2011《走向高考》英语全程总复习一轮课时训练+阶段性测试大全 (65)







第Ⅰ卷(选择题 共60分)一、选择题(本大题共12个小题,每小题5分,共60分,在每小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符号题目要求的。

)1.已知一个几何体是上下两部分构成的组合体,其三视图如图所示,若图中圆的半径为1,等腰三角形的腰长为5,则该几何体的体积是 ( )A.4π3 B .2π C.8π3 D.10π3 [答案] A[解析] 这个几何体是一个底面半径为1,高为2的圆锥和一个半径为1的半球组成的组合体,故其体积为13π×12×2+12×43π×13=4π3.2.在棱长为a 的正方体ABCD —A 1B 1C 1D 1中,平面A 1BD 截该正方体的内切球所得截面的面积为 ( )A.πa 23B.πa 29C.πa 22D.πa 26 [答案] D[解析] 如图,S △A 1BD =32a 2,S △OBD =14S BDD 1B 1=24a 2,设球心O 到平面A 1BD 的距离为d ,则VO —A 1BD =VA 1—OBD ,即13S △A 1BD ·d =13S △OBD ·22a ,解得d =36a . ∴截面圆的半径r =⎝⎛⎭⎫a 22-⎝⎛⎭⎫36a 2=16a . ∴S 截=πr 2=π6a 2.3.圆台上、下底面面积分别是π、4π,侧面积是6π,这个圆台的体积是 ( ) A.233π B .23πC.736πD.733π [答案] D[解析] 上底半径r =1,下底半径R =2,S 侧=6π, 设母线长为l ,则π(1+2)·l =6π,∴l =2. ∴高h =l 2-(R -r )2= 3.∴V =13π·3(12+1×2+22)=73π3.4.已知直线m 、n 和平面α,那么m ∥n 的一个必要而不充分条件是 ( ) A .m ∥α,n ∥α B .m ⊥α,n ⊥α C .n ⊂α且m ∥α D .m 、n 与α成等角 [答案] D[解析] 由题意知:m ∥n 能推出四个选项的某个结论,而这个结论作为条件又不能推出m ∥n .在选项D 中,因为m ∥n ,则有m 、n 与α成等角;而m 、n 与α成等角,可以是不同方向上成等角,故不能推出m ∥n .5.如图所示,b 、c 在平面α内,a ∩c =B ,b ∩c =A ,且a ⊥b ,a ⊥c ,b ⊥c ,若C ∈a ,D ∈b ,E 在线段AB 上(C ,D ,E 均异于A ,B )则△CDE 是 ( )A .锐角三角形B .直角三角形C .钝角三角形D .等腰三角形 [答案] C[解析] 由条件知,∠DAE 、∠CBE 、∠CBD 均为直角,∴DE 2+CE 2-CD 2=(DA 2+AE 2)+(CB 2+BE 2)-(CB 2+BD 2)=DA 2+AE 2+BE 2-DA 2-AB 2=AE 2+BE 2-AB 2<0,∴∠CED 为钝角.6.若A 、B 、C 、D 是空间不共面的四点,且满足AB →·AC →=0,AC →·AD →=0,AB →·AD →=0,则△BCD 是 ( )A .钝角三角形B .锐角三角形C .直角三角形D .不确定 [答案] B[解析] ∵BC →·BD →=(AC →-AB →)·(AD →-AB →)=AC →·AD →-AB →·AD →-AC →·AB →+AB 2→=|AB →|2>0,同理CB →·CD →>0,DB →·DC →>0,故△BCD 为锐角三角形.因此选B.7.在四面体O -ABC 中,点M 在OA 上,且OM =2MA ,N 为BC 的中点,若OG →=13OA→+x 4OB →+x 4OC →,则使G 与M 、N 共线的x 的值为 ( ) A .1 B .2 C.23 D.43[答案] A[解析] 若G 、M 、N 共线,则存在实数λ使MG →=λMN →, 即OG →-OM →=λ(ON →-OM →), ∴OG →=(1-λ)OM →+λON →=(1-λ)·23OA →+λ·12(OB →+OC →)=2(1-λ)3OA →+λ2OB →+λ2OC →,∴⎩⎨⎧2(1-λ)3=13x 4=λ2,∴x =1.8.(08·辽宁)在正方体ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1中,E 、F 分别为棱AA 1、CC 1的中点,则在空间中与三条直线A 1D 1、EF 、CD 都相交的直线 ( )A .不存在B .有且只有两条C .有且只有三条D .有无数条 [答案] D[解析] 显然在正方体中,A 1E ∥CF , ∴A 1C 与EF 必相交,∴A 1C 是与A 1D 1、EF 、BC 都相交的一条直线.在A 1D 1上任取一点P ,CD 与DP 确定一个平面与正方体相交得▱PQCD ,Q 在B 1C 1上,EF 与此平面交点为R ,连结PR 与CD 必相交,设交点为H ,则直线PRH ,即与A 1D 1、EF 、CD 都相交的直线,由作法知,这样的直线有无数多条.[点评] 一般地,异面问题讨论时,总有设法化异为共,如果讨论多条异面直线问题,总是通过平行直线或相交直线或一线一点(点在另一异面直线上)定面,再加讨论.9.如图,正方形ABCD 与矩形ACEF 所在平面互相垂直,AB =2,AF =1.M 在EF 上.且AM ∥平面BDE .则M 点的坐标为 ()A .(1,1,1) B.⎝⎛⎭⎫23,23,1 C.⎝⎛⎭⎫22,22,1 D.⎝⎛⎭⎫24,24,1[答案] C[解析] ∵M 在EF 上,设ME =x ,∴M ⎝⎛⎭⎫22x ,22x ,1,∵A (2,2,0),D (2,0,0),E (0,0,1),B (0,2,0) ∴ED →=(2,0,-1),EB →=(0,2,-1),AM →=⎝⎛⎭⎫22x -2,22x -2,1设平面BDE 的法向量n =(a ,b ,c )由⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧n ·ED →=0n ·EB →=0得,a =b =22c .故可取一个法向量n =(1,1,2) ∵n ·AM →=0,∴x =1,∴M ⎝⎛⎭⎫22,22,1,故选C.10.如图所示,在三棱柱ABC -A 1B 1C 1中,AA 1⊥底面ABC ,AB =BC =AA 1,∠ABC =90°,点E 、F 分别是棱AB 、BB 1的中点,则直线EF 和BC 1所成的角是 ( )A .45°B .60°C .90°D .120° [答案] B[解析] 设B 1C 交BC 1于点G ,取AC 的中点H ,则GH ∥AB 1∥EF .设AB =BC =AA 1=a ,在三角形GHC 中,易知GH =HC =GC =22a ,又GB =HG =22a ,故两直线所成的角即为∠HGB =60°.11.设x 、y 、z 是空间不同的直线或平面,对下列四种情况:①x 、y 、z 均为直线;②x 、y 是直线,z 是平面;③z 是直线,x 、y 是平面;④x 、y 、z 均为平面.其中使“x ⊥z 且y ⊥z ⇒x ∥y ”为真命题的是 ( ) A .③④ B .①③ C .②③ D .①② [答案] C[解析] 由于垂直于同一个平面的两条直线平行,故②可以使“x ⊥z 且y ⊥z ⇒x ∥y ”为真命题;又由于垂直于同一直线的两个平面平行,故③可以使“x ⊥z 且y ⊥z ⇒x ∥y ”为真命题;在如图所示正方体中,取x 为直线A 1B 1,y 为直线BC ,z 为直线BB 1,显然命题不真;又取x 、y 分别为平面ABB 1A 1和BCC 1B 1,z 为平面ABCD ,命题也不真,故选C.12.如图所示,在四边形ABCD 中,AD ∥BC ,AD =AB ,∠BCD =45°,∠BAD =90°,将△ABD 沿BD 折起,使平面ABD ⊥平面BCD ,构成三棱锥A -BCD ,则在三棱锥A -BCD 中,下列命题正确的是 ( )A .平面ABD ⊥平面ABCB .平面ADC ⊥平面BDC C .平面ABC ⊥平面BDCD .平面ADC ⊥平面ABC [答案] D[解析] 在平面图形中CD ⊥BD ,折起后仍然有CD ⊥BD ,由于平面ABD ⊥平面BCD ,故CD ⊥平面ABD ,CD ⊥AB .又AB ⊥AD ,故AB ⊥平面ABC .所以平面ADC ⊥平面ABC .第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共90分)二、填空题(本大题共4个小题,每小题4分,共16分,把正确答案填在题中横线上) 13.正三棱锥P —ABC 的高为2,侧棱与底面ABC 成45°角,则点A 到侧面PBC 的距离为________.[答案] 655[解析] 设P 在底面射影为O ,AO 交BC 于D , 由题意:∠P AO =45°,∴AO =PO =2, ∴AD =3,OD =1,∴PD =5,作AM ⊥PD 于M ,则AM ⊥平面PBC ,由PD ·AM =AD ·PO 得,AM =655.14.如图,ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1为正方体,下面结论中正确的是________.(把你认为正确的结论都填上)①BD ∥平面CB 1D 1; ②AC 1⊥平面CB 1D 1;③AC 1与底面ABCD 所成角的正切值是2; ④二面角C —B 1D 1-C 1的正切值是2, ⑤过点A 1与异面直线AD 与CB 1成70°角的直线有2条. [答案] ①②④[解析] ①∵BD ∥B 1D 1,B 1D 1⊂平面CB 1D 1, ∴BD ∥平面CB 1D 1.②连结A 1C 1交B 1D 1于O ,∵AA 1⊥平面A 1B 1C 1D 1,∴AA 1⊥B 1D 1.又∵A 1C 1⊥B 1D 1,∴B 1D 1⊥平面AA 1C 1.∴B 1D 1⊥AC 1. 同理B 1C ⊥AC 1.∴AC 1⊥平面CB 1D 1.③∠C 1AC 为AC 1与平面ABCD 所成的角,tan ∠C 1AC =CC 1AC =CC 12CC 1=22.④∠C 1OC 为二面角C —B 1D 1—C 1的平面角,tan ∠C 1OC =CC 1C 1O =CC 122CC 1= 2.⑤异面直线AD 与CB 1所成的角为45°,则满足题意的直线有4条.15.如图所示是正方体的平面展开图,在这个正方体中:①BM 与ED 平行;②CN 与BE 是异面直线;③CN 与BM 成60°角;④DM 与BN 垂直.以上四个说法中,正确说法的序号依次是________.[答案] ③④[解析] 如图所示,显然BM 与ED 不平行;∵BC 綊AD 綊EN ,∴四边形BCNE 是平行四边形,∴BE ∥CN ,故②错;△BME 为正三角形,∴∠EBM =60°.,∵CN ∥BE ,∴∠EBM 为BM 与CN 所成的角,故③正确;∵BC ⊥平面CDNM ,∴BC ⊥DM , 又DM ⊥CN ,CN ∩BC =C ,∴DM ⊥平面BCN ,∴DM ⊥BN ,故④正确. 16.(08·全国Ⅰ)已知菱形ABCD 中,AB =2,∠A =120°,沿对角线BD 将△ABD 折起,使二面角A -BD -C 为120°,则点A 到△BCD 所在平面的距离等于________.[答案] 32[解析] 设AC 与BD 相交于点O ,折起后如图.易知OA =OC =1,OB =32,设OA →=a ,OB →=b ,OC →=c ,则|a |=1,|b |=32,|c |=1,a ·c =-12,a ·b =0,b ·c =0.