眼科英文病历( 眼科检查)
Sample History and Physical Note Charting Plus™ - Electronic Medical Records Note for John Doe on 6/6/02 - Chart 1124Chief Complaint: This 26 year old male presents today for a complete eye examination.Allergies: Patient admits allergies to aspirin resulting in disorientation, GI upset.Medication History: Patient is currently taking amoxicillin-clavulanate 125 mg-31.25 mg tablet, chewable medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Adrenocot 0.5 mg tablet medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Vioxx 12.5 mg tablet (BID).PMH: Past medical history is unremarkable.Past Surgical History: Patient admits past surgical history of (+) appendectomy in 1989.Social History: Patient denies alcohol use. Patient denies illegal drug use. Patient denies STD history. Patient denies tobacco use.Family History: Unremarkable.Review of Systems:Eyes: (-) dry eyes (-) eye or vision problems (-) blurred vision Constitutional Symptoms: (-) constitutional symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, dizziness Musculoskeletal: (-) joint or musculoskeletal symptomsEye Exam: Patient is a pleasant, 26 year old male in no apparent distress who looks his given age, is well developed and nourished with good attention to hygiene and body habitus.Visual Acuity:Visual acuity - uncorrected: OD: 20/10 OS: 20/10 OU: 20/15Refraction:Lenses - final:OD: +0.50 +1.50 X 125 Prism 1.75OS: +6.00 +3.50 X 125 Prism 4.00 BASE IN FresnelAdd: OD: +1.00 OS: +1.00OU: Far VA 20/25Pupils: Pupil exam reveals round and equally reactive to light and accommodation.Motility: Ocular motility exam reveals gross orthotropia with full ductions and versions bilateral. Visual Fields: Confrontation VF exam reveals full to finger confrontation OU.IOP: IOP Method: applanation tonometry OD: 10 mmHg Medications: Alphagan; 0.2% Condition: improving.Keratometry:OD: K1 35.875K2 35.875OS: K1 35.875K2 41.875Lids/Orbit: Bilateral eyes reveal normal position without infection. Bilateral eyelids reveals white and quiet.Slit Lamp: Corneal epithelium is intact with normal tear film and without stain. Stroma is clear and avascular. Corneal endothelium is smooth and of normal appearance.Anterior Segment: Bilateral anterior chambers reveal no cells or flare with deep chamber.Lens: Bilateral lenses reveals transparent lens that is in normal position.Posterior Segment: Posterior segment was dilated bilateral. Bilateral retinas reveal normal color, contour, and cupping.Retina: Bilateral retinas reveals flat with normal vasculature out to the far periphery. Bilateral retinas reveal normal reflex and color.Test Results: No tests to report at this timeImpression: Eye and vision exam normal.Plan: Return to clinic in 12 month(s).Patient Instructions:Patient was given verbal and written instructions regarding eye care following pupil dilation.__________________________________ Dr. An. Ophthalmologist, MDSample Referral Letter Charting Plus™ - Electronic Medical Records 6/6/02Marcus Welby, M.D.1231 8th Street, Suite 222West Des Moines, IA 50265Dear Dr. Welby:John Doe was seen in my office in consultation as requested by you as a new patient for evaluation and care. The following is a summary of my findings and recommendations:Impression: Eye and vision exam normal.Plan: Return to clinic in 12 month(s).If I may be of any further assistance in the care of your patient, please let me know. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to participate in the care of your patients. Sincerely,An. Ophthalmologist, MDSample Prescription Charting Plus™ - Electronic Medical Records Dr. An. Ophthalmologist, MDDEA#:_________________________________________________________Doe6/6/02Date:JName:JohnOD: +0.50 +1.50 X 125 Prism 1.75OS: +6.00 +3.50 X 125 Prism 4.00 BASE IN FresnelAdd: OD: +1.00 OS: +1.00Dr._____________________________________________Sample Billing Statement Charting Plus™ - Electronic Medical RecordsBilling Statement - Thursday, June 06, 2002Provider:An. Ophthalmologist, MDPatient: John J Doe, Chart 1124123 E. Freckle St.Jersey City, NJ 07040Diagnoses1. V72.0 Examination Of Eyes And VisionTreatments1. 99213 Office or other outpatient visit - est. patient - 15 min.Related Diagnoses: V72.0Modifiers:Units:Referring Physician: A. General Practitioner, MDDate Last Seen: 07/26/2001Sample Patient Instructions Charting Plus™ - Electronic Medical Records Patient Instructions for John Doe on 6/6/02YOUR EYES HAVE BEEN DILATEDDilation drops temporarily increase the size of your pupils. This lets us accurately investigate the health of your eyes and other important general health aspects. Dilation of your eyes is a temporary inconvenience; however, benefits far outweigh the inconvenience.The effects of eye dilation drops will gradually decrease. It typically takes TWO to SIX HOURS for the effects to wear off. During this time, reading may be more difficult and sensitivity to light may increase. For a short time, wearing sunglasses may help. Notify us if you feel your long distance vision is blurred excessively before attempting to drive. Your patience during this very important procedure is appreciated!CALL MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY AT 515-327-8850 IF YOU EXPERIENCE EXCESSIVE PAIN, DISCOMFORT OR NAUSEAREMEMBER TO HAVE REGULAR MEDICAL EYE EXAMINATIONS.Eye disease can occur at any age. Since most blindness is preventable if diagnosed and treated early, it is extremely important to have regular eye examinations. Keep in mind that many eye diseases are asymptomatic until after the damage to the eye has already occurred so early detection is the key. Use this as a reminder to plan for regular eye examinations to maintain sight throughout a lifetime._______________________________An. Ophthalmologist, MDCATARACTWhat is a cataract?* A cataract is the loss of transparency of the lens of the eye. It often appears like a window that is fogged with steam.What causes cataract formation?* Aging, the most common cause.* Family history.* Steroid use.* Injury to the eye.* Diabetes.* Previous eye surgery.* Long-term exposure to sunlight.How do I know if I have a cataract?* The best way for early detection is regular eye examinations by your medical eye doctor. There are many causes of visual loss in addition to the cataract such as problems involving the optic nerve and retina. If these other problems exist, cataract removal may not result in the return or improvement of vision. Your eye doctor can tell you how much improvement in vision is likely.Does it take a long time for a cataract to form?* Cataract development varies greatly between patients and is affected by the cause of the cataract. Generally, cataracts progress gradually over many years. Some people, especially diabetics and younger patients, may find that cataract formation progresses rapidly over a few months making it impossible to know exactly how long it will take for the cataract to develop. What is the treatment for cataracts?* The only way to remove a cataract is surgery. If the symptoms are not restricting your activity, a change of glasses may alleviate the symptoms at this time. No medications, exercise, optical devices or dietary supplements have been shown to stop the progression or prevent cataracts.It is important to provide protection from excessive sunlight. Making sure that the sunglasses you wear screen out ultraviolet (UV) light rays or your regular eyeglasses are coated with a clear, anti-UV coating will help prevent or slow the progression of cataracts.How do I know if I need surgery?* Surgery is considered when your vision is interfering with your daily activities. It is important to evaluate if you can see to do your job and drive safely. Can you read and watch TV in comfort? Are you able to cook, do your shopping and yard work or take your medications without difficulty? Depending on how you feel your vision is affecting your daily life, you and your eye doctor will decide together when it is the appropriate time to do surgery.What is involved with cataract surgery?* This surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. With the assistance of a microscope, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with a permanent intraocular lens implant.Right after the surgery you should be able to immediately perform all your normal activities except for the most strenuous ones. You will need to take eye drops as directed by your eye doctor. Follow-up visits are necessary to make sure the surgical site is healing without problems.This procedure is performed on over 1.4 million people each year in the United States alone, 95% without complications. With this highly successful procedure, 90% of the time vision improves unless a problem also exists with the cornea, retina or optic nerve. As with any surgery, a good result cannot be guaranteed._______________________________ An. Ophthalmologist, MD。
