Visually realistic mapping of a planar environment with stereo
思维导图的作用英语作文The Role of Mind Mapping in Learning and Problem-Solving.Mind mapping is a graphical representation of ideas, concepts, and their relationships. It is a powerful tool that has revolutionized the way people organize their thoughts, learn new information, and solve problems. The concept of mind mapping was first introduced by Tony Buzan in the 1970s, and it has since then gained immense popularity across various fields, including education, business, and personal development.Enhancing Learning.Mind mapping acts as a visual aid that helps learners retain and recall information more effectively. By creating a visual representation of a topic, it breaks down complex information into manageable chunks, making it easier to understand and remember. The use of colors, images, anddifferent shapes adds visual interest and stimulates both hemispheres of the brain, leading to better cognitive processing.Moreover, mind mapping encourages a nonlinear way of thinking. Instead of following a sequential path, learners can explore and connect ideas freely, promoting creativity and critical thinking. This nonlinear approach is particularly beneficial in subjects like science, where concepts are often interconnected and require a holistic understanding.Problem-Solving and Decision-Making.Mind mapping is also an excellent tool for problem-solving and decision-making. It helps individuals identify the root causes of a problem and generate potential solutions. By mapping out the various factors and their relationships, it becomes easier to identify patterns, trends, and gaps that might not be apparent in a linear text-based format.In the business context, mind mapping can be used to brainstorm ideas, plan projects, and analyze market trends. It can help teams collaborate effectively, combiningdifferent perspectives and expertise to arrive atinnovative solutions.Personal Development.Mind mapping is not just limited to academic and professional settings; it can also be used for personal development. For instance, it can help individuals set goals, plan their daily routines, and track their progress. By visually representing their thoughts and goals, people can stay motivated and focused on achieving their objectives.Mind mapping can also be used as a self-reflection tool. By mapping out their thoughts and emotions, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of themselves, their strengths, weaknesses, and preferences. This self-awareness can thenbe used to make better decisions, set realistic goals, and improve personal growth.Conclusion.In conclusion, mind mapping is a powerful tool that has the potential to transform the way we learn, solve problems, and develop ourselves. It encourages a nonlinear way of thinking, stimulates both hemispheres of the brain, and promotes creativity and critical thinking. Its visualnature makes it easy to understand and retain information, while its flexibility allows it to be used in a wide rangeof contexts, from classrooms to boardrooms and personal lives. As we increasingly rely on technology to process and organize information, the art of mind mapping remains a valuable skill that can help us stay connected to our thoughts and ideas, and harness the full potential of our minds.。
室外自然场景下的雾天模拟生成算法Chapter 1. Introduction- Background and Motivation- Problem Statement- Objectives- Scope and Limitations- Significance of the StudyChapter 2. Literature Review- Overview of Fog Simulation Techniques- Classifications of Fog Models- Characteristics and Properties of Fog- Comparison of Existing Fog AlgorithmsChapter 3. Methodology- System Architecture- Data Acquisition- Fog Simulation Algorithm- Algorithm ExecutionChapter 4. Results and Analysis- Simulation Results- Simulation Metrics- Performance Evaluation- Sensitivity AnalysisChapter 5. Conclusion and Future Work- Summary of Findings- Implications and Contributions- Limitations and Recommendations- Future Research Directions- ConclusionReferencesChapter 1. IntroductionBackground and MotivationThe phenomenon of fog is commonplace in many natural outdoor scenes, but it can significantly affect visibility and safety in transportation, navigation, and surveillance systems. Fog is formed when the air temperature reaches dew point, causing the water droplets to condense into small particles in the atmosphere. The particles scatter light and absorb specific wavelengths, which decreases the contrast and color saturation of the scene. Capturing foggy scenes and simulating them in computer graphics and vision systems has become an active research area in recent years due to the increasing demand for realistic and robust fog simulation algorithms.Problem StatementExisting fog models and generation algorithms have several limitations, such as being computationally expensive, requiring large datasets, and not accurately representing the complex dynamics of atmospheric conditions. Therefore, there is a need for a comprehensive and efficient fog simulation algorithm that performs well in different outdoor scenarios and can generate realistic foggy images.ObjectivesThe primary objective of this study is to develop a novel algorithm to simulate fog in natural outdoor scenes. The algorithm shouldprovide realistic and visually pleasing results, be computationally efficient, and adapt to different weather conditions and lighting conditions. The secondary objectives are to compare the proposed algorithm with existing techniques and evaluate its performance and robustness in various simulated scenarios.Scope and LimitationsThis study focuses on simulating fog in natural outdoor scenes, including forests, mountains, and cities, but not in indoor or laboratory environments. The proposed algorithm is designed to work with RGB images and does not consider other modalities, such as infrared or stereo data. The study aims to provide a proofof concept and does not optimize the algorithm for real-time applications.Significance of the StudyThe proposed fog simulation algorithm can have practical applications in several domains, such as autonomous driving, visual effects, and virtual reality. By synthesizing realistic foggy images, the algorithm can improve the performance and reliability of computer vision and machine learning systems operating in outdoor environments. Furthermore, the proposed algorithm can aid in understanding and studying the complex atmospheric phenomena of fog and its impact on visual perception.In conclusion, this chapter introduces the problem of fog simulation in natural outdoor scenes and the motivation for developing a novel fog simulation algorithm. The objectives, scope, and limitations of the study are defined, and the significance of the proposed algorithm is highlighted. The next chapter will review theexisting literature on fog simulation techniques in moredetail.Chapter 2. Literature ReviewIntroductionIn recent years, fog simulation has received significant attention from the computer graphics, vision, and machine learning research communities. Several techniques have been proposed to simulate fog and haze effects in outdoor scenes, based on various physical and statistical models. This chapter reviews the existing literature on fog simulation techniques and analyzes their strengths and weaknesses.Physical ModelsPhysical models aim to simulate the scattering and absorption of light in the atmosphere, based on the laws of physics and optics. Radiative transfer equations (RTE) are commonly used to describe the light transport in the atmosphere, but they are computationally expensive and require complex boundary conditions. Approximate methods, such as the Monte Carlo method and the discrete ordinates method, have been proposed to solve RTE efficiently. However, these methods still suffer from practical limitations, such as parameterization and calibration.Statistical ModelsStatistical models approximate the appearance of foggy scenes based on empirical observations and statistical analysis. One of the earliest and most widely used statistical models for fog simulation is the Koschmieder model, which assumes uniform fog density and exponential attenuation of light with distance. However, this model is simplistic and does not account for spatial and temporalvariations in fog density and atmospheric conditions.Recently, machine learning techniques, such as deep neural networks, have been employed to learn the mapping between clear and foggy images, bypassing the need for explicit models. These techniques have shown promising results in generating realistic foggy scenes, but they require large amounts of training data and may not generalize well to unseen environments or lighting conditions.Evaluation MetricsEvaluating the quality and realism of fog simulation algorithms is challenging, as there is no objective ground truth for comparing the generated foggy images with real-world data. Therefore, several metrics have been proposed to measure different aspects of fog simulation performance, such as color preservation, contrast enhancement, and visibility improvement. These metrics include the atmospheric scattering model, the color distribution distance, and the visibility index. However, these metrics have their own limitations and may not capture all aspects of fog simulation performance.ConclusionIn conclusion, this chapter reviewed the existing literature on fog simulation techniques, including physical and statistical models and machine learning approaches. The strengths and weaknesses of these techniques were discussed, and evaluation metrics for fog simulation were introduced. The next chapter will present the proposed fog simulation algorithm, which combines physical and statistical models and uses machine learning forrefinement.Chapter 3. Proposed Fog Simulation Algorithm IntroductionIn this chapter, we propose a novel fog simulation algorithm that combines physical and statistical models and uses machine learning for refinement. The algorithm consists of three stages: 1) physical model-based fog density estimation, 2) statistical model-based image synthesis, and 3) machine learning-based refinement. Each stage will be described in detail below.Physical Model-Based Fog Density EstimationThe first stage of the proposed algorithm aims to estimate the fog density in the scene, based on physical models of light scattering and absorption in the atmosphere. We use the radiative transfer equation (RTE) to model the light transport in the atmosphere, and solve it using the discrete ordinates method with predefined boundary conditions. The inputs to this stage are the clear image and the atmospheric parameters, such as the air temperature, pressure, and humidity. The output is the depth-dependent fog density, which is used as input to the next stage.Statistical Model-Based Image SynthesisThe second stage of the proposed algorithm aims to synthesize a foggy image based on statistical models of fog appearance and empirical observations. We use a modified version of the Koschmieder model, which takes into account spatial and temporal variations in fog density and atmospheric conditions. The inputs to this stage are the clear image, the fog density estimated in the previous stage, and the atmospheric parameters. The outputs are the synthesized foggy image and a set of statistical parameters thatdescribe its appearance, such as the color distribution and contrast. Machine Learning-Based RefinementThe third stage of the proposed algorithm aims to refine the synthesized foggy image and improve its visual quality, using machine learning techniques. We use a deep neural network to learn the mapping between clear and foggy images, and use it to refine the synthesized foggy image. The training data for the neural network consists of pairs of clear and foggy images, which are generated using the physical and statistical models described above. The inputs to this stage are the synthesized foggy image and the statistical parameters, and the output is the refined foggy image. EvaluationWe evaluate the proposed algorithm using several metrics, including the atmospheric scattering model, the color distribution distance, and the visibility index. We compare the results of our algorithm with those of existing fog simulation techniques, including physical models, statistical models, and machine learning approaches. We also conduct a user study to assess the subjective quality of the generated foggy images.ConclusionIn conclusion, this chapter presented the proposed fog simulation algorithm, which combines physical and statistical models and uses machine learning for refinement. The algorithm consists of three stages, namely physical model-based fog density estimation, statistical model-based image synthesis, and machine learning-based refinement. We also described the evaluation metrics and methods used to evaluate the algorithm's performance. The nextchapter will present the experimental results and analysis of the proposed algorithm.Chapter 4. Experimental Results and Analysis IntroductionIn this chapter, we present the experimental results and analysis of the proposed fog simulation algorithm. We evaluate the algorithm using a set of benchmarks and compare it with existing fog simulation techniques, including physical models, statistical models, and machine learning approaches. We also conduct a user study to assess the subjective quality of the generated foggy images. Finally, we discuss the limitations and future directions of the proposed algorithm.Experimental SetupWe conducted our experiments on a desktop computer with an Intel Core i9-9900K CPU and an NVIDIA RTX 2080 Ti GPU. The algorithm was implemented using Python and TensorFlow. We used a set of clear images from the VOC dataset and a set of atmospheric parameters from the MERRA-2 dataset.Evaluation MetricsWe used several metrics to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm, including the atmospheric scattering model (ASM), the color distribution distance (CDD), and the visibility index (VI). The ASM measures the accuracy of the physical model-based fog density estimation stage. The CDD measures the similarity of the color distributions between the synthesized foggy image and the ground truth. The VI measures the visibility and contrast of the synthesized foggy image.Results and AnalysisWe first evaluated the physical model-based fog density estimation stage using the ASM metric. The results show that our algorithm achieves a higher accuracy than existing physical models, such as the Rayleigh-Debye-Gans model and the Mie scattering model.We then evaluated the statistical model-based image synthesis stage using the CDD and VI metrics. The results show that our algorithm outperforms existing statistical models, such as the Koschmieder model and the Murakami model, in terms of color distribution and visibility.Finally, we evaluated the machine learning-based refinement stage using the CDD, VI, and subjective quality metrics. The results show that our algorithm achieves a significant improvement in visual quality over the synthesized foggy image and the ground truth, with a high subjective rating from the user study. Limitations and Future DirectionsThe proposed algorithm has several limitations and future directions for improvement. Firstly, the algorithm currently only supports outdoor scenes, and further research is needed to extend it to indoor scenes. Secondly, the algorithm relies on predefined atmospheric parameters, and it may not perform well under extreme weather conditions. Thirdly, the algorithm may not generalize well to other datasets and domains. Finally, the computational cost of the algorithm is high, and further optimization is needed for real-time applications.ConclusionIn conclusion, we presented the experimental results and analysisof the proposed fog simulation algorithm, which combines physical and statistical models and uses machine learning for refinement. The results show that our algorithm outperforms existing fog simulation techniques, including physical models, statistical models, and machine learning approaches, in terms of accuracy, color distribution, visibility, and visual quality. The future directions for improving the algorithm were discussed, and they aim to address the limitations of the algorithm and extend its applicability to various domains.Chapter 5. Applications and Future WorkIntroductionIn this chapter, we present the potential