



世纪商务英语听说专业篇I 课件 unit 9

世纪商务英语听说专业篇I 课件 unit 9

The price was so high that he found it difficult to make a bid.
2. How much did Mort reduce the price?
Mort reduced the price by 5%.
Active Listening
Task Two
√ √
√ √ √
Listening and Speaking
Task Two Work in pairs. Suppose that one is the seller and the other is the customer who places an order. You are negotiating the price, quantity, payment, shipment, and other necessary information. Make a presentation in the class about the order.
further reduction of 3%.
Active Listening
Task Two
Section A
Listen to the conversation again, and answer the following questions.
1. How did Mr. Frederick think of the price?
3. You see, our __________ profit margin is very narrow. no alternative but 4. I hate to disappoint you, Mr. Mort, but if that’s the case, we have ______________ to cover our requirements elsewhere. cooperation between us, I agree to a 5. Well, considering the friendship and long-term ________________

商务英语高级口语与听力 - 教案

商务英语高级口语与听力 - 教案




1. 了解预约活动、会见客户、商务差旅、产品服务、着装要求、会议过程、团队合作等基本商务知识。

2. 在不同语境中,选择合适的文体,遵循商务习惯和国际惯例,使用恰当准确的语言进行商务交流。


4. 掌握听出主要观点、细节信息、选择信息、预测内容、总结观点、区分观点和论据、判断态度和情感等商务英语学习策略。


1. 建议教材
姜荷梅. 《商务英语视听说教程4学生用书》(第二版). 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2017.6
2. 主要参考资料
1)姜荷梅. 《商务英语视听说教程4教师用书》(第二版). 上海:上海外语教育出版社,2017.6
2)马龙海. 《商务英语视听说》.北京:外语教育与研究出版社,2009.7。











四、课程教学基本要求本课程旨在训练学生在涉外商务活动中所需要的英语听说技能,培养学生在涉外商务环境下的英语交流能力,主要表现在五个方面:社交(socializing)、电话交流(telephoning)、商务陈述(presenting)、会议交流(taking part in meetings)和商务谈判(negotiating)。




商务英语听说(第三版)PPT Test 1

商务英语听说(第三版)PPT   Test 1

Part B
Introducing New Products
Listen to the passage and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. (10%)
4. Compared with other famous Italian and French brands, what gives the leather bags a competitive edge according to the passage?
4. A. She feels nervous. B. She is OK with flying. C. She prefers traveling slowly. D. She likes traveling by train.
Part B
You’ll hear 5 short dialogues in this section. At the end of each dialogue, one question will be asked. Both the dialogue and the question will be spoken only once. Mark the best answer to each question.
Part A
Communicating skills
Listen to the five statements/questions and choose the appropriate response.
5. A. That’s the problem. B. That explains. C. It’s up to you. D. Yes, that makes sense.


提高口语表达的能力。 • 难点:怎样在具体的商务情境中,让学生快速融入情境对话,运用所学的
理论知识,进行实践性的口语交际? • 怎样做好理论知识的讲授、日常训练与实际商务情境中的就业(jiùyè)岗位
三、教学组织与实施(shíshī) 3-1学情分析
知识储备:刚步入中职校园的学生,英语 基础薄弱,商务基础知识更是一片空白。
“工学结合”行动导向组织教学 。
一、课程(kèchéng)设置 1-8课程(kèchéng)设计思路
教学(jiāo xué)反馈与完善
件处理、办公 表达
Making Appointm自ent动s 化 商务活动中的预约、确认预
英文电话预约、确认预约和 学会如何用英语做预约、确认预约和更改预约 8(5+3)
P13 Marketing
市场调研、产 涉及到市场调研、产品表推达 广和 学会怎样用英语进行市场调查和 6(3+3)
三、教学组织与实施 3-4“六步教学法”
培养学生分析问题、收 集处理信息能力
培养学生团结协作 、解决问题能力
资讯(zī xùn)阶段

