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!郑州大学商学院! 郑州 "#$$$%"

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Expressway construction is of great importance to regional economic development and regional

spatial pattern evolvement. It has become a focus in modern transport geography and regional economics researches. With the index such as accessibility coefficient and beta index, etc, the author examines the impact of expressway with topology method, and classifies the stage of development into three stages. The first is tree network, this stage is the first stage, and the expressway network has the most simply network structure, the second stage is loop network, and the network improve in this stage, the third stage is Lattice network, and this is the most advanced network, the number of connection exceeds the one of nodes, and forms many closed loops.

The result of expressway accessibility is "time-spatial astringency". So "time-spatial astringency" withers away with "Obstacle of geographic space".

As a result, expressway network promotes the linking of

inter-region and trans-region. As the expressway network goes to mature, the change of accessibility is different in different region and city. generally speaking, the grade of accessibility in center of network is highest, and the region far from the center is lowest.

Based on analysis mentioned above, some conclusions are put forward: Firstly, evolvement of expressway network is a process of gradual change; Secondly, time-spatial astringency of expressway construction influences the structure of regional space and economy, accelerates the change of urban system function and the transfer of regional industry; Thirdly, the expressway province must expand in Henan. The changing situation of the spatial structure of the accessibility in Henan is just a fleeting period in the transport network development. The expressway construction has high development potential, and Henan must expressway construction in the developing region in order to make the accessibility of the expressway network at the same level. Finally, some advice was put forward to study the effect of expressway network.

expressway; network; time-space astringency; accessibility index


# 连接率等衡量网络连接度指标" 以河 南 省为例"对高速公路网络化发展及由此引起的时空收敛 性进行了评价$ 结果显示"高速公路的发展要历经树状 网络% 回路网络和格状网络三个阶段" 最终走向网络 的 高级化"同时高速公路网络化使区域的空间通达性得到 整体提高"河南省高速公路网络化的结果是在形成了不 同时间的交通圈的基础上"逐步形成以郑州为核心的核 心圈# 外围圈和辐射圈三个高速公路经济圈" 改变了 区



交通基础设施与经济发展之间关系在学术界有不同的争 论[1-3]

,但交通网络通达性变化带来的时空收敛效应却是公认 的[4-6]。交通网络通达性变化是多年来经济地理研究的重要方 向,许多学者通过对铁路交通网络的形成演化,认为由于铁 路网络通达性变化推动了空间经济格局的演变[7-8],所带来的
