


















2015年 3年级 杯赛模拟题(二)

2015年 3年级 杯赛模拟题(二)

10. 请在下面的 10 个方框内填入 0~9,形成两个五位数的差,这个差有个最大情况,也有 最小情况。则最大可能差与最小可能差的差为( ) 。
【分析】位值原理,最值 1。差最大,则大的尽量大,小的尽量小, 98765 10234 88531 ;(最高位不为 0) 2。差最小,则大的尽量小,小的尽量大;这里要分两步。 第一步:最高位分出大小;第二步:大的尽量小,小的尽量大(那么就看后四位); 填的顺序是先填后四位,再填最高位, 50123 49876 247 。 所以这两种结果的差为: 88531 247=88284 。 【答案】88284。
【分析】正方形的面积为 10×10=100 平方厘米。折两次后得到的直角三角形面积为 (平方厘米) ; 则阴影部分展开后的面积为 25÷4×3×4=75 (平方厘米) 。 100÷4=25 【答案】75 平方厘米。
2015 年 3 年级 杯赛模拟测试题(二)
) 一、填空题(每题 5 分,共 100 分。 1. 计算: 505 2015 1010 7= ________。 【分析】原式 =505 2015-505 2 7
=505 2015 14 =505 2001 =505 2000 505 =1010505
有一个 111 位数,各位数字都是 1,这个数除以 6,余数是_______,商的末位数字是 _______。 【分析】我们可以用列表的方法寻求周期。 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 … 被除数中“1”的个数 1 5 3 1 5 3 1 … 除以 6 后余数的末位数字 0 1 8 5 1 8 5 … 除以 6 后商的末位数字 通过表格我们可以发现,余数出现的周期为 3(1,5,3);第 1 个“1”上相对应的 商为“0”,从第二个“1”开始,商的末位数字的周期为 3(1,8,5) 因为 111 3 37 ,所以这个数除以 6 后余数的末位数字是 3; 因为 (111 1) 3 36 …2,所以这个数除以 6 后商的末位数字是 8。 【答案】8































( )6.A. I come from England B. I am a student C. I live in England( )7.A. It’s between a bank B. Go straight and turn left, it is on the leftC. You can go there by bus( )8.A. Thank you B. I’m sorry to hear that C. The same to you( )9.A. OK,I will do it B. Sorry, Mr. Wang C. Thank you( )10.A. About a week B. He is very well C. Once a week第三节、对话理解。


( )11.A. She is singing with the guitar B. She is dancing with the musicC. She is playing the guitar( )12.A. It’s rainy B. It’s sunny C. It’s cloudy( )13.A. 9:00 B. 8:00 C. 8:30( )14.A. Jim B. Tom C. Li Lei( )15.A. $15 B.$10 C. $5B、你将听到2段长对话,请根据对话内容选择正确答案。


( )16. What’s the matter with Jim?A. He has a toothacheB. He doesn’t sleep wellC. He has no friend( )17.What’s Doctor Li’s telephone number?A. 6349410B. 693410C. 691043B、你将听到2段长对话,请根据对话内容选择正确答案。

含答案: 2015年二级建造师法规模拟题二

含答案: 2015年二级建造师法规模拟题二

2015年二级建造师法规模拟题二一、单项选择题(每题 1 分,共 60 分。

每题的备选项中,只有 1 个最符合题意。

)1.关于注册建造师执业管理的说法,正确的是(B )。

A. 施工中形成的施工管理文件,应当由注册建造师签字或加盖执业印章B. 施工单位签署质量合格的文件上,必须有注册建造师的签字盖章C.所有工程施工项目负责人必须由本专业注册建造师担任D. 大型工程项目施工负责人可以由一级或者二级注册建造师担任2.《中华人民共和国建设工程质量管理条例》属于( B)。

A.法律B. 行政法规C.部门规章D. 司法解释3.关于民事法律行为分类,以下说法错误的是( C)。


关于这一行为后果的说法,正确的是( B)。

A.甲应当买下水泥B.甲有权拒绝收下水泥,并索回顶付给乙的水泥款项C.甲与乙共同拥有水泥的所有权D.甲与乙共同分摊购买水泥的费用5.债权人无正当理由拒绝接受履行,致使债务人难以履行债务时,债务人可以采取的消灭债务的方式是(B )。




则下面的说法正确的是( C )。

A. 2007年7月1日至8月1日之间诉讼时效中止B. 2007年7月1日至8月1日之间诉讼时效中断C. 2007年12月3日诉讼时效中断D. 2007年12月31日起诉讼时效中止7.根据《物权法》规定,下列关于抵押权的表述中错误的是( B )。



1.有关鳞屑的描述, 哪项不正确()A. 鳞屑是继发性损害B. 只有角化不全时才可产生鳞屑C. 鳞屑是脱落或即将脱落的异常角质层细胞D. 鳞屑的大小、形状、厚薄可因不同疾病而异E. 角化不全的鳞屑中可见残存的细胞核答题解析正确答案:B答案解析:鳞屑是即将脱落或已脱落的表皮角质层薄片。









故答案选D13.下列疾病中具有光敏性的是()A. 红斑狼疮B. 结节性红斑C. 硬红斑D. 多形红斑E. 中毒性红斑答题解析正确答案:A答案解析:红斑狼疮为一种自身免疫性疾病,初期损害主要是皮肤损害,所以红斑狼疮患者要避免光敏性物质,光敏性物质可使红斑狼疮患者的皮损更加严重,所以红斑狼疮患者避免光敏性物质是很重要的。



2015教师资格证《中学英语学科知识与教学能力》模拟试题2一、单项选择题(本大题共30小题,每小题2分,共60分)1.一Have you found the information about famous people__________you can use for the report?一Not yet.I’11 search some on the Interact.A.whichB.whoC.whatD.whom2.一How is everything going on with you in America?一Quite well.Not so smoothly as I hope,__________.A.eitherB.tooC.thoughD.yet3.You——be hungry already--you had lunch only two hours ago.A.wouldn'tB.can’tC.mustn’tD.needn’t4.--I knocked over my coffee cup.It went right over__________keyboard.一You shouldn’t put drinks near__________computer.A.the:/B.the;aC.a;/D.a;a5.She brought with her three friends,none of__________I had ever met before.A.themB.whoC.whomD.these6.一Hurry up!Tom and Mike are waiting for you I)utside.一0h.sorry!I thought they__________without me.A.wentB.are goingC.have goneD.had gone7.一Maybe the company won’t offer you good pay.__________,l won’t take the job.A.That is to sayB.What is moreC.In other wordsD.In that case8.English is__________for all students’bIJI art and music are optional.A.availablepulsoryC.specificD.basic9.When giving gifts in the office.during the holidays,you should keep some tips in mind,such as taking the receiver's wants into consideration,and try to avoid uncomfortable__________.A.statesB.choicesC.situationsD.conditions10.The number of the Representatives from each American state depends onthe__________.A.contribution a state has made to the nationB.populationC.sizeD.none ofthe above11.Which of the following sounds is a voiced bilabial stop?A./m/B./v/C./p/D./b/12.The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments ale called the__________of that phoneme.A.minimalB.allomorphC.phonesD.Mlophones13.The reforms of English course evaluation mainly__________.A.emphasis on formative evaluationB.realize the diversification of evaluation subjects and varieties formsC.put oil the ways of examD.1et students study independently14.When design“task—based”teaching activities,teachers may ignorethat__________.A.Activities should take students’life experience and interest as the starting point,the con-tents and ways should be true as much as possibleB.Activities should actively improve mutual penetration and link between English and other subjectsC.Activities should improve students to gain,handle and use information,communicate in English and develop the ability of solving practical problems in EnglishD.Activities should not be limited to classroom teachin9.It should extend to the study and life outside the classroom1 5.To teach students writing effectively.teachers may guide students through thewriting process as follows:①mapping②editing③outlining④brainstorming ⑤freewriting@draft ingWhich answer is in the correct order of writing process?A.①④③⑤⑥②B.④③⑤①⑥②C.④①⑤③⑥②D.③①④⑥⑤②16.Which of the following statements is NOT true?A.Listening,speaking,read ing and writing not only are the contents of learning,but the means of learning.B.Listening and reading are the skills of understanding;speaking and writing are the skills of expression.C.Students should learn and master English language knowledge which contains pronunciation,vocabulary,grammar,function and subject at basic education stage.D.Teachers should correct any mistakes on the spot to make sure students will not get them-selves in a roundabout way.17.If you want to be equipped with strong comprehensive language application ability,you must have language skills,language knowledge,__________,emotional attitude,learning strategy as a base.A.1anguage talentB.practice timeC.1earning interestD.culture awareness18.The famous scholar Krashen puts forward that__________is an important way of acquired lan-guage in his“Input Hypothesis”.A.a lot of language inputB.frequent language inputC.accessible language inputD.forcible language input19.Behaviorists believe that__________is the key to language learning.A.1earner’s language talentB.external environment factorsC.1earner’s motivationD.teacher’s guidance20.The teacher should tell the students to use the reading strategy of__________to read to locate specific information in the text.A.predictingB.scanningC.skimmingD.setting the scene请阅读Passage One,完成第21—25小题。