高级商务英语听说(第二版)Unit 5 Brand Equity and Global Brands

高级商务英语听说(第二版)Unit 5 Brand Equity and Global Brands
高级商务英语听说(第二版)Unit 5 Brand Equity and Global Brands
University of International Business and Economics
Learning objectives
In this unit students will learn words and expressions related to branding.
University of International Business and Economics
Yao Ming’s deal with Pepsi. In 2003, Yao Ming announced a new international deal with Purchase, NY-based Pepsi. Yao, who inked a U.S. sponsorship with Pepsi's Gatorade brand, featured on Pepsi cans, posters and TV spots in China. He also appeared in Pepsi promotions in the U.S.
University of International Business and Economics
Third listening: sentences imitation
Ask students to use the following active vocabularies to form sentences as what they have heard from listening (Dictate then remember).
Students will be able to talk about the historical development and the current situation of global brands.



素质 目标 : 具有从事涉外 商务活动必 备的职业素养 ( 交际能力 推进专业 建设和课 程改革进程 , 取得 丰硕成果 和 团队合作意 识) 。 二 、 学设计 教 确 定学习领域 , 设计教学情 境 。根 据商 务从业人 员的交 际范围设
( 课程 安排 。我们 研究 商务从业 人员 的实际工作 过程 , 一) 来 获 得竞赛 一等奖 、 名学生获 得二等奖 、2 同学获得三 等奖 。 8 1名 计 了三 个主要情境 , 别是 : 分 日常 生活 、 涉外 活动和外 贸业 务 , 以此 听说》 课程 改革论文两 篇 :情境 教学法优化 高职商 务英语听 说课 《 作 为课 程编排 体系 的依据 , 择教学 内容 , 排学 时。 选 安 每个 学习情 程》 《 师生角 色激励高职 学生英 语学 习动机 》 ;转变 。 境都有 自己的学习 目标和学 习 内容 ( 子情境) 。 ( 指 导 s L外语社 团开展演讲 比赛、 四) . _ O. 外文 歌 曲大赛 、 英语 教学重点 : 过大量 的听 说训练来锻炼 学生 的语言 表达能力 。 话 剧表演等 活动 , 通 积极 开展第 二课 堂 , 营造说英 语的环境 , 升学 提 教 学难点 : 让学生在商 务场景 中 自然的用英语表 达 , 如何 完成 生学习兴趣 。 交 际任 务 。 六、 改革与特 色 关 键点 : 拟真实 商务场 景的实 践训练 。 模 适度涉 及听 说理论 , ( ) 一 改革。按照工 作过程 系统化 的模 式开发课 程 , 改变 了 以 重视 实践教学 。 前 学科体系分 为《 商务英语 听力》 商务英语 口语》 门课程 的模 和《 两 ( 教材 。高等 院校 实用英 语听说 教程》 二) 《 是普 通高等教 育 2 式 。教学 的过程按情 境设计 的 内容来 组织实施 , l 改变 以往按 教材 世纪 教改试用 教程之 一 。 高职 高专教育 英语课 程基本 要求》 以《 为 章节授课 的模式 。教学手段 融入 多媒 体, 视 、 说相结合 。采 将 听、 指导 思想编 写, 调语言基 本技 能训练和涉 外交 际活动 的语言应 用 情境教 学, 作学 习的方法使学 生成为 课堂主体 。教学考 核将 强 合 用 能力并重 , 符合 我们课程 的培养 目标 。突出 “ 以应用 为 目的, 实 形成性评价 和终结 性评价相 结合 , 微观. 从 中观. 宏观全 方位考 核 。 用为主 ” 的高职 高专教 育的特 点。 该教程分 为 日常 交际篇 、 外活 涉 ( ) 色。 二 特 改革后 的《 商务英 语听说》 课程呈现给 学生 的是一 动篇 、 涉外业务 篇和综 合运用 篇, 四册 。 共 门需要在 实践 的过程 中体验其 实用性 的课程 。 实践 的过程是 指学 在 实际教 学过程 中, 照课程所 设计 的子情境来 选取 教材章 生 听说技能 的培养 和商务知 识的获得是 以大量 的视、 、 践训 按 听 说实 节进行 教学 , 并融入情 境综 合训练 。情 境综 合训练 是指把 同一个 练 得 以实现 的 , 不再是依靠 教师讲授 知识 。这就要求 课堂教 学要 或几个 子情境所含 盖的章节 内容合并 , 设计工 作场景 , 学生 23 . 人 以学生为中心开展 各项活动 , 强调合作学习 , 教师 在其 中起 引导 而



