
















在钻进过程中因受水流、风浪、潮汐等影响,船体的位移量不宜大于10cm ,以减少钻进中出现导管和钻具倾斜、折断及丢失的现象。











1 工程概况新建隧道修建于既有隧道右侧,为洞口齐平且长度相等的平行设置。






模拟中,Ⅱ级围岩爆破进尺为2.5 m、Ⅲ级围岩爆破进尺为3.0 m,Ⅳ级围岩爆破进尺为3.0 m。

2 爆破振动有限元动力分析采用平面应变的动力有限元法进行新建隧道爆破振动对既有隧道衬砌与围岩的影响分析[2]。

计算模型根据隧道的实际尺寸(新建隧道洞高9.42 m,宽7.6 m),分别沿x(水平)、z(竖直)方向上取洞径5倍洞径的区域作为计算分析区域,模型尺寸为105 m×85.5 m 。




第一章爆破作业1、爆破参数<1>、底板抵抗线(W)W=H·ctgα+C 米式中α——工作台阶坡面角,见表2—1—1;C——前排炮孔中心线至台阶坡顶线的安全距离,米一般C=2﹒5—3米。

表2—1—1<2>、孔距a垂直深孔爆破时,按下式计算a=m·w 米式中m——炮孔密集系数可见表2—1—2;表2—1—2微差爆破时,由于在起爆瞬间有充份的挤压作用,因此,M后值一般大于1,见表2—1—3。

表2—1—3<3>、行距bb=(0﹒8—0﹒9)W 米根据经验数据,当f≤4﹒5时,取0﹒9,当f>5时,取0﹒8。




e=(0﹒1—0﹒45)W 米<5>、单位炸药消耗q单位炸药消耗量,取决与岩性,爆破难易程度和爆破方法。


表2—1—4<6>、装药量 Q垂直深孔自由面爆破时Q=qWaH, 公斤式中 H——台阶高度米多排孔爆破时,由于后排孔起爆处于受夹制状况,其装药量要比前排孔增加10%—20%。

后排孔药量Q=q·baHK 公斤式中 K——夹制系数 1.1——1.4<7>、装药高度 Lz根据 Q=qWaH=D2⊿Lz • /4 米Lz=1.27qWaH/⊿D2 米式中 Lz ——药柱高度米D ——钻孔直径米⊿——炸药密度公斤/米3。







二、爆破工程概况1. 工程地点:某市某县2. 工程规模:道路全长30km,隧道全长2km,桥梁5座3. 工程地质条件:主要包括硬质岩、软岩、断层、节理等4. 施工工期:预计工期为3年三、爆破设计方案1. 爆破方法(1)隧道爆破:采用台阶法开挖,爆破方法为光面爆破,以减少对围岩的扰动。



2. 爆破材料(1)炸药:选用2#岩石乳化炸药,药卷直径32mm,装药系数0.6-0.8。



3. 爆破参数(1)炮眼直径:根据岩石性质和施工要求,炮眼直径为38mm。




4. 爆破施工组织(1)成立爆破施工领导小组,负责爆破施工的全面管理工作。




四、爆破安全措施1. 制定爆破安全操作规程,确保爆破施工安全。

2. 对爆破施工区域进行封闭,防止无关人员进入。

3. 在爆破施工前,对爆破区域进行清场,确保爆破安全。

4. 在爆破施工过程中,设置警戒线,确保爆破安全。

5. 对爆破产生的飞石、空气冲击波和地震效应进行监测,确保爆破安全。

五、爆破效果评估1. 爆破效果评估指标:爆破震动、爆破飞石、爆破地震波、爆破破坏等。











2007年,韩国工程师JEONG 等研究发现,水压预裂与普通预裂相比,水压爆破传能效率明显提升。








1. 隧道爆破施工简介隧道爆破施工是一种常用于隧道建设中的技术,其主要作用是将岩土等材料炸开,以达到开挖隧道的目的。



2. 数值模拟技术在隧道爆破施工中的应用数值模拟技术是一种基于计算机模拟的技术,它可以从数学角度对实际工程进行分析,并最终得到精确的模拟数据。



数值模拟技术在隧道爆破施工中的应用可以分为以下几个方面:(1) 施工设备优化由于数值模拟技术可以对施工硬件进行分析,因此施工人员可以通过添加、删除或修改一些组件来优化施工设备,以达到更优的实际施工效果。


(2) 地质情况预测在正确预测地质情况的基础上,可以帮助施工人员做出更为恰当的施工决策。


(3) 炸药精细度优化在隧道爆破施工中,炸药精细度优化是非常重要的。




应力耦合问题 ; 其二 , 鉴于岩体裂隙对岩体渗透特性
1 概

的重要影响, 采用基于连续介质模型的数值方法 , 通 过嵌入岩体中裂隙的本构模型, 以实现裂隙岩体的 渗流与应力耦合。在这些研究成果中 , 关于因应力 条件的改变, 引起岩体中裂隙的张开、 闭合与错动等 裂隙几何非线性问题, 未能考虑。 为在裂隙岩体渗流分析中考虑裂隙张开与闭合 变形等的几何非线性问题的影响 , 进而研究真正意 义上裂隙岩体的渗流与应力耦合机制 , 这里以西南 某水电站深 部裂隙 岩体中 的洞 室开 挖为 例, 采 用 UDEC 离散单元法中关于裂隙岩体开挖模拟及水力 全耦合分析模型, 对裂隙岩体洞室开挖进行模拟 , 判 定其是否突水 , 从而为突水的预测提供一种方法。
各向等压流体, 域和域之间通过接触与临域发生作 用。接触顺序标号为 A F。域 、 !、 ∀表示节理 , 域 # 表示 2 个节理的交点, 域 为空洞。
几何形状 , 而后计算出所有接触的裂隙宽度以及所 有域的体积 (对二维条件 , 取单位厚度 ) , 之后利用 上面的公式计算出各接触处的流量。最后, 迭加各 接触点流入裂隙域的流体流量, 并考虑由于周围块
[ 1]
含义, 其一是 , 将分析对象本身概括为连续介质 , 采 用线性与非线性数值计算方法 , 研究岩体的渗流与
, 水流主要是通过水力连通的裂隙网络涌入隧
收稿日期 : 2009 08 27; 修回日期 : 2009 10 23 作者 简介 : 徐 栋栋 ( 1986 ), 男 , 山 东聊城 人 , 硕士 研究生 , 主要 从事岩 石力学 与工程 方面的 研究工 作 , ( 电 话 ) 15994238327 ( 电 子信箱 ) xdhappy717@ 163 . com。



