



例:1.决定期权价格的因素有( )。






例:买卖双方分别承诺在将来某一特定时间按照事先确定的价格,购买和提供某种商品,这种金融衍生工具是( )。










金融衍生工具练习试卷3(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 3. 判断题单项选择题本大题共70小题,每小题0.5分,共35分。


1.当交易者连续亏损,保证金余额不足以维持最低水平时,结算所会通过经纪人发出追加保证金的通知,要求交易者在规定时间内追缴保证金达至( )水平。

A.初始保证金B.维持保证金C.最低保证金D.结算保证金正确答案:A 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具2.期货交易实行无负债的每日结算制度,又称逐日盯市制度,以( )个交易日为最长的结算周期,从而控制市场风险。

A.1B.3C.5D.7正确答案:A 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具3.通常,交易所规定的大户报告限额( )限仓限额。

A.大于B.大于或等于C.等于D.小于正确答案:D 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具4.期货交易所通常对每个交易时段允许的最大波动范围作出规定,一旦达到涨(跌)幅限制,则高于(低于)该价格的多头(空头)委托无效的规定是( )。

A.无负债结算制度B.每日价格波动限制C.断路器规则D.限仓制度正确答案:C 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具5.外汇期货是以外汇为基础工具的期货合约,主要作用是( )。

A.增加投资品种B.规避外汇风险C.增加金融衍生工具品种D.进行外汇投资正确答案:B 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具6.( )主要是指人们在国际贸易中因汇率变动而遭受损失的可能性,是外汇风险中最常见且最重要的风险。

A.商业性汇率风险B.债权债务风险C.储备风险D.结算风险正确答案:A 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具7.利率期货的基础资产主要是( )。

A.即期利率B.远期利率C.固定收益金融工具D.利率指数正确答案:C 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具8.1975年10月,利率期货产生于( )。

A.美国证券交易所B.堪萨斯农产品交易所C.纽约证券交易所D.芝加哥期货交易所正确答案:D 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具多项选择题本大题共60小题,每小题0.5分,共30分。



Test Bank: Chapter 11Trading Strategies Involving Options1. Six-month call options with strike prices of $35 and $40 cost $6 and $4,respectively.(i) What is the maximum gain when a bull spread is created from the calls?(ii) What is the maximum loss when a bull spread is created from the calls?(iii) What is the maximum gain when a bear spread is created from the calls? (iv) What is the maximum loss when a bear spread is created from the calls?2. Three-month European put options with strike prices of $50, $55, and $60 cost $2,$4, and $7, respectively.(i) What is the maximum gain when a butterfly spread is created from the putoptions? __________(ii) What is the maximum loss when a butterfly spread is created from the put options? __________(iii) For what two values of the stock price in three months does the holder of the butterfly spread breakeven with a profit of zero? _________ and _________ 3. A three-month call with a strike price of $25 costs $2. A three-month put with astrike price of $20 and costs $3. A trader uses the options to create a strangle. For what two values of the stock price in three monthsdoes the trader breakeven with a profit of zero?_________ and _________。














衍生金融工具 习题及答案 期末必看资料

衍生金融工具  习题及答案 期末必看资料

111第三章衍生金融工具会计第一局部衍生金融工具练习题局部一、单项选择题1.下面不属于独立衍生工具的是( )。

A.可转换公司债券B.远期合同C.期货合同D.互换和期权【正确答案】:A2.金融衍生工具交易一般只需要支付少量的保证金或权利金就可签订远期大额合约或互换不同的金融工具,这是金融衍生工具的( )特性。

A.跨期性B.联动性C.杠杆性D.不确定性或高风险性【正确答案】:C3.股权类产品的衍生工具是指以( )为根底工具的金融衍生工具。

A.各种货币B.股票或股票指数C.利率或利率的载体D.以根底产品所蕴含的信用风险或违约风险【正确答案】:B4.金融衍生工具依照( )可以划分为股权类产品的衍生工具、货币衍生工具和利率衍生工具、信用衍生工具以及其他衍生工具。

A.根底工具分类B.金融衍生工具自身交易的方法及特点C.交易场所D.产品形态【正确答案】:A5.关于金融衍生工具的根本特征表达错误的选项是( )。

A.无论是哪一种金融衍生工具,都会影响交易者在未来一段时间内或未来某时点上的现金流,跨期交易的特点十分突出B.金融衍生工具交易一般只需要支付少量的保证金或权利金,就可签订远期大额合约或互换不同的金融工具C.金融衍生工具的价值与根底产品或根底变量严密联系、规那么变动D.金融衍生工具的交易后果取决于交易者对衍生工具(变量)未来价格(数值)的预测和判断的准确程度【正确答案】:D6.金融衍生工具产生的直接动因是( )。

