
William P. Hastings
United States Patent

原文:Routine brake system maintenanceThe braking system is the most important system on a car. If the brakes don't work properly, the result can be disastrous. So the good brakes are essential for safety.There are two completely independent braking systems on a car. One is the service brake, and the other is parking brake. The service brake acts to slow, stop, or hold the vehicle during normal driving. They are foot-operated by the driver depressing and releasing the brake pedal. The parking brake's purposes are to hold a car stationary while it is unattended, and to keep the car from rolling on unleveled ground. It is also called the handbrake.Basically, all car brakes are friction brakes. When the driver applies the brake, the control device will force brake shoes or pads against the rotating brake drums or discs at wheels. Friction between the shoes or pads and the drums or disks then slows or stops the wheels so that the car is braked.Disc brakeDisc brakes are used on the front wheels of most cars and on all four wheels on many cars.The main components of a disc brake are the brake pads, the caliper which contains a piston, and the rotor which is mounted to the hub.The disc brake is a lot like the brakes on a bicycle. Bicycle brakes have a caliper, which squeezes the brake pads against the wheel. In a disc brake, the brake pads squeeze the rotor instead of the wheel, and the force is transmitted hydraulically instead of through a cable. Friction between the pads and the disc slows the disc down.A moving car has a certain amount of kinetic energy, and the brakes have to remove this energy from the car in order to stop it. The brakes convert the kinetic energy to heat generated by the friction between the pads and the disc, so the car stops.Drum brakeSo if disk brakes are so great, how come we still have cars with drum brakes? The reason is cost. While all most vehicles for many years have disk brakes on the front wheels, drum brakes are cheaper to produce for the rear wheels. Drum brake is shown in Fig.Drum brakes consist of a backing plate, brake shoes, brake drum, wheel cylinder, return springs and an automatic or self-adjusting system. When you apply the brakes, the wheel cylinder pushes the brake shoes into contact with the machined surface on the inside of the drum. When the pressure is released, return springs pull the shoes back to their rest position. As the brake linings wear, the shoes must travel a greater distance to reach the drum. When the distance reaches a certain point, a self-adjusting mechanism automatically reacts byadjusting the rest position of the shoes so that they are closer to the drum.Hydraulic Brake SystemsWhen the operator steps on the brake pedal, the brake pedal operates a hydraulic system.The typical brake system is composed of the following basic components(1) Master cylinder. That is directly connected to the brake pedal, converts your foot's mechanical pressure into hydraulic pressure.(2) Brake lines and brake hoses, they connect the master cylinder to the wheel cylinders located at each wheel.(3) Brake fluid: that is special oil that has special properties. It is designed to withstand cold temperature without thickening as well as very high temperature without boiling.In the brake system, master cylinder contains two separate sections, there is a piston in each section and both pistons are connected to a brake pedal in the driver's compartment. When the brake is pushed down, brake fluid is sent from the master cylinder to the wheels. At the wheels, the fluid pushes shoes, or pads, against revolving drums or disks, which can slow and stop car. This slows or stops the revolving wheels, which, in turn, slow or stop the car.Routine maintenance of automobile brake fluid: Usually brake fluid maintenance period of 2 years or 48,000 km. Recommended brake fluid on the maintenance period, the European car manufacturers generally set a few years; and Japan and the United States car manufacturers are generally in their owner's manual have detailed descriptions. The abs function with anti-lock braking system, brake fluid and timely supplement is especially important. This is mainly due to energy storage in the pollution of dust and moisture of the body will lead to expensive failure, and thus laid security risk when vehicle braking force owners to find weak, you can use brake fluid test strips humidity assisted analysis of whether there is any fault of defect caused by brake fluid. If the brake fluid for the failure of the root causes of lack of sufficient quantity to be added in time brake fluid. By the brake fluid tank vent in a normal infiltration (or when tank lid open non-regular access to) the moisture and dust reduced brake fluid maintenance cycle. Maintenance of the brake fluid in the same time, must not neglect the wheel brake parts.Auto brake pad, brake drum, rotating body, and brake calipers: the current drive vehicle for leading the trend, people are concerned about how to play the 2 / 3 of the front brake lines brake tasks for scientific and effective maintenance. Now, after a variety of drive, all-wheel drive, trucks and suv blossom everywhere, people "before re-light after the" traditional concept has gradually changed.Gradually replace the asbestos linings in the semi-metallic brake pad will cause the whole surface of rotating serious wear and tear. Brake parts on the car wheel or brake pad inspection is a complex task, not simply from a visual look at both sides of the front brakepads wear the middle point. In actual operation, even if the brake caliper of open distance just to let you see both sides of the brake pad, it does not mean we can be handy, unimpeded operation of the. In addition, the popularization of brake shield, and the brake pad of rotating the contact surface is multi-block, hard look. As for the rear wheel with disc brake, it is hidden, is difficult to comprehend the appearance.Typically, the only system in the apparent leak, we will focus on checking brake fluid sealing. The comprehensive system of inspection, including the traditional static checking (that is, to find leaks in situ static) and dynamic checks (ie check the seal during braking). In any case, when the vehicle braking system to maintain up to 48 000 km driving range, they need the vehicle's braking system to conduct a comprehensive professional maintenance Brake rotating body of minor scratches do not cause illness. But since the fastening nut tightening force thickness of inequality and uneven brake rotating body rotation caused by excessive wear and tear will seriously affect the braking performance. To reduce weight, many rotating body size using unconventional structure, which is difficult to meet some of the machine tool clamping the basic requirements. If you find a rotating body has been processed, then follow the same axle of the second rotating body is only the size of its replacement. In theory, you can only replace a rotating body, but to get the best balance between braking effect, or the proposed replacement with two on the same axle rotating body. The proposal also applies to vehicles during braking, brake caliper piston through the experience back movement, we can complete the key features of the automatic brake calipers inspection. If the brake caliper piston back position is unsound, please replace a new brake caliper; If you want to discharge or filling brake fluid, make sure relief valve can be normally open; if the relief valve setting, replace the new The brake caliper.If the asbestos linings have worn 3.175mm, this time even under light loading, the security of driving range has also been very limited. Also, if needed at this time of high load brake, the wear lining weak braking force will make the traffic safety compromised.Some rear disc brake, rear-drive rotary body with a cap, the cap body also acts as a rotary brake drum. There are many car owners often overlook the parking brake will cancel the direct-drive vehicles, the rotating body and the brake shoes in direct metal - metal friction, the result is bound to cause a rotating body, brake pads and brake shoes of serious wear and tear.译文:汽车制动系统的日常维修保养制动系统是汽车上最重要的系统。

三、轮毂电机驱动系统的优势1. 高效能:轮毂电机的驱动效率更高,减少了能量损失,并且能够通过回收制动能量进一步提高能源利用率。
2. 高安全性:由于轮毂电机系统采用了分散驱动的方式,每个电机都独立工作,即使其中某个电机故障,仍然可以保持车辆的运动状态,提高了车辆的安全性。
3. 高操控性:轮毂电机驱动系统可以根据需要独立控制每个车轮的动力输出,实现更灵活的驱动方式,提高了车辆的操控性能。
4. 环保节能:轮毂电机系统可以采用电力驱动,不再依赖传统的燃油,减少了尾气排放,符合环保节能的要求。
四、轮毂电机驱动系统的应用1. 电动车辆:轮毂电机驱动系统适用于各种电动车辆,包括电动汽车、电动自行车等。
2. 智能交通系统:轮毂电机驱动系统可以应用于智能公交车、宝马棋牌下载安装官网等智能交通系统中,提高了车辆的操控性能和能源利用率,进一步优化了城市交通。
五、轮毂电机驱动系统的研究方向1. 动力控制算法:轮毂电机驱动系统需要开发高效的动力控制算法,以实现最佳的动力分配和操控性能。
2. 结构设计与集成:轮毂电机装置的结构设计和与车辆的集成是研究方向之一,需要考虑到尺寸、重量、制造难度等因素。
3. 高效能电机开发:研究开发更高效能的电机是轮毂电机驱动系统的另一个重要方向,以提高能源利用率和驱动效率。

