❖To create tomorrow of your own!
Keep in mind
❖ 幸福是奋斗出来的!
Find more information about robots via the Internet.
在我的印象里,他一直努力而自知,每天从食堂吃饭后,他总是习惯性地回到办公室看厚厚的专业书不断提升和充实自己,他的身上有九零后少见的沉稳。同事们恭喜他,大多看 到了他的前程似锦,却很少有人懂得他曾经付出过什么。就像说的:“如果这世上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字,生命中最难的阶段,不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂自已。” 而他的奇迹,是努力给了挑选的机会。伊索寓言中,饥饿的狐狸想找一些可口的食物,但只找到了一个酸柠檬,它说,这只柠檬是甜的,正是我想吃的。这种只能得到柠檬,就说 柠檬是甜的自我安慰现象被称为:“甜柠檬效应”。一如很多人不甘平庸,却又大多安于现状,大多原因是不知该如何改变。看时,每个人都能从角色中看到自已。高冷孤独的安 迪,独立纠结的樊胜美,乐观自强的邱莹莹,文静内敛的关睢尔,古怪精灵的曲筱绡。她们努力地在城市里打拼,拥有幸或不幸。但她依然保持学习的习惯,这样无论什么事她都 有最准确的判断和认知;樊胜美虽然虚荣自私,但她努力做一个好HR,换了新工作后也是拼命争取业绩;小蚯蚓虽没有高学历,却为了多卖几包咖啡绞尽脑汁;关睢尔每一次出镜 几乎都是在房间里戴着耳机听课,处理文件;就连那个嬉皮的曲筱潇也会在新年之际为了一单生意飞到境外……其实她们有很多路可以走:嫁人,啃老,安于现状。但每个人都像 个负重的蜗牛一样缓缓前行,为了心中那丁点儿理想拼命努力。今天的努力或许不能决定明天的未来,但至少可以为明天积累,否则哪来那么多的厚积薄发和大器晚成?身边经常 有人抱怨生活不幸福,上司太刁,同事太蛮,公司格局又不大,但却不想改变。还说:“改变干嘛?这个年龄了谁还能再看书考试,混一天是一天吧。”一个“混”字就解释了他 的生活态度。前几天我联系一位朋友,质问为什么好久不联系我?她说自已每天累的像一条狗,我问她为什么那么拼?她笑:“如果不努力我就活得像一条狗了。”恩,新换的上 司,海归,虽然她有了磨合几任领导的经验,但这个给她带来了压力。她的英语不好,有时批阅文件全是大段大段的英文,她心里很怄火,埋怨好好的中国人,出了几天国门弄得 自己像个洋鬼子似的。上司也不舒服,流露出了嫌弃她的意思,甚至在一次交待完工作后建议她是否要调一个合适的部门?她的脸红到了脖子,想着自己怎么也算是老员工,由她 羞辱?两个人很不愉快。但她有一股子倔劲,不服输,将近40岁的人了,开始拿出发狠的学习态度,报了个英语培训班。回家后捧着英文书死啃,每天要求上中学的女儿和自己英 语对话,连看电影也是英文版的。功夫不负有心人,当听力渐渐能跟得上上司的语速,并流利回复,又拿出漂亮的英文版方案,新上司看她的眼光也从挑剔变柔和,某天悄悄放了 几本英文书在她桌上,心里突然发现上司并没那么讨厌。心态好了,她才发现新上司的优秀,自从她来了后,部门业绩翻了又翻,奖金也拿到手软,自己也感觉痛快。她说:这个 社会很功利,但也很公平。别人的傲慢一定有理由,如果想和平共处,需要同等的段位,而这个段位,自己可能需要更多精力,但唯有不断付出,才有可能和优秀的人比肩而立。 人为什么要努力?一位长者告诉我:“适者生存。”这个社会讲究适者生存,优胜劣汰。虽然也有潜规则,有套路和看不见的沟沟坎坎,但一直努力的人总会守得云开见月明。有 些人明明很成功了,但还是很拼。比如剧中的安迪,她光环笼罩,商场大鳄是她的男闺蜜,不离左右,富二代待她小心呵护,视若明珠,加上她走路带风,职场攻势凌历,优秀得 让身边人仰视。这样优秀的人,不管多忙,每天都要抽出两个小时来学习。她的学习不是目的,而是能量,能让未来的自己比过去更好一些。现实生活中,努力真的重要,它能改 变一个人的成长轨迹,甚至决定人生成败。有一句鸡汤:不着急,你想要的,岁月都会给你。其实,岁月只能给你风尘满面,而希望,唯有努力才能得到!9、懂得如何避开问题的 人,胜过知道怎样解决问题的人。在这个世界上,不知道怎么办的时候,就选择学习,也许是最佳选择。胜出者往往不是能力而是观念!在家里看到的永远是家,走出去看到的才 是世界。