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1) The "discovery" of the New World 发现新大陆
① The "first America ns" were the In dia ns 最早的美国人是印第安人
② In the late 15th cen tury,
Christopher Columbus, an
Italia n
n avigator , supported by the Spanish quee n, he led his men to sail across discovered a New Continent.
15世纪后期,意大利航海家克里斯多弗.哥伦 布,在西班牙女王的支持下,于1492年率领船 队穿越浩瀚的大西洋,抵达了现在西印度群岛的 一些小岛。
他误以为到达了亚洲,并不知道自己 已经发现了一个新大陆。
③ Ameriga Vespucci proved that the
land was a new con ti nent. Therefore,
the land was n amed America after the vast ocea n in 1492 and reached some small
isla nds In dies. He thought Asia
did n't in the now west he had reached know he had
阿美利歌?韦斯普奇证明了这是新大陆,因此, 以他的名字命名。
2)Causes of the coloni zati on of the
New World 殖民时期
Opport unity was a magic word.
①The new Would drew En glish
n obles (who dreamed of gett ing
more land and establish ing great new estates.).
②Drew other people who could not find jobs in En gla nd.
③Most of all , it drew the poor and the homeless from the farmla nds and villages of Europe.
④Many settlers came to the En glish colonies in search of religious freedom because they had bee n persecuted in En gla nd.
2 )吸引那些在英国无法找到工作的人。
3 )尤其是吸引了欧洲农场和乡村的穷人和无家可归的人。
3)The first En glish colony in the Americas was foun ded at Jamestow n,
Virgi nia, in 1607. Betwee n1607 and 1733 the British established 13 colonies along the east coast of North
America. They were Virgi nia, Mai ne, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Conn ecticut, New York, Rhode Isla nd, Maryla nd,
North Caroli na, South Caroli na, New Jersey, Penn sylva nia and Georli na.
In 1620,201 of Pilgrims sailed to
the New World in a ship called Mayflower. They arrived at Plymouth
and built the Plymouth colony. The Puritans (清 教徒),unlike the Pilgrims (清教徒前辈)who were artisa ns and peasa nts, were wealthy, well-educated gen
tleme n. The Purita ns did not allow religious disse nt. The coloni sts were buildi ng a
new way of life in the
There were a nu mber
play a role in forming character. They were from of government,
respect of in dividual 到新大陆,在普利茅斯建立了殖民地。
清教徒和 身为手艺人或农夫的清教徒前辈不同,他们富 有,是受过良好教育的绅士。
清教徒不允许异教 存在。
殖民者在新大陆建立了一种新的生活方 式。
以下几点New World. of features which would the America n represe ntative rule of law, rights, religious strong
of in dividual 年,
tolera nee and a en terprise.1620
4 )The America n War of
In depe ndence and its con seque nces.
①the causes: With the developme nt of econ omy, the people
in the colonies wan ted more power to determ ine
their own bus in ess. But the policy of the British gover nment was to bring the developme nt un der con trol and collect more taxes from
the colonies. 原因:随着经济的发展,殖民地人民要求更多的自决权。
②the Boston Tea Party (波士顿茶叶事件):In 1773, several doze n Bost on reside nts dressed as In dia ns boarded the ships of the British East
In dia Compa ny
and threw the tea into the harbor. 1773 年,几十名波士顿居 民化装成印第安人,登上英国东印度公司的船, 将茶叶倾入海中。
③ the First continen tal Con gress: In
the First Con gress was held in Philadelphia which America ns to refuse goods. 第一届大陆会议: 城召开,鼓
④ Lex in gt on and Co ncord ( 列克星顿和 康克特):The War of Independence bega n at there in 1775.
⑤ The Second Con gress(three weeks after the
battle at Lex ington in 1775 ):fo un ded a Con ti nen tal Army and Navy un der the comma nd of Washi ngton;
appo in ted a committee to draft a
formal declarati on( Thomas Jeffers on was the September Con ti
en couraged to buy
British 仃74年9
月,在费 Con ti nental
man who draft it), the
Declarati on of
In depe nden ce, adopted the Declarati on In depe ndence on July 4, 1776.