二、轮式驱动电动汽车驱动系统概述轮式驱动电动汽车(Wheel-Driven Electric Vehicles, WDEVs)是电动汽车(EVs)领域的一种创新技术,它打破了传统电动汽车采用中央驱动轴的设计,将电动机直接安装在每个车轮内部或者车轮附近。

资料来源:True Four Wheel Drive System For Vehicle Four Wheel Drive System For Vehicle真正的四轮驱动车辆ABSTRACTA drive train for a four wheel drive vehicle including a front difforential engaged with a front drive shaft and front axles through a front differential gear set. The front differential includes a front bi-directional overrunning clutch that con-trols transmission of torque transfer between the front drive shaft and the front axles. A rear differential is engaged with rear axles and the transmission through a rear differential gear set. The rear differential includes a rear bi-directional over-running clutch that controls torque transfer between the trans-mission and the rear axles. The differentials are configured with a gear ratio that is within five percent of a l: 1 gear ratio.TRUE FOUR WHEEL DRIVE SYSTEM FOR VEHICLERELATED APPLICATIONThis application is related to and claims priority from U.S. Provisional Application 61/677,820, the disclosure of which is incorporated herein by reference in its entirety.FIELD OF THE INVENTIONThe invention relates to drive systems and, more particularly, to an improved drive system designed to provide substantially true four wheel drive capability.BACKGROUNDprovide four wheel drive capability. Those systems are all designed to engage all four wheels but also allow a speed differential across the axle. However, many of those systems do not provide true four wheel drive where each wheel pro-vides substantially the same speed during all drive conditions. Instead, the systems permit some degree of slippage.Current Four Wheel Drive Bi-Directional Overrun-ning Clutch SystemsI illustrates the drive system for a conventional four wheel drive vehicle with a front bi-directional over-rul111ing clutch. The drive system includes four wheels. The rear left wheel RLW is connected to a rear differential RD through a rear left axle RLA. The right rear wheel RRW is com1ected to the rear differential RD through a rear right axle RRA. The front left wheel FLW is col111ected to a front dif-ferential FD through a front left axle FLA. The front right wheelFRW is connected to the front differential FD through a front right axle FRA.mission T through a rear drive shaft RDS. The front differen-tial FD is connected to the transmission T through a front drive shaft EDS.Straight Line Operation:During straight line driving while the vehicle is in a four wheel on demand mode (i.e., four wheel drive engages only when needed) both rear wheels RLW, RRW are the primary drive wheels and are co1111ected through the rear differential RD to rotate at the same speed. In a non-slip condition of the rear wheels, the front drive shaft FDS is engaged to the front differential FD, but the front axles FLA, FRA are not engaged with the front differential. That is, the front axles FLA, FRA and front wheels FLW, FRW are gen-erally in an overrun condition such that the front differential FD is not driving the front axles FLA, FRA and, therefore, not transmitting any torque to the front wheels. This means that the front wheels FLW. FRW are free to rotate at their actual ground speeds.In order for the front wheels to be engaged, the rear wheels must slip (break traction) or spin increase speed approximately 20% faster than the front wheels. While driv-ing in a straight line, once the rear wheels slip 20%, the overrunning condition in the front differential ED is over-come and both front axles are engaged. This results in the transmission T transmitting torque to the front wheels thru the front drive which is geared in a way that decreases the vehicles ground speed. When the ground speed has increased so as to cause the rear wheel speed to be rotating less than 20% faster than the ground speed, or the speed of the rear wheel has decreased so as to be rotating less than 20% faster than the ground speed, the front wheels will start to overrun again and no torque will be transmitted to the front wheels.Turning Operation:In a comer all four wheels are trying to rotate at different speeds, This is shown on the chart in FIG. 4 which depicts wheel revolutions vs. turning radius for all four wheels. For a vehicle with alocked rear axle or solid axle (i.e., an axle where the rear axles RLA, RRA are connected, either physically or through gearing, such that they always rotate at the same speed) the ground speed is dictated by the rear outside wheel due to vehicle dynamics (i.e., the rear outside wheel has to cover more circumferential distance than the rear inside wheel when turning around a common axis.) Since both rear wheels are rotating at the same speed and the rear outside wheel is the drivewheel the rear inside wheel is beginuing to scrub or drag on the ground. This can cause inefficiencies, turf wear and/or tire wear.The primary reason conventional bi-directional ovemnming clutch four wheel drive systems have a 20% under drive is for turning. With the rear outside wheel dictat-ing ground speed the front inside wheel will go slower than the rear outside wheel as shown in FIG. 4. If there is no under drive the bi-directional oveITllllling clutch for the front inside axle would engage and begin to drive torque. This would cause the front inside wheel to travel at an incorrect speed and would create inefficiencies, turf wear, tire wear and, more importantly, torque steer.As mentioned above, during a tum the rear outside wheel is dictating ground speed, the rear inside wheel is scrubbing or dragging, and the front wheels are overrunning. Referring to FIG. 5 which depicts the percentage difference between the front and rear wheel speeds versus the turning radius of a locked rear axle, once the rear outside wheel slips or spins a certain percentage, dictated by vehicle geometry and turning radius. the bi-directional overru1ming clutch con-trolling the transfer of torque to the front inside wheel will engage and drive torque through the front inside wheel At this time both rear wheels and the front inside wheel are driving torque and their speed is dictated by the drive line, not ground speed. The front outside wheel is still ovemmning allowing it to spin at the rotational speed dictated by ground speed and vehicle geometry. When both rear wheels and the front inside wheel slip a certain percentage, again dictated by vehicle geometry and the turning radius, the bidirectional clutch con-trolling torque transfer to the front outside wheel will engage and torque will be transmitted to all four wheels, even though three of the wheels would be slipping.WedgingThe existing drive system is prone to a condition called wedging. Wedging occurs when torque is being driven through the bidirectional over-numing clutch and a rapid direction change occurs. This can cause the rollers in the clutch to be positioned or locked on the wrong side of the clutch profile preventing the output hubs from overru1ming. The effect causes the front drive to act like a solid axle, but with the 20% speed difference in the drive line it results in scrubbing of the front tires. This condition can cause exces-sive tire wear and turf wear. This also effects steering effort and stability of the vehicle. The vehicle will try to maintain a straight line due to the effect of the front drive acting like a solid axle.Because of the wedging condition in the current systems precautions are put into place to help reduce wedging. One of these precautions is the use of a cut-off switch so that when the vehicle is shifted from the forward direction to the reverse direction so as to automatically disengage the bi-directional overrum1ing clutch (for example, shutting off the coil that is indexing the roll cage). This system also uses the cut-off switch when transitioning from the reverse direc-tion to the forward direction. Another way to reduce wedging is the use of a switch, when the brakes are applied, that will interrupt power to the 4 wheel drive system. Many other methods can be used to reduce wedging, but none are 100% percent effective with the 20% difference in drive line speeds.Conventional Drive Systems:A common conventional drive system would have the same vehicle layout as in FIG. 1, but the mechanisms in the front and rear differentials would be different. Most com-mon drive systems have an open differential with the ability to be locked into a solid axle in both the front and rear differen-tials. The drive line in a conventional system