其中,中华文明融合、诞生的核心地区位于左边地图中的B3. 在商代,商王和许多邦国首领都称“王”。

不过,商王不仅是本国君长,他还是邦国的A.国主B.领主C.盟主D.君主4. 历史学家将商代的历史视为“信史”的依据是A.活字印刷术的发明B.青铜工艺日臻完善C.文献与文物相互印证D.国家特征已经形成5.“封建亲戚,以藩屏周。

”这句话指的是A. 分封制 B.井田制C. 郡县制D.行省制6. “仁者爱人”、”己所不欲,勿施于人”的主张出自A. 孔子B. 韩非子C. 老子D. 董仲舒7. 秦朝之后两千多年的王朝帝国,“历代都用秦政法”。

这里的“秦政法”是指A.“以法为教,以吏为师”B.专制皇权C.“罢黜百家,独尊儒术”D.焚书坑儒8.右侧是三国鼎立形势图,其中魏国所辖地区是A.①B.②C.③D.④9. 体现“汉化风气下南北民族融合”的历史事件是A 靖康之变B 清军入关C 孝文帝改革D 唐蕃联姻10. 使古代中国人走上读书—考试—做官这一人生轨迹的制度是A.世卿世禄制 B.推举制 C.三省六部制D.科举制11.苏轼在《教战守策》中说:“今国所奉西、北二虏者,岁以百万计。

”此处“二虏”是指A.契丹、女真 B.女真、蒙古C.党项、契丹 D.党项、女真12. 当代中外学者把宋代的海上商路称为“海上丝绸之路”或“香料之路”,其起点是A.长安 B.洛阳C.泉州 D.广州13. 以下人物中可以称得上“中国晚明以来第一个有自然科学头脑的人”是A.利玛窦B.徐光启C.康熙D.林则徐14. 元朝为加强中央对西藏和台湾的管辖.分别设置了A.中书省、伊犁将军 B.宣政院、中书省C 伊犁将军、澎湖巡检司D.宣政院、澎湖巡检司15. 明朝由“殿阁大学士”发展而来,协助皇帝决策的中央机构是A、中书省B、厂卫C、内阁D、六部16. 在中国古代,作为一种怀柔远人和展示天朝威仪的对外贸易活动是A.朝贡贸易 B.全球贸易C 边境贸易 D.民间贸易17、下列是一组历史图片,请根据这些图片的内容选出最恰当的主题唐朝《步辇图》唐蕃会盟碑顺治帝会见五世达赖A.中原文化对边疆地区具有向心力B.中原政权历来重视加强与藏族的关系C.中国统一多民族国家的逐步形成和巩固D.中原政权平定边疆地区分裂势力18. 1772年,在西方世界狄德罗编纂的《大百科全书》全部出齐,而在东方世界编成的煌煌巨著是A.《梦溪笔谈》B.《四库全书》C.《海国图志》D.《几何原本》19、右图是14世纪欧洲画家根据《马可•波罗游记》而创作的中国杭州市景图。



ABC P Q ID O 1I 1I 2CPQ II 1 I 22014年全国高中数学联赛模拟卷(1)加试(考试时间:150分钟 满分:180分)姓名:_____________考试号:______________得分:____________一、(本题满分40分) 在Rt ABC ∆中,CD 是斜边AB 上的高,记12,,I I I 分别是△ADC , △BCD ,△ABC 的内心,I 在AB 边上的射影为1O ,,CAB ABC ∠∠的角平分线分别交,BC AC 于,P Q ,且PQ 的连线与CD 相交于2O ,求证:四边形1122I O I O 为正方形.二、(本题满分40分)给定正数a , b , c , d, 证明:b a d b a d a dc ad c d c b d c b c b a c b a +++++++++++++++++++333333333333.2222d c b a +++≥三、(本题满分50分)设+∈N k ,定义11=A ,2)1(221+++=+n n nA A kn n , ,2,1=n证明:当1≥n 时,n A 为整数,且n A 为奇数的充要条件是)4(m od 21或≡n 四、(本题满分50分)试求最小的正整数,n 使得对于任何n 个连续正整数中,必有一数,其各位数字之和是7的倍数.一.证明:不妨设BC ≥AC ,由~ADC CDB ∆∆且12,I I 分别是其内心,得12I DAC BC I D= 且0121902I DI ADB ACB ∠=∠==∠,所以 12~DI I CAB ∆∆ 则21I I D CAB ∠=∠ ① 设,ADC BCD ∆∆的内切圆半径分别为12,r r ,Rt ABC ∆的三边长为,,a b c ,12,I I 在AB 边上的射影为,E F ,并且,,AD x BD y CD z === ,则121,,222x z b y z a b c ar r AO +-+-+-===, 所以 1121222b c a y z a x z bDO AO AD x r r +-+-+-=-=-=-=-,1122111()I E r r r r DF DO O F ==--=-=, 112122()EO r r r r I F =+-==,因此1112I EO FO I ∆=∆.1112O I O I ⇒=且112112112212I O I I O E I O F O I F I O F πππ∠=-∠-∠=-∠-∠=,②则121,,,D O I I 四点共圆 2121I O F I I D CAB ⇒∠=∠=∠(由①知)所以12//O I AC , 同理 11//O I BC ,∴11111()21()2b c a AI AO b c aI P BO c a b c a b +-+-===+-+-,又由角平分线性质得CQ BC CQ BC ab CQ QA BA QA CQ BA BC a c =⇒=⇒=+++ 同理ab CQ b c =+,另一方面2222221sin 21sin 2CQO CPO CQ CO ACDS QO b c bO P S a c aCP CO BCD ∆∆⋅∠+===+⋅∠, 又122112()//()AI QO b c a b b c O I CA I P O P c a b a a c +-+⇔=⇔=+-+, 而()()()()a a c b c a b b c c a b ++--++- 2222()()a ab ac a cb c ac b bc ba b c ac bc =+-++--+-++- 22()()0a ab b b ba a =+-+=,所以21//O I CA , 同理22//O I BC ,所以四边形1122I O I O 为平行四边形,由②知四边形1122I O I O 为正方形.二.解:由于问题的对称性, 只要证明对于任何正数下式成立因为如果上式成立, 则原式的左边不小于不失一般性, 可以在的假设下证明上述不等式. 如果, 只要将不等式两边同除, 令于是问题转化成下列被修改的问题:给定满足条件的正数证明此不等式证明如下:三.证明:注意到k n n n nA A n 21)1(2)2(+=-++ kn n n A n A n 212)1()1(=--+-得1212112)1(2)1()1)(2(++-+++=--++k k n n n n nA n A n n 反复运用上式,得)1()(2+=n n n S A n ,其中tt t n n S +++= 21)(,12+=k t得∑∑==+-+++-=n i t t ni tti i n i i n n S 1])1[(])[()(2,从而可知)(2|)1(n S n n +,因此)1(≥n A n 是整数.(1)当)4(m od 21或≡n 时,由)(n S 有奇数个奇数项知)(n S 为奇数,所以n A 为奇数. (2)当)4(mod 0≡n 时,)4(mod 0)2(≡tn ,故)4(mod 0)2(])[()(2≡-+-=∑=t n i tt n i i n n S ,所以n A 为偶数 (3)当)4(mod 3≡n 时,)4(mod 0)21(≡+tn ,故)4(mod 0)21(])1[()(211≡+-+-+=∑+=tn i t t n i i n n S ,所以n A 为偶数 综上所述,命题成立,证毕.四.解:首先,我们可以指出12个连续正整数,例如994,995,…,999,1000,1001,…,1005,其中任一数的各位数字之和都不是7的倍数,因此,13n ≥.再证,任何连续13个正整数中,必有一数,其各位数字之和是7的倍数.对每个非负整数a ,称如下10个数所构成的集合:{10,101,109}a A a a a =++为一个“基本段”,13个连续正整数,要么属于两个基本段,要么属于三个基本段。













