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1. Abbreviate: reduce a word or phrase to a shorter form.
2. Accessible: easy to find, reach or use.
4. Anticipate: expect or predict something.
5. Appraise: consider in detail in order to make an judgement.
6. Articulate: expressing oneself clearly and fluently.
7. Assertive: stating opinions or claims confidently and forcefully.
8. Assimilate: absorb or take in.
9. Assumption: a belief or opinion that is accepted as true without proof.
10. Attribute: a feature or quality belonging to or characteristic of someone or something.
11. Authenticity: the quality or condition of being genuine.
13. Constraint: a restriction, limitation or restriction.
14. Critique: an analysis or evaluation of a text, performance or artwork.
15. Derive: obtain or develop from a specified source, origin or history.
16. Discreet: behaving or done in a careful and restrained way.
17. Distinguish: recognize or the right difference in or between.
18. Endorse: give support or approval to, especially publicly.
19. Enhance: make better or more attractive.
20. Facilitate: make easer or less difficult.
21. Generate: create or cause to happen or exist.
22. Hazard: a source of danger.
23. Impartial: treating all rivals or disputants equally.
24. Incentive: an inducement to do something or to in someone to work harder.
27. Liberal: open to new behaviour or opinions and willing to discard traditional values.
28. Manifest: make clear or evident to the eye or the understanding.
29. Maximize: make as great as possible.
31. Metaphor: a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
32. Moderate: avoid extremes of behavior or expression.
33. Mutual: shared or experienced by each of two or more parties.
34. Negotiate: discuss and reach an agreement with another party.
35. Novel: (of an idea or product) new and original.
36. Objective: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions.
37. Optimize: make the best or most effective use of a situation or resource.
38. Paradox: a statement that appears to be self-contradictory or absurd.
39. Pearl: a smooth lustrous round of white or coloured substance, highly prized as a gem.
41. Persistent: continuing firmly or steadily in a course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.
42. Perspective: a view of things in their true relationship or relative importance.
43. Pillar: a vertical structure forming part of a building or standing alone as a landmark.
44. Prevalent: widespread in a particular area at a
particular time.
45. Primal: belonging to an early stage of development or evolution.
46. Principal: most important, consequential, or influential.
47. Prioritize: organize or do (something) according to its relative importance.
48. Probe: research or investigation in order to discover or revise information.
50. Prominent: important, famous, and attracting a lot of attention.
51. Prospect: a future possibility or potential.
52. Protocol: the official procedure or system of rules governing affairs of state.
53. Pursue: follow or chase someone or something.
54. Rational: based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
55. Register: enroll or enter in a register.
56. Relic: an object surviving from an earlier time, especially one of historical, archaeological, or cultural.
57. Resolve: reach a decision or solution.
58. Segregate: separate or isolate (a person or group) from others.
59. Signal: a gesture, action, or sound that is used to convey information or instructions.。
