
“华安、连城、永安、漳平、泉港一中,龙海二中〞六校联考2010-2011学年上学期第一次月考高二英语试题〔考试时间:120分钟总分:150分〕第I卷第一局部听力(30分)第一节〔共5小题;每一小题1. 5分,总分为7. 5分〕听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最优选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。
1. How soon will the man meet his wife?A. In about 10 minutes.B. In about 15 minutes.C. In about 50 minutes.2. What does the man suggest they do?A. Come back for a later show.B. Wait in a queue.C. Come back in five minutes.3. What is the woman?A. A volunteer.B. An earthquake expert.C. A soldier.4. What are the speakers talking about?A. A rainbow.B. Office work.C. Colors.5. What does the man think of those students?A. He feels sorry for them.B. He thinks it’s right to punish them.C. He thinks those students should serve others.第二节(共15小题;每一小题1. 5分,总分为22. 5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

等差数列、等比数列的概念及求和题组一一、选择题1.(浙江省杭州二中2011届高三11月月考试题文)已知数列{}n a 中,111,34(*2)n n a a a n N n -==+∈≥且,则数列{}n a 通项公式n a 为 ( )A .13n -B .138n +-C .32n -D .3n答案 C.2. (甘肃省甘谷三中2011届高三第三次检测试题)已知等差数列}{n a 的前n 项和为n S ,若45818,a a S =-=则( )A .18 B. 36 C. 54 D. 72 答案 D.3. (福建省安溪梧桐中学2011届高三第三次阶段考试理)已知公差不为0的等差数列{}n a 满足134,,a a a 成等比数列,n n S 为{a }的前n 项和,则3253S S S S --的值为( )A .2B .3C .15D .4答案 A.4.(福建省三明一中2011届高三上学期第三次月考理)数列{}n a 是公差不为0的等差数列,且137,,a a a 为等比数列{}n b 的连续三项,则数列{}n b 的公比为( )A .B .4C .2D .12答案 C.5 . (福建省四地六校2011届高三上学期第三次联考试题理)已知数列{a n }的通项公式为2245n a n n =-+ 则{a n }的最大项是( ) A .a 1B .a 2C .a 3D .a 4答案 B. 6.(浙江省杭州二中2011届高三11月月考试题文)等比数列{}n a 中,372,8,a a == 则5a =( )A .4±B .4C .6D .4-答案 B.7.(福建省厦门外国语学校2011届高三11月月考理) 已知等差数列{}n a 的公差为2-,且245,,a a a 成等比数列,则2a 等于( )A .-4B .-6 cC .-8D .8 答案 D.8.(浙江省温州市啸秋中学2010学年第一学期高三会考模拟试卷)已知数列{a n }的前n 项和S n =312n a n +=+,则A .201 B .241 C .281 D .321答案 A.9. (广东省华附、中山附中2011届高三11月月考理)已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且2510,55S S ==,则过点(,)n P n a 和2(2,)n Q n a ++(n ÎN *)的直线的斜率是A .4B .3C .2D .1答案 A.10. (甘肃省甘谷三中2011届高三第三次检测试题)设{}n a 是公差为正数的等差数列,若12315a a a ++=,12380a a a =,则111213a a a ++=( )A .120B .105C .90D .75答案 B.11.(北京四中2011届高三上学期开学测试理科试题)已知等差数列的前项和为,若,且A 、B 、C 三点共线(该直线不过 原点),则=( )A .100 B. 101 C. 200 D. 201 答案 A.12. (贵州省遵义四中2011届高三第四次月考理)在等差数列{}n a 中,351024a a a ++=,则此数列的前13项的和等于( )A .13B .26C .8D .16答案 A.13. (河南省郑州市四十七中2011届高三第三次月考文)在等比数列{}n a 中,已知13118a a a =,那么28a a =(A )3 (B )4 (C )12 (D )16 答案 B.14.(黑龙江大庆实验中学2011届高三上学期期中考试理)若一个等差数列前3项的和为34,最后3项的和为146,且所有项的和为390,则这个数列有( ).13A 项.12B 项 .11C 项 .10D 项答案 A.15.(浙江省杭州二中2011届高三11月月考试题文)已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且3711315a a a ++=,则13S =( )A . 