本科生毕业论文网络流行语及其英文翻译院系:外国语学院专业:英语A Study of EnglishTranslation of Network Catchwords摘要随着中国国际化进程日益加快和互联网的普及,越来越多的外国友人更加密切地关注中国。
关键词:网络流行语;来源;特征;翻译AbstractWith the accelerating process of China Internationalization and popularity of the Internet, more and more foreigners pay closer attention to China. At the same time, Chinese netizens also create many humorous and witty words some of which spread like wildfire through Internet and also deeply enter the social life. However, through the translation situations of Chinese network catchwords, the translation problem needs further development. The thesis firstly introduces the background of catchword, network catchwords and their subordinate relationship. Secondly, network catchwords mainly originate from network expression, expression in entertainment industry and foreign words. By analyzing its sources, the causes of popularity of network catchwords have been displayed clear for us. Broadly speaking, network catchwords are not only combination of linguistic inheritance and innovation, but also adored and used by netizens because of its concision, humor, popularity and periodicity. However, continuous pursuit for uniqueness and innovation also emerge vulgar usage of it. After analyzing and concluding the translation skills of Chinese network catchwords according to Nida’s Functional Equivalence theory, it is found that the translation methods including literal translation, literal translation with interlinear notes, free translation, free translation with interlinear notes, affixation method andadapted translation are still effective and common ones.Key Words: Network Catchwords; Sources; Features; TranslationTable of Contents Acknowledgements.......................................................................................... 错误!未定义书签。
英语专业毕业论文选题★试论《失乐园》中Satan的形象On the Image of Satan in Paradise Lost ★Fielding小说的现实主义意义The Realistic Significance of Henry Fielding’s Fiction★《傲慢与偏见》中经济对婚姻的影响The Economic Influence on Marriage in Pride and Prejudice★桑提亚哥——海明威笔下的硬汉Santiago: A typical Hemingway’s Hero★论Robert Frost的诗歌创作On Robert Frost’s Poetry★《了不起的盖茨比》中的象征Symbolism in The Great Gatsby★华滋华斯诗歌的自然观On William Wordsworth’s Naturalism★论叶芝诗歌中的宗教思想On Religions Thoughts in W. B. Yeats’ Poetry★劳伦斯笔下的女性形象On the Female Characters in D. H. Laurence’s Fiction★试析哈代对英国诗歌之贡献On Hardy’s Contributions to English Poetry★欧内斯特?海明威小说中的悲剧色彩The Tragic Color of Ernest Hemingway's Novels★欧内斯特??海明威战争小说中的人道主义分析On the Humanism in Ernest Hemingway's War Stories★亨利·詹姆斯作品中的心理描写On the Psychological Descriptions in Henry James’ Novels★D. H. 劳伦斯小说中女性人物形象分析An Analysis on Women Images in D.H. Lawrence’s Novels★爱米丽·迪金森的诗歌艺术特色On Artistic Features of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry★欧·亨利短篇小说主题分析The Thematic Analysis of O’ Henry’s Short Stories★杰克·伦敦《海狼》的心理分析Psychoanalysis of Jack London’s The Sea Wolf★杜拉斯小说中的中国情结The Chinese Complex in Marguerite Duras’ Fiction★人性的扭曲与异化——论卡夫卡的《变形记》The Distort and Alienation of Human Nature——On Kafka’s the Metamorphosis★《廊桥遗梦》的弗洛伊德主题Freudianism in The Bridges of Madison County★西奥多??德莱塞《嘉利妹妹》中的自然主义Naturalism in Theodore Dreiser’s Sister Carrie★《麦田里的守望者》中的象征主义★从《秀拉》的男性人物形象看托妮??莫里森的女权思想Toni Morrison’s Feminist Vision Reflected in the Characterization of Sula’s Male Characters★论马克吐温小说的黑色幽默On the Black Humor in Mark Twain Novels★埃兹拉庞德诗歌的意象主义分析Imagism in Ezra Pound’s Poetry★从功能语法角度分析演讲词的语境和衔接Analysis on Textual Context and Cohesion in Speech Writing★大学生英语语用能力研究An Investigation of the Pragmatic Abilities of College Students★语用迁移与语用失误对跨文化交际的影响★语境再现在阅读理解中的作用★英汉致使动词的对比研究 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Causative Verbs★英语委婉语的交际功能 A Contrastive Study of Lexical Features of English Advertisement and Chinese Advertisement★英语委婉语的文化内涵的研究Study of Culture Connotation of English Euphemism★后置形容词初探A Tentative Study of Post-posed Adjectives★跨文化交际中的语用失误Pragmatic Failures in Cross-cultural Communication★外语多媒体设计的语言学思考 A Linguistic Point of View on Design of Foreign Language Multi-media★文化语境与词汇内涵意义(Context of Culture and Connotative Meaning of Words)★论新闻英语中的连贯问题On Coherence in News English★论语篇中的英语习语On English Idioms in Text★论形体语言在交际中的作用Functions of Body Language in Communication★英汉拒绝语的对比研究The Contrastive Study on the English and Chinese Expressions in Refusing or Declining★英汉习语的文化差异及翻译The Cultural Difference and Translation of English and Chinese idioms★英语典故性成语的来源与汉译Derivation and Translation of English Phrasal Literary Quotations★论as…as…的用法与翻译On the Use and Translation of “as…as…”★浅析汉英翻译种的中式英语On the Chinglish in C-E Translation★试论英汉翻译中的文化冲突A Study on Cultural Conflicts in E-C Translation★英汉翻译中修辞手段初探On Rhetorical Methods in E-C Translation★英语课堂中的文化教学Culture Teaching in an EFL Class★论交际英语课堂教学的活动衔接On the Cohesiveness between Activities in a Communicative English Class★论中学生词汇学习策略On Vocabulary Learning Strategy for Middle School Students★试谈如何使用模拟辩论英语口语教学法The Teaching Methods by Means of Simulating Debate on Spoken English★英语教学中的文化意识Culture Consciousness in the English Language Teaching★文化差异与英语词汇教学Cultural Difference and Teaching of English Vocabulary★交际性语言与英语课堂语境构建Communicative language and the Construction of English Classroom Context★网络英语及其对英语教学的影响★合作学习在英语教学中的应用Application of Cooperative Learning To English Teaching★语境理论在英语阅读教学中的作用On Theory of Context In English Reading Teaching★如何有效地利用母语思维提高学生的英语写作能力On Effectively Applying First Language to Improving Students’ Writing Proficiency★作文评阅中的困惑与自主学习理念的切入Evaluation on Compositions in ELT: Facilitating Stu dents’ Autonomous Learning★学会学习——中国外语学习者学习策略研究Learn How to Learn——A Study on Chinese EFL learners’ Learning Strategies★英语听力学习策略对听力能力的影响Influence of Learning Strategies upon English Listening Comprehension★中学生英语学习动机与英语教学Middle School Students’ L earning Motivation and It’s Implications In ELT★减少焦虑:从英语课堂活动做起 Decreasing Anxiety Through ELT Classroom Activities★英语课堂中的互动:情感与认知 Interaction in EFL Classroom: Affection and Cognition★英语课堂中的文化冲击——促进学生积极参与之良方 Cultural Shock in ESL Classroom ——An Approaching to Encouraging Active Participation★英语写作教学中的“结果法”与“过程法”之比较 A Comparison Between 〝Product Approach〞and〝Process Approach〞★元认知与大学英语词汇学习Metacognition