Bowman’s membrane 前弹力层Descemet’s membrane 后弹力层tearing 流泪epiphora 溢泪incipient stage 初发期intumescent stage or immature stage 膨胀期(末成熟期)mature stage 成熟期hypermature stage 过熟期after-cataract 后发性白内障posterior capsular opacities,PCO 晶状体后囊膜混浊glaucoma 青光眼normal tension glaucoma 正常眼压青光眼ocular hypertension 高眼压症primary angle-closure glaucoma,PACG 原发性闭角型青光眼keratic precipitates KP 角膜后沉着物strabismus 斜视Refraction 屈光emmetropia 正视refractive error 屈光不正myopia 近视hyperopia远视astigmatism 散光anisometropia 屈光参差hypertension retinopathy,HRP 高血压性视网膜病变ocular trauma 眼外伤penetrating injury 眼球穿通伤perforating injury 眼球贯通伤intraocular foreign body 眼内异物rupture of the globe 眼球破裂ocular movement眼球运动amblyopia弱视strabismus斜视heterophoria隐斜esotropia内斜视cornea 角膜sclera巩膜uvea 葡萄膜iris 虹膜ciliary body 睫状体脉络膜retina视网膜aqueous humor房水Lens晶状体Vitreous body玻璃体eye lids眼睑conjunctiva结膜Lacrimal apparatus泪器Extraocular muscles眼外肌Visual acuity (VA) 视力low vision 低视力bildnness 盲visual field 视野anterior chamber flare,Tyndall现象,房水闪辉slit lamp 裂隙灯echogenic band 光带hordeolum 睑板腺炎麦粒肿chalazion睑板腺囊肿entropion 睑内翻ectropion 睑外翻hypophasis 眼睑闭合不全ptosis 上睑下垂ocular surface 眼表lacrimal film 泪膜dry eye 干眼conjunctiva disease 结膜病bacterial conjunctivitis细菌性结膜炎chlamydial conjunctivitis 衣原体性结膜炎viral conjunctivitis病毒性结膜炎immunologic conjunctivitis 免疫性结膜炎pterygium 翼状胬肉vernal keratoconjunctivitis,VKC 春季角结膜炎keratitis角膜炎corneal nebula角膜云翳corneal macula角膜斑翳corneal leucoma角膜白斑adherent leucoma粘连性角膜白斑keratorefractive surgery 角膜屈光手术age-related cataract年龄相关性白内障congenital cataract先天性白内障traumatic cataract外伤性白内障metabolic cataract代谢性白内障complicated cataract并发性白内障ectopia lentis 晶状体异位dislocation of lens 晶状体脱位cyclitis睫状体炎anterior uveitis 前葡萄膜炎intraocular pressure眼压uveitis葡萄膜炎ciliary congestion睫状充血conjunctival congestion结膜充血anterior chamber cell前房细胞sympathetic ophthalmia交感性眼炎rhegmatogenous retinal detachment 孔源性视网膜脱离diabetic retinopathy 糖尿病视网膜病anisometropia屈光参差Amblyopia 弱视。
眼科标准英文病历( 眼科检查)Charting Plus? - Electronic Medical Sample History and Physical Note RecordsNote for John Doe on 6/6/02 - Chart 1124Chief Complaint: This 26 year old male presents today for a complete eye examination.Allergies: Patient admits allergies to aspirin resulting in disorientation, GI upset. Medication History: Patient is currentlytaking amoxicillin-clavulanate 125 mg-31.25 mg tablet, chewable medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Adrenocot 0.5 mg tablet medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Vioxx 12.5 mg tablet (BID). PMH: Past medical history is unremarkable.Past Surgical History: Patient admits past surgical history of (+) appendectomy in 1989. Social History: Patient denies alcohol use.Patient denies illegal drug use. Patient denies STD history. Patient denies tobacco use.Family History: Unremarkable.Review of Systems: Eyes: (-) dry eyes (-) eye or vision problems (-) blurred vision ConstitutionalSymptoms: (-) constitutional symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, dizziness Musculoskeletal:(-) joint or musculoskeletal symptomsEye Exam: Patient is a pleasant, 26 year old male in no apparent distress who looks his given age, is well developed and nourished with good attention to hygiene and body habitus. Visual Acuity: Visual acuity - uncorrected: OD: 20/10 OS: 20/10 OU: 20/15Refraction:Lenses - final:OD: +0.50 +1.50 X 125 Prism 1.75OS: +6.00 +3.50 X 125 Prism 4.00 BASE IN FresnelAdd: OD: +1.00 OS: +1.00OU: Far VA 20/25Pupils: Pupil exam reveals round and equally reactive to light and accommodation. Motility: Ocular motility exam reveals gross orthotropia with full ductions and versions bilateral. Visual Fields: Confrontation VF exam reveals full to finger confrontation OU.IOP: IOP Method: applanation tonometry OD: 10 mmHg Medications: Alphagan; 0.2% Condition: improving.Keratometry:OD: K1 35.875K2 35.875OS: K1 35.875K2 41.875Lids/Orbit: Bilateral eyes reveal normal position without infection. Bilateral eyelids reveals white and quiet.Slit Lamp: Corneal epithelium is intact with normal tear film and without stain. Stroma is clear and avascular. Corneal endothelium is smooth and of normal appearance.Anterior Segment: Bilateral anterior chambers reveal no cells orflare with deep chamber.Lens: Bilateral lenses reveals transparent lens that is in normal position. Posterior Segment: Posterior segment was dilated bilateral. Bilateral retinas reveal normal color, contour, and cupping.Retina: Bilateral retinas reveals flat with normal vasculature outto the far periphery. Bilateral retinas reveal normal reflex and color.Test Results: No tests to report at this timeImpression: Eye and vision exam normal.Plan: Return to clinic in 12 month(s).Patient Instructions:Patient was given verbal and written instructions regarding eye care following pupil dilation.__________________________________ Dr. An. Ophthalmologist, MDCharting Plus? - Electronic Sample Referral LetterMedical Records6/6/02Marcus Welby, M.D. th1231 8 Street, Suite 222West Des Moines, IA 50265Dear Dr. Welby:John Doe was seen in my office in consultation as requested by youas a new patient for evaluation and care. The following is a summary of my findings and recommendations:Impression: Eye and vision exam normal.Plan: Return to clinic in 12 month(s).If I may be of any further assistance in the care of your patient, please let me know. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to participate in the care of your patients.Sincerely,An. Ophthalmologist, MDCharting Plus? - Electronic Sample Prescription Medical RecordsDr. An. Ophthalmologist, MDDEA#:_________________________________________________________Name: John J Doe Date: 6/6/02OD: +0.50 +1.50 X 125 Prism 1.75OS: +6.00 +3.50 X 125 Prism 4.00 BASE IN FresnelAdd: OD: +1.00 OS: +1.00Dr._____________________________________________Charting Plus? - Electronic Sample Billing Statement Medical Records Billing Statement - Thursday, June 06, 2002Provider: An. Ophthalmologist, MDPatient: John J Doe, Chart 1124123 E. Freckle St.Jersey City, NJ 07040Diagnoses1. V72.0 Examination Of Eyes And VisionTreatments1. 99213 Office or other outpatient visit - est. patient - 15 min.Related Diagnoses: V72.0Modifiers:Units:Referring Physician: A. General Practitioner, MDDate Last Seen: 07/26/2001Charting Plus? - Electronic Medical Sample Patient Instructions RecordsPatient Instructions for John Doe on 6/6/02YOUR EYES HAVE BEEN DILATEDDilation drops temporarily increase the size of your pupils. This lets us accurately investigatethe health of your eyes and other important general health aspects. Dilation of your eyes is atemporary inconvenience; however, benefits far outweigh the inconvenience.The effects of eye dilation drops will gradually decrease. It typically takes TWO to SIX HOURS for the effects to wear off. During this time, reading may be more difficult andsensitivity to light may increase. For a short time, wearing sunglasses may help. Notify usif you feel your long distance vision is blurred excessively before attempting to drive. Your patience during this very important procedure is appreciated!CALL MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY AT 515-327-8850 IF YOU EXPERIENCE EXCESSIVE PAIN, DISCOMFORT OR NAUSEAREMEMBER TO HAVE REGULAR MEDICAL EYE EXAMINATIONS.Eye disease can occur at any age. Since most blindness is preventable if diagnosed andtreated early, it is extremely important to have regular eye examinations. Keep in mind thatmany eye diseases are asymptomatic until after the damage to the eye has already occurred so early detection is the key. Use this as a reminder to plan for regular eye examinations to maintain sight throughout a lifetime._______________________________An. Ophthalmologist, MDCATARACTWhat is a cataract?