心得分享-Windows 8开发者预览版的安装卸载
心得分享:Windows 8开发者预览版的安装卸载导读:在Windows 8中,微软希望能为用户提供始终如一的流畅体验,在系统安装与恢复方面同样如此.很多新用户不相信,认为目前该预览版是不能卸载的,告诉你,你落伍了,今天就与大家一起分享下Windows 8开发者预览版安装卸载不一般的体验.我本是个很本分的人,但是人性中对美好的最求又往往使我变得很不本分,例如对电脑的配置要求及美观和舒适往往使我费尽心思。
五点半下班吃了饭,我迫不及待的坐到电脑旁开始安装,也就是通过一个镜像文件升级,升级过程全是英文,我的英文很差,但是经过以前无数次的折腾,需要手动引导时还是基本能看懂,遇到不敢确定的时候就用手机词霸反复确定,唯恐弄错一步而导致前功尽弃,几次重启的期待和焦虑,仿佛是把我的心放在油锅里反复煎炒,最后一次终于看到了Administrator welcome ,虽然还在等待进入桌面,我已经忍不住从椅子上跳起来手舞足蹈、大声欢呼!进入桌面是一个完全陌生的界面,有很多的方块,下面还有一个滑块,试着点击了几个方块,方块变成全屏后等待很久都没有下一步反应,还好,按下esc 后就会缩回去,资源管理器在此界面却一直找不到,点击ie方块后麻烦来了,浏览器居然没有关闭等按钮,按下ait加f4也不能关闭,最后按键盘微软图标ie 界面才从桌面消失,出现了熟悉的windows桌面,但桌面上没有任何快捷方式,我习惯性的去点击左下角的微软徽标,企图在此找到资源管理器,没想又回到了最初的界面,但这次我发现了刚才桌面的墙纸方块,点击后又回到了传统桌面,并在任务栏看到了资源管理器。
Windows 8 Trainning Content Session 9 Windows 8 应用开发规划
Windows 8应用开发规划一.课程目标:通过这一节课,可以使听众了解到一个Windows 8 Style应用是如何从规划到成型的,并使其学会如何对Windows 8 Style应用的用户体验(UX) 设计进行评估和改进。
3决定要包含的功能( 1 )在了解用户需求并且知道如何帮助他们满足其需求之后,你可以了解工具箱中的特定工具。
研究Windows 平台并将其功能与你的应用的需求相关联。
确保按照每项功能的用户体验(UX) 指南执行操作。
Windows 8的开发者预览版本(Developer Preview),
说说WIN 8系统的新界面:Metro主界面大家可以看到是由好多矩形图标整齐排列的~~其中最左面的包括。
桌面,资源管理器,IE 10,还有RSS,天气,EMAIL等常用工具。
例如:当你想从带任务栏的经典Windows桌面界面下切换到Metro UI的时候,你只要轻轻按下Win键;例如:当你想从Metro界面快速到经典任务栏界面的时候,你只要轻轻按下Win+D;例如:想快速搜索硬盘文件么?按下Win键+F;想快速搜索应用?按下Win键+Q想快速搜索设置?按下Win键+W快速切换屏幕?Win键+P快速打开运行?Win键+R说下资源管理器。
Windows8图文目录第一章安装篇.............................................................................................................................- 3 -第二章界面篇.......................................................................................................................... - 15 -第三章Windows 8 新功能新改进....................................................................................... - 23 -3.1 拥有两种模式的Internet Explorer 10........................................................................ - 23 -3.2 更加强悍的任务管理器.................................................................................................... - 26 -3.3 复制剪切粘贴也有新改进................................................................................................ - 30 -3.4 切换程序也能这么干........................................................................................................ - 32 -3.5 不同以往分屏运行功能.................................................................................................. - 33 -3.6 分享就这么简单................................................................................................................ - 34 -3.7 同步功能让你的Windows设置走天下.............................................................................. - 34 -3.8 图片解锁新奇的解锁方式.............................................................................................. - 36 -3.9 让重装系统成为往事 Reset and Refresh PC功能...................................................... - 37 -3.10 让光驱使用频率更低虚拟光驱功能............................................................................ - 38 -3.11 Coming Soon 的 Windows Store.................................................................................. - 39 -第四章 Windows 8 内置的APP 全体验 .................................................................................. - 40 -4.1、Win8内置应用篇 ............................................................................................................. - 40 -1、天气应用(Weather)........................................................................................................ - 40 -2、股票应用(Stocks).......................................................................................................... - 42 -5、推特应用(Tweet)............................................................................................................ - 43 -6、拼图应用(Tile Puzzle)游戏类.................................................................................... - 43 -7、附近应用(Nearme).......................................................................................................... - 44 -8、钢琴应用(Piano)............................................................................................................ - 45 -9、图片欣赏(Picstream).................................................................................................... - 46 -10、远程桌面(Remote Desktop)........................................................................................ - 47 -11、画板(Paintplay).......................................................................................................... - 48 -12、测量工具(Measure-lt)................................................................................................ - 49 -13、回忆录(memories)........................................................................................................ - 50 -14、闹钟(Alarms)................................................................................................................ - 51 -15、便笺空间(Notespace).................................................................................................. - 52 -16、写字板(Ink Pad).......................................................................................................... - 53 -4.2、Win8内置游戏篇 ............................................................................................................. - 54 -1、树屋塔防应用(Treehouse Stampede)游戏类.............................................................. - 54 -2、五子棋应用(5 In A Row)游戏类.................................................................................. - 55 -3、零重力(Zero Gravity)游戏类...................................................................................... - 56 -4、国际象棋(Checkm8)游戏类............................................................................................ - 57 -5、迷宫(Labyrinth)游戏类.............................................................................................. - 58 -6、管道工(Tube Rider)游戏类.......................................................................................... - 59 -7、找单词(Word Hunt)游戏类............................................................................................ - 60 -8、纸飞机(Air Craft)游戏类............................................................................................ - 61 -9、数独(Sudoku)游戏类...................................................................................................... - 62 -10、3D机器人推箱子(Copper)游戏类................................................................................ - 63 -第一章安装篇话说,想要第一时间体验到Windows 8 Developer Preview(后简称Windows 8),可不是一件容易的事儿。
Windows8 开发者预览版下载微软官方原版费下载
Win8之家():Windows8 开发者预览版下载(微软官方原版)该来的总是要来的,不管微软怎么跳,下载地址还真有了,不管你信不信,反正我是信了~ 微软已经启动了Windows8开发者版本的下载,这是一个被命名为pre-beta的版本,用于展示功能之用,并非稳定版,所以不建议将其使用在生产环境中。