and EFL Learners’ Vocabulary Learning★意识培养:英语语法教学的新思路The Awareness-raising Approach: A New Prospective on Grammar Teaching★语言学习任务和自主性学习On Language Learning Tasks and Learner Autonomy★课堂焦虑与中学生口语表达能力关系Correlations between Anxiety and College Students’ Oral Performance★阅读与写作的互动及其教学思考Developing Interactive Reading and Writing in Classroom Teaching★论外国文化知识在外语学习中的重要性On the Importance of Foreign Culture Knowledgein Foreign Language learning★翻译教学法之我见On the Teaching of Translation★影响EFL课堂互动的情感因素研究 A Study of the Affective Factors Influencing EFL Class Interaction★中学生词汇学习策略调查 A Survey to the Lexicon Acquisition Strategies of Middle School Students★EFL课堂互动中教师的中介作用 A Study of the Teacher as Mediator in EFL Classroom Interaction★EFL课堂教学中的教师提问与课堂互动 A study to the role of question in EFL Classroom interaction★英语专业学生在写作中运用的交际策略研究 A study to the Application of Communicative Strategies in English Major’s Writing★EFL课堂教学心理环境调查与分析 An Investigation and Analysis to the Psychological Environment of EFL Class★英语专业与非专业学生英语学习风格对比研究 A contrastive study to the Learning styles of English Majors and Non-English Majors★英语专业学生阅读策略调查研究 A Survey to the Reading Strategies of English Majors★英语专业学生写作中的母语迁移现象 A Study to Native Language Transfer in English Major’s Writing★元认知策略在英语专业学生听力理解中的应用 A Study of the Application of Metacognitive Strategy in Listening Comprehension of English Majors★EFL课堂互动模式研究 A Study of the Interaction Patterns of EFL Class★EFL课堂互动中的错误纠正 A Study of Error Correction in EFL Classroom Interaction★英语专业学生学习动机调查与分析 A Survey and analysis to the Motivation of English Majors★英语教师课堂行为与学生学习动机相关研究 A Study to the Relationship between Teacher Behavior in classroom and Students’ Motivation★互动教学中语法教学的地位 The Role of Grammar Teaching in Interactive Teaching★听力理解中的形式逻辑问题研究On Formal Logic in listening comprehension of English★听力能力培养与词汇教学 on the cultivation of listening and teaching of vocabulary★刍议外报外刊阅读与英语阅读能力的培养On Reading Foreign Newspapers and Magazines and Reading Ability Training★英语教学中学生兴趣的激发Cultivation of Students’ Interest in English Teaching★怎样组织英语语言学教学中的课堂讨论How to Organize Linguistic Seminars in China★怎样充分利用第二课堂活动来提高学生语言技能与运用能力How to Make Full Use of the Extra Curriculum to Improve Students’ Language Skills their Applying Ability★阅读技巧与阅读能力培养Reading Skills and Reading Ability Training★英语听力理解的主要障碍及对策Major Interferences in Listening Comprehension and its Counter-measures★英语语调教学探讨English Intonation Teaching Research★试析英语写作汉式英语产生的根源An Analysis of the Causes of Chinglish in English Writing★英汉语篇阅读模式差异对英语写作的影响The Influence of English and Chinese Context Patterns on English Writing★自我监控策略与二语写作:大学生英语写作策略研究Self-monitoring strategy and EFL Writing: A Strategy-based study on Chinese Learners’ writing★影响中国中学生英语写作的因素Factors Affecting Chinese Middle School Students’ English Writing教师话语与第二语言习得Teacher Talk and Second Language Acquisition★论泛读与词汇习得On the Role of Extensive Reading in Vocabulary Acquisition★英语词汇教学方法探讨An Inquiry into Teaching Approach to English Vocabulary★试论英美文化课程在英语专业能力培养中的作用On the Course of British and American Culture: Its Function in the Development of English Competence for English Majors★EFL课堂中的小组活动研究 A Study of Group Work in EFL Class★怎样组织英语语言学教学中的课堂讨论How to Organize Linguistic Seminars in China★试论英语专业人才如何突出专业优势The English Specialty: Ways Out★英语流行语的文化因素Cultural Factors of English Catchwords★浅谈非语言交际中的身势语Body Language in Non verbal Communication★英汉语中称谓的差异及其成因★英汉姓名的文化阐释Cultural Interpretations of English and Chinese Names★身势语在不同文化下的差异Different Body Languages In Different Cultures★英语语调在口头语篇中的意义The Communicative Value of Intonation in Spoken Discourse★On the politeness and cooperation used in the language learning★语言学习中的礼貌和合作原则★非言语行为在跨文化交际中的功能Functions of Non-verbal Behavious in Intercultural communication★英汉礼貌用语对比研究The Contrastive Study on the Courteous Expressions in English and Chinese★中西方不同思维模式在宗教文化中的体现The Presentation of Different Thinking Modes in Chinese and Western Religious Culture。
六、YuanFang, what do you think about it? 元芳,你怎么看?
• Untill this year everybody knows, though the sentence was alen it just hot, it was being clicked more than 2 million times during two days. • 虽说这在网易早就火了,可是被大家知晓却还是今年的事,这句话刚 火的时候,两日内被人问了200多万次。
三、XX Style
• “Gangnam Style” became a global phenomenon in 2012 . Let “xx style” has become the most famous word on the network. This leads to many words, such as :Wuhan Style, Men of Science and Engineering style, Take off style and so on. Style bloom all around the world. • 一曲《江南style》红遍全球,让 “××style”成为网络上最常提起的话 语之一,武汉style、理工科男style、 起飞style……style遍地开花
九、Positive Energy 正能量
• Before you could notice, the word “positive energy”is becoming more than common in the newspapers, periodicals, magazines, books and advocacy slogans. Many bloggers also like to quote the phrase to energize themselves or others. • 多出现在新闻报道、文章报刊 和各种宣传中。而博友们也开 始用正能量一词来激励自己, 鼓励他人。
On Cyber Catchwords From Memetic Perspective
自从劳动合同违约金 出现以来 ,违约金就只适用于劳动者违约 的情 形 ,是用人单位防止人才流失的一项重要手段 ;而单位解除劳动合 同只 需要支付法定的经济补偿金 即可。这就使得劳动合同双方 当事人 的地 位 更 加 的不 平 等 。 我 们 知 道 ,违 约 金是 私 法 性 质 的 ,这也 就 要 求 其 应 平 等 地 适 用 于 双 方 当事人 。而如果 违约金仅适用于一方当事人 ,就使得违约金具 有的保 障双 方 当事 人 履 行 合 同 的意 义 不 复 存 在 。 在 劳动 合 同 中 ,本 来 双 方 当 事 人的地位就不平等 ,如果违 约金仅适用于劳动者 ,只能使其地位 更加脆 弱 ,不但增加 了劳动者的负担 ,而且不利于劳动关 系的协 调和稳定。 因 此 ,只有 明确规定违约金同时适用于用人单位与劳动者 ,才 能遏制用人 单位 利用其优势地位预先设 定巨额违约金 ,才能平衡劳动者 与用人单位
才 能 更 好 的维 护 劳 动 者 的 合 法 权 益 。 3 我 国劳 动 合 同违 约 金 制 度 完 善 建 议 .
3 .1 明确 规 定 劳动 合 同违 约金 的性 质 为补 偿 性 ,而 非 惩 罚 性
关 于劳动合 同违约金 的性质 ,一直存 在补偿性 与惩罚性两 种学说 。 王利明先生认 为 ,违 约金在一般情况下应为补偿性 ,如果 当事人未在合 同中特别约定或法律无特别规定违约金是惩罚性的,则 当事人约定 的违 约金应为补偿性违约金。 因此 ,在劳动合 同这一特殊 的合同中 ,在劳动 者与用人单位处于不平等地位 的情况下 ,基于保护处于弱势地位 的劳动 者的宗 旨,应明确规定劳动合 同违约金为补偿性而非惩罚性 。此外 ,在 明确 违 约 金 性 质 的 前 提 下 ,还应 对 违 约 金 与 赔 偿 金 的 关 系 加 以 明确 。赔
打酱油 get some soy sauce ,buy some sauce
• When a person in Guangzhou was asked to give his opinion often sex scandal involving Hong Kong star Edison Chen ,the man answered, “It is none of my business. I am just out to get some soy sauce.” People have since begun using the words to mean “it„s none of my business”。 • 来源于对一位广州市民的采访,当记者问到他关 于一则报道的看法时,他说:关我什么事情?我 是来打酱油的。此网络潮语表明:我路过,我不 关心的意思
要是有人跟你说 "Do you want to step outside?", 就回他这一句吧. 意思是说, 是喔... 那你找了多少人马要来打架啊?