大陆会议(仃75年的列克星顿战役三周之后): 建立了大陆军和海军,任命华盛顿为总司令;指 定了一个委员会负责起草一份正式宣言(托马 斯。
,通过了独立宣 言。
And of
⑥ The
Declarati on America n people
gained independence
and capitalism developed in America. It also had great
intern ati onal in flue nee. 意 义:1783年9月,《巴黎条约》签署,英国承 is a clear expla nati on of the political theory beh ind the revoluti on and this theory came from the British philosopher Joh n Locke. 的政治理论,
⑦The September ,1783, the Treaty of Paris was sig
in depe ndence
the war was
宣言清晰地解释了指导这场革命 这一理论源于英国哲学家约翰
con seque nces: Brita in recog ni zed of the United from 1775 to IN the shows that, n
ati on can States; 1781, it a weak
in a just war, defeat a strong one.
认美国独立;战争从1775-仃81 ,表明,在一场正义的战争中,弱者可以战胜强者。
5) Establishment of a federal form of gover nment: 联邦政府的建立
①The Articles of Con federati on was unusual in many ways.1)it provided for no ki
ng;2)while the Articles created a cen tral gover nment in the form of a Congress, the emphasis was still on state powers.3)the Articles of Con federati on was a
written constitution for the U.S.. But there were serious weak nesses, it was difficult to carry on the bus in ess
of the gover nment without some one
to do the executive ' job. Congress was too large a body to function as gover nment. And Con gress had no power to raise taxes. A conference was held in
Philadelphia in May 1787 to consider what should be done to make the Articles of Con federati on adequate. 十三洲联邦宪法的不同之处在于:
1 )没有采用君主立宪制;
2 )确立了国会形式的中央政府,但仍以洲治为主;
3 )是美国的明文宪法。
②The Great Compromise( on July 16,1787): gave each state an equal
vote in the Sen ate but maki ng represe ntati on in the House reflect the size of each state ' population.仃87.7.16 出台的大折中:赋予各州在参议院中同样的选举权,而众议院中的代表人数则根据各州的人口决定。
③The Bill of Rights (1791) ,became the first ten ame ndme nts to the
con stituti on of the America n constitutional ——the Bill of Rights. By then, it is agreed, the foundation of
the America n con stituti onal system was completed.1791 年通过的,成为对《宪法》最早的十项修正案一人权法案。
④the first Con gress: met in New York In 1789.
the first Preside nt: Wash ington
6) C on seque nces of territorial
expa nsion and the westward
Moveme nt 领土扩张和西进运动
①forced England to give up the Old Northwest; 迫使英格兰放弃旧西北地区
②Purchased the Louisia na from Nepoleo n.(1790 ')向拿破伦购买路易斯
③forced Spa in to cede Florida and the Gulf coast.迫使西班牙放弃弗罗里达和墨西哥海岸。
④Texas added to the Union (1845).1845, 德克萨斯加入联邦
⑤Obta ined Califor nia and New
Mexico From Mexico by the war with
Mexico (1846-1848) 从墨西哥战争
1846-4848 ,得到加利福尼亚和新墨西哥
⑥ The Gadsden Purchase(1853)
ano ther 30,000 square miles of Mexica n land were added to the territory of the U.S., in return,the
U.S. 1
paid 10 millio n dollars.1853 年的加滋登购地’中,又有3万平方英里的墨西哥变成了美
7) The America n Civil War and
impacti on on the developme nt of the
①The con flict betwee n the North
and the South: In the early 1800 ', black slavery
disappeared in the
n orth because of in dustry
developme nt. But it con ti nued to
exist in the South. In the South, farmi ng rema
ined the most
importa nt way of mak ing a livi ng and the planter farmed a large area of land. Slave labors seemed best suited for produc ing these crops.19 世纪早期,由于工业的发展,黑奴在北方消失。
②The Compromise of 1850: the North and the South allowed California to be accepted as a free state while orderi ng the returni ng of
run away slaves to the masters.1850
③Abraham Lincoln (
亚伯拉罕.林肯):Soon after Lincoln Became the U.S.
