Microsoft Lync 2013 企业整合通讯平台用户手册说明书
產品手冊發佈日期:2012年11月©2012 Microsoft Corporation Page 2引言Microsoft® Lync® 2013 是一款專為企業打造的整合通訊平臺,能夠在 Windows 8 或其它手機及平板設備上連接各地使用者,並將其轉化為日常生產力體驗的一部分。
Lync 為狀態顯示、即時訊息、語音、視訊和會議提供了一致的用戶端體驗。
Lync 2013支援多人高解析視訊會議以及行動化且“觸手可及”的主要功能,以便實現快速自然的溝通和無需通過 VPN 進行加密,這樣,就能夠隨時隨地完成工作。
Lync 2013 用戶能夠聯繫 Skype 中的任何人,且Lync 2013 支援豐富的溝通方式,能夠與全世界的數百億用戶進行溝通。
Lync 2013中的新功能通過全面創新,這是我們有史以來最前瞻也是最精良的 Lync 產品。
Lync 總是能夠幫用戶隨時隨地進行溝通,而如今,我們能通過一些新增和改進的功能幫助 Lync 變得更好:❶隨時隨地保持聯繫:只要有網路連接,Lync 就能使用戶隨時隨地並且安全地實現溝通,並能夠自動適應當地網路環境。
❷使用慣用設備:Lync 通過在 Windows PC、Windows Phone、iOS 以及Android 智慧手機中提供一致的且熟悉的用戶體驗,使溝通變得更容易。
與 Windows 8風格統一的新版 Lync 應用程式能夠提供一種無縫的觸控體驗。
❸以正確的方式進行溝通:Lync 將語音和視訊通話、Lync 會議、連線提醒和即時訊息合併到一個易於使用的用戶端中,讓切換和選擇不同的溝通方式更便捷。
❹與外界進行連接:Lync 結合身份驗證使用 Lync 或 Skype 來將統一溝通內容通過Internet 擴展到客戶、供應商及合作夥伴。
❺使用標準化的高解析視訊:Lync 憑藉包含 H.264 SVC 的開放標準,在多種設備上為使用者提供高品質的視訊體驗。
目录1在SharePoint 2013中显示“以其他用户身份登录” (2)2SharePoint 2013用户配置文件服务 (4)3SharePoint 2013配置启用搜索服务 (8)4Office web app server2013详细的安装和部署 (19)前提条件 (19)Office Web App Server 2013安装 (20)Office Web App Server 2013配置 (22)Sharepoint 2013与Office Web App Server 2013集成 (29)Office Web App Server 2013效果测试 (31)纠正在将Office Web Apps 与SharePoint 2013 结合使用时出现的错误 (32)5Office Web App2013 在线查看PDF文件 (32)6什么是SkyDrive Pro? (39)7关于SharePoint 附带的工作流 (44)什么是 SharePoint 工作流? (44)我可以使用SharePoint 工作流自动执行哪些流程? (46)哪些人可以添加和启动SharePoint 工作流? (48)如何添加和运行SharePoint 工作流? (49)我是否可以创建自己的自定义SharePoint 工作流? (51)8未解决问题 (52)8.1启动User Profile Synchronization service失败 (52)9搜索服务无法使用 (52)1在SharePoint 2013中显示“以其他用户身份登录”在我新建了SharePoint 2013的网站后,发现界面与2010有一些不同,比如缺少了“以其他用户身份登录”,这给我的测试带来很大不便。
在找了一些国外网站后,终于找到了解决方法第一步:找到welcome.ascx文件,在“C:\Program Files\Common Files\microsoft shared\Web Server Extensions\15\TEMPLATE\CONTROLTEMPLATES”第二步:添加以下代码到welcome.ascx文件中<SharePoint:MenuItemTemplate runat="server" ID="ID_LoginAsDifferentUser"Text="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuser%>"Description="<%$Resources:wss,personalactions_loginasdifferentuserdescription%>" MenuGroupId="100"Sequence="100" UseShortId="true" />如下图所示:第三步:刷新您的SharePoint网站,您会发现“以其他用户身份登录”出现了。
SharePoint 2013介绍
• 管理(Manage):要能夠提供企业与云端环境的整合能力,
Office Web App Collaboration Service
Visual Studio
应用程式模 块
內容 事件
SharePoint OM
Azure Access Control
WF3 Host
SharePoint Designer
REST Calls
Windows Azure Workflow 1.0
是一种达成企业目标 一起工作的新方式
• 提供搜索內容的预览与预览內容联结 • 提供各种分类搜索结果
• • • • • 依据存放內容时间的长短 依据档案类型 依据不同作者 依据社群性质 依照自定的分类类型
• 结合共同工作环境 • 提供自定义的搜索规则
SharePoint 2010 Workflow 平台 Azure Workflow Service Application Proxy
SharePoint 2013 Workflow 平台
SharePoint 2013 与2010 工作流比较
ez PC电脑爱惜系统用户手册若是本手册和软件有所不符,请以软件为准。
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Microsoft MS Project 2013 教程:项目管理软件的功能和应用说明书
About the T utorialMS Project, the project management software program by Microsoft, is a very handy tool for project managers that helps them develop a schedule, assign resources to tasks, track the progress, manage the budget, and analyze workloads for an ongoing project. This tutorial discusses the various features of the software program with examples for easy understanding.AudienceThis tutorial has been designed keeping in mind the needs of beginner level MS Project user. Project managers and Project planners from varied backgrounds who have not used MS Project, especially the 2013 edition before can use this tutorial for scheduling, planning, and reporting their projects of any size. This tutorial is designed with Project Standard features, hence there is no need of Project Professional.PrerequisitesA basic understanding of Computers and Windows Operating System is all it takes to get started. Hardware: A reasonable home desktop configuration. Software: MS Project 2013 on Windows OS. (At the time of writing this tutorial, Project 2013 is not available for Mac) Disclaimer & CopyrightCopyright 2018 by Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd.All the content and graphics published in this e-book are the property of Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. The user of this e-book is prohibited to reuse, retain, copy, distribute or republish any contents or a part of contents of this e-book in any manner without written consent of the publisher.We strive to update the contents of our website and tutorials as timely and as precisely as possible, however, the contents may contain inaccuracies or errors. Tutorials Point (I) Pvt. Ltd. provides no guarantee regarding the accuracy, timeliness or completeness of our website or its contents including this tutorial. If you discover any errors on our website or inthistutorial,******************************************.T able of ContentsAbout the Tutorial (i)Audience (i)Prerequisites (i)Disclaimer & Copyright (i)Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................................... i i1.MS PROJECT 2013 – SETTINGS (1)2.MS PROJECT 2013 – INTRODUCTION (8)Project Management (8)3.MS PROJECT 2013 – GETTING STARTED (10)MS Project UI (10)4.MS PROJECT 2013 – CREATE A NEW PLAN (12)Launch MS Project (12)Create Blank Project (12)Project Information (13)Change File Properties (18)Build Task List (19)Enter Task (20)Enter Duration (20)Change Default Time Dimensions (21)Enter Task Duration (22)Elapsed Duration (22)Create Milestones (24)Create Summary Task (25)Link Tasks (27)Respect Links (29)Switching Task – Manual to Automatic (31)Converting Task to Automatic Schedule (31)5.MS PROJECT 2013 – SET UP RESOURCES (34)Resource Types (34)Enter Work Resource Names (34)Resource Max Capacity (35)Enter Resource Cost (37)Add Notes to Resources (38)Set Up Cost Resources (39)6.MS PROJECT 2013 – ASSIGN RESOURCES TO TASK (41)Assign Material Resource to Task (41)Assign Cost Resource to Tasks (44)7.PLAN DURATION, COST, & TIME (46)Check Plan’s Duration (46)Check Plan’s Cost (46)Check Plan’s Work (47)8.MS PROJECT 2013 – TRACK PROGRESS (49)Save a Baseline (49)Create a Baseline (49)View Baseline on Gantt Chart (50)Update a Baseline (51)Track Plan by Specific Date (53)Track Plan as % Complete (54)Track Plan by Actual Values (55)9.ADVANCED SCHEDULING (57)Adjust Task Link Relationship (57)Enter Fixed Cost (61)Enter a Recurring Task (61)View Critical Path (62)Check Resource Allocations (63)Resolve Resource Over Allocation (65)Level Overallocated Resources (69)Check Plan’s Cost (72)10.PROJECT STATUS REPORTING (75)Task Slippage (75)Task Costs (76)Resource Cost (77)Project Report (78)MS Project 20131Each one of you might be using a different setting for MS Project 2013. To ensure the results are not different from what is shown in this tutorials, ensure the settings as follows. Remember all these are the default settings you will have when you first install MS Project 2013 on your computer.Step 1: File -> Options -> General tab -> Project view -> Default view.Select “Gantt with Timeline” from the dropdown box.1.Step 2: File -> Options -> Display tab -> Show Indicators and Options Buttons For. Check all options.2Step 3: File -> Options -> Schedule tab -> Schedule -> Show Assignment Units. Choose “percentage” from the dropdown box.Step 4: File -> Options -> Schedule tab -> Calculation -> Calculate Project after Each Edit.Check the On button.3Step 5: File -> Options -> Save tab -> Save projects -> Save Files In this format. Select Project (*.mpp).4Step 6: File -> Options -> Advanced tab -> Edit. Check all options.Step 7: File -> Options -> Advanced tab -> Display -> Show Status Bar -> Show Scroll Bar.Both options, Status Bar and Scroll Bar should be checked.5Step 8: Resources -> Level -> Leveling Options -> Leveling Calculations.Set to manual.6Step 9: Resources -> Level -> Leveling Options -> Leveling calculations -> Look for Overallocations.Select “Day By Day” from dropdown box.7MS Project 20138Microsoft Project is a project management software program developed and sold by Microsoft, designed to assist a project manager in developing a schedule, assigning resources to tasks, tracking progress, managing the budget, and analyzing workloads. Project creates budgets based on assignment work and resource rates. As resources are assigned to tasks and assignment work estimated, the program calculates the cost, equal to the work times the rate, which rolls up to the task level and then to any summary task, and finally to the project level.Each resource can have its own calendar, which defines what days and shifts a resource is available. Microsoft Project is not suitable for solving problems of available materials (resources) constrained production. Additional software is necessary to manage a complex facility that produces physical goods.Project ManagementMS Project is feature rich, but project management techniques are required to drive a project effectively. A lot of project managers get confused between a schedule and a plan. MS Project can help you in creating a Schedule for the project even with the provided constraints. It cannot Plan for you. As a project manager you should be able to answer the following specific questions as part of the planning process to develop a schedule. MS Project cannot answer these for you.∙ What tasks need to be performed to create the deliverables of the project and inwhat order? This relates to the scope of the project.∙ What are the time constraints and deadlines if any, for different tasks and for the project as a whole? This relates to the schedule of the project.∙ What kind of resources (man/machine/material) are needed to perform each task?∙ How much will each task cost to accomplish? This would relate to the cost of the project.∙What kind of risk do we have associated with a particular schedule for the project? This might affect the scope, cost and time constraints of your project. Strictly speaking, from the perspective of Project Management Methodology, a Plan and Schedule are not the same. A plan is a detailed action-oriented, experience and knowledge-based exercise which considers all elements of strategy, scope, cost, time, resources, quality and risk for the project.Scheduling is the science of using mathematical calculations and logic to generate time-effective sequence of task considering any resource and cost constraints. Schedule is part of the Plan. In Project Management Methodology, schedule would only mean listing of a project's milestones, tasks/activities, and deliverables, with start and finish dates. Of course the schedule is linked with resources, budgets and dependencies.2.MS Project 2013 However, in this tutorial for MS Project (and in all available help for MS Project) the word ‘Plan’ is used as a ‘Schedule’ being created in MS Project. This is because of two reasons. One, MS Project does more than just create a schedule it can establish dependencies among tasks, it can create constraints, it can resolve resource conflicts, and it can also help in reviewing cost and schedule performance over the duration of the project. So it does help in more than just creating a Schedule. This it makes sense for Microsoft to market MS Project as a Plan Creator rather than over-simplifying it as just a schedule creator.Two, it is due to limitation of generally accepted form of English language, where a schedule can be both in a noun as well as verb form. As a noun, a Schedule is like a time table or a series of things to be done or of events to occur at or during a particular time or period. And in the verb form, schedule is to plan for a certain date. Therefore it is much easier to say that, “O ne can schedule a plan from a start date” but very awkward to say, “One can schedule a schedule from a start d ate”. The distinction is important for you as a project manager, but as far as MS project is concerned the noun form of Schedule is a Plan.Of course, a project manager should also be able to answer other project-related questions as well. For example:∙Why this project needs to be run by the organization?