Modeling Submerged Structures Loaded byUnderwater Explosions with ABAQUS/ExplicitDavid B. WoyakABAQUS Solutions Northeast, LLCAbstract: Finite element analysis can be used to predict the transient response of submergedstructures that are externally loaded by an acoustic pressure shock wave resulting from anUnderwater Explosion (UNDEX). This class of problem is characterized by a strong couplingbetween the structural motions and acoustic pressures at the fluid-structure wetted interface. The structural behavior is a combination of long time (low frequency) response dominated by anadded mass effect, short time (high frequency) response dominated by radiation damping, and intermediate time-frequency response where both added mass and radiation damping behaviorare present. For the finite element method to be useful, the analyst must develop modelingtechniques and procedures that yield accurate and computationally tractable solutions. Modeling procedures and guidelines were developed for use with an explicit dynamics code that offersadvanced features such as: pressure formulated acoustic elements, surface based fluid-structure coupling, surface based absorbing (radiation) boundaries, and automated incident wave loadingfor the fluid-structure wetted interface. The modeling guidelines address issues such as: locationof the fluid acoustic domain outer boundary, meshing of the acoustic domain, representation ofthe shock wave, and solution efficiency. These modeling procedures and guidelines aredemonstrated with an ABAQUS/Explicit analysis of an UNDEX experiment in which a submergedtest cylinder was exposed to a 60-pound HBX-1 explosive charge (Kwon & Fox, 1993).General BackgroundABAQUS/Explicit is an efficient tool for simulating the transient response of structural-acoustic systems, of which the response of submerged structures loaded by acoustic shock waves resultingfrom an Underwater Explosion (UNDEX) is an important problem class. This paper provides abrief discussion on the general nature of the structural-acoustic interaction and describes modeling studies that address general Finite Element Analysis (FEA) requirements for the accuratesimulation of UNDEX problems. The studies described in this report have general application to awide range of structural-acoustic problems, not just the analysis of submerged structures. Anexample analysis of a submerged cylinder is used to illustrate an UNDEX problem.UNDEX analyses can be generally characterized as transient simulations of acoustic scattering behavior. However, the objective of an UNDEX analysis is to evaluate the response of thesubmerged structure and not necessarily the acoustic response. The finite element model for the external acoustic domain must be adequate to represent the influence of the water on the structural response. The discussion herein will be restricted to those cases where the external fluid behavesas a linear acoustic fluid with no cavitation. Therefore, the model of the external acoustic domainneed only be tailored to provide an accurate loading on the structure and does not need toaccurately represent the acoustic waves that will travel away from the structure. It should be noted2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference1that procedures for UNDEX analyses which include fluid cavitation will be available inABAQUS/Explicit with the release of Version 6.3 (Prasad & Cipolla, 2001).The total acoustic pressure in the external fluid that results from an underwater explosion consistsof the known incident shock wave (incoming) pressure and the unknown scattered wave(outgoing) pressure. The scattered wave pressure consists of two parts, a reflected part that is associated with the shock wave interacting with an ideal rigid, immovable structure and avibratory part that results from the motions of the structure at the interface with the fluid. When cavitation is not present, it is desirable to let the external acoustic domain represent only thescattered portion of the total acoustic pressure. The shock wave incident pressure load is applieddirectly to the structural mesh at the fluid-structure wetted interface. Acoustic loads associatedwith the reflected part of the scattered pressure are applied to the fluid mesh at the wettedinterface. The full scattered pressure (reflected and vibratory) is obtained as the solution for theacoustic element pressure degrees of freedom, and the complete scattered pressure loading on the structure is generated through the fluid-structure coupling equations. The acoustic loads are a characteristic of the incident shock wave, and are obtained from the fluid particle accelerations ina direction normal to the surface that defines the fluid-structure wetted interface.In the discussion that follows the capability of ABAQUS/Explicit to efficiently perform UNDEX analyses is demonstrated. The ABAQUS features utilized in solving this class of problem are:1. Computationally efficient pressure based acoustic elements.2. Surface based automated acoustic-structure coupling.3. Acoustic-structure coupling for mis-matched meshes.4. Surface based impedance models for representing non-reflecting fluid boundaries.5. Automated shock wave loading at the fluid-structure interface.Acoustic Domain Outer BoundaryUNDEX problems are characterized by a strong coupling between the structural motions and acoustic pressures at the wetted interface. The system response in a strongly coupled structural-acoustic system can be described as being a combination of the following types of response:1. Late Time - Low Frequency: Characterized by structural wavelengths that aresignificantly shorter than the associated acoustic wavelengths. The effect of the externalfluid on the structure is that of adding an effective mass to the structure on the wettedinterface. The scattered energy within the acoustic domain remains near the structurewith very little energy radiating away from the structure.2. Early Time - High Frequency: Characterized by structural wavelengths that aresignificantly longer than the associated acoustic wavelengths. The effect of the externalfluid on the structure is to act as a simple radiation damper at the wetted interface. Mostof the scattered energy within the acoustic domain radiates away from the structure.3. Intermediate Time - Frequency: Characterized by structural wavelengths that are ofsimilar length compared to the associated acoustic wavelengths. The effect of the2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference 2external fluid on the structure is that of adding both effective