地铁冲浪者 subway surf
地铁冲浪者SubwaySurfers任务及新手攻略地铁冲浪者Subway Surfers任务及新手攻略又一个Temple Run玩法的手机跑酷游戏,自从T emple Run大火以后,在商店总会不断的出现这样玩法类型的游戏,纵向奔跑,或跳或蹲的躲闪障碍物,而且主角总是因为各种原因被追不得不逃。
值得一体的是,安卓版的地铁冲浪Subway Surfers游戏中加入了丰富的任务剧情,下面就让我们一起来看地铁冲浪Subway Surfers任务及新手入门攻略。
Subway Surfers安卓版地铁冲浪者新手攻略打开游戏,出现的场景就是主角正在火车皮旁边晃晃悠悠涂鸦,只要点击屏幕就可以开始狂奔了。
操作与Temple Run相似,向上划是跳跃,向下划是伏地滑动;而两者不同的是这款游戏是纵向跑酷,并没有其他方向,只有通过左右滑动来躲避障碍物。
Q3的CFG常用命令解释及建议//由于大部分内容都是我自己翻译的所以难免有错,还请见谅seta scr_conspeed "10000" //设置控制台的下拉速度最快seta s_volume "0.8" //游戏音量seta s_usingA3D "0" //不使用a3d效果seta s_musicvolume "0" //关闭游戏中的音乐seta s_mixPreStep "0.055"seta s_mixahead "0.08" //以上两项设置游戏声音品质(适合单挑,2V2)如果超过4人请用0.05,0.12seta s_loadas8bit "1" //使用8位声音采样seta s_khz "11" //使用11千赫声音采样速率seta s_doppler "0" //关闭多普勒效应(1.27/1.29,就是某扭曲er所说的撕破裤子的声音=___=) seta s_compression "1" //低品质声音seta r_vertexLight "1" //使用顶点照明seta r_textureMode "GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST" //使用双线性过滤seta r_texturebits "16" //强制使用16位色深纹理seta r_swapInterval "0" //关闭垂直同步刷新seta r_lodCurveError "50"seta r_subdivisions "120" //以上设置圆弧精细度,值得说的是seta r_lodCurveError越大圆弧品质越//高,seta r_subdivisions相反,但2者起的作用并不相同seta r_subdivisions的优先级应高于seta//r_lodCurveError,也就是说如果seta r_subdivisions "999"的话,seta r_lodCurveError大概就没甚//么用了。
玩的就是惊险刺激 安卓跑酷游戏推荐
今天,小编要给大家介绍的就是几款跑酷类游戏,喜欢的朋友可以下载来亲身体验下!1)神庙逃亡2作为超高人气的跑过游戏《神庙逃亡》,其续作《神庙逃亡2》当然也不会差到哪里去!该游戏自IOS上架以后,在短短的12小时里就位居App Store免费软件榜单第一位,可想而知该作在IOS平台有多受欢迎。
神庙逃亡2Temple Run 2二维码扫描下载 分类:动作游戏 评分:大小:32MB 支持平台:Android 、Apple2)地铁冲浪者《地铁冲浪者(Subway Surfers )》的游戏中,主角是一个喜欢到处涂鸦的小男孩,每次游戏开始的时候他都会用喷漆在火车上涂鸦,然后就被警察发现带着狗追他,于是两人在轨道上展开了紧张刺激的追逐战。
总体来说这款《地铁冲浪者(Subway Surfers )》在各方面都制作得很不错,玩法刺激有趣,画面精美可爱,开头还插播一个俏皮的小剧情,让人玩起来有点爱不释手,停不下来。
fenix3 中英文对照说明书
Owner’s Manual
翻译仅供参考,如有错误之处,请不吝指出,联系QQ:12594065 (SUNG),随时交流修正
February 2015
Printed in Taiwan
Table of Contents
Setting a Training Target .设...定....训...练...目...标........................................... 7 Cancelling a Training Target .取...消...训...练...目....标................................. 7
Setting up Garmin express 设...置.... G...a..r.m..i.n.. .e..x.p..r.e..s.s....................... 1
Activities .运...动..................................................................... 1 Starting an Activity .开...始...活...动............................................................ 2 Stopping an Activity .停...止...活...动.......................................................... 2 Skiing .滑...雪...................................................................................... 2
《地铁冲浪》1-30级任务内容及攻略(1-30 tasks,content and strategy of subway surfing)《地铁冲浪》1-30级任务内容及攻略(1-30 tasks, content andstrategy of subway surfing)1-30 tasks, content and strategy of "subway surfing"2012.11.7 10:30 broad bean net (3 comments)Navigation in this paperPage first: subway surfing level 1-10Page third: subway surfing level 21-30Page second: subway surfing level 11-20Metro surfing level 1-10"Subway Surfers" must have been known to everyone, the gameplay is very simple. There are 30 upgrades in the game, and the greater the multiple between the score and the running distance, when each level is completed. Let's introduce the contents of 1 or 30 tasks in the game.1 upgrade 21:Collect 500 coins. 500 left. collects 500 gold coins.2:score 1000, points, in, single, run., 1000, left., 1000 runs for a single run.3:Pickup 2, powerups. 2, left. picked up two stretch shoes.2 upgrade 31:Collect 200, coins, in, a, one, run.200, left.,, running for a single collection of gold coins.2:jump 20, times., 20, left., jump 20 times during the run.3:pick up 2 Super sneakars. 2left. picked up two stretch shoes.3 upgrade 41:Get 2, character, tokens., 2, left., pick up two letters.2:Roll 30, times, in, total., 30, left. running, rolling times 30 times.3:Spend 2000 coins. 2000 left. costs 2000 gold coins.4 upgrade 51:Complete 1, daily, challenge., 1, left., complete a daily task 2:Dodge 20, barriers., 20, left.. Running, dodging 20 fences.3:Score 6000, point, in, single, run., 6000, left., runs more than one point.5 upgrade 61:Collect 2500 coins. 2500 left. collects 2500 gold coins.2:jump 30, times, in, one, run.,, 30, left. jumped up in a single run.3:Buy 1, mystery, box., 1, left., buy a Mystery Box (in the store, 500 yuan a).6 upgrade 71:Use 1 Hover board. 1 left. uses a skateboard (skateboard can be purchased directly, or obtained by opening a mystery box. You can use it with two clicks during the run2:Pick up 5 coinmagnets. 5 left. picked up 5 magnets (the kind that can suck gold coins).3:Stumble into 4 barriers. 4 left. meets 4 fences. (stumble over a fence, but you can continue running. Every time I hit it, the police behind me followed up7 Upgrade 81:Pickup 2, Jetpacks., 2, left., picked up 2 jet packs during the run.2:Beat 1, friend., 1, left., and a friend networking game (do not want networking, can be purchased directly in the shop to complete the task.3:Use 1 Headstart. 1 left. uses a jet flight.8 upgrade 91:Bump in to 8, trains, in, run., one, 8left.., ran in a single run, hit the train every time (hit every time the police have followed the kind of).2:Get 40 coins with Magent. collects 40 gold coins with a magnet 3:Get caught in 10 second. was caught by police in 10 seconds. (start toward left or right to hit the train on the line)9 upgrade 101:Use 1, Hoverboard, without, crashing., 1, lfet., use a skateboard during running, and do not touch anything (recommended to use skateboards at the beginning).2:Pickup 2, mystery, boxes., 2, left..In the process of running, you pick up a box (which is a box with a question mark). Note: the boxes you get from the daily mission aren't counted.3:Roll 30, times, in, a, single, run.,, 30 left., running times, rolling times. (remember, it's a single shot.)Metro surfing level 11-2010 upgrade 111:Score 20000, points, in, single, run., 20000, left., 20000 runsfor more than one point (less smart kids can buy more skateboards).2:Pickup 12 powerups. 12 left.. Literally means collecting 12elastic shoes. But I found that it should be wearing elastic shoes, jump 12 times.3:Jump over 2, trains. 2, left. jump the train, 2 times. (skipping means jumping on the ground and landing on the ground, so skip it once.). It's easier to wear stretch shoes, but I find that jumping across the train is also a skip, so it's really simple11 upgrade 121:Score 4000 points without collecting coins. left. refers to the 4000 gold coins do not eat during the running, get 4000 points, this no props word basically impossible, so it is recommended to buy a jet acceleration, that red. At first, press, fly past 4000 minutes.2:Roll 50, times, in, center, lane., 50, left., running, rolling 50 times in the middle of the runway (cumulative).3 Collect 5000 coins. 5000 left. collection of 5000 gold coins can be accumulated.12 upgrade 131, complete two daily tasks, that is, spelling words, do not want to spend time, you can also directly buy gold coins in the past.2. drill 40 times the bottom of the railing is also very simple.3. collect shoes 5 times.13 upgrade 141, Bump, 2, bushes., hit two bushes.2 Pickup 160, coins, with, a, Magnet., eat 160 coins with a magnet.3, Pick, up, 2, Magnets, in, on, run., 2 magnets in one set. .14 upgrade 151 Pickup 4 Mystery boxes. picks up 4 mystery boxes.2, Roll 40, times, in, a, single, run., rolling on one track 40 times (one line is complete)3 Collect 400, coins, in, a, one, run., 400 gold coins in a game.15 upgrade 161:Score 100000 points. 100000 left. accumulated 100000 points.2:Pick up 5 Jetpacks. 5 left. picked up 5 jet packs3 bump into 12 lightsignals; 12 left. hit 12 traffic signal posts16 upgrade 171:Complete 3, Daily, Challenges., and 3 left. complete 3 daily tasks (that is, the collection of letters, every 24 hours will have a daily task).2:Pick up 3, Super, Sneakers, in,, one, run., 3, left., running during the run, picked up two elastic shoes.3, Jump, over, 4, trains., 4, left., skip 4 trains (skip with elastic shoes)17 upgrade 181 Score 50000 points in single run. gets 50000 points in an office2 Spent 4000 coins. consumption 4000 gold coins3, Pick, up, 15, Coin, Magnets, pick up 15 magnets18 upgrade 191:pick up 2, jetpacks, in, one, run, 2 left pick up 2 flying packs at once2:bump into 12 trains in one run 12 left 12 train intentionally bump3:crash into 20 trains 19 left collision grey train 20 death19 upgrade 201:use 5 hoverboards uses 5 suspension skateboards2:拿起3块磁铁捡起3磁铁3:得到5字令牌开箱子获得5个道具(金币不算)地铁冲浪21-30级20升级211:收集250000点收集250000点2:跳一次在一局内跳跃40次40倍3:25收集25个道具拾取道具21升级221:碰到障碍撞击到个栅栏就好15 152:购买3个神秘箱子购买3个神秘盒子3:拾取240个硬币用磁铁通过磁铁收集到240个金币。