104B . 78C . 52D . 39答案 D.16.(福建省厦门双十中学2011届高三12月月考题理)如果数列103*,8,,)}({a a a a a N n m R a a n m n m n n 那么且满足对任意=⋅=∈∈+等于( ) A .256B .510C .512D . 1024答案 D.17.(北京龙门育才学校2011届高三上学期第三次月考)(理科)已知数列{}n a 满足1133,2,+-==n na a a n则n a n的最小值为 ( )A .10B .10.5C .9D .8答案 B.18.(重庆市重庆八中2011届高三第四次月考理)等差数列{}n a 满足:296a a a +=,则9S = ( )A .2-B .0C .1D .2答案 B.19.(重庆市南开中学高2011级高三1月月考理)在数列{}n a 中,*111001,,(),n n a a a n n N a +=-=∈则的值为( )A .55050B .5051C .4950D .4951答案 D.20.(浙江省诸暨中学2011届高三12月月考试题文)在等差数列{a n }中,a 1+3a 8+a 15=120,则2a 6-a 4的值为A .24B .22C .20D .-8 答案 A.21.(浙江省温州市啸秋中学2010学年第一学期高三会考模拟试卷)若{a n }为等差数列,且a 2+a 5+a 8=39,则a 1+a 2+…+a 9的值为A .117B .114C .111D .108 答案 A.22. (甘肃省甘谷三中2011届高三第三次检测试题)已知a b c d ,,,成等比数列,且曲线223y x x =-+的顶点是()b c ,,则a d 等于( )A.3 B.2 C.1 D.2-答案 B.23.(浙江省温州市啸秋中学2010学年第一学期高三会考模拟试卷)数列{}n a 满足⎪⎪⎩⎪⎪⎨⎧<≤-<≤=+)121(12)210(21n n n n n a a a a a若761=a ,则=8aA .76 B .75 C .73 D .71答案 B. 二、填空题24.(浙江省杭州二中2011届高三11月月考试题文)已知等差数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,且13140,0,S S ><若10t t a a +<则t = . 答案:7.25.(福建省厦门外国语学校2011届高三11月月考理)已知等比数列{}n a 各项均为正数,前n 项和为n S ,若22a =,1516a a =.则5S =▲▲. 答案 31. 三、简答题26.(浙江省温州市啸秋中学2010学年第一学期高三会考模拟试卷) 已知{}n a 为等比数列,且364736,18.a a a a +=+=(1)若12n a =,求n ;(2)设数列{}n a 的前n 项和为n S ,求8S .答案 解:设11n n a a q-=,由题意,解之得112812a q =⎧⎪⎨=⎪⎩,进而11128()2n n a -=⋅ (1)由111128()22n n a -=⋅=,解得9.n = ………3分(2)1(1)1256[1()]12nnn a q S q-==--881256[1()]255.2S ∴=-= ………3分27.(浙江省诸暨中学2011届高三12月月考试题文)(本小题满分14分)已知数列{}n a 是公比为d )1(≠d 的等比数列,且231,,a a a 成等差数列. (Ⅰ) 求d 的值;(Ⅱ) 设数列{}n b 是以2为首项,d 为公差的等差数列,其前n 项和为n S ,试比较n S 与n b 的大小.答案 (Ⅰ) 解:012,2,221121213=--∴+=∴+=d d d a a d a a a a21,1-=∴≠d d(Ⅱ) 解:,25221)1(2+-=⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛-⋅-+=n n b n ,492)(21nn b b n S n n +-=+=4)10)(1()252(492---=+--+-=-∴n n n nn b S n n;101n n b S n n ===∴时,或 ;,92n n b S n >≤≤时n n b S ,n <≥时11.28.(重庆市南开中学高2011级高三1月月考理)(13分)已知数列{}n a 是公比大于1的等比数列,n S 为数列{}n a 的前n 项和,37S =,且1233,3,4a a a ++成等差数列。

1. Why did Carl go to the hospital today?A. To see the doctor.B. To take care of his wife.C. To pay a visit to his daughter.2. What does the man plan to do next summer?A. Save some money.B. Finish his work.C. Go on a trip.3. Who is the man?A. A driver.B. A lawyer.C. A policeman.4. Where can the man get the letter from the woman?A. In the mountains.B. In his aunt’s house.C. In his own home5. What does the woman think about the new DVD player?A. She has no idea yet.B. It’s no better than the old oneC. It’s not as good as the computer第二节〔共15小题,每一小题1。