would also be using a drive line that is geared to a 1: 1 ratioStraight Line Operation:During straight line driving while the vehicle is in four wheel drive and all the axles are unlocked, all four wheels are rotating at the same speed. This is due to the drive line being geared at 1:1 ratio and the front and rear differen-tials are being driven at the same speed and no differentiation is needed across the axles. This is also the case when any or both of the front and rear differentials are in a locked position creating a solid axle.Turning operation:Conventional four wheel drive systems will nor-mally have the rear differential locked and the front drive will be in the open state until the solid axle mode is selected by the user. During turning with a solid axle in the rear differential and an open differential in the front, only one tire is turning at the correct ground speed. Due to vehicle dynamics the rear outside wheel is considered the drive wheel and is turning at ground speed. The inside rear wheel is being driven at the same speed as the rear outside, but the ground speed is slower. This causes the inside rear wheel to scrub or slip during a tum. (0023] Since the two front wheels are connected to an open differential, they are allowed to differentiate across the axle, However, the differential is beingdriven at an incorrect speed. That is, the front open differential takes the input speed and averages it across the axle. In a normal non slip condition the average speed across the axle is centered about the middle of he vehicle. Since the rear outside wheel is traveling at a different speed ( or arc) than the average of the two front wheels, both front wheels are scrubbing when in a tum caus-ing un-needed drive line torque or drive line bind.Once the operator selects the solid axle mode of the vehicle, both front wheels are locked together and they now rotate at the same speed. When turning, the outside front wheel is going slower than what ground speed dictates, thus causing the wheel to scrub. At the same time the inside front wheel is going faster than the ground speed dictates causing it to, likewise, scrub.Due to the wheels being driven at the wrong speeds in a comer, conventional drive systems are not very efficient. They cause severe turf damage or wear due to the tires scrub-bing. They also cause tire wear due to the scrubbing. The tires being driven at the wrong speeds also cause issues with steer-ing and turning performance of the vehicle. The difference between ground and actual wheel speed results in the wheels trying to straighten the vehicle out. This cause's increased wear in steering components, as well as rider fatigue since increased input is needed to maintain the vehicle in the tum. Many manufacturers have added power steering to try to minimize operator input when cornering because of the four wheel drive operations.A need therefore exists for an improved four wheel drive system that incorporates bi-directional overrunning clutches in a drive system that minimizes scrubbing in all wheels while permitting 1.1 or near 1: 1 gear ratio between the front and rear axles.SUMMARY OF THE INVENTIONThe present invention is directed to drive train for a four wheel drive vehicle. The drive train includes a front drive shaft connected to a transmission. Two front axles with each axle connected to a corresponding front wheel. A front dif-ferential is engaged with the front drive shaft and the front axles through a front differential gear set. The front differen-tial includes a front bi-directional overrunning clutch that controls transmission of torque transfer between the front drive shaft and the front axles.The front bi-directional ovemmning clutch includes a front clutch housing connected to the front drive shaft so as to be rotatable by the front drive shaft, the front clutch hous-ing including an inner cam surface. A front roller assembly is located inside the front clutch housing andadjacent to the cam surface. The front roller assembly includes a roll cage with a plurality of rollers arranged in two sets within slots formed in the roll cage, the rollers are rotatable inside the slots. A plurality of springs are arranged in the roll cage to position the rollers within the slots. The roll cage is rotatable within the front clutch housing. (0029] Two front hub are located in the front clutch hous-ing. Each hub is positioned radially inward from a set of the rollers located between an outer surface of the front hub and the im1er cam surface. Each front hub is engaged with an axial end of one of the front axles so as to rotate in combination with the axle. The front hubs are independently rotatable within the roll cage and the front clutch housing.A front engagement control assembly is located within the housing and controls engagement and disengage-ment of the front bi-directional overrunning clutch. The front engagement control assembly includes an electromechanical device that is controllable for impeding rotation of the roll cage relative to the front clutch housing so as to index the roll cage relative to the front clutch housing.When the engagement control assembly is activated and the roll cage is indexed relative to the clutch housing, the front bi-directional overrunning clutch is configured to trans-mit torque from the front drive shaft to the front axles when the front clutch housing is rotating faster than the front axles. Also, when the vehicle is traveling straight the front differen-tial is configured to begin to transmit torque from the front drive shaft to the front axles at a first speed.The gear train including two rear axles, each axle com1ected to a corresponding rear wheel.A rear differential is engaged with the rear axles and the transmission through a rear differential gear set. The rear differential including a rear differential housing and a rear bi-directional overrunning clutch that controls torque transfer between the transmission and the rear axles.The rear bi-directional overrunning clutch includes a rear clutch housing located within the rear differential !mus-ing and rotatable by the transmission, the rear clutch housing including an inner cam surface. A rear roller assembly is located inside the rear clutch housing and adjacent to the cam surface. The rear roller assembly includes a roll cage with a plurality of rollers arranged in two sets within slots formed in the roll cage. The rollers are rotatable inside the slots. A plurality of springs are arranged so as to position the rollers within the slots. The roll cage is rotatable within the rear clutch housing.Two rear hubs are located in the rear clutch housing. Each hub is positioned radially inwardfrom a set of the rollers located between an outer surface of the rear hub and the im1er cam surface. Each rear hub is engaged with an axial end of one of the rear axles so as to rotate in combination with the axle. The rear hubs are independently rotatable within the roll cage and the rear clutch housing.The rollers in each set of the rear roller assembly are adapted to wedgingly engage the corresponding rear hub to the rear clutch housing when one of either the rear hub or rear clutch housing is rotating faster than the other so as to trans-mit torque from whichever is faster to whichever is slower.The differentials are configured such that when the vehicle is traveling straight and the rear differential is trans-mitting torque to the rear axles. The rear differential is con-figured to rotate the rear axles at a second speed, and where the difference between the first speed and the second speed is five percent or less. In one preferred embodiment, the differ-ence between the first speed and the second speed is less than about three percent. In another embodiment there is substan-tially no difference between the first speed and the second speed.In one embodiment, the front bi-directional over-running clutch includes an armature plate that is engaged or connected with the front roll cage such that the armature plate rotates with the roll cage. The front engagement control assembly impedes rotation of the roll cage relative to the front clutch housing by engaging the amiature plate so as to index the roll cage relative to the clutch housing.Preferably the hubs are substantially coaxially aligned with each other within the housing. and are adapted to rotate about a common axis within the housing.In one embodiment, the rear differential is part of a transaxle which is engaged with the transmission. 。

