英语词汇学-chapter 1
英语词汇学Chapter 01

e. g. • can-opener • dip • persuader
(all-purpose key) (pick-pocket) (dagger)
e. g. • beauty (AusE: excellent, great) • auld (Scot: old) • hame (Scot: home) • lough (Irish: lake)
• This symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary, and there is ‘no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself’ (Lodwig and Barrett, 1973)
1.5 Classification of Words • The English vocabulary, multifarious in nature, consists of words of all kinds. They can be classified by different criteria and for different purposes.
e. g. • In medicine: photoscanning, hepatitis, indigestion, penicillin • In education: audiovisual, megauniversity, microteaching
e. g. • In business: bottom line, balloark figures • In horse-racing: hold him back, hold him in • In medicine: paranoid, persona, hypo

3. Native words and borrowed words 本族语词和外来语词
Native words / Angle-Saxon words
Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are native
words. They form the great majority of the
Another important characteristic is that function words belong to a relatively small and permanent set of words, in comparison to content words. The total number of functional words is about 154. They are stable; they do not come and go with changing fashions and ideas.
basic word stock of the English language.
The basic word stock is the foundation of the
vocabulary accumulated over a number of
epochs. Most native words in modern
What causes the differences between sound and form?
➢ 1) More morphemes than letters, ➢ 2) Stabilization of spelling, ➢ 3) Deliberate change of spelling by

英语词汇学复习资料vs练习题chapter1《英语词汇学》复习资料Chapter 11. Word —— A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2. There is no logical relationship between sound and meaning as the symbolic connection between them is arbi trary and conventional. E.g. ―woman‖ means ’Frau’ in German,’Femme’ in French and ’Funv ’in Chinese. On the other hand,the same sound /rait/ can mean right,rite and write,though denoting different things,yet have the same sound.3. The difference between sound and form result from 4 major factors.(At least 80%of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns)a). the internal reason is English alphabet does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language.b). Pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spellingc). Influence of the work of scribes/printing freezes the spelling of words in 1500d). Borrowing of foreign language4. V ocabulary —— V ocabulary is most commonly used to refer to the sum total of all the words of a language. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect, a given book,a given subject and all the words possessed by an individual person as well as all the words current in a particular period of time in history.The general estimate of the present day English vocabulary is over 1 million words.5.Classification of Words—by use frequency,by notion,by origin1). Basic word stock – the foundation of the vocabulary.1. all national character (most important)–natural phenomenamost common things and phenomena of the human body and relationsworld around us names of plants and animalsaction,size,domain,statenumerals,pronouns,prep. ,conj.2. stability – they donate the commonest thing necessary to life,they are like to remain unchanged. Only relative,some are undergoing some changes. But the change is slow.e.g. arrow,bow,chariot,knight – past electricity,machine,car,plane —— now3. productivity – they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words,they can form new words with other roots and affixes.e.g. foot – football,footage,footpath,footer4. polysemy – often possess more than one meaning. Become polysemous.e.g. take to move or carry from one place to anotherto remove5. collocability – quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages,proverbial saying and otherse.g. heart – a change of heart, a heart of goldNon-basic vocabulary ——1. terminology – technical termsphotoscanning,hepatitis,indigestion,penicillin,algebra,trigonometry,calculus2. jargon – specialized vocabulary in certain professions.Bottom line,ballpark figures,bargaining chips,hold him back,hold him in,paranoid3. slang —— substandard words often used in informal occasionsdough and bread,grass and pot,beaver,smoky,bear,catch,holler,Roger,X-rays,Certain words are labeled slang because of their usage.4. argot – words used by sub-cultured groupscan-opener,dip,persuadercant,jargon ,argot are associated with,or most available to,specific groups of the population.5. dialectal words – only by speakers of the dialectbeauty,chook,cocky,station,auld,build,coo,hame,lough,bog6. archaisms – words no longer in common use or restricted in use. In older poems,legal document and religious writing or speech.7. neologism – newly created words with new meaning e.g. microelectronics,futurology,AIDS,internet,E-mailold meaning acquired new meaning e.g. mouse,monitor2). Content word (notional word)– denote clear notions.Functional word (empty word,form word)– do not have notions of their own,express the relation betweennotions,words and sentences.a. Content words constitute the main body of the English vocabulary are numerous.Functional words are in a small number.b. Content words are growing.Functional words remain stable.c. Functional words do far more work of expression than content words.3). Native words – are words brought to Britain in the 15 century by the German tribes. Ango-Saxon Words,50000-60000 What is true of the basic word stock is also true of native world. More are1. neutral in style (not stylistical specific )2. frequent in use (in academic fields and science French,Latin or Greek are used)(usage 70-90%)Borrowed words (loan words,borrowing)– words taken over from foreign language. 80%According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing,we can bring the loan words under 4 classes.1.Denizens – words borrowed early and now are well assimilated into English language.e.g. port from portus(L)shift,change,shirt,pork cup from cuppa(L)2.Aliens – retained their original pronunciation and spellinge.g. décor(F)blitzkreeg(G)emir,intermez,rowtow,bazaar,rajar,status quo3.translation loans – formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language.1). Word translated according to the meaninge.g. mother tough from lingua maternal(L)black humor from humor noirlong time no see,surplus value,master piece2). Words translated according to the sounde.g. kulak from kyrak(Russ)lama from lama(Tib)ketchup tea4. Semantic loans – their meaning are borrowed from another languagee.g. stupid old dump new sassy dream old joy and peacepioneer old explorer/person doing pioneering work new a member of the young pioneerfresh old impertinent,sassy,cheeky英语词汇学试题Introduction and Chapter 1Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabula ry(练习1)I.Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete the statement.1.Morphology is the branch of grammar which studies the structure or forms of words, primarily through the use of______C___construct.A. wordB. formC. morphemeD. root2.______C__ is traditionally used for the study of the origins and history of the form and meaning of words.A. SemanticsB. LinguisticsC. EtymologyD. Stylistics3.Modern English is derived from the language of early ___A___ tribes.A. GreekB. RomanC. ItalianD. Germanic4. Semantics is the study of meaning of different ___A______ levels: lexis, syntax, utterance, discourse, etc.A. linguisticB. grammaticalC. arbitraryD. semantic5.Stylistics is the study of style . It is concerned with the user’s choices of linguistic elements in a particular_____B___ for special effectsA. situationB. contextD. place6.Lexicography shares with lexicology the same problems: the form , meaning, origins and usages of words, but they have a ____D___ difference.A . spelling B. semantic C. pronunciation D. pragmatic7. Terminology consists of __D_____ terms used in particular disciplines and academic areas.A. technicalB. artisticC. differentD. academic8. ____B______refers to the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts, sciences, trades, and professions communicate among themselves.A. SlangB. JargonC. Dialectal wordsD. Argot9 ._____D____ belongs to the sub-standard language, a category that seems to stand between the standard general words including informal ones available to everyone and in-group words.A. JargonB. ArgotC. Dialectal wordsD. Slang10. Argot generally refers to the jargon of __B_____.Its use is confined to the sub-cultural groups and outsiders can hardly understand it.A. workersB. criminalsC. any personD. policeman11._____D___ are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question.A. ArgotB. SlangC. JargonD. Dialectal words12. Archaisms are words or forms that were once in ___A______use but are now restricted only to specialized or limited use.A. commonB. littleC. slight13. Neologisms are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken on ___A___meanings.A. newB. oldC. badD. good14. Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as______B___ words. They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.A. functionalB. notionalC. emptyD. formal15. Functional words do not have notions of their own. Therefore, they are also called ___C____words. Prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries and articles belong to this category.A. contentB. notionalC. emptyD. newII. Complete the following statements with proper words or expressions according to the course book.16.Lexicology is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and __usages___of words.17.English lexicology aims at investigating and studying the __morphological____ structures of English words and word equivalents, their semantics, relations, __historical___development, formation and ___usages___.18.English lexicology embraces other academic disciplines, such as morphology, __Semantics____,etymology, stylistics, _Lexicography_______.19.There are generally two approaches to the study of words , namely synchronic and __diachronic_____./doc/b17ce13ba300a6c30c229f39.html nguage study involves the study of speech sounds, grammar and__vocabulary_____.III. Match the words or expressions in Column A with those in Column B according to 1) basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary 2) content words and functional words 3) native words and borrowed words 4)characteristics of the basic word stock.A B21 . Stability ( G ) A. E-mail22. Collocbility( F ) B. aught23. Jargon( A ) C. poor24. Argot ( H ) D. upon25.Notional words( C ) E. hypo26. Neologisms ( E ) F. at heart本质上27. Aliens ( J ) G. man28. Semantic-loans( I ) H. dip29. Archaisms ( B ) I. fresh30. Empty words ( D ) J. emir埃⽶尔(对穆斯林统治者的尊称)IV. Study the following words or expressions and identify 1) characteristics of the basic word stock 2) types of nonbasic vocabulary.31. dog cheap ( 1 ) 32 a change of heart ( 1 )33. can-opener 开罐器(⽩内障⼿术⽤)( 2 ) 34.Roger ( 2 )35. bottom line ( 2 ) 36.penicillin ( 2 )37. auld<苏格兰>⽼的;过去的( 2 ) 38. futurology ( 2 )39.brethren ( 2 ) 40. take ( 1 )V. Define the following terms.41. word42. Denizens43. Aliens 44. Translation-loans are words and expressions formed from the existing material in the English language but modeled on the patterns taken from another language. 45. Semantic-loans: words of this category are not borrowed with reference to the form but to the meaning.VI. Answer the following Questions46.Illustrate the relationship between sound and meaning, sound and form with examples.1.Fu nv in Chinese; woman in English2.live, have,true, ―e‖not pronounced.47. What are the main characteristics of the basic word-stock? Illustrate your points with examples.Rain, man, doglike,take, at heart,48.Give the types of nonbasic vocabulary with examples.Penicillin, Roger,dip,memoryVII. Analyze and comment on the following.49. Classify the following words and point out the types of words according to notion.earth, cloud, run, walk, on, of, upon, be, frequently , the, five, but, a , never.(earth, cloud, run,walk,five,frequently, never, content words) (on, of, upon, the, a, but, be,functional words)50. Group the following borrowed words into Denizens, Aliens, Translation-loans, Semantic-loans.Dream, pioneer, kowtow, bazaar, lama, master-piece, port, shirt Denizens: port shirtAliens:bazaarTranslation-loans:lama master-pieceSemantic-loans:pioneer kowtow dream。