∙What’s the best way to c ommunicate project details to the stakeholders?∙What is the risk management plan?∙How the vendors are going to be managed?∙How the project is tracked and monitored?∙How the quality is measured and qualified?MS Project can help you:∙Visualize your project plan in standard defined formats.∙Schedule tasks and resources consistently and effectively.∙Track information about the work, duration, and resource requirements for your project.∙Generate reports to share in progress meetings.9MS Project 201310In this chapter, we will take a close look at the user interface of MS Project.MS Project UI∙ Windows 7: Click on Start menu, point to All Programs, click Microsoft Office, andthen click Project 2013.∙ Windows 8: On the Start screen, tap or click Project 2013.∙Windows 10: Click on Start menu -> All apps -> Microsoft Office -> Project 2013. The following screen is the Project’s start screen . Here you have options to open a new plan, some other plans, and even a new plan template.Click the Blank Project Tab. The following screen pops up.3.The screen should have the MS Project interface displayed. The major part of this interface are:∙Quick Access Toolbar: A customizable area where you can add the frequently used commands.∙Tabs on the Ribbon, Groups: With the release of Microsoft Office 2007came the "Fluent User Interface" or "Fluent UI", which replaced menus and customizable toolbars with a single "Office menu", a miniature toolbar known as "quick-access toolbar" and what came to be known as the ribbon having multiple tabs, each holding a toolbar bearing buttons and occasionally other controls. Toolbar controls have heterogeneous sizes and are classified in visually distinguishable Groups.Groups are collections of related commands. Each tab is divided into multiple groups.∙Commands: The specific features you use to perform actions in Project. Each tab contains several commands. If you point at a command you will see a description in a tooltip.∙View Label: This appears along the left edge of the active view. Active view is the one you can see in the main window at a given point in time. Project includes lots of views like Gantt Chart view, Network Diagram view, Task Usage view, etc.The View label just tells you about the view you are using currently. Project can display a single view or multiple views in separate panes.∙View Shortcuts: This lets you switch between frequently used views in Project.∙Zoom Slider: Simply zooms the active view in or out.∙Status bar:Displays details like the scheduling mode of new tasks (manual or automatic) and details of filter applied to the active view.11End of ebook previewIf you liked what you saw…Buy it from our store @ https://12。
office 2013 密钥
1.OFFICE 2013 PRO PLUS Offline Activation RETAIL Keys [Retail Edition Only]:2.3.[Key1]: PHX9Q-N9GKW-CG4VF-MHCWR-367TX4.[Key2]: PB44J-GNX2R-BJJYX-HJW6R-Q9JP95.[Key3]: DW6HK-NB8QW-8PXVX-QG29K-BKJP96.[Key4]: 72RN3-HB2JJ-K9RF8-YVB3Q-628P97.[Key5]: ND8PK-2PRQW-869D2-RVT6Y-6VGXK8.[Key6]: N3KJM-Q24M3-GM2HY-KQXYW-HMF299.10.11.OFFICE 2013 VISIO PRO PLUS MSDN RETAIL:12.[Key1]: NHQB6-GTDVM-B9Q6Q-4X8TF-KBQ7313.[Key2]:14.15.16.OFFICE 2013 PROJECT PRO PLUS MSDN RETAIL:17.[Key1]: 7YHNW-RVCQY-VBDB2-QX69Q-B96WK18.[Key2]:19.20.[Tested working on 13 June May 2013]21.22.=========================================================================================23.Office 2013Pro Online Volume License Activation MAK Keys [Volume License Edition Only]24.25.Office 2013 Pro Plus Online Volume License Activation MAK Keys26.RCBQN-J4MK8-VV3XJ-BPPYB-TXVT7 1347927.28.Office 2013Viso Pro Online Volume License MAK Key [Volume License Edition Only]29.[Key1]: KFPTX-FNJJ3-CKKDJ-WMQ9W-78PFR 228830.31.Office 2013 Project Pro Online Volume License MAK Key [Volume License Edition Only]32.[Key1]: DWB9N-36DJY-7VMWK-8BT2C-P9VTB 359133.34.[Tested working on 13 June May 2013]35.36.=========================================================================================37.Office 2013Standard Online Volume License Activation MAK Keys [Volume License EditionOnly]38.[Key1]: 4N6WQ-VJ3KV-2HXWD-DGWFG-TJDBG 399539.40.Office 2013Viso Standard Online Volume License MAK Key [Volume License Edition Only]41.[Key1]: JWPNH-RJ9C2-FQJQ2-CCBW9-M962J 497142.43.Office 2013Project Pro Standard Volume License MAK Key [Volume License Edition Only]44.[Key1]: DHJMN-HR49Y-HFQP4-64R8W-QC8P7 498245.46.[Tested working on 13 June May 2013]47.48.=========================================================================================49.Office 2013Pro Offline Volume License Activation MAK Keys [Volume License Edition Only]50.51.Office 2013 Pro Plus Offline Volume License MAK Key [Volume License Edition Only]52.[Key1]: GQVNC-24YPY-KHJB4-CQRT3-GF2DH53.[Key2]: VVJJX-TNXV9-K2HCY-33GD9-TF2DH54.[Key3]: PD3W7-NVGG7-YKGQX-7CRDG-J2MG755.[Key4]: TKWJX-CNBYV-VTPYG-HVVCH-DRP9V56.57.Office 2013Viso Pro Offline Volume License MAK Key [Volume License Edition Only]58.[Key1]: Waiting.....59.60.Office2013 Project Pro Offline Volume License MAK Key [Volume License Edition Only]61.[Key1]: Waiting.....62.63.[Tested working on 13 June May 2013]64.65.=========================================================================================66.Access 2013 VL MAK Key67.7GFNH-JX9Q2-6J834-TDYRQ-VXJCF 500068.69.Excel 2013 VL MAK Key70.NVR4P-4W7J2-WJG2W-48PKB-KD4PP 499871.Path 2013 VL MAK Key73.CRN4F-JFBBK-YD6TJ-MG6T7-G6J96 500074.75.Lync 2013 VL MAK Key76.N9QQ3-H23BK-KX6FM-V7PXV-6XVHT 500077.78.OneNote 2013 VL MAK Key79.XMWN8-3MJ9W-88488-R72RP-XTKD9 500080.81.Outlook 2013 VL MAK Key82.C942T-FNM6K-4RR2F-RFCKG-TJC4H 500083.84.PowerPoint 2013 VL MAK Key85.62DCQ-JNW4W-9RQ4W-J4684-KBQ4G 499986.87.[Tested working on 13 June May 2013]88.==========================================================================================89.Microsoft Office 2013 Phone Activation Youtube Video Instruction90./watch?feature=player_embedded&v=vNpD-xf3CNg91.92.PHONE ACTIVATION METHOD:93.1.Install Office 201394.2.Before activate disconnect internet! Open Word 2013e the activation key above96.4.Enter the product key97.5.Activation wizard click phone activation reconnect internet and open Skype98.6b.Dial UK number free call using skype[+448000188354]I strongly suggest use this numberfirst99.or100.[US Minor Outlying Island][+18007548300]101.102.6c.First question are you home user or business ***[answer home user -dial1]*** Important103.6d.Type installation ID without making mistake104.6e.After second question how many computer you activated ***[Only One Dial 1]***Important105.7.You will get Confirmation e the Conf.ID then next to activate it. 106.ENJOY YOUR OFFICE 2013107.108.============================================================================ =====109.All Credit Goes To Original Keys Provider :)110.============================================================================ =====111.[More Info]:/topic/147020-microsoft-office-2013-pro-plus-activation-v ia-phone-kms/112.113.NOTE:***This Forum Topic Updated Daily***114.============================================================================ =====115.116.BLOCKED KEYS ***[Please don't give me installation ID in the forum, if you have one of those keys!!]***117.Office 2013 Pro Plus MSDN Retail Keys:118.4RHNV-4JTT8-3B4GG-CVC6M-43HTX [Blocked] 119.P24HN-478XW-6MD32-CDF3K-GJC9K [Blocked] 120.6PVPD-CNWDQ-G734C-DG7BM-VQTXK [Blocked] 121.QNP7G-TRYCV-24FM3-R8623-4GBGX [Blocked] 122.BC6BN-GVMCB-9987R-MHWBK-DYF3D [Blocked] 123.KNH8H-WGB4C-76B9H-87CYY-K736X [Blocked] 124.NX249-T86XK-XY79X-FK3VM-39JP9 [Blocked] 125.HGTNV-487XP-7Q4YP-QK948-82MGX [Blocked] 126.MCHQ7-WNJFR-BGQHK-Y3QKV-6XVTX [Blocked] 127.JPMTN-GW9J2-QH2GT-XMQTD-7T7TX [Blocked] 128.HNR7W-Q3D9C-G8PFP-FY7P8-RX6XK [Blocked] 129.C8BNK-Y6CDW-9BVM9-WM9HY-QJYGX [Blocked] 130.NR27W-W7D2V-MVKQT-YV348-J8C9K [Blocked] 131.J7G43-NHJJ7-TXBFJ-49HGJ-GVGXK [Blocked] 132.VC7FY-C8NFX-KM3WF-HKWX4-367TX [Blocked] 133.GWNTD-K2T99-BTTG2-DJQJJ-TQ429 [Blocked] 134.VCKBN-4V4QW-P7463-98F37-T28P9 [Blocked] 135.9RN4T-JPBQV-XQMC9-PM9FP-PGWP9 [Blocked] 136.27NBW-JF64Y-37YWH-JYG9G-D3TXK [Blocked] 137.N9M8X-QDKGK-W27Q6-2GQYT-TJC9K [Blocked] X7J-VDN26-Y2WKQ-7MG8R-X2CC9 [Blocked] 139.NFFT2-HWVWR-C934T-YM2VJ-YPXKK [Blocked] 140.THN7X-Y9DM4-QH2TT-XQ82G-9KVTX [Blocked] 141.N9JFJ-44VW2-X3J33-BXX9K-P3429 [Blocked] 142.MJN6F-M8XD9-R84JM-P8P8W-J8C9K [Blocked] 143.GW6J7-PXNRV-RDX9M-FFMFD-PYQ6X [Blocked] 144.MG9FH-NXW9Y-HPKH8-VX786-WW9KK [Blocked] 145.PNQ3K-3TD86-FPWY6-28BBT-D3TXK [Blocked] 146.3GH3B-WN8RD-44QMH-2C86F-KBQ6X [Blocked] 147.BGDVN-Y9R8K-PWQWH-38K8P-VFP9K [Blocked] 148.B9GN2-DXXQC-9DHKT-GGWCR-4X6XK [Blocked] 149.6PMNJ-Q33T3-VJQFJ-23D3H-6XVTX [Blocked] 150.KDVQM-HMNFJ-P9PJX-96HDF-DJYGX [Blocked] 151.366NX-BQ62X-PQT9G-GPX4H-VT7TX [Blocked] 152.4HNBK-863MH-6CR6P-GQ6WP-J42C9 [Blocked] 153.6KTFN-PQH9H T8MMB-YG8K4-367TX [Blocked] 154.KBDNM-R8CD9-RK366-WFM3X-C7GXK [Blocked] 155.MH2KN-96KYR-GTRD4-KBKP4-Q9JP9 [Blocked] 156.2MNJP-QY9KX-MKBKM-9VFJ2-CJ9KK [Blocked] 157.N4M7D-PD46X-TJ2HQ-RPDD7-T28P9 [Blocked] 158.NK8R7-8VXCQ 3M2FM-8446R-WFD6X [Blocked] 159.2B8KN-FFK6J-YWMV4-J3DY2-3YF29 [blocked] 160.MTDNG-PDDGD-MHMV4-F2MBY-RCXKK [blocked] 161.PBTFM-WWN3H-2GD9X-VJRMG-C9VTX [blocked]162.G9N3P-GRJK6-VM63J-F9M27-KHGXK [blocked]163.DMXHM-GNMM3-MYHHK-6TVT2-XTKKK [blocked]164.GYWDG-NMV9P-746HR-Y2VQW-YPXKK [blocked]165.6HDB9-BNRGY-J3F83-CF43C-D67TX [blocked]166.X2YWD-NWJ42-3PGD6-M37DP-VFP9K [blocked]167.GPT9W-CWNJK-KB29G-8V93J-TQ429 [blocked]168.46DNX-B4Q98-PQVPW-Q8VM6-FVR29 [blocked]169.PNP4F-KY64B-JJF4P-7R7J9-7XJP9 [blocked]170.WTFN9-KRCBV-2VBBH-BC272-27GXM [blocked]171.N2P94-XV8HD-W9MHF-VQHHH-M4D6X [blocked]172.433NF-H7TMK-TPMPK-W4FGW-7FP9K [blocked]173.7TPNM-PMWKF-WVHKV-G869H-9BQ6X [blocked]174.XRNFT-HG2FV-G74BP-7PVDC-JB29K [blocked]175.DJC4N-DX7PC-GM3GK-V8KKW-XWYGX [blocked]176.N7PXY-WR4XP-D4FGK-K66JH-CYQ6X [blocked]177.XRNFT-HG2FV-G74BP-7PVDC-JB29K [blocked]178.179.============================================================================ ==180.181.Office 2013 Visio Plus MSDN Retail Keys:182.NCDH3-4R7FX-W3HGV-KDF7V-T28RD [Blocked]183.JTNF7-KGJYD-WGWFQ-827TC-9P8RD [Blocked]184.4VNXV-F7PBY-GY8WK-2KYDD-B96YQ [Blocked]185.WBF89-8NGM2-J3MGW-TJK42-YKJRD [Blocked]186.27W4Q-T9N3J-JWX46-M7K96-GMQ73 [Blocked]187.8N3QV-PQ9MK-9MRTJ-DMH63-B96YQ [Blocked]188.QQCJM-2NPKG-82CYH-FJCM7-94QBQ [Blocked]189.4JFBM-NDFM9-THPQB-8VG8D-VXJRD [Blocked]190.B2CVF-PN6WF-DMVX7-WQKXF-GXVV3 [Blocked]191.KD8CP-DN968-RGQM6-PMFMK-M96YQ [Blocked]192.MT7YN-TMV9C-7DDX9-64W77-B7R4D [Blocked]193.BYJFV-KN4QC-RCYQK-7JKR9-MG7V3 [Blocked]194.66DNF-28W69-W4PPV-W3VYT-TJDBQ [Blocked]195.ND3G9-KQHY4-8P3W2-VGXVY-B4D73 [Blocked]196.VXX6C-DN3HQ-3CRXG-RF4KT-YG7V3 [Blocked]197.4GKNP-76F7H-W2D7B-V6PHF-PPMH3 [Blocked]198.K6NC7-KMX7G-TC6RR-FDM23-8K6YQ [Blocked]199.2NYF6-QG2CY-9F8XC-GWMBW-29VV8 [blocked]200.TCWJK-N6GFH-82BP9-HV7YQ-T6KMQ [blocked]201.QQ4NR-2Q67B-X9C6R-4B8CH-HXJRD [blocked]202.PBRNH-MY4D4-67BQK-WGM4P-XTKMQ [blocked]203.TNFXF-KX69C-G2KVT-8X4MK-DYF4D [blocked]204.205.============================================================================ ====206.207.OFFICE 2013 PROJECT PRO PLUS MSDN RETAIL:208.VV7FP-BHN3B-T2J7D-7HKH7-VT7R7 [Blocked]209.8CQ3P-CNG4F-92DQW-3887W-WB28K [Blocked]210.HDN2D-VJPHH-D4P4K-BQ27R-BY28K [Blocked]211.NWFJR-2PDJV-H98XG-XMVFP-PGWM9 [Blocked]212.T99ND-W8KGM-8DBVW-CJQ9W-D9JM9 [Blocked]213.447TN-FR7DG-Y8WT6-9M4V7-QPCB9 [Blocked]214.8TN8W-88JJK-T876T-VD69C-W2MFX [Blocked]215.NKW96-DDGWH-DVMC8-C3VCM-X4P8K [Blocked]216.GJYNC-WYT8F-2Q4DD-FR9YF-YTBFX [Blocked]217.TJP4N-R7JXW-442FX-82QGR-WFD4X [Blocked]218.3QNJ8 3JVTH 36VHV-6KBKT-BPXJK [Blocked]219.2NDRT-M9QTH-2BKP3-HPRVC-J42B9 [Blocked]220.48HNV-4CGHT-PWCHM-WR3W2-6JC8K [Blocked]221.68N6Q-G8BK4-B4G8D-3XK82-V8PB9 [Blocked]222.M32J9-NTDYB-HFKWF-999W6-68YFX [Blocked]。