遗憾的是部分功能已经被屏蔽,因此我们无法看到像发布会中那么完整的体验:Windows Developer Preview with developer tools English, 64-bit (x64)(4.8 GB)Win8之家提示:此版本是带开发者工具的Win8 64位版本,一般请下载后面2个ISO Sha 1 hash - 6FE9352FB59F6D0789AF35D1001BD4E4E81E42AFAll of the following come on a disk image file (.iso). See below for installation instructions.64-bit Windows Developer PreviewWindows SDK for Metro style appsMicrosoft Visual Studio 11 Express for Windows Developer PreviewMicrosoft Expression Blend 5 Developer Preview28 Metro style apps including the BUILD Conference appWindows Developer Preview English, 64-bit (x64)(3.6 GB)Win8之家提示:此版本是不带开发者工具的Win8 64位版本Sha 1 hash – 79DBF235FD49F5C1C8F8C04E24BDE6E1D04DA1E9Includes a disk image file (.iso) to install the Windows Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 64-bit PC.Windows Developer Preview English, 32-bit (x86)(2.8 GB)Win8之家提示:此版本是不带开发者工具的Win8 32位版本Sha 1 hash - 4E0698BBABE01ED27582C9FC16AD21C4422913CCIncludes a disk image file (.iso) to install the Windows Developer Preview and Metro style apps on a 32-bit PC.更多关于Windows8的最新消息,请锁定Win8之家&Windows8论坛!。
【IT168 技术】小女子也是一个技术人,热情关注IT业内的那些人和事。
微软在西班牙巴塞罗那2012年世界移动通信大会上发布其下一代操作系统Windows 8消费者预览版,也称为beta测试版。
还有大家要做好一个心理准备,Windows8的风格将挑战一部分老用户的使用习惯,例如,我在安装完成后,就没有找到关机在哪儿,唉,丢人呀!软件准备:1. Windows8的安装文件下载下载地址:/en-US/windows-8/iso当然也有其他下载地址,也可使用。
2. Vmware8.0的下载为什么要用Vmware8.0呢?本人的机器上原来安装的是7.1,但满情信心等待惊心动魄的安装界面出来的时候,突然杯具了:▲Windows8安装时的错误提示这是怎么回事?竟然告诉本姑娘,硬件抽象层错误。
所以只能先卸载现有的版本,如下图所示:▲卸载旧版本然后到vmware官方网站去下载最新的Vmware Workstation 8 .0 build 471780。
下载地址:/cn/d/info/desktop_end_user_computing /vmware_workstation/8_0但注意,在官网下载是需要注册的,然后找一个注册码即可。
Vmware8.0安装:双击安装文件:▲vmware 8.0安装界面还是挺漂漂的,稍等片刻之后,点击:NEXT,出现以下界面:▲选择安装模式剩下的,本姑娘就不多说了,谁让咱们都是技术人呢!▲界面漂亮启动之后,发现,界面真不错,再次夸奖一下。
Windows 8.1升级方法及系统需求一、Win8用户通过Windows Store更新至Win8.1预览版:1、当微软发布Windows 8.1预览版之时,Win8用户会先收到Windows Update的更新通知,点击通知后再转到Windows Store中关于Win8.1的描述、下载页面,用户此时可决定是否升级。
提醒:如果你通过 Windows 应用商店安装 Windows 8.1 Preview,则不需要产品密钥。
如果你下载 ISO,则需要输入此产品密钥:NTTX3-RV7VB-T7X7F-WQYYY-9Y92F。
2、在Windows Store中启动Windows 8.1 Preview的下载来获取更新。
该过程和Windows Store应用更新相似,安装过程中会有“取消”的选项。
6、下一步是OOBE(Out of Box Experience)系统初始设置流程,和Win8安装过程中的个性化/设置流程一样。
二、通过Windows 8.1 Preview ISO镜像安装1、当前Win8系统语言不在Windows 8.1 Preview 所支持的13种语言之内的用户,需通过ISO镜像安装。
2、如果你是Win8企业版用户,也需要通过Windows 8.1 Preview ISO镜像来安装。
Windows 8.1 Preview 系统需求:•处理器:1 GHz 或更快•RAM:1 GB RAM(32 位)或 2 GB RAM(64 位)•硬盘空间:16 GB(32 位)或 20 GB(64 位)•图形卡/显卡:带有 WDDM 驱动程序的 Microsoft DirectX 9 图形设备注意:Windows RT 8.1预览版需要一台Windows RT设备,同时需要10GB可用存储空间。
正在此时Windows 8 Build 8102于国内时间9月14日上午8点45分左右全球发布下载(此时感冒卧床),据说目前已经下载达50万次。
今天文雨以Windows Developer Preview English, 32-bit (x86)(此版本是不带开发者工具的Win8 32位版本)的版本为例向大家演示虚拟主机安装Windows8/Win8开发者预览版本完全攻略。
一、准备工作1、Windows 8 原版光盘镜像:Windows8 开发者预览版下载(微软官方原版)一般用户下载最后一个版本2、Oracle VirtualBox(甲骨文的虚拟机):VirtualBox官方下载网页(页面里面的下载链接是多国语言版,含简体中文),本例中使用的版本为4.1.2为例(备注:据说VirtualBox 4.06 和4.012 全部测试通过)。
或者来这里下载:VirtualBox-4.0.12版本下载VirtualBox-4.1.2版本下载二、注意事项1、安装VirtualBox:如果您登陆Windows的用户名是中文,可能会在安装VirtualBox 的时候发生故障,请参阅:《Win7下安装VirtualBox,系统找不到指定的路径?》一文。
关于VirtualBox 的具体安装步骤,本文不详细说明了,一步一步非常简单。
Windows 8 Consumer Preview 安装全过程
Windows 8 Consumer Preview 安装全过程在 Windows XP 和更早的 Windows 版本,安装方式非常的钝,将存档的文件慢慢复制到磁盘,然后解档,完成整个过程需要差不多一个小时。
当到Vista和Windows 7时代,Windows安装程序得到了明显的改进,整个安装过程仅仅需要20余分钟。
不过,微软并不满足于此,Windows 8的安装步骤进一步改进,精简安装步骤。
就Windows 8 消费者预览版的安装来看,与 Windows 7 的安装对比,Windows 8采用了全新安装安装体验。
除了一些配色方案的更改,您将注意Windows 8 安装程序支持更多的设备,支持多点触控界面工作。
也就是说,你可以在一体机和平板电脑上安装 Windows 8,并且不需要使用键盘或鼠标。
安装Windows 8 Consumer Preview前,你首先需要下载Windows 8 Consumer Preview ISO光盘镜像。
下面让我们一起来体验Windows 8整个安装过程:预先安装环境加载:这里你将会看到新的启动LogoWindows 8安装:Step 1:安装程序会要求您选择语言、时间和货币格式,键盘或输入法。
Step 2:点击Install(安装)继续。
(或单击”Repair Your Computer(修复您的计算机)”触发新的和增强的恢复工具。
)Step 3:输入产品密钥激活Windows 8,在这里你需要输入25位产品密钥来继续安装Windows 8。
(微软官方提供的Windows 8 Consumer Preview的激活密钥:NF32V-Q9P3W-7DR7Y-JGWRW-JFCK8)。
Step 4:你需要同意License terms(许可证条款)才可以进一步安装Windows 8,这些条款包括Windows 8、示例应用程序和 Windows Live 应用程序。
中文名: 微软视窗操作系统外文名:MicrosoftWindows开发商: 微软公司 发行商:微软公司 发行时间:1985年11月20日 编程语言:C 、C++、汇编语言 系统家族: W indows 9x ,CE ,NT 源码模式: 闭源 内核类型: 混合内核 软件许可: E ULA ,专有商业软件早期版本For DOS▪ Windows 1.0( 1985)▪ Windows 2.0 ( 1987) ▪ Windows 2.1 ( 1988) ▪ windows 3.0( 1990)▪ windows 3.1 ( 1992) ▪ Windows 3.2 ( 1994) Win 9x▪ Windows 95( 1995) ▪ Windows 98 ( 1998) ▪ Windows 98 SE ( 1999) ▪ Windows Me ( 2000)NT 系列早期版本 ▪ Windows NT 3.1 ( 1993)▪ Windows NT 3.5 ( 1994) ▪ Windows NT 3.51( 1995) ▪ Windows NT 4.0 ( 1996)▪ Windows 2000( 2000)客户端▪ windows xp( 2001) ▪ Windows Vista ( 2005) ▪ Windows 7 ( 2009) ▪ Windows 8 ( 2011)服务器▪ Windows Server 2003 ( 2003)▪ Windows Server 2008 ( 2008)▪ Windows Home Server ( 2008) ▪ Windows HPC Server 2008 ( 2010)▪ Windows Small Business Server ( 2011)▪ Windows EssentialBusiness Server特别版本▪Windows PE▪Windows Azure ▪Windows Fundamentals forLegacy PCs嵌入式系统▪Windows CE▪Windows Mobile ▪Windows Phone ( 2010)目录Windows历代版本开发代号版本版本号发布日期Interface Manager Windows 1.0 1.0 1985-11-20无Windows 2.0 2.0 1987-11-1 无Windows 3.0 3.0 1990-5-22 Janus Windows 3.1 3.1 1992-3-18 NTOS/2 Windows NT 3.1NT 3.1 1993-7-27 Janus Windows 3.2 3.2 1994-4-14 Chicago Windows 95 4.0 1995-8-24 Daytona Windows NT 3.5NT 3.5 1995-11-20 Cairo Windows NT 4.0NT 4.0 1996-7-29 Detroit Windows 95 OSR2 4.00.950B 1996-8-24 Memphis Windows 98 4.1 1998-6-25 Memphis Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222A 1999-5-5 Windows NT 5.0 Windows 2000NT 5.0 2000-2-17 Millennium Windows ME 4.9 2000-9-14 Whistler Windows XP NT 5.1 2001-10-25 Whistler Server Windows Server 2003NT 5.2 2003-4-24 Longhorn Windows Vista NT 6.0 2007-1-30 Longhorn Server Windows Server 2008NT 6.0 2008-2-27 Blackcomb Windows 7NT 6.1 2009-10-22 Windows Server 7 Windows Server 2008 R2NT 6.1 2009-10-22 无Windows Thin PC NT 6.1 2011-07-11Windows 8 Windows UI于2012年10月25日改名称NT 6.2 2012-10-25Windows Server 8 Windows Sever 2012 NT 6.2 2012-9-464位(安腾)操作系统这个系列包括:Windows XP 64-bit Edition、Windows Server 2003 安腾版, Windows Server 2008 安腾版、Windows Server 2008 R2安腾版。
虚拟机安装Windows8 Preview一、安装环境:1. Dell Inspiron M5010笔记本、4G内存2. Windows7旗舰版64位SP13. VirtualBox4.1.2(下载地址:/wiki/Downloads)4. Windows8 Preview 32位(官方win8各预览版下载地址:/zh-cn/windows/apps/br229516/)二、开始安装1. 新建配置虚拟机a)安装运行VirtualBox,点击新建,创建需要的虚拟机,单击下一步:b)输入虚拟机的名称以及系统类型,点击下一步:C)调整虚拟机内存大小,此处选择1G,单击下一步:d)选择创建新的虚拟硬盘,单击下一步:e)此处选择VH安装win8预览版,单击下一步:f)依据自己的需求调整虚拟硬盘的大小,此处为20G,单击下一步:g)确认创建虚拟机和虚拟硬盘,单击Create确认:h)至此,便新建好了名为“win 8”的虚拟机:贴士:在建好的虚拟机中仍可进行虚拟机的参数设置,在虚拟机已关闭的情况下,上图所示的界面中选中需要修改的虚拟机,单击设置按钮,在相应的选项中修改相应的参数。
Vbox 虚拟机的使用还算简单,在网络上稍微查查使用教程便可轻松上手。
2. 安装前的配置a)选中刚新建好的虚拟机,单击开始按钮,弹出首次运行向导对话框,单击下一步:b)在弹出的对话框中单击右边的文件夹形状的小图标:c)在弹出的界面中选择下载好的win8预览版iso文件,单击打开,下一步:d)单击启动按钮,开始运行虚拟机:贴士:在虚拟机运行时的各个选项卡也可以让我们更好、更方便的使用虚拟机。