OFFSHORE STANDARDD ET N ORSKE VERITASDNV-OS-C201STRUCTURAL DESIGN OF OFFSHOREUNITS (WSD METHOD)APRIL 2005Since issued in print (April 2005), this booklet has been amended, latest in April 2006.See the reference to “Amendments and Corrections” on the next page.Comments may be sent by e-mail to rules@For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use distribution@Comprehensive information about DNV services, research and publications can be found at http :// , or can be obtained from DNV,Veritasveien 1, NO-1322 Høvik, Norway; Tel +47 67 57 99 00, Fax +47 67 57 99 11.© Det Norske Veritas. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written consent of Det Norske puter Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas.Printed in Norway.If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compen-sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.FOREWORDDET NORSKE VERITAS (DNV) is an autonomous and independent foundation with the objectives of safeguarding life, prop-erty and the environment, at sea and onshore. DNV undertakes classification, certification, and other verification and consultancy services relating to quality of ships, offshore units and installations, and onshore industries worldwide, and carries out research in relation to these functions.DNV Offshore Codes consist of a three level hierarchy of documents:—Offshore Service Specifications. Provide principles and procedures of DNV classification, certification, verification and con-sultancy services.—Offshore Standards. Provide technical provisions and acceptance criteria for general use by the offshore industry as well asthe technical basis for DNV offshore services.—Recommended Practices. Provide proven technology and sound engineering practice as well as guidance for the higher levelOffshore Service Specifications and Offshore Standards.DNV Offshore Codes are offered within the following areas:A)Qualification, Quality and Safety Methodology B)Materials Technology C)Structures D)SystemsE)Special Facilities F)Pipelines and Risers G)Asset Operation H)Marine Operations J)Wind TurbinesAmendments and CorrectionsThis document is valid until superseded by a new revision. Minor amendments and corrections will be published in a separate document normally updated twice per year (April and October).For a complete listing of the changes, see the “Amendments and Corrections” document located at: /technologyservices/, “Offshore Rules & Standards”, “Viewing Area”.The electronic web-versions of the DNV Offshore Codes will be regularly updated to include these amendments and corrections.Amended April 2006,Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005 see note on front cover Changes – Page 3Changes April 2005—Sec.1. Unification of requirements, level of references, terms, definitions, lay-out, text, etc. with the LRFD stand-ards, i.e. general standard (DNV-OS-C101), the standards for various objects (DNV-OS-C102 to DNV-OS-C106), as well as the fabrication standard (DNV-OS-C401). —Sec.1 & Sec.2. Definition and application of design tem-perature and service temperature has been updated, and the terminology co-ordinated with the LRFD standards.—Sec.4. Overall conditions for fracture mechanics (FM) testing, and post weld heat treatment (PWHT) transferred here (from DNV-OS-C401). Requirements to FM adjusted to reflect results of more recent research work. —Sec.5. References to the more recent Recommended Prac-tices introduced e.g. DNV-RP-C201 (for Plates), updating references to CN 30.1.—Sec.3 D300. Specified tank pressures are harmonised with similar formulas in the LRFD standards, while simultane-ously attempted simplified and clarified.—Sec.11 to Sec.14. (Ref. to the various objects.) Formulas for sea pressure during transit are reorganised and clari-fied, improving readability.—Sec.12. Text covering redundancy and detailed design re-vised in line with DNV-OS-C104 (and the previous MOU-rules).—Sec.13. Text regarding the topics of tendon fracture me-chanics, composite tendons, and stability, as well as the CMC requirements are all updated, bringing the text in line with most recent revision of DNV-OS-C105.—Sec.14. Text updated in line with ongoing revision of DNV-OS-C106.D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005Amended April 2006, Page 4 – Changes see note on front coverD ET N ORSKE V ERITASAmended April 2006,Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005 see note on front cover Contents – Page 5CONTENTSSec. 1Introduction (9)A.General (9)A100Introduction (9)A200Objectives (9)A300Scope and application (9)A400Other than DNV codes (9)A500Classification (9)B.References (9)B100General (9)C.Definitions (10)C100Verbal forms (10)C200Terms (10)D.Abbreviations and Symbols (12)D100Abbreviations (12)D200Symbols (12)Sec. 2Design Principles (15)A.Introduction (15)A100General (15)A200Aim of the design (15)B.General Design Considerations (15)B100General (15)B200Overall design (15)B300Details design (15)C.Design Conditions (15)C100Basic conditions (15)D.Loading Conditions (16)D100General (16)D200Load (16)E.Design by the WSD Method (16)E100Permissible stress and usage factors (16)E200Basic usage factors (16)F.Design Assisted by Testing (16)F100General (16)F200Full-scale testing and observation of performance of existing structures (16)Sec. 3Loads and Load Effects (17)A.Introduction (17)A100General (17)B.Basis for Selection of Loads (17)B100General (17)C.Permanent Functional Loads (17)C100General (17)D.Variable Functional Loads (18)D100General (18)D200Variable functional loads on deck areas (18)D300Tank pressures (18)D400Lifeboat platforms (19)E.Environmental Loads (19)E100General (19)E200Environmental conditions for mobile units (19)E300Environmental conditionss for site specific units (19)E400Determination of hydrodynamic loads (19)E500Wave loads (19)E600Wave induced inertia forces (20)E700Current (20)E800Wind loads (20)E900Vortex induced oscillations (20)E1000Water level and tidal effects (20)E1100Marine growth (20)E1200Snow and ice accumulation............................................20E1300Direct ice load.. (20)E1400Earthquake (20)bination of Environmental Loads (21)F100General (21)G.Accidental Loads (21)G100General (21)H.Deformation Loads (21)H100General (21)H200Temperature loads (21)H300Settlements and subsidence of sea bed (21)I.Fatigue loads (22)I100General (22)J.Load Effect Analysis (22)J100General (22)J200Global motion analysis (22)J300Load effects in structures and soil or foundation (22)Sec. 4Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and Inspection Principles (23)A.General (23)A100 (23)B.Temperatures for Selection of Material (23)B100General (23)B200Floating units (23)B300Bottom fixed units (23)C.Structural Category (23)C100General (23)C200Selection of structural category (23)C300Inspection of welds (24)D.Structural Steel (24)D100General (24)D200Material designations (24)D300Selection of structural steel (25)D400Fracture mechanics (FM) testing (25)D500Post weld heat treatment (PWHT) (25)Sec. 5Structural Strength (26)A.General (26)A100General (26)A200Structural analysis (26)A300Ductility (26)A400Yield check (26)A500Buckling check (27)B.Flat Plated Structures and Stiffened Panels (27)B100Yield check (27)B200Buckling check (27)B300Capacity checks according to other codes (27)C.Shell Structures (27)C100General (27)D.Tubular Members, Tubular Joints and Conical Transitions.27 D100General (27)E.Non-Tubular Beams, Columns and Frames (28)E100General (28)Sec. 6Section Scantlings (29)A.General (29)A100Scope (29)B.Strength of Plating and Stiffeners (29)B100Scope (29)B200Minimum thickness (29)B300Bending of plating (29)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005Amended April 2006, Page 6 – Contents see note on front coverB400Stiffeners (29)C.Bending and Shear in Girders (30)C100General (30)C200Minimum thickness (30)C300Bending and shear (30)C400Effective flange (30)C500Effective web (30)C600Strength requirements for simple girders (30)C700Complex girder systems (31)Sec. 7Fatigue (32)A.General (32)A100General (32)A200Design fatigue factors (32)A300Methods for fatigue analysis (32)A400Simplified fatigue analysis (33)A500Stochastic fatigue analysis (33)Sec. 8Accidental Conditions (34)A.General (34)A100General (34)B.Design Criteria (34)B100General (34)B200Collision (34)B300Dropped objects (34)B400Fires (34)B500Explosions (34)B600Unintended flooding (34)Sec. 9Weld Connections (36)A.General (36)A100Scope (36)B.Types of Welded Steel Joints (36)B100Butt joints (36)B200Tee or cross joints (36)B300Slot welds (37)B400Lap joint (37)C.Weld Size (37)C100General (37)C200Fillet welds (37)C300Partly penetration welds and fillet welds in crossconnections subject to high stresses (38)C400Connections of stiffeners to girders and bulkheads, etc..38 C500End connections of girders (39)C600Direct calculation of weld connections (39)Sec. 10Corrosion Control (40)A.General (40)A100Scope (40)B.Techniques for Corrosion Control Related to EnvironmentalZones (40)B100Atmospheric zone (40)B200Splash zone (40)B300Submerged zone (40)B400Internal zone (40)C.Cathodic Protection (41)C100General (41)C200Galvanic anode systems (41)C300Impressed current systems (42)D.Coating Systems (42)D100Specification of coating (42)Sec. 11Special Considerations for Column Stabilised Units (43)A.General (43)A100Assumptions and application (43)B.Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and InspectionPrinciples (43)B100General (43)B200Structural categorisation (43)B300Material selection (43)B400Inspection categories (44)C.Design and Loading Conditions (46)C100General (46)C200Permanent loads (46)C300Variable functional loads (46)C400Tank loads (46)C500Environmental loads, general (46)C600Sea pressures (47)C700Wind loads (47)C800Heavy components (47)C900Combination of loads (47)D.Structural Strength (47)D100General (47)D200Global capacity (47)D300Transit condition (47)D400Method of analysis (48)D500Air gap (48)E.Fatigue (48)E100General (48)E200Fatigue analysis (49)F.Accidental Conditions (49)F100General (49)F200Collision (49)F300Dropped objects (49)F400Fire (49)F500Explosion (49)F600Heeled condition (49)G.Redundancy (49)G100General (49)G200Brace arrangements (49)H.Structure in Way of a Fixed Mooring System (49)H100Structural strength (49)I.Structural Details (50)I100General (50)Sec. 12Special Considerations forSelf-Elevating Units (51)A.Introduction (51)A100Scope and application (51)B.Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and InspectionPrinciples (51)B100General (51)B200Structural categorisation (51)B300Material selection (51)B400Inspection categories (51)C.Design and Loading Conditions (51)C100General (51)C200Transit (52)C300Installation and retrieval (52)C400Operation and survival (52)D.Environmental Conditions (53)D100General (53)D200Wind (53)D300Waves (53)D400Current (53)D500Snow and ice (53)E.Method of Analysis (53)E100General (53)E200Global structural models (54)E300Local structural models (54)E400Fatigue analysis (55)F.Design Loads (55)F100General (55)F200Permanent loads (55)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASAmended April 2006,Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005 see note on front cover Contents – Page 7F300Variable functional loads (55)F400Tank loads (55)F500Environmental loads, general (55)F600Wind loads (55)F700Waves (56)F800Current (56)F900Wave and current (56)F1000Sea pressures during transit (57)F1100Heavy components during transit (57)F1200Combination of loads (57)G.Structural Strength (57)G100General (57)G200Global capacity (57)G300Footing strength (57)G400Leg strength (58)G500Jackhouse support strength (58)G600Hull strength (58)H.Fatigue Strength (58)H100General (58)H200Fatigue analysis (58)I.Accidental Conditions (58)I100General (58)I200Collisions (58)I300Dropped objects (58)I400Fires (58)I500Explosions (58)I600Unintended flooding (58)J.Miscellaneous requirements (59)J100General (59)J200Pre-load capasity (59)J300Overturning stability (59)J400Air gap (59)Sec. 13Special Considerations forTension Leg Platforms (TLP) (61)A.General (61)A100Scope and application (61)A200Description of tendon system (61)B.Structural Categorisation, Material Selection and InspectionPrinciples (62)B100General (62)B200Structural categorisation (62)B300Material selection (63)B400Design temperatures (63)B500Inspection categories (63)C.Design Principles (63)C100General (63)C200Design conditions (64)C300Fabrication (64)C400Hull and Deck Mating (64)C500Sea transportation (64)C600Installation (64)C700Decommissioning (64)C800Design principles, tendons (64)D.Design Loads (65)D100General (65)D200Load categories (65)E.Global Performance (65)E100General (65)E200Frequency domain analysis (66)E300High frequency analyses (66)E400Wave frequency analyses (66)E500Low frequency analyses (66)E600Time domain analyses (66)E700Model testing (67)E800Load effects in the tendons (67)F.Structural Strength (67)F100General (67)F200Hull (68)F300Structural analysis (68)F400Structural design.............................................................68F500Deck.. (68)F600Extreme tendon tensions (69)F700Structural design of tendons (69)F800Foundations (69)G.Fatigue (69)G100General (69)G200Hull and deck (69)G300Tendons (69)G400Foundation (70)H.Accidental Condition (70)H100Hull (70)H200Hull and deck (71)H300Tendons (71)H400Foundations (71)Sec. 14Special Considerations for Deep DraughtFloaters (DDF) (72)A.General (72)A100Introduction (72)A200Scope and application (72)B.Non-Operational Phases (72)B100General (72)B200Fabrication (72)B300Mating (72)B400Sea transportation (72)B500Installation (72)B600Decommissioning (73)C.Structural Categorisation, Selection of Material andExtent of Inspection (73)C100General (73)C200Material selection (73)C300Design temperatures (73)C400Inspection categories (73)C500Guidance to minimum requirements (73)D.Design Loads (74)D100Permanent loads (74)D200Variable functional loads (74)D300Environmental loads (74)D400Determination of loads (74)D500Hydrodynamic loads (74)E.Deformation Loads (74)E100General (74)F.Accidental Loads (75)F100General (75)G.Fatigue Loads (75)G100General (75)bination of Loads (75)H100General (75)I.Load Effect Analysis in Operational Phase (75)I100General (75)I200Global bending effects (75)J.Load Effect Analysis in Non-Operational Phases (75)J100General (75)J200Transportation (76)J300Launching (76)J400Upending (76)J500Deck mating (76)J600Riser installations (76)K.Structural Strength (76)K100Operation phase for hull (76)K200Non-operational phases for hull (76)K300Operation phase for deck or topside (77)K400Non-operational phases for deck or topside (77)L.Fatigue (77)L100General (77)L200Operation phase for hull (77)L300Non-operational phases for hull (77)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005Amended April 2006, Page 8 – Contents see note on front coverL400Splash zone (77)L500Operation phase for deck or topside (78)L600Non-operational phases for deck or topside (78)M.Accidental Condition (78)M100General (78)M200Fire (78)M300Explosion (78)M400Collision (78)M500Dropped objects (78)M600Unintended flooding (78)M700Abnormal wave events (78)App. A Cross Sectional Types (80)A.Cross Sectional Types (80)A100General (80)A200Cross section requirements for plastic analysis (80)A300Cross section requirements whenelastic global analysis is used (80)App. B Methods and Models for Design of Column-Stabilised Units (82)A.Methods and Models (82)A100General (82)A200World wide operation (82)A300Benign waters or restricted areas (82)App. C Permanently Installed Units (83)A.Introduction (83)A100Application (83)B.Inspection and Maintenance (83)B100Facilities for inspection on location................................83C.Fatigue. (83)C100Design fatigue factors (83)C200Splash zone for floating units (83)App. D Certification of Tendon System (84)A.General (84)A100Introduction (84)B.Equipment categorization (84)B100General (84)C.Fabrication Record (84)C100General (84)D.Documentation Deliverables for Certification ofEquipment (85)D100General (85)E.Tendon Systems and Components (85)E100General (85)E200Tendon pipe (85)E300Bottom tendon interface (BTI) (86)E400Flex bearings (86)E500Foundations (86)E600Top tendon interface (TTI) (86)E700Intermediate tendon connectors (ITC) (86)E800Tendon tension monitoring system (TTMS) (86)E900Tendon porch (87)E1000Tendon corrosion protection system (87)E1100Load management program (LMP) (87)F.Categorisation of Tendon Components (87)F100General (87)G.Tendon Fabrication (88)G100General (88)D ET N ORSKE V ERITASAmended April 2006,Offshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005 see note on front cover Sec.1 – Page 9SECTION 1INTRODUCTIONA. GeneralA 100Introduction101 This offshore standard provides principles, technical re-quirements and guidance for the structural design of offshore structures, based on the Working Stress Design (WSD) meth-od.102 This standard has been written for general world-wide application. Statutory regulations may include requirements in excess of the provisions by this standard depending on size, type, location and intended service of the offshore unit or in-stallation.103 The standard is organised with general sections contain-ing common requirements and sections containing specific re-quirement for different type of offshore units. In case of deviating requirements between general sections and the ob-ject specific sections, requirements of the object specific sec-tions shall apply.A 200Objectives201 The objectives of this standard are to:—provide an internationally acceptable level of safety by de-fining minimum requirements for structures and structural components (in combination with referred standards, rec-ommended practices, guidelines, etc.)