设平面BCD 的法向量为n =x a +y b +z c , ∵n ·b =x a ·b +y b 2+z b ·c =34y =0,∴y =0.n ·c =x a ·c +y b ·c +y c 2=-12x +z =0,∴x =2z .取z =1,则x =2,∴n =2a +c ,∵AC →·n =(c -a )(2a +c )=a ·c -2a 2+c 2=-32,|n |=4a 2+c 2+4a ·c =3,∴点A 到平面BCD 的距离d =|AC →·n ||n |=32.三、解答题(本大题共6个小题,共74分,解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤) 17.(本小题满分12分)底面是正三角形,侧棱垂直于底面的棱柱为正三棱柱.如图所示,在正三棱柱ABC -A 1B 1C 1中,AB =3,AA 1=4,M 为AA 1中点,P 是BC 上一点,且由P 沿棱柱侧面经过棱CC 1到M 的最短距离为29,设这条最短路线与CC 1的交点为N ,求:(1)棱柱的侧面展开图的对角线长; (2)PC 与NC 的长; (3)棱柱的表面积.[解析] (1)正三棱柱ABC -A 1B 1C 1侧面展开图是一个长为9,宽为4的矩形,其对角线长为92+42=97.(2)如图是侧面展开图的一部分.MP 1就是由点P 沿棱柱侧面经过棱CC 1到点M 的最短路线.设PC =x ,即P 1C =x ,在Rt △MAP 1中,AM 2+AP 21=MP 21,∴(3+x )2+22=29, ∴x =2,∴PC =P 1C =2. ∵NC MA =P 1C P 1A =25,∴NC =45. (3)棱柱的表面积:S =S 侧+2S 底=9×4+2×12×32×32=36+932.18.(本小题满分12分)已知某几何体的三视图如下图所示,其中俯视图为正三角形,设D 为AA 1的中点.(1)作出该几何体的直观图并求其体积. (2)求证:平面BB 1C 1C ⊥平面BDC 1.(3)BC 边上是否存在点P ,使AP ∥平面BDC 1?若不存在,说明理由;若存在,证明你的结论.[解析] 由题意可知该几何体为直三棱柱,且它的直观图如图所示.由图知底面正三角形边长为2,棱柱高为3,∴S △ABC =3,∴V =3 3.(2)证明:连结B 1C 交BC 1于E 点,则E 为B 1C 、BC 1的中点,连结DE . ∵AD =A 1D ,AB =A 1C 1,∠BAD =∠DA 1C 1=90°, ∴△ABD ≌△A 1C 1D .∴BD =C 1D .∴DE ⊥BC 1. 同理,DE ⊥B 1C ,又∵B 1C ∩BC 1=E .∴DE ⊥平面BB 1C 1C .又∵DE ⊂平面BDC 1,∴平面BB 1C 1C ⊥平面BDC 1.(3)解:取BC 的中点P ,连结AP ,则AP ∥平面BDC 1, 证明:连结PE ,则PE ∥AD ,且PE =AD , ∴四边形APED 为平行四边形.∴AP ∥DE .又DE ⊂平面BDC 1,AP ⊄平面BDC 1, ∴AP ∥平面BDC 1.19.(本小题满分12分)已知四棱锥P -ABCD 的直观图与三视图如图所示,点E 为棱AD 的中点,在棱PC 上是否存在一点F ,使得EF ⊥平面PBC ?若存在,求出线段EF 的长度;若不存在,说明理由.[解析] 在棱PC 上存在点F ,使得EF ⊥平面PBC . 由三视图知,此四棱锥的底面是边长为2的正方形,侧棱P A ⊥底面ABCD ,P A =2,∴AB 、AP 、AD 两两互相垂直,以AB 、AD 、AP 分别为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴建立空间直角坐标系,则B (2,0,0)、C (2,2,0)、D (0,2,0),E (0,1,0),P (0,0,2),设F (x ,y ,z )是PC 上的点,则PF →=λPC →(0≤λ≤1), PF →=(x ,y ,z -2),PC →=(2,2,-2),则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x =2λy =2λz -2=-2λ,∴⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧x =2λy =2λy =2-2λ,∴F (2λ,2λ,2-2λ),∴EF →=(2λ,2λ-1,2-2λ),若EF ⊥平面PBC ,则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧EF →·PC →=0EF →·BC →=0,∵BC →=(0,2,0),PC →=(2,2,-2), ∴⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧4λ+4λ-2-4+4λ=04λ-2=0,∴λ=12,这时F (1,1,1),∵12∈[0,1],∴存在点F 且为棱PC 的中点,EF →=(1,0,1),EF =|EF →|= 2.20.(本小题满分12分)(08·福建)如图,在四棱锥P -ABCD 中,侧面P AD ⊥底面ABCD ,侧棱P A =PD =2,底面ABCD 为直角梯形,其中BC ∥AD ,AB ⊥AD ,AD =2AB =2BC =2,O 为AD 中点.(1)求证:PO ⊥平面ABCD ;(2)求异面直线PB 与CD 所成角的大小; (3)求点A 到平面PCD 的距离. [解析] (1)在△P AD 中P A =PD ,O 为AD 中点,所以PO ⊥AD ,又侧面P AD ⊥底面ABCD ,平面P AD ∩平面ABCD =AD ,PO ⊂平面P AD ,故PO ⊥平面ABCD .(2)以O 为坐标原点,OC →、OD →、OP →的方向分别为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴的正方向,建立空间直角坐标系O -xyz .则A (0,-1,0)、B (1,-1,0)、C (1,0,0)、 D (0,1,0)、P (0,0,1), ∴CD →=(-1,1,0),PB →=(1,-1,-1).cos<PB →,CD →>=PB →·CD →|PB →||CD →|=-63,即异面直线PB 与CD 所成的角是arccos63. (3)设平面PCD 的法向量为n =(x 0,y 0,z 0),由(2)知CP →=(-1,0,1),CD →=(-1,1,0),则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧n ·CP →=0n ·CD →=0,∴⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧-x 0+z 0=0-x 0+y 0=0,即x 0=y 0=z 0,取x 0=1,得平面的一个法向量为n =(1,1,1). 又AC →=(1,1,0),从而点A 到平面PCD 的距离d =|AC →·n ||n |=233.21.(本小题满分12分)如图,棱柱ABCD —A 1B 1C 1D 1的所有棱长都等于2,∠ABC =60°,平面AA 1C 1C ⊥平面ABCD ,∠A 1AC =60°.(1)求异面直线BD 和AA 1所成的角;(2)求二面角D —A 1A —C 的平面角的余弦值;(3)在直线CC 1上否存在点P ,使BP ∥平面DA 1C 1?若存在,求出点P 的位置;若不存在,说明理由.[解析] 连结BD 交AC 于O ,则BD ⊥AC ,连结A 1O ,在△AA 1O 中,AA 1=2,AO =1,∠A 1AO =60°,∴A 1O 2=AA 21+AO 2-2AA 1·AO ·cos60°=3.∴AO 2+A 1O 2=AA 21. ∴A 1O ⊥AO ,∵平面AA 1C 1C ⊥平面ABCD ,∴A 1O ⊥平面ABCD .∴以OB 、OC 、OA 1所在直线为x 轴、y 轴、z 轴建立如图所示空间直角坐标系,则A (0,-1,0),B (3,0,0),C (0,1,0),D (-3,0,0),A 1(0,0,3).(1)∵BD →=(-23,0,0),AA 1→=(0,1,3), ∴AA 1→·BD →=0×(-23)+1×0+3×0=0,∴BD ⊥AA 1,即异面直线BD 和AA 1所成的角为90°. (2)∵OB ⊥平面AA 1C 1C ,∴平面AA 1C 1C 的法向量n 1=(1,0,0).设n 2=(x ,y ,z )是平面AA 1D 的一个法向量,则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧n 2⊥AA 1→,n 2⊥AD →.∴⎩⎨⎧y +3z =0,-3x +y =0.取n 2=(1,3,-1).∴cos 〈n 1,n 2〉=n 1·n 2|n 1||n 2|=55. ∴二面角D —A 1A —C 的平面角的余弦值是55. (3)假设在直线CC 1上存在点P ,使BP ∥平面DA 1C , 设CP →=λCC 1→,P (x ,y ,z ), 则(x ,y -1,z )=λ(0,1,3).∴P (0,1+λ,3λ),BP →=(-3,1+λ,3λ).设n 3=(x 3,y 3,z 3)是平面DA 1C 1的一个法向量,则⎩⎪⎨⎪⎧n 3⊥A 1C 1→,n 3⊥DA 1→.∴⎩⎨⎧2y 3=0,3x 3+3z 3=0,不妨取n 3=(1,0,-1).又∵BP →∥平面DA 1C 1,∴n 3·BP →=0, ∴-3-3λ=0,∴λ=-1,即点P 在C 1C 的延长线上,且使C 1C =CP .22.(本小题满分14分)如图,ABCD -A 1B 1C 1D 1是正四棱柱.(1)求证:BD ⊥平面ACC 1A 1;(2)若二面角C 1-BD -C 的大小为60°,求异面直线BC 1与AC 所成角的大小.[解析] 建立空间直角坐标系D -xyz 如图:(1)设AD =a ,DD 1=b ,则D (0,0,0),A (a,0,0),B (a ,a,0),C (0,a,0),C 1(0,a ,b ), ∵BD →=(-a ,-a,0),AC →=(-a ,a,0),CC 1→=(0,0,b ),∴BD →·AC →=0,BD →·CC 1→=0,∴BD ⊥AC ,BD ⊥CC 1,∵AC ,CC 1⊂平面ACC 1A 1且AC ∩CC 1=C ,∴BD ⊥平面ACC 1A 1.(2)设BD 与AC 相交于O ,则点O 坐标为⎝⎛⎭⎫a 2,a 2,0,OC 1→=⎝⎛⎭⎫-a 2,a 2,b , ∵BD →·OC 1→=0,∴BD ⊥C 1O ,又BD ⊥CO ,∴∠C 1OC 是二面角C 1-BD -C 的平面角,∴∠C 1OC =60°,∵tan ∠C 1OC =CC 1OC =b 22a =3,∴b =62a . ∵AC →=(-a ,a,0),BC 1→=(-a,0,b ),∴cos 〈AC →,BC 1→〉=AC →·BC 1→|AC →||BC 1→|=55, ∴异面直线BC 1与AC 所成角的大小为arccos 55. [点评] 1.可不用空间向量解答.第(1)问易证,二面角的平面角也很容易找出,关键是异面直线BC 1与AC 所成的角,可过B 作AC 的平行线与DC 延长线交于E ,通过解△EBC 1求解.2.棱柱和棱锥是考查空间线面位置关系的主要载体,应重点训练.。