( c o l o t mo i n ie rn S h o fAu o b l E g n e i g,W u a n v mi fT c n l g , Wu a 3 0 0, C i a e h n U ie t o e h o o y y hn 4 0 7 hn )
p ro man e n x o e n wh e EV i b te tan t a o e ta to l EV. e fr c ide f t i- e l h s e tr h h t f t r diina h Ke w o d y r s: i- e l m oo ; dfe nta onr l EV n wh tr i r i c to ; e l
d 2 o 年 日本 丰 田 汽 车 公 司 在 东 京 车 展 上 推 出 . 03
式 。 它 直接 将 电 动 机 安 装 在 车 轮 轮 毂 中 ,省 略 了传 统 的 离 合 器 、变 速 器 、主 减 速 器 及 差 速 器 等 部 件 .
大 大 简 化 了整 车 结 构 ,提 高 了 传 动 效 率 ,并 且 能 通
过 控 制 技 术 实 现 对 电 动 轮 的 电 子 差 速 控 制 。 因 而 电
动轮 成 为未来 电动汽 车 的发展方 向。 目前 国 际 上 对 轮 毂 式 电 动 汽 车 的 研 究 主 要 以 日
本 为 主 ,主 要 应 用 在 一 些 概 念 车 上 ,上 市 销 售 的 汽
王 玲 珑 。 黄 妙 华 ( 汉理 工 大 学 汽 车 工 程 学院 ,湖 北 武 汉 武 407 3 0 0)

