



•A0100|农业o A0110|谷物的种植o A0111|稻谷种植o A0112|小麦种植o A0113|玉米种植o A0119|其他谷物种植o A0120|豆类、油料和薯类种植o A0121|豆类种植o A0122|油料的种植o A0123|薯类的种植o A0130|棉、麻、糖、烟草种植o A0131|棉花的种植o A0132|麻类的种植o A0133|糖料的种植o A0134|烟草的种植o A0140|蔬菜、食用菌及园艺作物种植o A0141|蔬菜的种植o A0142|食用菌种植o A0143|花卉的种植o A0149|其他园艺作物的种植o A0150|水果种植o A0151|仁果类和核果类水果种植o A0152|葡萄种植o A0153|柑橘类种植o A0154|香蕉等亚热带水果种植o A0159|其他水果种植o A0160|坚果、含油果、香料和饮料作物种植o A0161|坚果种植o A0162|含油果种植o A0163|香料作物的种植o A0169|茶及其他饮料作物的种植o A0170|中药材的种植o A0190|其他作物的种植•A0200|林业o A0210|林木育种和育苗o A0211|林木育种o A0212|林木育苗o A0220|造林和更新o A0230|森林经营和管护o A0240|木材和竹材的采运o A0241|木材的采运o A0242|竹材的采运o A0250|林产品采集o A0251|木竹材林产品采集o A0252|非木竹材林产品采集•A0300|畜牧业o A0310|牲畜的饲养o A0311|牛的饲养o A0312|马的饲养o A0313|猪的饲养o A0314|羊的饲养o A0315|骆驼饲养o A0319|其他牲畜饲养o A0320|家禽饲养o A0321|鸡的饲养o A0322|鸭的饲养o A0323|鹅的饲养o A0329|其他家禽饲养o A0330|狩猎和捕捉动物o A0390|其他畜牧业•A0400|渔业o A0410|水产养殖o A0411|海水养殖o A0412|内陆养殖o A0420|水产捕捞o A0421|海洋捕捞o A0422|内陆捕捞•A0500|农、林、牧、渔服务业o A0510|农业服务业o A0511|农业机械服务o A0512|灌溉服务o A0513|农产品初加工服务o A0519|其他农业服务o A0520|林业服务业o A0521|林业有害生物防治服务o A0522|森林防火服务o A0523|林产品初级加工服务o A0529|其他林业服务o A0530|畜牧服务业o A0540|渔业服务业•B0600|煤炭开采和洗选业o B0610|烟煤和无烟煤的开采洗选o B0620|褐煤的开采洗选o B0690|其他煤炭采选•B0700|石油和天然气开采业o B0710|石油开采o B0720|天然气开采•B0800|黑色金属矿采选业o B0810|铁矿采选o B0820|锰矿、铬矿采选o B0890|其他黑色金属矿采选•B0900|有色金属矿采选业o B0910|常用有色金属矿采选o B0911|铜矿采选o B0912|铅锌矿采选o B0913|镍钴矿采选o B0914|锡矿采选o B0915|锑矿采选o B0916|铝矿采选o B0917|镁矿采选o B0919|其他常用有色金属矿采选o B0920|贵金属矿采选o B0921|金矿采选o B0922|银矿采选o B0929|其他贵金属矿采选o B0930|稀有稀土金属矿采选o B0931|钨钼矿采选o B0932|稀土金属矿采选o B0933|放射性金属矿采选o B0939|其他稀有金属矿采选•B1000|非金属矿采选业o B1010|土砂石开采o B1011|石灰石、石膏开采o B1012|建筑装饰用石开采o B1013|耐火土石开采o B1019|粘土及其他土砂石开采o B1020|化学矿采开选o B1030|采盐o B1090|石棉及其他非金属矿采选o B1091|石棉、云母矿采选o B1092|石墨、滑石采选o B1093|宝石、玉石采选o B1099|其他未列明非金属矿采选•B1100|开采辅助活动o B1110|煤炭开采和洗选辅助活动o B1120|石油和天然气开采辅助活动o B1190|其他开采辅助活动•B1200|其他采矿业•C1300|农副食品加工业o C1310|谷物磨制o C1320|饲料加工o C1330|植物油加工o C1331|食用植物油加工o C1332|非食用植物油加工o C1340|制糖业o C1350|屠宰及肉类加工o C1351|牲畜屠宰o C1352|禽类屠宰o C1353|肉制品及副产品加工o C1360|水产品加工o C1361|水产品冷冻加工o C1362|鱼糜制品及水产品干腌制加工o C1363|水产饲料制造o C1364|鱼油提取及制品制造o C1369|其他水产品加工o C1370|蔬菜、水果和坚果加工o C1371|蔬菜加工o C1372|水果和坚果加工o C1390|其他农副食品加工o C1391|淀粉及淀粉制品制造o C1392|豆制品制造o C1393|蛋品加工o C1399|其他未列明的农副食品加工•C1400|食品制造业o C1410|焙烤食品制造o C1411|糕点、面包制造o C1419|饼干及其他焙烤食品制造o C1420|糖果、巧克力及蜜饯制造o C1421|糖果、巧克力制造o C1422|蜜饯制作o C1430|方便食品制造o C1431|米、面制品制造o C1432|速冻食品制造o C1439|方便面及其他方便食品制造o C1440|乳制品制造o C1450|罐头食品制造o C1451|肉、禽类罐头制造o C1452|水产品罐头制造o C1453|蔬菜、水果罐头制造o C1459|其他罐头食品制造o C1460|调味品、发酵制品制造o C1461|味精制造o C1462|酱油、食醋及类似制品的制造o C1469|其他调味品、发酵制品制造o C1490|其他食品制造o C1491|营养食品制造o C1492|保健食品制造o C1493|冷冻饮品及食用冰制造o C1494|盐加工o C1495|食品及饲料添加剂制造o C1499|其他未列明的食品制造•C1500|酒、饮料和精制茶制造业o C1510|酒的制造o C1511|酒精制造o C1512|白酒制造o C1513|啤酒制造o C1514|黄酒制造o C1515|葡萄酒制造o C1519|其他酒制造o C1520|软饮料制造o C1521|碳酸饮料制造o C1522|瓶(罐)装饮用水制造o C1523|果菜汁及果菜汁饮料制造o C1524|含乳饮料和植物蛋白饮料制造o C1525|固体饮料制造o C1529|茶饮料及其他软饮料制造o C1530|精制茶加工•C1600|烟草制品业o C1610|烟叶复烤o C1620|卷烟制造•C1700|纺织业o C1710|棉纺织及印染精加工o C1711|棉纺织加工o C1712|棉织造加工o C1713|棉印染精加工o C1720|毛纺织和染整精加工o C1721|毛条和毛纱线加工o C1722|毛织造加工o C1723|毛染整精加工o C1730|麻纺织及染整精加工o C1731|麻纤维纺前加工和纺纱o C1732|麻织造加工o C1733|麻染整精加工o C1740|丝绢纺织及印染精加工o C1741|缫丝加工o C1742|绢纺和丝织加工o C1743|丝印染精加工o C1750|化纤织造及印染精加工o C1751|化纤织造加工o C1752|化纤织物染整精加工o C1760|针织或钩针编织物及其制品制造o C1761|棉、化纤针织品及编织品制造o C1762|针织或钩针编织物印染精加工o C1763|针织或钩针编织品制造o C1770|家用纺织制成品制造o C1771|床上用品制造o C1772|毛巾类制品制造o C1773|窗帘、布艺类产品制造o C1779|其他家用纺织制成品制造o C1780|非家用纺织制成品制造o C1781|非织造布制造o C1782|绳、索、缆制造o C1783|纺织带和帘子布制造o C1784|篷、帆布制造o C1789|其他非家用纺织制成品制造•C1800|纺织服装、服饰业o C1810|机织服装制造o C1820|针织或钩针编织服装制造o C1830|服饰制造•C1900|皮革、毛皮、羽毛及其制品和制鞋业o C1910|皮革鞣制加工o C1920|皮革制品制造o C1921|皮革服装制造o C1922|皮箱、包(袋)制造o C1923|皮手套及皮装饰制品制造o C1929|其他皮革制品制造o C1930|毛皮鞣制及制品加工o C1931|毛皮鞣制加工o C1932|毛皮服装加工o C1940|羽毛(绒)加工及制品制造o C1941|羽毛(绒)加工o C1942|羽毛(绒)制品加工o C1950|制鞋业o C1951|纺织面料鞋制造o C1952|皮鞋制造o C1953|塑料鞋制造o C1954|橡胶鞋制造o C1959|其他制鞋业•C2000|木材加工及木、竹、藤、棕、草制品业o C2010|木材加工o C2011|锯材加工o C2012|木片加工o C2013|单板加工o C2019|其他木材加工o C2020|人造板制造o C2021|胶合板制造o C2022|纤维板制造o C2023|刨花板制造o C2029|其他人造板制造o C2030|木制品制造o C2031|建筑用木料及木材组件加工o C2032|木门窗、楼梯制造o C2033|地板制造o C2034|木容器制造o C2039|软木制品及其他木制品制造o C2040|竹、藤、棕、草制品制造o C2041|竹制品制造o C2042|藤制品制造o C2043|棕制品制造o C2049|草及其他制品制造•C2100|家具制造业o C2110|木质家具制造o C2120|竹、藤家具制造o C2130|金属家具制造o C2140|塑料家具制造o C2190|其他家具制造•C2200|造纸及纸制品业o C2210|纸浆制造o C2211|木竹浆制造o C2212|非木竹浆制造o C2220|造纸o C2221|机制纸及纸板制造o C2222|手工纸制造o C2223|加工纸制造o C2230|纸制品制造o C2231|纸和纸板容器的制造o C2239|其他纸制品制造•C2300|印刷和记录媒介复制业o C2310|印刷o C2311|书、报刊印刷o C2312|本册印制o C2319|包装装潢及其他印刷o C2320|装订及印刷相关服务o C2330|记录媒介复制•C2400|文教、工美、体育和娱乐用品制造业o C2410|文教办公用品制造o C2411|文具制造o C2412|笔的制造o C2413|教学用模型及教具制造o C2414|墨水、墨汁制造o C2419|其他文化用品制造o C2420|乐器制造o C2421|中乐器制造o C2422|西乐器制造o C2423|电子乐器制造o C2429|其他乐器及零件制造o C2430|工艺美术品制造o C2431|雕塑工艺品制造o C2432|金属工艺品制造o C2433|漆器工艺品制造o C2434|花画工艺品制造o C2435|天然植物纤维编织工艺品制造o C2436|抽纱刺绣工艺品制造o C2437|地毯、挂毯制造o C2438|珠宝首饰及有关物品制造o C2439|其他工艺美术品制造o C2440|体育用品制造o C2441|球类制造o C2442|体育器材及配件制造o C2443|训练健身器材制造o C2444|运动防护用具制造o C2449|其他体育用品制造o C2450|玩具制造o C2460|游艺器材及娱乐用品制造o C2461|露天游乐场所游乐设备制造o C2462|游艺用品及室内游艺器材制造o C2469|其他娱乐用品制造•C2500|石油加工、炼焦及核燃料加工业o C2510|精炼石油产品的制造o C2511|原油加工及石油制品制造o C2512|人造原油生产o C2520|炼焦o C2530|核燃料加工•C2600|化学原料和化学制品制造业o C2610|基础化学原料制造o C2611|无机酸制造o C2612|无机碱制造o C2613|无机盐制造o C2614|有机化学原料制造o C2619|其他基础化学原料制造o C2620|肥料制造o C2621|氮肥制造o C2622|磷肥制造o C2623|钾肥制造o C2624|复混肥料制造o C2625|有机肥料及微生物肥料制造o C2629|其他肥料制造o C2630|农药制造o C2631|化学农药制造o C2632|生物化学农药及微生物农药制造o C2640|涂料、油墨、颜料及类似产品制造o C2641|涂料制造o C2642|油墨及类似产品制造o C2643|颜料制造o C2644|染料制造o C2645|密封用填料及类似品制造o C2650|合成材料制造o C2651|初级形态的塑料及合成树脂制造o C2652|合成橡胶制造o C2653|合成纤维单(聚合)体的制造o C2659|其他合成材料制造o C2660|专用化学产品制造o C2661|化学试剂和助剂制造o C2662|专项化学用品制造o C2663|林产化学产品制造o C2664|信息化学品制造o C2665|环境污染处理专用药剂材料制造o C2666|动物胶制造o C2669|其他专用化学产品制造o C2670|炸药、火工及焰火产品制造o C2671|炸药及火工产品制造o C2672|焰火、鞭炮产品制造o C2680|日用化学产品制造o C2681|肥皂及合成洗涤剂制造o C2682|化妆品制造o C2683|口腔清洁用品制造o C2684|香料、香精制造o C2689|其他日用化学产品制造•C2700|医药制造业o C2710|化学药品原药制造o C2720|化学药品制剂制造o C2730|中药饮片加工o C2740|中成药生厂o C2750|兽用药品制造o C2760|生物药品制造o C2770|卫生材料及医药用品制造•C2800|化学纤维制造业o C2810|纤维素纤维原料及纤维制造o C2811|化纤浆粕制造o C2812|人造纤维(纤维素纤维)制造o C2820|合成纤维制造o C2821|锦纶纤维制造o C2822|涤纶纤维制造o C2823|腈纶纤维制造o C2824|维纶纤维制造o C2825|丙纶纤维制造o C2826|氨纶纤维制造o C2829|其他合成纤维制造•C2900|橡胶和塑料制品业o C2910|橡胶制品业o C2911|轮胎制造o C2912|橡胶板、管、带的制造o C2913|橡胶零件制造o C2914|再生橡胶制造o C2915|日用及医用橡胶制品制造o C2919|其他橡胶制品制造o C2920|塑料制品业o C2921|塑料薄膜制造o C2922|塑料板、管、型材的制造o C2923|塑料丝、绳及编织品的制造o C2924|泡沫塑料制造o C2925|塑料人造革、合成革制造o C2926|塑料包装箱及容器制造o C2927|日用塑料制品制造o C2928|塑料零件制造o C2929|其他塑料制品制造•C3000|非金属矿物制品业o C3010|水泥、石灰和石膏的制造o C3011|水泥制造o C3012|石灰和石膏制造o C3020|石膏、水泥制品及类似制品制造o C3021|水泥制品制造o C3022|砼结构构件制造o C3023|石棉水泥制品制造o C3024|轻质建筑材料制造o C3029|其他水泥制品制造o C3030|砖瓦、石材等建筑材料制造o C3031|粘土砖瓦及建筑砌块制造o C3032|建筑陶瓷制品制造o C3033|建筑用石加工o C3034|防水建筑材料制造o C3035|隔热和隔音材料制造o C3039|其他建筑材料制造o C3040|玻璃制造o C3041|平板玻璃制造o C3049|其他玻璃制造o C3050|玻璃制品制造o C3051|技术玻璃制品制造o C3052|光学玻璃制造o C3053|玻璃仪器制造o C3054|日用玻璃制品制造o C3055|玻璃包装容器制造o C3056|玻璃保温容器制造o C3057|制镜及类似品加工o C3059|其他玻璃制品制造o C3060|玻璃纤维和玻璃纤维增强塑料制品制造o C3061|玻璃纤维及制品制造o C3062|玻璃纤维增强塑料制品制造o C3070|陶瓷制品制造o C3071|卫生陶瓷制品制造o C3072|特种陶瓷制品制造o C3073|日用陶瓷制品制造o C3079|园林、陈设艺术及其他陶瓷制品制造o C3080|耐火材料制品制造o C3081|石棉制品制造o C3082|云母制品制造o C3089|耐火陶瓷制品及其他耐火材料制造o C3090|石墨及其他非金属矿物制品制造o C3091|石墨及碳素制品制造o C3099|其他非金属矿物制品制造•C3100|黑色金属冶炼及压延加工业o C3110|炼铁o C3120|炼钢o C3130|黑色金属铸造o C3140|钢压延加工o C3145|日用玻璃制品•C3200|有色金属冶炼及压延加工业o C3210|常用有色金属冶炼o C3211|铜冶炼o C3212|铅锌冶炼o C3213|镍钴冶炼o C3214|锡冶炼o C3215|锑冶炼o C3216|铝冶炼o C3217|镁冶炼o C3219|其他常用有色金属冶炼o C3220|贵金属冶炼o C3221|金冶炼o C3222|银冶炼o C3229|其他贵金属冶炼o C3230|稀有稀土金属冶炼o C3231|钨钼冶炼o C3232|稀土金属冶炼o C3239|其他稀有金属冶炼o C3240|有色金属合金制造o C3250|铁合金冶炼o C3260|有色金属压延加工o C3261|铜压延加工o C3262|铝压延加工o C3263|贵金属压延加工o C3264|稀有稀土金属压延加工o C3269|其他有色金属压延加工•C3300|金属制品业o C3310|结构性金属制品制造o C3311|金属结构制造o C3312|金属门窗制造o C3320|金属工具制造o C3321|切削工具制造o C3322|手工具制造o C3323|农用及园林用金属工具制造o C3324|刀剪及类似日用金属工具制造o C3329|其他金属工具制造o C3330|集装箱及金属包装容器制造o C3331|集装箱制造o C3332|金属压力容器制造o C3333|金属包装容器制造o C3340|金属丝绳及其制品的制造o C3350|建筑、安全用金属制品制造o C3351|建筑、家具用金属配件制造o C3352|建筑装饰及水暖管道零件制造o C3353|安全、消防用金属制品制造o C3359|其他建筑、安全用金属制品制造o C3360|金属表面处理及热处理加工o C3370|搪瓷制品制造o C3371|生产专用搪瓷制品制造o C3372|建筑装饰搪瓷制品制造o C3373|搪瓷卫生洁具制造o C3379|搪瓷日用品及其他搪瓷制品制造o C3380|金属制日用品制造o C3381|金属制厨房用器具制造o C3382|金属制餐具和器具制造o C3383|金属制卫生器具制造o C3389|其他金属制日用品制造o C3390|其他金属制品制造o C3391|锻件及粉末冶金制品制造o C3392|交通及公共管理用金属制品制造o C3399|其他未列明的金属制品制造•C3400|通用设备制造业o C3410|锅炉及原动机制造o C3411|锅炉及辅助设备制造o C3412|内燃机及配件制造o C3413|汽轮机及辅机制造o C3414|水轮机及辅机制造o C3415|风能原动设备制造o C3419|其他原动设备制造o C3423|铸造机械制造o C3424|金属切割及焊接设备制造o C3425|机床附件制造o C3429|其他金属加工机械制造o C3430|物料搬运设备制造o C3431|轻小型起重设备制造o C3432|起重机制造o C3433|生产专用车辆制造o C3434|连续搬运设备制造o C3435|电梯、自动扶梯及升降机制造o C3439|其他物料搬运设备制造o C3440|泵、阀门、压缩机及类似机械的制造o C3441|泵及真空设备制造o C3442|气体压缩机械制造o C3443|阀门和旋塞的制造o C3444|液压和气压动力机械及元件制造o C3450|轴承、齿轮、传动和驱动部件的制造o C3451|轴承制造o C3452|齿轮及齿轮减、变速箱制造o C3459|其他传动部件制造o C3460|烘炉、风机、衡器、包装等设备制造o C3461|烘炉、熔炉及电炉制造o C3462|风机、风扇制造o C3463|气体、液体分离及纯净设备制造o C3464|制冷、空调设备制造o C3465|风动和电动工具制造o C3466|喷枪及类似器具制造o C3467|衡器制造o C3468|包装专用设备制造o C3470|文化、办公用机械制造o C3471|电影机械制造o C3472|幻灯及投影设备制造o C3473|照相机及器材制造o C3474|复印和胶印设备制造o C3475|计算器及货币专用设备制造o C3479|其他文化、办公用机械制造o C3480|通用零部件制造o C3481|金属密封件制造o C3482|紧固件制造o C3483|弹簧制造o C3484|机械零部件加工o C3489|其他通用零部件制造o C3490|其他通用设备制造业•C3500|专用设备制造业o C3510|采矿、冶金、建筑专用设备制造o C3511|矿山机械制造o C3512|石油钻采专用设备制造o C3516|冶金专用设备制造o C3520|化工、木材、非金属加工专用设备制造o C3521|炼油、化工生产专用设备制造o C3522|橡胶加工专用设备制造o C3523|塑料加工专用设备制造o C3524|木材加工机械制造o C3525|模具制造o C3529|其他非金属加工专用设备制造o C3530|食品、饮料、烟草及饲料生产专用设备制造o C3531|食品、酒、饮料及茶生产专用设备制造o C3532|农副食品加工专用设备制造o C3533|烟草生产专用设备制造o C3534|饲料生产专用设备制造o C3540|印刷、制药、日化生产专用设备制造o C3541|制浆和造纸专用设备制造o C3542|印刷专用设备制造o C3543|日用化工专用设备制造o C3544|制药专用设备制造o C3545|照明器具生产专用设备制造o C3546|玻璃、陶瓷和搪瓷制品生产专用设备制造o C3549|其他日用品生产专用设备制造o C3550|纺织、服装和皮革工业专用设备制造o C3551|纺织专用设备制造o C3552|皮革、毛皮及其制品加工专用设备制造o C3553|缝纫机械制造o C3554|洗涤机械制造o C3560|电子和电工机械专用设备制造o C3561|电工机械专用设备制造o C3562|电子工业专用设备制造o C3570|农、林、牧、渔专用机械制造o C3571|拖拉机制造o C3572|机械化农业及园艺机具制造o C3573|营林及木竹采伐机械制造o C3574|畜牧机械制造o C3575|渔业机械制造o C3576|农林牧渔机械配件制造o C3577|棉花加工机械制造o C3579|其他农林牧渔业机械制造及机械修理o C3580|医疗仪器设备及器械制造o C3581|医疗诊断、监护及治疗设备制造o C3582|口腔科用设备及器具制造o C3583|医疗实验室及医用消毒设备和器具的制造o C3584|医疗、外科及兽医用器械制造o C3585|机械治疗及病房护理设备制造o C3586|假肢、人工器官及植(介)入器械制造o C3589|其他医疗设备及器械制造o C3590|环保、社会公共安全及其他专用设备制造o C3594|商业、饮食、服务业专用设备制造o C3595|社会公共安全设备及器材制造o C3596|交通安全、管制及类似专用设备制造o C3597|水资源专用机械制造o C3599|其他专用设备制造•C3600|汽车制造业o C3610|汽车整车制造o C3620|改装汽车制造o C3630|低速载货汽车制造o C3640|电车制造o C3650|汽车车身、挂车的制造o C3660|汽车零部件及配件制造•C3700|铁路、船舶、航空航天和其他运输设备制造业o C3710|铁路运输设备制造o C3711|铁路机车车辆及动车组制造o C3712|窄轨机车车辆制造o C3713|铁路机车车辆配件制造o C3714|铁路专用设备及器材、配件制造o C3719|其他铁路设备制造o C3720|城市轨道交通设备制造o C3730|船舶及相关装置制造o C3731|金属船舶制造o C3732|非金属船舶制造o C3733|娱乐船和运动船制造o C3734|船用配套设备制造o C3735|船舶改装与拆除o C3739|航标器材及其他相关装置制造o C3740|航空、航天器及设备制造o C3741|飞机制造o C3742|航天器制造o C3743|航空、航天相关设备制造o C3749|其他航空航天制造o C3750|摩托车制造o C3751|摩托车整车制造o C3752|摩托车零部件及配件制造o C3760|自行车制造o C3761|脚踏自行车及残疾人座车制造o C3762|助动自行车制造o C3770|非公路休闲车及零配件制造o C3790|潜水救捞及其他未列明运输设备制造o C3791|潜水及水下救捞装备制造o C3799|其他未列明运输设备制造•C3800|电气机械及器材制造业o C3810|电机制造o C3811|发电机及发电机组制造o C3812|电动机制造o C3819|微电机及其他电机制造o C3823|配电开关控制设备制造o C3824|电力电子元器件制造o C3825|光伏设备及元器件制造o C3829|其他输配电及控制设备制造o C3830|电线、电缆、光缆及电工器材制造o C3831|电线、电缆制造o C3832|光纤、光缆制造o C3833|绝缘制品制造o C3839|其他电工器材制造o C3840|电池制造o C3841|锂离子电池制造o C3842|镍氢电池制造o C3849|其他电池制造o C3850|家用电力器具制造o C3851|家用制冷电器具制造o C3852|家用空气调节器制造o C3853|家用通风电器具制造o C3854|家用厨房电器具制造o C3855|家用清洁卫生电器具制造o C3856|家用美容、保健电器具制造o C3857|家用电力器具专用配件制造o C3859|其他家用电力器具制造o C3860|非电力家用器具制造o C3861|燃气、太阳能及类似能源的器具制造o C3869|其他非电力家用器具制造o C3870|照明器具制造o C3871|电光源制造o C3872|照明灯具制造o C3879|灯用电器附件及其他照明器具制造o C3890|其他电气机械及器材制造o C3891|电气信号设备装置制造o C3899|其他未列明的电气机械制造•C3900|计算机、通信和其他电子设备制造业o C3910|计算机制造o C3911|计算机整机制造o C3912|计算机零部件制造o C3913|电子计算机围设备制造o C3919|其他计算机制造o C3920|通信设备制造o C3921|通信系统设备制造o C3922|通信交换设备制造o C3930|广播电视设备制造o C3931|广播电视节目制作及发射设备制造o C3932|广播电视接收设备及器材制造o C3939|应用电视设备及其他广播电视设备制造o C3940|雷达及配套设备制造o C3950|视听设备制造o C3960|电子器件制造o C3961|电子真空器件制造o C3962|半导体分立器件制造o C3963|集成电路制造o C3969|光电子器件及其他电子器件制造o C3970|电子元件制造o C3971|电子元件及组件制造o C3972|印制电路板制造o C3990|其他电气机械及器材制造•C4000|仪器仪表制造业o C4010|通用仪器仪表制造o C4011|工业自动控制系统装置制造o C4012|电工仪器仪表制造o C4013|绘图、计算及测量仪器制造o C4014|实验分析仪器制造o C4015|试验机制造o C4019|供应用仪表及其他通用仪器制造o C4020|专用仪器仪表制造o C4021|环境监测专用仪器仪表制造o C4022|运输设备及生产用计数仪表制造o C4023|导航、气象及海洋专用仪器制造o C4024|农林牧渔专用仪器仪表制造o C4025|地质勘探和地震专用仪器制造o C4026|教学专用仪器制造o C4027|核子及核辐射测量仪器制造o C4028|电子测量仪器制造o C4029|其他专用仪器制造o C4030|钟表与计时仪器制造o C4040|光学仪器及眼镜制造o C4041|光学仪器制造o C4042|眼镜制造o C4090|其他仪器仪表的制造•C4100|其他制造业o C4110|日用杂品制造o C4111|鬃毛加工、制刷及清扫工具的制造o C4119|其他日用杂品制造o C4120|煤制品制造o C4130|核辐射加工o C4190|其他未列明的制造业•C4200|废弃资源综合利用业o C4210|金属废料和碎屑的加工处理o C4220|非金属废料和碎屑的加工处理•C4300|金属制品、机械和设备修理业o C4310|金属制品修理o C4320|通用设备修理o C4330|专用设备修理o C4340|铁路、船舶、航空航天等运输设备修理o C4349|其他运输设备修理o C4350|电气设备修理o C4360|仪器仪表修理o C4390|其他机械和设备修理业•D4400|电力、热力生产和供应业o D4410|电力生产o D4411|火力发电o D4412|水力发电o D4413|核力发电o D4414|风力发电o D4415|太阳能发电o D4419|其他能源发电o D4420|电力供应o D4430|热力生产和供应•D4500|燃气生产和供应业•D4600|水的生产和供应业o D4610|自来水的生产和供应o D4620|污水处理及其再生利用o D4690|其他水的处理、利用与分配•E4700|房屋建筑业•E4800|土木工程建筑业o E4810|铁路、道路、隧道和桥梁工程建筑o E4811|铁路工程建筑o E4812|公路工程建筑o E4813|市政道路工程建筑o E4819|其他道路、隧道和桥梁工程建筑o E4820|水利和内河港口工程建筑o E4821|水源及供水设施工程建筑o E4822|河湖治理及防洪设施工程建筑o E4823|港口及航运设施工程建筑o E4830|海洋工程建筑o E4840|工矿工程建筑o E4850|架线和管道工程建筑o E4851|架线及设备工程建筑o E4852|管道工程建筑o E4890|其他土木工程建筑•E4900|建筑安装业o E4910|电气安装o E4920|管道和设备安装o E4990|其他建筑安装业•E5000|建筑装饰和其他建筑业o E5010|建筑装饰业o E5020|工程准备活动o E5021|建筑物拆除活动o E5029|其他工程准备活动o E5030|提供施工设备服务o E5090|其他未列明的建筑活动o F5112|种子批发o F5113|饲料料批发o F5114|棉、麻批发o F5115|林业产品批发o F5116|牲畜批发o F5119|其他农畜产品批发o F5120|食品、饮料及烟草制品批发o F5121|米、面制品及食用油批发o F5122|糕点、糖果及糖批发o F5123|果品、蔬菜批发o F5124|肉、禽、蛋及水产品批发o F5125|盐及调味品批发o F5126|营养和保健品批发o F5127|酒、饮料及茶叶批发o F5128|烟草制品批发o F5129|其他食品批发o F5130|纺织、服装及日用品批发o F5131|纺织品、针织品及原料批发o F5132|服装批发o F5133|鞋帽批发o F5134|化妆品及卫生用品批发o F5135|厨房、卫生间用具及日用杂货批发o F5136|灯具、装饰物品批发o F5137|家用电器批发o F5139|其他家庭用品批发o F5140|文化、体育用品及器材批发o F5141|文具用品批发o F5142|体育用品批发o F5143|图书批发o F5144|报刊批发o F5145|音像制品及电子出版物批发o F5146|首饰、工艺品及收藏品批发o F5149|其他文化用品批发o F5150|医药及医疗器材批发o F5151|西药批发o F5152|中药批发o F5153|医疗用品及器材批发o F5160|矿产品、建材及化工产品批发o F5161|煤炭及制品批发o F5162|石油及制品批发o F5163|非金属矿及制品批发o F5164|金属及金属矿批发o F5165|建材批发o F5166|化肥批发o F5167|农药批发o F5168|农用薄膜批发o F5169|其他化工产品批发o F5173|汽车零配件批发o F5174|摩托车及零配件批发o F5175|五金产品批发o F5176|电气设备批发o F5177|计算机、软件及辅助设备批发o F5178|通讯及广播电视设备批发o F5179|其他机械设备及电子产品批发o F5180|贸易经纪与代理o F5181|贸易代理o F5182|拍卖o F5190|其他批发业o F5191|再生物资回收与批发o F5197|生活用燃料零售o F5199|其他未列明的批发•F5200|零售业o F5210|综合零售o F5211|百货零售o F5212|超级市场零售o F5219|其他综合零售o F5220|食品、饮料及烟草制品专门零售o F5221|粮油零售o F5222|糕点、面包零售o F5223|果品、蔬菜零售o F5224|肉、禽、蛋、奶及水产品零售o F5225|营养和保健品零售o F5226|酒、饮料及茶叶零售o F5227|烟草制品零售o F5229|其他食品零售o F5230|纺织、服装及日用品专门零售o F5231|纺织品及针织品零售o F5232|服装零售o F5233|鞋帽零售o F5234|化妆品及卫生用品零售o F5235|钟表、眼镜零售o F5236|箱、包零售o F5237|厨房用具及日用杂品零售o F5238|自行车零售o F5239|其他日用品零售o F5240|文化、体育用品及器材专门零售o F5241|文具用品零售o F5242|体育用品零售o F5243|图书、报刊零售o F5244|音像制品及电子出版物零售o F5245|珠宝首饰零售o F5246|工艺美术品及收藏品零售o F5247|乐器零售o F5248|照相器材零售。