【走向高考】高考英语一轮总复习 阶段性测试题(含最新题,含解析)新人教版选修7

【走向高考】高考英语一轮总复习 阶段性测试题(含最新题,含解析)新人教版选修7








1.Which sport does the man like?A.Table tennis. B.Football. C.Basketball.2.When could the woman meet the man?A.At 9:30. B.At 10:00. C.At 10:30.3.Why are Mr and Mrs White going to New York?A.To have a visit there.B.To celebrate Mr White's birthday.C.To celebrate their wedding anniversary.4.What vehicle does the man suggest the woman take?A.The train. B.The bus. C.The taxi.5.What will the woman do tomorrow?A.Write a composition.B.Have some classes.C.Go to a concert.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。






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9.________ n. 事件 10.________n. 仪式 11.____________ vt. 使吃惊__________ adj. 受惊吓的 __________adj. 令人吃惊的 12.________ vt. 训练 13.________ vt. 射杀 14.________ adj. 被遗弃的 15.________ adj. 疲惫不堪的 16.________ adj. 商业区的,市中心的
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《 走 向 高 考 》 高 考
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总 复 习 外 研 版 英 语
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Ⅰ.词汇 词汇 1.________n. 距离________adj. 遥远的 2.________ n. 沙漠________adj. 荒废的 3.________ n. 专家________ adv. 有经验地,老练地 4.__________ n. 产品__________ n. 生产________ adj . 生产性的 5.________ n. 风景;景色 ________adj. 自然景色 的,景色优美的 6.________ n. 旅程 7.________ n. 土壤 8.________ n. 面试(谈) ________ n. 面谈者,接见者
《 走 向 高 考 》 高 考 总 复 习 外 研 版
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经典在线 ①She will be_frightened_to_death when she sees the way you drive. 看到你那样开车,她会吓得半死的。(朗文P778) ②The lawyers frightened the old lady into signing the pap er. 律师们恐吓那位老太太,使她签了字据。(朗文P788) ③That's a frightening thought. 那是个可怕的想法。(朗文P778)



选修六Module 1~3综合技能测试本卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。



21.The teacher ________ have thought Johnson was worth it or she wouldn't have wasted time on him, I suppose.A.should B.canC.would D.must答案:D该题考查情态动词。



22.—Mum, I bought you a beautiful dress.—Oh,you ________ so much money. Thank you, anyway.A.didn't need to spend B.don't have to spendC.shouldn't spend D.needn't have spent答案:D由上下文情景,此处应指对于别人已做的事情表示客气,不需要,故应用needn't have done结构,指本来没必要,而实际上却做了。

23.Many of the creatures in Rowling's world are not real, and much of ________ happens is strange.A.which B.thatC.what D.it答案:C考查名词性从句。



《走 向 高 考 》 高 考 总 复 习


Module 4-6 4-
答 案 : 1.access; accessible work percent 6.invention; invent advantage concentration 16.fantastic 11.create; creation

8.disadvantage; 10.crash 13.concentrate;
15.definite; indefinite
18.average 19.frequently; frequent; infrequently 20.via

Module 4-6 4-
Ⅱ.短语 短语 1.log ________ 注册 注销 . 注册/注销 2.consist ________ 由……组成 . ……组成 3.________ well 也 . 4. 4. be/become known ________...作为…… 而出名 ; ________... 作为 ……而出名 作为…… 而出名; 被称为…… 被称为…… 5.come ________ ________ 提出 . 6.go ________ 下降 . 7.from that moment ________ 从那时起 .
《走 向 高 考 》 高 考 总 复 习


Module 4-6 4-
高考直击 (2009江西 江西)Frank put the medicine in a top drawer 江西 to make sure it would not be ________ to the kids. A. accessible C. acceptable 答案: 答案 : A B. relative D. sensitive


