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已经证实,当我们从1.8GHz 跳到28GHz再到60GHz频带时,产生超过20dB的附加路径损耗,并且随着我们的差距正在迅速增加。

此外,由于频带变化情况,NLoS路径损耗大于LoS 损耗。




选择28 GHz频段的基本目标是宽带无用和信道散布性。










为了改善28 GHz频段的链路预算,我们开发了一种用于下行链路多接收机28GHz系统的双相低复杂度混合模数数字波束成形,而我们假定在接收机侧进行模拟信号合并。


因此,我们引用所提出的算法,我们必须参考将波束成形计算分为两个阶段的主要思想,在第一阶段,发射机的RF 波束形成器和接收机的RF组合器被联合设计最大化每个接收机的所需信号功率,忽略接收机之间的干扰。




























在单路径信道的假设下分析混合波束成形算法性能,然后假设在发射机和接收机侧都具有大尺寸阵列几何形状的多路径信道,这被称为28 GHz系统的有利设计。









所提出的混合波束成形算法表明,即使具有相对较小的训练和反馈开销也表现出良好的性能,我们确信我们感谢28 GHz信道的备用性质,并且已经在发射机和接收机中部署了大量的天线。




仿真结果表明,即使已经部署了大尺寸阵列,也需要多接收机28 GHz系统中的干扰管理。





The demands of higher data rates is rapidly increasing due to the revolutionary explode in the social media world and the user’s enormous need for the high speed wireless communication, the current wireless services has been saturated almost all the spectrum below 6GHz so the millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequency band can be a brilliant solution for the for the next generation of wireless communication and beyond. The essential target of choosing the 28 GHz frequency band is wide unused bandwidth and the scattered nature of the channel. In the higher frequencies wireless communication environment such as mm-wave the antenna arrays become a significant ingredient. Therefor the normal application for the antenna arrays is the simultaneous transmission for the multiple receivers. But the major problem in mm-wave systems is the hardware constraints which makes the implementation of the multi receiver MIMO beamforming techniques at the classic lower frequency bands difficult.
In order to improve the links budget in the 28 GHz frequency band, we developed a dual phase Low-complexity hybrid analog-digital beamforming for the downlink multi-receiver 28 GHz systems, while we presume an analog only combining at the receivers’ side.
In this thesis the hybrid beamforming included analog and digital combined processing which is inspired by the combined signal hardware and full radio frequency power consumption.
The proposed algorithm designs the transmitter hybrid beamformer and the receiver’s analog combiners with feedback overhead and by a small training. The performance analysis of the proposed algorithm has been taken for two cases, in the single path channels and with multi path channels with large number of transmitter and receivers antennas and with two types of uniform arrays uniform linear array (ULA) and uniform rectangular array (URA). Both the beamforming vectors the analog and the digital has been chosen from quantized coodbooks, so the rate loss characterization due to joint quantization and the visions are given among the performance of the hybrid beamforming compared with analog only beamforming and all digital (block diagonalization algorithm) beamforming.
The performance Analysis and the simulation results demonstrates that the
proposed model offers a higher sum rates against the analog only beamforming and almost achieves the same approach of the block diagonalization all digital system by relatively small codebooks.
Keywords: Millimeter Wave, Hybrid Beamforming, 5G, MIMO, Array Processing.
L ist of F igures
Figure 1 Millimeter Wave Spectrum (13)
Figure 2 Path-loss of 1.8GHz, 28GHz and 60GHz frequency bands (14)
Figure 3 Uniform Linear Array Architecture (20)
Figure 4 Uniform Rectangular Array Architecture (21)
Figure 5 Impact of Changing d on ULA Beam Pattern (22)
Figure 6 Impact of Changing d on URA Beam Pattern (23)
Figure 7 Impact of changing N on ULA Beam Pattern (24)
Figure 8 Impact of changing N on ULA Beam Pattern (24)
Figure 9 Impact of changing N on URA Beam Pattern (25)
Figure 10 Impact of changing N on URA Beam Pattern (26)
Figure 11 K receivers 28 GHz downlink system model, in which Transmitter communicating with the receivers which has a limited feedback channels. (27)
Figure 12 Transmitter with hybrid analog/digital architecture communicating with the K Receivers that employs analog-only combining. (27)
Figure 13 Dual Phase Multi-Receiver Hybrid Beamforming Algorithm (37)
Figure 14 Dual Phase Multi-Receiver Hybrid Beamforming Algorithm (38)
Figure 15 Predefined RF beams ULA (39)
Figure 16 Predefined RF beams URA (40)
Figure 17 Achievable rates of the single receiver and analog only beamforming with perfect channel knowledge, with Single-path channels, ULA. (56)
Figure 18 Achievable rate of the Unconstrained (all digital) against the rates of single receiver and analog beamforming with perfect channel knowledge, with Single-path channels, ULA. (56)
Figure 19 Achievable rate of the proposed Hybrid Beamforming against the rates of Unconstrained (all digital) single receiver and analog beamforming with
perfect channel knowledge, with Single-path channels, ULA. (57)
Figure 20 Achievable rate of the proposed Hybrid Beamforming against the rates of Unconstrained (all digital) single receiver and analog beamforming with
presence of the Lower Bound Theorem perfect channel knowledge, with
Single-path channels, ULA. (57)
Figure 21 Achievable rates of the single receiver and analog only beamforming with perfect channel knowledge, with Single-path channels, URA (58)
Figure 22 Achievable rate of the Unconstrained (all digital) against the rates of single receiver and analog beamforming with perfect channel knowledge, with Single-path channels, URA. (58)