2. 安装win8系统a)单击启动后,出现于安装win7相似的界面,加载文件,之后便出现如所示界面:b)然后还是和安装win7基本相似的界面,现在安装、接受后,下一步:c)选择下面的高级选项,加载高级选项,对硬盘作出相应的分区操作(此处直接单击Next):d)之后便开始安装操作,安装过程和win7相同,时间比win7更短了,在此内存为1G的虚拟机下,此次安装大约花费10分钟的样子就完成了操作:e)重启后开始加载驱动之类的东西,然后就是要用户配置具体的计算机信息,用户根据自己的需要配置计算机名、网络、用户名、密码等信息,如下图所示,在此不再赘述:f)配置完用户信息便可进入win8界面,全新的界面是不是更为美观了呢?下面的两张图片为win8预览版中的用户桌面,单击Desktop和键盘“Windows”按键相互转换:g)下面两图为锁定状态下待机和密码输入界面,全新的Windows系统,你准备好了吗?三、测试环境下的问题:1. 驱动问题,包括网卡驱动和声卡驱动下载了万能驱动并不能安装成功(实现方法:由于网络没法用,增强功能也无法安装成功,于是就用UltraISO软件将需要的软件转化为iso文件,通过分配光驱的方式达到和虚拟机中文件交换的目的。
windows 8
windows 8百科名片Windows 8 LogoWindows 8是由微软公司开发的,具有革命性变化的操作系统。
Windows8将支持来自Intel 、AMD 和ARM 的芯片架构。
微软表示,这一决策意味着Windows 系统开始向更多平台迈进,包括平板电脑和PC 。
Windows Phone 8将采用和Windows 8相同的内核。
2011年9月14日,Windows 8开发者预览版发布,宣布兼容移动终端,微软将苹果的IOS 、谷歌的Android 视为Windows 8在移动领域的主要竞争对手。
中文名: 视窗8操作系统外文名:W indows8 开发商:微软 发行商:微软公司源码类型: 封闭性系统,商业专有 内核类型: 混合式核心 适用平台: PC 、平板电脑 核心版本号:W indows NT 6.2 目录 简介价格版本说明下一个版本最新版本已知版本版本号注解版本类型Windows 8Windows 8 ProfessionalWindows 8 RTWindows 8 EnterpriseWindows 8 China命名配置要求官方配置实际配置安装方法使用Setup 安装使用VHD 安装平板电脑用户界面特色用户期望更佳的网络支持提供共享支持改进任务栏适用于触控更低的配置运行速度更低的价钱及撤销分级播放幻灯片更容易改进特性Windows 徽标资源管理器之名声控操作系统触屏操作系统向云迈进Hybrid Boot Connected Standby RefreshWindows to GoUSB 3.0Internet Explorer 10反盗版机制平台统一采用OA 3.0快捷按键新增功能U盘上也可运行Window 自带虚拟光驱混合启动取消Aero Glass特效图片密码功能支持PDF文件全新的任务管理器自带照相软件Metro UI拖放文件更加自由自在文件管理文件系统ReFS应用商店新界面智能屏幕平板支持滚动鼠标和键盘移动性Windows在线支持ARM架构Kinect手势触摸Charm菜单增加中国专版Hyper-V开始屏幕新“开始”按钮移除“开始”按钮研发历史嵌入式系统触摸操作直接计算体验人脸识别开发蓝图曝光邀OEM商测试JukeBlox平台展开简介价格版本说明下一个版本最新版本已知版本版本号注解版本类型Windows 8Windows 8 Professional Windows 8 RT Windows 8 Enterprise Windows 8 China命名配置要求官方配置实际配置安装方法使用Setup安装使用VHD安装平板电脑用户界面特色用户期望更佳的网络支持提供共享支持改进任务栏适用于触控更低的配置运行速度更低的价钱及撤销分级播放幻灯片更容易改进特性Windows 徽标资源管理器之名声控操作系统触屏操作系统向云迈进Hybrid Boot Connected Standby RefreshWindows to GoUSB 3.0Internet Explorer 10反盗版机制平台统一采用OA 3.0快捷按键新增功能U盘上也可运行Window 自带虚拟光驱混合启动取消Aero Glass特效图片密码功能支持PDF文件全新的任务管理器自带照相软件Metro UI拖放文件更加自由自在文件管理文件系统ReFS应用商店新界面智能屏幕平板支持滚动鼠标和键盘移动性Windows在线支持ARM架构Kinect手势触摸Charm菜单增加中国专版Hyper-V开始屏幕新“开始”按钮移除“开始”按钮研发历史嵌入式系统触摸操作直接计算体验人脸识别开发蓝图曝光邀OEM商测试JukeBlox平台展开编辑本段简介Windows 8 系列(3张)Windows 8 是微软即将推出的最新Windows 系列系统。
在这里,笔者推荐优先下载 2.8G的Windows 8Windows 8 Developer Preview works great on the same hardware that powers Windows Vista and Windows 7(Win8的系统要求跟Win7和Vista的一样)# 1 GHz or faster 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64) processor(1G主频以上的CPU)# 1 GB RAM (32-bit) or 2 GB RAM (64-bit)(最低要求1G内存,建议2G以上)# 16 GB available hard disk space (32-bit) or 20 GB (64-bit)(系统盘在16G以上)# DirectX 9 graphics device with WDDM 1.0 or higher driver(Direct 9以上的显卡)# Taking advantage of touch input requires a screen that supports multi-touch (如果想使用触控功能需要支持触控的显示屏)1.安装Win8的第一种方法——在Win7里直接安装!在Win7里直接安装Win8是最简单的方法。
Windows8 开发者预览版下载全目录(BUILD)
Win8之家():Windows 8 开发者预览版下载全目录(BUILD)鏖战到凌晨4点半,多次确认微软的多处官方消息为北京时间11点提供下载,结果还是赶不上微软的变脸,一早8点就放出下载。
难道是扛不住全球用户的呼声?总之,下载来了,Windows 8 开发者预览版的3个光盘镜像大刚才已经放出下载,详见:《Windows8 开发者预览版下载(微软官方原版) 》但是除了这3个文件,微软本次还放出其他下载,有数十个之多。
Win8之家先列出这些下载文件的列表,下载地址随后逐步更新——一、Windows Developer Preview(普通客户端版本)• Windows Developer Preview ADK (x86 and x64) - (英文版)文件大小:1,244 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_adk_x86_x64_734756.zip发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PMSHA1: 037F8159737AAB475732684A42A7A8F92AC0197CISO/CRC: 97482D1C• Windows Developer Preview SDK/WDK (x86 and x64) - (英文版)文件大小:394 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_sdk_wdk_x86_x64_734757.zip发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PMSHA1: E1587788FEB47C3733D427B972EC0A912911CDBDISO/CRC: 478C3B65• Windows Developer Preview Symbols (x64) - (英文版)文件大小:490 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_symbols_x64_735134.msi发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PMSHA1: E2D02FD3369D7F337D370A56E1E2BB87BDE9CB00ISO/CRC: BE39D69B• Windows Developer Preview Symbols (x86) - (英文版)文件大小:503 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_symbols_x86_735135.msi发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:36 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:36 PMSHA1: 7E7307DF4E96AC32FE121CA05FE248D632A2E7A3ISO/CRC: 10B87858• Windows Developer Preview WDF Co-Installer (x86 and x64) - (英文版)文件大小:24 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_wdf_co-installer_x86_x64_734478.msi 发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:36 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:36 PMSHA1: 675BDBF70F8556BA449767CDC5DFEFC52A7F37EDISO/CRC: 899EB1A5• Windows Developer Preview with Apps (x64) - DVD (英文版)文件大小:3,725 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_with_apps_x64_dvd_735219.iso发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:23 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:23 PMSHA1: 79DBF235FD49F5C1C8F8C04E24BDE6E1D04DA1E9 ISO/CRC: E76D1E70 • Windows Developer Preview with Apps (x86) - DVD (英文版)文件大小:2,893 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_with_apps_x86_dvd_735218.iso发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:23 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:23 PMSHA1: 4E0698BBABE01ED27582C9FC16AD21C4422913CCISO/CRC: 2B559709• Windows Developer Preview with Developer Tools and Apps (x64) - DVD (英文版)文件大小:4,956 (MB)文件名:en_windows_developer_preview_with_developer_tools_and_apps_x64_dvd_735220. iso发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:23 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:23 PMSHA1: 6FE9352FB59F6D0789AF35D1001BD4E4E81E42AFISO/CRC: 66C55D60二、Windows Server Developer Preview (服务器版本相关)• Windows Developer Preview ADK (x86 and x64) - (英文版)文件大小:1,244 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_adk_x86_x64_734756.zip发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PMSHA1: 037F8159737AAB475732684A42A7A8F92AC0197CISO/CRC: 97482D1C• Windows Developer Preview SDK/WDK (x86 and x64) - (英文版)文件大小:394 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_sdk_wdk_x86_x64_734757.zip发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:35 PMSHA1: E1587788FEB47C3733D427B972EC0A912911CDBDISO/CRC: 478C3B65• Windows Developer Preview WDF Co-Installer (x86 and x64) - (英文版)文件大小:24 (MB)文件名: en_windows_developer_preview_wdf_co-installer_x86_x64_734478.msi 发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:36 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:36 PMSHA1: 675BDBF70F8556BA449767CDC5DFEFC52A7F37EDISO/CRC: 899EB1A• Windows Server Developer Preview (x64) - DVD (英文版)文件大小:3,587 (MB)文件名: en_windows_server_developer_preview_x64_dvd_735221.iso发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:58 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:18:58 PMSHA1: 047EC0CE7458B837C36160960CB23B7BD9DACA93ISO/CRC: E5A17313• Windows Server Developer Preview with Hyper-V Virtual Machine (x64) - (英文版)文件大小:2,122 (MB)文件名:en_windows_server_developer_preview_with_hyper-v_virtual_machine_x64_735222. exe发布日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:19:10 PM上次更新日期(UTC): 9/13/2011 4:19:10 PMSHA1: 1D32FB3087CA5480731E32A63362498FD9B39431ISO/CRC: D0629C4D继续更新中……更多关于Windows8的最新消息,请锁定Win8之家&Windows8论坛!。