• Who's side are you on?" 在快要打架时, 你问人家说,你到底是 站在哪一边的
• “倒爷”:profiteer或wheelerdealer • “五好家庭”:Five Virtues Family • “万元户”:ten-thousandyuan household • “大哥大”:GSM mobile telephone • “喇叭裤”:bell-bottomed trousers
做人不能太 CNN don't be too CNN
• It emerged in response to foreign media„s coverage of Tibet. Many Chinese thought it was biased. It gained more popularity after CNN commentator Jack Cafferty‟s rude talk of China。 • 西藏拉萨发生了严重的打、砸、抢、烧暴 力事件,一些外国媒体在对这一事件进行 报道时,出现了大量失实的报道。此句暗 指某些媒体失实报道的举动。
在英语中相应的表达就是 blonde [blɒnd]
n. 白肤金发碧眼女人; adj. (头发)亚麻色的,金色的; 白皙的; 白肤金发碧眼的; 用来形容那些容貌姣好,内心单纯甚至有点小傻的女人。
8. 我的内心几乎是崩溃的 (I lost my control, in my heart.)
某公司CEO在接受媒体采访 中说了一句:“我的内心几 乎是崩溃的”,鸭梨山大的 表达道出很多人的心声,在 播出之后被不少网友争相借 用,成为2015年的热词。
这句话用英语表达就是:The world is big and I want to see it.
5. 睡什么睡,起来嗨 (Wake up and get high with us!)
这句话最早出自微博上的 一个短视频,在“快乐崇 拜”的旋律下,外貌魔性 的男主对着屏幕各种自言 自语,这句话终于成为了 经典。
这句话用英语表达就是: I lost my control, in my heart. lose one's control = lose control of one's emotions. 不能控制自己的情感。
What's the definition of catchwords?
Catchwords of network, as the name suggests is a popular language on the Internet, is a conventional expression of the netizens. 网络流行语顾名思义就 是在网络上流行的语言, 是网民们约定俗成的表达 方式。
可以译成I'm scared to death 或者说It scared my pants off!
关键词:网络语言;异化;规范化;网络语言的定义AbstractNetwork popular language is the common language of network chat, with the rise of the Internet and social life is more closely linked, the popular language of network started from the network into daily life, to the general public, how to understand the network popular language is a challenge, on the one hand, the network catchwords has appeared the phenomenon of "alienation" in modern Chinese, teaching and research network popular language will not only increase and replace on Modern Chinese challenge.Keywords: network language; alienation; standardization; definition of Internet Language互联网不但把人与人之间的距离拉近,还在语言表述上进入一个新的时期。
Catchwords 流行语
卖萌 Acting cute
• 卖萌,就是刻意展现自己的“萌”。详细地说 就是知道自己很萌的情况下,再故意展示自己, 为了显示自己的萌。 • “萌”可以简单解释为可爱,是动漫用语, 之后加个“卖”字表示行为。意思是制作方、 角色用刻意做出萌的样子来讨好观众。
• 一般可以理解为:装可爱,刻意出现一些 可爱的动作、言语等。目前该“卖萌”一 词在娱紧锁着,为狗爬出的洞敞开
着,一个声音高喊着,海燕呐你可长点心 吧!”
• • • • • • • “在东北,有一种好胜,叫拔尖儿; 有一种监狱,叫笆篱子;有一种浪费,叫败家; 有一种不在意,叫不缕会儿; 有一种混蛋,叫犊子; 有一种讨厌,叫膈应; 有一种傻,叫得儿喝滴; 有一种劝告,叫海燕呐,你长点心吧!”
给力:gelivable 不给力:Ungelivable 牛逼:niubility,NewBility 装逼:ZhuanBility,Drunbility 杯具:cupedy 洗具:washedy 五毛:Halfyuan 折腾:Z-turn 有才华:youcai-flower
Classical Lines in the movies
一生至少该有一次,为了某个人而忘了自己,不求有结 果,不求同行,不求曾经拥有,甚至不求你爱我。只求 在我最美的年华里,遇到你。
The Notebook (《恋恋笔记本》)
I love you not for who you are, but for who I am with you.
我爱你不是因为你是谁,而是我在你面前 可以是谁。
• 时髦语
• • • • • • • • 蛋疼:Ballache,Eggache 蛋定:Eggcalm 鸡动:Cockrock 吐槽:spitslot 蚁族、蚁民:antizen 无聊:non-talking 蠢猪:stupig,stupid+pig=愚蠢的猪 偷菜:vegeteal
· Young people`s thought are avtive, flexible and jumping, fond of fresh things, eager to communicate, innovation, pursuit for fashion. · Moreover, they have some psychological rebellion, not willing to bear too many reallife constraints(限制), They are less willing to accept the mainstream language rules. · The network world is anonymous(匿名的), will undoubtedly provides young people the space to play; also, because they have higher cultural quality, familiar with English and computer language, making the "popular language of network" has the necessity and the possibility .
Someone releases an empty note titled’贾君鹏,e 7.1 million clicks and
0.3 milion replys in only one day.
Life is like a tea table, with cups placed all over it. 人生就像茶几,上面摆满了杯具
• 喜大普奔 • 中文释义:喜闻乐见、大快人心、普天同
• 英文:The news is so exhilarating that
everyone is celebrating and spreading it to the rest of the world。
• 英文:He becomes a gay (lesbian) after
such a long time without dating
Game over !
• 不明觉厉
• 中文释义:虽然不明白对方在说/干什么,但觉得
• I don't know what you said, but it seems you are
• 十动然拒
• 中文释义:十分感动,然后拒绝。
• 英文:She was deeply moved but still
• iron lady • 女汉子
• Goddess • 女神
Will you marry me when I got a long-towaist hair?
• You Are So xxx, Your Family know?
• 你这么XX,你家里人知道吗?
• just want to be a
quiet handsome man
Sino-US English Teaching, January 2019, Vol. 16, No. 1, 24-32doi:10.17265/1539-8072/2019.01.004A Study on Chinese Network Catchwords in 2018 From thePerspective of MemeticsLIN LiLeshan Normal University, Sichuan, ChinaWith the advancement of information technology and in the current development of the network society, theemerging network language, driven by strong language memes, continually derives and spreads. Based onmemetics, the paper analyzes the memes phenomenon of Chinese network catchwords in 2018 and that it can becategorized into three forms. And it further explores the reasons for the popularity of network catchwords:simplicity, vividness, and defamiliarization.Keywords: meme, memetics, Chinese network catchwords in 2018, forms, reasonsIntroductionWith the development of technology, interpersonal communication based on network has become increasingly common and frequent. Network language is the language created in and applied to network, which includes Chinese and English letters or characters, punctuations, signs, pictures, or the combination of them. It came into being from 1990s for netizens, with the innovation and advancement of network technology, wanted to improve their chatting efficiency or achieve their specific needs, such as humor or amusement. And now it has become an indispensable part in people’s life. Network catchwords refer to language forms which are widely popular among netizens in a particular historical period. New network catchwords appear every year and they are analyzed and studied from the perspective of social linguistics or psychology in the academic circle. And this paper attempts to explore the forms of memes in Chinese network catchwords in 2018 and the reasons for its popularity with the theory of memetics.Memetic TheoryMemetics and MemeMemetics, based on Darwin’s theory of evolution by natural selection, is a new theory to explain universal relationship between things and evolution rules of culture with inheritance diachronically and synchronically. The core term of memetic theory is “meme”, which is coined by Dawkins in his best-selling book The Selfish Gene in 1976. In Chapter 11 of the book, he firstly proposes the concept of meme as the following: …I think that a new kind of replicator has recently emerged on this very planet. It is staring us in the face. It is still inits infancy; still rifting clumsily about in its primeval soup, but already it is achieving evolutionary change at a rate thatLIN Li, master, lecturer, School of Foreign Languages, Leshan Normal University, Sichuan, China.A STUDY ON CHINESE NETWORK CATCHWORDS IN 201825leaves the old gene panting far behind. The new soup is the soup of human culture. We need a name for the new replicator,a noun that conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation. “Mimeme” comes from a suitableGreek root, but I want a monosyllable that sounds a bit like “gene”. I hope my classicist friends will forgive me if I abbreviate mimeme to meme. If it is any consolation, it could alternatively be thought of as being related to “memory”, or to the French word meme. It should be pronounced to rhyme with “cream”. (Dawkins, 1976, p. 192)Meme is a new concept; it exists long before we realize its existence. When you speak catchwords, follow a fashion trend, or sing a popular song, you have definitely encountered a meme. Dawkins (1976, p. 192) demonstrated it as follows:a name for the new replicator, a noun that conveys the idea of a unit of cultural transmission, or a unit of imitation.Examples of memes are tunes, ideas, catch-phrases, clothes fashions, ways of making pots or of building arches. Just as genes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leading from body to body via sperm or eggs, so memes propagate themselves in the meme pool by leaping from brain to brain via a process which, in the broad sense, can be called imitation. If a scientist hears, or reads about, a good idea, he passes it on to his colleagues and students. He mentions it in his articles and his lectures. If the idea catches on, it can be said to propagate itself, spreading from brain to brain.According to the viewpoint of Dawkins, meme is a unit of cultural transmission, it can be language, customs, ideas, or social behaviors which are continuously replicated and transmitted. People’s ideas can obtain evolution by the way analogous to evolution of living creature.Since the publication of Dawkins’ The Selfish Gene in 1976, memetics has attracted a range of scholars from various disciplines. Another treatment of memes is the book The Meme Machine by the psychologist Susan Blackmore in 1999. In her book, “meme” is depicted from a more comprehensive and systematic manner than ever before. In her point of view, memes are involved in everything in human society, the evolution of the culture, the origin of language, the spread of religion, and the development of internet as well. Blackmore (1999) argued that any information, in a broad sense, can be called memes as long as it can be copied by means of imitation.In Chinese linguistic field, the pioneer who sets foot in memetics is Gui Shichun (2002) in the preface of the book Language and Culture (as cited in Gu & Lu, 2002). He gives a very brief introduction to the term “meme” and suggests that memetics be employed to linguistic study. Since then, following