TP2411 TP2412 TP2414 3PEAK低噪运算放大器中文资料下载

TP2411 TP2412 TP2414 3PEAK低噪运算放大器中文资料下载






TP2411/TP2412/TP2414特点:增益带宽积:10 MHz低噪声:8.2 nV /√Hz(f = 1kHz)摆率:7 V /μs失调电压:1 mV(最大)EMIRR IN +:88 dB(在2.4GHz下)低THD + N:0.0005%电源范围:2.2 V至5.5 V电源电流:1.4 mA / ch低输入偏置电流:0.3pA(典型值)轨到轨I / O高输出电流:70 mA(1.0V压降)–40°C至125°C的工作范围Features Description增益带宽积:10 MHz低噪声:8.2 nV /√Hz(f = 1kHz)摆率:7 V /μs失调电压:1 mV(最大) EMIRR IN +:88 dB(在2.4GHz下)TP2411,TP2412和TP2414是低成本,单,双和四轨至轨输出,单电源放大器,具有低失调和输入电压,低电流噪声和宽信号带宽。




低THD + N:0.0005%电源范围:2.2 V至5.5 V 电源电流:1.4 mA / ch 低输入偏置电流:0.3pA (典型值)轨到轨I / OTP2411,TP2412和TP2414是低成本,单,双和四轨至轨输出,单电源放大器,具有低失调和输入电压,低电流噪声和宽信号带宽。

FN2410 FN2412 标准性能单相过滤器说明书

FN2410 FN2412 标准性能单相过滤器说明书

DATA SHEETStandard Performance Single-Phase Filters FN2410 and FN2412EMC/RFI Filters for Industrial ElectronicsExcellent filter performance for applications with high interference levelsFilters for two-phase supply up to 2x 520 VAC (P-P) availableFast and comfortable snap-in installation on popular TS 35 DIN-rails up to 45 A Industrial grade terminal blocks for unsurpassed electrical safetyPerformance indicatorsTechnical SpecificationsMaximum continuous operating voltage 2x 520/300 VAC (FN 2410 H/FN 2412 H)1x 250 VAC (FN 2410/FN 2412)Operating frequencyDC to 400 HzRated currents8 to 45 A @ 50°C (FN 2412)8 to 100 A @ 50°C (FN 2410)High potential test voltageP –> P 2250 VDC for 2 sec (H types)P –> E 2000 VAC for 2 sec P –> N 1100 VDC for 2 secP –> E 2700 VDC for 2 sec (H types)Protection category IP 20Overload capability4x rated current at switch on,1.5x rated current for 1 minute, once per hour Temperature range (operation and storage)-25°C to +100°C (25/100/21)Flammability corresponding to UL 94 V-2 or betterDesign corresponding toUL 1283, CSA 22.2 No. 8 1986, IEC/EN 60939MTBF @ 50°C/250 V (Mil-HB-217F)1,200,000 hours250,000 hours (H types)Approvals & CompliancesFeatures and BenefitsTypical ApplicationsFN 2410 filters up to 100 A are designed for traditional chassis mountingFor extra fast installation, FN 2412 filters up to 45 A can comfortably be snapped-in on popular TS 35DIN-rails which are common in most electrical cabinetsBoth FN 2410 and FN 2412 are also avail- able as …H versions“. These are ideally suitable for anoperation on two phases in a three-phase power network, handling voltages up to 520 VAC All filters provide an exceptional conductedattenuation performance, based on chokes with high saturation resistance and excellent thermal behavior. Thus, all filters retain the expected filter performance even in very noisy applications and under full load conditionsTouch-safe industrial grade terminal blocks provide maximum electrical safety and protect humans from undeliberate contact with life conductors. They help to fulfill the mostdemanding installation standardsSmall to medium-sized machines and industrial equipmentHigh-end single-phase power supplies Single-phase variable speed motor drives,inverters and convertersDIN-rail filter versions are ideal for panel building and electrical cabinetsVarious noisy applications with higher power single-phase or two-phase supply Typical electrical schematicFilterRated current Leakage current*Power loss Input/Output Weight@ 50°C (40°C)@ 250 VAC /50 Hz @ 25°C/50 Hzconnections(@ 120 VAC /60 Hz)[A][mA][W][kg]FN 2410-8-448 (8.8) 2.60 (1.49) 2.6-440.4FN 2410-16-4416 (17.5) 2.60 (1.49) 3.5-440.5FN 2410-25-3325 (27.4) 2.60 (1.49) 5.5-330.6FN 2410-32-3332 (35.0) 2.60 (1.49) 5.6-330.7FN 2410-45-3345 (49.3) 2.60 (1.49)7.4-330.7FN 2410-60-3460 (65.7) 2.60 (1.49) 5.5-34 1.8FN 2410-80-3480 (87.6) 2.60 (1.49)9.9-34 1.8FN 2410-100-34100 (109.5)2.60 (1.49)15.4-34 1.8FN 2410 H-8-448 (8.8) 2.60 (1.49) 2.6-440.5FN 2410 H-16-4416 (17.5) 2.60 (1.49)3.5-440.6FN 2410 H-25-3325 (27.4) 2.60 (1.49) 5.5-330.7FN 2410 H-32-3332 (35.0) 2.60 (1.49) 5.6-330.8FN 2410 H-60-3460 (65.7) 2.60 (1.49) 5.5-34 1.9FN 2410 H-80-3480 (87.6) 2.60 (1.49)9.9-34 1.9FN 2410 H-100-34100 (109.5)2.60 (1.49)15.4-34 1.9FN 2412-8-448 (8.8) 2.60 (1.49) 2.6-440.4FN 2412-16-4416 (17.5) 2.60 (1.49)3.5-440.6FN 2412-25-3325 (27.4) 2.60 (1.49) 5.5-330.7FN 2412-32-3332 (35.0) 2.60 (1.49) 5.6-330.8FN 2412-45-3345 (49.3) 2.60 (1.49)7.4-330.8FN 2412 H-8-448 (8.8) 2.60 (1.49) 2.6-440.5FN 2412 H-16-4416 (17.5) 2.60 (1.49) 3.5-440.7FN 2412 H-25-3325 (27.4) 2.60 (1.49) 5.5-330.8FN 2412 H-32-3332 (35.0)2.60 (1.49)5.6-330.9* Maximum leakage under normal operating conditions (acc. to IEC60939-3). Note: if the neutral line is interrupted, worst case leakage could reach twice this level.Filter Selection TablePer CISPR 17; A=50 Ω/50 Ω sym; B=50 Ω/50 Ω asym; C=0.1 Ω/100 Ω sym; D=100 Ω/0.1 Ω sym Typical Filter Attenuation8 to 45 A types60 to 100 A typesMechanical DataFN 2410 (H)FN 2412 (H)FN 2410FN 24128 A16 A 25 A 32 A 45 A 60 A 80 A 100 A 8 A 16 A 25 A 32 A 45 A A 130130130130130165165165110110110110110B 93939393931151151159393939393C 62627676761001001007373878787D 108108108108108140140140E 120120120120120155155155F 7070707070909090G 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3 5.3H 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.2 1.2 1.2I 22222525253939392222252525JM6M6M6M6M6M8M8M8M6M6M6M6M6Rec. torque (Nm) 3.5 - 4.0 3.5 - 4.0 3.5 - 4.0 3.5 - 4.0 3.5 - 4.08.0 - 9.08.0 - 9.08.0 - 9.0 3.5 - 4.0 3.5 - 4.0 3.5 - 4.0 3.5 - 4.0 3.5 - 4.0L17.517.531.531.531.539. dimensions in mm; 1 inch = 25.4 mmTolerances according: ISO 2768-m/EN 22768-mDimensions-33-34-44Solid wire 16 mm 235 mm 210 mm 2Flex wire 10 mm 225 mm 2 6 mm 2AWG type wire AWG 6AWG 2AWG 8Recommended torque1.5-1.8 Nm4.0-4.5 Nm1.0-1.2 NmPlease visit to find more details on filter connectors.Filter Input/Output Connector Cross SectionsTo find your local partner within Schaffner‘s global network © 2022 Schaffner GroupThe content of this document has been carefully checked and understood.However,neither Schaffner nor its subsidiaries assume any liability whatsoever for any errors or inaccuracies of this document and the consequences thereof.Published specifica-tions are subject to change without notice.Product suitability for any area of application must ultimately be determined by the customer.In all cases,products must never be operated outside their published specifications.Schaffner does not guarantee the availability of all published products.This disclaimer shall be governed by substantive Swiss law and resulting disputes shall be settled by the courts at the place of business of Schaffner Holding test publications and a complete disclaimer can be downloa-ded from the Schaffner website.All trademarks recognized.Headquarters, Global Innovation and DevelopmentSwitzerlandSchaffner Holding AG Industrie Nord Nordstrasse 11e 4542Luterbach+41 32 681 66 26******************Sales and Application CentersChinaSchaffner EMC Ltd. 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–40°C to 85°C
PW (TSSOP - 8)
(1) Add an R suffix to the device type for tape and reel. (2) For the most current package and ordering information, see the Package Option Addendum at the end
Accurate voltage sensing and a programmable turn-off threshold allows operation to be tailored for a wide range of implementations and bus characteristics. The TPS2412/13 are lower pin count, feature reduced versions of the TPS2410/11.
VALUE –0.3 to 18
7.5 18 –0.3 to 30 –0.3 to 13 0.3 –0.3 to 7 Indefinite 2 500 Internally liited –65 to 150
kV V °C °C
(1) Stresses beyond those listed under absolute maximum ratings may cause permanent damage to the device. These are stress ratings only and functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions beyond those indicated under recommended operating conditions is not implied. Exposure to absolute-maximum-rated conditions for extended periods may affect device reliability.



