



EPSON爱普生打印机墨盒型号对照表打印机型号黑色墨盒彩色墨盒STYLUS Color C20 T013052 T014051STYLUS Color C40 T013052 T014051STYLUS Color C41 T038150 T039050STYLUS Color C43 T038150 T039050STYLUS Color C60 T028051 T029051STYLUS Color C63 T046150 T047250 蓝T047350 红T047450 黄STYLUS Color C80 T032150 T032250 蓝T032350 红T032450 黄STYLUS Color C82 T032150 T042250 蓝T042350 红T042450 黄STYLUS Color C83 T046150 T047250 蓝T047350 红T047450 黄STYLUS 200 S020047 S020097STYLUS Color 200 S020047 S020097STYLUS 300 S020031 NA300 STYLUS Color 300 NA S020138310 STYLUS R310 T049150 T049250 蓝T049350 红T049450 黄T049550 淡蓝T049650 淡红400 STYLUS 400 S020039 NA400 STYLUS Color 400 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020089现为(T052050)440 STYLUS Color 440 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)460 STYLUS Color 460 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)480 STYLUS Color 480 T013052 T014051500 STYLUS Color 500 原S020093现为(T050150) S020097510 STYLUS R510 T049150 T049250 蓝T049350 红T049450 黄T049550 淡蓝T049650 淡红580 STYLUS Color 580 T013052 T014051600 STYLUS Color 600 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020089现为(T052050)640 STYLUS Color 640 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)660 STYLUS Color 660 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)670 STYLUS Color 670 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020191现为(T052050)680 STYLUS Color 680 T017051 T018051700 STYLUS Photo 700 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020110现为T053050710 STYLUS Photo 710 原S020093现为(T050150) 原S020110现为T053050720 STYLUS Photo 720 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020193现为T053050740 STYLUS Color 740 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050)750 STYLUS Photo 750 原S020187现为(T050150) 原S020193现为T053050790 STYLUS Photo 790 T007051 T008051800 STYLUS 800 S020039 NA800 STYLUS 800 + S020039 NA800 STYLUS Color 800 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050810 STYLUS Photo 810 T026051 T027051820 STYLUS 820 S020047 S020049810 STYLUS Photo 830 T026051 T027051850 STYLUS Color 850 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050 860 STYLUS Color 860 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 870 STYLUS Photo 870 T007051 T008051875 STYLUS Photo 875 T007051 T008051880 STYLUS Color 880 T019051 T020051890 STYLUS Photo 890 T007051 T008051895 STYLUS Photo 895 T007051 T008051900 STYLUS Color 900 T003052 T005051950 STYLUS Color 950 T033150T033250 蓝T033350 红T033450 黄T033550 淡蓝T033650 淡红980 STYLUS Color 980 T003052 T0050511000 STYLUS 1000 S020039 NA1000 STYLUS 1000C S020039 NA1160 STYLUS Color 1160 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 1200 STYLUS Photo 1200 原S020187现为(T050150) T0010511270 STYLUS Photo 1270 T007051 T0090511290 STYLUS Photo 1290 T007051 T0090511500 STYLUS 1500 / 1500C S020062 S0200491520 STYLUS Color 1520 原S020108现为T051150 原S020089现为T052050 2000 STYLUS Color 2000 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 2100 STYLUS P2100 T034150T034250 黄T034350 红T034450 蓝T034550 淡红T034650 淡蓝T034750 淡黑T034850 消黑2500 STYLUS Color 2500 原S020189现为T051150 原S020191现为(T052050) 3000 STYLUS Color 3000 S020118S020122 黄S020126 红S020130 蓝5000 STYLUS Pro 5000 S020118S020122 黄S020126 红S020130 蓝S020143 淡红S020147 淡蓝5100 STYLUS CX5100 T032150T042250 蓝T042350 红T042450 黄STYLUS Photo 原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050EX STYLUS Photo EX 原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050 EX2 STYLUS Photo EX2 原S020093现为T050150 原S020110现为T053050 EX3 STYLUS Photo EX3 原S020187现T050150 原S020193现T053050XL STYLUS PRO / PRO XL S020034 S020036XL STYLUS PRO XL+ S020034 S020066II STYLUS Color II / IIS S020047 S020049EPSON爱普生打印机硒鼓/碳粉型号对照表EPL-2020 成像盒(S051090)EPL-N2500/N2500N 成像盒(S051090)大容量纸盒C802002双面打印单元C813982 Ethernet 10/100 Base Tx C823914EPL-6200 碳粉盒C13S050167 C13S050166 成像单元(C13S051099)EPL-6200L 碳粉盒(C13S050167) 成像单元(C13S051099)Aculaser-C900碳粉盒(黑色)S050100 碳粉盒(黄色)S050097碳粉盒(洋红色)S050098 碳粉盒(青色)S050099成像盒S051083 废碳粉收集器S050101 传送带单元S053009Aculaser-C1900 碳粉盒(黑色)S050100 碳粉盒(黄色)S050097碳粉盒(洋红色)S050098 碳粉盒(青色)S050099成像盒S051083 废碳粉收集器S050101 传送带单元S053009Aculaser-C4000 碳粉盒(黑色)C13S050091 碳粉盒(黄色)C13S050088碳粉盒(洋红色)C13S050089 碳粉盒(青色)C13S050090成像单元C13S051081 传送带单元S053006 加热组件S053007Aculaser-C4100 碳粉盒(黄色) C13S050148 碳粉盒(洋红色) C13S050147碳粉盒(青色) C13S050146 碳粉盒(黑色) C13S050149 成像单元C13S051093 加热组件C13S053012 传送带单元C13S053006Aculaser-C7000 粉盒(黄)S050039/S050079 粉盒(洋红)S050040/S050080 粉盒(青)S050041/S050081 粉盒(黑)S050038/S050082 成像盒S051082 废粉收集器S050020Aculaser-C8600粉盒(黄) S050039/S050079 粉盒(洋红) S050040/S050080粉盒(青) S050041/S050081 粉盒(黑) S050038/S050082成像盒S051082 废粉收集器S050020EPL-5700展业星碳粉盒SO50010 成像盒S051055EPL-5700L展业星(超值型) 碳粉盒SO50010 成像盒S051055EPL-5800展业星(超强型) 碳粉盒SO50010 成像盒S051055EPL-5800L 碳粉盒S050010 成像盒S051055EPL-5900 碳粉盒S050087 成像盒S051055EPL-5900L 碳粉盒S050087 成像盒S051055EPL-C8000创先机粉盒(黄) S050016粉盒(洋红) S050017 粉盒(青) S050018 粉盒(黑) S050019成像盒S051061 定影器油辊S052002 废粉收集器S050020EPL-C8200创先机(第二代) 粉盒(黄)S050016 粉盒(洋红) S050017 粉盒(青) S050018 粉盒(黑)S050019 成像盒S051061EPL-N1610天网通成像盒6,000页2 S051069EPL-N2000K 碳粉盒S051035EPL-N2010智网通成像盒S051069EPL-N4000+商捷通成像盒S051060EPL-N1210 成像盒S051069Aculaser-C1000 碳粉盒(黑色) S050033 碳粉盒(黄色) S050034碳粉盒(洋红色) S050035 碳粉盒(青色) S050036成像盒(包括废粉收集器) S051072Aculaser-C2000碳粉盒(黑色) S050033 碳粉盒(黄色) S050034 碳粉盒(洋红色) S050035碳粉盒(青色) S050036 成像盒(包括废粉收集器) S051072加热组件(220V) S053003 定影器油辊S052003废粉收集器S050037 传送带单元S053001Aculaser-C8500粉盒(黄) S050039 粉盒(青) S050081(新)/S050041(旧)粉盒(洋红) S050080(新)/S050040(旧)粉盒(黑) S050038成像盒S051073 废粉收集器S050020EPL-1220 S051079EPL-N2120 S051077EPL-6100 碳粉盒S050087、S050095 成像盒S051055EPL-6100L碳粉盒S050087、S050095 成像盒S051055超能复印打印机EPSON STYLUS CX5100 黑色墨盒T0321 彩色墨盒T0422/T0423/T0424EPSON STYLUS CX3100 黑色墨盒T028 彩色墨盒T029Stylus Photo RX510 黑色墨盒T0491 彩色墨盒T0492 / T0493 / T0494 / T0495 / T0496 StylusScan2500 黑色墨盒S020189 彩色墨盒S020191HP 耗材型号对照表一、HP 黑白激光打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 1000 HP C7115AHP 1012 HP Q2612AHP 1100 HP C4092AHP 1150 HP Q2624A 、HP Q2624XHP 1200 HP C7115AHP 1300 HP Q2613AHP 2100 HP C4096AHP 2200 HP C4096AHP 2300 HP Q2610AHP 4 Plus/m Plus HP 92298X、HP 92298A HP 4/4m HP 92298X、HP 92298AHP 4000 HP C4127A 、HP C4127XHP 4050 HP C4127A 、HP C4127XHP 4100 HP C8061A、HP C8061XHP 4200 HP Q1338AHP 4300 HP Q1339AHP 4L/mL HP 92274AHP 4p/mp HP 92274AHP 4si HP 92291A、HP 92291XHP 4v/mv HP C3900AHP 5/m/n HP 92298X、HP 92298AHP 5000 HP C4129XHP 5100 HP C4129XHP 5L HP C3906AHP 5p/mp HP C3903AHP 5si HP C3909A、HP C3909XHP 