mass and damping to thestructure. Comparable levels of scattered energy remain near the structure and areradiated away from the structure.Due to the high density and bulk modulus of water the finite element model for an UNDEXanalysis must be capable of accurately simulating all three ranges of structural-acoustic response.It should be noted that for some other types of structural-acoustic analyses, where the fluid is verylight compared to the structure, not all response types may be of equal importance. For example,the added mass effect of air acting upon heavy structures is often of no consequence.The acoustic model for the outer boundary of the external fluid domain must provide adequatenon-reflecting behavior over all three time-frequency ranges. Non-reflecting outer boundarymodels are implemented in ABAQUS/Explicit (Version 6.2) via a surface based boundary impedance. ABAQUS has several imbedded surface impedance models, of which the circular and sphere types were used for analyses described herein. These impedance models are based upon the classical solutions for a 3-dimensional point source (sphere) and a 2-dimensional point source or3-dimensioanl linear source (circular). The default impedance model corresponds to a simpleplane wave radiation condition, which is well suit to simple acoustic tube test simulations.For the late time - low frequency response range, the extent of fluid contributing to the added massis largest for the longest structural response wavelength. Also, for the early time - high frequency response range, the longest structural response wavelength has the potential to generate efficient radiating acoustic waves with the longest wavelengths. Therefore, the location of the fluid meshouter boundary can be based upon the structure’s longest characteristic response wavelength. Ageneral guideline for locating the acoustic mesh outer boundary was developed by performing aseries of analyses representing the harmonic translational motion of a rigid infinite cylinder in aninfinite fluid domain. This type of motion is closely related to the transverse motion of a cylindersection for beam bending response modes. A 2-dimensional rigid cylinder cross section (10”radius) was placed within a circular fluid domain, for which the outer boundary was located at 2,3, and 4 cylinder radii. The fluid was water with a bulk modulus of 345,600 psi and a sound speedof 60,000 inches per second. ABAQUS/Explicit was used to drive the cylinder with a harmonicmotion until steady state conditions were achieved. Baseline analyses with very refined acousticmeshes were used to represent the exact solutions. The baseline analyses utilized linear acoustictriangle elements with approximately 42 element divisions per acoustic wavelength. The outer boundary for the baseline analyses was located two full acoustic wavelengths away from thestructure, and utilized the circular type impedance boundary. The boundary evaluation modelshad a minimum of 20 element divisions per acoustic wavelength for the highest driving frequency,and the maximum acoustic element size was set at 1.5 inches for the lowest driving frequencies.Figure 1 shows the baseline results for the complex radiation impedance of the driven cylinder(force/velocity). The impedance values are plotted against the ratio of the structural wavelength,which is the cylinder circumference, to the driving frequency acoustic wavelength. The radiation reactance (imaginary) represents an added-mass effect and the radiation resistance (real)represents the acoustic damping. Figure 1 clearly shows all three time-frequency response ranges,with the radiation impedance transitioning from added mass at low frequencies to radiationdamping at high frequencies. Figure 2 shows a plot of the error ratio for the radiation impedance predictions with the evaluation models. The radial thickness of the fluid mesh for the outerboundary at 2, 3 and 4 cylinder radii, corresponds to approximately 1/6, 1/3, and 1/2 of thestructural wavelength. Setting the boundary at 2 cylinder radii (1/6 structural wavelength) works2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference3well at high frequencies but can introduce significant error in the added mass at low frequencies.The error oscillations within the 5% error range at the higher driving frequencies appear to be dueto the outer boundary being placed near integer multiples of half the acoustic wavelength. Placingthe outer boundary so that the fluid domain thickness is between 1/3 and 1/2 the largest structural wavelength provides for reasonable accuracy when using a sound source based outer boundarysurface impedance model. The performance when using a classical plane wave boundary conditionis significantly diminished, and would require at least doubling the extent of the fluid domain.Fluid Mesh Requirements for Representing the Shock WaveThe classical representation of a spherical shock wave associated with UNDEX loading is characterized by an instantaneous pressure rise to a peak value followed by an exponential decay.An UNDEX analysis in which the external fluid is modeled with finite elements cannot accurately represent a shock wave having an instantaneous pressure rise because the infinite pressure gradientat the shock front implies infinite fluid particle acceleration, so that the acoustic loads associatedwith the reflected part of the scattered pressure become indeterminate. Therefore, the shock frontmust be modeled such that the pressure rise occurs over a period of time, designated the “risetime”. A reasonable value for the rise time can usually be obtained from experimental oranecdotal data. The pressure vs. time history of the shock wave at a known distance form thesource can be used to evaluate element size requirements for the acoustic mesh. This isaccomplished by means of a simple acoustic tube evaluation model.A simple acoustic tube model was constructed with the linear tetrahedron acoustic elements thatwill be used in the subsequent UNDEX example analyses. Acoustic loads representative of aplanar shock wave are applied at one end of the model with the ABAQUS incident wave loading capability. The end at which the loads are applied represents a rigid immovable wall. Theresulting reflected wave travels down the acoustic tube. A simple plane wave absorbing boundarycan be applied to the opposite end of the tube, or the tube can be made of sufficient length so thatthe test analysis finishes before the reflected wave reaches the opposite end.Figure 3 shows the results for a tube analysis in which the