Derating graphs are valid only for the shown part numbers. If you need detailed derating-information about a part-number not shown here please contact our technical customer service at info@recom-development.at
280 November-2006
Derating Graph (Ambient Temperature)
RP40-S_DGW Series
RP40-243.3SGW RP40-2405SGW RP40-2412SGW RP40-2415SGW RP40-483.3SGW RP40-4805SGW RP40-4812SGW RP40-4815SGW RP40-2412DGW RP40-2415DGW RP40-4812DGW RP40-4815DGW
1=Natural Convection, 2=200LFM, 3=300LFM, 4=400LFM, 5=500LFM 1 2 3 45
125 100 75 Output Power (%) 50 25
Natural Convection
0 -40 -25 -10 0 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 55 Ambient Temperature Range (°C)
Without Heat-Sink With Heat-Sink


C2032 木门窗制造 C2033 木楼梯制造
C2034 木地板制造 C2035 木制容器制造
C2039 软木制品及其他木制品制造
C2041 竹制品制造
C2042 藤制品制造 C2043 棕制品制造 C2049 草及其他212 C213
C2438 珠宝首饰及有关物品制造
C2439 其他工艺美术及礼仪用品制造
C2441 球类制造
C2442 专项运动器材及配件制造
C2443 健身器材制造
C2444 运动防护用具制造
C2449 其他体育用品制造
C2451 电玩具制造
C2452 塑胶玩具制造
C2453 金属玩具制造
木质家具制造 竹、藤家具制造 金属家具制造
C2211 木竹浆制造
C2212 非木竹浆制造
C2221 机制纸及纸板制造 C2222 手工纸制造 C2223 加工纸制造
C2231 纸和纸板容器制造
C2239 其他纸制品制造
A0541 鱼苗及鱼种场活动 A0549 其他渔业专业及辅助性活动
B06 B061 B062 B069
煤炭开采和洗选业 烟煤和无烟煤开采洗选 褐煤开采洗选 其他煤炭采选
B0711 陆地石油开采

阿尔法电缆 2412C 型号 20AWG 双核电缆说明书

阿尔法电缆 2412C 型号 20AWG 双核电缆说明书

Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA (25742), Web: Customer SpecificationPART NO. 2412CConstructionDiameters (In)1) Component 1 2 X 1 CONDa) Conductor20 (7/28) AWG TC0.038b) Insulation0.016" Wall, Nom. Polyethylene(PE)0.070(1) Color(s)Cond Color Cond Color Cond Color1BLACK2RED2) Cable Assembly 2 Components Cableda) Twists: 6.0 Twists/foot (min)3) Shield:Alum/Mylar Tape, 25% Overlap, Min.a) Foil Direction Foil Facing Outb) Drain Wire 20 (7/28) AWG TC4) Jacket 0.020" Wall, Nom.,PVC0.184 (0.194 Max.)a) Color(s) SLATEb) Print ALPHA WIRE-* P/N 2412C 2C 20 AWGSHIELDED 75C (UL) TYPE CMG OR AWM 2092 ----C(UL) CMG FT4 ROHS* = Factory Code[Note: Product may have c(UL) or CSA markings depending upon plant of manufacture.]Applicable Specifications1) UL AWM/STYLE 209260°C / 300 V RMSCMG75°CVW-12) CSA International C(UL) TYPE CMG75°CFT4Environmental1) EU Directive 2002/95/EC(RoHS):All materials used in the manufacture of this part are in compliance with EU Directive2002/95/EU regarding the restriction of use of certain hazardous substances in electrical andelectronic equipment. Consult Alpha Wire's web site for compliance Date of Manufacture.2) California Proposition 65:The outer surface materials used in the manufacture of this part meet the requirements of California Proposition 65.PropertiesPhysical & Mechanical Properties1) Temperature Range-20 to 75°C2) Bend Radius10X Cable Diameter3) Pull Tension26 Lbs, MaximumElectrical Properties(For Engineering purposes only)1) Voltage Rating300 V RMS2) Capacitance22.7 pf/ft @1 kHz, Nominal Conductor to Conductor3) Ground Capacitance41 pf/ft @1 kHz, Nominal4) Characteristic Impedance685) Inductance0.19 µH/ft, Nominal6) Conductor DCR10.2 /1000ft @20°C, Nominal7) OA Shield DCR8.2 /1000ft @20°C, NominalOtherPackaging Flange x Traverse x Barrel (inches)a) 1000 FT12 x 6 x 3.5 Continuous lengthb) BOX 1000FT9-1/2 EASY REEL: Continuous lengthc) BOX 500FT7-5/8 EASY REEL: Continuous lengthd) 500 FT12 x 4.5 x 3.5 Continuous lengthe) 100 FT 6.5 x 4 x 2.5 Continuous length[Spool dimensions may vary slightly]Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA (25742)Although Alpha Wire (“Alpha”) makes every reasonable effort to ensure there accuracy at the time of publication, information and specifications described herein are subject to errors or omissions and to changes without notice, and the listing of such information and specifications does not ensure product availability.Alpha provides the information and specifications herein on an “AS IS” basis, with no representations or warranties, whether express, statutory or implied. In no event will Alpha be liable for any damages (including consequential, indirect, incidental, special, punitive, or exemplary) whatsoever, even if Alpha had been advised of the possibility of such damages, whether in an action under contract, negligence or any other theory, arising out of or in connection with the use, or inability to use, the information or specifications described herein.Alpha Wire | 711 Lidgerwood Avenue, Elizabeth, NJ 07207Tel: 1-800-52 ALPHA (25742), Web: RoHS CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCETo Whom It May Concern:Alpha Wire Part Number:2412C2412C , RoHS-Compliant Commencing With11/1/2004ProductionThis document certifies that the Alpha part numbers cited above are manufactured in accordancewith Directive 2002/95/EC of the EuropeanParliament and of the Council of 27 January 2003,better known as the RoHS Directives, with regards to restrictions of the use of certain hazardoussubstances used in the manufacture of electrical and electronic equipment. The reader is referredto these Directives for the specific definitions and extents of these Directives. No Exemptions arerequired for RoHS Compliance on this item.Substance Maximum Control ValueLead0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Mercury0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Cadmium0.01% by weight (100 ppm)Hexavalent Chromium0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Polybrominated Biphenyls (PBB)0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)Polybrominated Diphenyl Ethers (PBDE)Including Deca-BDE0.1% by weight (1000 ppm)The information provided in this document and disclosure is correct to the best of Alpha Wire'sknowledge, information and belief at the date of its release. The information provided is designedonly as a general guide for the safe handling, storage, and any other operation of the productitself or the one that it will become part of. The intent of this document is not to be considered awarranty or quality specification. Regulatory information is for guidance purposes only. Productusers are responsible for determining the applicability of legislation and regulations based ontheir individual usage of the product.Authorized Signatory for the Alpha Wire Company:Dave Watson, Director of Engineering & QA10/31/2012。

2SC2412 二极管 数据手册

2SC2412 二极管 数据手册

Transistors 2SC5658 / 2SC1740SGeneral purpose transistor (50V, 0.15A)2SC2412K / 2SC4081 / 2SC4617 / 2SC5658 /2SC1740S!Features 1) Low Cob.Cob=2.0pF (Typ.)2) Complements the 2SA1037AK /2SA1576A / 2SA1774H /2SA2029 / 2SA933AS.!StructureEpitaxial planar type NPN silicon transistor!External dimensions (Units : mm)* Denotes h FE!Absolute maximum (T a=25°C)Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage Emitter-base voltage Collector currentCollector powerdissipationJunction temperature Storage temperatureParameterV CBO V CEO V EBO P CTj Tstg60V V V AW °C °C 5070.15I C0.20.150.32SC2412K, 2SC40812SC1740S 2SC4617, 2SC5658150−55~+150Symbol Limits UnitTransistors 2SC5658 / 2SC1740S!Electrical characteristics (T a=25°C)Collector-base breakdown voltage Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Emitter-base breakdown voltage Collector cutoff current Emitter cutoff current DC current transfer ratioCollector-emitter saturation voltage Output capacitanceParameterSymbol BV CBO BV CEO BV EBO I CBO I EBO h FE V CE(sat)f T CobMin.60507−−120−−−−−−−−−−1802−−−0.10.15600.4−3.5V I C =50µA I C =1mA IE =50µA V CB =60V V EB =7VV CE =6V, I C =1mA I C /I B =50mA/5mAV CE =12V, I E =−2mA, f=100MHz V CE =12V, I E =0A, f=1MHzV V µA µA −V MHz pFTyp.Max.Unit ConditionsTransition frequency !Packaging specifications and h FEh FE values are classified as follows :Item Q R S h FE120~270180~390270~560!Electrical characterristic curvesFig.1 Grounded emitter propagationcharacteristics C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T: I C (m A )BASE TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V BE (V)Fig.2 Grounded emitter outputcharacteristics ( Ι )C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (m A )COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V CE (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (m A )COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V CE (V)Fig.3 Grounded emitter outputcharacteristics ( ΙΙ )Transistors2SC5658 / 2SC1740SFig.4 DC current gain vs.collector current ( Ι )D C C U R RE N T G A I N: h F ECOLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.5 DC current gain vs.collector current ( ΙΙ )D C C U R R E N T G A I N : h F ECOLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig. 6 Collector-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector currentC O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.7 Collector-emitter saturation voltage vs. collector current ( Ι )C O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA) Fig.8 Collector-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector current (ΙΙ)C O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.9 Gain bandwidth product vs.emitter current−EMITTER CURRENT : I E (mA)T R A N S I T I O N F R E Q U E N C Y : f T (M H z )Fig.10 Collector output capacitance vs.collector-base voltageEmitter input capacitance vs.emitter-base voltageCOLLECTOR TO BASE VOLTAGE : V CB (V)EMITTER TO BASE VOLTAGE : V EB (V)C O L L E C T O R O U T P U T C A P A CI T A N C E : C o b (p F )E M I T T E R I N P U T C A P A C I T A N C E : C i b (p F )Fig.11 Base-collector time constantvs. emitter current− B A S E C O L L E C T O R T I M E C O N S T A N T : C c ·r b b (p s )EMITTER CURRENT : I E (mA)。

2412《基础写作》复习资料:一 名词解释

2412《基础写作》复习资料:一 名词解释




















2SC752 2SC756 2SC784 2SC815 2SC828 2SC829 2SC839 2SC867 2SC869 2SC898A 2SC900 2SC930 2SC936 2SC941 2SC943 2SC945 2SC982 2SC1000 2SC1008 2SC1012A 2SC1014 2SC1017 2SC1030 2SC1046 2SC1047 2SC1050
15 V 40 V 40 V 60 V 30 V 30 V 50 V 400 V 160 V 150 V 30 V 15 V 1000 V 35 V 60 V 50 V 40 V 55 V 80 V 250 V 50 V 75 V 150 V 1000 V 30 V 300 V
100 mA 4A 0,02 A 0,2 A 0,05 A 30 mA 0,03 A 1A 30 mA 7A 0,03 A 0,03 A 1A 20 mA 0,2 A 0,1 A 0,3 A 0,1 A 0,7 A 60 mA 1,5 A 1A 6A 3A 20 mA 1A