A.躲避风险和套期保值 B.金融创新C.投机者投机的需要 D.金融衍生工具的高风险高收益刺激【答案】A7. 套期保值是指通过在现货市场和期货市场之间建立〔〕的头寸,从而锁定未来现金流的交易行为。

A、方向一样,数量不同B、方向相反,数量不同C、方向相反,数量一样D、方向一样,数量一样【正确答案】:C8. 20世纪80年代以来的金融自由化内容不包括( )。

A.取消对存款利率的最高限额,逐步实现利率自由化B.打破金融机构经营范围的地域和业务种类限制,允许各金融机构业务穿插、互相自由渗透,鼓励银行综合化开展C.放松存款准备金率的控制D.开放各类金融市场,放宽对资本流动的限制【正确答案】:C9. 两个或两个以上的当事人按共同商定的条件,在约定的时间内定期交换现金流的金融交易是( )。

金融衍生工具测试题 (5)

金融衍生工具测试题 (5)

Test Bank: Chapter 5The Determinants of Forward and Futures Prices1.An investor shorts 100 shares when the share price is $50 and closes out the positionsix months later when the share price is $43. The shares pay a dividend of $3 per share during the six months. How much does the investor gain? _ _ _ _ _ _2.The spot price of an investment asset that provides no income is $30 and the risk-freerate for all maturities (with continuous compounding) is 10%. What, to the nearest cent, is the three-year forward price? _ _ _ _ _ _3.Repeat question 2 on the assumption that the asset provides an income of $2 at theend of the first year and at the end of the second year. _ _ _ _ _ _4.In question 2 what is the value to the nearest cent of a three-year forward contractwith a delivery price of $30? _ _ _ _ _ _5.An exchange rate is 0.7000 and the six-month domestic and foreign risk-free interestrates are 5% and 7% (both expressed with continuous compounding). What is the six-month forward rate? Give four decimal places _ _ _ _ _ _6. A short forward contract that was negotiated some time ago will expire in threemonths and has a delivery price of $40. The current forward price for three-month forward contract is $42. The three month risk-free interest rate (with continuous compounding) is 8%. What to the nearest cent is the value of the short forward contract? _ _ _ _ _ _7.The spot price of an asset is positively correlated with the market. Which of thefollowing would you expect to be true (circle one)(a)The forward price equals the expected future spot price.(b)The forward price is greater than the expected future spot price.(c)The forward price is less than the expected future spot price.(d)The forward price is sometimes greater and sometimes less than the expectedfuture spot price.8.The one-year Canadian dollar forward exchange rate is quoted as 1.0500. What thecorresponding futures quote? Give four decimal places _ _ _ _ _ _9.Which of the following is a consumption asset (circle one)(a)The S&P 500 index(b)The Canadian dollar(c)Copper(d)IBM shares10.Which of the following is true (circle one)(a)The convenience yield is always positive or zero.(b)The convenience yield is always positive for an investment asset.(c)The convenience yield is always negative for a consumption asset.(d)The convenience yield measures the average return earned by holding futurescontracts.。





A、期货公司B、期货交易所C、客户D、以上三者按一定比例分担6、下列公式正确的是()A、交易的现货价格=商定的期货价格 + 预先商定的基差B、交易的现货价格=市场的期货价格 + 预先商定的基差C、交易的现货价格=商定的期货价格—预先商定的基差D、交易的现货价格=市场的期货价格—预先商定的基差7、以下属于利率互换的特点是()A、交换利息差额,不交换本金B、既交换利息差额,又交换本金C、既不交换利息差额,又不交换本金D、以上都不是8、按买卖的方向,权证可以分为()A、认购权证和认沽权证B、欧式权证和美式权证C、股本型权证和备兑型权证D、实值权证和虚值权证9、假定某投资者预计3个月后有一笔现金流入可用来购买股票,为避免股市走高使3个月后投资成本增大的风险,则可以先买入股票指数()A、欧式期权B、看跌期权C、看涨期权D、美式期权10、利率低实际上可以看作是一系列()的组合A、浮动利率欧式看涨期权B、浮动利率欧式看跌期权C、浮动利率美式看涨期权D、浮动利率美式看跌期权11、按照基础资产分类,衍生金融工具可以分为:股权式衍生工具、货币衍生工具、()和商品衍生工具。



