The Pragmatical Study of White Lies in Pretty Little Liars正文




2018年最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文参考选题1 英汉化妆品说明书对比及汉译策略2 教师的个性与语言教学3 论《红字》里“A”字的象征意义4 从《画皮》及《暮色》比较分析中西人鬼文化5 从女性主义视角分析《纯真年代》中两位女主人公的不同爱情观6 《傲慢与偏见》中英语反语的语用分析7 On Cultural Differences in English & Chinese Advertisement Translation8 目的论指导下的旅游资料汉英翻译及翻译策略9 从《喜福会》中西文化的冲突与融合中看身份的寻求10 中西酒文化的差异对比11 跨文化交际中的体态语12 《芭芭拉少校》中的现实主义13 汽车广告中的双关研究:关联理论视角14 西方文化视域中《简爱》刍议15 从功能对等的角度分析《红楼梦》中的习语翻译16 论《喜福会》中家庭观的中西差异17 狄更斯的人道主义思想在《双城记》中的体现18 背景知识在翻译中的重要性19 虽不起眼,但不可或缺:从《洛丽塔》中的小人物看亨伯特悲剧的必然性20 《咏水仙》两个翻译版本的文体分析21 浅析英汉基本颜色词之文化内涵--以“白”与“黑”为例22 从文化角度探析中英基本颜色词的比较和翻译23 论《蝇王》中的“性本恶”思想及人类文明的危机24 The Tragic Color of Tender Is the Night25 从就餐细节看中美儿童个性能力的差异26 中国文化特色词汇的音译与中国文化的传播27 从《阿甘正传》看美国青年文化28 《红字》中作者霍桑对清教认识的模糊性29 《游泳者》中的象征意象分析30 对《呼啸山庄》中女主角的女性哥特情结分析31 《到灯塔去》中的“双性和谐”研究32 Are Indians Prisoners of Their Race?-An Analysis of the Sources and Rise of National Awareness33 一个为追求自我挣扎的灵魂——看凯特.肖邦的《觉醒》34 对比分析在英语语音教学中的应用35 观音与圣母之比较36 从动态对等角度论英语俚语的翻译37 英语外来词和它的翻译38 从《当汽车等待的时候》看欧.亨利的写作特色39 从归化和异化的角度对《小妇人》的两个中文译本的比较研究40 从关联理论角度谈英语双关语的翻译41 浅析新闻英语中模糊语言的运用42 On Movie Title Translation from Skopos Theory Perspective43 山寨文化的反思——发展与创新44 浅析《天路历程》中基督徒的成长历程45 《嘉莉妹妹》中主要人物的无尽欲望46 英语语言中的性别歧视分析47 乌托邦和老子道家思想的比较研究48 从目的论的角度来看新闻英语中委婉语的翻译49 浅析《最蓝的眼睛》中佩科拉的悲剧50 国内旅游景点介绍英译的策略与技巧51 英语外贸信函的特点及翻译52 试谈黑人英语在美国电影中的渗透53 中美家庭教育与个人能力培养54 《还乡》中的生态女性主义解读55 矛盾修辞法的认知语用分析56 小学英语学习策略及研究57 《珍妮姑娘》主人公悲剧结局的必然性58 影响高中学生英语学习兴趣因素的调查及分析—以x市高中学生为调查对象59 英汉谚语的文化对比分析60 重新诠释玛格丽特的人生悲剧根源61 商标翻译的方法及其影响因素62 An Analysis of the Ambivalent Character of Frederick Winterbourne in Daisy Miller63 从小飞侠彼得潘浅析詹姆斯巴里的悲剧人生64 浅析《汤姆叔叔的小屋》写作技巧65 《鲁滨逊漂流记》两个翻译版本的文体分析66 中美家庭价值观差异浅析67 评《傲慢与偏见》中卢卡斯小姐68 An Application of Schema Theory in Interpreting69 从价值观系统角度浅析中美商务谈判中的文化冲突70 《紫颜色》中爱丽斯沃克妇女主义解读71 试析与地理环境有关的英语成语及其文化内涵72 从《汤姆索亚历险记》中分析马克吐温的幽默讽刺手法73 论《紫颜色》中黑人妇女的反抗74 论象征在海明威《永别了,武器》中的应用75 论礼貌策略在商务信函写作中的运用76 目的论视角下英语外贸函电汉译的研究77 斯嘉丽---一朵铿锵的玫瑰78 Pragmatic Differences of Politeness in Intercultural Communication Between English and Chinese79 英汉动物词汇的文化内涵对比及其翻译80 中美之间宴请礼貌原则的差异以及其产生原因81 中国文化元素在功夫熊猫中的体现及其翻译82 英汉习语文化差异浅析83 关于照料母婴的市场分析84 思维对汉英句子结构的影响---以《飞蛾之死》及其译文为例85 [税务管理]我国开征遗产税国际借鉴和政策选择研究86 一首平凡女性成长的赞歌—用“成长小说”理论来解读《简爱》87 中西方节日文化差异研究88 化妆品品牌名称翻译审美与选词89 Cultural Influences on Business Negotiation between China and Japan90 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中伊丽莎白的性格和婚姻观91 Social Causes for Tess’s Tragedy92 集体主义和个体主义视角下的中美家庭观93 论《兔子,跑吧》中兔子逃跑的原因94 语言经济学视角下的商务英语信函写作95 紫色中女人意识的觉醒96 红河州农村英语学习两极分化97 英语专业学生课外网络自主学习问题研究98 A Paralysed Wilderness—The Appreciation and Analysis of Symbols in Araby99 《赫索格》中玛德琳的性格100 艾丽丝沃克《日用家当》中的人物解读。


Writing(文字) ----it is later developed and is only the “revised” record of speech.
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
meaning in a context of language use. Wife: Oh ,darling, I like this gold earring very
much. Husband: You know, I’m now out of job. What is the semantic meaning of the 2
----A person who studies linguistics is known as a linguist.
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
II The major branches of linguistics
sentences? What is the pragmatical meaning?
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
2.7 Sociolinguistics(社会语言学)is the study of
认识到了贫困户贫困的根本原因,才 能开始 对症下 药,然 后药到 病除。 近年来 国家对 扶贫工 作高度 重视, 已经展 开了“ 精准扶 贫”项 目
Ⅲ Some important distinctions in



1)词汇的文化内涵;2)日常谈话中的 文化差异;3)成语、谚语和典故;4) 比喻和联想;5)委婉语和禁忌语;6) 非语言交际。
1.A Brief Comment on Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice(浅谈莎士比亚的《威尼斯商人》) 2.Hamlet:His Characters as a Humanist(哈姆雷特人物性格分析) 3.Parallelism and Contrast of Shakespeare’s Dramatic Language(莎士比亚戏剧的排比与对照用语) 4.The Social Significance of Dickens’s Oliver Twist(狄更斯《雾都孤儿》的社会意义) 5.On the Structure of Dickens’s Hard Times(谈狄更斯《艰难时世》的结构) 6.Jane Austen’s Art of Irony and Its Rhetoric Effects(简·奥斯汀的反语及其修辞效果) 7.Appreciation of Literary Language of Pride and Prejudice(《傲慢与偏见》文学语言欣赏) 8.A Character Analysis of the Heroine of Emma (《爱玛》女主人公性格分析) 9.The High Class as Seen in Thacheray’s Vanity Fair(从《名利场》看上流社会) 10.From Pastoral Stories to Great Tragic Novels:An Analysis of Hardy’s Novels(哈代小说——从田园故



论《红字》陌生化翻译作者:张涛毛嘉薇来源:《求知导刊》2018年第06期一、“陌生化”理论“陌生化理论”是由俄国形式主义者什克洛夫斯基于 1916 年在《作为手法的艺术》一文中提出的。







二、“陌生化”在修辞中的体现And thus, while standing on the scaffold, in this vain show of expiation, Mr. Dimmesdale was overcome with a great horror of mind, as if the universe were gazing at a scarlet token on his naked breast, right over his heart. On that spot, in very truth, there was, and there had long been, the gnawing and poisonous tooth of bodily pain. Without any effort of his will, or power to restrain himself, he shrieked aloud; an outcry that went pealing through the night, and was beaten back from one house to another, and reverberated from the hills in the background; as if a company of devils, detecting so much misery and terror in it, had made a plaything of the sound,and were bandying it to and fro. (P161-162)姚译:就这样,当丁梅斯代尔先生站在刑台上进行这场自欺欺人的赎罪表演时,他的心为一个巨大的恐惧所控制,仿佛天地万物都在注视他裸露胸膛上的那个红色印记——它正好在他的心口处。

the scope of pragmatics

the scope of pragmatics

• • • Pragmatics is the study of how more gets communicated than is said. (Yule.1996:3) Pragmatics is the study of understanding intentional human action. (Green, 1996:2) Pragmatics, as a topic in linguistics, is the study of the use of context to make inferences about meaning. (Fasold, 1993)
• a)Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning.(Yule.1996:3) • b)Pragmatics is a theory which seeks to characterize how speaker use the sentences of a language to effect successful communication. (Kempson, 1975:84) • c) Pragmatics is the study of the ability of language users to pair sentences with the contexts in which they would be appropriate. (Levinson,1983:24)
句法学 语义学 语用学
Pragmatics is a young science: 40y
1) 1938——1983 A waste –paper basket stage: in the guise of “ragbag” taking overflow from semantics 杂物箱、废纸篓时期 2) 1983——现在 语言学意义上的语用学



