Articles and Honors
Macroeconomics R. GLENN HUBBARD COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY ANTHONY PATRICK O’BRIEN LEHIGH UNIVERSITY MATTHEW RAFFERTY QUINNIPIAC UNIVERSITY Boston Columbus Indianapolis New York San Francisco Upper Saddle RiverAmsterdam Cape Town Dubai London Madrid Milan Munich Paris Montreal Toronto Delhi Mexico City So Paulo Sydney Hong Kong Seoul Singapore Taipei TokyoAbout the AuthorsGlenn Hubbard Professor Researcher and Policymaker R. Glenn Hubbard is the dean and Russell L. Carson Professor of Finance and Economics in the Graduate School of Business at Columbia University and professor of economics in Columbia’s Faculty of Arts and Sciences. He is also a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research and a director of Automatic Data Processing Black Rock Closed- End Funds KKR Financial Corporation and MetLife. Professor Hubbard received his Ph.D. in economics from Harvard University in 1983. From 2001 to 2003 he served as chairman of the White House Council of Economic Advisers and chairman of the OECD Economy Policy Commit- tee and from 1991 to 1993 he was deputy assistant secretary of the U.S. Treasury Department. He currently serves as co-chair of the nonpar-tisan Committee on Capital Markets Regulation and the Corporate Boards Study Group. ProfessorHubbard is the author of more than 100 articles in leading journals including American EconomicReview Brookings Papers on Economic Activity Journal of Finance Journal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Money Credit and Banking Journal of Political Economy Journal of Public EconomicsQuarterly Journal of Economics RAND Journal of Economics and Review of Economics and Statistics.Tony O’Brien Award-Winning Professor and Researcher Anthony Patrick O’Brien is a professor of economics at Lehigh University. He received a Ph.D. from the University of California Berkeley in 1987. He has taught principles of economics money and banking and interme- diate macroeconomics for more than 20 years in both large sections and small honors classes. He received the Lehigh University Award for Distin- guished Teaching. He was formerly the director of the Diamond Center for Economic Education and was named a Dana Foundation Faculty Fel- low and Lehigh Class of 1961 Professor of Economics. He has been a visit- ing professor at the University of California Santa Barbara and Carnegie Mellon University. Professor O’Brien’s research has dealt with such issues as the evolution of the U.S. automobile industry sources of U.S. economiccompetitiveness the development of U.S. trade policy the causes of the Great Depression and thecauses of black–white income differences. His research has been published in leading journals in-cluding American Economic Review Quarterly Journal of Economics Journal of Money Credit andBanking Industrial Relations Journal of Economic History Explorations in Economic History andJournal of PolicyHistory.Matthew Rafferty Professor and Researcher Matthew Christopher Rafferty is a professor of economics and department chairperson at Quinnipiac University. He has also been a visiting professor at Union College. He received a Ph.D. from the University of California Davis in 1997 and has taught intermediate macroeconomics for 15 years in both large and small sections. Professor Rafferty’s research has f ocused on university and firm-financed research and development activities. In particular he is interested in understanding how corporate governance and equity compensation influence firm research and development. His research has been published in leading journals including the Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis Journal of Corporate Finance Research Policy and the Southern Economic Journal. He has worked as a consultantfor theConnecticut Petroleum Council on issues before the Connecticut state legislature. He has alsowritten op-ed pieces that have appeared in several newspapers including the New York Times. iii Brief Contents Part 1: Introduction Chapter 1 The Long and Short of Macroeconomics 1 Chapter 2 Measuring the Macroeconomy 23 Chapter 3 The Financial System 59 Part 2: Macroeconomics in the Long Run: Economic Growth Chapter 4 Determining Aggregate Production 105 Chapter 5 Long-Run Economic Growth 143 Chapter 6 Money and Inflation 188 Chapter 7 The Labor Market 231 Part 3: Macroeconomics in the Short Run: Theory and Policy Chapter 8 Business Cycles 271 Chapter 9 IS–MP: A Short-Run Macroeconomic Model 302 Chapter 10 Monetary Policy in the Short Run 363 Chapter 11 Fiscal Policy in the Short Run 407 Chapter 12 Aggregate Demand Aggregate Supply and Monetary Policy 448 Part 4: Extensions Chapter 13 Fiscal Policy and the Government Budget in the Long Run 486 Chapter 14 Consumption and Investment 521 Chapter 15 The Balance of Payments Exchange Rates and Macroeconomic Policy 559 Glossary G-1 Index I-1ivContentsChapter 1 The Long and Short of Macroeconomics 1WHEN YOU ENTER THE JOB MARKET CAN MATTER A LOT ........................................................ 11.1 What Macroeconomics Is About........................................................................... 2 Macroeconomics in the Short Run and in the Long Run .................................................... 2 Long-Run Growth in the United States ............................................................................. 3 Some Countries Have Not Experienced Significant Long-Run Growth ............................... 4 Aging Populations Pose a Challenge to Governments Around the World .......................... 5 Unemployment in the United States ................................................................................. 6 How Unemployment Rates Differ Across Developed Countries ......................................... 7 Inflation Rates Fluctuate Over Time and Across Countries................................................. 7 Econo mic Policy Can Help Stabilize the Economy .. (8)International Factors Have Become Increasingly Important in Explaining Macroeconomic Events................................................................................. 91.2 How Economists Think About Macroeconomics ............................................. 11 What Is the Best Way to Analyze Macroeconomic Issues .............................................. 11 Macroeconomic Models.................................................................................................. 12Solved Problem 1.2: Do Rising Imports Lead to a Permanent Reductionin U.S. Employment. (12)Assumptions Endogenous Variables and Exogenous Variables in EconomicModels ........................................................................................................ 13 Forming and Testing Hypotheses in Economic Models .................................................... 14Making the Connection: What Do People Know About Macroeconomicsand How Do They KnowIt .............................................................................................. 151.3 Key Issues and Questions of Macroeconomics ............................................... 16An Inside Look: Will Consumer Spending Nudge Employers to Hire................................ 18Chapter Summary and Problems ............................................................................. 20 Key Terms and Concepts Review Questions Problems and Applications Data Exercise Theseend-of-chapter resource materials repeat in all chapters.Chapter 2 Measuring the Macroeconomy 23HOW DO WE KNOW WHEN WE ARE IN ARECESSION ........................................................... 23Key Issue andQuestion .................................................................................................... 232.1 GDP: Measuring Total Production and Total Income ..................................... 25 How theGovernment Calculates GDP (25)Production and Income (26)The Circular Flow of Income (27)An Example of Measuring GDP (29)National Income Identities and the Components of GDP (29)vvi CONTENTS Making the Connection: Will Public Employee Pensions Wreck State and Local Government Budgets.................................................................... 31 The Relationship Between GDP and GNP........................................................................ 33 2.2 Real GDP Nominal GDP and the GDP Deflator.............................................. 33 Solved Problem 2.2a: Calculating Real GDP . (34)Price Indexes and the GDP Deflator (35)Solved Problem 2.2b: Calculating the Inflation Rate ..........................................................36 The Chain-Weighted Measure of Real GDP ....................................................................37 Making the Connection: Trying to Hit a Moving Target: Forecasting with “Real-Time Data” .................................................................................. 37 Comparing GDP Across Countries................................................................................... 38 Making the Connection: The Incredible Shrinking Chinese Economy ................................ 39 GDP and National Income .............................................................................................. 40 2.3 Inflation Rates and Interest Rates ....................................................................... 41 The Consumer Price Index .............................................................................................. 42 Making the Connection: Does Indexing Preserve the Purchasing Power of Social Security Payments ................................................................ 43 How Accurate Is theCPI ............................................................................................... 44 The Way the Federal Reserve Measures Inflation ............................................................ 44 InterestRates .................................................................................................................. 45 2.4 Measuring Employment and Unemployment .. (47)Answering the Key Question ............................................................................................ 49 An Inside Look: Weak Construction Market Persists.......................................................... 50 Chapter 3 The Financial System 59 THE WONDERFUL WORLD OFCREDIT ................................................................................... 59 Key Issue and Question .................................................................................................... 59 3.1 Overview of the Financial System ...................................................................... 60 Financial Markets and Financial Intermediaries ................................................................ 61 Making the Connection: Is General Motors Making Cars or Making Loans .................... 62 Making the Connection: Investing in the Worldwide Stock Market . (64)Banking and Securitization (67)The Mortgage Market and the Subprime Lending Disaster (67)Asymmetric Information and Principal–Agent Problems in Financial Markets...................68 3.2 The Role of the Central Bank in the Financial System (69)Central Banks as Lenders of Last Resort ..........................................................................69 Bank Runs Contagion and Asset Deflation ....................................................................70 Making the Connection: Panics Then and Now: The Collapse of the Bank of United States in 1930 and the Collapse of Lehman Brothers in2008 (71)3.3 Determining Interest Rates: The Market for Loanable Funds and the Market forMoney .......................................................................................... 76 Saving and Supply in the Loanable Funds Market ........................................................... 76 Investment and the Demand for Loanable Funds ............................................................ 77 Explaining Movements in Saving Investment and the Real Interest Rate (78)CONTENTS .。
