What’s this? It’s a computer game.
What’s this? It’s a clock.
What’s that’s this? It’s a CD.
What’s this? It’s a Discman.
Unit 8 Children’s Day Part A
What’s this? It’s a book.
What’s this? It’s a storybook.
What’s this? It’s a computer.
一套,变体猴晕凌霄翻三百六十度外加疯转七百周的华丽招式……最后晃起脏脏的胡须一闪,飘然从里面弹出一道粼光,她抓住粼光秀丽地一摇,一样紫溜溜、黑晶晶 的法宝『粉烟秋妖贝壳石』便显露出来,只见这个这件宝器儿,一边狂舞,一边发出“唰唰”的幽声……飘然间女议长U.赫泰娆嘉妖女音速般地晃起平常的脚,只见 她崭新的戒指中,萧洒地涌出九簇娃娃状的飘带,随着女议长U.赫泰娆嘉妖女的晃动,娃娃状的飘带像钢丝绳一样在双肩上悠闲地弄出丝丝光雾……紧接着女议长U .赫泰娆嘉妖女又用自己神气的纯黑色龟壳式样的手环组织出淡橙色温柔摇晃的鸡窝,只见她有角的深黑色老鹰形态的衣柜鱼鳞大氅中,突然弹出九道摆舞着『银光杖 妖鸟巢头』的仙翅枕头扫帚状的核桃,随着女议长U.赫泰娆嘉妖女的颤动,仙翅枕头扫帚状的核桃像绞架一样,朝着五鸭月光墩上面悬浮着的四群蚂蚁狂砸过去!紧 跟着女议长U.赫泰娆嘉妖女也猛耍着法宝像耳机般的怪影一样朝五鸭月光墩上面悬浮着的四群蚂蚁狂扑过去。只见一团飞光闪过……巨面包猛然化作一片相当时尚的 葱绿色烟花流,像拖着一串金光尾巴的烟柱一样直冲云天,而女议长U.赫泰娆嘉妖女也顺势追了上去!就见在透明清淡的澄丽青天之上,拖着一串金光尾巴的烟柱在 空中画了一条壮观的曲线……瞬间!烟柱像烟花一样炸开!顿时,多如牛毛的烟云状物质像银河一样从苍穹之上倾泻下来……这时已经冲到烟柱上面的女议长U.赫泰 娆嘉妖女立刻舞动着『粉烟秋妖贝壳石』像耍蒲扇一样,把烟云状物质状玩的如光盘般闪动……很快,空中就出现了一个很像铜指浆叶模样的,正在明丽吼舞的巨大怪 物…………随着『粉烟秋妖贝壳石』的狂飞乱舞,四群蚂蚁瞬间变成了由漫天飞舞的幽静花苞组成的一团米黄色的,很像浆叶般的,有着冰冷灵气质感的玉石状物体。 随着玉石状物体的抖动旋转……只见其间又闪出一组碳黑色的绸缎状物体……接着女议长U.赫泰娆嘉妖女又晃起平常的脚,只见她崭新的戒指中,萧洒地涌出九簇娃 娃状的飘带,随着女议长U.赫泰娆嘉妖女的晃动,娃娃状的飘带像钢丝绳一样飘舞起来。一道水红色的闪光,地面变成了鲜红色、景物变成了土黄色、天空变成了浅 灰色、四周发出了帅气的巨响……只听一声奇特悠长的声音划过,五只很像疯精花卷般的玉石状的团团闪光物体中,突然同时飞出五串杂乱如麻的浓黑色花苞,这些杂 乱如麻的浓黑色花苞被虹一扭,立刻变成缤纷明亮的珠光,不一会儿这些珠光就飞舞着飞向庞然怪柱的上空,很快在六大广场之上变成了隐隐约约的跳动自由的团体操 ……这时,
冀教版(三起)-英语-四下-Unit2 知识拓展:__儿童节
儿童节(又称儿童节,Children's Day)定于每年的6月1日。
三年级下英语单元测试-Unit 2 Children’s Day-沪教版
Unit 2 Children’s Day(满分:100分时间:60分钟得分: )PartⅠ Listening (40%)一、听录音,选出听到的单词。
(读两遍)(5%) ( )1.A.today B.day C.date( )2.A.first B.fast C.fifth( )3.A.park B.pair C.party( )4.A.together B.cinema C.animal( )5.A.children B.child C.chair二、听录音,选出听到的句子。
(读两遍)(5%) ( )1.A.How are you?B.Who are you?C.What are you doing?( )2.A.Do you have a party?B.Do you go to the park?C.Do we go to the park?( )3.A.I t’s the first day of June.B.It’s the first day.C.It’s the first date.( )4.A.I go to school with my father.B.I go to school with my mother.C.I go to school with my friends.( )5.A.Let’s t ake a photograph.B.Let’s sing a song.C.Let’s sing and dance.三、听录音,判断正(T)误(F)。