论小学英语教学中的语法教学从功能理论视角研究公示语的中译英翻译从玛氏公司看英美文化对广告的影响目的论指导下的英文影视名称的翻译英汉动物习语中隐喻用法的对比分析中西方文化差异与英语数字习语翻译从生态女性主义视角解读《野草在歌唱》中的女性角色Tragedy of a Woman and Society—Comment on Far from the Madding Crowd教师的个性与语言教学查尔斯•狄更斯《雾都孤儿》的成长主题关于《白鲸》中的象征主义手法运用的研究与探讨英语课堂中的口语纠错策略浅议公示语的语言特点及其翻译策略《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读基于功能对等理论谈美剧《生活大爆炸》双关翻译《飘》两个中译本人名地名翻译对比研究论《最蓝的眼睛》中的黑人文化传统Maternal Love in The Millstone小学英语课堂教学氛围调查研究“邪恶的心灵”——剖析希斯克厉夫复仇的心理动机An Analysis of the Distorted Human Relations in The Grass Is Singing比较中国古代神话与古希腊神话的不同Tradition and Beyond—Reading The Diviners as a Bildungsroman以学生为主体的教学在初中英语写作教学中的应用法律术语的模糊性及其翻译从功能对等理论看《哈利波特》小说中魔法生物名的翻译A Cross-Cultural Study on Linguistic TabooA Probe Into the Translation of the Hot Cyber Word—“Geili”浅析英诗翻译的原则和方法——丁尼生《鹰》的不同译文比较论《太阳照常升起》中的象征主义跨文化交际策略在国际商务谈判中的应用跨文化视角下动物寓意的对比及其习语的翻译策略论《海的女儿》的女性自我价值主题西方人文主义的关怀与局限--爱德华•摩根•福斯特《印度之行》后殖民主义解读霍桑小说中女性形象的刻画—以《红字》,《拉帕西尼的女儿》为例《傲慢与偏见》中简·奥斯汀的婚姻观及其现实意义从西方讽刺剧看品特的威胁喜剧Cultural Connotation and Translation of Animal Words in Chinese and English扭曲的“美国梦”--简析“鸡蛋的胜利”的主题删译在中英诗歌翻译中的应用从足球看中西文化差异英语非作格动词语义特征和句法属性研究从目的论的角度谈商标翻译的原则及技巧《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读论原声电影对提高大学生英语听说能力的作用试析《旅游巴士》中的犹太文化内涵英汉颜色词“红”与“白”的文化内涵研究The Similarities and the Differences between Gu Hongming and Lin Y utang 浅析《远大前程》中主人公皮普性格发展的形成因素英语体育新闻的翻译小学英语课堂提问策略研究从翻译目的论看归化异化的互补性英汉感谢语的文化差异对比研究英文电影欣赏与大学生跨文化交际能力的培养——xx学院案例从目的论看英文小说书名的翻译《宠儿》中塞斯的性格分析剖析《哈克贝利芬历险记》中对自由的追求Salinger, a True Man: A Study of Salinger Based on The Catcher in the Rye 《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读交际教学法在初中英语教学中的运用概念隐喻视角下看莎士比亚十四行诗霍桑的罪恶观在《红字》中的体现广告英语标题翻译的修辞特点从功能对等理论谈中国小吃名英译英汉习语中价值观的差异《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读浅析星巴克现象中的独特文化商务函电中委婉语的翻译策略从《警察与赞美诗》看欧亨利式结尾从功能翻译理论谈中餐菜单的英译软文中的隐喻研究浅析艾米莉•狄金森诗歌中的认知隐喻《哈克贝利•芬恩历险记》中对自由的追寻穷人的大团结,通往希望之乡的必经之路:《愤怒的葡萄》研究法律英语词汇特点及其翻译小说《飘》中斯嘉丽的女性主义探究美国战争电影的人性和文化透视--以《拯救大兵瑞恩》为例自我效能感理论对中学英语教学的启示中美大学毕业典礼演讲之叙事结构的比较研究霍桑及其矛盾思想在《红字》中的体现从简•奥斯汀作品中的礼仪看英国人的社交心理神经漫游者中的两个世界浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的主要人物性格《绯闻少女》中的话语标记词研究简析狄更斯《远大前程》中的浪漫主义特征从目的论看英文奇幻文学中专有名词的汉译浅析小说《傲慢与偏见》中的反讽艺术语言迁移在英语教学中的应用Angel’s Face, Devil’s Heart—The Degeneration of Dorian Gray in The Picture of Dorian Gray A Comparative Study of Coincidental Plots in Jane Eyre and Tess of the d’Urbervilles“家有儿女”VS“成长的烦恼”——对比研究中西方家庭教育功能目的论视角下汉语商标的英译策略从目的论角度浅谈电影字幕翻译性别话语模式的社会语言学研究论叶芝政治诗歌中对爱尔兰民族主义的矛盾性态度浅析《飘》中斯嘉丽的三次婚姻中英广告的文化差异及翻译英汉亲昵称谓语的语用及认知对比研究Teleology, Religion and ContextsApplication of Cooperative Learning in English Reading Class of Senior High School浅议模糊语在商务英语中的运用海明威作品中女性意识的研究论《呼啸山庄》中希思克利夫的性格国内旅游景点介绍英译的策略与技巧On Children’s Psychological Needs from Harr y Potter文化语境下公示语的翻译从女性主义视角解读《疯狂主妇》埃德娜的觉醒——对《觉醒》的心理女性主义分析《夜色温柔》中主人公迪克人格分析跨文化视角中中英颜色词的对比及翻译英语演讲语篇中的parallelism及其汉译策略—以奥巴马就职演说稿为例对《老人与海》中圣地亚哥的性格分析中西方餐桌礼仪的文化对比分析从接受理论的角度看儿童文学的翻译--以《爱丽丝梦游仙境》为例从self(自身)相关词看中国的集体主义和美国的个人主义论《天路历程》的批判精神从中英文化差异谈英语隐喻的汉译范畴原型理论关照下的影视片名翻译语言迁移对第二语言习得的影响的试探性分析研究哥特小说中的反天主教分析:《隐士》个案研究英语中的性别歧视归化与异化在文学翻译中的融合应用——评《红楼梦》两英译本中的习语人际会话中英语委婉语的功能与应用从《实习医生格蕾》浅析美剧所反映的文化背景和趋势The differences on advertising translations under the Chinese and Western culturesThe Artistic V alue of The Call of the Wild中英文化差异与翻译策略《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读《红字》中的丁梅斯代尔和齐灵渥斯谁更“恶”?欧洲余烬里飞起的凤凰--Geoffrey Hill诗歌主题与艺术风格Discussing the history of basketball and current situation of America from the perspective of cultureA Comparison of the English Color Terms浅析新闻英语中模糊语言的运用英汉绿色词对比研究Study on Characteristics of American Black English from Social PerspectivesEnglish V ocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle School英汉思维模式差异的对比研究广告中的熟语模因探析文化差异对于中美商务谈判的影响《暮色》两中译本中文化缺省重构的对比研究分析《要说出全部真理,但不能直说》中的标记用法《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读A Brief Analysis of China English and Its FutureA Cultural Approach to the Translation of Movie Titles超越和世俗——对《月亮和六便士》中Strickland和Stroeve的对比分析《傲慢与偏见》中女性意识的体现Rabbit’s Predicament and Dreamland游戏在学前儿童英语教学中的角色及作用关于照料母婴的市场分析An Analysis on Characterization in Sense and SensibilityA Study of the Causes of Tess's Tragedy论《远离尘嚣》中女主人公的悲剧原因美式英语与英式英语语音差异研究中美商务交往中的语用失误分析礼貌中的中西方“面子文化”差异称呼语中的语码转换解析隐喻视野下英汉动物词汇文化内涵的比较分析《老人与海》中的和谐关系英汉习语的差异及其翻译——对杨、霍译《红楼梦》中习语翻译的研究功能对等理论视角下《越狱》字幕翻译的研究耐克公司Ps营销策略对我国体育用品产业的启示On the Diversity and Unity of Contemporary American Feminism《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读英汉俚语特色对比研究两个反叛的女人——姚木兰和斯佳丽之对比分析情景教学法在小学英语课堂中的应用从功能翻译理论看电影《功夫熊猫》的字幕翻译谈商务英语信函的语言特点及其翻译从接受美学角度看儿童文学的翻译Cultural Differences Between English and Chinese by Analyzing Brand Names奥巴马演讲词的人际意义研究应对写作逻辑乱象的对策从《阿甘正传》看个人主义对美国文化的影响分析《女勇士》中的女性形象杰克•伦敦《热爱生命》中天气描写的作用凯瑟琳•曼斯菲尔德短篇小说中的意识流技巧研究浅析爱伦·坡小说《黑猫》的写作艺术手法《德伯家的苔丝》中苔丝之死的必然性中西方创世神话文化的比较浅析小学汉英双语教学汉语公示语的英译浅析《小王子》的象征与哲学Charlotte Bronte’s Concept of Marriage--Comment on Jane Eyre from angle of true love 从弗洛伊德解读《好人难寻》论托尼莫里森《宠儿》的哥特式元素《人鼠之间》中两主人公乔治和雷尼的对比分析《觉醒》与《欢乐之家》中的女性形象和女权思想之比较女孩与玫瑰—《秘密花园》中生态女性主义解读从小说《麦田里的守望者》的主人公看当代大学毕业生的迷惘从《大卫科波菲尔》中看狄更斯的道德观对《别对我说谎》中非言语因素的分析从功能对等的理论看英语歌词的翻译从《时时刻刻》看三种不同身份的女性与现实的抗争隐喻认知理论与英语词汇教学英文歌曲名称翻译浅析伊迪斯•华顿《纯真年代》中的新女性形象浅析国际商务谈判文化因素及其对策马克吐温小说的语言特征。

有关white lies 的英语阅读

有关white lies 的英语阅读

有关white lies 的英语阅读White lies are often considered to be harmless fibs,told with the intention of sparing someone's feelings or avoiding a difficult situation. These lies are typically small and seemingly inconsequential, but can have a significant impact on relationships and trust. In this article, we will explore the concept of white lies, their potential consequences, and how to navigate the ethical considerations surrounding their use.White lies are often used in social interactions to maintain harmony and avoid conflict. For example, telling a friend that you love their new haircut when you actually don't, or expressing enthusiasm for a gift that you don't particularly like. These lies are often seen as a way to protect the feelings of others and to smooth over potentially awkward or uncomfortable situations.However, the use of white lies can also have negative consequences. When we tell a white lie, we are essentially choosing to prioritize the immediate comfort of the other person over honesty and authenticity. This can erode trust in the long run, as the other person may come to doubt thesincerity of our words. Additionally, white lies can contribute to a culture of insincerity and superficiality, where genuine communication and connection are undermined by a desire to avoid confrontation.Despite these potential drawbacks, there are situations where the use of white lies may be justified. For example, in the context of professional relationships, a small white lie may be used to maintain a positive and productive working environment. Similarly, in personal relationships, there may be times when telling a white lie is seen as an act of kindness and empathy, particularly when the truth has the potential to cause unnecessary harm.Navigating the ethical considerations of white lies requires careful reflection and consideration of the potential impact of our words. It's important to consider the long-term implications of our choices, and to weigh the immediate benefits of a white lie against the potential harm it may cause in the future. Additionally, it's important to recognize that honesty and authenticity are foundational to genuine and meaningful relationships, andthat the use of white lies should be approached with caution.In conclusion, white lies are a complex and often contentious aspect of human communication. While they maybe used with good intentions, they can have a significant impact on trust and authenticity in relationships. Navigating the ethical considerations surrounding whitelies requires thoughtful consideration and an awareness of the potential consequences of our words.白色谎言通常被认为是无害的谎言,出于节省某人的感情或避免困难情况而说出。



英国文学 中古时期 骑士 G eoffrey Chaucer 乔叟 t he father of English Poetry T he Canterbury Tales 《坎特伯雷故事集》 B eowulf 贝奥武夫 T he first English national epic 第一部英国民族史诗 文艺复兴时期 R enaissance 16th--17th T omas More 托马斯.莫尔 社会主义空想主义创始人 U topia 《乌托邦) F rancis Bacon 弗朗西斯.培根 英国唯物主义的第一个创始人 O f Study / Of Truth E dmund Spenser 斯宾塞 The Poet's Poet T he faerie of Queen 《仙后》 t he the creator of Spenserian Stanza C hristopher Marlowe 克里斯托弗.马洛 U niversity Wits 大学才子派 T he tragic History of Doctor Faustus 戏剧先驱 W illiam Shakespear莎士比亚 F our great comedies 哈罗李白 F our great tragedies 商人夜夜喜 t he Merchant of Venice t ragicomedy (悲喜剧) R omeo and Juliet 革命复辟时期 R evolution Restoration J ohn Milton 约翰,弥尔顿 P aradise Lost 《失乐园》 P aradise Regained 《复乐园》 力士参孙 J ohn Bunyun 约翰.班杨 T he Pilgrim's progress t he most famous allegory J ohn Donne 约翰.邓恩 S ongs and Sonnets 《歌谣与十四行诗》 T he Flea 跳蚤之歌 P 启蒙时期Age of Enlightenment N eoclassicism 新古典主义 尊崇理性 S entimentalism 感伤主义 尊崇感性 D aniel Defoe 丹尼尔.笛福 R obinson Crusoe 《鲁滨逊漂流记》 J onathan Swift 乔纳森.斯威夫特 G ulliver's Travels 《格列佛游记》N ovel is the dominant form 浪漫主义时期R omanticism18-19th W illiam Wordsworth 华兹华斯 t he Prelude 《序曲》C oleridge 柯勒律治 K ubla Khan 《忽必烈汗》B yron 拜伦 D on Juan 《唐璜》J ohn Keats 济慈 O de to a Nightingale 《夜莺颂》 P .B. Shelly雪莱O de to the West Wind P rometheus Unbound《解放了的普罗米修斯》J ane AustenP ride and PrejudiceS ense and Sensibility 《理智与情感》t he Lyrical Ballads 《抒情歌谣集》B eginning: The publication of the Lyrical Ballads 《抒情歌谣集》 e nding: The death of Walter Scot批判现实主义 C ritical Realism 19世纪40年代及50年代早期W illiam Makepeace Thackeray 萨克雷 V anity Fair 《名利场》C harles Dickens 查尔斯.狄更斯 A Tale of Two Cities 《双城记》O liver Twist 《雾都孤儿》D avid Copperfield 《大卫科波菲尔》B ronte Sisters E mily 艾米丽 W uthering Height 《呼啸山庄》C harlotte 夏洛特 J ane Eyre 《简爱》A nne 安妮 A gnes Grey 《艾格妮斯 格雷》R obert Browning罗伯特勃朗宁 M y Last Duchess 《最后的公爵夫人》 J oseph Conard 约瑟夫康拉德 H eart of Darkness 《黑暗的心. L ord Jim现代主义 1890s—1950s 意识流 A literary techniqueT omas Hardy托马斯 哈代 T ess of thed' Urbervilles 《德伯家的苔丝》 G .B. Shaw 乔治 萧伯纳 M rs. Warren's Profession M ajor Barbara 《芭芭拉上校》P ygmalion 《卖花女》。