his perception, some scholars in China have engaged in memetic research to enrich the language study in a systematic way. Professor He Ziran and He Xuelin (2003) employed the theory to analyze language, discusses replication of meme in language, and especially analyzes social usage of Chinese. He (2016) analyzed what pragmatic functions language meme and its variant can display in public discourse communication.Main Concepts About MemeMeme and memeplexes. Meme does not always work alone. According to Dawkins (1976), memes are ideas, habits, skills, stories, or any other kind of behavior or information that is copied from person to person by imitation. They range from single words and simple actions to the vast memeplexes of science are religion, politics, and finance (Blackmore, 1999). Just as a set of genes can work together, a group of memes can also work together and get transferred together to reinforce each other. Such a group of mutually-assisting memes can be called a memeplex, abbreviated from “co-adapted meme complexes”. Like memes, memeplexes spread as long as there is some reason for them to be copied. On the one hand, good combination of memes can favor survival of memeplexes, on the other hand, memeplexes can enhance survival of memes.Strong meme and weak meme. Like genes, memes endure and copy themselves with variations, which are26A STUDY ON CHINESE NETWORK CATCHWORDS IN 2018naturally selected, and thereby evolve. Like genes, they are “selfish”, or rather, their function is the promotion of their own survival. Therefore, during the process of natural selection, those memes which can effectively propagate themselves, occupy and sustain a relatively long time in people’s memories are called strong memes, while those memes which are easily to be forgotten are called weak memes. One point needing to emphasize is that not all strong memes or weak memes always remain the same. Strong memes may become weak memes as times goes by, likewise, weak memes may turn into strong memes. This is all because selection and evolution of memes is a dynamic process. Strong memes and weak memes are relative in a time of period.Characteristics of memes. Memes spread through society. As a kind of replicator, successful memes obtain the following characteristics listed by Dawkins (1976):1. Longevity: The longer a replicator persists, the more copies it can make.2. Fecundity: A meme must make as many copies of itself as quickly as possible. It is much more important than the characteristic of longevity. The faster the rate of replicating is, the more the replicator will spread.3. Copying-fidelity: Fidelity is the precision with which a replicator copies itself. Generally speaking, the more faithful the copy is, the more successful the meme is. Dawkins regards this characteristic as the most important one for meme’s survival.Xu Shenghuan (2005) concluded the features of memes as following:1. Ability of replicating: Meme can be copied by means of imitation.2. Long continuity: Meme can be spread from one generation to another.3. Inheritance: Meme must maintain its certain natures and characteristics in the process of propagation; it cannot be totally irrelevant with its initial pattern though some change or variation occurs.4. Variation: The process of propagation is a process of natural selection, only the fittest can obtain survival. Therefore, meme varies according to the environment so as to better adapt to the new one.From the viewpoint of these scholars, it is concluded that meme must be copied accurately, more copies should be made, the copies should last a long time, and meme should make variation according to the environment.Stages of meme replication. According to Heylighen (1998), a meme must pass through four subsequent stages when it is replicated from one generation to another. The first stage is assimilation; the meme must be assimilated, understood, and accepted by a host through infection. The second stage is retention; the meme must be kept a period in host’s memory. The next stage is expression; it means the meme should be expressed by the individual in language, behavior, or another form that can be perceived by others. The last stage is transmission; an expression needs a physical carrier or medium to transmit the expression in order to reach another individual.Memetic Study of Chinese Network Catchwords in 2018Forms of Memes in Chinese Network Catchwords in 2018A network catchword must be qualified with attention value and memory value so as to arouse people’s attention and get people to make use of it. The memetic approach is such a device to express people’s feelings, emotions, or thoughts for the transmission feature of meme has a naturally instinct association with the popularity of network catchwords. “咬文嚼字” (yao wen jiao zi), a Chinese magazine about usage of Chinese characters, released the top 10 Chinese network catchwords, respectively, “命运共同体” (a community of shared future),A STUDY ON CHINESE NETWORK CATCHWORDS IN 201827“锦鲤” (koi fish), “店小二” (waiter or bartender), “教科书式” (textbook-like), “官宣” (an official announcement), “确认过眼神” (look sb. in the eye or get confirmation), “退群” (withdraw from a group), “佛系” (Buddha-like), “巨婴” (giant baby), and “杠精” (people who argue for the sake of arguing). The forms of memes in network catchwords can be divided into three main types, that is, new words as memes, old words with new semantic meanings as memes, and old words with new usage as memes.New words as memes.(1) 命运共同体(a community of shared future). It was firstly put forward in the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China in 2012. The original phrase, proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping, is a community of shared future for mankind, which means the international community is increasing becoming a community of shared future with the advancement of society and development of economy for no country can be an isolated island in the face of the complex situation and global problems of the world economy. “命运共同体”(a community of shared future) is a new concept of human society repeatedly emphasized by the Chinese Government.Economic globalization has prompted people to reflect on the traditional concept of national interests. The instantaneous global transmission mechanism has transformed the planet inhabited by human beings into a “global village”; the high integration of national interests makes different countries a link in the chain of common interests. Any problem in any link may lead to the disruption of the global interest chain. For example, when food security problems arise in a country, hungry people will flock to other countries on a large scale. And the progress of transportation has made it possible for the flow of refugee tide, while the progress of humanism has made the refusal of refugees face great moral pressure. The Internet connects all countries together in an unprecedented way and if a country launches cyber-attacks at any point in the world, seemingly silent, but the economic and social losses to the target countries may be no less than a war. The glacier melting, precipitation imbalance, and sea level rise caused by climate change will not only bring disaster to small island countries, but also do great harm to dozens of coastal developed cities in the world. The shortage of resources and energy is related to the continuation of human civilization, and environmental pollution leads to the frequent occurrence of strange diseases and cross-border epidemics. Faced with growing global problems, no country can be alone. If any country wants to develop itself, it must let others develop; if it wants to be safe, it must let others live safely; if it wants to live well, it must let others live well. Under such circumstance, people now have a new understanding of the common interests. Since human beings are already in the “global village”, citizens of all countries are also citizens of the earth, and the interests of the whole world are also their own interests. When a country takes measures to benefit the interests of the whole world, it also serves its own interests.In this context , the phrase “命运共同体” (a community of shared future) now has, both economically and politically, become a network catchword in Chinese, and even a global hot word.(2) 官宣(an official announcement). “官宣” literally means an official announcement, originated from the official announcement of their marriage from two Chinese stars (actor William Feng and actress Zhao Liying). On October 16, 2018, the two Chinese stars posted “官宣” (an official announcement) on Weibo, followed by a red heart. Below the Weibo were wedding photos and marriage certificates, announcing their marriage. A few days later, “官宣” (an official announcement) appeared in both traditional and new media, all of which were announced by someone or an organization. Then, it quickly became popular. The word “官宣” (an official28A STUDY ON CHINESE NETWORK CATCHWORDS IN 2018announcement) derives from “official website” and “official micro”. Its “official” refers to the owner of a right. “Official” originally refers to the government, such as “official personage” and “official news”. If unofficial acts of an individual or an institution are claimed as “official”, it is to emphasize their authority and reliability. And now when any news accompanied by “官宣” (an official announcement) is announced, it is to express the meaning of publicity.Modern people are exposed to so much news every day, both true and fake, and the meaning of “官宣” is “an official announcement”, the connotation of which is authority and reliability, so the word is widely spread, quickly becoming popular, even the NBA player Nick Young used it in his Weibo.