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1.1. He wanted to learn, to know, to teach.他想学习、掌握知识,也愿意把自己所学教给别人。

2. She is young enough to get married. 她还年轻,可以结婚。

3. From there I could see the whole valley below,从那里我可以看见下面的整个山谷,那田野、河流、村庄。这一切都很美丽,并且见到它,使我心驰神往。

4. We have 365 days in a year. 一年365天

5. He stood up straight with arms folded, and laughed at the cap hanging there on the pole.


6. Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.我们的儿子一定要上学,一定要出人头地。

7. Is the press a great power in your country. 贵国新闻界有很大的影响(力)吗?

8. Brown may say what he likes, but it is his wife who wears the trousers 布朗爱说什么就说什么,但当家作主的却是他老婆。

9. 青岛今昔Qingdao—Yesterday and Today/Past and Present/ Qingdao’s Yesterday and Today…

10. 全世界人民people in the world, people of all countries, people all over the world

11.黄色录像(电影)blue video (film) 12.不见不散be there or be square

13.文如其人The style is the man 9.11事件Sept. 11 attacks/ the tragedy of Sept.11 14.1997年7月1日零点整,香港回归祖国。

Exactly at zero hours, July 1, 1997, Hong Kong returned to China


1.Nor is the importance of trade likely to diminish for either China or the United States.


2. 2.My fingers lingered almost unconsciously on the familiar leaves and blossoms which had just come forth to greet the sweet southern spring.几乎是毫无意识地,我用手指抚摸着我所熟悉的叶片和花朵,这新长的叶子和新开的花朵迎来了南方美好的春天。

3.They say a person needs just three things to be truly happy in this world. Someone to love, something to do话说,人生幸福只需三条:有所爱,有所为,有所盼

4.He smiled at that, with a rueful curve of his lips, but his eyes were alight with an emotion she was afraid to identify. 听了这话,她笑了,双唇合成一条曲线,露出一副悔恨的样子。但两眼仍褶褶发光,脉脉含情。这种感情她不敢认同。

5.Alice was beginning to get very tired of sitting by her sister on the bank, 爱丽丝无所事事,跟姐姐一起闲坐岸边,开始感到厌倦了。姐姐正在看书,她瞥了一两眼,但是那书上并没有图画或对话。爱丽丝想,一本书中如果没有图画或是对话,那它又有什么用呢?


1. He excels others in every expect.他在各方面都优于他人

2. I get positively angry with the impertinence of it and the everlastingness.


3.China is a very big country with a very big population.中国幅员辽阔,人口众多

4. The key to everything is patience. You get the chicken by hatching the egg not by smashing it. 耐心是一切的关键。小鸡是从蛋里孵出来的,不是把蛋壳敲破取出来的。

5. Histories make men wise; poets witty;读史使人明智,读诗使人灵秀,数学使人周密,科学使人深刻,伦理使人庄重,逻辑和修辞使人善辩,能够争论


1. A man is in his best shape in the decade before age 25. 男人在25岁前的10年中身体最棒,肌肉最结实,对感冒和传染病的抵御力最强,身体摄取营养的效率最高。

2.After singing, she sits on audience’s hands.唱完歌,观众不给她鼓掌

3.Every time he comes to New York, he wants to paint the town red.每次来纽约,他都要痛饮一4.The game was rained off.比赛因雨暂停举行

5.In the moment of fire,telephone the message to 119. 如有火情,请拨打火警电话119


1.Everyone recognizes the importance of speaking English well. 人人都知道讲一口流利的英语有多重要。在学校,我们学习和练习的主要内容之一是读写英语,殊不知在日常生活中我们与人交流思想时发现说比写的机会要多得多

2.Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it, we go nowhere.


3. There are only three types of people: those who make things happen, those who watch things happen and those who say, “ What happened? ”世上有三种人:实干者,旁观者,打探者

4. The real art of conversation is not only to say the right thing in the right place, but to leave the 谈话的艺术不仅是善于分别场合,说话得当,而且要在忍不住的场合强忍下不得当的话

5. Kind hearts are the gardens; kind thoughts are the roots; kind words are the flowers; kind deeds 仁慈的心肠是花园;高尚的情操是根基;友好的话语是花朵;慷慨的行为时硕果


1.School is not easy and it is not for the most part very much fun, but then, if you are very lucky, 上学可不是件轻松的事,而且大部分也没什么趣味;不过要是你的造化好,也许会碰上个真正的好老师。我最大的幸运,就是一生中有过三位这样的好老师。

2. But what really is a clone? A clone is born from an embryo, 可是,克隆动物究竟是怎么回事?克隆动物来自基因与供体动物相同的一个胚胎,该胚胎由另一母体代孕至足月。由此而来的新生命本质上是供体“父母”的同卵双生,具有该动物孪生者之异同。

无论事实如何,动物克隆技术发展迅速,其广阔的应用当令人难以想象。重组细胞的DNA 也许是20世纪最重大的生物学成就之一。

3.3.My father had particularly large hands. Oil often was pounded into his palms, his fingers,


4.4. He read over and over all the letters which he ever had from her他拿出她所有的信反反复复地看。有的信上是关于怎么处置她那一小笔财产的问题(他仍旧骗她说是丈夫留给她的遗产);有的是从前给他的请帖;只要是从她那里寄来的,有她笔迹的小纸片,他都拿出来看了又看。她的口气多么冷淡,多么和蔼,多么自私,多么令人绝望!

5. There are many things that we do in our own culture that we never ask questions about. 在自己的文化里我们所做的很多事从不需要问为什么,做事时也不需考虑什么,因为我们往往用同样的方式处理这些事情。而当我们处于另一种文化中或与来自另一种文化的人交往时,我们就可以看出,人们做事的方式不尽相同。我们首先注意到的是不同文化的人相互称呼的方式不同。人们相互称呼时所使用的语言可反映出某一文化的丰富内涵。