关于韩愈的手抄报英语(一)关于韩愈的手抄报(英语版)1. Background•Who is Han Yu?•Brief introduction of Han Yu’s life and achievements. 2. Literary Contributions•Han Yu’s role in the development of Chinese classic literature.•His emphasis on using vernacular language and importance of clear expression.3. Political Influence•Han Yu’s involvement in politics and his critical views on the government.•Famous essay: “Memorial on Bone Ranking System” and its implications.4. Confucian Scholar•Han Yu’s deep reverence for Confucianism and its influence on his writings.•Examination of his famous works praising Confucius and criticizing Buddhism.5. Social Reformer•Han Yu’s efforts to correct social issues and promote moral values.•Focus ing on his essay “On the Disasters of Zhao State”and its impact.6. Legacy•Han Yu’s lasting impact on Chinese literature and society.•Recognitions and honors posthumously bestowed upon him. Conclusion•Brief summary of Han Yu’s significance as a writer, politician, Confucian scholar, and social reformer. •Encouragement to study and appreciate his works for a better understanding of Chinese culture.7. Influence on Modern Chinese Language•Han Yu’s contribu tions to the standardization of the Chinese language.•Introduction of the Han Yu Wen Zi, a system of character pronunciation based on his work.8. Literary Style and Themes•Discussion of Han Yu’s elegant and concise prose style.•Exploration of common themes in his works, such as patriotism, morality, and social justice.9. Controversies and Criticisms•Examination of criticisms and controversies surrounding Han Yu’s viewpoints.•Debates over the appropriateness of his strong political and religious stances.10. Han Yu’s Place in Chinese History•Comparison of Han Yu’s influence with other prominent figures in Chinese history.•Reflection on his significant contributions to the cultural and intellectual landscape of China.11. Sources and Further Reading•List of recommended books, articles, and academic resources about Han Yu.•Encouragement to explore more in-depth studies on his life and works.Conclusion•Recap of Han Yu’s multifaceted achievements as a writer, thinker, and social activist.•Encouragement to recognize his enduring impact on Chinese literature and society.By studying and appreciating the life and works of Han Yu, we can gain a deeper understanding of Chinese culture and history. His writings continue to inspire and provokecritical thinking in both literary and social realms. Let us remember and honor this esteemed figure who has left an indelible mark on Chinese civilization.。
张桂梅成就英语作文Zhang Guimei's Achievement in English Writing。
Zhang Guimei, a renowned educator from a remote village in China, has made remarkable achievements in promoting English education among underprivileged children. Her dedication and hard work have not only transformed thelives of many children but also inspired countless people around the world.Zhang Guimei was born and raised in a poverty-stricken village in Yunnan Province, where access to education was limited. Despite the challenges she faced, Zhang Guimei was determined to pursue her education and make a difference in the lives of others. After completing her studies, she returned to her hometown and founded the "Free Lunch Program," which provided meals and education for children from impoverished families.One of the key components of Zhang Guimei's program wasthe emphasis on English education. She believed that learning English would open up new opportunities for the children and help them break the cycle of poverty. With limited resources, Zhang Guimei worked tirelessly to create a conducive learning environment for the children, organizing English classes and providing them with the necessary materials.Over the years, Zhang Guimei's efforts have yielded remarkable results. Many of the children who have benefited from her program have gone on to pursue higher education and secure better job opportunities. Some have even become English teachers themselves, passing on the knowledge and skills they have acquired to the next generation.Zhang Guimei's impact has not been limited to her village. Her story has garnered widespread attention and admiration, leading to an outpouring of support from people all over the world. Many have donated funds and resources to help expand the "Free Lunch Program" and replicate its success in other communities.In addition to her work in education, Zhang Guimei has also become an accomplished English writer. Her essays and articles, which reflect her experiences and insights, have been widely praised for their eloquence and sincerity. Through her writing, Zhang Guimei has been able to reach a broader audience and advocate for the importance of education and the power of English in transforming lives.In recognition of her contributions, Zhang Guimei has received numerous awards and honors, both domestically and internationally. She has also been invited to speak at various events and conferences, where she continues to inspire others with her story and vision.Zhang Guimei's achievements in English writing are a testament to the transformative power of education and the indomitable spirit of individuals who are dedicated to making a positive impact on the world. Her story serves as a reminder that with passion, perseverance, and a sense of purpose, one person can truly make a difference. Zhang Guimei's legacy will continue to inspire generations tocome, and her work will undoubtedly leave a lasting imprint on the landscape of education and English writing.。
Person of the YearIn the annals of human history, each year marks a unique tapestry of events, accomplishments, and transformations that shape our collective memory. Among these countless threads, one individual often rises to the forefront, their actions and contributions shining brighter than the rest, earning them the distinction of "Person of the Year." This year, that honor belongs to none other than Dr. Jane Doe, a scientist whose groundbreaking work in the field of medical research has revolutionized our understanding of disease and paved the way for new treatments.Dr. Doe's journey to becoming Person of the Year is as remarkable as her achievements. She began her career as a curious and determined young scientist, driven by a passion to understand the complexities of the human body and the mysteries of disease. Her early research focused on a rare genetic disorder, a disease that had puzzled medical professionals for decades. Through her diligent work and innovative thinking, Dr. Doe was able to identify the genetic mutations responsible for the disorder, abreakthrough that not only provided insights into the disease's mechanisms but also laid the foundation for potential treatments.But Dr. Doe's ambitions did not stop there. She recognized that her discovery had the potential to impact a much broader range of diseases, and she set her sights on applying her findings to more common and often deadly illnesses. Her team embarked on a series of ambitious studies, exploring the role of genetics in various diseases and developing new therapeutic strategies. The results were nothing short of astonishing. Dr. Doe's research led to the development of new drugs that were more effective and had fewer side effects than existing treatments. Her work has saved countless lives and improved the quality of life for millions more.Beyond her scientific achievements, Dr. Doe is also renowned for her commitment to public education and outreach. She believes that the advancement of science and medicine is not just about making discoveries in the lab but also about ensuring that these discoveries translate into real-world benefits for people. She regularly speaksat conferences and writes articles aimed at educating the public about medical research and its impact on society. Her efforts have helped to demystify science and medicine, making them more accessible and understandable to the general population.Dr. Doe's influence extends beyond the scientific community as well. She is a powerful advocate for women in science, encouraging young girls to pursue their passionsin STEM fields and challenging the gender biases that have historically hindered their progress. Her own success story is an inspiration to countless women and girls, demonstrating that with dedication and perseverance, anyone can achieve their dreams in science.In recognition of her remarkable contributions, Dr. Doe has received numerous awards and honors, including the Nobel Prize in Medicine. But perhaps the greatest testament to her impact is the way her work has changed the lives of so many people. Her discoveries have opened new doors in the treatment of disease, giving hope to those who once had few options. Her dedication to public education has madescience more accessible and understandable, fostering a culture of curiosity and inquiry.As we look back on this year and celebrate Dr. Doe as Person of the Year, it is clear that her legacy will continue to shape the future of medicine and science. Her work is a reminder of the power of human ingenuity and the potential for science to transform our world for the better. Dr. Jane Doe is not just a scientist; she is a trailblazer, a hero, and an inspiration to us all.**年度人物**在人类历史的长河中,每一年都编织着独特的事件、成就和变革,共同塑造着我们的集体记忆。
介绍中国钟南山院士英语作文80词初中全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Hello everyone, today I want to introduce you to a very famous and important person in China, Academician Zhong Nanshan.Academician Zhong Nanshan is a very smart and wise doctor in China. He is known for his research on respiratory diseases, especially during the SARS and COVID-19 outbreaks. He has helped many people stay healthy and safe during these difficult times.Academician Zhong Nanshan is very kind and caring. He always works hard to find ways to treat and prevent diseases. He has received many awards and honors for his dedication to medicine and science.Academician Zhong Nanshan is also a good teacher. He teaches many students about medicine and inspires them to become great doctors too. He has written many books and articles to share his knowledge with others.I admire Academician Zhong Nanshan because he is a hero in China. He has saved many lives and made our country proud. I hope to be like him one day and help people with my knowledge and skills.In conclusion, Academician Zhong Nanshan is a great doctor and a role model for all of us. I am grateful for his hard work and dedication to medicine. Thank you, Academician Zhong Nanshan, for everything you do for our country!篇2Title: Introduction to Academician Zhong NanshanHi everyone, today I want to talk about a really cool scientist from China - Academician Zhong Nanshan! He is a super important figure in the medical field and has contributed a lot to fighting diseases.Academician Zhong Nanshan is like a superhero in real life. He is an expert in respiratory diseases and has made significant contributions to research on respiratory illnesses. He played a crucial role in the fight against the SARS epidemic in 2003 and has been working hard to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.Not only is Academician Zhong Nanshan a brilliant scientist, but he is also a great leader. He has been awarded numerous honors for his work, including the prestigious Lasker Award. He is a role model for all of us and inspires us to work hard and make a difference in the world.I think Academician Zhong Nanshan is really awesome and we are so lucky to have him in China. He is a true hero and we should all look up to him. I hope that one day I can be as smart and dedicated as him!That's all for today, thanks for listening!篇3Hello everyone! Today I want to introduce you to a very famous and respected scientist in China, academician Zhong Nanshan.Academician Zhong Nanshan is a super cool scientist who is known for his expertise in respiratory diseases. He played a big role in fighting against the SARS epidemic in 2003 and has been working hard during the COVID-19 pandemic too. He's like a superhero in a lab coat!Academician Zhong Nanshan is really smart and has won tons of awards for his research. He's like a brainiac with a big heart for helping people. He has been studying respiratory diseases for many years and is always looking for new ways to keep people healthy.Not only is Academician Zhong Nanshan super smart, but he's also super friendly. He's always willing to share his knowledge with others and give advice on how to stay healthy. He's like the coolest grandpa you could ever have!In conclusion, Academician Zhong Nanshan is a real-life hero in the world of science. He's smart, kind, and dedicated to helping others. We are so lucky to have someone like him in China, working to keep us safe and healthy. We should all look up to him as a role model and strive to be as awesome as he is someday. Thank you, Academician Zhong Nanshan, for all that you do!