序言 ERP应用程序的设置与操作本模块(本书为原著系列图书中的一本,因此原著中使用的是“本模块”)承担社区开放源代码的任务,让新用户可以下载并安装ADempiere ERP 整套应用程序。
模块概述本模块就如何掌握整个ADempiere New CIient/新实体设置程序中的各个重要组件,为学员进行了详细介绍。
模块目标1. 从开放源码软件处下载及安装ADempiere。
2. 建立拥有工作数据的新实体。
3. 检验ERP 系统的基本组件。
4. 检查ERP系统中的标准财务管理与运营管理。
第1章 安装应用程序学习目标通过本章学习,学员应掌握:1. 识别用于ERP套件安装所需的在线资源;2. 下载所有资源;3. 根据要求设置各种资源;4. 确保各个属性设置准确;5. 完成ERP Application应用过程;6. 成功启动ADempiere ERP 。
Lync 2013 使用手册
即时通讯系统用户手册(For Lync 2010)目录第1章即时通讯客户端安装 (2)1.1安装包介绍 (2)1.2安装客户端 (2)第2章配置Lync客户端 (3)第3章Lync功能使用 (4)3.1 Lync功能简介 (4)3.2状态设置 (4)3.3使用Lync内置搜索功能搜索联系人 (6)3.4建立联系人列表 (8)3.5个性化您的联系信息 (10)3.6更改您的照片设置 (12)3.7开启即时沟通 (13)3.8选择音频设备 (14)3.9发起语音呼叫 (15)3.10接听电话 (15)3.11邀请其他人加入对话 (16)3.12为即时消息对话添加语音 (16)3.13发起电话会议 (17)3.14开启视频呼叫 (18)3.15如何与他人共享信息 (19)3.16在Lync 2010 中录制和播放会议 (30)3.17安排一个联机会议 (33)3.18其他功能 (36)3.19注销Lync2010 (37)Microsoft Lync 2010(以下简称Lync 2010或Lync)是带有即时消息、会议和语音功能的真正的统一通信客户端。
Lync 2010 通过更新的用户界面将通信工具组合在一起,用户可按照习惯的方式使用它们。
第1章即时通讯客户端安装1.1 安装包介绍即时通讯系统客户端安装包包含Microsoft Lync 2010原版安装程序和通讯薄。
1.2 安装客户端双击即时通讯客户端软件安装包,稍等,然后出现如下界面,如果不想安装在默认位置,可以点击浏览,选择需要的位置安装。
S3C ENGINE 三维模型及贴图修正OBJLeabharlann 量导出工作流程场景生成
Ø 通过影像生成密集点云 Ø 基于点云构建三角网模型 Ø 优化/简化三角网模型 Ø 纹理信息生成
3D GIS平台 3D 数据服务
smart3Dcapture : 法 国 巴 黎
法国巴黎 · 数据源 : · 数据处理 : · 面积 : 100+ km2 · 分辨率: 10cm / pixel
smart3Dcapture : 中 国 西 安
中国西安 · 数据源 : 194 张无人机正射影像 · 数据处理 : 6小时 1台运算引擎 · 面积 : 5 km2 · 分辨率: 6 - 8cm / pixel
Third party aerotriangulati on results
同一视角真实照片 与三维场景对比
smart3Dcapture : 街 景 三 维
smart3Dcapture : 街 景 三 维
技术优势: 真 正 的 三 维
技术优势: 真 正 的 三 维
+ 建筑立面细节 + 建筑的悬挂镂空等结构 + 桥梁,立交桥等 +树
管理信息系统(英文版第7版)题库chapter extension 09
Experiencing MIS, 7e (Kroenke)Chapter Extension 9 Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Systems1) ________ is a suite of applications, a database, and a set of inherent processes for consolidating business operations into a single, consistent computing platform.A) Enterprise resource planningB) Customer relationship managementC) Warehouse management systemD) Supply chain managementAnswer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.1: What is the purpose of ERP systems?Classification: Concept2) The primary purpose of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system is integration. Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.1: What is the purpose of ERP systems?Classification: Concept3) What is the primary purpose of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) system?Answer: The primary purpose of an ERP system is integration. An ERP system allows the left hand of the organization to know what the right hand is doing. This integration allows real-time updates, globally, whenever and wherever a transaction takes place. Critical business decisions can then be made on a timely basis using the latest data.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.1: What is the purpose of ERP systems?Classification: Concept4) Who among the following is a part of a supply chain activity?A) Jonathan, who is in charge of capacity planningB) Zara, who is the head of marketingC) Michael, who handles inventory managementD) Monica, who oversees customer managementAnswer: CAACSB: Reflective ThinkingDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Application5) Which of the following is a manufacturing activity that must be included in a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product?A) supplier managementB) capacity planningC) sales prospectingD) procurementAnswer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept6) Customer relationship management (CRM), as an application that must be included in a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product, includes ________.A) cash managementB) HR managementC) sales prospectingD) capacity planningAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept7) ________ activities include payroll, time and attendance, and benefits administration that must be integrated into applications in order to form a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product.A) ManufacturingB) Supply chainC) Human resourceD) AccountingAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept8) The process of maintaining a general ledger, which must be integrated into applications in order to form a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product, is a(n) ________ activity.A) supply chainB) accountingC) human resourcesD) manufacturingAnswer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept9) In ________, many enterprise resource planning customers will be able to store most of their data on cloud servers managed by cloud vendors and store sensitive data on servers that they manage themselves.A) hybrid modelsB) selective modelsC) assorted modelsD) customized modelsAnswer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept10) Which of the following statements is true of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) database?A) An ERP solution contains the company's operational data.B) A stored procedure is a computer program code stored within an ERP database that runs to keep the database consistent when certain conditions arise.C) An ERP solution includes initial configuration data.D) A trigger is a computer program code stored in an ERP database that is used to enforce business rules.Answer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept11) Which of the following statements describes a trigger?A) It is a computer program stored within a database that runs to keep the database consistent when certain conditions arise.B) It is a computer program stored in a database that is used to enforce business rules.C) It is a set of inherent procedures in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that implement standard business processes.D) It is a programming paradigm that describes computation in terms of statements that change a program state.Answer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept12) What is a stored procedure?A) It is a computer program stored within a database that runs to keep the database consistent when certain conditions arise.B) It is an area of memory that is used for dynamic memory allocation.C) It is a computer program stored in a database that is used to enforce business rules.D) It is a software program that houses and serves business logic for use by multiple applications.Answer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept13) As an element of an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution, supply chain includes scheduling, capacity planning, quality control, bill of materials, and related activities. Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept14) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) vendors design application programs to be configurable so that development teams can alter them to meet customer requirements without changing program code.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept15) An enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution includes a database design, initial configuration data, and the company's operational data.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept16) A stored procedure is a computer program stored within a database that runs to keep the database consistent when certain conditions arise.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept17) An example of a stored procedure would be never to sell certain items at a discount. Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept18) Process blueprints are the inherent processes in an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that implement standard business processes.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept19) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) training includes topics such as obtaining top-level management support.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept20) The enterprise resource planning (ERP) training sessions in which the implementing organization's employees teach the ERP trainers about the organization's processes are called train the trainer.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept21) Explain enterprise resource planning (ERP) application programs.Answer: ERP vendors design application programs to be configurable so that development teams can alter them to meet customer requirements without changing program code. Accordingly, during the ERP development process, the development team sets configuration parameters that specify how ERP application programs will operate.There are limits to how much configuration can be done. If a new ERP customer has requirements that cannot be met via program configuration, then it either needs to adapt its business to what the software can do or write, or pay another vendor to write, an application code to meet its requirement. Thus, choosing an ERP solution that has applications that function close to the organization's requirements is critically important to success.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.2: What are the elements of an ERP solution?Classification: Concept22) Which of the following tasks should be considered while implementing an enterprise resource planning (ERP) application?A) creating an as-is model that summarizes current business procedures and practicesB) plunging the organization into the new systemC) modeling all current practices "as-is" and implementing them on ERP applicationD) modifying every existing practice to match blueprint modelsAnswer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept23) For implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems, the first task is to create a model of current business procedures and practices, which is called the as-is model.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept24) The differences between as-is processes and the blueprint should be reconciled after the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system has been implemented.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept25) A new enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation process cannot be carried out if a business is running on an old system.