applications of the proposed fog simulation algorithm in various fields, including computer graphics, autonomous driving, and remote sensing. We also discuss the future work to extend the algorithm's functionalities and improve its performance.ApplicationsComputer GraphicsThe proposed fog simulation algorithm can be used to generate realistic foggy images for computer graphics applications, such as video games, virtual reality, and augmented reality. The generated foggy images can add visual depth and atmosphere to the scene, making the virtual environment more immersive and realistic. Autonomous DrivingFoggy weather conditions can significantly reduce the visibility of the road, which poses a safety risk for autonomous driving systems.The proposed fog simulation algorithm can be used to generate foggy images for training and testing autonomous driving algorithms, enabling them to handle adverse weather conditions and improve their robustness and safety.Remote SensingFog can also affect remote sensing applications, such as satellite imagery and aerial photography. The proposed fog simulation algorithm can be used to simulate the effect of fog and remove the fog from images, enhancing the quality and accuracy of remote sensing data.Future WorkThe proposed fog simulation algorithm has several directions for future work to extend its functionalities and improve its performance.Indoor ScenesCurrently, the algorithm only supports outdoor scenes. Future work can extend the algorithm to simulate foggy weather conditions in indoor scenes, such as foggy room or foggy warehouse.Real-Time PerformanceThe current computational cost of the algorithm is high, which limits its real-time application. Future work can optimize the algorithm to improve its performance and reduce the computational cost for real-time applications.Extreme Weather ConditionsThe algorithm relies on predefined atmospheric parameters, and itmay not perform well under extreme weather conditions, such as tornadoes or hurricanes. Future work can investigate the effect of extreme weather conditions on fog simulation and develop more robust algorithms to handle them.Multi-Scale SimulationThe proposed fog simulation algorithm operates at a fixed scale, and it may not capture the multi-scale nature of fog. Future work can develop multi-scale simulation algorithms that can simulate fog at different scales, from the microscopic scale of water droplets to the macroscopic scale of fog banks.ConclusionIn conclusion, the proposed fog simulation algorithm has a broad range of potential applications in various fields, such as computer graphics, autonomous driving, and remote sensing. The future work aims to extend the algorithm's functionalities and improve its performance, enabling it to handle more complex foggy weather conditions and support real-time applications.。
3d美术英语词汇The realm of 3D art encompasses a vast and intricate vocabulary, each term serving as a building block in the creation of captivating digital worlds. As the field of 3D art continues to evolve, mastering this lexicon becomes paramount for both aspiring and seasoned artists alike. In this essay, we will delve into the key terminologies that shape the language of 3D art, exploring their significance and applications within the creative process.At the foundation of 3D art lies the concept of modeling, the process of creating three-dimensional digital representations of objects, characters, or environments. The primary building blocks of modeling are vertices, points in 3D space that define the shape of a mesh. These vertices are connected by edges, forming the wireframe structure that outlines the form. Faces, the polygonal surfaces between these edges, give the model its solid appearance and texture.The manipulation of these vertices, edges, and faces is the domain of mesh editing, where artists sculpt and refine the digital form.Techniques such as extrusion, which extends faces to create new volume, and subdivision, which increases the resolution of a mesh, allow for the intricate shaping of complex shapes. Smoothing operations, like subdivision surface modeling, create organic, flowing forms, while Boolean operations, such as union and difference, enable the combination and subtraction of shapes.Closely tied to the modeling process is the concept of UV mapping, the process of unwrapping a 3D model's surface onto a flat, two-dimensional texture. This mapping allows artists to apply detailed textures and patterns to the model, bringing it to life with color, depth, and visual interest. The UV coordinates, which correspond to specific points on the 3D mesh, serve as a roadmap for the texture artists to follow.Once the model is created and textured, the next step is to imbue it with movement and animation. This is where the principles of rigging and skinning come into play. Rigging involves the creation of a skeletal system within the 3D model, consisting of joints and bones that mimic the underlying structure of the subject. Skinning, on the other hand, is the process of binding the mesh to the rig, allowing the model to deform and move naturally as the rig is animated.The art of animation itself encompasses a wide range of techniques and terminologies. Key frames, the specific points in time where theanimator defines the position and movement of the model, form the foundation of animation. In-betweening, the process of generating the intermediate frames between key frames, creates the illusion of smooth, continuous motion. Pose-to-pose animation, where the artist focuses on defining key poses and allowing the software to generate the in-betweens, contrasts with straight-ahead animation, where the movement is created frame by frame.Lighting, a crucial aspect of 3D art, also has its own specialized vocabulary. Ambient light, the overall illumination of a scene, sets the mood and atmosphere, while directional lights, such as the sun, cast shadows and create depth. Spot lights and point lights, with their focused beams and radial falloff, allow artists to highlight specific areas and create dramatic lighting effects. The concept of light mapping, the baking of lighting information into a texture, enables efficient and realistic lighting in real-time 3D applications.Closely related to lighting is the realm of materials and shaders, which define the surface properties of 3D objects. Diffuse, the base color of a material, interacts with light to create the object's primary appearance. Specular highlights, the bright reflections on shiny surfaces, add depth and realism. Roughness and glossiness determine the smoothness or grittiness of a material, while normal maps and displacement maps add intricate surface details.The final stage of the 3D art process is rendering, the act of generating the final image or animation from the 3D scene. Rendering engines, such as Unreal Engine and Unity, utilize various algorithms and techniques to translate the digital scene into a visually stunning output. Terms like ray tracing, which simulates the behavior of light, and global illumination, which accounts for the indirect lighting in a scene, are essential to understanding the rendering process.Beyond the technical aspects of 3D art, the industry also has its own set of specialized roles and workflows. Concept artists, who create the initial visual ideas and designs, work in tandem with 3D modelers, who bring those concepts to life. Texture artists, responsible for creating the detailed surface patterns, collaborate with lighting artists, who fine-tune the illumination of the scene. Riggers and animators work together to bring characters and objects to life, while technical artists bridge the gap between the creative and the technical, ensuring the seamless integration of all the elements.In conclusion, the vocabulary of 3D art is a rich and multifaceted language, encompassing a wide range of terms and concepts that are essential to the creation of captivating digital worlds. From the fundamental building blocks of modeling to the advanced techniques of lighting and rendering, each term serves as a tool in the artist's arsenal, enabling them to bring their visions to life withprecision and artistry. As the field of 3D art continues to evolve, mastering this lexicon becomes increasingly important, allowing artists to communicate effectively, collaborate seamlessly, and push the boundaries of what is possible in the digital realm.。
英语作文movie review
When crafting a movie review in English,its essential to consider several key elements that will help your readers understand and appreciate your perspective on the film.Heres a detailed guide on how to write an effective movie review:1.Introduction:Start with a brief introduction to the movie,including its title,director, main actors,and genre.Avoid giving away any spoilers.Example:Directed by acclaimed filmmaker Jane Smith,The Time Travelers Dilemma is a science fiction drama starring John Doe and Jane Roe,which explores the complexities of time travel and its impact on human relationships.2.Plot Summary:Provide a concise summary of the movies plot without revealing too many details or the ending.Aim to pique the readers interest.Example:The story follows the protagonist,Alex,who discovers a mysterious device that allows him to travel through time.As he navigates the past and future,he must grapple with the consequences of altering the timeline.3.Analysis of Characters:Discuss the main characters and their development throughout the film.Consider their motivations,relationships,and how they contribute to the story.Example:John Does portrayal of Alex is both compelling and nuanced,capturing the internal struggle of a man torn between his desire to change the past and the fear of the unknown.4.Cinematography and Visual Effects:Comment on the films visual aspects,including the use of color,lighting,camera angles,and special effects.Example:The cinematography by XYZ is breathtaking,with sweeping shots that emphasize the vastness of time and space.The visual effects are seamlessly integrated, adding a layer of realism to the fantastical elements of the story.5.Sound and Music:Reflect on the films soundtrack and sound design.How do they enhance the mood and atmosphere of the movie?Example:The score by ABC Composer sets the tone for each scene,ranging from haunting melodies during moments of introspection to thrilling orchestral pieces during action sequences.6.Direction and Editing:Evaluate the directors vision and the editing of the film.How dothese elements contribute to the overall storytelling?Example:Jane Smiths direction is masterful,with a keen eye for detail that brings out the subtleties of the characters emotions.The editing is tight and wellpaced,ensuring the narrative flows smoothly without losing momentum.7.Themes and Messages:Discuss the themes and messages of the movie.What does the film say about society,human nature,or any other relevant subject?Example:At its core,The Time Travelers Dilemma explores the idea of fate and free will,challenging the audience to consider the ethical implications of altering ones own history.8.Cultural and Social Impact:If applicable,consider the films impact on society or its relevance to current cultural or social issues.Example:The films exploration of time travel resonates with contemporary debates about the role of technology in shaping our lives,offering a thoughtprovoking commentary on the potential consequences of unchecked innovation.9.Conclusion:Summarize your thoughts on the movie and provide a recommendation for potential viewers.Example:In conclusion,The Time Travelers Dilemma is a thoughtprovoking and visually stunning film that will leave audiences pondering the nature of time and the choices we make.I highly recommend it to fans of science fiction and those interested in philosophical narratives.10.Rating:End your review with a rating,which can be a numerical score or a more descriptive evaluation.Example:I would rate The Time Travelers Dilemma4.5out of5stars for its engaging plot,strong performances,and impressive technical achievements.Remember to maintain an objective tone while still sharing your personal insights and opinions.A wellstructured and thoughtful movie review can provide valuable information to potential viewers and contribute to the broader conversation about film and its impact on society.。
Real-time dynamic wrinkles
Real-Time Dynamic WrinklesCaroline LarbouletteGRA VIR&SIAMES-IRISA,France rboulette@imag.frMarie-Paule CaniGRA VIR,France Marie-Paule.Cani@imag.frAbstractThis paper proposes a new method for designing dy-namic wrinkles that appear and disappear according to the underlying deformation of tissues.The user positions and orients wrinkling tools on a mesh.During animation,ge-ometric wrinkles are generated in real-time in the regions covered by the tools,mimicking resistance to compression of tissues.The wrinkling feature can be added to any exist-ing animation.When the local resolution of the mesh is not sufficient,our tool refines it according to the wrinkle’sfinest feature.As our results show,the technique can be applied to a variety of situations such as facial expression wrinkles, joint wrinkles or garment wrinkles.1.IntroductionAlthough well designed and animated in recent an-imation movies[3],digital humans are not fully satisfy-ing since they lack visually important details like wrinkles. Apart from some expression wrinkles,modeled with time and effort,their skin remains smooth whatever their body deformations.This is particularly annoying near joints, when the wrist bends for example.It’s also a problem in the animation of virtual garments where physically-based simulation is too costly to be applied in real-time to every piece of cloth or to afine mesh,especially in video games.One can classify wrinkles into two different categories: static and dynamic wrinkles.Thefirst ones are present on the skin regardless of movement and may only change over a lifetime(aging wrinkles case).Wrinkles of the other cat-egory,which we call dynamic wrinkles,rather depend on the current deformation of tissues.Skin or cloth being only compressible to a small extend,these wrinkles typically ap-pear to absorb length changes,such as on the forehead when frowning,or on clothes when a joint bends(seefig1).Creating dynamic wrinkles is currently a tedious task for computer ing softwares such as Maya[1]or3dsdeforming the geometry.This idea has been extensivelyused since then,especially for facial wrinkles[13,7].Al-though being efficient and giving acceptable visual resultsin many cases,this technique suffers some drawbacks.Asthe geometry remains undeformed,the silhouette of objects is visually incorrect(noticeable in closed views)and no ac-curate collision detection in the wrinkled region is possible.Thefirst drawback of bump mapping can be solved us-ing displacement mapping for rendering.For example,V olino[16]animates wrinkles on deformable models by modulating the amplitude of a given wrinkle pattern on a pertriangle basis,with mesh refinement where necessary.Thiswork was extended for cloth wrinkles in[10]with good vi-sual results.However,as stressed by Kono[11],the tediouswrinkle pattern drawing and parameters tuning is left to the user.Bando[4]uses a more intuitive interface to obtain thedisplacement map.The user has to specify wrinkles oneby one on the projection of the mesh by drawing a Bezier curve as the wrinkle furrow.However,a quite costlyprecomputation involving energy minimization is requiredto compute a specific mesh.The displacement or bump map may also be obtained using complex physically-based sim-ulations[19,18,17,7].Whatever the technique used,the mesh geometry remains unchanged and thus prevents post-treatments such as collision detection.Other existing techniques directly deform the geometry. For facial animation,Viaud[15]uses a mesh where the lo-cations of potentially existing wrinkles are aligned with iso-lines of a spline baz[8]generates complex folded geometry by simulating the static deformations of a finite element mesh by an internal growth process.An intu-itive interface for painting the main wrinkle directions and their frequency is provided.Results are convincing,but the process is not real-time and does not directly apply to our problem,since we aim at simulating a surface which wrin-kles to resist to compression rather than wrinkles created by an expansion process.Since dynamic wrinkles are due to the length conserva-tion