DC to DC ConvertersInsulation Type, 1.5 to 10W Output,5-year Warranty Period, UL/C-UL Certified(except CCP Type) CC SeriesFEATURES•5-year warranty period.•With input protection element.•With output variable terminal (except CCP24).•Input-output floating.•Shield type of 5-sided metal case.•External component not required.•With overcurrent protection function.•With input remote control (CCN type).•Long life without electrolytic capacitor.•Input voltage alarm function incorporated (CCP-24 type).•It is a product conforming to RoHS directive.PART NUMBERS AND RATINGSCCK TYPECCM TYPECCN TYPECCP TYPE∗1The same product can be used for the 12V output and the 15V output by using the Vset terminal.∗2The same product can be used for the ±12V output and the ±15V output by using the Vset terminal.∗3The 24V output is used as a single output with the COM. terminal of the ±12V output product open.Conformity to RoHS DirectiveOutput current InputvoltageOutput voltage3.3V5V12V∗115V∗1±12V∗2±15V∗224V∗31.5W 12V CCK-1203SF CCK-1205SF CCK-1212SF CCK-1212SF CCK-1212DF CCK-1212DF CCK-1212DF 24V CCK-2403SF CCK-2405SF CCK-2412SF CCK-2412SF CCK-2412DF CCK-2412DF CCK-2412DFOutput current InputvoltageOutput voltage112233W 5V CCM-0503SF CCM-0505SF CCM-0512SF CCM-0512SF CCM-0512DF CCM-0512DF CCM-0512DF 12V CCM-1203SF CCM-1205SF CCM-1212SF CCM-1212SF CCM-1212DF CCM-1212DF CCM-1212DF 48V CCM-4803SF CCM-4805SF CCM-4812SF CCM-4812SF CCM-4812DF CCM-4812DF CCM-4812DFOutput current Inputvoltage 3.3V5V12V15V±12V±15V24V6W 5V CCN-0503SF CCN-0505SF CCN-0512SF CCN-0512SF CCN-0512DF CCN-0512DF CCN-0512DF 24V CCN-2403SF CCN-2405SF CCN-2412SF CCN-2412SF CCN-2412DF CCN-2412DF CCN-2412DF 48V CCN-4803SF CCN-4805SF CCN-4812SF CCN-4812SF CCN-4812DF CCN-4812DF CCN-4812DFOutput current InputvoltageOutput voltage3.3V5V12V•Conformity to RoHS Directive: This means that, in conformity with EU Directive 2002/95/EC, lead, cadmium, mercury, hexavalent chromium, and specific bromine-based flame retardants, PBB and PBDE, have not been used, except for exempted applications.SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS∗1 Typical input voltage, maximum output current∗2 Vset and –Vout are shorted.∗3 Load variation condition of 2-output product: Balance load∗4 Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz• The 2-output product can be used as a single output of 24V to 30V with the COM. terminal open.• Refer to the description of the application for information about the voltage adjustment method or the like.OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)•If the operating temperature range is determined based on the case surface temperature, it should be 90°C or lower independently of a load rate.PRECAUTIONS•Parallel operation to increase output current is not possible.•Since the converter is entirely shielded by a metal case, care should be taken to isolate the case from the surrounding compo-nents and wiring pattern.Part K-0503SF CCK-0505SF CCK-0512SF CCK-0512DF CCK-1203SF CCK-1205SF CCK-1212SF CCK-1212DFMaximum output power W 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.51.3 1.5 1.5 1.5Input conditionsInput voltage Edc V 4.5 to 9(5typ.)9 to 18(12typ.)Efficiency∗1%66typ.68typ.70typ.68typ.70typ.73typ.75typ.73typ. Output voltage Edc V 3.3512±12 3.3512±12 Output voltage 2∗2 Edc V 3.67615±15 3.67615±15 Voltage variable range Edc V 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15 Maximum output current mA4003001256040030012560 Maximum output current 2∗2mA3502501005035025010050 Output voltage total variation%±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.Voltage stability Input variation mV2020304020203040 Load variation∗3mV40401006004040100600 Temperature variation mV50501001505050100150Ripple noise Ep-p∗4mV40typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.40typ.40typ.30typ.30typ. mV120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.Part K-2403SF CCK-2405SF CCK-2412SF CCK-2412DF CCK-4803SF CCK-4805SF CCK-4812SF CCK-4812DF Maximum output power W 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.3 1.5 1.5 1.5Input conditionsInput voltage Edc V18 to 36(24typ.)36 to 72(48typ.)Efficiency∗1%70typ.75typ.75typ.75typ.70typ.75typ.75typ.75typ. Output characteristicsOutput voltage Edc V 3.3512±12 3.3512±12 Output voltage 2∗2 Edc V 3.67615±15 3.67615±15 Voltage variable range Edc V 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15 Maximum output current mA4003001256040030012560 Maximum output current 2∗2mA3502501005035025010050Output voltage total variation%±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.Voltage stability Input variation mV2020304020203040 Load variation∗3mV40401006004040100600 Temperature variation mV50501001505050100150Ripple noise Ep-p∗4mV40typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.40typ.40typ.30typ.30typ. mV120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.SHAPES AND DIMENSIONSWeight: 6gDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.3RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION[TOP VIEW]CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS SINGLE OUTPUT TYPECCK-SF SERIES2-OUTPUT TYPECCK-DF SERIESOscillating method: Astable frequency methodOscillating frequency: Approx. 200kHz[100% load] to approx. 1200kHz[no load]MTTF: 500Fit[2000000h, 100% load]COMMON SPECIFICATIONSTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATION No.1+Vin No.3NC No.4–Vout TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATION No.1+Vin No.3–VoutNo.4Common out Overcurrent protection Yes Temperature range Operating(°C)–20 to +70[Derating is necessary when operating environment temperature exceed 50°C.]Storage(°C)–40 to +85Humidity range Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min.[3 directions of X, Y, Z, each 2h]Insulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950, CSA60950(C-UL) certified ××××Weight6gSPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS∗1 Typical input voltage, maximum output current ∗2 Vset and –Vout are shorted.∗3 Load variation condition of 2-output product: Balance load ∗4 Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz• The 2-output product can be used as a single output of 24V to 30V with the COM. terminal open.• Refer to the description of the application for information about the voltage adjustment method or the like.OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)•If the operating temperature range is determined based on the case surface temperature, it should be 90°C or lower independently of a load rate.PRECAUTIONS•Parallel operation to increase output current is not possible.•Since the converter is entirely shielded by a metal case, care should be taken to isolate the case from the surrounding compo-nents and wiring pattern.Part No.CCM-0503SF CCM-0505SF CCM-0512SF CCM-0512DF CCM-1203SF CCM-1205SF CCM-1212SF CCM-1212DF Maximumoutputpower W 23332333Input conditions Input voltage Edc V 4.5 to 9(5typ.)9 to 18(12typ.)Efficiency ∗1%65typ.70typ.72typ.72typ.70typ.75typ.77typ.77typ.Output voltage Edc V 3.3512±12 3.3512±12Output voltage 2∗2 Edc V 3.67615±15 3.67615±15Voltage variable range Edc V 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15Maximum output current mA 600600250125600600250125Maximum output current 2∗2mA 540500200100540500200100Output voltage total variation%±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.VoltagestabilityInput variationmV 2020304020203040Load variation ∗3mV 40401006004040100600Temperature variation mV 50501001505050100150Ripple noise Ep-p ∗4mV 40typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.40typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.mV120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.Part No.CCM-2403SF CCM-2405SF CCM-2412SF CCM-2412DF CCM-4803SF CCM-4805SF CCM-4812SF CCM-4812DF Maximum output power W 23332333Input conditions Input voltage Edc V 18 to 36(24typ.)36 to 72(48typ.)Efficiency ∗1%70typ.75typ.78typ.78typ.70typ.75typ.78typ.78typ.Output characteristics Output voltage Edc V 3.3512±12 3.3512±12Output voltage 2∗2 Edc V 3.67615±15 3.67615±15Voltage variable range Edc V 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15Maximum output current mA 600600250125600600250125Maximum output current 2∗2mA 540500200100540500200100Output voltage total variation%±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.VoltagestabilityInput variation mV 2020304020203040Load variation ∗3mV 40401006004040100600Temperature variationmV 50501001505050100150Ripple noise Ep-p ∗4mV 40typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.40typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.mV 120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.SHAPES AND DIMENSIONSWeight:10gDimensions in mm Tolerance: ±0.3RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION[TOP VIEW]CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS SINGLE OUTPUT TYPECCM-SF SERIES2-OUTPUT TYPECCM-DF SERIESOscillating method: Astable frequency methodOscillating frequency: Approx. 200kHz[100% load] to approx. 1200kHz[no load]MTTF: 500Fit[2000000h, 100% load]COMMON SPECIFICATIONSTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATION No.1+Vin No.2–Vin No.3NC No.5Vset No.6+VoutTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATION No.1+Vin No.2–Vin No.3–VoutNo.5Vset No.6+VoutOscillating method Astable frequency methodMTTF500Fit[2000000h, 100% load]Overcurrent protection Yes Temperature range Storage(°C)–40 to +85Humidity range Amplitude 10 to 55Hz, all amplitude 1.52mm, sweep time 15min.[3 directions of X, Y, Z, each 2h]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]Insulation resistance Input to output, input to case, output to case: 50M Ω min.[DC.500V]Safety standards UL60950, CSA60950(C-UL) certified ××××SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS∗1 Typical input voltage, maximum output current ∗2 Vset and –Vout are shorted.∗3 Load variation condition of 2-output product: Balance load ∗4 Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz• The 2-output product can be used as a single output of 24V to 30V with the COM. terminal open.• Refer to the description of the application for information about the voltage adjustment method or the like.OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)•If the operating temperature range is determined based on the casesurface temperature, it should be 90°C or lower independently of a load rate.PRECAUTIONS•Parallel operation to increase output current is not possible.•Since the converter is entirely shielded by a metal case, care should be taken to isolate the case from the surrounding compo-nents and wiring pattern.Part No.CCN-0503SF CCN-0505SF CCN-0512SF CCN-0512DF CCN-1203SF CCN-1205SF CCN-1212SF CCN-1212DF Maximumoutputpower W 45665666Input conditions Input voltage Edc V 4.5 to 9(5typ.)9 to 18(12typ.)Efficiency ∗1%70typ.74typ.78typ.76typ.73typ.80typ.85typ.85typ.Output voltage Edc V 3.3512±12 3.3512±12Output voltage 2∗2 Edc V 3.67615±15 3.67615±15Voltage variable range Edc V 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15Maximum output current mA 1200100050025015001200500250Maximum output current 2∗2mA 100080040020013001000400200Output voltage total variation%±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.VoltagestabilityInput variationmV 2020304020203040Load variation ∗3mV 40401006004040100600Temperature variation mV 50501001505050100150Ripple noise Ep-p ∗4mV 60typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.60typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.mV120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.Part No.CCN-2403SF CCN-2405SF CCN-2412SF CCN-2412DF CCN-4803SF CCN-4805SF CCN-4812SF CCN-4812DF Maximum output power W 56665666Input conditions Input voltage Edc V 18 to 36(24typ.)36 to 72(48typ.)Efficiency ∗1%77typ.82typ.85typ.85typ.77typ.80typ.85typ.85typ.Output characteristics Output voltage Edc V 3.3512±12 3.3512±12Output voltage 2∗2 Edc V 3.67615±15 3.67615±15Voltage variable range Edc V 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15 2.84 to 3.67 4.3 to 612 to 1512 to 15Maximum output current mA 1500120050025015001200500250Maximum output current 2∗2mA 1300100040020013001000400200Output voltage total variation%±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.±5max.VoltagestabilityInput variation mV 2020304020203040Load variation ∗3mV 40401006004040100600Temperature variationmV 50501001505050100150Ripple noise Ep-p ∗4mV 60typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.60typ.40typ.30typ.30typ.mV 120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.120max.SHAPES AND DIMENSIONSWeight:17gDimensions in mm Tolerance :±0.3RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION[TOP VIEW]CIRCUIT DIAGRAMS SINGLE OUTPUT TYPECCN-SF SERIES2-OUTPUT TYPECCN-DF SERIESOscillating method: Astable frequency methodOscillating frequency: Approx. 150kHz[100% load] to approx. 1000kHz[no load]MTTF: 650Fit[1500000h, 100% load]COMMON SPECIFICATIONSTERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATION No.2Vctl No.3–Vin No.6Vset TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATION No.2Vctl No.3–Vin No.6Vset Overcurrent protection Yes Remote ON-OFF YesTemperature range Storage(°C)–40 to +85Humidity range Operating(%)RH 20 to 95[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C, without dewing]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]ΩSafety standards UL60950, CSA60950(C-UL) certified External dimensions 41×8.5×25.8mm[W ×H ×D]SPECIFICATIONS AND STANDARDS∗1 Output voltage includes input variation, load variation, and temperature variation.∗2 Measurement bandwidth: 50MHz∗3 Typical input voltage, maximum output current∗4 Overcurrent protection function is automatic reset type.OUTPUT POWER - AMBIENT TEMPERATURE(DERATING)•If the case temperature is used for the derating, apply the range indicatedby the dashed line.CONNECTIONSThe input voltage detection output terminal (±Alarm) is a transistor output of a photo-coupler and it is insulated at the both input and output sides.PRECAUTIONS•Parallel operation to increase output current is not possible.•Since the converter is entirely shielded by a metal case, care should be taken to isolate the case from the surrounding compo-nents and wiring pattern.LOW INPUT VOLTAGE DETECTION CIRCUITThe following circuit configuration is recommended for the low input voltage detection circuit.In a rise of the power supply, the +Alarm terminal is at the low level when the input voltage is in a range of 18 to 19V.In a fall of the power supply, the +Alarm terminal is at the high level when the input voltage is in a range of 17 to 18V.Part No.CCP-2403SF CCP-2405SF CCP-2412SF Maximum output power W 7.591010.2Input conditions Input voltage Edc V 18 to 36(24typ.)18 to 36(24typ.)18 to 36(24typ.)Efficiency%80typ.83typ.85typ.Output voltage EdcV 3.3512Maximum output currentmA 23002000850Output voltage total variation ∗1%±5max.±5max.±5max.VoltagestabilityInput variationmV 202030Load variationmV 4050100Temperature variationmV 50100150Ripple noise Ep-p ∗3mV 60typ.80typ.100typ.mV 120max.120max.150max.SHAPES AND DIMENSIONSOscillating frequency: Approx. 280kHz[Fixed]MTTF: 650Fit[1500000h, 100% load]RECOMMENDED PWB HOLE SIZE, LOCATION[TOP VIEW]TERMINAL PIN CONFIGUTATIONCOMMON SPECIFICATIONSTerminal No.Function Remark3+Alarm Phototransistor Collector terminal 4–Alarm Phototransistor Emitter terminal7, 8+VoutOvercurrent protection Yes Remote ON-OFF YesTemperature range Storage(°C)–40 to +85Humidity range Operating(%)RH 95 max.[Maximum wet-bulb temperature: 38°C, without dewing]Vibration980m/s 2(100G) 6ms[6 directions, each 3 times]ΩExternal dimensions 45.5×8.5×35.0mm[W ×H ×D]Weight30gCharacteristics, Functions, and ApplicationsTERMINAL CONNECTIONBe very careful with coupling input wires. An incorrect terminal connection or polarity may damage a converter.•OUTPUT VOLTAGE ADJUSTMENT TERMINAL (Vset) (except CCP Type)The following output voltages can be outputted by connecting this terminal to an output + or – terminal. Unless the output voltage is adjusted, this terminal should be open.In addition, the voltages can be adjusted not by shorting these ter-minals, but by connecting them to resistances as shown below.•Calculation formulaConnection resistance: R(kΩ)∗1 Vo=(3.3×R+36.7)/(R+10)∗2 Vo= 2.5×[2+2.7/(R+6.8)]∗3 Vo=2.5+9.5 (R+10.9)/(R+8.2)∗4 Vo=2.5+22×(R+12.7)/(R+10)[Between two outputs]∗5 Vo=(3.3×R+36.7)/(R+12.92)∗6 Vo=2.5×[2–2.7/(R+9.5)]If the output voltage has been adjusted to be higher, it should be noted that the output current needs to be derated so as to be suit-able for the maximum power. If there is a possibility that a surge voltage is applied to the output section when this product is used at 12V or ±12V, connect a capacitor of approx. 0.01 to 0.1µF between the Vset and output GND terminals.To improve an accuracy of the output voltage (for example, sup-pressed to Vo±0.5% or lower), arrange the wiring as shown below to adjust the output voltage.•DUAL-OUTPUT CONNECTION METHOD(except CCP Type) As for a dual-output converter, it is also possible to obtain a dou-ble-output voltage (24V output for ±12V output) by connecting a load between the plus and minus outputs with the GND terminal open.NOISE REDUCTIONIn measuring the converter noise, a value may have a significantly large deviation according to a measuring method in case of an inaccurate measurement. The measurement should be performed at the base of the terminal and no loop should be made to prevent flux from being gathered at a connection of a probe.In addition, it should be noted that a spike voltage largely depends upon a ripple voltmeter or a frequency band of an oscilloscope. The TDK noise measurement is performed at the base of each ter-minal in the 50MHz frequency band. If such significant deviation of values is a problem, the measurement system should be reviewed.•INPUT NOISEThis converter incorporates a filter circuit as shown below in an input section. Therefore, it operates without any external capacitor attached to the input section. A connection of a capacitor, how-ever, forms π filter and reduces input return noise.If there is a long distance from the input power supply to the input section of the converter, connect a capacitor at the base of the input terminal, if possible. The capacitor connected to the input power supply portion does not have so much effect in some cases.A long distance from the input power supply to the input section of the converter may cause high impedance of an input line, thereby increasing spike noise. Therefore, it is recommended to connect a capacitor in this condition, if possible.A capacity range of the external capacitor is approx. 0 to 470µF. Select and connect the optimum one according to your conditions for use.•OUTPUT NOISEIf an output ripple is reduced, connect a capacitor of approx. 0 to 220µF to the output section of the converter. The noise is further reduced by a connection of π filter as shown below. In this connec-tion, the filter should be of around 0 to 100µF.To reduce output spike noise, connect a ceramic capacitor of approx. 0 to 1µF to the output section of the converter.If the wiring pattern between the converter output and the load is long, the capacitor should be located at the base of the load as far as possible. The capacitor installed close to the base of the output of the converter may have so much effect.Part No.Open–Vout shorted+Vout shorted XX03SF 3.3V 3.67V 2.84VXX12SF12V15V—XX12DF±12V±15V—Part No.Openwith resistance with resistance1526XX12SF12V12 to 15V∗3—XX12DF±12V±12 to ±15V∗4—(11/11)003-01 / 20051203 / ea335_cc.fm• All specifications are subject to change without notice.Characteristics, Functions, and Applications• COMMON MODE NOISETo reduce the common mode noise, connect a capacitor of 0 to 1000pF between the primary side and the secondary side. Be careful with this connection; a coupling capacitance between the input and the output becomes high if a too big capacitor is con-nected.Furthermore, care should be taken for the withstand voltage of the capacitor (500V or higher is desirable from the viewpoint of the insulation and high voltage safety requirements).If the converter is used not as an insulation type, but as a non-insulation type, a short circuit is required between the GND termi-nal of the primary side and that of the secondary side.• RADIATED NOISERadiated noise of the converter is reduced by connecting a ground terminal of the case to the GND of an input or of an output.It should be noted, however, that its effect depends upon a device to be used. In addition, the wiring pattern should be made on a bot-tom surface of the converter in a plain pattern with a GND line, if possible.SERIES AND PARALLEL CONNECTIONS • SERIES CONNECTIONIt is possible to form a series connection with wiring as shown below. When the output voltage is not turned on with this connec-tion, connect Schottky barrier diodes having a forward voltage that is as low as possible, as shown below.The Schottky barrier diodes used for this purpose should have a reverse withstand voltage twice or more the voltage between the +Vout and –Vout terminals. The output current should be used at a level equal to or lower than the smaller rated current of the con-verters.• PARALLEL OPERATIONParallel operation to increase output current is not possible.SOLDERING CONDITIONS Soldering dip: 260°C, 10s max.Soldering iron: 350°C, 3s max.CLEANING CONDITIONSIt is recommended that the PC board should not be cleaned after soldering. It, however, has already been checked that there is no problem as a result of the following cleaning tests.When cleaning with one of the following cleaning agents, it should be used under these conditions. When using cleaning agent other than the following, please consult TDK before use.• CLEANING AGENTS AND TEST CONDITIONS Clean Through 750H (Kao Corporation)(1) Cleaning (Agitation) 60°C/4min(2) Rinsing (Agitation, water) 60°C/8min (3) Drying 70°C/6minPine Alpha ST100S (Arakawa Chemical Industries, Ltd.)(1) Cleaning (Agitation) 60°C/5min(2) Rinsing (Agitation, water) 60°C/3min (3) Drying 70°C/6min Terpene Cleaner EC-7R(1) Cleaning (Agitation) 60°C/5min (2) Rinsing (Agitation, IPA) 30°C/10min (3) Drying 70°C/6minIsopropyl Alcohol (Tokuyama Corp., etc.)(1) Ultrasonic cleaning 60°C/1min (2) Cooling bath cleaning R.T./1min (3) Vapor cleaning 83°C/1min元器件交易网。



Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data Sheet3Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data Sheet4Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data Sheet5Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data SheetProduct Term AllocatorThe product term allocator assigns product terms from a cluster to either logic or control applications as requiredby the design being implemented. Product terms that are used as logic are steered into a 5-input OR gate associ-ated with the cluster. Product terms that used for control are steered either to the macrocell or I/O cell associated with the cluster. T able 3 shows the available functions for each of the five product terms in the cluster. The OR gate output connects to the associated I/O cell, providing a fast path for narrow combinatorial functions, and to the logicallocator.Table 3. Individual PT SteeringProduct Term Logic ControlPT n Logic PT Single PT for XOR/ORPT n+1Logic PT Individual Clock (PT Clock)PT n+2Logic PT Individual Initialization or Individual Clock Enable (PT Initialization/CE)PT n+3Logic PT Individual Initialization (PT Initialization)PT n+4Logic PT Individual OE (PTOE)Cluster AllocatorThe cluster allocator allows clusters to be steered to neighboring macrocells, thus allowing the creation of functionswith more product terms. T able 4 shows which clusters can be steered to which macrocells. Used in this manner,the cluster allocator can be used to form functions of up to 20 product terms. Additionally, the cluster allocatoraccepts inputs from the wide steering logic. Using these inputs, functions up to 80 product terms can be created.Table 4. Available Clusters for Each MacrocellMacrocell Available ClustersM0—C0C1C2M1C0C1C2C3M2C1C2C3C4M3C2C3C4C5M4C3C4C5C6M5C4C5C6C7M6C5C6C7C8M7C6C7C8C9M8C7C8C9C10M9C8C9C10C11M10C9C10C11C12M11C10C11C12C13M12C11C12C13C14M13C12C13C14C15M14C13C14C15—M15C14C15——Wide Steering LogicThe wide steering logic allows the output of the cluster allocator n to be connected to the input of the cluster alloca-tor n+4. Thus, cluster chains can be formed with up to 80 product terms, supporting wide product term functionsand allowing performance to be increased through a single GLB implementation. T able 5 shows the product termchains.6Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data Sheet7Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data Sheet8Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data Sheet9Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data Sheet Table 7. ORP Combinations for I/O Blocks with 16 I/OsI/O Cell Available MacrocellsI/O 0M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7I/O 1M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8I/O 2M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9I/O 3M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10I/O 4M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11I/O 5M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12I/O 6M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13I/O 7M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14I/O 8M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15I/O 9M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M0I/O 10M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M0, M1I/O 11M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M0, M1, M2I/O 12M12, M13, M14, M15, M0, M1, M2, M3I/O 13M13, M14, M15, M0, M1, M2, M3, M4I/O 14M14, M15, M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5I/O 15M15, M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6Table 8. ORP Combinations for I/O Blocks with 4 I/OsI/O Cell Available MacrocellsI/O 0M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7I/O 1M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11I/O 2M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15I/O 3M12, M13, M14, M15, M0, M1, M2, M3Table 9. ORP Combinations for I/O Blocks with 10 I/OsI/O Cell Available MacrocellsI/O 0M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7I/O 1M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9I/O 2M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11I/O 3M6, M7, M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13I/O 4M8, M9, M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15I/O 5M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M0, M1I/O 6M12, M13, M14, M15, M0, M1, M2, M3I/O 7M14, M15, M0, M1, M2, M3, M4, M5I/O 8M2, M3, M4, M5, M6, M7, M8, M9I/O 9M10, M11, M12, M13, M14, M15, M0, M110Lattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data SheetLattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data SheetLattice Semiconductor ispMACH 4000V/B/C/Z Family Data SheetIEEE 1532-Compliant In-System ProgrammingProgramming devices in-system provides a number of significant benefits including: rapid prototyping, lower inven-tory levels, higher quality and the ability to make in-field modifications. All ispMACH 4000 devices provide In-Sys-tem Programming (ISP™) capability through the Boundary Scan T est Access Port. This capability has been implemented in a manner that ensures that the port remains complaint to the IEEE 1149.1 standard. By using IEEE 1149.1 as the communication interface through which ISP is achieved, users get the benefit of a standard, well-defined interface. All ispMACH 4000 devices are also compliant with the IEEE 1532 standard.The ispMACH 4000 devices can be programmed across the commercial temperature and voltage range. The PC-based Lattice software facilitates in-system programming of ispMACH 4000 devices. The software takes the JEDEC file output produced by the design implementation software, along with information about the scan chain, and creates a set of vectors used to drive the scan chain. The software can use these vectors to drive a scan chain via the parallel port of a PC. Alternatively, the software can output files in formats understood by common auto-mated test equipment. This equipment can then be used to program ispMACH 4000 devices during the testing of a circuit board.Security BitA programmable security bit is provided on the ispMACH 4000 devices as a deterrent to unauthorized copying of the array configuration patterns. Once programmed, this bit defeats readback of the programmed pattern by a device programmer, securing proprietary designs from competitors. Programming and verification are also defeated by the security bit. The bit can only be reset by erasing the entire device.Hot SocketingThe ispMACH 4000 devices are well-suited for applications that require hot socketing capability. Hot socketing a device requires that the device, during power-up and down, can tolerate active signals on the I/Os and inputs with-out being damaged. Additionally, it requires that the effects of I/O pin loading be minimal on active signals. The ispMACH 4000 devices provide this capability for input voltages in the range 0V to 3.0V.Density MigrationThe ispMACH 4000 family has been designed to ensure that different density devices in the same package have the same pin-out. Furthermore, the architecture ensures a high success rate when performing design migration from lower density parts to higher density parts. In many cases, it is possible to shift a lower utilization design tar-geted for a high density device to a lower density device. However, the exact details of the final resource utilization will impact the likely success in each case.Absolute Maximum Ratings 1, 2, 3ispMACH 4000C/Z ispMACH 4000B ispMACH 4000V(1.8V)(2.5V)(3.3V)Supply Voltage (V CC ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 2.5V . . . . . . . . . .-0.5 to 5.5V . . . .. . . . . . .-0.5 to 5.5V Output Supply Voltage (V CCO ). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 4.5V . . . . . . . . . .-0.5 to 4.5V . . . .. . . . . . .-0.5 to 4.5V Input or I/O T ristate Voltage Applied 4, 5. . . . . . . . . -0.5 to 5.5V . . . . . . . . . .-0.5 to 5.5V. . . .. . . . . . .-0.5 to 5.5V Storage T emperature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .-65 to 150°C. . . . . . . . . -65 to 150°C . . .. . . . . . .-65 to 150°C Junction T emperature (T j ) with Power Applied. . .-55 to 150°C. . . . . . . . . -55 to 150°C . . .. . . . . . .-55 to 150°C1. Stress above those listed under the “Absolute Maximum Ratings” may cause permanent damage to the device. Functional operation of the device at these or any other conditions above those indicated in the operational sections of this speci fication is not implied.2. Compliance with Lattice Thermal Management document is required.3. All voltages referenced to GND.4. Undershoot of -2V and overshoot of (V IH (MAX) + 2V), up to a total pin voltage of 6.0V , is permitted for a duration of < 20ns.5.Maximum of 64 I/Os per device with VIN > 3.6V is allowed.Recommended Operating ConditionsErase Reprogram Speci ficationsHot Socketing Characteristics 1,2,3SymbolParameter Min.Max.Units V CCSupply Voltage for 1.8V DevicesispMACH 4000C1.65 1.95V ispMACH 4000Z1.7 1.9V ispMACH 4000Z, Extended Functional Voltage Operation1.61, 2 1.9V Supply Voltage for2.5V Devices 2.3 2.7V Supply Voltage for3.3V Devices 3.0 3.6V T jJunction T emperature (Commercial)090C Junction T emperature (Industrial)-40105C Junction T emperature (Automotive)-40130C1.Devices operating at 1.6V can expect performance degradation up to 35%.2.Applicable for devices with 2004 datecodes and later. Contact factory for ordering instructions.ParameterMin.Max.Units Erase/Reprogram Cycle1,000—CyclesNote: Valid over commercial temperature range.Symbol ParameterConditionMin.Typ.Max.Units I DKInput or I/O Leakage Current0 ≤ V IN ≤ 3.0V , Tj = 105°C —±30±150µA 0 ≤ V IN ≤ 3.0V , Tj = 130°C—±30±200µA1. Insensitive to sequence of V CC or V CCO. However, assumes monotonic rise/fall rates for V CC and V CCO, provided (V IN - V CCO ) ≤ 3.6V .2. 0 < V CC < V CC (MAX), 0 < V CCO < V CCO (MAX).3. I DK is additive to I PU , I PD or I BH . Device defaults to pull-up until fuse circuitry is active.I/O Recommended Operating ConditionsDC Electrical CharacteristicsOver Recommended Operating ConditionsStandardV CCO (V)1Min.Max.LVTTL 3.0 3.6LVCMOS 3.33.0 3.6Extended LVCMOS 3.32 2.7 3.6LVCMOS 2.5 2.3 2.7LVCMOS 1.8 1.65 1.95PCI T ypical values for V CCO are the average of the min. and max. values.2.ispMACH 4000Z only.Symbol ParameterConditionMin.Typ.Max.Units I IL , I IH 1Input Leakage Current (ispMACH 4000Z)0 ≤ V IN ≤ V CCO —0.51µA I IH 1Input High Leakage Current (ispMACH 4000Z)V CCO < V IN ≤ 5.5V ——10µA I IL , I IH 1Input Leakage Current (ispMACH 4000V/B/C)0 ≤ V IN ≤ 3.6V , T j = 105°C ——10µA 0 ≤ V IN ≤ 3.6V , T j = 130°C ——15µA I IH1,2Input High Leakage Current (ispMACH 4000V/B/C)3.6V < V IN ≤ 5.5V , T j = 105°C 3.0V ≤ V CCO ≤ 3.6V——20µA 3.6V < V IN ≤ 5.5V , T j = 130°C 3.0V ≤ V CCO ≤ 3.6V ——50µA I PU I/O Weak Pull-up Resistor Current0 ≤ V IN ≤ 0.7V CCO-30—-150µA I PD I/O Weak Pull-down Resistor Current V IL (MAX) ≤ V IN ≤ V IH (MIN)30—150µA I BHLS Bus Hold Low Sustaining Current V IN = V IL (MAX)30——µA I BHHS Bus Hold High Sustaining Current V IN = 0.7 V CCO -30——µA I BHLO Bus Hold Low Overdrive Current 0V ≤ V IN ≤ V BHT ——150µA I BHHO Bus Hold High Overdrive Current V BHT ≤ V IN ≤ V CCO ——-150µA V BHT Bus Hold T rip Points —V CCO * 0.35—V CCO * 0.65V C 1I/O Capacitance 3V CCO = 3.3V , 2.5V , 1.8V —8—pf V CC = 1.8V , V IO = 0 to V IH (MAX)——C 2Clock Capacitance 3V CCO = 3.3V , 2.5V , 1.8V —6—pf V CC = 1.8V , V IO = 0 to V IH (MAX)——C 3Global Input Capacitance 3V CCO = 3.3V , 2.5V , 1.8V —6—pfV CC = 1.8V , V IO = 0 to V IH (MAX)——1. Input or I/O leakage current is measured with the pin con figured as an input or as an I/O with the output driver tristated. It is notmeasured with the output driver active. Bus maintenance circuits are disabled.2.5V tolerant inputs and I/O should only be placed in banks where3.0V ≤ V CCO ≤ 3.6V .3.T A = 25°C, f = 1.0MHzSupply Current, ispMACH 4000V/B/COver Recommended Operating ConditionsSymbol Parameter Condition Min.Typ.Max.Units ispMACH 4032V/B/CICC1,2,3Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—11.8—mA Vcc = 2.5V—11.8—mA Vcc = 1.8V— 1.8—mAICC4Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—11.3—mA Vcc = 2.5V—11.3—mA Vcc = 1.8V— 1.3—mAispMACH 4064V/B/CICC1,2,3Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—12—mA Vcc = 2.5V—12—mA Vcc = 1.8V—2—mAICC5Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—11.5—mA Vcc = 2.5V—11.5—mA Vcc = 1.8V— 1.5—mAispMACH 4128V/B/CICC1,2,3Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—12—mA Vcc = 2.5V—12—mA Vcc = 1.8V—2—mAICC4Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—11.5—mA Vcc = 2.5V—11.5—mA Vcc = 1.8V— 1.5—mAispMACH 4256V/B/CI CC1,2,3Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—12.5—mA Vcc = 2.5V—12.5—mA Vcc = 1.8V— 2.5—mAI CC4Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—12—mA Vcc = 2.5V—12—mA Vcc = 1.8V—2—mAispMACH 4384V/B/CI CC1,2,3Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—13.5—mA Vcc = 2.5V—13.5—mA Vcc = 1.8V— 3.5—mAI CC4Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—12.5—mA Vcc = 2.5V—12.5—mA Vcc = 1.8V— 2.5—mAispMACH 4512V/B/CI CC1,2,3Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—14—mA Vcc = 2.5V—14—mA Vcc = 1.8V—4—mAI CC4Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 3.3V—13—mA Vcc = 2.5V—13—mA Vcc = 1.8V—3—mA1. T A = 25°C, frequency = 1.0 MHz.2.Device configured with 16-bit counters.3.I CC varies with specific device configuration and operating frequency.4.T A = 25°CSupply Current, ispMACH 4000ZOver Recommended Operating ConditionsSymbol Parameter Condition Min.Typ.Max.Units ispMACH 4032ZCICC1, 2, 3, 5Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 1.8V, T A = 25°C—50—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 70°C—58—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 85°C—60—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 125°C—70—µAICC4, 5Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 1.8V, T A = 25°C—10—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 70°C—1320µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 85°C—1525µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 125°C—22—µAispMACH 4064ZCICC1, 2, 3, 5Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 1.8V, T A = 25°C—80—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 70°C—89—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 85°C—92—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 125°C—109—µAICC4, 5Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 1.8V, T A = 25°C—11—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 70°C—1525µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 85°C—1835µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 125°C—37—µAispMACH 4128ZCICC1, 2, 3, 5Operating Power Supply Current Vcc = 1.8V, T A = 25°C—168—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 70°C—190—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 85°C—195—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 125°C—212—µAICC4, 5Standby Power Supply Current Vcc = 1.8V, T A = 25°C—12—µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 70°C—1635µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 85°C—1950µA Vcc = 1.9V, T A = 125°C—42—µASupply Current, ispMACH 4000V/B/C (Cont.)Over Recommended Operating ConditionsSymbol Parameter Condition Min.Typ.Max.UnitsispMACH 4256ZCICC 1, 2, 3, 5Operating Power Supply CurrentVcc = 1.8V , T A = 25°C—341—µA Vcc = 1.9V , T A = 70°C —361—µA Vcc = 1.9V , T A = 85°C —372—µA Vcc = 1.9V , T A = 125°C —468—µA ICC 4, 5Standby Power Supply CurrentVcc = 1.8V , T A = 25°C—13—µA Vcc = 1.9V , T A = 70°C —3255µA Vcc = 1.9V , T A = 85°C —4390µA Vcc = 1.9V , T A = 125°C—135—µA1. T A = 25°C, frequency = 1.0 MHz.2.Device con figured with 16-bit counters.3.I CC varies with speci fic device con figuration and operating frequency.4.V CCO = 3.6V , V IN = 0V or V CCO, bus maintenance turned off. V IN above V CCO will add transient current above the speci fied standby I CC .5.Includes V CCO current without output loading.Supply Current, ispMACH 4000Z (Cont.)Over Recommended Operating ConditionsSymbol ParameterConditionMin.Typ.Max.UnitsI/O DC Electrical CharacteristicsOver Recommended Operating ConditionsStandardV IL V IH VOLMax (V)V OHMin (V)I OL1(mA)I OH1(mA) Min (V)Max (V)Min (V)Max (V)LVTTL-0.30.80 2.0 5.50.40V CCO - 0.40 8.0 -4.0 0.20V CCO - 0.200.1-0.1LVCMOS 3.3-0.30.80 2.0 5.50.40V CCO - 0.40 8.0 -4.0 0.20V CCO - 0.200.1-0.1LVCMOS 2.5-0.30.70 1.70 3.60.40V CCO - 0.40 8.0 -4.0 0.20V CCO - 0.200.1-0.1LVCMOS 1.8 (4000V/B)-0.30.63 1.17 3.60.40V CCO - 0.45 2.0 -2.00.20V CCO - 0.200.1-0.1LVCMOS 1.8 (4000C/Z)-0.30.35 * V CC0.65 * V CC 3.60.40V CCO - 0.45 2.0 -2.00.20V CCO - 0.200.1-0.1PCI 3.3 (4000V/B)-0.3 1.08 1.5 5.50.1 V CCO0.9 V CCO 1.5-0.5 PCI 3.3 (4000C/Z)-0.30.3 * 3.3 * (V CC /1.8)0.5 * 3.3 * (V CC /1.8) 5.50.1 V CCO0.9 V CCO 1.5-0.5 1. The average DC current drawn by I/Os between adjacent bank GND connections, or between the last GND in an I/O bank and the end ofthe I/O bank, as shown in the logic signals connection table, shall not exceed n*8mA. Where n is the number of I/Os between bank GND connections or between the last GND in a bank and the end of a bank.ispMACH 4000V/B/C External Switching CharacteristicsOver Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Description1, 2, 3-25-27-3-35Units Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.t PD 5-PT bypass combinatorial propagationdelay— 2.5— 2.7— 3.0— 3.5nst PD_MC 20-PT combinatorial propagation delaythrough macrocell— 3.2— 3.5— 3.8— 4.2nst S GLB register setup time before clock 1.8— 1.8— 2.0— 2.0—nst ST GLB register setup time before clockwith T-type register2.0— 2.0— 2.2— 2.2—nst SIR GLB register setup time before clock,input register path0.7— 1.0— 1.0— 1.0—nst SIRZ GLB register setup time before clockwith zero hold1.7—2.0— 2.0— 2.0—nst H GLB register hold time after clock0.0—0.0—0.0—0.0—nst HT GLB register hold time after clock withT-type register0.0—0.0—0.0—0.0—nst HIR GLB register hold time after clock, inputregister path0.9— 1.0— 1.0— 1.0—nst HIRZ GLB register hold time after clock, inputregister path with zero hold0.0—0.0—0.0—0.0—nst CO GLB register clock-to-output delay— 2.2— 2.7— 2.7— 2.7ns t R External reset pin to output delay— 3.5— 4.0— 4.4— 4.5ns t RW External reset pulse duration 1.5— 1.5— 1.5— 1.5-nst PTOE/DIS Input to output local product term outputenable/disable— 4.0— 4.5— 5.0— 5.5nst GPTOE/DIS Input to output global product termoutput enable/disable— 5.0— 6.5—8.0—8.0nst GOE/DIS Global OE input to output enable/disable— 3.0— 3.5— 4.0— 4.5ns t CW Global clock width, high or low 1.1— 1.3— 1.3— 1.3—nst GW Global gate width low (for lowtransparent) or high (for high transparent)1.1— 1.3— 1.3— 1.3—nst WIR Input register clock width, high or low 1.1— 1.3— 1.3— 1.3—ns f MAX4Clock frequency with internal feedback400—333—322—322—MHzf MAX (Ext.)Clock frequency with external feedback,[1/ (t S + t CO)]250—222—212—212—MHz1. Timing numbers are based on default LVCMOS 1.8 I/O buffers. Use timing adjusters provided to calculate other standards.Timing v.3.22. Measured using standard switching circuit, assuming GRP loading of 1 and 1 output switching.3. Pulse widths and clock widths less than minimum will cause unknown behavior.4. Standard 16-bit counter using GRP feedback.ispMACH 4000V/B/C External Switching Characteristics (Cont.)Over Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Description1, 2, 3-5-75-10Units Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.t PD5-PT bypass combinatorial propagation delay— 5.0—7.5—10.0ns t PD_MC20-PT combinatorial propagation delay through macrocell— 5.5—8.0—10.5ns t S GLB register setup time before clock 3.0— 4.5— 5.5—ns t ST GLB register setup time before clock with T-type register 3.2— 4.7— 5.5—ns t SIR GLB register setup time before clock, input register path 1.2— 1.7— 1.7—ns t SIRZ GLB register setup time before clock with zero hold 2.2— 2.7— 2.7—ns t H GLB register hold time after clock0.0—0.0—0.0—ns t HT GLB register hold time after clock with T-type register0.0—0.0—0.0—ns t HIR GLB register hold time after clock, input register path 1.0— 1.0— 1.0—nst HIRZ GLB register hold time after clock, input register path withzero hold0.0—0.0—0.0—nst CO GLB register clock-to-output delay— 3.4— 4.5— 6.0ns t R External reset pin to output delay— 6.3—9.0—10.5ns t RW External reset pulse duration 2.0— 4.0— 4.0—ns t PTOE/DIS Input to output local product term output enable/disable—7.0—9.0—10.5ns t GPTOE/DIS Input to output global product term output enable/disable—9.0—10.3—12.0ns t GOE/DIS Global OE input to output enable/disable— 5.0—7.0—8.0ns t CW Global clock width, high or low 2.2— 3.3— 4.0—nst GW Global gate width low (for low transparent) or high (forhigh transparent)2.2—3.3—4.0—nst WIR Input register clock width, high or low 2.2— 3.3— 4.0—ns f MAX4Clock frequency with internal feedback227—168—125—MHzf MAX (Ext.)Clock frequency with external feedback, [1/ (t S + t CO)]156—111—86—MHz1. Timing numbers are based on default LVCMOS 1.8 I/O buffers. Use timing adjusters provided to calculate other standards.Timing v.3.22. Measured using standard switching circuit, assuming GRP loading of 1 and 1 output switching.3. Pulse widths and clock widths less than minimum will cause unknown behavior.4. Standard 16-bit counter using GRP feedback.ispMACH 4000Z External Switching CharacteristicsOver Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Description1, 2, 3-35-37-42Units Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.t PD5-PT bypass combinatorial propagation delay— 3.5— 3.7— 4.2nst PD_MC 20-PT combinatorial propagation delaythrough macrocell— 4.4— 4.7— 5.7nst S GLB register setup time before clock 2.2— 2.5— 2.7—nst ST GLB register setup time before clock withT-type register2.4— 2.7— 2.9—nst SIR GLB register setup time before clock, inputregister path1.0— 1.1— 1.3—nst SIRZ GLB register setup time before clock with zetohold2.0— 2.1— 2.6—nst H GLB register hold time after clock0.0—0.0—0.0—nst HT GLB register hold time after clock with T-typeregister0.0—0.0—0.0—nst HIR GLB register hold time after clock, inputregister path1.0— 1.0— 1.3—nst HIRZ GLB register hold time after clock, inputregister path with zero hold0.0—0.0—0.0—nst CO GLB register clock-to-output delay— 3.0— 3.2— 3.5ns t R External reset pin to output delay— 5.0— 6.0—7.3ns t RW External reset pulse duration 1.5— 1.7 — 2.0 —nst PTOE/DIS Input to output local product term outputenable/disable—7.0—8.0—8.0nst GPTOE/DIS Input to output global product term outputenable/disable— 6.5—7.0—8.0nst GOE/DIS Global OE input to output enable/disable— 4.5— 4.5— 4.8ns t CW Global clock width, high or low 1.0— 1.5— 1.8—nst GW Global gate width low (for low transparent) orhigh (for high transparent)1.0— 1.5— 1.8—nst WIR Input register clock width, high or low 1.0— 1.5— 1.8—ns f MAX4Clock frequency with internal feedback267—250—220—MHzt MAX (Ext.)clock frequency with external feedback,[1 / (t S + t CO)]192—175—161—MHz1. Timing numbers are based on default LVCMOS 1.8 I/O buffers. Use timing adjusters provided to calculate other standards.Timing v.2.22. Measured using standard switching GRP loading of 1 and 1 output switching.3. Pulse widths and clock widths less than minimum will cause unknown behavior.4. Standard 16-bit counter using GRP feedback.ispMACH 4000Z External Switching Characteristics (Cont.)Over Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Description1, 2, 3-45-5-75Units Min.Max.Min.Max.Min.Max.t PD5-PT bypass combinatorial propagation delay— 4.5— 5.0—7.5nst PD_MC 20-PT combinatorial propagation delaythrough macrocell— 5.8— 6.0—8.0nst S GLB register setup time before clock 2.9— 3.0— 4.5—nst ST GLB register setup time before clock with T-type register3.1— 3.2—4.7—nst SIR GLB register setup time before clock, inputregister path1.3— 1.3— 1.4—nst SIRZ GLB register setup time before clock with zetohold2.6— 2.6— 2.7—nst H GLB register hold time after clock0.0—0.0—0.0—nst HT GLB register hold time after clock with T-typeregister0.0—0.0—0.0—nst HIR GLB register hold time after clock, input regis-ter path1.3— 1.3— 1.3—nst HIRZ GLB register hold time after clock, input regis-ter path with zero hold0.0—0.0—0.0—nst CO GLB register clock-to-output delay— 3.8— 4.2— 4.5ns t R External reset pin to output delay—7.5—7.5—9.0ns t RW External reset pulse duration 2.0— 2.0— 4.0—nst PTOE/DIS Input to output local product term outputenable/disable—8.2—8.5—9.0nst GPTOE/DIS Input to output global product term outputenable/disable—10.0—10.0—10.5nst GOE/DIS Global OE input to output enable/disable— 5.5— 6.0—7.0ns t CW Global clock width, high or low 1.8— 2.0— 3.3—nst GW Global gate width low (for low transparent) orhigh (for high transparent)1.8—2.0—3.3—nst WIR Input register clock width, high or low 1.8— 2.0— 3.3—ns f MAX4Clock frequency with internal feedback200—200—168—MHzt MAX (Ext.)clock frequency with external feedback, [1 /(t S + t CO)]150—139—111—MHz1. Timing numbers are based on default LVCMOS 1.8 I/O buffers. Use timing adjusters provided to calculate other standards.Timing v.2.22. Measured using standard switching GRP loading of 1 and 1 output switching.3. Pulse widths and clock widths less than minimum will cause unknown behavior.4. Standard 16-bit counter using GRP feedback.ispMACH 4000V/B/C Internal Timing ParametersOver Recommended Operating ConditionsParameter Description-2.5-2.7-3-3.5Units In/Out Delayst IN Input Buffer Delay—0.60—0.60—0.70—0.70ns t GOE Global OE Pin Delay— 2.04— 2.54— 3.04— 3.54ns t GCLK_IN Global Clock Input Buffer Delay—0.78— 1.28— 1.28— 1.28ns t BUF Delay through Output Buffer—0.85—0.85—0.85—0.85ns t EN Output Enable Time—0.96—0.96—0.96—0.96ns t DIS Output Disable Time—0.96—0.96—0.96—0.96ns Routing/GLB Delayst ROUTE Delay through GRP—0.61—0.81— 1.01— 1.01ns t MCELL Macrocell Delay—0.45—0.55—0.55—0.65nst INREG Input Buffer to Macrocell RegisterDelay—0.11—0.31—0.31—0.31nst FBK Internal Feedback Delay—0.00—0.00—0.00—0.00ns t PDb5-PT Bypass Propagation Delay—0.44—0.44—0.44—0.94ns t PDi Macrocell Propagation Delay—0.64—0.64—0.64—0.94ns Register/Latch Delayst S D-Register Setup Time(Global Clock)0.92— 1.12— 1.02—0.92—nst S_PT D-Register Setup Time(Product T erm Clock)1.42— 1.32— 1.32— 1.32—nst ST T-Register Setup Time(Global Clock)1.12— 1.32— 1.22— 1.12—nst ST_PT T-Register Setup Time(Product T erm Clock)1.42— 1.32— 1.32— 1.32—nst H D-Register Hold Time0.88—0.68—0.98— 1.08—ns t HT T-Register Hold Time0.88—0.68—0.98— 1.08—nst SIR D-Input Register Setup Time(Global Clock)0.82— 1.37— 1.27— 1.27—nst SIR_PT D-Input Register Setup Time(Product T erm Clock)1.45— 1.45— 1.45— 1.45—nst HIR D-Input Register Hold Time(Global Clock)0.88—0.63—0.73—0.73—nst HIR_PT D-Input Register Hold Time(Product T erm Clock)0.88—0.63—0.73—0.73—nst COi Register Clock to Output/FeedbackMUX Time—0.52—0.52—0.52—0.52nst CES Clock Enable Setup Time 2.25— 2.25— 2.25— 2.25—ns t CEH Clock Enable Hold Time 1.88— 1.88— 1.88— 1.88—nst SL Latch Setup Time(Global Clock)0.92— 1.12— 1.02—0.92—nst SL_PT Latch Setup Time (Product T ermClock)1.42— 1.32— 1.32— 1.32—nst HL Latch Hold Time 1.17— 1.17— 1.17— 1.17—nst GOi Latch Gate to Output/FeedbackMUX Time—0.33—0.33—0.33—0.33ns。