元旦假期看了看Windows 8中的组件开发,除了传统的WPF、Windows Form、Silverlight、组件之外,还新增了一种WinRT组件。
WinRT = Windows Runtime,是Windows 8 新引入的一个新的框架,意在为Windows 平台上的开发提供一种语言无关、高度智能化的平台。
测试代码下载一、准备工作安装Windows 8 Developer Preview、VS 11 Developer Preview等开发工具。
安装Win8时注意要用Windows Live ID登录,若没有账户可以先注册一个,否则后面会无法运行Metro程序。
安装Win8后注意更新一下显卡驱动,AMD官方提供了Windows 8的驱动,Nvidia使用Win7的驱动即可,确保分辨率在1024 X 768或更高。
VS 11 建议卸载自带的Express版本,安装全功能的Developer Preview版本。
此外,SQL Server 2012 RC0也已经发布,建议安装。
二、开始开发2.1、创建一个Windows Metro Style的Class Library项目:2.2、添加一个类:2.3、写一个ButtonX,继承自Button:WinRT的组件大部分位于Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls命名空间:2.4、WinRT与WPF、Silverlight组件类似,我就照着葫芦画飘,在ButtonX中添加如下代码:2.5、新建一个Themes文件夹,在其中添加Generic.xaml文件,因为没有资源字典这种项类型,故需要添加一个Page,然后把后台代码删除:使用ResourceDictionary来分别加载多个组件。
Windows 8开发者预览版密钥
Windows 8开发者预览版密钥
Win8之家( )资讯:微软极大简化了Windows 8开发者预览版(Build 8102.winmain_win8m3.110830-1739 Milestone 3)的部署进程,在安装系统时不需要输入任何产品密钥。
Win8之家()资讯:微软极大简化了Windows 8开发者预览版(Build 8102.winmain_win8m3.110830-1739 Milestone 3)的部署进程,在安装系统时不需要输入任何产品密钥。
在公开提供Windows 8开发者预览版的下载时,微软似乎忘记了这件事。
第一个产品密钥适用于客户端版本,也就是Windows 8开发者预览版,产品密匙为:6RH4V-HNTWC-JQKG8-RFR3R-36498;
第二个产品密钥适用于服务器版本,也就是Windows Server 8开发者预览版,产品密匙为:4Y8N3-H7MMW-C76VJ-YD3XV-MBDKV。
官方下载:Windows8开发者预览版下载Windows8之家提醒大家:本次发布的开发者预览版只是面向开发人员的Windows 8预测试版本,可能会在未通知的情况下发生变化,包括功能的增加和删减。
这次发布的Windows 8预览版有三个不同版本,其一是自带了全套开发工具,仅支持64位,另外两个没有开发工具,支持32位和64位。
1、包含全套开发工具的Windows 8开发者预览版(x64 64位) 语言:英语语言:英语文件格式:文件格式:ISO ISO 光盘镜像光盘镜像体积:体积:4.8GB 4.8GBSHA1校验码:校验码:6FE9352FB59F6D0789AF35D1001BD4E4E81E42AF 6FE9352FB59F6D0789AF35D1001BD4E4E81E42AF 镜像内容:镜像内容:- 64位Windows 8开发者预览版开发者预览版- Metro 风格应用Windows SDK 开发包开发包- Visual Studio 11 Express - Expression Blend 5开发者预览版开发者预览版- BUILD 大会上的28个Metro 风格应用风格应用下载地址:官方下载地址2、Windows 8开发者预览版(x64 64位)语言:英语语言:英语文件格式:文件格式:ISO ISO 光盘镜像光盘镜像体积:体积:3.6GB 3.6GBSHA1校验码:校验码:79DBF235FD49F5C1C8F8C04E24BDE6E1D04DA1E9 79DBF235FD49F5C1C8F8C04E24BDE6E1D04DA1E9 下载地址:官方下载地址3、Windows 8开发者预览版(x86 32位)语言:英语语言:英语文件格式:文件格式:ISO ISO 光盘镜像光盘镜像体积:体积:2.8GB 2.8GBSHA1校验码:校验码:4E0698BBABE01ED27582C9FC16AD21C4422913CC 4E0698BBABE01ED27582C9FC16AD21C4422913CC下载地址:官方下载地址系统配置要求:-1GHz 或更快的32/64位处理器位处理器-1GB(32位)或者2GB(64位)内存内存-16GB(32位)或者20GB(64位)可用硬盘空间可用硬盘空间-DX9或更高级别显卡,支持WDMM 1.0或更高版本或更高版本-触摸操作需要多点触摸屏触摸操作需要多点触摸屏特别注意:-Windows 8开发者预览版本无法卸载!开发者预览版本无法卸载!-在Windows Vista/7的基础上升级安装Windows 8开发者预览版开发者预览版((不包含开发工具工具)),可以保留账户信息、文件和设置,,可以保留账户信息、文件和设置,Windows XP Windows XP的基础上则只能保留账户信息和文件,设置将会丢失。
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- 2、"仅部分预览"的文档,不可在线预览部分如存在完整性等问题,可反馈申请退款(可完整预览的文档不适用该条件!)。
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Windows Developer Preview Windows 8 guide© 2011 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Microsoft, Active Directory, BitLocker, Direct2D, Direct3D, Expression, Internet Explorer, SmartScreen, Visual Studio, Windows, Windows Server, Windows 7, XNA are trademarks of the Microsoft group of companies.All other trademarks are property of their respective owners.ContentsWindowsreimagined04Newandbeautifuluserinterface 06 Metrostyle07Itallstartshere 08 Touchkeyboard 08OneWindows–manyshapes 09 Poweredbyapps 10 Yourappscomewithyou12Appscanworktogether 12 Alwaysonandalwaysconnected13 Greatappsrightoutofthebox 13 Internet Explorer 10: the web by touch 13Touch browsing, not just browsing on a touch device 14Yoursitesareatthecenter 14 Experienceamorebeautifulweb14 WindowsStore 14 Desktop 16 Compatibility 18Moreforpowerusers 18 Filemanagementwithease 18 TaskManager18 Multi-monitoroptions19 Push-ButtonReset19 WindowsUpdate19 DevelopingforWindows820 WindowsRuntimeandappmodel22 Choose from a broad range of app programming languages 22 Compatibilitywithexistingframeworks 22Build component libraries with extensible frameworks 22Shellintegration22 AddingMetrostyletoyourapps22 Creating immersive games with adaptive layout 23 Graphics23 Create immersive games using the power of DirectX 24 Mediaandsensors24 Integrateaudioandvideo24 Build experiences that are tailored to the user with sensors 24 Buildingforthetailoredweb25 DevelopingforInternetExplorer10 25LiveConnect 26 Windows Push Notification Service 26ContactPicker26Develop with the best in modern tools and frameworks 26Visual Studio 2011, Express, and Expression Blend work perfectly with Windows 8 26Apptelemetry27Build on the broad reach of Windows Store 27Maximizeyourearnings28 Take advantage of in-app purchase options 28Sellanywhereoreverywhere 28 Abetterwaytosellyourapps28 Fundamentals,devices,andsecurity30 Fundamentals 31Systemrequirements 31 Apps run on ARM, x86, and x64 architectures 31Connectivity 32Wi-Fiandmobilebroadband 32 Devices 32Metrostyledeviceapps32 Classdrivers 32 Security 32Metro style apps run in a more secure environment 32Cryptographymadesimple 33 SmartScreen filter 33WindowsDefender 33 Securedboot 33 Windows8forbusiness 34 Mobilityandconnectivityvirtuallyanywhere35 WindowsToGo36DirectAccess 36Flexible access to file information 36Datasecurityandmanagement 36 AppLocker 36BitLocker36 Measuredboot37 ImprovedActiveDirectory-basedactivation 37 ClientHyper-V37 Streamlineddeployment37More than two out of three PCs today are mobile devices—laptops, netbooks, notebooks, tablets, and slates. Nearly every PC is capable of wireless connectivity. Screens range from under ten inches to wall-mounted monitors to multiple HD screens. Storage has grown from megabytes to terabytes and is moving to the cloud. Multi-core processing and powerful graphics are normal. Touch screen mobile phones with the rich capabilities they bring together have changed the way we view computing. The explosion of social technologies, cloud-based services, and access to web services through apps give people powerful new ways to connect and share. Modern computing focuses much more on people and apps than on the operating system. These changes in the landscape motivated the most significant changes to Windows.But reimagining Windows® doesn’t mean starting over from scratch. Windows 7 fundamentals like speed, reliability, security, and compatibility make it the best operating system Microsoft has ever created. The next version of