6L HP C3906AHP 6p/mp HP C3903AHP 8000 HP C3909A、HP C3909XHP 8150 HP C4182XHP 9000 HP C8543XHP IId HP 92295AHP III HP 92295AHP IIId、IIIp HP 92295AHP IIIsi HP 92291AXHP IIp Plus HP 92275AHP IIp、Series II HP 92275A二、HP 彩色激光打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 1500 /2500 黑(C9700A) 青(C9701A) 成像鼓(C9704A) 品红(C9703A) 黄(C9702A)HP 3500 青(Q2671A) 品红(Q2673A) 黄(Q2672A) 黑(Q2670A)HP 3700 黑(Q2670A) 青(Q2681A) 品红(Q2683A) 黄(Q2682A)HP 4500/4550 黑(C4191A) 青(C4192A) Drum Kit (C4195A) Fuser Kit/110-volt (C4197A)Fuser Kit/220-volt (C4198A) 品红(C4193A) 传输单元(C4196A) 黄Toner Cart (C4194A)HP 4600 黑(C9720A) 青(C9721A) 成像传输单元(C9724A) 品红(C9723A) 黄(C9722A)HP 5/5m 青(C3102A) 品红(C3104A) 黄(C3103A) Color LJet (C3968A)HP 5500 黑(C9730A) 青(C9731A) 成像Fuser Kit/110-volt (C9735A)成像传输单元(C9734A) 品红(C9733A) 黄(C9732A)HP 8500/8550 黑(C4149A) 青(C4150A) Drum Kit (C4153A)品红(C4151A) 传输单元(C4154A) 黄(C4152A)HP 9500 黑(C8560A) 青(C8561A) 青(C8551A) 传输单元(C8555A)品红(C8553A) 黄(C8562A)三、HP 彩色喷墨打印机型号对应耗材型号HP 2000c 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4841A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A)HP 2500c Pro 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4841A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A)HP 1100 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP 2200/2250 黑墨(C4844A) 红墨(C4843A) 黄墨(C4842A) 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP 2230/2280 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP 2300/2600 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP 3000 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4804A) 红墨(C4805A) 黄墨(C4806A)HP 彩色Inkjet cp1160 黑色打印头(C4920A) 青头(C4921A) 红头(C4922A) 黄头(C4923A)HP 彩色Inkjet cp1700 黑墨(C4844A) 青墨(C4836AN) 红墨(C4837AN) 黄墨(C4838AN)HP Dj1000c 三色墨盒(51641A) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1100c 三色墨盒(51641A) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1120c 三色墨盒(C1823D) 三色墨盒2 pack (C1823T) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj1200c 黑墨(51640A) 青墨(51640C) 红墨(51640M) 黄墨(51640Y)HP Dj1220c 黑墨(C4844A) 黑墨(51645A) 三色墨盒(C6578DN) 三色墨盒/大(C6578AN)HP Dj1600c 青墨(51640C) 红墨(51640M) 黄墨(51640Y) 黑墨(51645A)HP Dj310 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 595页黑墨(51633M)HP Dj320 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj3300 黑墨(C8727AN) 220 页HP Dj340 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj3400 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN)HP Dj3520 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN)HP Dj3550 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN) 照片墨盒(C6658AN)HP Dj3600 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN) 照片墨盒(C6658AN)HP Dj3820 黑墨(C6615DN) 三色墨盒(C6578DN) 三色墨盒/大(C6578AN)HP Dj400 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj420 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A) 黑墨(51633M)HP Dj500 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A)HP Dj510 黑墨(51626A)HP Dj5100 黑墨(C8727AN) 三色墨盒(C8728AN) 黑墨(C6656AN) 三色墨盒(C6657AN) 照片墨盒(C6658AN)HP Dj520 黑墨(51626A)HP Dj540 三色墨盒(51625A) 黑墨(51626A)CANON佳能对照表打印机型号对应耗材型CANON KT 佳能EP-KCANON LBP-460/LBP-660/LBP-465/LBP-210/LBP-310 EP-A 硒鼓鼓粉一体CANON FAX L770 佳能FX-1CANON FAX L500/L600/L630 佳能FX-2CANON FAX L250/L280/L380/L388/L350/L200/L350J 佳能FX-3CANON L800/L900 佳能FX-4CANON FC250/FC310/FC330/FC380 佳能E-16CANON FC200/FC210/FC220/FC230/FC240 佳能E-16CANON BX 佳能EP-BIICANON LBP—1760 佳能EP-52硒鼓,每盒打印10000页CANON BJC-8200 BCI-5BK 黑色墨盒BCI-5C兰色墨盒BCI-5M红色墨盒BCI-5Y黄色墨盒BCI-5PC照片兰色BCI-5PM照片红色CANON BJC-600,BJC-600E,BJC-610,BJC-620 BJI-201BK黑BJI-201C兰BJI-201M红BJI-201Y黄CANON BJ-300,BJ-330 BJI-642 黑色墨盒CANON FAX-B210,FAX-B180 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒CANON BJC-7000,BJC-7100,BJC-8000 BC-60墨盒黑色,900页BC-61E三色墨盒,带喷头BC-62E六色墨盒,带喷头CANON BJC-3000,BJC-6000/6100/6200,BJC-6500 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-3eC兰BCI-3eM 红BCI-3eY黄色墨盒BCI-3ePBK 照片黑色BCI-3ePC照片兰色BCI-3ePM 照片红色BCI-3ePY照片黄色BC-30e黑BC-31e彩BC-32e照片墨盒BC-33e彩色墨盒BC-34e照片墨盒CANON BJC-5000 四色墨盒BC-21e,四色Photo 墨盒BC-22e 和黑色墨盒BC-23CANON BJC-4650,BJC-5500,MPC70 BC-20黑,带喷头BC-21E彩BC-22E彩,带喷头CANON BJC-4200,BJC-4310SP,BJC-4550 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒BC-22E 彩色,带喷头CANON BJC-400,BJC-4000,BJC-4100 BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒BC-22E 彩色,带喷头CANON BJC-2000SP,BJC-2100SP BC-20 黑色墨盒,带喷头BC-21E 彩色墨盒CANON BJC-240,BJC-250,BJC-255sp,BJC-1000sp BC-03黑BC-05彩BC-06照片CANON BJC-200,BJC-210S,BJC-210SP BC-03 黑色墨盒BC-05彩色墨盒Canon BJ-5 BC-01 黑色墨盒BC-05 彩色墨盒CANON LBP-2000 EP-65 硒鼓CANON LBP-1210 EP-25 硒鼓CANON LBP-800,LBP-810,LBP-1120 EP-22 硒鼓Canon i865 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄CANON i560 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄色CANON S400,S400SP,S450,S4500,S600 BCI-3eBK黑BCI-3eC兰BCI-3eM 红BCI-3eY黄BCI-3ePBK 照片黑色BCI-3ePC照片兰色BCI-3ePM 照片红色BCI-3ePY照片黄BC-30e黑色墨盒BC-31e彩BC-32e 照片BC-33e彩色墨盒BC-34e照片墨盒CANON i70,i80 BCI-15BK黑色墨盒BCI-15CL彩色墨盒CANON S300,XNUI320,MPC190,S330,MPC200,i475D BCI-24B黑BCI-24C彩CANON i470D,MP360,S200SPX,MP390,i450 BCI-24B黑色墨盒BCI-24C彩色墨盒CANON i255,i355,i455,MPC190s BCI-24B黑色墨盒BCI-24C彩色墨盒CANON i990/i9950 BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红BCI-6PC照片青BCI-6R橙墨盒BCI-6G绿墨盒CANON S800/S900/S820D/S830D BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红墨盒BCI-6PC照片青色墨盒CANON i950/i950D/i9100 BCI-6BK黑BCI-6C青BCI-6M品红BCI-6Y黄BCI-6PM照片品红墨盒BCI-6PC 照片青色墨盒CANON BJC-80,BJC-85,BJC-85W BC-10黑BC-11彩BC-11e彩BC-12e照片墨盒BCI-10BK黑BCI-11BK 黑BCI-11C彩CANON BJ-30,BJC-50,BJC-55 BC-10黑BC-11彩BC-11e彩BC-12e照片墨盒BCI-10BK黑色墨盒BCI-11BK黑色墨盒BCI-11C彩色墨盒CANON BJC-1000SP BC-03黑色墨盒BC-05彩色墨盒BC-06照片墨盒CANON BJC-5500 BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片BCI-21B黑BCI-21C彩CANON S100SP/BJC-4650 BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片BCI-21B黑BCI-21C彩CANON BJC-2100SP BC-20黑BC-21e彩BC-22e照片BCI-21B黑BCI-21C彩SAMSUNG三星打印机耗材对照表打印机型号对应墨盒/硒鼓SCX-5112/5312F/5115/5315FSF-830,ML-912 硒鼓SCX-5312D6或SCX-5315R2ML-1650/1651N 硒鼓ML-1650D8SF-555P 硒鼓SF-550D3ML-5200A 硒鼓ML-5200D6ML-2150/2151N/2152W 硒鼓ML-2150D8ML-1440,1450,1451N 硒鼓ML-1450D6SF-5800 硒鼓SF-5800D5ML-808; SF-5100/5100P; SF-530/550 硒鼓ML-5100D3ML-4500 硒鼓ML-4500D3 3,000页SCX-4016/4116/4216F 硒鼓ML-1710D3ML-1510/1710/1750 硒鼓ML-1710D3ML-1210,1220M,1430,1250 硒鼓ML-1210D3SCX-1300/1350F,MJC-6000 黑色墨盒M90 彩色墨盒C90 照片墨盒P90MJC-4000/5000/6000/ SCX-1220 黑色墨盒M85 220页彩色墨盒C85SF-350 黑色墨盒M55(大容量)SF3100/SF3200系列,SF-430 黑墨M50 彩C50 或黑墨利盟1970 彩墨利盟15M0020传真机SF-330/331P/335T 黑色墨盒M40 彩色墨盒C40SF3000/3100/3100P/4000/4100/4200 黑色墨盒12A1145 彩色墨盒12A1140。