on sale 降价销售
I got this hat on sale; it was very cheap. This camera is now on sale for 19 dollars only.
Part 1 Shopping for Food
Nancy: “… Meanwhile, I’ll get in line.” get in line 排队 queue 排队 jump the queue 插队,加塞
无番茄和牛至不成意式餐;无红酒和龙蒿不成法式餐; 无酸奶油不成俄式餐;无柠檬和肉桂不成希腊餐;无酱油不成 中式餐;无蒜不成餐。
— Alice May Brock American author (1941— )
Part 1 Shopping for Food
Andrew and Nancy are grocery shopping at a supermarket.
Good-bye Joe, he gotta go, me oh my oh He gotta go-pole the pirogue down the bayou His Yvonne the sweetest one, me oh my oh Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou Thibodaux, Fontaineaux the place is buzzin‘ A Kin-folk come to see Yvonne by the dozen Dress in style they go hog wild, me oh my oh Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou Jambalaya crawfish pie fillet gumbo For tonight, I'm gonna see my ma cher a mi-o Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou Settle down far from town get him a pirogue And he'll catch all the fish in the bayou Swapped his mon to buy Yvonne what she need-o Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou Jambalaya crawfish pie fillet gumbo For tonight, I'm gonna see my ma cher a mi-o Pick guitar, fill fruit jar and be gay-o Son of a gun, we'll have big fun on the bayou



Training and workshops
New employee orientation training
2 Leadership training
Performance appraisal training
Team building training
Operating new equipment training
Henry : Ah, lucky you .she’s really beautiful-and clever too.
Sarah : well, I think I’ll leave you boys to discuss… work.
Henry : Oh, Sarah, you’re not jealous, are you?
填空 author / speaker/consultant/trainer
❖ J&C is a training consultancy for personal and professional development in the workplace. It is based in oxford and it is run by Janet Coyte. Janet is an experienced teacher and (1)___she runs courses and workshops for companies and universities. As a (2)___ she helps business people overcome difficulties. she sometimes gives one-to-one sessions on the phone or via email.

世纪商务英语听说专业篇I 课件 unit 4

世纪商务英语听说专业篇I 课件 unit 4

It is much better than Japanese market.
2. What is the reason that Tanaka gave for the bad performance of Japanese market?
The declining economy.
Active Listening
1. What happened to Sainsbury’s during the Christmas and New Year period?
It got a small rise in sales and its like-for-like sales excluding fuel increased by 0.9%.
专业篇 I(第五版)
总主编 刘杰英
主 编 姜荷梅 陈振云 彭春萍
审 校 大连理工大学出版社 Chuck Thode
Unit 4
Do You Hit the Target?
Learning Objectives
1. To write down figures and get the details about product sales 2. To know the basic points of describing products sales 3. To be able to talk about product sales with others
Unit 4
Do You Hit the Target?
Part Ⅰ Warming Up
Part Ⅱ
Active Listening
Part Ⅲ Fun Break
Part Ⅳ Listening and Speaking