福建省四地六校联考2011届高三上学期第二次月考试卷(英语)华安一中、连城一中、永安一中、漳平一中、龙海二中、泉港一中(考试时间:120分钟,总分:150分)第I卷第一部分听力(共两节.满分30分)第一节(共5小题:每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)1. When could Susan go to meet Professor Brown?A. At 10:00.B. At 10:30.C. At 11:002. What happened this afternoon?A. Sue's dog died.B. Sue was hit by a car.C. The driver was taken to the hospital.3. What does the man want to do?A. Go to class.B. Buy a gift.C. Ask the way.4. What might be the relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student.B. Doctor and patient.C. Writer and reader.5. What does the woman mean?A. She doesn't understand the man.B. She gives the dollar to someone else.C. She's unable to help the man第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)6. Why are Mondays terrible for the boy?A. He doesn't want to work after the weekendB. Mondays are full of difficult lessons for him.C. Mondays mean the beginning of a whole week for work7. What subjects does the boy like?A. Art, music and sport.B. Languages and maths.C. Geography and maths.听第7段材料,回答第8,9题。
福建省“四地六校”高一英语上学期第三次联考 新人教版

1、Which season is it?A、Spring.B、Summer.C、Winter.2、Where are the speakers?A、In the train.B、In the street.C、At the railway station.3、Why does the girl like the boy's pencil box better?A、His pencil box is bigger.B、His pencil box is more beautiful.C、His pencil box is smaller.4、What will the speakers do?A、Make a plan.B、Buy a dress.C、Visit a farm.5、What can we learn about the man?A、He has missed the bus.B、He needn't go to school today.C、He is silly.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)请听下面5段对话或独白,选出最佳选项。
6、What is the bread like?A、It's soft.B、It's dry.C、It's fresh.7、What does the man think the woman should do ?A、Throw the bread away.B、Eat the bread.C、Take back the bread.请听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。

点、线、面的位置关系题组一一、选择题1.(宁夏银川一中2011届高三第五次月考试题全解全析理) 设n m l ,,为三条不同的直线,α为一个平面,下列命题中正确的个数是( )①若α⊥l ,则l 与α相交 ②若,,,,n l m l n m ⊥⊥⊂⊂αα则α⊥l ③若l ||m ,m ||n ,α⊥l ,则α⊥n ④若l ||m ,α⊥m ,α⊥n ,则l ||n A .1 B .2 C .3 D .4 【答案】C【分析】根据空间线面位置关系的有关定理逐个进行判断。
【解析】由于直线与平面垂直是相交的特殊情况,故命题①正确;由于不能确定直线,m n 的相交,不符合线面垂直的判定定理,命题②不正确;根据平行线的传递性。
l ∥n ,故l α⊥时,一定有n α⊥。
2.(北京四中2011届高三上学期开学测试理科试题)已知等差数列的前项和为,若,且A 、B 、C 三点共线(该直线不过 原点),则=( )A .100 B. 101 C. 200 D. 201 答案 A.3.(北京五中2011届高三上学期期中考试试题理)若过定点)0,1(-M 且斜率为k 的直线与圆05422=-++y x x 在第一象限内的部分有交点,则k 的取值范围是( ))(A 50<<k )(B 05<<-k )(C 130<<k )(D 50<<k答案 A.4.(福建省惠安荷山中学2011届高三第三次月考理科试卷)直线0()x y a a o ++=>与圆224x y +=交于,A B 两点,且OAB S = a =( )A .BCD 答案 C.5.(福建省厦门双十中学2011届高三12月月考题理)设斜率为1的直线l 与椭圆124:22=+y x C 相交于不同的两点A 、B ,则使||AB 为整数的直线l 共有( )A .4条B .5条C .6条D .7条 答案 C.6.(甘肃省天水一中2011届高三上学期第三次月考试题理)已知函数)(x f y =的反函数为)1(log 1x y a -+=(1,0≠>a a 且),则函数)(x f y =的图象必过定点( )A .(1,0)B .(0,1) C.(-1,0) D.(0,-1) 答案 A.7.(重庆市南开中学高2011级高三1月月考理)直线1:1l y x =+与直线2:1l y =-的夹角为 ( )A .6π B .4π C .3π D .23π 答案 A.8.(浙江省温州市啸秋中学2010学年第一学期高三会考模拟试卷)一条直线的倾斜角的正弦值为23,则此直线的斜率为 A .3 B .±3 C .33 D .±33 答案 B.9.(浙江省温州市啸秋中学2010学年第一学期高三会考模拟试卷)“21=m ”是“直线013)2(=+++my x m 与直线03)2()2(=-++-y m x m 垂直”的A .充分不必要条件B .必要不充分条件C .充要条件D .既不充分也不必要 答案 A. 二、填空题10.(北京五中2011届高三上学期期中考试试题理)已知点P ()2,2在曲线3y ax bx =+上,如果该曲线在点P 处切线的斜率为9,那么ab = ,此时函数()3f x ax bx =+,3[,3]2x ∈-的值域为 答案 -3 [-2,18]11.(宁夏银川一中2011届高三第五次月考试题全解全析理) 如图,在正三角形ABC 中,,,D E F 分别为各边的中点,,G H 分别为,DE AF 的中点,将ABC ∆沿,,DE EF DF 折成正四面体P DEF -,则四面体中异面直线PG 与DH 所成的角的余弦值为 . 【答案】23。

