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2008 -- 2008 学年 下 学期 时间110分钟
《信号与系统》 课程 64 学时 学分 考试形式: 闭 卷
专业年级: 电信0601-0605应物0601-0602 总分100分,占总评成绩70 %
一.选择题(请选择唯一正确的答案,本题24分,每小题3分); 1. 图一中X(t)的代数表达式为( ) (a) (t+1) u(t+1) – 2(t-1) u(t-1) + (t-2) u(t-2) (b) 2(t+1) u(t+1) – (t-1) u(t-1) + (t-2) u(t-2)
(c) (t+1) u(t+1) – 3(t-1) u(t-1) + 2(t-2) u(t-2)
(d) 2(t+1) u(t+1) – 2(t-1) u(t-1) + (t-2) u(t-2)
2. 考虑一个线性系时不变系统的冲激响应h(t)当输入为f(t)=u(t)时,响应1)(=t t y 为( ) (a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 2
3 (d) 2
3. 已知某个连续时不变系统的频率响应为:⎩
⎨⎧≤=otherwise ,0100|| ,1
)(πωωj H ,输入信号x(t)的付立叶变换为
k t
k j k
a t x π6)(,如果输出y(t)=x(t),则可以判断( )
(a) 16 ,0<=k a k (b) 15 ,0<=k a k (c) 15 ,0>=k a k (d) 16 ,0>=k a k 4. 已知一个离散LTI 系统为:3][2][+=n x n y ,那么该系统是( ) (a)线性时不变 (b) 线性时变
(c)非线性时不变 (d) 非线性时变
5. 已知f(t)的付立叶变换为()F j ω,则2()t
f t e 的付立叶变换为( ) (a) ((2))F j ω+ (b) ((2))F j ω- (c) (2)F j ω- (d) (2)F j ω+ 6. 函数)2sin()8/cos(][n n n x +=π的周期是( ) (a) N = 16 (b) N = 8 (c) N = 32 (d) x [n ] is not periodic. 7. 下面哪个系统是稳定因果的( )
(a) 22()22s H s s s +=
+- (b) 22
()22s H s s s -=++
(c) 22()22Z H Z Z Z -=
+- (d) 2
Z H Z Z Z -=++ 8. 下面哪个式子是正确的( )
(a) )(*)0()(*)(t x t t x δδ= (b) )0()()(x t t x =•δ (c) )(')('*)(t x t t x =δ (d) )(')0()(')(t x t t x δδ•=•
1, 有限频带信号f(t)的最高频率为100Hz ,若对下列信号进行时域取样,则最小取样频率为:f(3t):
Hz ;2
()f t : Hz ;
2, S 平面的jw 轴相当于Z 平面的 ; 3,
--+dt t t )1()4(2δ= 。
4, )()(22t u e e
t y t t
-*== 。
5, 利用梅森公式来判断下面这个信号流图的特征行列式∆为:
G 2
H 5
∆= ;
1(++-t u e
t 的双边拉普拉斯变换为: ;
23)(--++=Z Z
Z Z X ,则x[n]为:
1, 已知f1(t),f2(t)如下图,求f1(t)与f2(t)卷积的结果图。
2, 对信号)300cos()(t t x π=进行采样,采样周期为0.005秒,(10分)
ⅱ,对已采样的信号通过一个截止频率为100Hz ,增益为0.005低通滤波器, 求输出信号。
3, 已知LTI 系统:()3(1)2(2)()y k y k y k f k +-+-=,且初始松弛,()2,0k
f k k =≥。
5, 对于某一个LTI 系统,已知:(12分) ⅰ,系统是因果的;
ⅱ,系统函数有理,且仅有两个极点在s=-1和s=2; ⅲ,如果x(t)=1,则y(t)=1;
6, 有一个二阶系统函数为2
+++=S S S S H ,求(18分) (1) 写出它的常微分方程; (2) 画出其直接型系统方框图; (3) 画出其级联型系统方框图; (4) 画出其并联型系统方框图;
2008 -- 2008 学年 下 学期 时间110分钟
《信号与系统》 课程 64 学时 学分 考试形式: 闭 卷
专业年级: 电信0601-0605应物0601-0602 总分100分,占总评成绩70 %
9. 图一中X(t)的代数表达式为( ) (a) (t+1) u(t+1) – 2(t-1) u(t-1) + (t-2) u(t-2) (b) 2(t+1) u(t+1) – (t-1) u(t-1) + (t-2) u(t-2)
(c) (t+1) u(t+1) – 3(t-1) u(t-1) + 2(t-2) u(t-2)
(d) 2(t+1) u(t+1) – 2(t-1) u(t-1) + (t-2) u(t-2)
10. 考虑一个线性系时不变系统的冲激响应h(t)当输入为f(t)=u(t)时,响应
2)(=t t y 为( )
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 2
3 (d) 2
11. 已知一个离散LTI 系统为:][2][n x n y = ,那么该系统是( ) (a)线性时不变 (b) 线性时变 (c)非线性时不变 (d) 非线性时变 12. 函数)8/cos(][n n x π=的周期是( )
(a) N = 16 (b) N = 8 (c) N = 32 (d) x [n ] is not periodic.