电液动力转向可以分为两大类:电动液压转向系统(电液压动力 - EHPS)和电动液压转向,电控ECHPS转向(液压助力转向)。
外文翻译 外文文献 英文文献 国内混合动力汽车发展

China Hybrid Electric Vehicle DevelopmentWith the depletion of oil resources, increase awareness of environmental protection, hybrid vehicles and electric vehicles will become the first decades of the new century, the development of mainstream cars and automobile industry become the consensus of all of the industry. The Chinese government also has the National High Technology Research and Development Program (863 Program) specifically listed, including hybrid vehicles, including electric cars of major projects. At present, China's independent innovation of new energy vehicles in the process, adhere to the government support to core technology, key components and system integration focusing on the principles established in hybrid electric vehicles, pure electric vehicles, fuel cell vehicles as a "three vertical "To vehicle control systems, motor drive systems, power battery / fuel cell for the "three horizontal" distribution of R & D, through close links between production cooperation, China's independent innovation of hybrid cars has made significant progress.With completely independent intellectual property rights form the power system technology platform, established a hybrid electric vehicle technology development. Is the core of hybrid vehicles batteries (including battery management system) technology. In addition, also include engine technology, motor control, vehicle control technology, engine and electrical interface between the power conversion and is also the key. From the current situation, China has established a hybrid electric vehicle power system through Cooperative R & D technology platforms and systems, made a series of breakthroughs for vehicle development has laid a solid foundation. As of January 31, 2009,Technology in hybrid vehicles, China Intellectual Property Office to receive and open for the 1116 patent applications in China. In 1116 patent applications, invention 782 (authority for the 107), utility model for the 334.Mastered the entire vehicle key development, the formation of a capability to develop various types of electric vehicles. Hybrid cars in China in systems integration, reliability, fuel economy and other aspects of the marked progress in achieving fueleconomy of different technical solutions can be 10% -40%. Meanwhile, the hybrid vehicle automotive enterprises and industrial R & D investment significantly enhanced, accelerating the pace of industrialization. Currently, domestic automakers have hybrid vehicles as the next major competitive products in the strategic high priority, FAW, Dongfeng, SAIC Motor, Changan, Chery, BYD, etc. have put a lot of manpower, material resources,Hybrid prototyping has been completed, and some models have achieved low-volume market.FAW GroupDevelopment Goal: By 2012, the Group plans to build an annual capacity of 11,000 hybrid cars, hybrid bus production base of 1000.FAW Group since 1999 and a new energy vehicles for theoretical research and development work, and the development of a red car performance hybrid sample. "15" period, the FAW Group is committed to the national "863" major project in the "red card in series hybrid electric vehicle research and development" mission, officially began the research and development of new energy vehicles. Beginning in 2006, FAW B70 in the Besturn, based on the technology for hybrid-based research, the original longitudinal into transverse engine assembly engine assembly, using a transverse engine and dual-motor hybrid technology. At the same time, FAW also pay close attention to the engine, mechanical and electrical integration, transmission, vehicle control networks, vehicle control systems development, the current FAW hybrid electric car has achieved 42% fuel saving effect, reached the international advanced level.Jiefang CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric BusFAW "Liberation brand CA6100HEV Hybrid Electric Bus" project is a national "863" electric vehicle major projects funded project, with pure electric drive, the engine alone drives (and charge), the joint drive motor starts the engine, and sliding regenerative braking 5 kinds of basic operation. The power hybrid electric bus and economy to the leading level, 38% fuel economy than traditional buses, emissions reduced by 30%.Red Flag CA7180AE hybrid carsRed Flag hybrid cars CA7180AE according to the national "863 Plan" is the first in complete with industrial prospects of the car, it is built on the basis of red car with good performance and operational smoothness. Series which is a hybrid sedan, the luxury car ,0-100km acceleration time of 14s, fuel-efficient than traditional cars by about 50%, Euro Ⅲemission standard.Besturn B70 hybrid carsBesturn B70 Hybrid cars using petrol - electric hybrid approach. Dual motor power system programs, mixed degree of 40/103, is all mixed (Full-Hybrid, also known as re-mixed) configurations. Besturn B70 Hybrid cars are petrol version costs two to three times Besturn models, mass production will be gradually reduced after the costs, even if this hybrid version Besturn market, the price certainly higher than the existing Besturn models, but high the price of petrol will not exceed 30% version of Besturn models.SAICDevelopment Goals: 2010 launch in the mixed hybrid cars, plug-in 2012, SAIC strong mix of cars and pure electric cars will be on the market.In the R & D on new energy vehicles, SAIC made clear to focus on hybrid, fuel cell for the direction, and speed up the development of alternative products. Hybrid vehicles, fuel cell vehicles, alternative fuel vehicles as a new energy strategy SAIC three key.2010 SAIC Roewe 750 hybrid cars in the mix will be put on the market, during the World Expo in Shanghai, SAIC will put 150 hybrid cars in the Expo Line on the River Run. 2012 Roewe 550 plug-in hybrid cars will be strong market, the current car's power system has been launched early development and progress.Apply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1stApply the new hybrid bus moving on the 1st Academy of Engineering by the SAIC and Shanghai Jiaotong University and other units jointly developed with independent intellectual property rights. Existing cities in the Sunwin Bus Powerplatform, "the new dynamic application No. 1" uses a parallel hybrid electric vehicle drive program, so that hybrid electric vehicle operating conditions in the electric air-conditioning, steering, braking and other accessories still able to work without additional electric system, while use of super capacitors, to improve starting power, braking energy recovery efficiency, thereby enhancing vehicle dynamic performance, reduce fuel consumption. Car length 10m, width 2.5m, high-3.2m, can accommodate 76 people.Roewe 750 hybrid carsRoewe 750 hybrid cars in the mixed system with BSG (Belt drive start generating one machine), with "smart stop zero-emission" and "environmental protection and the power of both the" two prominent features of a top speed of 205 km / h, the maximum added driving range of up to 500 km. As for the industrialization of SAIC's first own-brand hybrid car, the Roewe 750 hybrid integrated hybrid fuel-efficient cars can achieve rates of around 20%.Dongfeng Motor GroupDevelopment Goals: Plans move into 33 billion in 10 years to develop a range of environmentally friendly hybrid vehicles, including cars.EQ7200HEV hybrid carsEQ7200HEV hybrid cars are "863" project of major projects and major strategic projects of Dongfeng Motor Corporation. The car is EQ7200-Ⅱmodel (Fengshen Bluebird cars) is based on an electronically controlled automatic transmission with innovative electromechanical coupling in parallel programs, configure DC brushless motor and nickel-hydrogen batteries, plans to "10 5 "during the industrialization. Industrialization, the vehicle cost more than EQ7200 cars increase in costs ≤30%.EQ61100HEV Hybrid Electric BusEQ61100HEV electric hybrid bus by Dongfeng Vehicle Company Limited Joint Beijing Jiaotong University, Beijing, China Textile Co., Ltd. and Hunan sharp Electromechanical Technology Co., Ltd. jointly developed Shenzhou. EQ61100HEV hybrid electric bus with switched reluctance motor, Cummins ISBe1504 cylinder common rail electronic injection diesel engine, new chassis design of the system,electronically controlled automatic transmission and innovative electromechanical coupling parallel program. In the annual output reached 200, the vehicle cost more than the increase in automobile engine equipped with 6CT ≤30%.China ChanganDevelopment Goals: the next three years, the formation of different grades, different purposes, carry a different system of mixed platforms, weak mix of scale, strong mixed industrial R & D capabilities, covering commercial, A grade, B grade, C grade products. 2014 will achieve sales of new energy vehicles 150 000 2020 sales of new energy vehicles for more than 500,000."Eleventh Five-Year Plan" period, Chang-an increased investment in clean energy vehicles, a diversified energy technologies to carry out exploratory research. Environmental protection through energy-saving models continues to introduce new technology to lead the industry to upgrade and fully utilize and mobilize global resources, Chang'an in the middle hybrid cars, hybrid cars and other technological strength of the field are explored. Chang's first hybrid car long Anjie Xun HEV was successfully listed in June 2009; the first batch of 20 hybrid taxis Long An Zhixiang in January of this year officially put into operation in Chongqing.CheryDevelopment Goals: after 2010, more than half of Chery's products carry different levels of hybrid systems.From 2003 to 2008, mainly mixed with moderate Chery hybrid cars and energy saving system development, and industrialization; Chery in Wuhu, a taxi has been carried out on probation, fuel consumption will be reduced by 10% to 30% to reach Europe ⅣStandard. Since 2004, Chery hybrid cars mainly for the development of strong and industrialization. Chery hybrid car fuel consumption target to reach 100 km 3 liters, to reach Europe and the United States emissions regulations.Chery A5BSGChery A5BSG is a weak parallel hybrid electric car, using fuel engines, electric engines complementary mode, the two different power sources in the car while driving to work together or separately, through this combination to achieve the leastfuel consumption and exhaust emissions, in order to achieve fuel efficiency and environmental protection purposes. Compared with the conventional car, the car in urban conditions can save 10% -15% of fuel and reduce carbon dioxide emissions by about 12%, while costs increased by only about 25% -30%.Chery A5ISGChery A5 ISG hybrid power system consists of "1.3L gasoline engine + 5-speed manual transmission +10 kW motor +144 V Ni-MH battery," the composition of the battery system used by the Johnson Controls developed "plug-in" nickel metal hydride (Ni-MH), motor with permanent magnet synchronous motor and with the motor control system, inverter and DC / DC converters. The system enables the vehicle power to 1.6L displacement level and rate of 30% fuel savings and significantly reduce the emissions of Euro V standards.Cherry A3ISGChery A3 ISG has 1.3L473F gasoline engine and equipped with 10KW motor. By gasoline engines and electric motors with torque overlay approach to dynamic mixed to provide the best vehicle power operating efficiency and energy saving environmental protection goals. Chery A3 ISG also has Stop_Restart the idling stop function such as flame start to start (BSG function), to reduce red light in the vehicle stopped or suspended when the fuel consumption and emissions expenses.FY 2BSGFY 2 BSG carry 1.5LSQR477F inline four-cylinder engine configuration BSG start / stop and so one electric motor, red light in the vehicle stopped the driver into the gap, it will automatically enter standby mode to turn off the engine, starting moments after the entry block automatically start the engine. FY 2 BSG vehicle average fuel consumption than the 1.5L petrol cars reduce about 5-10%, average fuel consumption can be reduced up to 15%.BYD AutoDevelopment Goal: to electric cars as a transitional mode, the electric car as the ultimate goal, the development of new energy cars BYD.BYD follow the "independent research and development, independent production, independent brand" development path, and the "core technology, vertical integration" development strategy, as the transition to dual-mode electric vehicles, electric vehicles as the ultimate goal, the development of BYD new energy vehicles.国内混合动力汽车发展随着石油资源的枯竭、人们环保意识的提高,混合动力汽车及电动汽车将成为新世纪前几十年汽车发展的主流,并成为我国汽车界所有业内人士的共识。