1. What are the speakers discussing about?A. The colors of flowers.B. The prices of flowers.C. The species of flowers.2. What happened to the clothes?A. Jenny’s brother got them.B. They are still in the laundry.C. Jenny fo rgot them at home.3. What does the man suggest?A. Buying a Chinese cook book.B. Going to an Italian restaurant.C. Cooking Italian dishes on Saturday.4. What has the man just finished doing?A. Making a phone call.B. Answering a phone call.C. Looking for Tom.5. What was Henry’s weight last month?A. About 60 kilograms.B. About 70 kilograms.C. About 80 kilograms.第二节(共15小题,每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

1. How does the man feel about Yorkshire?A. He doesn’t enjoy the weather.B. He likes everything about it.C. He likes the rain there.2. Which month is it probably now?A. AugustB. JuneC. September3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?A. At a hospital.B. At a library.C. At a bookstore.4. What will the woman do first?A. Send the e-mail.B. Type the paper.C. Make a call.5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The plane crashed into the sea.B. Wood survived the air crash.C. Wood has just been back from a holiday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

2013届福建省四地六校第一学期高三第三次月考英语试题参考答案听力:1-5 CBAAB 6-10 CACBA 11-15 BABAC 16-20 BBCAC单项填空答案:21-25:CDBAA 26-30:BDAAC 31-35:BCDCA完形填空答案:36-40:DABDA 41-45:CBCAD 46-50:BDCBA 51-55:BCCDA阅读理解:56-59.BCAD 60-63.CBDBC 64-67.CADC 68-71.ACDB72-75BDAC短文填词:76.impossible 77.writing 78 accepted 79.that 80.money81.from 82.start 83.along 84.to 85.first书面表达One possible versionFrom the picture we can see that Xiao Hua is riding a bicycle with her parents and grandpa helping her.They are so tired that all of them are in a sweat.Xiao Hua is wondering why.In our daily life, we can see many parents act like Xiao Hua’s.They have only one child, so they spare no effort to help their only children.They think they can help their only children to achieve what they expect in this way.In my opinion it is wrong for parents to do so because children should learn to do things on their own.If they have the habit of being helped, they will not become independent when they grow up.How can they succeed in life? So it’s time for parents to reflect on what they have done.听力原稿(Text 1)Text 1M: Doesn’t your class start at 7:30 every day?W :No ,it starts at 8:00 on Monday, and it doesn’t start until 9:00 on Friday.Text 2W: Did you go to watch the football game yesterday afternoon?M:I hardly watch football games, but I never miss a single table tennis game.Text 3M: A freezing cold day for an outing, isn’t it?W: Chances are ten to one that it will get warm soon.Text 4W: If Lisa does n’t return my car in 15 minutes.I’m afraid I’m going to be late for the basketball game.M: Would you like me to get taxi for you?Text 5M: Would you like some more chicken?W: No, thanks.It’s delicious, but I’ve had enough.Thanks for inviting and cooking for me.I understand you’ve become a real cook recently, Pall.M: Well, since my wife began working, I’ve decided to help out by making the meals once in a while.Text 6M: Well ,it’s a nice room.Um…is there anything that I should know?W: Well, I don’t al low the cat to go upstairs at all.And I don’t allow people to smoke in the bedrooms.M: Oh, I agree with that.I don’t smoke anyway.W: And I don’t allow people to stick pictures up on the walls.M: Oh ,I see.Can I use small nails or something similar?W: Oh, yes.Something like that is quite acceptable.And there’s just one more