* A cataract is the loss of transparency of the lens of the eye. It often appears like awindow that is fogged with steam.What causes cataract formation?* Aging, the most common cause.* Family history.* Steroid use.* Injury to the eye.* Diabetes.* Previous eye surgery.* Long-term exposure to sunlight.How do I know if I have a cataract?* The best way for early detection is regular eye examinations by your medical eye doctor.There are many causes of visual loss in addition to the cataract such as problems involvingthe optic nerve and retina. If these other problems exist, cataract removal may not result inthe return or improvement of vision. Your eye doctor can tell you how much improvement in vision is likely.Does it take a long time for a cataract to form?* Cataract development varies greatly between patients and is affected by the cause of the cataract. Generally, cataracts progress gradually over many years. Some people,especially diabetics and younger patients, may find that cataract formation progresses rapidly over a few months making it impossible to know exactly how long it will take for the cataract todevelop.What is the treatment for cataracts?* The only way to remove a cataract is surgery. If the symptoms are not restricting youractivity, a change of glasses may alleviate the symptoms at this time. No medications, exercise, optical devices or dietary supplements have been shown to stop the progression or prevent cataracts.It is important to provide protection from excessive sunlight. Making sure that the sunglassesyou wear screen out ultraviolet (UV) light rays or your regular eyeglasses are coated with aclear, anti-UV coating will help prevent or slow the progression of cataracts.How do I know if I need surgery?* Surgery is considered when your vision is interfering with your daily activities. It is important to evaluate if you can see to do your job and drive safely. Can you read and watchTV in comfort? Are you able to cook, do your shopping and yard work or take your medications without difficulty? Depending on how you feel your vision is affecting your dailylife, you and your eye doctor will decide together when it is the appropriate time to do surgery.What is involved with cataract surgery?* This surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. With the assistance of a microscope, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with a permanent intraocular lens implant.Right after the surgery you should be able to immediately performall your normal activities except for the most strenuous ones. You will need to take eye drops as directed by your eyedoctor. Follow-up visits are necessary to make sure the surgicalsite is healing withoutproblems.This procedure is performed on over 1.4 million people each year in the United States alone,95% without complications. With this highly successful procedure, 90% of the time visionimproves unless a problem also exists with the cornea, retina or optic nerve. As with any surgery, a good result cannot be guaranteed._______________________________ An. Ophthalmologist, MD。
玻璃 vitreous 合并⽩内障 cataract ⿎室成形术 tympanoplasty 折叠式 foldable ⽩内障摘出 cataract 术式 operation 缺⾎再灌注 injury 眼⾓膜 corneal 喉切除术 laryngectomy ⾓膜移植术后 keratoplasty 性翼状胬⾁ pterygium 复杂性 complicated 青绿 green 常年 perennial 发射 emissions 诊断 ct ct 再造 reconstruction 泪液 tear 内斜视 esotropia 剥夺 deprivation 伤后 injury 助听器 hearing 减压术 decompression 腺样 adenoid 操作 operation 结膜炎 conjunctivitis 发青光眼 glaucoma 细胞内 cells 青光眼滤过 filtering 免疫排斥 rejection ⿐内镜下 endoscopic 残留 residual 端粒酶活性 telomerase 后视⽹膜 retinal 复视 diplopia 碱性成纤维细胞 fibroblast 常年性 perennial 超声乳化吸出 phacoemulsification 奈德 acetonide ⿇痹 paralysis 安奈德 acetonide 过敏性 allergic 螺旋 ct ct 取出 removal 原发性青光眼 glaucoma 常年性变应性⿐炎 rhinitis 荧光素眼底 fluorescein 庆⼤霉素 gentamicin 患病率 prevalence ⽩内障超声乳化术 phacoemulsification 细胞淋巴瘤 t lymphoma 泪腺 lacrimal 顺铂 cisplatin 视⽹膜光凝 photocoagulation 分割 radiotherapy 光凝治疗 photocoagulation 性近视 myopia 监测 patients 屈光不正 ametropia 半导体激光 laser 晶状体后 posterior 术后眼压 iop 个⽉ months 常年性变应性 allergic 细胞⽣长 cells 视⽹膜组织 retina 复发性翼状胬⾁ pterygium 声门上型 supraglottic 声学 acoustic 住院 patients 偏曲 deviation 并发症发⽣ complications 性脑⼲ brainstem 胬⾁ pterygium 眼底荧光 fluorescein 脉络膜视⽹膜病变 chorioretinopathy 羟基磷灰⽯义眼 hydroxyapatite 中⽿胆脂瘤 cholesteatoma 数量 cells 单纯放疗 radiotherapy 眼座 orbital ⾎管瘤 hemangioma 烧伤后 burn 单眼 monocular 听性脑⼲反应 abr 眼外肌 extraocular ⼲细胞移植 transplantation 放疗前 radiotherapy 瘢痕 scar ⾏⽩内障 cataract 远视 hyperopia ⽪质 cortex 神经节 ganglion 单克隆 monoclonal ⾮超声乳化 incision 黄斑部 macular 对侧 contralateral ⽿廓 auricle 细胞数 cells 内窥镜下 endoscope 视⽹膜中央动脉 retinal ⾓膜基质 corneal ⾓膜中央 corneal 过敏性⿐炎 rhinitis 表达 vegf vegf 玻璃体腔 vitreous 显微镜下 microscope 梅尼埃 meniere 转移率 metastasis 单克隆抗体 monoclonal 结膜下 subconjunctival 声门型 glottic 回退 regression 恶性⿊⾊素瘤 melanoma 喉镜 laryngoscope 癌病 patients 免疫排斥反应 rejection ⽩内障晶状体 cataract 动⼒ photodynamic 回归分析 regression 放射性 radiation ⾓膜病变 keratopathy 前房积⾎ hyphema 射频 radiofrequency ⾓膜屈光 refractive 致盲 blindness 悬吊 suspension 葡萄膜 uveal 脱离⼿术 detachment ⽜磺酸 taurine 义眼座 hydroxyapatite 新西兰⽩兔 rabbits 中 vegf vegf ⾎管形成 neovascularization ⼆期 secondary 移植排斥反应 rejection 再灌注损伤 injury 新⽣⾎管形成 neovascularization 全⾝ systemic 常染⾊体 autosomal 复杂 complicated 屈光状态 refractive 颞侧 temporal 术后 postoperative 发性⽩内障 cataract 发⾳ voice ⼈ rpe rpe 植⼊⼿术 implantation ⽆复发 recurrence 眶内 orbital 间歇性 intermittent 喉部 laryngeal ⽿蜗⽑ hair 球后 retrobulbar 较⾼ high 共焦 confocal 植⼊后 implantation 青少年 juvenile 乳突 mastoid 筛窦 ethmoid ⽩内障摘除术 cataract 放射状 radial 后发性⽩内障 cataract 增殖性玻璃体视⽹膜病变 proliferative 康复 rehabilitation 微循环 microcirculation 结膜瓣 flap 测听 audiometry 撕囊 capsulorhexis 散光度 astigmatism ⽅案 chemotherapy ⾓膜新⽣⾎管 neovascularization 眼科 ophthalmology 局部复发 recurrence 形觉剥夺 deprivation 抗青光眼 glaucoma ⼈喉 laryngeal 缝合 suture 中后 posterior 移⾏ migration 型糖尿病 diabetic 光动⼒ photodynamic 固定 fixation 胆脂瘤型 cholesteatoma 凋亡细胞 cells 伤⼝ wound 神经营养 neurotrophic 后囊破裂 rupture 声门上型喉癌 supraglottic 镜观察 microscope 冠状 coronal 超声乳化⼿术 phacoemulsification 营养不良 dystrophy 杀伤 cells 通⽓ patients 肿瘤细胞 cells ⽴体视 stereopsis 前房出⾎ hyphema 喉部分切除术 laryngectomy 内淋巴 endolymphatic 前段 anterior 恶性淋巴瘤 lymphoma 窦炎 sinusitis 并发 complicated ⿐漏 rhinorrhea 眼视⽹膜 retinal 例病⼈ patients ⾎管纹 stria ⽪层 cortex 性⾓膜 corneal 异体 transplantation 睑球粘连 symblepharon 咽炎 pharyngitis 就诊 patients 重建术 reconstruction 外科 surgical 咽旁间隙 parapharyngeal 缺⾎再灌注损伤 injury 切除术 patients ⽼年黄斑 macular ⿐侧 nasal 坏死 necrosis 患者外周 peripheral 神经炎 neuritis 聋患者 deafness 并发⽩内障 cataract 颞⾻ temporal ⽉内 months 光敏感度 sensitivity 哮喘 asthma 病患者 patients 细胞培养 cells 晶状体超声乳化 phacoemulsification 听⾻ ossicular 填塞 packing 采⽤免疫组织化学 immunohistochemical 性⿐窦炎 sinusitis 眼压控制 iop。
1. AMD - Age-related Macular Degeneration(年龄相关性黄斑变性)AMD是一种与年龄相关的黄斑变性,是导致老年人视力丧失的主要原因之一。
2. CME - Cystoid Macular Edema(囊样黄斑水肿)CME是一种黄斑区域的水肿,常见于糖尿病性视网膜病变、青光眼手术后等眼部疾病。
3. IOP - Intraocular Pressure(眼内压)IOP是指眼球内部的压力,是评估青光眼的重要指标。
4. LASIK - Laser-Assisted in Situ Keratomileusis(角膜激光原位磨镶术)LASIK是一种通过激光技术来矫正近视、远视和散光的手术。
5. OD - Oculus Dexter(右眼)OD是拉丁文“右眼”的缩写,常用于病历记录和处方中。
6. OS - Oculus Sinister(左眼)OS是拉丁文“左眼”的缩写,同样常用于病历记录和处方中。
7. OU - Oculus Uterque(双眼)OU是拉丁文“双眼”的缩写,用于表示两只眼睛都受到影响或需要治疗的情况。
8. PVD - Posterior Vitreous Detachment(玻璃体后脱离)PVD是指玻璃体与视网膜之间的连接断裂,常见于老年人。
9. PRK - Photorefractive Keratectomy(光学角膜矫正术)PRK是一种通过激光技术来矫正近视、远视和散光的手术。