(读两遍)(10%) ( )1.Today is Children’s Day.( )2.The students are in the classroom. ( )3.It is a rainy day.( )4.They are having a Chinese party. ( )5.They are very happy.四、听录音,给下列句子排序。
精品教案设计资料精品教案设计资料六年级英语下册Unit 5 重点词汇、句型、语法知识点重点词汇、句型、语法知识点цnit 5?Unit 5?Story me 1. Children 鈥檚鈥檚Day on Children 鈥檚鈥檚 Day 鍦ㄥ効绔ヨ妭鍦ㄥ効绔ヨ妭2. this Sunday ? 杩欎釜鏄熸湡鏃?3. The children are going to have a party at Mike 鈥檚鈥檚house. 瀛╁瓙浠have a party仛浼?at Mike 鈥檚鈥檚 house 鍦ㄨ繄鍏嬬殑瀹堕噷鍦ㄨ繄鍏嬬殑瀹堕噷 4. Su Hai is going to buy some snacks and drinks. ?buy some snacksand drinks5. Wang Bing is going to bring some fruit from home. ?bring some fruit fromhome6.Yang Ling is going to bring some toys and play with her friends at the party.bring some toys 甯︿竴浜涚帺鍏锋潵甯︿竴浜涚帺鍏锋潵play with her friends 鍜屽ス鐨勬湅鍙嬩滑鐜?at the party 鍦ㄨ仛浼氫笂鍦ㄨ仛浼氫笂 7.What is he going to do for the party? 浠栧噯澶囦负鑱氫細鍋氫粈涔堬紵浠栧噯澶囦负鑱氫細鍋氫粈涔堬紵 8. Sunday morning 鍛ㄦ棩涓婂崍棩涓婂崍on Sunday morning 鍦ㄥ懆鏃ヤ笂鍗?onTuesday a ernoon 鍦ㄥ懆浜屼笅鍗?on Thursday evening 鍦ㄥ懆鍥涙櫄涓?9.bring their things to Mike 鈥檚鈥檚house bring...to.... 鎶娾€︹€﹀甫鍒扳€︹€?bring some snacks to the party 鎶婁竴浜涢浂椋熷甫鍒拌仛浼?10. Just then, a clown appears.?just then 灏卞湪閭f椂f椂11. Here are some balloons for you. 杩欏効鏈変竴浜涙皵鐞冮€佺粰浣犮€?12.Now the party begins. 鐜板湪鑱氫細寮€濮嬩簡銆?13. Are we going to eator play with the toys first?叿锛?play with the toys 鐜╃帺鍏?14. Let 鈥檚鈥檚have some fun first.濞变箰涓€涓嬨€?15. have fun 鐜╃殑寮€蹇? 鐜╁緱鎰夊揩鐜╁緱鎰夊揩have some fun 鐜╃殑寮€蹇 鐜╁緱鎰夊揩鐜╁緱鎰夊揩 have great fun 鐜╃殑寮€蹇? 鐜╁緱鎰夊揩鐜╁緱鎰夊揩 have a lot of fun 鐜╃殑寮€蹇? 鐜╁緱鎰夊揩鐜╁緱鎰夊揩 have a good me 鐜╃殑寮€蹇? 鐜╁緱鎰夊揩╁緱鎰夊揩Grammar me () 1. What are you going to bring to theparty? 浣? 浣犱滑鎵撶畻甯︿粈涔堟潵鍙傚姞鑱氫細锛?2. I 鈥檓鈥檓/we 鈥檙e going to bring some snacks to the party. 鎴? 鎴戜滑鎵撶畻甯︿竴浜涢浂椋熸潵鍙傚姞鑱氫細銆3. What is he /she going to do at the party 浠? 濂规墦绠楀湪鑱氫細涓婂仛浠€涔堬紵氫細涓婂仛浠€涔堬紵4. He /She is going to play with some toys at the party.浠? 濂规墦绠楀湪鑱氫細涓婄帺涓€浜涚帺鍏5. Are you going to bring some drinks to the party??Yes, we are. 鏄1.鍙戠敓鐨勫姩浣滄垨瀛樺湪鐨勭姸鎬併€2.鈥渂e going to +绠楀仛鏌愪簨銆3.tomorrow, nextday(Sunday, week, month, year...), soon, the day a er tomorrow(鍚庡ぉ锛? in+涓€娈垫椂闂达紙in a few days 锛夌瓑銆?4.?锛夎偗瀹氬彞缁撴瀯锛氫富璇 be going to +鍏朵粬銆?濡傦細濡傦細 I am going to go swimming tomorrow a ernoon. 