nominal element size is equal to 1.5times the wave propagation distance corresponding to the rise time of the shock front. The onlyoutput quantity of concern in these acoustic tube analyses is the pressure at the rigid wall(scattered pressure). An ideal solution for this problem would have the reflected wave being anexact copy of the shock wave. This is clearly not the case for the Figure 3 model. Figure 4 isanother analysis with the element size set at 1/4 the rise time propagation distance. The scattered pressure matches the shock pulse very well. However, there is still a fair degree of oscillation inthe early time solution. It should be noted that the range in the pressure oscillations can become noticeably less when using brick type acoustic elements.Figure 5 shows some additional solutions with the element size set at 1.5 times the rise timedistance, for which the time increment was varied via direct user control. As the time increment is reduced the mean response approaches that of the incident shock wave. This illustrates howsimple acoustic tube models can also be used to evaluate the time increment requirements foraccurately representing the reflected wave loading. Figure 5 also suggests that a relatively coarsefluid mesh may provide sufficient solution accuracy for the structural response as long as thestructure being analyzed responds at low frequencies relative to the reflected wave oscillations.For these cases, the pressure impulse (time integral of pressure) associated with the reflected and2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference 4incident shock waves should have relatively good correlation. Figure 6 shows the pressure impulse curves generated from the Figure 5 analyses, and suggests that using a time increment that is lessthan or equal to 1/20 of the rise time may provide good results with the coarse acoustic mesh for alow frequency structural system.Example Problem DescriptionThe UNDEX example problem is based upon an experiment in which a submerged test cylinderwas exposed to a shock wave produced by a 60-pound HBX-1 explosive charge (Kwon & Fox, 1993). The test cylinder is made of T6061-T6 aluminum, has an overall length of 1.067 meters, an outside diameter of 0.305 meters, a wall thickness of 6.35 millimeters and welded endcaps that are24.5 millimeters thick. The cylinder was suspended horizontally in a 40-meter deep fresh watertest quarry (sound speed =1463 meters/second). The 60-pound HBX-1 explosive charge and the cylinder were both placed at a depth of 3.66 meters, with the charge centered off the side of thecylinder and located 7.62 meters from the cylinder surface. The suspension depths, charge offsetand duration of the test were selected such that cavitation of the fluid would not be significant andno bubble pulse would occur. During the UNDEX test, two pressure transducers were positioned7.62 meters from the charge, away from the cylinder, but at the same depth as the cylinder. These transducers provided an experimental determination for the pressure vs. time history of theincident spherical shock wave as it traveled by the point on the cylinder closest to the charge.Figure 7 is a time history of the recorded shock wave pressure used as input to theABAQUS/Explicit analyses. Strain gages were placed at several locations on the outer surface ofthe test cylinder, as shown in Figure 8. The strain gage experimental data was filtered at 2000 Hz,with the experimental data presented herein obtained by digitizing the published Kwon & Foxstrain data.ABAQUS/Explicit Model & ResultsThe test cylinder was meshed with 2400 S4R finite strain shell elements and contained 2402 nodes (14412 dof) on 40 circumferential and 53 axial element divisions. The element connectivity issuch that each shell normal is directed into the external fluid. The shell element nodes arepositioned on the outside surface of the test cylinder. The cylinder body elements directlyadjacent to the endcaps have reduced mass & stiffness and are only used to provide a surface that corresponds to the thickness of the endcaps. BEAM type MPCs are used to rigidly tie theendcaps to the main cylinder body.The external fluid is meshed with 4-noded AC3D4 acoustic tetrahedral elements. The outerboundary of the external fluid is represented by cylindrical and spherical surfaces with theappropriate surface impedance absorbing conditions. The characteristic radius of the fluid outer boundary is set at 3 shell radii, thus the thickness of fluid modeled about the cylinder represents approximately 1/3 of the cylinder’s outer circumference (rigid body translational wavelength).Based upon the mesh boundary study this location should be sufficient to provide reasonablyaccurate results. Figure 9 shows the cylinder and first acoustic mesh that was used in the analysis,with the top half of fluid removed for clarity. The shock wave rise time is 0.0182 milliseconds, corresponding to a wave propagation distance of 0.0266 meters. The nominal element size at thewetted interface is also set at 0.0266 meters and increases in size to a nominal 0.080 meters at the2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference5outer fluid boundary. An acoustic element size of 0.080 meters corresponds to approximately 12 element divisions per acoustic wavelength for a 1500 Hz response. Figure 10 provides the resultsof the acoustic tube validation for this degree of mesh refinement. Acoustic Mesh #1 contains39186 elements and 7947 pressure degrees of freedom. Figure 11 shows the second acousticmesh that was used in the analysis, with the top half of fluid removed for clarity. The nominalelement size at the wetted interface is set at 0.010 meters and increases in size to a nominal 0.030meters at the outer fluid boundary. Figure 12 provides the results of the acoustic tube validation corresponding to acoustic Mesh #2, which contains 463114 elements and 87745 pressure degreesof freedom.Figure 13 shows the ABAQUS predicted axial strain response at strain gage location B1 whenusing the coarse (#1) and refined (#2) acoustic meshes. The response curves are very close both in magnitude and phasing. The close correlation between the two analyses was also apparent at theother strain gage locations. This indicates that for the applied UNDEX loading the structuralresponse times are long when compared to the reflected wave oscillations obtained in the acoustictube validation analyses. This result was predictable when considering an eigenvalue analysis forthe cylinder with no external fluid. The modes that have the greatest potential