ISO9001 2015版QMS CCAA考试模拟题 含答案 二

ISO9001  2015版QMS  CCAA考试模拟题 含答案 二

ISO9001:2015QMS_CCAA考试模拟题(含答案) 二单项选择题(每题2分)1、ISO9001标准本次修订的有原则有(D)A.为未来十年或更长时间,提供一套稳定的核心要求B.依然将关注有效的过程管理,以便实现预期的输出C.增强其同其他ISO管理体系标准的兼容性和符合性D.以上全部2、负责ISO9001标准修订的是(D )A.ISOB.ISO/TC176C.ISO/TC176/SC2D.JTGG3、今后制定ISO9001标准的整体思想是(D )A.反映组织在运行过程中日益加剧的复杂性、动态的环境变化和增长的需求;B.高度结构化下的条款一致性;C.使用管理体系标准通用核心词汇;D.以上全部4、新版标准更加(D )A.适用于所有类型的组织B.更加适合于企业建立整合管理体系,更加关注质量管理体系的有效性和效率C.更加适合服务型组织D.以上全部正确5、ISO9001标准未来的发展要考虑(D )A.“以风险为本的思考”B.强调质量管理原则C.生命周期管理D.以上全部6、作为管理体系标准模板的《附件SL》包含(C )A.标准化的管理体系标准通用术语B.标准化的管理体系标准通用结构C.A+BD.标准管理体系的通用原则7、《附件SL》规定管理体系标准通常包括(D )A.组织的环境B.计划、支持C.运行、改进、绩效评价D.以上全部8、ISO9001:2015标准的期望包括(D )A.在产品和服务方面提高顾客期望和满意度B.提高QMS标准在国际贸易中的应用率C.加严在公共卫生和安全方面的监管力度D.A+B+C9、ISO9001:2005标准的关键目标包括(D )A.持续关注有效过程管理、获得预期结果B.方便组织有效实施一、二、三方有效的符合性审核C.使用简练的语言和方式,以便对标准要求的理解、解释达成一致D.以上全部C.用“产品和服务的外部条款”取代“采购”D.以上全部11、新的质量管理原则,不包括(A )A.管理的系统方法B.过程方法C.相关方管理D.基于事实的决策12、组织面临的外部环境指(D )A.文化、社会、政治、法律、监管、财政、技术、经济、自然和竞争环境B.包括国际、国内、外地或本地C.相关联的外部利益相关者的观念/价值观D.以上全部13、组织面临的内部环境包括(D )A.组织文化:政策、目标和战略B.管理、组织结构、作用和职责C.资源、信息系统、信息流动和决策系统D.以上全部14、理解利益相关方的需求和期望,要求(D )A.确定质量管理体系相关方B.确定质量管理体系相关方的相关要求C.对相关方的相关要求的信息进行监控和回顾D.以上全部15、标准新增加的最高管理者的职责包括(D )A.承担质量管理体系有效性的义务B.确保质量管理体系的要求整合到商务体系中C.保证、指导和支持人们促进质量管理体系的效率D.以上全部16、处理风险的方法不包括(D )A.规避风险、将风险考虑进机会B.排除风险源、改变可能性和结果C.共担风险、或者通过沟通决定保持风险D.采取防护措施17、当变更管理体系时,要考虑(D )A.变更的目的和任何潜在的变更B.质量管理体系的整合C.资源的利用、权利和责任的分配与再分配D.以上全部18、资源包括(D )A.人力资源、组织知识B.基础设施和监视和测量资源C.过程环境D.A+B+C19、知识包括(D )A.知识产权和课程学习等方面的信息B.从失败和成功案例里学习C.在顾客或供方获得的信息D.以上全部20、对不合格的控制措施,不包括(D )A.召回和停止供应产品和提供服务B.通知顾客C.经授权进行返修、降级、继续使用、放行D.延长服务时间或重新提供服务21、确定监视和测量的对象的目的是为了(D )A.证实产品和服务的符合性B.评价过程绩效及顾客满意度C.确保质量管理体系的符合性和有效性D.以上全部C.改进QMS的结果D.以上全部23、组织采用基于风险的思维能够(D )A.增强顾客的信心和满意度B.确保持续提供合格的产品和服务C.建立积极的预防和改进文件,使组织走上成功D.以上全部24、面对新标准,组织需要做(D )A.确保组织的质量经理和内审员理解附录SL给组织的质量管理体系以及其他管理体系标准将带来的不同B.确保你的认证机构理解新标准对组织质量管理体系和更广泛组织意味着什么C.进行差距分析和培训,制定转版计划D.以上全部25、面对新标准,审核员要(D )A.跟踪标准发布情况,研究学习新标准,特别是新的要求B.比较标准的变化C.研究如何实施依据新标准的审核D.以上全部26、按照ISO9001:2015实施质量管理体系可为组织带来以下潜在收益(C)A.有能力持续提供满足顾客要求和法律法规要求的产品B.提升顾客满意度的机会C.应对风险和机会时能够考虑到组织所处的环境及目标D.有能力证实其符合质量管理体系的各项要求27、以下哪个是质量管理原则的新表述(D )A.管理和系统方法B.持续改进C.基于事实的决策方法D.关系管理28、在质量管理体系中应用过程方法,增强了以下方面的能力(D )A.理解要求及满足要求的一致性B.从增值的角度考虑过程,达到有效的过程绩效C.基于数据和信息评价的过程改进D.以上全部29、以下哪条是新标准增加的最高管理者的责任(A )A.推进过程方法及基于风险的思想的应用B.确保获得质量管理体系所需的资源C.传达有效的质量管理以及满足质量管理体系要求的重要性D.确保质量管理体系实现其预期结果30、合适的过程运作环境包括(D )A.社会因素(如非歧视、安宁、非对抗)B.心理因素(减轻压力、预防职业倦怠、情感保护)C.物理因素(温度、热度、湿度、光照、空气流通、卫生、噪音)D.以上全部31、以下哪些是组织知识相关的外部资源(D )A.标准B.学术界C.会议以及从顾客或者外部供方处获得知识D.以上全部32、在创建与更新形成文件的信息时,组织应确保适宜的(D )A.标识和说明(如标题、日期、作者、索引编号等)B.格式(如语言、软件版本、图示)和媒介(如纸质、电子版格式)C.评审和批准以确保适宜性和充分性D.以上全部33、以下哪种外部供方提供的过程、产品和服务不需要按8.4的要求控制(D )C.经组织决定由外部供方提供某一过程或过程的一部分D.外部供方提供的办公家具34、在国际标准中以下哪个词表示权力(C )A.应B.宜C.可D.能二、判断题(每题2分)1、近年来,环境保护和社会公平方面的相关要素得到了越来越多的在关注,而作为长期经济发展的基础之一,发挥着关键作用的质量管理体系却渐渐被轻视了。



