.天空, 太空, 苍天Orb of Siltsilt n.淤泥, 残渣Orb of Tempestuous Firetempestuous a.暴乱的Orb of Driving Raindriving a.猛烈的、强烈的、有力的 a driving rain 大风雨Recanter's Cloakrecant v.放弃cloak n.斗蓬Spirit of Oppressionoppression n.压迫, 镇压, 压抑, 苦恼Hourglass of the Evil Hourhourglass n.沙漏Tome of Fire Magictome n.册, 卷, 本, 大本书Tome of Air MagicTome of water MagicTome of earth MagicBoots of Levitationlevitation n.轻轻浮起, 升在空中Golden BowSphere of PermanenceOrb of VulnerabilityNecklace of SwiftnessBoots of SpeedCape of VelocityPendant of Dispassiondispassion n.冷静, 公平pendant n.垂饰, 下垂物Pendant of Second Sightsecond sight n.超人的视力Pendant of HolinessPendant of LifePendant of DeathPendant of Free WillPendant of Agitationagitation n.激动, 兴奋, 煽动, 搅动 Pendant of Total RecallPendant of CourageInexhaustible Cart of OreInexhaustible Cart of LumberEndless Sack of GoldEndless Bag of GoldEndless Purse of GoldSpellbinder's HatShackles of Warshackle n.手铐, 脚镣, 桎梏, 束缚物wield v.挥Orb of Inhibitioninhibition n.禁止, 阻止, 禁制, 压抑 Vial of Dragon BloodArmageddon's BladeAngelic Alliancehelm of heavenly enlightenmentcelestial necklace of blisscelestial a.天上的bliss n.极大的幸福;极乐sword of judgmentjudgement = judgmentarmor of wondersandals of the saintsandal n.凉鞋,便鞋lion's shield of courageCloak of the Undead Kingamulet of the undertakeramulet n.护身符undertaker n.承办者,承担者Vampire's Cowlcowl n.蒙头斗篷dead man's bootsElixir of LifeRing of LifeVial of Lifebloodvial n.小瓶Ring of Vitalityvitality n.活力, 生命力, 生动性 Armor of the Damnedskull helmethelmet n.头盔, 钢盔blackshard of the dead knightrib cagerib n.肋骨shield of the yawning deadStatue of LegionLegs of LegionLoins of Legionloin n.腰hips 臀部Torso of LegionArms of LegionHead of LegionPower of the Dragon FatherCrown of DragontoothNecklace of Dragonteethdragon wing tabardtabard n.粗大衣red dragon flame tongueflame n.热情dragon scale shieldquiet eye of the dragonStill Eye of the Dragondragon bone greavesgreaves n.残渣dragon scale armorTitan's Thunderthunder helmetthunder .雷,打雷,雷鸣titan's gladiusgladius n.短剑titan's cuirasscuirass n.胸甲sentinel's shieldsentinel n.哨兵Admiral's Hatadmiral n.海军上将, 舰队司令, 旗舰Sea Captain's HatNecklace of Ocean Guidanceguidance n.指导, 领导Bow of the Sharpshootersharpshooter n.神枪手Bow of Elven Cherrywoodcherrywood n.樱桃木Bowstring of the Unicorn's Manebowstring n.弓弦mane n.鬃毛Angel Feather ArrowsWizard's WellMystic Orb of Manaorb n.球, 天体, 圆形物Talisman of Manatalisman n.护身符, 法宝Charm of Manacharm n.小饰品Ring of the MagiCollar of Conjuringcollar n.领口,项圈conjure v.变戏法, 施魔法Ring of ConjuringCape of ConjuringCornucopiacornucopia n.羊角Everflowing Cloak of CrystalEverpouring Vial of MercuryEversmoking Ring of SulfurRing of Infinite GemsPandora's BoxGrailGrail n.