constraints inherent to physical tissues,our approach is to automatically generate them from these geometric con-straints rather than using simulation or asking the user to carefully design them.Sauvage[14]proposed a model for multi-resolution curves that preserve their length during in-teractive manipulation by wrinkling at a predefined scale. This method is unfortunately far from real-time and does not directly apply on a mesh.Our multi-resolution wrin-kling curve presented in section3preserves the length of its control polygon and directly controls the displacements of the mesh vertices(section4).3.Multi-resolution wrinkling curveOur tool relies on a planar curve which dynamically wrinkles when its extremities get closer to each other.This curve defines a possible profile for surface wrinkles and is used to apply deformations over a mesh.Control Curve The wrinkle is animated thanks to a discrete control curve of constant length.This curve is de-fined by two endpoints,the origin and the target,and by a rest length value.At rest,the curve is a line segment con-taining control points(fig.2).When the endpoints comecloser to each other,the positions of the control points along the curve are recomputed to keep the length constant.when the origin comes closer to the target. Deformation algorithm Before each rendering step,1.the new length of the segment Origin Target is computed;2.the control points are recomputed so that they remainequally spaced when projected on the-axis;3.some of the control points are moved in the directionin order to preserve the original length of the curve. Length conservation The idea is to re-inject the loss of length along the-axis in the direction.Let be the shortening of the segment and the distance on the-axis between each point.As the points are equally spaced on the-axis,we can easily compute the vertical displacement of a control point needed to absorb the loss of length:.Wrinkling strategies In practice,the user can choose be-tween different dynamic wrinkling strategies:bumps may propagate from the origin of the curve,from both endpoints, or they may appear simultaneously everywhere along the curve.In the twofirst cases,the maximal height of a bump is specified.When is reached,the wrinkle propagates.In the last case,the shortening is divided by the number of bumps.All parameters including the space between bumps and the size of bumps are tunable.Levels of details As we can see onfig.3(a),real wrinkles often result in the combination of waves at different scales. To model this behavior,a portion of the length to be re-injected in the curve is kept to create little wrinkles at a smaller resolution onto the top of the big ones.The control curve is subdivided to achieve the desired level of details,by iteratively multiplying the number of control points by two.(a)(b)Figure3.Wrinkles at different levels of de-tails:a real hand(a),with our tool(b).Note that coarse tofine wrinkles can be defined indepen-dently from the resolution of the mesh,an automatic localrefinement is processed when and where needed so that thewrinkling effect is correctly rendered(see section4).4.Creation of surface wrinklesThis section explains the creation of the wrinkling toolassociated with the curve and its application onto a mesh.Set up of the wrinkling tool The wrinkling curve servesas a tool to control the local deformations of an underly-ing mesh.The designer initializes a wrinkling region bydrawing a line segment onto the mesh,perpendicularly tothe desired orientation of the wrinkles.In order to deformduring animation,the wrinkling curve is automatically an-chored to the underlying mesh by attaching each endpoint tothe nearest mesh vertex.The user then chooses an adequatewrinkling behavior by tuning the parameters to specify theway the curve deforms in the plane defined by the line seg-ment and the mean direction between the two normals ofthe mesh at the anchoring points.Region of influence A region of influence of a givenwidth is associated to each wrinkling curve.It’s a rectan-gular patch,centered on the initial curve segment(seefig.4left).The user chooses an attenuation profile which dictatesthe way the bumps decrease and then vanish when it goesaway from the wrinkling curve.Attenuation values are al-ways set between at the center to at the border of thepatch.In our current implementation,two attenuation pro-files,a linear one()and a bell shape one(1 wrinkles Figure6illustrates the use of our dynamic wrinkling tool to model wrinkles that appear near the wrist when it bends.Our tool automatically adds adequate details to skin deformation,which makes the overall motion more believable.The animation with wrinkles(fig.6middle and right)runs from fps(subdiv.)to fps(no subdiv.) for a mesh containingpolygons.Figure6.Left:standard skinning animation.Middle and right:with our wrinkling tool.Wrinkles on clothes More complex wrinkle shapes canbe obtained by the combination of several wrinkles that runon top of each other.We can observe such wrinkles ontrousers,in the knee region,as shown infig.1(a).The re-sulting animation(fig.7),runs at fps with wrinklingtools and subdivision level for a mesh ofpolygons.Figure7.Back(top)and front(bottom)of vir-tual trousers with2overlapping wrinkles.6.Conclusion and future workWe have presented a new and easy way to model andanimate dynamic wrinkles on an existing model.Our pro-cedural technique is based on geometric constraints(lengthpreservation)to achieve visually realistic results without theheavy cost of a physically-based simulation.Wrinkles areadded on top of a mesh and deform in real-time in responseto its underlying motion.They do not require any manualmodification of the underlying mesh or of the animation se-quence,which saves time and effort to the computer artist.We are currently studying an extension of this techniqueto create curved wrinkles caused by an interaction,such aswhen one touches the back of his own hand and makes theskin slide in a given direction.We are also planning to com-bine our wrinkle model with a simple dynamic muscles andfatty tissues model to give more life to the animation of theunderlying mesh.A more long-term focus will be to detectthe collisions due to the large wrinkles we generate and addan adequate resulting deformation to the contact region.AcknowledgementsWe’d like to thank S.Kimmerle and the WSI GRIS project ofT¨u bingen University for providing the trousers model,C.Deprazfor editing the models and ATI for providing the graphics board.References[1]Alias-Wavefront,Maya..[2]Discreet,3ds Max./3dsmax/.[3]Mike Arias,The Animatrix..[4]Y.Bando,T.Kuratate,and T.Nishita.A simple method formodeling wrinkles on human skin.In Pacific Graphics’02.[5]J.F.Blinn.Simulation of wrinkled surfaces.Proceedings ofSIGGRAPH’78,pages286–292,1978.[6]J.Bloomenthal.Medial-based vertex deformation.In Pro-ceedings of the ACM SIGGRAPH symposium on Computeranimation,pages147–151.ACM Press,2002.[7]L.Boissieux,G.Kiss,N.Magnenat-Thalmann,and P.Kalra.Simulation of skin aging and wrinkles with cosmetics in-sight.In Computer Animation and Simulation’00,p.15–27.[8]baz and F.Neyret.Painting folds using expansiontextures.In Pacific Graphics,Oct.2002.[9]N.Dyn,D.Levine,and J.A.Gregory.A butterfly subdivisionscheme for surface interpolation with tension control.ACMTransactions on Graphics,9(2):160–169,Apr.1990.[10]S.Hadap, E.Bangerter,P.V olino,and N.Magnenat-Thalmann.Animating wrinkles on clothes.In IEEE Visu-alization’99,pages175–182,Oct.1999.[11]H.Kono and E.Genda.Wrinkle generation model for3d fa-cial expression.Sketches and Applications,SIGGRAPH’03.[12]J.P.Lewis,M.Cordner,and N.Fong.Pose space deforma-tion:A unified approach to shape interpolation and skeleton-driven deformation.In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH’00,ACMComputer Graphics,pages165–172,July2000.[13]S.Pasquariello and C.Pelachaud.Greta:A simple facial an-imation engine.In Proc.of the6th Online World Conferenceon Soft Computing in Industrial Applications,Sept.2001.[14] B.Sauvage,S.Hahmann,and G.-P.Bonneau.Length pre-serving multiresolution editing of puting,to ap-pear2004.[15]M.-L.Viaud and H.Yahia.Facial animation with wrinkles.In EG Workshop on Animation and Simulation,Sept.1992.[16]P.V olino and N.Magnenat-Thalmann.Fast geometricalwrinkles on animated surfaces.In Seventh InternationalConference in Central Europe on Computer Graphics andVisualization(WSCG),Feb.1999.[17]Y.Wu,P.Kalra,L.Moccozet,and N.Magnenat-Thalmann.Simulating wrinkles and skin aging.The Visual Computer,15(4):183–198,1999.[18]Y.Wu,P.Kalra,and N.M.Thalmann.Simulation of staticand dynamic wrinkles of skin.In Proceedings of ComputerAnimation’96,pages90–97,June1996.[19]Y.Wu,N.M.Thalmann,and D.Thalmann.A plastic-visco-elastic model for wrinkles in facial animation and skin aging.In Pacific Graphics,pages201–213,1994.[20] D.Zorin,P.Schr¨o der,and W.Sweldens.Interpolating sub-division for meshes with arbitrary topology.In Proc.of SIG-GRAPH’96,pages189–192.ACM Press New York,1996.。
real-time rendering 3rd提炼总结
real-time rendering 3rd提炼总结Real-time rendering refers to the process of generating and displaying digital images in real-time, typically for interactive applications such as video games or virtual reality. It involves quickly and efficiently rendering graphics and animations to create a fluid and immersive user experience.Some key aspects and techniques involved in real-time rendering include:1. Graphics Processing Unit (GPU): Real-time rendering heavily relies on the processing power of GPUs, which are specifically designed to handle parallel computations required for rendering complex graphics in real-time.2. Shading: Shading is an important technique in real-time rendering that involves determining the colors and properties of each pixel in a rendered image. Techniques like Phong shading and physically based rendering (PBR) are commonly used to achieve realistic lighting effects.3. Level of Detail (LOD): Real-time rendering often deals with large-scale environments and complex scenes. LOD techniques enable rendering objects or textures with varying levels of detail based on their distance from the camera, optimizing performance without compromising visual quality.4. Culling: This technique involves determining which objects or parts of a scene are not visible to the camera and thus can be ignored in the rendering process. This helps improve renderingperformance by reducing unnecessary computations.5. Shadow mapping: Realistic shadows play a crucial role in enhancing the visual quality of a rendered scene. Shadow mapping is a technique that involves projecting shadows from a light source onto the scene, simulating the effect of light and occlusion.6. Anti-aliasing: Real-time rendering often involves rendering images at a lower resolution and then upscaling them to the desired output resolution. Anti-aliasing techniques like super-sampling or post-processing techniques such as temporal anti-aliasing (TAA) help reduce jaggies or pixelation artifacts, resulting in smoother and more visually pleasing images.Overall, real-time rendering is a complex and dynamic field that constantly pushes the boundaries of computer graphics and visual effects to create realistic and interactive experiences for users.。
可见光相机内参标定Calibrating the intrinsic parameters of a visible light camera is an essential task in computer vision and image processing. The intrinsic parameters define the internal characteristics of the camera, such as its focal length, principal point, and lens distortion coefficients. Accurate calibration of these parameters is crucial for various applications, including 3D reconstruction, object tracking, and augmented reality.One of the main challenges in camera calibration is to accurately estimate the focal length. The focal length determines the camera's field of view and affects the scale of the captured scene. An incorrect estimation of the focal length can lead to inaccurate measurements and distortions in the reconstructed images. Therefore, it is crucial to calibrate the camera's focal length accurately to ensure reliable and precise results.Another important parameter to calibrate is theprincipal point, which represents the optical center of the camera. Accurate estimation of the principal point iscrucial for correctly aligning the captured images and minimizing image distortions. A misalignment of theprincipal point can result in image warping and misinterpretation of the scene geometry.Lens distortion is another significant factor thatneeds to be calibrated. Lens distortion can cause image distortions, such as barrel or pincushion distortion, which can affect the accuracy of measurements and the quality of the reconstructed images. Calibrating the lens distortion coefficients allows for the correction of these distortions, resulting in more accurate and visually pleasing images.To calibrate the intrinsic parameters of a visiblelight camera, a common approach is to use a calibration target with known geometric properties. The calibration target typically consists of a planar pattern with a gridof points or a set of known 3D points. By capturing imagesof the calibration target from different viewpoints, it is possible to estimate the camera's intrinsic parametersusing various calibration algorithms, such as Zhang's method or the Tsai's method.The calibration process involves capturing multiple images of the calibration target from different viewpoints and extracting corresponding image points and their corresponding 3D world coordinates. These correspondences are then used to estimate the camera's intrinsic parameters using a calibration algorithm. The accuracy of the calibration depends on the number and distribution of the calibration images, as well as the quality of the correspondences.In conclusion, calibrating the intrinsic parameters of a visible light camera is a crucial step in computer vision and image processing tasks. Accurate calibration of the focal length, principal point, and lens distortion coefficients ensures reliable and precise results in applications such as 3D reconstruction and object tracking. The calibration process involves capturing images of a calibration target and estimating the camera's intrinsic parameters using calibration algorithms. It is essential tocarefully select the calibration target, capture a sufficient number of images, and accurately extract correspondences to achieve accurate camera calibration.。
生产流程常用的分析方法Analyzing production processes is essential for businesses to ensure efficiency and quality in their operations. There are several common methods used for this purpose, such as time study, process mapping, value stream mapping, and fishbone diagram analysis. These methods provide valuable insights into the efficiency of the production process, help identify bottlenecks and areas for improvement, and ultimately contribute to better decision-making and performance improvement.分析生产流程对企业来说是至关重要的,以确保其运营的效率和质量。
Time study is a method used to analyze and improve the time it takes for each task in a production process. By breaking down each task into its individual components and timing each one, businesses can identify areas where time is being wasted and implement strategies to streamline processes and reduce inefficiencies. Timestudy can also help set realistic production targets and improve productivity by optimizing the time spent on each task.时间研究是一种用于分析和改进生产流程中每个任务所需时间的方法。
2025届 高中英语一轮话题复习高考题型通关练课件:话题25 科技发展与信息技术创新,信息安全
Giving up all screens may not be realistic,but strategic breaks from technology may be good for your body,mind,emotions and relationships.It is high time that you picked a time to turn off your devices and focus on really important things. 【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了“数字脱瘾”,以及数字产品 给我们带来的影响。
主题群四 科学与技术
话题25 科技发展与信息技术创新,
信息安全 目录
The Big Thinkers Series from New Scientist events features four online talks, covering a wide range of topics by world-class scientist speakers and experts.If you are curious about your planet or your universe,then this series is your place to hear the latest research.
Why might you want to take a digital detox? Perhaps you find that you are spending longer than you intend on certain apps or that they distract you from more important things.Perhaps social media is depressing because you compare yourself to others or you fear missing out on things that other people are enjoying.Constant negative news can also give rise to a lot of stress.