2015英语专四听力模拟试题及答案(2)2015英语专四听力模拟试题及答案(2)Part ⅡLISTENING COMPREHENSION [15MIN]In Sections A, B and C you will hear everything ONCE ONLY. Listen carefully and then answer the questions that follow. Mark the correct answer to each question on your answer sheet.SECTION A CONVERSATIONSIn this section you will hear several conversations. Listen to the conversations carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 1 to 3 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the conversation.1. What is the purpose of this conversation?A. The man wants to get authorization for a room change.B. The man is worried about his friendship with his roommate.C. The man needs a scholarship to continue living in the dormitory.D. The man wants the head resident to talk to David for him.2. What does the man say about David?A. David is not a serious student.B. David doesn't need to worry because he has a scholarship.C. David won't speak with him.D. David wants to move back to his hometown.3. What is the man's problem?A. His roommate is noisy.B. He isn't speaking to his roommate.C. He does not like his roommate.D. He doesn't know his roommate very well.Questions 4 to 6 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the conversation.4. Why does the officer think the man should notice the speed limit?A. Speed limits are the same in all areas,B. She'd told him what it was.C. There are signs along the road.D. He has recently received his driver's license.5. What can be inferred about the man?A. He was on his way to work.B. He hadn't realized he was speeding.C. He lives on the Elm Street.D. His speedometer isn't working.6. What does the police officer finally do?A. She took away the man's license.B. She gave the man a speeding ticket.C. She gave the man a warning,D. She asked the man to become familiar with the area.Questions 7 to 10 are based on the following conversation. At the end of the conversation, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the conversation.7. Where are Joan's family going to spend summer?A. Italy.B. Portugal.C. Costa Rica.D. Spain.8. What is the problem that Joan has got?A. It is hard to find a suitable hotel.B. She has never been abroad.C. She can't book tickets for her family now.D. She has to take her children with her.9. What is essential to Joan about a hotel?A. h should be on the beach.B. It should have a swimming pool.C. It should be quiet.D. It should be in the downtown.10. Which of the following statements is TRUE?A. Joan has decided not to stay in that hotel.B. Joan has decided to use the tent.C. The ad turned out to be a lie.D. Charles advises Joan to have a try.SECTION B PASSAGESIn this section, you will hear several passages. Listen to the passages carefully and then answer the questions that follow.Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the passage.11. Now a nation's political influence depends onA. the strength of its military forces. B, its ability to compete in industry.C. economic markets.D. Both A and B.12. The Soviet Union was not listed as a third-world nation just because ofA. its powerful military forces.B. its vast land.C. its industrial competitiveness.D. its contributions to world peace.13. America succeeded in shaping world events over past 40 years probably because ofA. its ability to adapt technology.B. its ability to take advantage of the capabilities of its people.C. its ability to compete in the world markets.D. Both A and B.14. The speaker indicates that ______ is threatening American political power.A. other countriesB. the declining U. S. industrialC. a new standard for measuring powerD. less advanced technologyQuestions 15 to 17 am based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the passage.15. Why did the speaker originally go to Tanglewood?A. She went to college nearby.B. She won a contest.C. Her family vacationed there.D. She was a friend of Leonard Bernstein's.16. According to the professor, what is the disadvantage of sitting on the lawn?A. The lawn is not clean.B. The lawn is usually very crowded.C. The setting isn't very pretty.D. The audience might get wet.17. What does the speaker imply about the festival?A. It is held in Boston.B. All the seats are indoors.C. It is not well-known.D. It has been going on for a long time.Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the passage.18. Why did the paper industry need a new source of fiber in the early 1800s?A. Publishers wanted higher quality paper.B. Paper made from rags deteriorated too quickly.C. Wood pulp had become too expensive.D. The supply of rags was insufficient.19. According to the speaker, what is the problem with lignin?A. It is difficult to obtain.B. Paper cannot be made without it.C. It causes paper to deteriorate.D. It prevents wood from being turned into pulp.20. According to the speaker, what problem do libraries face?A. Many of their books are in poor condition.B. They have too many books from the early 1800's.C. They don't have enough space to store government documents.D. They have to import roost of the paper they' use.SECTION C NEWS BROADCASTQuestions 21 and 22 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.21. What's missing for Albanian army barracks in 1997?A. Half a million gum.B. More than 800 million rounds of ammunition.C. 115 million rounds of ammunition.D. Both A and B.22. Where might NOT the missing guns and ammunition be?A. Militants in Kosovo.B. Militants in Macedonia.C. In the capital of Albania.D. In Albanian private hands.Questions 23 and 24 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.23. Who died in Dubai on 20 January?A. A 50-year-old Hamas military founder.B. 50 founders of Hamas army.C. 20 suspicious attackers of Hamas.D. 20 Palestinian soldiers.24. What has Dubai authorities found about the case?A. It might be carried out by white people.B. It might be organized by a professional group.C. It might involve United Arab emirates as well.D. It might be related to gang fighting.Questions 25 and 26 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.25. What can we learn about the drilling this year?A. Less dry holes were drilled than last year.B. It was stopped in the third quarter last year.C. About 45% more wells were drilled than last year.D. It is gaining a recovery from last year’s lull.26. Which drilling activity rose 21% compared to the same period in 2009?A. Oil wells in the first nine months.B. Natural gas wells in the third quarter.C. All kinds of wells in the third quarter.D. Dry holes in July, August and September.Questions 27 to 28 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.27. According to the news item, the Yemeni President________.A. was forced to sign the agreement.B. was a democratic ruler.C. finally rejected to give up his power.D. ate his word four times.28. According to the news item, after Saleh transferred his power, ________A. Yemen will gain peace and security.B. his opponents will be toppled by uprising.C. Yemen’s future will still be up in the air.D. he will be reelected.Questions 29 and 30 are based on the following news. At the end of the news item, you will be given 10 seconds to answer the questions.Now listen to the news.29. What is reported to have caused the death of at least 17people?A. The heaviest wind storm.B. The' heaviest snowfall.C. The most severe tornado.D. The most serious air crash.30. What happened to the 50 people?A. They were injured.B. They were rescued.C. They were missing.D. They went to a small village in the kingdom of Lesotho.2015英语专四听力模拟试题答案(2)Part ⅡLISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A CONVERSATIONSConversation 1M: Are you the head resident?W: Yes.M: I'm Bill Miller. I'm here because I want to change roommates.W: Really? That surprises me. I thought that you and David were good friends.M: We were. You see, we knew each other before. We are from the same hometown, but it looks like we had different reasons for coming to college.W: How so?M: Well, David is really into having fun, which is great. But he has so many people in our room all the time that I can't study. And the stereo is on constantly.W: Have you talked to him about it?M: Yes, but he just doesn't take me seriously.W: I see.M: Miss Todd, I have to study. I'm on scholarship. David isn't.W: Okay. Here's what we elm do. Let me talk to David, and then you see how it goes. Just one week.M: But...W: If you still have a problem at the end of the week, I'll authorize a room change. Come back to see me next Monday.1.A 本题考查对话意图。