Test Bank: Chapter 5The Determinants of Forward and Futures Prices1. An investor shorts 100 shares when the share price is $50 and closes out the positionsix months later when the share price is $43. The shares pay a dividend of $3 per share during the six months. How much does the investor gain? _______2. The spot price of an investment asset that provides no income is $30 and the risk-freerate for all maturities (with continuous compounding) is 10%. What, to the nearest cent, is the three-year forward price? ________3. Repeat question 2 on the assumption that the asset provides an income of $2 at theend of the first year and at the end of the second year. _______4. In question 2 what is the value to the nearest cent of a three-year forward contract witha delivery price of $30? _____________5. An exchange rate is 0.7000 and the six-month domestic and foreign risk-free interestrates are 5% and 7% (both expressedwith continuous compounding). What is the six-month forward rate? Give four decimal places ___________6. A short forward contract that was negotiated some time ago will expire in three monthsand has a delivery price of $40. The current forward price for three-month forward contract is $42. The three month risk-free interest rate (with continuous compounding) is 8%. What to the nearest cent is the value of the short forward contract?7. The spot price of an asset is positively correlated with the market. Which of thefollowing would you expect to be true (circle one)(a) The forward price equals the expected future spot price.(b) The forward price is greater than the expected future spot price.(c) The forward price is less than the expected future spot price.(d) The forward price is sometimes greater and sometimes less than the expectedfuture spot price.8. The one-year Canadian dollar forward exchange rate is quoted as 1.0500. What thecorresponding futures quote? Give four decimal places _______9. Which of the following is a consumption asset (circle one)(a) The S&P 500 index(b) The Canadian dollar(c) Copper(d) IBM shares10. Which of the following is true (circle one)(a) The convenience yield is always positive or zero.(b) The convenience yield is always positive for an investment asset.(c) The convenience yield is always negative for a consumption asset.(d) The convenience yield measures the average return earned by holding futurescontracts.。



金融衍生工具全套试题在线练习金融衍生品1总分:100分考试时间:100分钟I .选择题1、下列属于衍生金融工具的是()。








(正确答案:a,答案:)A.金融市场的价格风险b .金融理论的发展c .金融机构的发展d .科技的发展8.衍生金融工具的主要功能是()。

(正确答案:c,答案:)A.价格发现b,投机c,对冲d,套利第二,选择题1.衍生金融工具的主要功能有()套期保值手段b,价格发现手段c,套利手段d,投机手段2.衍生金融工具按基本资产分类()(正确答案:美国广播公司,答案:)A.股票衍生品b、利率衍生品c、货币衍生品d、期权衍生品3.根据衍生品交易的方法和特点,分为()(正确答案:ABCD,答案:)A.金融期货b,金融期货c,金融期权d,金融互换4.衍生金融工具的市场参与者包括()(正确答案:ABCD,答案:)a、套期保值者b、投机者c、套利者d、经纪人5.根据衍生金融工具的不同类别()(正确答案:BC,答案:)A.股票衍生工具b、远期衍生工具c、期权衍生工具d、利率衍生工具6.衍生金融工具的背景是()A.突出的市场风险b .科学技术的快速发展c .金融机构的积极发展d .金融理论的发展7.期货市场形成的价格具有()特征(正确答案:ABCD,答案:)真实性,可预测性,连续性,权威性第三,判断问题1.衍生金融工具是合同价格,其价值取决于基本资产的价格。



金融衍生工具练习试卷6(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题 2. 多项选择题 3. 判断题单项选择题本大题共70小题,每小题0.5分,共35分。



传统的证券发行是以( )为基础,而资产证券化则是以( )为基础发行证券。

A.企业特定的资产池B.特定的资产池企业C.企业一般资产D.特定的资产池一般资产正确答案:A 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具2.可以在失效日之前一段规定时间内行权的权证是( )。

A.美式权证B.欧式权证C.亚式权证D.百慕大式权证正确答案:D 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具3.可转换债券在转换前后体现的分别是( )。

A.债权债务关系、所有权关系B.债权债务关系、债权债务关系C.所有权关系、所有权关系D.所有权关系、债权债务关系正确答案:A 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具4.可转换债券的最主要的金融特征是( )。

A.持有人可以将债券转为普通股B.持有人可以将普通股转为债券C.发行人可以将债券转为普通股D.发行人可以将普通股转为债券正确答案:A 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具5.我国《上市公司证券发行管理办法》规定,可转换公司债券的期限最短为( )年。

A.1B.2C.3D.5正确答案:A 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具6.我国《可转换债券管理办法》规定,上市公司发行可转换公司债券的转换价格应以公开募集说明书前( )个交易日公司股票的平均收盘价格为基础,并上浮一定幅度。

A.10B.15C.30D.60正确答案:C 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具7.某可转换债券的债券面额为1000元,规定其转换比例为80,则其转换价格为( )元。

A.80B.8C.25D.12.5正确答案:D 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具8.下列情况中,不需要对可转换债券的转换价格进行修正的是( )。

A.送股B.配股C.股票价格在某一日暴跌D.增发股票正确答案:C 涉及知识点:金融衍生工具9.通过资产证券化提高了基础资产的( ),便于投资者进行投资。



证券资格(证券基础知识)衍生工具模拟试卷3(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题单项选择题本大题共70小题,每小题0.5分,共35分。