(3) 杠精(people who argue for the sake of arguing). The Chinese new word “杠精” refers to people who argue for the sake of arguing. The counterpart of this word in English is probably “contrarian”. This group of people always wants to have the last word.The word is made of two Chinese characters “杠”, which means figuratively “imperious” or “argument-liking” and “精”, one meaning of which refers to a person who is very good at something. So, the meaning of word is quite obvious. There are always such people, who like to get their sense of superiority by suppressing other people’s opinions. For example, if a girl keeps working out every day and shares her workout records on WeChat Moment. “杠精” (people who argue for the sake of arguing) always comment like this “It is ugly for girls to have big muscles. Are not you afraid of hurting yourself while doing the power training?” or “Over-exercise would be 100 percent detrimental to your health. Just stop it”.“杠精” (people who argue for the sake of arguing) can be found everywhere online, constantly stirring up trouble. They just argue for the sake of arguing, no matter when or where. The word gets wide popularity because it, briefly and precisely, describes the characteristics of that type of people and people’s disgust with that kind of behavior.(4) 佛系(Buddha-like). The catchword “佛系” means a state of mind, which focuses on the process of things happening with the mentality of “do one’s best and leave the rest to God’s will” and does not pay attention to the results. The word originated in a Japanese magazine in 2014, which introduced “Buddha-like men”. In December 2017, the phrase “Buddha-like youngsters” was posted all over WeChat Moment and the Internet. As a cultural phenomenon, “佛系” refers to a lifestyle and an attitude toward life: Live in your own way. To be more frank, it means it is fine to have or not to have; or it is just fine to win or to lose; or to ask for noting, strive for nothing. The word derives a series of words, such as “佛系父母” (Buddha-like parents), “佛系粉丝” (Buddha-like fans), “佛系恋爱” (Buddha-like love), and “佛系饮食” (Buddha-like diet).Faced with great pressure from all sides, people would rather be Buddha-like, live in their own way. This is exactly the reason why this word is becoming so popular.Old words with new semantic meanings as memes.(1) 锦鲤(koi fish). It is the Japanese word for carp, a brightly colored type of freshwater fish commonly used in Asian landscape and design. The koi fish has a powerful and energetic life force, demonstrated by its ability to swim against currents and even travel upstream. During the National Day of 2018, Alipay official micro-blog launched a raffle event, randomly picking a prize winner from the bloggers who had forwarded this micro-blog. The event attracted netizens’ forwarding for more than 3,000,000 times. On October 7, Alipay announced the results of the lottery, the lucky prize winner, getting the “globally free gift packs”, was calledA STUDY ON CHINESE NETWORK CATCHWORDS IN 201829“Chinese koi fish”. After the event, “锦鲤” (koi fish) became popular immediately, and the Internet set off a wave of forwarding images of koi fish. “锦鲤” (koi fish) became the symbol of good luck. Later, as the heat grew, “锦鲤” (koi fish) began to refer generally to people who had good luck in small probability events. And the popularity of koi fish and the generalization of its symbolic meaning imply people’s yearning for a better life.(2) 店小二 (waiter or bartender). “店小二” originally refers to waiters or bartenders who are responsible of the reception of customers in teahouse, restaurant, or hotel in the old days. Their enthusiastic attitude and thoughtful service is an important aspect of a good experience a teahouse, a restaurant, or a hotel brings to customers. Now, the meaning and the context of this word has changed greatly. For instance, the main leaders of Zhejiang Province in China have advocated that government sectors, leading cadres should serve enterprises and grass-roots units well as “店小二” (waiter or bartender). From the example, it can be seen that the word “店小二” (waiter or bartender) has gradually evolved into a new meaning, referring to government sectors and leading cadres who promote economic development and provide thoughtful services to enterprises. This year, the main leaders of Shanghai in China also emphasized that the government should strive to do a good job as “店小二” (waiter or bartender) and carrying forward the spirit of “店小二” (waiter or bartender) is re-positioning of the roles of government sectors and leading cadres in the social and economic structure and a concrete measure to deepen the reform in the new era. So, the word gets popularity for its wide spreading in mass media and for enterprises, grass-roots units and even ordinary people hope that government sectors and leading cadres can be enthusiastic and thoughtful as “店小二” (waiter or bartender) when dealing with problems involved.(3) 退群 (withdraw from a group). “群” refers to a group established on Wechat, QQ, or other social platforms for a certain number of people to communicate; and “退群” means to withdraw from the communication group on a social platform. Later , the meaning extended, the scope of use expanded, now the word “退群” also refers to withdrawal from a group (not only on a social platform). After Trump became President, the United States withdrew from many international agreements or organizations, such as the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement, the Paris Climate Change Agreement, the Comprehensive Agreement on Iran’s Nuclear Issue, the Universal Postal Union, UNESCO, and so on. Trump even threatened that the United States would withdraw from the World Trade Organization. As a result, “退群” (withdraw from a group) has become a high-frequency hot word, widely appearing in news reports.(4) 巨婴 (giant baby). “巨婴” originally refer to large babies. But in recent years, the term has been used to refer to adults who are mentally stuck in infancy. Such people are absolutely self-centered and extremely selfish. They take other’s help and gifts for granted and have no sense of gratitude. They have no sense of rules, no legal concept, and no moral restraint. Once the situation exceeds their expectations, they will lose control of their emotions and behave excessively and irrationally. They protest in a baby-like way, trying to make others or even the surrounding environment yield or give in by crying, shouting, physical conflict, and other extreme methods, so as to achieve their own purpose and thus bring disastrous consequences to the society. This year, “high-speed railway tyrant” and “Chongqing Wanzhou bus crashed into river” and other incidents furtherly increased the heat of “巨婴”. “巨婴” phenomenon have attracted the attention of the whole society.Old words with new usage as memes.(1) 确认过眼神(look sb. in the eye or get confirmation). “确认过眼神” means to look sb. in the eye or to get confirmation. It firstly appeared in the lyrics of Singapore singer JJ Lin’s A Story in Red Cliff: looking her in30A STUDY ON CHINESE NETWORK CATCHWORDS IN 2018the eye (I know I have met my Miss. Right). Now, the meaning of the catchword is “confirmed” or “screened”. This usage was first derived from a micro-blog during Spring Festival “Confirmed, you are Cantonese”, attached with a picture of an one-RMB red envelope, which ironically implies Cantonese usually give little gift money during Spring Festival. This micro-blog made the phrase “确认过眼神” (look sb. in the eye or get confirmation) become a catchword immediately, and it frequently appeared in news titles, advertisements, and so on. At the beginning of its popularity, as what the phrase literally means, the context where the phase was used is related to people. However, in the process of subsequent communication and use, the semantic of the catchword has been generalized and gradually extended to refer to things. For example, “Confirmed, I know I have met the right cooker”. After further development, the scope and scale of its semantic generalization have been further expanded, and the actual meaning of the phrase has become fuzzier and fuzzier, and sometimes, it is just a discourse marker, such as “confirmed, tell the truth together”, “confirmed, do not forget to write a log”, and so on. The increasing fuzzy meaning of the word makes it more and more widely used and popular. And the popularity of the phrase reflects people’s desire to get the confirmed or screened in the face of a large number of uneven news or even false information.