必修二 Unit 1
走向高考 ·高考Biblioteka 轮总复习 ·人教版 ·英语 ·江西
Many precious cultural relics excavated by the institute are exhibited at Capital Museum including a variety of bronze, jade and porcelain(瓷)articles, as well as pottery and gold and silver containers. Visitors can also learn about the latest progress in archaeological projects, for example, where the Epang Palace of Qin Dynasty is located.
A.agree with B.agree to C.agree on D.agree about
必修二 Unit 1
走向高考 ·高考一轮总复习 ·人教版 ·英语 ·江西
However, he never manages to put them together again.
A.taking apart
B.giving away
C.making up
D.turning off
必修二 Unit 1
走向高考 ·高考一轮总复习 ·人教版 ·英语 ·江西
[考题巧解] 解析:本题考查动词短语辨析。句意:罗德喜欢拆钟 表,然而他从来不能把它们再组装起来。take apart“拆开, 分开”;give away“分发;赠送”;make up“编造;化 妆”;turn off“关闭”。 答案:A

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二1-20单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二1-20单元阶段性测试

高二册1~20单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009·武汉市高三4月调研)1.passenger A. sugar B. organizeC. strangeD. together2.chemistry A. stomach B. achieveC. checkD. machine3.club A. pollution B. struggleC. usefulD. bury4.majority A. baggage B. attractC. CanadianD. magazine5.area A. theatre B. breatheC. breakD. heaven[答案]1—5 CABDAⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6.Written in a hurry, ______.A. Peter made many mistakes in the paperB. there are many mistakes in the paperC. we found some mistakes in the paperD. the paper is full of mistakes7.Teaching is hard work; I love it, ______.A. thoughB. butC. yetD. therefore8.The service shop ______ him 30 yuan for repairing his TV set.A. askedB. chargedC. paidD. owed9.I couldn’t find my watch for ages, but then one day it ______ in a coat pocket.A. came upB. got outC. found outD. turned up10.She is looking forward as much to his return as he himself to ______ her.A. have seenB. seeingC. seeD. be seen11.Keep away from such things ______ will do you harm.A. asB. thatC. likeD. which12.The teacher ordered a lot of exercises ______ three days’ time.A. be finishedB. would be finishedC. to finishD. being finished13.The meeting was put off, ______ was exactly ______ we wanted.A. it; thatB. as; thatC. which; whatD. this; what14.______ the end of last year, they have been working on the project, and it is progressing well.A. ByB. AtC. SinceD. In15.As most of their houses were badly damaged after the earthquake, many people had to be ______ in a stadium.A. put awayB. put upC. put outD. put off16.My teacher of English is really very kind. I’ll never forget the ______ he has done me.A. favourB. deedC. helpD. value17.—Do you mind if I use your bike?—No, ______.A. you are welcomeB. that’s all rightC. you can’t use itD. help yourself, please18.—Can I help you, sir?—Yes, I’d like a room with a ______ for two nights, please.A. viewB. suitC. sceneryD. sight19.No matter how much money you possess, it can not ______ a healthy body.A. compareB. suitC. defeatD. match20.—Mom, the door ______. My keys are locked in it again.—You ______ it! I told you always to carry your keys with you.A. won’t open; have asked forB. won’t be opened; asked forC. won’t open; asked forD. can’t open, are asking for[答案]6.D。

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高三1-4单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高三1-4单元阶段性测试

高三册1~4单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每一小题1分,总分为5分)(2009·河南第一学期期末)1.climbA. combB. doubleC. clubD. breathe2.country A. doubt B. ploughC. cousinD. ought3.stomachA. sandwichB. ChristmasC. churchD. machine4.purse A. surround B. surpriseC. purposeD. hurry5.achieve A. police B. friendC. coffeeD. movie[答案]1—5 ACBCAⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每一小题1分,总分为15分)6.It was in Beihai Park ______ they made a date for the first time ______ the old couple told us their love story.A. where; thatB. that; thatC. where; whenD. that; when7.After the flood, the villagers are trying their best to get things back to ______.A. usualB. ordinaryC. normalD. common8.—Look, the door is open. You must have forgotten to lock it when you left.—Oh, ______.A. so have IB. so did IC. so I didD. so it was9.—Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert?—Yes. But I don’t like ______ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the foodI don’t like.A. thisB. thatC. thoseD. it10.Yesterday I received some Christmas cards from my former students, ______ made me very happy.A. thatB. whoC. whichD. what11.—Shall Harry come and play computer games?—No, ______ he has finished his homework.A. whenB. ifC. unlessD. once12.—Has Dr. Green left the hotel yet?—Yes, he ______ just about ten minutes ago.A. passed awayB. pulled outC. checked outD. checked in13.—Who was the first man on the moon?—I have no idea who ______.A. the first man on the moon wasB. was the first man on the moonC. if the first man on the moon wasD. whether the first man on the moon was14.—Guess what? I drove my new car at a speed of 100 km this afternoon. It was fun.—Were you crazy? You ______ yourself!A. can killB. might killC. would have killedD. could have killed15.—Your son bought a new MP4 last week.—______?That’s his third one in just two months. Am I right?A. Had heB. Has heC. Did heD. Does he16.The winner of the Grand Slams said that he had owed his success to many people,his parents ______.A. after allB. by chanceC. on purposeD. in particular17.According to a new survey, every year about ______ dollars is spent to look after people with illness caused by smoking.A. 30 millions ofB. 30 million ofC. 30 millionsD. 30 million18.I knew I shouldn’t accept anything from such a person, but I found it difficult to turn down his ______.A. planB. offerC. suggestionD. request19.—What do you think of the work Tom has done recently?—I feel ______ that the work shouldn’t have been done so carelessly.A. badlyB. directlyC. stronglyD. hardly20.I advise you to take school more seriously, otherwise you’ll have to go out and work ______.A. as a resultB. now and thenC. in a wordD. at that moment[答案]6.A。

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高一1-22单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高一1-22单元阶段性测试

高一册1~22单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每一小题1分,总分为5分)(2009·湖北省八校第二次联考)1.storm A. comfortable B. editorC. affordD. world2.paragraph A. character B. castC. distanceD. operate3.examine A. exist B. excitedC. exerciseD. expert4.packet A. develop B. immediatelyC. collectD. comedy5.sugar A. sign B. peasantC. islandD. Asia[答案]1—5 CBADDⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每一小题1分,总分为15分)6.—What ______ to them?—They appeared ______ in the accident.A. happened; to have been injuredB. had happened; to be injuredC. happened; injuredD. have happened; to be injured7.Questions and exercises are given by the computer, which decides ______ to move the student ahead, review an easier level ______ give more work on the same level.A. both; andB. whether; orC. not only; butD. either; or8.From the date ______ on the gold coin, we decided that it was made five hundred years ago.A. markingB. markedC. to be markedD. having been marked9.Flight BA123 to Vienna is now boarding at ______.A. Gate 21B. 21st GateC. the Gate 21D. 21 Gate10.—How did you find him out?—I ______ his name by chance on the list.A. came downB. came aboutC. came upD. came across11.—Do you know when the Chinese custom ______ from?—It’s hard to say. But its characteristics ______ t he Tang Period.A. began; proveB. started; showC. is; appearD. dates; suggest12.All the preparations for the project ______,and we’re ready to start.A. completedB. had been completedC. completeD. have been completed13.The expert said she ______ Xinjiang to join the development of the West Regions the next month.A. had left forB. left forC. was leaving forD. would leave for14.Everybody in our hometown, men and women, young and old, ______ sports and games.A. are fond ofB. joinsC. enjoysD. go in for15.If you ______ talk about it with me, please wait till I finish my work at hand.A. canB. mayC. mustD. should16.Some of the drivers were also ______ by the police because of their good behavior in the traffic accident.A. examinedB. questionedC. praisedD. punished17.—Gina, ______ Mr. Brown wanted you on ______ phone just now.—Mr. Brown? Who is he?A. a; theB. /; theC. a; aD. /; a18.______ than a century ago ______ of the things we’re doing now were thought impossible.A. More; muchB. Fewer; fewC. Longer; moreD. Less; many19.Yesterday evening I came across the man ______ you think is pleased to ______.A. whom; get along withB. who; work withC. whom; be talked withD. who; talk20.—How about some more coffee?—It’s very kind of you. ______.A. That’s all rightB. It tastes nice and sweetC. Just a little, pleaseD. I enjoyed it very much[答案]6.A。