orbital pneumography orbital venography orbitography orbitonometer orbitonometry paracentral scotoma paracentral vision parallax, PRLX pathology of eye pattern form perimetry pericentral scotoma perimeter peripheral visual field phorometer phorometry photophobia photopic vision photopsia photoptometer photoptometry physiological blind spot physiology of eye plane retinoscope polyopsia positive scotoma prevention of blindness, PB primary eye care projection perimeter prone test protanomalia protanopsia provocative test for glaucoma pseudoisochromatic chart pupillary pharmacodynamic test pupillogram pupillometer pupillometry quadrantanopsia quantitative maculo?perimetry quantitative perimetry R nne nasal step radiography of lacrimal passage radiography of orbit reading test red glass test reflecting retinoscope relative scotoma
deep keratitis 深层角膜炎interstitial keratitis 基质性角膜炎曾用名“实质性角膜炎”。
neuroparalytic keratitis 神经麻痹性角膜炎keratitis sicca 干燥性角膜炎sclerosing keratitis 硬化性角膜炎exposure keratitis 暴露性角膜炎曾用名“兔眼性角膜炎(lagophthalmic keratitis)”。
traumatic keratitis 外伤性角膜炎keratoconjunctivitis 角膜结膜炎epidemic keratoconjunctivitis, BKC 流行性角膜结膜炎acute hemorrhagic keratoconjunctivitis 急性出血性角膜结膜炎phlyctenular keratoconjunctivitis 泡性角膜结膜炎keratoconjunctivitis sicca 干燥性角膜结膜炎corneal ulcer 角膜溃疡catarrhal corneal ulcer 卡他性角膜溃疡atheromatous corneal ulcer 粥样角膜溃疡pseudomonas aeruginosa corneal ulcer 铜绿假单胞菌性角膜溃疡又称“绿脓杆菌性角膜溃疡(pyocyaneal corneal ulcer)”。
?serpiginous corneal ulcer, Saemisch corneal ulcer 匍行性角膜溃疡曾用名“前房积脓性角膜溃疡(hypopyon corneal ulcer)”。
trachomatous corneal ulcerm 沙眼性角膜溃疡rodent corneal ulcer, Mooren ulcer 蚕食性角膜溃疡曾用名“慢性匍行性角膜溃疡(chronic serpiginous corneal ulcer)”。
医学英语眼科词汇大全医学英语眼科词汇大全醋氮酰胺acetazolamide 醋氮酰胺Diamoxd带状光检眼镜streak retinoscopy带状疱疹herpes zoster 单纯疱疹Herbert‘ pits蛋白质-能量营养不良PEM, protein-energy malnutrition 倒睫trichiasis低视力眼镜low vision spectacles 滴剂drops地理分布geographical distribution 地塞米松dexmethasone第一眼位primary position 点状角膜炎punctate keratitis碘iodine 碘苷idoxuridine电池batteries 电弧焊烧伤welder‘s arc burns垫睑板,用汤匙做成lid plates, made from spoons 调查surveys调节accommodation 丁烷气炉butane gas stoves对光反射light reflex 钝挫伤contusion injuriese儿科学paediatricsf发病率incidence 翻转上睑everting of eyes翻转上睑everting upper eyelid 防盲blindness prevention房角后退angle recession 房水aqueous fluid放射学radiology 非化脓性non-purulent非计划性的白内障囊外摘出术unplanned ECCE 非洲Africa肺炎双球菌pneumococcus spp. 分类法classifications分类法classifications 缝线sutures服务俱乐部service clubs 复视diplopia副交感神经拟似剂parasympathomimetics 腹泻diarrhoeag干眼dry eye 干眼症xerophthalmia干眼症xerophthalmia 干眼症的饮食治疗diet for xerophthalmia甘露醇mannitol 甘油glycerol杆体rods 感光perception of light感光器photoreceptors 钢,碳和不锈钢steel, carbon vs stainless 高渗药物 hyperosmotic drugs 高眼压hypertension, ocular高眼压ocular hypertension 革兰氏染色Gram‘s stain工业气体industrial gases 公共卫生public health公卫护士public health nursr 巩膜sclera巩膜炎scleritis 骨性眶bony orbit光感light perception 光投射projection of light光投照light projection 光学optics光学车间optical workshops 国家眼科项目national eye programmes过敏反应anaphylaxis 过敏性结膜炎allergic conjunctivitis过熟期白内障hypermature cataract 过熟期白内障Morgagnian cataract h河盲,盘尾丝虫病river blindness黑蝇simulium damnosum 红霉素erythromycin红眼red eye 虹膜iris虹膜睫状体炎iridocyclitis 虹膜麻痹iridoplegia虹膜膨隆iris bombe 虹膜切除术iridectomy虹膜切开术iridotomy 虹膜炎iritis后弹力膜Descemet‘s membrane 后段posterior segment后房posterior chamber 后囊下白内障posterior subcapsular cataract 后葡萄膜炎posterior uveitis 后粘连posterior synechiae护士nurse 化脓性purulent化脓性结膜炎purulent conjunctivitis 化学性烧伤chemical injuries 环苯妥(一种扩瞳剂)cyclopentolate 环状切开术peritomy患病率prevalence 黄斑变性macula degeneration磺胺醋酰钠sulphacetamide 磺胺药sulphonamides回形针paperclip 混浊opacitiesj机构,资源organizations, resource 交感性眼炎sympathetic ophthalmia交通事故accidents, automobile 肌肉muscles焦距focal length 角膜瘢痕corneal scarring激惹irritation 角膜擦伤abrasions ,corneal继发性青光眼secondary glaucoma 角膜后沉着(K.P)keratic precipitates家蝇house flies 角膜结膜炎keratoconjunctivitis甲醇methyl alcohol 角膜软化症keratomalacia钾丢失potassium loss 角膜炎keratitis假芽孢菌pseudomonas spp. 角膜缘limbus间接检眼镜indirect ophthalmoscopy 角膜真菌病keratomycosis间质混浊media opacities 接触镜(隐形眼镜)contact lenses减充血剂decongestants 街区local communities检查examination 结核trberculosis检查儿童时的约束restraint for examination of children结节切除术nodulectomy in onchocerciasis检影镜retinoscopy 结膜conjunctiva睑板tarsal plates 结膜黑色素瘤melanoma of conjunctiva睑结合膜tarsal conjunctiva 睑拉钩lid retractors结膜色素沉着pigmentation of conjunctiva 睑裂闭合不全(兔眼)lagophthalmos结膜水肿chemosis 睑裂缝合术tarsorrhaphy结膜下出血subconjunctival haemorrhage‘睑裂黄斑pingueculum结膜炎conjunctivitis 睑球粘连symblepharon睫毛cilia 睑腺glands of eyelids睫状充血ciliary flush 睑缘炎blepharitis睫状肌麻醉眼药水cycloplegic eye drops 碱水lye睫状体ciliary body 健康教育 education, health睫状体分离术cyclodialysis 降眼压药hypotensive agents, ocular 睫状体冷凝术cyclocryopexy 降眼压药ocular hypotensive agents交感神经能拟似药sympathomimeticsj机构,资源organizations, resource 交感性眼炎sympathetic ophthalmia交通事故accidents, automobile 肌肉muscles焦距focal length 角膜瘢痕corneal scarring激惹irritation 角膜擦伤abrasions ,corneal继发性青光眼secondary glaucoma 角膜后沉着(K.P)keratic precipitates家蝇house flies 角膜结膜炎keratoconjunctivitis甲醇methyl alcohol 角膜软化症keratomalacia钾丢失potassium loss 角膜炎keratitis假芽孢菌pseudomonas spp. 角膜缘limbus间接检眼镜indirect ophthalmoscopy 角膜真菌病keratomycosis间质混浊media opacities 接触镜(隐形眼镜)contact lenses减充血剂decongestants 街区local communities检查examination 结核trberculosis检查儿童时的约束restraint for examination of children结节切除术nodulectomy in onchocerciasis检影镜retinoscopy 结膜conjunctiva睑板tarsal plates 结膜黑色素瘤melanoma of conjunctiva睑结合膜tarsal conjunctiva 睑拉钩lid retractors结膜色素沉着pigmentation of conjunctiva 睑裂闭合不全(兔眼)lagophthalmos 结膜水肿chemosis 睑裂缝合术tarsorrhaphy结膜下出血subconjunctival haemorrhage‘睑裂黄斑pingueculum结膜炎conjunctivitis 睑球粘连symblepharon睫毛cilia 睑腺glands of eyelids睫状充血ciliary flush 睑缘炎blepharitis睫状肌麻醉眼药水cycloplegic eye drops 碱水lye睫状体ciliary body 健康教育 education, health睫状体分离术cyclodialysis 降眼压药hypotensive agents, ocular 睫状体冷凝术cyclocryopexy 降眼压药ocular hypotensive agents交感神经能拟似药sympathomimeticsk开睑器lid retractor开角型青光眼open angle glaucoma 抗生素antibiotics抗酸染色acid-fast stain 抗真菌剂antifungal agents科-维杆菌Koch-Weeks bacillus 克里百菌属Knives, surgical客观验光objective refraction 肯尼亚Kenya扩瞳剂miotics 扩瞳剂mydriatic eye dropsl拉钩(牵开器)retractors老视眼presbyopia 蓝多氏视力表C chart (Landoldt)泪膜tear film 泪阜caruncle泪囊炎dacrycystitis 泪器lacrimal system泪腺lacrimal gland 泪小点puncta泪小管canaliculi 泪小管炎canaliculitis类风湿关节炎rheumatoid arthritis 立体视stereopsis利多卡因lidocaine 裂隙灯检查slit lamp examination淋病gonorrhoea 淋菌性结膜炎gonococcal conjunctivitis淋球菌gonococcal 鳞状细胞癌squamous cell carcinoma流行病学epidemiology 流行病学家epidemiologists流行性出血性结膜炎epidemic haemorrhagic conjunctivitis 漏leaks颅内肿瘤intracranial mass 颅神经麻痹cranial nerve palsy滤过性手术 filtering surgery 氯霉素chloramphenicolm麻风leprosy 麻疹measles麻疹疫苗接种vaccination for measles麻醉,表面,局部anaesthesia, local, topical麦粒肿hordeolum 脉络膜choroid脉络膜视网膜炎chorioretinitis 脉络膜脱离choroid separation盲人定义blindness classification 毛果芸香碱pilocarpine梅毒lues, syphilis 梅毒syphilis媒介控制vector control 面对面视野粗试法cross-confrontation field testing n缪勒肌(平滑肌)Müller‘s muscles木醇wood alcohol 内翻entropion内斜视esotropia 内眼检查internal ocular examination奈瑟氏淋球菌Neisseria gonorrheae 囊膜capsule囊镊capsule forceps 尿素urea尿用于传统疗法urine as traditional remedy 牛眼buphthalmos,ox eye盘尾丝虫病onchocerciasis盘尾丝虫性脉络膜炎choroiditis in onchocerciasis 泡沫床垫foam mattresses 培训初保人员training of primary health care workers膨胀期白内障intumescent cataract皮肤结节skin nodules 皮质类固醇corticosteroids, steroids皮质类固醇steroids 破伤风预防tetanus prevention葡萄膜uveal tract 葡萄膜炎uveitis葡萄球菌Staphylococcus spp. 