—serve as a contractual reference document between suppli-ers and purchasers—serve as a guideline for designers, suppliers, purchasers and regulators—specify procedures and requirements for offshore struc-tures subject to DNV certification and classification.A 300Scope and application301 This standard is applicable to the following types of off-shore structures:—column-stabilised units—self-elevating units—tension leg platforms—deep draught floaters.302 For utilisation of other materials, the general design principles given in this standard may be used together with rel-evant standards, codes or specifications covering the require-ments to materials design and fabrication.303 The standard is applicable to structural design of com-plete units including substructures, topside structures and ves-sel hulls.304 This standard gives requirements for the following: —design principles—structural categorisation—material selection and inspection principles—loads and load effect analyses—design of steel structures and connections—special considerations for different types of units. Requirements for foundation design are given in DNV-OS-C101.A 400Other than DNV codes401 Other recognised codes or standards may be applied pro-vided it is shown that the codes and standards, and their appli-cation, meet or exceed the level of safety of the actual DNV standard.402 In case of conflict between requirements of this standard and a reference document other than DNV documents, the re-quirements of this standard shall prevail.403 Where reference is made to codes other than DNV doc-uments, the latest revision of the documents shall be applied, unless otherwise specified.404 When code checks are performed according to other than DNV codes, the usage factors as given in the respective code shall be used.A 500Classification501 Classification principles, procedures and applicable class notations related to classification services of offshore units are specified in the DNV Offshore Service Specifications given in Table A1.502 Documentation requirements for classification are given by DNV-RP-A202.B. ReferencesB 100General101 The DNV documents in Table B1 are referred to in the present standards and contain acceptable methods for fulfilling the requirements in this standard.102 The latest valid revision of the DNV reference docu-ments in Table B2 applies. See also current DNV List of Pub-lications.103 The documents listed in Table B2 are referred in the present standard. The documents include acceptable methods for fulfilling the requirements in the present standard and may be used as a source of supplementary information. Only the referenced parts of the documents apply for fulfilment of the present standard.Table A1 DNV Offshore Service SpecificationsReference TitleDNV-OSS-101Rules for Classification of Offshore Drilling andSupport UnitsDNV-OSS-102Rules for Classification of Floating Productionand Storage UnitsDNV-OSS-103Rules for Classification of LNG/LPG FloatingProduction and Storage Units or Installations DNV-OSS-121Classification Based on Performance CriteriaDetermined by Risk Assessment MethodologyRules for Planning and Execution of MarineOperationsTable B1 DNV Reference DocumentsReference TitleDNV-OS-A101Safety Principles andArrangementDNV-OS-B101Metallic MaterialsDNV-OS-C101Design of Offshore Steel Struc-tures, General (LRFD method) DNV-OS-C301Stability and Watertight Integrity DNV-OS-C401Fabrication and Testing ofOffshore StructuresD ET N ORSKE V ERITASOffshore Standard DNV-OS-C201, April 2005Amended April 2006, Page 10 – Sec.1see note on front coverC. DefinitionsC 100Verbal forms101 Shall: Indicates a mandatory requirement to be followed for fulfilment or compliance with the present standard. Devia-tions are not permitted unless formally and rigorously justified, and accepted by all relevant contracting parties.102 Should: Indicates a recommendation that a certain course of action is preferred or particularly suitable. Alterna-tive courses of action are allowable under the standard where agreed between contracting parties but shall be justified and documented.103 May: Indicates a permission, or an option, which is per-mitted as part of conformance with the standard.C 200Terms201 Accidental condition: When the unit is subjected to ac-cidental loads such as collision, dropped objects, fire explo-sion, etc.202 Accidental loads: Loads which may occur as a result of accident or exceptional events, e.g. collisions, explosions, dropped objects.203 Atmospheric zone: The external surfaces of the unit above the splash zone.204 Cathodic protection: A technique to prevent corrosion of a steel surface by making the surface to be the cathode of an electrochemical cell.205 Characteristic load: The reference value of a load to be used in the determination of load effects. The characteristic load is normally based upon a defined fractile in the upper end of the distribution function for load.206 Characteristic strength: The reference value of structur-al strength to be used in the determination of the design strength. The characteristic strength is normally based upon a 5% fractile in the lower end of the distribution function for re-sistance.207 Characteristic value: The representative value associat-ed with a prescribed probability of not being unfavourably ex-ceeded during the applicable reference period.208 Classic spar: Shell type hull structure.209 Classification Note: The Classification Notes cover proven technology and solutions which is found to represent good practice by DNV, and which represent one alternative for satisfying the requirements given in the DNV Rules or other codes and standards cited by DNV. The Classification Notes will in the same manner be applicable for fulfilling the require-ments in the DNV Offshore Standards.210 Coating: Metallic, inorganic or organic material applied to steel surfaces for prevention of corrosion.211 Column-stabilised unit: A floating unit that can be relo-cated. A column-stabilised unit normally consists of a deck structure with a number of widely spaced, large diameter, sup-porting columns that are attached to submerged pontoons. 212 Corrosion allowance: Extra wall thickness added during design to compensate for any anticipated reduction in thick-ness during the operation.213 Damaged condition: The unit condition after accidental damage.214 Deep draught floater (DDF): A floating unit categorised with a relative large draught. The large draught is mainly intro-duced to obtain reduced wave excitation in heave and suffi-ciently high eigenperiod in heave such that resonant responses in heave can be omitted or minimised.215 Design brief: An agreed document presenting owner's technical basis, requirements and references for the unit design and fabrication.216 Design temperature: The design temperature for a unit is the reference temperature for assessing areas where the unit can be transported, installed and operated. The design temper-ature is to be lower or equal to the lowest mean daily tempera-ture in air for the relevant areas. For seasonal restricted operations the lowest mean daily temperature in air for the sea-son may be applied.217 Driving voltage: The difference between closed circuit anode potential and the protection potential.218 Dry transit: A transit where the unit is transported on a heavy lift unit from one geographical location to another. 