Chapter 1 Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary1.What is a word?/ The definition of word.(名词解释)A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.2. The relationship between sound and meaning.(填空或简答)The relationship between sound and meaning are arbitrary and conventional. (这两个单词要会拼写)3.Why are there differences between sound and form?/ Explain the reasons that sound isdifferent from form.(简答)1)The internal reason for this is that the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans, which does not have a separate letter to represent each sound in the language so that some letters must do double duty or work together in combination.2)Another reason is that the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years3)A third reason is that some of the differences were created by the early scribes.4)Finally comes the borrowing, which is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary.4.V ocabulary(简答)All the words in a language make up its vocabulary. The term ‘vocabulary’ is used in different senses. Not only can it refer to the total number of the words in a language, but it can stand for all the words used in a particular historical period. It can also refer to all the words of a given dialect,a given book, a given discipline and the words possessed by an individual person.5.The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over one million words. Classification of words(P10这一小节是重中之重,大题小题都会出到,请结合课本认真复习)6.分类标准(选择填空)Words may fall into the basic word stock and nonbasic vocabulary by use frequency, into contents words and functional words by notion, and into native words and borrowed words by origin.7.The characteristics of basic words stock (简答)1)All national character2)Stability3)Productivity4)Polysemy5)Collocability8.All national character is the most important of all features that may differentiate words ofcommon use form all others. (选择或填空)9.nonbasic words(名词解释)1)Terminology (术语) consist of technical terms used in particular disciplines and academicareas.(重点)2)Jargon(行话)refers to the specialized vocabulary by which members of particular arts,sciences, trades and professions communicate among themselves.(重点)3)Slang(了解)4)Argot (黑话)generally refers to the jargon of criminals.5)Dialectal words (方言)are words used only by speakers of the dialect in question.6)Archaisms (古语)are words or forms that were once in common use but are now restrictedonly to specialized or limited use.7)Neologisms(新词)are newly-created words or expressions, or words that have taken onnew meanings.(重点)10.Content words denote clear notions and thus are known as notional words. (名词解释或填空)11.Functional words do not have notions of their own. (名词解释或填空)12.Content words include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals.13.Functional words are also called empty words or form words. They include prepositions,conjunctions, auxiliaries, articles and pronouns.14.the functions of native words:Native words form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language. Therefore, what is true of the basic word stock is also true of native words.15.Apart from the characteristics mentioned of the basic word stock, in contrast to borrowedwords, native words have two other features: (选择填空或简答)1)Neutral in style2)Frequent in use 要注意native words一共有5+2=7个特点16.外来语的分类:(选择填空或简答)According to the degree of assimilation and manner of borrowing, we can bring the loan-words under four classes.1)denizens2)aliens3)Translation-loans4)Semantic-loans17.Denizens are words borrowed early in the past and now well assimilated into the Englishlanguage. (名词解释)18.Aliens are borrowed words which have retained their original pronunciation and spelling. (名词解释)19.课本第20页练习中的选择、判断、填空都要仔细看,可能会出到原题Chapter 2 The Development of The English Vocabulary1.英语的三个发展阶段及其时间(简答,填空,选择,三个阶段及其时间都要记住)1)Old English (450-1150)2)Middle English (1150-1500)3)Modern English (1500-up to now)2.Now people generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as Old English (选择,填空)3.Old English has a vocabulary of about 50,000 to 60,000words. It was highly inflectedlanguage just like modern German. (古英语的特点,选择,填空)4.Middle English retained much fewer inflection. If we say that Old English was a fullendings, Middle English was one of leveled endings.(中期英语的特点,选择,填空)5.In modern English, word endings were mostly lost with just a few exceptions. It can beconcluded that English has evolved from a synthetic language (Old English) to the present analytic language. (现代英语的特点,选择,填空)6.There are three main sources of new words:1)the rapid development of modern science and technology2)social, economic and political changes3)the influence of other cultures and languages7.Modes of vocabulary development (重点,简答)1)Creation2)Semantic change3)Borrowing8.Creation is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.9.第33页课后题中的天空、判断好好看看Chapter 3 Word Formation 11.morpheme: the morpheme is ‘the smallest functioning unit in the composition of words.’ (名词解释)2.allomorphs: Some morphemes are realized by more than one morph according to theirposition in a word. Such alternative morphs are known as allomorphs.(名词解释)3.types of morphemes (要求会画42页的表)4.free morpheme: Morphemes which are independent of other morphemes are considered to befree. (名词解释)5.We might see that free morphemes are free root.6.bound morphemes: morphemes which cannot occur as separate words are bound. (名词解释)7.bound root: a bound root is that part of the word that carries the fundamental meaning just likea free root. It is a bound form and has to combine with other morphemes to make words. (名词解释)8.what is affixes? Illustrate it with examples. 论述题,这是个重点,课本第41页整页,按上课时画的来回答9. A root is the basic form of a word which cannot be further analyzed withhold total loss ofidentity. (名词解释)10.A stem may consist of a single root morpheme as in iron or of two root morphemes as in acompound like handcuff. It can be a root morpheme plus one or more affixational morphemes as in mouthful, underestimate.11.we will use stem only because it can replace root and also refer to any form which is largerthan a root.12.第44页课后题三个都要好好看一下Unit 4 Word Formation II1.The expansion of vocabulary in modern English depends chiefly on word-formation. Themost productive are affixation, compounding and conversation.(选择,填空)2.Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding word-forming orderivation affixes to stems. This process is also known as derivation. (名词解释)3.Prefixation is the formation of new words by adding prefixes to stems. (名词解释)4.Prefixes do not generally change the word-class of the stem but only modify its meaning.(前缀的特点)5.We classify prefixes on a semantic basis into nine groups:1)Negative prefixes:2)Reversative prefixes3)Pejorative prefixes: mal-, mis-, pseudo-4)Prefixes of degree or size5)Prefixes of orientation and attitude6)Locative prefixes7)Prefixes of time and order8)Number prefixes9)Miscellaneous prefixes(这九种及其例子都要记住,选择题给出例子要知道是属于哪种前缀)6.Suffixes is the formation of new words by adding suffixes to stems. (名词解释)7.Suffixes has only a small semantic role, their primary function being to change thegrammatical function of stems. In other words, they mainly change the word class. (后缀的特点)8.记住几种后缀及其例子,给出一个后缀要选出是什么意义的后缀pounding: Compounding, also called composition, is the formation of new words byjoining two or more stems. Words formed in this way are called compoundings.(名词解释)pounds can be written solid, hyphenated and open.11.Characteristics of compounds/ The differences between compounds and free words (简答)1)Phonetic features2)Semantic features3)Grammatical features12.动词复合词的两种构成形式:(简答)1)Conversation2)Backformation13.Conversation is the formation of new words by conversation words of one class to anotherclass. (名词解释)14.短语动词转换成名词的两种方法:1)Words like hand-out, stand-by are all converted from phrasal verbs. Such conversation isvery common in English. The examples cited here keep their original order, hand-out from hand out, stand-by from stand by.2)Sometimes, when a phrasal verb is turned into a noun, the verb and particle should beinverted.15. Characteristics of full conversation: a noun fully converted from an adjective has all the characteristics of nouns. It can take an indefinite article or –(e) to indicate singular or plural number.16. 熟记以下例子,给出例子,要知道是属于完全转类,一般出选择题或判断题:Common adjectives:a white; a native; finals; drinkables; a liberal; a Republican; necessaries; valuablesParticiples and others:a given; a drunk; young marrieds; newly-weds17. Characteristics of words partially conversation:Nouns partially converted from adjectives do not possess all the qualities a noun does. They must be used together with definite articles. What’s more, they retain some of the adjective features18. 部分转类例子(同16)the poor, the rich, the young, the wounded, the poorer, the more affluent, the most corrupt19. Blending is the formation of new words by combining parts of two words or a word plus a part of another word. (名词解释)20. Four groups of blends(简答)1) head + tail2) head +head3) head +word4) word +tail21. examples: (选择或判断,要求同前)motel (head + tail)sitcom(head + head)medicare (head +word)22. clipping is to shorten a longer word by cutting a part off the original and using what remains instead. (名词解释)23. Four common types of clipping (简答)1) Front clipping2) Back clipping3) Front and back clipping4) Phrase clipping24. examples(要求同前)quake, phone (front clipping)flu, fridge, (front and back clipping)pub, pop, zoo (phrase clipping)25. Acronymy is the process of forming new words by joining the initial letters of names of social and political organizations or special noun phrases and technical terms.(名词解释)26. Initialisms are words pronounced letter by letter. (首字母缩略词)Acronyms are words formed from initial letters but pronounced as a normal word. (首字母拼音词)27. examples:VOA, c/o, p.c. TV (Initialisms)AIDS, N-bomb (Acronyms)28. Back-formation is the method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes.(名词解释)29. examples:donate, beggar, babysitter (back-formation)30. Words from Proper Names include names of people, names of places, names of books and trade names.31. examples:Faraday, Ohm, Volta, Quixote (names of people)China (names of places)Utopia, odyssey, Babbit (names of books)Nylon, orlon, Dacron, rayon (trdaenames)31.课本第73页练习,选择,填空和判断都要仔细看Chapter 5 Word Meaning1.Reference is the relationship between language and the world. (名词解释)2.Concept, which is beyond language, is the result of human cognition, reflecting the objectiveworld in the human mind. It is universal to all men alike regardless of culture, race, language and so on whereas meaning belongs to language, so is restricted to language use. (名词解释)3.Sense denotes the relationships inside the language. (名词解释)4.注意1、2、3的区别5.Motivation accounts for the connection between the linguistic symbol and its meaning. As weknow, the relationship between the word-form and meaning is conventional and arbitrary, and most words can be said to be non-motivated. That is, the connection of the sign and meaning does not have a logical explanation. Nevertheless, English does not have words whose meanings can be explained to a certain extent. (名词解释或简答)6.Four motivations:(简答)1)Onomatopoeic motivation (拟声理据)2)Morphological motivation (形态理据)3)Semantic motivation (语义理据)4)Etymological motivation (词源理据)7.types of meaning 要会画表8.grammatical meanings refers to that part of the meaning of the word which indicatesgrammatical concept or relationships such as part of speech of words (nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs), singular and plural meaning of nouns, tense meaning of verbs and their inflectional forms. (名词解释)9.Lexical meaning and grammatical meaning make up the word-meaning. It is known thatgrammatical meaning surfaces only in use. But lexical meaning is constant in all the content words within or without context as it is related to the notion that the word conveys. Lexical meaning itself has two components: conceptual meaning and associative meaning.10.Conceptual meaning (also known as denotative meaning ) is the meaning given in thedictionary and forms the core of word-meaning. (名词解释)11.概念意义的特点:constant and relatively stable12.Associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning. (名词解释)13.four types of associative meaning: connotative, stylistic, affective and collective.(填空,选择或简答)14.connotative meaning refers to the overtones or associations suggested by the conceptualmeaning. (名词解释)15.stylistic meaning: Apart from their conceptual meanings, many words have stylistic features,which make them appropriate for different contexts. (名词解释)16.stylistic meaning normally classify into formal, neural and informal.17.examples:domicile (very formal, official) residence(formal)abode(poetic)home(general)diminutive (very formal) tiny (colloquial)wee(colloquial, dialectal)记住这些例子,要知道这些是说的词的”stylistic meaning”18.affective meaning: Affective meaning indicated the speaker’s attitude towards the person orthing in question. (名词解释)19.Words that have emotive values may fall into two categories: appreciative or pejorative.20.collocative meaning: this meaning consists of the associations a word acquires in itscollocation.21.课本第92页课后题选择,填空,判断Chapter 6 Sense Relations and Semantic Field1.论述题(按课堂上讲答)Please illustrate two approaches to polysemy with examples.The problem of interrelation of the various meanings of the same word can be dealt with from two different angles: diachronic approach and synchronic approach.2.The development of word-meaning from monosemy to polysemy follows two courses,traditionally known as radiation and concatenation.3.Homonyms are generally defined as words different in meaning but either identical both insound and spelling or identical only in sound or spelling. (名词解释)4.Types of Homonyms (简答)1)Perfect homonyms2)Homographs3)Homophones5.Perfect homonyms are identical both in sound and spelling, but different in meaning. (名词解释)6.Homographs are words identical only in spelling but different in sound and meaning. (名词解释)7.Homophones are words identical only in sound but different in spelling and meaning. (名词解释)8.Homophones constitute the largest number and the most common. (填空或选择)9.Origins of Homonyms (简答)1)Change in sound and spelling2)Borrowing3)Shortening10.Differentiation of Homonyms from Polysemants (难点,这个课本上整段都要仔细看,不一定会出什么形式的题)Perfect homonyms and polysemants are fully identical with regard to spelling and pronunciation. This creates the problem of differentiation. 1) The fundamental difference between homonyms and polysemants lies in the fact that the former refers to different words which happen to share the same form and the latter is the one and same word which has several distinguishable meanings. 2) One important criterion is to see their etymology. 3) The second principle consideration is semantic relatedness. 4) In dictionaries, a polysemant have meanings all listed under one headword whereas homonyms are listed as separate entries. 11.Synonyms: one of two or more words in the English language which have the same or verynearly the same essential meaning. In other words, synonyms share a likeness in denotation as well as I part of speech. (名词解释)12.Synonyms can be classified into two major groups: absolute synonyms and relativesynonyms.13.Absolute synonyms: Absolute synonyms also known as complete synonyms are words shichare identical in meaning in all its aspects, i.e. both in grammatical meaning and lexical meaning, including conceptual and associative meaning.14.Discrimination of synonyms:(论述或简答,注意如果出简答题,则不用举例子,直接答每一段的前一句话就行,但如果是论述,以下都答)The differences between synonyms boil down to three areas: denotation, connotation, and application.1)Difference in denotation. Synonyms may differ in the range and intensity ofmeaning. For example,timid and timorous are synonymous, but the former isapplied to both the state of mind in which a person may happen to be at the moment,and to the habitual disposition, and the latter only to the disposition. Therefore,timid has a wider range of meaning than timorous.2)Difference in connotation. By connotation we mean the stylistic and emotivecoloring of words. For example, among the group of policeman, constable, bobbyand cop. Policeman and constable are stylistically neutral, yet the former is usedboth in British English and American English while the latter is only British. B obbyis colloquial, used only in British English and cop is slangy.3)Difference in application. Many words are synonymous in meaning but different inusage in simple terms. They form different collocations and fit into differentsentence patterns. For example, answer and let are synonyms, but we allow sb to dosth and let sb do sth.15.Antonymy (同上题,简答或论述,另外这里面的例子要记住,选择填空或判断中出现要知道属于哪一类反义词)Antonymy is concerned with semantic opposition. Antonyms can be defined as words which are opposite in meaning. There are a variety of ‘oppositeness’. They can be classified into three major groups.1)Contradictory terms. These antonyms truly represent oppositeness of meaning. Theyare so opposed to each other that they are mutually exclusive and admit nopossibility between them. The assertion of one is the denial of the other. In otherwords, if one of the pair is true, then the other cannot be. For example, an animal iseither dead or alive, and there exists no such a case where the animal is both deadand alive. The same is applicable to present/absent, male/female, boy/girl, true/false,same/different and so on.2)Contrary terms. Antonyms of this type are best viewed in terms of a scale runningbetween two poles or extremes. Antonyms such as rich/poor, old/young, big/smallrepresent two points at both ends of the pole. The two opposites are gradable andone exists in comparison with the other. (other examples: old/young, open/close,rich/poor, hot/cold, beautiful /ugly这几个答大题是不用写,小题时认识就行)3)Relative terms. This third type consist of relational opposites such as parent/child,husband/wife, predecessor/successor, employer/employee, sell/buy, give/recive. 16.Hyponymy 这部分题量不多,记住其中的例子,可能会出选择、填空或判断,比如flower是rose 的什么词?答案:superordiante17.Semantic field这一部分也是出小题,比如给出一堆蔬菜名称,问这是什么语义场,答案a field of vegetable. 或者其他的语义场,fruit, color, relatives and so on.仔细看一下课本上的例子18.课本123页课后题,选择,填空,判断Chapter 7 Changes in Word Meaning1.Word-meaning changes by modes of extension, narrowing, degradation, elevation, andtransfer. Of these, extension and narrowing by far the most common.2.Extension is a process by which a word which originally had a specialized meaning has nowbecome generalized. (名词解释)3.Narrowing is a process by which a word of wide meaning acquires a narrower or specializedsense. (名词解释)4.examples: meat, wife, girl (例子要求同前)5.Elevation refers to the process by which words rise from humble beginnings to position ofimportance. (名词解释)6.Degradation or pejoration of meaning is the opposition of semantic elevation. It is processwhereby of good origins fall into ill reputation or non-affective words come to be used in derogatory sense.(名词解释)7.examples: silly, knave, criticize8.Transfer: words which were used to designate one thing but later changed to mean somethingelse have experienced the process of semantic transfer.(名词解释)9.causes of changes (简答)1)Extra-linguistic factorsa.historical reasonb.class reasonc.psychological reason2) Linguistic factorsa. shortening of phrasesb. borrowingc. analogyChapter 8 Meaning and Context1.linguistic context : Context is used in different sense. In a narrow sense, it refers to the words,clauses, sentences in which a word appears. This is known as linguistic context, which may cover a paragraph, a whole chapter and even the entire book. (名词解释)2.extra-linguistic context: Context is used in different sense in a broad sense, it includes thephysical situation as well. This is called extra-linguistic or non-linguistic context, which embraces the people, time, place, and even the whole cultural background. (名词解释)3.Linguistic context can be subdivided into lexical context and grammatical context.4.Lexical context refers to the words that occur together with the word in question. Themeaning of the word is often affected and defined by the neighboring words.(名词解释)5.Grammatical context: In some case, the meaning of a word may be influenced by the structurein which it occurs. This is what we call grammatical context. (名词解释)6.The role of context: (简答)1)elimination of ambiguity2)indication of referents3)provision of clues for inferring word meaning7.Ambiguity often arises due to polysemy, homonymy and grammatical structure.8.课后习题Chapter 9 English Idioms1. Characteristics of idioms(简答)1)semantic unity2)structural stability2. Please explain the structural stability of idioms(简答)1) The constituents of idioms cannot be replaced.2) The word order cannot be inverted or changed.3) The constituents of an idiom cannot be deleted or added to, not even an article.4) Many idioms are grammatically unanalysable.3. According to grammatical functions we classify idioms into five groups.4. Idioms can be classified into 5 groups: (简答)1) Idioms nominal in nature2) Idioms adjectival in nature3) Idioms verbal in nature4) Idioms adverbial in nature5) Sentence idioms5. Idioms nominal in nature: Idioms of this class have a noun as the key word in each and function as a noun in sentences. (名词解释)6. Idioms verbal in nature can be divided into phrasal verbs and verb phrases.7. Phrasal verbs are idioms which are composed of a verb plus a prep and/or a particle. (名词解释)8. As far as sentence types are concerned, sentence idioms embrace declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamative sentences. In terms of complexity they can be further divided into simple, compound and complex sentences.9. Idioms are generally felt to be informal.10. Apart from the stylistic features, idioms manifest apparent rhetorical colouring in such respects as of phonetic manipulation, lexical manipulation and figures of speech. (填空或简答)11. Phonetic manipulation: (1) Alliteration (2) Rhyme12. 应用举例:eat like a horse -----simileBlack sheep, a dark horse------metaphor13. Metonymy: This refers to idioms in which the name of one thing is used for that of another associated with it. (名词解释)14. 课本179页练习,选择,填空,判断,简答。
Chapter One(A) 英语词汇学课程简介