for producingdamage have frequencies well below 1500 Hz, and will be further reduced when the cylinder is submerged due to the added mass effect. The cylinder modes have response periods that are significantly longer than the shock wave rise time or reflected wave pressure oscillations. Thus,for this particular example, using an acoustic mesh and solution time increment that reasonablycaptures the shock wave reflected pulse and can represent the scattered acoustic waves at thestructural response frequencies is adequate for obtaining a good solution.The response shown in Figure 13 is dominated by the fundamental beam bending mode of thecylinder, for which the dominant motion is transverse to the cylinder axis. At any point along the cylinder axis the motion is dominated by a translation of the cross section through the fluid,similar to the motion used in the infinite cylinder modeling study. The only damping mechanismsin the analyses were due to acoustic radiation and the /Explicit default values for element bulk viscosity. The acoustic model does not include any losses due to hydrodynamic drag (fluidviscosity) associated with the motions of the cylinder. The effect of hydrodynamic drag on thelate time response of the cylinder is clearly shown in Figure 14, where the predicted axial strain response is compared to the experimental data. The experimental data was digitized from apublished curve (Kwon & Fox, 1993), and was shifted by 0.2 milliseconds in order to align the experimental and analysis time axes. The solution designated as ALPHA = 0, represents theoriginal analysis, whereas the analysis designated as ALPHA=750 utilized mass proportionaldamping (10% critical at 600 Hz) applied to the cylinder as an approximation for the effects of hydrodynamic drag. The application of ALPHA damping does not have an adverse effect on thesolution critical time increment. ALPHA damping does not significantly affect the early timeresponse (high frequency), but does significantly reduce the late time response (low frequency).This is consistent with what is observed with the experimental data. In any event, ignoring hydrodynamic drag in an UNDEX analysis will produce conservative (high) levels for thestructural response, which is often a desirable trait when doing a design evaluation analysis.Figure 15 shows the levels of Accumulated Plastic Strain (PEEQ) on the outer surface of the shellat the end of the analysis with fluid Mesh #1 and ALPHA= 750. No change occurs in the peakplastic strain level of the cylinder wall after the first 0.34 milliseconds. Recalling that the entireshock pulse duration is 2.0 milliseconds, this truly is an early time response. No change occurs inthe peak accumulated plastic strain of the endcaps after 2.84 milliseconds, which indicates that the2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference 6endcap response may be influenced to a greater extent by the late time response. Unfortunately,there were no strain gages attached to the endcaps and the cylinder wall gages located in theregions of high plastic strain failed during the test. Table 1 compares the peak accumulated plasticstrains obtained with the two acoustic meshes, with and without ALPHA damping. The results comparison between Mesh #1 and Mesh #2 is very good. The effect of ALPHA damping on thecylinder wall PEEQ is very small, but is significant for the endcap response. Table 1 also providesa comparison of the solution times for the analyses, and illustrates the solution efficiency of theacoustic elements as compares to structural elements.ConclusionsABAQUS/Explicit provides an efficient means to evaluate the transient response of structural-acoustic systems loaded by external acoustic sources. This was illustrated with the analysis of a submerged cylinder acted upon by a shock wave generated by an underwater explosion. Themodeling studies presented in this paper indicate that sufficient accuracy for a submergedstructure’s response can be obtained when positioning the external absorbing boundary of theacoustic domain a distance from the structure of between 1/3 to 1/2 the longest characteristicstructural wavelength. Modeling studies also indicated that the degree of refinement in theacoustic domain mesh can be tailored to the characteristics of the shock pulse and the nature of structural response, i.e., short vs. long response times as compared to the shock pulse transient.Table 1. Model statistics and results comparisons.Item Cylinder Only Acoustic Mesh #1 Acoustic Mesh #2 No. Acoustic Elements N/A 39186 463114No. Acoustic DOF N/A 7947 87745No. Shell Elements 2400 2400 2400No. Shell DOF 14412 14412 14412Solution Time Increments 4730 4730 13873CPU Time (Seconds) 281 426 4590CPU per Increment 0.059 0.090 0.331PEEQ Cylinder Wall(Alpha = 750) N/A 0.00820 0.00810PEEQ Cylinder Wall(Alpha = 0) N/A 0.00838 0.00828PEEQ Endcap Center(Alpha = 750) N/A 0.00626 0.00611PEEQ Endcap Center(Alpha = 0) N/A 0.01007 0.009852002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference78 2002 ABAQUS Users’ ConferenceFigure 1. Baseline radiation impedance results for an infinite rigid cylinder.Figure 2. Error ratio for the radiation impedance evaluation models.2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference 9Figure 3. Acoustic tube with elements 1-½ the rise time propagation distance.Figure 4. Acoustic tube with elements ¼ the rise time propagation distance.10 2002 ABAQUS Users’ ConferenceFigure 5. Additional results for 1-½ rise time element mesh.Figure 6. Pressure impulse curves from Figure 5 analyses.Figure 7. Incident shock wave pressure transient.Figure 8. Test Cylinder Strain Gage Locations.2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference11Figure 9. Cylinder and acoustic Mesh #1.Figure 10. Acoustic tube validation results for Mesh #1. 12 2002 ABAQUS Users’ ConferenceFigure 11. Cylinder and acoustic Mesh #2.Figure 12. Acoustic tube validation results for Mesh #2. 2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference 13Figure 13. Axial strain response at gage location B1.Figure 14. Comparison plots of response at strain gage B1.142002 ABAQUS Users’ ConferenceFigure 15. Accumulated plastic strain in the test cylinder.References1. Kwon, Y.W. and P.K. Fox, “Underwater Shock Response of a Cylinder Subjected to a SideOn Explosion,” Computers and Structures, Vol. 48, No. 4, 1993. 2. Prasad, B.R. Nimmagadda and J. Cipolla, “A Pressure Based Cavitation Model for Underwater Shock Problems,” Shock and Vibration Symposium, Paper U30, November, 2001.2002 ABAQUS Users’ Conference15。






