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Dazzle, flash, flicker, glare, gleam, glimmer, glint, glitter, glisten, glister, glow, beam, shimmer, shine,

sparkle, twinkle, wink以上单词都有"发光"的意思,在实际运用中有的相互间差别很大,有的很难区分。本文拟浅议以上"发光"词的准确用法。

flicker一词正是"发出微光",指"光线很弱好似微微晃动一样"。由这个词我立即想到glitter, glow, gleam等同类词,再一回忆又想出了若干,最后借助thesaurus得出了以下英文词汇发光列表:

2. flash: to shine suddenly and brightly for a short time, or to make something shine in this way; If a

light flashes or if you flash a light, it shines with a sudden bright light, especially as quick, regular flashes of light. 例:Lightning flashed overhead.



3. flicker: to burn or shine with an unsteady light that goes on and off quickly; If

a light or flame

flickers, it shines unsteadily. 例:The overhead lights flickered momentarily.






对恋人一起试过的那个long, hot summer's night.

sparkle: to shine in small bright flashes; to shine brightly with small flashes of light;If something

sparkles, it is clear and bright and shines with a lot of very small points of light.例:sparkling eyes;Her

jewellery sparkled in the candle light;The sea sparkled in the sun;The crystal chandelier sparkled.

这是"发火花, 闪耀"之意,特指星星点点的闪光,比如春节


fireworks patterns,区别于glow, glitter等,特指"数量多"。

16. twinkle: if a star or light twinkles, it shines in the dark with an unsteady light; to shine with a light

that keeps changing from bright to faint to bright again

例:Stars twinkled in the sky.; twinkling lights in the distance

"天上的星星不说话,地上的娃娃想妈妈,天上的星星眨呀眨,妈妈的心呀鲁冰花" 小时候听过这首歌,因此对于星星眨眼睛印象特别深刻。这个眨眼睛就一定是twinkle了,不过人眨眼睛时可以说wink,星星就不可以。远处的灯光忽明忽暗,也说twinkle。比如农村人迷信,说看到了"鬼火"一闪一闪的(那其实是死人骨头中的磷遇空气中的氧而自燃,有动物衔着骨头走动因此看起


1. dazzle: If a very bright light dazzles you, it stops you from seeing properly for

a short time. 例:a

deer dazzled by the headlights


4. glare: to shine with a very strong bright light which hurts your eyes; If the sun or

a light glares, it

shines with a very bright light which is difficult to look at; 例:The sun glared down on us.


好一会儿看不见东西,那就是一种glaring light, 比dazzling light历害多了。

5. gleam: to shine softly [= glimmer]; If an object or a surface gleams, it reflects light because it is shiny

and clean. 例:His teeth gleamed under his moustache; Blue-white moonlight gleamed through the window,throwing the shadows of the bars across the floor. 淡蓝色的月光透过窗户照进房来,窗条的影子斜斜地映在地板上。





6. glimmer: If something glimmers, it produces or reflects a faint, gentle, often unsteady light; to shine

with a light that is not very bright [= gleam]: a weak, glimmering light 朗文字典认为glimmer等于gleam,但是柯林斯和牛津皆认为glimmer含有unsteady之意,是to shine with a faint unsteady light,因此一定要与gleam区别开来。glimmer与flicker 相近,也有“光线晃动”之意,但是没有flicker那么"摇曳"得历害:

A beam of gleaming light 一道微弱的光线

A beam of glimmering light 一束昏暗、摇曳的光线

7. glint: if a shiny surface glints, it gives out small flashes of light [= sparkle]; If something glints, it

produces or reflects a quick flash of light. (WRITTEN);= glisten; to produce small bright flashes of light: 例:The sea glinted in the moonlight;The sun glinted on the windows;The gold rims of his spectacles glinted in the sun.