SimWise 4D 3D 动态运动、压力分析和优化说明书
4D SimWise3D Dynamic Motion, Stress Analysis and Optimizationintegrated with SOLIDWORKSSimWise 4D is a software tool that allows the functional performance of mechanical parts and assemblies to be simulated and validated. It combines 3D multi-body dynamic motion simulation with 3D finite element analysis and optimization in a Windows based product intergated with SOLIDWORKS, priced affordably for every engineer. Each of the major components of SimWise 4D, the motion module, and the FEA module,is available as a separate product and are powerful in their own right but the real benefits arise when the two are combined together in the 4D product.Designs that are made up of moving mechanical parts present challenges when it comes time to answer fundamental questions like “Does it work?”, “Will it break?”, “How can it be designed better?”, and “How long will it last?”.Dynamic forces are hard to calculate and the part stresses induced by motion are even more difficult to quantify. Many of these designs are validated in the test lab or in the field using prototypes of pre-production designs. If problems are found the designs must be revised and the process repeated, resulting in a costly and time-consuming approach to product validationSimWise 4D gives you the ability to explore the functional performance of your design before prototypes are built. Options can be explored in a timely and cost effective manner because hardware does not need to be built until you have confidence that your design works as intended. The capabilities of SimWise 4D make “getting it right the first time” more than just a slogan; it makes it an integral part of your design process.SimWise 4DIntegrated Motion Simulation Stress Analysis and OptimizationIntegration withSOLIDWORKSAll of the SimWise products are integrated with SOLIDWORKS. Using a SOLIDWORKS add-in developed specifically to transfer SOLIDWORKS data to SimWise, geometry, mass properties, materials, assembly constraints, design variables and dimensional values can be transferred to SimWise with a single operation.Assembly constraints areautomatically mapped to SimWisejoints. Design variables anddimensional values are available to use with Optimization. The SimWise model contains associative links back to the SOLIDWORKS model. If a change is made to the SOLIDWORKS model a single operation will update the SimWise model to reflect those changes. The change process can be initiated from either SimWise or SOLIDWORKS.SOLIDWORKS part and assembly models can also be opened directly by SimWise. This method only transfers geometry, mass andmaterial properties. This method also supports updates if the part or assembly model has changed.SimWise Motion3D Motion SimulationSimWise Motion is rigid bodykinematics and dynamics simulation software that lets your build and test functional virtual prototypes of your designs on the computer and simulate the full-motion behavior of those designs. It imports geometry, mass properties, and constraints from SOLIDWORKS and allows you to add motion specific entities to the model resulting in a functional operating prototype of your design. It simulates that prototype using advanced physics and mathematical techniques and presents the results of the simulation in various graphic and numeric formats. You can quickly determine how your design operates and determine if it meets your design objectives or if modifications are necessary. All on the computer, all without costly and time-consuming physical prototypes.SimWise Motion has a rich set of functional objects that are added toyour SOLIDWORKS model to build a functional operating prototype. These objects include:▸Rigid, revolute, spherical, curved slot, planar constraints ▸Rods, ropes, springs, gears, belts, pulleys, conveyors ▸Bushings (flexible connections) ▸Motor and actuators ▸Point forces, torques,distributed forces, pressure, friction forcesCollisions between parts are handled easily allowing the simulation of mechanisms like ratchets, clamps, grips, and others that rely on contact between two or more parts to operate. Contact forces and friction forces that occur at the time of contact are calculated and available for plotting, query or use by SimWise FEA.Motors, actuators and forces can be driven by the SimWise formulalanguage, tabular data, values in an Excel spreadsheet, or by a Simulink™ model co-simulating with SimWise Motion. This allows phenomena like motor start up and spin-down characteristics, variable speed actuators, andelectro-mechanical controllers to be incorporated in the simulation model.Assembly constraints from SOLIDWORKS are automaticallyand associatively converted to SimWise Motion constraints. Many times assembly models are over constrained so a “constraint navigator” is available to walk through each motion constraint and modify as necessary to remove redundancies. Limits can be set for constraints to model rotational or translational “stops”. Friction forces can be activated on an individual constraint basis by specifying thePowerful Formula Languageand Function BuilderSimWise contains a powerful formula language that allows simulation entity properties, instantaneous simulation values, and mathematical expressionsto be combined into an expression that is evaluated during the simulation and which can be used to define physical values in the simulation.Formulas can also be used to generate values for display on meters. For example the formula:0.5*Body[49].mass*mag(Body[49].v)*mag(Body[49].v)When added to a meter will display a graph of the kinetic energy of Body[49].The formula language can also be accessed using a function builder that allows equations to be assembled interactively. The function builder contain an integrated graphing capability so as a function is defined, its graph is displayed and updated.ProgrammabilitySimWise contains a very rich automation interface which allows it to be both interfaced with and controlled by other applications. Programming languages such as C++, C#, Visual Basic, Java, and even vbScript can be used to customize SimWise. You can automate the integration of SimWise into your proprietary processes and your proprietary calculations can be used from within the SimWise environment.The function builder allows complex functions to be defined graphicallyPhotorealistic rendering and animationSimWise uses high quality, high performance rendering technology from Lightworks. Multiple light types and sources, texture mapping, shadowing and other effects are available. Combined with the SimWise animation capabilities it can produce very realistic “movies” of a design as it operates. Stress contour results can also be incorporated in the animations. You can watch your design operate and see how the stresses induced by the operation effect individual parts. The rendered animations and images can be exported to formats that allow placement on web sites, in documents, and presentations.Cameras that move in space or which can be attached to parts aresupported. This allows you to produce “fly-through” type animations or view the design operating from a “birds-eye” view as if you were sitting on one of the parts.SimWise also provides an animation technique known as keyframing. With keyframing you can specify motions in ways that are not based on physics. For example, you can script a corporate logo flying through the air, or a parts-exploding automobile engine to show how it is assembled. Even cameras can be keyframed to create “movie-like” scenes that pan, zoom, and highlight product features. You can also combine physics-based, simulated movement with keyframed animation to create complex motion sequences.friction coefficient and a physical dimension based on the constraint type.All SimWise Motion objects can be selectively made active or inactive based on some criteria defined by the SimWise formula language. For example, a rotational constraint can be active as long as its reaction force is below a specified value. Once the reaction force exceeds the value, the constraint will deactivate and no longer constrain its attached parts. This would model the effect of the constraint “breaking” due to the internal forces being too high.The SimWise Motion simulation engine calculates the displacement,velocity, and acceleration of each body in the motion model and reactions forces that act on each body as a result of its dynamicmotion. This includes the motion and forces that result from any collisions between parts.Each of these quantities can be displayed on meters either in graph or digital format. The values can be accessed with the formula language or tabulated on an HTML report. Graphical vectors can be created that visually show the quantities calculated during the simulation. The vectors can change size and direction as the quantities they display change. Motors and actuators can report their force or power requirements to helpyou determine the proper sizing of these elements, and parasitic losses due to friction can be determined.SimWise Motion help you to answer the question “Does it Work?” and provides the data necessary for SimWise FEA to help you answer the question “Will it Break?”.SimWise Motion3D Motion SimulationAnnotation and Mark-upAnnotations in the form of text, call-outs, and distance and radial dimensions can be added to the simulation model. The distance dimensions are active in that they update if the model is moved or animated. SimWise also provides a distance dimension that shows the points of closest approach and the minimum distance between two bodies. This dimension also updates as the bodies move.Texture mapping, reflections, and shadows can all be used in animationsSimWise Motion supports a conveyor constraint for modeling materials handlingSimWise FEAMechanical Stress and Thermal AnalysisSimWise FEA is a Finite Element Analysis tool that performs stress, normal modes, buckling, and heat transfer analysis on mechanical parts. It is highly automated and handles much of the complexity associated with FEA while offering powerful features for users who are steeped in the intricacies of the Finite Element Method.It imports geometry from SOLIDWORKS and allows you to add structural and thermal specific entities to the model resulting ina functional structural prototypeof your design. It simulates that prototype using advanced physics and mathematical techniques and presents the results of the simulation in various graphic and numeric formats. You can quickly determine whether your design is robust enough to operate as intended or if modifications are necessary. All on the computer, all without costly and time-consuming physical prototypes and before warranty issues arise.SimWise FEA has a rich set of functional objects that are added to your SOLIDWORKS model to build a functional structural prototype. These objects include:▸Concentrated loads, distributedloads, torques, and pressures▸Restraints and enforceddisplacements▸Prescribed temperatures,conductive and convective heatflux, and radiationAll of these values can be driven bythe SimWise formula language. Allof these objects are applied to theunderlying geometry, not to nodesand elements as in a traditional FEAproduct.SimWise uses a fast iterativeFinite Element Analysis solver thattakes advantage of multi-coreprocessors and which is based on aPreconditioned Conjugate Gradientmethod. SimWise FEA exclusivelyuses ten-node tetrahedral elementsand the solver is optimized for thistype of problem.SimWise FEA performs the followingtypes of analyses:▸Linear Static Stress▸Steady State Thermal▸Trasient Thermal▸Normal Modes▸Buckling▸Combined Thermal/StructuralSimWise FEA can displayFEA results as shadedcontours, deformed shapes,or animations. In additionto these engineeringvalues, SimWise FEA alsocalculates factors of safetyand errors in the stress results andboth of these can be displayed asshaded contours.The error results can be used todrive an iterative solution processcalled h-adaptivity where the errorresults are used to refine the FiniteElement mesh in areas with largeerror values and use that new meshto run another solution. The errors inthe new solution are compared to agoal and if error values in the modelstill exceed the goal, the processis repeated with successive meshrefinements and analyses until theerror goal is achieved. Confidencein the results are increased and nospecial knowledge about appropriatemeshing techniques is required.If more control over the mesh isrequired, SimWise FEA providesmesh controls that can be attachedto geometric faces or edges. Thecontrol allows the mesh size to bespecified on that particular featureand the resulting 3D mesh will bethe specified size along or across thegeometric feature.Refinement 2 - Error < 5%Refinement 1 - Error 8%Initial Mesh - Error 13%h-Adaptivity refines the mesh until an error threshold is achievedSimWise 4D OptimizationOptimization allows you to answer the “How can it be made better?” question about your design.Once you know a design will work and is strong enough to operate safely, you can start to consider making trade-offs between product attributes in the areas of weight, cost, manufacturability, and performance. SimWise 4D includes the HEEDS® optimization engine which, using its unique SHERPA algorithm, rapidly iterates through many design alternatives looking for design parameters that meet all targets and criterias.Three things are needed for optimization:▸Parameters – The values thatwill be changed to achievean optimized objective. Thesecan be any type of SimWise value, such as the stiffness of a spring, or the location of a joint.▸Objective – The value(s) tobe optimized. Any SimWisequantity that can be displayedon a meter along with mostSimWise object attributes canbe an objective.▸Constraints – Place bounds onthe optimization. Any SimWisequantity that can be displayedon a meter along with mostSimWise object attributes canbe used as a bound.As the optimization runs, the enginewill choose different values for theparameters and run multiple Motion,FEA, or Motion+FEA simulations.The high performance SHERPAsearch algorithm in the HEEDS®engine guide the choice of parametervalues. The data from each run arepreserved and can be reviewed.Each run is ranked in terms of howit meets the optimization criteria andthe rankings can be used to arrive atthe final values used for your design.If your SimWise model wastransferred from SOLIDWORKSvia the Plug-In, then you can alsochoose to transfer Design Variablesand Dimensions from SOLIDWORKSto SimWise. These Variables andDimensions can also be used as aParameter, Objective, or Constraint inthe optimzation process. Each timethe optimzation engine determinesthat a CAD Variable or Dimensionneeds to be changed, the CADsystem will be passed the newvalue, the model will be updated,and transferred back to SimWisefor the next optimization step. Thecomplex process of updating theSOLIDWORKS model, and runningmutliple Motion and/or FEA analysesis completly managed by SimWise.Some of the benefits of usingSimWise Optimization include:▸Reduced developmentcosts and improved productperformance - With theoptimization methods availablein SimWise coupled with itsintegrated Motion and FEAsolvers and associative linksto SOLIDWORKS, you canuncover new design conceptsthat improve productsand significantly reducedevelopment, manufacturing,warranty and distribution costs▸Sensitivity studies - UseSimWise Optimization to identifythe variables that affect yourdesign the most. You can thenignore variables that are notimportant or set them to valuesthat are most convenient orleast costly. This allows you tocontrol quality more effectivelywhile lowering cost.▸Lets you focus on innovativedesign - There’s no needto experiment with differentoptimization algorithms andconfusing tuning parameters foreach new problem. The HEEDSSHERPA algorithm adapts itselfto your problem automatically,finding better solutions faster,the first time.Best of all there is nothing extrato purchase. All of the capabilitiesneeded to peform sophisticated,analysis driven optimization are partof SimWise 4D.Simulink Interface MATLAB® /Simulink is widely used to design and simulate control systems in a variety of domains. As products grow more sophisticated,many mechanical assembliesare run by controllers andthe ability to simulate the controller together withthe mechanical system is necessary.SimWise can functon as a “plant” model in Simulinkwhich allows a SimWisemodel to be placed in a Simulink model as a blockrepresenting the mechanical model.Any SimWise value displayed on ameter can be defined as an “ouput”signal from the Plant Model andbe connected to another Simulinkblock’s input.A Simulink block’s output may beconnected to an input control inSimWise and the input controlcan be mapped to almost anynumeric attribute of a SimWiseobject. For example the amountof force generated by a linearactuator or the speed of a rotarymotor.Benefits:▸Control engineers can test theircontrol algorithms with dynamicmechanical models includingphenomena like 3D contact andfriction.▸The mechanical engineer andthe controls engineer cancombine their independantmodels.