一、数值模拟在爆破工程教学中的应用1. 爆破参数优化在爆破工程中,选择合适的爆破参数对爆破效果至关重要。


2. 爆破结构设计在进行爆破工程时,需要设计合适的爆破结构,如钻孔布置、起爆方式等。


3. 爆破后处理技术爆破后处理技术主要包括岩石移除、清理和平整等。


4. 安全评估与风险控制爆破工程具有一定的安全风险,因此进行安全评估和风险控制是非常重要的一环。


二、数值模拟在爆破工程教学中的教学效果1. 提供直观的视觉效果数值模拟可以将爆破过程的各种参数和现象以图像和动画的形式展示给学生,使得学生能够更加直观地理解爆破原理和技术,从而加深记忆和理解。

2. 构建真实情境数值模拟可以在虚拟环境中模拟真实的爆破场景,包括岩石破碎、震动传播等。


3. 培养实践能力数值模拟可以为学生提供实践机会,使他们能够亲自设计不同爆破参数下的爆破结构,并通过模拟结果分析和优化参数。









但是实际水下爆炸以及结构相应的实验研究的成本和复杂程度非常高,并且随着计算机技术和数值模拟技术的发展,水下爆炸的数值模拟渐渐受到了大家的重视,数值模拟受环境条件的影响较小, 可以较容易地改变模拟试验条件, 比较、分析不同条件下的模拟结果, 调整参数组合进行计算。



2.当前国内外的工作ALE法全称arbitrary Lagrange-Euler方法,是一种避免网格过大变形的数值计算方法。





Young S.Shin等人[4]利用拉格朗日-欧拉耦合算法(论文中使用ALE算法)对水下爆炸问题进行了模拟,主要考虑了水域中冲击波传播时峰值压力的变化以及一个钢壳体球在冲击波作用下的动态响应。



0 .7 2
( e Q C / Q T )
,105 Pa
透射到岩石里的冲击波与岩石本身性质和装药条件 有关,当不耦合系数较大时,水中冲击波发生透射后不 足以在岩石中激起冲击波或冲击波在很小的范围内就衰 减为弹性应力波,可以忽略岩石中冲击波的影响近似地 按照弹性碰撞理论,垂直入射条件下,透射到孔壁岩石 上的压力
3.2 半经验公式的荷载模型
P ( t ) Pb p 0 ( e
nw t / 2
P ( t ) Pm e
三角形曲线 上升段时间: 总作用时间:
tr 1 2 r
ts 84 r
计算结果 结果表明,导爆索在孔口起爆后,经过约260μs后, 导爆索全部反应完全,这与设定的导爆索爆速6930m/s是吻 合的。
距离孔口位置cm 单元号 第一主应力最大值Mpa 最大值时刻μs 0 6582 19.78 25 30 12702 34.37 65 60 21852 32.78 115 90 31002 28.42 160 120 39252 27.76 200 150 48402 35.27 245 180 57402 21.89 290
采用ANSYS/LS-DYNA进行数值模拟分析时,一般分 为以下几个部分——模型的建立,材料的定义,合理的 分网,耦合算法的选择,边界条件的定义,求解,分析。



~ fij
j1 Gi d , j n
j1 Gi d , j n
Gi dxdy
n j 1
1 j1 j
g~ij j gij
j 1
~ fij
H n
~ fij
n j 1
M j M j1
Gi n
H n
Gi dxdy
n j 1
j1 j
j1 j1
j j j1 j
j1 j1
H n
j j j1 j
H n
j 1
Gi dxdy
G d , j1
• 基本思想
——将微分方程得基本解化为边界积分方程, 将边界剖分为有限个单元,在离散得区域边 界上将边界积分方程化为代数方程求解。
• 边界元 ——区域内满足控制方程,边界上近似满足边界条件
• 有限元、有限差 ——区内近似满足控制方程,边界上满足边界条件
• 特点
u x
v x
u y
v y
2u x 2
2u y 2
u n
























水下爆炸冲击波数值仿真精度研究敖启源 1, 卢 熹 1*, 姜智雅 2, 康珀阁 1(1. 沈阳理工大学 装备工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳, 110159; 2. 山西江阳化工有限公司, 山西 太原, 030041)摘 要: 在水下爆炸数值仿真研究中, 网格尺寸和一次项人工粘性系数对冲击波峰值压力计算结果有较大影响。

在预定计算精度条件下, 快速确定网格尺寸及人工粘性对数值计算意义重大。

为此, 文中基于LS-DYNA有限元软件, 建立78 g三硝基甲苯(TNT)二维水下爆炸数值计算模型, 重点分析网格尺寸和一次项粘性系数对水下爆炸冲击波峰值压力和整体计算误差的影响规律。

结果表明, 随着网格密度因子的增大, 计算峰值压力对网格的敏感性降低, 且网格密度较大时, 过小的一次项系数会导致计算峰值压力与经验公式值的相对误差增大。

在此基础上获得20%范围内误差与网格尺寸、粘性系数之间的关系, 并构建出可用于快速确定网格尺寸和一次项人工粘性系数的误差预估模型, 通过0.2 ~5 000 kg范围内的TNT柱形装药(长径比为1)和球形装药的水下爆炸计算, 验证了预估模型的普适性, 可为二维中近场范围内的水下爆炸冲击波数值仿真计算研究提供参考。