thing if you don’t mind.If you go out, would you please remember to close the windows?M: Right ,I’ll do that.Text 7M: Hello, Julia.Have you heard about the chess match?W: Not yet, anything special?M: Well ,I suppose you would never be able to guess who came out first.W: Is it Carl, or David? Those two are very competitive.M: I’m afraid you got the wrong ones.The champion was John.It’s real surprise to everybody.He beat 12 other players, lost only 3,and played no draws.W: John is a lucky horse How about Carl and David?M: Well ,Carl only played seventh ,and David was better, He played fifth.W: Anyway, I’m still wondering how John could be so successful.M:I don’t know either.But I heard that both Carl and David were suffering from the flu at the time.Text 8M:I suppose I like to go to parties.My wife does too.She likes to dress up and go out to parties.W: Do you like to dress up?M: Well, I like to make the best impression pos sible ,if that’s what you mean.W: What kind of parties do you like best?M: Foreign-food parties, I enjoy new foods.Cocktail parties have been so popular these days.W: Oh, yes.There are cocktail parties everywhere.They bore me.But I must say it’s a good way to keep in touch with friends.M: Did you meet any of your old friends?W: Sometimes.But I meet someone new and interesting at nearly every party.M: Did you meet your husband at a party?W: Yes.I met him at a friend’s party.I saw him the moment I came in.he smiled at me.We got along well with each other right from the start.Text 9W: Hey, class is over.Why are you still sitting there?M: Oh, I’m thinking about what type of test Professor Smith is going to give us this term.W: He didn’t refer to the t ype in class.M: If it’s all essay questions, I’m dead! You have to make sure you know your material, and you have to present it in composition form.W:I hope it’s an objective test.You just learn by heart the facts, the dates and names.The professor is trying only the questions which were discussed in class or in the reading.M:I hope he is not going to test our ability to write this time.W: It’s hard to put new ideas together in an organized way within a limited time.I can never think quickly to distribu te my time properly ,so I’ll just try to finish the last question or two in five minutes.M: But the objective questions can be very random.Do you ever guess?W: Yes, sometimes.Everyone does.By the way.I want to borrow some books from thelibrary.Will you go with me?M: OK, let’s go then.Text 10I f you plan to remain in the United States for any length of time, you will soon find it too expensive to stay in a hotel and will want to find another place to live in.As is true in cities everywhere in the world, the farther you live outside the city, generally the lower the price will be.However, traveling to and from the city by bus, car, or train may make it as expensive as living in the city.Naturally, it’s easier to join in the life of a city if one is close to the center.For this reason you may prefer to live as close to the center of the city as possible.Your best source of information about either houses or apartments is likely to be the local newspaper.Usually, the week’s most complete list of house or apartments appears in the Sunday newspaper, which in many cities can be got late Saturday night..Many people looking for houses or apartments believe that they have a better chance of finding a place to live if they have all the information as soon as possible.On Sunday morning ,they are ready to call or visit.。