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept26) An enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation depends primarily on the backing ofa departmental manager.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept27) Explain briefly the steps for implementing enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. Answer: The first task in implementing ERP systems is to create a model of current business procedures and practices, which is called the as-is model. Managers and analysts then compare those as-is processes to the ERP process blueprints and note differences. The company then must find ways to eliminate the differences, either by changing the existing business process to match the ERP process or by altering the ERP system.Once the differences between as-is processes and the blueprint have been reconciled, the next step is to implement the system. Before implementation starts, however, users must be trained on the new processes, procedures, and use of the ERP system's features and function. Additionally, the company needs to conduct a simulation test of the new system to identify problems. Then, the organization must convert its data, procedures, and personnel to the new ERP system. All of this happens while the business continues to run on the old system.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.3: How are ERP systems implemented and upgraded? Classification: Concept28) Which of the following aspects that impact enterprise resource planning (ERP) differs among companies of different sizes?A) relevance of ERP systemsB) value chainsC) availability of skilled IT staffD) basic business processesAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept29) Which of the following statements is true of the impact of enterprise resource planning (ERP) on the IT staff of small organizations?A) IT specialists in small organizations are dedicated to managing only the ERP system.B) The IT staff in small organizations is isolated from senior management.C) The chief information officer obtains the backing of the entire executive group for ERP implementation.D) IT specialists in small organizations are spread very thin and often are in over their heads during an ERP implementation.Answer: DAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept30) Nolan works for a food processing company that has an annual sales of $200 million. He heads the IT department in his organization. Given that Nolan's organization is midsized, which of the following statements is most likely to be true of the effect of enterprise resource planning (ERP) on his department's staff?A) His staff is often isolated from senior management.B) ERP implementation in his organization will be part of a strategic process and, once begun, will have the full backing of the entire executive group.C) Specialists in his department are spread very thin and often are in over their heads during an ERP implementation.D) His organization employs only one or two IT specialists.Answer: AAACSB: Reflective ThinkingDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Application31) Which of the following statements is true of the types of organizations that use enterprise resource planning (ERP)?A) ERP vendors started selling ERP solutions to distributors after their success with the manufacturing industry.B) Implementing ERP in organizations of different scales is difficult due to the differences in their basic business processes.C) ERP procedures are uniform in large organizations operating in multiple countries.D) Availability of IT personnel does not have an impact on ERP implementation.Answer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept32) Enterprise resource planning (ERP) was initially adopted by government and public service agencies to handle complex administrative tasks.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept33) Small organizations tend to employ only one or two IT specialists who not only manage the enterprise resource planning (ERP) system, but the entire IS department as well.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept34) In midsized organizations, the first step in moving toward enterprise resource planning (ERP) is to obtain deep senior-level management commitment to the project.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept35) Explain how organizations of different sizes use enterprise resource planning (ERP) differently.Answer: Companies of different sizes have one very important difference that has a major impact on ERP: the availability of skilled IT personnel. Small organizations employ only one or two IT specialists who not only manage the ERP system, but the entire IS department as well. They are spread very thin and often are in over their heads during an ERP implementation. Smaller, simpler ERP solutions are common among these companies.Midsized organizations expand IT from one person to a small staff, but frequently this staff is isolated from senior management. Such isolation creates misunderstanding and distrust. Because of the expense, organizational disruption, and length of ERP projects, senior management must be committed to the ERP solution. When IT management is isolated, such commitment is difficult to obtain and may not be strong. This issue is so prevalent that many ERP consultants say the first step in moving toward ERP is to obtain deep senior-level management commitment to the project.Large organizations have a full IT staff that is headed by the chief information officer (CIO), who is a business and IT professional who sits on the executive board and is an active participant in organizational strategic planning. ERP implementation will be part of that strategic process and, once begun, will have the full backing of the entire executive group.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 3: ChallengingCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.4: What types of organizations use ERP?Classification: Concept36) ________ offers Business Cloud, an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that can be used as a software service, can be installed on the customer's servers and managed by personnel.A) SageB) SAPC) InforD) OracleAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept37) In the future, which of the following Microsoft products is likely to be a true enterprise resource planning (ERP) product for larger organizations?A) SolomonB) NavC) AXD) GPAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept38) Which of the following statements is true of Oracle's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products?A) Oracle has never been known to create easy-to-use ERP products.B) Oracle traditionally does not develop its ERP products in-house.C) Oracle's ERP products are not available on mobile devices.D) Oracle's ERP products are not designed according to SOA principles and hence arenon-customizable.Answer: AAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept39) Which of the following statements is true of enterprise resource planning (ERP) products offered by SAP?A) SAP HANNA is a SaaS (software as a service) cloud offering.B) SAP does not have technical, marketing, sales, and customer support challenges.C) Classic SAP uses thick-client, client/server architecture.D) Because of its installed base, SAP can make a rapid move to cloud-based solutions. Answer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept40) Which of the following statements is true of Microsoft's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products?A) Dynamics CRM is a true ERP product used by large organizations.B) GP is the easiest of Microsoft's ERP products to install.C) Nav is likely to continue as a general-ledger program in the future.D) AX is developed in-house by Microsoft.Answer: BAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept41) Which of the following is a major disadvantage of mobile devices?A) inability to process ERP applicationsB) unsuitable for employees in all departmentsC) security threatD) not portableAnswer: CAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept42) Infor Business Cloud is an enterprise resource planning (ERP) solution that can be installed in a bare-bones way and offered as IaaS (infrastructure as a service).Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept43) Microsoft relies heavily on its network of independent software vendors to create customer solutions using the Solomon platform.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept44) Oracle's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products are designed according to SOA principles and hence are adaptable and customizable.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept45) SAP's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products are relatively economical compared to other companies' products.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept46) Infor's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products span the mid-range, serving higher-end small companies and lower-end large companies.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept47) PeopleSoft is an HR product developed in-house by Oracle.Answer: FALSEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept48) Microsoft offers its CRM product online as SaaS (software as a service), but it has no full enterprise resource planning (ERP) implementation in the cloud.Answer: TRUEAACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept49) Briefly describe Microsoft's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products.Answer: Microsoft offers five ERP products, all obtained via acquisition: AX, Nav, GP, Solomon, and Dynamics CRM. AX and Nav have the most capabilities; GP is more limited butis easier to use. The future of Solomon is uncertain. Dynamics CRM is primarily a CRM product, but it is extensible in ways that enable customers to use it for ERP as well as CRM.Microsoft is in the process of consolidating its offerings. Most likely AX will continue going forward as a true ERP product for larger organizations. Dynamics CRM will serve as a CRM product as well as a platform for custom ERP solutions. GP, which is the easiest of the products to install, will continue as a general-ledger program that can also be used as a platform for simpler ERP solutions.Microsoft relies heavily on its network of independent software vendors to create customer solutions using the Dynamics platform. These vendors take off-the-shelf Dynamics products and adapt and customize them for particular situations. Microsoft offers its CRM product online as SaaS, but it has no full ERP implementation in the cloud.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 2: ModerateCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept50) Briefly explain Infor's enterprise resource planning (ERP) products.Answer: After Infor was purchased by private-equity investors, it bought many ERP companies. It now sells many ERP products for many different industries. These products vary in purpose, scope, and quality. They span the midrange, serving higher-end small companies and lower-end large companies.Recently, Infor began to offer the Infor Business Cloud, an ERP solution that can be used as a software service, can be installed on the customer's servers and managed by Infor personnel, or can be installed in a bare-bones ways and offered as IaaS.AACSB: Information TechnologyDifficulty: 1: EasyCourse LO: Describe the uses of enterprise systems and enterprise resource planning. Learning Obj: LO 21.5: How do the major ERP vendors compare?Classification: Concept。