正确答案是:政治改革2. ()是指人们根据其政治正义观念来判定的政治秩序的合理性,其核心观念是人们对政治合作的理解。



正确答案是:利益6. 从社会政治发展史来看,政府组织机构的设置原则主要有三类,即集权原则、分权制衡原则和()。




选择一项:D. 政治参与10.市民社会是社会化的基本途径,其发育程度是衡量一个社会()的基本标志。

选择一项或多项:C. 制度化D. 组织化11.新右派产生于20世纪70年代后期,它的理论具体表述就是()。

选择一项或多项:B. 强国家 D. 自由经济12道家的政治学说以()为思想核心。

C. 法自然13.下列关于改良社会主义的观点,表述正确的是()。

A. 按照道德原则分配财富B. 反对暴力革命14.()政治观体现了人们对“政治”应然状态的追求。

选择一项:D. 道德15.早在古希腊时期,()就从人性恶的角度分析了权力制约的必要性。

选择一项:B. 亚里士多德16政治参与的作用主要表现在()。

选择一项或多项:A. 有助于经济发展 D. 有助于促进政治民主发展17.政治权力政治权力是一种政治能力,也是一种政治工具,它反映的是一种政治关系,即支配与服从、控制与被控制的关系。

18. 二元君主制二元君主制是指国家最高权利行使上由君主与议会共同掌握,但实际上较大权利为君主所有,政府也对君主负责,议会不能充分发挥自己的作用。














A.CAD B.CAM C.CAT D.CAI3.十进制151.75转化为二进制数是()。

A.1101001.11 B.1110101.011 C.10010111.11D.10011101.014.大写字母“A”与小写字母“d”的ASCII码之差是()。

A.35B.5 C.36 D.无法比较5.下列软件属于系统软件的是()。



A.FLASH B.CACHE C.ROM D.RAM7.计算机术语中,常用到“I/O”,下列属于“O”的设备是()。



①不带病毒的CD-ROM光盘,在不同的计算机上使用可能传播病毒②除了应用程序外,一些其他类型的文件也可能感染并传播病毒③只要没有实行浏览或下载操作,连网的计算机就不会感染并传播病毒④随着网络技术的延伸、3g技术的发展,手机等手持设备也会通过无线电波传播病毒A.①②B.①③C.②④D.③④9.Windows 7中打开任务管理器的方法首先是()。



十、写。模仿范例,写句子描述图片。(6 分)
Look at this picture, it is a __duck. . It is white. It has a big mouth. It has two big feet and a short tail. It is very lovely. I like this duck.
五、听单词三遍,根据发音圈出听到的单词和写出单词所缺的字母。(共 5 分) 第一组:圈出听到的单词。
1. need
2. tape
3. note
4.m_u_t e
5. b ite
6. f_o_x
第二组:写出单词所缺的字母。 1. m_a_ t_e_ 2. f_a_t 3. b_e_ _e_ 4. d _u_ k _e_ 5.
口语部分 (20 分):见口语测试题
听力部分(40 分) 一、听单词三遍,用英文大.写.字母给图编号。(共 10 分) A. a mouse B.some bananas C.a robot D.some birds E. a duck F.two apples pigs H.two fish I. a schoolbag J. a telephone 二、听句子三遍,判断句子是否与图相符。(共 10 分) 1.Is this an apple? Yes, it is. 2.This is a happy man. 3.How many people are there in the family? There are five. 4.That isn’t a bird. 5.This is a young man. 6.Are there any dogs in the picture? Yes, there are. 7.How many crayons are there? There are three. 8.Is this a horse? No, it isn’t. 9.Is this a pen? No, it is a book. 10.Who are they? They are my grandfather and my grandmother. 三、听小对话三遍,“√”出符合对话意思的图。(共 10 分) 1. Are there any apples in the picture? No, there aren’t. But there were some oranges. 2. How many bananas are there? There is one. 3. Is it a doll? No, it isn’t. It’s a dog. 4. Do we have grapes, mum? No, we don’t. But we have some pears and bananas. 5. Where is the ball? It’s under the chair. 6. May I have your telephone number? Yes, it’s 84962534. 7. Do you have a pet? Yes, I do. I have a pig. 8. What are these? They are kites. 9. Are they your boats? Yes, they are. 10. What is it? It’s a crayon.




1. ---Would you like to have dinner with us this evening?---________.A. Ok, but I have to go to a meeting now.B. No, I can’tC. Sorry, this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents.D. I don't know.2. --- Please help yourself to some fish.---_______.A. Thanks, but I don't like fishB. Sorry, I can't helpC. Well, fish don't suit meD. No, I don’t want to do that3. ---It’s getting late. I’m afraid I must be going now.---OK. ______.A. Take it easyB. Go slowlyC. Stay longerD. See you4. ---Could I ask you a rather personal question?---_________A. Yes, don’t worry.B. Of course, go ahead.C. Yes, help yourself.D. Of course, why not?5. ---Well done. Congratulations on your success.--- ___________.A. Thank you very muchB. Oh, no, noC. No, I didn’t do wellD. Sorry, I couldn’t do any better第二部分:阅读理解此部分共有2篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。