Windows (codenamed Windows 8) is being designed to build on what is great about Windows 7, delivering richer security features, faster startup, and longer battery life that runs on a wider choice of devices and chipsets. Windows 8 extends these fundamental features with a new touch-optimized interface. Windows 8 also provides the platform to create a whole new generation of full-screen apps that are based on modern web standards and available through the new Windows Store. We’ve redesigned the Windows experience and built on everything you already love. reimaginedWindowsNew and beautifuluser interface Metro styleWindows 8 introduces a new Metro style interface, which shows the information important to you, embodiessimplicity, and gives you control. The interface is a personalized layout with clean typography and animationsto make interacting with your PC fluid and intuitive. The new interface is built for touch. With touch, you cando what you want to do quickly and naturally. The new Start screen puts all of your apps in front of you forimmediate access. You don’t have to remember where things are. And whether you want to type, click, orswipe, Windows 8 is optimized for easier navigation so moving around the operating system is effortless witheither a finger, or a mouse and keyboard.It all starts hereThe new Start screen gives you a fast way to interact with all of your apps and content. The tiles are alive with information, showing you what’s going on at any time. Information that you care about — the weather, your friends’ status updates, the top movie in your Netflix queue, your next calendar appointment — is all there at a glance. You can personalize your Start screen with shortcuts to your favorite things, like websites, a playlist, or photo albums. You decide where you want things on the screen and how you want them grouped. You can optimize for efficiency by adding speed bumps between groups of apps so that you don’t have to swipe back and forth when you’re panning through your Start screen.Touch keyboardW indows 8 has two touch keyboards for ultimate mobility and flexibility. An improved, full-sized touch keyboard with larger buttons and a unique thumb keyboard make it easy to use your computer on thego. Whether you’re walking around or sitting down, it’s more comfortable and natural to type using your thumbs when the keyboard is split.The touch keyboard in Windows 8 includes several features to speed up your typing and make it more accurate. Improved keyboard technology is designed to minimize inaccurate key strokes while automatically correcting mistyped words without slowing you down. To make typing more efficient, Windows suggests words on screen as you type, allowing you to choose the suggested word with a single tap.The keyboard adapts to different languages. On touch-based computers, the layout of the keyboard automatically adjusts to the language you choose for Windows. Your input and language settings automatically apply to the whole computer rather than to just specific programs.One Windows – many shapesSupport for ARM-based chipsets, touch, and sensors makes Windows 8 work beautifully on your choiceof a full spectrum of devices, such as 10-inch slates with all-day battery life, ultra-lightweight laptops, and powerful all-in-ones with 27-inch high-definition screens. Regardless of which device you use, improvements in the core of the Windows operating system result in faster boot time, more efficient app management, and substantially reduced memory usage. Windows 8 is powerful and responsive.The touch keyboard is there when you need it See your apps and content at a glance on the Start screenPowered by apps Metro style apps built for Windows 8 are beautiful, intuitive, and the focal point of your experience. They’reimmersive, filling your entire screen so there are no distractions. Apps can adapt to a variety of form factorsand screen resolutions, such as thin slates or large monitors, and can work on x86, x64, and ARM platforms.Apps work together, making it easy to search, share, and send content between them. When you’reconnected to the Internet, your apps come alive with activity and show you the latest content so that you canstay up to date at a glance.Windows 8 gives you the important apps you need for your daily life, including a touch browser. AndWindows Store delivers everything you expect for getting apps. You’ll find the apps you want. You canbe confident that they’re very safe because we screen them. You’ll enjoy the flexibility of browsing,downloading, and buying or trying (if available).Your apps are ready for you on any Windows 8 PC you use—desktop, laptop, tablet—whether yours, afriend’s, or a family member’s. With a connected account, you can download your apps and use themwherever you are.Your apps come with youWhen you sign in with your connected Microsoft account to another PC running Windows 8, your Metro style apps and settings go with you, so it’s just like you’re using your own PC. You’ll also be signed in to all of the websites you were signed in to. Your connected account is like a portable, personal PC that appears on any Windows 8-based PC you’re using. You’re always ready to pick back up where you left off no matter where you are.Apps can work togetherApps can communicate with each other in Windows 8. So, if you want to send pictures in email, and they’re in different places like Facebook, Flickr, or on your hard drive, you can easily pick and send the ones you want. Windows 8 provides a single view.Always on and always connectedMetro style apps run and stay up to date even when the PC is on standby. When you’re connected to the Internet, you’ll receive information updates, email, VoIP calls, instant messages, and be able to stream music or other content in the background. When Windows comes out of standby, your apps don’t need time to catch up.Great apps right out of the boxWhether it’s entertainment, getting work done, staying in touch, being informed, or keeping memories, you’llhave the important apps you need. They look rich and beautiful, bring together all of your online content, and run in full screen, so nothing comes between you and what you’re doing.Internet Explorer 10: the web by touchM etro style Internet Explorer 10 provides a fast and fluid touch-first browsing experience that’s all aboutyour sites, making them feel increasingly more app-like. With faster performance, leading security protection,more hardware acceleration, and site-ready HTML5 support, IE10 continues to allow