篇4Hello everyone, today I want to introduce you to a very special person in China, Academician Zhong Nanshan. He is a famous doctor and scientist who has made great contributions to the medical field.Academician Zhong Nanshan is a doctor who specializes in respiratory diseases. He has helped many patients with respiratory problems such as asthma, pneumonia, and the recent COVID-19 pandemic. He is very smart and always knows how to treat his patients well.Not only is Academician Zhong Nanshan a great doctor, but he is also a very good scientist. He has done a lot of research on respiratory diseases and has published many papers to share his findings with other doctors around the world. He is always learning new things and trying to find better ways to treat his patients.Academician Zhong Nanshan is also a very kind person. He always puts his patients first and does his best to help them feel better. He works very hard every day to make sure that his patients are getting the best care possible.I admire Academician Zhong Nanshan very much because he is a great doctor, a talented scientist, and a kind person. I hope that one day I can be as smart and as caring as him. Thank you for listening to my introduction of Academician Zhong Nanshan.篇5Hello everyone, today I want to introduce you to an amazing scientist from China, Academician Zhong Nanshan!Academician Zhong Nanshan is a super famous doctor in China. He is well-known for his expertise in respiratory diseases, especially in treating and researching about lung problems. He is like a superhero for all the people who are sick and need help with their lungs.Academician Zhong Nanshan has been working hard to help people for many years. He is very smart and has a lot of experience in the medical field. He has helped many people during his career and has even won many awards for his work. He is a true inspiration to all of us.One of the most amazing things about Academician Zhong Nanshan is that he played a very important role in controlling the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus in China. He was like a captain leading his team to fight against the virus and protect the people. Thanks to his efforts, the situation in China got better and many lives were saved.Academician Zhong Nanshan is a real hero for all of us. He is not only a great doctor but also a kind and caring person. He shows us that with hard work and determination, we can overcome any challenge. We are so lucky to have him in China!In conclusion, Academician Zhong Nanshan is a true role model for all of us. We should learn from his dedication and passion for helping others. Let's all strive to be like him and make the world a better place! Thank you, Academician Zhong Nanshan, for all that you do!篇6Hello everyone, I'm so excited to introduce to you a famous Chinese scientist - Academician Zhong Nanshan. He is a hero in China and has made great contributions to the world in the fight against COVID-19.Academician Zhong Nanshan was born in 1936 in Guangdong, China. He is a renowned respiratory disease expert and is known as the "SARS hero" for his critical role in combating the SARS epidemic in 2003. When the COVID-19 outbreak occurred in Wuhan in December 2019, he quickly led a team of experts to investigate and control the spread of the virus. His dedication and expertise have helped China effectively manage the pandemic and control its spread.Academician Zhong Nanshan is not only a great scientist but also a patriotic hero. He has been working tirelessly to protectthe health and safety of the people, even at the age of 85. His spirit of selflessness and dedication is an inspiration to us all.In addition to his work in the medical field, Academician Zhong Nanshan is also a respected academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. He has won numerous awards for his contributions to science and medicine.In conclusion, Academician Zhong Nanshan is a national treasure of China and a role model for all of us. Let's salute this great hero and learn from his spirit of dedication and perseverance. Thank you, Academician Zhong Nanshan, for all that you have done for us!。
介绍海伦的英语作文Here is an English essay about Helen, with the content exceeding 1000 words as requested, without a title and any extra punctuation marks in the main body of the text.Helen was a remarkable individual who overcame immense challenges to become a pioneering advocate for the rights of individuals with disabilities. Born in 1880 in Tuscumbia, Alabama, she faced significant adversity from a young age but emerged as a powerful voice for social justice and accessibility.At just 19 months old, Helen contracted a severe illness that left her both deaf and blind. Her parents, Arthur and Kate Keller, were initially unsure of how to communicate with their daughter or provide her with the necessary support. However, their determination to help Helen led them to seek out the assistance of Anne Sullivan, a young teacher who would go on to have a profound impact on Helen's life.Under Sullivan's guidance, Helen began to learn how to communicate through the manual alphabet, where letters are spelled out by tracing shapes on the palm of the hand. This breakthroughallowed Helen to engage with the world around her in ways that had previously been impossible. She quickly demonstrated a remarkable aptitude for learning, absorbing knowledge at an astonishing pace and developing a deep curiosity about the world.One of the most significant moments in Helen's life came when she visited the Perkins School for the Blind in Boston. There, she encountered the Braille system, a revolutionary method of reading and writing that allowed individuals with visual impairments to access written materials. Helen embraced Braille with enthusiasm, recognizing it as a powerful tool for expanding her knowledge and independence.Throughout her life, Helen remained dedicated to advocating for the rights of individuals with disabilities. She traveled extensively, giving lectures and presentations that highlighted the challenges faced by those with sensory impairments. Her message was one of empowerment and inclusion, challenging societal perceptions and demanding that the world recognize the inherent worth and dignity of all people, regardless of their physical or cognitive abilities.Helen's influence extended far beyond the realm of disability rights. She was a prolific writer, authoring numerous books and articles that explored a wide range of topics, from her personal experiences to broader social and political issues. Her memoir, "The Story of MyLife," became a best-seller and is still widely read today, offering a powerful firsthand account of her remarkable journey.In addition to her literary achievements, Helen was also a passionate advocate for women's suffrage, working tirelessly to secure the right for women to vote. She saw the struggle for disability rights and the fight for gender equality as inextricably linked, recognizing that true progress could only be achieved by addressing the intersections of multiple forms of oppression.Helen's legacy continues to inspire and influence people around the world. She is widely regarded as one of the most important figures in the disability rights movement, and her impact can be seen in the countless laws, policies, and social programs that have been implemented to improve the lives of individuals with disabilities.Beyond her advocacy work, Helen's life story is a testament to the power of resilience, determination, and the human spirit. Her ability to overcome seemingly insurmountable obstacles and to emerge as a powerful voice for change is a testament to the strength and creativity of the human mind.Today, Helen's legacy is celebrated through numerous awards, honors, and memorials. She has been the subject of numerous biographies, films, and theatrical productions, each of which seeks tocapture the essence of her remarkable life and the enduring impact of her work.In conclusion, Helen's story is one of true inspiration and lasting significance. Through her unwavering commitment to advocating for the rights of individuals with disabilities, her tireless efforts to promote social justice and equality, and her remarkable personal achievements, she has left an indelible mark on the world. Her legacy continues to inspire and empower people of all backgrounds, reminding us of the transformative power of courage, compassion, and the human spirit.。
人物传记英语作文模板英文回答:Character Biography Template。
Section 1: Personal Information。
Name:Birthdate and Birthplace:Death Date and Place: (if applicable)。
Occupation:Nationality:Ethnicity:Gender:Physical Appearance:Section 2: Early Life and Education。
Childhood:Family Background:Education:Influences and Inspirations:Section 3: Career and Accomplishments。
Major Accomplishments:Contributions to Their Field:Awards and Honors:Impact on Society:Section 4: Personal Life。
Relationships:Interests and Hobbies:Beliefs and Values:Controversies and Scandals: (if applicable)。
Section 5: Death and Legacy。
Cause of Death:Date and Place of Death:Legacy:Impact on History:Section 6: Additional Information。
Quotes and Sayings:Books and Articles Written About the Person: Museums and Monuments Dedicated to the Person: Other Notable Facts:中文回答:人物传记模板。
林巧稚品质英语作文Lin Qiaozhi was a remarkable individual whose life and accomplishments continue to inspire people around the world. Born in China in 1918, she overcame numerous challenges and obstacles to become a pioneering scientist and educator, making significant contributions to the fields of biochemistry and molecular biology. Throughout her remarkable career, Lin Qiaozhi demonstrated a unique set of qualities that made her a true role model and leader in her field.One of the most striking qualities of Lin Qiaozhi was her unwavering dedication and passion for her work. From a young age, she was driven by a deep curiosity and thirst for knowledge, constantly seeking to expand the boundaries of scientific understanding. Despite facing numerous setbacks and roadblocks, she never wavered in her commitment to her research, driven by a relentless pursuit of discovery and innovation.This dedication was evident in the countless hours she spent in the laboratory, conducting experiments and analyzing data withmeticulous attention to detail. She was known for her tireless work ethic, often working late into the night and on weekends to ensure that her experiments were carried out to the highest standards. This level of commitment and focus was a hallmark of Lin Qiaozhi's approach to her work, and it was a key factor in her many groundbreaking achievements.Another remarkable quality of Lin Qiaozhi was her intellectual brilliance and analytical prowess. She possessed a keen mind and an unparalleled ability to synthesize complex information, identify patterns, and draw insightful conclusions. Her deep understanding of biochemistry and molecular biology allowed her to tackle some of the most challenging problems in her field, and she was renowned for her innovative and creative approaches to research.Throughout her career, Lin Qiaozhi made numerous contributions to the scientific community, publishing hundreds of peer-reviewed articles and earning numerous prestigious awards and honors. Her work on the structure and function of proteins, for example, was instrumental in advancing our understanding of the fundamental building blocks of life, and her discoveries paved the way for important advancements in fields such as medicine and biotechnology.But beyond her intellectual gifts, Lin Qiaozhi was also known for herexceptional leadership qualities. She was a true mentor and role model to countless students and young researchers, inspiring them with her passion, her dedication, and her unwavering commitment to excellence. She was deeply invested in the success of those around her, and she worked tirelessly to create opportunities and support systems that would enable others to thrive and reach their full potential.This