广东财经大学硕士研究生入学考试试卷考试年度:2015年考试科目代码及名称:804-英美文学适用专业:050201 英语语言文学[友情提醒:请在考点提供的专用答题纸上答题,答在本卷或草稿纸上无效!]I.Explain the following literary terms. Write your answers on the answer sheet.(25 points, 5 points for each.)1.Enlightenment2.Metaphysical poetry3.The theatre of the absurd4.Transcendentalism5.Dramatic monologueII.For each statement there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best completes the statement. (20 points, 1 point for each)1._____ can be justly termed England’s natio nal epic, and its most striking featureis the use of ____.A.Cynewulf, alliterationB.Beowulf, alliterationD.Robin Hood, rhymeC.Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,rhyme2. The 18th century sees the birth of the greatest satirist in English literature: .His masterpiece , comprises the extraordinary adventures of an Englishman, descriptions of fantastic lands visited by him, and their social systems and is always regarded as a bitter sarcasm and deadly irony of the contemporary England.A. Samuel Johnson, Gulliver’s TravelsB. Alexander Pope, The Rape of theLockC. Daniel Defoe, Robinson CrusoeD. Jonathan Swift, Gulliver’s Travels3. Which of the following works is NOT considered as William Shakespeare’s fourgreat tragedies?A. King LearB. Romeo and JulietC. MacbethD. Othello4. , Byron’s greatest work, was written in the prime of his creative powerand still remained unfinished when the poet’s life was ended by a romantic and generous death.A. Don JuanB. GiaourC.Childe Harold’s Pilgr imageD. Manfred5. The publication of in 1798—the joint work of William Wordsworth and________—marked the break with the conventional poetical tradition of the 18th century, i.e. with classicism.A. Lyrical Ballads, Robert SoutheyB.The Prelude, Samuel TaylorColeridgeC.Lyrical Ballads, Samuel Taylor ColeridgeD. Biographia Literaria, Samuel Taylor Coleridge6. William Makepeace Thackeray’s masterpiece is , and the title of the novel is taken from Bunyan’s greatest work .A. Vanity Fair, Paradise RegainedB. Vanity Fair, Pilgrim’s ProgressC. Vanity Fair, Samson AgonistesD. The Book of Snobs, Pilgrim’sProgress7. established himself both as a writer and as a spokesman for the school of “Art for Art’s Sake.”A. Thomas GrayB. Charles LambC. Oscar WildeD. Walter Scott8. __________, written by P. B. Shelley’s wife, Mary Shelley, is regarded the best of its kind, ______, in the 19th century England.A. Prometheus Unbound, Gothic novelB. Frankenstein, Realistic novelC. Adonis, Romantic novelD. Frankenstein, Gothic novel9. “April is the cruellest month, breeding / Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing / Memory and desire, stirring / Dull roots with spring rain.” These lines are taken from T. S. Eliot’s modern classic poem_______, which remind us the opening lines of the “General Prologue” in The Canterbury Tales by the greatest literary figure_______ in 14th century England.A. Four Quartets, Geoffrey ChaucerB. The Waste Land, Geoffrey ChaucerC. Hollow Man, Edmund SpencerD. The Waste Land, John Milton10. Joseph Conrad’s _________ is central to the evolution of what is called postcolonial fiction, and says something that only said in a novel: A historian looking at European colonialism will arrive at historical judgments.A. Heart of DarknessB. NostromoC. Lord JimD. Typhoon11._________, with his famous poem, “Annabel Lee”, justified his poetic idea that the death of a beautiful woman, is “unquestionably, the most poetical topic in the world”.A. W.B. Yeats B. Edgar Allan PoeC. Ezra PoundD. W. H. Auden12. Around 1920, the American literary world rediscovered an almost forgotten book and suddenly became aware of a major American writer. The book was _______, a tremendous chronicle of a whaling voyage in pursuit of a seemingly supernatural white whale.A. Moby-DickB. OmooC. The Last of the MohicansD. Billy Budd13. With Warner, Mark Twain collaborated on __________, a satire that gave itsname to the era of corrupt materialism that followed the American Civil War.A. The Golden AgeB. The Silver AgeC. The Gilded AgeD. The Bronze Age14.________, Stephen crane’s finest literary achievement, depicts a picture ofAmerican Civil War in a naturalistic way.A. War Is KindB. The Black RidersC. The Red Badge of CourageD. The Age of Innocence15. Hemingway’s novel The Sun Also Rises, brilliantly captures his years in Paris asone of ______, a name given by the writer Gertrude Stein.A. The Beat GenerationB. The Lost GenerationC. The Angry Young MenD. The Younger Generation16. By the end of his life he had become a national bard; when he was eighty-sevenhe read his poetry at the inauguration of President John F. Kennedy. The poet is ___________.A. Ezra PoundB. T. S. EliotC. E. E. CummingsD. Robert Frost17. As a poet and as a painter, _________uses the small letters, the unconventionalsyntax, and the unusual spacing of words, to express individuality and participate in what he called “The New Art”.A. Ezra PoundB. E. E. CummingsC. William Carlos WilliamsD. Wallace Stevens18._______, an epic depiction of one dispossessed Oklahoma family’s migration toCalifornia in search a new life, written by ___________, is among the most widely read novel of 20th century.B. Of Mice and Men, John SteinbeckA. The Grape of Wrath, JohnSteinbeckC. In Our Time, Ernest HemingwayD. Light in August, William Faulkner19. Which of the following writers is NOT a Nobel Prize Winner?A. Ezra PoundB. Ernest HemingwayC. William FaulknerD. Saul Bellow20. Early in 1920s the most prominent of the new American playwrights, _______,established an international reputation with such plays as The Emperor Jones, Anna Christie and The Hairy Ape.A. Arthur MillerB. Tennessee WilliamsC. Walt WhitmanD. Eugene O’NeillIII.Matching. Find the relevant match from column B for each item in column A and put the letters on the answer sheet. (20 points, 1 point for each.)Section AColumn A Column B1.Francis Bacon A.For Whom the Bell Tolls2.John Milton B.The Legend of Sleepy Hollow3.Herman Melville C.Seize the Day4.W. B. Yeats D.A Streetcar Named Desire5.Washington Irving E.Paradise Lost6.Henry Fielding F.Sailing to Byzantium7. E. M. Forster G.Moby Dick8.Ernest Hemingway H.Advancement of Learning9.Saul Bellow I.Tom Jones10.Tennessee Williams J.Howards EndSection BColumn A Column B1.The Tempest A.Lord Henry2.Sister Carrie B.Catherine Linton3.Great Expectation C.Leopold Bloom4.Sons and Lovers D.Nick Carraway5.Native Son dy Teazle6.Wuthering Heights F.Prospero7.The Great Gatsby G.Bigger Thomas8.Ulysses H.G. W. Hurstwood9.The School for Scandal I.Mrs. Morel10.The Picture of Dorian Gray J.PipIV. Read the following pieces of selected works and answer the question followed by the passage. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (40 points, 8 points for each.)1.It is a melancholy object to those, who walk through this great town, or travel in the country, when they see the streets, the roads and cabbin-doors crowded with beggars of the female sex, followed by three, four, or six children, all in rags, and importuning every passenger for an alms. These mothers instead of being able to work for their honest livelihood, are forced to employ all their time in strolling to beg sustenance for their helpless infants who, as they grow up, either turn thieves for want of work, or leave their dear native country, to fight for the Pretender in Spain, or sell themselves to the Barbadoes.Q: This text is from Jonathan Swift’ s “A Modest Proposal”. What is Swift’s attitude toward the beggars he describes?2.My heart leaps up when I beholdA rainbow in the sky:So was it when my life began,So is it now I am a man,So be it when I shall grow oldOr let me die!The child is father of the man:And I could wish my days to beBound each to each by natural piety.Q:This is a short poem written by William Wordsworth. Please explain the underlined lines.3.I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practice resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms, and, if it proved to be mean, why then to get the whole and genuine meanness of it, and publish its meanness to the world; or if it were sublime, to know it by experience, and be able to give a true account of it in my next excursion. For most men, it appears to me, are in a strange uncertainty about it, whether it is of the devil or of God, and have somewhat hastily concluded that it is the chief end of man here to “glorify God and enjoy him forever.”Q:This text is selected from Henry David Thoreau’s Walden, under the title “Where I Lived, and What I Lived For.” Please explain the underlined sentence.4.“Shall I?” I said briefly; and I looked at his features, beautiful in their harmony, but strangely formidable in their still severity; at his brow, commanding, but not open; at his eyes, bright and deep and searching, but never soft; at his tall imposing figure; and fancied myself in idea his wife. Oh! it would never do! As his curate, his comrade, all would be right: I would cross oceans with him in that capacity; toil under Eastern suns, in Asian deserts with him in that office; admire and emulate his courage and devotion and vigour: accommodate quietly to his masterhood; smile undisturbed at his ineradicable ambition. . . . I should suffer often, no doubt, attached to him only in this capacity: my body would be under a rather stringent yoke, but my heart and mind would be free. I should still have my unblighted self to turn to: my natural unenslaved feelings with which to communicate in moments of loneliness. There would be recesses in my mind which would be only mine, to which he never came; and sentiments growing there, fresh and sheltered, which his austerity could never blight, nor his measured warrior-march trample down: but as his wife—at his side always, and always restrained, and always checked—forced to keep the fire of my nature continually low, to compel it to burn inwardly and never utter a cry, though the imprisoned flame consumed vital after vital—this would be unendurable.Q:This passage is from Jane Eyre. It occurs in Chapter 34. St. John Rivers has just asked Jane to join him as his wife on his missionary trip to India. Please evaluate Jane’s interior conflict involved in making her decision.5.When Miss Emily Grieison died, our whole town went to her funeral: the men through a sort of respectful affection for a fallen monument, the women mostly out of curiosity to see the inside of her house, which no one save an old manservant--- combined gardener and cook---had seen in at least ten years.…Alive, Miss Emily had been a tradition, a duty, and a care; a sort of hereditary obligation upon the town, dating from the day in 1894 when Colonel Sartoris, the mayor—he who lathered the edict that no Negro woman should appear on the streets without an apron—remitted her taxes, die dispensation dating from the death of her father on into perpetuity.Q:This text is from William Faulkner’s short story “A Rose for Emily”. Please explain the underlined part.V. Answer the following questions, and elaborate your opinion with examples. Write your answers on the answer sheet. (45 points, 15 points for each.)1. What are the features of Realism of Victorian novels? Elaborate them with thenovels of Victorian writers.2. State the literary achievements of T. S. Eliot, and elaborate them with his works.3. Please make a comparison between “The Angry Young Man” and “The BeatGeneration”.。

☆诗歌欣赏☆ 致羞怯的情人 2

☆诗歌欣赏☆ 致羞怯的情人 2

☆诗歌欣赏☆致羞怯的情人Andrew Marvell是所谓玄学派(Metaphysical School)诗人之一,这派诗人有独特的文风,完全不同于此前流行的抒情诗(Lyrics)优美流畅的诗句,其诗中常有各种变乱,而且喜好用奇特的比喻和概念。

To his Coy Mistress是做戏剧独白解,且其戏剧性对理解全诗有着重要意义,诗人从求爱战术(courting strategy)的角度,罗列了Illusion(迷魂汤)、Disillusion(浇凉水)、新迷魂汤(New illusion),十分精彩,为什么身为女子,在读这首诗时会如此激动,一方面被捧得飘飘然,一方面被吓得诚惶诚恐,最终在他强有力的感情下,体会到一种拥抱生命和爱的热望。


To his Coy Mistress致羞怯的情人Had we but world enough, and time,如果我们的世界够大,时间够多,This coyness, lady, were no crime.小姐,这样的羞怯就算不上罪过。

We would sit down and think which way我们会坐下来,想想该上哪边To walk, and pass our long love's day;去散步,度过我们漫漫的爱情天。

Thou by the Indian Ganges' side你会在印度的恒河河畔Shouldst rubies find; I by the tide 寻得红宝石:我则咕哝抱怨,Of Humber would complain. I would 傍着洪泊湾的潮汐。

我会在Love you ten years before the Flood;诺亚洪水前十年就将你爱,And you should, if you please, refuse 你如果高兴,可以一直说不要,Till the conversion of the Jews.直到犹太人改信别的宗教。



高一英语诗人名称单选题40题1.Who is the author of “Ode to a Nightingale”?A.William WordsworthB.Percy Bysshe ShelleyC.John KeatsD.George Gordon Byron答案:C。

