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2.act =to act
3.agogue =leader
4.al,ol,ul=to nourish
5.alt =high
7.am =to love
8.ang =to strangle
10.anim =breath,mind
11.ann,enn =year
12.anthrop =man
13.apt =fit
14.aqua =water
15.arm =weapon
16.art =skill,art
17.aud =to hear
18.aug =to increase,to make, to grow
19.avi =bird
20.band,bond =to bind
21.bar =bar
22.bat =to beat
23.bat,bas =to go
24.bell =war
25.bio =life
26.brev =short
27.cad,cid,cas=to fall
28.calc =lime
29.camp =field
30.cand =white,bright
31.cant,chant,cent=to sing
32.cap =head
33.cap =to take
34.car =car,to run
35.carn =flesh
36.cast =to shrow
37.cav =hollow
38.cede,ceed,cess=to go,to
39.ceive,cept,cip,cipate=to take
40.celer =shift
41.cent =hundred
42.centr =center
43.cern,cret =to separate
44.cert =sure
45.chron =time
46.cide,cise =to cut
47.circ,cyc =ring
48.cite =to call,to erge
49.claim,clam=to cry
50.clin =to bend
51.clud =to shut
52.coct =to cook
53.cognis,gnos=to know
mum =common
55.cord =heart
56.corp =boby
57.cosm,cosmo =universe
58.count =to count
59.cover =to cover
60.cre,cresc =to make,to grow
61.cred =to believe
62.crim =accusation,crime
63.crit =to judge
64.cruc =cross
65.culp =blame ,guilt
66.cult =to till
67.cumb =to lie down
68.cur,course =to run
69.cure =to take care
70.cuss =to strike,to shake
71.deb,du =to owe
72.dei =god
73.dem =people
74.dent =tooth
76.dic =to proclaim
77.dict,dit =to say
78.dign =worthy
79.divid,divis=to divide
80.doc =to teach
81.dom =house
82.dom =to tame,to rule
83.don,dot,dow=to give
84.dorm =to sleep
85.dox,dogma =opinion
86.draw =to draw
87.drom =to run ,course
88.duce,duct =to lead
89.dur =to last
90.dyn,dynam =power
91.eco =house
92.ego =i,self
93.electr =electric
94.em,empt =to take,to buy
95.equ =equal
96.err =to wander,to err
97.ess,est =to be
98.fa,fabl,fabul=to speak
99.fac,front =face,forehead 100.fac,fect =to amke,to do 101.fall,fals =to deceive
102.fam =to speake
103.fare =to go
104.fend,fest =to strike
105.fer =to carry,to bear 106.ferv =to boil
107.fess =to speake
108.fest =festival
109.fict,fig =to feign
110.fid =to strust
111.figur =to shape,figure 112.fil =thread,to spin 113.fin =to end
114.firm =firm
115.fix =to fasten
116.flam,flagr =flame,to burn 117.flat =to blow
118.flect,flex =to bend
119.flict =to strike
120.flor =flower
121.foli =leaf
122.flu =to flow
123.form =to form,form 124.fort =strong
125.found,fund =base
126.fract,frag =to break
127.fug =to flee
128.fuse,found =to pour
129.gam =marriage
130.gener,gen,gent=to produce 131.ger,gest =to carry
132.grad,gress =to walk
133.gram,graph =to write
134.grand =grand
135.grat =to please
136.grav =heave
137.gregat =to collect
138.hab,hibit =to have
139.hap =luck
140.helio =sun
141.her =heir
142.herb =grass
143.here,hes =to stick
144.horr =to tremble
145.hum,hom =man
146.hum =ground
147.hydr =water
148.hypno =sleep
149.idio =personal,distinct 150.insul =island
151.it =go
152.ject,jac =to throw
153.join,junct =to join
154.journ =day
155.jud =to judge
156.jur =to swear
157.just,juris =law,right
bor =to work
ps =to slip,to glide
te =to bring,to bear
ter =side
v,lau =ta wash
x,lyse =to loosen
164.lect,leg =to choose,to gather,to read 165.leg =to appoint,ti send
166.leg =law
167.lev =to raise
168.liber =free
169.libr,lib =book
170.lic to be permitted
171.lig =to bind
172.lingu =tongue,language
173.liqu =fluid
174.liter =letter
175.loc =place
176.log,loqu,locut=to speak
177.long =long
178.lud =to play
179.lumin =light
180.lust,luc =bright
182.man,manu =hand
183.mand,mend =to order,to entrust 184.mari =sea
185.mark =to mark,boundary 186.matr =mother
187.mechan =machine
188.med =to heal
189.medi =middle
190.melan =black
191.memor =to remeber
192.ment =to think,mind
193.merc =to trace,reward 194.merge,mers =to sink,to dip
195.meter =to measure
196.migr =to move, to wander it =soldier,to fight
198.min =to jut,to project 199.min =small
200.mir =to wander,to behold 201.miss,mit =to send, to throw 202.mix =to mix
203.mod =manner
204.mon =to advise,to remind 205.monstr =to throw
206.mor =custom
207.morph =form
208.mort =death
209.mount =mountain,to ascend 210.mov,mob,mot=to move
211.muni =service
212.mur =wall
213.mut =to change
214.myst =mystery
215.nat =born
216.nau,nav =ship
217.necro =death,dead
218.nect,nex =to bind
219.neg =to deny
221.neutr =neither
222.nihil =nothing
223.noc,nox =to harm
224.noct,nox =night
225.nomin,nom =name
226.norm =rule,norm
227.not =to mark
228.nounce,nunci=to report
229.nov =new
230.nul,null =nothing
231.number,numer=number,to count
232.nutri =to nourish
233.ocul =eye
234.onym =name
235.oper =to work,work
236.opt =to wish
237.opt,opto =eye,sight
238.ora =to speak,to pray
240.ori =to rise,to bigin
241.orn =to decorate,to furnish
242.oetho =straight,right
243.oss,osteo =bone
244.pact =to agree,to fasten
245.pan =bread
246.par =to prepare
247.par =equal
248.par =to appear
249.par =to bear,to give birth to
250.part =a part,to part 251.pass =to pass 252.passi,pati,path=to suffer,feeling
253.patr =father
254.ped =foot
255.ped =child
256.pel,puls =to drive
257.pen,pun =to punish
258.pend,pens =to hang,to weigh
259.peri =to go through
260.pet =to fly,to seek
261.petr,petro =stone,rock
262.phan,fan =appearance
263.phon =sound,phe=to speak
264.photo =light
265.pict =to pain,picture
266.plac,pleas =to please
267.plain,plaint=to beat the breast 268.plant =to plant,plant
269.plaud,plode =to strike,to clap 270.plen,plete,ple,pli,ply=to fill,full 271.plore =to flow out
272.ply,pli,ple=to fold
273.polis =city
274.polit,poli =state
275.pon,pound =to put
276.port =to carry
277.popul,publ =people
278.port =gate
279.pos =to place,to put
280.potent =powerful
281.prec =to pray
282.preci =price
283.preda =prey,to plunder
284.press =to press
286.pris,prehend=to seize
287.priv =private,to deprive
289.prob,prov =to test,to try,to examine 290.proper,propri=proper,one"s own
292.pugn =to fight
293.punct =to prick
294.pur =pure
295.purg =to purify
296.pute =to think
297.quer =to complain
298.qui,quiet =calm,rest
299.quire,quisit,quest=to seek
300.quit =to free,to release。