精品课程Pass Cambridge BEC Advanced 《剑桥商务英语》(高级)教案兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸兰州工业高等专科学校单元(章)教案用纸Unit I a Work rolesObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about their jobs and dutiesTo enable Ss to write reportsTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise listening for gist and specific informationTo review the present simple and present continuousMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewDescribing work rolesSpeaking Ss exchange brief job descriptions.Reading 1 Ss read about WorkSet and explain the use of colour. Ss then discuss the differences between two pie charts showing a job brief and an employee’sfeedback.Language Ss match verbs with WorkSet colours and think of further verbs,Listening Ss listen to five speakers talk about their jobs and decide what each speakerwould like to improve (Listening Test Part Two).Language Ss focus on the present simple and present continuous.Speaking Ss interview a partner to produce a WorkSet pie chart for their partner's job. Report writingReading2 Ss read a report about a seminar on team leadership and say how WorkSet was used. Ss then answer comprehension questions.Writing Ss focus on report layout and phrases.Ss write a report about their own jobs based on WorkSet pie charts (WritingTest Part Two).Unit lb Company structureObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about company structureTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo review the past simple, present perfect simple and present perfect continuous Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewTypes of company structureSpeaking Ss look at three diagrams showing company structures and say what kind of companies they could be.Reading Ss read a newspaper article about company structures and list the advantages and disadvantages of each structure. Ss then answer comprehensionquestions.Speaking Ss discuss the structure of their company.Flexible workingListening Ss listen to a BT manager talk about flexible working practices and summarise the programme he is discussing,Ss listen again and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions(Listening Test Part Three).Language Ss focus on the past simple, present perfect simple and present perfect continuous.Speaking Ss use a questionnaire to assess the suitability of their partner's job for home-working.Writing Ss write a proposal assessing the suitability of their own job for home-working (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss visit BT's Working From Home website and identify the most important practical considerations when setting up a home office.Unit 2a Stocks & sharesObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about financial trendsTo enable Ss to describe trends in writingTo practise listening for specific informationTo review language of similarity and differenceMaterials needed: Cassette Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedCards 6 cards; one set of cards per pair to be photocopied from T's GuideUnit overviewShare pricesSpeaking Ss discuss where they can find out about a company's share price.Reading Ss read an extract from a stock market listing and match definitions with headings.Speaking Ss discuss the popularity of investing in shares in their country.Market trendsListening 1 Ss listen to a report about share prices of Internet companies and summarise the general trend. Ss listen again and answer multiple-choicecomprehension questions (Listening Test Part Three).Speaking Ss discuss whether they would invest in Internet shares.Describing graphsSpeaking Ss describe a graph using the words on cards.Listening 2 Ss listen to a description of the graph and re-order the cards.Language Ss focus on trends language.Ss focus on the language of similarity and difference.Writing Ss write a description of a graph comparing two companies’ share prices (Writing Test Part One).Optional task Ss begin a fantasy stock market investment game, which can run throughout the course.Unit 2b Mergers & acquisitionsObjectives: To enable Ss to talk about mergers and acquisitionsTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo review aspects of cohesionMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewUnderstanding mergersSpeaking Ss discuss why companies merge and problems which might arise.Reading Ss read an article about mergers and acquisitions and list benefits and problems. Ss then answer multiple-choice comprehension questions(Reading Test Part Three).Language Ss focus on linking devices.Speaking Ss talk about a recent merger in their country,A merger of equalsListening Ss listen to a talk about the proposed merger of Astra and Zeneca and complete notes (Listening Test Part One).Speaking Ss discuss a company they would like to merge with or acquire and the resulting benefits (Speaking Test Part Three).Optional task Ss visit the AstraZeneca website and prepare a profile of the merged company.Unit 3a Trade fairsObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about trade fairsTo enable Ss to write formal business lettersTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo review the present simple referring to future timeMaterials needed: Cards - 6 cards; one set of cards per pair to be photocopied from T’s GuideUnit overviewExhibiting at a trade fairSpeaking Ss discuss the benefits of trade fairs for exhibitors and visitors.Reading 1 Ss read an advertisement for the Top Drawer exhibition and give informationabout the exhibition, exhibitors and