1.关于期货合约和远期合约的比较,下列叙述不正确的是( )。


知识模块:衍生工具2.关于金融期货与金融期权的比较,下列叙述正确的是( )。


知识模块:衍生工具3.期货市场投机者的作用不包括( )。


知识模块:衍生工具4.( )是指赋予买方在规定期限内按双方约定的价格买入或卖出一定数量的某种金融资产的权利的合同。






















A、期货公司B、期货交易所C、客户D、以上三者按一定比例分担6、下列公式正确的是()A、交易的现货价格=商定的期货价格 + 预先商定的基差B、交易的现货价格=市场的期货价格 + 预先商定的基差C、交易的现货价格=商定的期货价格—预先商定的基差D、交易的现货价格=市场的期货价格—预先商定的基差7、以下属于利率互换的特点是()A、交换利息差额,不交换本金B、既交换利息差额,又交换本金C、既不交换利息差额,又不交换本金D、以上都不是8、按买卖的方向,权证可以分为()A、认购权证和认沽权证B、欧式权证和美式权证C、股本型权证和备兑型权证D、实值权证和虚值权证9、假定某投资者预计3个月后有一笔现金流入可用来购买股票,为避免股市走高使3个月后投资成本增大的风险,则可以先买入股票指数()A、欧式期权B、看跌期权C、看涨期权D、美式期权10、利率低实际上可以看作是一系列()的组合A、浮动利率欧式看涨期权B、浮动利率欧式看跌期权C、浮动利率美式看涨期权D、浮动利率美式看跌期权11、按照基础资产分类,衍生金融工具可以分为:股权式衍生工具、货币衍生工具、()和商品衍生工具。





)第1题下列关于金融衍生工具的叙述,错误的是( )。

A 无论是哪一种金融衍生工具,都会影响交易者在未来一段时间内或未来某时点上的现金流B 基础工具价格的轻微变动也许就会带来投资者的大盈大亏C 基础工具价格的变幻莫测决定了金融衍生工具交易盈亏的不稳定性,这是金融衍生工具高风险性的重要诱因D 衍生工具的结算风险是指因交易或管理人员的人为错误或系统故障、控制失灵而造成损失的可能性【正确答案】:D【本题分数】:0.5分【答案解析】[解析] 因交易或管理人员的人为错误或系统故障、控制失灵而造成损失的可能性是衍生工具的运作风险。


第2题金融衍生工具的价值与基础产品或基础变量紧密相连,具有规则的变动关系,这体现了金融衍生工具的( )。

A 跨期性B 期限性C 联动性D 不确定性或高风险性【正确答案】:C【本题分数】:0.5分【答案解析】[解析] 联动性是指金融衍生工具的价值与基础产品或基础变量紧密联系,具有规则的变动关系。


第3题政府或有关监管当局对限制金融体系的现行法令、规则、条例及行政管制予以取消或放松,这种金融体制称为( )。

A 金融自由化B 金融抑制C 金融市场化D 金融深化【正确答案】:A【本题分数】:0.5分【答案解析】[解析] 金融自由化是指政府或有关监管当局对限制金融体系的现行法令、规则、条例及行政管制予以取消或放松,以形成一个较宽松、自由、更符合市场运行机制的新的金融体制。

第4题金融衍生工具交易_般只需要支付少量的保证金就可以签约,这是衍生工具的( )。



第八章1. 一个基于无红利股票的一年期的欧式看跌期权,执行价格为25欧元,期权的即期交易价格为3.19欧元。




解:根据看跌看涨平价,c=p+S- Xe-r(T-t) =3.19+23-25e-0.05*1 =2.409美元2. 一个无红利支付股票的美式看涨期权的价格为$4。




解:由公式S- X < S- Xe-r(T-t),可得:31-30 < 4-P < 31-30e-0.25*0.08即 1.00 < 4.00-P < 1.59,该美式看跌期权的价格上下限为:2.41<P<3.003. 你现在要对一个两年期执行价格为45美元的欧式看涨期权定价。



那么该期权价格的上界与下界的差是多少?解:价格的上界是S=50,下界c > S- Xe-r(T-t) =50-45 e-0.03*2 = 7.62美元那么上下界的差为50-7.62=42.38美元4. 列举影响期权价格的6个因素,并简述其影响的机理。