Figure 23 Achievable rate of the proposed Hybrid Beamforming against the rates of Unconstrained (all digital) single receiver and analog beamforming with
perfect channel knowledge, with Single-path channels, URA (59)
Figure 24 Achievable rate of the proposed Hybrid Beamforming against the rates of Unconstrained (all digital) single receiver and analog beamforming with
presence of the Lower Bound Theorem perfect channel knowledge, with
Single-path channels, URA. (59)
Figure 25 Achievable rates of the single receiver and analog only beamforming with perfect channel knowledge, and Multi-path channels, ULA. (61)
Figure 26 Achievable rate of the proposed Hybrid Beamforming against the rates of single receiver and analog beamforming with presence of the Lower Bound
Theorem with perfect channel knowledge, and Multi-path channels, ULA (61)
Figure 27 Achievable rates of the single receiver and analog only beamforming with perfect channel knowledge, and Multi-path channels, URA. (62)
Figure 28 Achievable rate of the proposed Hybrid Beamforming against the rates of single receiver and analog beamforming with presence of the Lower Bound
Theorem with perfect channel knowledge, and Multi-path channels, URA. (62)
Mathematical Notations
PL LoS Line of site Path loss
PL NLoS Non-Line of site Path loss
δDistance in meter
f c Carrier Frequency
a(θ)Antenna Response Vector
θAngle of arrival and/or departure
ΦAngle of arrival and/or departure
N Number of antennas
λFrequency wavelength
d Inter array elements spacing
,.-T Channel Matrix transpose
K Number of receivers
N S Streams Number
N RF Number of RF Chains
N Tx Number of Transmitter antennas
N Rx Number of Receiver antennas
F BB Baseband precoder
F RF RF Beamformer
X Transmitted signal
S Transmitted stream
P Transmitted power
L Number of paths
αComplex gain
W k RF combiner
n Gaussian noise
y Received Signal
R k Achievable rate
eff Effective Channel
fb Feedback Channel
‖H‖Frobenius norm max Maximum
min Minimum
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio 1(.)Indicator Function
I Identity Matrix
摘要 (I)
Abstract (V)
List of Figures ............................................................................................ V II Mathematical Notations (IX)
Contents ............................................................................................................... X I Chapter 1 Introduction. (13)
1.1 Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication (13)
1.2 Why 28 GHz (13)
1.3 Analysis Of Literature Review (15)
1.4 Problem Statement (17)
1.5 Research Outlines (18)
Chapter 2 System Architecture (19)
2.1 Antenna Arrays (19)
2.1.1 Uniform Linear Arrays (19)
2.1.2 Uniform Rectangular Arrays (20)
2.2 Impact of Physical Parameters on Arrays (21)
2.2.1 Impact of Changing d on ULA (21)
2.2.2 Impact of Changing d on URA (22)
2.2.3 Impact of changing N on ULA (23)
2.2.4 Impact of changing N on URA (25)
2.3 System Model (26)
2.4 Channel Models (28)
2.4.1 Narrowband Geometric Channel Model (28)
2.4.2 Virtual Channel Model (30)
Chapter 3 Problem Formulation (32)
3.1 Sum Rate Calculation (32)
3.1.1 General Quantized Beamforming Codebooks (32)
3.1.2 Analog Beamforming Codebooks (32)
3.2 Beamformers-Combiners Designing (34)
3.2.1 Iterative Coordinated Beamforming Designs (34)
3.2.2 Non-Iterative Designs with Channel State Information at the Transmitter .
3.2.3 Non-Iterative Designs with Channel State Information at the Receiver . 35 3.3 Duel-Phase Low-Complexity Multi-Receiver Hybrid Beamforming (35)
Chapter 4 Performance Analysis (41)
4.1 Single Path Channel (41)
4.4.1 Lower Bound Theorem (41)
4.4.2 Single Receiver Rate (45)
4.4.3 Analog Beamforming (46)
4.4.4 Digital Beamforming (47)
4.2 Multi Path Channel (49)
Chapter 5 Simulation Results (54)
5.1 Simulation Results (54)
5.1.1 Single Path Channels (54)
5.1.2 Multi Path channel (60)
Conclusions (63)
References (64)
Papers and Patents (68)
Acknowledgement (70)
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Millimeter Wave Wireless Communication
The current wireless services has been saturated almost all the spectrum below 6GHz as well as the vast growing demand for high-speed wireless communications, in particular with immersive multimedia applications are now making a foray into smart devices (e.g., smart phone, tablet, laptops, etc.). Spatially Video traffic constitutes a considerable 61 percent of the mobile traffic volume and is expected to increase rapidly in upcoming years.
Figure 1 Millimeter Wave Spectrum
The abundance of Full high definition (Full HD) video is been shared through social media and ultra HD and 3D video content will take place in the soon future, this has urged the researchers to dig into the millimeter wave (mm-wave) frequency bands as an alternative to the classic bands and to take the privilege of the wide unused bandwidth as a promising solution for the upcoming demands of the fifth generation of wireless communication systems and beyond [1, 2], see Figure 1.
1.2 Why 28 GHz
The mm-waves frequency bands in particular the 28GHz, our research interest
are still in the phase of research as a solution for the next generation of wireless communication.One of the conspicuous channel propagation characteristics in mm-wave frequency band is the huge transmitted signal path loss through the bands [3].