约翰·济慈的作品有《 夜莺颂》等。

威廉·华兹华斯的代表作品是 抒情歌谣集》等,他的诗歌多描写自然。

珀西·比希·雪莱的代表作品有《 西风颂》等,其诗歌风格充满激情和理想主义。

乔治·戈登·拜伦的代表作品有《 唐璜》等,他的诗歌充满浪漫主义色彩和冒险精神。

2.Which poet is famous for his pastoral poems?A.Samuel Taylor ColeridgeB.Alfred Lord TennysonC.William WordsworthD.Robert Browning答案:C。


塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治的代表作品有《 古舟子咏》等,充满奇幻色彩。

阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生的诗歌风格庄重,代表作品有《 悼念》等。


3.“Don Juan” was written by which poet?A.George Gordon ByronB.Percy Bysshe ShelleyC.John KeatsD.William Blake答案:A。


珀西·比希·雪莱的代表作品有《 西风颂》等。

约翰·济慈的作品有《 夜莺颂》等。

威廉·布莱克的代表作品有 天真与经验之歌》等。

4.Which poet’s works often explore the themes of beauty and mortality?A.Elizabeth Barrett BrowningB.Matthew ArnoldC.John KeatsD.Robert Louis Stevenson答案:C。






Title: Want the Desire of the Other Person: Cracks from the Perspective of René Girard's Triangular DesireAbstract: The problems such as jealousy, vanity and the collective violence discussed in Cracks happened to coincide with René Girard's theory of the triangular desire. This thesis will combine the theory and the text, talk about the mimetic desire of girls, the type of vanity shown by Miss G and the type of mania existed in the collective violence concretely. It will also illuminate the harm of the collective violence resulted by the triangular desire. There is a revelation for the contemporary that how to avoid losing of self. The theme that "the nature of human is evil" reflected in book is also conducive to realize the production and harmfulness of the collective violence, the innocent role played by the persecuted person. Thus readers can make a self-examination about the collective violence mechanism among the today's society, and face their desires calmly. Only do these, can they avoid the tragedy caused by the inexplicable mania.Key words: the triangular desire Cracks the collective violenceAuthor: Zou xinyi is from College of Literature and Journalism, Sichuan University, specializing in British and American Literature.三角欲望(Triangular Desire)也叫模仿欲望(Mimetic theory),是勒内•基拉尔(René Girard,1923—2015,以下简称“基拉尔”)基于《红与黑》等名著中呈现出的主人公欲望投射之现象所提出,具体由主体、客体和介体构成。



学习英语词汇方法初探从象征主义视角看《阿拉比》和《一个干净明亮的地方》论跨文化商务中的非言语交际由小说《暮光之城》看吸血鬼文化的演变非言语交际在“别对我撒谎”中谎言分析的作用从马斯洛需要层次理论分析《破产姐妹》的美国梦中学英语互动教学研究功能对等理论视角下《越狱》字幕翻译的研究概念隐喻在英语汽车广告中的应用浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森目的论下的修辞手法翻译:以《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》两个汉语译本为例附带学习和有意识学习对英语词汇习得效果的比较研究功能视角下商务英语合同英译汉的技巧探析《紫色》女主人公性格分析中西饮食文化的比较文体学视觉下的英语商务信函的礼貌表现博尔赫斯诗歌中的镜子意象分析《简爱》在当代中国的现实意义——从温和的女性主义视角分析《织工马南》中的因果关系说浅析《野性的呼唤》中人的意象文化差异对跨国公司在华本土化战略的影响影响中学生学习英语的因素一个典型的拜伦式英雄——论《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克利夫小说《小公主》主人公萨拉的性格魅力从电影《阿凡达》透视美国文化性别差异在日常英语词汇和句法中的体现罪与同情—论齐林沃斯的悲剧论《觉醒》中艾德娜女性意识的觉醒An Analysis of the Tragic Fate of Mary Turner in The Grass Is Singing《了不起的盖茨比》叙述者尼克分析林肯话语中幽默特征的分析论《拉合尔茶馆的陌生人》中昌盖茨“美国梦”的转变耶稣成为弥赛亚以及被民众接受之原因《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读《蝇王》中神话元素的象征意义电影《风月俏佳人》中的意识形态符码性别差异对大学生英语自主学习能力的影响研究从功能对等角度看英语动物习语的翻译The Great Gatsby and the American Dream浅议提高英语阅读速度的方法归化与异化在翻译策略中的研究莎士比亚《皆大欢喜》中的标新立异凝视与对抗:《屋顶丽人》中的两性战争从生态女性主义角度解读《苔丝》情态人际意义的跨文化研究从《牧师的黑面纱》中看霍桑对清教主义的认可与反对A Survey on Western Culture Learning among Non-English Majors莎士比亚《威尼斯商人》中的女性主义华裔美国文学中的幽灵叙事探析浅谈互动模式下的英语文化教学课本剧在高中英语教学中的应用与研究浅析英语体育新闻的汉译策略The Analysis of Promotion Strategy of L’Oréal in China中学生英语听力障碍分析与对策提高初中生阅读能力的研究分析《土生子》中的种族主义的恶性影响从电影《刮痧》看东西方文化差异中美婚礼文化的差异从中美家庭差异看集体主义与个体主义中美学生对待教师的礼貌言行的对比分析试析《啊,拓荒者》中的生态伦理观从生态女性主义的角度解读《喜福会》“I”and Rebecca--A Study on the Comparison of Two Female Characters in Rebecca 从功能对等视角浅析法律翻译中的文化因素简爱的独立性格剖析An Analysis of the Feminism in The Scarlet LetterA Feminist Reading of Virginia Woolf and A Room of One’s Own男权社会下康妮女性身份的诉求--D.H.劳伦斯《查泰莱夫人的情人》的研究网络环境下小组合作学习模式研究《老人与海》中的存在主义分析On the Contradiction and Conflict between Religion and Love in The Thorn Birds《双城记》中的典型人物及其对主题的诠释黑色孤岛上的灰色母亲—从黑人女性主义角度解读《宠儿》中的母女关系Double Consciousness of Fitzgerald: Nick and Gatsby女性主义角度解读《董贝父子》中伊迪丝的堕落女性形象边缘文化的呐喊—田纳西和白先勇笔下同性恋身份构建的比较分析论初中英语教学中的情景创设从《撞车》谈种族主义对美国黑人的影响《紫色》中“家”的解读英汉恭维语的对比研究浅析短篇小说《我不再爱你》的荒诞性美国C标准对中国英语教育的影响动机对中学英语学习的影响差异、对立与和谐——浅析伍尔夫的双性同体观论罗伯特佩恩沃伦《国王的人马》中对真理与自我认知的追求从性别歧视浅析两位复仇女性之困境——美狄亚及莎乐美从文化角度看中美家庭教育的差异英汉禁忌语异同之分析与比较《贵妇画像》与《倾城之恋》女主人公的对比分析公益广告中双关语的应用及其翻译盖茨比悲剧的必然性从弗吉尼亚伍尔夫到多丽丝莱辛:论女性主义的发展——对比两位作家笔下塑造的女性形象浅析英诗翻译的原则和方法——丁尼生《鹰》的不同译文比较臻于完美的人物魅力——对简奥斯丁《劝导》中的女主人公的分析浅析《弗兰肯斯坦》中怪物“善”与“恶”的转变中式菜肴命名的文化内涵与英译《了不起的盖茨比》中色彩的象征意义《还乡》中哈代的自然观对意象翻译的初步研究汉语对英语语法学习的负迁移浅析英诗翻译的原则和方法——丁尼生《鹰》的不同译文比较张爱玲与简奥斯汀的讽刺艺术比较英汉职业委婉语中“礼貌原则”之对比分析浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森英汉动物词汇文化内涵对比通过政治和日常生活看邪恶的慈禧太后论双性同体理论下的《达洛卫夫人》论中西教育观的差异On the C-E Translation of Public Signs女性主义解读《威尼斯商人》中的女主角Study on Translation of Long Sentences in Literature Works从女性主义角度探讨《呼啸山庄》女主人公命运的悲剧性从目的论角度分析化妆品品牌翻译分析苔丝悲剧的形成原因美国个人主义和中国集体主义的对比与分析商务英语谈判的翻译技巧《傲慢与偏见》中英语反语的语用分析浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森英文电影字幕翻译中的问题探析及对策美国梦的幻灭——论《推销员之死》浅析英语原版影视欣赏和英语学习流行语对美国社会文化的影响新闻标题中的对话性非智力因素在口译中的重要性广告翻译策略初探中英习语文化异同及其翻译《雾都孤儿》中南希的人物性格分析浅谈《圣经》故事与英语学习《了不起的盖茨比》的叙事技巧分析美国电视剧中双关语的研究-重点关注双关语的汉语翻译浅析《小妇人》中马奇太太的教育方式用批评性语篇分析解读人际功能与话语权力的结合《警察与赞美诗》的功能文体分析模糊语言在商务英语谈判中的语用功能TPR教学法在小学英语词汇教学中的应用从翻译美学角度评析白朗宁夫人“How do I Love Thee?”四种汉译本的得失《哈克贝利费恩历险记》中阶级面面观《玻璃动物园》中的逃避主义解读英语语言性别歧视研究《到灯塔去》中的“双性和谐”研究论《呼啸山庄》中的意象汉英翻译中文化传递的可接受度西方文学中撒旦形象的形成与发展图式理论与英语听力教学从汉英动物词汇的文化内涵看中西方文化差异约翰济慈的女性化倾向分析从翻译美学探究散文英译宗教在世界战争史中扮演的角色从跨文化交际的角度研究广告翻译从功能对等角度分析英文电影片名汉译浅析隐藏在“面纱”之后的伯莎梅森英汉日常礼貌用语在跨文化交际中的语用差异中西婚礼习俗的比较研究浅析影响中美关系的因素从时代背景看《唐璜》中个人主义到人道主义的升华英汉动物谚语中动物形象的意义及翻译浅析托妮·莫里森《宠儿》中人物的身份建构旅游景点名翻译的异化与归化《喜福会》中隐喻的使用《了不起的盖茨比》中颜色词的蕴义论海明威的反战思想Differences Between Chinese and Western Cultures in Gift-giving CustomsThe Application of TBLT to Reading-teaching in Junior Middle School从女权主义角度对比分析《纯真年代》两位女主人公的爱情悲剧从《小公主》看童话对于当今的现实意义浅析《恋爱中的女人》的圣经意象原型——从原型批评角度解读A Study of Chinglis h as Found in Students’ Writings《哈利波特》中西弗勒斯斯内普的人物分析A Study on the Effects of Phonetics in JEFC Teaching托马斯哈代《无名的裘德》中的书信研究英文商务索赔信的人际意义功能分析欧亨利《最后一片叶子》解读On the Translation of Chinese Classical Poetry from Aesthetic Perspective—Based on the different Eng lish versions of “Tian Jing ShaQiu Si”A Comparative Analysis of Wolf Images Between Wolf Totem and The Call of the Wild从《老友记》探究美国的个人主义价值观扭曲的“美国梦”--简析“鸡蛋的胜利”的主题析《虹》中的象征意义Landscape Poems in Seven-character Quatrains and Sonnets论中西方交际方式的差异试析邓恩《别离辞节哀》中圆规与圆的意象On Chinese-English Advertisement Translation from the Perspective of the Skopos Theory 从美国总统就职演说看美国文化价值观解读布莱克的《伦敦》与华兹华斯的《在西敏寺桥上》的诗歌异同《名利场》中蓓基夏普的女性主义析《麦田里的守望者》霍尔顿考尔菲德的性格特征从功能对等的角度分析《红楼梦》中的习语翻译从用餐礼仪看中美核心价值观差异On English Film Title Translation from the Perspective of Skopostheorie论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感《茶馆》英译本的翻译对比研究目的论视角下的公司简介汉英翻译勃朗特两姐妹创作风格差异探究A Feminist Analysis of Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen通过对比研究看电影《小红帽》对经典童话小红帽的颠覆《呼啸山庄》爱情悲剧的原因探析On Cultural Differences in English & Chinese Advertisement Translation英文商标的汉译Psychoanalysis of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn浅析父权体制下黛西的“他者”形象。