magicolor 1600W 说明书

magicolor 1600W 说明书

magicolor 1600W 用户指南A034-9561-01N感谢感谢您购买 magicolor 1600W 打印机。


magicolor 1600W 经过特别设计,可在 Windows 环境下发挥最佳性能。




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GW-C1/C1d机器代码: B282/B283维修手册先阅读此前言安全注意事项重要安全注意事项身体伤害的预防1. 拆卸或装配复印机和外围设备的部件之前,请确认复印机的电源插头是拔下的。

2. 墙上插座应靠近复印机,并且容易接近。

3. 注意即使电源开关是关闭的,复印机的有些部件和纸盘单元仍供有电源。

4. 复印机完成预热前或在初始化中,若启动了作业,请将手远离机械及电气部件。


5. 复印机在运行时,定影装置的内部及金属部件变得极其烫手。






处置时安全及生态学上的注意事项6. 不要焚烧色粉筒或废粉,色粉遇到明火时会迅速点燃。

7. 根据当地规则处理废粉、显影剂及有机光导体(这些均是无毒物品)。

8. 根据当地规则处置更换的部件。

iii激光安全事项器件和放射性健康中心 (CRDH) 禁止在现场修理激光光学装置。





激光单元的警告警告: 在尝试激光光学装置一节的程序之前,请关闭主开关。


警告标记:符号和缩写本手册使用了几种符号及缩写,它们的含义为如下:参见或参考开口环螺丝接头SEF 短边进送(纵送)LEF 长边进送(横送)警告注意重点iii目录先阅读此前言 (i)安全注意事项 (i)身体伤害的预防 (i)符号和缩写 (iii)安装 (1)安装 (1)环境 (1)机器水平位 (2)最小占有空间 (2)电源要求 (3)复印机的安装 (4)外围设备的电源插座 (4)附件检查 (4)安装程序 (5)压板安装 (9)附件检查 (9)安装程序 (9)ARDF 安装 (10)附件检查 (10)安装程序 (11)ADF 安装 (14)附件检查 (14)安装程序 (15)双纸盘单元的安装 (18)附件检查 (18)安装程序 (19)单纸盘单元安装 (23)附件检查 (23)安装程序 (23)防结露加热器的安装 (27)纸盘加热 (28)纸盘加热器 (28)iv送纸单元选件的纸盘加热器 (29)纸盘选件手柄 – 主复印机 (33)纸盘手柄选件 – 纸盘单元选件 (35)定期维护 (37)PM 表 (37)如何复位PM 计数器 (40)更换和调整 (42)一般注意事项 (42)PCU (光导体单元) (42)转印辊 (42)扫描架单元 (42)激光单元 (42)定影单元 (43)送纸 (43)专用工具和润滑油 (44)外部盖板 & 操作面板 (45)后盖板 (45)复印品纸盘 (45)上盖板 (46)左盖板 (46)前盖板 (47)前面右盖板 (47)右边后盖板 (48)右门(双面单元 (B282)) (48)手送纸盘 (49)压板传感器 (50)扫描架单元 (51)曝光玻璃/DF曝光玻璃 (51)透镜块 (51)灯镇流器板和曝光灯 (52)扫描架电机 (53)扫描架原位传感器 (54)调节扫描架的位置 (54)激光单元 (59)警告帖纸的位置 (59)挡色粉玻璃 (60)v激光单元 (60)LD 单元 (61)多角镜电机 (62)激光单元对准调整 (63)PCU部分 (65)PCU (65)分离爪和色粉浓度传感器 (66)OPC 鼓 (67)充电辊和清洁毛刷 (68)清洁刮板 (68)显影剂 (69)更换或调整后 (70)供粉电机 (71)送纸部分 (72)送纸轮 (72)摩擦垫 (73)纸用完传感器 (73)出纸传感器 (74)手送纸盘送纸轮和纸用完传感器 (75)对位辊 (76)手送纸盘纸尺寸开关 (77)对位离合器 (78)对位传感器 (78)上送纸离合器和手送纸盘送纸离合器 (79)中继离合器 (79)中继传感器 (80)纸尺寸开关 (80)图像转印 (81)图像转印辊 (81)图像浓度传感器 (82)定影 (83)定影单元 (83)热敏电阻 (83)定影灯 (84)热辊分离爪 (85)热辊 (85)vi恒温器 (86)压辊和轴衬 (86)轧带宽度调整 (87)清洁辊 (88)双面单元(双面仅指 B282机型) (89)双面出纸传感器 (89)双面入口传感器 (89)双面翻转传感器 (90)双面输送电机 (91)双面翻转器电机 (91)双面控制板 (92)其他更换 (93)消电灯 (93)高压电源板 (93)BICU (基础–引擎图像控制单元) (94)主电机 (94)后排气扇(仅指B282) (95)左排气扇 (95)PSU (电源单元) (96)齿轮箱 (97)复印调整打印/扫描 (100)打印 (100)扫描 (102)ADF 图像调整 (104)故障诊断 (106)维修呼叫状况 (106)一览表 (106)SC代码描述 (106)电器部件故障 (117)传感器 (117)熔丝 (121)LED 显示 (122)BICU (122)维修表 (123)维修编程模式 (123)viiSP模式表 (125)使用以下的关键词: (125)SP1-XXX (送纸) (125)SP2-XXX (鼓) (129)SP4-XXX (扫描架) (136)SP5-XXX (模式) (142)SP6-XXX (外围设备) (146)SP7-XXX (数据日志) (147)SP8-XXX (历史) (153)SP9-xxx(等) (158)使用SP模式 (159)调节对位和放大 (159)内存清除 (160)输入检查(SP 5803) (162)输出检查 (SP 5804) (166)系列号的输入 (SP 5811) (168)固件更新程序 (169)引擎 (BICU) 固件更新程序 (169)测试图样打印 (SP 5902 1) (172)卡纸计数器 (SP 7504) (174)SMC 打印 (SP 5990) (176)卡稿历史显示 (SP 7508) (176)详细部分说明 (178)概述 (178)部件布局 (178)纸路 (179)驱动布局 (180)板子结构 (181)方块图 (181)BICU (基础引擎和图像控制单元) (182)SBU (传感器板单元) (182)复印过程概述 (183)扫描 (185)概述 (185)扫描架驱动 (186)图像处理 (188)viii概述 (188)SBU (传感器板单元) (189)IPU (图像处理单元) (190)视频控制单元 (VCU) (201)激光曝光 (202)概述 (202)自动电源控制 (APC) (203)LD安全开关 (204)光导体单元 (PCU) (205)概述 (205)驱动 (206)鼓充电 (207)概述 (207)充电辊电压修正 (208)ID传感器图样产生时限 (209)鼓充电辊的清洁 (209)显影 (210)概述 (210)驱动 (211)显影剂的混合 (211)显影偏压 (212)供粉 (213)色粉瓶的补充机构 (213)供粉机构 (214)色粉浓度的控制 (214)异常传感器情况的供粉 (219)色粉接近用完/用完检测和恢复 (219)鼓清洁和色粉循环 (221)鼓清洁 (221)色粉循环 (222)送纸 (223)概述 (223)送纸驱动机构 (224)送纸和分离机构 (224)纸的提升机构 (225)纸用完的检测 (225)纸尺寸的检测 (226)ix侧栏板 (228)纸张对位 (228)图像转印和纸张分离 (230)概述 (230)图像转印电流的时限 (231)转印辊的清洁 (232)纸张分离机构 (233)定影图像和出纸 (234)概述 (234)定影驱动和释放机构 (235)定影单元驱动 (235)驱动释放机构 (235)接触 / 释放控制 (235)驱动释放电磁铁 (236)定影入口导板的移位 (237)压辊 (237)定影温度的控制 (238)概述 (238)温度的控制 (238)过热保护 (240)双面单元 (241)总信息 (241)驱动机械 (242)基本操作 (242)送纸和出纸机构 (245)节能模式 (246)概述 (246)定时器 (247)恢复 (247)规格 (248)一般规格 (248)支持的纸尺寸 (252)送纸和出纸 (252)机器配置 (255)可选的装置 (256)ARDF (256)ADF (257)单纸盘单元 (257)双纸盘单元 (258)安装安装要求安装选件之前,请执行以下:若机器中有打印机选件,打印出打印机缓冲器中全部数据。









一、技术规格及有关参数1600-C1覆膜机的技术性能覆膜宽度:1520 mm(60〞)覆膜速度:0—6 m/min主胶辊的直径:130 mm主胶辊的抬升高度:25 mm胶辊的加热温度:低加温覆膜时上胶辊可设定温度50-60℃.最高温度设定不超过60℃.电源电压:AC220-240V 50Hz(或110V需订做)额定功率:1400W/单辊加热额定电流:10A/单辊加热马达功率:90W外形尺寸:2150×740×750mm重量:160kg二、安装安装注意事项:1、机器在拆箱前,应检查包装箱是否完好,从而避免运输过程造成的机器损伤。