219 Dynamic upending: A process where seawater is filled or flooded into the bottom section of a horizontally floating DDF hull and creating a trim condition and subsequent water filling of hull or moonpool and dynamic upending to bring the hull in vertical position.220 Environmental loads: Loads directly and indirectly due to environmental phenomena. Environmental loads are not a necessary consequence of the structures existence, use and treatments. All external loads which are responses to environ-mental phenomena are to be regarded as environmental loads, e.g. support reactions, mooring forces, and inertia forces. 221 Expected loads and response history: Expected load and response history for a specified time period, taking into ac-count the number of load cycles and the resulting load levels and response for each cycle.222 Expected value: The most probable value of a load dur-ing a specified time period.223 Fail to safe: A failure shall not lead to new failure, which may lead to total loss of the structure.DNV-OS-D101Marine Machinery Systems andEquipmentDNV-OS-E301Position MooringDNV-OS-F201Dynamic RisersDNV-RP-C103Column Stabilised UnitsDNV-RP-C201Buckling Strength of PlatedStructuresDNV-RP-C202Buckling Strength of Shells DNV-RP-C203Fatigue Strength Analysis ofOffshore Steel Structures Classification Note 30.1Buckling Strength Analysis ofBars and Frames, and SphericalShellsClassification Note 30.4 FoundationsClassification Note 30.5 Environmental Conditions andEnvironmental Loads Classification Note 31.5Strength Analysis of MainStructures of Self-elevating Units Table B2 Other referencesReference TitleAISC-ASD Manual of Steel Construction ASDAPI RP 2A – WSD with supplement 1Planning, Designing and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms – Working Stress DesignAPI RP 2T Planning, Designing and Constructing TensionLeg PlatformsBS 7910Guide on methods for assessing the acceptability offlaws in fusion welded structuresNACE TPC Publication No. 3. The role of bacteria in corrosionof oil field equipmentSNAME 5-5A Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-Up UnitsD ET N ORSKE V ERITAS。
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地铁冲浪者 subway surf测试手机:海尔超级战舰开发商Kiloo Games的新作《subway surf》是一款冒险类带有美式街头风格的跑酷游戏,游戏采用3D立体视角,游戏的背景设定在地铁铁轨上,玩家要帮助Jake和淘气的小伙伴们躲避胖警察大叔的追捕,同时往来的地铁给游戏增加了挑战难度。
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FMDS0202-Installation Rules For Suppression Mode Automatic Sprinklers
FM GlobalProperty Loss Prevention Data Sheets2-2September2002Supersedes May1998Page1of20 INSTALLATION RULES FOR SUPPRESSION MODE AUTOMATIC SPRINKLERSTable of ContentsPage 1.0SCOPE (3)1.1Changes (3)2.0LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS (3)2.1Introduction (3)2.2Construction and Location (4)2.2.1Roof Construction (4)2.2.2Ceiling Slope (5)2.2.3Steel Protection (5)2.2.4Heat and Smoke Venting (5)2.2.5Suspended Ceilings (5)2.2.6Roof and Ceiling-Level Ventilation (5)2.2.7Draft Curtains (6)2.3Occupancy (7)2.3.1Storage Clearance (7)2.3.2Mezzanines,Walkways and Conveyors (7) Mezzanines (7) Mezzanines (7) (7) (8) Spaces in Racks (8)2.4.Protection (9)2.4.1Sprinklers (9)2.4.2Temperature Rating (9)2.4.3Sprinkler System Types (9)2.4.4Clearance From Sprinklers to Ceiling (9)2.4.5Obstructions (10) Obstructions at Ceiling Level (10) Structural Members at Ceiling Level (11) Below Sprinklers (12)2.4.6Water Demand and Duration (13)2.4.7Sprinkler Spacing (14)2.4.8System Hydraulic Design (15)2.4.9Hose Connections (16)3.0SUPPORT FOR RECOMMENDATIONS (19)3.1Loss History (19)4.0REFERENCES (19)4.1FM Global (19)APPENDIX A GLOSSARY OF TERMS (19)APPENDIX B DOCUMENT REVISION HISTORY (20)List of FiguresFigure2. where obstructions are not permitted (10)Figure2. arrangement for obstructions no more than12in.(305mm)wide atceilings (11)Figure2.4.5.2Minimum allowable clearance for bar joists (12)©2002Factory Mutual Insurance Company.All rights reserved.No part of this document may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,or transmitted,in whole or in part,in any form or by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording,or otherwise,without written permission of Factory Mutual Insurance Company.Figure2. below sprinklers no wider than2.0in.(51mm) (14)Figure2. below sprinklers no wider than1ft(305mm) (15)Figure2. below sprinklers wider than1ft(305mm)and no wider than2ft(610mm)..16 Figure2.,horizontal solid obstructions below sprinklers wider than2ft(610mm) (17)Figure2. below sprinklers wider than2ft(610mm)not flat or not solid (17)Figure2. or rectangular obstructions below sprinklers<24.0in.(305mm)wide (18)Figure2.4.7.1Permissible sprinkler spacing extension (18)List of TablesTable1.Summary of Suppression Mode Sprinkler Installation Requirements (4)1.0SCOPEThis standard contains the installation requirements for suppression mode sprinklers,which include:•K14.0(K200),K16.8(K240),K22.4(K314)and K25.2(K360)pendent suppression mode sprinklers•K14.0(K200)upright suppression mode sprinklersThese sprinklers are intended for use in protecting solid-piled,palletized,and open-frame rack storage,as well as other storage configurations for which they have been specifically evaluated.They are not intended for use in protection of manufacturing or other non-storage occupancies.It is easy to assume that suppression mode sprinklers which can suppress a high-challenge storage fire will have no problem with‘‘less hazardous’’occupancies.But such a conclusion ignores the fact that sup-pression mode sprinklers were designed to achieve suppression of a very specific and limited range of fire scenarios,and have only been tested in those scenarios.Not only are suppression mode sprinklers not an economically practical means of protection for non-storage occupancies,there are many occupancies which do not lend themselves to suppression mode protection and simply cannot be properly protected by suppression mode sprinklers.Specific examples include flammable liquid operations,occupancies with shielded combustibles,etc.Suppression mode sprinkler technology offers a number of attractive advantages over the older control-mode sprinkler technology.Chief among these is the possible elimination of the requirement for in-rack sprin-klers in rack storage areas.Achieving these advantages requires a sprinkler technology vastly different from previous technologies,a technology,however,which has much less tolerance for deficiencies in design and installation than older technologies.If suppression mode sprinklers fail to suppress a fire,the consequences can be severe.Thus,this new technology demands a far higher level of attention to detail in sprinkler design, and–perhaps even more importantly–installation.Properly functional suppression mode sprinkler installations require that the unique requirements of this tech-nology be compatible with the facility they will protect.As a result,retrofitting of suppression mode sprinklers in existing facilities,if possible at all,can be a costly and frustrating exercise.For new facilities,suppression mode sprinkler requirements must be incorporated into the design process from the earliest stages of planning.If the building design is completed before sprinkler design is begun,it can result in costly changes and delays.If construction starts before the sprinkler design is done,it is entirely possible that use of suppression mode sprinklers will be impossible.1.1ChangesIn addition to major organizational changes,this standard includes the following technical changes:•Discussion of suppression mode sprinklers other than K14.0(K200)pendent suppression mode sprinklers is incorporated.(K16.8(K240),K22.4(K314)and K25.2(K360)pendent suppression mode and K14.0 (K200)upright suppression mode).•Individual isolated obstructions are no longer permitted.•Discussion of obstructions has been significantly expanded.