兼任 湖北省学位委员会评议组成员、华中师范大学学位 委员会第3、4届委员、教育部人文社科基地华中师大语言 与语言教育研究中心兼职研究员。学术兼职包括全国专业 英语研究会理事、中南地区外语教学法研究会副理事长、 湖北省翻译者协会副会长、武汉欧美同学会常务理事等。 被邀担任教育部全国本科教学评估专家和教育部出国留学 基金语言学评审专家。同时担任上海外语教育出版社教育 部"十五"规划项目英语专业教材编写委员会委员,重庆出 版社中西部英语专业系列教材编写委员会委员。 主讲 英语词汇学、文体学、语义学等理论课程。从事语 言学和应用语言学方面的研究,并对话语篇章、语用、语 言与文化等有浓厚的兴趣。
近年来,汪榕培教授在中国古典文学英译和中西 文化比较等方面取得了突破性的进展,先后完成 了 《英译老子》、《英译易经》、 《英译陶诗》、 《英译诗经》、《英译庄子》、 《英译邯郸记》 《英译汉魏六朝诗三百首》、 《英译牡丹亭》、 《英译孔雀东南飞· 木兰诗》、等译著, 并撰写了一系列相关的论文,出版了专著《比较 与翻译》和《陶渊明诗歌英译比较研究》,得到 国内外学者的高度重视。他目前正在继续进行典 籍英译研究工作,兼任苏州大学、大连理工大学 博士生导师。
What we shall learn in ish lexicology is more than to learn to remember new words,but it will make you powerful in learning new words. 有人误认为词汇学就是“学词汇”。
4.所有作业,独立完成,不能抄袭 ,否则扣分。
Chapter One
The Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary

English Lexicology(英语词汇学)Lexicology: is a branch of linguistics, inquiring into the origins and meanings of words.Chapter 1--Basic concepts of words and vocabularyWord: A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function. (1)a minimal free form of a language (2)a sound unity (3)a unit of meaning (4)a form that can function alone in a sentenceSound and meaning: almost arbitrary, “no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself”Sound and form:不统一的四个原因(1)the English alphabet was adopted from the Romans, which does not have a separate letter to represent each other(2)the pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years(3)some of the difference were creates by the early scribes(4)the borrowings is an important channel of enriching the English vocabulary词汇Vocabulary: all the words in a language make up its vocabulary词语分类Classification of English Words:1.By use frequency: basic word stock & non basic vocabulary基本词汇的特征:1)All-National character(全民通用性most important)2)Stability3)Productivity(多产性) 4)Polysemy(多义性)5)Collocability(可搭配性)没有上述特征的词:(1)Terminology(术语) (2)Jargon(行话)(3)slang(俚语)(4)Argot(暗语)(5)Dialectal words (6)Archaisms(古语) (7) Neologisms(新词语):Neologisms2.By notion: content words实词 & functional words虚词3.By origin: native words & borrowed wordsNative words(本族语词): Two other features:(1)neutral in style (2)frequent in useBorrowed words/Loan words: words taken over from foreign languages.(80% of modern EV)1) denizens(同化词,融入英语): (shirt from skyrta(ON))2) aliens(非同化词/外来词,可以看出源头): kowtow3) translation loans(译借词):按其他语言方式组成英语long time no see / tofu4) semantic loans(借义词):they are not borrowed withreference to the form,but their meanings are borrowed pioneer本指开拓者,先引申为先锋。

