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get dressed 穿好衣服

get on very well with 与...相处很好/进展顺利

get on/off a bus./get on with sb. 上/下公共汽车

get out of/into (a car/lift) 上/下小汽车/电梯

get ready for... /lost/warm... 为...作好准备, 迷路,变暖

get sb. some tea 为...备好茶

get sth. back 讨回

give a talk on 作...报告

give one's best wishes to ... 向某人表示最良好的祝福

give sb. a ring/=call 给某人打电话

give sb. the message 给某人口信

give sth. back 归还

Glad to see/meet you(again)! (很)高兴见到你

go on doing sth. 接着做...

go skating/shopping 去滑冰/购物

go to hospital/sleepgo to see a doctor 去看病/入睡

grow rice 种稻米

Hands up / down! 举起/放下手来

Happy New Year! The same to you! 新年快乐! 也祝你新年快乐Happy Teachers' Day! 教师节快乐

hate travelling = hate travelling 讨厌旅行

have a big smile/a baby 开怀大笑, 生小孩have a drink of orange 喝一些橙汁

have a party/pinic/swim/test/wash 举办晚会/野餐/游泳/测试/洗澡

have an accident 出事故

have beautiful sunshine every day 每天阳光灿烂

have breakfast/lunch/supper/dinner/a meal 吃早餐/午饭/晚饭/一顿饭

have our big family get-together 我们一家子大团圆

Have you ever been to ...? 你去过....?

Have you got a moment? I'd like to... 你有空吗? 我想...

hear from sb. 收到...的信

help oneself to 请吃...

help sb. with the apple-picking /the washing 帮...采摘苹果/洗涮

Help! 救命

Here it is! / Here you are! 给你

Here, (Let's) have a go. (让我们)试一下

He's out at the moment. 此刻他外出. hold a sport meeting 举办运动会

hold on (the line) (for a moment), please 请稍等(别挂电话)

home town 家乡

How can I get there? 我该怎么去哪儿

How do you spell it? 它怎么拼写

How do you usually come to school? 你通常是怎么来学校的.

How far is it? 它(离这)有多远

How many floors does the building have? 这座建筑物有几层How time flies! 时间过得多快

hundreds of 几百个

hurry off 急着赶车

in the end 最终

in the middle of the day = at noon 在中午

in the open air / the old days 在户外/在过去in the picture 在画上

in the tree (a kite...) 在树上

in time ( for...) 正赶上

in/around/all over the world 在世界上/在全世界

Is everyone here today? 每个人都来了吗

It comes and goes very quickly 它来得急也去得快

It feels strange to have a twin sister. 有个孪生妹妹感觉怪怪的it is harvest time 这是收获季节

It was a draw (=close game) 这是场拉据战

It was only a joke. 这只是个玩笑

It's ... meters long / wide /deep /high. 它是....米长/宽/深/高

It's a bad line. =I can't hear you clearly. 这(电话)线路不好

It's a fine day for a walk. 这是个散步的好日子

It's a pleasure. 这是我乐意做的事(不用谢)

It's about ... minutes by bike / on foot. 去...


It's about 30 meters along on the left. 它在前头30米靠左的地方

It's better to give than to receive 奉献比索取好

It's getting late. 时候不早了

It's going to be warmer later on 晚些时候天气将会暖和些

It's like new again!(=in perfect condition) 它又象新的了

It's nothing serious. 没什么大不了的事

It's really nice of you! 你真好心(太感谢你了)

It's time to go home 该回家了

It's your turn now. 轮到你了

I've lived here all my life. 我在此住了一辈了

I've never heard of that before! 我从未听到这件事

I've no idea. 我不知道

Jesus of Christ 耶稣基督

jump into 跳入