模拟试题二Part I WritingDirections: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Overseas Study at an Early Age. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below:1. 目前很多父母在子女高中毕业前就送他们出国学习2. 形成这种趋势的原因3. 我对些的看法Oversea Study at an Early AgePart II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer sheet1.The Sky's LimitAir travel is a rapidly growing source of greenhouse gases. But it is also an indispensable way of travel. The new A380 The double-decker A380, the biggest airliner the world has seen, landed at Heathrow last month to test whether London's main airport could handle the new 550-seater, due to enter commercial service at the end of this year. It was a proud moment for Britain's Rolls-Royce, the makers of the aircraft's Trent 900 engines. Rolls-Royce says the four Trents on the A380 are as clean and efficient as any jet engine, and produce "as much power as 3,500 family cars". A simple calculation shows that the equivalent of more than six cars is needed to fly each passenger.Take the calculation further: flying a fully laden A380 is, in terms of energy, like a 14km (nine-mile) queue of traffic on the road below. And that is just one aircraft. In 20 years, Airbus reckons, 1,500 such planes will be in the air. By then, the totalnumber of airliners is expected to have doubled, to 22,000. The huge airplane alone would be pumping out carbon dioxide (CO2) at the same rate as 5 million cars.That may not seem much compared with the 60 million vehicles that pour off assembly lines every year—or the 1 billion vehicles already on the world's roads. But whereas cars are used roughly for about an hour or so a day, jet airliners are on the move for at least 10 hours a day. And they burn tax-free, highoctane (1) 高能量的) fuel, which dumps hundreds of millions of tonnes of CO2 into the most sensitive part of the atmosphere.Aviation is a relatively small source of the emissions blamed for global warming, but its share is growing the fastest. The evidence is strong. As a result, aviation is increasingly attracting the attention of environmentalists and politicians. Amid much controversy, CO2caps (最高限制) and carbon-trading could soon be used to help curb aircraft emissions.Frequent flyers, free ridersAirlines are accused of having a free ride in terms of air pollution because they pay no tax on the fuel they use for international flights. Even though today's aircraft are about 70% more efficient than those of 40 years ago, concerns over emissions have grown. Despite booming demand for air travel, many airlines are losing money. Now green campaigners want people to think twice before they fly. The opposing voice is particularly loud in Europe, where low-cost carriers are expanding fast on busy shorthaul (2) 短距离) routes. The European Parliament will vote in July on a proposal to limit aircraft emissions.America is deeply unhappy at the prospect of its airlines being affected. Sharon Pinkerton, a senior representative of the Federal Aviation Administration insisted, on a visit to Brussels last year, that American carriers should be exempted from the scheme. This sets the scene for another transatlantic aviation dispute, to add to the two bitter and long-running disputes over subsidies to Europe's Airbus and the liberalisation of air traffic between the two continents.The airlines are growing nervous. The big international carriers represented by the International Air Transport Association (IATA) would rather Europe waited for the deliberations of a United Nations body, the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), which has set technical, legal and safety rules for more than 50 years. International aviation was excluded from the Kyoto protocol on global warming, but only on condition that, by theend of 2007, countries and airlines worked under the umbrella of ICAO to come up with a way of reducing emissions through a trading scheme.Soon after the end of the Second World War the member governments of ICAO agreed that airlines should be free of fuel taxes. Some say this was to outlaw unilateral taxes that could distort markets, but others reckon it was done to boost the fledgling airline industry emerging from the fighting. The corollary was that aviation, unlike motor traffic and other forms of transport, would pay in a transparent manner for the infrastructure and services it required-air-traffic management, landing charges, flyover rights and so on. That was supposed to take care of the external costs. But no one in those days thought much about the environment. Counting the cost It was not until 1999 that the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) attempted to reduce the effect of aviation on the environment. Transport as a whole was judged to be responsible for about a quarter of the world's CO2 discharges. That makes it one of the biggest sources, alongside power generation and households, as a source of the gas. Within transport, aviation accounts for about 13%. Its contribution to total man-made emissions worldwide is said to be around 3%. So why all the fuss about so little? One reason is thathigh-altitude emissions are probably disproportionately damaging to the environment. The nitrogen oxides from jet-engine exhausts lead to the formation of ozone, another greenhouse gas. Contrails (飞行云) are also suspected of enhancing the formation of cirrus clouds, which some scientists think adds to the global warming effect. The IPCC estimated that the overall impact on global warming ofaircraft could be between two and four times that of their CO2 emissions alone, though there is no scientific consensus about the size of this multiplier.Naturally, the airlines choose to measure the greenhouse gases they produce in the way that casts them in the best light —a trick they deploy on safety statistics, too. For instance, over half of aircraft accidents occur around take-off and landing. So accidents per passenger-mile compare very favourably with other means of transport. But at least one study has shown that, if accidents are measured per journey instead, aircraft are the second-most dangerous way of travelling, after motorcycles.Likewise on greenhouse gases. IATA says an aircraft's fuel consumption is about the same as that of a family car, at 3.5 litres per 100 passenger-kilometres. So CO2 emissions are similar. But that is true only if the aircraft is full and the car's passenger seats are empty. And even then, a jumbo jet flying from London to Sydney would be like nearly 400 Volkswagen Polos each travelling just over 16,000km—the average distance a European drives in a year. In other words, although cars and aircraft discharge roughly the same amount of CO2for each passenger-kilometre, the aircraft travel an awful lot farther. Waiting to landCrowded airports compound the problem. Busy runways at places such as Heathrow mean aeroplanes have to circle wastefully. The possibility of being held up ensures that pilots carry extra fuel, thereby increasing the aircraft's weight and, hence, its consumption of fuel. Other small changes could further save fuel and avoid carbon emissions: aircraft could be towed everywhere on the ground by electric vehicles. Consumers, too, can take a stand by voluntarily offsetting the carbon emissions associated with flying by paying, for instance, to have trees planted.This week IATA said the net loss of the world's airlines in the past six years would amount to almost $44 billion. Carriers have been hit by terrorism, war, recession, the respiratory disease SAILS and soaring oil prices. There were hopes the industry could make a small profit in 2007, but having to pay for environmental costs could change that. Yet global warming is not something that airlines, or any otherindustry, can shake off for ever. Sooner or later, aviation will have to shoulder the burden it imposes on the planet.1. This passage is mainly about how the development of airline industry has affected the environment through its greenhouse gases emission.2. It is predicted that in 20 years, the huge airplanes alone would be pumping out carbon dioxide at the same rate as 5 million cars.3. The author compares the effect of airliners on the environment and that of the cars and concluded that the effect ofthe former is less because the number of airplanes is much smaller than that of the cars.4. In the past, aviation industry was the smallest source of greenhouse gases emission and thus did not attract people's attention.5. Many airlines are having less profit today although there are more demand for air travel.6. America is proposing an alternative plan to solve the problem of emission from airliners.7. The airlines are mom and more nervous, and they want the problem be considered by IATA, a United Nations body.8. ______as a whole was judged to be responsible for about a quarter of the world's carbon dioxide discharges.9. Although aviation accounts for only 3% of the total man-made emission,its______ are believed to be disproportionately damaging to the environment.10. During the past six years, airline industry has been hit by terrorism, war,______which made the industry suffer a total loss of $44 billion.Part IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section ADirections: In this section, there is a passage with ten blanks. You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank followingthe passage. Read the passage through carefully before making your choices. Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter. Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. The American Revolution was not a revolution in the sense of a radical or total change. It was not a sudden and (47) overturning of the political and social framework, such as later occurred in France and Russia, (48) both were already independent nations. Significant changes were ushered in, (49) they were not breathtaking. What happened was accelerated (50) rather than outright revolution. During the conflict, people went on working and praying, marrying and playing. Most of them were not (51) disturbed by the actual fighting, and many of the more isolated communities scarcely knew that a war was on.America's War of Independence heralded the birth of three modem nations. One was Canada, which (52) its first large influx of English-speaking population from the thousands of loyalists who fled there from the United States; (53) was Australia, which became a penal colony now that America was no longer (54) for prisoners and debtors; the third newcomer—the United States — based itself squarely on republican principles.Yet even the political overturn was not so (55) as one might suppose. In some states, notably Connecticut and Rhode Island, the war largely ratified a colonialself-rule already existing. British officials, everywhere ousted, were (56) by ahome-grown governing class, which promptly sought a local substitute for king and parliament.A) violentB) seriouslyC) revolutionaryD) evolutionE) anotherF) andG) replacedH) repelledI) otherJ) receivedK) butL) severeM) availableN) whenO) revolutionSection BDirections: There are 2 passages in this section. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.Passage OneA study of facts and figures on development demonstrates that China has made remarkable social progress in a range of significant areas in the last 45 years.China feeds and clothes 22 percent of the world's population with only seven percent of the world's farmland. The necessities of life food, clothing, goods for everyday use —are now within reach of the majority of the Chinese people. Nutrition has improved greatly for both urban and rural residents.The Chinese government has taken a series of measures to eliminate or reduce poverty, bringing down the number of poor in the rural population from 250 million in 1978 to only 80 million in 1994, even though this was a period in which China's population increased by over 100 million.The per capita living area in cities and towns increased from 3.6 square meters in 1978 to 7.5 square meters in 1993. In rural areas the per capita housing has reached 20.8 square meters.Educational developments have liberated millions of Chinese people from ignorance and illiteracy. In 1986 China instituted nine years of compulsory schooling, with the result that by 1993 school enrolment had reached 97.7 percent. Today, illiteracy among young and middle-aged people has dropped to only seven percent.The state is taking measures to keep its labor force fully employed. In recent years the urban unemployment rate has remained between two and three percent. China has put strict controls on industrial pollution in an effort to improve the overall urban environment. Ecological methods of farming are being promoted and afforestation is being speeded up. In 1993 the country's forest coverage was 13.9 percent and 766 nature reserves covered a total of 661, 800 square kilometers.China is working toward the goal of health care for everyone by the year 2000. In 1993 there were two hospital beds for every 833 people and two doctors for every 1,266 people. By now the immunization of children has reached 85 percent, and increased efforts are being made to monitor and control AIDS and venereal diseases.57. What is an appropriate title for this passage?[A] Fast Economic Development in China. [B] Social Development in China.[C] The Current Chinese Society. [D] People's View on China's Reform.58. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?[A] Chinese people account for 22 percent of the world's total population.[B] The arable land in China constitutes seven percent of that of the world.[C] Most Chinese people now can easily buy the necessities of life.[D] Urban residents can eat nutritiously, but rural residents cannot.59. What is mentioned as a difficulty of poverty elimination efforts by the passage?[A] Slow economic development. [B] Vast area of land.[C] Huge population increase. [D] Natural disaster.60. Which of the following statements is NOT true?[A] Educational developments have set millions of Chinese people free.[B] After 1986, every child in China must receive an education of at least nine years.[C] Nowadays, only 7% of young and middle-aged people cannot read or write.[D] There is compulsory education for children now.61. Which of the following is mentioned as an example of achievements in health care?[A] Increasing budget and attention. [B] Preferential tax policy and incentives.[C] Decreasing mortality rate and medicine price. [D] Ratio of hospital beds to patient.Passage TwoI have certainly seen lots of changes in my lifetime! I look around my home and see "mod cons" that I could never have dreamed of 50 or 60 years ago. I spent the early part of childhood in a cottage without running water or electricity and yet these days, I feel paralyzed if there is a power cut for even just an hour or two! So, I have changed too. Things that I couldn't even imagine in the past now seem quite normal.Businessmen can travel from London to New York in three hours and lots of people exceed the seventy-mile-per-hour speed limit on motorways. A person of 75 is not old these days. A serious illness does not mean certain death because there have been so many advances in medical science. We no longer need to be afraid of contracting diseases like polio or smallpox. I can speak to my son in Australia from my own sitting room here in Manchester, watch athletes running a race on the other side of the world without moving from my own home and I can even do my shopping while I sit here in an armchair. I never need to worry about food going bad in the warm weather and, at the flick of a switch, I can have a hot meal in a couple of minutes. So, it seems, the quality of life has greatly improved since my own childhood.I'm not convinced, however, that people are happier today than they were 50 years ago. We are certainly materially better off than we were but most people still seem to be weighed down by problems. My daughter and her family are a good illustration. They have a spacious, comfortable home with every labor-saving device you can think of. There's a washing machine, a clothes dryer, a food processor, a vacuum cleaner and all sorts of other household items which are designed to save time but it seems to me that my daughter and her husband just spend all that "saved" time working! They never relax and are always complaining of being tired and "stressed".62. What is the passage mainly about?[A] How life has improved. [B] How life has become worse.[C] A comparison of life now and that in the past. [D] Memory of life in the past.63. Which of the following statements is NOT correct?[A] People can travel faster nowadays.[B] In the past, a 75-year-old person is considered old.[C] Now a person will die if he suffers from a serious illness.[D] At present we will no longer be helpless victims of diseases like polio or smallpox.64. What does the word "contracting" (Line 4, Para. 2) mean?[A] Infecting. [B] Acquiring. [C] Shrinking. [D] Entering into an agreement.65. Which of the following is NOT an example given by the author to demonstrate the convenience of _____ modern life?[A] Quick food. [B] Easy shopping. [C] Internet. [D] TV shows.66. According to the author, what is a problem of modem life?[A] Increased crimes. [B] Diminished friendships. [C] Increased divorce rate. [D] Pressure of modem life.Part ⅤClozeDirections: There are 20 blanks in the following passage. For each blank there are four choices marked [A]、[B]、[C] and [D] on the right side of the paper. You should choose the ONE that best fits into the passage. Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.On March I, a reader's letter published in Lianhe Zaobao's Forum page with the headline "Feedback from Readers Taken Seriously" caught my eyes. The author cited a number of suggestions he made which received (67) responses from the authorities and quick follow-up actions to back his observation. His own experiences (68) him to conclude that: "This is a good (69) of the democratic system at work in Singapore." Newspaper provides avenues for people to air their views and these are taken seriously by the authority (70) act promptly to find solutions (71) problems. (72) first glance, the letter appears only to affirm the positive and effective communication between government departments and the people. (73) should not be overlooked, however, is that underpinning this virtuous circle is the (74) of the media. To begin with, the people must have faith in the media for them to (75) up problems and issues in the belief that when their concerns are highlighted in thepress, the authorities will (76) the situation. This is evidence of the credibility that the press enjoys among people. Similarly, the government, well (77) of the influence the newspapers have over its readers, pays close attention to reports, comments and views in the press. And ministries or departments will investigate and (78) with problems that come under their purview in a speedy manner. This shows that government (79) the media and believes the concerns expressed by the man in the street are genuine. It is the duty of the media to keep the people (80) of government policies and major events as well as provide (81) feedback to the government on the problems and hardships the people face. The media (82) as a bridge between the government and the people and should seek to make each aware of the concerns of the other and establish an (83) channel of communication between them. This is also the process (84) which the media develops its credibility. To win the trust of the people and strengthen its hand, the government should keep (85) of the changing needs of the people and help them overcome problems. An open and democratic government should respect the fight of the people to have (86) to information. It should, for example, explain to them the rationale for changing an important policy. And the information should be timely and comprehensive.67. [A] slow [B] swift [C] mild [D] emotional68. [A] lead [B] leads [C] let [D] led69. [A] illustration [B] show [C] way [D] sign70. [A] where [B] when [C] which [D] by which71. [A] of [B] to [C] with [D] about72. [A] As [B] In [C] On [D] At73. [A] What [B] How [C] Which [D] That74. [A] persuasion [B] influence [C] credibility [D] status75. [A] bring [B] propose [C] make [D] discover76. [A] exacerbate [B] press [C] remedy [D] disregard77. [A] resent [B] aware [C] above [D] notice78. [A] dispenses [B] passes [C] deals [D] handles79. [A] respects [B] is afraid of [C] is superior to [D] relies80. [A] away [B] informed [C] fear [D] acquisitive81. [A] questionable [B] little [C] retorted [D] accurate82. [A] acts [B] plays [C] is [D] looks83. [A] good [B] effective [C] smooth [D] accurate84. [A] in [B] to [C] by [D] with85. [A] pace [B] looking [C] abreast [D] time86. [A] access [B] channel [C] way [D] methodsPart VI TranslationDirections: Complete the sentences on Answer Sheet 2 by translating into English the Chinese given in brackets.87. There are a lot of people______________________(喜欢看电视), but I prefer to read books in my spare time.88.There is no specific requirements on the sample listening tests, so students can listen to the dialogue repeatedly__________________________________(想要听几遍都可以).89. Internet is__________________________________________(起着越来越重要的作用) in our modem society.90. __________________________(除了比较长之外), the report can be regarded as convincing and impressive.91. As a client relationship manager, one has to always consider the needs of the customers ______________________(而不是自己的方便)参考答案Part I Writing[范文] Overseas Study at an Early AgeNowadays, more and more parents are eager to send their children to study abroad before they finish high school by whatever means and at whatever cost. It is quite understandable for parents to send their children to study overseas because they place high expectations on their children. They are encouraged by the success stories of those who have completed their overseas study. With the development of economy, companies and institutions at home are giving more and more emphasis on overseas experiences, too.Consequently, pursuing overseas study has become a kind of short cut in gaining a better future. Moreover, there is still one underlying reason for this rash-economic reason. The rapid economic progress in the past few years in China has enabled more and more parents to afford the huge cost for their children's overseas study.As for me, overseas study is surely a helpful way to get both advanced knowledge and necessary experiences, but overseas study at an early age is neither necessary nor beneficial. The students may be too young to either tend for themselves or think for themselves. I do think that overseas study can contribute to one's self-improvement, but it's better to be pursued after one has finished his college study at home, when he is more capable of learning and living on his own.Part II Reading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning)1. A2. A3. B4. C5. A6. C7. A8. Transport9. high-altitude emissions10.recessionPart IV Reading Comprehension (Reading in Depth)Section A47. A 48.N 49. K 50. D 51. B 52. J 53. E 54. M 55. C 56. GSection B57. B 58. D 59. C 60. A 61. D 62. C 63. C 64. B 65. C 66. DPart ⅤCloze67. B 68. D 69. A 70. C 71. B 72. D 73. A 74. C 75. A 76. C 77. B 78. C 79. A 80. B 81. D 82. A 83. B 84. C 85. C 86. APart VI Translation87. who love to watch TV88. as much as they want89. playing an increasingly important role90. Except for its lengthiness91. rather than/instead of one's own convenience。