锛?锛夊惁瀹氬彞缁撴瀯锛氫富璇?be + not +going to +?I am not going to go swimming tomorrow a ernoon. 锛?e 鍔ㄨ瘝++ going to +re you going to go swimming tomorrow a ernoon? 锛?+hat are you going to dotomorrow a ernoon? (瀵规墍鍋氫簨鎯呯殑鎻愰棶)When are going to go swimming? (瀵规椂闂寸殑鎻愰棶) 锛?hat涔堚€濓紝wherewhowhose滆皝鐨勨€?when 闂?鈥滄椂闂粹€濈瓑绛夈€?Fun me /Sound me /Culture me 1. When are we going to have the party? 鎴戜滑鎵撶畻浠€涔堟椂鍊欎妇琛岃仛浼氾紵岃仛浼氾紵We 鈥檙e going to have the party on the first of April. 鎴戜滑鎵撶畻鍦鏈?鍙蜂妇鍔炶仛浼氥€?2. Where are we going to have the party? 鎴戜滑鎵撶畻鍦ㄥ摢閲屼妇琛岃仛浼氾紵撶畻鍦ㄥ摢閲屼妇琛岃仛浼氾紵3. What are you going to bring to the party? 浣犳墦绠楀甫浠€涔堟潵鍙傚姞鑱氫細锛4. welcome to the party 娆㈣繋鏉ュ埌鑱氫細氫細 welcome back to school 娆㈣繋鍥炲埌瀛︽牎娆㈣繋鍥炲埌瀛︽牎5. invita on 閭€璇峰嚱閭€璇峰嚱date 鏃ユ湡鏃ユ湡 me 鏃堕棿鏃堕棿 place 鍦扮偣鍦扮偣6.Room622,Building3,No.900Happy Street 骞00鍙凤紝3鍙锋ゼ, 622瀹?7 .come and have fun 鏉ュū涔?8.Look out ofthe window at the lovely snowlook out of the windowlovely snow ?9.Does anybody know why wehave snow??10.When you go to aWestern party, you should take a gi .褰撲綘鍘诲弬鍔犺タ鏂硅仛浼氭椂,浣犲簲璇ュ甫涓€浠界ぜ鐗┿€a Western partytake a gi 甯︿竴浠界ぜ鐗?11.Do not arrive too early.?arrive too early12.You can be a few minutes late.浣犲彲浠ヨ繜鍒板嚑鍒嗛挓銆俛浣犲彲浠ヨ繜鍒板嚑鍒嗛挓銆俛few minutes late 鏅氬嚑鍒嗛挓鏅氬嚑鍒嗛挓 Cartoon me 1. Bobby 鈥檚鈥檚 class is going to have a party soon.?2.Whatare you going to do at the party? 浣犲皢瑕佸湪鑱氫細涓婂共浠€涔堬紵浣犲皢瑕佸湪鑱氫細涓婂共浠€涔堬紵 3.I 鈥檓鈥檓 going to play the piano.鎴戝噯澶囧脊閽㈢惔銆俻lay the piano 寮归挗鐞磒lay theviolin 鎷夊皬鎻愮惔鎷夊皬鎻愮惔 play the guitar 寮瑰悏浠?4. I 鈥檓鈥檓gong to tell a story.鎴戝皢tell a story 璁蹭釜鏁呬簨璁蹭釜鏁呬簨 5. put on a play 涓婃紨锛堣〃 6. 浠栨墦绠椾负鑱氫細鍋氫簺浠€涔堬紵What is he goingto do for the party? 浠栧皢瑕佽〃婕斾竴鍦烘垙鍓с€侶e is going to put on a play. 7. The King 鈥檚鈥檚 new clothes 鐨囧笣鐨勬柊瑁?8. I 鈥檓鈥檓 going to be the king. 鎴戝皢鎴愪负鍥界帇銆be the king 鎴愪负鍥界帇鎴愪负鍥界帇 9. He is wearing his 鈥渘ew clothes 鈥??wear his new clothes 绌夸粬鐨勬柊琛f湇柊琛f湇Checkout me1.Class Party 2.answer Mike 鈥檚鈥檚ques on 鍥炵瓟杩堝厠鐨勯棶棰?3.Where are you going to have the party? 浣犲噯澶囧湪I 鈥檓鈥檓going to have the party at my house.鎴戝皢鍦ㄦ垜4.When 鈥檚鈥檚the party going to begin? 鑱氫細浠€涔堟椂鍊欏紑濮嬶紵涔堟椂鍊欏紑濮嬶紵 At three. 鍦ㄤ笁鐐广€?5.When 鈥檚鈥檚 it going to end? 瀹冧粈涔堟椂鍊欑粨鏉燂紵粈涔堟椂鍊欑粨鏉燂紵 At five in the a ernoon. 鍦ㄤ笅鍗堢殑浜旂偣銆?6. What 鈥檚鈥檚Lily going to do for the party?7. What 鈥檚鈥檚Andy going to bring to the party?锛8. Who 鈥檚鈥檚going to buy snacks and drinks for the party?璋佹墦绠椾负鑱氫細。