( 1 . E c o n o m i c Ma n a g e m e n t D e p a r t m e n t , T i a n j i n U n i v e r s i t y , T i a n j i n 3 0 0 0 7 2 , C h i n a ;
2 . C o l l e g e o f A u t o m o t i v e E n g i n e e r i n g , J i l i n U n i v e s r i t y , C h a n g c h u n 1 3 0 0 2 5 ,C h i n a )
第2 7卷 第 l 1 期
V0 1 .2 7
NO . 11
重 庆 理 工 大 学 学 报( 自然科 学)
J o u r n a l o f C h o n g q i n g U n i v e r s i t y o f T e c h n o l o g y ( N a t u r a l S c i e n c e )
Ab s t r ac t :Th e me t h o d o f u s i n g p u r e mo t o r c o n t r o l ,h y d r a u l i c b r a k e a s t h e g e n e r a l ABS c o n t r o l c a n
情 况时制 动 的平稳度 。在 防抱 死控 制 方式 中使 用模糊 P I D 自整 定方 式 , 将 道路 辨别 系统辨 别 的
道路情况上传至 P I D控制机 , P I D控制机依据 自身已设置的模 糊法则针对各种情 况对各参数进

Wheel type electric cars driving system1.Development situation and overviewWheel type electric car is a kind of driving type electric cars, there are two basic forms, namely direct driving type electric wheels and belt wheel edges reducer electric wheels. It will be installed on the wheel hub of motor is omitted, traditional clutch, the transmission, the main reducer and differential unit etc, simplifies configuration and improve the transmission efficiency, and to realize the electric control technology through the electronic differential control wheels. Electric wheel will become the future development direction of electric cars.The electric car wheel type of the study in Japan. Japan's keio university of electric car research group has developed five different forms of vehicles. In 1991, with Tokyo electric power company jointly developed by IZA electric car seat, Cd-battery power method, with four rated power for 6.8 kW, 25kW reached the peak power of the rotor permanent magnet synchronous motor driving wheel speed can reach the highest, 176km/h. In 1996, the Japanese national institute of environmental groups jointly developed electric wheel drive system of rear wheel drive electric cars, the ECO electric wheel drive system chooses permanent brushless dc motor, power rating for 6.8 kW, for 20kW peak power, and planetary gear reducer, the electric wheels adopt mechanical braking and motor is a combination of regenerative braking. In 2001, the group launched by using lithium battery for power supply, eight high power ac synchronous motor driving wheel independent KAZ electric car. The installation of the eight wheels, and greatly increased the power, thereby the highest speed 311 km/h. The electric system KAZ used in high speed, high performance of motor rotor inside, the peak power can reach 55 kW, improve the ability of the limit speed KAZ cars, make its 0 ~ 100km/h acceleration time reach 8s. In order to make the motor output speed with the actual requirements, wheel rotation KAZ electric system matching planet gear. Using KAZ front disc brake drum brake using, rear. In 2003, Toyota motor company launched in Tokyo motor show the fuel cell concept car is also used to end an argument - N electric wheel drive technology. General motors corp. In 2001, the new trial wire four wheel drive car fuel cell concept also USES electric wheel drive Autonomy, electric wheel drive system of flexible control and arrangement, the better able to realize control technology.Domestic electric wheel drive mode study also made some progress. Tongji university "chunhui" series of fuel cell vehicles using the concept of four brushless dc motor driving wheel independent electric wheels module. Byd in 2004 Beijing auto ET concept car also adopted new drive electric car: four wheel drive motor independent pattern edge. Chinese academy of sciences, Beijing three-ring general electric company developed electric car brushless dc motor with wheels, say again electric wheels. A single wheel electric power, voltage 7.5 kW, double rear 264 V direct drive. The Chinese institute of four wheel corporation 724 electric automobile, motor performance index for the power rating: 3 kW, rated speed 3000r/min, rated voltage is 110 V.2.Structure analysisWheel electric drive system have direct driving type electric wheels and belt wheel edges reducer electric wheels are two basic forms. It depends on the rotor speed is using high-speed rotor motor or within. Direct drive a car with the rotor motor, electric wheels and a complete parts assembly wheel, electronic differential mode, motor, decorate in the wheels within wheels drive vehicle driven directly. Its main advantage is the motor, small volume, light quality and low cost, high transmission efficiency, compact structure, vehicle structure layout and design, also facilitate the retrofit design. This electric wheel directly in the installation of the wheel rim driving wheel rotation. But when the electric car in large torque, need is installed in the direct drive motor must type electric wheels can provide large in low torque. In order to make the car can have good performance, motor must also has a wide range of torque and speed adjustment. The work of the impact and vibration and the wheel rims wheels, request must be strong and reliable supporting, at the same time, because of the spring load, to ensure the quality of the comfort of vehicle suspension systems, elastic elements and damping element optimization design, motor output torque and power is limited, the system of wheel size high cost.Belt wheel gear wheel drive electric power while using high-speed rotor motor system in modern high-performance electric cars, suitable for the operation. It KuangYongChe originated from the traditional electric wheels, belongs to the slowdown driven type, the electric motor speed wheels allow in operation, usually the highest speed motor design in4000-20000 r/min, its purpose is to obtain higher than the power, and the other performance of motor without special requirement, and can be used in ordinary speed motor rotor. In motor and reducer institution arrangement between the wheels, deceleration and increase torque of electric cars, thus ensuring the role in the speed to make enough big torque. Motor output shaft through institutions and wheel drive shaft, motor bearing not connected directly under the load and the road wheels, improve the working conditions of the bearings, Adoptsfixed planetary gear reducer, ratio of the system with large range of speed and torque, give full play to the characteristics of the motor speed, eliminate the motor torque and power under the influence. Size wheel In the design of main consideration should be given to the solution of gear noise and lubrication problem, work of motor and internal system structure design requirements.3.Wheel type electric car key technology(1)The wheel motor and its control technologyCurrently used electric wheels of the rotor motor speed and high-speed rotor motor are within the radial magnetic flux permanent magnet motor wheel. Within the high-speed rotor motor structure and the traditional permanent magnet synchronous motor or brushless dc motor are basically the same. The highest speed motor coil and mainly by friction loss and variable factors such as organization ability. As the rotor wheeled permanent magnet motor electric car driven directly by the actuator, motor NdPeB installation of the surface of the rotor surface-mounted stator slots structure more rare. The wheel diameter had substructure of constraint conditions make the armature diameter increase and improve the motor ability, At the same time, had made motor cooling conditions worsen substructuring for long time, overload ability have certain effect. Adopt stator slots structure, few &reduce volume, simplified structure, to generate electricity needed to improve the indexes of harmonic. Magnetic rotor position sensor adopts magnetic resistance type, and motor multipole rotating transformer ontology integration installation, compact structure.Motor driven by axial Angle transform technique, use axis rotation Angle transform chip will output signal is transformed into digital signals, for the current instruction position of each phase of the synthesis of circuit current instruction, With the current negative feedbacksignal current instruction by current regulator (CR), control type inverter power circuit, SPWM drive motor running.Wheel type electric vehicle generally has two or four wheel edges of multiple motor, implement coordinated control. The key to achieve technology is the drive motor operating control, including the vehicle steering stability control, differential control system dynamic performance optimization and control, etc. In the stability control, traction control system for the main research direction, the comprehensive energy strategy in battery technology progress, not enough before are equally important. In order to research on vehicles, electric cars and the optimization design of effective mathematical model and the rapid and effective system operation control algorithm is also world research hotspot.(2)Energy and energy management systemBattery electric vehicle is the source, is also restricted the development of key factors of electric cars. Electric car battery is the main performance indexes than energy, energy density, power, circle life and cost, etc. To make electric cars and fuel automobile competition, the key to develop high energy, power and long-life efficient battery.So far, the electric car battery after three generations of development, has achieved breakthrough progress. The first generation is lead-acid batteries, mainly is the valve-control lead-acid battery (VRLA), due to its high price lower than energy, and discharge, high magnification is currently only high-volume production electric car batteries. Second generation is mainly alkaline battery, have Ni - Cd, Ni fd-mh, making-S, Li ion - and Zn/Air etc. Various battery, the ratio of energy and power than lead-acid battery is high, can greatly improve the performance of the electric vehicle dynamic range and lead-acid batteries, but the price is high. Article 3 the batteries in fuel cells. Fuel cells directly will fuel energy into electricity, high efficiency, energy transformation of energy and power than than all high, and can control the reaction process, energy conversion process can be continuous, is the ideal car batteries, but is still in the development stage, and some key technology is still a breakthrough.Because the electric vehicle Co., LTD, its energy vehicle driving car fuel mileage far less than the level of energy management system, the purpose is to maximize the use of thevehicle, increase energy limited trip mileage. Intelligent energy management systems acquisition from each subsystem, the sensor information input these sensors and temperature sensor, including car when the source current and voltage recharge sensor, motor current and voltage sensor, speed and acceleration sensor and the outside environment and climate, sensors, etc. Energy management system can realize the following basic functions: the energy distribution system, The prediction of the surplus energy and continue to trip mileage, Provide the best driving mode, When the regenerative braking rationally adjust the renewable energy, Automatic temperature control and adjustment. Intelligent management system as the brain, electric car, with great flexibility and adaptability.4.ConclusionThe paper introduces development status of electric vehicle wheel type and structure characteristics, illustrates the steering wheel motor-driven car control model and key technologies. Compared with the traditional electric cars and electric car wheel type of vehicle structure, transmission efficiency and dynamic performance, range, etc are very obvious advantages, is the future development direction of electric cars. At present, low quality of high power, wheel motor research is still hot. At the same time, the power steering wheel, driving, braking torque and speed of motor control is the key and difficult point for future research.轮毂式电动汽车驱动系统1、发展现状轮毂式电动汽车是一种新兴的驱动式电动汽车,有两种基本形式,即直接驱动式电动轮和带轮边减速器电动轮。

美国的新兴汽车制造商,Tesla Motors,推出了该公司首部电池电力车,名为Tesla Roadster。
截至2010年底,通用汽车公司计划推出备受赞誉的V olt混合动力汽车,而克莱斯勒公司最近已经宣布同样的计划正在进行之中。

农机化研究31Agriculture Mechanization Research适用于轮毂电机驱动电动汽车的ABS 控制逻辑邓彦波(湖南省永州市永州职业技术学院,湖南 永州 425100)摘 要:轮毂电动驱动电动汽车的系统控制一般利用电机实施防抱死系统,采用ABS 控制方式,这种方式的优点非常明显,可以让电动驱动电动汽车在工作时将能量进行转化,提高能量转化效率的同时,保证电动汽车整体的平稳运行。
基于此,文章对适用于轮毂电机驱动电动汽车的ABS 控制逻辑展开了研究。
关键词:轮毂电机;ABS;控制逻辑中图分类号:U469.72 文献标志码:A 文章编号:1672-3872(2019)20-0031-01——————————————作者简介: 邓彦波(1985—),男,湖南永州人,本科,讲师,研究方向:汽车工程。