developersto build a richer and more beautiful web.Touch browsing is fast, fluid, and intuitivePick the files you want to send or share from one placeTouch browsing, not just browsing on a touch deviceI nternet Explorer 10, optimized for touch browsing, is built for speed and fluidity. Gesture-based navigation is intuitive and fast. You can pan, zoom, and navigate naturally. And when you need it, the navigation bar includes touch-friendly controls for common navigation tasks. The IE 10 touch experience has all the benefits of Windows, so you can snap applications side by side and quickly access the charms for searching and sharing. Internet Explorer 10 delivers a touch browsing experience that makes the web feel as seamless as everything else on your Windows 8 device.Your sites are at the centerThe Metro style interface of Internet Explorer 10 is cleaner and the browser gets out of the way, so the focus is on your favorite sites. The navigation bar appears only when you want it, so there’s more room for your sites. A ready-when-you-need-it touch keyboard is intelligently integrated into the browser. Like IE9 on Windows 7, you can pin your favorite websites to the new Windows Start screen. This makes them feel more like an app because you can access them with a single tap. And if your favorite site has a Metro style app available, IE10 lets you know so you can just switch to the app if you want.Experience a more beautiful webBy taking advantage of Windows and your device’s hardware, IE10 continues the IE9 commitment to loading sites so fast that it feels nearly instantaneous. The hardware acceleration pioneered in Internet Explorer 9 allows web developers and designers to build increasingly rich and immersive experiences. And because real-world security and privacy threats still plague the modern web, IE10 continues to provide a more secure and trusted browser. Building on the security platform of Windows and harnessing the world’s leading cloud-based reputation system, SmartScreen, Internet Explorer 10 will help keep youmore secure when browsing the web.Windows StoreThe new Windows Store features great apps you might be familiar with and others you’ll love getting to know. It’s easy for you to find the apps you want, ranging from exciting new games, to the productivity tools you already know and trust on Windows.You can browse and compare thousands of apps—we make it easy for you by grouping apps in familiar categories, highlighting frequently downloaded apps, and showing how other users have rated what they’ve purchased. For many apps, you can try before buying if you’re a bit skeptical. Once you’ve decided, you can buy with peace of mind, knowing that downloaded apps have been screened and checked for viruses. And you can install your purchased apps on up to five Windows 8 PCs.DesktopOn x86 and x64 PCs, the apps you’re used to using, like Microsoft® Office Word® and Excel®, CAD/CAM, andAdobe Photoshop, still run on the desktop the way they always have. When you want to use one of theseapps, you can get to it right from your Start screen. You simply tap and go. Windows opens your app on thedesktop, and you can use touch or your keyboard and mouse.CompatibilityOn x86 and x64 PCs, Windows 8 supports Windows 7 desktop applications and devices so you don’t have to compromise or give up what you’re used to. On these PCs, your existing Windows 7-based applications just work. More for power usersIf you want to push the limits of your PC experience, we’ve invested in the features most often used by power users. We redesigned Windows Explorer and Task Manager to greatly enhance productivity, and developed new, flexible options for multi-monitor setups.File management with easeW e’ve enhanced Windows Explorer to make file navigation and common file management tasks straightforward. The ribbon organizes Explorer’s rich functionality, surfacing previously buried features and has new commands like ISO mounting and single-window move or copy. We’ve brought back a long-lost favorite: the Up button. We’ve also introduced a new enhanced copy experience so you can view and manage all of your file operations in one place.Task ManagerThe new Task Manager is your easy-to-use, all-in-one dashboard for monitoring and controlling your PC so you always know what’s going on with it. The information is presented in color-coded tiles to help draw your eye to items that are using the bulk of a resource. You can keep track of your system efficiently and in real-time, taking advantage of summary graphs and detailed information on processes, applications, and history. You can see the services associated with each process on one screen.Multi-monitor optionsU sing multiple monitors is more flexible than ever before. New options allow you to display the Start screen on one monitor and the desktop on the other. Display different desktop backgrounds on each monitor or stretch your image across both. There are also options to have duplicate or unique task bars on each monitor.Push-Button ResetThere’s nothing more frustrating than having a major PC failure and spending hours reconstructing your computer’s original state or paying to have someone do the work for you. Windows 8 comes with a number of options to restore your PC to its original state. You can do a basic reset, which gives you an easy optionto restart fresh while retaining all of your documents, accounts, personal settings, and even the apps you’ve downloaded from the Windows Store.Windows 8 also provides some new, advanced options. You can do a complete reset, which restores the PC to the state it was in when originally purchased. And you can also create a reset disk, which is great for power users who have invested time to personalize and configure their PC. Restore from USB Key restores your PC from a thumb drive, saving space and giving you a convenient backup tool in the event that your hard drive is damaged and needs to be replaced.Windows UpdateNobody likes to be interrupted when they’re in the middle of doing something important. At the same time, it’s important that you keep your PC up to date.Windows 8 takes care of keeping your computer up to date, including most maintenance activities, without getting in your way. If you turn on Windows Update during setup and your computer needs an update, Windows can install it when you’re not using your computer or at a time you’ve specified. When anupdate requires a reboot, there’s a grace period, allowing you to pick a time that’s convenient for you. Asa result, you see far