(传说中耶稣在最后的晚餐中用过的)圣杯,圣盘hero skillsattack skilldefense skillspell powerknowledgepathfindingpathfinding 拓荒,探险archeryarchery n.箭术logisticslogistics n.后勤学,后勤scoutingscout .侦察, 搜索;n.侦察员, 侦察机 diplomacynavigationleadershipleadership n.领导能力, 领导阶层wisdommysticismluckballisticsballistics n.弹道学, 发射学eagle eyenecromancynecromancy n.招魂术;巫术estatesestates n.状态;不动产, 财产fire magicair magicwater magicearth magicscholarscholar n.学者tacticstactic/tactics n.策略, 战略artilleryartillery n.炮的总称, 炮兵的总称learningoffencearmorerintelligencesorcerysorcery n.巫术, 魔术sorcerer n.男巫士, 魔术师sorceress n.女魔法师,女巫resistanceresistance n.反抗, 抵抗, 抵抗力, 阻力, 电阻, 阻抗 first aidfirst aid 急救spellsmagic arrowvisionshasteview airdisguisedisguise v.假装, 伪装, 掩饰;n.伪装disrupting raydisrupt v.使中断, 使分裂, 使瓦解, 使陷于混乱, 破坏 fortunelightning boltbolt n.螺钉, 闪电precisionair shielddestroy undeadprotection from airhypnotizehypnotize vt.施催眠术, 使着迷, 使恍惚chain lightningcounterstrikedimension doordimension n.尺寸, 尺度, 维(数), 度(数), 元 flymagic mirrorsummon air elementalsummon v.召集, 召唤, 号召, 鼓起, 振作blesscuredispeldispel vt.驱散, 驱逐, 使消散protection from watersummon boatice boltremove obstacleobstacle n.障碍(物); 妨碍,阻碍,干扰scuttle boatscuttle v.凿孔沉(船);weaknessforgetfulnessfrost ringfrost n.霜, 霜冻, 严寒 v.结霜mirthmirth n.欢笑, 高兴teleport vt.(心灵学用语)心灵运输(物体、人) cloneprayerprayer n.祈祷water walksummon water elementalshieldslowstoneskinview earthdeath rippleripple n.波纹;v.起波纹nipple n.乳头, 奶嘴protection from earthquicksandquicksand n.流沙animate deadanimate v.鼓舞;a.生气勃勃的anti magicearthquakeforce fieldmeteor showermeteor n.流星resurrectionresurrection n.复苏sorrowtown portalportal n.入口implosionimplosion n.内爆summon earth elementalprotection from firebloodlustbloodlust n.杀戮欲curseblindfire wallfire ballland minemisfortunemisfortune n.不幸, 灾祸armageddonarmageddon n.世界末日战场berserkberserk .狂暴的(地), 疯的(地)fire shieldfrenzyfrenzy n.狂暴, 狂怒infernoinferno n.阴间, 地狱slayerslayer 杀人者, 凶手sacrificesacrifice .牺牲, 献身, 祭品, 供奉 summon fire elementaltown buildings in commontown hallhall n.会堂, 礼堂, 大厅, 走廊, 门厅 city hallcapitalfortcitadelcitadel n.根据地, 大本营castletavernblacksmithblacksmith n.锻工, 铁匠marketplaceresource silosilo n.筒仓, 地窖, [空]竖井, (导弹)发射井 artifact merchantsmerchant n.商人 a.商业的, 商人的mage guildshipyardCastleKnightclericcleric n.牧师, 传教士brotherhood of the swordgriffin bastionbastion n.(可扩大射击范围的)棱堡, 堡垒, 阵地工事 lighthousestablescolossuscolossus n.巨像, 巨人guardhouse, pikeman / halberdierpikeman n.长枪兵halberdier n.戟兵guardhouse n.警卫室, 卫兵室, 禁闭室archer's tower, archer / marksmanmarksman n.射手, 神射手griffin tower, griffin / royal griffingriffin n.[希神]狮身鹫首的怪兽barracks, swordsman / crusaderbarracks n.兵营swordsman n.剑客crusader n.十字军战士monastery, monk / zealotmonastery n.修道院, 僧侣training ground, cavalier / championportal of glory, angel / archangelarch n.