关键词: 水下爆炸; 数值仿真; 网格尺寸; 人工粘性系数; 误差预估模型中图分类号: TJ630.2; U674 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 2096-3920(2024)01-0158-08DOI: 10.11993/j.issn.2096-3920.2023-0098Numerical Simulation Accuracy Study of UnderwaterExplosion Shock WavesAO Qiyuan1, LU Xi1*, JIANG Zhiya2, KANG Poge1(1. School of Equipment Engineering, Shenyang Ligong University, Shenyang 110159, China; 2. Shanxi Jiangyang Chemical Company, Taiyuan 030051, China)Abstract: In the numerical simulation study of the underwater explosion, the grid size and the artificial viscosity coefficient of the primary term have a large impact on the calculation results of the peak pressure of the shock wave. Under the condition of predetermined calculation accuracy, it is of great significance to quickly determine the grid size and artificial viscosity for numerical calculation. For this reason, based on LS-DYNA finite element software, a two-dimensional underwater explosion numerical calculation model of 78 g trinitrotoluene (TNT) was established to analyze the influence of the grid size and the viscosity coefficient of the primary term on the peak pressure of the underwater explosion shock wave and the overall calculation error. The results show that with the increase in the grid density factor, the sensitivity of calculated peak pressure to the grid decreases. When the grid density is larger, a small primary term coefficient will cause the relative error between the calculated peak pressure and the empirical formula value to increase. On this basis, the relationship among the error, grid size, and viscosity coefficient within 20% is obtained, and an error prediction model that can be used to quickly determine the grid size and the artificial viscosity coefficient of the primary term is constructed. Through the underwater explosion calculation of cylindrical TNT charge (aspect ratio of 1) and spherical TNTcharge in the range of 0.2–5 000 kg, the universality of the prediction model is verified, which can provide a reference for the numerical simulation of underwater explosion shock wave in the two-dimensional near-field range.收稿日期: 2023-08-18; 修回日期: 2023-09-10.作者简介: 敖启源(1999-), 男, 在读硕士, 主要研究方向为水下爆炸.* 通信作者简介: 卢 熹(1983-), 男, 博士, 副教授, 主要从事水下高效毁伤技术研究.第 32 卷第 1 期水下无人系统学报Vol.32 N o.1 2024 年 2 月JOURNAL OF UNMANNED UNDERSEA SYSTEMS Feb. 2024[引用格式] 敖启源, 卢熹, 姜智雅, 等. 水下爆炸冲击波数值仿真精度研究[J]. 水下无人系统学报, 2024, 32(1): 158-165.Keywords: underwater explosion; numerical simulation; grid size; artificial viscosity coefficient; error prediction model0 引言水下武器作为舰船生命力的主要威胁之一, 其爆炸冲击波及气泡载荷会对舰船造成严重的局部和总体破坏[1]。


























ANSYS AUTODYN在水下爆炸模拟中的应用

ANSYS AUTODYN在水下爆炸模拟中的应用

ANSYS AUTODYN在水下爆炸模拟中的应用研究舰船水下爆炸的破坏效应对于提高舰船的生命力和战斗力具有非常重要的工程应用价值。



ANSYS AUTODYN软件是今年1月份ANSYS收购的一个显式有限元分析程序,用来解决固体、流体、气体及相互作用的高度非线性动力学问题,它提供很多高级功能,具有浓厚的军工背景,尤其在水下爆炸、空间防护、战斗部设计等领域有其不可替代性。


本文仅仅讨论ANSYS AUTODYN软件在舰船抗爆性能方面的特色功能。

ANSYS AUTODYN水下爆炸仿真技术特色1、高精度的Euler-Godunov、Euler-FCT求解器ANSYS AUTODYN早期的一阶Euler方法是基于Hancock(1976)发展的,1995年,ANSYS AUTODYN引入了高阶Euler求解技术:多物质Euler-Godunov (Van Leer 1977)和单物质Euler-FCT(Zalesak 1979)求解器,极大地丰富了ANSYS AUTODYN的流体求解功能。




【摘要】为研究岩体中软弱夹层对炸药爆炸能量传递过程的影响,运用ANSYS/LS - DYNA对含有不同厚度的软弱夹层岩体在爆破过程中应力波的传播及衰减规律进行数值模拟研究,分析比较了软弱夹层的存在与否以及夹层的不同厚度对确定位置的应力波的影响;并结合现场对含有软弱夹层岩体在爆破过程中出现的超欠挖现象进行了分析,指出隧道周边炮孔布置必须充分考虑软弱夹层的影响,为爆破参数的选取提供了理论依据.
1.含斜坡软弱夹层的路堤填筑过程数值模拟 [J], 余永飞;洪宝宁;陈刚
2.基于软弱围岩条件下的地铁隧道爆破施工技术 [J], 于涛;姜世斌;赵国良;张文明;杨海超
3.基于数值模拟的含软弱夹层高边坡稳定性分析 [J], 张庆飞;冯宇凇;吕改杰;席英伟
4.含软弱夹层的缓倾红层边坡切坡失稳特征数值模拟研究 [J], 武志刚;夏阳;李自
5.含软弱夹层土样变形破坏过程细观数值模拟及分析 [J], 张晓平;吴顺川;张志增;胡波