Preside nt, the War broke out on April
12, 1861.He realized that he could win support for the Un io n at home and abroad by making the war a just war aga inst
slavery. So he issued the famous Eman cipati on Proclamati on
in 1863.Thus En gla nd and France stood by the Union ' side. Many black slaves joined the Union Army. 亚伯拉罕.林肯:当林肯成为美国总统后,1861.4.12 爆发战争,他意识到可以把战争变为反奴隶的正义战争,从而获得国内外对联邦的支持。
Lincoln ' speech: That gover nment of the people, by the
people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth. ” 民有,民治,民享的政府是不会从地球上消亡的。
The Thirtee nth
Amen dme nt, which banned slavery, was added to the Con stitutio n in December,1865. 废除奴隶制的第十三修正案于1865年12月写入宪
④Rapid Growth of Capitalism after
the Civil War 内战后资本主义的迅速发展After the war, the U.S. saw great
developme nts in In dustry, agriculture, scie nee and tech no logy, and populati on.
⑤ reas ons: a stable political en vir onment after the war was over;
eno ugh labour supply after black slaves were free; new immigra nts;
Scie nee and inven ti on played a very importa nt
role in aeeelerat ing
America ' in dustrial developme nt; the federal gover nment put high taxes on foreig n
imports; the Rich natural resources. 原因:战后稳定的政治
⑥con seque nces: Both producti on and capital became in creas in gly concen trated. 生产和资本越来越集中。
1) Ec ono mic growth in the early 20th cen tury
① treme ndous growth of the
America n econo my(betwee n the end of the civil war and 1900): Steam and
electricity replaced huma n muscle,steel took the place of
iron .Machi nes and oil were
used.People and goods could move by railroads.i n 1900 it became the largest producer of coal and steel in the world.内战结束到1900年间,美国经济取得了巨大发展;蒸汽和电力取代了人力,钢取代了铁。
® features in the growth of the econo my:
1) there emerged a growth of in dustrial and finan cial mergers. By
1910, i ncorporati on had become the
dom inant type;
2)With the
developme nt of
in dustry and the exte nsion of railroad n etwork,there was a mushroom growth of cities and
urba ni zati on ;
3)there was a rapid development
of new tech no logy. The automobile
and radio also developed. America was on the way of becom ing a n ati on
on wheels.
2)progressivism and some of the reform efforts.
Progressivism , also known as the
improve living conditions of the poor,
to ban child labour, work hour limit for wome n workers,a nd in dustrial
accide nt in sura nee. Political area:to reform state and city gover nments
and econo mic
area:to regulate big bus in esses.
进步运动出现在20世纪初,是一场要求政府 调控经济和社会生活条件的运动一社会领域:改 善城市贫民的居住条件,禁止使用童工,政治领 域:改革市政府和州政府,经济领域:调控大型 企业。
① the Muckrakers and Progressive Moveme nt: The Muckrakers, a group of reform-mi nded journalists,made
in vestigati ons and exposed various
dark sides of society.Progressive
at Moveme nt, the turn appeared in of the 20th cen tury.
on social dema nded gover nment It (规范)of the economy and con diti ons —ocial area:to
Moveme nt
was not an orga ni zed
campaig n with clearly defi ned goals.Rather, it was a n umber
of diverse efforts at political,social, and econo mic
reforms. 搜集并揭发丑闻的人,是一群锐意改革的新闻 记者,调查和揭露了社会的阴暗面。
进步运动不 是一场具有明确目标的有组织的运动,而是政 治,社会以及经济改革方面一系列不同形式的努 力。
18,1919.The conference was actually a con fere nee of divisio n of colonies of
Germa ny,Austro-H un gary
Ottoma n Empire and the grabb ing 3) role of the U.S. in WWI
at the begi nning of the war, Wils
on said America n policy was But in fact it pursued pro-Ally( 支持同
America n declared on April 6, Conferen ce,the Conferen
ce,bega n
war 1917.The on
on n eutrality policy of partiality.
Germa ny Peace Paris
January and the
as much as possible from the defeated n ati on s.The result of the
Paris Conference was the emerge nee of the Versailles Treaty System in Europe.