The Pragmatical Study of White Lies in Pretty Little Liars简介及目录

The Pragmatical Study of White Lies in Pretty Little Liars简介及目录






(保密论文在解密后遵守此规定)论文作者签名:导师签名:日期:年月日1The Pragmatical Study of White Lies in Pretty Little LiarsAbstractLying is a speech act and social phenomenon in our daily life. A number of scholars in various fields are interested in it. They try to study and analyze lies from different perspective such as psychology, sociology, linguistics and so on. After doing research on lies, people find that there is a particular type of lie commonly appears in daily life, we call it White Lie.In this thesis, the author mainly focuses on white lies. White lies are analyzed as a pragmatic strategy in daily communications with the Cooperative Principle and Politeness Theories from the pragmatic perspective. The examples in this thesis are collected from a USA series on ABC family called Pretty Little Liars which can reflect human daily life so as to make the analyses in a rather practical context.On the basis of the analysis on white lies, we can find that some white lies violate the Cooperative Principle, while some of them obey the Politeness Principle and Face-saving Theory. In the Cooperative Principle, they are the violation of the Maxim of Quality and the Maxim of Manner. However, in the Politeness Principle, they are the obedience of the Tact Maxim, the Generosity Maxim, the Approbation Maxim, the Modesty Maxim, the Agreement Maxim and the Sympathy Maxim. In the Face-saving Theory, white lies can save the positive and negative faces of the speakers or others. With the combination of these three principles or theories, the interpretation of white lies can be explained in a better way.There are many pragmatic functions of white lies in daily communications. White lies can maintain personal relationships, soften the embarrassment, show hope and love to others, inspire people, educate children and so on.Having analyzed the pragmatic functions of white lies in this article, the authortry to explain that white lies telling are not always hurting, while they can bring many positive functions in communications. Thus, this thesis can help people gain a better understanding of white lies and tell people how to make a better use of this special lying strategy.Key words: White Lies; Cooperative Principle; Politeness Principle; Face-saving Theory; Pragmatic Function3对《美少女的谎言》中善意谎言的语用学分析摘要由于谎言现象普遍存在于我们的日常生活当中,因此越来越多的学者对它展开了一系列的研究。



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解读布莱克的《伦敦》与华兹华斯的《在西敏寺桥上》的诗歌异同最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 谈品牌广告文体特点及其翻译2 中西方悲剧爱情故事折射出的文化差异—《穆斯林的葬礼》与《荆棘鸟》之比较3 浅析卡夫卡《变形记》中的异化现象4 浅论英汉翻译中词的转译5 沃尔特·惠特曼及其诗歌研究6 基于微博(推特)文化的新型营销模式7 Maternal Love in The Millstone8 《简爱》中女性主义之探究9 观音与圣母之比较10 试析美国社会的道德恐慌——从麦田守望者的主人公看美国社会病态11 小议非语言交际中的身体语言12 中国时政新词翻译探析13 English V ocabulary Teaching in Junior Middle School14 《傲慢与偏见》折射出的奥斯汀的婚姻观15 An Interpretation of Nightingale in The Nightingale and the Rose16 Principles in the Translation of Legal English17 印度商务礼仪研究—对中印商务谈判的建议18 浅谈年世界金融海啸19 On Translation of English Idioms20 中美幼儿教育对比研究21 翻译的对等性研究及其应用22 从《胎记》中阿米那达布的人物分析看人性的原始表达23 《麦田守望者》成长主题解析24 高级英语课堂中教师角色研究25 论叶芝的写作风格26 少儿英语学习中的情感因素分析27 On the Symbolic Meaning of the Marlin in The Old Man and the Sea28 宗教枷锁下的人性挣扎——《红字》中丁梅斯代尔形象解读29 The Application of TBLT Approach in Reading Instruction30 A Tragedy of Ambition on Macbeth31 从社会语言学角度分析美国黑人英语32 任务型教学在高中英语阅读课中应用的调查33 On C-E Translation of Chinese Four-Character Expresssions in T ouristic Text34 中西方爱情悲剧故事的比较分析——以“梁祝”和《罗密欧与朱丽叶》为例35 英语新词的发展研究36 称呼语中的语码转换解析37 试析翻译中的“假朋友”38 论关联理论对旅游资料英译的指导意义39 废墟之鹰——《永别了武器》中亨利形象之分析40 《紫色》中女主人公西丽妇女主义的形成41 场独立-场依存性与第二语言习得42 中美商务礼仪差异的跨文化解析43 《红字》的人文主义色彩44 中西方婚礼礼服颜色的对比研究45 英汉色彩词的语用对比研究46 俄狄浦斯情结在劳伦斯及其作品《儿子与情人》中的体现47 中国英语学习者在词汇方面的迁移48 论美国梦破灭的社会因素—盖茨比和威力罗曼的比较49 浅论美国文化霸权的确立50 话语标记词在中英戏剧翻译中的作用与运用51 商务英语的词汇特征及翻译策略52 分析汉英篇章衔接和意合形合的关系53 从言语行为理论研究广告英语中的隐喻54 浅析不同文化中的身势语55 论《白鲸》象征手法的运用56 浅谈简?奥斯丁的婚姻观在《劝导》中的体现57 游戏在初中英语教学中的作用58 跨文化视角下中西方选秀文化对比研究——以达人秀为例59 图式理论在高中英语阅读教学中的应用60 任务型教学法在高中英语写作中的应用61 从中西方政治文化差异看中美关系62 A Comparison of Chinese and American Food Cultures63 中西颜色中“红”与“白”的文化差异对比64 The Lexical Features of Black English in RAP Music and its Influence65 从功能对等理论看中西商务翻译中文化差异导致的不对等翻译66 关于支架式教育与创新教育的讨论67 论《最后的莫西干人》中的印第安情结68 An Ecocritical Analysis on Lady Chatterley’s Lover69 从奈达的动态对等理论比较研究《德伯家的苔丝》的两个中文译本70 中英数字词语文化内涵对比研究71 论苔丝悲剧的成因72 从最佳关联原则看口译中的“归化”和“异化”73 解析凯瑟琳的爱情与婚姻之分离74 英汉颜色词翻译75 从中英文动物隐喻看中国与英语国家的文化差异76 On Aestheticism in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray77 浅析《雨中猫》中的猫和雨的象征意义78 跨文化背景下广告汉英翻译策略研究79 对《雾季的末日》主题的解读80 论英语电影在英语学习中的作用81 提高学生写作能力的途径和方法82 《威尼斯商人》中鲍西亚形象浅析83 女性意识的觉醒——评《雨中的猫》中的人物对比描写84 《木马赢家》中父亲的缺席85 论“成长的烦恼”中的美国家庭文化86 从《弗洛斯河上的磨坊》看维多利亚时期的新女性主义观87 商务英语中的冗余现象及语用功能88 英语电影片名汉译研究89 On Sentence Division and Combination in C-E Literature Translation90 广告中反语现象的关联分析91 从跨文化视角解读中美商务谈判中的冲突92 对比分析《喜福会》中母女美国梦和母女冲突的原因及表现93 战争对美国文学的影响94 《圣经》对英语习语的影响95 论《在另一个国度里》中的象征主义96 “中式英语”和“中国英语”两个概念的区别研究:以公示语为例97 从常见的中英文名字比较中英两国命名文化差异98 论《麦田里的守望者》中的象征体系及霍尔顿的精神世界99 论《宠儿》中社区与逃离的关系100 Usi ng Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs Theory to Analyze Sister Carrie’s Destiny101 《德伯家的苔丝》中的宿命论102 论《德伯家的苔丝》中的女性主义意识103 英语交际中害羞心理产生的根源及其克服方法104 The Application of Cooperative Learning in High SchoolEnglish Teaching105 Feasibility of Popularizing Bilingual Teaching106 威廉布莱克的《经验之歌》中主题的多面性107 论跨文化交际中的中西文化冲突108 会计英语缩略词特点及翻译研究109110 关于非英语专业学生大学英语四级考试学习策略的研究111 小说《嘉莉妹妹》中女性成长的分析112 从《红字》看霍桑的政治观113 目的论在英文电影片名翻译中的应用114 论《卡斯特桥市长》中女性的“物化”现象115 关联理论视角下的新闻翻译116 庄子和梭罗自然观比较——以《庄子》与《瓦尔登湖》为例117 On the Main Practice of the Corporate Social Responsibility of the Multinational Corporations118 论模糊限制语在广告中的语用功能119 论《红字》中的清教主义思想120 从宗教建筑看中西文化差异121 浅析英语原版影视欣赏和英语学习122 中美家庭教育与个人能力培养123 General Principles and Features of Legal English Translation124 合作原则在电影《暮光之城》人物心理分析中的应用125 A Comparative Study on the Protagonists’ Growth in Native Son and Invisible Man126 从美学角度评张培基先生所译散文“巷”127 从目的论看《红楼梦》中“狗”习语的翻译128 On Translator’s Subjectivity from the Feminist Perspective129 A Pragmatic Analysis of Puns in English Advertisementsunder the Cooperative Principle130 浅析《格列佛游记》中的乌托邦主题131 浅析《飘》中的女性意识132 论《推销员之死》中威利的死因133 关于初中英语课堂教学中的游戏设计和组织134 小王子旅途的象征意义135 南北战争新思想在女性中的体现——浅析《小妇人》136 浅谈进口商品商标的翻译137 论《荆棘鸟》中的女性意识138 《金色笔记》中的女性主义解析139 广告语篇中的预设分析140 苔丝悲剧人生的起因141 关联理论视角下的新闻翻译142 广告对中国百姓生活的影响143 《小妇人》中的性别语言差异分析144 浅析《傲慢与偏见》中的几种婚姻模式145 On Dickinson’s Choice of Nature as the Theme of Her Poems146 英语专业学生词汇学习策略特点研究147 影响中学生英语学习的心理因素分析148 澳洲土著语言的演变及原因149 通过语境与潜台词解析情景喜剧的幽默——以《老友记》为例150 浅析罗斯福就职演说中的美国精神151 高中英语听力课中的文化教学152 从《远大前程》看狄更斯的家庭理想153 论“美国梦”对美国文学的影响154 分析《简爱》和《名利场》中的女性主义155 《名利场》中蓓基人物形象分析156 浅谈一些英美文学作品中的猫形象157 关于《飘》的中译本的翻译策略分析158 商务信函的写作原则与技巧159 写作教学中的范文教学160 对黑人妇女在民权运动期间争取教育权的背景分析161 论中学英语互动教学162 欧?亨利短篇小说中幽默的翻译163 解读海明威小说《老人与海》中的生态意识164 A Comparative Analys is of Jane Eyre’s Chinese Renditions in Different Periods 165 从文化视角看英语习语的翻译166 用弗洛伊德精神分析理论剖析《喧嚣与骚动》167 The Application of TBLT to Reading-teaching in Junior Middle School168 “Lady First” Reflected in Different Cultures169 How to Make Students Participate in Class Activities Actively170 论莎士比亚戏剧中的女扮男装现象171 对话中语用意义的理论视角172 通过巴丝谢芭看哈代的宿命论173 TPR教学法在幼儿英语教学中的应用174 On the Translation of Children’s Literature in the Light of the Skopostheory:A Case Study of The dventures of Tom Sawyer175 《白雪公主》的后现代主义创作技巧176 中世纪的典雅爱情:本质、渊源和影响177178 马克吐温在<<哈克贝里费恩历险记>>中对人类社会的深切关注179 Slips of Tongue in English Learning as a Second Language180 《土生子》里的象征艺术181 谈英语教学中导入文化背景知识的必要性182 透过电影《假结婚》看中美传统婚姻习俗差异183 《怪物史瑞克》中体现出来的文化特征184 The Environmental Influence on Emily Bront? and "Wuthering Heights"185 浅谈非英语专业学生英语词汇的学习方法186 达尔文主义视角下的《卡斯特桥市长》187 从社会符号学角度浅谈汉语“一”字成语翻译188 试分析《牡丹亭》与《罗密欧与朱丽叶》的爱情模式189 从节日习俗分析东西方文化差异——以春节和圣诞节为例190 浅析合作学习在英语专业口语教学中的应用191 从《绝望主妇》看美国人的婚姻观192 一个典型的拜伦式英雄——论《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克利夫193 中西面子观比较研究194 交际法在中国英语教学中的应用195 《法国中尉的女人》中对维多利亚时代的批判196 A Naturalistic Approach to Jude’s Tragedy in Jude the Obscure197 论《围城》中的语码转换198 An Analysis on Feminism from the Perspective of Music in Little Women199 解读布莱克的《伦敦》与华兹华斯的《在西敏寺桥上》的诗歌异同200 《儿子与情人》与《雷雨》中母子关系的对比。



