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A Apple
B Durian(榴梿)
3 the biggest fruit in the world( )B A Apple B Jackfruit(菠萝蜜) CMangosteen(山竹) DRambutan(红毛丹)
4 Thai staple food is (C) A Apple B fish C rice Dbeer
5 早餐吃西餐,如烤面包、黄油、果酱、咖啡、 牛奶、煎鸡蛋等。
5 Western-style food for breakfast, such as toast, butter, jam, coffee, milk, fried eggs and so on.
6 午餐和晚餐则喜用中餐,如中国的川菜和粤 菜。
3 Thailand hands clasped together to exchange greetings when people meet, junior to the ascendant when you salute, bowing his head, forehead, elders will head to return a salute. Hands higher, deeper level of respect. Prostration, as appropriate, of course, if the elders sat, the younger generation can only sit on the ground or crouched on his knees, not higher
7 Pass other things with your (righ)ht and 8 Thailand people don't eat beef and dog meat
9 Thai subsidiary food is fish and vegetables
Thank you !
However, Thailand particularly like to drink beer.
8、在递给别人东西时要用右手,不得已用左 手时要说声“请原谅”。
Pass other things with your right hand, when compelled to use your left hand to say "pardon".
• 5 Thailand people don't like( A) • A banana • B Jackfruit(菠萝蜜) • CMangosteen(山竹) • DRambutan(红毛丹)
• 6 Thailand after prior contact, to be on time , before entered the room to take off your(sh)oes
than their elders
4 因男女授受不亲,即使在公开场合下,舞曲响起, 男女身体也不可接触,这时客人最好是坐着不动。
4 By giving men and women shou shou Bu Qin, even under the public, dance sound, physical contact with men and women, guest is best to still sit.
dog ,so they do not eat dog
因此,泰国人不但不吃狗肉,而且对狗 关爱有加,所以狗在泰国的生活相当自在。
Therefore, Thailand not only don't eat dog meat, and dog care and dog in Thailand live quite comfortable!
We mainly talk about :
Thailand Principal food and Subsidiary food、 Different areas Popular dishes、The food
characteristics、the fruit and Thailand dining etiquette and taboo
泰国就餐礼仪与忌讳 Thailand dining etiquette and taboo
• 1泰国人经事先联系后,要准时赴约,进屋 时先脱鞋。
• 2与泰国人交往,可以送一些小的纪念品和 鲜花,送的礼物事先要包装好。
• 1Thailand after prior contact, to be on time , before entered the room to take off your shoes.
• 2 you can send some small mementoes or flowers, send gifts prior to packaging.
• 3泰国人相见时双手合十互致问候,晚辈向长辈行礼时, 双手合十,举过前额,长辈也会合十回礼。双手举得 越高,表示尊重的程度越深。当然视情况也有行跪拜 礼的,若长辈坐着,晚辈只能坐在地上或蹲跪,不可
因为他们忌讳左手服务,认为左手不洁 净,开会令人回想起肮脏的事情。
Because they are taboo left service, believes that the left hand is unclean, meeting think of dirty things。
总结 summary
1、 Thailand is known for the(B ) A rice of the kingdom B fruit of the kingdom C flower of the kingdom D food of the kingdom
2 The king of fruits()
Thailand people don't like soy sauce, don't love eating dishesugar. And don't eat bananas.
7 泰国人不吃牛肉和狗肉 Thailand people don't eat beef and dog meat 原因(reasons): 1、这是他们的宗教信仰 1 this is their religious 2 相传泰国的王是被狗救的,所以不吃 2 it is said Thailand King was rescued by
6 Lunch and dinner is pleased with Chinese food ,such as Chinese Sichuan cuisine and Cantonese cuisine.
酱油 soy sauce 海参 sea slug
泰国人不喜欢酱油,不爱吃红烧的和加糖 的菜肴。以及不吃香蕉。