fewer prompts about maintenance, updates, or reboots. You won’t be slowed down by interruptions, and your PC will keep performing well.Multiple monitors now work as one big workspaceTask Manager shows you how your PC is performing The Process tab shows you what’s using PC resourcesGreat apps start with great developers. Windows 8 gives you the platform and tools to create rich app experiences where your customers focus on tasks that are important to them. Apps are at the center of the Windows 8 experience. They’re alive with activity and vibrant content. Your customers immerse themselves in your full-screen, Metro style app allowing them to focus on their content rather than on the operating system.Signing up to sell your app through Windows Store means you can tap into the broad customer reach of Windows, which spans markets around the world. You’ll draw from a wealth of new tools and services so you can develop and deploy apps faster and more profitably. Of course, you can also reach and engage new customers using the commerce platform of your choice.With Windows 8 you can leverage your existing skills and code assets to create great experiences for your customers.• Web developers can use their HTML5, CSS3, and JavaScript skills to build native applications forWindows. • .NET Developers can use XAML, C#, and Visual Basic to build beautiful Metro style apps.• Game developers can use the power of DirectX 11.1 to build amazing, immersive gaming experiences. • Driver developers can use the new, integrated Microsoft ® Visual Studio ® development environment toincrease productivity.With Windows 8, you’re ready to imagine, build, and sell the next great app.Developing for Windows 8Windows Runtime and app modelThe Windows Runtime (WinRT) is a straightforward set of APIs used to build Metro style apps. WinRT lets you build apps that look great and are intuitive for your customers to use. WinRT APIs are available to developers in multiple languages, including JavaScript, C++, C#, and Visual Basic. The new Windows SDK for Metro style apps also includes a subset of traditional Win32, Component Object Model (COM), and .NET Framework APIs, as well as HTML5 and CSS3 APIs that are accessible to Metro style app developers.Choose from a broad range of app programming languagesTo build fully native and robust apps that make the most of a Windows 8-based PC, you can develop using web programming technologies or familiar Windows programming techniques. Windows Metro styleapps using JavaScript leverage the combination of HTML5 and CSS3 to build the user interface, along with JavaScript for app logic. Windows Metro style apps using C++, C#, or Visual Basic use XAML markup forthe user interface, with C++, C#, or Visual Basic for app logic. Game developers can build Metro style games using C++ and DirectX 11.1 to take full advantage of graphics hardware, or build casual games using HTML5 or XAML.Compatibility with existing frameworksWinRT APIs are accessible to other Microsoft programming frameworks, like the .NET Framework or Windows C Runtime Library. Desktop apps can access WinRT functionality by including the Using keyword in your code. WinRT features are represented by the Application Binary Interface (ABI), which makes Windows APIs accessible from other programming languages. The ABI is exposed in metadata assemblies (.winmd files), allowing static languages (like C#) and dynamic languages (like JavaScript) to understand the structure of the WinRT API.Build component libraries with extensible frameworksThe new Windows 8 app models feature native extensibility, which you can use to build your own reusable component libraries. You first build your own custom components with C++, C#, or Visual Basic. Then, you can use JavaScript or any other supported language to call these components from your apps.Shell integrationWhen you create a Metro style app, you get deep integration with the new Windows 8 features, including the app bar, edge, live tiles, and contracts with other apps. Your app participates fully in the touch-first interface and modern user experience. When it runs, your app becomes the focus of attention, and the operating system chrome recedes into the background.Adding Metro style to your appsYour apps get a predictable, Metro style UI that’s tailored to the device by using Windows 8 controls. The controls are designed for both touch devices and for mouse and keyboard. By default, your apps convey the Windows personality, which is a familiar user experience that customers understand. Here are the three kinds of controls that you can use.Standard controls: these include everything you need to display, enter, and manipulate data and content. Control families include view, text, pattern, overlay, media (audio and video), content, collection, and basic. Collection controls:These help designers to create rich content experiences in consistent, touch-friendly ways. They include built-in support for drag-and-drop operations, and they let you customize display modes by using styling and templates. Examples are the simple list, grid view, grouped grid view, flip view, and semantic zoom.Intrinsic controls: These are available in the Windows Library for JavaScript (WinJS), and they go beyond the limitations of CSS3 box-type controls, if you need more flexibility in your interface design or you want to integrate your own brand into your customers’ experience.Creating immersive user interfaces with adaptive layoutWindows 8 gives you creative options for adapting an app experience dynamically to the size of the screen area, changes in orientation, and different display capabilities using CSS3. These features enable you to give your customers a fluid, natural-feeling experience in your Metro style apps. Here are some examples. Animation:Create smooth, animated experiences and elements with HTML5 and CSS3 that embody the Metro style. Take advantage of a comprehensive set of pre-defined animations that are lively and unique, yet familiar to users.3-D transformations: Add smooth, fluid visual experiences, such as perspective transforms and flipping elements on and off the screen. In the past, you’d have to create these effects using native code, but now you can create them with HTML5 and CSS3.Flexible box layout: Create flexible containers that expand proportionally to fill any remaining space inan HTML5 layout. This is great for designers to use to create key components of apps, such as toolbars or navigational elements.Grid layout: Position and size content elements