Xxxxxxxxx毕业设计外文文献翻译Wheel type electric vehicle drivesystem学生姓名:学号:系名:专业:指导教师:职称:2019年月日Wheel type electric vehicle drive system 1.Development statusThe hub-type electric vehicle is a new type of drive-type electric vehicle, and there are two basic forms, namely a direct-drive electric wheel and an electric wheel with a wheel reducer. It directly installs the motor in the wheel hub, omitting the components such as the traditional clutch, transmission, main reducer and differential, simplifies the structure of the entire vehicle, improves the transmission efficiency, and realizes the electronic control of the electric wheel through the control technology. Differential control. Electric wheels will become the future direction of electric vehicles.At present, the research on hub-type electric vehicles in the world mainly focuses on Japan. The electric vehicle research team at Keio University in Japan has prototyped five different prototypes. Among them, IZA, a four-seater electric vehicle jointly developed with Tokyo Electric Power Company in 1991, uses an Ni-Cd battery as a power source, and is driven by four external rotor permanent magnet synchronous hub motors with a rated power of 6.8 kW and a peak power of 25 kW. The maximum speed can reach 176km/h. In 1996, the team teamed up with the National Institute of Environmental Studies in Japan to develop a rear wheel drive electric vehicle ECO with an electric wheel drive system. The electric wheel drive system of this car uses a permanent magnet brushless DC motor with a rated power of 6.8 kW and a peak power of 20 kW. , And with a planetary gear reducer, the electric wheel using mechanical braking and motor regenerative braking combined. In 2001, the team also introduced an electric car KAZ that uses lithium batteries as the power source and is independently driven by eight high-power AC synchronous wheel hub motors.The car is equipped with eight wheels, which greatly increase the power of the car, so that the maximum speed of the car reaches 311km/h. KAZ's electric wheel system uses a high-speed, high-performance inner-rotor motor with a peak power of55 kW, which improves the KAZ's ultimate acceleration capability and enables the0-100 km/h acceleration time to reach 8 s. In order to make the motor output rotation speed meet the actual rotation speed of the wheel, the KAZ electric wheel system is matched with the planetary gear reduction mechanism. KAZ uses disc brakes on the front wheels and drum brakes on the rear wheels. The FINE-N, a fuel cell concept car that Toyota Motor Corporation of Japan introduced at the Tokyo Motor Show in 2003, also uses electric wheel drive technology. The Autonomy, a new four-wheel drive fuel cell concept car developed by General Motors in 2001, also uses electric wheel drive type and flexible control and layout of the electric wheel drive system, which enables the car to achieve better line control technology.Domestic research on electric wheel drive has also made some progress. The “Chunhui” series fuel cell concept car developed by Tongji University uses four electric wheels driven by brushless hub motors independently. The ET concept vehicle BYD displayed at the Beijing Auto Show in 2004 also adopted the latest driving mode of electric vehicles: 4 wheel-side motors with independent drive mode. The brushless hub motor for electric cars developed by the Beijing Sanhuan General Electric Company of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is also called an electric wheel. The single electric wheel has a power of 7.5kW, a voltage of 264V, and dual rear wheels are directly driven. The four-wheeled electric vehicle of the 724 Research Institute of China National Shipbuilding Corporation has its motor performance indicators: rated power 3kW, rated speed 3000r/min, and rated voltage 110V.2. Structural analysisThe wheel-type electric drive system has two basic forms of a direct-drive electric wheel and a wheel-side reducer electric wheel. This depends on whether a low speed outer rotor or a high speed inner rotor motor is used. Direct-drive vehicles use low-speed external rotor motors. The electric wheels and wheels form a complete component assembly. The electronic differential type is adopted. The motor is arranged inside the wheels and drives the wheels directly to drive the car. Its main advantages are its small size, light weight, low cost, high system transmissionefficiency, and compact structure. It is not only beneficial to the layout of the vehicle and body design, but also facilitates retrofit design. This electric wheel directly mounts the outer rotor on the rim of the wheel to drive the wheel rotation. However, the electric vehicle requires a large torque at the time of starting, that is, the motor installed in the direct drive type electric wheel must be able to provide a large torque at a low speed. In order for the car to have better dynamics, the motor must also have a wide range of torque and speed adjustment. Due to the impact and vibration generated by the motor work, the wheel rim and wheel support must be sturdy and reliable. At the same time, due to the unsprung mass, to ensure the comfort of the vehicle, it is required to optimize the elastic and damping elements of the suspension system. The motor output torque and power are also limited by the wheel size and the system cost is high.The wheel-side reducer electric wheel electric drive system uses a high-speed inner rotor motor, which is suitable for the operation requirements of modernhigh-performance electric vehicles. It originated from the traditional electric wheel of a mining vehicle and belongs to a deceleration driving type. This kind of electric wheel allows the motor to run at a high speed. Usually, the maximum rotation speedof the motor is designed to be 4000-20000 r/min. Its purpose is to obtain a higher ratio. Power, but no special requirements on the other performance of the motor, can use ordinary inner rotor high speed motorThe deceleration mechanism is arranged between the motor and the wheel, and acts to decelerate and increase the torque, thereby ensuring that the electric vehicle can obtain sufficient torque at low speed. The output shaft of the motor is connected with the wheel drive shaft through the speed reduction mechanism, so that the motor bearing does not directly bear the load of the wheel and the road surface, and the working conditions of the bearing are improved; the fixed speed ratio planetary gear reducer is adopted to make the system have a larger speed range. And output torque, give full play to the characteristics of the drive motor speed, eliminating the motor output torque and power affected by the size of the wheel. In the design, the noise andlubrication problems of the gears should be mainly considered, and the design requirements for the structural design of the motor and the system should be higher.3. Hub-type electric vehicle key technologies3.1 Hub Motor and Control TechnologyAt present, the low speed outer rotor motor and the high speed inner rotor motor used in the electric wheel are radial magnetic flux permanent magnet type motors. The structure of the high-speed inner rotor motor is basically the same as that of a conventional permanent magnet synchronous motor or a brushless DC motor. The maximum speed of the motor is mainly limited by factors such as coil and friction loss and the capacity of the speed change mechanism. The external rotor-wheel permanent magnet motor is used as the actuator directly driven by the electric vehicle. The motor adopts a surface-mounted NdPeB magnetic steel outer rotor statormulti-pole groove structure. The outer rotor structure has the diameter of the armature increased under the constraint of the fixed diameter of the wheel, which increases the motor capacity. At the same time, the structure of the outer rotor deteriorates the heat dissipation condition of the motor and has a certain influence on the long-term overload capability. The stator adopts a multi-pole groove structure, which reduces the volume and simplifies the structure, and is favorable for generating the required potential harmonics to improve the index. The permanent magnet rotor position sensor adopts a magnetoresistive multipole rotary transformer, which is integrated with the motor body and has a compact structure.The motor drive adopts the shaft angle transformation technology, and the shaft angle transformation chip is used to convert the rotation output signal into a digital position signal for the phase current command synthesis circuit to generate the current command for each phase; the phase current command and the current negative feedback signal are passed through the current regulator (CR). Processing, control SPWM inverter power circuit, drive motor operation.Hub-type electric vehicles generally have 2 or 4 wheel-side motors that implement coordinated control of multiple motors. The key technology for realizing the electric vehicle drive is the drive control of the drive motor, which includes stability control of the vehicle's running, steering differential control, optimization of the system's dynamic performance, and energy-saving control. In the stability control, traction control is the main research direction, and the comprehensive energy-saving strategy of the system is also very important before the battery technology is sufficiently advanced. In order to better study and optimize the vehicle design, the effective mathematical model of the electric vehicle and the fast and effective system operation control algorithm are also hot topics in the world today.3.2 Energy and Energy Management SystemBatteries are the source of power for electric vehicles and are also the key factors that restrict the development of electric vehicles. The main performance indicators for electric vehicle batteries are specific energy, energy density, specific power, cycle life, and cost. To compete with electric vehicles and fuel vehicles, it is critical to develop high-efficiency batteries with high specific energy, high specific power, and long life. So far, electric vehicle batteries have made breakthroughs through the development of three generations. The first generation is a lead-acid battery. Currently, it is mainly a valve-regulated lead-acid battery (VRLA). Because of its high specific energy, low price, and high discharge rate, it is currently the only battery that can bemass-produced for electric vehicles. The second generation is an alkaline battery, which mainly includes Ni-Cd, Ni-MH, Na-S, Li-ion, and Zn/Air batteries. Its specific energy and specific power are higher than that of lead-acid batteries. The car's power performance and mileage, but its price is higher than lead-acid batteries. The third generation is a fuel cell-based battery. The fuel cell directly converts the chemical energy of the fuel into electric energy, has high energy conversion efficiency, high specific energy and specific power, and can control the reaction process, and the energy conversion process can be continuously performed. It is an ideal automotivebattery, but it is still under development. At the stage, some key technologies have yet to be broken.Due to the limited onboard energy of electric vehicles, the mileage of the electric vehicles is far below the level of the fuel vehicles. The purpose of the energy management system is to maximize the use of limited onboard energy and increase mileage. The smart energy management system collects sensor information input from various subsystems. These sensors include air temperature sensors inside and outside the vehicle, power supply current and voltage sensors during charging and discharging, motor current and voltage sensors, speed and acceleration sensors, and outside environment and climate sensors. The energy management system can achieve the following basic functions: optimizing the energy distribution of the system; predicting the remaining energy of the electric vehicle's power supply and continuing driving range; providing the optimal driving mode; adjusting the regenerative energy rationally during regenerative braking; and automatically adjusting the temperature control mode. The intelligent management system is like the brain of an electric car. It also has many features, flexibility, and adaptability.4 ConclusionThis article describes the development status and structural characteristics of wheeled electric vehicles, and explains the steering control model and key technologies of wheeled electric vehicles. Compared with traditional electric vehicles, the overall structure, transmission efficiency, power performance, and driving range of hub-type electric vehicles have obvious advantages and are the future direction of electric vehicles. At present, the research on low-quality, high-power hub motors is still hot. At the same time, the control of the motor torque and speed during the steering, driving and braking of the hub-type electric vehicle is the focus and difficulty of future research.轮毂式电动汽车驱动系统1.发展现状轮毂式电动汽车是一种新兴的驱动式电动汽车,有两种基本形式,即直接驱动式电动轮和带轮边减速器电动轮。