《英语词汇学教程》参考答案Chapter 1 1. 1. The The three three definitions definitions agree agree that that lexicology lexicology studies studies words. words. Y et, Y et, they they have have different different focuses. focuses. Definition 1 focuses on the meaning and uses of words, while definition 2 on the overall structure and history. Definition 3 regards lexicology as a branch of linguistics and focuses on the semantic structure of the lexicon. It is interesting to note that the three definitions use different names for the object of study. For Definition 1, it is words, for Definition 2 the vocabulary of a language, and for Definition 3 the lexicon. 2. (1) They can go into the room, and if they like, shut the door. (2) You boys are required to give in your homework before 10 o ‘clock. (3) I watch the football match happily and find it very interesting. 3. (1) w hen it follows ‗when it follows ‗-t‘ and ‗-d‘, it is pronounced as [id]; (2) when it follows voiceless consonants, it is pronounced as [t]; (3) when it follows voiced consonants and vowels, it is pronounced as [d]. 4. (1)They are words that can be included in a semantic field of ―tree treeǁǁ. (2)They represent the forms of the verb ―fly flyǁǁ and have a common meaning. (3)They belong to a lexical field of ‗telephone communication ‘. (4)They (4)They are are synonyms, synonyms, related related to to human human visual visual perception. perception. Specifically, Specifically, they they denote denote various various kinds of ―looking lookingǁǁ. 5. (a) ‗blackboard: a board with a dark smooth surface, used in schools for writing with chalk (the primary stress in on black) ; ‗blackbird: a particular kind of bird, which may not necessarily be black in colour (the primary stress in on black); ‗greyhound: a slender, swift dog with keen sight (the primary stress in on black), ‗White House: the residence of the US President in Washington (the primary stress in on black). 0 (b) black ‗board: any board which is black in colour (both words receive primary stress); black ‗bird: bird: any any bird bird which which is is black black in in colour colour (both (both words words receive receive primary primary stress); stress); grey grey ‗‗hound: hound: any any hound that is grey in colour (both words receive primary stress); ‗white ‗house: any house that is painted white (both words receive primary stress). 6. There are 44 orthographic words, i.e. sequences of letters bounded by space. There are 24 open class words and 20 closed class words. 7. (a) The ‗bull bull‘‘ is literal, referring to a male bovine animal. (b) ‗Take the bull by the horn ‘ is an idiom, meaning ‗(having the courage to) deal with someone or something directly. (c) (c) ‗‗Like Like a a bull bull in in a a china china shop shop‘‘ is is an an idiom, idiom, meaning meaning doing doing something something with with too too much much enthusiasm or too quickly or carelessly in a way that may damage things or upset someone. (d) A ‗bull market ‘ is one where prices rise fast because there is a lot of buying of shares in anticipation of profits. 8. cup, mug, glass, tumbler, tankard, goblet, bowl, beaker, wineglass, beer glass, sherry glass They can be organized in a number of ways, for example, by the drinks the vessel is used for. Non-alcoholic: glass, tumbler, cup, mug, beaker, bowl Beer: beer glass, tankard Wine: wineglass, goblet Spirits: sherry glass Chapter 2 1. Lexeme is an abstract linguistic unit with different variants, for example, sing as against sang, sung. Morpheme is the ultimate grammatical constituent, the smallest meaningful unit of language. For example, m oralizers moralizers is an English word composed of four morphemes: moral +lize +er +s . Any concrete realization of a morpheme in a given utterance is called a morph, such as cat, chair , -ing, -s , etc. , etc. Allomorphs are the alternate phonetic forms of the same morpheme, for example, [t], [d] and [id] are allomorphs of the past tense morpheme in English. 2. quick-ly, down-stair-s, four-th, poison-ous, weak-en, world-wide, inter-nation-al-ly, in-ject, pro-trude 3. island, surname, disclose, duckling, cranberry, reading, poets, flavourfulness, famous, subvert 4. (a) [ ə] (b)[ -ai] 5. (1) –‗–‗s, -s (2) -est, -s (3) –ing (4) –ed 6. The connotations are as follows: (1) slang, carrying the connotation of reluctance, (2)informal, carrying the connotation that the speaker speaker is is speaking speaking to to a a child, child, (3) (3) beastie beastie is is used used to to a a small small animal animal in in Scotland, Scotland, carrying carrying the the connotation of disgust, (4) carrying the connotation of formalness, (5) carrying the connotation of light-heartedness. 7. { -əm; ~- n; ~- n; ~-i: ~-s; ~-z; ~-iz} 8. court: polysemy dart: polysemy fleet: homonymy jam: homonymy pad: homonymy steep: homonymy stem: homonymy stuff: polysemy watch: polysemy 9. (1)(1)——(f), (2)(2)——(g), (3)(3)——(c), (4)(4)——(e), (5)(5)——(a), (6)(6)——(d), (7)(7)——(b) 10.(1) unpractical (2) break (3) impractical (4) rout (5) pedals (6) Route(7) raze Chapter 3 1. The history of English can be divided into four periods: the Old, Middle, Early middle and Modern English periods. In Old English period, there is a frequent use of coinages known as ‗kennings kennings‘‘, which refers to to vivid vivid figurative figurative descriptions descriptions often often involving involving compounds. compounds. The The absence absence of of a a wide-ranging wide-ranging vocabulary vocabulary of of loanwords loanwords force force people people to to rely rely more more on on word-formation word-formation processes processes based based on on native elements. The latter period of Old English was characterized by the introduction of a number number of of ‗‗loan loan translations translations‘‘. . Grammatical Grammatical relationships relationships in in Old Old English English were were expressed expressed by by the use of inflectional endings. And Old English is believed to contain about 24,000 different lexical items. In In Middle Middle English English period, period, English English grammar grammar and and vocabulary vocabulary changed changed greatly. greatly. In In grammar, grammar, English English changed changed from from a a highly highly inflected inflected language language to to an an analytic analytic language. language. In In vocabulary vocabulary English was characterized by the loss of a large part of the Old English word-stock and the addition of thousands of words from French and Latin. In In Early Early Modern Modern English English period, period, English English vocabulary vocabulary grew grew very very fast fast through through extensive extensive borrowing and expansion of word-formation patterns. And there were a great many semantic changes, as old words acquire new meanings. Modern Modern English English is is characterized characterized with with three three main main features features of of unprecedented unprecedented growth growth of of scientific vocabulary, the assertion of American English as a dominant variety of the language, and the emergence of other varieties known as ‗New Englishes ‘. 2. appeareth appeareth in in (a) (a) becomes becomes appeared appeared in in (b), (b), and and dreame dreame becomes becomes dream. dream. The The passive passive were were departed departed becomes becomes the the active active had had gone. gone. With With the the change change of of word word forms, forms, (b) (b) looks looks simple simple morphologically. 3. barf: American slang kerchief: French mutton: French cadaver: Latin goober: Kongo leviathan: Latin ginseng: Chinese taffy: North American kimono: Japanese whisky: Irish caddy: Malay sphere: Latin algebra: Arabic giraffe: African 4. train: train: meaning meaning changed changed from from the the trailing trailing part part of of a a gown gown to to a a wide wide range range of of extended extended meanings. deer: meaning narrowed from ‗beast ‘ or ‗animal ‘ to ‗a particular kind of animal ‘knight: meaning ameliorated from ‗boy, manservant ’ to ‗a man in the UK who has been given an honor of knighthood ‘meat: meaning narrowed down from ‗food ‘ to ‗the edible flesh of animals and the edible part of fruit ‘. hose: meaning extended from ‗leg covering ‘ to ‗a long tube for carrying water ‘. 5. sell: specialized hound: specialized starve: specialized wife: specialized loaf: specialized 6. American English British English Fall Autumn candy sweet corn Maize semester term apartment flat Dresser Dressing table Street car Tram car Chapter 4 1. read+-i+-ness dis-+courage+-ing kind+heart+-ed un-+doubt+-ed+-ly stock+room+-s pre-+pack+-age+-ed 2. book: books(n.); books(v.), booking, booked forget: forgets, forgot, forgotten short: shortter, shortest snap: snaps, snapping, snapped take: takes, taking, took, taken goose: geese heavy: heavier, heaviest 3. –ish: meaning ‗having the nature of , like ‘de-: meaning ‗the opposite of ‘-ify: meaning ‗make, become ‘-dom: means ‗the state of ‘il-(im-/in-): meaning ‗the opposite of, not ‘-able: meaning ‗that can or must be ‘ mis-: meaning ‗wrongly or badly ‘-sion(-tion):meaning ‗the state/process of ‘pre-: meaning ‗prior to ‘-ment: meaning ‗the action of ‘re-: meaning ‗again again‘‘under-: meaning ‗not enough ‘-al: meaning ‗the process or state of ‘4. a. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―Adj + N ǁ structure, in which adjectives are are used used to to modify modify nouns nouns ‗‗line, line, line, line, neck, neck, room room‘‘. . Hotline Hotline means means ‗‗a telephone telephone number number that that people people can can call call for for information information‘‘. . Mainline Mainline means means ‗‗an an important important railway railway line line between between two two cities cities‘‘. Redneck means ‗a person from the southern US ‘. Darkroom means ‗a room with very little in it, used for developing photographs ‘. b. b. They They are are endocentric endocentric compounds. compounds. They They have have the the ――N N + + N ‘ structure. structure. Bookshelf Bookshelf means means ‗‗a shelf for keeping books ‘. Breadbasket means ‗a container for serving bread ‘. Mailbox means ‗a a box box for for putting putting letters letters in in when when they they delivered delivered to to a a house house‘‘. . Wineglass Wineglass means means ‗‗a a glass glass for for drinking wine ‘. c. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + N ‘ structure. Letterhead means ‗the head of a letter (i.e. the name and address of an organization printed at the top of a letter)‘. Roadside means ‗the area at the side of a road ‘. Keyhole means ‗the hole in a lock for putting the key in ‘. Hilltop means ‗the top of a hill ‘. d. They are exocentric compounds. Dropout means ‗a person who leaves school before they have finished their studies. Go-between means ‗a person who takes messages between people ‘. Turnout means ‗the number of people who come to an event event‘‘. Standby means ‗a person or thing that can always be used if needed ‘. e. e. They They are are endocentric endocentric compounds. compounds. They They have have the the ――Adj Adj + + N-ed N-edǁǁ structure, structure, in in which which adjectives are used to modify the N-ed. f. They are endocentric compounds. They have the ―N + Adj ǁ structure, meaning As Adj As N. 5. in-: not, the opposite of en-: to put into the condition of dis-: not, the opposite of un-: not, the opposite of inter-: between, among mis-: wrongly or badly over-: too much re-: again post-: after 6. a. a young dog; piglet b. a female editor; hostess c. a place for booking tickets; refinery d. one who is kicked; trainee e. the state of being put up; output 7. unbelievable: un- (prefix), -able (suffix) inexhaustible: in- (prefix), -ible(suffix) multinational: multi (prefix)-, -al(suffix) teleshopping: tele- (prefix), -ing (suffix) 8. a. Initialism b. Blending c. Compounding d. conversion 9. a. compounding, affixation b. compounding, affixation c. compounding, shortening d. compounding, affixation 10. a. consumable, comprehensible, exchangeable, permissible b. absorbent, assistant, different, participant c. constructor, liar, beggar, editor, developer d. elementary, stationary, brewery, mockery Chapter 5 1. (a) connotation (b) formality (c) dialect (d) connotation 2. water rainwater, brine, tap water, mineral water, spring water, purified water, aerated water, ………….. .. 3. (a) keeping (b) feeling of admiration or respect 4. (a) hyponymy (b) meronymy 5. (a) light beer, strong beer (b) heavy coffee, strong coffee, weak coffee 6. amateur —dabbler, funny funny——ridiculous, occupation occupation——profession, small small——little, famous famous——renowned, fiction fiction——fable, smell smell——scent 7. These words refer to different kinds of pictures or diagrams. Drawing: picture or diagram made with a pen, pencil, or crayon. Cartoon refers to ‗an amusing drawing in a newspaper or magazine ‘. Diagram Diagram refers refers to to a a simple simple drawing drawing using using lines lines to to explain explain where where something something is, is, how how something something works, etc. Illustration refers to a drawing or picture in a book, magazine etc. to explain something. Sketch refers to a simple picture that is drawn quickly and does not have many details. 8.(a) gradable (b) non-gradable, reversive (c) gradable (d) non-gradable, reversive (e) gradable (f) non-gradable 9.(a) antonym (b) hyponymy (c) antonym (d) synonymy (e) meronymy Chapter 6 1. 1) literal expression 2) idiom 3) literal expression 4) idiom 5) idiom 6) literal expression 2. 1) die 2) something that makes a place less attractive 3) suddenly realize or understand something 4) make one‘s friends disappoint 5) continue to argue something that has already been decided and is not important 6) react quickly so as to get an advantage 3. 1) gradually reduce the amount of time, money, etc. 2) give support and encouragement to someone in a game, competition, etc 3) give something to the person it belongs to 4) annoy 5) fail because a part is weak or incorrect 6) try to find out the facts about something 7) live under the rule of someone 8) talk to someone in order to find out his opinions, ideas, feelings etc. 9) give someone a warning or secret information about something Chapter 7 1.General dictionaries include all of the elements of a lexicon, including meanings, pronunciations, usages, and histories of the words of their language. Specialized dictionaries are restricted to one variety or to one type of entryword. 2.They are different in that different media are used. Print dictionaries do not use electric power and can be used in all kinds of light. Electronic dictionaries are easy to carry. . 3.Open to discussion. 4.Open to discussion. 5.(a) symbolise is a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or (b) symbol of sth is a person, an object, an event, etc. that represents a more general quality or is a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed meaning, especially in situation; symbol for sth is a sign, number, letter, etc. that has a fixed meaning, especially in science, mathematics and music (a)/sim/sim‘‘bɔlik/ and /sim‘ba:lik/ (b)represent (c)2 (d)Yes. We know that form the label [VN] and the examples. Chapter 8 1.vertically challenged—short sanitation engineer—garbage collector women‘‘s toilet ladies‘‘ cloak room—womenethnic cleansing--genocide ladies2.(1)They differ in connotation. Politician implies disapproval while statesman implies approval. (2)They differ in connotation. Inexpensive sounds indirect. implies approval. (3) They differ in connotation. flatter implies disapproval, while praise i mplies approval. scholar is neutral. (4) They differ in connotation. pedant implies disapproval, s cholar3.(1) buttocks — buns (2) nonsense — bullshit (3) prison — can (4) cocaine — coke 4.(a).Turn off the lights, please.(b) Would you please turn off the lights? 5. Answers vary from person to person. 6. (1) on a formal occasion. (2) when the speaker is seeing a friend off (3) when the speaker is angry and wants the addressee to leave (4) when the speaker is talking with a close friend. 7. gateway, firewall, virus, bookmark, address, DOS, cyberspace, profiler, browser, login 8. They differ in the terms they used, as they are different jargons. Chapter 9 1. knife: an object with a sharp blade for cutting things clothes: things we wear to keep our bodies warm; building: a structure made of a strong material, having roof, walls, windows, and doors 2. She attacked every weak point in my argument. He withdrew his offensive remarks. I hit back at his criticism. She produced several illustrations to buttress her argument. I braced myself for the onslaught. 3. The suffix–ee is typically attached to a verb meaning ‗one who is the object of the verb ‘. This meaning meaning is is considered considered as as the the core core meaning meaning of of the the form. form. So, So, trainee means means ‗‗one one who who is is being being trained ‘. But the background knowledge associated with the verb may modulate the meaning of the suffix. Suffix –ee in standee moves away from the core meaning and is deprived of the ‗object ‘ meaning. So ‗standee ‘ means ‗one who stands ‘. 4. 4. In In ‗‗good good baby baby ‘, , ‗‗good ‘ means means ‗‗well-behaved, well-behaved, not not causing causing trouble trouble ‘; ; in in ‗‗good good parent parent ‘, , ‗‗good ‘ means ‗kind, generous, considerate, etc .‘5. (1) is used to show sad feelings while (2) is used as an apology. 。
英语词汇学chapter1 vocabulary

