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【摘要】The main purpose of the mineral resources potential assessment research based on the remote sensing method in Tibetan region is to extract abnormal remotely sensed information, make several kinds of geological maps, and provide basic maps and data for other cooperating research groups. Four typical problems have appeared in the project because of vast area, multi - temporal remote sensing images, too much software, complex processes and technical differences in technicians' professional background and experience. The first problem is the incorrect understanding of the datum and map projection and the ignoring of the remote sensing image map projection distortion; the second problem is deleting too much or too little interference information and incomplete spatial topological relations during the anomaly information extraction; the third problem is the inappropriate strategy of remote sensing image mosaicking and color balancing; the fourth problem is low accuracy in the interpretation of geological features of mineral resources. Focused on these four problems, this paper proposed a practical solution which ensures the successful completion of the remote sensing project.%西藏矿产资源潜力评价项目遥感专题通过提取各1:25万标准图幅及全区遥感异常信息和编
制遥感推断地质构造图,为项目地质背景编图、成矿规律研究和矿产资源预测提供了基础性图件.因西藏全区面积广阔、涉及的遥感图像时相各异、图像处理软件及方法流程复杂,加之技术人员专业背景和经验等差异,在遥感专题实施中出现了4个典型问题:①对基准面和地图投影认识不准,忽视遥感影像图件投影偏差; ②在异常信息提取中对干扰信息去除过多或过少,未能有效保证空间拓扑关系的完整性; ③遥感图像拼接及色调均衡策略使用不当; ④矿产地质特征解译中成果数据的准确性不够.针对上述4个问题,提出了切实可行的解决方法,保证了专题成果的质量.
1.基于MapGIS K9数据中心的矿产资源潜力评价信息管理系统开发与实现——以西藏地区为例 [J], 叶江;张铃;郭娜;汪重午
2.遥感在矿产资源潜力评价中的综合应用研究—以山西省为例 [J], 李嵩;李海鹰
3.遥感技术在矿产资源潜力评价中的应用研究 [J], 杨正萌;庄毓敏;李颖
4.证据权法在西藏尼木铜多金属矿产资源潜力评价中的应用 [J], 丁永月;陈建国;马秋石;王成彬
5.孙纲厅长在全国矿产资源潜力评价与储量利用调整部署动员视频会上提出——全力做好矿产资源潜力评价工作 [J], 佳妍