mentorship and leadership qualities were particularly evident in her work as an educator. Lin Qiaozhi was a beloved professor at several prestigious universities, where she taught and trained generations of students in the field of biochemistry. She was known for her engaging and dynamic teaching style, her ability to make complex concepts accessible and engaging, and her genuine care and concern for the well-being and success of her students.Beyond her scientific and academic achievements, Lin Qiaozhi was also deeply committed to making a positive impact on the world around her. She was a passionate advocate for social and environmental causes, using her platform and influence to raise awareness and drive change on issues such as climate change, sustainable development, and global health. She believed that science had a critical role to play in addressing the world's most pressing challenges, and she worked tirelessly to bridge the gap between scientific research and real-world applications.One of the most inspiring aspects of Lin Qiaozhi's legacy was her unwavering resilience and determination in the face of adversity. Throughout her life, she faced numerous personal and professional challenges, from political upheaval and social unrest to personal tragedies and setbacks. But no matter what obstacles she faced, she never lost her drive, her passion, or her commitment to her work and her values.This resilience was particularly evident during the turbulent years of the Cultural Revolution in China, when Lin Qiaozhi was forced to abandon her research and endure harsh political persecution. Despite the immense personal and professional toll this took on her, she never wavered in her dedication to science and her belief in the power of knowledge and discovery to transform the world.In the face of these challenges, Lin Qiaozhi drew strength from her deep sense of purpose and her unwavering commitment to making a positive difference. She remained steadfast in her belief that science and education could be powerful tools for social change, and she worked tirelessly to inspire and empower others to follow in her footsteps.Today, Lin Qiaozhi's legacy continues to inspire people around the world. She is remembered not only as a brilliant scientist andpioneering researcher, but also as a true leader and role model whose qualities of dedication, intellectual brilliance, mentorship, and resilience have left an indelible mark on the world. Her life and achievements serve as a powerful reminder of the transformative power of science, education, and human determination, and they continue to inspire new generations of scientists, educators, and leaders to follow in her footsteps.。
文档下载后可定制随意修改,请根据实际需要进行相应的调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种各样类型的实用资料,如教育随笔、日记赏析、句子摘抄、古诗大全、经典美文、话题作文、工作总结、词语解析、文案摘录、其他资料等等,如想了解不同资料格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by theeditor. I hope that after you download them,they can help yousolve practical problems. The document can be customized andmodified after downloading,please adjust and use it according toactual needs, thank you!In addition, our shop provides you with various types ofpractical materials,such as educational essays, diaryappreciation,sentence excerpts,ancient poems,classic articles,topic composition,work summary,word parsing,copyexcerpts,other materials and so on,want to know different data formats andwriting methods,please pay attention!Some people say that greatness needs honor. They think that having honor can prove one's value and make peoplefeel recognized and respected. It's like a badge of achievement.But then there are those who believe that truegreatness lies within. It doesn't have to rely on external honors. Greatness can be shown through actions and the impact one has on others, regardless of whether there's a fancy title or award.You know, sometimes people do amazing things just because it's the right thing to do, not for any honor. And that kind of greatness is just as powerful, if not more.Honor can be nice, but it doesn't define true greatness. There are many unsung heroes out there who are great intheir own way, without all the fanfare and honors.。
一、描述经历:1. 出生:be bornExample: She was born in a small town.2. 成长:grow upExample: He grew up in a big city.3. 接受教育:receive educationExample: He received education in a prestigious university.4. 进入学校:enter schoolExample: She entered a prestigious university.5. 开始工作:start workingExample: He started working for a multinational company.6. 获得成就:achieve successExample: She achieved great success in the field of medicine.7. 经历挑战:face challengesExample: He faced many challenges in his career.8. 克服困难:overcome difficultiesExample: She overcame difficulties and reached her goals.9. 参加比赛:participate in competitionsExample: He participated in various swimming competitions.10. 赢得奖项:win awardsExample: She won several awards for her outstanding performance.二、描述成就:1. 获得荣誉:receive honorsExample: He received numerous honors for his contributions.2. 取得突破:make breakthroughsExample: She made significant breakthroughs in scientific research.3. 发表文章:publish articlesExample: He has published several articles in top academic journals.4. 创立公司:establish a companyExample: She established her own successful business.5. 发明创造:invent and createExample: He invented and created many innovative technologies.6. 做出贡献:make contributionsExample: She made great contributions to the field of education.7. 受到认可:be recognizedExample: He was recognized for his talent and hard work.8. 当选为领导:be elected as a leaderExample: She was elected as the president of the student council.9. 被聘为顾问:be hired as a consultantExample: He was hired as a consultant by a prestigious firm.10. 被邀请演讲:be invited to give a speechExample: She was invited to give a speech at an international conference.以上是初中英语中描述人物经历和成就常用的词汇。
梁建英英语作文Liang Jianying: A Pioneer in Promoting English Education in China。
Liang Jianying, born in 1952, is a renowned English education expert and teacher in China. She has made significant contributions to the development of English education in China and has been widely recognized for her achievements.Liang Jianying started her career as an English teacher in 1975, after graduating from Shanghai International Studies University. She worked at various universities and institutions, including Shanghai International Studies University, Fudan University, and the Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press. During her teaching career, she has always been committed to promoting English education in China and helping students improve their English proficiency.One of Liang Jianying's most significant contributions to English education is her development of the "New Concept English" series of textbooks. This series of textbooks was first published in 1993 and quickly became popular among English learners in China. The textbooks are designed to help students improve their English language skills in a systematic and effective way. They are now widely used in schools and language training institutions across China.In addition to her work on the "New Concept English" series, Liang Jianying has also been actively involved in promoting English education through various channels. She has written numerous articles and books on English education, and has been invited to give lectures and workshops at universities and language traininginstitutions across China. She has also been a frequent guest on TV programs and radio shows, sharing her insights and experience in English teaching.Liang Jianying's contributions to English education have been widely recognized both in China and abroad. She has received numerous awards and honors, including the"National Outstanding Teacher" award and the "Shanghai Outstanding Education Expert" award. In 2008, she was awarded the "Order of the British Empire" by Queen Elizabeth II for her contributions to promoting English education and cultural exchange between China and the UK.In conclusion, Liang Jianying is a pioneer in promoting English education in China. Her dedication, passion, and expertise have helped countless students improve their English proficiency and achieve their academic and career goals. Her legacy will continue to inspire and benefit generations of English learners in China and beyond.。
介绍施光南的英语作文Shi Guangnan is a renowned Chinese writer and scholar who has made significant contributions to the field of Chinese literature and culture. Born in 1950 in Xiangtan, Hunan province, Shi Guangnan has dedicated his life to the study and promotion of traditional Chinese literature and philosophy.Shi Guangnan's academic career began in the late 1970s when he enrolled at Peking University to pursue a degree in Chinese literature. During his time at the university, Shi Guangnan developed a deep appreciation for the rich literary heritage of China and began to explore the ways in which traditional Chinese thought and culture could be applied to contemporary issues.After completing his studies, Shi Guangnan joined the faculty of Peking University, where he quickly established himself as a leading scholar in the field of Chinese literature. He published numerous books and articles on a wide range of topics, including classical Chinese poetry, the history of Chinese thought, and the relationship between literature and society.One of the key themes that has run through Shi Guangnan's work is the idea of the "Dao," or the fundamental principles that govern the universe. Shi Guangnan has argued that the Dao is not just a philosophical concept, but a way of living that can be applied to all aspects of life, from personal relationships to political and social institutions.In his writings, Shi Guangnan has explored the ways in which the Dao can be understood and applied in the modern world. He has drawn on the teachings of Confucius, Laozi, and other ancient Chinese thinkers to develop a holistic and integrated approach to understanding the human experience.One of Shi Guangnan's most important contributions to the field of Chinese literature has been his work on the relationship between literature and politics. He has argued that literature is not just a means of artistic expression, but a powerful tool for social and political change. Through his analysis of classical Chinese texts, Shi Guangnan has shown how writers and thinkers have used literature to challenge the status quo and advocate for social and political reforms.Shi Guangnan's work has had a significant impact on the field of Chinese literature and has helped to shape the way in which Chineseculture is understood and appreciated both within China and around the world. He has received numerous awards and honors for his contributions, including the prestigious Lifetime Achievement Award from the Chinese Writers' Association.In addition to his academic work, Shi Guangnan has also been actively involved in the promotion of traditional Chinese culture and values. He has served as a cultural ambassador for China, traveling to countries around the world to share his insights and perspectives on Chinese literature and philosophy.One of the key aspects of Shi Guangnan's work that has made him such a respected and influential figure is his ability to bridge the gap between the past and the present. He has been able to take the timeless wisdom of ancient Chinese thinkers and apply it to the pressing issues of the modern world, helping to create a new synthesis of traditional and contemporary thought.Shi Guangnan's writings have had a profound impact on countless readers and scholars around the world. His work has been translated into numerous languages, and he has been the subject of extensive scholarly analysis and commentary.Despite his many accomplishments, Shi Guangnan remains a humble and unassuming figure, dedicated to the pursuit of knowledge andthe betterment of humanity. He continues to be an active and engaged scholar, participating in conferences and workshops and sharing his insights with new generations of students and researchers.In conclusion, Shi Guangnan is a remarkable figure who has made invaluable contributions to the field of Chinese literature and culture. Through his rigorous scholarship, his insightful analysis, and his unwavering commitment to the preservation and promotion of traditional Chinese values, he has left an indelible mark on the intellectual and cultural landscape of China and the world.。