Lexicon lexis
eg. biology psychology …
Briefly, it is the “science of the word”, and a branch of linguistics dealing with vocabulary of a language.
• The main reasons (sources) for the frequent appearance of neologisms are three:
– Marked progress of science and technology – Socio-economic, political and cultural changes – The influence of other cultures and languages
1.2.2 The growth of present-day English vocabulary
• The 19th and 20th centuries saw an unprecedented growth in scientific vocabulary as a consequence of the industrial revolution and the scientific exploration and discovery.
– The vocabulary of the Old English consisted mainly of Anglo-Saxon words, 85% of which was no longer in use now.
英语词汇学 chapter 1

1.1 Definition of a word
There has been no agreed definition to the term
“word”. The definition may have the following
① a minimal free form of a language;
② a sound unity;
③ a unit of meaning;
④ a form that can function alone in a sentence.
To sum up, we can say that “a word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function”.
sight(视力), site(场所), cite(引证)
vain (陡然), vein(静脉),vane(风向标)
1.3 Sound and Form
Form refers to the written form of the oral form. Naturally the written form should agree with the oral form. In other words, the sound should be similar to the form. This is true of English in its earliest stage, e. g. Old English.
Numerous linguistic facts prove the opinion held by the Conventionalists is correct, whereas the thesis by the Naturalists can’t hold water.
? Invention, expansion, omission, justification, modernization, description
? 这几个都是词素变体。
? 请在以下单词前加前缀,使其具有“不” 的意思:
? Perfect, balance, mobile ? Responsible ? Logical ? Flexible, excusable ? im-, ir-, il- 都是in-的词素变体
? How much vocabulary should a Chinese student have?
? most frequently used coverage of reading materials
? 1,000
? 2,000
? 3,000
? 4,000
? 5,000
? English lexicology
– The study of English vocabulary
? Exercises:
– To be done after class
1.2 The Structure of English Words
? Lead-in
? What is a word?
– Cf: German 185,000 – French 100,000
? How much vocabulary did literary masters have?
– Shakespear: 24,000 – Milton: 16,000 – …… – English educated people: 25,000 √ – Chinese educated people: 5000

张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论(A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933 中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。
首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a ,my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。
第二部分Chapter Ⅱ到Chapter Ⅳ英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词(Morphological structure of English words and word-formation )(一)词素(Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。
如:nation 是一个词素,national有nation+al 两个词素。

Modern English vocabulary
The Future Development of English Vocabulary
Summary: The future development of English vocabulary is likely to be influenced by globalization, technology, and cultural exchange.
Communication: A sound knowledge of Lexicology aids in effective communication, whether in writing, speaking, or translation.
Educational: Teachers and students of English can benefit from a better understanding of the vocabulary they are working with.
Words are grouped according to their meanings or semantic fields.
Words are grouped according to their internal structure and the formation processes that led to them.
Definition and characteristics
输入 标题
Definition and characteristics
Practical: The knowledge gained from Lexicology is applied in areas like translation, education, and lexicography.
词汇学-chapter 1

2. The Development of Vocabulary 英语发展阶段 A. Old English (Anglo-Saxon Period) (449---1100) B. Middle English (1100---1500) C. Modern English (1500---present) 重点学习 changes after World War II Shakespeare: thou thee 1) progress of science and technology
• 区分 区分China English: cadre • 从以上的例子看出,学习英语是一项 从以上的例子看出, 浩繁而又艰巨的工程,痛定思痛, 浩繁而又艰巨的工程,痛定思痛,想 学好英语必须从点滴做起, 学好英语必须从点滴做起,又要兼顾 方方面面,这其中首推词汇 词汇。 方方面面,这其中首推词汇。 • brick, money
比如: 比如 1) American English In the 1980s (TV) ---- present (test, meeting) British English----American English
• 由于美国综合国力强大促进了美语的地位和 进一步推广反过来美语的发展也反作用于美 国社会甚至全世界. 国社会甚至全世界 • colour---color • practice (v. n.) • rubber---eraser • queue---line trousers---pants underground---subway flat---apartment lift---elevator (escalator)
说明: 美语口语的一个典型误区: 说明 美语口语的一个典型误区 -r • cold, so, meal, industrial--- horse, clear 2) Chinese 过去学汉语的人很少,现在出现汉语热 现在出现汉语热,从 过去学汉语的人很少 现在出现汉语热 从 侧面反映中国综合实力和整体发展势头 相当好. 相当好 (Rank 2) 过去大山 一人代表,现在 过去大山 (Mark Roswell)一人代表 现在 一人代表 郝歌, 很多 (郝歌 陆大伟等 郝歌 陆大伟等) Work hard to make Chinese the global language. (人, 范围 就业 人 范围; 就业)