拱门, 弓形结构, 拱形;adj.主要archangel n.天使长, 大天使TowerAlchemistWizardlibrarylookout towersculptor's wingssculptor n.雕刻家wall of knowledgeskyshipworkshop, gremlin / master gremlingremlin n.小鬼parapet, stone gargoyle / obsidian gargoyleparapet n.栏杆obsidian n.[矿]黑曜石, 十胜石gargoyle n.奇形怪状的雕刻像golem factory, stone golem / iron golemgolem n.(16世纪希伯来传说中的)有生命的假人Hebrew n.希伯来人Hebraic a.希伯来人的mage tower, mage / arch magealtar of wishes, genie / master geniegenie n.妖怪, 鬼golden pavilion, naga / naga queenpavilion n.大帐蓬, 亭, 阁cloud temple, giant / titanrampart n.垒, 壁垒, 城墙rangerranger n.巡逻骑兵DruidDruid n.德鲁伊教徒(古代高卢人与不列颠人的一种宗教) mystic ponddendroid saplingsdendroid a.树木状的sapling n.树苗, 小树fountain of fortuneminer's guildminer n.矿工treasuryspirit guardianguardian n.护卫者, 保护人, 监护人 a.守护的 centaur stable, centaur / centaur captaincentaur n.[希神]人首马身的怪物, 半人马座dwarf cottage, dwarf / battle dwarfcottage n.村舍, 小别墅homestead, wood elf / grand elfhomestead n.家园, 田产elf n. 小精灵,矮子,淘气鬼grand a.盛大的, 豪华的, 重大的, 主要的, 极重要的 enchanted spring, pegasus / silver pegasusenchant vt.施魔法, 使迷惑enchanter n.巫士sprint v.疾跑冲刺Pegasus n.飞马dendroid arches, dendroid guard / dendroid soldierunicorn glade, unicorn / war unicornunicorn n.独角兽, 麒麟glade n.林间空地, 一片表面有草的沼泽低地dragon cliff, green dragon / gold dragondungeon n.地牢overlordoverlord n.最高统治主, 霸王warlockwarlock n.术士, 魔术师academy of battle scholarsmana vortexvortex n.旋涡, 旋风, 涡流, (动乱, 争论等的)中心 portal of summoningmushroom ringsguardian of earthwarren, troglodyte / infernal troglodytewarren n.养兔场, 拥挤的地方infernal adj.阴间的, 恶魔的troglodyte n.穴居人harpy loft, harpy / harpy hagharpy n.人鸟怪loft n.阁楼hag n.女巫, 丑婆, 魔女pillar of eyes, beholder / evil eyebeholder n.目睹者, 旁观者chapel of stilled voice, medusa / medusa queenchapel n.小礼堂labyrinth, minotaur / minotaur kinglabyrinth n.迷宫Minotaur n.[希神]人身牛头怪物manticore lair, manticore / scorpicoremanticore n.人头狮身蝎尾怪兽lair n.窝scorpion n.蝎子dragon cave, red dragon / black dragonnecropolis n.大墓地, 古代的埋葬地DeathKnightnecromancernecromancer n.巫师cover of darknessnecromancy amplifierskeleton transformerskeleton n.骨架, 骨骼, 基干, 纲要unearthed gravesunearth v.使出土, (从地中)发掘, 掘出soul prisoncursed temple, skeleton / skeleton warriorgraveyard, walking dead / zombiegraveyard n.墓地zombie n.行尸,僵尸tomb of souls, wight / wraithwight n.人,人类;妖怪wraith n.鬼魂estate, vampire / vampire lordmausoleum, lich / power lichmausoleum n.陵墓lich n.死尸,尸体hall of darkness, black knight / dread knightdread .恐惧, 恐怖dragon vault, bone dragon / ghost dragonvault n.拱顶stronghold n.要塞, 据点BarbariansBattle Mageballista yardballista 投石机freelancer's guildescape tunneltunnel n.隧道, 地道hall valhallaValhalla n.英烈祠mess hallwarlord's monumentwarlord n.军阀, 军阀式首脑monument n.纪念碑goblin barracks, goblin / hobgoblingoblin n.顽皮的丑小鬼, 小妖精hobgoblin n.