13. 已知有限频带信号f(t)的最高频率为100Hz ,则f(2t)的最小取样频率为( )Hz (a) 50 (b)100 (c)200 (d)400 五.填空题(本题15分,每小题3分) 6, =⨯)()cos(t t δ . 7,
2)1()4(dt t t δ= 。
8, 已知)1()1()(--+=t t t x εε的傅立叶变换为X(jw),则⎰
-ωωd j X )(= 。
9, 已知100100
3)(-+=Z Z
Z X ,则x[n]为:
10, 线性性等价于可加性和 。
7, 画出)1()1()(--+=t t t x εε的图形,并计算其傅立叶变换。
(10分) 8, 已知f1(t),f2(t)如下图,求f1(t)与f2(t)卷积的结果图。
9, 已知LTI 系统:)(4)(6)('5)(''t x t y t y t y =++,且初始松弛,)()(t e t x t
全响应y(t);(10分) 10,
某LTI 系统,初始条件不变,已知:当激励)()(1t t x δ=时,其全响应为)()()(1t e t t y t
)()(2t t x ε=时,其全响应)(3)(2t e t y t ε-=,如果激励为)()(23t e t x t ε-=,求:H(S)以及系统全响应y 3(t)。
分) 11,
>-+=Z Z Z Z Z X ,求x[k]。
S S S S H ,求(20分) (5) 写出它的常微分方程; (6) 画出其直接型系统方框图; (7) 画出其级联型系统方框图; (8) 画出其并联型系统方框图;
………… 评卷密封线 ……………… 密封线内不要答题,密封线外不准填写考生信息,违者考试成绩按0分处理 ……………… 评卷密封线 …………
中南大学考试试卷(A )
2009 ~ 2010学年 上 学期 信号与系统 课程 时间110分钟
1. If x [n ]=0 for n <N 1 and h [n ]=0 for n <N 2, then x [n ]*h [n ]=0
for n <N 1+N 2. ( )
2. By the definition of system function )(/)()(s X s Y s H =, the system characterization is determined by the input-output of the system. ( )
3. If the system function of an LTI system is 1)Re(:,1
s ROC s e s H s
, then the system is a causal system. ( )
4. The signal x (t ) with FT )()()(00ω-ω-ω+ω=ωu u j X can undergo impulse-train sampling without aliasing, provided that the sampling period
0/ωπ<T . ( )
5. If the input-output relationship of a system is )1()(2-=t x t t y , then the system is linear and time invariant. ( )
1.Let )4000sin()2000cos()(t t t x π⋅π=, then the lowest
sampling frequency of )(t x is ( ) Hz.
)25.0()2sin(dt t t ( ). 3.If )2,5.0(|:|2
∈+-=z ROC z z z
z X ,, then =][n x ( ). 4.Given )3()3()(t u t t x +δ=, then the bilateral LT of )(t x is ( ). 5. The Fourier transform of ∑∞
=-δ=k kT t k x t x )()()(, where
)()(k u k x k α=, is
( ).
6.If the response of an LTI system to the input )(t x is )()(0t t kx t y -=, where k and 0t are constants, then the system function of this system is ( ).
7.The origin in S-plane is corresponding to the ( ) in Z-plane.
8.If )(][z X n x ↔, then ZT of the first-order difference for ][n x is ( )
9.How many signals have a LT that may be expressed as )
2++++-s s s s s in its region of
convergence? ( ).
10. If the z -transform X (z ) of a signal x [n ]: 3
--++=z z z X , assuming the ROC to be |z|>1/3, then
x [1]=( ), x [2]=( ). 三、计算题 (本题40分,每小题8分) 1.