SharePoint Online 快速入门指南说明书
Guía de inicio rápidoConsiga más productividad desde cualquier lugar con un acceso, un uso compartido y un almacenamiento de archivos seguros. Inicie sesión en sususcripción de Office 365 y seleccione SharePoint desde el Iniciador de aplicaciones.Consultar contenido destacado•En Noticias de sitios , se resaltan lasactualizaciones de los sitios que sigue o visita con frecuencia.•En Sitios frecuentes , se muestran lossitios a los que le gusta ir y la actividad reciente.•Los Sitios sugeridos*(que no semuestran) aparecen en función de las búsquedas que ha realizado y las recomendaciones de Microsoft Graph.•Su administrador debe habilitarMicrosoft Graph para poder ver Vínculos destacados y Sitios sugeridosen la página principal de SharePoint.Buscar sus sitios•En Siguiendo , se muestran los sitiosque sigue, como su sitio de grupo o unsitio de otro grupo con el que trabaja.•En Recientes , se muestran los sitiosa los que ha ido recientemente.•En Vínculos destacados*, se muestranlos sitios que su empresa quiere destacar.BuscarBusque sitios , usuarios o archivos .Crear una publicación de noticias o de sitioTrabajar con archivosSeleccione un sitio desde la página principal de SharePoint o escriba su dirección URL en el explorador. En el panel de navegación izquierdo, seleccione Documentos .AbrirAbra y edite un archivo en línea o en una aplicación de escritorio.Estado de uso compartido Consulte qué archivos se están compartiendo y con quién.Historial de versiones Visualice el historial de versiones de un archivoy restaure una versión anterior.CompartirComparta archivosdirectamente desde SharePoint. Los archivos son privados hasta que se comparten.Copiar vínculoObtenga un vínculo al archivo seleccionado para insertar un mensaje instantáneo, correo electrónico o sitio.Mover o copiar aMueva o copie a otro destino de su OneDrive o de cualquier sitio de SharePoint.Panel de detallesVea la información y la actividad reciente de un archivo, administre los permisos de acceso y edite sus propiedades.Actividad reciente Vea la actividad de uso compartido, visualización y edición de un archivo.DocumentoVisualice los archivosalmacenados en un sitio de SharePoint y trabaje con ellos.Anclar al principioAncle carpetas o documentos importantes a la parte superior de la lista para facilitar su visualización.FlujoAutomatice tareas habituales entre SharePoint y otros servicios de Office 365y de terceros.DescargarDescargue una copia de un archivo que ocupa espacio local del dispositivo para trabajar sin conexión.Crear o cargar archivos y carpetasPuede crear archivos y carpetas y también cargar los existentes desde su dispositivo. En SharePoint, seleccione Cargar >Archivos . También puede seleccionar una ubicaciónen SharePoint y arrastrar y soltar archivos o carpetas desde su dispositivo.Copiar vínculoTambién puede compartir un archivo copiando el vínculo y pegándolo en un correo electrónico, un mensaje instantáneo, una página web o una página de OneNote. En OneDrive, seleccione un archivo y después Copiar vínculo . Copie el vínculo y pégueloen el destino.Sincronizar archivos y carpetas de SharePoint con OneDriveSincronice sus archivos y carpetas de SharePoint con su equipo para poder acceder a ellos aunque trabaje sin conexión. En la biblioteca de documentos del sitio de SharePoint cuyos archivos quiera sincronizar, seleccione Sincronizar e inicie sesión con su cuenta profesional o educativa.Compartir archivosSeleccione un archivo y después Compartir . Puede conceder permisos de edicióno visualización para los destinatarios y establecer límites de tiempo en un archivo paraespecificar hasta cuándo dejará de estar accesible.En función de la configuración de administración, los tres niveles de uso compartido son:Cualquier persona:tanto los usuarios de la organización como los externos a ella pueden acceder. Reciba vínculos enviados directamente o reenviados.Personas de su organización:todos losmiembros de la organización pueden uarios específicos:especifique las direcciones de correo electrónico de las personas a las que quiera conceder acceso.Crear un sitioSeleccione + Crear sitio en la página principal de SharePoint para crear un nuevo sitio de SharePoint. Seleccione un sitio de grupo o de comunicaciones y escriba un título, una descripción, los propietarios y los miembros. También puede seleccionar lasopciones de convertir un grupo en privado y cambiar el nombre de correo electrónico del grupo. (Si selecciona un sitio de grupo, también se creará un grupo de Office 365).Agregar una páginaSeleccione + Nuevo > Página en su nuevo sitio, dele nombre a la página y después seleccione Publicar.Agregar una biblioteca o lista de documentosSeleccione + Nuevoen su nuevo sitio web para agregar una biblioteca o lista.Agregar elementos webEn la página o la publicación de noticias, seleccione el signo . Puede agregar texto, imágenes, archivos, vídeo, contenido dinámico con ayuda de los elementosweb correspondientes.Acceso a Mobile SharePointMobile SharePoint es una nueva forma de obtener contenido de intranet en el teléfono o la tableta, y está disponible en la tienda de aplicaciones para iOS, Android y Windows. Puede acceder a sitios, usuarios y archivos, explorar y buscar en SharePoint, mantenerse al día con las noticias, ver su contenido y hacer mucho más.Las pantallas anteriores representan cuentas de SharePoint en iOS. La experiencia de los usuarios de Android será similar, excepto la funcionalidad de la actividad de archivos.Use la búsqueda para buscar y descubrir contenido importante.Pulse en un usuario para acceder a su tarjeta decontacto y ver con quién y en qué están trabajando.Acceda a la vista personalizada de sitios de grupo, sitios de comunicación y publicacionesde noticias.Examine los sitios , archivos,contactos y mucho más para volver a aquello en que estaba trabajando.Vea publicaciones de noticias sobre la marcha y comparta sus actualizaciones, informes, estado y experiencias con su equipo.Archivos a peticiónArchivos a petición le ayuda a acceder a todos los archivos de SharePoint a través de OneDrive sin necesidad de descargarlos todos ni usar espacio de almacenamiento en su equipo.En la barra de tareas, seleccione el icono de OneDrive y después Más >Configuración .En la pestaña Configuración active la casilla Ahorrar espacio y descargar archivos a medida que se usan .Siguientes pasos con SharePointBuscar ayudaExplore la ayuda y los cursos de SharePoint y otras aplicaciones de Office.Visite https:///fwlink/?linkid=871131 para obtener más información.Obtener cursos, tutoriales y vídeos de Office gratuitos¿Está listo para profundizar en las funcionalidades que le puede ofrecer SharePoint?Visite https:///fwlink/?linkid=871134 para explorar los cursos gratuitos.Obtener la aplicación móvil de SharePointObtenga la aplicación móvil para acceder a su contenido de intranet en el teléfono o la tableta. Visite .Seleccione archivos y carpetas para sincronizarlos.Puede elegir las carpetas y los archivos que se sincronizarán con su equipo. En la barra de tareas, seleccione el icono de OneDrive y después Más >Configuración > Elegir carpetas.Archivos y carpetas en línea:no ocupe espacioen el equipo.Al hacer doble clic en el icono de nube, se puede hacer que los archivos o las carpetas estén disponibles en su dispositivo.Haga que los archivos o las carpetas estén accesibles sin necesidad de una conexión a Internet.Devuelva los archivos o las carpetas al estado en línea.Obtener otras guías de inicio rápidoPara descargar nuestras Guías de inicio rápido gratuitas para sus otras aplicaciones favoritas, vaya a https:///fwlink/?linkid=2008317.。
Microsoft Lync server 2013 企业即时通讯服务器软件Microsoft Lync 2013是适合于企业的统一通信平台,同时也是微软目前推出的最新版即时消息服务器系统软件。
使用Lync 2013可是现实语音,视频的沟通,可以远程协助或者远程培训,可以和Exchange邮件服务器整合实现更加友好的语音邮件,也可以和移动设备如微软Windows8、谷歌Android,苹果iOS系统进行无缝的链接,还可以和公司内部的电话、Polycom视频会议系统整合。
此外,Lync 2013用户可以连接到Skypes上与世界各地的人进行及时通讯。
使用Lync 2013让企业中真正的实现随时随地的沟通。
Lync server 2013 新特性1、在任何地方都可以工作从客户选择的几乎任何工作地点,Lync 都能让用户安全地通信并与同事和客户保持联系。
2、Lync 可以跨设备当用户根据需要进行选择时,他们可以在多个设备之间进行切换。
Lync 提供跨PC、手机、浏览器和平板电脑的熟悉且一致的用户体验。
3、互联体验Lync 可将数以百万计的用户、他们的通信以及他们每天使用的应用程序连接在一起。
多方高清视频会议为Lync 会议注入了生气和活力。
4、更加易于管理Lync 是适用于所有实时通信的可靠平台。
单一系统能够降低企业IT 中的复杂性。
5、部署灵活性Lync 可以让您根据您的蓝图的日程表实现统一通信的愿景。
Lync Server 2013功能1、Lync 统一客户端Lync 2013 提供适用于实时通信(包括语音和视频通话、Lync 会议、状态、即时消息和持久聊天)的单一的统一客户端。
拥有单一的UC 客户端应用程序而非多个应用程序简化了部署、采用和支持等工作。
2、Lync Windows 8 AppLync 针对Windows 8(基于x86 的Windows8 和Windows RT)中的触控进行了优化,并利用Windows 8 中的“触控优先”功能针对跨各种设备和体系架构的通信提供快速、自然的手动控制。
TuneUp Utilities 2013激活、注册方法(2013年可用)
TuneUp Utilities 2013注册、激活方法一.注意事项写在前面,使用前必看:1.我不是大神,只是刚刚毕业的穷孩子,不是什么都知道,略略知道某些问题的某些方面。
12.谢谢理解与支持!如果觉得此文档对你有用,请帮忙右上角给一个5分好评!BY kzs186(百度id)于2013年1月10日, Thursday二.关于这篇文档。
新年伊始,首先祝大家新年快乐,万事如意,心想事成,平安快乐,健康吉祥!这是一篇关于,TuneUpUtilities2013 激活破解的文档,本来我已经写了一篇TuneUpUtilities2013 激活注册的文档,可是鉴于一些新问题,就有必要重新完善一下!先废话几句,这篇文档是在前篇的基础上加的,把更新的内容放在前面,后面和上一篇一样!下面进入主题。
ONLINE ERP II 信息化专家ONLINE ERP II 信息化管理系统是一套基于.Net平台并完全运行于Internet的高效能ONLINE ERP系统。
系统在研发设计中采用了“扁平化分销系统”的先进信息化管理思想,企业集团通过[ONLINE ERP II信息化管理系统]实现了集中控制与专业化的流程管理,以全面整合企业集团在分销资源体系的充分利用与控制。
[ONLINE ERP II 信息化管理系统]保证了企业数据信息高度分享与及时准确,随时可以掌握各地的库存和分经销商的销售状况以及账款往来情形;并进一步加强业务对客户的控管能力,随时掌控分经销商的状况和业务员的业绩;在条码系统提供了商品的有效管理,可有效的节省输入时间和人为输入错误,最主要可进一步避免串货的情况发生,并透过条码追踪,追查原商品的所有完整资讯.ONLINE ERP II信息化管理系统是基于Sunlike ERP的基础上,实现分销体系中的完整功能,并充分利用讯息化的特点,节省并赢得了企业的宝贵时间,让企业决策层或管理人员随时随地的了解企业上的市场销售业务情况,准确的判断或修改企业产品市场销售方案,应对市场对企业的各项冲击与挑战。
[ONLINE ERP II信息化管理系统]分为企业集团、公司机构、企业客户三大应用面,企业集团是总部内部相关人员使用;公司机构是企业总部下的分支机构(包括分公司、办事处、经销商、代理商等等)人员使用;企业客户是归属于企业的所有客户使用的。
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ASAP92 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno Tools in Detail
BC390 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno 4.6C TCC (IBM390)
BC400 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP Workbench Foundation
BC401 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP Objects
BC402 NetWeaver (mySAP Techno ABAP Programming Technique
2010-04-23 134304 分类: 其他SAP相关 举报字号 订阅
AC010 mySAP Financials Overview to Financial Accounting and Reporting
AC020 mySAP Financials Investment Management
AC280 mySAP Financials Reporting in FI
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在云计算时代,有三个平台非常重要,即开发平台、部署平台和运营平台。Windows Azure Platform是微 软的云计算平台,其在微软的整体云计算解决方案中发挥关键作用。它既是运营平台,又是开发、部署平台;上 面既可运行微软的自有应用,也可以开发部署用户或ISV的个性化服务;平台既可以作为SaaS等云服务的应用模 式的基础,又可以与微软线下的系列软件产品相互整合和支撑。事实上,微软基于Windows Azure Platform, 在云计算服务和线下客户自有软件应用方面都拥有了更多样化的应用交付模式、更丰富的应用解决方案、更灵活 的产品服务部署方式和商业运营模式。
三、客户自建:客户可以选择微软的云计算解决方案构建自己的云计算平台。微软可以为用户提供包括产品、 技术、平台和运维管理在内的全面支持。
在云计算时代,一个企业是否可以不用部署任何的IT系统,一切都从云计算平台获取?或者反过来,企业还 是像以前一样,全部的IT系统都部署在企业内部,不从云中获取任何的服务?