解:影响期权价格的6 个因素有:标的资产价格、期权的执行价格、无风险利率、资产价格的波动率、期限以及持有期间收益。


解:当不可提前执行时,我们可认为若两资产价值在T 期相同,则在前几期也应相同。


假设:P+S > C+ Xe-rT,这并不存在套利机会。




证券资格(证券基础知识)衍生工具模拟试卷1(题后含答案及解析) 题型有:1. 单项选择题单项选择题本大题共70小题,每小题0.5分,共35分。


1.下列关于衍生工具的说法,错误的是( )。




知识模块:衍生工具2.人民币利率互换是指交易双方同意在约定期限内,根据人民币本金交换现金流的行为,交易双方的现金流分别根据( )计算。

[2015年9月真题] A.浮动利率、固定利率B.固定利率、贷款利率C.存款利率、浮动利率D.存款利率、贷款利率正确答案:A解析:利率互换是指互换合约双方同意在约定期限内按不同的利息计算方式分期向对方支付由币种相同的名义本金额所确定的利息。


知识模块:衍生工具3.下列说法中错误的是( )。




1. A box spread is a combination of a bull spread composed of two call options with strike pricesand and a bear spread composed of two put options with the same two strike prices.a)Describe the payoff from a box spread on the expiration date of the options.b)What would be a fair price for the box spread today? Define variables asnecessary.c)Under what circumstances might an investor choose to construct a box spread?d)What sort of investor do you think is most likely to invest in such an optioncombination, i.e. a hedger, speculator or arbitrageur? Explain your answer.2. Form a long butterfly spread using the three call options in the table below.C1X = $90 T = 180 daysC2X = $100T = 180 daysC3X = $110T = 180 daysPrice 16.3300 10.3000 6.0600DELTA 0.7860 0.6151 0.4365GAMMA 0.0138 0.0181 0.0187THETA -11.2054 -12.2607 -11.4208VEGA 20.4619 26.8416 27.6602RHO 30.7085 25.2515 18.5394a)What does it cost to establish the butterfly spread?b)Calculate each of the Greek measures for this butterfly spread position and explainhow each can be interpreted.c)How would you make this option portfolio delta neutral? What would be achieved bydoing so?d)Suppose that tomorrow the price of C1 falls to $12.18 while the prices of C2 and C3remain the same. Does this create an arbitrage opportunity? Explain.3.Consider a six month American put option on index futures where the current futures price is450, the exercise price is 450, the risk-free rate of interest is 7 percent per annum, thecontinuous dividend yield of the index is 3 percent, and the volatility of the index is 30percent per annum. The futures contract underlying the option matures in seven months.Using a three-step binomial tree, calculatea)the price of the American put option now,b)the delta of the option with respect to the futures price,c)the delta of the option with respect to the index level, andd)the price of the corresponding European put option on index futures.e)Apply the control variate technique to improve your estimate of the American optionprice and of the delta of the option with respect to the futures price.Note that the Black-Scholes price of the European put option is $36.704 and the delta with respect to the futures price given by Black-Scholes is –0.442.4. A financial institution trades swaps where 12 month LIBOR is exchanged for a fixed rateof interest. Payments are made once a year. The one-year swap rate (i.e., the rate thatwould be exchanged for 12 month LIBOR in a new one-year swap) is 6 percent. Similarlythe two-year swap rate is 6.5 percent.a)Use this swap data to calculate the one and two year LIBOR zero rates, expressingthe rates with continuous compounding.b)What is the value of an existing swap with a notional principal of $10 million thathas two years to go and is such that financial institution pays 7 percent and receives12 month LIBOR? Payments are made once a year.c)What is the value of a forward rate agreement where a rate of 8 percent will bereceived on a principal of $1 million for the period between one year and two years?Note: All rates given in this question are expressed with annual compounding.5.The term structure is flat at 5% per annum with continuous compounding. Sometime ago a financial institution entered into a 5-year swap with a principal of$100 million in which every year it pays 12-month LIBOR and receives 6%.The swap now has two years eight months to run. Four months ago 12-monthLIBOR was 4% (with annual compounding). What is the value of the swaptoday? What is the financial institution’s credit exposure on the swap?6.An American put option to sell a Swiss franc for USD has a strike price of 0.80and a time to maturity of 1 year. The volatility of the Swiss franc is 10%, theUSD interest rate is 6%, and the Swiss franc interest rate is 3% (both interestrates continuously compounded). The current exchange rate is 0.81. Use a threetime step tree to value the option.7. A European call option on a certain stock has a strike price of $30, a time tomaturity of one year and an implied volatility of 30%. A put option on the samestock has a strike price of $30, a time to maturity of one year and an impliedvolatility of 33%. What is the arbitrage opportunity open to a trader. Does theopportunity work only when the lognormal assumption underlying Black-Scholes holds. Explain the reasons for your answer carefully.8. A put option on the S&P 500 has an exercise price of 500 and a time to maturity ofone year. The risk free rate is 7% and the dividend yield on the index is 3%. The volatility of the index is 20% per annum and the current level of the index is 500.A financial institution has a short position in the option.a) Calculate the delta, gamma, and vega of the position. Explain how they canbe interpreted.b) How can the position be made delta neutral?c) Suppose that one week later the index has increased to 515. How can deltaneutrality be preserved?9.An interest rate swap with a principal of $100 million involves the exchange of 5%per annum (semiannually compounded) for 6-month LIBOR. The remaining life is 14 months. Interest is exchanged every six months. The 2 month, 8 monthand 14 month rates are 4.5%, 5%, and 5.4% with continuous compounding. Six-month LIBOR was 5.5% four months ago. What is the value of the swap? 10.The Deutschemark-Canadian dollar exchange rate is currently 1.0000. At the endof 6 months it will be either 1.1000 or 0.9000. What is the value of a 6 monthoption to sell one million Canadian dollars for 1.05 million deutschemarks.Verify that the answer given by risk neutral