美国于1917年4.6 对德宣战。
1919.1.18, 巴黎和会召开,这个会议实质上是瓜分德国,奥匈帝国,奥斯曼帝国殖民地,尽可能掠夺战败国的会议。
4) c haracteristics of the 1920s
The 1920s in the U.S. has been described by many historia ns as a period of material success and spiritual frustration or confusion and purposeless ness.the war cha nged
the U.S. from a debtor n ati on into a creditor. There was further
urba ni zati on , new developme nt of
tech no logy and mass producti on. The
1920s in the U.S. has bee n described
as a period of material success and spiritual
frustration. More people had cars. The gover nment gave help to
in dustry and bus in ess. There existed a highly aggressive and intolerant
n ati on alism. There was the Red Scare
in 1919 and 1920. There was the revival of the Ku Klux Klan( 三K 党反动组织复活)which claimed a membership of 5 milli on.
一是1919-1920 的红色恐怖'三K党的复兴,宣布已有5百万党员。
5) the Great Depressio n
and the New Deal 大萧条和新政
① no regulati on or con trol over various kinds of in vestme nt
compa ni es.The banking system lacked stability. stock market speculati on (股票市场投机)and over expansion of credit.(借贷过度膨胀)stock market crash (1929): America ' stock market crash came on October 24,1929, called the black Thursday 没有对各种投资公司调节与控制。
股票崩盘:1929.10.24 ,被称为黑色星期四。
②the gross n ati onal product(GNP) shrank (收缩)from $87 billion in 1929 to $41 billio n in 1933. the
un employed went up; Misery and
pers onal sufferi ngs were widespread.
国民生产总值从1929年的870亿降到1933 年的410亿美元。
6)Fra nkli n Roosevelt and the New
① Roosevelt became the U.S.
preside nt in 1932. He had a sure
sense of what seemed practical or possible. He was a great
comm uni cator, able to talk to people in all walks of life. His fireside chats "over the radio were listened to by millions of people. 罗斯福于1932 年成
② the New Deal: Measure of the New Deali nclude establishme nt and
stre ngthe ning of gover nment regulati on and con trol of banking; Federal gover nment man ageme nt of relief and security system (社会救济保障体系);recovery of industry and agriculture;
passage of federal
labour laws; improveme nt of the situati on of mino rities and members of certa in religious
measures,was to save America n
democracy ” .a nd help overcome the
most serious economic crisis of the capitalist system up to that time. 新经济政策:建立和加强政府对银行的管理和控制;联邦政府对救济进行管理,建立社会救济保障体系;刺激工,农业的复苏;通过劳工法;改善少数民族和某些宗教团体成员的状况。
7) A merica in W W II
① The Seco nd World War was the result of struggle betwee n the great powers for control of the world and
military expansion of the countries of Nazi Germa ny,Fascist Italy and militarist Japa n.l solati onism before WW II and neutralityat first 二战是由大国为争夺世界霸权,以及纳粹德国,法西斯主义的意大利和军国主义的日本进行军事扩张而导致的。
②the Pearl Harbour In cide nt in December,1941 1941.12 月的珍珠港事
③America n wartime objectives and
guidi ng prin ciples for wartime diplomacy 美国的战时目标和战时外交的指
The objectives were the total destruction
of the Axis powers and
the establishment of a would order
after uncon diti on alvictory in accord with America n ideals and in terest;
Two guiding principles: the first was
to win the war, the second was to establish a postwar political
structure in accord with America n
in terest and to preve nt the Soviet
Union from over-expa nsion. 战
④An glo-America n Strategy and
differe nces in Europe. 英美在欧洲的战略
A Strategy of Europe : to defeat
Germa ny firs t; The sec ond issue was poliy towards the Soviet Union. 欧洲战略:先击败德国,2是对苏联的政策。
The differe nces: The Un ited States was eager to take away from France and Britai n their former colonies and let them become in depe ndent states.