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高一Unit6课时训练

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高一Unit6课时训练

高一册 Unit 6Ⅰ.单词拼写1.There are many ______(风俗) in America different from those in China.2.He ______(举止) so badly that we all don’t like him.3.My friend didn’t mean to hurt me. So I ______(原谅) him later.4.Mr. Li often does some ______(额外的) part-time jobs in order to earn enough money.5.During my ______(童年时代), few families had TV sets or computers.6.Little Frantz didn’t know what to say to ______(道歉) for his being late again for school.7.You should give a brief ______(介绍) to all the people present.8.When you are interviewed, the first ______(印象) is very important.9.It is good ______(礼貌) to wait in line when buying tickets.10.It is impolite do ______(打断) somebody when they are talking or doing something.[答案]1.customs 2.behaves 3.forgave 4.extra5.childhood 6.apologize 7.introduction8.impression 9.manners 10.interruptⅠ.完成句子(湖北专用)1.The house, ____________(他住的), needs repairing.(live)2.He made a long speech, ____________(未料到).(expect)3.Antarctic, ____________(对此我知之甚少), is covered with thick ice all the year around.(know)4.If you ____________(碰见一个错误) in reviewing the report, please bring it to my attention.(come)5.I will ____________(记录他的谈话).(record)6.He desired that ____________(他死后这些信件被烧毁).(burn)7.The fire ____________(从工厂蔓延到了) the warehouse nearby when the firefighters arrived.(spread)8.If only ____________(我那时同你在一起)!(stay)9.The pop singer succeeded in making his fans happy ____________(用各种方法).(variety)10.I didn’t like the story, for it ____________(没有使我满意).(satisfy) [答案]1.where he lives(which he lives in)2.which was not expected3.about which I know very little4.come across a mistake5.keep a record of his telephone conversations6.these letters(should) be burnt after his death7.spread from the factory to8.I had stayed with you then9.in a variety of(varieties of) way10.didn’t satisfy meⅡ.单项填空1.When you are abroad, remember to adapt to other country’s ______.A. customsB. habitsC. practiceD. instructions2.Though ten years went by, we thought his mistakes shouldn’t ______.A. apologizeB. be apologizedC. forgiveD. be forgiven3.The little boy hopes that no ______ will be played on him and wants to be respected.A. funB. tricksC. roleD. part4.The host of the party spoke in such a rude ______ as to make all the attendants feel bad and angry.A. meansB. languageC. mannersD. manner5.______ quite common for people to believe that more and more teenagers have become addicted to on-line games.A. As isB. It isC. That isD. What is6.I had thought I was going to fail the driving test, but I eventually succeeded ______.A. after allB. first of allC. in allD. above all7.Tom,______ yourself. Did you forget the school rules?A. behaveB. believeC. performD. conduct8.I had thought there would be many students in the hall, but when I went in, I found ______.A. noneB. no oneC. nobodyD. nothing9.His parents wished him to be a doctor, but in the end he ______ lawyer.A. becameB. gotC. changedD. turned10.—I’m sorry, but I didn’t mean ______ out your secret.—But you know, letting out one’s secret means ______ one’s feelings.A. to let; to hurtB. letting; hurtingC. to let; hurtingD. letting; to hurt11.Don’t play any longer. It’s h igh time you ______ down to your study.A. gotB. getC. shall getD. to get12.I don’t like the pattern of the trousers. ______,the color doesn’t suit me.A. HoweverB. InsteadC. BesidesD. Another13.Before Tom left home, his mother kept telling him to ______ his manners atthe party.A. careB. mindC. observeD. notice14.The young man acted strangely during the interview. He made a bad ______ on the employer.A. impressionB. expressionC. experienceD. opinion15.(2010·某某调研)______ seems to be a strong competition in China for senior high students to enter college or university.A. ItB. ThereC. WhatD. That[答案]1.A。

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二Unit16课时训练

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二Unit16课时训练

高二册 Unit 16Ⅰ.单词拼写1.She ______(坚决要求) on us going there by bus.2.The ______(贪婪的) boy ate all the food, and now he felt terrible.3.He was thrown into ______(失业) when the factory closed.4.After the earthquake, the ______(重建) of the city took them a whole year.5.She had her supper and went to bed soon ______(随后).6.We left at the break of ______(黎明) at about 5 a.m.7.We haven’t paid the bill and they cut off the water ______(供给).8.We should try to ______(抑制) the difficulties however hard they are.9.We tried many times and ______(最终) we achieved our goal.10.Her parents made a great many ______(牺牲) so that she could have a good education.[答案]1.insisted 2.greedy 3.unemployment4.reconstruction 5.afterwards 6.dawn7.supply 8.overcome 9.eventually 10.sacrificesⅠ.完成句子(湖北专用)1.They sat together around the table, with ____________(门关着).(shut)2.I haven’t the slightest idea ____________(他正在说什么).(talk)3.The fact ____________(他失败了数次) makes him very upset. (he, fail)4.Last night, John was answering the letters that ____________(寄给他的) during the past two weeks.(arrive)5.He believes that children ____________(应允许……学习) at their own pace.(allow)6.She has an excellent ____________(对名字的记忆力), which helps her quite a lot in her work.(memory)7.____________(他是否出过国) d oesn’t make much difference.(he, abroad)8.The factory’s output of cars this year is ____________(大约是去年的三倍).(as, great)9.Not only ____________(要帮助) the disabled to find jobs, but also medical treatment will be provided for those who need it.(give)10.It is possible that the King of Stonehenge was linked to the stones; he ____________(可能参与) in planning the monument, or in helping transport and pull up the stones. (hand)[答案]1.the door shut2.(of) what he’s talking about3.that he has failed (for) several times4.had arrived for him5.should (ought to/must) be allowed to learn (study)6.memory for names7.Whether he has been abroad or not8.about three times as great as that of last year9.will help be given to10.may (might/could) had a handⅡ.单项填空1.Our c lass adviser doesn’t doubt, in any case, that we can ______ the difficulties in our study. He always gives us a confident smile.A. winB. defeatC. fightD. overcome2.She doesn’t mind being ______ as long as there are enough books to read.A. left aloneB. left aboutC. left behindD. left over3.Our school library can ______ all kinds of good books ______ the students.A. supply; forB. provide; forC. offer; forD. give; to4.In a few days Mr. Barnstaple had ______ strength of body and mind.A. recoveredB. returnedC. curedD. rejuvenated5.Since you have so many problems ______,I’m sure you will have a hard time in the years to come.A. deal withB. dealing withC. to deal withD. to be dealt with6.—How do you deal with the disagreement between the company and the customers?—The key ______ the problem is to meet the demand ______ by the customers.A. to solving; makingB. to solving; madeC. to solve; makingD. to solve; made7.Tom grew up in a small village ______ he spent the happiest part of his childhood.A. whereB. whichC. becauseD. on which8.That evening, when the heavy rain stopped, I saw ants coming out ______.A. of a large numberB. in the large numberC. of large numbersD. in large numbers9.She is overweight, bu t she can’t ______ the temptation to eat more delicious food.A. forbidB. attachC. allowD. resist10.Old Charlie wouldn’t take the job as a salesman ______ the fact that he had a large family to support.A. thoughB. evenC. in spiteD. despite11.—Could you leave me alone for a while?—______. I didn’t mean to disturb you.A. Take a it easyB. I’m sorryC. Not a bitD. It depends12.Zhao Jishun, a student, improved his painting skill through a series of exercises. ______, he won the first prize in a painting competition.A. OtherwiseB. After allC. AnywayD. As a result13.Tom succeeded in ______ all the difficulties in his studies and became a college student.A. overcomingB. affectingC. hittingD. knocking14.—Does Mr. Smith insist on taking the adventure?—Yes. We tried ______ to make him change his mind.A. in no wayB. in vainC. at handD. at a loss15.(2010·安徽师大附中摸底)Most of the audience wondered what idea a man who’s deaf from birth can have ______ music.A. withB. inC. ofD. at[答案]1.D。