(2) 教科书式(textbook-like). In May 2018, someone uploaded a video of Shanghai police enforcing law on the street. When the police investigated and dealt with illegal parking, they asked the driver to show his driver’s license. But the drive did not cooperate and his attitude is very brutal. Repeating three times “take out your driver’s license” and getting no positive response, they began warning “Police tools will be used, people unconcerned, set aside please”. However, the driver still did not cooperate. The police then used tear gas, pulled out the baton, and declared “give up resistance, or force will be used” to control the driver and took him away. The video clip shows both the law enforcement procedures and on-site instructions are impeccable, with textbook-like standardization, which was called by netizens “textbook-like law enforcement”. With the popularity of the video, the word “教科书式” (textbook-like) also gradually widely spread. Now, it is used to refer to “normative”, “exemplary”, “classical”, “demonstrative”, “perfect”, and so on, describing doing something normatively or demonstratively, such as “textbook-like performance”, “textbook-like avoidance”, and “textbook-like design”. Meantime, during the usage of the word, there are also some expressions, such as “textbook-like cheating”, “textbook-like set”, and ”textbook-like trap”, which is the ironic usage of the word. Reasons for the Popularity of Network CatchwordsSimplicity. Network words must bear the characteristic of simplicity if they want to be popular. The simplicity of language is also called the economic principle of language. Network language, with its extraordinary compactness, can be effective union of several extremely simple and easily understandable morphemes, such as “杠精” (people who argue for the sake of arguing”. The word is made of Chinese character “杠” (figuratively “imperious” or “argument-liking) and “精” (a person who is extremely good at something). The word structure is quite simple, but the meaning is quite obvious. Another example “官宣” (an official announcement). It consists of “官” (authority) and “宣” (announcement). The combination of these two morphemes briefly expresses the meaning―the announcement is official, authoritative, and reliable. These words are quite simple in form and appropriate in meaning, so they are widely spread on the Internet and much loved by netizens.A STUDY ON CHINESE NETWORK CATCHWORDS IN 201831Vividness. A word is chosen on the basis of the user’s needs, and thus, it should accurately, vividly, and appropriately express the user’s utterance intention. Vividness is a prominent feature of Chinese characters. If a word wants to become popular, it must to be easily replicated and highly productive. For example, “佛系” (Buddha-like) vividly expresses a person’s state of mind―leave it to be. When the word is used, people always connect it with the image of Buddha. Therefore, there is no doubt that it is highly productive, such words as “佛系父母” (Buddha-like parents), “佛系恋爱” (Buddha-like love), and “佛系养生” (Buddha-like longevity preservation) come into being later. Take one more word as an example, “店小二” (waiter or bartender). When it is used to refer to government sectors and leading cadres who promote economic development and provide services to enterprises, the image of “店小二” (waiter or bartender) or the attitude he displays―enthusiastic and thoughtful―immediately comes to people’s mind. So, it gradually gets wide popularity.Defamiliarization. The biggest characteristic of network words lies in its defamiliarization. That is to say, the form of it is fresh, sometimes even strange. And this is the main reason for network words to become popular. In the virtual space with greater freedom, people’s desire to seek novelty, divergence, and change are magnified. Because of this, people’s aesthetic fatigue rises when such words “确定”(confirmed) and “经过鉴定”(identified) are frequently used. Therefore, when the phrase“确认过眼神” (look sb. In the eye or to get confirmation) appears, it immediately causes a sensation, like throwing a huge stone into a calm lake. The phrase, as a language meme, is quite innovative and productive. It can be used in various contexts and expresses the speaker’s intention in a concise, humorous, and vivid way.ConclusionNowadays, the network catchwords have been known to every household, and gradually, become strong memes to be widely spread. Memes, as the carrier of expressing information in network catchwords, have promoted their development. And memes themselves also rely on language itself to get replication and propagation. Network catchwords in various forms greatly enrich network language, and they also display such characteristics of network language as simplicity, vividness, and deformiliarization. From the perspective of memetics, this paper categorizes Chinese network catchwords in 2018 into three forms, interprets the meanings of these memes with specific examples, and analyses the reasons why language memes can be replicated and become popular.Analyzing network catchwords from the perspective of memetics not only reveals the law of the spread of network language, but also enables us to have a deep understanding of memetics, and even a further understanding of the development and change of human language.。
Opinions about the new marring way are divided
To Chinese people,getting married is one of the major events in one’s life and traditionally there is no divorce.You can tell how important Chinese view a marrige.That’s why people are spending more and more money on weddings and keep raising standards for choosing a mate. However, the group of young people have gone against the tradition by getting married “naked”, which causes heat discussions.
Prons and cons
• Cons(35.7%) Material is the basis of eveything ,don’t talk about love when you don’t have a material base. • Prons(57.7%) Love is the most important thing.The house and car can be brought in the future by working hard together.It’s wrong to base a marrige on material goods.
Money can make the love more romantic. But without true love,the romance of the couple is nothing. I think all of you have seen the movie Titanic. Rose’s fiance is very rich, but she doesn’t love him. She loves Jack, a poor guy who loves her too. They really have a nice time. This also proves that true love is more important than money in marriage.And in ancient China, there are many moving love stories that tell us love can make miracles, such as Dong Yong with Seven Female Celestial(董永和七仙女), Cowhand and Weaver Maid(牛郎织女) .
Cet-4 预测作文1. On Catchwords1. 目前出现了各种各样的流行语2. 人们对流行语褒贬不一3. 我认为……SampleOn CatchwordsCatchwords are novel descriptions, which enjoy great popularity among the public and possess the ability of spreading. They can be applied to depict everything, including mindset, state, and people. Therefore, increasingly more catchwords are produced at the speed faster than we expect. There has always been a great dispute over the popularity of catchwords. For some people, catchwords reflect the development of language and information technology, which stands for the improvement of the whole society; while for others, they are of the opinions that catchwords are vulgar and momentary, which can have no positive effect on the society.Personally speaking, catchwords conform to the trend of the historical development under certain circumstances, which cannot be eradicated. Besides, some catchwords do demonstrate the younger generation creativity and sense of humor.2. Second-hand Mobile Phone Messages1. 一项调查表明,我们发送的祝福短信中,多数为二手短信2. 分析二手短信兴起的原因及人们为何不喜欢这类短信3. 面对二手短信,我们应该怎样做SampleSecond-hand Mobile Phone MessagesIt is reported by Chongqing Evening News that during the New Year’s holiday each interviewee of 426 received 58 best-wishes messages on average, of which 78.4% were second-hand messages. And among the messages sent out, the original messages only took up 21.8%.With the popularity of mobile phones, it’s common for people to send messages to express their best wishes. Consequently, some carefully composed messages which indeed sound rhymed and beautiful are springing up like bamboo shoots after spring rain. However, wishes should be originated from sincerity, yet sending second-hand messages seems a duty-fulfillment. It’s no doubt, according to the survey, that the majority of the interviewees choose to delete this kind of messages.So when you intend to convey your best wishes, please choose simple words from heart, which may sound not so beautiful but would gain more popularity.3. College Graduates Working as Community Workers1. 一些大学生选择毕业后去社区工作2. 这样做的好处3. 我的看法SampleNowadays, some college graduates choose to work in grassroots communities after graduation.I think it is a good practice which can benefit not only themselves but also the whole society.On the one hand, college graduates can contribute a lot to the development of the community. As we all know, the staff members in the communities, they can introduce some new mainly made up of retired workers before, most of whom are not well educated. If college graduates can work in the communities, they can introduce some new concepts and methods to the community. On the other hand, graduates can also gain a lot from working as community workers. Community is the smallest unit in the society. Students can give full play to their abilities because they have to deal with various people and solve many thorny issues. Besides, one can also improve his practical skills, such as interpersonal skills and organizing ability.In my opinion, learning practical skills is of great importance for a graduate. Therefore, it is a wise choice for college graduates to have an experience as community workers.4. Should Retirement Age Be postponed?1.