valuation is the same as that given by no-arbitrage arguments. Is the option the same as one to buy 1.05 milliondeutschemarks for 1 million Canadian dollars? Assume that risk-free interestrates in Canada and Germany are 8% and 6% per annum respectively.11.An American put futures option has a strike price of 0.55 and a time to maturity of1 year. The current futures price is 0.60. The volatility of the futures price is25% and the interest rate(continuously compounded) is 6% per annum. Use a four time step tree to value the option.12.Is it ever optimal to exercise early an American call option on a) the spot price ofgold, b) the spot price of copper, c) the futures price of gold, and d) the average price of gold measured between time zero and the current time. Explain youranswers.13.The future probability distribution of a stock price has a fatter right tail and thinnerleft tail than the lognormal distribution. Describe the effect of this on the prices of in-the-money and out-of-the-money calls and puts. What is the volatilitysmile that would be observed?14.A bank has just sold a call option on 500,000 shares of a stock. The strike price is40; the stock price is 40; the risk-free rate is 5%; the volatility is 30%; and thetime to maturity is 3 months.a) What position should the company take in the stock for delta neutrality?b) Suppose that the bank does set up a delta neutral position as soon as theoption has been sold and the stock price jumps to 42 within the first hour oftrading. What trade is necessary to maintain delta neutrality? Explain whetherthe bank has gained or lost money in this situation. (You do not need tocalculate the exact amount gained or lost.)c) Repeat part b) on the assumption that the stock jumps to 38 instead of 4215.A bank has sold a product that offers investors the total return (excludingdividends) on the Toronto 300 index over a one year period. The return is capped at 20%. If the index goes down the original investment of the investor is returned.a) What option position is equivalent to the productb) Write down the formulas you would use to value the product and explain indetail how you would decide whether it is a good deal to the investore a three step tree to value a three month American put option on wheat futures.The current futures price is is 380 cents, the strike price is 370 cents, the risk-free rate is 5% per annum, and the volatility is 25% per annum. Explaincarefully what happens if the investor exercises the option after two months.Suppose that the futures price at the time of exercise is 362 and the most recent settlement price is 360.17.a) A bank’s assets and liabilities both have a duration of 5 ye ars. Is the bankhedged against interest rate movements? Explain carefully any limitations of the hedging scheme it has chosen.b) Explain what is meant by basis risk in the situation where a company knowsit will be purchasing a certain asset in two months and uses a three-monthfutures contract to hedge its risk.18.a) Give an example of how a swap might be used by a portfolio manager.b) Explain the nature of the credit risks to a financial institution in a swapagreementANSWERS1.(a) The box spread pays off X2-X1 in all circumstances (b) It should be worththe present value of X2-X1 today, c) and d) An arbitrageur might invest in a box spread if it is mispriced in the market today.2.(a) 1.79 b) Greek letters are -0.0077, -0.0037, etc c) For delta neutrality we buy0.0077 of the underlying asset. Small changes in the price of the underlyingasset then have very little effect on the value of the whole portfolio d) Yes. We have a positive cash flow when we set up the butterfly spread today and a zero or positive cash in 180 days3.a) 40.13, b) -0.449, c) F0=S0e0.04*7/12 or S0=0.9769F0 so that delta with respect tothe index level is =0.439, d) 39.81, e) American option price becomes40.13+36.704-39.81=37.02. Delta becomes -0.449 +0.444-0.442=-0.4474.a) One year rate is5.827%, two-year rate is6.313%, b) -$91,239, c) $8,5045. 3.50. This is also the credit exposure.6.0.0217.Put is priced too high relative to call. Sell put and buy call. This worksregardless of whether the assumptions underlying Black-Scholes hold8.a) 0.371, -0.0038, -1.85, b) Sell 0.371 of index for each option sold, c) Deltachanges to 0.317 so 0.054 of index must be bought back9.$841,000 assuming floating is received.10.Assume that the exchange rate is DM per $. p is then 0.450 and the value of theoption is about 80,000 DM. Yes the two options are the same.11.0.03612.a) no b)yes c)yes d)yes13.This will lead to a smile where volatility increases with strike price. this is theopposite of what is usually observed.14.a) Delta of long position in one option is 0.563. Bank should buy 281,500 sharesb) Delta changes to 0.686. Bank should buy a further 61,500 shares. The bankhas a negative gamma and so is likely to have lost money from the big move, c) Delta changes to 0.427. The bank should sell 68,000 shares. It will have lost money in this situation as well15.Suppose that S0 is invested in the product where S0 is the index level today. Thevalue of the investment in one year is S0 plus the payoff from a bull spread. The bull spread is created from a long call option with strike price S0 and a short call option with strike price 1.2S0. the interest earned can be calculated byvaluing the options. This can be compared with other market opportunities. 16.Value is 15.14 cents. Total gain from exercise after 2 months is 8 cents. therewould be a 10 cent cash pay off and a short futures position worth -2 cents. 17.a) Limitations relate to possibility of non-parallel shifts in the term structure andthe possibility of large movements b) basis risk arises from the differencebetween spot and futures price in 2 months18.a) A swap could be used to change an asset earning a fixed rate of interest to oneearning a floating rate. b) credit risks arise from the possibility of a default when the swap has a positive value and the counterparty defaults.内容总结。