把钱放在眼前,看到的永远是钱,把钱放在有用的地方,看到的是金钱的世界。给人金钱是下策,给人能力是中策,给人观念是上策。财富买不来好观念,好观念能换来 亿万财富。世界上最大的市场,是在人的脑海里!要用行动控制情绪,不要让情绪控制行动;要让心灵启迪智慧,不能让耳朵支配心灵。人与人之间的差别,主要差在两耳之间的 那块地方!人无远虑,必有近忧。人好的时候要找一条备胎,人不好的时候要找一条退路;人得意的时候要找一条退路,人失意的时候要找一条出路!孩子贫穷是与父母的有一定 的关系,因为他小的时候,父母没给他足够正确的人生观。家长的观念是孩子人生的起跑线!有什么信念,就选择什么态度;有什么态度,就会有什么行为;有什么行为,就产生 什么结果。要想结果变得好,必须选择好的信念。播下一个行动,收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,收获一种性格;播下一种性格,收获一种命运。思想会变成语言,语言会变成行
❖To create tomorrow of your own!
Keep in mind
❖ 幸福是奋斗出来的!
Find more information about robots via the Internet.
在我的印象里,他一直努力而自知,每天从食堂吃饭后,他总是习惯性地回到办公室看厚厚的专业书不断提升和充实自己,他的身上有九零后少见的沉稳。同事们恭喜他,大多看 到了他的前程似锦,却很少有人懂得他曾经付出过什么。就像说的:“如果这世上真有奇迹,那只是努力的另一个名字,生命中最难的阶段,不是没有人懂你,而是你不懂自已。” 而他的奇迹,是努力给了挑选的机会。伊索寓言中,饥饿的狐狸想找一些可口的食物,但只找到了一个酸柠檬,它说,这只柠檬是甜的,正是我想吃的。这种只能得到柠檬,就说 柠檬是甜的自我安慰现象被称为:“甜柠檬效应”。一如很多人不甘平庸,却又大多安于现状,大多原因是不知该如何改变。看时,每个人都能从角色中看到自已。高冷孤独的安 迪,独立纠结的樊胜美,乐观自强的邱莹莹,文静内敛的关睢尔,古怪精灵的曲筱绡。她们努力地在城市里打拼,拥有幸或不幸。但她依然保持学习的习惯,这样无论什么事她都 有最准确的判断和认知;樊胜美虽然虚荣自私,但她努力做一个好HR,换了新工作后也是拼命争取业绩;小蚯蚓虽没有高学历,却为了多卖几包咖啡绞尽脑汁;关睢尔每一次出镜 几乎都是在房间里戴着耳机听课,处理文件;就连那个嬉皮的曲筱潇也会在新年之际为了一单生意飞到境外……其实她们有很多路可以走:嫁人,啃老,安于现状。但每个人都像 个负重的蜗牛一样缓缓前行,为了心中那丁点儿理想拼命努力。今天的努力或许不能决定明天的未来,但至少可以为明天积累,否则哪来那么多的厚积薄发和大器晚成?身边经常 有人抱怨生活不幸福,上司太刁,同事太蛮,公司格局又不大,但却不想改变。还说:“改变干嘛?这个年龄了谁还能再看书考试,混一天是一天吧。”一个“混”字就解释了他 的生活态度。前几天我联系一位朋友,质问为什么好久不联系我?她说自已每天累的像一条狗,我问她为什么那么拼?她笑:“如果不努力我就活得像一条狗了。”恩,新换的上 司,海归,虽然她有了磨合几任领导的经验,但这个给她带来了压力。她的英语不好,有时批阅文件全是大段大段的英文,她心里很怄火,埋怨好好的中国人,出了几天国门弄得 自己像个洋鬼子似的。上司也不舒服,流露出了嫌弃她的意思,甚至在一次交待完工作后建议她是否要调一个合适的部门?她的脸红到了脖子,想着自己怎么也算是老员工,由她 羞辱?两个人很不愉快。但她有一股子倔劲,不服输,将近40岁的人了,开始拿出发狠的学习态度,报了个英语培训班。回家后捧着英文书死啃,每天要求上中学的女儿和自己英 语对话,连看电影也是英文版的。功夫不负有心人,当听力渐渐能跟得上上司的语速,并流利回复,又拿出漂亮的英文版方案,新上司看她的眼光也从挑剔变柔和,某天悄悄放了 几本英文书在她桌上,心里突然发现上司并没那么讨厌。心态好了,她才发现新上司的优秀,自从她来了后,部门业绩翻了又翻,奖金也拿到手软,自己也感觉痛快。她说:这个 社会很功利,但也很公平。别人的傲慢一定有理由,如果想和平共处,需要同等的段位,而这个段位,自己可能需要更多精力,但唯有不断付出,才有可能和优秀的人比肩而立。 人为什么要努力?一位长者告诉我:“适者生存。”这个社会讲究适者生存,优胜劣汰。虽然也有潜规则,有套路和看不见的沟沟坎坎,但一直努力的人总会守得云开见月明。