《英语词汇学教程》(2004年版)练习答案[Chapter 1】7. tart: loose woma nbloke: fellowgat: pistolswell: great ehieke n: cowardblue: fightsmoky: policefull: drunkdame: woma n beaver: girl8. haply = perhapsalbeit = althoughmethi nks = it seems to me eke = alsosooth : =truth morn = morni ngtroth = p ledge ere = beforequoth =saidhallowed = holybillow =wave/ the seabade = bid12.【Chapter 2】Ex.1The Indo-European Language Family is one of the most important Ianguagefamilies in the world. It is made up of most of the Ianguages of Europe, the Near East and In dia. En glish bel ongs to this family and the other members of the In do-Europea n have more or less in flue nee on En glish vocabulary. A kno wledge of the Indo-European Language Family will help us understand English words better and use them more appropriately.In do-Europea n Lan guage Family1 11111Balto-SlavicIn do-Ira nianCelticItalia n : : :Helle nicGerma nic2.Roumanian Hindi Breton Spanish Greek EnglishWhe n in the course of huma n eve nts it becomes n ecessaryfor one people to dissolve the political bonds which have connectedthem with another, and to assumea mong the powers of the earthseparatea nd equal statio n to which the laws of nature and of nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causeswhich impel them to theseparatio n.Most of the content words are either of Greek or Lati n origi n. What are left are mostly functional words. This shows that Greek and Latin play a very important part in the En glish vocabulary.8. eventful [Latin + English] hydroplane [Greek + Latin]falsehood [ Latin + English] pacifist [Latin + Greek] saxophone [German + Greek]heirloom [ French + English]joss house [ Portuguese + English] television [Greek + Latin] 9.amateur (late) finac (late) empire (early) peace (E) courage (E)garage (L) judgement (E) chair (E) chaise (L) grace (E) servant (E)routine (L) jealous (E) savat (L) genre (L) gender(E)d (but (L)morale (L)Lithuanian Prussian Polish Slavenian Russian Bulgarian6.Persian Scottish IrishFrench Italian PortugueseSwedish German Norweigian Icelandic Danish Dutchstate (E) chez (L) ballet (L)11.allegro, f轻快andante, j行板diminuendo, g渐弱largo, d缓慢pianoforte, a轻转慢alto, i女低首crescendo, b渐强forte, e强piano, h轻soprano, c女咼首12.cherub (Hebrew) coolie (Hindi) lasso (Sp) shampoo (Indian)tepee (Am Ind) kibitz (G) chipmunk (Am Ind) cotton (Arab)snorkel (G)tulip (Turk)wok (Ch) chocolate (Mex) jubilee (Gr) Sabbath (Heb) tamale (Mex) voodoo (Afr)sauerbraten (G)13.a. alligator c. rodeo e. igloo g. wigwam i. hurricanek. panchos b. loco d. bonanza f. blitzkrieg h. canoe j. boomerang【Ch apter 31. a. morpheme c. bound morpheme e. affix g. derivati onal affix i. stem 3. in dividualistic in dividualist + ic [stem,base] in dividual + ist [stem, base] in dividu + al [stem, base] in + dividu [root, stem, base]un desirablesun + desirable [stem, base] desir + able [root, stem, base] -free morpheme = free rootmorpheme bound rootbound morpheme - in flect ional affixLaffix + r prefixderivati onal affixsuffixloot (Hindi) b. allomorphd. free morpheme f. informational affix h. root j. base【Ch apter 4】Affixation5. non-smokerdisobey immatureun willi ngn essillogical non-athletic in capablein securityin ability/disabilityillegal disloyalimpractical irrelevant uno fficiallydisagreeme ntinconvenient6. harde n horrify moder nizememorize falsify apologizedeepen glorify sterilizelen gthe n inten sify beautifyfatte n sympathizea. apologizedb. beautifyc. len gthe ningd. sympathizede. fatte nf. falsifyg. memorizi ng h. Sterilize7. a. employee b. politicia n c. participa ntd. waitresse. con ductorf. teacherg. pia nist h. exam in ee/exam iner8.trans- = across: transcon ti nen tal, tran s-world mono- = one:mono rail, mono culturesuper- = over, above: superstructure, super natural auto- = self: autobiography, automobilesub- = bad, badly: malpractice, malnu triti on mi ni- = little, small: min icrisis, mi ni war pre- = before: prehistorical, preelecti on ex- = former: ex-teacher, ex-filmerCompoundingheartbeat [S + V] movie-goer [place + V] far- reachi ng [V + Adv] lion-hearted [adv + a] boyfrie nd [S + compleme nt] snap decisi on [V + O] on-coming [V +adv] light-blue [a + a] brai nwashi ng [V + O] bak ing powder [ V+adv] dog-tired [adv + a] love-sick [adv + a] peace-lo ving [V +0] easy chair [ a + n] tax-free [adv +a] goin gs-on [V +adv]4. well-bred/well-behaved culture-bo un d/homebo undConversion 7. a. stomach [n f v]b. room [n fc. wolf [ n fd. come/go [ve. familiar [af. innocen t [ag. flat [a fh. ah/ ouch [inti. warm [a f n]j.has-bee n/might-havebee n [fin ite vf n]k. Hamlet [proper n f v] l. buy [v f n] m. smooth [a f v]Blendingmotel (motor + hotel) humint (huma n + in tellige nee)advertisetics (advertiseme nt + statistics) psywarrior (psychological warrior) hoverport (hovercraft + port) chunnel (cha nnel + tunnel) hi-fi (high + fidelity) cin emactress Qn ema + actress dorm (dormitory) prefab (prefabricated house) prof (professor) champ (champi on) mike (micropho ne) tec (detective) Acronymy2. kg = kilogram ft = foot cf = confer cm = centimeter $ = dollaribid = ibidem etc. = et cetera VIP = very importa nt pers onOPEC = Orga ni zati on of Petroleum Export ing Coun triesn eedle work/homework bar-woma n/sportswoma n clear-mi nded/stro ng-mi nded self-c on trol/self-respect water-proof/fire-proof n ews-film/news-letter sister-i n-law/father-i n-law half-way/half-d one age-co nscious/status-c on sciouspraiseworthy/respectworthy n atio n-wide/college-widemilitary-style/newstyle budget-related/politics-related on ce-fashio nable/o nce-powerful mock-attack/mock-sad ness home-baked/home-produced ever-lasti ng/ever-gree ncampus-based/market-basednnmClippingcopter (helicopter) lab (laboratory) gas (gasoli ne) scope (telescope* sarge ^ergea nt) ad (advertiseme nt)TOEFL = teachi ngof En glish as aforeig n Ian guage3. a. SALTb. radarc. AIDSd. BASICe. Laserf. WHOg. sonarh. G-ma nBackformation2. lase (laser)escalate (escalator)babysit (babysitter)peeve (peevish)orate (orator) commute (commuter)Commonization of Proper Namesa. tan talize—Tantalusb. Argus-eyec—Argusc. n arcissism—Narcissusd. sabotage- sabotse. martinet—Martinetf. yahoo—Yahoog. Shylock—Shylockh. hooveri ng—Hooveri. utopia—Utopiaj. Un cle Tommism—Uncle Tom【Chapter 5】6. apes— b birds—acattle—m cricket—ndoves— c foxes—jgeese- k sheep- fwolves—g pigs—l turkeys—d mon keys— e hyenas— h swa ns— i9. a. A scie ntist worki ng in a project to develop in dustrial uses for nu clear power might have all thepositive associationswith “ atomic ” , such as“ ben efit, en ergy ” , etc.b. A Japa nese reside nt of Hiroshima, victim of the atomic explosi on at the endof World War II, might have all the n egative associati ons with“ atom icsuch as “ sufferi ng, killi ng, death, horror", etc.c. To a student of nuclear physics, “ atomic ” might be associated with“ myscienee, knowledge ” , etc.10. talkative:articulate:gossip: impl ying a fondn ess for talk ing freque ntly and at len gth neutral) express ing on eself easily and clearly positivein dulgi ng in idle talk or rumours about others (negativerambli ng: talking aimlessly without connection of ideas (negative) flue nt: speak ing easily, smoothly, and expressively positive mouthy: overtly talkative, especially in a rude way (nagative)14.[Chapter 6】 Polysemy 4.4. 1) Make both en dsmeat is a parody of make both ends meet which means“ haveeno ugh money for one ' s n eeds ” . Here the butcher cleverly uses the pair ofhomonyms meat and meet to make a pun .It makes a proper an swer tothelady ' s questio(1) Butchers cannot make both ends meat (make wholesausageswith all meat) becausethey cannot make both ends meet (If they madesausages with all meat, which is more costly, they would not earn eno ugh money to survive.)( 2) Don ' t compla in. All the butchers do the same. I am not the only one who is making sausages with bread.2) Swallow is a bird which is seen in summer. But by one swallow we see, wecannot deduce that it is already summer time. Swallow can also mean a mouthful of wine. On a cold win ter day, if one has a swallow of wi ne, one may feel warm.3) arms has two meanin gs: weap ons; the huma n upper limbs. Si nee a cannonball took off his legs ”,the soldier was not able to fight on, so he laiddining table council tablefood served at the table; meal supplied by the week or monthcouncilors; committee ; directors of a companyhis armS',which means Surrende ”.lt can also mean he laid down limbs. Synonymy3. avaricious:greedycourteously: politely ema ncipate: set freecustomary: usualwidth: breadthadversary: opponentgullible: deceivedrema in der: residueinnocent: si nlessobstacle: obstructio nvexatio n: annoyance5. a. ide ntifiable b. safetyc. motivatesd. delicatee. surro undingsf. artificialg. prestige h. perspirei. accomplishme nt j. sile nt k. impressive l. evaporate6. run movespi n turn whirl roll7. a. stead b. gee-geec. riped. maturee. effectivef. efficie ntg. fatigued, childre n h. tired, kidsi. decli ned j. refused k. ran cidl. addled m. Pen alties n. fineso. rebuked p. accusedAntonymy5. a. similar/same b. safec. sharp/ smartd. sende. sti ngy/ selfish h. simplef. sig nifica nt/se nsible i. sureg. skeptical/ suspicious l. s moothj. slipshod/ slove nly/ sloppyk. sleep in ess/ sleep / slumberm. subjectiven. sob/ scowl6. a. old-fashi oned b. completelydow n his upper5.c. moisturee. esse ntialg. innocenti. loose nk. desertedm. peremptoryo. in differe ntd. special f. similarity h. rigid j. clarity l. fruitful n. depressed 7. a. feed — starve, cold-fever c. haste — leisuree. speech- sile nee g. adm onish — praise h. young — old private — j. mind — bodyl. dan ger — security n.childre n — pare ntsp. head — tail8. right — wrong dry —sweet stro ng — fai nt light —dark high —low/deepb. wisdom — folliesd. penny —pound, wise —foolishf. abse nee- prese neei. wise men —fools k. foul —fair m. deliberate-prompt o. bully —coward Hyponymy3. furn iture: desk, chair, table, bed matter: liquid, gas, solidmeat: pork, beef, mutt ongo: run, fly, walkworkplace cli nic, hospital house, build ing office, law courts garagestudio worksite, factorydress ing gown sin gle — return hard — easy rough — calm cold —public saint — devil4. profession surge on:plumber:lawyer:mecha nic:photographer:forema n:6. In Sentence 1,got, furniture, rece ntly are superord in ates because they are gen eraland convey a very vague idea whereas in Sentence 2, the three words are replaced respectively by bought, cupboard, three days ago, which are subordinates,conveying a definite and clear idea. So Sentence 2 is better than Sentence 1.In 3, it is said, magn ifice nt build ing, destroyed, yesterdayare superordi nate terms, which are comparatively much more gen eral tha n the n ews says, Royal Hotel, bur nt dow n, last ni ght respectively in 4, which can be described as subord in ates.Since 4 is clearer than 3 in meaning, it is better.Semantic field3. Group 1 is synonymouslysemanticfield and Group 2 is semanticfiled. The differenee lies: In 1 the words are synonyms none of them covers the meaning of another, and they differ only in style and emotive values. In 2 the words are not synonyms, but each refers to a specific type of horse Horse is a cover term or superordi nate, and others are subord in ates. These terms have no differe nee in style or affective mea ning.[Chapter 7】4. 1) exte nsion 2) exte nsion3) n arrowi ng 4) degradation5) elevati on 6) n arrowi ng7) exte nsion 8) exte nsion9) n arrowi ng 10) elevati on11) n arrowi ng 12) degradation13) degradati on 14) degradation5. a. associated tran sferb. abstract to con cretec. abstract to con creted. abstract to con cretee. abstract to con cretef. abstract of con creteg. associated tran sferh. associated tran sferi. syn esthesiaj. syn esthesiab. subjective, objective d. subjective f. subjective h. subjective, objective[Chapter 8】2. a. to repairb. measureme nt and determ in atio n of one ' s positi onc. predicame ntd. injectio na.a sin gle complete divid ing part (of a rocket) b.the theatre or acting as a professi on c.a particular point or period in a process of developme nt d. to pla n, arrange and carry outa. in tercha nge and discussi on of ideas, esp. for mutual un dersta nding or harmonyb. con versati onc. a writte n conv ersati on (of a play, etc.)3. a. synonymb. expla nati on/ defi niti onc. antonymd. examplee. releva nt detailsf. releva nt detailsg. releva nt details4. a. stop people drinking stop drinking by themselvesb. a stone house which is biga house built of big stones a. die b. graveyardc. bedlam 疯人院d. old peoplee. strikef. Policema ng. stupid pupil h. poor peoplei. toiletj. fat pers onk. un employed mother 7. 6. a. objective c.objective e.subjective g.subjectivec. a picture possessed by Bettya photograph of Bettyd. aunts who are visit ingpay ing a visit to auntse. take Jane as his wifepreside over Jane ' s weddingf. a weap on that can fly over long dista nee and that it explodes whe n itnits thething it aims atan object that is throw n at somebody in order to hurt him[Chapter 9】6. a— 2) b—9) c—3)d—6) e—1) f —8)g—5) h—4) i—7)j—10)7. a. sta nd out aga instb. approve ofc. get …over withd. look ing intoe. come up withf. comply withg. cashed in onh. go withouti. to profit by / fromj. dut dow n …to8. a cool cat= a really calm pers on blow one's stac k lose con trol over on eself fly offthe handle r become excessively angry what's more= furthermore get away with= commit an illegitimate act without pen alty of course r n aturally get on= get old pepper and sal= grey (hair) make up for= compe nsate forlost time= time wastedtake it easy= relax, not worryget up= rise from bedturn in = go into bedtake care of= man age or look after like a breeze= without effort or easily time off = time for rest get it made= be successful this is it= be in a positi on or place, or have possessi on of an object bey ond which more of the same is unn ecessary Sam is really a calm pers on. He n ever loses con trol of himself and hardly ever becomes too an gry. Furthermore, he knows how to man age his bus in ess finan cially by using a few tricks •…Needless to say, hgetting older.His hair is begi nning to tur n grey, but he knows how to compe nsate for wasted time by relax ing. He rises early, exercises, and goes to bed early. He man ages his fran kfurter dispe nsary without visible effort, un til it is some one else's tur nto work there. Sam is successful, he has reached his life's goal.9. a. Well, it's the old story of the stitch in time,” he said.A stitch in time saves nine.b. Fleur's head was lost in the tool-box, but her voice was heard say ing: Toomany cooks, better let me”Too many cooks spoil the broth.c. But not many other people held that view discer ning his fin ger still very large inevery pie ——so much so that there ofte n seemed less pie tha n fin ger. havea fin ger in the pied. I'm thinking of putting up a Silenee is golden" placard in his office. Nobody canhear themselves thi nk.Speech is silver, sile nee is golde ne. They four had one like ness: their appeara nee and their work was as it were awheel in the middle of a wheel.wheel within wheelsf. He quotes them exte nsively n evertheless, together with other equally suspectevide nee, because otherwise he would have no straw with which to make hisbricks.make bricks without straw10. wind and weather waifsand strays top and tailrules and regulatio nsrags and tatters pick andshovel over and aboveoff and on wheeli ng and deali ng town and gow n time after time rise and fall puff and blow peace and quiet one and only n eck and n eckshoulder to shoulder milk and water 11. a.好奇伤身。