(1)o(1)(2)o(m*n)(3)o(n2)(4)o(log3n)(5)因为x++共执行了n-1+n-2+??+1= n(n-1)/2,所以执行时间为o(n2)(6)o(n)第2章线性表1.选择题babadbcabdcddac 2.算法设计题(6)设计一个算法,通过一趟遍历在单链表中确定值最大的结点。

elemtype max (linklist l ){if(l-next==null) return null;pmax=l-next; //假定第一个结点中数据具有最大值 p=l-next-next; while(p != null ){//如果下一个结点存在if(p-data pmax-data) pmax=p;p=p-next; }return pmax-data;(7)设计一个算法,通过遍历一趟,将链表中所有结点的链接方向逆转,仍利用原表的存储空间。

void inverse(linklist l) { // 逆置带头结点的单链表 l p=l-next; l-next=null; while ( p) {q=p-next; // q指向*p的后继p-next=l-next;l-next=p; // *p插入在头结点之后p = q; }}(10)已知长度为n的线性表a采用顺序存储结构,请写一时间复杂度为o(n)、空间复杂度为o(1)的算法,该算法删除线性表中所有值为item的数据元素。

[题目分析] 在顺序存储的线性表上删除元素,通常要涉及到一系列元素的移动(删第i个元素,第i+1至第n个元素要依次前移)。





2SC2412二极管数据手册Transistors 2SC5658 / 2SC1740SGeneral purpose transistor (50V, 0.15A)2SC2412K / 2SC4081 / 2SC4617 / 2SC5658 /2SC1740S!Features 1) Low Cob.Cob=2.0pF (Typ.)2) Complements the 2SA1037AK /2SA1576A / 2SA1774H /2SA2029 / 2SA933AS.!StructureEpitaxial planar type NPN silicon transistor!External dimensions (Units : mm)* Denotes h FE!Absolute maximum (T a=25°C)Collector-base voltage Collector-emitter voltage Emitter-base voltage Collector currentCollector powerdissipationJunction temperature Storage temperatureParameterV CBO V CEO V EBO P CTj Tstg60V V V AW °C °C 5070.15I C0.20.150.32SC2412K, 2SC40812SC1740S 2SC4617, 2SC5658150?55~+150Symbol Limits UnitTransistors 2SC5658 / 2SC1740S!Electrical characteristics (T a=25°C)Collector-base breakdown voltage Collector-emitter breakdown voltage Emitter-base breakdown voltage Collector cutoff current Emitter cutoff current DC current transfer ratio Collector-emitter saturation voltage Output capacitanceParameterSymbol BV CBO BV CEO BV EBO I CBO I EBO h FE V CE(sat)f T CobMin.60507??12018020.10.15600.4?3.5V I C =50μA I C =1mA IE =50μA V CB =60V V EB =7VV CE =6V, I C =1mA I C /I B =50mA/5mAV CE =12V, I E =?2mA, f=100MHz V CE =12V, I E =0A, f=1MHzV V μA μA ?V MHz pFTyp.Max.Unit ConditionsTransition frequency !Packaging specifications and h FEh FE values are classified as follows :Item Q R S h FE120~270180~390270~560!Electrical characterristic curvesFig.1 Grounded emitter propagationcharacteristics C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T: I C (m A )BASE TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V BE (V)Fig.2 Grounded emitter outputcharacteristics ( Ι )C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (m A )COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V CE (V)C O L L E C T O R C U R R E N T : I C (m A )COLLECTOR TO EMITTER VOLTAGE : V CE (V)Fig.3 Grounded emitter outputcharacteristics ( ΙΙ )Transistors2SC5658 / 2SC1740SFig.4 DC current gain vs.collector current ( Ι )D C C U R RE N T G A I N: h F ECOLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.5 DC current gain vs.collector current ( ΙΙ )D C C U R R E N T G A I N : h F ECOLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig. 6 Collector-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector currentC O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.7 Collector-emitter saturation voltage vs. collector current ( Ι )C O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA) Fig.8 Collector-emitter saturationvoltage vs. collector current (ΙΙ)C O L L E C T O R S A T U R A T I O N V O L T A G E : V C E (s a t ) (V )COLLECTOR CURRENT : I C (mA)Fig.9 Gain bandwidth product vs.emitter currentEMITTER CURRENT : I E (mA)T R A N S I T I O N F R E Q U E N C Y : f T (M H z )Fig.10 Collector output capacitance vs.collector-base voltageEmitter input capacitance vs.emitter-base voltageCOLLECTOR TO BASE VOLTAGE : V CB (V)EMITTER TO BASE VOLTAGE : V EB (V)C O L L E C T O R O U T P U T C A P A CI T A N C E : C o b (p F )E M I T T E R I N P U T C A P A C I T A N C E : C i b (p F )Fig.11 Base-collector time constantvs. emitter currentB A S EC O L L E C T O R T I M E C O N S T A N T : C c ·r b b (p s )EMITTER CURRENT : I E (mA)。