2011三角函数的概念、同角三角函数的关系和诱导公式(专练1)一、选择题1、(安徽省百校论坛2011届高三第三次联合考试理)已知3cos()||,tan 22ππϕϕϕ-=<且则等于( )A .BCD 2、(浙江省金丽衢十二校2011届高三第一次联考文) 函数()sin sin(60)f x x x =++ 的最大值是( )A B .2C .2D .13、(山东省莱阳市2011届高三上学期期末数学模拟6理)已知)2,2(,31sin ππθθ-∈-=,则)23sin()sin(θππθ--的值是( ) A 、922 B 、922- C 、91- D 、914、(湖南省嘉禾一中2011届高三上学期1月高考押题卷)在区间[1,1]-上随机取一个数,cos 2xx π的值介于0到12之间的概率为( )A .13B .2πC .12D .235、(湖北省补习学校2011届高三联合体大联考试题理) 已知cos()0,cos()0,2πθθπ+<->下列不等式中必成立的是( )A.tancot22θθ> B.sincos22θθ> C.tancot22θθ< D.sincos22θθ<6、(河南省鹿邑县五校2011届高三12月联考理)函数()3sin 23f x x π⎛⎫=-⎪⎝⎭的图像为C,如下结论中正确的是( )A .图像C 关于直线6x π=对称; B .图像C 关于点,06π⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭对称; C .函数()f x 在区间5,1212ππ⎛⎫- ⎪⎝⎭内是增函数; D .由3sin 2y x =的图像向右平移3π个单位长度可以得到图像C 。
7、(河南省辉县市第一高级中学2011届高三12月月考理)若cos 2sin αα+=则tan α=( )A.1-B.2C.1D.-28、(北京四中2011届高三上学期开学测试理科试题) 已知53sin ,,2=⎪⎭⎫⎝⎛∈αππα,则⎪⎭⎫ ⎝⎛+4tan πα等于( )A .7B .7-C .71 D .71- 9、(福建省三明一中2011届高三上学期第三次月考理) 已知函数)(sin cos )(R x x x x f ∈=,给出下列四个命题:①若;),()(2121x x x f x f -=-=则 ②)(x f 的最小正周期是π2; ③)(x f 在区间]4,4[ππ-上是增函数; ④)(x f 的图象关于直线43π=x 对称; ⑤当⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-∈3,6ππx 时,)(x f 的值域为.43,43⎥⎦⎤⎢⎣⎡-其中正确的命题为( ) A .①②④ B .③④⑤ C .②③ D .③④10、(浙江省温州市啸秋中学2010学年第一学期高三会考模拟试卷)函数()sin cos f x x x =⋅的最小值是( ) A .1- B .12-C .12D .1 11、(浙江省嵊州二中2011届高三12月月考试题文) 函数()2cos sin cos y x x x =+的最大值为( )(A )2 (B 1(C(D 112、(山东省日照市2011届高三第一次调研考试文)已知4sin ,sin cos 0,5θθθ=<则θ2sin 的值为( ) (A)2524-(B)2512- (C)54- (D)2524 13、(福建省四地六校2011届高三上学期第三次联考试题理) 已知22ππθ-<<,且s i n c o s ,a θθ+=其中()0,1a ∈,则关于tan θ的值,在以下四个答案中,可能正确的是 ( )A .3-B .3 或13C .13-D .3-或13- 14、(甘肃省甘谷三中2011届高三第三次检测试题)tan 690°的值为( )A.D.15、(甘肃省甘谷三中2011届高三第三次检测试题)若sin([0,])2θθπ=∈,则tan θ=( )A. 4-B. 4C. 0D. 0或4-选择题参考答案:1—5:D 、A 、B 、D 、A ; 6—10:C 、B 、C 、D 、B ; 11—15:B 、A 、C 、A 、D ;二、填空题16、(重庆市重庆八中2011届高三第四次月考文)在ABC ∆中,如果sin :A sin :B sin C =5:6:8,则此三角形最大角的余弦值是 .17、(重庆市南开中学高2011级高三1月月考文)若3(0,),cos(),sin 5θππθθ∈+==则 。

“华安、连城、永安、漳平一中、龙海二中、泉港一中”六校联考2012~2013学年上学期第三次月考高三英语试题(考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)第I 卷(共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题l.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.At what time does the woman’s class start on Friday?A. At 7:30B. At 8:00C. At 9:002.What is the man’s favorite game?A. FootballB. Ping-pongC. Tennis3.What does the woman think the weather will be like?A. It’s getting warmer. B .It’s getting colder. C .It’s getting sunny.4.What does the man offer to do?A. Call a taxi for the woman.B. Ask Lisa to return the car.C. Give the woman a ride.5.Where are the two speakers most probably?A. In a restaurant .B. At the man’s home.C. At the woman’s office.第二节(共15小题;每小题l.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独自。

“华安、连城、永安、漳平一中、龙海二中、泉港一中”六校联考2010~2011学年上学期第三次月考高二英语试题(考试时间:120分钟总分:150分)第 I 卷(共105分)第一部分听力理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
1.What time is the woman convenient?A. At six.B. At seven.C. Both A and B are OK.2.When can the woman possibly talk to the man?A. This week.B. Next week.C. The man will call the woman to fix the time.3.Which of the following is TRUE?A. The woman has tried contact lenses.(隐形眼镜)B. The woman likes to wear glasses.C. The woman doesn’t lik e wearing contact lenses.4.What do we know from the conversation?A. The woman is going to Shanghai on business.B. The woman will not come back.C. The woman got a job in a domestic company in Shanghai.5.Why did the man shout at the woman?A. The woman came late this morning.B. The woman didn’t finish her work.C. The woman misunderstood him.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