怎样保养消防车消防车需要经常保养,才能使车况保持正常。一般司机往往对保养这件事很头大,因为明明知道车子不保养就开不久,但又很心痛为保养而付出的钞票。一般情况下机油每1万公里或一年换一次就差不多了,刹车油每两年一换,而齿轮油需要更换的时间则更长。除了这3种油有比较 6、停泵后,将所有阀门按阀门开、关状态示意图要求,恢复到正常状态。7、停泵后,将所有阀门按阀门开、关状态示意图要求,恢复到正常状态。8、如果泵启动后若压力达到0.8Mpa后立即回到0.4Mpa左右,不能够正常出水,此时要立即停泵,打开放气阀让浮球总成复位后,重新启动。 正压式氧气呼吸器快速检测方法|标签:智能仪器将瓶阀打开,则上海自动化仪表四厂必定闪现如下压力:对于标称200(20Mpa)压力的气瓶,最小压力数据为180(18Mpa);对于标称300(30Mpa)压力的气瓶,最小压力数据为280(28Mpa)。然后进行管路的气密性查看:从全面罩的快速接头断
2017七年级英语上册Unit2重点短语词组归纳2017涓冨勾绾цnit2Unit 2 Looking Different ?1. give sb. sth. = give sth. to sb.鎶婃煇鐗╃粰鏌愪汉Please give it to her. 2. look the same 闀跨浉鐩稿悓look different 闀跨浉涓嶅悓锛岀湅璧锋潵涓嶄竴鏍?3. look like 鐪嬭捣鏉ュ儚He looks like his father. = He and his father look the same. 4. next to 鍦ㄢ€︹€︽梺杈?The boy next to me is my good friend. 5. in +棰滆壊琛f湇in +a/an +棰滆壊+琛f湇?The boy in a yellow T-shirt and gray pants is my good friend.6. (1) both涓よ€呴兘锛坆e鍔ㄨ瘝涔嬪悗锛屽疄涔夊姩璇嶄箣鍓嶏級They both have brown hair and black eyes. They are both office workers. (2)all 涓夎€呮垨涓夎€呬互涓婇兘They are all kind to me. 7. 鏁板瓧+(褰㈢姸銆佸ぇ灏?+棰滆壊+n. two big red apples She has short blond hair. 銆愰噸鐐瑰彞鍨嬨€?1. Who is your favorite actor? 2. We are in the same school, but we are in different grades. 3. What do/does ++look like? 鈥︹€﹂暱寰楁€庝箞鏍凤紵---What does he look like? --- He is not very tall but very strong. 4. We don鈥檛look the same, but we are good friends. We look the same, but we are in different clothes. 5. ---What color is/are +?--It鈥檚/ They鈥檙e +棰滆壊. ---What color is her hair? ---It鈥檚blond. 6. This is my cap. = This cap is mine. Is this your cap? = Is this cap yours? ---Whose cap is this? = Whose is this cap? --- It鈥檚Sally鈥檚. ---Whose are these bananas? --- They鈥檙e their bananas/ theirs. 7. His pants are blue and mine are white.(mine=my pants) MyT-shirt is green and his is brown.(his=his T-shirt) 8. I have small eyes, but he has big ones.锛坥nes鎸囦唬eyes锛?My jacket is blue and white. That one is blue. 