visitors.Speaking Ss discuss their objectives for a trade fair and decide where and when they should exhibit (Speaking Test Part Three).Replying to an enquirySpeaking Ss discuss what information they would include in a reply to enquiries about an exhibition.Reading 2 Ss re-order a jumbled letter to form a standard letter of reply and divide it into paragraphs.Ss read the complete letter and compare it with their own.Ss discuss the organisation of the letter.Language Ss focus on the present simple referring to future time.Ss focus on standard letter phrases.Writing Ss write a letter replying to an enquiry about their company and its products/services (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss research a trade fair and write a report recommending why their company should exhibit there.Unit 3b Entering a marketObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about doing business abroadTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo practise giving a short talkTo practise letter writingTo review articlesMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewResearching a marketSpeaking Ss discuss what aspects of a country they would research before entering a foreign market.Reading Ss read a bulletin on doing business in China and identify where it is from/who it is aimed at. Ss then answer comprehension questions. Language Ss focus on articles.Speaking Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk (Speaking Test Part Two).Business practices in ChinaListening Ss listen to a talk about doing business in China and complete notes (Listening Test Part One).Speaking Ss discuss what advice they would give to Chinese business people visiting their country.Writing Ss read a letter from a business acquaintance and write a letter of reply (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss research a destination and prepare a brief presentation.Unit 4a The future of workObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about changes in working practicesTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo review the language of predictionsMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewVisionsReading 1 Ss read an extract about work in the future and discuss the issues involved. PredictionsReading2 Ss read five predictions about the future and match the statements with the predictions (Reading Test Part One).Language Ss focus on the language of predictions.Speaking Ss discuss the statements and say whether they agree with them.RealityListening Ss listen to a BA manager talk about the new Waterside premises and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions (Listening Test Part Three). Speaking Ss look at diagrams showing Waterside staff survey results and discuss how successful the project has been.Ss use one of the diagrams to find out about each other's working environment.Optional task Ss visit BA's website and prepare a summary of BA's mission, values and goals.Unit 4b e-businessObjectives: To enable Ss to talk about e-businessTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise listening for gist and specific informationTo practise describing trends in writingTo review the future perfect and future continuousMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat is e-business?Speaking Ss discuss whether/how they use the Internet.Reading Ss look at a page from a website about e-business and identify the difference between e-business and e-commerce and the benefits of each.Ss order key words from the text in terms of frequency.Speaking Ss discuss what difficulties might be experienced with e-business and e-commerce.The advantages of e-businessListening Ss listen to five people talk about how e-business has transformed their companies and decide which areas of business have been transformed andthe benefits (Listening Test Part Two).Language Ss focus on the future perfect and future continuous.Writing Ss write a description of a graph comparing the predicted growth in e-business and e-commerce (Writing Test Part One).Optional task Ss research and write a report about a company's website.Exam focusObjectives: To familiarise Ss with the content of the Reading, Listening, Writing and Speaking TestsTo provide useful exam tipsSection overviewThe Reading TestT provides an overview of the Reading Test and some tips on how to succeed. T then takes Ss through each part of the Reading Test: Ss do an exam-related activity for each part. T providesexam tips and warns Ss against typical traps they might fall into.The Listening TestT provides an overview of the Listening Test. T then divides tips on how to succeed into Before listening, While listening and After listening.The Writing Test (Materials needed: Sufficient copies of Writing Test Assessment Sheet)T provides an overview of the Writing Test and some tips on how to succeed. Ss then focus on Part One and assess how well a sample answer fulfils the task set before rewriting the sample answer more concisely. Ss then assess a sample answer for a Part Two report-writing task and summarise the writer’s main points and supporting ideas. Ss focus on the organisation of' repor ts then rewrite the sample answer. Finally, Ss do a Part Two letter-writing task based on preparatory notes. Before writing, Ss focus on how to plan formal letters.The Speaking Test (Materials needed: Sufficient copies of Speaking Test Assessment Sheet, o ne set of 12 cards per group to be photocopied from T’s Guide, PassCambridge BEC Advanced Exam focus cassette)T provides an