梁思成 英文文章
梁思成英文文章Liang Sicheng: A Visionary Architect and HistorianLiang Sicheng, born in 1901, was a renowned Chinese architect, architectural historian, and educator who played a pivotal role in the preservation and study of traditional Chinese architecture. His contributions to the field of architecture and his unwavering dedication to the preservation of China's cultural heritage have cemented his legacy as one of the most influential figures in the history of Chinese architecture.Liang's early life was marked by a strong intellectual and cultural upbringing. He was the son of Liang Qichao, a renowned scholar and political reformer, and grew up in an environment that fostered his passion for learning and exploring the depths of Chinese culture. After completing his secondary education, Liang traveled to the United States to pursue his higher studies, where he earned a degree in architecture from the University of Pennsylvania in 1925.Upon his return to China, Liang began his career as an architect, working on various projects that showcased his deep understanding of traditional Chinese architectural styles. One of his most notableachievements was the design of the Zhongshan Mausoleum in Nanjing, which combined elements of traditional Chinese architecture with modern design principles. This project not only demonstrated Liang's technical skills but also his ability to seamlessly integrate the past and the present, a hallmark of his architectural approach.Liang's true passion, however, lay in the preservation and study of traditional Chinese architecture. He recognized the immense cultural value of China's architectural heritage and dedicated much of his career to documenting, researching, and advocating for the protection of these historical structures. In 1932, he co-founded the Society for Research in Chinese Architecture, an organization that played a crucial role in the study and preservation of China's architectural legacy.One of Liang's most significant contributions to the field of architectural history was his comprehensive survey of China's ancient capital cities and their architectural features. He traveled extensively throughout the country, meticulously documenting the design, construction, and historical significance of these important sites. His findings were published in numerous books and articles, which became essential resources for scholars and students of Chinese architecture.Liang's dedication to the preservation of China's architectural heritage was not without its challenges. During the turbulent years of the Chinese Civil War and the subsequent establishment of the People's Republic of China, Liang faced numerous obstacles in his efforts to protect historical buildings from destruction or neglect. However, he remained steadfast in his commitment, using his influence and expertise to advocate for the conservation of these cultural treasures.One of Liang's most notable achievements in this regard was his role in the preservation of the Forbidden City in Beijing. As the director of the Palace Museum, he played a pivotal role in ensuring that this iconic imperial complex was protected and maintained as a valuable cultural heritage site. His efforts not only safeguarded the physical structures but also contributed to the broader understanding and appreciation of Chinese architecture among the general public.Liang's influence extended beyond his work as an architect and historian. He was also a respected educator, serving as a professor at Tsinghua University and mentoring generations of students who went on to become leaders in the field of architecture and urban planning. Through his teaching, Liang instilled in his students a deep respect for China's architectural heritage and a commitment to the responsible development of the built environment.Throughout his career, Liang Sicheng's unwavering dedication to the preservation and study of traditional Chinese architecture earned him widespread recognition and acclaim. He received numerous awards and honors, both within China and internationally, including the prestigious Architectural Institute of America Gold Medal in 1955.Liang's legacy, however, extends far beyond his individual achievements. He was a visionary who recognized the importance of preserving China's architectural heritage as a means of safeguarding the country's cultural identity. His work laid the foundation for a deeper understanding and appreciation of traditional Chinese architecture, inspiring generations of architects, historians, and cultural enthusiasts to continue his work in the years to come.Today, Liang Sicheng's name is synonymous with the preservation and study of traditional Chinese architecture. His contributions have had a lasting impact on the field, and his work continues to inspire and guide those who seek to honor and protect the rich architectural legacy of China. Through his life's work, Liang Sicheng has left an indelible mark on the cultural landscape of his country and the world, cementing his place as one of the most influential figures in the history of Chinese architecture.。
写一篇关于海伦凯勒的英语作文六年级Helen Keller was an American author, lecturer, and political activist. She was the first deaf-blind person to earn a Bachelor of Arts degree. Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880, in Tuscumbia, Alabama. At the age of 19 months, she lost her sight and hearing due to an illness. Despite her disabilities, she went on to achieve great things and became an inspiration to many.Helen Keller learned to communicate using the manual alphabet, and she also learned to speak. She attended the Perkins School for the Blind, where she met Anne Sullivan, her teacher and lifelong companion. With Anne's help, Helen learned to read Braille and write, and she became an avid reader and writer.Helen Keller was a strong advocate for people with disabilities. She traveled around the world, giving speeches and raising awareness about the challenges faced by people with disabilities. She also became involved in social and political issues, including women's suffrage and workers' rights.In 1903, Helen Keller published her autobiography, "The Story of My Life," which became a bestseller. She went onto write several other books and articles, and she received numerous awards and honors for her work.Now, let's switch to Chinese.海伦凯勒是美国作家、演讲者和政治活动家。
介绍孙幼军英语作文Xun Youjun is a renowned Chinese educator and linguist who has made significant contributions to the field of English language teaching and learning in China. Born in 1937 in Sichuan province, Xun's passion for education and language has been the driving force behind his illustrious career.Xun's educational journey began at a young age when he developed a keen interest in the English language. After completing his primary and secondary education, he went on to study English at Sichuan University, where he earned his bachelor's degree. His exceptional academic performance and dedication to the language caught the attention of his professors, who encouraged him to pursue a career in teaching and research.Upon graduation, Xun joined the faculty of Sichuan University, where he quickly established himself as a respected and innovative educator. He was instrumental in developing and implementing new teaching methodologies that focused on improving students' communication skills and cultural understanding. Xun's approach tolanguage learning emphasized the importance of contextual learning, interactive classroom activities, and the integration of authentic materials into the curriculum.One of Xun's most significant contributions to the field of English language teaching was his pioneering work in the development of communicative language teaching (CLT) in China. At a time when traditional grammar-translation methods were the dominant approach, Xun recognized the need for a more student-centered and communicative-oriented approach to language instruction. He introduced CLT to China, advocating for a shift away from rote memorization and towards a more interactive and engaging learning experience.Xun's efforts in promoting CLT were not without challenges, as the traditional educational system in China was deeply rooted in the grammar-translation method. However, Xun's unwavering commitment and his ability to adapt the CLT approach to the Chinese context ultimately led to its widespread adoption across the country.In addition to his work in the classroom, Xun was also a prolific researcher and author. He has published numerous articles and books on various aspects of English language teaching and learning, including curriculum design, teacher training, and languageassessment. His research has been widely recognized and has had a profound impact on the field of English language education in China.Xun's contributions to the field of English language teaching have not gone unnoticed. He has received numerous accolades and awards, including the prestigious National Award for Excellence in Teaching and the Lifetime Achievement Award from the China English Language Education Association. These honors are a testament to the profound impact that Xun has had on the lives of countless students and the overall development of English language education in China.Beyond his academic achievements, Xun is also known for his dedication to the promotion of cross-cultural understanding and exchange. He has been a tireless advocate for international collaboration and has facilitated numerous partnerships between Chinese and foreign educational institutions. Xun's efforts have helped to strengthen the ties between China and the global community, fostering a deeper appreciation for cultural diversity and mutual understanding.One of Xun's most notable achievements in this area is his role in the establishment of the China-US Center for Language Education and Research (CUSLER), a joint initiative between Chinese and American universities. The center serves as a platform for the exchange ofideas, the development of collaborative research projects, and the training of language educators from both countries.Throughout his career, Xun has remained committed to the belief that education is the key to unlocking the full potential of individuals and communities. He has dedicated his life to improving the quality of English language education in China, and his impact on the field has been truly transformative.As Xun approaches the twilight of his career, he continues to inspire and mentor the next generation of language educators, passing on his wealth of knowledge and experience. His legacy is one of innovation, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, and it will undoubtedly continue to shape the future of English language education in China for years to come.。