英语专业全英原创毕业论文,是近期写作,公布的题目可以用于免费参考最新英语专业全英原创毕业论文,都是近期写作1 生态视角下解读《荒野的呼唤》2 论华兹华斯的自然观3 电影《少年派的奇幻漂流》中的隐喻分析4 《远大前程》中皮普的心路历程5 广告英语修辞特点及其翻译6 The General Principles in Translating Chinese Novels into English7 跨文化交际中的体态语8 An Analysis of the Pragmatic Functions of the English Past Tense9 《药》的两个英译本中翻译技巧比较10 科技英语语篇中被动语态语篇功能的分析11 跨文化交际视角下沉默行为的解析12 论《呼啸山庄》中希斯克利夫的矛盾情感13 从文化角度对比中美两国谈判风格14 广告翻译中的功能对等15 从《狼图腾》和《野性的呼唤》中狼的意象比较中西方生态意识16 论《劝导》中女性角色的地位17 《白鲸》原型批判的分析18 英语专业新生英语阅读习惯调查19 《荒原》隐喻探析20 浅析英诗翻译的原则和方法——丁尼生《鹰》的不同译文比较21 《恋爱中的女人》人物及其人物关系的象征分析22 English-Chinese Advertisement Translation23 Sexism in English and Its Causes24 字幕中的幽默翻译—以《老友记》为例25 E-learning的理论与实践26 跨文化背景下的广告翻译技巧27 顺应理论视角下公益广告英译中的语用失误分析28 浅析《掘墓人的女儿》所体现的犹太寻根主题29 英汉颜色词语象征意义的对比30 从文化差异视角论旅游文本翻译中的词汇空缺31 语言经济学视角下的商务英语信函写作32 简?奥斯汀《诺桑觉寺》中人物对爱情和婚姻的不同态度33 Comparative Studies on Metaphors with Animal Images in Chinese and English34 目的论视角下电影字幕的翻译35 从目的论角度看英语广告中双关语的翻译36 O n Allan Poe’s Application of Gothic Elements and His Breakthroughs — Through The Fall of the House Of Usher37 西方文化视域中《简爱》刍议38 文学翻译中译者风格的彰显39 《老人与海》象征主义探究40 A Comparison of Western and Eastern Privacy Concepts41 Tragedy of a Marginalized Man——An Analysis of Shylock in The Merchant of Venice42 论零翻译在公司名称汉英翻译中的应用43 比较研究王维与华兹华斯的自然观44 紧身胸衣和缠足:十八世纪欧洲和中国女性的社会角色解释45 姚木兰和郝思嘉的女性意识对比分析46 中美饮食文化实体行为与非实体行为的民族差异47 (英语系经贸英语)中华老字号品牌的传承与创新研究48 身势语在小学英语教学中的运用49 从文化无意识的角度分析《喜福会》中的边缘人50 英汉委婉语跨文化对比研究51 Comparative Study of Metaphor in English and Chinese Animal Words52 女权主义翻译理论关照下的《呼啸山庄》多个译本比较研究53 从文化角度谈美国俚语的汉译54 哈代小说《绿林荫下》的视觉呼唤55 英汉“拉”类动词的语义成分和词化模式的对比分析56 英语商务信函的礼貌用语57 论《飘》与《傲慢与偏见》中女性追求幸福的不同方式58 论自然主义在《野性的呼唤》中的体现59 论中西饮食文化差异60 浅析文化差异对中西商务谈判的影响61 女性主义视角下《傲慢与偏见》的情态意义解读62 《了不起的盖茨比》中象征主义的研究63 《欢乐之家》中丽莉追求婚姻时的自我矛盾64 论《爱玛》的反讽艺术65 汉语公示语英译之跨文化交际研究66 论《德伯维尔家的苔丝》中的环境描写----从视觉和听学的角度67 Different Cultural Connotations of Animal glossaries in Chinese and English68 Whose Portrait Is This—Exploring Oscar Wilde’s Complex Personality69 浅谈自有品牌在中国零售企业的发展70 试析广告英语中语言的性别差异——从功能分析的角度着手71 从简爱和安娜卡列尼娜的不同命运看女性意识的觉醒72 论跨文化交际中的体态语73 中美家庭教育比较—文化差异对家庭教育的影响74 从功能对等理论看政治文献中中国特色词汇翻译75 《麦田里的守望者》中霍尔顿的性格分析76 中西民间鬼神形象中体现的宗教世俗化的研究77 论田纳西?威廉斯《欲望号街车》中的逃遁主义78 英语阅读有效教学活动设计研究79 归化和异化策略在《红楼梦》文化负载词翻译中的应用80 简析中西方译者翻译《论语》的差异性81 从麦琪的礼物中折射出欧亨利对已故妻子的爱82 威廉福克纳《圣殿》小说创作里的自卑情结83 Application of Cooperative Principles in the Study of Intercultural Business Negotiation84 高中英语听、说、读教学活动中写作融入模式的初探85 从精神分析角度看《泄密的心》86 象征主义视角下《致海伦》中的意象美87 形合与意合对比研究及翻译策略88 自然主义在《海狼》中的表现89 浅析国际商务谈判文化因素及其对策90 《老人与海》的象征意义探究91 归化和异化策略在《红楼梦》文化负载词翻译中的应用92 传播学视角下的影视字幕翻译研究—以美剧《复仇》为例93 浅析不同文化中的身势语94 金融英语术语的语言特点及翻译95 《喜福会》中的中美文化冲突96 非规范性法律文书的文体特征探究97 浅谈英汉人体部位的隐喻98 目的论在英语儿歌翻译中的应用99 《威尼斯商人》中的种族及宗教冲突100 违反合作原则所表达的会话含义—以《越狱》中Theodore Bagwell话语为例101 The Carnival Characteristics of Oliver Twist102 浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中的美国梦103 为什么穷人会愤怒104 文化语境下公示语的翻译105 女性主义视域下的《了不起的盖茨比》106 挥之不去的父权阴影——解读福克纳的短篇小说《献给艾米莉的一朵玫瑰花》107 论英语影视作品的字幕翻译技巧108 解读托尼?莫瑞森《最蓝的眼睛》中的成长主题109 从小说《德克拉》试论吸血鬼文化110 从美国新闻理念的发展看例外主义的嬗变111 从魔幻现实主义角度解读《百年孤独》中的象征色彩112 关于英语课堂中教师体态语的研究113 扼杀在萌芽中的期许—“一小时里故事”中的女权渴望114 浅探高中英语听力教学策略115 An Analysis of Communicative Language Teaching Method in Teaching Spoken English in China116 初中生单词记忆的可行性研究117 阿加莎克里斯蒂侦探小说中的罪犯形象118 (英语系经贸英语)中国儿童消费市场乱象分析及应对策略119 战争隐喻在体育新闻报道中的运用120 高中英语“后进生”产生的原因以及补差方法研究121 《绝望主妇》人物语言个性化翻译浅析122 《罗密欧与朱丽叶》和《哈姆雷特》中的双关鉴赏123 《尤利西斯》与《春之声》中意识流手法的不同124 Analyzing How Shakespeare Created Hamlet:Shakespeare’s Reflections in His Creation of Hamlet125 中美企业文化差异研究126 王尔德童话《快乐王子》中的对比艺术127 唐诗英译中的典故及其翻译128 从违反合作原则看电影语言的会话含义——以《最后的武士》为例129 中英习语文化异同及其翻译130 从《宠儿》透视美国黑人女性的悲剧131 从美国电影中透视个人主义:以《当幸福来敲门》为例132 论《呼啸山庄》中希思克利夫的性格133134 On Subtitle Translation in “The Big Bang Theory” from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence Theory135 《傲慢与偏见》中女性意识的体现136 美国价值观在电影《当幸福来敲门》中的体现137 师生关系与学生英语学习积极性之关联性探析138 《简爱》的特征—一位独立的女性139 论跨文化因素对广告汉英翻译的影响140 从会话含义理论看《家有儿女》141 文化差异对商标翻译的影响及翻译策略142 英语习语的文化内涵143 《大地》中的儒家思想144 通过对比研究看电影《小红帽》对经典童话小红帽的颠覆145 英语专业学生课外网络自主学习问题研究146 社会语言学视角下女性语言的特点147 从女性主义角度看《觉醒》中爱德娜的女性主体意识觉醒148 对《老人与海》中主人公的性格分析149 Analysis of the Subtitle of White Collar under Skopostheorie150 从《汤姆叔叔的小屋》看基督教对美国黑奴的精神救赎151 基于跨文化视角文化全球化的分析152 The Relationship Between Oscar Wilde and Dorian Gray153 Translating News Concerning China in Global Times: Approaches and Strategies154 从儿童心理角度看儿童文学中的对话翻译155 《茶馆》英译本的翻译对比研究156 企业文化在企业发展过程中所起的作用157 从象征手法浅析《了不起的盖茨比》中爵士时代的特征158 《追风筝的人》中阿米尔的性格分析159 哥伦布和郑和航海的对比研究——两次航海所反映出的中西方文化差异160 汉英习语翻译中文化因素的处理161 《德伯家的苔丝》简写本与原著的语篇比较——基于倒装句的分析视角162 高中英语教学过程中实施情感教育的研究163 中英文姓名的文化内涵及其翻译的对比研究164 从《简?爱》的多译本看中国两性关系的变化165 英汉习语中隐喻的民族性及其翻译策略166 鲁迅对翻译理论的重大贡献167 《呼啸山庄》中男主人公人物分析168 从《尼克?亚当斯故事》中探析父亲情结对海明威人生观的影响169 中西方常用标语分析170 山寨文化的反思——发展与创新171 《达芬奇密码》中的女性主义172 少儿英语游戏教学策略研究173 从文化角度浅议电影名翻译技巧174 浅谈英语广告的特点及翻译175 商业英语广告的劝说功能与修辞分析176 浅析法律英语的词汇特点及其翻译177 从跨文化交际角度分析中美商务谈判风格的差异178 简析《雾都孤儿》中善与恶在人物塑造上的体现179 乔治?奥威尔小说《动物农场》和《》社会对比研究180 宗教禁欲下的爱情-论霍桑的宗教观与道德观在《红字》中的体现181 原罪论与赎罪观对西方文化的影响182 谈日常用品广告英译汉的特色183 英语阅读理解中的若干信息处理手段184 霍桑在《红字》中对人的罪恶的探究185 英语基本味觉词“甜/苦”的隐喻机制186 从语境理论角度分析奥巴马就职演说词语篇187 用眼睛透视心灵—评析《老人与海》188 试论言语行为理论在广告语中的运用189 《夜色温柔》男主人公迪克的精神变化研究190 一个女性的悲剧—从人性角度浅析苔丝的悲剧191 论《野性的呼唤》中对人和自然和谐的呼唤192 探讨美容化妆品翻译技巧--以安利雅姿产品为例193 论黑暗中的光明在《八月之光》中的体现194 从《爱玛》中的言语反讽看乔拉的反讽理论195 商务英语中的冗余现象及语用功能196 The Differences of Beauty Standards Between China and America 197 浅析中西方颜色词所隐含的文化差异及翻译策略198 从英汉“狗”的习语看中西方文化差异199 解析马克?吐温《竞选州长》中的幽默讽刺艺术200 Discourse Analysis on the Translation of Person of the Year, an Editorial in the Time Magazine。



翻译让文学走出单行道PFound in TranslationBR翻译,让文学走出单行道/PPIn college in the 1990s, I happened upon a Brazilian writer so sensational that I was sure she must be a household name. And she was ―in Curitiba or Maranhatilde;o. Outside Brazil, it seemed, nobody knew of Clarice Lispector./PP1990年代就读大学期间,我偶然读到一位令我惊为天人的作家,我以为她的名字肯定家喻户晓。


出了巴西,似乎就没人认得克拉丽赛#8231;利斯佩克托(Clarice Lispector)了。

/PPMy freshman year, I’d abandoned studying Chinese when our professor said it’d be 10 years before we’d be able to decipher a newspaper. I switched to Portuguese, despite zero knowledge of the language or culture./PP由于教授说我们得花上十年功夫学习才能解读中文报纸,我在大学一年级便放弃学习中文,转到了葡萄牙语专业,虽然我对这门语言和文化一无所知。