2SC系列三极管参数2SC1000 SI-N 55V 0.1A 0.2W 80MHz2SC1008 SI-N 80V 0.7A 0.8W 75MHz | 2SC1012A SI-N 250V 60mA 0.75W >8 2SC1014 SI-N 50V 1.5A 7W | 2SC1017 SI-N 75V 1A 60mW 120MHz 2SC1030 SI-N 150V 6A 50W | 2SC1046 SI-N 1000V 3A 25W2SC1047 SI-N 30V 20mA 0.4W 650MHz | 2SC1050 SI-N 300V 1A 40W2SC1051 SI-N 150V 7A 60W 8MHz | 2SC1061 SI-N 50V 3A 25W 8MHz=H1 2SC1070 SI-N 30V 20mA 900MHz | 2SC1080 SI-N 110V 12A 100W 4MHz 2SC109 SI-N 50V 0.6A 0.6W | 2SC1096 SI-N 40V 3A 10W 60MHz 2SC1106 SI-N 350V 2A 80W | 2SC1114 SI-N 300V 4A 100W 10MHz 2SC1115 SI-N 140V 10A 100W 10MHz | 2SC1116 SI-N 180V 10A 100W 10MH 2SC1161 SI-P 160V 12A 120W | 2SC1162 SI-N 35V 1.5A 10W 180MH 2SC1172 SI-N 1500V 5A 50W | 2SC1195 SI-N 200V 2.5A 100W2SC1213C SI-N 50V 0.5A 0.4W UNI | 2SC1214 SI-N 50V 0.5A 0.6W 50MH 2SC1215 SI-N 30V 50mA 0.4W 1.2GHZ | 2SC1216 SI-N 40V 0.2A 0.3W <20/ 2SC1226 SI-N 40/50V 2A 10W 150MHz | 2SC1238 SI-N 35V 0.15A 5W 1.7GH 2SC1247A SI-N 50V 0.5A 0.4W 60MHz | 2SC1308 SI-N 1500V 7A 50W2SC1312 SI-N 35V 0.1A 0.15W 100MHz | 2SC1318 SI-N 60V 0.5A 0.6W 200M 2SC1343 SI-N 150V 10A 100W 14MHz | 2SC1345 SI-N 55V 0.1A 0.1W 230M 2SC1359 SI-N 30V 30mA 0.4W 250MHz | 2SC1360 SI-N 50V 0.05A 1W >300M 2SC1362 SI-N 50V 0.2A 0.25W 140MHz | 2SC1368 SI-N 25V 1.5A 8W 180MHz 2SC1382 SI-N 80V 0.75A 5W 100MHz | 2SC1384 SI-N 60V 1A 1W 200MHz 2SC1393 SI-N 30V 20mA 250 mW 700MHz | 2SC1398 SI-N 70V 2A 15W2SC1413A SI-N 1200V 5A 50W | 2SC1419 SI-N 50V 2A 20W 5MHz 2SC1426 SI-N 35V 0.2A 2.7GHz | 2SC1431 SI-N 110V 2A 23W 80MHz 2SC1432 N-DARL 30V 0.3A 0.3W B=40 | 2SC1439 SI-N 150V 50mA 0.5W 130 2SC1445 SI-N 100V 6A 40W 10MHz | 2SC1446 SI-N 300V 0.1A 10W 55MH 2SC1447 SI-N 300V 0.15A 20W 80MHz | 2SC1448 SI-N 150V 1.5A 25W 3MHz 2SC1449 SI-N 40V 2A 5W 60MHz | 2SC1450 SI-N 150V 0.4A 20W2SC1454 SI-N 300V 4A 50W 10MHz | 2SC1474-4 SI-N 20V 2A 0.75W 80MHz 2SC1501 SI-N 300V 0.1A 10W 55MHz | 2SC1505 SI-N 300V 0.2A 15W2SC1507 SI-N 300V 0.2A 15W 80MHz | 2SC1509 SI-N 80V 0.5A 1W 120MHz 2SC1515 SI-N 200V 0.05A 0.2W 110MHz | 2SC1520 SI-N 300V 0.2A 12,5W 2SC1545 N-DARL 40V 0.3A 0.3W B=1K | 2SC1567 SI-N 100V 0.5A 5W 120MH 2SC1570 SI-N 55V 0.1A 0.2W 100MHz | 2SC1571 SI-N 40V 0.1A 0.2W 100M 2SC1573 SI-N 200V 0.1A 1W 80MHz | 2SC1577 SI-N 500V 8A 80W 7MHz 2SC1583 SI-N 50V 0.1A 0.4W 100MHz | 2SC1619 SI-N 100V 6A 50W 10MHz 2SC1623 SI-N 60V 0.1A 0.2W 250MHz | 2SC1624 SI-N 120V 1A 15W 30MHz 2SC1627 SI-N 80V 0.4A 0.8W 100MHz | 2SC1674 SI-N 30V .02A 600MC RF/ 2SC1675 SI-N 50V .03A 0.25W | 2SC1678 SI-N 65V 3A 3W2SC1685 SI-N 60V 0.1A 150MC UNI | 2SC1688 SI-N 50V 30mA 0.4W 550M 2SC1708A SI-N 120V 50mA 0.2W 150MHz | 2SC1729 SI-N 35V 3.5A 16W 500MH 2SC1730 SI-N 30V 0.05A 1.1GHz UHF | 2SC1740 SI-N 40V 100mA 0.3W2SC1741 SI-N 40V 0.5A 0.3W 250MHz | 2SC1756 SI-N 300V 0.2A >50MHz 2SC1760 SI-N 100V 1A 7.9W 80MHz | 2SC1775A SI-N 120V 0.05A 0.2W UN 2SC1781 SI-N 50V 0.5A 0.35W | 2SC1815 SI-N 50V 0.15A 0.4W 80M 2SC1815BL SI-N 60V 0.15A 0.4W B>350 | 2SC1815GR SI-N 60V 0.15A 0.4W B>2 2SC1815Y SI-N 60V 0.15A 0.4W B>120 | 2SC1827 SI-N 100V 4A 30W 10MHz 2SC1832 N-DARL 500V 15A 150W B>10 | 2SC1841 SI-N 120V 0.05A 0.5W 2SC1844 SI-N 60V 0.1A 0.5W 100MHz | 2SC1845 SI-N 120V 0.05A 0.5W 2SC1846 SI-N 120V 0.05A 0.5W | 2SC1847 SI-N 50V 1.5A 1.2W2SC1855 SI-N 20V 20mA 0.25W 550MHz | 2SC1871 SI-N 450V 15A 150W <1/3 2SC1879 N-DARL+D 120V 2A 0.8W B>1 | 2SC1890 SI-N 90V 0.05A 0.3W 200 2SC1895 SI-N 1500V 6A 50W 2MHz | 2SC1906 SI-N 19V 0.05A 0.3W2SC1907 SI-N 30V 0.05A 1100MHz | 2SC1913 SI-N 150V 1A 15W 120MHz 2SC1914 SI-N 90V 50mA 0.2W 150MHz | 2SC1921 SI-N 250V 0.05A 0.6W 2SC1922 SI-N 1500V 2.5A 50W | 2SC1923 SI-N 30V 20mA 10mW 550M 2SC1929 SI-N 300V 0.4A 25W 80MHz | 2SC1941 SI-N 160V 50mA 0.8W2SC1944 SI-N 80V 6A PQ=16W | 2SC1945 SI-N 80V 6A 20W2SC1946A SI-N 35V 7A 50W | 2SC1947 SI-N 35V 1A 4W/175MHz 2SC1953 SI-N 150V 0.05A 1.2W 70MHz | 2SC1957 SI-N 40V 1A 1.8W/27MHz 2SC1959 SI-N 30V 0.5A 0.5W 200MHz | 2SC1967 SI-N 35V 2A 8W 470MHz 2SC1968 SI-N 35V 5A 3W 470MHz | 2SC1969 SI-N 60V 6A 20W2SC1970 SI-N 40V 0.6A 5W | 2SC1971 SI-N 35V 2A 12.5W2SC1972 SI-N 35V 3.5A 25W | 2SC1975 SI-N 120V 2A 3.8W 50MHz 2SC1980 SI-N 120V 20mA 0.25W 200MHz | 2SC1984 SI-N 100V 3A 30W B=700 2SC1985 SI-N 80V 6A 40W 10MHz | 2SC2023 SI-N 300V 2A 40W 10MHz 2SC2026 SI-N 30V 0.05A 0.25W | 2SC2027 SI-N 1500/800V 5A 50W 2SC2036 SI-N 80V 1A PQ=1..4W | 2SC2053 SI-N 40V 0.3A 0.6W 500M 2SC2055 SI-N 18V 0,3A 0,5W | 2SC2058 SI-N 40V 0.05A 0.25W 2SC2060 SI-N 40V 0.7A 0.75W 150MHz | 2SC2061 SI-N 80V 1A 0.75W 120MH 2SC2068 SI-N 300V 0.05A 95MHz | 2SC2073 SI-N 150V 1.5A 25W 4MHz 2SC2078 SI-N 80V 3A 10W 150MHz | 2SC2086 SI-N 75V 1A 0.45W/27MHz 2SC2092 SI-N 75V 3A 5W 27MHz | 2SC2094 SI-N 40V 3.5A PQ>15W 17 2SC2097 SI-N 50V 15A PQ=85W | 2SC2120 SI-N 30V 0.8A 0.6W 120M 2SC2122 SI-N 800V 10A 50W | 2SC2166 SI-N 75V 4A 12.5W RFPOW 2SC2168 SI-N 200V 2A 30W 10MHz | 2SC2200 SI-N 500V 7A 40W 1US 2SC2209 SI-N 50V 1.5A 10W 150MHz | 2SC2216 SI-N 45V 50mA 0.3W 300M 2SC2228 SI-N 160V 0.05A 0.75W >50 | 2SC2229 SI-N 200V 50mA 0.8W 120 2SC2230 SI-N 200V 0.1A 0.8W 50MHz | 2SC2233 SI-N 200V 4A 40W 8MHz 2SC2235 SI-N 120V 0.8A 0.9W 120MHz | 2SC2236 SI-N 30V 1.5A 0.9W 120M 2SC2237 SI-N 35V 2A PQ>7.5W 175MHz | 2SC2238 SI-N 160V 1.5A 25W 100M 2SC2240 SI-N 120V 50mA .3W 100MHz | 2SC2261 SI-N 180V 8A 80W 15MHz 2SC2267 SI-N 400/360V 0.1A 0.4W | 2SC2270 SI-N 50V 5A 10W 100MHz 2SC2271 SI-N 300V 0.1A 0.9W 50MHz | 2SC2275 SI-N 120V 1.5A 25W 200M 2SC2283 SI-N 38V 0.75A 2.8W(500MHz | 2SC2287 SI-N 38V 1.5A 7.1W 175M 2SC2295 SI-N 30V 0.03A 0.2W 250MHz | 2SC2307 SI-N 500V 12A 100W 18MH2SC2312 SI-N 60V 6A 18.5W/27MHz | 2SC2314 SI-N 45V 1A 5W2SC2320 SI-N 50V 0,2A 0,3W | 2SC2329 SI-N 38V 0.75A 2W 175MH 2SC2331 SI-N 150V 2A 15W POWER | 2SC2333 SI-N 500/400V 2A 40W 2SC2334 SI-N 150V 7A 40W POWER | 2SC2335 SI-N 500V 7A 40W POWER 2SC2336B SI-N 250V 1.5A 25W 95MHz | 2SC2344 SI-N 180V 1.5A 25W 120M 2SC2347 SI-N 15V 50mA 250mW 650MHz | 2SC2362 SI-N 120V 50mA 0.4W 130 2SC2363 SI-N 120V 50mA 0.5W 130MHz | 2SC2365 SI-N 600V 6A 50W POWER 2SC2369 SI-N 25V 70mA 0.25W 4.5GHz | 2SC2383 SI-N 160V 1A 0.9W 100MH 2SC2389 SI-N 120V 50mA 0.3W 140MHz | 2SC2407 SI-N 35V 0.15A 0.16W 50 2SC2412 SI-N 50V 0.1A 180MHz | 2SC2433 SI-N 120V 30A 150W 80MH 2SC2440 SI-N 450V 5A 40W | 2SC2458 SI-N 50V 0.15A 0.2W 80M 2SC2466 SI-N 30V 0.05A 2.2GHz | 2SC2482 SI-N 300V 0.1A 0.9W 50M 2SC2485 SI-N 100V 6A 70W 15MHz | 2SC2486 SI-N 120V 7A 80W 15MHz 2SC2491 SI-N 100V 6A 40W 15MHz | 2SC2497 SI-N 70V 1.5A 5W 150MHz 2SC2498 SI-N 30V 0.05A 0.3W 3.5GHz | 2SC2508 SI-N 40V 6A 50W 175MHz 2SC2510 SI-N 55V 20A 250W(28MHz) | 2SC2512 SI-N 30V 50mA 900MHz TU 2SC2516 SI-N 150V 5A 30W <0.5/2us | 2SC2517 SI-N 150V 5A 30W <0.5/2 2SC2538 SI-N 40V 0.4A 0.7W | 2SC2539 SI-N 35V 4A 17W 175MHz 2SC2542 SI-N 450V 5A 40W | 2SC2547 SI-N 120V 0.1A 0.4W2SC2551 SI-N 300V 0.1A 0.4W 80MHz | 2SC2552 SI-N 500V 2A 20W2SC2553 SI-N 500V 5A 40W 1us | 2SC2562 SI-N 60V 5A 25W 0.1us 2SC2563 SI-N 120V 8A 80W 90MHz | 2SC2570A SI-N 25V 70mA 0.6W2SC2579 SI-N 160V 8A 80W 20MHz | 2SC2581 SI-N 200V 10A 100W2SC2590 SI-N 120V 0.5A 5W 250MHz | 2SC2592 SI-N 180V 1A 20W 250MHz 2SC2603 SI-N 50V 0.2A 0.3W | 2SC2610 SI-N 300V 0.1A 0.8W 80M 2SC2611 SI-N 300V 0.1A 0.8W 80MHz | 2SC2621E SI-N 300V 0.2A 10W >50M 2SC2625 SI-N 450V 10A 80W | 2SC2630 SI-N 35V 14A 100W2SC2631 SI-N 150V 50mA 0,75W 160MHz | 2SC2632 SI-N 150V 50mA 1W 160MH2SC2654 SI-N 40V 7A 40W | 2SC2655 SI-N 50V 2A 0.9W 0.1us 2SC2656 SI-N 450V 7A 80W <1.5/4.5 | 2SC2660 SI-N 200V 2A 30W 30MHz 2SC2668 SI-N 30V 20mA 0.1W 550MHz | 2SC2671 SI-N 15V 80mA 0.6W 5.5G 2SC2682 SI-N 180V 0.1A 8W 180MHz | 2SC2690 SI-N 120V 1.2A 20W 160M 2SC2694 SI-N 35V 20A 140W | 2SC2705 SI-N 150V 50mA 0.8W 200 2SC2706 SI-N 140V 10A 100W 90MHz | 2SC2712 SI-N 50V 0.15A 0.15W 80 2SC2714 SI-N 30V 20mA 0.1W 550MHz | 2SC2717 SI-N 30V 50mA 0.3W 300M 2SC2724 SI-N 30V 30mA 200MHz | 2SC2749 SI-N 500V 10A 100W 50MH 2SC2750 SI-N 150V 15A 100W POWER | 2SC2751 SI-N 500V 15A 120W 50MH 2SC2752 SI-N 500V 0.5A 10W <1/3.5 | 2SC2753 SI-N 17V 0.07A 0.3W 5GH 2SC2759 SI-N 30V 50mA 0.2W 2.3GHz | 2SC2786 SI-N 20V 20mA 600MHz 2SC2787 SI-N 50V 30mA 0.3W 250MHz | 2SC2791 SI-N 900V 5A 100W2SC2792 SI-N 850V 2A 80W | 2SC2793 SI-N 900V 5A 100W2SC2802 SI-N 300V 0.2A 10W 80MHz | 2SC2808 SI-N 100V 50mA 0.5W 140 2SC2810 SI-N 500V 7A 50W 18MHz | 2SC2812 SI-N 55V 0.15A 0.2W 100 2SC2814 SI-N 30V 0.03A 320MHz F | 2SC2825 SI-N 80V 6A 70W B>500 2SC2837 SI-N 150V 10A 100W 70MHz | 2SC2839 SI-N 20V 30mA 0.15W 320 2SC2851 SI-N 36V 0.3A 1W 1.5GHz | 2SC2873 SI-N 50V 2A 0.5W 120MHz 2SC2878 SI-N 20V 0.3A 0.4W 30MHz | 2SC2879 SI-N 45V 25A PEP=100W 2 2SC2882 SI-N 90V 0.4A 0.5W 100MHz | 2SC288A SI-N 35V 20mA 0.15W2SC2898 SI-N 500V 8A 50W | 2SC2901 SI-N 40V 0.2A 0.6W <12/ 2SC2908 SI-N 200V 5A 50W 50MHz | 2SC2910 SI-N 160V 70mA 0.9W 150 2SC2911 SI-N 180V 140mA 10W 150MHz | 2SC2912 SI-N 200V 140mA 10W 150 2SC2922 SI-N 180V 17A 200W 50MHz | 2SC2923 SI-N 300V 0.1A 140MHz 2SC2928 SI-N 1500V 5A 50W | 2SC2939 SI-N 500V 10A 100W 2.5u 2SC2958 SI-N 160V 0.5A 1W | 2SC2979 SI-N 800V 3A 40W2SC2987 SI-N 140V 12A 120W 60MHz | 2SC2988 SI-N 36V 0.5A 175MHz 2SC2999 SI-N 20V 30mA 750MHz | 2SC3001 SI-N 20V 3A PQ=7W(175MH2SC3019 SI-N 35V 0.4A 0.6W 520MHz | 2SC3020 SI-N 35V 1A 10W2SC3022 SI-N 35V 7A 50W | 2SC3026 SI-N 1700V 5A 50W POWER 2SC3030 N-DARL 900V 7A 80W | 2SC3039 SI-N 500V 7A 52W2SC3042 SI-N 500/400V 12A 100W | 2SC3052F SI-N 50V 0.2A 0.15W 200 2SC3063 SI-N 300V 0.1A 1.2W 140MHz | 2SC3067 2xSI-N 130V 50mA 0.5W 1 2SC3068 SI-N 30V 0.3A Ueb=15V B>8 | 2SC3071 SI-N 120V 0.2A Ueb=15V 2SC3073 SI-N 30V 3A 15W 100MHz | 2SC3074 SI-N 60V 5A 20W 120MHz 2SC3075 SI-N 500V 0.8A 10W 1/1.5us | 2SC3089 SI-N 800V 7A 80W2SC3101 SI-N 250V 30A 200W 25MHz | 2SC3102 SI-N 35V 18A 170W 520MH 2SC3112 SI-N 50V 0.15A 0.4W 100MHz | 2SC3116 SI-N 180V 0.7A 10W 120M 2SC3117 SI-N 180V 1.5A 10W 120MHz | 2SC3133 SI-N 60V 6A 1.5W 27MHz 2SC3148 SI-N 900V 3A 40W 1us | 2SC3150 SI-N 900V 3A 50W 15MHz 2SC3153 SI-N 900V 6A 100W | 2SC3157 SI-N 150V 10A 60W2SC3158 SI-N 500V 7A 60W | 2SC3164 SI-N 500V 10A 100W2SC3169 SI-N 500V 2A 25W >8MHz | 2SC3175 SI-N 400V 7A 50W 40MHz 2SC3178 SI-N 1200V 2A 60W | 2SC3179 SI-N 60V 4A 30W 15MHz 2SC3180N SI-N 80V 6A 60W 30MHz | 2SC3181N SI-N 120V 8A 80W 30MHz 2SC3182N SI-N 140V 10A 100W 30MHz | 2SC3195 SI-N 30V 20mA 0.1W 550M 2SC3199 SI-N 60V 0.15A 0.2W 130MHz | 2SC3200 SI-N 120V 0.1A 0.3W 100 2SC3202 SI-N 35V 0.5A 0.5W 300MHz | 2SC3203 SI-N 35V 0.8A 0.6W 120M 2SC3205 SI-N 30V 2A 1W 120MHz | 2SC3206 SI-N 150V 0.5A 0.8W 120 2SC3210 SI-N 500V 10A 100W 1us | 2SC3211 SI-N 800V 5A 70W >3MHz 2SC3212 SI-N 800V 7A 3W 3.5MHz | 2SC3225 SI-N 40V 2A 0.9W 1us 2SC3231 SI-N 200V 4A 40W 8MHz | 2SC3240 SI-N 50V 25A 110W 30MHz 2SC3242 SI-N 20V 2A 0.9W 80MHz | 2SC3244E SI-N 100V 0.5A 0.9W 130 2SC3245A SI-N 150V 0.1A 0.9W 200MHz | 2SC3246 SI-N 30V 1.5A 0.9W 130M 2SC3247 SI-N 50V 1A .9W 130MHz B> | 2SC3257 SI-N 250V 10A 40W 1/3.5 2SC3258 SI-N 100V 5A 30W 120MHz | 2SC3260 N-DARL 800V 3A 50W B>10 2SC3262 N-DARL 800V 10A 100W | 2SC3263 SI-N 230V 15A 130W2SC3264 SI-N 230V 17A 200W 60MHz | 2SC3271 SI-N 300V 1A 5W 80MHz 2SC3277 SI-N 500V 10A 90W 20MHz | 2SC3279 SI-N 10V 2A 0.75W 150MH 2SC3280 SI-N 160V 12A 120W 30MHz | 2SC3281 SI-N 200V 15A 150W 30MH 2SC3284 SI-N 150V 14A 125W 60MHz | 2SC3293 N-DARL+D 50V 1.2A 20W 1 2SC3297 SI-N 30V 3A 15W 100MHz | 2SC3299 SI-N 60V 5A 20W 0.1us 2SC3300 SI-N 100V 15A 100W | 2SC3303 SI-N 100V 5A 20W 0.2us 2SC3306 SI-N 500V 10A 100W 1us | 2SC3307 SI-N 900V 10A 150W 1us 2SC3309 SI-N 500V 2A 20W 1us | 2SC3310 SI-N 500V 5A 30W 1us 2SC3311 SI-N 60V 0.1A 0.3W 150MHz | 2SC3320 SI-N 500V 15A 80W2SC3326 SI-N 20V 0.3A 0.15W 30MHz | 2SC3327 SI-N 50V 0.3A 0.2W 30MH 2SC3328 SI-N 80V 2A 0.9W 100MHz | 2SC3330 SI-N 60V 0.2A 0.3W 200M 2SC3331 SI-N 60V 0.2A 0.5W 200MHz | 2SC3332 SI-N 180V 0.7A 0.7W 120 2SC3334 SI-N 250V 50mA 0.9W 100MHz | 2SC3345 SI-N 60V 12A 40W 90MHz 2SC3346 SI-N 80V 12A 40W 0.2us | 2SC3355 SI-N 20V 0.1A 0.6W 6.5G 2SC3356 SI-N 20V 0.1A 0.2W 7GHz | 2SC3377 SI-N 40V 1A 0.6W 150MHz 2SC3378 SI-N 120V 0.1A 0.2W 100MHz | 2SC3379 SI-N 20V 1.5A PQ=3W2SC3381 2xSI-N 80V 0.1A 0.4W 170MHz | 2SC3383 SI-N 60V 0.2A 0.5W 250M 2SC3397 SI-N 50V 0.1A 250MHz 46K/ | 2SC3399 SI-N 50V 0.1A 250MHz 2SC3400 SI-N 50V 0.1A 250MHz 22K/ | 2SC3401 SI-N 50V .1A 46K/23KOHM 2SC3402 SI-N 50V 0.1A 250MHz 10K/ | 2SC3405 SI-N 900V 0.8A 20W 1us 2SC3409 SI-N 900V 2A 80W .8uS | 2SC3416 SI-N 200V 0.1A 5W 70MHz 2SC3419 SI-N 40V 0.8A 5W 100MHz | 2SC3420 SI-N 50V 5A 10W 100MHz 2SC3421O SI-N 120V 1A 1.5W BJT O-G | 2SC3421Y SI-N 120V 1A 10W 120MHz 2SC3422Y SI-N 40V 3A 10W 100MHz | 2SC3423 SI-N 150V 50mA 5W 200MH 2SC3425 SI-N 500V 0.8A 10W | 2SC3446 SI-N 800V 7A 40W 18MHz 2SC3447 SI-N 800V 5A 50W 18MHz | 2SC3456 SI-N 1100/800V 1.5A 40W 2SC3457 SI-N 1100V 3A 50W | 2SC3460 SI-N 1100V 6A 100W2SC3461 SI-N 1100/800V 8A 120W | 2SC3466 SI-N 1200/650V 8A 120W 2SC3467 SI-N 200V 0.1A 1W 150MHz | 2SC3468 SI-N 300V 0.1A 1W 150MH2SC3486 SI-N 1500V 6A 120W | 2SC3502 SI-N 200V 0.1A 1.2W2SC3503 SI-N 300V 0.1A 7W 150MHz | 2SC3504 SI-N 70V 0.05A 0.9W 500 2SC3505 SI-N 900V 6A 80W | 2SC3507 SI-N 1000/800V 5A 80W 2SC3509 N-DARL+D 900V 10A 100W 0. | 2SC3514 SI-N 180V 0.1A 10W 200M 2SC3518 SI-N 60V 5A 10W | 2SC3520 SI-N 500V 18A 130W 18MH 2SC3526 SI-N 110V 0.15A 7A 30W 1us | 2SC3528 SI-N 500V 20A 125W2SC3549 SI-N 900V 3A 40W | 2SC3552 SI-N 1100V 12A 150W 15M 2SC3568 SI-N 150V 10A 30W | 2SC3571 SI-N 500V 7A 30W2SC3577 SI-N 850V 5A 80W 6MHz | 2SC3581 SI-N 55V 0.4A 0.9W 150M 2SC3591 SI-N 400V 7A 50W | 2SC3595 SI-N 30V 0.5A 5W 2GHz 2SC3596 SI-N 80V 0.3A 8W 700MHz | 2SC3597 SI-N 80V 0.5A 10W 800MH 2SC3599 SI-N 120V 0.3A 8W 500MHz | 2SC3600 SI-N 200V 0.1A 7W 400MH 2SC3601 SI-N 200V 0.15A 7W 400MHz | 2SC3608 SI-N 20V 0.08A 6.5GHz 2SC3611 SI-N 50V 0.15A 4W 300MHz | 2SC3616 SI-N 25V 0.7A 250MHz 2SC3621 SI-N 150V 1.5A 10W 100MHz | 2SC3623 SI-N 60V 0.15A 0.25W B= 2SC3632 SI-N 600V 1A 10W 30MHz | 2SC3636 SI-N 900/500V 7A 80W 2SC3642 SI-N 1200V 6A 100W 200ns | 2SC3655 SI-N 50V 0.1A 0.4W 46/2 2SC3656 SI-N 50V 0.1A 0.4W 10K/10 | 2SC3659 SI-N+D 1700/800V 5A 50W 2SC3668 SI-N 50V 2A 1W 100MHz | 2SC3669 SI-N 80V 2A 1W 0.2us 2SC3675 SI-N 1500/900V 0.1A 10W | 2SC3678 SI-N 900V 3A 80W2SC3679 SI-N 900/800V 5A 100W | 2SC3680 SI-N 900/800V 7A 120W 6 2SC3684 SI-N+D 1500V 10A 150W | 2SC3688 SI-N 1500V 10A 150W 0.2 2SC3692 SI-N 100V 7A 30W <300/180 | 2SC373 SI-N 35V 0.1A 0.2W B>20 2SC3746 SI-N 80V 5A 20W 100MHz | 2SC3748 SI-N 80V 10A 30W 100/60 2SC3752 SI-N 1100/800V 3A 30W | 2SC3781 SI-N 120V 0.4A 15W 500M 2SC3782 SI-N 200V 0.2A 15W 400MHz | 2SC3783 SI-N 800V 5A 100W2SC3787 SI-N 180V 0.14A 10W 150MHz | 2SC3788 SI-N 200V 0.1A 5W 150MH 2SC3789 SI-N 300V 0.1A 7W 70MHz | 2SC3790 SI-N 300V 0.1A 7W 150MH 2SC3792 SI-N 50V 0.5A 0.5W 250MHz | 2SC3795A SI-N 900V 5A 40W2SC3807 SI-N 30V 2A 15W 260MHz | 2SC3808 N-DARL 80V 2A 170MHz B> 2SC380TM SI-N 30V 50mA 0.3W 100MHz | 2SC3811 SI-N 40V 0.1A 0.4W 450M 2SC3831 SI-N 500V 10A 100W | 2SC3833 SI-N 500/400V 12A 100W 2SC3842 SI-N 600V 10A 70W 32MHz | 2SC3844 SI-N 600V 15A 75W 30MHz 2SC3851 SI-N 80V 4A 25W 15MHz | 2SC3852 SI-N 80V 3A 25W 15MHz 2SC3855 SI-N 200V 10A 100W 20MHz | 2SC3857 SI-N 200V 15A 150W 20MH 2SC3858 SI-N 200V 17A 200W 20MHz | 2SC3866 SI-N 900V 3A 40W2SC3868 SI-N 500V 1.5A 25W 0.7us | 2SC3883 SI-N+D 1500V 6A 50W2SC3884A SI-N 1500V 6A 50W | 2SC3886A SI-N 1500V 8A 50W 0.1us 2SC388A SI-N 25V 50mA 0.3W 300MHz | 2SC3890 SI-N 500V 7A 30W 500NS 2SC3892A SI-N+D 1500V 7A 50W 0.4us | 2SC3893A SI-N+D 1500V 8A 50W2SC3895 SI-N 1500/800V 8A 70W | 2SC3896 SI-N 1500V 8A 70W2SC3897 SI-N 1500V 10A 70W | 2SC3902 SI-N 180V 1.5A 10W 120M 2SC3907 SI-N 180V 12A 130W 30MHz | 2SC3927 SI-N 900V 10A 120W2SC394 SI-N 25V 0.1A 200MC RF | 2SC3940 SI-N 30V 1A 1W 200MHz 2SC3943 SI-N 110V 0.15A 2W 300MHz | 2SC3944 SI-N 150V 1A 40W 300MHz 2SC3948 SI-N 850V 10A 75W 20MHz | 2SC3950 SI-N 30V 0.5A 5W2SC3952 SI-N 80V 0.5A 10W 700MHz | 2SC3953 SI-N 120V 0.2A 8W 400MH 2SC3954 SI-N 120V 0.3A 8W 400MHz | 2SC3955 SI-N 200V 0.1A 7W 300MH 2SC3956 SI-N 200V 0.2A 7W 70MHz | 2SC3964 SI-N 40V 2A 1.5W 1us 2SC3972 SI-N 800/500V 5A 40W | 2SC3973A SI-N 900V 7A 45W2SC3979A SI-N 800V 3A 2W 10MHz | 2SC3987 N-DARL+D 50V 3A 15W2SC3996 SI-N 1500/800V 15A 180W | 2SC3998 SI-N 1500V 25A 250W POW 2SC3999 SI-N 300V 0.1A 0.75W 300MHz | 2SC4004 SI-N 900/800V 1A 30W <1 2SC4020 SI-N 900V 3A 50W 1us | 2SC4024 SI-N 100V 10A 35W B>300 2SC4029 SI-N 230V 15A 150W 30MHz | 2SC4043 SI-N 20V 50mA 0.15W 3.2 2SC4046 SI-N 120V 0.2A 8W 350MHz | 2SC4052 SI-N 600V 3A 40W 20MHz 2SC4056 SI-N 600V 8A 45W | 2SC4059 SI-N 600/450V 15A 130W 2SC4064 SI-N 50V 12A 35W 40MHz | 2SC4107 SI-N 500/400V 10A 60W2SC4119 N-DARL+D 1500V 15A 250W B | 2SC4123 SI-N+D 1500V 7A 60W2SC4125 SI-N+D 1500/800V 10A 70W | 2SC4131 SI-N 100V 15A 60W 18MHz 2SC4135 SI-N 120V 2A 15W 200MHz | 2SC4137 SI-N 25V 0.1A 300MHz 2SC4138 SI-N 500V 10A 80W <1/3.5us | 2SC4153 SI-N 200V 7A 30W 0.5us 2SC4157 SI-N 600V 10A 100W | 2SC4159 SI-N 180V 1.5A 15W 100M 2SC4161 SI-N 500V 7A 30W | 2SC4169 N-DARL+D 50V 1.2A 1W B= 2SC4199 SI-N 1400V 10A 100W | 2SC4200 SI-N 20V 0.6A 5W 2.5GHz 2SC4204 SI-N 30V 0.7A 0.6W | 2SC4231 SI-N 1200/800V 2A 30W 2SC4235 SI-N 1200/800V 3A 80W | 2SC4236 SI-N 1200/800V 6A 100W 2SC4237 SI-N 1200/800V 10A 150W | 2SC4242 SI-N 450/400V 7A 40W 2SC4256 SI-N 1500V 10A 175W 6MHz | 2SC4278 SI-N 150V 10A 100W 30MH 2SC4288A SI-N1600/600V 12A 200W | 2SC4289A SI-N 1500V 16A 200W2SC4290A SI-N 1500V 20A 200W | 2SC4297 SI-N 500V 12A 75W 10MHz 2SC4298 SI-N 500V 15A 80W 10MHz | 2SC4300 SI-N 900V 5A 75W 1/6us 2SC4304 SI-N 800V 3A 35W | 2SC4308 SI-N 30V 0.3A 0.6W 2.5G 2SC4313 SI-N 900V 10A 100W 0.5us | 2SC4381 SI-N 150V 2A 25W 15MHz 2SC4382 SI-N 200V 2A 25W 15MHz | 2SC4386 SI-N 160/120V 8A 75W 20 2SC4387 SI-N 200V 10A 80W 20MHz | 2SC4388 SI-N 200V 15A 85W 20MHz 2SC4408 SI-N 80V 2A 0.9W 100/600ns | 2SC4429 SI-N 1100/800V 8A 60W 2SC4430 SI-N 1100V 12A 65W 15MHz | 2SC4431 SI-N 120V 1.5A 20W 150M 2SC4439 SI-N 180V 0.3A 8W 400MHz | 2SC4467 SI-N 160/120V 8A 80W 20 2SC4468 SI-N 200V 10A 80W 20MHz | 2SC4484 SI-N 30V 2.5A 1W 250MHz 2SC4488 SI-N 120V 1A 1W 120MHz | 2SC4511 SI-N 120V 6A 30W 20MHz 2SC4512 SI-N 120V 6A 50W 20MHz | 2SC4517 SI-N 900V 3A 30W 6MHz 2SC4517A SI-N 1000V 3A 30W 0.5us | 2SC4531 SI-N+D 1500V 10A 50W 2SC4532 SI-N 1700V 10A 200W 2uS | 2SC4538 SI-N 900V 5A 80W2SC454 SI-N 30V 0.1A 230MHz | 2SC4542 SI-N 1500V 10A 50W2SC4547 N-DARL+D 85V 3A 30W B>2K | 2SC4557 SI-N 900V 10A 80W <1/5. 2SC4560 SI-N 1500V 10A 80W | 2SC458 SI-N 30V 0.1A 230MC UNI2SC4582 SI-N 600V 100A 65W 20MHz | 2SC460 SI-N 30V 0.1A 0.2W 230M 2SC461 SI-N 30V 0.1A 0.2W 230MHz | 2SC4744 SI-N 1500V 6A POWER2SC4745 SI-N 1500V 6A | 2SC4747 SI-N 1500V 10A 50W 0.3u 2SC4758 SI-N 1500V 8A 50W HI-RES | 2SC4769 SI-N+D 1500V 7A 60W2SC4770 SI-N 1500/800V 7A 60W | 2SC4793 SI-N 230V 1A 2W 100MHz 2SC4804 SI-N 900V 3A 30W 0.3us | 2SC4820 SI-N 450V 6A 30W 12MHz 2SC4826 SI-N 200V 3A 1.3W 300MHz | 2SC4834 SI-N 500V 8A 45W <0.3/1 2SC4883A SI-N 180V 2A 20W 120MHz | 2SC4891 SI-N 1500V 15A 75W2SC4908 SI-N 900V 3A 35W 1us | 2SC4924 SI-N 800V 10A 70W2SC4977 SI-N 450V 7A 40W | 2SC5002 SI-N 1500V 7A 80W2SC5003 SI-N+D 1500V 7A 80W | 2SC5027 SI-N 1100V 3A 50W 0.3us 2SC5030 SI-N 50V 5A 1.3W 150MHz | 2SC5045 SI-N 1600V 15A 75W2SC5047 SI-N 1600V 25A 250W | 2SC5048 SI-N 1500V 12A 50W 0.3u 2SC5070 SI-N 30V 2A 1.5W B>800 | 2SC5086 SI-N 20V 80MA 7GHZ2SC509 SI-N 35V 0.5A 0.6W 60MHz | 2SC5144 SI-N 1700V 20A 200W2SC5148 SI-N 1500V 8A 50W 0.2us | 2SC5149 SI-N+D 1500V 8A 50W 0.2 2SC5150 SI-N 1700V 10A 50W 03us | 2SC5171 SI-N 180V 2A 20W 200MHz 2SC5198 SI-N 140V 10A 100W 30MHz | 2SC5207 SI-N 1500V 10A 50W 0.4u 2SC5242 SI-N 230V 15A 130W 30MHz | 2SC5244A SI-N 1600V 30A 200W2SC5296 SI-N+D 1500V 8A 60W | 2SC5297 SI-N 1500V 8A 60W2SC5299 SI-N 1500V 10A 70W 0.2US | 2SC535 SI-N 20V 20mA 0.1W 0.70 2SC536 SI-N 40V 0.1A 180MC UNI | 2SC620 SI-N 50V 0.2A 0.25W UNI 2SC643 SI-N 1100V 2.5A 50W | 2SC644 SI-N 30V 50mA 0.25W2SC645 SI-N 30V 30mA 0.14W 200MHz | 2SC710 SI-N 30V 0.03A 200MHz 2SC711 SI-N 30V 0.05A 150MHz | 2SC712 SI-N 30V 0.5A 150MHz 2SC717 SI-N 30V 50mA 0.2W 600MHz | 2SC730 SI-N 40V 0.4A PQ=1.5W 2SC732 SI-N 50V 0.15A 0.4W 150MHz | 2SC735 SI-N 35V 0.4A 0.3W UNI 2SC752 SI-N 15V 100mA 0.1W | 2SC756 SI-N 40V 4A 10W 65MHz 2SC784 SI-N 40V 0.02A 500MC RF | 2SC815 SI-N 60V 0.2A 0.25W 2002SC828 SI-N 30V 0.05A 0.25W UNI | 2SC829 SI-N 30V 30mA 0.4W 230M 2SC839 SI-N 50V 0.03A 250MHz | 2SC867 SI-N 400V 1A 23W 8MHz 2SC869 SI-N 160V 30mA 0.2W 150MHz | 2SC898A SI-N 150V 7A 80W 15MHz 2SC900 SI-N 30V 0.03A 100MHz | 2SC930 SI-N 15V 0.03A 300MC RF 2SC936 SI-N 1000V 1A 22W POWER | 2SC941 SI-N 35V 20mA 0.2W 120M 2SC943 SI-N 60V 0.2A 0.3W 220MHz | 2SC945 SI-N 50V 0.1A 250MC UNI 2SC982 N-DARL 40V 0.3A 0.4W。