高等学历继续教育英语学士学位教程与指南全文共6篇示例,供读者参考篇1Earning a Big Kid Degree in EnglishHey there, little learners! Are you a big kid who loves reading, writing stories, and exploring the magic of words? If so, you might want to consider earning a really cool Big Kid Degree called a Bachelor's in English one day! Let me explain what that means and how you can make it happen.What is a Bachelor's Degree?You know how you go to elementary school to learn all the basics like reading, math, science and more? Well, after you finish those lessons, there's a whole other level of school called "college" or "university" that kids attend when they get older. It's like super-school for big kids and grown-ups!At college, you get to pick a special subject that you really love and want to study in-depth. The studying you do leads to earning an awesome degree that shows you're an expert in that subject. One of the degrees you can aim for is called a Bachelor'sdegree. It's kind of like becoming a Black Belt in your favorite topic!What Does English Mean?So what does it mean to study English and earn a Bachelor's degree in it? English is all about words, writing, literature, and language. If you adore reading books, coming up with creative stories, analyzing poems, plays and novels, or just geeking out about grammar, syntax and vocabulary, then English could be your perfect path.With an English degree, you'll dive deep into classic works of fiction and non-fiction writing from all time periods and cultures. You'll learn to analyze writings, understand their deeper meanings, and appreciate different styles of expression. You'll also practice your own writing skills across many formats like essays, stories, scripts and more.How Do I Earn the Degree?Earning a Bachelor's in English is a multi-year journey, but one filled with fun reading, writing, and brain-stretching challenges along the way! Here are some of the steps:Finish Elementary & Secondary SchoolThe first step is finishing your fundamental schooling through elementary, middle, and high school. Pay close attention in English class, read lots of books, and write as much as you can to build a strong foundation.Apply to UniversitiesAfter high school, you'll need to apply and get accepted to a college or university that offers a Bachelor's degree program in English or English literature. Admission requires good grades and test scores.Take Courses for 4 YearsOnce admitted, you'll spend about 4 years taking all kinds of English classes like literature analysis, creative writing, grammar, poetry, Shakespeare, and more. These will make up the major part of your studies.Complete General Education TooBut English won't be all you study! Colleges also require you take general education courses in other core subjects like math, science, history and more to become a well-rounded learner.Write Papers & ReportsThroughout your English degree, you'll read lots of assigned books, articles and writings. Then, you'll planand write essays, reports and research papers analyzing and exploring those works from different angles.Graduate with Honors!After completing all the required English and general education courses, you'll graduate and receive your shiny new Bachelor's degree in English! Wear that cap and gown with pride - you earned it!What Can I Do With the Degree?Getting a Bachelor's in English can lead to all sorts of awesome career adventures! Some big kid jobs you could pursue include:Teacher or ProfessorWriter (novels, poems, scripts)Editor (books, magazines, websites)JournalistMarketing/Communications expertLawyerThe great thing about an English degree is that it gives you "transferable skills" that are useful for many different jobs and industries. Skills like clear writing, creative thinking, comprehension, and communication can take you almost anywhere your interests lead!So keep reading, writing, and nurturing your love of language, little wordsmith. All that passion can turn into a super cool Big Kid Degree in English if you follow the path. It's a journey filled with literary adventures that can open up amazing opportunities for your future! How awesome is that?篇2Hey kids! Are you ready to learn about getting a really cool degree called a bachelor's? It's like a super special diploma that can help you get awesome jobs when you're older. Today, we're going to talk about getting a bachelor's degree in English. That means studying all about the English language - reading books, writing stories, and understanding words really well.First things first, what exactly is a bachelor's degree? It's kind of like graduating from a really big school called a university or college. You go there for four whole years after finishing highschool. During that time, you take lots of classes and learn so much cool stuff about English and other subjects too.Now, why would you want to get a degree in English? Well, knowing English really well can help you in so many ways. You can become a writer and create amazing books or movies. You could be a teacher and help other kids learn. Or you can work for big companies and help them with things like making websites, writing emails, or translating different languages. Pretty neat, right?Okay, so how do you actually get this bachelor's degree thing? Well, it starts when you're in high school. You'll need to take certain classes and get really good grades. Subjects like English, reading, and writing are super important. Your teachers can help you figure out what classes to take to get ready.Then, it's time to apply to universities or colleges. This means filling out forms and writing essays about yourself. The schools want to get to know you and why you'd be a great student. It's kinda like a job interview, but for school instead. You'll also need to take a test called the SAT or ACT which measures your skills.Once you get accepted (yay!), it's time to start your bachelor's degree journey. For four years, you'll take all kinds of English classes like literature, creative writing, grammar, youname it. You'll read tons of books and write lots of papers and essays. It's like one big reading and writing adventure!But it's not all about English. You'll also need to take classes in other subjects like math, science, and history. Universities want to make sure you get a well-rounded education. Plus, those other subjects can actually help you be a better writer and English student too.Throughout your four years, you'll have professors (that's what they call teachers in university) who are experts in English. They'll guide you, give you feedback on your work, and really help you grow your skills. You might even get to workone-on-one with them on special projects or research.It's not all just reading and writing though. Many English degrees also let you take fun classes in things like journalism, theater, communications, and more. You can explore your passions and figure out what you really want to do with your English superpowers.Here's the best part - after four years of hard work, you'll finally graduate and get that bachelor's degree! You'll have a huge celebration called a commencement ceremony where you get to walk across a stage in a cool robe and funny hat. Your family will be so proud of you!With a bachelor's in English, you'll be ready to go out into the world and get your dream job. You can be a writer, editor, teacher, journalist, or work in communications for a company. The possibilities are endless when you know English really well.It's not going to be easy - getting a bachelor's degree takes a lot of dedication and hard work. But it will be so worth it in the end. Just take it one step at a time, work really hard, and always keep reading and writing. Before you know it, you'll be an English super student ready to change the world!What do you think? A bachelor's in English sounds pretty awesome, right? If you love reading, writing, and learning about words, então você deveria definitivamente c onsiderar perseguir este caminho! Basta trabalhar duro e nunca desistir dos seus sonhos. Eu acredito em você!篇3Getting Your Big Kid English DegreeHi there! You know how your mom and dad sometimes talk about going to college and getting a degree? Well, I'm going to tell you all about getting a really cool English degree called a bachelor's degree. It's for big kids who have already finished high school. Pretty neat, huh?So what exactly is a bachelor's degree? It's a fancy certificate you get after studying a subject like English for four whole years at a college or university. Universities are like really big schools for adults. When you get the bachelor's degree, it means you're an expert in that subject! How awesome is that?Why get a degree in English though? English is super important for reading, writing, and communicating. With an English degree, you can become a teacher, writer, editor, or work in all sorts of cool jobs. You get to study great books, poems, plays, and more. It's like one big awesome reading adventure!Now, let me explain how you can get this rad English bachelor's degree when you're all grown up. First, you have to graduate from high school. Then, you apply to different colleges and universities that offer English degrees. You'll have to write some essays, get good grades, and then hopefully a school will pick you!Once you get into a school, the real fun begins - going to English classes! You'll read classic books like Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and Pride and Prejudice. You'll learn fromreally smart professors about literature, writing, grammar, and more. Sometimes you'll have discussions, write papers, and give presentations too.It's not all just reading and writing though. You'll take other cool classes on different subjects like history, science, math and more. College lets you get really smart about all kinds of things. The classes will definitely be harder than elementary school, but you're a brilliant kid so I know you've got this!The bachelor's degree program is four years long. That's a reallylong time! You'll have breaks for summer vacation and holidays though, don't worry. Most students live on campus in dorms - kind of like big houses with small bedrooms for each student. Dining halls have lots of yummy food too.During your four years, there will be lots of fun activities on campus like sports, clubs, parties, and events. You can make tons of new friends from all over too. Just be sure to study hard in between the fun!After four years of super hard work, you'll finally graduate and get that English bachelor's degree you've been working towards. Your parents will be so proud! They'll invite all your family and friends to watch you walk across a big stage in a cap and gown to get your degree certificate. Graduating is an amazing accomplishment!With an English bachelor's degree, you'll be qualified for all sorts of careers. You could be a writer, English teacher, editor,journalist, or work in marketing, publishing, advertising and more. The possibilities are endless!Getting a bachelor's degree in English does take lots of time, money, and effort though. It's a huge commitment for four whole years! But it will be so worth it in the end to become an expert in such an important subject.So there you have it - the whole scoop on getting an English bachelor's degree when you're an adult! It's a big adventure filled with reading, writing, learning, and growing. If you work really hard, you'll become a true master of the English language. How cool is that? Just you wait - getting that degree will be one of the most rewarding accomplishments ever!篇4Title: The Big Kid's Guide to Getting a Fancy English Degree!Hi there big kids! Today we're going to talk about something super cool that you can do when you're all grown up - get a really awesome degree in English! You might be thinking "English? Isn't that just reading and writing and stuff I already do in school?" Well, you're sort of right, but there's way more to it than that.Getting an English degree means you'll learn all about literature (that's just a fancy word for books and stories), how to analyze it, and how to write your own creative masterpieces. You'll read classic works by famous authors and poets. You'll learn about different writing styles and genres like fiction,non-fiction, poetry, and more. It's like taking your love of reading and stories to the ultimate level!But why would a grown-up want to go back to school for this? Well, there are lots of great reasons. Maybe you already have a job but want to switch careers and do something more creative. Or maybe you've always dreamed of being a writer, editor, teacher, or working in publishing someday. An English degree can help make those dreams come true!Okay, so how do you actually get this super cool degree? It's called "continuing education" which basically means going to classes and studying something new, even after you're done with regular school. The best part is, you don't have to quit your job or move somewhere new. You can take classes online or at a local college nearby!Here are some tips on how to get started:Decide if you want to take classes part-time or full-time. Part-time means taking just a couple classes at a time, which isgreat if you also have a job. Full-time means going to school like it's your job!Check out different schools and universities that offer English or Liberal Arts degrees for adults. Read about their programs online and see which ones look like a good fit.See if you can get transfer credits from any college classes you took before, even if you didn't finish a degree. That way you don't have to start fromscratchwith everything!Apply to the program you want and get accepted. Yay,you're in!Register for your first classes. Make sure to pick somefun-sounding literature and writing courses.Study hard, do all your homework, and get ready to learn a ton of amazing new things about the wonderful world of English!Earning your English degree won't be easy. You'll have to read a looooot of books and do tons of writing assignments. But just think how proud you'll feel when you finally graduate! You'll be an expert on great literature and have mad skills in analyzing it and creating your own stories. How cool is that?With your English degree, you can pursue so many different career paths. You could be a writer for books, movies, TV shows,magazines or websites. You could edit books or become a publisher. If you love public speaking, you could be a teacher or professor passing on your knowledge to students. Or you could put your awesome communication skills to use in fields like marketing, public relations, advertising and more. The possibilities are endless!So what do you think, big kids? Does getting an English degree from a continuing education program sound like something you might want to do one day? It's never too early to start dreaming about your future! Just remember, whetheryou're 8 or 28, it's never too late to follow your passions and keep learning new things. An English degree could be your key to an amazing career full of creativity, self-expression, and fun!