into cells on a grid structure that you define with fixed, fractional, or automatic units.Multi-column layout: Mimic newspaper and magazine layouts by creating a single column of HTML5 content in multiple parallel columns with equal width and height.GraphicsDirectX gaming power underlies Windows 8, so you have several options when creating Metro style game apps. You can write full-screen, chrome-free games with smooth, flicker-free action using HTML5, JavaScript,and CSS3. Or, write impressive 2D and lightweight 3D games using XAML with managed C# or Visual Basic. You can also use the full processing abilities of modern graphics hardware using native C++ and HLSLwith DirectX 11.1.Create immersive games using the power of DirectXThe new Windows 8 graphics stack is better integrated, making Direct2D, Direct3D, and DirectCompute components easier to use together and requiring fewer duplicated resources than before. Capabilities previously available only in XNA, such as DirectXMath, XAudio2, and XInput, are now available. For the ultimate experience in gaming and video, use DirectX 11.1 to bring stereoscopic 3D to your apps. Media and sensorsBuilding immersive experiences that take full advantage of modern hardware isn’t hard with Windows 8. You can integrate audio and video content using declarative APIs with support for many popular codecs. Sensor support helps you build experiences that are tailored to the user’s context with powerful Win32 APIs or easy-to-use WinRT components.Integrate audio and videoMetro style apps built for Windows using JavaScript have access to the <Audio> and <Video> tags, which enable you to embed a video or audio clip with a single line of HTML code. Similarly, XAML developers have access to the <MediaElement>, a powerful control for media integration. A wide variety of codecs are supported, including h.263, h.264, AAC, and MP3. Enhancements to Media Foundation improve compatibility and performance for desktop application developers.Metro style apps also have access to the Windows.Media namespaces in the WinRT for capturing and transcoding media, as well as using PlayTo to stream audio, video, or images to networked devices. With camera capture support, you can create capture controls, use a preview window, and specify resolutionand codecs for media capture, all without calling complex APIs. And for apps that just need a basic camera capture without additional control, the CameraCaptureUI class can capture a photo or video in only one method call, which uses a Windows-provided dialog so that you don’t need to create any UI for the capture operation.Build experiences that are tailored to the user with sensorsThe Windows 8 sensor platform is an end-to-end solution that includes guidelines for the hardware manufacturer, developers of class drivers and those that develop against the Win32 API and the Windows runtime component.The Win32 API enables you to integrate sensor data into your application without writing a lot of code. You can “discover” available sensors, register to receive event notifications, and control the interval at which the hardware issues events. The variety of sensors supported by the API is virtually unlimited—if the sensor data is published by the Human Interface Device (HID) class driver, you can access it.The WinRT component enables you to quickly access input from seven sensors: accelerometer, inclinometer, gyrometer, compass, ambient-light, orientation, and simple orientation of your device (this does not include geo-location). The orientation sensor fuses data from several physical sensors to provide a quaternion and a rotation matrix as output. Game developers can use these components in a variety of game genres to control the user’s perspective and orientation.Building for the tailored webWindows 8 is a great platform for building apps. It’s also the leading platform for building beautiful, fast, and highly secure websites. Web services enhance the user experience and can take advantage of functionality provided by SkyDrive, Hotmail, and Windows Live Messenger. Notification services let your app continue to add value, even when it isn’t running.Developing for Internet Explorer 10Internet Explorer 10 is the most exciting browser from Microsoft for developers. With support for modern standards like HTML5, CSS3, and SVG, as well as hardware-accelerated graphics and compiled JavaScript, Internet Explorer lets you build the next generation of web experiences.Internet Explorer 10 continues to challenge the notion that the web is inferior to native apps by putting hardware accelerated HTML5 at the core and makes it possible for developers to build the next class of great web experience.Microsoft is continuing to deliver on our commitment to HTML5 with IE10 and Windows 8, providing a great platform to push web development forward. Internet Explorer provides a standards-based web platform that is fully interoperable across both the desktop and the new Metro style IE 10 browser, enabling developers to write the same HTML5 markup across both experiences.With the release of IE10, developers get even more support for HTML5, enabling them to create richvisual effects and animations with hardware accelerated CSS transitions, animations, 3D transformations, along with CSS3 text shadow, gradients, and SVG filter effects. Building increasingly sophisticated page layouts is possible with support for CSS3 grid, flexible box layout, multi-column, figures, CSS3 regions, and hyphenation, as well as HTML5 Forms and Input Controls.The IE10 platform also includes support for local storage including IndexedDB, Application Cache, Async scripts, Web Workers, ES5 Strict mode support, Web Sockets, HTML5 file APIs, drag-drop, history, and sandboxing. These features give developers an increasingly sophisticated, standards-based, programming model that is ideal for creating modern web experiences.Microsoft’s commitment to HTML5 now extends beyond the browser to Windows. With the introductionof Windows Metro style apps using JavaScript, web developers that build amazing JavaScript and HTML5 sites will be able to quickly and easily turn those into even richer applications that take full advantage of the underlying capabilities of Windows. Using familiar HTML5 programming models and toolsets, developers can start building beautiful, interactive web sites and Metro style apps with great performance and security. With Internet Explorer 10 and Windows, HTML5 continues to open up new possibilities for developers to reimagine the web.。