01 架构
03 产品特点
02 战略
公共云:由微软自己运营,为客户提供部署和应用服务。在公共云中,Windows Azure Platform是一个高 度可扩展的服务平台,提供基于微软数据中心随用随付费的灵活的服务模式。
ONLINE SOLUTI NPosibilidades al alcance de tus manosUserPasswordConnectMediante este instructivo se proporciona información sobre nuestra plataforma,especí camente cómo documentar envíos y gestionar entrega de los retiros con el recogedor.En la pantalla de inicio se debe ingresar el nombre de usuario y contraseña proporcionados.Luego se debe presionar sobre “Conectar”.- Browser con acceso a internet- - Contar con las credenciales entregadas por su ejecutivo de ventas (Usuario y Clave)UserPasswordFUNCIONALIDADES SISTEMAONLINE SOLUTI NPuede realizar el tracking de su envío o retiro mediante una búsqueda sencilla; indicando solo el número de envío, referencia o todo.Acceso al MenuT odos mis clientesConsulta rápida123456Esta corresponde a la pantalla inicial una vez que ingresamos, en la cual podemos visualizar lo siguiente:1 - Acceso a opciones de “Menú”.2 - Cuentas del cliente.3 - Consulta Rápida (solo para números de envíos).4 - Impresora (solo para documentar envíos). 6 - Salir.FUNCIONALIDADES SISTEMAONLINE SOLUTI NLa búsqueda avanzada permite ltrar el tracking a través de fechas, destinos, bultos, tipos de servi-cios, para buscar envíos o retiros especí cos.3. Pendiente de EntregasMuestra mediante una lista todas las entregas pendientes, además de mostrar si tienen incidencias o no. Se puede realizar la búsqueda de uno o de varios envíos/retiros según fecha.FUNCIONALIDADES SISTEMAONLINE SOLUTI NPor rango de fecha o por servicio, puede buscar si tiene envíos con incidencias (sistema muestra la incidencia), ya sea porque no ha llegado en el tiempo estimado o para realizarle seguimiento al envío/retiro.Luego de la búsqueda refleja un listado de los envíos que indican incidencias.5. Creación de EnvíosLa plataforma le da accesibilidad al cliente a la programación de envíos, agregándolos a nuestro sistema e imprimiendo sus propias etiquetas para que TNT pase a retirarlo.Nota: Todos los destinatarios creados se van guardando de forma automática para volver a utilizarlos si son recurrentes.Para utilizarlos simplemente debemos poner el nombre o Rut del destinatario en búsqueda.FUNCIONALIDADES SISTEMAONLINE SOLUTI NLa plataforma le da acceso para cargar sus envíos de forma masiva. Si tiene una base en Excel con sus envíos programados, ésta la puede adjuntar en nuestra plataforma y se cargan en el sistema automáticamente (facilita el proceso de ingresarlos uno a la vez).Ejemplo de formatoAdjuntar envíos en formatoEl cliente decide fecha y hora de retiro. Puede solicitar en horario am y pm. Recomendamos solicitar sus retiros antes de las 10 de la mañana, de manera de asegurar que se efectúe durante el día y hora establecida. El horario de retiro solicitado queda sujeto a validación de factibilidad operativa y podría ser modi cado.Puede programar su propio retiro y solicitarlo a través de la plataforma; éste genera un aviso de retiro que llega directamente a nuestro sistema interno.FUNCIONALIDADES SISTEMAONLINE SOLUTI N8. Listado de EntregasRealiza la búsqueda por cliente o por rango de fecha.9. Impresión de EtiquetasLa plataforma da acceso para poder imprimir sus propias etiquetas de cada envío/retiro ingresado al sistema para que podamos pasar a retirarlo.FUNCIONALIDADES SISTEMAONLINE SOLUTI NMuestra el listado de entregas de cada cliente, así puede darle seguimiento e informarse de todas las entregas realizadas.Puede ver el estado en línea de sus retiros; y veri car cuales están pendientes de recogida.Indica el status:Efectuado (EFEC)Pendiente (PEND)11. Dashboard - ReportesLa plataforma le brinda al clienteestadísticas de sus envíos/retiros, midiendo según los siguientes estados: Además la plataforma brinda lossiguientes reportes por solicitud de cadacliente según sus necesidades: Reporte de entrega.Reporte de facturación.Reporte de incidencias.Reporte retorno documental.Reporte de recogidas.En Preparación.Origen.En Tránsito.En Destino.En Reparto.Entregado.FUNCIONALIDADES SISTEMAONLINE SOLUTI NFUNCIONALIDADES SISTEMA ONLINE SOLUTI N Modi car envíosEn esta opción descrita a continuación podemos modi car los datos ingresados de un envío ya docu-mentado:Es importante destacar que solo se pueden modi car envíos que no tengan “Etiqueta Emitida”.Desde el menú “Creación de Envío”:· Se debe presionar un clic sobre el número de envío que queremos modi car. Solo guran modi cable los envíos sin etiqueta.·Luego de presionar sobre el envío a modi car, aparecerá la pantalla con todos los datos del destinatario. Una vez que haya modi cado algún dato debemos presionar sobre “Aceptar”.Eliminar envíosEn las opciones descritas a continuación podemos eliminar envíos:Es importante destacar que solo se pueden eliminar envíos que no tengan “Etiqueta Emitida”. Desde el menú “Impresión de Etiquetas”: Luego de buscar el o los envíos por los ltros, debemos seleccionar los envíos y hacer clic sobre el botón “Borrar Seleccionados”.Mani esto de entregaLuego de todo el proceso de creación de envíos o retiros. Nuestra plataforma le da la opción de imprimir un mani esto donde se re ejan todos los envíos/retiros; esto para que al momento de que nuestro equipo operativo pase a retirar los paquetes, veri que que están todos correctos y este proceda a rmar el mani esto,el que queda como comprobante o prueba de retiro de todos sus paquetes.Centro de Servicioal Cliente Internacional: 800.36.3030/cl Centro de Servicio al Cliente Nacional: 2 2360 5100 。
Test Lab Guide: Configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a Three-Tier FarmThis document is provided “as-is”. Information and views expressed in this document, including URL and other Internet Web site references, may change without notice. You bear the risk of using it.Some examples depicted herein are provided for illustration only and are fictitious. No real association or connection is intended or should be inferred.This document does not provide you with any legal rights to any intellectual property in any Microsoft product. You may copy and use this document for your internal, reference purposes.© 2012 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.Test Lab Guide: Configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a Three-Tier FarmJoe DaviesMicrosoft CorporationPublished: March 2012Updated: November 2012Applies to: SharePoint Server 2013Summary: This paper contains a brief introduction to SharePoint Server 2013 and step-by-step instructions for creating a test lab that contains a three-tier SharePoint farm that is based on the Base Configuration test lab guide and the SQL Server 2012 test lab guide. It also demonstrates the facilities of a default team site. This paper does not describe how to install and configure SharePoint Server 2013 in a pilot or production environment. For more information, see Install and deploy SharePoint 2013 and Install SharePoint 2013 across multiple servers for a three-tier farm.November 28, 2012 Updated for the released version of SharePoint Server 2013 and with standard text, graphics, and sections.ContentsContents (3)Introduction (3)Test Lab Guides (4)In this guide (4)Test lab overview (5)Hardware and software requirements (5)Steps for Configuring the SharePoint Server 2013 Three-Tier Test Lab (6)Step 1: Set up the Base Configuration Test Lab (6)Step 2: Install and configure a new server named SQL1 (7)Step 3: Install SQL Server 2012 on SLQ1 (8)Step 4: Install SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1 (8)Step 5: Install and configure a new server named WFE1 (11)Step 6: Install SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1 (12)Step 7: Demonstrate the Facilities of the Default Contoso Team Site (14)Snapshot the Configuration (15)Additional Resources (15)IntroductionMicrosoft® SharePoint® Server 2013 makes it easy for people to work together. SharePoint Server 2013 enables you and your employees to set up web sites to share information with others, manage documents from start to finish, and publish reports to help everyone make informed decisions.SharePoint Server 2013 has the following capabilities:∙Sites Provides a single infrastructure for all your business web sites. Share documents with colleagues, manage projects with partners, and publish information to customers.∙Communities Delivers great collaboration tools—and a single platform to manage them.Make it easy for people to share ideas and work together the way they want.∙Composites Offers tools and components for creating do-it-yourself business solutions.Build no-code solutions to rapidly respond to business needs.∙Content Makes content management easy. Set up compliance measures ”behind the sc enes”—with features like document types, retention polices, and automatic contentsorting—and then let people work naturally in Microsoft Office.∙Insights Gives everyone access to the information in databases, reports, and business applications. Help people locate the information to make good decisions.∙Search Cuts through the clutter. A unique combination of relevance, refinement, and social cues helps people find the information and contacts they need to get their jobs done.For more information about Microsoft SharePoint Server 2013, see the SharePoint 2013 Product Information site and SharePoint 2013 for IT pros.Test Lab GuidesMicrosoft Test Lab Guides (TLGs) are a set of documents that step you through the configuration and demonstration of a Microsoft technology or product in a standardized test lab environment, which starts with a common base configuration that mimics a simplified intranet and the Internet. TLGs are designed to be modular, extensible, and stackable to configure complex, multi-product solutions. TLGs make learning about products, technologies, and solutions easier by providing that crucial hands-on, “I built it out myself” experience.For more information, see Test Lab Guides at /testlabguides.A TLG stack is a set of dependent TLGs that, when configured from the bottom of the stack, create a meaningful test lab configuration. This TLG is at the top of the following TLG stack:In this guideThis paper explains how to set up a test lab that is based on the Base Configuration test lab guide and the SQL Server 2012 test lab guide and how to configure SharePoint Server 2013 by using four server computers and one client computer. The resulting SharePoint Server 2013 test lab demonstrates the default configuration of SharePoint Server 2013 in a three-tier farm. This paper is the test lab guide version of the procedures that are described in Install SharePoint 2013 across multiple servers for a three-tier farm.ImportantThe following instructions configure a SharePoint Server 2013 test lab by using the minimum number of computers. Individual computers are needed to separate services provided on the network and to clearly show the desired functionality. This configuration is neither designed to reflect best practices nor does it reflect a desired or recommended configuration for a production network. The configuration, including IP addresses and all other configuration parameters, is designed only to work on a separate test lab network. Attempting to adapt this test lab configuration to a pilot or production deployment can result in configuration or functionality issues. For information about how to deploy SharePoint Server 2013 in a pilot or production environment, see Install and deploy SharePoint 2013.Test lab overviewIn this test lab, SharePoint Server 2013 functionality in a three-tier farm is deployed by using the following:∙One computer running Windows® Server® 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named DC1 that is configured as an intranet domain controller, Domain Name System (DNS) server, DHCP server, and enterprise root certification authority (CA).∙One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named SQL1 that is configured as a SQL database server.∙One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named APP1 that is configured as the SharePoint Server 2013 application server.