•Construction types are addressed in terms of performance requirements,not definitions.2.0LOSS PREVENTION RECOMMENDATIONS2.1IntroductionThe words requirements,must and shall in this data sheet mean that no deviation from installation require-ments is permitted.Table1summarizes the basic suppression mode sprinkler installation requirements.Table1.Summary of Suppression Mode Sprinkler Installation RequirementsType of storage Refer to occupancy data sheets for storage arrangements that can be protected. Commodity Refer to occupancy data sheets for commodities that can be protected. Maximum storage height,ft(m)Refer to occupancy data sheets.Maximum height of building,ft(m)Refer to occupancy data sheets.Roof construction Install suppression mode sprinklers in every bay or channel formed by solidstructural members at the ceiling,except when the solid structural membersextend no more than12in.(305mm)below the ceiling,and sprinklers arelocated below the bottom of the members.•Automatic roof vents require high-temperature rated,standard responseoperating mechanism.Melt-out roof vents not permitted.(See section2.2.4).•No exposed expanded plastic construction.Sprinklers Type:FM Approved(see Appendix A for definition)K14.0(K200),K16.8(K240),K22.4(K314),K25.2(K360)pendent and K14.0(K200)upright suppressionmode sprinklers with ordinary and intermediate temperature.Location:•K14.0(K200)upright and pendent,and K16.8(K240)Pendent:Centerline of thermal sensing element maximum of13in.(330mm)and minimum of4in.(102mm)below the ceiling,or from the deflector to theceiling a maximum of14in.(356mm)and a minimum of5in.(121mm).•K22.4(K314)and K25.2(K360)Pendent:Centerline of thermal sensing element maximum of18in.(457mm)and minimum of4in.(102mm)below the ceiling.Sprinkler System Type:Wet onlyHydraulic Design:Most remote12sprinklers flowing4sprinklers on3branchlines,with design discharge pressure as specified by occupancy data sheets.Spacing:Minimum8ft(2.4m)and maximum12ft(3.7m)between sprinklersor branch lines for buildings up to30ft(9.14m)high.For buildings higher than30ft(9.14m)up to45ft(12.2m),the maximum allowable spacing is10ft(3.05m).The maximum area to be covered by a sprinkler is100ft2(9.3m2)and theminimum is64ft2(5.8m2)(see section2.4.7)Hose streams Refer to occupancy data sheets.Water supply duration Refer to occupancy data sheets.2.2Construction and LocationPrompt sprinkler operation and unobstructed sprinkler discharge are critical to effective suppression mode sprinkler protection.Construction features have a significant effect on both of these critical factors.In all cases,the installation must meet the minimum distance requirements between the sprinkler and the ceiling above as specified in section2.4.4and the obstruction requirements of section2. Construction2.2.1.1Install suppression mode sprinklers in every bay or channel formed by solid structural members at the roof or ceiling.•Examples of construction types in which this is typically practical include smooth roof or floor decks supported directly on beams,girders or trusses,or continuous smooth bays formed by wood,concrete or steel beams.•Examples of construction types in which this is typically not practical due to the requirement for sprin-klers in every bay or channel,and/or obstruction requirements include concrete tees,wood truss-joists,and closely spaced concrete beams.Exception:Sprinklers are not required in every bay or channel and spacing may be based on the maxi-mum allowable spacing as determined by the building height when the solid structural members extend no more than12in.(305mm)below the ceiling and sprinklers are located below the bottom of the members. Examples include metal buildings with z-purlins less than12in.(305mm)deep and concrete tee construction less than12in.(305mm)deep.Install suppression mode sprinklers based on the maximum allowable spacing as determined by the build-ing height where roofs or ceilings are supported by members whose webs are a minimum of70%open,or where there is a smooth monolithic ceiling having suitable uplift resistance as described in section2.2.5. Examples include roofs/ceilings supported by bar joists and open-web steel trusses and continuous suspended ceilings.2.2.2Ceiling Slope2.2.2.1Do not install suppression mode sprinklers beneath roofs or ceilings where the slope exceeds2in./ft (167mm/m,9.5°).Where roof/ceiling slope is in excess of2in./ft(167mm/m,9.5°),a sub-ceiling with proper slope may be installed above the storage with sprinklers installed below.Provide sprinkler protection in the concealed space if the contents or the construction in the concealed space or ceiling is combustible.(Refer to Data Sheet1-12, Ceilings and Concealed Spaces.)2.2.3Steel ProtectionWhen suppression mode sprinkler systems are installed in accordance with this data sheet,fire protection is not needed for roof and column steel.2.2.4Heat and Smoke VentingIf a fire starts beneath an automatic heat/smoke vent and that vent operates before sprinklers do,the venting could result in a critical delay in sprinkler operation.Plastic skylights that are not designed as heat/smoke vents do not create this problem. not install suppression mode sprinklers in buildings with automatic heat/smoke vents unless the vents use a high temperature-rated standard response operating mechanism. not install suppression mode sprinklers in buildings with melt-out(drop-out)type vents.2.2.5Suspended CeilingsWhen the ceiling height is higher than that permitted in the applicable occupancy standard,suppression mode sprinklers can be installed beneath a suspended ceiling to reduce the ceiling height to an acceptable level. Suspended ceilings should extend to vertical floor-to-ceiling walls or partitions.If not,eliminate storage between the edge of the ceiling and the nearest sprinklers.Design suspended ceilings to withstand fire plume uplift velocity pressures of at least3lb/ft2(14.4kg/m2).Suit-able ceiling materials include3⁄8in.(10mm)plywood or gypsum board,corrugated or sheet steel,and fiber-glass or mineral tile.Fasten tiles securely to the supporting framework.Hold-down clips used to anchor ceiling tiles will suffice for securing the mineral tile.If the ceiling is hung from the existing roof framework, ensure the roof can withstand the additional dead load.2.2.6Roof and Ceiling-Level VentilationVentilation(both natural and powered)at the ceiling level can create problems similar to those caused by automatic heat and smoke vents.If a fire starts beneath a natural-draft vent,the vent can capture the fire plume,significantly delaying sprinkler operation.If air velocity at a sprinkler caused by a powered vent or air supply is too high,it can also result in a critical delay in sprinkler.•Examples of powered ventilation include exhaust fans,air conditioning/refrigeration supply and return vents, and grated return air inlets to roof-mounted mechanical equipment penthouses.•Examples of natural ventilation include turbine vents,vent stacks,and ridge vents. the location of sprinklers and the design of powered heating,ventilation and air condition-ing for buildings protected by suppression mode sprinklers so that the air velocity at sprinklers does not exceed5ft/sec(1.52m/sec). it is not possible to meet2.2.6.1,chose one of the following options to ensure proper operationof suppression mode sprinklers in buildings with ceiling-level ventilation:a)Sprinklers Beneath Vent OpeningsInstall suppression mode sprinklers of the same type used elsewhere in the building centered in vent open-ings having a maximum dimension of4.5ft(1.37m).This option does not apply to storage of commodities greater in hazard than cartoned unexpanded plastic,such as uncartoned plastic,aerosols or rolled tissue in buildings higher than30ft(9.14m).b)SubceilingInstall a subceiling under the vent and install suppression mode sprinklers below the ceiling.Locate and size the subceiling so that the air velocity at sprinklers around the subceiling does not exceed5ft/sec(1.52m/sec).Maintaining air velocities at the required level may result in a large subceiling and the requiredvertical distances from the ceiling to the subceiling may be large.Design the subceiling to meet the requirements of section2.2.5.c)Heat/Flame DetectionInstall FM Approved line-type detection or flame detection designed to shut fans down in powered venti-lation systems or to close dampers in natural ventilation systems upon actuation.As the goal is to shut down fans before they can delay operation of the first sprinklers,shutting down fans or closing dampers by sensing water flow is not an option.Ordinary smoke detectors installed in ducts also respond too slowly to be effective for this application.Line-type detection will typically be the most cost-effective choice in most cases.The detector array should consist of parallel lines located under the vent opening within6in.