妖怪, 怪物wolf pen, wolf rider / wolf raiderpen n.钢笔, 围栏rider n.骑手raider n.袭击者orc tower, orc / orc chieftanorc n.魔鬼,兽人orge fort, ogre / ogre magecliff nest, roc / thunderbirdroc n.巨鸟, 大鹏cyclops cave, cyclops / cyclops kingCyclops n.独眼巨人Behemoth Lair, behemoth / ancient behemothbehemoth n.巨兽, 庞然大物infernohereticheretic n.异教徒, 异端者demoniacdemoniac n.着魔的人,鬼上身的人 birthing poolbrimstone stormcloudscagescastle gateorder of firedeity of firedeity n.神Imp Crucible, imp / familiarimp n.小鬼, 小淘气, 顽童crucible n.坩埚,熔炉;熔缸hall of sins, gog / magogkennels, hell hound / cerberuskennel n.狗窝, 狗屋, 阴沟hound n.猎犬Cerberus 冥府守门狗demon gate, demon / horned demonhorn n.角horned a.有角的, 角状的hell hole, pit fiend / pit lordfiend n.魔鬼, 魔王, 撒旦, 邪神Satan n.撒旦, 魔鬼fire lake, efreet / efreet sultansultan n.苏丹forsaken palace, devil / arch devilforsaken a.被弃的, 孤独的, 被抛弃的FortressBeastmasterWitchblood obeliskcage of warlordscaptain's quartersglyphs of fearcarniverous plantcarnivora n.食肉类carnivorours a.食肉的gnoll hut, gnoll / gnoll maraudermarauder n.掠夺者lizard den, lizardman / lizard warriorlizard n.蜥蜴serpent fly hive, serpent fly / dragon flyserpent n.大毒蛇basilisk pit, basilisk / greater basiliskbasilisk n.(神话中的)蜥蜴状妖怪, 蛇怪 gorgon lair, gorgon / mighty gorgonwyvern nest, wyvern / wyvern monarchwyvern n.双足飞龙monarch n.君主hydra pond, hydra / chaos hydrahydra n.九头怪蛇conflux n.(=confluence)汇合, 汇合点planeswalkerelementalistgarden of lifemagic universityaurora borealiasmagic lantern, pixie / spritelantern n.灯笼spritealtar of air, air element / storm elementaltar of warter, water element / ice elementaltar of fire, fire element / energy elementaltar of earth, earth element / magma elementmagma n.岩浆altar of thought, psychic element / magic element psychic a.精神的pyre, firebird / phoenixpyre n.火葬用的柴堆neutral creaturesgold golemdiamond golemFrozen Peaks, azure dragonazure n.天蓝色, 苍天, 碧空;a.蔚蓝的 Crystal Cavern, crystal dragonLavender Lofts, faerie dragonlavender n.熏衣草Sulfurous Lair, rust dragonsulfurous a.硫磺的rust n.铁锈;vt.(使)生锈Enchanter's Hollow, enchanterhollow n.洞, 窟窿, 山谷Treetop Tower, sharpshooterThatched Hut, halflingthatch n.茅草屋顶halfling n.半成年人, 半便士的银币Hovel, peasanthovel n.简陋的小屋Boar Glen ,boarboar n.公猪, 野猪, 野猪肉glen n.峡谷, 幽谷Tomb of Curses, mummyNomad Tent, nomadnomad n.流浪者, 游牧民Hidden Cavern, roguerogue n.流氓, 无赖Troll Bridge, trolltroll .旋转, 轮唱, 钓鱼troll n.居住在洞穴或山中的巨人number of creaturesfewseveralpackpack n.一群lotshordehorde n.游牧部落;一大群throngthrong v.群集;n.一大群,一堆,一窝swarmswarm n.蜂群, 一大群zoundslegionlegion n.古罗马军团(约有3000至6000步兵,辅以数百名骑兵), <书>众多, 大批legend n.传说。
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Theoretical Consideration
Flow Resistance Parameter (Φ):
(The smaller the Φ, the more permeable the column is.)