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二Unit7课时训练

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二Unit7课时训练

高2册 Unit 7Ⅰ.单词拼写1.I don’t think that your dress is ______(适宜的,恰当的) for the party.2.If your eyes are ______(感染), you must go to see the doctor.3.Climbing a mountain on rainy days with a bag on your back is a ______(富有意义的) experience.4.They visited a great many ______(专家) to attend the conference.5.He had a rapid ______(恢复) from his illness.6.After SARS we all realize that ______(预防) is more important than cure.7.The ticket is ______(有效的) for three days.8.He didn’t lose heart, on the ______(相反), he continued working hard.9.Don’t let one failure ______(使泄气) you; try again.10.Doctors are trying out a new ______(治疗方法) for depression.[答案]1.proper 2.infected 3.meaningful 4.specialists5.recovery 6.prevention 7.available 8.contrary9.discourage 10.treatmentⅠ.完成句子(湖北专用)1.He ____________(开始油漆他的房子) along with his wife early this morning.(set out)2.____________(人们认为) carelessness is the main cause of the fire.(believe) 3.To our delight, the evening party ____________(结果办得很成功).(turn) 4.The couple managed a small supermarket ______________(一起) in the city.(common)5.Can you __________(讲清楚) the question?(throw)6.As a consequence, women married at a later age, had fewer children, and were more ____________(愿意摆脱婚姻羁绊).(dissolve)7.I will contact you ____________(通过书信).(letter)8.It never occurred to me to ____________(占……廉价) him.(advantage)9.She didn’t speak a word to me ____________(一路上) back home.(way)10.Temperatures here ____________ 10 degree centigrade ____________(在……范围内变动) 30 degree centigrade.(range)[答案]1.set out to paint his house2.It is believed that3.turned out to be a success4.in common5.throw light on6.willing to dissolve the marriage bonds7.by letter8.take advantage of9.all the way10.range from; toⅡ.单项填空1.Luckily, the bullet narrowly missed the captain ______ an inch.A. byB. atC. toD. from2.I wish I ______ to talk about this with Mr. Stephen when he was here last night.A. had been ableB. should be ableC. have been ableD. were able3.Because we were sailing ______ the wind, we had great difficulty in getting to the opposite bank.A. withB. againstC. byD. at4.It’s very ______ that every time I try to ride a bicycle, I fell off.A. discouragedB. discouragingC. discouragementD. being discouraged5.It was late. He wondered whether it would be ______ to knock at the door of her room.A. properB. betterC. interestingD. disappointed6.He is very tired working all day. Don’t ______ him waiting outside in the rain any longer.A. continueB. leaveC. makeD. remain7.He had to take the medicine three times a day, so as to be ______ pain in the leg.A. far fromB. away fromC. apart fromD. free from8.A good English learner will always ______ every chance to improve his or her English level.A. makeB. haveC. takeD. get9.Police are appealing for information from anyone who ______ the attack.A. impressedB. interviewedC. introducedD. witnessed10.I am not getting on well with my studies. ______ I hadn’t wasted so much time playing online games!A. What ifB. Even ifC. If onlyD. As if11.We had to walk to our office on the eighth floor that morning, because the elevator had ______.A. broken upB. broken downC. broken awayD. broken out12.—I’d like to book a room for two for tonight.—Sorry, b ut we don’t have any rooms ______ at the moment.A. availableB. sustainableC. comfortableD. reliable13.She did badly in the job interview and is now in low spirits. Shall we do something to ______?A. cheer her upB. join her upC. add her upD. pick her up14.—Are you content with ______ job?—Not at all. I will not give it up for ______ moment though.A. the; aB. a; theC. the; theD. a; a15.(2010·安徽师大附中摸底)You see the lightning ______ it happens, but you hear the thunder later.A. for an instantB. on the instantC. in a instantD. the instant[答案]1.A。



阶段性测试十四(无听力版)高三册5~8单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009·宜昌市高三第二次调研)1.excitement A. exactly B. exampleC. exceptD. exercise2.postcode A. improve B. hostC. movementD. protection3.smooth A. feather B. toothC. thiefD. warmth4.official A. concert B. centuryC. coastD. ocean5.trouble A. route B. coupleC. groundD. group[答案]1—5 CBADBⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6.______ with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain does not seem high at all.A. When comparedB. While comparingC. CompareD. Comparing7.The girl didn’t know who ______ for the broken vase.A. will be blamedB. blamedC. was to blameD. blames8.These natural parks are very important for preserving many animals, which would ______ run the risk of becoming extinct(灭绝的).A. otherwiseB. other thanC. thereforeD. in another way9.Bad habits, ______ formed, are difficult to give up.A. andB. onceC. forD. but10.—Did Mike go with you in the end?—No, but I ______ him to.A. agreedB. hopedC. suggestedD. advised11.Because they usually receive the same score in the exams, there’s often disagreement as to ______ is the better student, John or Mary.A. whoB. whichC. whoseD. what12.Since they pay only for the materials and not for the labor, do-it-yourself homeowners are happy to see how much money they ______ save!A. would ratherB. canC. have toD. shall13.Tommy was about to ______ the problem when suddenly an idea to solve it went through his mind.A. arrive atB. work outC. work onD. give up14.Not far from the club there was a garden, ______ owner was seated in an armchair there playing chess with some friends.A. whoseB. hisC. itsD. which15.Is this the reason ______ she explained in the report for her success in the job?A. whatB. thatC. howD. why16.—See you later, Mr. Black. Pleased ______.—Me too. See you later.A. to meet youB. to have met youC. meeting youD. having met you17.—Would you like to attend the concert in honor of the great composer Mozart tonight?—______. I feel like doing something different.A. I certainly don’t wantB. Thank you anywayC. Not reallyD. I don’t think so18.—Would you agree with what I said just now?—______.A. Who cares?B. Never.C. You took the words right out of my mouth.D. I don’t know whether it’ll work or not.19.Nanjing is ______ most beautiful city, where you can see ______ famous Changjiang River.A. a; theB. a; 不填C. the; aD. 不填;the20.He reached into his pocket and found his wallet ______.A. missedB. goneC. losingD. disappearing[答案]6.A。

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二13-16单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二13-16单元阶段性测试

高二册13~16单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009·湖北省八校第一次联考)1.stone A. improve B. loseC. stoveD. movement2.encourage A. mankind B. anxiousC. tongueD. sing3.please A. pleasure B. sweaterC. reallyD. breathe4.silver A. tiny B. prettyC. silentD. elect5course A. cheese B. blouseC. housesD. purse[答案]1—5 CADBDⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6.“Never ______ to hurt your f eeling while I was expressing myself in the discussion.” explained Jim.A. I expectedB. expected IC. had I expectedD. did I expect7.There are few electronic applications ______ to raise fears regarding future employment opportunities(机会) than robots.A. likelyB. more likelyC. most likelyD. much likely8.—Would you like to take a walk with us?—Sorry, I am too busy to ______.A. put awayB. run awayC. get awayD. break away9.It was the four years from 2005—2008, ______ I spent studying for a master’s degree, ______ I will never forget.A. when; thatB. when; whenC. that; thatD. which; that10.The mother ______ when she heard the news, but quickly recovered.A. broke outB. broke inC. broke upD. broke down11.In my opinion, rain is ______ but not ______ before we get home.A. possible; probableB. probable; possibleC. possible; likelyD. likely; possible12.It’s a common belief that theory should by no means be ______ from practice.A. dividedB. separatedC. separateD. dividing13.How strange! Have you noticed something ______ today?A. usualB. commonC. normalD. unusual14.The twin tower fell down; it ______ a huge piece of chocolate had been melted down.A. was as ifB. looked likeC. was likelyD. looked as15.Not a single word ______ at the meeting yesterday.A. he saidB. said heC. did he sayD. he didn’t say16.Pakistan does not ______ the possibility of a war starting with India, but promises to do everything it can to reduce tensions.A. give outB. send outC. turn outD. rule out17.—It’s five years since I wasn’t a singer?—Not really! ______?A. Are you a singerB. How’s thatC. What do you meanD. Is it a strange idea18.The women’s club ______ Lin, a foreign company employee who used to pay little attention to her appearance, to improve her dress style and become more confident and open-minded.A. enabledB. had enabledC. has enabledD. enables19.______ China’s reform(改革) and opening up in late 1978, its quick development has aroused worldwide attention.A. WhenB. AsC. WhileD. Since20.After staying in hospital for long, the patient was advised to go to the seaside to ______ his health.A. take upB. pick upC. carry upD. make up[答案]6.D。

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二5-8单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高二5-8单元阶段性测试

高二册5~8单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009·湖北省五市联考)1.dangerous A. together B. regularlyC. gentleD. length2.technique A. ache B. chimneyC. cheekD. children3.brush A. universe B. busyC. dustyD. pollution4.magazine A. Canadian B. voyageC. flatD. majority5.theatre A. steam B. heavenC. breakD. realize[答案]1—5 CACDDⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6.—Would you please give me a hand and take the book-case upstairs?—______.A. With pleasureB. That’s all rightC. My pleasureD. Don’t hurry7.(2010·北黄卷)Shenzhou Ⅶ ______ at about 9:10 p.m. Thursday, carrying three astronauts, one of whom became the first Chinese ______ in space.A. lifted off; walkingB. lifted off; to walkC. lifted up; to walkD. lifted up; walking8.The little boy still needs the ______ 20 dollars to do with some things ______.A. remaining; remained to be settledB. remaining; remaining to be settledC. remained; remained to settleD. remained; remaining to settle9.The early pioneers had to ______ many difficulties to settle on the new land.A. go back onB. go throughC. go intoD. go along with10.—I’ve failed to ______ him to change his mind.—I know you’ve tried your best.A. allowB. suggestC. persuadeD. advise11.The ______ is that the new machine will arrive tomorrow.A. chanceB. luckC. accidentD. possibility12.The position, however, ______ you are applying, is not a well-paid one.A. thatB. whichC. for whichD. to which13.We visited the school that lies in ______ was a big factory more than twenty years ago.A. whatB. whichC. thatD. where14.______ some of this juice. Perhaps you’ll like it.A. TryingB. TryC. To tryD. Have tried15.______ repeated assurances that the product is safe, many people have stopped buying it.A. In spite ofB. On account ofC. Because ofD. As a consequence of16.—Do you think the boy ______ be in the school library?—I’m not sure.A. mustB. shouldC. needD. can17.Please do it now, ______ it will be too late.A. unlessB. otherwiseC. thereforeD. and18.—What about the books?—Books of this kind ______ well.A. sellB. sellsC. are soldD. is sold19.______ so much electrical equipment, wood and paper in one place, there is a danger of fire.A. ForB. InC. WithD. By20.Go and ask her ______ come.A. what time would she like toB. at what time she’d like toC. when would she like toD. when she likes to[答案]6.A。