罗维X3 A3商品说明书

罗维X3 A3商品说明书

1S O L U T I O N S22TABLE OF CONTENTSROVI X3/A3 Base Vitals3Power Positioning System Overview 3Non Powered System Overview 3ROVI X3/A3 Base Overview 4/5Ultra Low Maxx Power Positioning 6/7407 Maxx Power Positioning 8/9MPS Maxx Power Positioning 10/11UPfront Maxx Power Positioning 12/13Lateral Tilt Maxx Power Positioning 14/15Single Post Back Power Positioning 14/15Mini Maxx Power Positioning 16/17System Personalization18/1923Choice is yoursBASE SPECIFICATIONSBASE VITALSROVI A3 ROVI X3HCPCS Codes K0856, K0861 K0856, K0861Suspension System Active Ride Control (ARC) Active Ride Control (ARC)Base Width 25.5" 23.25"Base Length 36.5" 36.5"Drive Wheel Size14" 14"Caster Wheel Size (front/rear) 6" 6"Base only Turning Radius 20.5" 19.5"Drivetrain 4-pole EAD Motors 4-pole EAD Motors Batteries2 x M34 2x M343 x M34* 3 x M34* 2 x M34 and 1 x M50*(*Option for Vent application) (*option for Vent application)Battery Charger8A, Off Board 8A, Off Board Batteries Weight (each) 38.5 lbs (M34) 38.5 lbs (M34)Range (1)17.7 miles 17.7 miles Weight Capacity300 lbs 300 lbs Base Weight (w/o batteries) 159 lbs 157 lbs Ground Clearance 3" 3"Maximum Speed6.2 mph 6.2 mph(1)Actual driving range and speed may vary due to factors such as user weight, type andgrade of terrain, battery condition & charge level; type and condition of the drive wheels, and variations in the drive and control systems.MAXX POWER POSITIONING OPTIONSUltra Low●●407 (Single Pivot Tilt)● CALL FOR DETAILS MPS (Standing)●N/AUPfront (Forward Access)●●Lateral Tilt (Side-to-Side )● N/AMini (Pediatric)N/A●NON-POWER POSITIONING OPTIONSRehab Seat ●●Solid Seat Pan ●●Captains Seat●●SEATING OPTIONSAll Systems are available with the full range of Invacare ® Matrx ® Seating ProductsBLIZZARD WHITEMATTE BLACKSOLAR YELLOWMOTION GREENORIGINAL ORANGEBRIGHT BLUERED DELICIOUSPARTY PINKPURPLE REIGN3B A T T E R Y 2B A T T E R Y 1Make an educated decisionULTIMATE PERFORMANCEActive Ride Control (ARC) independent suspension system and powerful 4-pole motors work together to provide superior climbing ability and uncompromising stability with asmooth, powerful rideUNIQUEIN-LINE BATTERY CONFIGURATION ON X3Offers unmatched stabilityand performanceOnTraxxThe OnT raxx Enhanced Driving Module decreases the number of user driver control commands to maintain the wheelchair on its intended course when going over unevenor sloping terrain45BALANCEThe ROVI’s X3 base is the narrowest Group 3 style base. Its unique frame con fi guration optimizes weight distribution by concentrating the mass through the mid-line of the power base. This revolutionary con fi guration provides clients with the industry’s narrowest power base without sacri fi cing stability or performance.CONTROLROVI Bases utilize renowned PG Drives Technology. This electronics platform delivers both non-expandable and expandable control options with numerous innovative features. This industry-leading platform was chosen for its performance, reliability and ease of programming. The ROVI’s standard 4-pole motors have been precision matched for peak performance with PG Drives.The innovative On T raxx Enhanced Driving Module decreases the number of user driver control commands to maintain the wheelchair on its intended course when navigating uneven or sloping terrain.EXPERIENCE• Mid Wheel Drive base delivers compact footprint,ultimate stability, performance & maneuverability in tight spaces• Precise Driving Experience• Expertly Handles Uneven Terrain• Improved Experience via Gyro Technology• Ideal for clients that utilize a non-proportional inputdevice for drive control, such as a head array or a proximity switch tray • Faster Acceleration• Effortlessly climbs curb heights up to 2.5"• ROVI X3 offers a 1.875" Narrower Footprint • High Speed Motors: 5.8 mph & 6.2 mph • Complimentary ROVI USB ChargerSERVICE• Easily Accessible Drive Control Module(all electrical connections accessible in rear)• Motion Concepts Attendant Power PositioningProgrammers & Controllers • Unique Battery Con fi guration with easy Front & Rearaccess (while client remains in the chair)• Totally Accessible Fore-and-aft AdjustmentAssess your needs SPECIFICATIONS:ROVI A3 ROVI X3CONFIGURATIONSADD-ON MODULESSPECIFICATIONS:ROVI A3 ROVI X3NON-POWERED SYSTEMS67MATRX ® SEATINGFull line of award-winning Seating &Positioning Solutions from Pediatric to Heavy-DutyMAXX STYLE ULTRA RAILSlotted design for mounting ofpositioning accessoriesMAXX STYLE ULTRA TRACKIntegrated t-nut track for easy mounting of lateral thoracic supports and other positioningaccessories. . . little thingsmake a big differenceMake your heart happy SPECIFICATIONSROVI A3 ROVI X3CONFIGURATIONSADD-ON MODULES8LNX POWER CENTER MOUNT WITH EASY-TRANSFER FOOTPLATE-footplate extends and is flush with the floor when chair is in Anterior Tilt position7° OFANTERIOR TILT-Allows for repositioningand safe forwardtransfer capability-Assists withfunctional activitiesUNIQUE DESIGN-Single Pivot Tilt coupled withRecline module allows up to 185°of combined travel-Ideal for pressure management10Stand up for yourselfREMOVABLE KNEE BLOCK- Designed to safely secure theuser while standing-Angle, height & depth adjustable -Offers 3" of depth, 2"of independent width & 1.5" height adjustmentsSPECIFICATIONSROVI A3CONFIGURATIONSADD-ON MODULESOnTraxx ENHANCED DRIVING MODULE-Standard feature on MPS Maxx system -Decreases the number of user/drivercontrol commands-Maintains the wheelchair on its intendedcourse when going over unevenor sloping terrainPrior to evaluation and use, all consumers MUST consult with a qualified Physician and receive medical clearance and approval to use an assisted standing device. An experienced Occupational Therapist or Physical Therapist should be present during the evaluation and prescription process.PELVIC BELT-Center-pull, push button and adjustable 2-Pointpadded lap Belt -provides anterior positioning supportCHEST STRAP-Center-pull, push button and adjustable 2-Point padded Chest strap -height adjustable for anterior and posteriorsupportREMOVABLE CHEST BAR-Height & Angle adjustable -Designed to safely secure theuser while standing -Angle adjustability to accommodate asymmetriesFORWARD-LOCKING SUSPENSION SYSTEM-Offers additional stability and safety by locking front suspension arms as the Standing function isengagedSTORAGE BRACKET-Allows the Knee Block to be removed & stowed when standingfeature is not being usedRETRACTABLE KNEE BLOCK MOUNT11Be upfront with yourself SPECIFICATIONSX3ROVI A3 ROVICONFIGURATIONS++ADD-ON MODULES+ UPfront Module comes with up to 45° Anterior Tilt, 7" Seat Elevation & Synchronized Leg Mechanism totuck when in UPfront position12UPFRONT POSITION -Allows the system to shift forward up to 5.5" while elevating up to 7" with legs securely tucked underFORWARD-LOCKING SUSPENSION SYSTEMsafety by locking front suspension arms as the UPfront and Anterior Tilt functions are engaged-Reduced drive speed inUPfront positionPERFORMANCE-When system is not in UPfrontposition the ROVI A3’s ARCsuspension is fully functioning formaximum performanceand climbing capabilitySPEED-Reduced drive speed inUPfront positionSYNCHRONIZED LEGMECHANISM-Standard feature allowsthe leg to securely tuck underin UPfront positionANTERIOR TILT-Standard feature that offers upto 45° of Anterior Tiltand assists in forward transfersand field orientation13Make a latera l mo veSPECIFICATIONSROVI A3CONFIGURATIONS14LATCH MECHANISM-An attendant operated, manual latch mechanism provides back angle adjustments from 73° to 115° in 6° lockable incrementsBACK OPTIONS-Offered with our standard steel Rehab Back, Contour Back or with an Interface Plate for use with any ofour Matrx backrestsTRANSPORT FRIENDLY-Back will fold forward for easy transportation in low ceiling vehicles and many small commuter airplanesBUILT-IN SENSOR-Allows the seating system to automatically stop when seat is parallel to the base (0° home) positionLATERAL TILT-Offers up to 30° of Posterior Tiltand 170° of Recline whileLaterally tilted16Let kids be kidsSPECIFICATIONSROVIX3 CONFIGURATIONSADD-ON MODULES17Make it your ownDIPPEDFENDERS & BATTERY DOORS CAPTAINS SEAT OPTION -Available in Black or GreyLeatherette trim1819AIRBRUSH DESIGNSMake it your own . . . customize your fenders and/or battery doors withpersonalized airbrush or pinstripe design by Bob Rice. (Airbrush a, b & e)DIPPED DESIGNSMake it your own . . . personalize yourfenders, battery doors, shroud covers, and/or back shell surfaces with hydro dipped personalized theme. Wide variety of hydro dipping patterns to choose from.(Dipped c, d, f, g & h)abeghcdf20Motion Concepts USA 700 Ensminger Rd., Suite 112Tonawanda, New York 14150888.433.6818Motion Concepts CANADA 84 Citation Dr., Unit 1Concord, ON L4K 1C3866.748.7943 ***********************© 2019 Motion Concepts. All rights reserved. Trademarks are identi fi ed by the symbols ™ and ®. All trademarks are owned by or licensed to Motion Concepts unless otherwise noted. Speci fi cations are subject to change without noti fi cation.TRD0539 Rev A。



EPL-6200L产品基本介绍A U K L E T愛普生(中国)有限公司技術支援課 2003年10月Rev.A1概要 (4)1.1 上市时间 (4)1.2 市场参考价 (4)1.3 产品定位 (4)1.4 不同地区的名字 (4)2产品特点 (4)2.1 基本描述 (4)2.2 主要特点 (4)3产品比较 (4)3.1 与EPSON EPL-6100L的比较 (4)3.2 与EPSON EPL-6200的比较 (5)4基本规格 (6)4.1 纸张规格 (6)4.2 信赖性,可靠性和维护性 (6)4.2.1 信赖性 (6)4.2.2 可靠性 (6)4.2.3 维护性 (7)4.3 使用环境规格 (7)4.4 控制器基本规格 (7)5状态页说明 (8)6故障信息 (9)7特殊操作 (9)7.1 EEPROM初始化 (9)7.2 打印机调整(隐藏功能) (11)8耗材 (12)9维修信息 (12)9.1 维修服务 (12)9.2 保修期 (12)版本信息版本页项目描述原因---A ALL 首次发行 ---1 概要1.1 上市时间2003年9月1.2 市场参考价约RMB 2100 元1.3 产品定位经济型小型办公室A4幅面黑白激光打印机1.4 不同地区的名字名字地区EPL-6200L 日本之外的国家LP-1400 日本2 产品特点2.1 基本描述简洁轻巧的经济型A4幅面黑白激光打印机,适合小型办公或家庭使用。