(152mm)of the ceiling or vent plane.Space the parallel lines no more than15in.(381mm)apart to ensure that the hot gases are intercepted.The temperature set point should be165°F(74°C).Flame detection to stop fans or close dampers may be provided by four FM Approved flame detectors equally spaced on a10ft(3.05m)diameter circle around the vent opening.Install the detectors a minimum of5ft(1.52m)above the top of the storage.A FM Approved detector having an effective viewing cone of90°or greater is recommended.Follow the manufacturer’s installation guidelines. Vents.The only practical way to protect ridge vents and other similar vents that remain open to the atmosphere is by providing sprinklers beneath them at roof level for vents no wider than4.5ft(1.37m), or by installing a subceiling with suppression mode sprinklers below as described above for wider vents. 2.2.7Draft CurtainsDraft curtains are often required by local codes,but if not properly arranged,these curtains can interfere with the proper distribution of sprinkler discharge.Draft curtains also are needed in some cases to separate areas protected by suppression mode sprinklers from areas protected by control-mode sprinklers.If a fire occurs in an area protected by control-mode sprin-klers near the boundary with suppression mode sprinklers,this can result in operation of suppression mode sprinklers away from the fire.Because suppression mode sprinklers discharge a relatively large amount of water,they may divert water from the control-mode sprinklers. draft curtains are required,center them between sprinklers or sprinkler branch lines.If they are not centered,provide additional sprinklers such that sprinklers on either side of the draft curtain are no farther from the curtain than one-half the allowable maximum sprinkler spacing for the building height.If sup-pression mode sprinklers protect the areas on both sides of the draft curtain,there is no need to maintain a clear aisle beneath the draft curtain. draft curtains to separate areas protected by suppression mode sprinklers from areas protected by control-mode sprinklers when the two areas have the same ceiling height or when they have different heights and the suppression mode sprinklers are at the higher elevation.Extend the draft curtain at least2ft(0.61m)below the ceiling.Ensure the draft curtain is noncombustible and fits tightly against the underside of the roof.(Openings created by ribs in metal roof deck are not a concern,but openings created by channels between Z-purlins or other structural members should be filled.) Solid beams,girders or other structural features which meet the above criteria are equivalent to draft curtains.Draft curtains must be centered over clear aisles at least4ft(1.2m)wide.2.3Occupancy2.3.1Storage ClearanceMaintain storage a minimum of36in.(915mm)below sprinkler deflectors.2.3.2Mezzanines,Walkways and ConveyorsMezzanines,walkways and conveyors are often installed in warehouses protected by suppression mode sprinklers at the roof.Depending on the type,configuration and use,they can prevent water discharge from sprinklers reaching and suppressing a fire and may require installing additional sprinklers. MezzaninesTo prevent simultaneous operation of suppression mode sprinklers beneath and above solid mezzanines and to allow the water demand for sprinklers under the mezzanine to be independent of the water demand for sprinklers above,either provide a draft curtain around the perimeter of the mezzanine or keep all storage underneath the mezzanine inside the sprinklers located nearest the perimeter of the mezzanine.For mezzanines extending no more than15ft(4.6m)above floor level,install suppression mode sprinklers designed to supply four sprinklers at the pressure required for the type of sprinkler used,or quick response sprinklers designed for the hazard involved.For solid mezzanines extending more than15ft(4.6m)above floor level,install suppression mode sprinklers using the design criteria required for the storage height and type of sprinkler used.Control-mode sprinklers designed for the hazard involved may be used below a mezzanine more than15ft (4.6m)high only if a draft curtain is provided at the perimeter. MezzaninesIn order to be considered grated,the grating of a mezzanine must be least70%open.If the grating is less than70%open,then make the mezzanine solid(in order to allow sprinklers underneath it to operate promptly)and protect it as a solid mezzanine according to section2.3.2.1.If storage exists either above or below a grated mezzanine,but not both above and below,no additional sprinklers are needed under the mezzanine.If storage or storage structures above and below grated mezzanines are arranged to provide aisles that are vertically aligned above and below,treat the aisle portions of the mezzanines the same as walkways.(See section2.3.2.3)If storage or storage structures are not vertically aligned above and below the mezzanine,regardless of openings in the grating,make mezzanine solid and protect it as a solid mezzanine according to section are located between storage structures for material-handling purposes.In order to be consid-ered grated,the grating of a walkway must be least70%open.Treat grated walkways wider than10ft(3m) as grated mezzanines.No additional sprinklers are required under single-level grated walkways that are no more than10ft(3m) wide.For multi-level grated walkways no wider than10ft(3m),provide one line of suppression mode or quick response control-mode sprinklers(K of8or greater,ordinary temperature rating).For two-level walkways, install them beneath the lower walkway.For three-level walkways,install them beneath the mid-level walk-way.Locate the sprinklers at the center of the walkway,at a maximum horizontal spacing of10ft(3m).Include two of these sprinklers when calculating the ceiling sprinkler water demand.For suppression mode sprin-klers,supply these two additional sprinklers at the minimum pressure approved for the type of sprinkler used. For control-mode sprinklers,design the two sprinklers to discharge a minimum of60gpm(240l/min)each.For solid walkways or walkways less than70%open,install suppression mode or quick response control-mode sprinklers(K of8or greater,ordinary temperature rating)beneath each level of walkway on a maxi-mum horizontal spacing of10ft(3m).For walkways6.0ft(1.83m)wide or less,install one line of sprinklers located at the center of the walk-way.For walkways6.0ft(1.83m)to10ft(3.1m)wide,install two lines of sprinklers located at the faces of the aisles.Include two sprinklers from each line of sprinklers at the hydraulically most remote level in the ceiling sprinkler water demand,regardless of the number of levels installed.(Use two sprinklers for walkways 6.0ft(1.83m)wide or less,and four for walkways6.0ft(1.83m)to10.0ft(3.05m)wide.)Supply additional suppression mode sprinklers at the minimum pressure approved for the type of sprinkler used.For control-mode sprinklers,design the sprinklers to discharge a minimum of60gpm(240l/min)each. conveyors are typically located on walkways or mezzanines between storage structures to ease inven-tory picking.Multiple conveyors are located side-by-side to convey product between storage areas and shipping/receiving areas.In either case,they can obstruct sprinkler discharge and create shielded areas that can prevent fire suppression.When sprinklers are installed below solid walkways and mezzanines in accordance with this standard,the addition of conveyors on the mezzanines and walkways does not require additional sprinklers.For grated mezzanines and walkways with belt-type conveyers(or roller-type conveyers less than50%open), individual conveyers or groups of conveyers wider than2ft(0.61m),sprinklers in addition to those required for the mezzanines or walkways themselves will be required.The only exception to this requirement is where there is no possibility of combustibles being present beneath the conveyers.Install suppression mode or quick response control-mode sprinklers(K of8or greater,ordinary tempera-ture rating)beneath the conveyers on a maximum horizontal spacing of10ft(3m).Include two of these sprin-klers in the ceiling sprinkler water demand.