1. What airline is the man taking?A. Air China.B. China Eastern Airline.C. China Southern Airline.2. Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a store.B. At a restaurant.C. At a supermarket.3. When did the man get to class yesterday?A. At 2:30.B. At 2:00.C. At 1:30.4. What does the man mean?A. He can’t afford the new car.B. His friend has bought the car for him.C. He has already made the down payment(定金)on the car.5. What can we learn from the conversation?A. The woman wants to buy the red shoes.B. The white shoes are very expensive.C. The red shoes are very expensive.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

模拟题二坐标系与参数方程填空题1.(广东省中山市桂山中学2011届高三第二次模拟考试文) 在极坐标中,圆4cos ρθ=的圆心C 到直线sin()4πρθ+= .2. (广东省清远市清城区2011届高三第一次模拟考试理)(坐标系与参数方程选做题)点()2,2-的极坐标为 。
3、(河南省辉县市第一中学2011届高三11月月考理)极坐标系下,直线2)4cos(=-πθρ 与圆2=ρ的公共点个数是________.4.(湖北省夷陵中学、钟祥一中2011届高三第二次联考理)在平面直角坐标系xOy 中,设直线y =3x +2m 和圆x2+y2=n2相切,其中m ,n ∈N*,0<| m -n |≤1,若函数f (x)=mx+1-n 的零点x0∈(k ,k +1),k ∈Z ,则k =简答题5.(福建省四地六校2011届高三上学期第三次联考试题理)(本大题分两小题,每小题7分,共14分)(1)极坐标系中,A 为曲线22cos 30ρρθ+-=上的动点,B 为直线cos sin 70ρθρθ+-=的动点,求AB 距离的最小值。
(2)求函数y=6.(江苏省南京市九校联合体2011届高三学情分析试卷)(本小题为选做题,满分8分)已知直线l 的参数方程:12x t y t =⎧⎨=+⎩(t 为参数)和圆C 的极坐标方程: )4sin(22πθρ+=.(1)将直线l 的参数方程化为普通方程,圆C 的极坐标方程化为直角坐标方程;(2)判断直线l 和圆C 的位置关系.7.(浙江省诸暨中学2011届高三12月月考试题模块)在极坐标系中,过曲线)0(c o s 2s i n :2>=a a L θθρ外的一点),52(θπ+A (其中,2t an =θθ为锐角)作平行于)(4R ∈=ρπθ的直线l 与曲线分别交于C B ,.(1)写出曲线L 和直线l 的普通方程(以极点为原点,极轴为x 轴的正半轴建系);(2) 若|||,||,|AC BC AB 成等比数列,求a 的值.模拟题二坐标系与参数方程答案与解析填空题1.(广东省中山市桂山中学2011届高三第二次模拟考试文)在极坐标中,圆4cosρθ=的圆心C到直线sin()4πρθ+=.答案2. (广东省清远市清城区2011届高三第一次模拟考试理)(坐标系与参数方程选做题)点()2,2-的极坐标为。

1. Where does the woman probably work?A. In a photo studio.B. In a film company.C. In a radio station.2. Why was Tony given a medal?A. He behaved bravely in a fire.B. He rescued a baby from a fire.C. He ran the fastest in a race.3. What does the woman think of the movie?A. It is excellent.B. It is terrifying.C. It is attractive.4. What do we know about the woman?A. She is a newcomer.B. She has her own office.C. She shares a computer with others.5. Where does the conversation take place?A. At a hotel.B. At a restaurant.C. At a school.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。

例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B. £9.15.C. £9.18.答案是B。
例:It is generally considered unwise to give a child ______ he or she wants.A. howeverB. whateverC. whicheverD. whenever答案是B。