Britai n did not like the America '
policy 美国渴望英、法的殖民地摆脱英、法而
⑤ America n policy towards the
Soviet Un ion 美国对的对苏政策:»
keep the SovietUnion in the war;2 to
get the Soviet Union into the war aga inst Japa n; 3 ) to in flue nee Soviet
policy and to be very watchful about
Soviet expa nsive inten ti on.1 )让苏联继续参战,2 )使苏联卷入对日抗战;3)给苏联
⑥ Potsdam Conferen ce(1945) 波茨坦会议:showed that there were great differe nces among America, Britai n and the Soviet Union.
America in Postwar Era (1945-1980s) 二次大战后的美国
1 ) Origins of the Cold War 冷战的起源
① time: bega n with the ending of
the WW II; Causes: caused by
con flicts betwee n the U.S. and the
S.U. arose basically from their separate concepts
of postwar world
order; the different policy: During the Cold War, the U.S. gover nment would support any country which said it was fighti ng aga inst comm uni sm. And the Soviet Union believed it should rapidly build up its stre ngth for the final struggle aga inst capitalism.
② George Kennan (proposed the containment policy on February
22,1946)a nd the containmen tpolicy: the containment policy became the official policy towards the Soviet Union un til 1989.
1946年2月22 日,美国驻苏联大使乔治。
2)The Truma n Doctri ne and the Marshall Pla n 杜鲁门主义和马歇尔计划。
① the Truma n Doctri ne: the U.S gover nment should support any
country which said it was fight ing
aga inst comm uni sm. It was put forward by the U.S. Preside nt
Truman in 1947
② The Marshall Pla n: In order to protect Western Europe from possible Soviet
expa nsion, the U.S. decided to offer Western Europea n coun tries
econo mic aid. It was announ ced by Secretary of State
George Marshall o n June 5, 1947.
3) Effects of McCarthyism ( 麦卡锡主
义1950-1954) of on American
McCarthy used big lie " tactic to persecute progressive people. He said he had the names of over 200 Commu ni sts in the State Departme nt.
His lies caused full-scale, anti-Communist hysteria in America
and frighte ned a large n umber of
ordi nary America ns.
4)the postwar boom in the U.S.
Si nee 1945 the U.S. had en tered a
twen ty-five years econo mie boom. The cornerstones(支柱产业)were the automobile, hous ing and defe nse
in dustries. During this period, the
economy grew at an average rate of
3.5 perce nt per year. The n ati on '
GNP rose from just over $200 billion
in 1946 to close to $1 trillio nin 1970.
Crucial to the postwar econo mic boom was the baby boom ——the upsurge in births and military
spe nding. More tha n 63 million babies were born betwee n 1946 and
1961 in the U.S. and this in creased
con sumpti on.
自1945年以来,美国经济进入了长达 25年 的
繁荣期,经济繁荣的基本为汽车,住房和国防 工业。
这期间,经济以平均每年3.5% 增长。
国 民生产总值从1946的稍高于2千亿美圆增长到 1970的近1万亿美元。
对战后经济增长至关重 要的是生育高峰一出生高峰和军队开支。
万以上的婴儿在1946-1961 年出生。
5)U.S China relations (1949-1972)
①The Taiwa n issue and
of Chia ng
Kai-shek: problem was
bee n
problem in U.S U.S. provided aid.
② change
Taiwa n
Chi na from Nix on
③ no rmalizati on problems
-China relati ons. The
6350 U.S. the key
Chia ng with military U.S policy towards 'isit in 1972
rema ining
(关系正常化和现存问题):Soon after the establishme nt of diplomatic relations with China in 1979, the U.S.
Relations Act(台湾关系法)which
violator the spirit of the agreement for the establishment of diplomatic relati ons.
6)The New Right and their program
the New Right con sists of two groups of people: the firm believers protesta nt religious teachi ngs(新教教义)who were concerned with social and moral issues; and the in tellectuals w ho were concerned with political and foreig n policy issues. The New Right dema nded equal time in school for the teach ing of man created by God as opposed to the teach ing of evoluti on(对相反的上帝造人说和进化论实行等学时教育).They opposed
abortion(人工流产) and affirmative action ”在就业及入学方面优