Figure 2 Path-loss of 1.8GHz, 28GHz and 60GHz frequency bands Previous studies have shown the channel measurement results for mm-wave [3-5], where the worse propagation loss characteristic of mm-wave frequency bands compared against the classic cellular system frequency bands has been verified. While, they also has been showed the possibility of wireless communication based on beamforming techniques, which become easier by the small wavelength of mm-wave, for the line of sight (LoS) and non-line of sight (NLoS) transmitter and receiver propagation path [5]. Figure 1 shows that more than 20dB additional path loss occurs when we jump from 1.8GHz to 28GHz to 60GHz frequency band and as we going up the gap is rapidly increasing. Further, the NLoS path loss is greater than LoS loss due to the frequency band changing circumstance. Note that the model of the path loss used for Figure 2 is based on the Urban Micro scenario:
PL LoS=22log10(δ)+28+20log10(f c)(1-1)
PL NLoS=36.7log10(δ)+22.7+26log10(f c)(1-2) where δis the distance in meter and f c is the carrier frequency in GHz. Thus,
the 28GHz frequency band is much better choice in order to exploiting the smaller wavelength in mm-wave frequency bands. but the limitations of the power consumption and high cost of fully digital 28GHz system make it unlikely to implement with existing technologies of semiconductors so a hybrid (Digital- Analog) Beamforming with steerable beams should accommodated to miniaturized the complexity.
1.3 Analysis of Literature Review
The need to employ the mm-wave communication in wireless local area networking because of the large spectrum bandwidths in it, which makes it also a favorable candidate for the cellular systems in soon future [1-7]. Large antenna arrays employment at the both ends, transmitter and the receiver of the cellular system are required to achieve high quality links in mm-wave communication systems [6, 8, 9]. Each transmitter necessarily needs to simultaneously serve a number of receivers to increase the performance and the system efficiency.
Multiplexing various data streams to various receivers needs to apply some beamforming form to generate the transmitted signal, and to have a preferable control over the entries of the beamforming matrix. But this beamforming was generally at the baseband stage in conventional lower frequency systems. Unfortunately, the system cost, complexity and power exhaustion of combined signal components make fully digital baseband beamformer undesired with current manufacturing techniques [6]. Moreover, the beamforming matrices design commonly is based on the almost perfect channel state information, which is hard to get in the smaller wavelength systems due to, a huge training overhead, is required when the massive number of antennas had been used in the system and beamforming after the small signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). Thus, the novel algorithms of multi-receiver beamforming are:
1-Take the hardware constraints of the mm-wave system in considerations.
2-Developing much low complexity mm-wave systems is required.
In the single receiver mm-wave systems, instead of the baseband solutions [10-14] proposed a controlled phase of the transmitted signal in each antenna by the analog beamformer through a network of the system phase shifters and all of that in
the radio frequency domain (RF). That model was adopted in the IEEE standards (IEEE 802.11ad [13] and IEEE 802.15.3c [14]), for the commercial indoor usage of the mm-wave communication. Developing a codebooks with multiple resolution design and an adaptive beamforming algorithms which jointly design the analog beamforming vectors of the transmitter and the receiver in [10, 11].
Making the training overhead as minimum as possible is smart proposal in [12], by assigning a unique signatures for different training beamforming vectors. In beamspace Multi Input Multi Output (MIMO) Discrete Fourier transforms (DFT) has been applied as beamforming vectors which is introduced in [13, 14], to steer the transmitted signals to the subspaces that can maximize the power of received signal asymptotically with large dimensional antenna regime.
In [10-16], more constraints has been added to the analog beamformers design, for example, digital controlling to the phase shifters which have values of quantized phase with neglecting any adaptation for the gain control. The solution of Analog beamforming can be limited by those constraints proportional to the baseband stage of beamforming, accordingly them ability will be limited to reach advanced processing deal with inter receiver interference.
In [6, 17, 18], a hybrid beamforming with two processing domains of analog and digital was introduced for several data streams multiplexing which is lead to more accurate performance. Under the proposition of the presence of the channel knowledge the basis pursuit algorithmic concept has been used to improve low complexity hybrid beamforming in [6]by that the mm-wave channel can be demonstrate it sparse temper. Single user for the system of MIMO-OFDM aims to maximizing the achievable rate over various sub-carriers or the received signal, also by proposing low complexity algorithms of hybrid beamforming. Devise an iterative algorithm of hybrid analog digital beamforming in [18], with assumption of partial mm-wave channel knowledge.