《走向高考》高考英语一轮复习 高一13-16单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》高考英语一轮复习 高一13-16单元阶段性测试

高一册13~16单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009·晋中市第二学期期中)1.steak A. league B. teamworkC. eagerD. break2.advised A. competed B. watchedC. repairedD. punished3.fortune A. comfort B. doctorC. forbidD. report4.among A. fond B. alongC. lovelyD. modern5.decision A. sugar B. seasonC. pleasureD. expression[答案]1—5 DCDCCⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6.—Have you finished the plan?—Yes, and it ______ by the experts for three times.A. was being studiedB. has studiedC. has been studiedD. studied7.—Hilary, I think I’ll just have some coffee for a change.—______. The coffee I bought yesterday is in the cupboard.A. Coffee would be betterB. Change it, pleaseC. So do ID. Help yourself8.—Jack fell off a ladder yesterday, but he’s all right.—He’s lucky. He ______ himself badly.A. could woundB. could have hurtC. could hurtD. could have wounded9.______ or you will fail; ______ would be the situation you face.A. Try hard; soB. Don’t lose heart; whichC. Go all out; suchD. Keep up your courage; as10.—Hello, Mr. Ball. Do come in.—All right. Just for a minute. I came to ______ you a message.A. takeB. leaveC. giveD. write11.There aren’t enough cha irs for the meeting. We need ______ again.A. half manyB. half as manyC. many halfD. as half many12.—I’ll give you £500 for the car.—______.A. DoneB. No questionC. Sounds a good ideaD. Wonderful13.We have reached the point ______ a change is needed.A. whichB. whenC. thatD. where14.______ when these paintings were done, they are in excellent condition.A. ConsideringB. ConsideredC. Having consideredD. Being considered15.______ some of the wine—perhaps you will enjoy it.A. TryingB. TryC. To tryD. Have tried16.—Oh, where is my wallet? Maybe I left it in the car.—You ______ things behind!A. are always leavingB. were leavingC. have leftD. always leave17.My daughter often makes a schedule to get herself ______ of what she is to do in the day.A. remindB. to remindC. remindedD. reminding18.Even though we have made much progress in preventing pollution, yet much ______.A. is remained to doB. remains to doC. remains to be doneD. is remained to be done19.—Do you consider it any good ______ the test again?—I think so.A. to be madeB. to makeC. madeD. making20.—My stomach ______ a lot. I guess that’s because I didn’t eat my breakfast.—It won’t ______ you if yo u miss breakfast for once.A. hurts; hurtB. harms; hurtC. injures; harmD. wounds; injure[答案]6.C。

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高三13-16单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》2011高考英语一轮复习 高三13-16单元阶段性测试

阶段性测试十六(无听力版)高三册13~16单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每一小题1分,总分为5分)(2009·河南2月高三质检)1.southern A. bathroom B. clothC. healthD. farther2.deal A. breathe B. meantC. dealtD. great3.practiced A. recognizedB. watchedC. whisperedD. worried4.onion A. compare B. movementC. governmentD. motto5.political A. title B. machineC. trickD. child[答案]1—5 DABCCⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每一小题1分,总分为15分)6.You ______ pay too much attention to your reading skill, as it is so important.A. cannotB. shouldC. mustD. needn’t7.—I put him down for a well-educated man.—______?—I mean that he’s a well-educated man.A. Speak louder, will youB. I beg your pardonC. What’s thatD. Will you repeat word for word8.I tried hard to get some information about the new technology out of his mouth, but he remained ______.A. quietB. secretC. silentD. calm9.______ along the quiet street at forty miles an hour, and an old man suddenly started to cross the road in front of me.A. To driveB. DrivenC. Having drivenD. I was driving10.What did the monitor suggest ______ that morning? So far as I remember that weather was so lovely.A. them to doB. they doingC. they doD. them do11.—What are you planning to do in the future?—No idea. ______, I still have three terms to go before I graduate.A. Above allB. After allC. In additionD. However12.—What do you think of my suggestion?—Er...I’m sorry. I ______ about something else.A. hadn’t thoughtB. thoughtC. was thinkingD. have been thinking13.—Is the house you advertised still on sale?—No, it ______ to a Mr. Wilson two days ago.A. wentB. had belongedC. was goingD. would have belonged14.—How could you say that?—______. I didn’t mean to hurt you.A. Excuse meB. I won’t regretC. That’s all rightD. I’m awfully sorry15.They blamed the failure on George. Actually, he ______.A. is not to blameB. is to blameC. is not to be blamedD. should not blame16.It was ______ Li Ming had always been working hard that he was admitted to Beijing University last July. ______ the saying goes, “No pains, no gains〞.A. as; ThoughB. because; AsC. for; IfD. since; Where17.Mrs. Forester has approved ______ the conference.A. of my attendingB. for my attendingC. of me to attendD. me to attend18.—Why didn’t you turn up at the meeting?—I ______ for a long-distance call from my cousin in England.A. waitedB. had waitedC. was waitingD. have been waiting19.Scientists believe native Americans arrived by crossing the land bridge that connected Siberia and ______ 10,000 years ago.A. this is AlaskaB. Alaska is nowC. is now AlaskaD. what is now Alaska20.—Tom has made rapid progress in his composition.—I can’t agree ______. Not a single mistake ______ this time.A. less; he madeB. more; did he makeC. better; was madeD. more; made he[答案]6.A。

《走向高考》高考英语一轮复习 高一1-4单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》高考英语一轮复习 高一1-4单元阶段性测试

高一册1~4单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009·北京市西城区4月抽样)1.month A. compare B. movementC. governmentD. wrong2.wealth A. breathe B. measureC. steakD. real3.worked A. answered B. watchedC. visitedD. recognized4.especial A. century B. coastC. officialD. escape5.quiet A. society B. fieldC. efficientD. friend[答案]1—5 CBBCAⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6.The librarian promised to get the book for me ______ she could remember who last borrowed it.A. in caseB. if onlyC. even ifD. ever since7.No matter how frequently ______, the works of Shakespear always attract a large audience.A. being performedB. to be performedC. performingD. performed8.I bought a new type of cellphone, which was the ______ of all my classmates.A. wishB. respectC. envyD. admire9.—How many people are still leading ______ life under ______ poverty line in the world?—Perhaps one fourth.A. a; theB. a; aC. /; /D. the; /10.Mrs. White bought a ______ wallet for her husband.A. black leather smallB. small leather blackC. black small leatherD. small black leather11.______ of danger in the street at night, she had to go home, with a friend ______ her.A. Warning; followingB. Having warned; followingC. Having been warned; followingD. Warned; followed12.—So how is your new roommate?—She really ______. She’s always making loud noises at midnight and when I remind her, she always makes rude remarks.A. turns me offB. turns me downC. turns me outD. turns me over13.—Can I help you?—I’d like to buy a present for my mother’s birthday, ______ at a proper price but of great use.A. thatB. the oneC. whichD. one14.Have you got ______ books for the train journey? It will take you 20 hours to ______ in Harbin.A. large quantities of; getB. a great deal of; stayC. a good many of; liveD. a good supply of; arrive15.After the new technique was introduced the factory produced ______ cars in 1994 as the year before.A. as twice manyB. as many twiceC. twice as manyD. twice as16.In his speech, he drew attention to the poor desert nation, ______ about 3.6 million people are hungry.A. whichB. thereC. whereD. for which17.On their arrival, they found the people suffering the quake were ______ food and water supplies.A. in praise ofB. in honor ofC. in face ofD. in want of18.—How about paying a visit to Mr. Richardson, our former history teacher?—Good idea. I will e-mail him today, so he ______ know ______ to expect us.A. may; whenB. would; whyC. will; howD. shall; why19.His friends offered to ______ the next time he was in town so that he wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel.A. place inB. put him upC. back him upD. turn him out20.Unluckily, when I dropped in, Dr. Smith ______, so we only had time for a few words.A. was just leavingB. has just leftC. had just leftD. just left[答案]6.B。