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FINA 0301/2322:DerivativesReview questions,Fall,20131.Which of the positions can result in the following profit diagram?ProfitStock priced d d d d d d d d d d(a)Buy one low strike call,sell two high-strike calls.(b)Buy one high strike call,sell two low strike calls.(c)Buy two strike call,sell three 1050-strike calls.(d)Buy three strike call,sell five 1050-strike calls.Answer:A2.Which of the following phrases is used to describe an option where the strike price is approximately equal to the asset price?(a)At-the-money(b)In-the-money(c)Over-the-money(d)Out-of-the-moneyAnswer:A3.Assume that you purchase 100shares of Jiffy,mon stock at the bid-ask prices of $32.00-$32.50.When you sell the bid-ask prices are $32.50-$33.00.If you pay a commission rate of 0.5%,what is your profit or loss?(a)$0(b)$16.25loss(c)$32.50gain(d)$32.50lossAnswer:D(32.50−32.50)×100+(32.50+32.50)×100×0.5%=32.504.A put option was purchased1year ago.The Exercise price on the underlying asset is$40.If thecurrent price of the asset is$36.45and the future value of the original option premium is$1.62, what is the put profit,if any today?(a)$1.62(b)$1.93(c)$3.55(d)$5.17Answer:B(40−36.45)−1.62=1.935.A strategy consists of buying a market index product at the spot price of$830and longing a puton the index with a strike of$830.If the put premium is$18.00and interest rates are0.5%per month,what is the profit or loss from the long index position by itself at expiration(in6months) if the market index is$810.(a)$45.21loss(b)$21.22loss(c)$18.00gain(d)$24.25gainAnswer:A810−830×1.0056=−45.216.At the6-month point,what is the breakeven index price for a strategy of longing the market indexat a price of830?Effective interest rates are0.5%per month.(a)$802.12(b)$830.00(c)$855.21(d)$866.32Answer:C,you break even when your cost equals your payoff830×1.0056=855.217.The$830strike put premium is$18.00and the call premium is$42.47.The$850strike putpremium is$25.45and the$850strike call is selling for$30.51.What is the maximum profit that an investor can obtain from a strategy employing a long830call and a short850call over6 months?Interest rates are0.5%per month.(c)$6.10(d)$12.32Answer:B,think about the diagram of the bull spread–you achieve maximum profit when the price goes up,and they buyer of the high strike call exercises.Of course you exercise your low strick call as well.Therefore,figure out your payoff,subtract your cost for the options(850−830)−(42.47−30.51)×1.0056=7.688.What is the break even point that an investor can obtain from a6-month strategy employing along830call and a short850call?Interest rates are0.5%per month.(a)$832.82(b)$842.32(c)$852.22(d)$862.92Answer:B,to break even,you must receive some money by exercising the830-call to cover the cost for the options.Figure out your payoffS T−E,then subtract your cost for the options.Set S T=x,(x−830)−(42.47−30.51)×1.0056=0x=842.329.A strategy consists of longing a put on the market index with a strike of850and shorting a calloption on the market index with a strike price of850.The put premium is$25.45and the call premium is$30.51.Interest rates are0.5%per month.What is the breakeven price of the market index for this strategy at expiration(in6months)?(a)$802.12(b)$830.00(c)$855.21(d)$866.32Answer:C,the payoffto the same strike price long put is Max[E−S T,0],and short call is–Max[0, S T−E].Combined,it is just E−S T.This is your payoff.To breakeven,set S T=x,and let payoffequal your cost for the options,850−x−(25.45−30.51)×1.0056=0x=855.2110.Farmer Jayne bought a$1.70strike put option for$0.11and sold a$1.75strike call option fora premium of$0.14.Her total costs are$1.65per bushel and interest rates are4.0%over thisperiod.What is thefloor in her strategy assuming a20,000-bushel crop?