Lectures on English LexicologyMain Sections for the Lectures:Chapter 1: Basic Concepts of Words and Vocabulary1.1What Is a Word?A word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function.1.2 Sound and MeaningA word is a symbol that stands for something else in the world. This symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary, and there is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself. The relationship between sound and meaning is conventional because people of the same speech community have agreed to refer to a certain thing with a cluster of sounds. In different languages the same concept can be represented by different sounds.1.3 Sound and FormIt is generally agreed that the written form of a natural language is the written record of the oral form. The English alphabet was adopted from the Romans.In spite of the differences, at least eighty percent of the English words fit consistent spelling patterns.1.4 V ocabularyAll the words in a language make up its vocabulary.The general estimate of the present-day English vocabulary is over one million words.1.5 Classification of Words1.5.1 Basic Word Stock and Non-basic V ocabularyBasic words have the following characteristics:1.All national character: they denote the most common things and phenomena ofthe world around us, which are indispensable to all the people who speak the language.2.Stability: as these words denote the commonest things necessary to life, they arelikely to remain unchanged.3.Productivity:as they are mostly root words or monosyllabic words, they caneach be used alone, and at the same time can form new words with other roots and affixes4.Polysemy:words of this kind often possess more than one meaning becausemost of them have undergone semantic changes in the course of use and become polysemous.5.Collocability: most of these words enter quite a number of set expressions,idiomatic usages, and proverbial sayings.“All national character” is the most important of all features that may differentiate words of common use from all others.Non-basic words include the following:1.Terminology(术语): technical terms used in particular disciplines andacademic areas.2.Jargon(行话): the specialized vocabularies by which members of particular arts,sciences, trades and professions communicate among themselves.3.Slang(俚语)4.Argot(黑话)5.Dialectal words(方言词语)6.Archaisms(古语)7.Neologisms(新词)1.5.2 Content Words and Functional WordsContent words denote clear notions and thus are known as notional words(实义词). They include nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs and numerals, which denote objects, phenomena, action, quality, state, degree, quantity, etc.Functional words do not have notions of their own. They are also called empty words. The chief function of these words is to express the relation between notions, the relation between words as well as between sentences. They are known as form words. Prepositions, conjunctions, auxiliaries and articles belong to this category.Content words are numerous and the number is ever growing whereas the functional words which make up a small number of vocabulary,remain stable. However, functional words do far more work of expression in English on average than content words.1.5.3 Native Words and Borrowed WordsNative words: words brought to Britain in the 5th century by the Germanic tribes: the Angles, the Saxons, and Jutes, thus known as Anglo-Saxon words. Words of Anglo-Saxon origin are small in number, amounting to roughly 50,000 to 60,000, but they form the mainstream of the basic word stock and stand at the core of the language.Native words have two other features:1.Neutral in style: since native words denote the commonest things in humansociety, they are used by all people, in all places, on all occasions, and at all times.Stylistically, native words are neither formal nor informal whereas the words borrowed from French or Latin are literary and learned, thus appropriate in formal style.2.Frequent in use: Native words are most frequently used in everyday speech andwriting. The percentage of native words in use runs usually as high as 70 to 90 percent.Borrowed word: words taken over from foreign languages are known as borrowed words or loan words or borrowings in simple terms. It is estimated that English borrowings constitute 80 percent of the modern English vocabulary.The loan words can be classified into four classes:1.Denizens(同化词)are words borrowed early in the past and now are wellassimilated into the English language. eg: pork----porc(F) cup---cuppa(L) 2.Aliens(非同化词)are borrowed words which have retained their originalpronunciation and spelling. eg: bazzar (per) intermesso( IT)3.Translation loans(译借词)4.Semantic loans(语义借词)Questions and Tasks on P20: 1—6Chapter 2: The Development of the English Vocabulary The English language is not the language of the early inhabitants of the British Isles.A Historical Overview of the English vocabularyThe first peoples known to inhabit the land were Celts. Their languages were dialects of still another branch of the Indo-European language family—Celtic(克尔特语).The second major language known in England was the Latin of the Roman Legions. In 55-54 B.C., the Romans invaded the British Isles and were to occupy the land until about 410.When the Roman empire began to crumble, the Germanic tribes came in. they are Angles, Saxons, and Jutes.2.2.1 Old English (450—1150)The Germanic tribes took permanent control of the land, which was to be called England (the land of Angles). Their language, historically known as Anglo-Saxon, dominated and almost totally blotted out the Celtic. People generally refer to Anglo-Saxon as Old English. Old English has a vocabulary of about 50,000 to 60,000 words. It was a highly inflected language just like modern German.2.2.2 Middle English (1150--1500)Old English began to undergo a great change when the Normans invaded England from France in 1066. the Norman Conquest started a continual flow of French words into English. Between 1250 and 1500 about 9,000 words of French origin poured into English. 75 percent of them are still in use today.2.2.3 Modern English (1500—up to now)Modern English began with the establishment of printing in England. In the early period of Modern English, Europe saw a new upsurge of learning ancient Greek and Roman classics. This is known in history as the Renaissance.In the mid-seventeenth century, England experienced the Bourgeois Revolution followed by the Industrial Revolution and rose to be a great economic power.Although borrowing remained an important channel of vocabulary expansion, yet more words are created by means of word-formation.Growth of Present-day English V ocabularyGenerally, there are three main sources of new words: the rapid development of modern science and technology; social, economic and political changes; the influence of other cultures and languages.Modes of V ocabulary DevelopmentModern English vocabulary develops through three channels: creation, semantic change, borrowing.1.Creation refers to the formation of new words by using the existing materials,namely roots, affixes and other elements. In modern times, creation is the most important way of vocabulary expansion.2.Semantic change means an old form which takes on a new meaning to meet thenew need.3.Borrowing has played a vital role in the development of vocabulary, particularlyin earlier times.Questions and Tasks on P33: 3, 4, 10Chapter 3: Word Formation IThough borrowing has been playing an active role in the expansion of vocabulary, vocabulary is largely enriched on an internal basis.boys boy+schecking check+ingchairman chair+manMorphemes(词素)the smallest meaningful unit of language Morpheme is the smallest unit of language in terms of relationship between expression and content, a unit that cannot be divided into further smaller units without destroying or drastically altering the meaning, whether it is lexical or grammatical, e.g. boys---boy+-s indicates pluralitychecking---check+-ingdisappointment词是由一个或一个以上的词素构成的。
英语词汇学 Chapter1