)(*)()(==t h t x t y where )()(t u t h =,
)10()5()3()()(---++-=t u t u t u t u t x .
2. Compute & plot ][*][][n h n x n y =, where ]1[][][-δ-δ=n n n x ,
]5[5]4[5]3[5]2[]1[][][-δ+-δ+-δ+-δ+-δ+δ=n n n n n n n h
3. Taking discrete time system or continuous time system as an example, explain how to analysis the LTI system in time domain and frequency domain?
………… 评卷密封线 ……………… 密封线内不要答题,密封线外不准填写考生信息,违者考试成绩按0分处理 ……………… 评卷密封线 …………
4 Consider the following frequency response for a causal and stable
LTI system: ω
-=ωj j j H 11)(. 1) What is the magnitude of )(ωj H ?
and what is )(ω∠j H ? 2) If the input is t t t 3cos cos )3/cos(++, what is the response of this system?
5.In the system shown in Figure 1, two functions of time,
)2000sin(2)(1t t x π= and )4000sin()(2t t x π=, are added together,
and the result )(t w
is sampled by a periodic impulse train. Determine the maximum sampling interval T such that )(t w is recoverable from )(t w p through the use of an ideal lowpass filter.
四、综合题(本题30分,每小题各15分) 1. A causal LTI system
S has the block diagram representation shown in Figure 2. (1)
Determine the system function )(s H . (2) Determine a differential equation relating the input ()x t
to the output
()y t of this system. (3) Determine the unit step response
)(t g .
2. Consider a causal LTI system whose input ][n x and output ][n y are related through the following block diagram. (1) Determine the system function )(z H and unit response ][n h . (2) Determine the difference equation. (3) If the input to this system is ][)25.0(][
n u n x n =, determine the response of this system.
一、(每小题3分)a 、c 、d 、c 、c 、d 、b 、c
e 24
1, ⑤1-G 1H 1- G 2H 1H 2-G 3H 3+G 1H 1G 3H 3 ⑥1+s e s
,Re[s]>-1⑦]100[]1[2]1[3-+-++n n n δδδ
输出为)100cos(t π----5分
3, 2
3)(22++=Z Z Z Z H -----5分
k k
f y k k =--+-+≥---5分
S S S P S H ----3分
根据条件4可知,4)(lim =∞
>-S SH s ,因此;4)(a S S P +=---3分
根据条件3可知,H(0)=1,得到a=-2,-----3分 最后,2
S 2
-4S H(S)2
S ,-----3分 5,)(5)('3)(2)('3)(''t x t x t y t y t y +=++,3分 直接型画图5分 级联型:25311)(+++•=S S S S H ,1分画图4分 并联型:2
=S S S H ,1分画图4分
-150 -50 50 150 f(Hz)
2008年下学期信号与系统课程考试答案: 一、(每小题3分)c 、b 、a ,a,c
二、(每空3分)①,)(t δ、②,0、③,π2,④]100[]100[3-++n n δδ⑤可比性
j X ----5分
3, 654)
S S S H -----3分;1
)(+=S S X -----3分; )()242()(32t e e
e t y t t
)()()()(S p S
S S p S Y S H S Y S H ,1)(+=S S S H ----5分 2211)(3++
S S S Y ,)()2()(23t e e t y t
t ε--+=----5分 5,][])2(32)1(31[][n n x n n
6,)(3)('2)(2)('3)(''t x t x t y t y t y +=++,5分 直接型画图5分 级联型:23211
)(+++•=S S S S H ,1分画图4分 并联型:2
=S S S H ,1分画图4分
………… 评卷密封线 ……………… 密封线内不要答题,密封线外不准填写考生信息,违者考试成绩按0分处理 ……………… 评卷密封线 …………
中南大学考试试卷答案(A )
2009 ~ 2010学年 上 学期 信号与系统 课程 时间110分钟
1. If x [n ]=0 for n <N 1 and h [n ]=0 for n <N 2, then x [n ]*h [n ]=0
for n <N 1+N 2. ( √ )
2. By the definition of system function )(/)()(s X s Y s H =, the system characterization is determined by the input-output of the system. ( × )
3. If the system function of an LTI system is 1)Re(:,1
s ROC s e s H s
, then the system is a causal system. ( × )
4. The signal x (t ) with FT )()()(00ω-ω-ω+ω=ωu u j X can undergo impulse-train sampling without aliasing, provided that the sampling period
0/ωπ<T . ( √ )
5. If the input-output relationship of a system is )1()(2-=t x t t y , then the system is linear and time invariant. ( × )
1.Let )4000sin()2000cos()(t t t x π⋅π=, then the lowest
sampling frequency of )(t x is ( 6000 ) Hz. 2.Compute
)25.0()2sin(dt t t ( -1 ).