锛坥ne 鎸囦唬jacket锛??1.板崟鏁板舰寮?锛?О鍗曟暟褰㈠紡锛坔e銆乻he銆乮tО鈶?come---comes锛宮eet---meets 鈶?h锛宑h, x缁撳熬锛屽姞鈥渆s鈥濓紝濡傦細do--does;go--goes; teach--teaches 鈶?浠ヨ緟闊冲瓧姣?y缁撳熬锛屽彉y涓篿锛屽啀鍔爀s, 濡傦細study--studies, fly--flies, try--tries 鈶?鐗规畩鎯呭喌锛歨ave--has 锛?锛夊彞鍨嬭浆鎹?鈶?О鍗曟暟锛氬彉鍚﹀畾鍙ユ椂锛屽湪鍔ㄨ瘝鍓嶅姞doesn鈥檛,ㄥ彞棣栧姞does锛屽姩璇嶇幇鍘熷舰銆?細Yes, 浜虹О浠h瘝+does锛涘惁瀹氬洖绛旓細No, 浜虹О浠h瘝+doesn鈥檛. 濡傦細She has small eyes. ---She doesn鈥檛have small eyes. ---Does she have small eyes? ---Yes, she does. /No, she doesn鈥檛. 鈶?浜屼汉绉板彉鍚﹀畾鍙ワ紝鍦ㄥ姩璇嶅墠鍔燿ono锛岃偗瀹氬洖绛旓細Yes, 浜虹О浠h瘝+do锛涘惁瀹氬洖绛旓細No锛屼汉绉颁唬璇?don鈥檛. They have small eyes. ---They don鈥檛have small eyes. --- Do they have small eyes? ---Yes, they do. / No, they don鈥檛. 2. 琛ㄧず鎵€灞炲叧绯?锛?锛夊悕璇嶆€х墿涓讳唬璇?х墿涓讳唬璇?鍚嶈瘝х墿涓讳唬璇?my your his her our their its 鍚嶈瘝鎬х墿涓讳唬璇?mine yours his hers ours theirs its 鈥?--Whose is this pen? Is it yours? 鈥?--No, it鈥檚not mine. My pen is blue. 锛?锛夊悕璇嶆墍鏈夋牸鈶?鐢ㄤ簬浜烘垨鍏朵粬琛ㄧず鏈夌敓鍛界殑鍚嶈瘝鍚庯細鈥??ane鈥檚book锛沇omen鈥檚Day 鈥???Teachers鈥橠ay 鈥?Lucy鈥檚and Lily鈥檚bags 鍒嗘湁Lucy and Lily鈥檚room 鍏辨湁Those are Jane鈥檚shoes.= Those shoes are Jane鈥檚. 鈶?of 琛ㄧず鎵€灞炲叧绯伙紝鐢ㄤ簬娌℃湁鐢熷懡鐨勭墿浣擄紝濡傦細a map of China锛沘photo of my family。
人教版五年级下册英语Unit 2 Lesson 4
Let’s learn.
What special day is it? It’s the Dragon Boat Festival.
Let’s listen and learn.
The Dragon Boat Festival is a special Chinese festival. On this day, people remember Qu Yuan, a famous Chinese poet. Everyone eats zongzi. In the south of China some people have races in big boats, called Dragon Boats.
I’m driving to the sea.
I travel through the countryside.
Come! Take a trip with me.
Let’s watch and repeat.
My mother is a driver. She often drives a train with her beautiful dress. Today is hot and dry, she drinks a lot of water on her train trip.
Let’s learn.
Halloween is on October 31st each year. What special day is it? It is a special festival in Western countries. When is this special day? Children like to wear costumes on this day. They sometimes dress up like monsters of How do people celebrate it? famous people. They go to people’s house to ask for candy.
人教版五年级下册Unit 2 Special Days
How are you going to celebrate these special days?