2.2 主要特点1) 简洁轻巧的A4幅面黑白激光打印机。

2) 基于主机的打印机技术。

3) 数据压缩技术。

4) 20ppm高速打印。

5) 标配USB1.1接口。

6) 标配IEEE1284双向并行接口。

7) 硒鼓和碳粉既可分开又可以组装为一个整体的设计,既充分利用耗材又便于操作。

8) 碳粉盒有CSIC可自动识别碳粉容量和新碳粉。

9) 最高可达600dpi高清晰度。

10) 无分辨率增强模式。

11) 无300dpi模式。

ISO 6431 系列铝制螺栓支架说明书

ISO 6431 系列铝制螺栓支架说明书

I SO 6431SERIESCylinder Mount & Stand AloneRLI ROD LOCKSNEW RLI ISO 6431 COMPACT DESIGN FOR LONGER LIFE2834ROD LOCK OPTIONS:Stainless HousingElectroless Nickel Plated HousingViton SealsWiper ScraperThis new ISO 6431 - Style AMLOK®Pneumatic Series RLI Rod Clamp has been developed as a solution to control problems inherent to pneumatics —over travel, drifting, bouncing and reverse trav-eling. The AMLOK®Power-Off Rod Clamp can be mounted to the ISO 6431 cylinder of your choice, or as a stand alone unit to be used with no cylinder at all.The AMLOK®has been designed with oversized components to withstand the most severe appli-cations. For example, the contact area of the clamping collet is considerably greater than on similar units. The increased contact area reduces the pressure-per-square-inch on the rod, thereby extending service life.The patented intensifier is a mechanical design, assuring a long service life. Since the clamping is accomplished through spring force, drifting caused by a lack of air pressure is not possible. For hydraulic applications, please refer to our Type RCH AMLOK®catalog.WarraNTy:aMLOK®rLI units are warranted for a period of one (1) year from date of shipment, to be free from defects of materials and workmanship, provided said items are properly applied.The patented AMLOK®Type RLI consists of a anodized aluminum housing with a special piston and wedge locking mechanism actuated by a spring that mechanically locks the rod. This mechanically-operated intensifying mechanism increases the force created by the spring several times to guarantee quick and secure locking. The clamp is unlocked when air actuates the piston, which compresses the spring and releases the locking device.Since the locking of the AMLOK®is accomplished mechanically by a spring and unlocked by air pressure, loss of air pressure will cause the unit to lock.The holding force depends upon the rod and piston diameter. The available holding forces can be mul-tiplied by adding additional AMLOK®clamps to the same rod.AMLOKS®are designed for locking reciprocating motions only. Not for use on rotary motions. NOTE:If these units are to be used as safety or braking devices, please consult the factory.When attached to cylinders, longer cylinder rods must be specified to allow for the length of the AMLOK®. See “L+V” dimension in the chart.If a hollow rod must be clamped, contact Advanced Machine for guidelines.Recommended rod tolerances are cited on page 5. For maximum life, the rod should be hard chrome or surface-hardened with surface finish of about 32 micro inches. Avoid nicks and burrs which could damage the wiper and bearings.The contact surfaces and bores to which the AMLOK®is clamped must be square and concentric to each other within .05 mm T.I.R. to avoid binding of the rod or excess wear. The rod must fully engagethe clamping device at all times.NOTE:AMLOK®Rod Clamps can be an integralpart of your housing. We can provide mating com-ponents for your special applications. When sideloads are acting on the cylinder rod, make surethat the rod is guided sufficiently in bearings toavoid excessive side loads on the locking mecha-nism. This is especially important at higher cylinderrod speeds.For special mountings or higher holding forces,please consult the factory.3FEATURES AND BENEFITS4APPLICATIONSThe new AMLOK®RLI Series Rod Lock design can be sealed.Suitable for food and washdown applications. Other commonapplications include:Machine Tool ApplicationsScissor-lift TablesTest and Positioning EquipmentAmusement Ride EquipmentPrinting and Paper Handling EquipmentTheatrical Equipment (Platforms)Assembly and Test EquipmentAMLOK®RLI attached to ISO 6431 cylinder with optional prox switch.ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS RLI ASSEMBLY INSTRUCTIONS1. Read Assembly Instructions and Caution Label on unit.2. Connect a flexible hose to the pressure port of the AMLOK®, apply air pressure to release the clamp-ing mechanism and slide the AMLOK®over the rod to be clamped.3. Align the mounting holes and release port hole to the proper location.4. Release pressure 60 PSI clean, dry, compressed air.5. Bolt AMLOK®to cylinder or housing.6. Pressurize the AMLOK®to the specified release pressure.7. Release and pressurize several times. With the specified pressure the rod should move freely through the AMLOK®.8. If the rod does not move freely, check the square-ness of the housing and cylinder contact surface and correct if necessary.CAUTIONMinimum of 60 PSI must be maintained on release port when there is no shaft in unit.56PROXIMITY SWITCH+-1 +2 4 N/O3 –PROXIMITY SWITCH SETTING INSTRUCTIONSWIRING CONNECTIONS1.Set the AMLOK® to the unclamped ‘pressure applied’ position.2.Screw the proximity switch (with jam nuts) into the designated M 8 x 1 proximity switch hole,until it makes contact.3.Unscrew (back off) the proximity switch approx-imately 3/4 turn. While holding the proximity switch in the set position, tighten the locking nut using 6 ft/lbs (8 NM) of torque. Final adjust-ment may be necessary to achieve desired re-sults.4.With the electrical power in the off position,connect the electrical wiring per the wiring dia-gram supplied with the switch. After the electrical power has been turned on, the proximity switch should indicate that the AMLOK ®in the un-clamped position.NOTE:Insure that the electrical power has been turned off before making adjustments. The locking nut should be tightened to a maximum of 15 ft/lbs.of torque to prevent damage to the internal com-ponents of the switch.• If sealing unit for food or chemical service also include optional sealing ring.Balluff BES01PFBES M08EH-PSC15B-S04G 10-30 V DC < 200 mA sn = 1.5 mmPNP normally openThe new RLI ISO 6431 series Amlok provides for optional proximity switch.Specifications for optional proximity switch (indicates ‘unclamped’ position)PROXIMITY SWITCH INFORMATIONSPECIFICATIONSPneumatic Amlok functional considerations and recommended release circuit for Amlok rod clamps. See page 5.It is important to consider that the Amlok rod lock is a power off locking device. During every operational cycle, the 3-way valve is actuated electrically and pressure releases the locking mechanism. When power fails, emergency stop, etc. pressure is lost (dropped) and the locking mechanism secures the rod.When pressure is not sufficiently constant (drops below recommended release pressure) the spring operated locking mechanism begins to engage the rod, (shaft) and develops (full) stated holding force at “0” PSI.It is therefore important to isolate the release circuit from inadvertent pressure drops via check valve in the inlet to the release valve see recommended circuit above. See page 5.STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS• ISO 6431 Mounting Styles• One Piece Solid Body Design•Maximum Operating Pressure - 160 PSI Air (11 bar) Required Release Pressure - 60 PSI Air (4 bar)Operating Media - Clean, Dry, Filtered,Compressed Air• Operating Temperature- Standard 10°F to + 180°F (-12°C to +82°C)- Optional 10°F to + 250°F (-12°C to +121°C)• Holding Force - Axial holding forces wereestablished after 2,000,000 fatigue test cycles • Minimum linear movement may occur afterclamp is fully engaged (.05mm - .08mm)ROD LOCK OPERATION SPECIFICS • Holds with consistent force in both directions • Can be mounted in any position• Release pressure can range from 4-8 bar(60 PSI min. - 120 PSI max.)• The nitrile seals are rated -40°F to +250°F(-40°C to +120°C). Use at temperatures upto 212°F (100°C)Consult factory for extreme applications.AMLOK®RLI Series rodlocks must be used in an application that meets the following specifications: - Suitable for infrequent dynamic braking (emer-gency stops) when used with hardened shaftmaterial and proper cylinder and motion control circuits. Repeated dynamic stops may causerod wear, reduce holding forces and reduce life. - Requires dry, clean, pressure regulated air- Does not require lubrication- Rated holding force corresponds to static load conditions. Slipping may occur if rated valueis exceeded and may cause rod damage. - Rod must be clean and dry to maintain optimum holding force.- Cylinder pilot must mate properly with rod lock seal for food service washdown rating.- Rod material requirements:Standard ISO 6431 cylinder rodHard chrome plate recommendedRod diameter H8 toleranceSurface finish R Max 1.6 microns or betterREQUIREMENTS FOR OPTIMAL PERFORMANCEWarNING: If personal safety is required, contact aME for recommendations.7AMLOK®RLI ISO 6431 BASIC TECHNICAL DATA* Stand-alone unit contains wipers and rod bearings on each end.89RLI ISO 6431 MOUNTING OVERVIEWRLI-160040 40 160 65 180 140 17.5 140 20 32.03RLI - XXX XXX MXO X XX RLI - XXX XXX SN X XXMXO OR STAND ALONENo mounting hardware included10RLI - XXX XXX CMS1CYLINDER MOUNTFront Flange Mount - CMS1MOUNTING DIMENSIONS CMXO - CYLINDER MOUNTRLI - XXX XXX CMXOAOAL AT4x ABRLI - XXX XXX SMS1 X XXSTAND ALONEFront Flange Mount - SMS1ParT NUMBEr RLI-040016 16 40 9 28RLI-050020 20 50 9 32RLI-160040 40 160 18 60 115 24 9.0 65 17.78 M16 140 115 260 20 37.18311RLI - XXX XXX SMF1 X XX RLI - XXX XXX SMF2 X XXSTAND ALONERLI - XXX XXX CMF v 1 X XXCYLINDER MOUNTFront Flange Mount - CMF1RLI-160040 40 160 65 17.78 M16 190 20 18 140 115 230 279 20RLI - XXX XXX SA X XX RLI - XXX XXX CA X XXSTAND ALONEFront Flange Mount (NFPA Style MF1 Innovative People, Products and ProcessesAt AME, innovation is part of our culture. You can see the result in our processes, partnerships, people and services—Perfect Machine Protection.For 50years, AME’s sister company, Hennig, has been design-ing and producing custom machine protection and chip/coolant。

WD615和WD618欧3柴油机简介-8.14 (1)

WD615和WD618欧3柴油机简介-8.14 (1)
1、曲轴转速传感器:它可以确定曲轴每分钟的 转数,并配合凸轮轴转速传感器得到相关活塞 位置的数据资料。 2、温度传感器包括:冷却液温度传感器、机油 温度传感器、燃油温度传感器、增压中冷后进 气温度传感器等
3、压力传感器包括:机油压力传感器、中 冷后增压压力传感器、共轨压力传感器、 燃油低压油路压力传感器等。 还包括象加速踏板传感器、车辆速度传 感器、风扇转速传感器、周围空气温度传 感器、柴油滤水位置传感器等。它们和开 关量的信号一起传到ECU中,被ECU处理 成可用来驱动各种执行机构的输出信号。
WP10和WP12欧Ⅲ系列 柴油机简介
WP10和WP12系列欧Ⅲ柴油机是潍柴 动力股份有限公司与奥地利AVL公司合作, 运用全新的开发、设计理念,采用国际新 技术研制成功的,体现了世界发展新潮流, 具有国际水准的现代柴油机 ,是节能、 环保的升级换代理想产品。
12 13
冷起动-不使用冷起动装置( ℃)
冷起动-使用冷起动装置 ( ℃) 排放
-30 欧Ⅲ 第3页
序号 1 2 3 4 5 型式 气缸数/每缸气门数 缸径/行程(mm) 活塞总排量(L) 功率范围(kW) 项目 WP12.40 WP12欧Ⅲ机 WP12.44 WP12.48 水冷,4冲程,带排气门制动,直喷,增压 中冷 6/4 126/155 11.596 294~353
1、共轨喷油器:带有液压伺服系统和电磁阀的 共轨喷油器在ECU的控制下,能有效地确定 喷油始点和精确的喷油量,实现预喷、主喷, 从而达到低排放、低噪声和低燃油耗等要求。 2、压力控制阀:ECU通过压力控制阀控制共 轨压力。ECU对触发电流进行脉宽调制可以 改变共轨中燃油压力,通过电流触发程度可 以控制压力控制阀的打开程度。