有 些人明明很成功了,但还是很拼。比如剧中的安迪,她光环笼罩,商场大鳄是她的男闺蜜,不离左右,富二代待她小心呵护,视若明珠,加上她走路带风,职场攻势凌历,优秀得 让身边人仰视。这样优秀的人,不管多忙,每天都要抽出两个小时来学习。她的学习不是目的,而是能量,能让未来的自己比过去更好一些。现实生活中,努力真的重要,它能改 变一个人的成长轨迹,甚至决定人生成败。有一句鸡汤:不着急,你想要的,岁月都会给你。其实,岁月只能给你风尘满面,而希望,唯有努力才能得到!9、懂得如何避开问题的 人,胜过知道怎样解决问题的人。在这个世界上,不知道怎么办的时候,就选择学习,也许是最佳选择。胜出者往往不是能力而是观念!在家里看到的永远是家,走出去看到的才 是世界。把钱放在眼前,看到的永远是钱,把钱放在有用的地方,看到的是金钱的世界。给人金钱是下策,给人能力是中策,给人观念是上策。财富买不来好观念,好观念能换来 亿万财富。世界上最大的市场,是在人的脑海里!要用行动控制情绪,不要让情绪控制行动;要让心灵启迪智慧,不能让耳朵支配心灵。人与人之间的差别,主要差在两耳之间的 那块地方!人无远虑,必有近忧。人好的时候要找一条备胎,人不好的时候要找一条退路;人得意的时候要找一条退路,人失意的时候要找一条出路!孩子贫穷是与父母的有一定 的关系,因为他小的时候,父母没给他足够正确的人生观。家长的观念是孩子人生的起跑线!有什么信念,就选择什么态度;有什么态度,就会有什么行为;有什么行为,就产生 什么结果。要想结果变得好,必须选择好的信念。播下一个行动,收获一种习惯;播下一种习惯,收获一种性格;播下一种性格,收获一种命运。思想会变成语言,语言会变成行
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome (共24张PPT)
A computer that senses your feelings might make a useful learning companion(同伴). Computer scientists are busy trying to_d_e_s_ig_n_ such a computer. The computer would then give help, or be a _f_r_ie_n_d_l_y_ companion while you work or play.
1. Write an essay about what effects science and technology has on our daily lives.
2. Review this part and preview Reading of this unit.
Thank you for your attention!
People in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and
h _e_a_lt_h_i_e_r___life and remain
active even in old age. People
now are p_a_y_i_n_g_ attention to
SuppMosaekeyuopu aardeialleoagvuieng for a
holiday and come across a friend in the airport. Have a conversation with your friend about your trip. A: Hey, Tom. Nice meeting you here. Where are you going? B: I’m going to the Moon for the holiday. A: Really? How will you get there? (shuttle, spaceship…) B: Well, I will … A: What will you do there? B:…
1. Write an essay about what effects science and technology has on our daily lives.
2. Review this part and preview Reading of this unit.
Thank you for your attention!