《走向高考》高考英语一轮复习 高三1-4单元阶段性测试

《走向高考》高考英语一轮复习 高三1-4单元阶段性测试

高三册1~4单元阶段测试Ⅰ.语音知识(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)(2009·河南第一学期期末)1.climb A. comb B. doubleC. clubD. breathe2.country A. doubt B. ploughC. cousinD. ought3.stomach A. sandwich B. ChristmasC. churchD. machine4.purse A. surround B. surpriseC. purposeD. hurry5.achieve A. police B. friendC. coffeeD. movie[答案]1—5 ACBCAⅡ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)6.It was in Beihai Park ______ they made a date for the first time ______ the old couple told us their love story.A. where; thatB. that; thatC. where; whenD. that; when7.After the flood, the villagers are trying their best to get things back to ______.A. usualB. ordinaryC. normalD. common8.—Look, the door is open. You must have forgotten to lock it when you left.—Oh, ______.A. so have IB. so did IC. so I didD. so it was9.—Have you got used to the Chinese food, Robert?—Yes. But I don’t like ______ when a Chinese host keeps serving me the food I don’t like.A. thisB. thatC. thoseD. it10.Yesterday I received some Christmas cards from my former students, ______ made me very happy.A. thatB. whoC. whichD. what11.—Shall Harry come and play computer games?—No, ______ he has finished his homework.A. whenB. ifC. unlessD. once12.—Has Dr. Green left the hotel yet?—Yes, he ______ just about ten minutes ago.A. passed awayB. pulled outC. checked outD. checked in13.—Who was the first man on the moon?—I have no idea who ______.A. the first man on the moon wasB. was the first man on the moonC. if the first man on the moon wasD. whether the first man on the moon was14.—Guess what? I drove my new car at a speed of 100 km this afternoon. It was fun.—Were you crazy? You ______ yourself!A. can killB. might killC. would have killedD. could have killed15.—Your son bought a new MP4 last week.—______?That’s his third one in just two months. Am I right?A. Had heB. Has heC. Did heD. Does he16.The winner of the Grand Slams said that he had owed his success to many people, his parents ______.A. after allB. by chanceC. on purposeD. in particular17.According to a new survey, every year about ______ dollars is spent to look after people with illness caused by smoking.A. 30 millions ofB. 30 million ofC. 30 millionsD. 30 million18.I knew I shouldn’t accept anything from such a person, but I found it difficult to turn down his ______.A. planB. offerC. suggestionD. request19.—What do you think of the work Tom has done recently?—I feel ______ that the work shouldn’t have been done so carelessly.A. badlyB. directlyC. stronglyD. hardly20.I advis e you to take school more seriously, otherwise you’ll have to go out and work ______.A. as a resultB. now and thenC. in a wordD. at that moment[答案]6.A。

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高一册1~22单元阶段测试Ⅰ.听力理解(共两节,满分30分)(略)Ⅱ.单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21.—What ______ to them?—They appeared ______ in the accident.A. happened; to have been injuredB. had happened; to be injuredC. happened; injuredD. have happened; to be injured22.Questions and exercises are given by the computer, which decides ______ to move the student ahead, review an easier level ______ give more work on the same level.A. both; andB. whether; orC. not only; butD. either; or23.From the date ______ on the gold coin, we decided that it was made five hundred years ago.A. markingB. markedC. to be markedD. having been marked24.Flight BA123 to Vienna is now boarding at ______.A. Gate 21B. 21st GateC. the Gate 21D. 21 Gate25.—How did you find him out?—I ______ his name by chance on the list.A. came downB. came aboutC. came upD. came across26.—Do you know when the Chinese custom ______ from?—It’s hard to say. But its characteristics ______ the Tang Period.A. began; proveB. started; showC. is; appearD. dates; suggest27.All the preparations for the project ______,and we’re ready to start.A. completedB. had been completedC. completeD. have been completed28.The expert said she ______ Xinjiang to join the development of the West Regions the next month.A. had left forB. left forC. was leaving forD. would leave for29.Everybody in our hometown, men and women, young and old, ______ sports and games.A. are fond ofB. joinsC. enjoysD. go in for30.If you ______ talk about it with me, please wait till I finish my work at hand.A. canB. mayC. mustD. should31.Some of the drivers were also ______ by the police because of their good behavior in the traffic accident.A. examinedB. questionedC. praisedD. punished32.—Gina, ______ Mr. Brown wanted you on ______ phone just now.—Mr. Brown? Who is he?A. a; theB. /; theC. a; aD. /; a33.______ than a century ago ______ of the things we’re doing now were thought impossible.A. More; muchB. Fewer; fewC. Longer; moreD. Less; many34.Yesterday evening I came across the man ______ you think is pleased to ______.A. whom; get along withB. who; work withC. whom; be talked withD. who; talk35.—How about some more coffee?—It’s very kind of you. ______.A. That’s all rightB. It tastes nice and sweetC. Just a little, pleaseD. I enjoyed it very much[答案]21.A。

what (has) happened to them? “他们怎么啦?”appear to do/have done.“似乎做/做了……”,此处为被动,“被伤到”。


分析题干,“move...review...give”表示选择,并非表示并列,whether to do A or do B表示“是……还是……”。




英语中的习惯用语“21号门”应该为“Gate 21”,因为21号门已经确定了,故不应加冠词。


come across“碰巧遇到”。


date from“可追溯到”,在句中做谓语时,用一般时态。





表示动态的动词,如begin, start, leave, go, come等用于进行时表将来时。









从后面的good behavior可知是“受表扬”,而不是“检查、问讯或惩罚”。



泛指某个人或物时,用some, a certain, a Mr. Sb.等。

表达“某人有电话”时,用“sb. is wanted on the phone”,这里的the表特指。


many of the+名词复数意为“……中的许多”;much of the+不可数名词。


you think是插入语,干扰思维,后面应是定语从句,sb. is pleased to work with“与某人一起工作很愉快”。


由It’s very kind of you.可知说话者接受了对方服务,故选C。

Ⅲ.完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)(2009·福建质检)I was working on my usual Sunday afternoon shift at the bakery. The flow of __36__ rushed to finish weekend shopping in order to return home __37__ to prepare supper or watch the football game. I __38__ on my job of stamping hundreds of bags for the coming holiday weekend __39__ I heard a weak voice, “Excuse me, Miss.” I __40__ up to see an elderly man standing before me. He __41__ asked if he could have a tart(果馅饼). I went to fetch the tart and placed it in a box.“Three dollars, please,” I told him. The man looked __42__ and began shaking his head. This is one of the most awkward __43__,because you want to give the dessert away, but cannot. He apologized, saying he would not __44__ more than expected on a tart.__45__ I felt upset, I waited on the customer behind him, a woman who asked for various breads and desserts __46__ a dinner party she was hosting. After finishing her __47__,she asked if I would __48__ adding a tart to her bill and placing it in a __49__ box. My curiosity grew as I handed it to her. She paid, __50__ me and walked away.I __51__ to stamping bags, but I couldn’t concentrate. I could not stop thinking about the little old man who could not, or __52__ not, spend three dollars on a dessert.Just then, I saw the woman giving the man __53__ much-desired tart. His face __54__,brilliant and appreciative. __55__ her kindness, he reached into his pocket and gave her the only thing he had: a piece of candy.36.A. workers B. womenC. housewivesD. customers37.A. whether B. eitherC. asD. while38.A. insisted B. dependedC. focusedD. put39.A. then B. thatC. whichD. when40.A. came B. gotC. lookedD. covered41.A. politely B. loudlyC. proudlyD. rudely42.A. angry B. disappointedC. happyD. poor43.A. moments B. personsC. mannersD. ways44.A. pay B. useC. spendD. waste45.A. Because B. SinceC. BeforeD. Although46.A. for B. inC. fromD. to47.A. question B. orderC. shoppingD. need48.A. mind B. likeC. tryD. consider49.A. similar B. usualC. dividedD. separate50.A. greeted B. excusedC. thankedD. left51.A. ran B. turnedC. returnedD. walked52.A. dared B. wouldC. shouldD. must53.A. her B. hisC. myD. their54.A. showed up B. turned upC. lit upD. lifted up55.A. In honor of B. In addition toC. In place ofD. In return for[答案]本文讲述了作者在面包店工作时看到的感人的一幕:一位老人想要一个果馅饼,却无力购买,后面的一位女士买了这种馅饼送给他,而作为回报,老人将他身上仅有的一块糖果送给了这位女士。