▸Development time and costcan be saved by evaluatingthe controller and mechanicalsystem early in the designprocess without having to buildphysical prototypes.SimWise Plant model integrates with SimulinkSimWise Durability Fatigue Life AnalysisSimWise Durability is an add-on module to SimWise 4D that allows you to answer the “How long willit last?” question about your design before you ever build a prototype.Fatigue damage is one the most common causes of structural failure, and can lead to disastrous outcomes. Therefore, prediction of structural fatigue life is essential in modern product design.SimWise 4D already calculates the dynamics loads that result from the motion of a mechanism, and the stresses and strains that result fromthose dynamic loads.SimWise Durability applies widelyaccepted FEA fatigue calculations tothe stress/strain history to determinethe part fatigue life. It presents thisdata as a shaded contour plot justlike FEA stress or temperatureresults. From this you can quicklydetermine if the part life is within thedesign objectives, and if not, wherechanges need to made to improvefatigue life.SimWise Durability provides about150 different materials containingfatigue properties per SAE J1022.Fatigue life can be calculated usinguni-axial or biaxial methods andSimWise Durability supports both.The following calculation methodsare supported:▸Manson Coffin▸Morrow▸Basquin▸ASME▸BWI Weld▸Smith-Watson-Toper▸Max Shear Strain▸Goodman▸Gerber▸Dang VanBenefits:▸Reduce reliance on physicaltests and avoid costly designand tooling changes.▸Reduce costs and weight byassessing more design options.▸Perform better physical tests bysimulating first.▸Reduce warranty costs byreducing failures.SimWise 4D is a prerequisite forSimWise Durability.An unprecedented Value PropositionThere are many options whenchoosing a set of CAE tools; FEAapplications, 3D Dynamic Motionapplications, CAE tools that are partof CAD systems. SimWise sets itselfapart in this crowded field because itoffers unsurpassed value.Consider that for a fraction of theprice of some single-purpose CAEtools, SimWise delivers:▸3D Dynamic Motion Simulationincluding contact, friction,formulas, and more.▸Linear static, normal modes,buckling, steady state andtrasient thermal and combinedthermal and structural analysis.▸Adaptive FEA meshing providinglocal mesh refinement inareas of hgh stress gradients,producing accurate results withminimal input.▸Combined Dynamic Motionand FEA analysis allowingthe stresses that result fromthe dynamic operation of anassembly to be calculated.▸Optimization using FEA, Motionor combined results.▸Integration with MATLAB/Simulink for co-simulation ofmechanical assemblies andcontrol systems.▸The ability to open andupdate CAD files directly fromSOLIDWORKS.▸The Plug-in for SOLIDWORKS,that allow associated modeltransfers along with assemblyconstraints, parameters anddimensions to be used foroptimization.▸Key-framed animationcoupled with photo-realisticrendering allowing productionof high definition videos andfly-throughs of a design inoperation.▸Optional Durability moduleproviding fatigue calculations inorder to predict product life.Fatigue life plot of a door armSimWise 4D Integrated Motion and Stress AnalysisAnimation CapabilitiesFlexible key framing and animationsof exploded assembliesShadows, surface rendering,and texture mappingClipping planes to “cutaway” sectionsAVI video creation。
directx8DirectX 8: A Comprehensive OverviewIntroductionDirectX 8 is a multimedia application programming interface (API) developed by Microsoft. It offers powerful features for graphics rendering, audio playback, and input handling, making it a crucial component for game development and multimedia applications. In this document, we will explore the various components of DirectX 8 and how they contribute to the overall functionality and performance of applications.1. DirectX 8 ArchitectureDirectX 8 consists of several components that work together to provide a seamless multimedia experience. These components include DirectDraw for 2D graphics rendering, Direct3D for 3D graphics rendering, DirectSound for audio playback, DirectInput for input handling, and DirectPlay for network communication. Each component is designed to handle specific tasks and can be used individually or incombination with other components to create sophisticated applications.2. DirectDraw: 2D Graphics RenderingDirectDraw is designed for efficient 2D graphics rendering. It provides a wide range of features including hardware acceleration, double buffering, and support for multiple display devices. With DirectDraw, developers can create visually stunning 2D graphics, implement smooth animations, and handle multiple resolutions and color depths.3. Direct3D: 3D Graphics RenderingDirect3D is a powerful component of DirectX 8 that enables developers to create immersive 3D graphics. It supports hardware acceleration, texture mapping, lighting effects, and vertex transformations, among other advanced features. With Direct3D, developers can create realistic environments, implement complex shading techniques, and achieve high-performance rendering for demanding applications.4. DirectSound: Audio PlaybackDirectSound provides audio playback capabilities for DirectX 8 applications. It offers features such as 3D sound positioning, hardware acceleration, and support for various audio formats. With DirectSound, developers can create immersive audio experiences, implement realistic sound effects, and handle multiple audio streams simultaneously.5. DirectInput: Input HandlingDirectInput allows developers to handle input from various devices such as keyboards, mice, joysticks, and gamepads. It offers features like input buffering, device enumeration, and force feedback support. With DirectInput, developers can create responsive and customizable input systems, implement complex control schemes, and support a wide range of input devices.6. DirectPlay: Network CommunicationDirectPlay is a networking component of DirectX 8 that enables multiplayer gaming and network communication. It provides features such as connection management, data synchronization, and secure communication. With DirectPlay, developers can create multiplayer games, implement onlinematchmaking systems, and build applications that require real-time data exchange over a network.7. Compatibility and PortabilityDirectX 8 is designed to be backward compatible with previous versions of DirectX, allowing developers to easily migrate their existing applications to the latest version. Moreover, DirectX 8 is cross-platform compatible, providing a consistent development experience across different operating systems, including Windows and Xbox.8. Performance ConsiderationsDirectX 8 offers both hardware and software rendering options, allowing developers to optimize their applications for different target systems. Hardware acceleration can significantly enhance rendering performance by offloading graphics calculations to the GPU, whereas software rendering ensures compatibility on systems without dedicated graphics hardware. Developers should carefully consider performance trade-offs and target system capabilities when choosing between hardware and software rendering.ConclusionDirectX 8 is a powerful multimedia API that provides a comprehensive set of tools for graphics rendering, audio playback, input handling, and network communication. Its components, including DirectDraw, Direct3D, DirectSound, DirectInput, and DirectPlay, offer developers immense flexibility and control over their applications. By leveraging the features provided by DirectX 8, developers can create visually stunning, immersive, and high-performance multimedia applications.。
时间线工作流程The timeline workflow is an essential tool for organizing and visualizing a series of events, tasks or activities over a specific period of time. 时间线工作流程是一个重要的工具,用于组织和可视化一系列事件、任务或活动在特定时间段内的安排。
It allows individuals or teams to clearly see the sequence of events, deadlines, and milestones to ensure that projects are on track and completed on time. 它使个人或团队能清晰地看到事件的顺序、截止日期和里程碑,以确保项目按计划进行,并按时完成。
The timeline workflow typically consists of a horizontal line representing the time and vertical lines or markers to indicate when specific events or tasks occur. 时间线工作流程通常包括一条水平线表示时间,垂直线或标记表示特定事件或任务发生的时间。
This visual representation helps to provide a clear overview of the project timeline, allowing for better planning, coordination, and communication among team members. 这种视觉表现形式有助于提供对项目时间线的清晰概述,使团队成员在规划、协调和沟通方面更加得心应手。
ue静态光烘焙流程English Answer:Static Lighting Baking Process in Unreal Engine.The static lighting baking process in Unreal Engine is a crucial step for achieving realistic lighting and shadows in your game or scene. It involves pre-calculating thelight and shadow information and storing it in a lightmap, which is then used to render the scene in real-time. The baking process consists of several steps:1. Lightmass Importance Volume: The first step is to define the areas in the scene that you want to bake. This is done using Lightmass Importance Volumes (LMVs). LMVs are placed in the scene to specify the areas that need high-quality lighting and shadows.2. Lightmass Portals: Lightmass Portals are used to connect different areas of the scene. They allow light topass between areas, but they also prevent light from "leaking" into areas that you don't want it to.3. Lightmass Settings: There are various Lightmass settings that can be adjusted to control the quality and speed of the baking process. These settings include things like the number of bounces, the lightmap resolution, and the indirect lighting quality.4. UV Mapping: The next step is to create UV maps for the objects in the scene. UV maps are used to define how the lightmap texture will be projected onto the object's surface.5. Baking: Once the UV maps are in place, the baking process can begin. This process can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours, depending on the complexity of the scene.6. Post-Processing: After the baking process is complete, you may need to perform some post-processing steps to improve the quality of the lighting. This caninclude things like adding ambient occlusion, tweaking the lightmap UVs, or adjusting the indirect lighting settings.Benefits of Static Lighting.Static lighting provides several benefits over dynamic lighting:Realistic Lighting: Static lighting produces more realistic lighting and shadows than dynamic lighting. This is because the light and shadow information is pre-calculated and stored in a lightmap, which results in more accurate and consistent lighting.Performance: Static lighting can improve performance by reducing the amount of real-time calculations that need to be performed. This is because the lighting information is pre-baked, so the GPU doesn't have to calculate it in real-time.Flexibility: Static lighting can be used to create a wide variety of lighting effects, from realistic sunlightto stylized lighting. This flexibility makes it a powerful tool for creating immersive and visually appealing scenes.Limitations of Static Lighting.However, static lighting also has some limitations:Limited Dynamic Lighting: Static lighting cannot handle dynamic lighting effects, such as moving objects or changing light sources. This means that you may need to use a combination of static and dynamic lighting in your scene.Baking Time: The baking process can be time-consuming, especially for complex scenes. This can make it difficult to iterate on lighting changes quickly.Memory Usage: Lightmaps can take up a significant amount of memory, especially for large scenes. This can be a concern for games that need to run on low-end hardware.Overall, static lighting is a powerful tool for creating realistic lighting and shadows in Unreal Engine.However, it is important to understand its benefits and limitations before using it in your project.中文回答:虚幻引擎中的静态光照烘焙流程。
动态清明上河图特点作文英语The Unique Characteristics of the Dynamic "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival"The "Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival," also known as "Qingming Shanghe Tu," is a renowned scroll painting created by the Song Dynasty artist Zhang Zeduan. It captures the bustling life and vibrant scenery along the banks of the Yellow River during the Qingming Festival, a traditional Chinese holiday. However, what sets this scroll apart from other artistic representations is its dynamic nature, which brings the painting to life in a way that traditional static representations cannot.The dynamic "Qingming Shanghe Tu" is not just a reproduction of the original scroll but an innovative reinterpretation that incorporates modern technology to create an immersive experience. This reinterpretation allows viewers to engage with the painting in a new and exciting way, offering a deeper understanding of thecultural and historical significance of the original work.One of the most striking features of the dynamic "Qingming Shanghe Tu" is its use of advanced projection mapping technology. This technology projects high-resolution images onto a large canvas, creating a life-size recreation of the original scroll. The images are sorealistic that they seem to jump off the canvas and come to life, much like a three-dimensional movie. The colors are vibrant and the details are meticulously recreated, capturing the essence of Zhang Zeduan's original work.Another remarkable aspect of the dynamic "Qingming Shanghe Tu" is its interactivity. Viewers are not just passive observers; they can actively participate in the experience. By using special sensors and motion-tracking technology, the painting responds to the viewer's movements, creating a truly immersive experience. For example, when a viewer walks past a scene depicted in the painting, the image might come to life with animations or sounds,allowing them to feel as if they are actually part of the scene.The dynamic "Qingming Shanghe Tu" also incorporates augmented reality (AR) elements to further enhance the viewer's experience. Through the use of AR, the painting comes to life in a way that is both visually stunning and informative. Viewers can use their smartphones or tablets to scan specific areas of the painting, revealing additional historical context, cultural insights, and even interactive games and quizzes related to the scene. This not only makes the viewing experience more engaging but also educates the viewer about the historical and cultural significance of the original scroll.The dynamic "Qingming Shanghe Tu" also features soundscapes that complement the visual experience. The sounds of the bustling city, the laughter of children playing, the calls of merchants hawking their wares, and the gentle flow of the river all contribute to create an immersive audio-visual experience. These soundscapes not only add to the realism of the scene but also evoke emotional responses in the viewer, making them feel as if they are truly transported back to the Song Dynasty.The dynamic "Qingming Shanghe Tu" is not just a technological feat; it is also a cultural phenomenon. It represents a fusion of traditional Chinese art and modern technology, creating a new way for people to engage with and appreciate the rich cultural heritage of China. By making the painting dynamic and interactive, it has broken down the barriers between the viewer and the art, allowing people from all backgrounds to connect with and understand the beauty and depth of Zhang Zeduan's masterpiece.In conclusion, the dynamic "Qingming Shanghe Tu" is a unique and innovative reinterpretation of a classic Chinese scroll painting. Through the use of advanced technology, it brings the original work to life in a way that is both visually stunning and emotionally engaging. It not only enhances the viewer's understanding and appreciation of the original scroll but also serves as a powerful testament to the enduring power of traditional Chinese art.。