bizhub C284e 故障代码概论

bizhub C284e 故障代码概论
bizhub C364e/C284e/C224e 版本 1.0
K. 3. 故障代码
2.14 L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4
2.14.1 内容
功能异常代码 说明时序
感光鼓单元 /C 旋转时间超出警告 , 感光鼓单元 /M 旋转时间超出警告 , 感光鼓单元 /Y 旋转时间超出警告 , 感光鼓单元 /K 旋转时间超出警告
纸盒 4 垂直传送马达在异常的时序旋转
纸盒 1 进纸器升 / 降异常
纸盒 2 进纸器升 / 降异常
纸盒 3 提升故障
纸盒 4 提升故障
LCT 提升故障
手送纸盒升 / 降异常
LCT 移位故障
FNS 通讯错误 < 安装了 FS-533,FS-534 或 JS-506 时 > C
SD 通讯错误 < 安装了 FS-534+SD-511 时 >
主纸盘升 / 降马达驱动故障 < 安装了 FS-533 或 FS-534 时 > B
对齐板马达 / 前故障 < 安装了 FS-533 或 FS-534 时 >
纸叠出纸马达驱动故障 < 安装了 FS-534 时 >
装订器移动马达故障 < 安装了 FS-533 或 FS-534 时 >
装订器马达驱动故障 < 安装了 FS-533 或 FS-534 时 >
装订器马达故障 < 安装了 FS-534+SD-511 时 >
中央装订主缘止动器马达故障 < 安装了 FS-534+SD-511 时 > B
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Product Construction:Conductor:• Fully annealed tinned copper perASTM B-33• Fully annealed solid bare copper perASTM B-3, (C2754, C2755)Insulation:• Premium-grade, coIor-coded S-R PVCper UL 1061Jacket:• PVC, gray• Temperature Range: –20°C to +80°CApplications:• Public address systems• Intercoms• Remote control circuits• Suggested voltage rating: 300 voltsCompliances:• NEC Article 800 Type CM (UL: 75°C)• UL Style 2464 (UL: 80°C 300V)• CSA CMG (CSA: 60°C)• Designed to meet UL 70,000 BTU VerticalTray Flame Test• Passes CSA CMG Flame TestPackaging:• Please contact Customer Service forpackaging and color options*Capacitance between conductorsProduct Construction: Conductor:• 24 AWG fully annealed stranded tinnedcopper per ASTM B-33 Insulation:• Premium-grade, coIor-coded S-R PVCper UL 1061• Color Code: See charts below Jacket:• PVC, gray• Temperature Range: –20°C to +80°C Applications:• Public address systems• Intercoms• Internal telephones• Remote control circuits• Suitable for EIA RS-232 applications • Suggested voltage rating: 300 volts Features:• Easy to terminate• Excellent electrical properties• Tinned conductors provide excellentcorrosion resistance• Assists soldering applications Compliances:• NEC Article 800 Type CM (UL: 75°C)• UL Style 2464 (UL: 80°C, 300V)• UL Style 2576 (UL: 80˚C, 150V)• CSA CMG (CSA: 60°C)• Designed to meet UL 70,000 BTU Vertical Tray Flame Test• Passes CSA CMG Flame Test Packaging:• Please contact Customer Service forpackaging and color optionsProduct Construction:Conductor:• 22 AWG fully annealed, stranded tinnedcopper per ASTM B-33Insulation:• Premium-grade, coIor-coded S-R PVCper UL 1061• Color Code: See charts belowJacket:• PVC, gray• Temperature Range: –20°C to +80˚CApplications:• Public address systems• Intercoms• Internal telephones• Remote control circuits• Suitable for EIA RS-232 applications• Suggested voltage rating: 300 voltsFeatures:• Easy to terminate• Excellent electrical properties• Tinned conductors provide excellentcorrosion resistance• Assists soldering applicationsCompliances:• NEC Article 800 Type CM (UL: 75°C)• UL Style 2464 (UL: 80°C, 300V)• UL Style 2576 (UL: 80˚C, 150V)• CSA CMG (CSA 80°C)• Designed to meet UL 70,000 BTU VerticalTray Flame Test• Passes CSA CMG Flame TestPackaging:• Please contact Customer Service forpackaging and color options†CM-CSA CMG OnlyProduct Construction:Conductor:• 20 or 18 AWG fully annealed stranded,tinned copper per ASTM B-33Insulation:• Premium-grade, coIor-coded PVC perUL 1007• Color Code: See charts belowJacket:• PVC, gray• Temperature Range: –20˚C to +80°CApplications:• Public address systems• Intercoms• Internal telephones• Remote control circuits• Suitable for EIA RS-232 applications• Suggested voltage rating: 300 voltsCompliances:• NEC Article 800 Type CM (UL: 75°C)• UL Style 2464 (UL: 80°C, 300V)• UL Style 2576 (UL: 80˚C, 150V)• CSA CMG (CSA: 60°C)• Designed to meet UL 70,000 BTU VerticalTray Flame Test• Passes CSA CMG Flame TestPackaging:• Please contact Customer Service forpackaging and color options†CM (UL) c(UL), CSA CMG OnlyProduct Construction:Conductor:• 16 thru 12 AWG fully annealed strandedtinned copper per ASTM B-33Insulation:• Premium-grade, coIor-coded PVC• Color Code: See chart belowJacket:• PVC, gray• Temperature Range: –20°C to +80°CApplications:• Public address systems• Intercoms• Internal telephones• Remote control circuits• Suitable for EIA RS-232 applications• Suggested voltage rating: 300 voltsCompliances:• NEC Article 725 Type CL3 (UL: 75°C)• NEC Article 800 Type CM (UL: 75°C)• UL Style 2464 (UL: 80°C, 300V)• UL Style 2587 (UL: 90°C, 600V)• CSA CMG (CSA: 60°C)• Designed to meet UL 70,000 BTU VerticalTray Flame Test• Passes CSA CMG Flame TestPackaging:• Please contact Customer Service forpackaging and color options†CL3, UL2587, CSA CMH OnlyProduct Construction: Conductor:• 22 thru 18 fully annealed stranded tinnedcopper per ASTM B-33Insulation:• Premium-grade, coIor-coded PVC (18 AWG), S-R PVC (22 AWG)• Color Code: See chart belowJacket:• PVC, gray• Temperature Range: –20°C to +80°C Applications:• TV antenna rotor control• Satellite actuator control• Public address systems• Suggested voltage rating: 300 volts Features:• Tinned copper conductors provide excellent corrosion resistance• Assists with soldering applications Compliances:• NEC Article 800 Type CM (UL: 75°C)• UL Style 2464 (UL: 80°C, 300V)• CSA CMG (CSA: 60°C)• Designed to meet UL 70,000 BTU VerticalTray Flame Test• Passes CSA CMG Flame Test Packaging:• Please contact Customer Service forpackaging and color options。