∙One intranet member server running Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition named WFE1 that is configured as the SharePoint front-end web server.∙One member client computer running Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate named CLIENT1. The SharePoint Server 2013 test lab consists of a single subnet named Corpnet ( that simulates a private intranet. Computers on the Corpnet subnet connect by using a hub or switch. See the following figure.Hardware and software requirementsThe following are required components of the test lab:∙The product disc or files for Windows Server 2008 R2. For an evaluation copy of Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition in download and virtual hard disk (VHD) form, see Windows Server 2008 R2 Evaluation Free 180-Day Trial.∙The product disc or files for Windows 7.∙The product disc or files for Microsoft SQL Server 2012. See SQL Server 2012 Evaluation for an evaluation version of Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Alternately, the product disc or files for Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2. See SQL Server 2008 R2 Trial for a trial version of Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2.∙The product disc or files for SharePoint Server 2013.∙Four computers that meet the minimum hardware requirements for Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Edition and SharePoint Server 2013.∙One computer that meets the minimum hardware requirements for Windows 7 Enterprise or Ultimate.If the computers are being hosted in a Hyper-V-based virtualized environment, see the following topics for more information:∙Hyper-V virtualization requirements for SharePoint 2013∙Use best practice configurations for the SharePoint 2013 virtual machines and Hyper-V environmentSteps for Configuring the SharePoint Server 2013 Three-Tier Test LabThere are seven steps to follow when setting up the SharePoint Server 2013 three-tier test lab.1.Set up the Base Configuration test lab.2.Install and configure a new server named SQL1.3.Install SQL Server 2012 on SQL1.4.Install SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1.5.Install and configure a new server named WFE1.6.Install SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1.7.Demonstrate the facilities of the default Contoso team site.NoteYou must be logged on as a member of the Domain Admins group or a member of theAdministrators group on each computer to complete the tasks described in this guide. If you cannot complete a task while you are logged on with an account that is a member of the Administrators group, try performing the task while you are logged on with an account that is a member of the Domain Admins group.The following sections provide details about how to perform these steps.Step 1: Set up the Base Configuration Test Lab Set up the Base Configuration test lab for the Corpnet subnet using the procedures in the “Steps for Configuring the Corpnet Subnet” section of the Test Lab Guide: Base Configuration.Step 2: Install and configure a new server named SQL1In this procedure, you install the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and the latest updates on a new server named SQL1.To install Windows Server 2008 R2 on SQL11.Start the installation of Windows Server 2008 R2.2.Follow the instructions to complete the installation, specifying Windows Server 2008 R2Enterprise Edition (full installation), the computer name SQL1, and a strong password for the local Administrator account.3.Once the installation completes, log on using the local Administrator account.4.Connect SQL1 to a network that has Internet access and run Windows Update to installthe latest updates for Windows Server 2008 R2, including Windows Server 2008 R2Service Pack 1.5.Once the updates are complete, restart SQL1 and log on as the local Administrator.6.Connect SQL1 to the Corpnet subnet.In this procedure, you configure the TCP/IP properties on SQL1 so that it can join the domain.To configure the TCP/IP properties on SQL11.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Configure networking.2.In the Network Connections window, right-click Local Area Connection, and thenclick Properties.3.Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties.4.Select Use the following IP address. In IP address, type In Subnetmask, type In Default Gateway, type In Preferred DNS server, type Advanced, and then click the DNS tab. In DNS suffix for this connection, type, click OK twice, and then click Close.6.Close the Network Connections window and leave the Initial Configuration Taskswindow open.7.To check name resolution and network communication between SQL1 and DC1, clickStart, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.8.In the Command Prompt window, type ping .9.Verify that there are four replies from the Command Prompt window.In this procedure, you join SQL1 to the domain.To join SQL1 to the domain1.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Provide Computer Name and Domain.2.In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer Name tab, click Change.3.In Member of, click Domain, type , and then click OK.4.When you are prompted for a user name and password, type User1 and its password,and then click OK.5.When you see a dialog box welcoming you to the domain, click OK.6.When you are prompted that you must restart the computer, click OK.7.On the System Properties dialog box, click Close.8.When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart Now.9.After the computer restarts, click Switch User, and then click Other User and log on tothe CORP domain with the User1 account.10.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Do not show this window at logon, and thenclick Close.Step 3: Install SQL Server 2012 on SLQ1Install and configure SQL Server 2012 on SQL1 as described in Steps 2, 3, and 4 of the SQL Server 2012 Test Lab Guide, substituting SQL1 for APP1 in the instructions.Alternately, you can use SQL Server 2008 R2. In this case, install and configure SQL Server 2008 R2 on SQL1, as described in Steps 2, 3, and 4 of the SQL Server 2008 R2 Test Lab Guide, substituting SQL1 for APP1 in the instructions.In this procedure, you configure in inbound rule in Windows Firewall with Advanced Security to allow incoming traffic to the SQL Server service.To configure the Windows Firewall for an inbound rule1.On SQL1, log on using the User1 user account.2.From the desktop, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click WindowsFirewall with Advanced Security.3.In the tree pane, right-click Inbound Rules, and then click New Rule.4.On the Rule Type page, click Port, and then click Next.5.On the Protocols and Ports page, type 1433-1434 in Specific local ports, and thenclick OK.6.On the Action page, click Next.7.On the Profile page, click Next.8.On the Name page, type SQL Server TCP ports in Name, and then click Finish. Step 4: Install SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1 In this procedure, you install the prerequisite software components for SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1.To install the SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisite software1.On APP1, log on using the User1 user account.2.Connect APP1 to a network that has Internet access and configure the TCP/IP protocol onthe Local Area Connection as needed. The SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisite installer must download and install components from the Microsoft Download Center. Forexample, if the network that has access to the Internet uses DHCP, configure theInternet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connections folder to use automatic addressing and toautomatically configure a DNS server.3.On APP1, navigate to the location that contains the SharePoint Server 2013 installationfiles and double-click default.hta.4.On the SharePoint Server 2013 Start page, click Install software prerequisites.5.On the Welcome to the Microsoft SharePoint Products Preparation Tool page, clickNext.6.On the License Terms for software product page, review the terms, select the Iaccept the terms of the License Agreement(s) check box, and then click Next.7.On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.The computer might restart to install some of the prerequisites. After it does the Products Preparation Tool will run again and install the remaining prerequisites. The computermust be restarted again to install these prerequisites.8.On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.In this procedure, you install SharePoint Server 2013 on APP1.To install SharePoint Server 20131.On DC1, click Start, point to Administrative Tools, and then click Active DirectoryUsers and Computers.2.In the console tree, open , right-click Users, point to New, and thenclick User.3.In the New Object - User dialog box, in Full name, type SPFarmAdmin, and in Userlogon name, type SPFarmAdmin.4.Click Next.5.In Password and in Confirm password, type P@ssword1.6.Clear User must change password at next logon.7.Click Next, and then click Finish.8.On SQL1, log on with the User1 account.9.Click Start, click All Programs, click Microsoft SQL Server 2012, and then click SQLServer Management Studio.10.In Connect to Server, click Connect.11.In SQL Server Management Studio, in the tree pane, open Security.12.Right-click Logins, and click New Login.13.In Login – New, type CORP\SPFarmAdmin in Login name.14.In the Select a page pane, click Server Roles.15.In the Server Roles pane, select dbcreator, and then click OK.16.Close SQL Server Management Studio.17.Connect APP1 to the Corpnet subnet and configure the TCP/IP protocol on the Local AreaConnection as needed. For example, configure the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connectionsfolder to use the address with a subnet mask of and thepreferred DNS server of the SharePoint Server 2013 Start page, click Install SharePoint Server.19.On the Enter Your Product Key page, enter your product key as needed, and then clickContinue. For the 180-day trial version of SharePoint Server 2013, use the product key NQTMW-K63MQ-39G6H-B2CH9-FRDWJ.20.On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, selectthe I accept the terms of this agreement check box, and then click Continue.21.On the Server Type tab, click Complete, and then click Install Now.22.When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of yourserver. Ensure that the Run the SharePoint Products and TechnologiesConfiguration Wizard now check box is selected.23.Click Close to start the configuration wizard.24.On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.25.In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted duringconfiguration, click Yes.26.On the Connect to a server farm page, click Create a new server farm, and thenclick Next.27.On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, type SQL1 in Databaseserver, type CORP\SPFarmAdmin in User name, type P@ssword1 in Password, and then click Next.28.On the Specify Farm Security Settings page, type P@ssphrase in both Passphraseand Confirm passphrase, and then click Next.29.On the Configure SharePoint Central Administration Web Application page, clickNext.30.On the Completing the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard page, clickNext.31.On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Internet Explorer launches with atab named Initial Farm Configuration Wizard.32.In the Help Make SharePoint Better dialog box, click No, I don’t wish toparticipate, and then click OK.33.For How do you want to configure your SharePoint farm?, click Start the Wizard.34.On the Configure your SharePoint farm page, in Service account, click Useexisting managed account,.35.In Services, clear all the check boxes except the box next to State Service, and thenclick Next. The Working on it page might display for a while before it completes.36.On the Create Site Collection page, click Skip.37.On the This completes the Farm Configuration Wizard page, click Finish. TheInternet Explorer tab shows the SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site.38.From Central Administration, click Configure alternate access mappings underSystem Settings.39.Click the http://app1 internal URL.40.In URL, protocol, host and port, type http://wfe1/, click OK, and then click CentralAdministration.Step 5: Install and configure a new server named WFE1In this procedure, you install the Windows Server 2008 R2 operating system and the latest updates on a new server named WFE1.To install Windows Server 2008 R2 on WFE11.Start the installation of Windows Server 2008 R2.2.Follow the instructions to complete the installation, specifying Windows Server 2008 R2Enterprise Edition (full installation), the computer name WFE1, and a strong password for the local Administrator account.3.Once the installation completes, log on using the local Administrator account.4.Connect WFE1 to a network that has Internet access and run Windows Update to installthe latest updates for Windows Server 2008 R2, including Windows Server 2008 R2Service Pack 1.5.Once the updates are complete, restart WFE1 and log on as the local Administrator.6.Connect WFE1 to the Corpnet subnet.In this procedure, you configure the TCP/IP properties on WFE1 so that it can join the domain.To configure the TCP/IP properties on WFE11.