In [6, 17, 18], hybrid beamformers was introduced for single receiver channels to achieve the diversity or the spatial multiplexing but those models can support data streams with confided boundary of number [5]. The digital precoding stage of the hybrid beamforming can provide more reliability with the beamformers design, when the analog beamforming can be used for minimize the inter receiver interference in the multi receiver systems. Therefore, improving low complexity
hybrid beamforming algorithms for multi receiver mm-wave systems is of our special concern.
In [19-21]an initial beamforming system models were studied. Spatial multiplexing and diversity has been investigated in [19] when the system model was a joint analog and digital beamformer. The algorithms of hybrid beamforming in [20], has been improved to decrease the mean squared error of the received signals with interference existence and the shifters with only availability of quantized phases. Massive MIMO two layer beamforming system was devised in [21]in which the channel feedback overhead has been minimized by a set of receivers. The design of the systems which proposed in [19-21] was not meant to be exactly for the mm-wave as they didn’t discuss the constraints of mm-wave hardware.
1.4 Problem Statement
This Thesis has improved a Low-complexity yet functional dual-phase hybrid analog-digital beamforming algorithm for downlink multi receiver mm-wave systems.
The proposed algorithm is more generic under the assumption of the known dimensions of arrays which available with the transmitter and the receivers channel with limited feedback lying in between. We can briefly list the essential contributions of this thesis as follows:
1-Improving an algorithm for hybrid transmitter beamforming and receiver combining for multi receiver 28 GHz systems. We presume that the receivers use only analog combiners whereas a hybrid analog-digital beamformers to be implemented at the transmitter where the number of RF chains has been used in the proposed system is equal to the number of receivers or less of it.
The design of the proposed algorithm aims to decrease the feedback overhead and the training to get closer result to the unconstrained solution.
2-Analyze the hybrid beamforming algorithm performance, under the assumption of single path channel, and then we assume multi path channel with large dimensional array geometries at both the transmitter and receivers side which referred as a favorable design for the 28 GHz systems.
3-The average rate loss will be characterized for the hybrid quantized codebook, and then distinguishing the large gain of the hybrid beamforming
compared with all digital unconstrained algorithm and analog beamforming solutions.
1.5 Research Outlines
The performance of the upper and lower bounds of the introduced algorithm has been analyzed in chapter 4 where the simulation part in chapter 5 demonstrate the comparison with analog beamforming and block diagonalization algorithm all digital (unconstrained) in two different analysis case studies when there is only single path channels and when the number of the array antennas is very large with multi path channels. The proposed hybrid beamforming algorithm indicate that even with relatively small training and feedback overhead has showed a good performance, sure we are grateful to the spares nature of the mm-wave channel and the large number of antennas has been deployed in the transmitter and receivers.
The rest of this thesis has been arranged as follows:
1-The descriptions of the system architecture and channels model were in chapter 2.
2-In chapter 3, the sum rate calculation problem for multi receiver hybrid beamforming combining has been formulated with the association of
training and feedback overhead. Then the proposed low complexity dual
phase hybrid beamforming-combining algorithm has been described.
3-Chapter 4 included the performance analyzing of the proposed algorithm, in single path channel and multi path channel with very large number of
antennas with assumption of continuous phase shifters angles.
4-The simulation results and the conclusion of the thesis were presented in chapter 5.
Chapter 2 System Architecture
2.1 Antenna Arrays
Antenna array is a group of antenna elements which has a definite geometries, every single element has a special spatial position and a particular distance between its elements. The antenna array can take any geometric design. The uniform linear arrays (ULA’s) and the uniform rectangular arrays (URA’s) are the array geometries of our interest.
Actually the topic of arrays has been extensively covered by many textbooks, e.g. [22-24], much useful information can be found regarding the topic of arrays. Regarding to the literature had been studied about this topic the preferred structures to our system model are the uniform linear array (ULA) and the uniform rectangular array (URA).
2.1.1 Uniform Linear Arrays
We can describe the uniform linear array as the basic array geometry. Therefor all the elements are organized along one straight line and usually have a uniform spacing between its elements. Basically you can simply analyze the ULA and many valuable perceptions can be gained by comprehending its behavior. Two elements is the minimum length ULA which is called 2-element array. We are interesting to study the more general ULA case which is the N-element array, thus, the ULA antenna steering vector for N-number of antenna can be written us [23]:
N e j