近年来推迟退休年龄引起人们的热议2. 推迟退休年龄有利也有弊3. 我的看法SampleAlong with the trend of longevity, nobody could have failed to notice a heated debate on whether it is wise to postpone retirement age.Some people argue that it’s necessary to postpone the retirement age in that it is a good way to deal with the aging population. One of the direct results of the aging society is a drop in the labor force supply, which can be relieved by postponing the retirement age. However, other people hold a negative view about. For one thing, this reform could raise the pressure of social employment, especially for the present severe situation. For another, it may diminish the senors’leisure time and the probability of the retired people enjoying their retirement pension.For my part, we should take the level of the reform and the elders’ interest into consideration so that a clearer perspective of the debate can be gained.5. On Idol Worshiping1. 许多青少年将娱乐明星当作崇拜偶像2. 对此现象不同的人有不同的看法3. 我对此事的分析和看法SampleOn Idol WorshipingIdol worshiping is not a new phenomenon, but the recent cases of unseasonable behaviors conducted by some young people have made it a focus of attention again. Especially, a young girl’s father has committed suicide just to wake up his daughter who is possessed by the idea pf following her idol wherever he goes.Some people argue that the mass media is to blame for the tragedy because it always shows a picture of glamorous movie stars, pop singers and all the other entertainers that young peopledesire to have. However, young people are just not mature enough to tell fact from fiction. Other people believe that it shows the weakness of our educational system. School pays much attention to students’ studies and exams, but overlook their psychological status.As far as I am concerned, the tragedy sends out an alarm signal to us all. The media, the school, the parents and even the youth themselves have to reflect on the issue and try to stop such kind of tragedy from happening again.6. Roll-call System on Campus1. “点名制度”在大学中一直被老师们使用2. 学生们对此褒贬不一3. 在我看来……SampleRoll-call System on CampusRoll-call system has been commonly adopted by college teachers to check students’ attendance. For teachers, it functions as a way to judge students; for students, it serves as a supervisory tool. Nowadays, when asked about the roll-call system, students opinions differ. Some students hold that it is of great importance for both teachers and students, because it will help teachers to discipline their students and help students to obey the rule; sometimes, it may even work as a determining factor for the teacher to judge one student. On the contrary,other students argue that the roll-call system is now no more than a formality, which cannot reach its intended meaning; in addition, it has been taken advantage of by many naughty students by asking some others to reply in roll-call.In my point of view, roll-call system is only a means to supervise students, and students should rely on themselves to discipline their behavior.7. Due Attention Should Be Paid to Internet Safety1. 很多网民的礼仪及隐私收到侵犯和威胁2. 造成这种现象的原因是……3. 为了提高网络安全,我认为……SampleDue Attention Should Be Paid to Internet SafetyWith the occurrence of the vicious competition between the two software companies, many netizens realize the fact that their privacy is suffering from violation and threat. In their daily life, they are not only disturbed by strangers due to personal information disclosure on the Internet, but also are suffering property losses because of the bank account leak.When it comes to the Internet safety problems, some network operators’ignorance of users’interest is the first factor to blame, for they often sell the private information of the users to pursue their own profits. The second factor lies in the lack of the relevant laws enacted by the government, which means that the Internet users’ right has not been officially protected.To avoid such violation and threat, I recommend two different approaches. On the one hand, certain industrial associations should be established to supervise and stop the wrong doing performed by Internet companies. On the other hand, the netizens should manage to equipthemselves with knowledge of Internet safety and improve the awareness of self-protection so that their privacy will not be violated.8. My View on Job-Hopping1. 有些人喜欢始终从事一种工作,因为……。
The catchwords dissemination significance and social value of what,and how should we look at it.
• on one hand • on the other hand
On one hand
• The development of culture and personality liberation is the inevitable phenomenon ,but also in China the present social situation,the network of public opinion political as though partial from the elite look,but considering the traditional , media s public opinion is same,the popular language of network even lack depth and seriousness,as loose media space and the , citizens political participation and effective way,is also very positive social motivation.
Yuan fang,what do you think?
Generally speaking
• The catchwords network is composed of major events and influential man cause, spread rapidly .In the massive information wave and attention economy led to the network language environment,the principles of linguistic economics were brought to the extreme.
Source: Someone releases an empty note titled’.1 million clicks and 0.3 milion replys in only one day.
>> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
Sometimes, we think we have
get rid of one cup,but in fact we fall into the other one.
>> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
NO. 5 Jia Junpeng, your mother calls you back home for dinner!
Catchword In Our Life
Things do not change,we chanp your thoughts.
>> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
>> 0 >> 1 >> 2 >> 3 >> 4 >>
We can see a sad dog and two unhappy bear toys.We can ask them:what makes you three unhappy,tell us to make us happy. In our life,there is full of pain ,but we must be optimistic towards life.If you try, you’ll find converting from unhappy to happy is a simple thing.
法国首都巴黎英语Arc de Triomphe The discovery of the City of Light and the experience of making it your own is and always has been the most compelling reason to visit. If youre a first-timer, everything in Paris, of course, will be new to you. If youve been away for a while, expect changes: Taxi drivers may no longer correct your French but address you in English--and thats tantamount to(同等的,相当于) a revolution. More Parisians(巴黎人) have a rudimentary(基本的,初步的)knowledge of English, and the country, at least at first glance, seems less hysterically(歇斯底里地,极端地)xenophobic(对外国人无理仇视的,排外的) than in past years. Part of this derives from Parisians interest in music, videos, and films from foreign countries, and part is caused by Frances growing awareness of its role within a united Europe. Yet France has never been more concerned about the loss of its identity, as it continues to attract an increasing number of immigrants from its former colonies. Many have expressed concern that the country will lose the battle to keep its language strong, distinct, and unadulterated(无搀杂的,纯正的)by foreign (particularly American) slang or catchwords (le weekend, for example).Touring the Seine River by boat Though Paris is in flux (巨变)culturally and socially, it lures travelers for the same reasons it always has.Both the capital of the nation and of the historic Ile de France region, Paris is located in northern central France, 265km (165mi) south-west ofBrussels, 295km (185mi) south-west of Luxembourg and 510km (315mi) west of Stuttgart. The city centre - known as Intra-Muros, or within the walls - is bisected by the River Seine. The area north of the river, the Rive Droite (Right Bank), includes the tree-lined Avenue des Champs-lyses, running west to the Arc de Triomphe. East of the avenue is the massive Muse du Louvre, the Centre Georges Pompidou and a lively district of museums, shops, markets and restaurants. Immediately south of the Pompidou Centre on the Ile de la Cit is the world-famous Notre Dame. The area south of the river, the Rive Gauche (Left Bank), is home to the citys most prominent landmark, the Eiffel Tower.扩展:公司内常见职务译名Accounting Assistant会计助理Accounting Clerk记帐员Accounting Manager会计部经理Accounting Stall会计部职员Accounting Supervisor会计主管Administration Manager行政经理Administration Staff行政人员Administrative Assistant行政助理Administrative Clerk行政办事员Advertising Staff(广告)工作人员Airlines Sales Representative航空公司定座员Airlines Staff航空公司职员Application Engineer应用工程师Assistant Manager副经理Bond Analyst证券分析员Bond Trader证券交易员Business Controller业务主任Business Manager业务经理Buyer选购员Cashier出纳员Chemical Engineer化学工程师Chairman/Chairman of the Board 董事长Chief Executive Officer 首席执行官Civil Engineer土(木工)程师Clerk/Receptionist职员/接待员Clerk Typist Secretary文书打字兼秘书Computer Data Input Operator计算机资料输入员Computer Engineer计算机工程师Computer Processing Operator计算机处理操作员Computer System Manager计算机系统部经理Copywriter广告文字撰稿人Deputy General Manager副总经理Economic Research Assistant经济讨论助理相关(文章):1.关于去巴黎旅游英文介绍2.关于介绍法国的英语短文3.描写巴黎的段落4.巴黎旅游攻略签证5.关于法国巴黎游记6.2022暑假巴黎旅游感言500字文档内容到此结束,欢迎大家下载、修改、丰富并分享给更多有需要的人。
Time is what you make of it.
天长地久 (斯沃琪手表)
M&M’s melt in your mouth, not in your hand.
只溶在口,不溶在手 (M&M’s)
Start ahead
Focus on life
Popular ad slogans have been proved to be so successful that they have become part of our daily life and our culture.