葡萄肿staphylomaq气候climates 汽车motor vehicles汽车头灯automobiles 汽炉(消毒器械用)gas stoves, for sterilizing instruments器械instruments 器械消毒sterilization of instruments前弹力膜Bowman‘s membrane 前段anterior segment前房anterior chamber 前房穿刺paracentesis of anterior chamber前房盥洗irrigation of anterior chamber 前房积脓hypopyon前房积血hyphema 前房角镜检查gonioscopy前粘连anterior synechiae 浅前房shallow青光眼glaucoma 青霉素penicillin氢氧化钙calcium hydroxide 氢氧化钾potassium hydroxide庆大霉素gentamicin 穹隆部 fornices球后神经阻滞retrobulbar nerve block 驱逐性出血expulsive haemorrhage驱逐性脉络膜出血expulsive choroidal haemorrhage 屈光refraction屈光不正ametrapia,refractice errors 屈光度(D)dioptre全科医生clinical officers 全葡萄膜炎panuveitisr热带气候tropical climates日光sunlight热烧灼thermal cautery人工晶体植入术intraocular lens implants人工泪液artificial tears人工晶体artificial intraocular lenses乳头papillae弱视amblyopia,lazy eyes噻吗心安timolol maleate (Timoptic)三级医院tertiary hospitals散光astigmatism沙眼trachoma沙眼瘢痕scars in trachoma沙眼的社区控制计划community control programmers for trachoma沙眼分期法grading system for trachoma 沙眼滤泡follicles in trachoma 沙眼衣原体Chlamydia trachomatis筛查screening上睑提肌levator palpebrae superioris muscles上斜视hypertropia烧伤burns 烧灼术cautery社区communities, local肾上腺素adrenaline,epinephrine狮子会Lions' Clubs石油进眼petrol in eyes世界卫生组织World Health Organization视杯cup, optic视觉残疾定义(WHO)visual disability, definition视觉神经通道neural pathways for vision视觉通路pathways for vision视觉障碍,分类(WHO)visual impairment, classification视力visual acuity 视乳头水肿papilledema视神经optic nerve视神经萎缩optic atrophy视网膜retina 视网膜变性degeneration of retina视网膜脱离detachment of retina 视像不等aniseikonia视野visual fields 视野检查perimetry试镜匣trial lens sets适宜技术appropriate technology嗜血菌属Haemophilus spp手法挤压manual expression手术surgery手术标志landmarks, anatomical手术放大镜operating loupes手术光源light source for surgery手术营地camps surgical手术用头架headrests, surgical输淋氏管Schlemm's canal术前护理pre-operative care树枝状角膜炎dendritic keratitis数指finger counting双眼视觉binocular vision水,滤过water, filtering司机drivers 撕裂伤lacerations四环素tetracycline 粟粒性phlyctenulet太阳灯性角膜炎sunlamp keratitis 碳酸酐酶抑制剂carbonic anhydrase inhibitors糖尿病diabetes mellitus 疼痛pain瞳孔pupils 瞳孔扩大,外伤性mydriasis, traumatic瞳孔扩大dilatation of pupils 瞳孔阻滞pupillary block偷针眼(麦粒肿)stys 透明质酸酶hyaluronidase托吡卡胺tropicamide 脱出prolapse脱离detachment 脱色素depigmentation脱位dislocation 脱位白内障luxated cataractw外伤injuries,trauma 外伤性瞳孔扩大traumatic mydriasis外斜视exotropia 外眼检查external ocular examination微孔滤过器millipore filters 微丝蚴microfilariae of ohchocerciasis维生素A vitamin A 卫生服务health services卫生计划者health planner 喂奶breast feeding文盲用视力表illiterate charts 无晶体眼aphakiax吸血海绵sponges,surgical细菌培养bacterial culture细菌性角膜溃疡bacterial corneal先天性白内障congenital cataract先天性青光眼congenital glaucoma显微镜检查microscopic examination线状刀Graefe knife霰粒肿chalazion香蕉bananas消毒方法sterile technique消瘦marasmus硝酸银silver nitrate小梁切除术trabeculectomy小梁网trabecular meshwork斜视squint,strabismus新生儿newborn新生儿结膜炎 neonatal conjunctivitis新生儿眼炎ophthalmia neonatorum新生血管性青光眼neovascularity secondary glaucoma 许氏眼压计Schiotz tonometers雪盲snow blindness血管翳pannus巡回眼科医疗队mobile eye unitsy压力锅消毒器械cooking pots for sterilizing instruments 压陷式眼压计indentation tonometers盐溶液saline solution眼保护罩protective eye shields眼部感染 eye infections眼部检查examination of eyes眼底fundus眼底镜检查ophthalmoscopy眼垫eye pads眼睑eyelids眼介质ocular media眼镜spectacles眼科包扎员dressers, ophthalmic眼科辅助人员ophthalmic auxiliaries眼科学,公共卫生ophthalmology, public health眼科医师ophthalmologists眼眶orbit 眼轮匝肌orbicularis oculi muscle眼内金属异物metallic intraocular foreign body眼内炎endophthalmitis眼内炎症intraocular inflammation眼内异物intraocular foreign bodies眼球eyeball 眼球表面伤surface injuries to eyeball眼球穿通伤 penetration injuries of eyeball眼球筋膜Tenon's capsule眼球痨phthisis bulbi眼球破裂ruptured globe眼球摘除术enucleation眼生理physiology of eye眼外肌extraocular muscles眼压测量tonometry眼压计tonometers眼罩eye shields药品的彩色编码color coding of drugs夜盲 night blindness医辅人员medical auxiliaries医疗记录medical records医院hospitals 医助medical assistants乙胺嗪枸橼酸盐(抗丝虫药)diethylcarbamazine citrate 乙膦硫胆碱(缩瞳剂)echothiophate异凡曼霉素(杀寄生虫药)ivermectin (Mectizan)异物foreign bodies翼状胬肉pterygium阴虱crab louse,phthirus pubis饮食史dietary history荧光素fluorescein营养不良malnutrition营养性盲nutritional blindness营养学家nutritionists用药medications瘀斑ecchymosis预防prevention预防新生儿淋病眼的方法(1%硝酸银)Crede prophylaxis 预防性眼保健preventive eye care远视眼far-sightedness , hyperopia云翳nebulaz粘连synechiae针拨术couching针孔试验pinhole test真菌性角膜溃疡 fungal corneal ulcer正常眼压青光眼normal-pressure glaucoma 正视眼emmetropia蜘蛛咬伤spider bites植物vegetable matter制霉菌素nystatin致盲性沙眼blinding trachoma致盲性营养不良blinding malnutrition痣nevus中间技术intermediate technology中央视力central vision周边虹膜切除术 peripheral iridectomy猪尾状探针pigtail probe主觉验光subjective refraction助产士midwives注吸器infusion-aspiration syringes锥体cones资源组织resource organizations紫外光ultraviolet light自动验光仪autorefractors自制酒distilled spirits眦canthi综合屈光检查仪 phoropters。
眼科标准英文病历( 眼科检查)Charting Plus? - Electronic Medical Sample History and Physical Note RecordsNote for John Doe on 6/6/02 - Chart 1124Chief Complaint: This 26 year old male presents today for a complete eye examination.Allergies: Patient admits allergies to aspirin resulting in disorientation, GI upset. Medication History: Patient is currentlytaking amoxicillin-clavulanate 125 mg-31.25 mg tablet, chewable medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Adrenocot 0.5 mg tablet medication was prescribed by A. General Practitioner MD, Vioxx 12.5 mg tablet (BID). PMH: Past medical history is unremarkable.Past Surgical History: Patient admits past surgical history of (+) appendectomy in 1989. Social History: Patient denies alcohol use.Patient denies illegal drug use. Patient denies STD history. Patient denies tobacco use.Family History: Unremarkable.Review of Systems: Eyes: (-) dry eyes (-) eye or vision problems (-) blurred vision ConstitutionalSymptoms: (-) constitutional symptoms such as fever, headache, nausea, dizziness Musculoskeletal:(-) joint or musculoskeletal symptomsEye Exam: Patient is a pleasant, 26 year old male in no apparent distress who looks his given age, is well developed and nourished with good attention to hygiene and body habitus. Visual Acuity: Visual acuity - uncorrected: OD: 20/10 OS: 20/10 OU: 20/15Refraction:Lenses - final:OD: +0.50 +1.50 X 125 Prism 1.75OS: +6.00 +3.50 X 125 Prism 4.00 BASE IN FresnelAdd: OD: +1.00 OS: +1.00OU: Far VA 20/25Pupils: Pupil exam reveals round and equally reactive to light and accommodation. Motility: Ocular motility exam reveals gross orthotropia with full ductions and versions bilateral. Visual Fields: Confrontation VF exam reveals full to finger confrontation OU.IOP: IOP Method: applanation tonometry OD: 10 mmHg Medications: Alphagan; 0.2% Condition: improving.Keratometry:OD: K1 35.875K2 35.875OS: K1 35.875K2 41.875Lids/Orbit: Bilateral eyes reveal normal position without infection. Bilateral eyelids reveals white and quiet.Slit Lamp: Corneal epithelium is intact with normal tear film and without stain. Stroma is clear and avascular. Corneal endothelium is smooth and of normal appearance.Anterior Segment: Bilateral anterior chambers reveal no cells orflare with deep chamber.Lens: Bilateral lenses reveals transparent lens that is in normal position. Posterior Segment: Posterior segment was dilated bilateral. Bilateral retinas reveal normal color, contour, and cupping.Retina: Bilateral retinas reveals flat with normal vasculature outto the far periphery. Bilateral retinas reveal normal reflex and color.Test Results: No tests to report at this timeImpression: Eye and vision exam normal.Plan: Return to clinic in 12 month(s).Patient Instructions:Patient was given verbal and written instructions regarding eye care following pupil dilation.__________________________________ Dr. An. Ophthalmologist, MDCharting Plus? - Electronic Sample Referral LetterMedical Records6/6/02Marcus Welby, M.D. th1231 8 Street, Suite 222West Des Moines, IA 50265Dear Dr. Welby:John Doe was seen in my office in consultation as requested by youas a new patient for evaluation and care. The following is a summary of my findings and recommendations:Impression: Eye and vision exam normal.Plan: Return to clinic in 12 month(s).If I may be of any further assistance in the care of your patient, please let me know. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to participate in the care of your patients.Sincerely,An. Ophthalmologist, MDCharting Plus? - Electronic Sample Prescription Medical RecordsDr. An. Ophthalmologist, MDDEA#:_________________________________________________________Name: John J Doe Date: 6/6/02OD: +0.50 +1.50 X 125 Prism 1.75OS: +6.00 +3.50 X 125 Prism 4.00 BASE IN FresnelAdd: OD: +1.00 OS: +1.00Dr._____________________________________________Charting Plus? - Electronic Sample Billing Statement Medical Records Billing Statement - Thursday, June 06, 2002Provider: An. Ophthalmologist, MDPatient: John J Doe, Chart 1124123 E. Freckle St.Jersey City, NJ 07040Diagnoses1. V72.0 Examination Of Eyes And VisionTreatments1. 