/PPEventually we started reading short Brazilian works. One of these, a 1977 novella by Lispector called “The Hour of the Star,” changed my life. Though its nuances were lost on me, I sensedthe strange beauty in the story of a poor girl in Rio de Janeiro. The author was the book’s most forceful presence, and I wanted to l earn everything about her. Who was the woman who peered from the back cover like an exiled empress?/PP后来我们开始阅读巴西的短篇作品。

gilbert white的自然文学观点

gilbert white的自然文学观点

gilbert white的自然文学观点
Gilbert White(1720-1793)是一位英国牧师和自然学家,被广泛认为是自然史的先驱之一。

他的著作《国外参考档案》(The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne)是一部以自然观察和观察生活中的小动物为特色的经典作品。


1. 环境的重要性:White认为环境对于生物的生存和繁衍至关重要。


2. 观察的重要性:White主张仔细观察和记录自然界中的现象和生物。


3. 对于自然的敬畏和尊重:White对自然的态度充满敬畏和尊重。



4. 采用科学方法:作为一名牧师和自然学家,White倡导采用科学方法来研究和理解自然界。


综上所述,Gilbert White的自然文学观点强调环境、观察、敬畏和科学方法在理解和描绘自然界中的生物和现象方面的重要性。


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1.IntroductionPeople‟s life is filled with lies from the official political sphere, interpersonal communications or traditional cultural customs. Researches about lies over the past few decades had once caused an upsurge in developmental psychology, which the lying appearance and the moral evaluation were given by the developmental psychologists.1.1 The Research Status of LiesThere are many related researches for some language phenomena in the literatures, but few of them study the same topic as this thesis. For the study of the lies, whether for the malicious lies or for the white lies, scholars often conduct the research in the scope of ethics, psychology, pragmatics, sociology and so on. Chinese scholars often carry on study on the phenomena of lies in the literatures. For example, there are a lot of papers studying on the lies phenomena in the Story of the Stone. In this thesis, the author focuses on white lies in a U.S. TV series which is called Pretty Little Liars.1.2 The Significance of the ResearchFirstly, the studies of lies have been conducted from ethics, philosophy, sociolinguistics and pragmatics. White lies are a special kind of lies and a lot of people like to use it in daily communications. Therefore, it is necessary to carry on the research of white lies, since it‟s important for the development of the use of language.Secondly, by reason of the extensive use of white lies by the characters in Pretty Little Liars, and the lies play different roles in different contexts, it is necessary to study these phenomena in order to acknowledge white lies better. This study can not1only further the exploration of the theory in linguistic phenomena research, but also provide more research perspectives and expand the scope of the research. The study can also make a contribution to promoting and supporting the development of language applications.Thirdly, the study of analyzing white lies can promote a harmonious environment to language. There are well-intentioned lies (white lies) and malicious lies in our daily communication, through the analysis of well-intentioned lie, it can help people to facilitate the identification ability of malicious lies. At the same time, it can be helpful for people to have a better use of white lies.Above all, the study of analyzing the white lies in Pretty Little Liars can gain a great value and significance both in theoretical and practical application.1.3 Material SelectionPretty Little Liars is a series of young adult novels by Sara Shepard. The plots of this novel were made into a TV series on ABC Family in 2010. The series follows the lives of four teenage girls —Aria Montgomery, Emily Fields, Hanna Marin, and Spencer Hastings— whose clique falls apart after the disappearance of their leader, Alison DiLaurentis. Three years later, after the discovery of Ali's body, they begin receiving text messages from an anonymous source, "A," who threatens to expose their secrets. These four beauties live a tough life under the threats by “A”, so they always tell lies to protect themselves and their families. [1]2. General Views of Lies2.1 The Definition of LiesDifferent people and dictionaries give many definitions to lies, according to their own understandings of lies.Base on the definition given in W ikipedia, “To lie is to deliver a false statement to another person, and what the speaking person knows is not the whole truth, intentionally”.According to Bok, he defines lies are “statements (they have to be utterances to which the criterion of truth or falsity is applicable) that the speaker believes to be false and that are intending to mislead the addressee”. (Bok, 1978)[2]Coleman and Kay (1981: 28)[3]think that a lie is consisted of three key elements:1) The proposition is false;2) The speaker believes the proposition to be false;3) In uttering the proposition, the speaker intends to deceive the addressee.From the point of views of Li Xiankun (1998)[4], (the chief of the committee of semiotics of The Chinese Association of Logic), he pointed out that “lies are false speeches which the speaker intentionally said to the hearer well knowing that are not true”.By searching the Internet of Jilin University Library, the definition of lies is given: “lies are some pieces of message that are contradictory to the facts. The liar speaks what he or she believes true as untrue to the hearer or the deceived to make him or her believe what does not exist really exists or speaks what really exists as it does not exist.”To sum up, a lie is a statement must contain two elements that are falsehood and the speaker‟s intentionality. That means a lie is a false statement which is contradictive to the true fact and the speaker (the liar) does it on purpose with some intentions.But from the Modern Chinese Dictionary, it shows that lies are not always false speeches. For example, the liar consider himself tells a lie, but what he says just can fit the facts actually. It defines "lie" as "false speeches", while “false speeches” are “unreal or deceptive utterances”. The unreal statement has two different interpretations. One is that lies are not consistent with the objective facts, the other3one is that the lies are not consistent with the speaker's subjective understanding. In the paper, it is suggested that the former can be considered as “false speeches”, and the latter can be defined as lies. An important difference between false speeches and lies is that false speeches have intentionality. In other words, false speech is a speech act that people use it by knowing it is not real. Above all, lies not always have no true value in semantics.2.2 The Classification of LiesLie is a common language phenomenon of human society. From the point of views of Xin Ju (2003)[5], lies are classified into several categories on the basis of the interest of lies:1.Lies which are beneficial to the self and not harmful but beneficial to others. That means they are beneficial to both the self and other (such as games and entertainments);2. Lies which are beneficial to the self, but are not harmful to other;3. Lies which are beneficial to the self, but are harmful to others (such as perjury in courts);4. Lies which are harmless to the self, but are beneficial to others (such as sacrificing one‟s own interests for the sake;5. Lies which are harmful to the self but have no influence on others (such as self-deception and daydreaming);6. Lies which are harmful to both the self and others;7. Lies which are neither beneficial nor harmful to both the self and others (such as joking);8. Lies which are neither beneficial nor harmful to the self, but beneficial to others (such as telling a lie to comfort the patients);9. Lies which are neither beneficial nor harmful to the self, but are harmful to the others (such as deliberately made rumors).She also pointed out that according to the context of situation where the lies occur, lies can be divided into appropriate lies and inappropriate lies. And if focus on the pragmatic effects of telling lies, there are several kinds of lies can be classified as well, such as humorous lies, quick-witted lies, deceptive lies and so on. In addition, base on the way of people telling lies, lies can be classified into verbal lies and non-verbal lies. [6]However, all these kinds of classification methods of lies are too multilevel and complex to use in our daily life. It is also not too convenient for our daily identification of lies. So people always divide lies into two types according to the lying intentions in communication —White Lie and Malicious Lie.2.3 What Are White Lies and Malicious Lies?According to the Oxford Dictionary[7]: "A white lie is a harmless and small lie, especially one that you tell to avoid hurting somebody”. The definition of white lies is accurately explained that in order to reduce the damage to the hearers, people use white lies to help out. Therefore, a white lie: (1) is harmless on intention; (2) Semantically, liar considers his lies are not real; (3) as a pragmatic strategy, its perlocutionary act is always good, but the nature of the speech may be good or bad.Malicious lie is a kind of tort. It is used with malice which the utterer knew it was false or would cause damage or harm to others. Malicious lie is a false statement that causes damage to the claimant. In this case, it means that the defedant either knew the statement was not true or did not take proper care to check. [8]It is often used as weapon in a competitive situation, setting out to destroy the character and reputations of their victims, usually with devastating and lasting results.[9]For example, a company might spread false information to its customers or competitors in order to get more interests. Malicious is often covered under laws regarding defamation.52.4 How to Identify White Lies and Malicious Lies?The main differences between white lies and malicious lies can be divided into four parts.1.Different interpretations.White lies are often used with the purpose of benefit of others, in order to get a good result. Malicious lies are usually for the liar s‟ own interests, and people hide the truth deliberately in order to confuse others and to achieve their own goals.2.Different psychologies.White lie is made up passively under the forcing psychological state. There is no stress, and speakers do not have to worry about the consequences of being laid bare. Malicious lie is a guilty statement with strong psychological pressure, and the liars are always worried about the consequences of being laid bare.3.Different expressions.People often tell white lies with calm and unaffected face looking, while malicious liars look confused and affected.4.Different consequences.After lies being exposed, white lies can be understood, or even accepted with good impression increasing. Malicious lies cannot be accepted and understood after being laid bare, and people often hate and detest the liars.3. The Analysis of White Lies in Pretty Little Liars from PragmaticPerspectiveIn this part, three theories are used to analyze white lies. Examples are selected from Pretty Little Liars in the pragmatic field. The reason of telling white lie in each example is also analyzed.3.1 The Cooperative PrinciplePeople communicate with others in daily life. In order to understand from each other, we are often in cooperation with the speakers or the hearers with the desire to know the conversations better. According to Grice, “our talk exchanges do not normally consist of a succession of disconnected remarks, and would not be rational if they did. They are characteristically, to some degree at least, cooperative efforts; and each participant recognizes in them, to some extent, a common purpose or set of purposes, or at least a mutually accepted direction.”(Grice, 1975:45)[10]On the basis of this general view, Paul Grice proposed the Cooperative Principle (known as CP for short) in 1975 about how people use language. He gives the definition of this principle as follows (Chen, 1999: 227): “Make your contribution such as is required, at the stage at which it occurs, by the accepted purpose or direction of the talk exchange in which you are engaged.” Grice su bdivides this general principle into four detailed and explicit maxims: Quality Maxim, Quantity Maxim, Relation Maxim and Manner Maxim. They are expressed as follows (Chen, 1999: 227—228)[11]:1.The Maxim of QualityTry to make your contribution one that is true, specifically:(i) do not say what you believe to be false(ii) do not say that for which you lack adequate evidence2.The Maxim of Quantity(i) make your contribution as informative as is required for the current purposes of the exchange(ii) do not make your contribution more informative than is required3.The Maxim of RelevanceMake your contributions relevant.4.The Maxim of MannerBe perspicuous, and specifically:7(i) avoid obscurity(ii) avoid ambiguity(iii) be brief(iv) be orderlyGrice also summarizes that among these four maxims, the first three maxims are about “what is to be said” and the last one is about “how it is to be said”. Actually, we really find that we follow these maxims subconsciously in our daily conversations. In this way, we can interact in a more direct and efficient way.However, these maxims are not always observed when people use them. They are violated in conversations sometimes as follow:3.1.1 The Violation of Quality MaximEzra: I have to go up the cabin this weekend. Can you get away? Come with me? It‟s been a while since we‟ve been up there.Aria: My dad‟s going up to Syracuse and I can‟t leave Mike.In fact, Aria doesn‟t want to go with Ezra because she is going to join her friends at the weekend. Aria just tells a white lie so as to refuse Ezra‟s invitation politely. What Aria says is what she believes to be false. Thus, it is obviously a white lie which violates the Maxim of Quality.