•For suppression mode sprinklers,supply these two additional sprinklers at the minimum pressure approved for the type of sprinkler used.•For control-mode sprinklers,design the two sprinklers to discharge a minimum of60gpm(240l/min)each. If sprinklers are installed under both the grated mezzanine and walkways and conveyors,it is only necessary to add a total of two sprinklers to the ceiling demand.When there are multiple,vertically aligned levels of conveyors that are50%open or more,add a line of sup-pression mode sprinklers under the lower conveyor for two levels;add a line under the middle conveyor for three levels. Spaces in RacksTransverse flues between pallet loads are critical to successful fire suppression by suppression mode sprin-klers and must be maintained,regardless of building and storage height.For rack storage higher than25ft (7.6m)Both longitudinal and transverse flues are needed.In multiple-row rack storage,where pallet loads are butted together in one direction,but there are flues between each row of pallets,a lack of longitudinal flues does not necessarily create a problem for suppres-sion mode protection.The only place where fire can develop vertically is in the flues between rows,and those flues are close together.So long as they are open for the full height of storage,water from properly designed ceiling and/or in-rack sprinklers can reach the fireThe situation where there are open flues at lower levels in racks,that are blocked at higher level does create a severe fire protection challenge as there is a place for fire growth and spread that is shielded from sprin-kler discharge.If there are longitudinal flues at any level in the rack,they must be open and clear for the full height of the rack.A common example of this is high rack storage where lift operators cannot see pre-cisely where the pallet loads at the top level,and the longitudinal flue can easily be blocked at that level but remain open at lower levels.2.4.Protection2.4.1SprinklersSuppression mode sprinklers are available in a range of orifice sizes and are identified by their K-factor. FM Approved suppression mode sprinklers can have K-factors ranging from a nominal14(200)to25(360) and may be available in pendent as well as upright orientations.Each K-factor and orientation has its own specific design criteria and permissible application.The K14.0(K200)pendent,being the original suppression mode sprinkler,has the widest array of applica-tions.Do not assume that other suppression mode sprinklers can be used for applications where the K14.0 (K200)pendent sprinkler is permitted.Refer to the appropriate occupancy standard to determine applicability and design criteria.2.4.2Temperature RatingFM Approved suppression mode sprinklers are available in ordinary and intermediate temperature ratings, and are no more susceptible to premature operation due to high ambient temperatures than other types of sprinklers.Use ordinary temperature rated suppression mode sprinklers for all applications except those where the temperature at sprinklers can exceed100°F(38°C).Select the temperature rating of sprinklers near unit heaters in accordance with Data Sheet2-8N,Installation of Sprinkler Systems(NFPA).If the ambient ceiling temperature is continuously or intermittently higher than100°F(38°C)(as might be the case in a hot climate)use intermediate temperature-rated sprinklers(175°F-225°F,79°C-107°C).Do not use suppression mode sprinklers where ambient temperatures can exceed150°F(66°C).2.4.3Sprinkler System TypesInstall suppression mode sprinklers in wet systems only.Do not use dry systems or preaction systems,or any system where there can be any delay between operation of the sprinkler and discharge of water.Such delays,even if only a few seconds,can result in a failure to suppress.Antifreeze systems may be used if the antifreeze solution is approved by FM Approvals.Do not use anti-freeze mixtures containing combustible fluids,such as ethylene glycol,propylene glycol,glycerin or alcohol, as testing has shown that they can increase heat release rate at the critical early stage of a fire and pre-vent suppression.Do not use brine solutions such as calcium chloride,as they can cause accelerated corrosion that will result in reduced sprinkler system life and potential leakage.2.4.4Clearance From Sprinklers to CeilingThe location of sprinklers relative to the ceiling above has a major impact on the speed of sprinkler opera-tion.The ideal location of the fusible element is between6and10in.(152and254mm)below the ceiling.If the fusible element is too close to the ceiling,the hot gas flow from a fire can initially flow beneath the sprin-kler,delaying operation.If the fusible element is too far below the ceiling,the hot gas will initially flow above the sprinklers,again delaying sprinkler operation at the critical early stage of a fire.Install suppression mode sprinklers with the center line of the thermal sensing element located a maximum of13in.(330mm)and a minimum of4in.(102mm)below the ceiling.An acceptable alternative is to install the sprinkler so that the deflector is a maximum of14in.(356mm)and a minimum of5in.(127mm)below the ceiling.Full-scale fire tests showed that the K22.4(K314)and the K25.2(K360)pendent suppression mode sprinkler performs satisfactorily when the deflector is located no more than18in.(457mm)below the ceiling.For corrugated metal deck roofs up to3in.(76mm)deep,measure the distance to the sprinkler from the bottom of the deck.For deeper decks,measure the distance to the highest point of the deck.。
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围绕如何成为冲浪者的作文英文回答:How to Become a Surfer.Surfing is a popular and exhilarating water sport that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. If you're interestedin becoming a surfer, there are a few things you need to do to get started.1. Get the Right Equipment.The first step to becoming a surfer is to get the right equipment. This includes a surfboard, a wetsuit, and a leash.Surfboards come in a variety of shapes and sizes. The type of surfboard you choose will depend on your height, weight, and skill level. If you're a beginner, it's best to start with a larger, more stable surfboard. As you progress,you can move to a smaller, more maneuverable surfboard.Wetsuits are designed to keep you warm in cold water.If you're surfing in warm water, you may not need a wetsuit. However, it's always a good idea to have one on hand justin case.Leashes are used to attach you to your surfboard. This prevents your surfboard from getting away from you if youfall off.2. Find a Good Surf Spot.Once you have the right equipment, you need to find a good surf spot. The best surf spots are typically found in areas with consistent waves. You can use a surf forecast website or app to find the best surf spots in your area.When you're looking for a surf spot, keep the following factors in mind:The size of the waves.The wind direction.The tide.The number of other surfers in the water.3. Take Surf Lessons.If you're a beginner, it's a good idea to take surf lessons from a qualified instructor. A good instructor can teach you the basics of surfing, including how to paddle out, catch waves, and stand up on your board.Surf lessons can be expensive, but they're worth the investment. A good instructor can help you learn the basics of surfing quickly and safely.4. Practice.The best way to become a better surfer is to practice. The more you surf, the better you'll become at it. Try tosurf as often as you can, even if it's just for a short period of time.As you practice, you'll start to develop your own style and technique. You'll also learn how to read the waves and predict their behavior.5. Be Patient.Surfing takes time and practice to learn. Don't get discouraged if you don't catch a wave right away. Just keep practicing and you'll eventually get the hang of it.Surfing is a great way to get exercise, relieve stress, and have fun. If you're interested in learning how to surf, follow these tips and you'll be riding waves in no time.中文回答:如何成为一名冲浪者。
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地铁冲浪者subway surf
开发商Kiloo Games的新作《subway surf》是一款冒险类带有美式街头风格的跑酷游戏,游戏采用3D立体视角,游戏的背景设定在地铁铁轨上,玩家要帮助Jake和淘气的小伙伴们躲避胖警察大叔的追捕,同时往来的地铁给游戏增加了挑战难度。
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