我想成为一名建筑工程师英语作文全文共3篇示例,供读者参考篇1My Dream of Becoming an ArchitectEver since I was a very little kid, I've been fascinated by buildings. When I was just 4 years old, my parents took me to visit the big city for the first time. As we drove along the highway, I couldn't believe my eyes when I saw the skyline of tall skyscrapers reaching up to the clouds. "Wow!" I exclaimed, pressing my nose against the car window. "Those buildings are so tall! How did they get up there?"From that moment on, I became obsessed with architecture. Whenever we went somewhere new, the first thing I noticed were the shapes, sizes, and styles of the buildings around us. I loved spotting houses with pointy turrets that looked like they belonged in a castle. Stores and offices with huge glass windows all over were my favorite. But most of all, I was in awe of the massive skyscrapers that seemed to stretch on forever.On my 6th birthday, my parents got me a big set of building blocks. While my friends used theirs to make regular houses andtowers, I challenged myself to create more unique designs. I started making buildings with curved walls, arches, pillars, bridges between sections, and all sorts of weird angles. My bedroom floor became covered in a miniature city of my own invention.In school, my favorite subjects were anything related to math, geometry, art, and design. I enjoyed solving complicated math problems and doodling imaginative sketches during class. But my true passion was when we had engineering and construction projects. While the other kids followed the instructions to a tee, I experimented with my own innovative ideas to build better, more creative versions.For my 8th birthday, my aunt and uncle gifted me architecture software for my computer. I spent hours every day designing and constructing virtual buildings, homes, and skyscrapers. I learned all about architectural styles, structural integrity, building materials, and urban planning. Sometimes I stayed up past my bedtime, too engrossed in perfecting my latest towering creation."Matthew, why are you so obsessed with this architecture stuff?" my little brother Jason asked me one day. "It's just a bunch of dumb buildings that old people design for work."I laughed at his comment. How could I explain to a6-year-old how architecture is so much more than just piles of bricks and steel? To me, it's a form of art. Architects get to plan and design brand new worlds from scratch - creatingexpressive landmarks that sculpt our cities and define our communities. Every building, whether it's a house, office, museum, or skyscraper, starts as a vision in an architect's imagination before they make it a reality.What endlessly fascinates me is how architecture combines technical design with human-centered innovation. Not only do architects need an expert understanding of engineering, math, materials, and physics - but they also have to blend that knowledge with creativity, art, and a consideration for how people experience and utilize the spaces they envision.For example, let's take a cathedral with soaring Roman arches and stained glass windows. Not only does it require precise mathematical calculations and construction knowhow to build those sweeping stone archways and prevent structural collapse, but the architect has to carefully design how the play of light and shadows hits the space. They have to make it feel sacred, inspirational, and easy to navigate for crowds - all while making it structurally sound and sustainable.Or let's look at something more modern, like an art museum filled with winding walkways that flow between segmented galleries. To make a breathtaking design like that, the architect needs to combine their engineering mastery with an eye for aesthetics. They may use tons of large windows to let natural light pour inside. They also have to consider the best ways to arrange each space and control visitor flow based on viewing angles and walking paths. Every single aspect gets meticulously planned out.To me, that process of conceptualizing, designing, and bringing new buildings and cityscapes to life is nothing short of magic. I dream of one day being the architect that dreams up iconic skyscrapers thatdefine city skylines for decades to come. Or coming up with sleek, modern commercial spaces that energize neighborhoods and public parks that bring communities together. Every time I look at the toweringhigh-rises around my city, I imagine myself as the visionary mind that first drafted them on a piece of paper before they became tangible, real-world structures of glass, steel, and concrete.Whenever we learned about famous landmark buildings in school like the Eiffel Tower, Sydney Opera House, or Empire State Building, I found myself doodling my own grandiosebuilding ideas in my notebook instead of listening. I wonder what kind of iconic, mind-bending, futuristic structures I could bring into the world with my imagination. The possibilities seem endless.Some kids want to be firefighters, veterinarians, athletes or astronauts when they grow up. Not me - I know without a doubt that I'm going to be an architect. I look around my bedroom at the architectural models I've built, thebooks about design that I've read cover-to-cover, and the software I've mastered for drafting virtual blueprints and fly-through visualizations. Becoming an architect isn't just a career choice, it's my destiny and life's calling.I can't wait until I'm older and can finally start studying architecture in university. There, I'll learn every nook and cranny of architectural history and modern innovations. I'll become an expert inphysics, engineering, and urban planning. Most importantly, I'll finesse my skills in conceptualization, design principles, and creative visionary thinking to dream up amazing new possibilities for designed spaces and the built environment.Once I earn my architecture degree, I plan to apprentice at a prestigious firm in a fast-paced, future-focused city. I'll start small by lending my ideas to lesser projects, but one day my bigbreak will come. Maybe I'll get hired to design an iconic skyscraper that makes the cover of architecture magazines. Or dream up a new town square, transportation hub, or mixed-use development that totally transforms its location for the better. Regardless of the project, you can bet my architectural stamp will be on daring, convention-shattering innovations that push creative boundaries.After establishing my reputation and winning awards, I'll start my own architecture firm. We'll attract elite clients looking to construct the world's most cutting-edge, ambitious projects. My firm's concepts and renderings will be featured in art galleries as gorgeous, imaginative works of engineering and sculptural brilliance. Simply put, we'll make the buildings of the future that remake cities and societies.So for now, I'll keep indulging my obsession with watching new building construction sites around town and periodically updating my design software subscriptions. I'll keep studying the math, materials, and physics that architects utilize. And most of all, I'll keep filling up sketchbook after sketchbook with pages of wild, grandiose building concepts that conventional architecture firms would scoff at - but will one day seem visionary.Because from the time I was 4 years old, I've felt an undying passion and calling to create new designed spaces that define the physical world around us. To me, pursuing any other career simply isn't an option. I was born to be an architect, and that's exactly what I'll become - the most innovative, revolutionary architect theworld has ever seen. I can't wait to start designing the future.篇2I Want to Be an Architectural EngineerEver since I was a little kid, I've been fascinated by buildings – how they are designed, the different shapes and sizes, and all the thought and work that goes into constructing them. Whenever my family would go on road trips, I would stare out the window in awe at the skylines of the cities we passed through, mesmerized by the tall skyscrapers reaching up to the clouds. My parents would chuckle as I asked endless questions about the buildings – "How did they get that one so tall?" "Why did they make that one curve in the middle like that?" "How do they get the windows to stay in place?"That curiosity about the majesty of human construction has only grown as I've gotten older. I find myself constantlyimagining what it would be like to design incredible structures from the ground up. To transform an empty lot into something grand and iconic through careful planning, mathematical precision, and visionary artistry. The prospect of being an architectural engineer who helps make the bold ideas of architects into physical reality is incredibly exciting to me.I love the way architectural engineering blends so many different fields into one. It takes the creativity of art and design to dream up eye-catching forms. It requires mastery of physics, mathematics, and engineering principles to ensure the structural integrity and safety. Materials science comes into play in specifying the ideal types of steel, concrete, glass and other components. Construction management skills are vital to oversee the entire building process efficiently. Even aspects like environmental sustainability, zoning laws, and project budgeting are key considerations an architectural engineer must account for.The way all those diverse disciplines intersect to manifest buildings that can both wow us with their beauty and stand the test of time is simply amazing to me. I've started paying closer attention in my math, science, and art classes, as I know gaining strong foundations in those subjects now will be critical for myfuture career goals. I'm working hard to develop skills like problem-solving, attention to detail, visualization abilities, and teamwork that are important for thriving as an architectural engineer.My dream is to one day design skyscrapers and other monumental edifices that will take people's breath away while safely sheltering them for decades to come. I want to be able to point to iconic buildings gracing skylines across the world and be able to say "I had a hand in creating that." The thrill of witnessing the gradual transformation of my precise blueprints into a towering reality would be immensely gratifying. And knowing that what I helped build will likely be around long after I'm gone, housing and inspiring generation after generation, is profoundly meaningful.Of course, the path to becoming a successful architectural engineer is incredibly challenging and will require an immense amount of perseverance. After high school, I'll need to earn a four-year undergraduate degree in architectural engineering from a top university program. This will involve intensive coursework in subjects like mathematics, physics, design, statics, materials science, and structural analysis. During summers, I'll strive to land internships at engineering firms to gain vitalexperience applying my learning in the real world and start building my network in the industry.Once I have my bachelor's degree, I'll need to first get licensed as an Engineer in Training by passing the Fundamentals of Engineering exam. I'll then need several years of work experience under the supervision of a Professional Architectural Engineer before I can sit for the Principles and Practice of Engineering exam to finally earn my Professional Architectural Engineering license and credential. Even after accomplishing all of that, continuous learning will be essential to keeping up with evolving construction methods, materials, software, codes and regulations over the course of my career.The road ahead is daunting, but my passion for this field burns brightly. When I picture myself decades from now as a seasoned architectural engineer, I imagine feeling an immense sense of pride. Pride in the iconic skylines I've helped shape with ingenuity and artistry. Pride in being part of a legacy of human engineering that has defied gravity to create transcendent works of utility and beauty. Pride in building environments that have enriched people's lives by providing safe spaces to live, work and commune. Knowing that my education, creativity and labor havequite literally left an indelible mark on cities around the world would be the greatest sense of purpose I could ask for.So I will joyfully embrace the demanding journey ahead, paying my dues through grueling math courses, punishing exams, and long hours on drafting tables and job sites. For every all-nighter I spend poring over structural calculations, I'll be dreaming of manifesting those numbers into towering reality. Each time I'm deciphering a tangle of pipes, beams and electrical chases, it will be with the fervent hope of bringing order to urban complexity through ingenious design. The relentless pursuit of this dream job is what will get me through the hardest challenges of my training.I can't wait to one day walk into the offices of a prestigious architectural engineering firm, proving my passion, knowledge and skills to become part of their talented teams. To work shoulder-to-shoulder with brilliant architects, exchanging ideas and perfecting designs. To guide those visions through every phase from preliminary sketches to final construction. Until at last, I'll be able to look up at soaring new cityscapes and feel a overwhelming sense of pride and awe – because I helped build that.篇3My Dream of Becoming an ArchitectEver since I was a very little kid, I've been completely fascinated by buildings. Whenever my family would go downtown, I would stare up at the huge skyscrapers in total awe. How did people design and construct something so enormously tall and complex? The thought of creating structures like that seemed like magic to me.When I was around 5 years old, I remember walking through the fancy neighborhood near my grandma's house. All the homes were these beautiful, sprawling mansions with stunning architecture. I would stop and examine each one, soaking in all the intricate details like the carved front doors, the decorative columns, the multi-paned windows, and the grand entranceways. In my head, I would imagine what each house must look like on the inside based on how it appeared from the street. I wondered who the architects were that had dreamed up and brought to life each magnificent design.In kindergarten, I was always building things during free play time. While the other kids played house or with toy cars, I would spend hours meticulously constructing skyscraper models using wooden blocks and Legos. I became obsessed with making my towers as tall as possible without them collapsing. If they fellover, I would study where the flaws were and redesign them to be sturdier and more structurally sound. My teacher commented that I seemed to have a real talent for spatial reasoning and an engineering kind of mindset even at such a young age.As I got older, my passion for admiring and analyzing building design and construction never waned. On road trips, I would eagerly scan the landscapes we passed, examining every kind of structure from houses to office buildings to barns to bridges. In my free time, I would pore over books and websites about famous landmark architecture like the Eiffel Tower, the Pyramids of Giza, the Taj Mahal, and the Empire State Building. I was endlessly fascinated by learning the histories behind how each was conceived and brought into existence through creative vision combined with mathematical precision and construction expertise.In 3rd grade, we had an assignment to research a career and give a presentation about it to the class. There was no question in my mind what I wanted to explore - I chose to become an "architect expert." I remember spending weeks reading everything I could about the architecture profession. I learned about the different roles that architects play in the design and construction process. I studied the skills and specializedknowledge they need, like mathematics, physics, engineering concepts, computer-aided design and drafting software proficiency, drawing and sketching abilities, creativity, problem-solving skills, and an eye for aesthetic appeal. I poured over pictures and descriptions of all the diverse types of architect jobs, from residential to commercial to landscape to industrial. By the time I gave my presentation, I had decided without a doubt that I wanted to be an architect when I grew up.Ever since then, I have been completely devoted to preparing myself to make that dream my reality. I take every opportunity I can to practice and develop the talents that architects need. In art class, I always pick drawing and sketching projects so I can refine my design skills. When we do STEM activities in science, I get really into the engineering challenges of constructing sturdy towers, bridges, and other models following precise schematics and measurements. I enjoy the math assignments that involve concepts like geometry, angles, and calculating area because I know how essential those skills are for architectural design work.On vacation, instead of visiting typical tourist attractions, I always beg my parents to take me to see amazing feats of architecture like the iconic Sydney Opera House in Australia orthe breathtaking Alhambra palace in Spain. I love touring the buildings to learn about the cultural history, inspiration, and ingenious construction methods behind them. I take lots of pictures and sketch some of the key design elements. When we returned from our trip to Italy, I spent weeks making a huge diorama model of the Colosseum that I had visited and marveled at in person.At home, I am constantly building and constructing things not just for fun, but as learning opportunities too. In my room, I have shelves lined with Lego sets, model car kits, robotic toys that I can program and customize, and endless prototypes of buildings and structures that I have designed myself using the computer program SketchUp. In the backyard, I am always working on some kind of fort, clubhouse or shed using basic tools and construction materials like wood planks, nails, and canvas tarps. I take pride in creating spaces that are not just functional, but also visually appealing with interesting flourishes and decorative touches.My ultimate dream is to one day be an architect who designs skyscrapers and landmark buildings that will be cherished iconic symbols of cities around the world. I aspire to create breathtaking structures that blend form and function, mergingmind-blowing creativity with ultra-precise calculations that allow my designs to literally stand tall for centuries. I want to erect edifices that don't just provide space for homes, offices, and communities to exist, but that enhance people's quality of life through uplifting aesthetics and smart, innovative amenities.I know becoming an architect will require many years of hard work and specialized education. But I am prepared to put in the immense effort it will take to turn my childhood dream into a reality. I plan to take plenty of advanced math, science, computer, and art courses in high school and college to build the necessary skills. I hope to have opportunities to intern at architecture firms and get hands-on experience while I'm still a student. After getting my master's degree in architecture, I am committed to tirelessly applying my knowledge and talents in pursuit of landing my dream job designing the awe-inspiring structures that will define modern cityscapes.Ever since I was a little kid gaping up at towering skyscrapers in total amazement, I've had this burning desire to understand how such incredible feats of engineering and design come to be. My fascination with building design and construction has only grown stronger over the years as I've learned more about the challenging but rewarding career of architecture. While it will bea long journey full of hard work, I can't imagine any path more fulfilling than getting to channel my passion for creating innovative, functional, and beautiful spaces into making a lasting impact on the world through my designs. I can't wait to one day be the architect responsible for an iconic new landmark that people will点赞at with the same sense of awe and wonder I've felt since childhood.。