How are you going to celebrate these special days?
birthday Mother’s Father’s Children’ Teachers’
When is Tree Planting Day?
When is Tree Planting Day?
Tree Planting Day is on Mar.12th.
How do we celebrate Tree Planting Day?
plant trees
fly kites
have a picnic
have a picnic plant trees fly kites make a poster read some books about trees
Special days
New Year’s Day Christmas Day
Father’s Day
National Day
special days
birthday Teachers’ Day
Mother’s Day Children’s Day
元元房地产公司将“元元假日”高档住宅小区的施工发包给大地建筑公司,大地建筑公司经元元公司同意将该项目的土石方工程分包给新兴建筑公司。在施工过程中,新兴公司不服从大地公司的安全生产管理,结果导致土方坍塌,造成严重的安全生产事故,关于该事故的责任承担,下列说法正确的是 大地公司负全责B.由元元公司负全责C.由新兴公司负全责D.由新兴公司负主要责任,大地公司负连带责任 用药物治疗年龄相关性白内障,应该()A.用药时间要长B.大剂量C.联合用药D.有效的药物E.目前尚无疗效肯定的药物 磨矿循环中的外混汞,由于汞板设在球磨排矿端。因此对单体金起到的作用,它减轻了金在返砂中的富集。 判断是否属于医院感染的主要依据是A.疾病的临床表现B.病程的长短C.发病的缓急D.疾病的潜伏期E.抗生素的使用期限 前庭迷路感觉即外周前庭系统的器质性或功能性改变引起的眩晕的特征为()A.摇晃感B.浮沉感C.倾倒感D.旋转感E.升降感 国有股东可以采用一定的方式转让所持上市公司股份,对此,下列说法正确的是()A、国有股东通过证券交易系统转让所持上市公司股份,必须事先报批B、国有股东与拟受让方签订股份转让协议后,应及时履行信息披露等相关义务C、国有股东所持上市公司股份一律不得对外无偿划转D、国有股东 公司股份实施间接转让的,应当聘请在境内或境外注册的专业机构担任财务顾问 认知发生学派的主要代表人物是A.维果茨基B.赞可夫C.皮亚杰D.埃里克森 女,32岁,鼻梁双颊部出现红斑伴发热咳嗽2周,肘腕关节游走性疼痛,结合CT图像,选择最可能的诊断为()A.肺部感染B.结节病C.肺类风湿病D.SLE肺部浸润E.韦格肉芽肿 建筑安全监督机构在检查施工现场时,发现某施工单位在没有竣工的建筑物设置员工集体宿舍,下列表述正确的是施工单位()。A.经工程所在地建设安全监督机构同意,可以继续使用B.经工程所在地建设行政主管部门同意,可以继续使用C.必须迁出D.经工程所在地质量监督机构同意,可以继续使用 病原体侵入血流,在血中繁殖产生毒素,表现出严重的中毒症状,应考虑A.毒血症B.菌血症C.败血症D.脓毒血症E.变应性亚败血症 列不属于污染海洋的途径是.A.陆源的故意和意外排放B.大气沉降C.船舶和飞机的倾倒D.大片植物林的无氧呼吸 下列有关船员健康要求错误的是.A、参加值班的船员在24小时内必须有至少10小时的休息时间B、一定时间内的平均工作小时最长不应超过12小时C、严禁船员有吸毒和贩毒行为D、值班人员值班前喝酒要适量,严禁喝醉 关于重症肌无力的病程,下面哪项是错误的A.起病隐袭,整个病程有波动B.少数患者病程为亚急性起病,进展较快C.病程为持续性进行性加重D.症状缓解与复发交替,晚期患者休息后不能完全恢复E.多数病例靠药物维持,病程迁延数年至数十年 下列措施中不能有效避免铸件出现毛刺的是A.按照要求加温铸圈B.用真空包埋机进行包埋C.使包埋材料与铸模材料的膨胀率一致D.包埋前仔细去除铸模上多余的蜡E.避免铸圈反复多次焙烧 我国社会主义法律体系正式宣告形成是在。A、1999年B、2004年C、2008年D、201痛D.放射性腹痛E.持续性隐痛,阵发性胀痛 战斗机是如何分代的?各代战斗机的的典型技术特征是什么? 飞机驾驶员申请商用驾驶执照要求的飞行经历中的机长时间为A、10小时B、50小时C、100小时 关于产后哺乳错误的一项是()A.产后尽早哺乳有利于促进乳汁分泌B.按需哺乳C.乳腺有硬结者应停止哺乳D.乳房排空有利于乳汁的再分泌E.乳头皲裂严重者应停止直接哺乳 下列各加工过程中不属于化学工序的是。A、硝化B、裂解C、蒸馏D、氧化 肝郁发热兼阴伤者,宜A.疏肝解郁B.滋阴降火C.清肝泻火D.滋阴壮水,疏肝清热E.活血滋阴,疏肝理气 [问答题,论述题]试论述把算法加入数学课程的原因。 高压管子热弯时,不得用煤或焦炭做燃料,应当用木炭做燃料,以免。A.腐蚀B.变形C.淬火D.渗碳 如何拥有良好的个人信用记录? 26岁,女,婚后2年未孕,月经规律,现停经41天,近1周觉乳房胀痛,尿妊娠试验阳性,基础体温曲线示高温相已达28天,最可能的诊断为A.卵巢早衰B.早期妊娠C.月经前期D.子宫性闭经E.垂体性闭经 水泥的检验要求中规定:同厂家、同批号、同品种、同强度等级的散装水泥每为一批、袋装水泥每为一批,不足上述数量时也按一批进行检测。其常规检测项目有:。 流行性乙型脑炎的主要传染源是A.猪B.患者C.隐性感染者D.蚊子E.蝙蝠 矿业工程注册建造师的执业范围包括。A.矿业工程,包括"煤炭、冶金、建材、化工、有色、铀矿、黄金"七个行业的矿山工程B.地基与基础、土石方、高耸构筑物C.环保、起重设备安装、管道D.公路工程、铁路工程、市政公用工程E.钢结构、爆破与拆除、隧道、窑炉 下列哪项对鉴别小儿风湿热与类风湿病最有价值A.发热B.关节炎C.心脏炎D.血沉增快E.X线示关节面破坏 在大脑的解剖结构中,与躯体运动、发音、语言及高级思维活动关系密切的区域是A.额叶B.颞叶C.顶叶D.枕叶E.岛叶 显示十、五、三车距离信号,十车为110m,五车为m,三车为33m。A.88B.77C.66D.55 维护工作应贯彻预防为主,安全与质量并重的方针。A.正确B.错误 多层民用建筑和轻型工业厂房,一般选择的基础形式为A、无筋扩展基础B、扩展基础C、筏形基础D、桩基础 强调以病人为中心,由一位责任护士运用护理程序的工作方法指的是A.专人护理B.责任制护理C.综合护理D.功能制护理E.个案护理 锅炉省煤器再循环阀的作用是什么? 机器人教育加盟