λd sin (θ),…,e j(N−1)

λd sin
where θrepresent the angle of arrival and/or departure (AoAs/AoDs) respectively, N is the number of array elements, λis the frequency band wavelength, and d represent the antenna elements spacing distance. Schematic demonstration of the ULA is shown in the Figure 3.
Figure 3 Uniform Linear Array Architecture
2.1.2 Uniform Rectangular Arrays
The more slightly complex geometry than the ULA is the Uniform Rectangular arrays URA’s, we can describe it as a uniform expansion of the ULA’s with more complex geometries, a URA with a uniform rectangular boundary grid can be showed in the Figure 4, the structure is similar to that found in [22, 23].
There are N elements in the x-direction and M elements in the y-direction creating an N×M array of elements. The elements in the x-direction dx spacing separately from the elements in the y-direction which spaced by dy. The URA can be observed as M linear arrays for N elements or we can describe it as N linear arrays of M elements reciprocally. Where the array response vector regarding to the above mentioned can be given by [23]:
1,e j

(m sinΦsinθ+n cosθ),……
……,e j

Figure 4 Uniform Rectangular Array Architecture
2.2 Impact of Physical Parameters on Arrays
The inter-element spacing between the antenna array elements of the ULA is an important part in designing the ULA [22]. It is therefore, necessary to see the effects of varying the physical parameters such as array elements N and inter-element spacing d of the ULA and URA. The simulation for various values of inter-element spacing and fixed number of array elements of the ULA and URA and also for various numbers of N and fix will be performed in the following subsections.
2.2.1 Impact of Changing d on ULA
The impact of different inter-element spacing in the ULA can be seen by the Figure 5, which demonstrates different beam pattern response of the ULA. The beam pattern of the ULA for three different values of element spacing d and four elements N=4of ULA array and the wavelength of the 28GHz frequency band has been shown. It is seen from the beam pattern that when the d between the antenna array elements is greater than 0.5λ, we can see that a grating lobes appear in the radiation pattern of ULA [22] as can be seen from the Figure 5.
Figure 5 Impact of Changing d on ULA Beam Pattern
We can prove that by the equation of the array steering vector of the ULA in (2-1). As we know that the sin(θ)∈,1,−1-and from the equation (2-1), the
exponent term can be 2π
λd sin(θ)∈0−2π
d1. And so, if d>0.5λ, the
exponent term extends beyond ,−π,π-and we can get the peak for several values of θfor the same argument of exponent which causes grating lobes in the array response.
2.2.2 Impact of Changing d on URA
Figure 6 illustrates the impact of changing the inter-element spacing d in four elements N=4of URA array for and the wavelength of the 28GHz frequency band. Different beam patterns for different d values can be substitute in the array steering vector in (2-2) without changing the number of array elements. The case here is not very different from the case of the ULA but with more stability and less grating lobes in the radiation pattern [23], and that has been demonstrated in the Figure 6.。