产品概述 ............................................................................................... 1-2
技术数据 OT16-160 ..................................................................................... 3-4 OT200-800 ....................................................................................... 5 OT1000-1600 ................................................................................... 6 OETL2500-3150 ................................................................................ 6
造性和紧凑形的操作机械机构。 • 独特的超短电流路径设计,确保了紧凑的触头机构。
SwitchLine (OT、OETL)
全新的1000V DC OT系列隔离开关是为了对太阳能 光伏系统中的直流分断问题而专门设计的。在直流 1000V DC时,仍具有出色的分断能力,可应用于 太阳能系统的各级汇流箱、逆变器以及电池系统, 为系统的分断和隔离提供解决方案。其优越的性能 和安全的设计,遥遥领先于市场同类产品。并在欧 州以及美国的各类光伏项目中获得广泛的应用和认 可。它不但兼备3极和4极开关的优点,而且还具备 以下优点: • 额定电压高达1000V(DC21条件下) • 额定电流16-630A • 紧凑的结构、卓越的性能





Photo R210R/230/R310/R350/RX510/RX630
Photo R210R/230/R310/R350/RX510/RX630
Stylus C67/C87/CX3700/CX4100/CX4700
Stylus C67/C87/CX3700/CX4100/CX4700
Me30/300/360/510/520/600F/650FN/700FW Me office70/80W/1100
Me30/300/360/510/520/600F/650FN/700FW Me office70/80W/1100
Me30/300/360/510/520/600F/650FN/700FW Me office70/80W/1100
T051 黑 T052 彩 T053 彩 T057 黑 T058 彩 T0561 黑 T0562 青 T0563 洋红 T0564 黄 T0540 亮光 T0541 照片黑 T0542 青 T0543 洋红 T0544 黄 T0547 红 T0548 黑 T0549 蓝 T0870 亮光 T0871 照片黑青 T0872 青 T0873 洋红 T0874 黄 T0877 红 T0878 粗面黑
\ \ \ \ 125 \ 150 248 \ 154 122 \ \ 126 148 \ \ 114 105 158 158 \ \ 116 109 160 148 185 85 85 85 95 95 95 95 95 95
T0341 照片黑 T0342 青 T0343 淡红 T0344 黄 T0345 淡青 T0346 淡洋红 T0347 淡黑 T0348 粗面黑 T038 黑 T039 彩 T0422 青 T0423 洋红 T0424 黄 T0461 黑 T0472 青 T0473 洋红 T0474 黄 T050 黑


TTL level remote inhibit. A logic low level on this input disables the device.
Oscillator waveform. A capacitor connected between this terminal and ground modifies the maximum oscillator frequency.
June 2000
This is advanced information on a new product now in development or underogin evaluation. Details are subject to change without notice.
A resistor connected between this terminal and ground defines the maximum switching frequency.
Rth j-pins Rth j-amb
(*) See Fig. 28
Power Fail Input
Reset and Power Fail Output
Reset Delay Input
Feedback and Inhibit Inputs
Oscillator Inputs
Total Power Dissipation Tpins ≤ 90°C (Power DIP)
Thermal Resistance Junction to Pins Thermal Resistance Junction to Ambient (*)



第一部分 性能指示
1、打印方法: 2、打印有效宽度: 点行打印 根据打印头不同,打印有效宽度也不相同: M—150 打印头 M—160 打印头 M—164 打印头 3、打印速度: M—150 打印头 M—160 打印头 M—164 打印头 4、走纸速度: 5、打印字符: 与打印速度相同 M—150 打印头 普通型:字符 16 个 /行,汉字 8 个 /行 普通型为 96 点,倍频型为 192 点 普通型为 144 点,倍频型为 288 点 只能是 240 点,不能做成倍频形式 44mm 纸宽, 1 行 /秒 57mm 纸宽, 0.7 行 /秒 57mm 纸宽, 0.4 行 /秒
注: 1.“入 ”表示输入到打印机。 2.“出 ”表示从打印机输出。 3.信号的逻辑电平为 TTL 电平。
2.1.2 并行接口引脚信号时序
DA TA /S TB 0. 5μS 0. 5μS 0. 5μS
0.5μS 0.5μS
2.1.3 并口例程
说明:图中粗黑线条为短路块,当使用 232 电平时,T 接口接图所示插上短路块,R 接口为数据线接口;当使 用 TTL 电平时,R 接口闲置不用,T 接口为数据线接口。 接口形式(四)如下图所示为 1 个 10 针口:此为 232 电平接口或者 TTL 电平接口。
台式:台式的打印机同时有两种接口形式:RJ45 与 DB25 孔
9、按键和指示灯: 10、打印机可靠性: 11、适应环境:
提供 LF 键和 SEL 键以及指示灯(绿灯) 5×10 行( MCBF) 工作温度: 0~ 50℃,相对湿度: 20~ 85%



1941,Atanasoff-Berry Computer,60HZ,15秒一个计算;1946: ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator And Computer),真空管,5000次/秒1950:UNIVAC I1952: EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Computer) 速度10倍于ENIACIBM701 16000次/秒磁带存储器1955:IBM702 磁芯存储器晶体管1959:IBM 1401 (低级)709TX(高级)晶体管计算机“数字设备公司”(简称DEC) PDP-1小型机,1961:IBM STRETCH 100K磁芯存储器50万/秒1962:Atlas 几十万次/秒1963:控制数据公司(CDC)CDC6600晶体管巨型机300万/秒1964: IBM360系列计算机集成电路1965: “数字设备公司”(简称DEC) PDP-8 集成电路小型机, 配CRT显示器和键盘1968:IBM温彻斯特/Winchester硬盘,美国加利福尼亚大学的恩格巴特发明鼠标1969:DGC公司推出了自己的小型机Nova,16位计算机,2-32K存储器大规模集成电路(微处理器)1971:INTEL 微处理器4004 1.08Khz 6万/秒第二年8位的8008 200Khz1973:第一片软磁盘由IBM公司研制成功1974:INTEL 8位8080 2Mhz 29万/秒Altair牛郎星,第一台装配有微处理器的计算机,1975:克雷完成了自己的第一个超级计算机“克雷一号”(CARY-1),实现了每秒一亿次的运算速度。