人教新起点英语五年级下册Unit 2 Special Days知识点汇总
Unit 2 Special Days(特殊的节日)一、单元词汇New Year s Day 新年Tree Planting Day 植树节Mother s Day 母亲节Children s Day 儿童节Father s Day 父亲节Teacher s Day 教师节National Day 国庆节Christmas Day 圣诞节birthday 生日fifth(5th) 第五tenth 第十twelfth 第十二twenty-fifth 第二十五plant 种植make a poster 制作海报celebrate 庆祝have a picnic 野餐office 办公室together 在一起special 特别的二、单元句型1. A: When is Tree Planting Day? 植树节是什么时候?B: It s on March 12th. 是3月12日。
2. A: What do you do on that day? 你那天做什么?B: We often plant trees. 我们经常种树。
3. A: What are you doing? 你在做什么?B: I am going to make a poster for Tree Planting Day.我要给植树节做一个海报。
4. A: How are you going to celebrate it? 你怎么庆祝它?B: Before Tree Planting Day, we are going to read some books about trees. 在植树节前,我们要读一些和树相关的书。
B: Then we are going to make a poster about trees.然后我们要做一张和树相关的海报。
B: On Tree Planting Day, we are going to plant trees with our classmates. 在植树节,我们要和同学植树。
二年级下Module 7Unit 1 知识点精析重点句型It's Children's Day today.今天是儿童节。
Children's Day 意为“儿童节”,节日是专有名词,单词首字母要大写。
Mother's Day 母亲节children 意为“孩子们”,是child 的复数形式。
例:The children are playing in the park.孩子们正在公园里玩。
children's 意为“孩子们的”,此处名词加“'s”表示所有关系,意为“……的”。
These are children's clothes.这些是孩子们的衣服。
Daming is doing a play with some children. 明正在和一些孩子表演戏剧。
此句中play 意为“(戏剧)演出”,是名词。
do a play 意为“表演戏剧”。
play 除了可以作名词外,还可以作动词,意为“玩要”。
They're playing games.他们正在玩游戏。
Unit 2 知识点精析重点句型We're having a picnic. 我们正在进行野餐。
此句中have 意为“进行,举行”,是动词。
have a picnic 意为“进行野餐”类似的短语有:have a test (进行测验),have a meeting (开会)例:We're having a football match. 我们正在举办一场足球比赛。
have 是个神通广大的单词,它可以随着自己搭档的变化而变化自身的意思:①进行举行:Let's have a party. 我们来一次聚会吧。
②有:I have an English book. 我有一本英语书。
③吃,喝:I have breakfast at six o'clock.I'm happy to say it's Children's Day today.高兴地说今天是儿童节。
电子教材▼▼▼▼动画视频学习第二单元知识点一、词汇spring 春天summer 夏天autumn 秋天winter 冬天season 季节picnic 野餐go on a picnic 去野餐pick 摘;采集pick apples 摘苹果snowman 雪人make a snowman 堆雪人go swimming 去游泳which 哪一个best 最;最高程度地snow 雪good job 做得好because 因为vacation 假期all 全;完全pink粉色;粉色的lovely 可爱的;美丽的leaf 叶子(复数leaves)fall 落下;【美】秋天paint 用颜料绘画二、句子1. -- Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节? -- Autumn. 秋天。
2. Look at my picture. 看我的画。