99213 Office or other outpatient visit - est. patient - 15 min.Related Diagnoses: V72.0Modifiers:Units:Referring Physician: A. General Practitioner, MDDate Last Seen: 07/26/2001Charting Plus? - Electronic Medical Sample Patient Instructions RecordsPatient Instructions for John Doe on 6/6/02YOUR EYES HAVE BEEN DILATEDDilation drops temporarily increase the size of your pupils. This lets us accurately investigatethe health of your eyes and other important general health aspects. Dilation of your eyes is atemporary inconvenience; however, benefits far outweigh the inconvenience.The effects of eye dilation drops will gradually decrease. It typically takes TWO to SIX HOURS for the effects to wear off. During this time, reading may be more difficult andsensitivity to light may increase. For a short time, wearing sunglasses may help. Notify usif you feel your long distance vision is blurred excessively before attempting to drive. Your patience during this very important procedure is appreciated!CALL MY OFFICE IMMEDIATELY AT 515-327-8850 IF YOU EXPERIENCE EXCESSIVE PAIN, DISCOMFORT OR NAUSEAREMEMBER TO HAVE REGULAR MEDICAL EYE EXAMINATIONS.Eye disease can occur at any age. Since most blindness is preventable if diagnosed andtreated early, it is extremely important to have regular eye examinations. Keep in mind thatmany eye diseases are asymptomatic until after the damage to the eye has already occurred so early detection is the key. Use this as a reminder to plan for regular eye examinations to maintain sight throughout a lifetime._______________________________An. Ophthalmologist, MDCATARACTWhat is a cataract?* A cataract is the loss of transparency of the lens of the eye. It often appears like awindow that is fogged with steam.What causes cataract formation?* Aging, the most common cause.* Family history.* Steroid use.* Injury to the eye.* Diabetes.* Previous eye surgery.* Long-term exposure to sunlight.How do I know if I have a cataract?* The best way for early detection is regular eye examinations by your medical eye doctor.There are many causes of visual loss in addition to the cataract such as problems involvingthe optic nerve and retina. If these other problems exist, cataract removal may not result inthe return or improvement of vision. Your eye doctor can tell you how much improvement in vision is likely.Does it take a long time for a cataract to form?* Cataract development varies greatly between patients and is affected by the cause of the cataract. Generally, cataracts progress gradually over many years. Some people,especially diabetics and younger patients, may find that cataract formation progresses rapidly over a few months making it impossible to know exactly how long it will take for the cataract todevelop.What is the treatment for cataracts?* The only way to remove a cataract is surgery. If the symptoms are not restricting youractivity, a change of glasses may alleviate the symptoms at this time. No medications, exercise, optical devices or dietary supplements have been shown to stop the progression or prevent cataracts.It is important to provide protection from excessive sunlight. Making sure that the sunglassesyou wear screen out ultraviolet (UV) light rays or your regular eyeglasses are coated with aclear, anti-UV coating will help prevent or slow the progression of cataracts.How do I know if I need surgery?* Surgery is considered when your vision is interfering with your daily activities. It is important to evaluate if you can see to do your job and drive safely. Can you read and watchTV in comfort? Are you able to cook, do your shopping and yard work or take your medications without difficulty? Depending on how you feel your vision is affecting your dailylife, you and your eye doctor will decide together when it is the appropriate time to do surgery.What is involved with cataract surgery?* This surgery is generally performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis. With the assistance of a microscope, the cloudy lens is removed and replaced with a permanent intraocular lens implant.Right after the surgery you should be able to immediately performall your normal activities except for the most strenuous ones. You will need to take eye drops as directed by your eyedoctor. Follow-up visits are necessary to make sure the surgicalsite is healing withoutproblems.This procedure is performed on over 1.4 million people each year in the United States alone,95% without complications. With this highly successful procedure, 90% of the time visionimproves unless a problem also exists with the cornea, retina or optic nerve. As with any surgery, a good result cannot be guaranteed._______________________________ An. Ophthalmologist, MD。
眼科英译中整理angle-closure glaucoma闭角型青光眼anterior chamber angle前房角anterior chamber前房aqueous humor房水astigmatism散光cataract白内障chalcosis铜质沉着症cherry-red spot“樱桃红”点choroid脉络膜ciliary body睫状体ciliary congestion睫状充血conjunctiva结膜conjunctivitis结膜炎corneal macula角膜斑翳corneal nebula角膜云翳cornea角膜dry eye syndrome干眼症ectropion睑外翻edema水肿exotropia外斜视eye blood barrier血眼屏障eye pathway视路fovea中心凹foveola中心小凹fungal keratitis真菌性角膜炎glaucoma青光眼hyperopia远视hyphema前房积血intraocular pressureIOP眼压iris虹膜ischemic optic neuropathy缺血性视神经病变keratitis角膜炎laser in situ keratomileusisLASIK准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术lens晶状体limbus cornea角膜缘macular 黄斑myopia近视no light perception无光感ocular trauma眼外伤oculomotor nerve动眼神经optic disc视盘optic neuritis视神经炎proliferative diabetic retinopathy PDR增生性糖尿病性视网膜病变pterygium翼状胬肉pupil瞳孔RAOretinal artery occlusion视网膜动脉阻塞retinal detachment视网膜脱离retinal 视网膜retinoblastomaRB视网膜母细胞瘤sclera巩膜secondary glaucoma继发性青光眼slit-lamp biomicroscopy裂隙灯生物显微镜strabismic斜视tear film泪膜trachoma沙眼uvea葡萄膜visual acuity视敏度visual field视野vitreous body玻璃体。
编号中文英文使用频度1 视网膜retinal 72002 角膜corneal 71533 细胞cells 67074 白内障cataract 62385 鼻咽nasopharyngeal 59496 青光眼glaucoma 50937 视力visual 49408 手术surgery 48279 激光laser 447310 鼻咽癌nasopharyngeal 420111 只眼eyes 395712 并发症complications 311113 喉癌laryngeal 287614 脱离detachment 272015 儿童children 262216 近视myopia 257517 黄斑macular 246318 植入术implantation 241419 视网膜脱离retinal 238320 晶状体lens 220821 乳化phacoemulsification 216522 转移metastasis 213323 超声乳化phacoemulsification 209424 糖尿病diabetic 201225 培养cells 199826 放疗radiotherapy 199127 人工晶状体implantation 194928 晶体lens 192429 视神经optic 190030 眼压iop 188831 上皮细胞cells 179132 鼻炎rhinitis 173133 内皮endothelial 162234 玻璃体vitreous 159735 前房anterior 158136 植入implantation 155237 鼻腔nasal 155138 移植transplantation 151739 切口incision 147240 听力hearing 146841 外伤traumatic 145842 型青光眼glaucoma 144543 高度high 140044 视网膜病变retinopathy 138345 角型青光眼glaucoma 137946 复发recurrence 134447 人工晶体lens 130748 豚鼠guinea 128349 外伤性traumatic 126150 羊膜amniotic 125551 翼状胬肉pterygium 123352 耳蜗cochlear 123253 先天性congenital 123054 变应性allergic 121555 人工intraocular 118956 睡眠sleep 118457 变应性鼻炎rhinitis 118158 鼻息肉nasal 115759 病人patients 115260 上皮epithelial 112061 眼底fundus 107862 脉络膜choroidal 107363 小梁切除术trabeculectomy 106764 矫正visual 106165 水肿edema 105466 性白内障cataract 104967 散光astigmatism 104568 预后prognosis 103369 高度近视myopia 102770 淋巴结转移metastasis 101371 巩膜scleral 100772 声带vocal 100373 中耳炎otitis 100374 提高improved97875 新生neovascularization 97876 准分子激光laser 97777 鼻窦炎sinusitis 97578 激光治疗laser 94679 白内障超声乳化phacoemulsification 90880 角膜缘limbal 90781 术前operation 89982 呼吸暂停apnea 89483 例患者patients 89184 鼻窦sinus 88685 内皮细胞endothelial 88386 结膜conjunctival 87487 性青光眼glaucoma 87388 弱视amblyopia 86689 角膜内皮corneal 86590 内镜endoscopic 86491 中央central 86292 眼眶orbital 85693 阻塞obstructive 85394 近视眼myopia 84895 化疗chemotherapy 84796 矫正视力acuity 81897 糖尿病视网膜病变retinopathy 81798 内窥镜endoscopic 81799 眼内intraocular 815100 癌患者carcinoma 802101 视野visual 801102 染色staining 797103 阻塞性obstructive 789104 性睡眠sleep 789105 性视网膜retinal 781106 后囊posterior 772107 开角glaucoma 768108 突变mutation 764109 视网膜色素retinal 753110 上颌maxillary 752放射治疗 radiotherapy 742 yag 激光 laser 734 开角型 glaucoma 734 鳞状 squamous 732 中耳 ear 731 虹膜iris 724 闭角型青光眼 glaucoma 720 光凝 photocoagulation 