导水裂隙带高度的数值模拟分析及实测高琳【摘要】通过单轴压缩实验获取岩石力学参数,采用经验公式对浅埋薄煤层工作面导水裂隙带进行理论预计,使用FLAC3D软件进行数值模拟,并使用双端堵水器进行现场实测对模拟结果进行验证.研究表明,采空区上覆岩由于受到剪切力和张拉力发生塑性破坏而产生贯通裂隙,而弯曲带岩土层仍处于弹性状态,通过塑性区的破坏范围能够较为准确的判断导水裂隙发育最大高度,相比现场实测能大量减少对人力、物力的投入,为矿井安全生产提供有效指导.【期刊名称】《煤》【年(卷),期】2016(025)005【总页数】4页(P19-22)【关键词】导水裂隙带;数值模拟;塑性区;现场实测【作者】高琳【作者单位】山东科技大学矿业与安全工程学院,山东青岛 266590【正文语种】中文【中图分类】TD311根据覆岩破坏状况,目前将采场覆岩由下至上划分为垮落带、裂隙带和弯曲带,垮落带和裂隙带又被称为导水裂隙带。





5103工作面为某矿五煤水平第二个工作面,工作面走向长859 m,倾斜长148 m,埋深275 m。

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Z HAN G e , W i YANG n —a W U — i n Yi g t o, Yu q a g
( v u ma ie a e Na yS b rn d my, n d o2 6 7 , h n o g, hn ) Ac Qig a 6 0 1 S a d n C ia
高、 作用 于水 孔周 围介 质 的压力 均匀 、 用 时 问长 等 作
特点 , 孔 预裂爆 破 技术仍 然得 到 了很 好 的应 用 。 水 导 爆索 水孔爆 破 就是 基于 水孔 预 裂爆 破 中水 的
可压 缩 性小及 水 介 质 传递 压 力 均匀 等原 理 , 导爆 将
本 文采 用 大型 有 限元 程序 模 拟导爆 索 水孔爆 破
导爆 索水 孔爆破 的数值模拟
张 玮 , 颖 涛 ,吴 宇强 杨
( 海军 潜艇 学 院 ,山东 青 岛 26 7 ) 60 1
摘 要 : 用大型有 限元程 序对 导爆索 水孔爆 破进行 了数值模 拟, 利 客观 再现 了混凝 土爆破 的物 理过
程 ; 究 丁爆 炸应 力 波 在混 凝 土 介 质 中 的 传 播 规 律 。 从 而 有 助 于 深 入 了解 混 凝 土 爆 破 损 伤 破 坏 过 程 和 研
收 穑 日期 : 0 5—1 20 0—2 4
中的 变化规 律 , 导 爆 索 水 孔 爆 破 技 术 的进 一 步 推 为
广 和 混凝 土爆 破损 伤 破坏 的理论 研究 提 供依 据 。
在 水孔 预 裂爆 破 中所 涉及 的水 域 非 常 小 , 冲击 波 的产 生和传 播与 无 限水介 质 中冲击 波 的产 生 和传
播存 在很 大 的差 别 。 对爆 破 数据 的测 试 也十 分 困难 ,
随后 水渗 入裂 隙内部 并在 静 压作 用下 使应 力 波形成
的裂 隙进 一步 扩展 , 致 混 凝 土 等 介 质 的破 碎 。 由 导 于整 个过 程所 涉 及 因 素 比较 多 , 可避 免 地 会 给爆 不
维普资讯 第1 2卷 第 1 Nhomakorabea 20 06 年 3 月
工程爆 破
Vo . 2.No. 11 1
M a c 2 0 rh 06
文 章 编 号 :10 0 6—7 5 (06 叭 一0 2 —0 0 12 0 ) 06 3
ig t or n n n e ig de i n he y a d e gi e rn sgn.
KE W ORDS Y :Nu r a i lt n mei l muai ;C n r t ;W ae oeba t g c s o o cee trh l lsi n
1 引 言
破工 程 的设计 和施 工带来 许 多 困难 。 国内 已有学 者 对导爆 索 水 孔爆 破切 割 技术进 行 了研 究 , 文献 [ ] 1 即对作 用 在炮 孔壁 上 的压 力进 行 了 计算 ; 涉及 介 质 的 损 伤破 坏 过 程 的 分 析结 果 并 不 但
所 以 目前 在我 国对 于水 孔 预裂爆 破 技术 的研 究 不是 很多 。但 由于 水 孔 预 裂爆 破 具 有 炸 药 能 量 利 用 率
混 凝土 的过 程 , 到 混 凝 土 介 质 在 爆 炸 载 荷 作用 下 得
的动态 响应 , 究 整 个 过 程 中应 力 波 在 混 凝 土介 质 研
索置 于 水孔 中 的爆 破 。 导爆 索 在 水 孔 中爆 炸 时 , 爆 炸应 力 波通 过水 传 给 孔 壁 , 着 在 混 凝 土 等 介 质 中 接 传播 , 孔与 孔之 间 的共 同作 用 , 得 孔 间形 成 裂 隙 , 使
导爆 索水孔爆破 的作 用机理 , 破理论研究和工程设计提供了一种有效方法。 为爆 关键词 : 数值模拟 : 混凝土 ; 水孔爆破
中 图 分 类 号 : D 3 .; P 9 . T 25 1 T 319
文献标识码 : A
AB T S RA CT:Th rs n a e i ua e u rc l trh l lsig wi eo aig fs y t e u eo e p ee tp p rs m ltd n meial wae oe batn t d t n t u e b h s f y h n lr ef i lme t n lsss f r ,e rs n igt ep y i l r cd r f o ceeba t g. ep o a ain o ag n t ee n ay i o t i e a wa e r p ee tn h h sc o e u eo n r t lsi Th r p g t f ap c n o t e bat g srs v n c n r t ss u id.tn to l ep u t e n esa dn fc n r t lsig h lsi tes wa e i o cee wa t de I o n y h ls f rh r u d rtn ig o o cee batn n d m a ep o esa dwae oebatn c a i , u l r vd sa f ciemeh d frt esu yo ls— a g rcs n trh l lsig me h ns b tas p o ie n ef t t o o h td fba t m o e v