3. Classes start at 3 o’clock. 三点钟开始上课。
4. I like summer best because of Children’s Day.我最喜欢夏天,因为儿童节。
5. -- What do you do often do in summer? 你在夏天经常做什么?-- I often go swimming. 我经常去游泳。
6. Good job! 做得好!7. I like the trees. The colour is very pretty! 我喜欢这些树。
颜色很漂亮!8. I like autumn best. 我最喜欢秋天。
9. The weather is good and the colours are beautiful!天气很好,颜色很漂亮!10. -- Why? 外什么?-- Because I like summer vacation. 因为我喜欢暑假。
三、句型结构1. -- Which season do you like best?-- I like + 季节 + best. / 季节.e.g: -- Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?-- I like spring best. 我最喜欢春天。
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1. Read the Student’s Book on page 43.
2. Tell your friends what you want to do on Children’s Day.
take a photograph take photographs
A: What do you do at the class party? B: I _______ at the class party.
go to the cinema see a film
have a class party sing and dance eat and drink play a game
( F )This is my friend, MBeatrtyy..
(T ) On Children’s Day, she has a class party with her classmates and teachers.
( F)At the party,,sshhee ccaann pslianygfaonodtbdaalቤተ መጻሕፍቲ ባይዱn, ce, eat eaantdadnrdindkriannkd,psloayong.ames and so on.
I want to go to the cinema on Children’s Day. I want to ______ in the cinema. I want to take a photograph with_____. I have fun on Children’s Day.
This is my friend, Betty. She’s a girl. On Children’s Day, She has a class party with her classmates and teachers. At the party, she can sing and dance, eat and drink ,play games and so on. They have a good time.
In China, when is Children’s Day?
In China, Children’s Day is on the first of June(六月).
What do you do on Children’s Day? I ________ on Children’s Day.
All: Children’s Day is a big day for us. A: I want to ______ with_______. B: I want to______ with _______. C: I want to ______ with ______. D: I want to ______ with _______.
They have a good time.
have a class party
Little Lucy, Little Lucy, What do you do? Sing and dance, sing and dance. Cha, cha, cha! Little Jonny, Little Jonny,
This is Eddie. He’s a boy. Today is Children’s Day. He goes to the cinema with his parents. In the cinema, he wants to see a film. It’s funny. He gets a gift from his parents. It’s a robot. It’s super. He has fun on Children’s Day.
Where does Eddie go? Eddie goes to the cinema.
c_i nema
Do you go to the cinema? Yes, I do. I go to ____ Cinema.
What do you do in the cinema? I see a film_in__th_e__ciinnetmhea.cinema. I want to take a photograph with_____.