People in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and
h _e_a_lt_h_i_e_r___life and remain
active even in old age. People
now are p_a_y_i_n_g_ attention to
SuppMosaekeyuopu aardeialleoagvuieng for a
holiday and come across a friend in the airport. Have a conversation with your friend about your trip. A: Hey, Tom. Nice meeting you here. Where are you going? B: I’m going to the Moon for the holiday. A: Really? How will you get there? (shuttle, spaceship…) B: Well, I will … A: What will you do there? B:…
译林英语模块四unit3welcome (共18张ppt)
➢Which planet or satellite would you like to go?
Picture 4
➢ The aliens and human beings are talking about business affairs between them, probably peace issue in the Galaxy.
Will robots replace human beings in the future?
Group work—debate
Will robots replace human beings in the future?
A double-edged sword
Make the most of advantages. Keep away from disadvantages.
Picture 2
➢A 200-year-old man and his relatives are celebrating his birthday.
➢Does he look that old?
Picture 3
➢The passengers are entering a spaceship which can fly to the Moon.
Individual thinking
In which aspects will our life change in the future?
clothes … work
food house
education medical treatment?
• It’s possible for people to live longer in the future and most people are likely to look younger.
• We would like the scientists to do more genetic reseaches and expect them to find out the secret of living longer.
Different gates to different planets
• People could travel to the moon by spaceship.
Module 4, Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world
Welcome to the unit
Before our lesson, let’s enjoy a video.
What’s the video about? It’s a meeting between people on the earth and on the Mars(火星). How do they communicate with each other? By using a translator device(翻译装置)
Is it likely to happen in our real world?
robot serve the dinner hard and boring work convenient
• We would like the scientists to do more genetic reseaches and expect them to find out the secret of living longer.
Different gates to different planets
• People could travel to the moon by spaceship.
Module 4, Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world
Welcome to the unit
Before our lesson, let’s enjoy a video.
What’s the video about? It’s a meeting between people on the earth and on the Mars(火星). How do they communicate with each other? By using a translator device(翻译装置)
Is it likely to happen in our real world?
robot serve the dinner hard and boring work convenient
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(24页)
Picture 4
H__u_m_a_n__b_e_i_n_g_s and _th_e__a_li_e_n_s are h_a_v_i_n_g_a__m__ee_t_i_n_g to discuss b_u__si_n_e_s_s_a_f_fa_i_rs between other planets and the Earth. They also talk about the _p_e_a_ce__ issues in the Galaxy.
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译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(24页)-精品PPT课件
• What do you like most about science fiction stories, the characters, plot or the language used?
What is virtual reality?
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译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(24页)-精品PPT课件
Have you ever watched any 3-D films? How do you feel about these kinds of films? Which films do you like more, normal films or 3-D films? Why?
1. How do you usually get to school? 2. What kind of vehicle do you think people
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(24页)
singing happily, which is unlike the polluted
surroundings, the air, the water before, etc because
all the factories have moved underground or been
reformed. In the afternoon, I fly to Lanzhou to meet
May 15,2034. I hurry up for an important meeting at
nine o’clock in Beijing. I tell my Robot to prepare the
breakfast, and it is ready on the table after I take a
Thanks to advanced science and technology, what do you think life
will be like in the future?
• Education
• Health • Robots • Transport
“We can study at home or wherever
changed a lot. There are no traffic jams, no traffic
lights or even police. Cars which are going at 180
kilometers an hour are all computer-programmed.
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(24页)-精品PPT课件
we are!”
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome (共17张PPT)
Unit 3 Tomorrow’s world Welcome to the unit
It mainly deals with unreal things, like space travel, aliens, environmental changes, or things which are likely to happen in the future.
1. Draw a picture about life in the future. 2. Pre-view the reading part.
If you have a chance to meet the people from the future, do you have any suggestions for them to avoid these problems?