Game Time
Look and guess the BRAND?
Every time a good time
更多欢笑 更多欢乐 就在麦当劳
Just do it.
只管去做 (耐克)
Connecting People
科技以人为本 (诺基亚)
Obey your thirst.
Spirit 服从你的渴望 (雪碧)
Famous ad slogans are now seen as catchwords used as mottos and catch-phrases (口头禅)to identify various brands.
They have been made even more popular and memorable by the addition by the addition of catchy jingles(广告短歌)
Advertising slogan
Advertising slogans are memorable phrases used campaigns.
网络流行语Network Catchword
1. The anonymity of the virtual world space (匿名性的网络虚拟世界) 2. necessity and possibility: The young people 3. Internet Age Language is the reflection of the times. 4. Features: vivid, innovative and general
据说是源自中文配音 版本的日本搞笑动漫 《西游记——旅程的 终点》
When they arrived (不给力) at the Tianzhu, Wukong was disappointed to say: "that's the Tianzhu? Ungeliva ble,teacher "
Common activities of a
staycation include use of the backyard pool, visits to local parks and museums, and attendance at local festivals. Some staycationers also like to follow a set of rules, such as setting a start and end date, planning ahead, and avoiding routine, with the goal of creating the feel of a traditional vacation.
NO.9 High-rich and handsome
中国网络流行语的语言特征及其英译策略胡琴【摘要】Chinese Internet Catchwords was analyzed through a flourishing period in recent years.Quite a lot of the catchwords which have reflected current social problems were even found on some authoritative media home and abroad,which demonstrate their influence on society and culture.As the extension and innovation of Chinese language,Internet catchwords bear their own unique linguistic characteristics and significance.Therefore,the adoption of diverse strategies would be more preferred during their English translation.The linguistic features of Chinese Internet catchwords and some practical translation strategies will be given in this paper.%对中国的网络流行语在近几年的发展情况进行分析,列举一些反映社会生活的,甚至出现在国内外权威报纸杂志上产生重大影响的网络流行语。
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【测测你的英语水平:我绝不嫁给你】 测测你的英语水平:我绝不嫁给你】 高考水平 水平: 高考水平: Never will I marry you. 四级水平 水平: 四级水平: You are the last man I am willing to marry. 六级水平 水平: 六级水平: Under no circumstances will I marry you.
女人好比梨,外甜内酸。 女人好比梨,外甜内酸。吃梨的人不 知道梨的心是酸的,吃到最后就把心给扔了, 知道梨的心是酸的,吃到最后就把心给扔了, 所以男人从来不懂女人的心。男人好比洋葱, 所以男人从来不懂女人的心。男人好比洋葱, 想得到男人心需要一层一层去剥, 想得到男人心需要一层一层去剥,在剥的过 程中你会不断流泪, 程中你会不断流泪,剥到最后你才知道洋葱 是没有心的。 是没有心的。
Our dreams are young and we both know , they’ll take us where we want to go.
Khalil Fong
方大同--Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For 方大同 You_clip.flv
—— Audrey Hepburn
一切皆有可能, 一切皆有可能,“IM POSSIBLE ”这词本身就在说“I'M 这词本身就在说“ 这词本身就在说 POSSIBLE! ” !
我们都明白尽管梦想才刚发芽, 尽管梦想才刚发芽 ✿我们都明白尽管梦想才刚发芽,但它 们会带我们到想去的地方。 们会带我们到想去的地方 去的地
can choose to love me or not, but myself only have to choose from loving you or loving you more. 你是幸运的, 你是幸运的,因为你可以选择爱 我或不爱我, 我或不爱我,而我只能选择爱你还是 更爱你。 更爱你。
Catchwords 潮流英语 潮流英语
✿ Hawt-e staring @ u.
帅哥在看你。 帅哥在看你。
“hawt” “hot”的异写 现 的异写 在比较流行这个词 E is , @ at, , U You了 。 了
没有damon的周末 ✿没有 的周末
Damon-free weekend
✿ Jeremy的家长会 的家长会
❤ Looking good and dressing well is a necessity. Having a purpose in life is not. -- Oscar Wilde
穿着打扮是生活的需要, 穿着打扮是生活的需要,但绝不是 生活的目标 。
Hey! wise up! 放聪明点好吗? 放聪明点好吗? You are dead meat. 你死定了。 你死定了。 Don't push me around. 不要摆布我。 不要摆布我。 You want to step outside? 吗? 吗 Put up or shut up. ,不 要 你 不
I'm good,thanks. ,
good night. sleep tight.
我遇到一个女孩,我们聊天, ✿我遇到一个女孩,我们聊天, 就像诗一样美好。但是当太阳升起, 就像诗一样美好。但是当太阳升起, 现实的生活开始。是的, 现实的生活开始。是的,这就是现 就在这里。 实,就在这里。
【 这 样 教 训 人 】
【 How to build up your How to build up your own social network own social network 】
1.学会适应环境 adjust yourself; 学会适应环境 ; 2学会大方 be generous; 学会大方 ; 3.学会谦卑 be humble; 学会谦卑 ; 4.有礼貌 be polite; 有礼貌 ; 5.学会感恩 be grateful; 学会感恩 ; 6. be punctual; ; 7. keep promises; ; 8.学会 be tolerant 学会
GRE水平:If you were the last 水平: 水平 man in the world, I would definitely remain single. GRE, Graduate Record , Examination 美国研究生入学考试
✿ Before finding the right
张莺 408荣誉出品 荣誉出品: 408荣誉出品: 胡珺 李琴 刘昶
如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气, 如果你相信自己,然后再加上一点点运气, 那你所以梦想就都能实现。 那你所以梦想就都能实现。
--海绵宝宝 --海绵宝宝
梦想的路上总有那么几个“蠢货” 梦想的路上总有那么几个“蠢货” 一起风雨兼程,一路同行。 一起风雨兼程,一路同行。
✿ Nothing is Impossible, the word itself says “I'M Possible!”
✿ A person who truely loves you
is someone who can sees the pain in your eyes, while everyone else still believe in the smile on your face. 当所有人都因为看到你面上的笑容 当所有人都因为看到你面上的笑容, 你面上的笑 而相信你是快乐的;一个真正爱你的 而相信你是快乐的;一个真正爱你的 却能从你的眼中看到你的痛苦 你的眼中看到你的痛苦。 人,却能从你的眼中看到你的痛苦。
Women are like pears, within the sweet acid. Men who eat pears didn‘t know pear’s hearts are sour, eat to finally put the heart to give away, so men never understood the hearts of women, men like Onions, want men need a layer heart in to peel off process you will continually tears, peels to finally you just know Onions are no heart 。
❤ We were at the very first one.
我们曾独领风骚 大萌Damon Salvatore - Sexy 表情帝 大萌 Facial Expressions1.flv
【国际著名品牌】 国际著名品牌】 1)Burberry 巴宝莉 I’m not 2)Chanel 香奈尔 ) just a bag. 3)Dolce &Gabbana 杜嘉班纳 我最欢型 ) ~ 4)Dior 迪奥 ) 5)Gucci 古奇 ) 6)Hermes 爱马仕 ) 7)Delvaux 德尔沃 ) 8)Louis Vuitton (LV)路易威登 ) ) 9)Prada 普拉达 ) 10)Gianni Versace 范思哲 )
Jeremy's parent-teacher conference.
✿ I‘m good.
这句话不一定是表明自己心情好状态好。 这句话不一定是表明自己心情好状态好。 也可表示“不用,谢谢” 也可表示“不用,谢谢”
For example
你去某人家,主人请你吃东西你却不想吃,就可 你去某人家,主人请你吃东西你却不想吃, 以说
people, the only need to do is to make yourself good enough.
在找到合适的人之前,唯一需要做的 在找到合适的人之前,唯一需要做的, 就是让自己足够的优秀。 就是让自己足够的优秀。
✿ You are so lucky, because you
I met a girl. We talked ,and it was epic. But then the sun came up and reality set in. Well, this is reality. Right here.
❤ She's big on trust.
她总是刨根究底。 她对真相很坚持) 她总是刨根究底。 (她对真相很坚持) For example Elena is big on testing. E很擅长发短信 很擅长发短信