(Pretty Little Liars, the 18th Episode, Season Four)3.1.2The Violation of Manner MaximCaleb is fond of Hanna. He asks Hanna out for dinner, and he wants to show his love to Hanna.Caleb: I like you!Hanna: What? What did you say? I cannot hear you!Caleb: I said I like you.Hanna: I can‟t hear you!Caleb: I like you very much, Hanna.Hanna: What?At last, Caleb may get to know that Hanna is lying to him. In fact she can hear what Caleb says and pretends she does not. She is just joking with Caleb. It is a small white lie adopted by Hanna to make fool of Caleb and to tell him her acceptance of his love indirectly. By telling this lie, Hanna deliberately violates the Maxim of Manner which is “be brief” by saying the same words again and ag ain, but she shows her heart indirectly. The joking and amusing effect is presented at the same time. (Pretty Little Liars, the 12th Episode, Season One)3.2The Politeness PrincipleIn 1983, G. H. Leech proposed another principle called the Politeness Principle. His assumptions can be analyzed from two aspects: with other things being equal, to minimize the expression of impolite beliefs and maximize the expression of polite beliefs (2003: 82)[12]. He defined two terms “self” which mainly refers to the sp eaker and “other” which mainly refers to the hearer in conversations. With the two terms he developed the Politeness Principle into a number of maxims as follows (Chen, 1999:229)[13]:1. Tact Maxim(i) minimize benefit to self;(ii) maximize benefic to other;2. Generosity Maxim(i) minimize cost to other;(ii) maximize cost to self3. Approbation Maxim,(i) minimize dispraise of other;(ii) maximize praise of other;94. Modesty Maxim(i) minimize praise of self;(ii) maximize dispraise of self;5. Agreement Maxim(i) minimize disagreement between self and other;(ii) maximize agreement between self and other;6. Sympathy Maxim(i) minimize antipathy between self and other;(ii) maximize sympathy between self and other;Leech also claims that not all the maxims are equally important. It seems that the Tact Maxim is the most powerful constraint on conversational behavior. However, it appears that all these assumptions are culturally dependent, because different values will be placed by different cultures on different maxims and the sub-maxims. For example, Chinese culture values the Modesty Maxim most, while western culture values the Tact Maxim most.3.2.1 White Lies Following the Tact MaximAria is a high school student, and Mr. Fitz (Ezra) is her English teacher. But they have a teacher-student relationship. Nobody knows they are in love except Aria‟s best friends. In one day, Mr. Fitz accidentally found that his ex-girlfriend was pregnant before they broke up, and he has a son now. After knowing this, Aria broke up with Mr. Fitz sadly, and Mr. Fitz moved out of Rosewood. After several months, he moved back to the town. He meets Aria in a café accidentally.Mr. Fitz: Aria?Aria: You know, I could pretend like I didn‟t see you. But I don‟t want to lie. This is new territory for us. What…what do I do? Do I say “Hi” to you? Do I avoid you?Mr. Fitz: Well. I‟m saying “Hi”.Aria: We probably shouldn‟t have a coffee together though, right?Mr. Fitz: Yeah, yesterday I might have said that that would be okay.Aria: Why not tonight?Mr. Fitz: I got offered a permanent job.Aria: Oh! That‟s great.Mr. Fitz: I haven‟t said yes yet because it‟s at Rosewood.Aria: Ezra, you know it‟s a lot easier to not see you when I‟m actually not seeing you.Mr. Fitz: I really need this. I have a family now. And if you want to see other people…Sometimes that‟s the best way to move on.Aria: I‟m not ready for that.In this case, both of them are still fond of each other. Ezra doesn‟t live with his ex-girlfriend now. He thinks that Aria deserves a better man, so he tells a lie that he has family and asks Aria to meet with other people instead of wasting time to wait for him. He just tells a white lie to maximize the benefit to Aria to have a better future. Therefore, this white lie aims at maximize the benefit to others.(Pretty Little Liars, the 1st Episode, Season Four)3.2.2White Lies Following the General MaximAria goes to visit Jake because she wants to know something about her brother from Jake. While at that moment, Jake is sleeping. After hearing the bell rings, he gets up to open the door with drowsiness on the face.Aria: I‟m sorry to disturb you sleeping.Jake: Never mind. I have already woken up. It‟s time for me to wakeup.In this case, Jake tells a white lie to conceal the fact that he is not happy to be disturbed when he is in a sound sleep in order to maximize the cost to self to make the other feel better.(Pretty Little Liars, the 9th Episode, Season Four)113.2.3White Lies Following the Modesty MaximHanna‟s mom was framed that she killed a detective, and she was sent to jail because she has no innocent evidence. Fortunately, Spencer‟s mom is a famous lawyer and she helps Hanna‟s mom to find some strong evidences, so that Hanna‟s mom is able to be released.Hanna‟s mom: Thank you for your help.Spencer‟s mom: It‟s just my duty. You are so strong, Ashley. You save yourself.As a matter of fact, Spencer‟s mom has tried her best to help Hanna‟s mom out. She really did a great help to Hanna‟s mom, but she just be modest and says that Hanna‟s mom saves herself. This can be a typical example of telling white lies to show someone‟s modesty and it is the common way to follow the Modesty Maxim of the Politeness Principle.(Pretty Little Liars, the 12th Episode, Season Four)3.2.4White Lies Following the Agreement MaximEmily and Paige are very good at swimming, and they have potential to pass the swimming examination to go to one of the best universities together. Unfortunately, Emily was hurt by “A”, and the injury‟s condition of her arm is too serious to swim. Paige loves Emily very much (they are homosexual), so she does something for Emily. Here is their conversation:Paige: It looks incredible.Emily: But it‟s just so far away.Paige: That‟s what I love about it. It‟s got one of the best swim programs in the country. I thought you‟d be excited.Emily: Oh, it‟s an amazing opportunity. You have to take it. You have to say yes.Paige: It‟s an amazing opportunity for us, Emily. I want you to come with me.Emily: To Stanford?Paige: They offered me a full ride. And you‟re as good as I am. If they want me, they‟ll want you, too. Think about it, Emily. You and me in California, live together. We‟ll study on the beach. We spend weekend in San Francisco. We……Emily: Yes, it‟s amazing.Although Emily says “yes”, she doesn‟t feel amazing actually because she knows that her wound is difficult to recover and she can‟t go to Stanford with Paige. The reason why she shows her agreement is that she doesn‟t want to let Paige down. Paige has tried her best to seize the opportunity for Emily. Thus, in this situation, Emily tells a white lie to keep correspondent with Paige in opinions and minimize disagreement between self and other, while maximize agreement between self and other. In a situation like this, to tell the truth may be very unfriendly and hurtful, while telling a lie may be the most appropriate.(Pretty Little Liars, the 1st Episode, Season Four)3.2.5White Lies Following the Sympathy MaximAfter Alison‟s death, her family moved out of Rosewood to another place. But after a year, Mrs. Dilaurentis (Alison‟s mom) moves back to Rosewood. She is packing up things outside the house when Emily coming to visit her. Here are their conversations:Mrs. Dilaurentis: Emily? It feels like home when you see a friendly face.Emily: Hi. This is for you. It‟s from my mom.Mrs. Dilaurentis: Tell her I said thank you, and I look forward to having her over for tea as soon as I‟m settled in.Emily: I will…….Alison hated that smell.Mrs. Dilaurentis: It‟s good to hear someone say her name. People avoided. They‟re trying to be polite. But it‟s not nice. It‟s weak. Emily, would you mind13helping with these?Emily: Sure.In fact, Emily is not willing to help Mrs. Dilaurentis. Because Alison was one of her best friends, she will be sad if she goes into Alison‟s house. She is also afraid of a death person‟s house. She says “sure”is just telling a white lie to show her sympathy and minimize her antipathy to Alison‟s mom. She respects and sympathizes Mrs. Dilaurentis. Thus it is helpful for them to keep a harmonious relationship by telling such a lie.(Pretty Little Liars, the 1st Episode, Season Four)3.3Face-saving TheoryErvin Goffman is the first person who noticed the notion of “face”. From his perspective, “face is roughly the public image an individual seeks to project. A person‟s face is something that is not lodged in or on his body, but rather something that is diffusely located in the flow of events in the encounter. Thus the face is a social phenomenon which is created in the dynamic communications”.Goffman (1969:7-8)[14]shows his concern about one‟s own face is related to “self-respect” and concern about other‟s face is related to “considerateness”. He argues that “the combined effect of the rule of self-respect and the rule of considerateness is that a person tends to conduct himself during an interaction so as to reduce the possibility of damaging a person‟s face and maintain both his own f ace and that of the other”.The Face-saving Theory was pointed out by Brown and Levinson in 1978, which is theory with politeness. According to Brown & Levinson‟s theory, they explain “face” as an “individual‟s self-esteem” or “the public self-image that every member wants to claim for himself” (1987:60)[15]. According to Brown and Levinson (1978:66)[16], there are two aspect of “face”: positive face and negative face. A Person‟s positive face is reflected in his desire to be liked, approved of, respected andappreciated by other which represents an individual‟s desire to seem worthy and deserving of approval; and a person‟s negative face is reflected in the desire not to be impeded or put upon, but to have the freedom to act as he chooses which represents the desire to be autonomous, unimpeded by others (Brown & Levinson, 1987)[17].“F ace” is an important thing that people try to protect in the mutual conversations. If a person is publicly recognized with credit or good reputations, his face will be enhanced. Inversely, if he is humiliated or criticized in front of others, his face will be lost. Both one‟s own face and his interlocutors‟ face are consider as conversational participants when mention the mutual self-interest. Thus, it is expected that people‟s own face should be concerned primarily as well as other people‟s face in every social communication.Brown & Levinson (1978:70)[18]argue that “certain types of acts are liable to damage or threaten face as they run contrary to the face wants of the addressee and/or of the speaker. Such an act is referred to as a face threatening act (FTA)”. After knowing the distinction between “negative”and “positive”face, FTAs is classified into those threaten the negative and those threaten the positive wants of speaker and hearer in interaction by Brown and Levinson. Some speech acts have the potential of damaging others‟positive face. For example, people express disapproval, disagreements and accusations. Some may threaten others‟ negative face. For example, a requ est or an order will impose upon others‟ freedom of action. And sometimes a speech act may also potentially damage the speaker‟s own positive or negative face.When the problem “how to protect one‟s positive face” comes out, Brown & Levinson indicates that so as not to make disagreement with the addressee, the strategy of token agreements, pretended agreements, dodges or lies should be carried out.3.3.1For Oneself Positive Face SavingAshley is quarreling at home with his husband Mr. Marin. Their neighbor15happens to come to visit them at that moment. Ashley says to the neighbor, “We are joking with each other”.Ashley doesn‟t tell the truth to the neighbor in order not to lose her own and her husband‟s face in front of an outsider. Thus it can be a white lie that the wife tells to maintain her own face and her family‟s reputation.(Pretty Little Liars, the 7th Episode, Season Two)3.3.2For Other's Positive Face SavingCece is a high school student. She opens a clothes shop in the town, so she wears different kinds of clothes to school every day.Cece: Hey, Hanna. What do you think of my new dress?Hanna: It looks nice on you!Cece: Really? Do you like it?Hanna: Yes.As a matter of fact, Hanna thinks that the dress is poor in quality and it doesn‟t look nice on Cece. But instead of telling the truth, she chooses to tell a lie, which can be considered as a white lie. By telling this white lie, Cece‟s positive face is saved. It is helpful for these two girls to maintain their relationship as well.(Pretty Little Liars, the 7th Episode, Season Three)3.3.3For Oneself Negative Face SavingSpencer is a smart girl with curiousness. In order to find out who is “A”, she has tried to collect all the evidences at home without sleep for several days. In order to protect her friends, she keeps it as a secret and looks for clues by herself. She is exhausted and she gets a bad mood at the moment when Hanna makes her a phone call.Hanna: Hey, Spencer. Me and Emily is outside your house. Open up.Spencer: Hey, Hanna. I‟m at the library.Hanna: No, you‟re not. I see your car in the driveway.Spencer: I walked.Hanna: Um, look. The police gave me back my shoes finally. And I was wondering if you could come over and help me make my closet all neat-freaky.Spencer: I would really like to, but Fitz is making me redo this essay, so…Hanna: Well, come over later?Spencer: Yeah, maybe. I really got to go.In fact, Spencer is frustrated at that moment because she is too tired to look for clues. She doesn‟t want her friends to see her gaunt face, so she tells a lie to Hanna that she‟s not at home. But Hanna finds her car in Spencer‟s driveway. In order to save the negative face, Spencer tells another lie that she walked to the library. By telling this white lie, Spencer saves her own negative face and avoids hurting Hanna‟s feelings at the same time.(Pretty Little Liars, the 18th Episode, Season Four)3.3.4For Other's Positive Face ThreateningSpencer is on a trip by train. On the train, a four-year-old boy sitting opposite to her who keeps making noises the whole afternoon. His parents and other passengers around are annoyed. So the boy‟s grandmother sa ys to him, “Be quiet! Or the police would come to take you away!” The boy is so young that he takes what his grandmother says true and behaved properly. The grandmother‟s words can be regarded as a face-threatening act which restrains the young boy‟s freedom. But in that situation, the white lie told by the grandmother helps to make her young naughty grandson behave well in public. From this example we can see that a white lie can even threaten one‟s negative face but can still bring some benefits.(Pretty Little Liars, the 5th Episode, Season One)17。