Φ = ∆P t0 dp2 / η L2
Permeability (K):
K = u η L / ∆P; u = L / t0
Column performance can be achieved by increasing column permeability
columns provides higher permeability that is lacking in particle-packed columns
The compromise of pressure drop is adjusting column length in order to achieve required efficiency
Theoretical Consideration
H = 1/ [(1/Cedp)+(DM /Cmdp2u)]+CdDM /u+Csmdp2u/DM = Au1/3 + B/u + Cu
(a) Scanning range: 1um
(b) Scanning range: 10 um
Why use monolithic columns?
Drawbacks of Particle-packed Columns
Higher efficiency in separation time achieved in HPLC by reducing particle size of packing materials Particle size reduction higher column efficiency
What is a monolith? Why use monolith (Theoretical Consideration)? Preparation (Monolithic Silica Columns): Brief Info Structural properties (of Monolithic Silica Columns) Permeability (of Monolithic Silica Columns) Chromatographic performance (in Application section) Advantages and Disadvantages Application of the technology: Present an Example Conclusion References
What is a monolithic column?
Single piece of solid made of either porous crosslinked polymer or porous silica Interconnected skeletons and interconnected flow paths called “through-pores” (Macropores) that go through these skeletons; Mesopores: small pores on the surface area of the monolithic skeleton Three different formats of monoliths: porous rods; thin capillaries or thin membranes/disks
Structural Features of Monolithic columns
Scanning Electro Micrograph Photographs of monolithic silica prepared (a) in a mold and (b) in a 50µm capillary The bars denote 10 µm in (a) and 20 µm in (b)
Particle size reduction
higher column efficiency
- Smaller A term is from smaller eddy diffusion and mobile phase mass transfer - Smaller C term is from shorter diffusion path length
- High permeability (from reduced flow resistance) (Previous slide shows info on flow resistance parameter Φ) - High column efficiency (from reduced dispersion from Multi-path, from Longitudinal Diffusion and from Resistance to Mass Transfer)
Monolithic Columns
Mandy Amin and Lillian Fua Jaquinod Chem230 ember 30, 2010
“A single-piece permeable mass
can separate better than a cluster of packed particles.”
A silica-gel skeleton that contains macropores (throughpores) with diameters of approximately 2 μm and mesopores with diameters of approximately 13 nm.
Feature high (through-pore size)/(skeleton-size) ratio
Controllable sizes of silica skeletons and throughpores in monolithic columns provides better overall performance than that of particle-packed columns
Why use monolithic columns?
Higher number of theoretical plates (N) and a shorter separation time is achieved using UHPLC and CEC by overcoming high pressure drop, which is an issue of columns having tightly-packed bed
Reduction of flow resistance and diffusion path length not possible in a particle-packed column with a (through-pore (interstitial voids)-size)/particle-size) ratio
H = column dispersivity u = linear velocity of a mobile phase Cx= coefficient for the contribution of each term (A, B, C) A = eddy diffusion and mobile phase mass transfer B = longitudinal molecular diffusion C = diffusion path length
- Smaller eddy diffusion and “M” phase mass transfer term - Shorter diffusion path length
Drawbacks of small particle-sized packed columns:
Low permeability due to small-sized interstitial voids in particle-packed column with a (through-pore (interstitial void) size)/(particle size) ratio of 0.25–0.4 Limitation of high-speed operation (available pressure with current instrumentation is 350-400kg/cm2 (1 kg/cm2 = 98066.5 Pa)
Electron micrographs of (a) macroporous and mesoporous (b) structures in a monolithic silica rod
Preparation of Monolithic Silica Columns
Minakuchi et al. reported on the preparation of continuous porous silica columns by sol-gel method from alkoxysilanes in the presence of water-soluble organic polymers