3 =][n x (]1[)5.0(5.0][21-----n u n u n n , or ][)5.0(]1[25.01n u n u n n ---⋅-+ ). 4.Given )3()3()(t u t t x +δ=, then the bilateral LT of )(t x is ( 1/3+1/s ). 5. The Fourier transform of ∑∞
=-δ=k kT t k x t x )()()(, where
)()(k u k x k α= is
( )1/(1T
j e
ω-α- ).
6.If the response of an LTI system to the input )(t x is )()(0t t kx t y -=, where k and 0t are constants, then the system function of this system is ( 0)(t j ke H ω-=ω ).
7.The origin in S-plane is corresponding to the ( r=1, ω=0 ) in Z-plane. 8.If )(][z X n x ↔, then ZT of the first-order difference for ][n x is ( )()11z X z --( )
9.How many signals have a LT that may be expressed as )
2++++-s s s s s
in its region of convergence? ( 4 ).
10. If the z -transform X (z ) of a signal x [n ]: 3
/11)(11--++=z z z X , assuming the ROC
to be |z|>1/3, then x [1]=( 2/3 ), x [2]=( -2/9 ).
三、计算题 (本题40分,每小题8分) 1. Solution:
10()10()5()5()3()3()()(*)()(-----+++-==t u t t u t t u t t tu t h t x t y
3. Taking discrete time system or continuous time system as an example, explain how to analysis the LTI system in time domain and frequency domain? Solution:
()(t h t x t y t t x t x d t h x d t x t h x t x t h t =→δ=τ
τ-τ→ττ-δττ-τ→τ-δτ→δ⎰⎰ 每步2分
ω→πωωω→ωωωωωωd e j H j X t y d e j X t x e j H d j X e d j X e j H e t j t
j t
j t j t
j t j )()(21)()(21)()(2)(2)()(
………… 评卷密封线 ……………… 密封线内不要答题,
密封线外不准填写考生信息,违者考试成绩按0分处理 ……………… 评卷密封线 ………… 4 Consider the following frequency response for a causal
and stable LTI system: ω
-=ωj j j H 11)(. 1) What is the
magnitude of )(ωj H ? and what is )(ω∠j H ? 2) If the input is t t t 3cos cos )3/cos(++, what is the response of this system?
1|)(|=ωj H , )arctan(2)12arctan(
=ω∠j H 2分 3/1=ω, 3)(π
-=ω∠j H 1分
1=ω, 2)(π
-=ω∠j H 1分
3=ω, 3
-=ω∠j H 1分
So, the response of this system is
)3/23cos()2/cos()3/3/cos(π-+π-+π-t t t 3
5.In the system shown in Figure 1, two functions of time,
)2000sin(2)(1t t x π= and )4000sin()(2t t x π=, are added
together, and the result )(t w is sampled by a periodic impulse train. Determine the maximum sampling interval T such that )(t w is recoverable from )(t w p through the use of an ideal lowpass filter.
π=ω→2000)(max 11t x 2分
π=ω→4000)(max 22t x 2分 π=ω>ω80002max 2s 2分
1) 16
s s s s s s s s s s H
5分 2) )(12)(316)(10)(t x t x t y t y +'=+'+'' 5分 3) s t u /1)(↔, s s s s s s s s s H s Y 4
++-++-=⋅+++=⋅=∴ 3分
11[)(82t u e e t y t t +--=-- 2分
2. Fig.3
a) 3/14
/16/5)(22-+--=---=⇒+--=z z z z z z z H z z z z z H 5
(4][)21(3][n u n u n h n n +-=⇒ 1分
b) ][]2[]2[6
]1[65][n x n x n y n y n y --=-+-- 2分
c) 25
.0)(][-=↔z z
z X n x 1分
+--=⋅=z z
z z z z z X z H z Y 2分
(9][)31(16][)21(6][4/193/1162/16)(n u n u n u n y z z z z z Y n n n -+-=⇒--+-+--=5分。