(c)$2,624(d)$3,624Answer:B,if the selling price goes down,you can always exercise your put option.Figure out your payoff,then subtract your cost for the options(1.70−1.65)×20,000−(0.11−0.14)×20,000×1.04=1,62411.The annualized dividend yield on the S&P500Index is1.40%.The continuously compoundedinterest rate is6.4%.If the9-month forward price is$925.28and the index is priced at$950.46, what is the profit/loss from a cash-and-carry strategy?(a)$25.18loss(b)$25.18gain(c)$61.50loss(d)$61.50gainAnswer:C925.28−950.46×e(0.064−0.014)×.75=−61.5012.Consider an investment infive S&P500Index futures contracts at a price of$924.80.Theinitial margin requirement is15.0%and the maintenance margin is10.0%.If the continuously compounded interest rate is5.0%what will the futures price need to be for a margin call to occur 2weeks from now?Assume no settlement within the2weeks(52weeks for a year).(a)$852.64(b)$872.79(c)$878.29(d)$905.25Answer:C15%×924.80×e0.05/26+(F1,T−924.80)<924.80×10%F1,T<878.2913.Continuously compounding interest rates on the U.S.dollar are6.5%and euro rates are5.5%.The dollar per euro spot rate is0.950.What is the arbitrage profit on a required$1million Euro contract if the forward rate is0.980dollars per Euro and the exchange occurs in one year?(a)$10,000(b)$21,600(c)$28,000Answer:B,you can quicklyfind out which outcome is better1,000,000×0.980×e0.055−0.950×e0.065=21,600The question is only about profit.Ask yourself,the complete description of the strategy should be,borrow what currency,lend what else currency today,andfinally,long or short a forward contract?14.The annual risk free interest rate is4.0%.Today’s the spot price for corn is212cents/bushel,in12months the forward price is203cents/bushel.What is the approximate annualized lease rate on the12-month corn forward contract?(a)0.00%(b)2.25%(c)4.50%(d)8.34%Answer:Dδ=0.04−ln(203/212)15.What phrase might be used to describe the initial transaction a short seller initiates when shortingan equity security?(a)Buy(b)Sell(c)Borrow(d)CoveringAnswer:C16.A currency dealer has good credit and can borrow either$1,000,000or e800,000for one year.The one-year continuously compounding interest rate in the U.S.is i$=1.98%and in the euro zone the one-year continuously compounding interest rate is i e=5.83%.The one-year forward exchange rate is$1.20=e1.00.What must be the spot rate to eliminate arbitrage opportunities?(a)$1.2471=e1.00(b)$1.20=e1.00(c)$1.1547=e1.00(d)none of the aboveAnswer:A,e0.0198=1.02;e0.0583=1.061.2x0×1.06=1.02x0=1.21.02×1.06=1.247117.Corn call options with a$1.75strike price per bushel are trading for a$0.14premium.FarmerJayne decides to hedge her20,000bushels of corn by selling short call options.Six-month interest rates are4.0%and she plans to close her position in6months.What is the total premium she will earn on her short position in6months?(a)$2,800(b)$2,912(c)$800(d)$1,600Answer:B20000×0.14×1.04=291218.Suppose that the annual interest rate is4.88percent in the United States and3.44percent inGermany,and that the spot exchange rate is$1.12/e and the forward exchange rate,with one-year maturity,is$1.16/e.Assume that an arbitrager can borrow up to$1,000,000.If an astute traderfinds an arbitrage,what is the dollar profit in one year?(a)$10,690(b)$15,000(c)$46,207(d)$21,964.29Answer:De0.0488=1.05;e0.0344=1.035$21,964.29=−$1,000,000×(1.05)+$1,000,000×1.161.12×(1.035)19.Assume now U.S.dollar denominated interest rate is3.0%,and Yen denominated interest rate is4.0%.Today’s spot rate is1Yen equals0.01U.S.dollar.If you want to conduct carry trade,youshould borrow,lend today,and in the future.(a)Yen;U.S.dollar;short Yen(b)Yen;U.S.dollar;long Yen(c)U.S.dollar;Yen;short Yen(d)U.S.dollar;Yen;long YenAnswer:C20.When interest rate parity does not hold we should take(a)cash in advance(b)covered interest arbitrage(c)quasi arbitrage(d)fixed income arbitrageAnswer:B。