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Configure networking.2.In the Network Connections window, right-click Local Area Connection, and thenclick Properties.3.Click Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4), and then click Properties.4.Select Use the following IP address. In IP address, type In Subnetmask, type In Default Gateway, type In Preferred DNS server, type Advanced, and then click the DNS tab. In DNS suffix for this connection, type, click OK twice, and then click Close.6.Close the Network Connections window and leave the Initial Configuration Taskswindow open.7.To check name resolution and network communication between WFE1 and DC1, clickStart, click All Programs, click Accessories, and then click Command Prompt.8.In the Command Prompt window, type ping .9.Verify that there are four replies from the Command Prompt window.In this procedure, you join WFE1 to the domain.To join WFE1 to the domain1.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Provide Computer Name and Domain.2.In the System Properties dialog box, on the Computer Name tab, click Change.3.In Member of, click Domain, type , and then click OK.4.When you are prompted for a user name and password, type User1 and its password,and then click OK.5.When you see a dialog box welcoming you to the domain, click OK.6.When you are prompted that you must restart the computer, click OK.7.On the System Properties dialog box, click Close.8.When you are prompted to restart the computer, click Restart Now.9.After the computer restarts, click Switch User, and then click Other User and log on tothe CORP domain with the User1 account.10.In Initial Configuration Tasks, click Do not show this window at logon, and thenclick Close.In this procedure, you install the Web Server (IIS) server role on WFE1.To install the Web Server (IIS) server role on WFE11.In the console tree of Server Manager, click Roles. In the details pane, click Add Roles,and then click Next.2.On the Select Server Roles page, select Web Server (IIS), and then click Next threetimes.3.Click Install.4.Verify that the installation was successful, and then click Close.Step 6: Install SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1 In this procedure, you install the prerequisite software components for SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1.To install the SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisite software1.On WFE1, log on using the User1 user account.2.Connect WFE1 to a network that has Internet access and configure the TCP/IP protocolon the Local Area Connection as needed. The SharePoint Server 2013 prerequisiteinstaller must download and install components from the Microsoft Download Center. For example, if the network that has access to the Internet uses DHCP, configure theInternet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connections folder to use automatic addressing and toautomatically configure a DNS server.3.On WFE1, navigate to the drive or folder that contains the SharePoint Server 2013installation files and double-click default.hta.4.On the SharePoint Server 2013 Start page, click Install software prerequisites.5.On the Welcome to the Microsoft SharePoint 2013 Products Preparation Tool page, clickNext.6.On the License Terms for software product page, review the terms, select the Iaccept the terms of the License Agreement(s) check box, and then click Next.7.On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.8.The computer might restart to install some of the prerequisites. After it does the ProductsPreparation Tool will run again and install the remaining prerequisites. The computermust be restarted again to install these prerequisites.9.On the Installation Complete page, click Finish.In this procedure, you install SharePoint Server 2013 on WFE1 and join the existing SharePoint farm.To install SharePoint Server 20131.Connect WFE1 to the Corpnet subnet and configure the TCP/IP protocol on the Local AreaConnection as needed. For example, configure the Internet Protocol version 4 (TCP/IPv4) component from the properties of the Local Area Connection in the Network Connections folder to use the address with a subnet mask of and thepreferred DNS server of the SharePoint Server 2013 Start page, click Install SharePoint Server.3.On the Enter Your Product Key page, enter your product key as needed, and then clickContinue. For the 180-day trial version of SharePoint Server 2013, use the product key NQTMW-K63MQ-39G6H-B2CH9-FRDWJ.4.On the Read the Microsoft Software License Terms page, review the terms, selectthe I accept the terms of this agreement check box, and then click Continue.5.On the Server Type tab, click Complete, and then click Install Now.6.When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of yourserver. Ensure that the Run the SharePoint Products and TechnologiesConfiguration Wizard now check box is selected.7.Click Close to start the configuration wizard.8.On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.9.In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted duringconfiguration, click Yes.10.On the Connect to a server farm page, click Connect to an existing server farm,and then click Next.11.On the Specify Configuration Database Settings page, type SQL1 in Databaseserver, and then click Retrieve Database Names.12.Click SharePoint_Config in the Database name list, and then click Next.13.On the Specify Farm Security Settings page, type P@ssphrase in Passphrase, andthen click Next.14.On the Completing the SharePoint Products Configuration Wizard page, click Next.15.On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. The Internet Explorer tab showsthe SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site. Leave Internet Explorer open.16.On APP1, in the Internet Explorer window for SharePoint Central Administration, inSystem Settings, click Manage servers in this farm and verify that WFE1 is part ofthe farm.17.On WFE1, from Internet Explorer and the Central Administration tab, for How do youwant to configure your SharePoint farm?, click Start the Wizard. The Working on it page might display for a while before it completes and you might have to start thewizard again.18.On the Configure your SharePoint farm page, click Next.19.On the Create Site Collection page, in Title and description, type ContosoCorporation in Title, from the URL list select “/”, and then click OK.This step creates a team site at the URL http://wfe1.20.On the This completes the Farm Configuration Wizard page, click Finish.The Internet Explorer tab shows the SharePoint 2013 Central Administration site, from which you can configure and manage the SharePoint server.Step 7: Demonstrate the Facilities of the Default Contoso Team SiteIn this procedure, you click through the default SharePoint facilities and resources for the Contoso Corporation team site at http://wfe1/.To see the facilities of the default Contoso Corporation team site1.Attach CLIENT1 to the Corpnet subnet, and then log on with the User1 account.2.Start Internet Explorer on CLIENT1.3.In the Address bar, type http://wfe1/ and then press ENTER.You should see a SharePoint team site for the Contoso Corporation. The site might take a while to render.4.To add a new page to the site, click Site Contents on the Quick Launch, click the SitePages icon, and then click New wiki page.5.In New page item box, type the name of the page, and click Create.6.Type the new page contents, and then click Save.7.Click Home on the Quick Launch to return to the home page of the Contoso Corporationteam site.8.To add a site to the site collection, click Site Contents on the Quick Launch, and thenclick New subsite.9.In New SharePoint Site, configure the title, description, web site address, template,permissions and navigation settings, and then click Create.10.On the Home page of the Contoso Corporation site, click Documents on the QuickLaunch or Documents below the Get started with your site section.This is a list of shared documents that you can work on together. Multiple users can work on each document in a central location, which makes document collaboration mucheasier that sending files around in email. You can click New document to add a newdocument to the list of shared documents.11.Click Home on the Quick Launch.12.In the Get started with your site section, click Working on a deadline?.13.In the Working on a deadline dialog box, click Add Them to add the Calendar andTasks apps to your site.14.To access the calendar, click Calendar on the Quick Launch.This is a shared team calendar that can be used to manage and share events across your team. You can point to a day and then click Add to add a calendar event.。
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详实记录阶段变化 商机历次活动往来记录 关联日程活动 记录签约金额 阶段推动历史
最近潜在 客户情况 怎么样了? 公司有没 有接到新 单?
签订合同Biblioteka 签约后, 客户如何 管理?如 何根据合 约跟进项 目
• 售后客户资料管 理 • 关联合同信息 • 合同管理 • 支持附件上传
分公司C 合并
分公司A 分公司B 资产负债表
损益表 资产负债表 分公司C
资产负债表 损益表
损益表 分公司D 资产负债表
损益表 资产负债表
提供文件订阅主 动通知 多用户编辑文档 不冲突 保留文件修改历 史版本 支持全文检索功 能
同意/ Approve 不同意/Deny 订阅邮件通知/ Notify
文件分门别类归档 全文检索
新品发布、 企业新闻、 放假通知
目录 客户合约 **文件
•个别目录层级的安全权 限
•权限细分详实 •设定方便
文管中心权限规划 目录权限种类: •新建
新建 读取 编辑自已 删除自己 无权限 读取 新建 读取 编辑所有 删除自己
• • • • 保修卡记录 合约信息 问题说明及附件 写入知识库
客户问题 处理单
问题讨论 客户交流 讯息公布
New York
Bei jing
• • • • 邮件的统一管理 邮件抵达自动分配 邮件跟踪 营销推广
根据不同的时数设置不 同的签核流程
假单/补忘打 卡
同意/ 不同意 审核通知 代理审核
出缺勤查询 补特修查询 审核进度查询
企业文件资源无 法共享,传输麻烦 企业文件缺乏管 理,凌乱无序 企业文件安全性低
B/S架构设计,升级零烦恼 纯网页 支持IPAD、IPHONE 多种方式连 接 机场/分公司/皆可随时连接系 统
企业可根据业务情况对用户身份平台进行开放 结合用户ID+密码+验证方式验证登陆
企业经营不同性质的 多家公司时,可使用多 帐套进行管理 自主选择帐套是否对 外 统一平台管理
直接选择邮件发送 选择历史邮件发送
工作日报 费用报销
员工基本资料室 固定资产管理 合同管理 关心 人事资料 考勤资料 打卡记录查询 请假管理
文件安全性低 EMAIL
企业文件管理的烦恼? 文件书面管理,存放凌乱,查 找麻烦 文件传递困难 文件安全性低
多用途文件管理:支持ISO文件 存放、研发文件、企业机密、 合约等文件的存放与管理 文件分类管理 文件发布支持签核流程 文件无纸化、传递免列印 文件安全,控制用户读写印操 作 电子资料库化管理、全文检索 、统计分析
维修申请单 外派维修单 非生产领/退/补料 外派完工单
收款 金额 返利金额
自定义调整关心项目 提供快捷操作连接 快速跳转到对应画 面
下属每天的 工作情况如 何,是否有 定期汇报
单据能做到审批 吗?
主管 审核后
WEB建立审核流程 支持串签&会签功能 严格控制审核处理时效 结合邮件系统&短信平台
明确到货确认单的用途 损耗费用如何处理 量的变化
鞋服 化妆品 餐饮 ……
颜色 大小 款式
增 加
降 低
一个产品 一序列号
一个产品+特征 一序列号
预警 信息
服 务 器
站内 信息
提供范例,操作简便 设计灵活
菜单自动生成 ERP权限管控 支持审核流程
• • •
根据单据格式的要求,导入字典并设计单据的版面 可设置它的分类以及是否允许上传附件 可开放编码原则以及单据的审核流程
文件管理 讯息发布
员工信息 合同信息 资产信息
员工资料,资 料分散, 查找麻烦? 今天你打卡 了吗?
• • • •
培训记录 固定资产讯息 合同资料 工作简历
缺点: 纸张浪费 代打卡情况严重 纸式打卡机 缺点: 部署麻烦,旁边必须配置一台电脑 电脑故障,打卡机停止工作
广告费 推广费
客户A+货品A 客户B+货品A 货品B ……
设计不同的费用项目 设计不同的规则
优质软件 真心服务 开拓协同商务无限价值
传统软件: ONLINE ERP集成:
财务管理 售后服务 POS前端销售 协同办公 生产管理
售前客户资料 商机管理 关心 商机分析及历史查询 售后客户资料 合约管理
售后订单及跟踪 ……
• 售前客户资料管理 • 用商机记录拜访客户活动情况 ,从商机进度中了解案子的签 单金额、成败原因 • 通过不同角度分析商机的成败 关键,案子的滞留时间,督促 人员跟进
货品托运 秒杀抢购 要货 到货确认
用户定义商品销售类别 用户定义是否显示库存 通知商家补货功能
关心: 费用预算? 可以结合ERP 单据吗?
• • • • • 来电自动提醒 小键盘直接回拨 记录来电信息 查找及听取来电记 录 统计分析来电话情 况
• • 统计分析来电话情 况 以列表或图表形式 展示
•读取 •编辑 (无/自己/所有) •删除 (无/自己/所有)