English is a crazy language, full of wonders and attractions, thus making it an interesting subject as well as a useful one.
What is language?
Language is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. It is a specific social action and a carrier of information.
Aims of the course:
Offer an insight into the origin and development of the English vocabulary. Discuss the problems of word-structure and word-formation Study the use of English words , their meanings and changes in meaning, their sense relations. Give a systematic description of the English vocabulary.
If a vegetarian eats vegetables, what does a humanitarian eat? Why do people recite at a play, and play at a recital? Ship by truck or car and send cargo by ship?(动词与动 词的功能差异;为什么演话剧时人们要朗诵,而在 独奏会上却要演奏:----(polysemy)一词多义

张韵斐著《现代英语词汇学概论》——解析第一部分Chapter Ⅰ英语词汇的概论 (A general survey of English vocabulary)Bloomfield 1933中对词的定义是,每个单词都是最小的自由词。
首先,不是所有的单词都可以独立出现,如the ,a , my 这些单词单独出现则没有具体意义。
另外, Bloomfield的定义侧重在于语法(syntax )却没有涉及到词的意义。
”(《辞海》 1984 (上) 375 页,上海辞书出版社)一种语言中所有的单词汇集起来便构成了该语言的词库。
第二部分 Chapter Ⅱ到 Chapter Ⅳ(Morphological structure of English words and英语词汇的形态结构和词的构词word-formation )(一 ) 词素( Morphemes)单词是有词素(morphemes)构成的。
如:nation 是一个词素,national 有 nation+al两个词素。

PowerPoint by Prof. Dun Zuchun E-mail:dunzchun@
Aims and significance of the course
I . The aims of the course
1. Give a systematic description of the English vocabulary.
2. What is vocabulary?
(further explanation)
All the words of a language
or all the words used in a period of time, in a certain field, by a typically group of people,or a person, etc.
The Requirements for this course
• • • • • Class attendance No Mobile phone Classroom discussion Fulfillment of the assignment Examination
Chapter I The basic concepts of words and vocabulary
Ⅱ . The significance of the course
1. Develop your personal vocabulary and consciously increase your word power (active vocabulary).
2. Understand word-meaning and organize, classify and store words more effectively. 3. Raise your awareness of meaning and usages, use words more accurately and appropriately.

语素是音义相结合的最小的语言单位。 一般地说,一个语素就是一个音节,书面上就是一个汉字,有时侯还是一个词。但是音节是从语音学角度分析的结果,文字是书面记录的符号,语素则是语言中构词的基本成份,词是指音义相结合的能够独立运用的最小的语言单位。这四者角度不同,并不是一回事。 1、同一个汉字,可以代表不同的语素。 汉字虽然相同,但读音不同:会议/会计 汉字和读音都相同,但是词性不同:老人/老虎/老是捣乱 汉字、读音和词性都相同,但是意义不同:公家/公牛 2、汉语的语素绝大多数是单音节的,但有时侯,一个汉字并不代表一个语素,只代表一个音节,也就是说,一个语素也可以是两个以上音节。 连绵词:磅礴;口语词:尴尬;音译词:咖啡,奥林匹克 3、有时侯,一个汉字在不同场合,有的是语素,有的不是语素。 马匹(语素)/马达(非语素) (邵敬敏,现代汉通论,上海教育出版社,2001,P113-4)
Sound and meaning
Sound and meaning
This symbolic connection is almost always arbitrary. There is no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself. Lodwig and Barrett, 1973
Why the written form is not always similar to the oral form?
The development of the language letters from Romans for 46 sounds in English The pronunciation has changed more rapidly than spelling over the years. Some of the differences were created by the early scribes.

1.词的定义(What Is a Word)什么是词?这一问题长期受到语言学家的关注,虽然人们提出了很多的定义,但似乎没有一个看起来完美无缺,迄今为止,学者们也未能在词的定义这个问题上达成一致。
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Chapter 11.1 What Is a WordBefore we attempt (尝试)any detailed discussion(具体讨论), it is necessary to (有必要做什么)clarify(阐明澄清)some basic concepts(基本概念)concerning words and vocabulary. The term word(词语word)is an elusive(难以捉摸)notion(概念), which demands(需要)careful consideration(关注)at the outset(开始). The relation between sound and meaning,声音和意义之间的关系between sound and form, 声音和形式之间关系and between words and vocabulary 词语和词汇之间的关系requires (需要)some discussion as well(同样). In addition, we shall consider(注意)a few commonly recognized criteria(共同规则,标准)for vocabulary classification(词汇分类)and study (研究)each class(每类)of words to some extent (一定程度上)in this chapter.(并且在本章一定程度上研究每类词语)1.1What is a word?This question has occupied(占据) the attention of linguists(语言学家)for ages. Although numerous(众多的,许多的)definitions (定义)have been suggested, none of them seem to be perfect. Scholars(学者)still do not agree on the definition of the word. When we talk about a word, we tend to(有...倾向用视觉角度去考虑)think in visual terms. In this line(在这个角度)a word can be defined as a meaningful group of letters printed or written horizontally across a piece of paper. As defined in terms of spoken language, a word is viewed as a sound or combination(集合体)of sounds which are made voluntarily with human vocal equipment (由一个人的发音器官自由的发出的). According to semanticists (语义学者), a word is a unit of meaning(一个词是一个意义单位). Grammarians(语法学家), however, insist that a word be a free form(自由形式)that can function(作用)in a sentence, etc. To sum up, the definition of a word comprises the following points:1)a minimal free form of a language;一个最小的自由形态2)A sound unity;一个发音的集合体3)A unit of meaning;一个意义单位4)A form that can function alone in a sentence.能独自影响句子的形式。
Therefore, we can say that ‘a word is a minimal free form of a language that has a given sound and meaning and syntactic function’. (词语是语言最小的自由形式,拥有固定的声音和意义以及句法作用)Words can be simple and complex(单词或者合成词), yet all must comply with these criteria.标准Man and five are simple, but they each have sound, meaning and syntactic function句法意义, andeach can be used alone in a sentence. Naturally they are words. There are words which are complex such as (mis for tune 不幸)and (man age ment). Both are polysyllabic多音节的words and can function as ‘subject主语’, ‘object宾语’ and ‘predictive预示性词语’in a sentence. Though misfortune can be further divided as(进一步分成)mis- and fortune, the former 前者cannot stand alone as a word. Similarly, management can be broken down as 可以分成manage and -ment, the latter后者cannot be used freely, either. Blackmail can be separated into可以分成black and mail, and both can work as independent units in a sentence, the meaning of each, however, is by no means绝不是the combination of the two两个部分的组合. Black is a color(colour), opposite to ‘white’, and mail denotes指‘something sent by post邮局’, yet然而when they are put together, the combined form (组合形式)means ‘compel, compulsion,强迫to make payment or action in a return for concealment of discreditable secrets etc.(利用不光彩的秘密要人送钱或行动作为答复)’ Hence (因此,从此,以后)blackmail is a different word(COD).1.2 Sound and MeaningA word is a symbol that stands for(代表) something else in the world世界上其他的事物. Each of the world’s cultures has come toagree that certain sounds will represent certain persons, things, places, properties特性, processes过程and activities行动outside the language system. This symbolic connection联系is almost always arbitrary(随意的主观的), and there is ‘no logical relationship between the sound which stands for a thing or an idea and the actual thing and idea itself(在代表事物和思想的声音和实际的事物和思想之间没有法定关系)’ (Lodwing and Barrett 1973).A dog is called a dog not because the sound and the three letters that make up the word just automatically suggest the animal in question. It is only symbolic. The relationship between them is conventional because people of the same speech community have agreed to refer to the animal with this cluster of sounds. In different languages the same concept can be represented by different sounds. Woman, for example, becomes ‘Frau’ in German, ‘femme’ in French and ‘funu’ in Chinese. On the other hand, the same sound is used to mean meet, meat, mete. Knight and night骑士, though denothing entirely完全的different things, yet have the same sound.1.3 Sound and FormIt is generally agreed that通常认为the written form of a natural language 自然语言的书写形式is the written record of the oral form口语形式的书写记录. Naturally the written form should agreewith the oral form.自然书写形式In other words, the sound should be similar to the form发音和形式相一致. This is fairly true of English in its earliest stage i.e. (也就是)Old English. The speech of the time was represented very much more faithfully in writing than it is today. With the development of the language, more and more differences occur发生出现存在between the two. The internal reason(内因)for this is that the English alphabet was adopted(被收入)from the Romans, which does not have a separate letter单独的to represent each sound in the language so that some letters must do double duty or work together in combination.Another reason is that the pronunciation has changed more rapidly 迅速的立即的than spelling over the years, and in some cases the two have drawn far apart. During the last five hundred years, though the sounds of speech have changed considerably非常地,很,颇, there have been no corresponding相应的changes of spelling.A third reason is that some of the differences were created by the early scribes抄写员. In the early days the spelling differences did not matter very much as people were not so used to seeing words in print, and the spelling was not fixed as不像如今这么固定it istoday. As a result, no one was quite sure how some English words should be spelled. Sometimes, people deliberately 故意的changed spelling of words either或者to make a line even or for easier recognition. Before the printing press 印刷术was brought to 被传到England, everything was written by hand. Those scribes, who made a living 生存by writing for other people often worked in haste 匆忙to meet the needs of 应付the King, Church主教, and merchants商人. One problem was that several letters 字母written with short 简短vertical垂直的strokes 画笔such as i,u,v,m,w and n looked all alike. Consequently, 因此their handwriting caused misunderstanding. To solve the problem in prat, they changed the letter u to o when it came before m, n, or v.(把mnv之前的u改成o)This is how sum, cum, wuman, wunder, munk came to be written as some, come, woman, wonder, monk. At some point, too, the scribes seem to have decided that no English word should end in u or v. Thus, in time, an e was added to such words as live, have, due, and true but not pronounced(Deighton 1979).In the late 1500, printing became well established变得很普遍. It helped to freeze the spelling of words固定单词的瓶邪, The standardization标准化makes spelling sacred不容改变. Dictionaries did their share in stopping spelling changes. 字典在拼写终结中得到好处Meanwhile, sounds continued to change asusual, thus bringing more differences.Finally comes the borrowing借词来了, which is an important channel of 重要途径enriching the English vocabulary. When English borrowed words from other languages, it borrowed spelling as well. The early borrowings were assimilated通化and the later ones, however, do not conform 顺从to the rules of English pronunciation and spelling, e.g. Stimulus(L), denouement(F), fiesta(Sp), eureka(Gr),and kimono(Jap).The written form of English is, therefore, an imperfect repreesentation of the spoken form. From time to time in history,历史上一次又一次some British and American scholars have made efforts 尝试努力to reform 改革the English spelling, but with little success不成功. In spite of the differences尽管差别, at least eighty percent of the English words fit consistent一致spelling patterns. And even those spellings that appear to be irregular不规则may have more regularity and usefulness用处than we realize. In such words as hymn赞歌, condemn谴责, bomb炸弹, for example, the last letter of each is silent. But when these words are extended into longer ones, the silent letters become audible听得见的: hymnal赞美诗的, condemnation and bombard. This is a general rule.这是规律。