Internal Combustion Engine &Parts0引言能源短缺和环境污染严重制约着社会经济的发展,节能与环保已经成为全世界各国关注的焦点。
通过驾驶员的方向转角和油门踏板位置输入以及采集的车辆状态等信息,计算出驾驶员所需要的纵向力和横摆力矩;转矩分配控制单元的主要作用是将期望驱动转矩T d 和制定出的附加横摆力矩ΔM z 进行规则运算,按照需求合理的分配到两个驱动电机中,驱动防滑控制是分析车辆所处的路面状况,降低轮胎的滑转率,使车辆处于稳定状态,防止滑转。

1.轮毂式电动汽车驱动系统发展综述 [J], 王玲珑;黄妙华
2.轮毂式电动汽车驱动系统的研究与开发 [J], 王玲珑;黄妙华
3.分布式电动汽车四轮轮毂电机驱动系统开发 [J], 刘文超;陈国迎;宗长富;李春善;张冰
4.电动汽车轮毂电机驱动系统试验载荷谱生成算法研究 [J], 周毅;刘谦;周甄超;徐刚
5.轮毂电机驱动系统在电动汽车上的应用 [J], 吕金山;秦滔;文学;肖建军

汽车驱动系统的英语文章The drive system is one of the most important systemsin electric vehicles. The running performance of electric vehicle is mainly determined by its driving system.The electric vehicle drive system is composed of traction motor, motor controller, mechanical transmission device, wheel, etc. Its energy storage power source is the battery pack.Motor controller receives from the accelerator pedal (the equivalent of fuel automobile throttle), brake pedal and PDRN (parking, forward, reverse, neutral) output signal control handle, the control of the traction motor rotation, through reducer, transmission shaft, differential and half shaft mechanical transmission device (when electric vehicles use electric wheel mechanical transmission device is different) drives the driving wheel.When the vehicle slows down, the motor plays a braking role for the vehicle forward. At this time, the motor is in the running state of the generator and charges the energy storage power source, which is called regenerative braking.The regenerative braking function of the power drive system is very important, which can increase the drivingrange of an electric car by 15 to 25 percent on a single charge.驱动系统是电动汽车最主要的系统之一。
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轮毂式电动汽车驱动系统外文文献翻译、中英文翻译、外文翻译The wheel type electric car is a type of electric car thatutilizes a driving system。
There are two main forms of this system: the direct driving type ___。
This system is installed on the wheel hub of the motor。
main cer。
it allows for the ___。
making electric control technology possible。
As a result。
the wheel type electric car is expected to e the ___ electric cars.2.Advantages and disadvantagesThe wheel type electric car has many advantages。
it has a simple and compact structure。
it has high n efficiency。
which improves the overall performance of the car。
it has good ___。
it has a low noise level。
there are also some disadvantages。
the cost of the wheel type electric car is relatively high。
the maintenance costis also high。
the wheel type electric car has ___.The wheel type electric car has a simple and compact structure。
making it ___ performance。
It also has good stability and handling。
and a low noise level。
it comes with some disadvantages。
it has ___.3.n and prospectsThe wheel type electric car has been ___。
electric logistics vehicles。
and ___。
It has also been used in some special vehicles such as electric fire trucks and electric airport vehicles。
With the development of technology。
the n of the wheel type electric car will ___ future。
it will be widely used in personal cars。
which will greatly promote the development of the electric car industry.The wheel type electric car has already been widely used in us fields。
including electric buses。
logistics vehicles。
as well as special ___。
it is expected that the wheel type electric car will e even more widely used in personal cars。
which will greatly promote the development of the electric car industry.___'s "Chunhui" series of ___ driving independent electric wheel modules。
Beijing Auto ET concept car also adopted a newdrive electric car: four-wheel drive motor independent pattern edge。
The Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Three-Ring General Electric Company have ___。
known as again electric wheels。
These motors have a single wheel electric power of 7.5kW and a double rear 264V direct drive。
The Chinese Institute of Four Wheel n's 724 electric automobile has a motor performance index for the power rating of 3 kW。
rated speed of 3000r/min。
and rated voltage of 110 V.In terms of structure analysis。
further research and development have been conducted to improve the design and efficiency of electric wheel drive modes。
The focus has been on creating independent modules for each wheel。
advancements have been made in brushless DC motors。
___ have led to the development of ___.There are two basic forms of wheel electric drive systems: direct driving type ______ the wheel is being used。
A direct drive electric wheel system consists of a rotor motor。
electronic differential mode。
and wheels that are all assembled into one part。
Its main advantages are its small size。
light weight。
low cost。
high n efficiency。
when the electric car requires large torque。
a direct drive motor must be installed。
This type of electric wheel can provide ___ good performance。
the motor must also have a wide range of torque and speed adjustments。
The wheels must be strong and reliable to support the ___。
the n system must be optimized for comfort and safety。
The output torque and power of the motor are limited by the size and cost ofthe wheel system.The ___ component of an electric car。
providing power and performance without special requirements。
It can be used in ordinary speed motor rotors and has a speed range of 4000- r/min。
The purpose of the wheel motor is to obtain higher power and performance。
which is ___ the car has ___。
___ power。
a fixed ary gear cer with a large range of speed and ___ designing the wheel。
the main n should be given to the n of gear noise and n problems。
as well as the motor and internal system structure design requirements.2)___The battery is the power source of an electric car。
and its performance is crucial for the car's overall performance。
The battery should have a high energy density。
long cycle life。
and low self-___。
with a fast charging ___ electric cars.3)______ is essential for the safe and efficient n of an electric car。
This includes the control of the motor。
and other components。
as well as the monitoring of the car's performance and status。
The control system should be reliable。