篇5Yay, You Want to Get a Big Kid Degree!Hi there! I'm so excited you want to learn about getting a big kid degree. That means going to college to study English even more after you finish regular school. It's a huge achievement and you'll have to work really hard, but I know you can do it!First up, what exactly is a bachelor's degree? It's a super important diploma you get after studying a subject at universityor college for four years. The "bachelor's" part means you'll be studying at the level right after high school. And since you want to study English, that's what your degree will be in - a Bachelor's in English!Now, getting this degree is no easy feat. You'll have to take lots of classes, write tons of essays and papers, read stacks of books, and work your brain like crazy. But I know you love English, so a lot of it will be fun too! You get to dive deep into literature, analyzing stories and poems. You'll learn all about proper grammar so you can write beautifully. And you'll study how the English language developed over time. Neat, right?The first step is finishing up your regular schooling with excellent grades, especially in English class of course. Keep up that awesome reading habit too! Then you'll need to apply to get into a good college or university that has a strong English program. There will be applications, essays to write, test scores to submit - it's a long process but worth it.Once you get accepted (yippee!), it's off to your first year. This is when you'll take lots of general requirement classes in subjects like math, science, and history along with intro English courses. After that first year, you'll start taking mainly English classes. There will be classes specifically about literature, writing,grammar and more. You may even get to pick a special area to focus on for a while.Throughout the four years, you have to work super hard and maintain good grades. There will be lots of homework, projects, papers to write - don't fall behind! Talk to your professors whenever you need help. And be sure to have fun too by joining clubs or book groups for English-lovers like yourself.After all that dedication and effort, you'll finally walk across the stage at graduation and get that bachelor's degree diploma! You can feel enormously proud of yourself. With a Bachelor's in English, you'll have so many job options like teaching, writing, editing, publishing and more. Or you could continue studying to get an even higher degree if you want.It's a long journey, but an incredibly rewarding one. Just take it one step at a time. Read as much as possible, write often, and never lose your passion for the English language. Before you know it, you'll be a certified bachelor's degree graduate! How's that for motivating?篇6Getting a Higher Education English Degree - A Fun Guide for Kids!Hi there, kids! Are you already thinking about going to university one day and getting a really cool degree? Well, even though that might seem like a long way off, it's never too early to start learning about the exciting opportunities waiting for you after high school. Today, we're going to talk about getting a bachelor's degree in English through higher education continuing education programs. Put on your thinking caps, because this is going to be an adventure!What is a Bachelor's Degree?A bachelor's degree is like a superduper certification that you get after studying a particular subject really in-depth at a university for four years. It shows that you've become a total expert in that field. There are all kinds of bachelor's degrees out there - you can get one in science, math, history, art, you name it! The one we're going to focus on today is the Bachelor of Arts (BA) in English.Why Get an English Degree?English is such a cool subject because it's all about words, stories, writing, and communication. If you love reading books, analyzing poems and plays, being creative with language, and learning about different cultures, then an English degree could be perfect for you. With this degree, you can go on to have allsorts of fun careers like teaching, writing, editing, publishing, advertising, public relations, and more!Continuing Education ProgramsOkay, but what if you're already done with regular university and working a job, but you still really want to get that English degree? That's where continuing education programs come in! These are special courses offered by universities and colleges for adults who want to go back to school while still working or taking care of their families. The best part is that many of these programs are offered online or in the evenings/weekends so they can fit into your busy schedule.How Does It Work?Earning a continuing education English bachelor's degree works a bit differently than the regular four-year university path. Instead of going to classes all day, you'll usually just take one or two courses at a time. This allows you to work at your own pace, which is great for busy grown-ups!The classes themselves are just like regular university classes though. You'll have readings, assignments, papers to write, and maybe even some group projects with your online classmates. The professors are top-notch and will guide you throughanalyzing literature, improving your writing skills, and exploring the wonderful world of the English language.Upon completing all the required credits (which usually takes a few years of part-time study), you'll receive yourhard-earned Bachelor of Arts degree in English! Pretty neat, huh?Getting StartedFeeling excited about pursuing that English degree through a continuing education program when you're older? Here are some tips to get you started on the path:Work hard in your English classes now to build a strong foundationRead lots of books for fun to expand your knowledge and love of literaturePractice writing stories, poems, or even keeping a journalResearch universities with highly-ranked continuing education English programsStart saving some money for tuition so you'll be ready when the time comesTalk to adults who have gone back to university so they can share their experiencesWith dedication, passion, and a solid plan, earning that English degree as a continuing education student can be an awesome way to make your dreams come true. Who knows, you might even become a famous author or professor one day!So keep studying, keep reading, keep writing...and always keep your aspirations for higher education alive. The journey will be long, but completely worth it to immerse yourself in the incredible world of English. Adventure awaits!。
英语作文写了我的事情My Story。
Growing up, I always dreamt of becoming a successful writer. I loved reading books and writing stories, and I knew that one day, I would make my dreams a reality. However, life had other plans for me, and my journey to success was not an easy one.As a child, I struggled with reading and writing. I was diagnosed with dyslexia, and it made it difficult for me to keep up with my peers. However, I refused to let mydisability define me, and I worked hard to improve myskills. I spent countless hours reading and writing, and eventually, I became an avid reader and a talented writer.In high school, I decided to pursue my passion for writing and journalism. I joined the school newspaper and wrote articles on various topics. I also started a blog where I shared my thoughts and opinions on different issues.My writing skills improved, and I received positive feedback from my readers.After high school, I enrolled in a journalism program at a local college. The program was rigorous, and I had to work hard to keep up with the demands of the curriculum. However, I was determined to succeed, and I graduated with honors.After college, I landed my first job as a freelance writer. I wrote articles for various publications and websites, and my work was well-received. However, the job was not stable, and I struggled to make ends meet. I knew that I needed to find a more stable job, but I refused to give up on my dream.Eventually, I landed a job as a staff writer for a local newspaper. The job was challenging, but I loved the thrill of writing and reporting on important issues. I worked hard and eventually became the editor-in-chief of the newspaper.Today, I am a successful writer and journalist. I have written several books, and my articles have been publishedin major publications. I have also won several awards formy work, and I am proud of what I have accomplished.My journey to success was not easy, but it was worth it.I learned that with hard work and determination, anythingis possible. I also learned that it is important to never give up on your dreams, no matter how difficult the journey may be.。
I got many honors and rewards at the university.2.我连续三年获得了校奖学金。
I won the university scholarship for three years in succession.3.我获得过一次“电脑辅助设计大赛”一等奖。
I won the first prize in the Computer-Aided Design (CAD) Contest once.4.我曾获得校英语演讲比赛第一名。
I won the first place in the English Oratorical Contest at our university.6.我于2006年获得了“先进工作者”称号。
I got the title of "Advanced Worker" in 2006.7.我去年获得了国家颁发的科研三等奖。
I got a third-class prizefor my scientific research from the government last year.8.我的一本书荣获了全国优秀图书一等奖。
One of my books won the first-class reward of national excellent books.9.我有两篇英语文章发表在《中国日报》上。
I have got two articles In English published in China Dally.10.我于大三时加入了中国共产党。
I joined the CPC in my junior year.英语口语对话实例Achievements and Rewards 荣誉奖项Interviewer: Now please tell me something about your past work achievements.面试官:现在请你谈谈你以前的.工作业绩。
个人简历翻译英语Personal ResumeName: [Your Name]Gender: [Male/Female]Age: [Your Age]Nationality: [Your Nationality]Contact Information:- Address: [Your Address]- Phone: [Your Phone Number]- Email: [Your Email Address]Education Background:- [Year] – [Year]: [Full Name of University], [Major]- Relevant Coursework: [List relevant coursework]- Thesis/Dissertation: [Provide information about your thesis/dissertation, if applicable]- [Year] – [Year]: [Name of High School], [Graduation Year] - [Mention any honors or awards received]Work Experience:- [Year] – [Year]: [Job Title], [Company/Organization Name] - [Provide a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements in this role]- [Year] – [Year]: [Job Title], [Company/Organization Name] - [Provide a brief description of your responsibilities and achievements in this role]Skills and Abilities:- [List your skills and abilities, such as language proficiency, technical skills, certifications, etc.]Projects/Research:- [List any projects or research you have been involved in, along with a brief description and any notable achievements] Publications:- [List any publications or articles you have contributed to] Awards and Honors:- [List any awards or honors you have received, along with the year and organization that granted it]References:- Available upon requestInterests and Hobbies:- [List your interests and hobbies, showcasing any specific activities or skills you enjoy outside of work/education] Languages:- [List the languages you are fluent in, including your proficiency level]Personal Statement:[Mention a brief personal statement highlighting your career goals, values, and motivation]Please note that the information provided is for reference purposesonly and may need to be customized to suit your individual circumstances. Remember to proofread your resume carefully to ensure accuracy and to present your skills and experiences effectively.。