比尔盖茨为之设计Basic程序成立微软1976:苹果公司创立,推出Apple-Ⅰ;王安文字处理系统WPS1977:Apple-IIPC时代1981: IBM PC,配置:Intel8088 4.77Mhz,16K内存(可扩展到256K),5.25软驱,单显,MS-dos系统便携式电脑Osborne 1,64K内存,100K硬盘,5.25软驱1982:Intel发布80286处理器,20MHz;康柏公司兼容PC;3Com公司第一款网卡-EtherLink网络接口卡1983:苹果丽萨(Lisa)电脑,图形用户界面,配备了鼠标IBM PC/XT 内置硬盘1984:Adlib Audio公司推出了第一款声卡:魔奇声卡苹果Macintosh计算机,128K内存(后扩展到512K),10MB硬盘,360K软盘,IBM推出 intel 80286处理器的IBM PC/AT电脑1985:Philips和Sony合作推出CD-ROM驱动器;Intel推出32位80386处理器;微软windows1.0发布东芝T1000笔记本计算机1986:Amstrad Announced发布Amstrad PC 1512,VGA图形适配器、512KB内存、80386处理器20MB 硬盘驱动器,鼠标1987:IBM 3.53.5英寸1.44MB软盘驱动器;微软Windows 2.0版;苹果Macintosh II,每秒260万条指令,有一个SCSI适配器和一个彩色适配器1988:Macintosh III,支持128M RAM1989:Intel 80486处理器25MHz-50Mhz;新加坡创新公司SoundBlast Card声卡1990:windows3.0;Macintosh Classic,256色的显示适配器1991:windows3.11992: Windows NT发布,可寻址2G RAM1993:Intel Pentium发布,60-66MHz1994:Intel 发布90-100 MHz Pentium处理器1995:Intel Pentium,120 Mhz-133 Mhz,Pentium Pro200 MHz;Windows 95 发布1996:Windows '95 OSR2;1997:Intel Pentium MMX,Pentium II;1998:Intel发布333 MHz Pentium II处理器,采用0.25微米技术;Windows 981999:AMD K6-III 400MHz;Intel PentiumⅢ450MHz,0.25μm,集成有512KB或以上的二级缓存;显卡Nvidia GeForce2562000:微软 windows2000,windows Me;AMD Athlon 1GHz(高端),毒龙(Duron)低端;Intel Pentium3 1GHz,Pentium42001:苹果ac OS X,iPodIntel Tualatin(图拉丁)内核的P3和赛扬处理器,0.13微米;AMD Athlon XP ;微软Windows XP2002:微软DX9;Nvidia GeForce 4,包括GeForce4 Ti 4200和GeForce 4 MX 440,GeForce FX,0.13微米;ATI Radeon 97002003:Intel移动处理器迅驰;AMD Barton核心Athlon XP处理器,64位处理器Athlon 64和Athlon 64 FX2004:Intel PCI Express接口,发布915/925芯片组2005:CPU双核,频率之争时代终结1995年电脑配置CPU 66—100MHz的486处理器内存 4—8M硬盘 540MB显卡 ISA/VESA接口的VGA、SVGA显卡光驱 1X/2X CD-ROM显示器 14寸CRT(隔行或逐行)声卡 8/16位兼容声卡其他流行配件 VCD解压卡装机必备软件UCDOS WPS ARJ FPE PCTOOLS HD-COPY KV200 XingMPEGplay WinG1996年电脑配置CPU Pentium 75—100MHz、5X86-100 (Intel发布150-166MHz的Pentium处理器)内存 8MB-16MB硬盘 850MB—1.2GB显卡 PCI显卡(SVGA、1M缓存)光驱 4X CD-ROM显示器 14寸CRT(逐行)声卡 8/16位兼容声卡其他:VCD解压卡、28.8Kbps Modem装机必备软件 win95 WPS Netscape Communicator Quicktime Winzip FPE PCTOOLS KV300 ACDSee 金山影霸 DirectX1997年电脑配置CPU Pentium 100—166MMX、Cyrix 6X86 120—166/ AMD K6 166—200 (Intel发布Pentium II)内存 16—32MB硬盘 1.0—2.1GB显卡 PCI显卡(SVGA、1M-2M缓存)光驱 8X CD-ROM显示器 14/15寸CRT其他流行配件36.6Kbps Modem VooDoo(超级玩家) VCD解压卡装机必备软件:OFFICE 97 Netscape Communicator Winzip Photoshop 金山词霸KV300+ ACDSee 超级解霸 FOXMAIL FPE1998年电脑配置CPU PentiumMMX/AMD K6 233MHz、或Pentium 2 233MHz/K6-2 300MHz(高端) (Intel发布333 MHz Pentium II处理器,0.25微米)主板 INTEL 430TX 、VIA VP3/MVP3芯片组(Stocket7接口)或440LX芯片组(Slot1接口)内存32M--64M PC66 SDRAM硬盘 3.2--4.3GB显卡 PCI/AGP 2X显卡(2M--8M显存,如S3 VIRGE Trident 9750 Riva 128 ZX等)光驱 16X--32X CD-ROM显示器 15寸平面直角CRT声卡 16位兼容声卡其他流行配件56Kbps Modem、VooDoo2/Riva TNT显卡(高级玩家)装机必备软件:OFFICE97 IE Winamp Winzip Netants KV300 超级解霸FOXMAIL FPE1999年电脑配置CPU AMD K6-2 350MHz/Celeron300A—366MHz或Pentium 2 350MHz(高端)主版 VIA MVP3 芯片组(Super7接口)或440BX芯片组(Slot1接口)内存 64MB PC100 SDRAM硬盘 6.4—8.4GB显卡 AGP 2X显卡(4M—16M显存、如Riva 128/TNT等)光驱24X—40X CD-ROM显示器 15寸平面直角CRT声卡 16位兼容声卡其他流行配件 56Kbps Modem、VooDoo3/Riva TNT2显卡(高级玩家)装机必备软件OFFICE97 IE Winamp Winzip Netants KV300 z++、瑞星杀毒超级解霸 FOXMAIL2000Cpu:Intel PentiumIII AMD Duron Athlon主板:华硕,微星,技嘉主板内存:64Mb-128MB硬盘:BM,迈拓硬盘 10-12GB显卡:Nvidia GeForce256显示器:15彩显其他:CDROM2001Cpu:Intel PentiumIII,赛扬 AMD Duron Athlon主板:华硕,微星,技嘉主板内存:128M SDRAM 内存硬盘:20G硬盘5400转显卡:Nvidia Geforce 2 MX200 32M显示器:15彩显其他:CDROM DVD2002Cpu:Intel Pentium41.7G,赛扬 AMD Duron Athlon主板:微星845DDR内存:128Mbx2 SDRAM 内存;DDR266 256Mb硬盘:40G硬盘5400转显卡:Nvidia GeForce 4,包括GeForce4 Ti 4200和GeForce 4 MX 440,GeForce FX,0.13微米;ATI Radeon 9700显示器:15彩显其他:CDROM华硕50X DVD2003Cpu:Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz赛扬 1.70GHZ主板:微星785GTM-E45主板内存:DDR-400MHZ 256MB硬盘:40/60 GB 5400显卡:NVIDIA GeForce4 MX 440 64MB显示器:17纯平其他:VCD DVD 集成声卡摄像头2004Cpu:intel 赛扬2.40G Intel Pentium 4 2.8B GHz主板:微星 P4MAM2-V 4865PE内存:DDR333/400 256MB硬盘:80G 7200显卡:七彩虹镭风9550 (CF黄金版)128MB ATIR 9200128M显示器:17寸纯平其他:16X DVD2005Cpu:AMD速龙64 2800+ Athlon 64 3000+ AMD 64bit Sempron 2500+- 1.4GHzIntel Pentium 4 2.4C Inter Celeron D 320 2.40G主板:微星K8MM-V华硕 A7N8X ATX主板内存:DDR 400 512MB硬盘:80G 7200转 2M显卡:R9550 128M/128 GF6600GE显示器:17寸 LCD其他:DVD2006Cpu:Athlon 64 X2 3600+ Pentium 4 531-3.0GHz Celeron D 331 2.66GHz Celeron D 351 3.2GHz主板:华硕A8S-X主板昂达N61GT内存:DDR2 512MB/1GB硬盘:160GB的SATA硬盘显卡:GeForce 7300GT GeForce 6100显示器:17英寸CRT LCD其他:16X DVD2007 双核Cpu:Intel Core 2 Duo E6600 2.40GHz Intel E4300 Athlon 64 X2 4600+ 2.4GHz Pentium D 820 2.80GHz AMD Sempron 3500+ 2.0GHz主板:技嘉 965P-DS3内存:512MB/1GB硬盘:160G/250G显卡:GeForce 7100LE GeForce 6200显示器:19寸/22寸 LCD其他:DVD2008Cpu:Intel Core 2 Q6700 2.66GHz AMD Athlon64 X2 5400+ AM2 AMD Phenom 9600主板:技嘉 X38-DS5技嘉 MA790X-DS4 微星 K9A2 CF内存:1GB 2GB硬盘:250GB 320GB 500GB显卡:GF 8800GS 9600GT显示器:22' 24'LCD其他:DVD±RW2009 四核Cpu:Core2 Duo、Core2 Quad、Core Extreme、Pentium E 低端Pentium E5200Phenom II、Phenom、Athlon 64、Sempron Athlon64 ×2 7750 45纳米主板:P45 Neo2-2FR 双敏 TAC53-DF+玩家限量版 V2内存:2/4GB DDR3硬盘:640GB显卡:Geforce GTS250 Radeon HD4850显示器:22' 24'LCD HD其他:2010Cpu:AMD 速龙II X2 245 羿龙II X4 965 Intel Core i5 650/750 32纳米主板:AMD785G AMD890GX Intel H55 H57 显示核心融入CPU内存:DDR3 1333 2GB硬盘:1TB显卡:AMD HD5870 GTX285 GT240 支持DX11 HDMI DisplayPort接口显示器:24 HD LCD其他:。

Klixon 16HM 三相电机保护设备说明说明书

Klixon 16HM 三相电机保护设备说明说明书

34HM | MOTOR PROTECTORSHermetically Sealed On-Winding, 3-Phase SPECIFICATIONSFProduct DescriptionLine Break Operation• Protect WYE (Star) wound 3-phase motors from 1 to 6HP. Used in refrigeration compressors, submersible pumps and other restrictive environments.shape allows for close coupling to motor windings.• Hermetic reliability designed for leakage rates less than 1 x 10-9 cc per second of air with 1 atmosphere pressure differential.• Klixon® snap-action discs assure positive make and break action and controlled temperature differential.• Designed for low and high side pressure applications.Klixon® 16HM motor protectors are line break automatic reset controls which are wired in series with the motor windings. These protectors are designed to track winding temperatures and to respond to changes in line current. When properly applied, the 16HM can provide protection againstmotor overheating under the following conditions:This protector is designed to protect 3-phase refrigeration and air conditioning compressor motors from excessive winding temperature; however, device to be installed directly on motor windings for closely coupled temperature monitoring, thus enhancing over-temperature protection against loss of refrigeration charge, low voltage locked rotor, and secondary single-phasing (loss of phase). The 34HM is designed to reduce installation costs by replacing pilot control systems with a simple, economical, compact device.The basic element of the 34HM is the famous Klixon® Snap ActMaximum Recommended Locked Rotor CurrentCurrent ratings are based on life test data which has demonstrated high reliability at 5K cycles (standard series) and 2K cycles (high capacity series) at 0.7 ower factor on Sensata life test boards. These capacities are intended as a guide for application work.Standard Operating TemperaturesDIAGRAMS34HM Hermetic Motor ProtectorElectrical SchematicWUnitInsmmW0.67017.0H1.14029.0P10.55614.1L1.17029.7P20.0892.3P30.2506.4A0.58514.9B1.08027.4Standard / High Capacity DeviceProtector ShellCompressorMotorWindings34HM CODE SYSTEMQuick ConnectsWire LeadsSleeves, etc.When making an inquiry on Klixon® hermetically sealed motor protectors, be certain to specify the entire part number for your application,AGENCY APPROVALS & CERTIFICATIONSPage 5CONTACT USSensata Technologies, Inc. (“Sensata”) data sheets are solely intended to assist designers (“Buyers”) who are developing systems thatincorporate Sensata products (also referred to herein as “components”). Buyer understands and agrees that Buyer remains responsiblefor using its independent analysis, evaluation and judgment in designing Buyer’s systems and products. Sensata data sheets havebeen created using standard laboratory conditions and engineering practices. Sensata has not conducted any testing other than thatspecifically described in the published documentation for a particular data sheet. Sensata may make corrections, enhancements,improvements and other changes to its data sheets or components without notice.Buyers are authorized to use Sensata data sheets with the Sensata component(s) identified in each particular data sheet. HOWEVER, NOOTHER LICENSE, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, BY ESTOPPEL OR OTHERWISE TO ANY OTHER SENSATA INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, ANDNO LICENSE TO ANY THIRD PARTY TECHNOLOGY OR INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHT, IS GRANTED HEREIN. SENSATA DATA SHEETSARE PROVIDED “AS IS”. SENSATA MAKES NO WARRANTIES OR REPRESENTATIONS WITH REGARD TO THE DATA SHEETS OR USEOF THE DATA SHEETS, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, INCLUDING ACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS. SENSATA DISCLAIMSANY WARRANTY OF TITLE AND ANY IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, QUIETENJOYMENT, QUIET POSSESSION, AND NON-INFRINGEMENT OF ANY THIRD PARTY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS WITH REGARDTO SENSATA DATA SHEETS OR USE THEREOF.All products are sold subject to Sensata’s terms and conditions of sale supplied at SENSATA ASSUMES NO LIABILITYFOR APPLICATIONS ASSISTANCE OR THE DESIGN OF BUYERS’ PRODUCTS. BUYER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT IT IS SOLELYRESPONSIBLE FOR COMPLIANCE WITH ALL LEGAL, REGULATORY AND SAFETY-RELATED REQUIREMENTS CONCERNING ITS PRODUCTS,AND ANY USE OF SENSATA COMPONENTS IN ITS APPLICATIONS, NOTWITHSTANDING ANY APPLICATIONS-RELATED INFORMATIONAmericas+1 (508) 236-2551electrical-protection-sales@sensata.comEurope, Middle East & Africa+1 (760) 597 7042*****************************************************.comChina +86 (21)2306 1651Japan +81 (45)277 7104Korea +82 (53) 644 9685India +91 (40)4033 9611Rest of Asia +886 (2) 27602006ext 2808。