2015年北京联合大学专升本入学考试《经济学》模拟试题及答案(二)一、单项选择1.其他条件不变时,消费者收入增加将导致对正常商品的()a.需求量增加; b.需求量减少;c.需求增加; d.需求减少。


a.需求和供给都增加; b.需求和供给都减少;c.需求增加供给减少; d.需求减少供给增加。


a.两种商品的边际转换率; b.两种要素的边际技术替代率;c.两种商品的价格比率; d.两种商品的边际替代率。


a.行业内厂商数量不变; b.原有厂商退出这个行业;c.新厂商要进入这个行业; d.既有厂商进入也有厂商退出该行业。

5.长期均衡时, 垄断竞争厂商()。

a.获得超额利润; b.得到正常利润;c.亏损; d.是否亏损不确定。






a.社会MR等于社会MC; b.社会MR等于私人MC;c.私人MR等于私人MC; d.私人MR等于社会MC;9.如果当期价格低于基期价格,那么本期的()。

a.实际GDP等于名义GDP; b.实际GDP小于名义GDP;c.实际GDP大于名义GDP; d.实际GDP是否小于名义GDP不确定。

10.在产品市场四部门收入决定模型中,政府同时等量地增加购买支出与税收,则GDP ()。


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I. Choose the best answers to complete the statements. (30%)A. restore a medieval reverence for the churchB. overthrow the rule of the capitalist classC. emphasize and eulogize human qualitiesD. explore the next world in which men could live after death4. The greatest poet in the second half of the nineteenth century is __________, who, adhering to the ideas of humanism, created in his poems a gallery of inspired painters, musicians and scientist.A. Robert BrowningB. Charles Algernon SwinburneC. Charles LambD. Alexander Pope7. The Song of Beowulf can be justly called the English national _______.A. novelB. balladC. romanceD. epic8. “Metaphysical poetry” refers to the poems marked by bold and ingenious conceits, incongruous imagery and frequent use of paradox, which were mostly influenced by ________.A. Alfred TennysonB. Robert BrowningC. John DonneD. Francis Bacon10. “All is not lost: the unconquerable will,And study of revenge, immortal hate,And courage never to submit or yield:And what is else not to be overcome?”The above quote is from a famous epic in the 17th century, _________________.A. John Donne’s Death be not ProudB. John Milton’s Paradise LostC. William Shakespeare’s HamletD. Thomas Gray’s Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard11. Which of the following is NOT written by Thomas Hardy? _________13. In one of Gulliver’s travel s, he reached a country inhabited by ________, who were no taller16. “Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and19. In Hamlet’s monologue: “To sleep! perchance to dream: aye, there’s the rub.” The “rub”is ____________.A. the problemB. the surpriseC. the comfortD. my desire20. Walter Scott is the creator and a great master of ____________.A. science fictionB. historical novelC. sentimental novelD. stream of conscious novelII. Fill in the blanks. (12%)21. Both Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience are written by___________________.22. In his poem ______________, John Donne metaphorically compared a couple of lovers to two feet of a compass23. Sonnets from Portuguese was written by ___________________.24. The only novel Emily Bronte wrote was ______________.25. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man was written by __________________.26. Robert Burns is considered the greatest ____________ poets.III. Decide whether the following statements are True (T) or False (F). (6%)27. The travelogue Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage was written by John Keats.28. The English critical realists of the 19th century gave a satirical portrayal of the bourgeoisie and all the ruling classes, b ut didn’t show sympathy for the common people.29. P. B. Shelley was expelled from Oxford because of his Prometheus Unbound.30. The first novel of the Forsyte Saga,The Man of Property, was the highest point of social criticism ever attained by R. L. Stevenson.31. Sonnet as a poetical form was introduced into English literature by Philip Sidney.IV. Answer the following questions briefly. (18%)32. Please analyze the character of Robinson Crusoe in Daniel Defoe’s masterpiece.33. Please briefly tell the story of Jane Eyre.34. What is the subtitle of William Makepeace Thackery’s Vanity Fair? What does this subtitle imply?V. Read the following passages and answer the questions. (25%)Passage One“What is his name?”“Bingley.”“Is he married or single?”“Oh! Single, my dear, to be sure! A single man of large fortune; four or five thousand a year. What a fine thing for our girls!”“How so? How can it affect them?”“My dear Mr. Bennet,” replied his wife, “how can you be so tiresome! You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.”“Is that his design in settling here?”“Design! Nonsense, how can you talk so! But it is very likely that he may fall in love with one of them, and therefore you must visit him as soon as he comes.”“I see no occasion for that. You and the girls may go, or you may send them by themselves, which perhaps will be still better, for as you are as handsome as any of them, Mr. Bingley might like you the best of the party.”“My dear, you flatter me. I certainly have had my share of beauty, but I do not pretend to be anything extraordinary now. When a woman has five grown up daughters, she ought to give over thinking of her own beauty.”“In such cases, a woman has not often much beauty to think of.”“But, my dear, you must indeed go and see Mr. Bingley when he comes into the neighborhood.”“It is more than I engage for, I assure you.”“But consider your daughters. Only think what an establishment it would be for one of them. Sir William and Lady Lucas are determined to go, merely on that account, for in general you know they visit no newcomers. Indeed you must go, for it will be impossible for us to visit him, if you do not.”Questions:35. Identify the author and the title of the work from which these lines are taken. (2%)36. Irony is a figure of speech in which the intended meaning of an expression is opposite or different from its literal meaning. Identify one irony in Mr. Bennet’s speech. (4%)37. What do you think about the character of Mrs. Bennet? (4%)Passage TwoMRS.W ARREN(again raising her voice angrily) Do you know who you’re speaking to, Miss? VIVIE. (looking across at her without raising her head from her book) No. Who are you? What are you?MRS W ARREN. (rising breathless)You young imp!VIVIE. Everybody knows my reputation, my social standing, and the profession I intend to pursue. I know nothing about you. What is the way of life which you invite me to share with you and Sir Crofts, pray?MRS W ARREN. Take care. I shall do something I’ll be sorry for after, and you too.VIVIE. (putting aside her books with cool decision) Well, let us drop the subject until you’re better able to face it. (looking critically at her mother) You want some good walks and a little lawn tennis to set you up. You are shockingly out of condition: you were not able to manage twenty yards uphill today without stopping to pant; and your wrists are mere rolls of fat. Look at mine. (She holds out her wrist.)MRS W ARREN. (after looking at her helplessly, begins to whimper) Vivie—VIVIE. (springing up sharply) Now pray don’t begin to cry. Anything but that. I really cannot stand whimpering. I will go out of the room if you do.MRS W ARREN. (piteously) Oh, my darling, how can you be so hard on me? Have I no rights over you as your mother?VIVIE. Are you my mother?MRS W ARREN. (appalled) Am I your mother! Oh, Vivie!VIVIE. Then where are our relatives? My father? Our family friends? You claim the rights of a mother: the right to call me fool and child; to speak to me as no woman in authority over me at college dare speak to me; to dictate my way of life; and to force on me the acquaintance of a brute whom anyone can see to be the most vicious sort of London man about town. Before I give myself the trouble to resist such claims, I may as well find out whether they have any real existence. MRS W ARREN. (distracted, throwing herself on her knees) Oh no, no. stop, stop. I am your mother. I swear it. Oh, you can’t mean to turn on me——my own child! It’s not natural. You believe me, don’t you? Say you believe me.VIVIE. Who was my father?MRS W ARREN. You don’t know what you’re asking. I can’t tell you.VIVIE. (determinedly) Oh yes you can, if you like. I have a right to know; and you know very well that I have that right. You can refuse to tell me, if you please; but if you do, you will see the last of me tomorrow morning.Questions:38. Identify the author and the title of the work from which these lines are taken. (2%)39. What can we know about the mother from Vive’s questions? (3%)40. What is the theme of this play? (5%)V. Essay writing. (15%)Please write an esay of no less than 150 words on your understanding of the character of Satan in John Milton’s Paradise Lost.。