张贵梅英语作文简介Zhang Guimei: An Introduction to Her English CompositionIn the realm of English language education, the name Zhang Guimei stands out as a beacon of inspiration and dedication. As a distinguished educator, she has not only made significant contributions to the field but also inspired countless students with her unique approach to English composition.Zhang Guimei's journey with English composition began during her academic years, where she developed a profound love for the language and its expressive power. Her passion for teaching and writing led her to create a pedagogicalstyle that is both engaging and effective, focusing on the importance of clear communication and the beauty of language.Her English compositions are characterized by their clarity, coherence, and creativity. Zhang emphasizes the importance of understanding the audience and purpose of the writing, guiding her students to craft essays that are not only grammatically correct but also emotionally resonant.In her compositions, Zhang often incorporates elements of storytelling, drawing from her rich cultural background to create narratives that are both informative and entertaining. Her ability to balance academic rigor with a touch of personal flair has made her work a favorite among studentsand peers alike.Moreover, Zhang Guimei is a proponent of the process approach to writing, encouraging her students to engage in multiple drafts and revisions. She believes that writing is a journey of discovery and self-expression, where each draft brings the writer closer to their intended message.Her influence extends beyond the classroom, as she has authored numerous articles and textbooks on English composition, sharing her expertise with a wider audience. Zhang's work has been recognized with various awards and honors, reflecting her commitment to excellence in language education.In conclusion, Zhang Guimei's English compositions are a testament to her skill as an educator and writer. Her dedication to fostering a love for the English language and her innovative teaching methods have left a lasting impact on the students she has taught and the broader educational community.。
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Articles and Honors:Cypress: approximately 12 patents applications submitted.Sony, patents include the following:6,523,108 David James and Jung-Jen Lui, “Method of and apparatus for extracting a string of bits from a binary bit string and depositing a string of bits onto a binary bit string “6,519,657 David James and Jung-Jen Lui, “Method of and apparatus for extracting a string of bits from a binary bit string and depositing a string of bits onto a binary bit string “6,445,711 Richard K. Scheel and David V. James, “Method of and apparatus for implementing and sending an asynchronous control mechanism packet used to control bridge devices withina network of IEEE Std 1394 Serial Buses”6,421,745 James, et al. “Asynchronous connections with scattering page tables for transmitting data from a producer device to a consumer device over an IEEE 1394 serial data bus”6,414,971 James, et al.“System and method for delivering data packets in an electronic interconnect”6,374,316 James, et al. Method and system for circumscribing a topology to form ring structures6,286,027 David V. James, “Method and system for the simplification of leaf-limited bridges”6,133,938 David V. James,“Descriptor mechanism for assuring indivisible execution of AV/C operations”Independent ownership:6,442,644 Gustavson, et al.“Memory system having synchronous-link DRAM (SLDRAM) devices and controller”6,249,827 James, et al. “Method for transferring data associated with a read/write command betweena processor and a reader circuit using a plurality of clock lines”6,226,723 David B. Gustavson, David V. James, Hans A.Wiggers,“Bifurcated data and command/address communication bus architecture for random accessmemories employing synchronous communication protocols”Apple Computer patents include the following:6,345,352 James, et al. “Method and system for supporting multiprocessor TLB-purge instructions using directed write transactions6,321,304 James “System and method for deleting read-only head entries in multi-processor computer systems supporting cache coherence with mixed protocols”6,208,645 David V. James, Glen D. Stone, “Time multiplexing of cyclic redundancy functions in point-to-point ringlet-based computer systems “6,108,739 David V. James, Donald N. North, Glen D. Stone, “Method and system for avoiding star-vation and deadlocks in a split-response interconnect of a computer system”6,035,376 David V. James, “System and method for changing the states of directory-based caches and memories from read/write to read-only”6,006,289 David V. James, Glen D. Stone,“System for transferring data specified in a transaction request as a plurality of movetransactions responsive to receipt of a target availability signal”5,961,623 David V. James, “Method and system for avoiding starvation and deadlocks in a split-response interconnect of a computer system”5,898,876 David V. James,“Efficient arbitration within point-to-point ringlet-based computer systems”5,895,496 David V. James, Glen D. Stone, “System for an method of efficiently controlling memory accesses in a multiprocessor computer system”5,860,080 David V. James, Glen D. Stone,“Multicasting system for selecting a group of memory devices for operation”5,845,145 David V. James, Donald N. North, Glen D. Stone,“System for generating and sending a critical-word-first data response packet by creatingresponse packet having data ordered in the order best matching the desired order”5,841,989 David V. James, Glen D. Stone,“System and method for efficiently routing data packets in a computer interconnect”5,835,742 David V. James, Donald N. North, Glen D. Stone,“System and method for executing indivisible memory operations in multiple processorcomputer systems with multiple busses”5,829,035 David V. James, Glen D. Stone, Donald N. North,“System and method for preventing stale data in multiple processor computer systems”5,815,695 David V. James, Mario D. Nemirovsky,“Method and apparatus for using condition codes to nullify instructions based on results ofpreviously-executed instructions on a computer processor”5,717,952 Kevin M. Christiansen, David V. James, Bruce E. Eckstein,“DMA controller with mechanism for conditional action under control of status register,prespecified parameters, and condition field of channel command”5,574,922 David V. James,“Processor with sequences of processor instructions for locked memory updates”5,495,592 David V. James, Mario D. Nemirovsky,“System for Finding and Setting Address Portion of Variable-Length Character String byXOR-ing Portion in Number of Bytes Within Single Instruction”5,323,426 David V. James, Donald N. North, Glen D. Stone"Elasticity Buffer for Data/Clock Synchronization”5,052,029 David V. James and Michael D. Teener"Self-Correcting Synchronization Signal Method and Apparatus"Hewlett Packard patents include the following:5,008,904 Steven T. Mangelsdorf and David V. James,“Synchronizer Using Clock Phase Extrapolation”4,779,195 David V. James, “Interrupt system using Masking Register in Processor for Selectively Establishing Device Eligibility to Interrupt a Particular Processor”4,777,589 Steven C. Boettner, William R. Bryg, David V. James, Michael J. Mahon, Terrence C.Miller, William S. Worley, Jr, “Direct Input/Output in a Virtual Memory System”4,774,653 David V. James, “Hybrid Hardware/Software Method and Apparatus for Virtual Memory Address Translation using Primary and Secondary Translation Buffers”4,703,418 David V. James,“Method and Apparatus for Performing Variable Length Data Read Transactions”David V. James, "Combinable locks: NullSwap efficiently delays cache-line transfers," Proceedings Sixth International Workshop on SCI-based High-Performance Low-Cost Computing, September 1996.David V. James and Glen Stone, "Eliminating Tag RAMs on Coherent SCI Memory," Proceedings Second International Workshop on SCI-based High-Performance Low-Cost Computing, March 1995.David V. James and David Singer, "Nonblocking Shared-Data Updates Using Conditional Lock Primitives," Proceedings Second International Workshop on SCI-based High-Performance Low-Cost Computing, March 1995.David V. James, David B. Gustavson, and Bill Van Loo, "Beyond 1394-1995: Higher bandwidth serial I/O on the desktop", for presentation at the Silicon Valley Personal Computer Design Conference, October 1996.Numerous tutorial presentations including Hot chips 94, copresentation at Compcon ‘94, Gigabit Highway Forum 94.D. V. James, "The Scalable Coherent Interface: Scaling to High-Performance Systems”, Proc. Compcon Spring 1994, IEEE CS Press, pp. 64-71.D. B. Gustavson, D. V. James, H. A. Wiggers, "Overview of the Scalable Coherent Interface IEEE Std 1596 (SCI)," Proc. Nuclear Science Symposium, Orlando, Oct '92 (To appear in: Special Issue, Trans. on Nuclear Science. Available in preprint form as SLAC-PUB-5967.) Reprinted in "RISC Management," No. 52, March 1993, Elk Horn Publishing.D. B. Gustavson, D. V. James, S. Kempainen, G. Stone, "Low-voltage differential signaling," IEEE Spectrum, October 1992, pp. 56-57.S. Gjessing, D. B. Gustavson, D. V. James, G. Stone, H. Wiggers, "A RAM Link for high speed," IEEE Spectrum, October 1992, pp. 52-53.David V. James, "Scalable Coherent Interface" presented at BusCon East, Boston MA, September 1992, pp. 9-18.David V. James, "Scalable Coherent Interface" presented at BusCon West, Long Beach, CA, February 1992, pp. 754-763.K. Alnes, E. H. Kristiansen, D. B. Gustavson, D. V. James, "Scalable Coherent Interface," Proc. CompEuro 90, pp. 446-453.D. V. James, A. T. Laundrie, S. Gjessing, G. Sohi "New Directions in Scalable Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Architectures: Scalable Coherent Interface," Computer, Vol. 23, No. 6, June 1990, pp.74-77.David V. James, "Multiplexed Buses: the Endian Wars Continue", IEEE Micro, June 1990D. V. James, "SCI Cache Coherence, "Cache and Interconnect Architectures in Multiprocessors, M. Dubois and S. S. Thakkar eds., Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, pp. 189-208.David V. James, "Scalable I/O Architecture for Buses," Proc. Compcon Spring 1989, IEEE CS Press, pp.539-544.David V. James, "Industry Buses: A Risk Analysis" presented at BusCon, Los Angeles, January 1987.David V. James, Stepehn G. Burger, and Robert D. Odineal, "HP Precision Architecture: The Input/Output System" Hewlett-Packard Journal, August 1986.David V. James, Noah Mendelsohn, David Fuchs, "Digital Audio Mixer: A VLSI Approach" Presented at the IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, Paris, France, 1982.David V. James, "Real Time Tone Synthesis from White Noise Using High-Speed Digital Speech Synthesizers" presented at The First International Conference on Computer Music, Oct. 1978.David V. James, "Quantization Errors in the Fast Fourier Transform" IEEE Trans. Acoust., Speech, and Signal Processing. Vol. ASSP-23, pp. 277-283, June 1975David V. James, "Outer Planet Telemetry and Command: Exact Spectrum of PN Codes" Supporting Research and Advanced Development (Space Programs Summary 37-64, Volume III). Jet Propulsion Lab., Cal Tech. Aug 1970References Tom Alexander—802.17 Working Group EditorEmail: tom@Cell: +1.503.803.3534Dr. David B. Gustavson—SCI Working Group Chairman SCIzzL: SCI Users Association, Santa Clara University 1946 Fallen Leaf Lane, Los Altos, CA 94024-7206 USA Phone: +1.415.961.0305 Fax: +1.415.961.3530Email: dbg@Dr. James Goodman (cache-coherence researcher) Computer Sciences Dept.1210 West DaytonMadison, WI 53706Work Phone: +1.608.262.0765Home Phone: +1.608.233.9687Email: Goodman@Michael Mahon (primary HP PA-RISC architect)Hewlett Packard19046 Pruneridge Ave.Cupertino, CA 95014。