2.1 企业代号

2.2 缸数代号

2.3 系列代号
功率代号按发动机的实际功率(用千瓦表示)用阿拉伯数字表示, 发动机的
2.5 产品型号编制示例
示例2. SD4W45表示四缸、W(85)系列、功率为45kW基本型柴油机;示例3. SD4M60 表示四缸、M(100)系列、功率为60kW基本型柴油机;
SD4BW52 表示四缸、BW(90)系列、功率为52kW基本型柴油机;



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高保真4喇叭音响系统 ● 高保真6喇叭音响系统 注:表中各符号的意义分别如下:● — 装备,○ — 选装,- — 不装备 本资料仅供参考,请以实车为准,上汽通用五菱汽车股份有限公司拥有更改参数和配置而不另行通知的权利。
6430M1.4L实用 型 后驱动 150 5,7,8 国Ⅳ 4305*1680*1750,1780 2720 1420/1440 1130-1260 1750 , 1780 50 5.5 LCU 5,7 6430M1.4L基本 型 6430M1.4L标准 型 6430M1.4L舒适 型 6430M1.4L豪华 型
● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ○ ○ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● -
● -

晶玉黄/青瓷灰/玛瑙红/宝石蓝/钻石银 ● ● ● ● ● ● ● -
铝合金轮辋 全车绿色隔热玻璃 扰流板 行李架 内饰 左右遮阳板带化妆镜 左右遮阳板带化妆镜和灯 中控台套色 织物座椅 皮革座椅 中后排座椅带头枕 全包内饰 全车毛毡地毯 驾驶与安全 电子式指针仪表 液压式助力转向 驾驶座安全气囊 副驾驶座安全气囊 ABS+EBD(防抱死制动系统+电子制动力分配系统) 倒车雷达 高位刹车灯 LED高位刹车灯 后风挡玻璃除雾功能 后雨刮 中门儿童锁 大灯/车门未关报警装置 自动落锁功能 遥控钥匙(带电子防盗系统) 舒适和便利 中排座椅带扶手(1+1座椅) 6/4分中排座椅(可折叠、可翻折) 前、中车门置物盒 前座椅后背置物袋 时钟显示 手动空调 手动外后视镜 电动外后视镜 方向盘高度调节 驾驶座高度可调 前门电动玻璃 驾驶员侧窗一键式下降 中门电动玻璃 中央门锁 娱乐 带USB接口的MP3播放器+收音机 CD +USB接口+AUX IN+电调收音机 高保真2喇叭音响系统



天彩写真机系列:四色写真机系列:天彩 750四色写真机◆无与伦比的速度和精度,真正的高速高精写真机!◆配备经过专业调校曲线的正版蒙泰软件。











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JOG-01064 Rev.8OKI Electronics Components Rev. 8 [11. 2004] OL4450L-3-Wnnn,OL4451L-3-WnnnOL4453L-3-Wnnn,OL5450L-3-WnnnOL5451L-3-Wnnn,OL5453L-3-WnnnOL6450L-3-Wnnn,OL6451L-3-WnnnOL6453L-3-Wnnn Series(W147-W161)Preliminary 3mWCoaxial DFB Laser Diode Modules1. DESCRIPTIONThe OL4450L-3-Wnnn, OL4451L-3-Wnnn, OL4453L-3-Wnnn, OL5450L-3-Wnnn,OL5451L-3-Wnnn, OL5453L-3-Wnnn, OL6450L-3-Wnnn, OL6451L-3-Wnnn,OL6453L-3-Wnnn series consist of an MQW-DFB laser diode, a monitor PD, a single-stage optical isolator, a single-mode fiber and a coaxial package.These modules are coaxial DFB Laser Diode Modules for CWDM 2.5Gbit/s transmission with high power at high temperature.2. FEATURES• High output power: 3.0mW fiber output power under CW• Wide operating temperature range: Tc=0 to +85°C• Side-mode suppression: 32dB• Multi-quantum-well (MQW) DFB structure• Internal monitor PD for power control• Built-in single-stage optical isolator• Coaxial Package• No TEC required3. APPLICATION• CWDMOKI Electronics Components4.OPTICAL AND ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS(Tc = 0 to +85°C, unless otherwise specified)Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Fiber Output Power Pf CW 3.0 mW Fiber Output Power(Average)P AVG Modulated 1.5 mWTc=+25°C ,CW,BOL 7 15 Tc=+85°C ,CW,BOL 25 40Threshold Current Ith Tc=+85°C ,CW,EOL1.5*Ith-BOLmAOperation Current IopPf=3.0mW,CW 70 110 mA Slope efficiency η Pf=3.0mW,CW,Tc=+25°C0.0750.11 W/AModulation CurrentImod Pf=3.0mW,CW,Tc=+25°C 30 40 mAOL445xL-3-W1471467 1470 1473 OL445xL-3-W1491487 1490 1493 OL545xL-3-W151**** **** 1513 OL545xL-3-W1531527 1530 1533 OL545xL-3-W155**** **** 1553 OL545xL-3-W1571567 1570 1573 OL545xL-3-W1591587 1590 1593 Peak Wavelengthλp Pf=3.0mW, CW Tc=25°C OL645xL-3-W1611607 1610 1613 nmSpectral Width∆λ Pf= 3.0mW,CW,-20dB 0.2 0.5 nmSide-mode suppressionratioSMSR Pf=3.0mW,CW 32 40 dBRise/Fall times Tr/Tf P AVG =1.5mW,20-80%ExR*=9dB0.09 0.15 nsRelative Intensity Noise RIN Pf=3.0mW,CW -140 -130 dB/Hz Monitor Current Im Pf= 3.0mW,CW,Tc=+25°C 50 400 2200 µA Tracking Error** TRE (RT to WCT) -1 --- +1 dB Dispersion Penalty*** DP - 2 dB*ExR=Extinction ratio**TRE=10*log {(Pf@0∼+85°C )/(Pf@25°C)} at Im hold(@25°C)***For OLx45xL-3-Wnnn-xxxxL (See P.4) after Corning SMF-28TM 80km transmissionTest condition:ExR=9dB,NRZ,PRBS=2^23-1,@10^-10OKI Electronics Components5.ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATING(Tc = +25°C, unless otherwise specified)Parameter Symbol Rating UnitFiber Output Power Pf 5 mWLD Reverse Voltage Vrl 2 VMonitor PD Forward Current Ifd 10 mAMonitor PD Reverse Current Ird 3 mAMonitor PD Reverse Voltage Vrd 30 VOperating Case Temperature (Tc) Tc 0 to +85 °CStorage Temperature Tstg -40 to +85 °CLead Soldering Temperature (10s) - 260 °C6.CONNECTOR AND FIBER SPECIFICATIONSUnitParameter Specifications--- Type SMMode Field Diameter 9+/-1 µmCladding Diameter 125+/-2 µmJacket Diameter 900 µmLength 1(Min) mConnector Type FC/SC/LC/MU/MU-J ---OKI Electronics Components7.ORDERING INFORMATION8.OUTLINE DRAWINGWavelength 4: 1.4 µm 5: 1.5 µm 6: 1.6 µm Flange typeAF: Angled FlangeSF: Straight Flange (default, no suffix) NF: No FlangeConnector type SC: SC ConnectorFC: FC Connector (default, no suffix) LC: LC Connector MU: MU Connector MUJ: MU-J Connector Pin Assignment 0: C type 1: A type 3: B type (See P.5)Peak Wavelength W147: 1.47 µm W149: 1.49 µm W151: 1.51 µm W153: 1.53 µm W155: 1.55 µm W157: 1.57 µm W159: 1.59 µm W161: 1.61 µmLength (mm)DistanceDefault, no suffix: 40km L: 80kmOKI Electronics Components All dimensions in millimeters Flange TypeOKI Electronics Components9. SAFETY INFORMATION ON THIS PRODUCTWarning Laser Beam A laser beam is emitted from this laser diode during operation.The invisible or visible laser beam, directly or indirectly, may cause injury to the eyeor loss of eyesight.Do not look directly into the laser beam.Avoid exposure to the laser beam, any reflected or collimated beam.Caution GaAs Product The product contains gallium arsenide, GaAs.GaAs vapor and powder are hazardous to human health if inhaled, ingested or swallowed.Do not destory or burn the product.Do not crush or chemically dissolve the product.Do not put the product in the mouth.Observe related laws and company regulations when discarding this product. The product should be excluded from general industrial waste or household garbage.Caution Optical Fiber A glass-fiber is attached on the product. Handle with care.When the fiber is broken or damaged, handle carefully to avoid injury from the damaged part or fragments.All specifications described herein are subject to change without notice.OKI Electronics ComponentsNotice1. The information contained herein can change without notice owing to product and/or technical improvements.Before using the product, please make sure that the information being referred to is up-to-date.2. The outline of action and examples for application circuits described herein have been chosen as an explanationfor the standard action and performance of the product. When planning to use the product, please ensure that the external conditions are reflected in the actual circuit, assembly, and program designs.3. When designing your product, please use our product below the specified maximum ratings and within thespecified operating ranges including, but not limited to, operating voltage, power dissipation, and operating temperature.4. Oki assumes no responsibility or liability whatsoever for any failure or unusual or unexpected operationresulting from misuse, neglect, improper installation, repair, alteration or accident, improper handling, or unusual physical or electrical stress including, but not limited to, exposure to parameters beyond the specified maximum ratings or operation outside the specified operating range.5. Neither indemnity against nor license of a third party’s industrial and intellectual property right, etc. is grantedby us in connection with the use of the product and/or the information and drawings contained herein. No responsibility is assumed by us for any infringement of a third party’s right which may result from the use thereof.6. The products listed in this document are intended for use in general electronics equipment for commercialapplications (e.g., office automation, communication equipment, measurement equipment, consumer electronics, etc.). These products are not authorized for use in any system or application that requires special or enhanced quality and reliability characteristics nor in any system or application where the failure of such system or application may result in the loss or damage of property, or death or injury to humans.Such applications include, but are not limited to, traffic and automotive equipment, safety devices, aerospace equipment, nuclear power control, medical equipment, and life-support systems.7.Certain products in this document may need government approval before they can be exported to particularcountries. The purchaser assumes the responsibility of determining the legality of export of these products and will take appropriate and necessary steps at their own expense for these.8.No part of the contents contained herein may be reprinted or reproduced without our prior permission.。