702 晶体植入术 lens 699 鼻内镜 endoscopic 697 术后视力 visual 694 鳞癌 carcinoma 683 癌组织 carcinoma 681 变性 degeneration 674 胆脂瘤 cholesteatoma 673 后房 posterior 660 白内障患者 cataract 651 老年性白内障 cataract 650 老年性 senile 647 角型 angle 645 淋巴瘤 lymphoma 644 上颌窦 maxillary 642 鳞状细胞 squamous642 组化 immunohistochemical 639 角膜炎 keratitis 633 硅油 silicone 629 治愈 cured 617 屈光 refractive 607 血管内皮 endothelial 604 放疗后 radiotherapy 601 血管造影 angiography 599 喉鳞 laryngeal 596 神经 nerve 594 房型 chamber591 新生血管 neovascularization 583 烧伤 burn 582 白内障手术cataract573111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147角膜上皮 corneal 567 慢性鼻窦炎 sinusitis 562 小切口 incision 562 耳聋 deafness 552 继发 secondary 552 细胞癌 carcinoma 550 滤过 filtering 550 粘膜 mucosa 549 分子excimer 547 外伤性白内障 cataract 546 rpe 细胞 rpe 543 准分子 excimer 541 鼻中隔 nasal 541 植入术后 implantation 540 房水 aqueous 538 突发性 sudden 535 屈光度 eyes 534 葡萄膜炎 uveitis533 眼内炎 endophthalmitis 532 麻醉 anesthesia 531 眼中 eyes 531 视力> acuity 529 视觉 visual 528 黏膜 mucosa 526 患者中 patients 524 术中 operation 524 视功能 visual 522 真菌 fungal 521 糖尿病性 diabetic 516 鳞状细胞癌 carcinoma 514 重建 reconstruction 513 囊膜posterior 513 视网膜母细胞瘤 retinoblastoma 510 鼻内窥镜 endoscopic 499 眼球 eyes 496 扫描ct487 移植治疗transplantation482148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 178 179 180 181 182 183 184185 神经节细胞ganglion 480 186 斜视strabismus 478 187 丝裂霉素mitomycin 476 188 角膜移植术keratoplasty 474 189 病变patients 474 190 穿透性penetrating 468 191 角膜溃疡ulcer 467 192 喉鳞状laryngeal 467 193 合并patients 466 194 复发性recurrent 465 195 角膜磨镶keratomileusis 462 196 裂孔hole 461 197 分泌性otitis 461 198 黑色素瘤melanoma 460 199 0例patients 456 200 常规patients 456 201 角膜移植keratoplasty 456 202 小梁trabecular 454 203 后囊膜posterior 452 204 真菌性fungal 449 205 眼部ocular 448 206 前庭vestibular 446 207 手术中surgery 442 208 玻璃体切除术vitrectomy 438 209 眼前anterior 438 210 显微镜microscope 436 211 白内障囊外cataract 435 212 鼻甲turbinate 433 213 双眼binocular 431 214 改善improved 431 215 泪道lacrimal 431 216 术后角膜corneal 429 217 端粒telomerase 428 218 愈合healing 426 219 周边peripheral 424 220 下咽hypopharyngeal 424 221 地塞米松dexamethasone 423地形图 topography 421 转染 cells 421 兔眼 rabbit 420 乳头状瘤 papilloma 417 呼吸暂停综合征 apnea 416 外周 peripheral 414 1眼 eye 414 角膜磨镶术 laser 413 瞳孔 pupil 412 人工耳蜗cochlear 411 原发性开角型青光眼 glaucoma 411 眼占 eyes 407 术后并发症 complications 406 敏感度 sensitivity 401 干细胞 cells 401 成纤维细胞 fibroblast 400 断层 tomography 400 眼轴 axial 394 裸眼 eyes 394 端粒酶 telomerase 392 玻璃体切除 vitrectomy 389 角膜缘干细胞 limbal 388 大鼠视网膜 retina 388 角膜地形图 topography 387 手术后 surgery 387 滴眼 eye 387 丝裂霉素 c mitomycin 386 确诊 patients 384 板层 lamellar 381 移植术 transplantation 378 相干 coherence 378 眼表 ocular 376 颈部 neck 373 囊外 extracapsular 371 自体 transplantation 368 视网膜下subretinal367 患儿children366222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 236 237 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258荧光素 fluorescein 362 术后随访 follow-up 361 白内障摘除 cataract361 超声乳化术 phacoemulsification 361 下鼻甲 inferior 360 穿孔 perforation 359 潜伏期 latency 359 玻璃体切割术 vitrectomy 358 睫状体 ciliary 358 分泌 secretory 354 破裂 rupture 350 相干断层 coherence 349 羟基磷灰石 hydroxyapatite 346 视神经病变 neuropathy 344 缝线 suture 342 听觉 auditory 337 阳性细胞 cells 337 耳鸣 tinnitus 336 生存 patients 335 诱发 evoked 334 听力损失 hearing 334 皮瓣 flap 332 角膜散光 astigmatism 332 息肉 polyp 332 白兔 rabbits 332 性黄斑 macular 329 玻璃体切割 vitrectomy 327 视盘optic 325 治疗翼状胬肉 pterygium 321 后角膜 corneal 319 远处 distant 318 糖尿病患者 patients 318 耳声otoacoustic 317 呼吸暂停低通气 apnea 317 声门 glottic 314 生性 proliferative 313 透明clear313259 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295中心 central 313 增生性 proliferative 313 性角膜炎 keratitis 312 眼睑 eyelid 312 萎缩 atrophy 311 ct 扫描 ct 308 内皮生长因子 vegf 308 血管内皮生长因子 vegf 308 回归 regression 308 术后 1 postoperatively 307 小儿 children 304 睫状ciliary298 超声乳化白内障 phacoemulsification 298 多焦 multifocal 297 ct 表现 ct296 远处转移 metastasis 296 荧光 fluorescein 295 低通气 hypopnea 294 颅底 skull 289 白内障术后 cataract 289 手术并发症 complications 288 兔角膜 corneal 288 家兔 rabbits 286 化脓性 otitis 286 玻璃体手术 vitrectomy 285 切除 surgery 285 脑干 brainstem 284 直肌 rectus 284 良性 benign 282 继发性 secondary 282 手术方法 surgical 282 中心性 central 281 高度近视眼 myopia 279 声门上 supraglottic 279 视网膜电图 electroretinogram 278 缺氧hypoxia277 化脓suppurative277296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 305 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 316 317 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332义眼 hydroxyapatite 276 挫伤contusion 275 性视网膜病变 retinopathy 275 色素 pigment 274 单侧 unilateral 274 好转 improved 274 排斥反应 rejection 274 月时 months 273糖尿病大鼠 diabetic 271 鼓膜 tympanic 271切削术 keratectomy 270 听阈 hearing 270 特发 idiopathic 269 神经性 sensorineural 269 浆液性 serous 269 只眼) eyes 268 嗓音 voice268 鼻咽部 nasopharyngeal 268 氩激光 argon 268 前部 anterior 267 激光光 laser 267 新生血管性 neovascular 267 角膜切削术 keratectomy 266 老年性黄斑 macular 266 像差 aberrations 265 Ct 检查 ct 265 激光光凝 laser 264 眼外伤 trauma 264 鼻炎患者 rhinitis 264 感音 sensorineural 264 特发性 idiopathic 264 外耳道 external 263 性眼内炎 endophthalmitis 263 视觉诱发电位 visual 263 鼻粘膜 nasal 263 斜肌 oblique 262 眼)eyes262333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369370 孔源性rhegmatogenous262371 孔源rhegmatogenous 262372 保存preserved 260373 内窥镜手术endoscopic 259374 老年patients 258375 气道airway 258376 泪囊炎dacryocystitis 256377 鼻腔鼻窦nasal 254378 鼻黏膜nasal 254379 敏感性sensitivity 253380 发病patients 253381 言语speech 252382 纯音tone 251383 难治refractory 251384 软骨cartilage 251385 复位reattachment 250386 增殖性proliferative 250387 难治性青光眼glaucoma 249388 型人工intraocular 249389 难治性refractory 248390 神经纤维nerve 247391 音神经性sensorineural 246392 断层扫描tomography 245393 近视患者myopia 244394 鼻出血epistaxis 243395 感音神经性sensorineural 242396 吲哚indocyanine 241397 癌旁carcinoma 241398 眼病ophthalmopathy 241399 房角angle 240400 内翻inverted 239401 眼内异物intraocular 239402 小梁切除trabeculectomy 238403 高频high 237404 严重并发症complications 237405 眼底血管造影angiography 237406 房型人工intraocular 236性弱视 amblyopia 236 屈光参差 anisometropia 235 内镜下endoscopic 235 穿透性角膜移植术 keratoplasty 235 豚鼠耳蜗 cochlea 235 误诊 misdiagnosis 234 角膜碱 alkali 234 性鼻炎 rhinitis 233 眩晕 vertigo 232 听性auditory 232 玻璃体视网膜 vitreoretinal 230 细胞和 cells 229 圆锥角膜 keratoconus 229 细胞移植 transplantation 227 损伤后 injury 226 缺失 deletion 226 神经元 neurons 225 外斜视 exotropia 223 状态patients 223 后房型人工晶状体 implantation 222 内翻性inverted 222 原发性闭角型青光眼 glaucoma 222 上睑下垂 ptosis 221 视网膜色素变性 pigmentosa 219 mtt 法 mtt 219 遗传 genetic 218 遗传性 hereditary 217 表面麻醉 anesthesia 217 细胞淋巴瘤 lymphoma 216 眼外 extraocular 214 混浊 opacification 214 黄斑区 macular 213 曲安奈德 triamcinolone 213 成纤维细胞生长 fibroblast 213 血管内皮细胞 endothelial 212 谷氨酸 glutamate 212 泪膜tear211407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443调节 accommodation 211 角膜瓣 flap 210 蝶窦 sphenoid 210 玻璃 vitreous 210 合并白内障 cataract 208 鼓室成形术 tympanoplasty 208 折叠式 foldable 207 白内障摘出 cataract 207 术式 operation 206 缺血再灌注 injury 206 眼角膜 corneal 206 喉切除术 laryngectomy 205 角膜移植术后 keratoplasty 205 性翼状胬肉 pterygium 204 复杂性 complicated 204 青绿 green 203 常年 perennial 203 发射 emissions 203 ct 诊断 ct203 再造 reconstruction 202 泪液 tear 202 内斜视 esotropia 202 剥夺 deprivation 201 伤后 injury 201 助听器 hearing 201 减压术 decompression 200 腺样 adenoid 200 操作 operation 199 结膜炎 conjunctivitis 199 发青光眼 glaucoma 199 细胞内 cells 199 青光眼滤过 filtering 198 免疫排斥 rejection 198 鼻内镜下 endoscopic 198 残留 residual 197 端粒酶活性telomerase197 后视网膜retinal196444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480481 外毛hair 196482 复视diplopia 195483 碱性成纤维细胞fibroblast 195484 常年性perennial 194485 超声乳化吸岀phacoemulsification 194486 奈德acetonide 193487 麻痹paralysis 193488 安奈德acetonide 193489 过敏性allergic 193490 螺旋ct ct 192491 取出removal 192492 原发性青光眼glaucoma 192493 常年性变应性鼻炎rhinitis 192494 荧光素眼底fluorescein 191 495 庆大霉素gentamicin 190496 患病率prevalence 190497 白内障超声乳化术phacoemulsification 189498 t细胞淋巴瘤lymphoma 188499 泪腺lacrimal 188500 顺铂cisplatin 188501 视网膜光凝photocoagulation 188502 分割radiotherapy 188503 光凝治疗photocoagulation 187504 性近视myopia 187505 监测patients 187506 屈光不正ametropia 185507 半导体激光laser 185508 晶状体后posterior 184509 术后眼压iop 184510 4个月months 183511 常年性变应性allergic 183512 细胞生长cells 183513 视网膜组织retina 183514 复发性翼状胬肉pterygium 183515 