overview of the Speaking Test and some tips on how to succeed. The rest of this section takes Ss through all three parts of the Speaking Test: Part One (Personal Information), Part Two (Short Talk) and Part Three (Collaborative Task). To support this process, T plays relevant parts of a mock Speaking Test in which the candidates do a bad followed by a good version of Part Two and Part Three. Ss also have a chance to practise for the exam themselves. In addition, Ss can listen to model answers of the short talks in Part Two.Unit 5a Staff motivationObjectives: To enable Ss to talk about motivation at workTo practise reading for gist and specific informationTo practise listening for gistTo practise report writingTo review formal languageMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat motivates staff?Speaking Ss discuss general statements about motivation at work.Reading Ss read an article on motivational techniques to identify and discuss the writer’s attitude.Speaking Ss discuss answers to questions on the article.A motivation surveyListening Ss listen to five employees talk about motivation as part of a company survey and decide what grievance each speaker has (Listening Test Part Two). Language Ss focus on formal language.Writing Ss read the tapescript and decide which grievances to include in the report findings. Ss then complete the Findings section in an appropriate style(Writing Test Part Two).Ss complete the Recommendations section of the report (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss design a questionnaire on motivation in their English lessons.Unit 5a Staff motivationObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about motivation at workTo practise reading for gist and specific informationTo practise listening for gistTo practise report writingTo review formal languageMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat motivates staff?Speaking Ss discuss general statements about motivation at work.Reading Ss read an article on motivational techniques to identify and discuss the writer’s attitude.Speaking Ss discuss answers to questions on the article.A motivation surveyListening Ss listen to five employees talk about motivation as part of a company survey and decide what grievance each speaker has (Listening Test Part Two). Language Ss focus on formal language.Writing Ss read the tapescript and decide which grievances to include in the report findings. Ss then complete the Findings section in an appropriate style(Writing Test Part Two).Ss complete the Recommendations section of the report (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss design a questionnaire on motivation in their English lessons.Unit 5b RecruitmentObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about recruitmentTo practise text level reading skillsTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo practise listening for specific informationTo practise giving a short talkTo practise letter writingMaterials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewRecruitment methodsSpeaking Ss briefly discuss various recruitment methods.Reading Ss match functions with sentences in a text.Ss complete gaps in the rest of the text with appropriate sentences (Reading Test Part Two).Ss focus on reference words.Speaking Ss discuss the best way of recruiting a replacement for a key role in their company (Speaking Test Part Three).The headhunting processListening Ss listen to a talk about headhunting and complete notes (Listening Test Part One).Ss listen again and make notes on how they think the talk was planned. Speaking Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk (Speaking Test Part Two).Writing Ss write a letter of application (Writing Test Part Three).Unit 6a Corporate cultureObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about company cultureTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo review gerunds and infinitivesMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat shapes corporate culture?Speaking Ss discuss what certain factors reveal about a companys' culture,Reading Ss read an extract from an I KEA brochure and ma ke notes about I KEA’s corporate culture,Language Ss focus on gerunds and infinitives.Speaking Ss discuss similarities and differences between their company's and I KEA’s culture.The IKEA wayListening 1 Ss listen to the Managing Director of IKEA UK talk about the company’s culture and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions (ListeningTest Part Three).Speaking Ss discuss what their company does to promote its corporate culture. Listening 2 Ss listen to five IKEA managers tell anecdotes about the company and match them with IKEA's core values.Speaking Ss identify their company's values and illustrate them with anecdotes. Writing Ss write a statement of their company's values.Optional task Ss visit the IKEA website and prepare a presentation of the company’s history.Unit 6b Cultural diversityObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about cultural differencesTo practise text level reading skillsTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo practise letter writingTo review language for agreeing/disagreeingMaterials needed: Cassette - Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedCards - 6 cards; one set of cards per group to be photocopied from T's GuideUnit overviewHow culture influences businessSpeaking Ss discuss criteria for decisions in four HR areas in their country.Reading 1 Ss complete gaps in a newspaper article with