Making suggestions
• advise sb to do sth / advise that sb should do sth • suggest doing sth / suggest that sb should do sth • Don’t you think it would be a good idea to do sth? • Why don’t you do sth? / Why not do sth? • Shall we/I do sth? • Will…do? • What/How abfiction films? Why or why not?
1. What’s the video about? 2. What’s the relationship between the
alien and the family? 3. Is it true in our real life?
It mainly deals with unreal things, like space travel, aliens, environmental changes, or things which are likely to happen in the future.
1. Draw a picture about life in the future. 2. Pre-view the reading part.
If you have a chance to meet the people from the future, do you have any suggestions for them to avoid these problems?
Making suggestions
• advise sb to do sth / advise that sb should do sth • suggest doing sth / suggest that sb should do sth • Don’t you think it would be a good idea to do sth? • Why don’t you do sth? / Why not do sth? • Shall we/I do sth? • Will…do? • What/How abfiction films? Why or why not?
1. What’s the video about? 2. What’s the relationship between the
alien and the family? 3. Is it true in our real life?
译林英语模块四Unit3WelcomePPT课堂 课件(2 4页)- 精品PPT 课件
hard drive
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译林英语模块四Unit3WelcomePPT课堂 课件(2 4页)- 精品PPT 课件
5.argue 6.judge
7.depend 8.differ 9.assist
10.enter 11.fail 12.feel
13.contribute 14.disappear 15.know
16.open 17.define 18.suggest
20.cruel 21.ill
mouse mat
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译林英语模块四Unit3WelcomePPT课堂 课件(2 4页)- 精品PPT 课件
ROM means Read Only Memory.
译林英语模块四Unit3WelcomePPT课堂 课件(2 4页)- 精品PPT 课件
a part where you can see the screen
words and pictures a screen that shows information monitor from a computer
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flash disk
译林英语模块四Unit3 Welcome 教学ppt课件(19张)
Picture one
What is the robot doing in this picture? serve for the master
What jobs could robots do in the future?
Act as a policeman
/a server In the future, people might explore the rest of the solar system and galaxy, learning more about the nature of the universe and potentially leading
Pair work
P 41
With the rapid development of science and technology, some of our widest dreams could come true in the future. Look at the pictures below. Discuss the following questions with a partner.
Alien Interactions
to meDetosoamleioneenusneexpxecitsedtly? Will vt. 邂h逅u,m不a期ns而遇li,v偶e然t碰og到ether ew.go.mOwannitstheelhliirnawg laflyiowehoenmrsse. tihneytenhceountered a
(Google’s computer program) AlphaGo(The artificial intelligence (AI) program)与围棋世界冠军(world Go champion)韩国棋手李世石(top professional Go player Lee Sedol)对弈。这场“世纪大战”(match of the century)备受 瞩目,被视作人类和人工智能之间的代表性对决(it is seen as a representative match between humans and AI)。
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(48页)
genetic research. (基因研究)
Whom to play with?
What to enjoy? Where to live? How to travel?
1. Whom to play with?
A robot is
playing chess with the girl.
on the earth
in outer space
Space craft
work with aliens
Is it suitable to live?
Eight planets in solar system
Are other planets suitable to live?
(1). English Names?
1.Treasuring today equals owning tomorrow.
2.Stop waiting until you finish school, until you lose ten pounds, until Friday night, until you start work, until you get married, until you die to find out that there is no better time than right now to be happy.
(1). English Names?
(put them in order)
(2). Features?
Mars Earth
Mercury Venus
Whom to play with?
What to enjoy? Where to live? How to travel?
1. Whom to play with?
A robot is
playing chess with the girl.
on the earth
in outer space
Space craft
work with aliens
Is it suitable to live?
Eight planets in solar system
Are other planets suitable to live?
(1). English Names?
1.Treasuring today equals owning tomorrow.
2.Stop waiting until you finish school, until you lose ten pounds, until Friday night, until you start work, until you get married, until you die to find out that there is no better time than right now to be happy.
(1). English Names?
(put them in order)
(2). Features?
Mars Earth
Mercury Venus
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(16页)
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1.What is the robot doing ? Serving a dinner for the master.
2.What else could robots do for human beings in the future?
3.If robots could do almost everything, what would humans do?
If you had a chance, would you like to fly to the Moon or another planet?