声门上型supraglottic 183516 诱发电位evoked 183517 声学acoustic 182住院 patients 181 偏曲 deviation 181 并发症发生 complications 181 性脑干 brainstem 181 胬肉 pterygium 181 眼底荧光fluorescein 180 脉络膜视网膜病变 chorioretinopathy 180 羟基磷灰石义眼 hydroxyapatite 180 中耳胆脂瘤 cholesteatoma 179 数量 cells 179 单纯放疗 radiotherapy 179 眼座 orbital 178 血管瘤 hemangioma 178 烧伤后 burn 177 单眼monocular 177 听性脑干反应 abr 176 眼外肌 extraocular 176 干细胞移植 transplantation 176 放疗前 radiotherapy 175 瘢痕 scar 175 行白内障 cataract 175 远视 hyperopia 174 皮质 cortex 174 神经节 ganglion 172 单克隆 monoclonal 171 非超声乳化 incision 171 黄斑部 macular 171 对侧 contralateral 171 耳廓 auricle 171 细胞数 cells 170 内窥镜下 endoscope 169 视网膜中央动脉 retinal 168 角膜基质 corneal 168 上睑 levator 168 角膜中央 corneal 168 过敏性鼻炎rhinitis167 vegf 表达vegf167518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554玻璃体腔 vitreous 167 显微镜下 microscope 166 梅尼埃 meniere 166 转移率 metastasis 165 单克隆抗体 monoclonal 164 结膜下 subconjunctival 164 声门型 glottic 164 回退regression 164 恶性黑色素瘤 melanoma 164 喉镜 laryngoscope 163 癌病patients 162 免疫排斥反应 rejection 162 白内障晶状体 cataract 162 动力 photodynamic 160 回归分析 regression 160 放射性 radiation 160 角膜病变 keratopathy 160 前房积血 hyphema 159 射频 radiofrequency 159 角膜屈光 refractive 158 致盲 blindness 158 悬吊 suspension 158 葡萄膜 uveal 158 脱离手术 detachment 158 牛磺酸 taurine 158 义眼座 hydroxyapatite 157 新西兰白兔 rabbits 157 中 vegf vegf157 血管形成 neovascularization 156 二期secondary 156 移植排斥反应 rejection 156 随访时间 follow-up 156 再灌注损伤 injury155 新生血管形成 neovascularization 154 全身 systemic 154 常染色体 autosomal 154 复杂complicated154555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591屈光状态 refractive 153 颞侧 temporal 153 术后 3 postoperative 153 发性白内障 cataract 152 发音 voice 152 人 rpe rpe 152 植入手术 implantation 152 无复发 recurrence 152 眶内 orbital 152 间歇性 intermittent 152 喉部 laryngeal 151 耳蜗毛 hair 151 球后 retrobulbar 150 较高 high 150 共焦 confocal 150 植入后 implantation 150 青少年 juvenile 149 tgf 3 tgf 149 乳突 mastoid 149 筛窦ethmoid 149 白内障摘除术 cataract 147 放射状 radial 147 后发性白内障cataract 147 增殖性玻璃体视网膜病变 proliferative 147 康复 rehabilitation 146 微循环 microcirculation 146 结膜瓣 flap 146 测听 audiometry 146 撕囊 capsulorhexis 145 散光度 astigmatism 145 只兔 rabbits 145 方案chemotherapy 145 角膜新生血管 neovascularization 144 眼科 ophthalmology 144 局部复发 recurrence 143 形觉剥夺deprivation143 抗青光眼glaucoma143592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628人喉 laryngeal 143 缝合 suture 143 中后 posterior 142 移行 migration 142 型糖尿病 diabetic 142 光动力 photodynamic 142固定 fixation 141 胆脂瘤型 cholesteatoma 141 凋亡细胞 cells 141伤口 wound 140 神经营养 neurotrophic 140 后囊破裂 rupture 140 声门上型喉癌 supraglottic 140 镜观察 microscope 140 冠状coronal139 超声乳化手术 phacoemulsification 139 营养不良 dystrophy 139 杀伤 cells 139 通气 patients 137 肿瘤细胞 cells 137 立体视 stereopsis 137 前房出血 hyphema 137 喉部分切除术 laryngectomy 137 内淋巴 endolymphatic 137 前段 anterior 136 恶性淋巴瘤 lymphoma 136 窦炎 sinusitis 136 并发 complicated 136 经鼻 nasal 136 鼻漏 rhinorrhea 136 眼视网膜 retinal 135 例病人 patients 135 血管纹 stria 134 皮层 cortex 134 性角膜 corneal 134 异体 transplantation 133 睑球粘连symblepharon133629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665666 咽炎pharyngitis133667 就诊patients 132668 重建术reconstruction 132669 外科surgical 131670 咽旁间隙parapharyngeal 131671 缺血再灌注损伤injury 131672 切除术patients 131673 老年黄斑macular 130674 鼻侧nasal 130675 坏死necrosis 130676 患者外周peripheral 130677 神经炎neuritis 129678 聋患者deafness 129679 并发白内障cataract 129680 颞骨temporal 129681 月内months 129682 光敏感度sensitivity 129683 哮喘asthma 129684 病患者patients 128685 细胞培养cells 128686 晶状体超声乳化phacoemulsification 128687 听骨ossicular 128688 填塞packing 127689 采用免疫组织化学immunohistochemical 127690 性鼻窦炎sinusitis 127691 眼压控制iop 127692 肿瘤坏死因子necrosis 126693 神经营养因子neurotrophic 126694 肥大hypertrophy 126695 .00 00 125696 扁桃体炎tonsillitis 125697 低眼压hypotony 125698 囊样cystoid 125699 病因etiology 125700 分泌物secretion 125701 渗出性exudative 124702 透明质hyaluronate 124透明质酸 hyaluronate 124 眼压计 tonometer 124 悬吊术 suspension 124 扁桃体 tonsil 123 主要并发症 complications 123 近视组 myopia 123 病情 patients 123 岁儿童 children123 腭咽成形术 uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 122 mri 检查 mri 122 细胞表达 cells 122 毛细血管 capillary 121 放射 radiation 121 吻合anastomosis 121 折叠式人工晶状体 foldable 121 视网膜复位 reattachment 121 麻醉下 anesthesia 121 喉乳头状瘤papilloma120 超声乳化白内障吸除 phacoemulsification 120 放疗组radiotherapy 120 青光眼小梁切除术 trabeculectomy 120 晶状体前 lens 120 渗岀 exudative 120 波前 wavefront 120 点突变 mutation 120 视网膜前膜 epiretinal 119 3例 13 119 痿管 fistula 118 共同性 concomitant 118 放射治疗后 radiotherapy 118 透明质酸钠 hyaluronate 118 相关基因 genes 118 胆脂瘤上皮 cholesteatoma 117 采用免疫组化 immunohistochemical 117 断层成像 tomography 117 吻合术 anastomosis 117 节细胞ganglion117703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739大泡性 bullous 117 低度 low116 自身免疫性 autoimmune 116 头痛 headache 116 手术方式 surgical 116 波前像差 wavefront 116 鼻 nk nk 116 瓣修复 flap 116 球结膜 conjunctiva 116 寡核苷酸 cells 115 近视散光 astigmatism 115 放射敏感性 radiosensitivity 115 生物显微镜 biomicroscopy 115 腺样体 adenoid 115 屈光手术 surgery 115 肥厚hypertrophic 115 病毒性角膜炎 keratitis 115 明显提高 improved 115 腺病毒 adenovirus 115 颅内 intracranial 114 诱导化疗 chemotherapy 114 转移组 metastasis 114 鼓室 tympanic 114 前囊 capsule 114 降眼压 iop 113 co2 激光 laser 113 不变 unchanged 112 听力正常 hearing112 超声乳化术后 phacoemulsification 112 立体 stereopsis 112 视乳头 optic 112 囊袋 capsular 111 全喉切除术 laryngectomy 111 鼻内窥镜下 endoscopic 111 明显改善 improved 111 视网膜变性retinal111 结膜下注射subconjunctival111740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776777 mri表现mri 111 778 提上睑levator 111779 正确correct 110 780 额肌frontalis 110 781 晶状体脱位lens 110 782 中心凹fovea 110 783 预后因素prognostic 110 784 良性病变benign 110 785 性细胞cells 110 786 眼震nystagmus 110 787 胆脂瘤型中耳炎cholesteatoma 109 788 正常儿童children 109 789 玻璃体内intravitreal 109 790 提上睑肌levator 109 791 神经生长因子nerve 109 792 细胞形态cells 109 793 上颌窦炎sinusitis 109 794 泪囊lacrimal 109 795 兔晶状体lens 108 796 影像ct 108 797 癌发生carcinoma 108 798 气管trachea 108 799 术后复发recurrence 108 800 义眼台hydroxyapatite 108 801 悬雍垂腭咽成形术uvulopalatopharyngoplasty 108 802 适应证indications 108 803 剥夺性deprivation 107 804 激光手术laser 107 805 多焦视网膜电图electroretinogram 107 806 焦视网膜电图electroretinogram 107 807 并发性白内障cataract 107 808 波潜伏期latency 106 809 镜下microscope 106 810 羟基磷灰石义眼座hydroxyapatite 106 811 肥厚性hypertrophic 105 812 鼻部nasal 105 813 颈动脉carotid 105梅尼埃病 meniere ' s 104 葡萄膜黑色素瘤 melanoma 104 视神经炎 neuritis 103 牛眼 bovine 103 穿透 penetrating 103 眩光 glare 103 验光optometry 102 不同程度提高 improved 102 程度提高 improved 102 oct 检查 oct102 喉切除 laryngectomy 102 屈光回退 regression 102 并发症有complications 102 超声乳化白内障吸除术 phacoemulsification 101 术后矫正 corrected 101 潜伏 latent 101 缓解patients101 白内障超声乳化吸除 phacoemulsification 101 良性肿瘤 benign 101 闪光 flash 101 阿托品 atropine 101 造影angiography101 泪囊鼻腔吻合术 dacryocystorhinostomy 100 固定术 fixation 100 角膜组织 cornea 100 筋膜 fascia 100 患者术后 postoperative 100 渗出型 exudative 100 乳突根治 mastoidectomy 99 眼动脉 ophthalmic 99 近视性 myopic 99 鼻内窥镜手术 nasal 99 例儿童 children 98 传代 cells98 等并发症 complications 98 梨状pyriform98 支撑喉镜laryngoscope98814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850霍奇金淋巴瘤 lymphoma 98 听骨链 ossicular 98 组织病理学 histopathological 97 喉返laryngeal97 免疫组织化学染色 immunohistochemical 97 鼾症 snoring 97 硅胶 silicone 97 潜时 latency 96 学龄前儿童 children 96 眼挫伤 contusion 96 囊外摘除术 extracapsular 96 辐射 radiation 96 鼻道 meatus 96 清扫 dissection 96 喉全 laryngectomy 95 半乳糖 galactose 95 温热疗法 thermotherapy 94 插管intubation 94 非霍奇金淋巴瘤 lymphoma 94 玻璃体切割手术 vitrectomy 94 玻璃体腔内 intravitreal 93 abr 阈值 abr93 全视网膜光凝 photocoagulation 93 溃疡 ulcer 93 儿童弱视 amblyopia 93 多导睡眠 polysomnography 93 后徙 recession 93 白内障形成 cataract 93 ffa 检查 ffa 93 角膜缘上皮 limbal 92 鼓膜穿孔 perforation 92 半导体 diode 92 鼻骨 nasal 92 并发性 complicated 92 术后第 postoperative 92 超高度近视 myopia 92 悬雍垂uvula91851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 860 861 862 863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887食管 esophageal 91 耳毒性 ototoxicity 91 应用丝裂霉素 mitomycin 91 听力下降 hearing 91 随诊 follow-up 91 软腭 palate 91 细胞计数 cells 91 弱视儿童 amblyopia90 应用免疫组化 immunohistochemical 90 微血管内皮 endothelial 90 裂孔性hole89 应用免疫组织化学 immunohistochemical 89 手术前 surgery 89 萎缩性 atrophic 89 切缘margin89888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902。