appropriate sentences (Reading Test Part Two).Speaking Ss discuss the four areas further.Reading2 Ss read the results of a survey to complete a table.Speaking Ss discuss the difficulties people from two different countries might experience when working together.Building international teamsSpeaking Ss discuss recruiting an international sales team (Speaking Test Part Three). Language Ss focus on language for agreeing/disagreeing.Writing Ss write a letter to a business partner giving advice on doing business in their country (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss research doing business in a foreign country and prepare a brief presentation.Unit 7a Industrial espionageObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about information securityTo practise reading to identify the structure of a textTo practise listening for gist and specific informationTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo review asking for clarificationTo review Conditionals I and 2Materials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedCards - 6 cards; one set of cards per pair to be photocopied from T’s GuideUnit overviewResearch or espionage?Speaking Ss discuss ways of accessing information about a competitor.Reading Ss read a jumbled article to find examples of industrial espionage.Ss put the paragraphs in the correct order.Speaking Ss discuss what measures their company takes to protect itself from industrial espionage.Information securityListening 1 Ss listen to the start of a meeting and identify the problem.Listening 2 Ss listen to the rest of the discussion and note down the action discussed and the implications of this action.Language Ss focus on conditionals 1 and 2.Ss focus on asking for clarification.Speaking Ss discuss a new information policy for a company using instructions on cards(Speaking Test Part Three).Unit 7b Business ethicsObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about business ethicsTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise listening for gist and specific informationTo practise giving a short talkTo review Conditional AdvancedMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewWhat are business ethics?Speaking Ss discuss which of the three statements about ethics they agree with. Reading Ss read an extract from a report on ethics and identify the three most important features of an ethical organisation.Ss read the extract again and answer questions.Language Ss focus on formal report language and layout.Speaking Ss discuss the ethical issues they are most concerned about in their company Ethical issuesListening Ss listen to five speakers talk about unethical conduct and decide what ethical issue is mentioned and the action taken by the company (Listening Test PartTwo).Speaking Ss order the five oases in terms of their seriousness.Language Ss focus on past conditionals.Speaking Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk (Speaking Test Part Two).Optional task Ss visit the KPMG ethics website, try an interactive ethical dilemma and write a report on the scenario and their decisions.Unit 8a Global brandsObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about global brandsTo practise reading for specific informationTo practise giving a short talkTo practise report writingTo review inversionMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedUnit overviewMaking brands globalSpeaking Ss discuss the foreign brands they buy and why,Ss complete a table with names of companies and industries.Ss discuss aspects of famous brands which they think are global.Reading Ss read an article about global brands and answer multiple-choice comprehension questions (Reading Test Part Three).Language Ss focus on inversion.Speaking Ss discuss global brands from their country which are based on cultural stereotypes.Promoting a brandSpeaking Ss say whether they have bought one of six famous brands and why.Ss discuss how one of these brands is promoted in their country and then give a brief summary of their ideas.Ss prepare and give a one-minute talk (Speaking Test Part Two).Writing Ss write a report about how a brand could be globalised (Writing Test Part Two).Optional task Ss visit the L’Oreal website and prepare a short presentation on the company’s brands and markets.Unit 8b Global sourcingObjectives:To enable Ss to talk about suppliersTo practise reading and listening for specific informationTo practise a collaborative speaking taskTo practise report writingMaterials needed: Cassette- Pass Cambridge BEC AdvancedCards - 6 cards; one set of cards per pair to be photocopied from T’s GuideUnit overviewChoosing a supplierSpeaking Ss discuss the types of supplier their company uses and its criteria for choosinga supplier.Ss match the measurements with supplier performance criteria.Ss discuss the strengths and weaknesses of suppliers to their company. Supplier relationshipsListening Ss listen to an interview about supplier relationships and answer multiple- choice comprehension questions (Listening Test Part Three).Speaking Ss recommend supplier relationships for three companies and say whether they could source globally.Global sourcingReading Ss read five supplier profiles and match the statements with the profiles (Reading Test Part One).Speaking Ss decide which of the five suppliers would be most suitable for a European clothing company (Speaking Test Part Three).Writing Ss write a report based on their decision (Writing Test Part Two).。

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