triplanar的作用 -回复
triplanar的作用-回复Triplanar Texture Mapping: Improving Visual Realism in 3D RenderingIntroduction:In the world of computer graphics and 3D rendering, achieving visual realism is a significant challenge. One key factor in creating realistic renders is the texturing of 3D models. Triplanar texture mapping is an effective technique that helps improve the visual realism of rendered scenes by reducing texture stretching and providing accurate surface details. Over the course of this article, we will delve deeper into the concept of triplanar texture mapping, its benefits, and its step-by-step implementation.Understanding Triplanar Texture Mapping:Traditional texture mapping methods often result in texture distortion and stretching when applied to complex 3D surfaces. Triplanar texture mapping overcomes this limitation by blending textures from three different projection planes, minimizing distortion and providing better surface coverage.The three projection planes used in triplanar texture mapping are typically the XY, XZ, and YZ planes. These planes are orthogonal to each other, ensuring accurate texturing from different angles and orientations in a 3D scene.Step 1: Creating Texture Maps for Triplanar Mapping:The first step in implementing triplanar texture mapping is creating three separate texture maps, each corresponding to one of the three projection planes. For example, we could have three texture maps: one for the XY plane, one for the XZ plane, and one for the YZ plane. These texture maps should accurately represent the surface details and patterns that need to be applied to the 3D model.Step 2: Projecting Textures onto the Surface:Once the texture maps are created, the next step is to project the textures onto the 3D surface. For each fragment of the surface, we determine the dominant projection plane based on the orientation of the surface normal. If the normal is predominantly aligned withthe XY plane, we sample the texture map corresponding to that plane. Similarly, we use the XZ or YZ texture map for surfaces mainly aligned with those planes. This process ensures that the textures align with the surface features appropriately.Step 3: Blending Texture Samples:In triplanar texture mapping, the projected textures are blended together to create a seamless appearance. This blending is achieved by taking weighted averages of the three texture samples, with the weights determined by the distance from each texture plane. The idea is that the closer the surface point is to a particular plane, the higher the weight assigned to the corresponding texture. This blending helps to eliminate visible seams and create a smooth transition between the texture projections.Step 4: Addressing Texture Tiling:Texture tiling is a common problem in texture mapping, where repeated patterns become apparent due to the limited resolution of the texture map. Triplanar texture mapping helps alleviate this issue by allowing each projection plane to have its own tilingfrequency. By individually controlling the tiling amount for each plane, textures can be mapped in a way that reduces repetitive patterns, providing a more realistic appearance.Step 5: Adding Normal Mapping:To further enhance the realism of the 3D model, normal mapping can be incorporated into the triplanar texture mapping technique. Normal maps store additional surface normal information, allowing for the simulation of intricate surface details without adding geometric complexity. By combining normal mapping with triplanar texture mapping, the rendered surfaces can have enhanced visual depth and realism.Conclusion:In conclusion, triplanar texture mapping plays a crucial role in improving the visual realism of 3D rendered scenes. By blending textures from three projection planes, triplanar mapping minimizes distortion, ensures accurate surface coverage, and addresses texture tiling concerns. Implementing triplanar texture mappinginvolves creating separate texture maps, projecting textures onto the surface, blending the texture samples, and addressing texture tiling. Furthermore, the technique can be combined with normal mapping to add intricate surface details, resulting in even more visually compelling renders.。
对电影本体的研究英语作文Title: Exploring the Essence of Cinema: A Comprehensive Study。
Introduction:The art of cinema has captivated audiences worldwidefor over a century. From its humble beginnings as a novelty to its current status as a powerful medium of storytelling and expression, film has undergone significant transformations. In this essay, we will delve into the essence of cinema, examining its various components and analyzing its impact on society and culture.1. Historical Evolution of Cinema:To understand the essence of cinema, it is crucial to examine its historical evolution. Cinema originated in the late 19th century with the invention of the motion picture camera. Early pioneers such as the Lumière brothers andGeorge Méliès laid the foundation for narrativestorytelling in film. Over time, advancements in technology, such as synchronized sound, color, and special effects, revolutionized the medium, enabling filmmakers to explore new creative possibilities.2. The Power of Visual Storytelling:One of the fundamental aspects of cinema is its ability to tell stories visually. Through the combination of moving images, sound, and editing techniques, filmmakers can evoke emotions, convey messages, and transport viewers todifferent worlds. Visual storytelling allows for auniversal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers, making cinema a truly global art form.3. Cinematic Techniques and Aesthetics:Cinema employs a wide range of techniques andaesthetics to enhance storytelling. From cinematography to editing, sound design to production design, each element contributes to the overall cinematic experience.Cinematography, for instance, encompasses the use of camera angles, lighting, and composition to create mood and atmosphere. Editing, on the other hand, shapes thenarrative structure and pacing of a film. Understanding these techniques helps us appreciate the artistry behind every frame.4. Film Genres and Themes:Cinema encompasses a vast array of genres and themes, each offering unique perspectives and narratives. From drama to comedy, thriller to romance, films explore various aspects of human experience. Genres not only entertain but also reflect societal values, beliefs, and anxieties. By studying different genres, we gain insights into cultural, historical, and social contexts, deepening our understanding of cinema as a reflection of the human condition.5. The Role of Filmmakers:Filmmakers play a pivotal role in shaping the essenceof cinema. Their creative vision, storytelling techniques, and directorial choices contribute to the uniqueness of each film. Filmmakers have the power to challenge conventions, provoke thought, and inspire change. By analyzing the works of influential directors such as Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, and Martin Scorsese, we can gain a deeper understanding of the director's role in shaping the essence of cinema.6. Cinema and Society:Cinema is not only a form of entertainment but also a powerful medium that reflects and influences society. Films have the ability to shape public opinion, challenge social norms, and spark conversations on important issues. From political dramas to social commentaries, cinema has played a significant role in shaping public discourse. By studying the impact of films on society, we can gain insights into the dynamic relationship between cinema and culture.Conclusion:In conclusion, the essence of cinema lies in itsability to tell stories visually, employing various techniques and aesthetics to create a unique cinematic experience. By studying the historical evolution, cinematic techniques, genres, and the role of filmmakers, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of cinema as an art form. Furthermore, cinema's influence on society and culture highlights its significance beyond mere entertainment. As we continue to explore the essence of cinema, we appreciate its power to educate, entertain, and inspire audiences worldwide.。
projectionProjectionIntroductionProjection is a fundamental concept in various fields, including mathematics, physics, and computer science. It refers to the process of representing a three-dimensional object or concept onto a two-dimensional surface. In this document, we will explore different aspects of projection, its types, applications, and mathematical foundations.Types of ProjectionsThere are several types of projections, each serving a unique purpose and application. Let's dive into some of the commonly used ones:1. Parallel Projection: Parallel projection preserves the relative sizes of objects while eliminating depth information. It is commonly used in technical drawings, architectural designs,and engineering blueprints. Examples of parallel projections include orthographic projection and axonometric projection.2. Perspective Projection: Perspective projection simulates how objects appear in the real world, taking into account depth perception. It is often used in visual arts, computer graphics, and virtual reality. Perspective projection creates a sense of depth, making objects appear closer or farther away based on their distance from the viewer.3. Orthographic Projection: Orthographic projection involves projecting a three-dimensional object onto a two-dimensional plane while maintaining parallel lines. It is commonly used in engineering, architecture, and drafting to create accurate representations of objects from different viewpoints.4. Oblique Projection: Oblique projection is a type of parallel projection where the object is projected at an angle rather than straight-on. It provides a more realistic depiction of an object's shape and is often used in technical illustrations, such as furniture assembly manuals.Mathematical FoundationsProjection involves various mathematical concepts and techniques to accurately represent a three-dimensional object on a two-dimensional surface. Let's explore some of the key mathematical foundations of projection:1. Perspective Projection Matrix: Perspective projection relies on a transformation matrix to convert three-dimensional coordinates to two-dimensional space. This matrix takes into account the position of the viewer, the field of view, and the distance to the object being projected. By multiplying the coordinates of each vertex by this matrix, we obtain the projected coordinates.2. Homogeneous Coordinates: Homogeneous coordinates are used in projection to represent both 2D and 3D points. They introduce an additional dimension, the homogeneous coordinate, which allows for more flexible transformations and simplifies calculations.3. Vanishing Point: In perspective projection, the vanishing point is a crucial concept. It represents the point where all parallel lines in the 3D scene converge in the projected 2D image. This convergence gives the impression of depth and realism.Applications of ProjectionProjections find applications in various fields and industries. Here are a few notable ones:1. Architecture and Interior Design: Projections are extensively used in architecture and interior design to create accurate representations of buildings, rooms, and furniture layouts. Architects use various projection techniques to showcase their designs to clients and project stakeholders.2. Video Games and Computer Graphics: Projection plays a crucial role in creating realistic 3D graphics in video games and computer-generated imagery. Perspective projection techniques are used to create immersive virtual environments that simulate depth and realistic visuals.3. Photography and Cinematography: In photography and cinematography, understanding and applying different projection techniques is essential. It helps capture scenes with proper depth, composition, and perspective, resulting in visually appealing photographs and videos.4. Geographical Mapping and Navigation: Map projections are used to represent the three-dimensional Earth on a two-dimensional map. Different projection methods, such as Mercator, Lambert, and Robinson projections, serve different purposes in accurately depicting the Earth's surface.ConclusionProjection is a vital concept used in various fields to represent three-dimensional objects onto two-dimensional surfaces. Whether in technical drawings, computer graphics, or architectural designs, understanding the different types of projections and their applications is essential. By grasping the mathematical foundations and principles behind projection, we can create accurate and visually appealing representations of the world around us.。
第25卷第3期河北理工学院学报Vol125No13 2003年8月Journal of Hebei Institute of Technology Aug.2003文章编号:1007-2829(2003)03-0101-03难溶杂多酸盐催化合成乳酸正丁酯董玉环,孟庆朝,周长山(唐山师范学院化学系,河北唐山063000)关键词:硅钨酸三乙酸醇胺盐;磷钨酸三乙醇胺盐;乳酸正丁酯;酯化反应摘要:合成了硅钨三乙醇胺盐和磷钨酸三乙醇胺盐,并以它们为催化剂,合成了乳酸正丁酯。
BID)BAD EXALIBUR FTS3000红外光谱仪,102G气相色谱仪。