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译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(16页)-精品PPT课件
What are the people in this picture doing?
Having a birthday party.
How old is the man?
200 years old.
What do you think a 200-year-old man would look like? Do you think the man in the picture looks that old? Do you think people can
• Some people hold a view that one day robots could control the world and human beings would be their slaves. Do you agree? Why or why not?
1.What is the robot doing ? Serving a dinner for the master.
2.What else could robots do for human beings in the future?
3.If robots could do almost everything, what would humans do?
If you had a chance, would you like to fly to the Moon or another planet?
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(16页)-精品PPT课件
译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome PPT课堂课件(16页)-精品PPT课件
What are the people in this picture doing?
Having a birthday party.
How old is the man?
200 years old.
What do you think a 200-year-old man would look like? Do you think the man in the picture looks that old? Do you think people can
• Some people hold a view that one day robots could control the world and human beings would be their slaves. Do you agree? Why or why not?
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p_a_y_i__n_g_____ attention to
the importance of a healthy diet and an active life. They are careful about what they eat and exercise
r_e_g_u_l_a_r_l__y. Advances in
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• Education and knowledge • Health and medicine • Robots • Transportation • Buildings
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needs of the society.
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Suppose it were 2038 now, you gather together to have a party. Now in the party, please talk to your classmates about your life in 2038.
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What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?
We should try to learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different. And we should learn more knowledge to fit in with the
medical science also allow
us to d_e_a_l___ with new
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What other transportation will we have?
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1. Would you like to have a robot at home in the future?
2. Do you want robots to do everything for you? Why or why not?
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译林英语模块四Unit3Welcome精品课 件推荐
Listening practice:
Computers with Senses It's been a long day at school. You've got a heavy evening of homework ahead. You turn on your computer to work on your homework. A computer-kid on your computer screen smiles and says, "Hey, it's good to see you again. But you look tired . Are you all right?" You reply that you're feeling prettywiped out, but you’ve got some homework to do. "I know the feeling," your computer-kid replies, and sighs. "Don't worry. We'll get throughit together in no time." A computer that sensesyour feelings might make a useful learning companion. Computer scientists are busy trying to_d_e_s_ig_n_ such a computer. The computer would then give help, or be a friendly companion while you work or play.
Welcome to the unit
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Brainstபைடு நூலகம்rming:
Do you think some of them will come true sometime in the future?
What do you think life will be like in the future?
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People in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and
h e_a_l__t_h_i_e_r__life and
remain active even in old age. People now are
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“We can study at home!”
Disadvantage ?
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How to keep fit ?
the importance of a healthy diet and an active life. They are careful about what they eat and exercise
r_e_g_u_l_a_r_l__y. Advances in
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• Education and knowledge • Health and medicine • Robots • Transportation • Buildings
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needs of the society.
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Suppose it were 2038 now, you gather together to have a party. Now in the party, please talk to your classmates about your life in 2038.
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What should we do to make sure we will have a bright future?
We should try to learn to accept change and appreciate what is new and different. And we should learn more knowledge to fit in with the
medical science also allow
us to d_e_a_l___ with new
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What other transportation will we have?
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1. Would you like to have a robot at home in the future?
2. Do you want robots to do everything for you? Why or why not?
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Listening practice:
Computers with Senses It's been a long day at school. You've got a heavy evening of homework ahead. You turn on your computer to work on your homework. A computer-kid on your computer screen smiles and says, "Hey, it's good to see you again. But you look tired . Are you all right?" You reply that you're feeling prettywiped out, but you’ve got some homework to do. "I know the feeling," your computer-kid replies, and sighs. "Don't worry. We'll get throughit together in no time." A computer that sensesyour feelings might make a useful learning companion. Computer scientists are busy trying to_d_e_s_ig_n_ such a computer. The computer would then give help, or be a friendly companion while you work or play.
Welcome to the unit
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Brainstபைடு நூலகம்rming:
Do you think some of them will come true sometime in the future?
What do you think life will be like in the future?
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People in the future will be able to enjoy a longer and
h e_a_l__t_h_i_e_r__life and
remain active even in old age. People now are
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“We can study at home!”
Disadvantage ?
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How to keep fit ?