2011届高三年级第三次四校联考英语试题第Ⅰ卷(选择题:共115分)第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分, 不计入总分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。
每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题,每段对话仅读一遍。
1. How will the man travel?A. By bus.B.By train.C. By plane.2. Where does the conversation take place?A. At home.B. In the office.C. On the street.3. What does the man mean?A. He has lost his way.B. He wants to have his hair cut.C. He asks the woman to cut his hair.4. What is the man doing?A. Complaining about the service.B. Buying some goods.C. Asking for a comment card.5. What has the man probably done recently?A. Visit some relatives.B. Do nothing.C. Water the flowers.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。
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1. Why did Carl go to the hospital today?A. To see the doctor.B. To take care of his wife.C. To pay a visit to his daughter.2. What does the man plan to do next summer?A. Save some money.B. Finish his work.C. Go on a trip.3. Who is the man?A. A driver.B. A lawyer.C. A policeman.4. Where can the man get the letter from the woman?A. In the mountains.B. In his aunt’s house.C. In his own home5. What does the woman think about the new DVD player?A. She has no idea yet.B. It’s no better than the old oneC. It’s not as good as the computer第二节(共15小题,每小题1。
6. What has the weather been like these days?A. Sunny.B. WindyC. Rainy7. What would the temperature be tomorrow?A. 8℃B. 10℃C. 12℃听第7段材料,回答8至10题。
8. What is the man invited to do ?A. Teach in his mother school.B. Give a concert.C. Give a talk.9. What is the man now?A. A teacherB. A pop singer.C. A famous scientist.10. What do we know about the man?A. He will accept the invitation of his school.B. He will get further education.C. He used to like school.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。
11. What is the most probable relationship between the two speakers?A. Friends.B. Strangers.C. Neighbours.12. What are the two speakers talking about?A. Their habits.B. Their families.C. Their neighbours.13. What is the man’s trouble?A. He can’t give up smoking.B. He’s often disturbed at nightC. He has no house of his own听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。
14. What is the relationship between Mrs Black and the man?A. Hostess and guest.B. Teacher and student.C. Mother and son.15. What was the weather like when they had the picnic?A. Terrible.B. Lovely.C. Rainy.16. Where did the man have his picnic?A. In a boat.B. In a house.C. On an island.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。
17. Where is the speaker now?A. In an office.B. In a classroom.C. In a lab.18. When does the course come during the first part of it?A. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.B. On Tuesdays and Fridays.C. On Thursdays and Fridays.19. How often will the class meet in the research lab?A. Once a week.B. Twice a week.C. Every two weeks.20. What might be chosen to decide one’s final grade?A. Roleplays.B. Research papers.C. Class attendance.第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
21. When I went to watch the 16th Asian Games last month, I was greatly touched by the fact thatpeople from all walks of life are working hard for new Guang Zhou.A. the; aB. /; aC. the ; theD. /; the22. is known to us all is that the Chinese government has spared no efforts to protectpeople from fake food.A. AsB. ItC. ThatD. What23. --- How long you in the country with your grandparents, Henry?--- About four weeks. I’ll return as soon as school starts.A. are; stayingB. did; stayC. do; stayD. had; stayed24. The drunken driver, rather than the passers-by for the traffic accident.A. was to be blamedB. was to blameC. were to blameD. were to be blamed25. There is a possibility that these hens could be frightened and lay fewer eggs a suddenloud noise.A. would there beB. should there beC. there wasD. there having been26. Many people believe we are heading for environment disaster we basically change theway we live.A. ifB. butC. unlessD. once27. Little Tom admitted in the shop, that he wouldn’t do that in future.A. to have stolen; promisingB. stealing; promisedC. to stealing; promisedD. having stolen; promising28. --- Do you mind if I open the window to let in some fresh air?--- .A. Never mindB. No, go aheadC. No, you’d better notD. Of course, go ahead29. It is required that all traffic participants should the traffic rules to make traffic saferand faster.A. performB. observeC. supportD. possess30. --- The terrible accident is under investigation--- Actually, quicker action those workers trapped in the mine.A. might have savedB. must have savedC. could have savedD. should have saved31. --- Which of these two magazines will you take?--- I’ll take , in case the journey is boring.A. allB. eitherC. bothD. neither32. My father and my mother have been married for 30 years, and never once with eachotherA. have they quarreledB. they have quarreledC. did they quarrelD. had they quarreled33. I’ll never forget the days I learn hard in my senior high school, changed mywhole life.A. that; whichB. when, whichC. which, whenD. that; that34. Before you take the medicine, do refer to the on the bottle.A. introductionB. descriptionC. instructionD. explanation35. My parents expected too much of me. When they heard that I had failed in the college entranceexamination, they almost .A. broke upB. broke offC. broke outD. broke down第一节完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。