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Visually Realistic Mapping of a PlanarEnvironment with StereoLuca IocchiUniversity of Rome “La Sapienza”Rome, Italyiocchi@dis.uniroma1.itKurt KonoligeSRI InternationalMenlo Park, CA USAkonolige@Max BajracharyaMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyCambridge, MA USAmaxb@Abstract: We present a hybrid technique for constructing geometrically accurate, visually realistic planar environments from stereo vision informa-tion. The technique is unique in estimating camera motion from twosources: range information from stereo, and visual alignment of images.1. Mapping and Mobile RobotsRecent techniques in mapping using single-plane laser rangefinders on mo-bile robots have proven very successful in indoor environments [1,2,3,4,5]. These techniques match range scans to build up a floor model, or plan view. They make no assumptions about the geometry of the environment, and take advantage of the direct range measurements in reconstruction.Image alignment techniques, on the other hand, attempt to simultaneously determine camera motion and 3D geometry from a sequence of images. They determine range only indirectly, as a byproduct of determining camera motion and matching images; there is a very large literature on this subject [6,7,8]. Both techniques have disadvantages. Range techniques are limited in their accuracy by the range measurements, which for mobile robots are typically much less precise than required for constructing a visually accurate model. Further, full 3D range sensors are expensive, power-hungry, and slow, and have yet to be deployed on mobile robots. On the other hand, image align-ment, while it can yield visually precise results, suffers from several problems in a full 3D setting: high computational load, difficulty in matching, and am-biguity in determining camera motion. It is well-known that these problems are accentuated when dealing with just two views of an object, rather than a sequence of images [9].In our work, we combine techniques from range mapping and image align-ment to reconstruct visually-realistic, metrically precise maps from a mobile robot, using just a stereo sensor to provide range and image data. We are in-terested in two tasks:1. Reconstructing the planar geometry of the indoor environment, forrobot navigation. The accuracy of this reconstruction need not be high, because current robot localization algorithms can deal with large uncertainties [10, 11].2. Providing a visually-realistic reconstruction of the environment for3D virtual-reality viewing. In this case, although the geometry need not precisely reflect the real-world 3D geometry, images must be correctly texture-mapped and fused on the geometry.As we will show, stereo range information from a short-baseline stereo rig is sufficient to accomplish (1), under suitable planarity assumptions. However, the camera motion estimated from range information is not accurate enough to visually fuse images into a convincing texture-mapped 3D reconstruction. In-stead, we use correlation-based image alignment techniques to complement and fine-tune the geometrical matching process.Although we believe the techniques presented here will generalize to more complex environments, in this study we rely on planar surfaces as the primary component of the environment model.2. Stereo Range Data and the Planar Modeling Assump-tionThe input for our reconstruction technique comes from short-baseline (10 cm) stereo imagery, using 640 x 480 color images. We use wide-angle optics (4.8 mm lens) to capture a substantial field-of-view, including both sides of acorridor; but thiscomes at the expenseof range precision.Figure 1 graphs therange precision of thestereo rig against dis-tance; it should benoted that the rangeinformation is lessaccurate than this, be-cause of various ste-reo-related effects suchas smearing [12]. Figure 5 is an over-head view of the rangereturns along a corri-Figure 1 Stereo range resolution for several different lens focal lengths.dor, showing that the geometric fidelity of the device is quite good, even at 10 meters.To illustrate typical stereo data, Figure 2 shows a scene from the left stereo camera, and the reconstructed 3D data from stereo range. While the stereo found parts of the scene with good texture, it missed large areas that were uni-form, e.g., the white walls. This problem of dropouts is the most serious ob-stacle to geometric stereo reconstruction.Most indoor environments consist of large planar surfaces: walls, floors, ceilings, even furniture. These surfaces constitute the primary structure of the environment. By using planar surfaces, we can simplify some of the difficult problems in both image alignment and stereo range mapping.1. Range registration. Stereo sensors use triangulation to measure distance,and range error is related to the distance squared, which makes it impos-sible to get accurate range information at distances greater than a few meters. Range registration is the process of fusing range readings at successive robot positions, and it cannot be done reliably on the basis of stereo range alone. A planar surface assumption can correct for the lack of precision of stereo at distance.2. Stereo dropouts. One of the major shortcomings of stereo ranging is thelack of range information in non-textured areas. With the planar as-sumption, we recover these areas as part of a planar surface (wall, floor, etc.).3. Image registration. Using a planar assumption reduces the search spacefor image registration to a small number of parameters. The idea is similar to image mosaicing, which uses an affine assumption [13].3. System DescriptionThe basic task is to estimate robot motion on the ground plane, using infor-mation from stereo. Figure 3 shows the geometry involved: the robot's pose in a global 2D reference system (X,Z) is represented by three variables (x,z ,θ), that correspond to the position and orientation of the left camera of the stereo rig. More specifically (x,y) represents the projection on the ground plane ofFigure 2 Color image (left) and reconstructed 3D mapping from range data (right). Note themany droupouts where there is no reliable stereo information.the position of the optical center ofthe left camera, and θ is the orien-tation of the projection of the opti-cal axes of the left camera. There-fore, for robot motion estimation we add the constraint that the ro-bot moves on a plane (the groundplane) and thus the three degreesof freedom are specified by (x,y ,θ).Information from stereo range isused to determine robot position and angle with respect to planar surfaces (α and d in Figure 3). Inthis way it is possible to partially correct possible errors from the robot's odometric system. However an accurate 3D reconstruction requires a higher precision in motion estimation and a fine measurement process is performed by using image alignment techniques. Figure 4 is a synopsis of the 3D reconstruction system. As the robot ac-Figure 3 Robot motion geometry.Figure 4 System description: range, robot motion, and image information are combined tocreate a textured 3D geometry.d α qquires a new stereo pair, it is integrated into a growing map of the environ-ment. First, from stereo range, a 3D Hough transform computes the major planar surfaces in the image. These surfaces are fused with the current environment model, using information from robot motion encoders to give a coarse estimate for fusing. This estimate is not precise enough for accurate image alignment, so a second fine adjustment is made by correlating the new image with previous images mapped onto the geometry.3.1. 3D Hough TransformThe Hough Transform allows for detecting the best fitting line/plane from a set of 2D/3D points, and it is very robust to noise due to occlusions and false positives [17,18]. The 3D HT is defined by the following transformation that is applied to every point (x,y,z ) returned by the stereo device:ϕϕθθρsin cos sin cos z y x ++=Every 3D point generates a curve in the Hough space (θ,ϕ,ρ) and every point in the Hough space corresponds to a plane. The main property of the HT is that given a set of 3D points all belonging to the same plane, the correspond-ing curves in the Hough space intersect each other in a single point of the Hough space that corresponds to that plane. Moreover, having defined a dis-cretization of the Hough space in cells and computed for each cell the number of curves passing through it, the local maxima of this function correspond to the best fitting planes for a cluster of 3D points.Plane extraction with the 3D HT has a computational complexity O(n*m), where n is the number of 3D points returned by the stereo device and m is the size of a discretization of the dimensions (θ,ϕ) of the Hough space. This com-plexity typically per-mits real-time im-plementations (i.e. atmost 100 ms cycletime) even with alarge number of input3D points (on theorder of 100,000).The accuracy of themethod depends onthe discretization ofthe Hough space andon the precision ofthe range sensor. Inour setting, with im-ages of size 640x480,the technique returnsplanes that have typi-cal deviations of 3 to 5 degrees in α. Atclose range, the dis-Figure 5 Stereo range returns along a corridor, viewed from above the corridor. Stereo cameras are at bottom of image; distance to the top is 12 m.tance measured to walls d is very accurate, on the order of ±1 cm. Figure 5 shows a typical range result down a corridor, viewed from above. The corridor walls are clearly visible, with reasonable range precision out to 12 m (the read-ings in the middle of the corridor are from the ceiling).Given α and d, the wall section can be embedded within the correct 3D model plane. However, there is still ambiguity in pose within the model plane, and we use several matching techniques to recover the pose.3.2. Map Building and Wall ReconstructionThe geometric map of the environment is represented by a set R of reference planes and by the corresponding texture extracted from the original images. Once planar surfaces are extracted from the stereo data (by means of the 3D HT described above), they are matched against the current 3D model in order to incrementally build the map of the environment. Since the robot has only moved a small amount (we usually choose around 1 m), odometry information is good enough to perform robust matching.The extracted plane is matched against a set R of reference planes within the current map representation. If a match is found, the two features are merged together (possibly with a correction for reducing the position error of the robot as described in the next section), otherwise a new feature is added to the set R. Observe that under the assumption of small positioning error this step would not introduce false new features.We make no assumption about the relative angles of the walls, e.g., the 90 degree assumption. However, the HT itself introduces a discretization of 5 degrees, which is enough to keep perpendicular walls exactly perpendicular. The registration is good enough so that, in small cycles, it is possible to re-match the original walls. Figure 6 shows the wall planes extracted and matched from 24 stereo pairs of the SRI offices. The robot completed a cycle about 20 m on a side, and the wall embedding was able to find the correct match at the end of the cycle to close the loop. In general, more sophisticated matching techniques will have to be employed in larger environments [1]. Note that the wall embedding process preserves fine structure: for example, the inner wall of the top area is distinct from the outer wall.While odometry can provide a rough estimate of robot motion for the em-bedding process, it is not accurate enough to fuse wall textures from multiple images. Instead, we use two methods to determine robot motion along planar surfaces (the direction q in Figure 3). These methods are explained in the next section.4. Image Alignment and Texture FusionThe rough estimate of the plane position provided by robot motion and range information is not good enough to provide visually accurate rendering of the wall texture. For fine adjustment of the images we make use of two different techniques aiming at reducing the position error of the robot and thus image alignment. These two techniques differ in the use of the visual information acquired by the cameras.1. When the images acquired contain enough texture information, imagecorrelation is used as a measure for the goodness of the alignment.2. If image texture is not enough we try to detect structural elements inthe environment (like door frames in a corridor) and to use these landmarks for the alignment.In either case, once we have determined the incremental camera pose esti-mate, we can reconstruct the image texture of the wall. We first extract the relevant image information, then transform it to a perpendicular view (Figure7). Holes in the wall are discovered by finding objects behind the wall plane in the stereo range. Finally, multiple images along the wall can be fused to pro-vide a complete wall texture.Figure 6 Geometric planes created from 24 stereo images of the SRIoffices. Scale is approximately 20 m on a side.4.1. Range Histogram MatchingOne method of determining robot motion perpendicular to a planar surface is to match range information at the new pose against the previous one. The idea is to look at a horizontal band along the wall, and create a histogram of pixels that are in the plane of the wall (red) and not in the plane (blue). The two histograms of Figure 8 show sharp peaks around doorways, and can be easily matched. The variance of the peaks is around 5 cm, giving about a 5% average error for a 1 m movement.4.2. Image Alignment by CorrelationImage alignment by correlation is peferentially used because of its higher precision. We search in the space of camera motions around the rough esti-mate, using image correlation as a goodness measure. Figure 9 shows the su-perposition of two texture maps taken from different robot positions. The left image uses a coarse estimate of camera motion, while the right is refined by search around this estimate. The fuzziness caused by misalignment is much reduced in the right superposition. Several points should be noted here about this process.•Ambiguities exist in the alignment process, especially correlation be-Figure 7 Wall texture reconstruction. Original image (top); transformed perpendicularview (left); final multi-image texture with holes (right).Figure 8 Histogram of range along a wall, from two different poses. Red peaks are in-wallreturns, blue are off-wall returns.tween rotation and translation motions of the camera. Without range information from stereo, it is impossible to determine camera motion unambiguously, even if the images are aligned visually [14,15,16].• The search is over two rotations and two translations of the camera, and can be computationally expensive. We have found techniques that make this search practical; these techniques isolate individual parame-ters or parameter pairs for optimization.Unlike standard techniques for structure-from-motion, which rely on finding matching features between the two images, we simply use a hypothesize-and-test method, which is robust but can be computationally expensive. We are searching for robot movement constrained to planar motion -- a single compo-nent of rotation and two (orthogonal) components of translation. So overall, we are searching over four parameters: a rotation of the camera, a distance to the wall, a distance along the length of the wall, and a distance along the height of the wall (approximating the roll of the camera).Doing the search along the two components of the wall is the least expen-sive; it only requires a translation of the two (rectified wall) images across each other. Changing the distance to the wall essentially requires the image to expand or shrink, requiring interpolation and, consequently, is more expen-sive. Changing the yaw angle, requires a computation of the wall points in 3D, translated back to 2D, and also requires interpolation.The computation time to calculate the error between two images is propor-tional to the number of pixels which need to be compared. However, this num-ber is reduced by using only points on the plane which have texture -- only points that matched in the stereo matching process (points that didn't match in stereo are not likely to match when matching images) -- and by using smaller imageThe entire search procedure is done in a pyramid style, using 320x240 im-ages to establish a rough estimate of parameters, and then a 640x480 image to refine the search. The search is done by gradient ascent (with look-ahead toFigure 9 Image alignment using correlation. Left image has initial overlay based on roughestimate; right image is refined estimate.prevent false local maxima). The search starts by fixing a rotation, and then finding the best distance to the wall. This involves a gradient search over this distance, and at each iteration, a search along the length and height of the wall. Then, in EM fashion, we use the new distance to the wall and adjust the angle, and repeat the process. The search is on the order of seconds (reaching up to a minute), running on dill (PII 333MHz I think, but I can't remember). Without doing the 640x480 refinement, it is considerably faster, but still on the order of seconds.There is an ambiguity between rotation and translation: a rotation in the camera yaw is similar to a translation along the wall. Without the geometrical constraint furnished by stereo, the angular uncertainty would grow with every new pose, and the robot would quickly become lost. With the geometrical con-straint, the only error that grows is translation along the wall plane. The maximum error for a single pose estimate is:α∆−q∆d=+αtan(),)(tan(αwhere ∆α is the maximum error in the wall angle determined from stereo. For a wall distance of 1m, at a 45 degree angle, the maximum error is 19 cm. Typical errors, of course, will be much less. We have not yet done any ex-periments to determine errors under real-world conditions.5. ConclusionWe have built an experimental system that combines techniques from image processing and range fusion to create visually-realistic 3D environment models from a moving robot. The novelty of this approach lies in the combination of approaches, each of which exploits specific types of information to reduce am-biguity in the fusion process. The result is a 3D, texture-mapped planar model that can be used for virtual reality applications, as well as robot mapping and localization. The use of full 3D information makes the mapping more robust and of greater utility than techniques that use floor-plan scans only.As proof of the viability of our system, we have constructed a model of the SRI offices over a space of about 30 m2, using a total of 26 stereo pairs (seeFigure 10 A texture-mapped scene created of the SRI offices.Figure 10).References[1] Gutmann, J. S. and K. Konolige. Incremental Mapping of Large Cyclic Environ-ments. Proceedings of CIRA, Monterey, CA (1999).[2] F. Lu and E. Milios. Globally consistent range scan alignment for environment mapping. Autonomous Robot s, 4:333–349, 1997.[3] Thrun, S., W. Burgard, and D. Fox. A real-time algorithm for mobile robot map-ping with applications to multi-robot and 3d mapping. In Proceedings of ICRA, San Francisco (2000).[4] W. Burgard, D. Fox, H. Jans, C. Matenar, and S. Thrun. Sonar-based mapping of large-scale mobile robot environments using EM. 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