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1.Johnson was a poet and critic who raised common sense to the heights of genius.
2.His approach to the problems that had worried writers throughout the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries was intensely practical.
3.It is the cornerstone of Standard English,an achievement which,in James Boswell's words,'conferred stability on the language of his country'.
4.This is not just because of English-speaking countries such as the USA in scientific research;the scientist of many non-English-speaking countries find that they need to write their research papers in English to reach a wide international audience.
5.European countries are becoming increasingly concerned by major threats to European forests,threats which know no frontiers other than those of geography or climate:air pollution,soil deterioration,the increasing number of forest fires and sometimes even the mismanagement of our woodland and forest heritage.
6.In the Glass and Singer study,in which subjects were exposed to bursts of noise as they worked on a task,some subjects heard loud bursts and others heard soft bursts.
7.The Council,which was founded in 1996,certifies fisheries that meet high environmental standards,enabling them to use a label that
recognises their environment responsibility.
8.At the height of the Roman Empire,nine major systems,with an innovative layout of pipes and well-built sewers,supplied the
occupants of Rome with as much water per person as is provided in many parts of the industrial world today
9.In the time when the dinosaurs dominated the daytime economy,our mammalian ancestors probably only managed to survive at all because they found ways of scraping a living at night.
10. The Sonar and Radar pioneers didn't know it then,but all the world now knows that bats,or rather natural selection working on bats,had prefected the system tens of years earlier,and their 'radar' achieve feats of detection and navigation that would strike an engineer dumb with admiration.
11.Although forest fires do not affect all of Europe to the same extent,the amount of damage caused the experts to propose as the third resolution that the Strasbourg conference consider the establishment of
a European databank on the subject.
12.Besides the laboratory evidence for this, we know from our experiencethat we often remember what we have perceived peripherally, long after we have forgotten what we set out to learn.
13.It was once thought that the fungus that ants cultivate was a single type that they had propagated, essentially unchanged from the distant
14. They based their calendars on natural cycles: the solar day,marked by the successive periods of light and darkness as the earth rotates on its axis;the lunar month,following the phases of the moon as it orbits the earth;and the solar year,defined by the changing seasons that accompany our planet's revolution around the sun.(C8T1P1)
15.This allowed glass of virtually any thickness to be made non-stop,but the rollers would leave both sides of the glass marked,and these would then need to be ground and polished.
16.Inspection technology allows more than 100 measurements a second to be made across the ribbon, locating flaws the unaided eye would be unable to see.
17.Already in laboratory trails they have tested strategies for neutralizing the power of thunderstorms,and this winter they will brave real storms, equipped with an armory of laser that they will be pointing towards the heavens to discharge thunderclouds before lightning can strike.
18. Is a laser could generate a line of ionisation in the air all the way up to a storm cloud,this conducting path could be used to guide lightning to Earth,before the electric field becomes strong enough to break down the air in an uncontrollable surge.
19.But that their minds are not different from our own is demonstrated by the fact that the hard-won discoveries of scientists like Kepler or
Einstein become the commonplace knowledge of schoolchildren and the once the outrageous shapes and colours of an artist like Paul Klee so soon appear on the fabrics we wear.
20.we may envy their achievements and fame,but we should also recognise the price they may have paid in terms of perseverance,single-mindedness,dedication,restrictions on their personal lives,the demands upon their energies and time,and how often they had to display great courage to preserve their integrity or to make their way to top.
21. Because of changes in the genetic material (mutations) these have new characteristics and in the course of their individual lives they are testedforoptimal or better adaptation to
the environmental conditions .
22.If a life span is a genetically determined biological characteristics,it is logically necessary to propose the existence of an internal clock,which in some way measures and controls the aging process and which finally determines death as the last step in a fixed programs.
23.One’s first inclination might be to argue that there must be some sort of built-in animal aggression instinct that was activated by the experiment,and that Milgram's teacher-subjects were just following a genetic need to discharge this pent-up primal urge onto the pupil by administering the electrical shock.
24.The teacher-subject was told that whenever the pupil gave the wrong
answer to a question,a shock was to be administered,beginning at the lowest level and increasing in severity with each successive wrong answer.
25. By the mid-1960s,the situation took an alarming turn with the outbreak of four more new pests,necessitating pesticides spraying to such an extent that 50% of the financial outlay on cotton production was accounted for by pesticides.
26. He asked advice of Scottish dye works owner Robert Pullar, who assured him that manufacturing the dye would be well worth it if the colour remained fast (i.e. would not fade) and the cost was relatively low. (C9P1T1)
27.However, when we look at the 100 billion stars in our galaxy (the Milky Way), and 100 billion galaxies in the observable Universe, it seems inconceivable that at least one of these planets does not have a life form on it; in fact, the best educated guess we can make, using the little that we do know about the conditions for carbon-based life, leads us to estimate that
perhaps one in 100,000 stars might have a life-bearing planet orbiting it.
28.The New Zealand Ministry of Health has found from research carried out over two decades that 6-10%of children in that country are affected by hearing loss.
29.Fleeing on a French warship crossing the Indian Ocean,Le Gentil saw
a wonderful transit—but the ship's pitching and rolling ruled out any attempt at making accurate observations.
30.First,UFOs(Unidentified Flying Objects)are generally ignored since most scientists don't consider the evidence for them to be strong enough to bear serious consideration (although it is also important to keep an open mind in case any really convincing evidence emerges in the future).Second, we make a very conservative assumption that we are looking for a life form that is pretty well us,since if it differs radically from us we may well not recognise it as a life form ,quite apart from whether we are able to communicate with it.
1.One encouragement is that the results of similar studies about other
environmental issues suggest that older children seem to acquire the ability to appreciate,value and evaluate conflicting views.
2.However, Lewis and Brooks-Gunn(1979) suggest that
infants'developing understanding that that the movements they see in the mirror are contingent on their own,leads to a growing awareness that they are distinct from other people.
3.The FAA realised that the airspace over the United States would at
any time have many different kinds of planes,flying for many
different purposes,in a variety of weather conditions,and the same kind of structure was needed to accommodate all of them.
4.In its most general sense,prescriptivism is the view that one variety of
language has an inherently higher value than others,and that this ought to be opposed on the whole of the speech community.
6.the monkey projects demonstrate that,compared with control animals that eat normally,caloric-restricted monkeys have lower body temperatures and levels of the pancreatic hormone insulin,and they retain more youthful levels of certain hormones that tend to fall with age.
7.Turning her attention to minerals,she found her interest drawn to pitchblende,a mineral whose radioactivity,superior to that of pure uranium,could be explained only by the presence in the ore of small quantities of an unknown substance of very high activity.(C9T4P1)。
